#silas peregrine
albinoratman2200 · 25 days
this weeks art poll!~
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sandersstudies · 23 hours
Since you can't share top picks for potential baby names, would you be willing to share which ones you considered that didn't quite make the cut? AKA ones you know you won't be using?
YESSSSSS I feel like I’m an influencer for the first time. I have to keep my two top picks each for boys and girls to myself in case I use them in the future but if I don’t and I still have this blog when my family is complete I’ll share.
I won’t be sad if you judge me in the notes! These names all didn’t make the cut for a reason.
James (My husband and I actually both like this name but my extended family has two James’ already)
Geordi (We are Trekkies and love Geordi LaForge but sadly decided that this is a cute little boy’s name but maybe sounds a little juvenile for a grown man.)
Mangan (This was intended to honor a male mentor in my life but my husband knew a kid named Mangan who sucked and ruined this one for him.)
Sheridan (We decided this sounded too feminine.)
Sigrun (We actually liked this for a boy, nicknamed Sig or Siggy, but concluded that the Norse mythology connection made it too feminine.)
Amyas/Amias (This was my top pick boy name for a while but my husband didn’t like this one at all.)
Laertes (Another of my favorites my husband didn’t like.)
Peregrine (This is a saint name that goes well with my second-favorite girl name but obviously most people hear Peregrine Falcon.)
Delemay (We decided this one sounded to feminine.)
Kodiak (I said the mountains. My husband said the camera.)
Pascoe (My husband thinks this is too close to Pascal, which makes him think of Tangled.)
Jethro (My mom actually vetoed this one.)
Ronnette/Roni (My family has a lot of Ronalds after a family member who passed away, and I liked this feminine alternative.
Agnes (This was one of the few girl names my husband and I both liked for a while.)
Liesl (Like the Sound of Music.)
Zelpha (Another family name)
Sophronia (Also a family name)
Brontë (For the author sisters.)
Lucretia (Can you tell I read a lot about the Italian Renaissance)
Paget (Like the actor from Criminal Minds.)
Thaïs (This was too similar to another family member’s name)
Tula (Fandom alert this was a character from Dimension 20: Burrow’s End)
Ardis (I actually have an acquaintance named this but it’s SUCH a cool one, and a shorter alternative to Artemis.)
Wynne (Whoops! My in-laws named their dog this :))
Gwynedd (Too similar to the name of a family member)
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
50 aesthetic male names for your novel
1. Atticus
2. Sebastian
3. Jasper
4. Augustus
5. Oliver
6. Maximilian
7. Felix
8. Silas
9. Evander
10. Theodore
11. Caspian
12. Dominic
13. Adrian
14. Lucian
15. Tristan
16. Nathaniel
17. Dorian
18. Leonardo
19. Alexander
20. Gabriel
21. Lysander
22. Xavier
23. Finnian
24. Julian
25. Remington
26. Asher
27. Beckett
28. Alaric
29. Rhys
30. Ezra
31. Ambrose
32. Lucius
33. Ronan
34. Declan
35. Atlas
36. Peregrine
37. Emrys
38. Casimir
39. Kai
40. Leander
41. Thaddeus
42. Callum
43. Ashwin
44. Zephyr
45. Sterling
46. Magnus
47. Rhett
48. Evren
49. Cedric
50. Tristan
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acronym-chaos · 2 months
The Stranger Inspired ID Pack
[PT: The Stranger Inspired ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID]
[PT: Names].
Abigail, Adeline, Alistair, Ambrose, Anwen, Aveline, Azura, Belinda, Bennett, Calliope, Cassius, Cecil, Damien, Darcy, Delilah, Doll, Doppel, Echo, Eloise, Emory, Evelyn, Facsimile, Falsity, Faux, Faye, Felix, Form, Gideon, Harlequin, Hollow, Idol, Ingrid, Isolde, Jasper, Lenore, Lucius, Manikin, Mannequin, Marionette, Marlowe, Mask, Masque, Mimic, Mirror, Mock, Morgana, Mortimer, Oddity, Oswin, Parody, Peregrine, Puppet, Reflection, Reginald, Replica, Rosalind, Silas, Silhouette, Thaddeus, Thalia, Theodora, Thing, Twine, Vesper, Vivienne
[PT: Pronouns].
Co / Copy / Copies; Do / Doll / Dolls; Doub / Double / Doubles; Echo / Echo / Echoes; Face / Face / Faces; Figur / Figure / Figures; Fo / Form / Forms; Gui / Guise / Guises; Mask / Mask / Masks; Mimi / Mimic / Mimics; Mo / Mock / Mocks; Mo / Model / Models; Puppet / Puppet / Puppets; Ref / Reflect / Reflects; Repli / Replica / Replicas; Sha / Shape / Shapes; Vis / Visage / Visages
[PT: Titles].
A Harbinger of the Uncanny, A Shapeless Mimic, A Silent Observer, The Echoing Figure, The Facade Weaver, The Faceless Mannequin, The Hollow Form, The Identity Thief, The Mocker Masque, The Mysterious Masquerade, The Odd Entity, The Reflective Stranger, The Replicant, The Unfamiliar Familiar, The Unsettling Presence, [Pronoun] Who Borrows Faces, [Pronoun] Who Conceals Reality, [Pronoun] Who Echoes Humanity, [Pronoun] Who Fashions Facades, [Pronoun] Who Manifests Doubles, [Pronoun] Who Mirrors Souls, [Pronoun] Who Twists Appearances
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID]
Requested by @yipiiee!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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wildflowerwoodsworld · 11 months
I don't really talk about my aus on here, but I'm pretty proud of the work I've put into this one so I thought I'd share
Nobody ask how long this took.
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As per usual, several of the ocs on this list (Nickole, Bastian, Aella, Madlyn, Ruth, Madeline, Vivian, Cornelia, Silas, Angela, Primrose, Lerola, Dalila, Levi, Sylvia, Hannah, Juniper, Silvester, Alexandra and Alderbrand) belong to the lovely @crazedstoryteller, the rest of the ocs (Fiona, Lana, Tondra and Lia) are mine, and obviously canon chracters are canon
(alternate version of the table under the cut)
Surname Name Height Bird Wingspan
Poizot Gueldre 194cm Common Ostrich 142cm
Vermillion Mimosa 161cm Beautiful Sheartail 143cm
Vermillion Kirsch 182cm Purple-Throated Carib 152cm
Unsworth Dorothy 145cm Green Peafowl 158cm
Mehmad Rhya 181cm Superb Lyrebird 168cm
Adlai Marie 135cm Eurasian Magpie 182cm
Becquerel Letoile 165cm Zebra Dove 187cm
Vermillion Nickole 168cm Rufous-collared kingfisher 191cm
Silva Nebra 170cm Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher 192cm
Tenmanyashiki Fujio 176cm Anna’s Hummingbird 192cm
Florimond Bastian 176cm Turkey 202cm
Pappitson Charmy 142cm Dalmatian Pelican 216cm
Silva Acier 167cm Kookaburra 217cm
Clarkson Aella 165cm Northern Cardinal 218cm
Swallowtail Secre 152cm Anti-Bird 225cm
Francois Marx 167cm Common Grackle 226cm
Faust Morgen 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Silva Nozel 177cm Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher 228cm
Faust Nacht 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Fiore Madlyn 149cm European Robin 234cm
Roselei Ruth 169cm House Sparrow 235cm
Bergen Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Mehmad Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Angel Puli 168cm Tundra Swan 236cm
Wechsler Grey 159cm Kererū 238.5cm
Funar Recca 153cm European Robin 240cm
Thorncroft Madeline 171cm Black Swan 241cm
Mikuriya Fumito 176cm Eurasian Teal 241cm
Adlai Gauche 181cm Eurasian Magpie 245cm
Tium Shiren 183cm Great Potoo 245cm
Silva Solid 169cm Yellow Billed Kingfisher 246.5cm
Silva Noelle 161cm Common Kingfisher 250cm
Vaude Langris 166cm Western Tanager 253cm
Tormenta Fragil 162cm European Robin 254cm
Portaport Cob 173cm Willow Ptarmigan 256cm
Shipley Vivian 175cm European Robin 257cm
Franklin Cornelia 159cm Black-necked Grebe 257cm
Kozma Lolopechka 165cm American White Pelican 257cm
Luftair Randall 175cm Mute Swan 263cm
Libardirt Morris 177cm Mallard 267cm
Vaude Silas 173cm Hepatic Tanager 271cm
Keller Mariella 157cm Pacific Loon 271cm
Code Dominante 167cm Superb Starling 272cm
Clarkson Angela 168cm Vermilion Cardinal 274cm
Hage Asta 155cm Shining Bronze Cuckoo 275cm
Bullard Sally 160cm Pacific Loon 277cm
Roulacase Fiona 171cm Common Snipe 278cm
Marron Sol 180cm European Robin 282cm
Enoteca Vanessa 170cm Taiwan Rosefinch 283.5cm
Roselei Lerola 170cm Aztec Thrush 283cm
Roselei Primrose 175cm Varied Thrush 283cm
Holt Nash 136cm Common Kestrel 286cm
Ringard En 176cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 286cm
Roulacase Finral 172cm Great Snipe 287cm
Lister Dalila 177cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 288cm
Legolant Henry 190cm Trumpet Swan 290cm
McNamara Owen 180cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 293cm
Roe Levi 178cm American Coot 294cm
Vaude Sylvia 167cm Summer Tanager 295cm
Orfai Orsi 180cm American Coot 297cm
Hangatsuji Jozo 178cm Alpine Chough 297cm
Aquaria Lily 160cm Grey Heron 306cm
Kruger Fanzell 178cm Spur-Winged Goose 310cm
Kezokaku Ginnojomorifuyu 169cm Pygmy Falcon 313cm
Sandler Alecdora 178cm Common Cuckoo 314cm
Caseus Hamon 170cm Least Sandpiper 317cm
Starr Mars 170cm Common Starling 325cm
Gerver Hannah 169cm Chimney Swift 338cm
Ideale Zara 177cm Carrion Crow 340cm
Bronzazza Sekke 175cm Rock Dove 341cm
Rapual Theresa 162cm Common Kestrel 341cm
Salik Revchi 176cm Rock Dove 342cm
Lugner Xerx 177cm Snowy Sheathbill 345cm
Roselei Charlotte 171cm Mountain Bluebird 346cm
Voltia Luck 167cm Peregrine Falcon 348cm
Vaude Lana 168cm White Winged Tanager 349cm
Dorthonion Ladros 180cm Rock Dove 350cm
Landvik Valtos 178cm Chimney Swift 356cm
Ideale Zora 176cm Hooded Crow 357cm
Vermillion Leopold 170cm Brown Falcon 360cm
Boismortier Rill 165cm Kea 363cm
Swing Magna 169cm Gyrfalcon 364cm
Lunettes Klaus 176cm European Nightjar 371cm
Fodor Gadjah 176cm Magnificent Frigatebird 377cm
Novachrono Julius 180cm European Golden Eagle 379cm
Granvorka Kaiser 193cm Kori Buzzard 393cm
Mushogatake Yosuga 181cm Saker Falcon 400cm
Grinberryall Yuno 172cm Common Swift 404cm
Kay Juniper 170cm Great Shearwater 406cm
Sturm Tondra 167cm Barn Owl 407cm
Vermillion Mereoleona 178cm Fox Kestrel 409cm
Yami Ichika 156cm Northern Royal Albatross 414cm
Gidul Vetto 196cm California Condor 420cm
Vermillion Fuegoleon 188cm Nunkeen Kestrel 421cm
Garver Silvester 184cm Eurasian Hobby 429cm
Spirito Rades 174cm Hooded Vulture 435cm
Swallow David 175cm Tree Swallow 438cm
Imari Komari 160cm White-Throated Needletail 440cm
Mehmad Patri 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vangeance William 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vermillion Alexandra 181cm Madagascar Fish Eagle 441cm
O’oka Daizaemon 193cm Great Buzzard 453cm
Bardsley Lia 168cm White-Throated Needletail 462cm
Summerfield Jack 197cm Common Swift 464cm
Agrippa Gordon 187cm Rüppell’s Vulture 468cm
Yami Sukehiro 183cm Wandering Albatross 476cm
Vermillion Alderbrand 185cm African Fish Eagle 493cm
Ryuudou Ryuuya 182cm Amsterdam Albatross 507cm
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satrryeys4eva · 2 years
Who I write for (hey guys, this is demigirl-with-problems! Same blog, just changed my name and theme)
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Alice in borderland
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Umbrella academy
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The vampire diaries
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Lord of the rings
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Michael Langdon
Xavier Plymton
Valiant Thor
Kyle Spencer
Kai Anderson
James Patrick March
Dandy Mott
Dr Oliver Thderson
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Bates motel
Norman Bates
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Jennifer's body
Collin Gray
Jennifer Check
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We need to talk about Kevin
Kevin (ooc)
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The Craft
Nancy Downs
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The Turning
Miles Fairchild
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The Walking Dead
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
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Alec Volutri (movie)
Caius Volutri
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Tony Stark
Tasm Harry Osborne
John Walker
Adam Warlock
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Alex summers
Kurt Wagner
Warren iii Worthington
Peter maximoff
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Star trek aos
Jim Kirk
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Peter pan
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The chilling adventures of Sabrina
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Bohemian Rhapsody
Roger Taylor
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Game of thrones
Viserys iii Targaryen
Bran Stark
Robin Arryn
Joffrey Baratheon
Ramsay Bolton
Tommen Baratheon
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House of the dragon
Aegon ii
Criston Cole
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Charles Valois
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Star wars
Luke Skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
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The chronicles of Narnia
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Miss peregrine's home for peculiar children (movie)
Enoch O'Connor
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The Goldfinch
Boris pavlikovsky
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Henry Bowers
Victor criss
Beverly Marsh
Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon
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Tenya Ida
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Attack on Titan
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Cobra kai
Miguel Diaz
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The Outerbanks
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
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The Breakfast Club
John Bender
Allison Reynolds
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Scream the series
Audrey jensen
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Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
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Shadow and bone (books and show)
The Darkling
Nikolai lastlov
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Six of Crows (books and show)
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Pushing Daisies
Ned the piemaker
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Anne with an e
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Metal lords
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Stranger things
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The Black Phone
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*
Wednesday Addams
Xavier(maybe?not really sure)
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Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Michael gray
John Shelby
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Johnathan crane (dark knight)
Lex Luthor (Batman vs Superman: dawn of justice)
Male Harley Quinn
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The Boys
The Deep
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ☾ ⋆*
Harry Potter
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Disney channel
Ben Florian(descendants)
Carlos De Vil(descendants)
Wyatt Lykensen(Z.O.M.B.I.E.S)
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13 reasons why
Clay Jensen
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Cradan (the folk of the Ari)
Locke (the folk of the air)
Baleskin(the folk of the air)
Nikolav(shadow and bone)
Lord robine(folk of the air)
Eddie Roundtree (Daisy Jones and The Six)
Karen Sirko (Daisy Jones and The Six)
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The school of good and evil(movie)
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Xolo Maridueña
Finn wolfhard
Jaeden matrell
Timothee chalamet
Ross Lynch
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Gossip girl
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The Outsiders
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Hemlock grove
Peter Rumanick
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The Dirt
Nikki Sixx
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Wayne Mccullough
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Bullet train
The Son
The prince
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Interview with a vampire(movie and show)
Lestat de lioncourt
Louis de pointe du lac
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Jake Sully
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Young Royals
Prince Wilhelm
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One Piece LA
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I will not write
{ unless its is a situation in which the reader opens up to a charterer about experiencing it or one of the charterers finds out about it even so I will not discribe it}
Reader who practices any particular religion { I am not educated enough on this subject } 
naive/innocent/weak reader { I’m kinda sick of it }
reader with a given name , hair color , eye color { I write X Reader not X OC}
Smut { I will write NSFW stuff like headcanons but not full blown smut as of yet}
I will write 
Yandere characters
a/b/o only beta or fem!alpha reader as there is a lot of omega reader
creature reader
poc reader { I’ll mostly be writing this with a desi reader in mind any way}
alt reader
reader with an appearance descriptor { eg. plus size , with stretch marks, tall , short hair ,ect } that is if they are only a few so that other people can still imagine themselves in the fic
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* all characters will be Na'vi(aside from spider and trudy) but reader will be human or some other creatures from earth or some other Plante that is not Pandora (might do asgardian reader or Vulcan reader)
Also the breathing tech will be different so that we can have more normalcy so no full face masks
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Thanks For Everything, Beyblade Burst.
Genesis, Pandora, Pandemonium, Achilles, Ashindra, Devolos, Dragon, Hyperion, Helios, Spryzen, Lucius, Phoenix, Apocalypse, Belfyre, Fafnir, Lúinor, Valtryek and Regnar.
Mariam, Carl and Harry.
Chiharu Aoi, Kento Aoi, Ange Lopez, Banner Clay, Naru Akabane, Taiga Akabane, Kana Akabane, Rogia Koryu, Kaio Koryu, Noboru Hizashi and Terumi Hizashi.
Theodore Glass.
Raul Comas, Hidetarou Shinoda, Katana Sakaki, Shinki Mikuni, Kyo Sandai, Rickson Clay, Shasa Guten, Honey Guten, Guy, Chuck, Reina, Norman Tarver, Trad Vasquez, Count Nightfell and Evel Oxford.
Bashara Suiro and Ilya Mao.
Rashad Goodman.
Gumita, Tobisuke, Ranjiro Kiyama, Toko Aoi, Nika Aoi, Suoh Genji and Fubuki Sumiye.
Kit Lopez, Kristina Kuroda and Silas Karlisle.
Aiger Akabane, Pri Forsythe and Pax Forsythe.
Tango Koryu, Fumiya Kindo, Arman Kusaba, Delta Zakuro and Dante Koryu.
Hyuga Hizashi and Hikaru Hizashi.
Rantaro Kiyama, Wakiya Murasaki and Shu Kurenai.
Ranzo Kiyama, Hanna Suiro and Jinemon Daizora.
Zachary (Zac) Kaneguro, Akira Yamatoga, Quon Limon, Gabe Brunai, Alexander (Xander) Shakadera, Ken Midori, Hoji Konda, Ryota Kurogami and Daigo Kurogami.
Lain Valhalla.
Hyde and Phi.
Arthur Peregrine.
Joe Lazure, Ben Azuki, Blindt DeVoy, Naoki Minamo, Jin Aizawa, Lodin Haijima, Xavier Bogard, Ren Wu Sun, Orochi Ginba, Joshua Burns, Yugo Nansui, Ukio Kibuki, Hae-Jin Oh, Pheng Hope, Ghasem Madal, Phelix Payne, Boa Alcazaba, Clio Delon, Cuza Ackermann, Laban Vanot, Kyle Hakim and Kurt Baratier.
Gwyn Reynolds.
Free de la Hoya.
Lui Shirosagi.
Bel Daizora and Valt Aoi.
Cheers for the ride, Beyblade Burst.
Some of my favourite images from my files to remember the third generation of this improbable-yet-awesome sports anime.
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michameinmicha · 2 months
How *did* you come up with those names?
Thanks for asking!
I googled so much, you have no idea and of course 90% of results are just those stupid "x name generator" sites >:( , so it took forever...
Things i found most useful: reddit threads where people asked for halfling (or generally fantasy sounding) names, Websites that list medieval names (if possible not baby name websites but theyre hard to avoid)
Here's some first names collected from reddit, random baby name websites and list articles (also this site, this site and this site, were helpful): Silas, Cedric, Peregrine, Augustus, Remington, Archibald, Montgomery, Hildebald, Ladislaus, Mojmir, Stanislaus, Edmund, Benedict, Leopold, Balin, Frederick, Hildebrand, Wallace, Archibald
First names i found in a list of hobbits in LOTR: Adelard, Doderic, Filibert, Fredegar, Hildibrand, Hildifast, Hildigard, Hildigrim
Some last names i found through random googleing and reddit threads (and just mashing words together that sound sort of hobbit-ish): Teapuff, Blusterwind, Dandyramble, Prescott , Goldenleaf, Goldbarrel, , Goldenhill
and then one of sites about halfling names gave me the idea to look for old english surnames and i came across this wiktionary list (which was so helpful!) and there i found these names: Biddlecombe, Brokenborough, Goldsborough, Popplestone, Wigglesworth
tbh finding names for ocs is always one of my fave parts, so i had fun even though the googling was very frustrating because of those stupid generator sites^^''
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Some short descriptions from Destinypedia:
Lavinia (Garcia Umr Tawil) was a Cryptarch affiliated with The Last City, until her exile for unauthorized attempts to study the Nine. Lavinia continued her studies despite her exile, venturing into the Reef for answers before being arrested for violating Awoken law. Eventually escaping, Lavinia managed to enter the realm of the Nine and learn the truth about them before being captured by Savathûn, the Witch-Queen.
Taox was a Krill who once tutored the Osmium King's three daughters, Xi Ro, Sathona, and Aurash.
The Emperor Raven was a notable ruler of the Taishibethi sun raven species, and lived in the Raven Bridge. She ruled the Tai until she was Taken by Oryx during the Golden Amputation. She apparently has some paracausal abilities as she is mentioned to be able to "tickle" gods with her feathers, cut open a Hive war moon apart with her talons, and was capable of shadowing Taishibeth with her wings when Taken.
Peach is a cynical unpartnered Ghost who lives in The Last City. Peach was invited to speak at the Peregrine Institute of Higher Learning alongside another unpartnered Ghost, Balthazar, about the nature of the Traveler, Light, and themselves.
Marin Mansanas is a Guardian who became known as the Tangled Outrider on the Tangled Shore and wielded the infamous bow Trinity Ghoul. She was partnered with the Ghost Pom.
Satomi is a Guardian Warlock who experimented in thanatonautics in order to understand the Void energy generated by death and used their findings to create the Mask of the Quiet One.
Esila was a Awoken historian and poet. The daughter of Sila, she was amongst the Awoken who chose to leave the Distributary under the leadership of Mara Sov and return to the Sol System to aid Humanity. After the establishment of the Awoken in the Reef, Esila spent much time in the Gardens of Esila before being murdered by the Ahamkara Azirim.
Yevik is a former House of Wolves member that worked for the House of Dusk. He evidently did not leave the Reef when his Wolf-Born cousins fled to the Meridian Bay to serve Orbiks Prime, but only when Mara Sov was finally presumed dead.
Pinar Venj was an Awoken Coven Leader of the Techeun Witches of Amethyst and sister of Petra Venj. She was killed when Drevis, Wolf Baroness and her Silent Fang attacked the station.
Tallulah Fairwind was a Hunter who was appointed by the Speaker as the first Hunter Vanguard. She was eventually murdered by an Ahamkara and replaced as Hunter Vanguard by Caliban-8.
Cast your vote! These we mostly sent by @flowers-of-io
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
The Witching Hour: Part 2
[ Part 1 ]
Originally part of the Calaveras, Elias Navarez saw 8 year old Evelia Torres about to die in a witch burning. He killed everyone who was part of it and then adopted her, defecting from the Calaveras and started his own hunting organization. Originally just Calaveras defectors, the group grows to include other hunters, supernatural creatures, and even some ordinary humans, and the group grows into a family.
(extra special thank you to @cecexwrites and @ginevrastilinski-ocs for helping me figure out wtf I was doing with this idea)
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Emmeline “Emmy” Faulkner [ Sabrina Carpenter ] – 14; human. Second youngest of the Faulkner siblings, probable Alastor ship
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Evelia Navarez [ Jenna Ortega ] – 14; witch with an affinity for necromancy, but struggles to control her powers
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Genevieve “Gen” Faulkner [ Kristine Froseth ] – 16; human. Second oldest Faulkner sibling, longtime best friend of Scott and Stiles
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Gwyn Aritza [ Rachel Zegler ] – 15; human, priestess to Artemis. Recently rescued from the same Pagan cult as Alandra & Morana, Scott ship
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Inola Hale [ Katie Douglas ] – 16; werefox (not kitsune). Peter Hale's eldest child and Malia's half sister
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Juniper Summers [ Peyton List ] – 16/23, witch with nature powers. Acacia's older sister, killed by Kate Argent when she was in high school, accidentally revived by Evelia
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Lucille “Luci” Faulkner [ Grace Van Dien ] – 16; human. Gen's younger twin sister, Lydia's best friend until Allison shows up, Stiles ship
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Marcia Otero [ Melissa Barrera ] – 16; human. Her family was all part of the Calaveras, her parents died and Marcia has been raised by her aunt ever since, taken from the Calaveras into the new hunting family before she could be forced into becoming a hunter
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Morana Corvin [ Teagan Croft ] – 14; witch, priestess to Hecate. Part of the same cult as Alandra & Gwyn
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Nadia Alvarez [ Eiza Gonzales ] – 27; succubus
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Nori Adler [ Naomi Scott ] – 16; chimera
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Nyla Barnett [ Anna Diop ] – 25; dragon
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Paloma Otero [ Salma Hayek ] – 56; hunter. Marcia's aunt, long time Calaveras member, defected a year or so after Elias & Darius did
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Rhea Hale [ Kaya Scodelario ] – 16; werewolf. Cora's twin sister, ran from the fire, got kidnapped by hunters and experimented on and eventually rescued by Elias & Darius
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Ryleigh Brice [ Madison Iseman ] – 15; witch
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Samira Acosta [ Isabela Moner ] – 15; fairy
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Saoirse Carlisle [ Alicia Vikander ] – 24; hunter
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Silas Peregrine [ Thomas Doherty ] – 16/unknown; vampire. The other surviving member of Della's coven, the two are now hiding out in Beacon Hills under the guise of being cousins
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thinkanamelater · 1 year
Masks Down (Neverwhere & The Graveyard Book crossover)
After leaving the Graveyard, Silas meets an old... friend?
Silas/Marquis de Carabas
CW: Blood drinking
Also on AO3!
With a (metaphorical) heavy heart, Silas left the graveyard and embarked on a long journey. He had his briefcase and steam trunk as all luggage, and he put foot in front of foot, taking on a path that only he could see.
Such path, he realized after hours or perhaps days, took him to London Below.
Beautiful, dangerous London Below. One had to keep both eyes (or as many as one had) wide open. It was a deceiving place, with treacherous people.
And speaking of… Silas felt a tingle down his spine, moments before he heard the voice speak.
“My, what have we here!”
It was smooth, sarcastic, slightly raspier than Silas remembered.
“Don't try me, mist-walker” He let out in a low whisper, looking over his shoulder.
The Marquis de Carabas came into his field of vision, with his signature ironic grin.
“I'm not - ugh” He rolled his eyes theatrically “Nevermind. There's no reasoning with you. Or is there, Silas?”
Silas took a quick step closer.
“Don't say my name out loud” He hissed. He didn't think there was anyone listening, but you couldn't be too careful, not here, on the Underside.
The Marquis raised his palms in surrender, but his grin remained the same. After all, he had wanted Silas to come closer.
His eyes danced with glee as Silas stared into them, and then down into his tempting lips, stopping there for a heartbeat. The Marquis leaned slightly forward, but Silas' gaze had already wandered further down.
The cold eyes narrowed when he noticed the pale scar across the Marquis neck.
“You've been wounded” It wasn't a question.
It also wasn't the type of attention the Marquis wanted from him, but it was attention, and he'd make sure to milk it for what it was worth.
“Killed, even” His tone started playful, and soon died down, as he noticed Silas was not pleased.
“Who did it?” Silas' voice remained perfectly neutral. Except, the Marquis knew him, could recognize the rage burning behind. “Was it the Shepherds? I didn't know…”
The Marquis raised an eyebrow.
“Wait, and how do you know about the Shepherds?”
Another thing that the Marquis could read was the slight twitch in Silas' facial muscles. In the face of someone who did not smile, it was the equivalent of a smug grin. The Marquis hated it. 
“You don't mean…” Impassible, Silas continued walking, and the Marquis hurried after him. “No! Peregrine? Ugh”
There was no reply.
A long silence later, Silas spoke again. His voice was the quiet murmur of dry leaves.
“You're following”
“No, I just so happen to be heading in the same direction you're taking”
“Is that so? There may be more Honor Guards in this direction, and not all of them are as tolerant with your tricks as myself, you know that”
“Maybe a less tolerant guard would have put their hands on me already.” The Marquis grumbled.
“What was that?”
There was only the hint of a laugh on Silas' voice. It was enough to make the Marquis huff. He walked slightly ahead of Silas, holding himself with the arrogance of the man who just so happens to walk the same way as someone who isn't paying them the correct attention.
"We've been walking for almost a day" 
After almost a day, or maybe significantly less time, the Marquis exclaimed in a tone that would qualify as a whine. Except that he'd never accept it, and therefore, it wasn't a whine.
"Why don't we stop for a few minutes?"
Silas maintained his pace, and looked his way. Around him, the Marquis would let his mask slip a little, Silas noticed. Or maybe, he put up on a different mask. Even now, it was hard to tell.
"I thought you weren't walking with me" Silas spoke after this brief consideration. This elicited another not whine from the man. "You're free to take all the rest that you need"
“I know, from previous experiences, that I fit in your trunk” The Marquis winked an eye. Silas didn't take the bait.
“I'm not carrying you, de Carabas”
“Hmm, and if I pay my fare?” The Marquis tilted his head to the side, exposed his neck to Silas with a grin.
This made Silas stop, and the Marquis' grin grew bigger.
There was a flash of movement and the Marquis was suddenly enveloped in a cold, deep darkness. He shivered when freezing lips approached his skin, and held his breath… A breath he exhaled shakily, when Silas pressed a kiss to his neck and pulled back.
He let out a questioning hum, curiously high-pitched.
“Your throat has been highly damaged, I'm not going to cause more harm” Silas' voice was almost warm. He could let his mask slip, too. Just for a moment.
Before the Marquis could lie he was okay, Silas grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve.
“If you stain my coat-!” The Marquis screeched, just to say something. He didn't like being taken by surprise.
“You'll have my head, I know, and not in the fun way”
Silas cut him off, and gave another cold kiss to the Marquis' wrist. This time it was followed by sharp fangs tearing the skin.
It wasn't as intense as getting his neck bitten, but the blood rushed all the same, and the Marquis rolled back his eyes, sighing and shaking.
"Silas… I missed you…" He muttered. His head was spinning.
Silas shushed him and held him to his chest.
"I missed you too, Marquis" He replied only when he was sure the other was unconscious.
Then he slung him over his shoulder, opened his trunk, and carefully put the Marquis down. Once the Marquis was positioned as comfortably as possible, Silas leaned down, pushed the hair out of his face, and carried on with his journey.
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Salvager Interlude 2: How To Escape
Dr. Shu Kurenai’s eyes roamed his AI’s display screen, dumbfounded at the hundreds upon hundreds of civilian profiles spawning across the glass.
Lui Shirosagi
Rank: 16
Floor: 3
Daigo Kurogami
Rank: 1,247
Floor: 2
Rantaro Kiyama
Rank: 992
Floor: 1
Valt Aoi
Rank: 3,000
Floor: 1
Joshua Burns
Rank: 1,745
Floor: 4
Delta Zakuro
Rank: 2,366
Floor: 2
Dante Koryu
Rank: 2,488
Floor: 2
Fubuki Sumiye
Rank: 1, 503
Floor: 3
Silas Karlisle
Rank: 546
Floor: 1
More profiles continued to generate and, finding the sight of them unbearable, Shu bit his lip and ducked his head to his chest. He’d locked so many people inside. What if some of them never made it out? “Shinoda?” he asked aloud, voice still trembling. “Have you found everyone?”
Humans: 3,456
Male: 49%
Female: 51%
Mean age: 25
Maximum age: 82
Minimum age: 1
Animals: 58
“A-and…” Shu warbled. “Are you tracking the androids?”
Androids: 100
Online: 100
Offline: 0
Original: 89
Starving Silver: 11
“Thank you. A-and… Can I ask…?” the doctor bit his teeth together, pointing over his shoulder at the black status screen that had flickered to life beside his shoulder. 
Shu Kurenai
Rank: 3,402
Floor: 193
“What are these titles?” he managed. “The ones beneath our names. And why did you assign them?”
[IDENTIFICATION TAGS] are personalized codes unique to each civilian.
With their [IDENTIFICATION TAG], a civilian will have access to the Shinoda AI System.
Functions of Shinoda AI System include:
Instant information searches
Live tracking
Computer interfacing
Digital storage compartments
Access to the Shinoda AI System will increase a civilian’s chance of survival.
“Survival?” Shu repeated. “I d-don’t think things’re going to escalate to that level of urgency. I--”
Free de la Hoya
Rank: 52
Floor: 121
Humans: 3,456 → 3,455
Androids: 100 → 101
Original: 89
Starving Silver: 11
Devoured Man: 1
“Wh-what?” Shu choked, feeling suddenly bloodless. His stomach wrenched and bile began to crawl up his throat.. “Sh-Shinoda? Shinoda! What was that? What just happened?”
Arthur Peregrine
Rank: 2, 666
Floor: 120
Humans: 3,455 → 3,454
“SHINODA!” the doctor screamed. “Cease live updates! Now!”
Immediately, the display glass faded, the throbbing scroll of text dissolving from its surface like stones sinking into a lake. 
“Did…” Shu started, the words sticking in his mouth. I’m going to be sick. “D-did two people just die, Shinoda?”
“And… and my androids killed them?”
Shu covered his mouth with a fist, fighting desperately to hold in his body’s revulsion. “Can we shut them down?” he managed, voice breaking on the last word.
Androids run on individualized systems
Androids cannot be accessed remotely
“No…” he gasped. “There’s… there’s got to be something… Can’t we do something?”
Shu whimpered slightly, pressing his knuckles even deeper into his teeth. How had things gone wrong--so, so wrong? He needed to get everyone out, now. But could he? He couldn’t lift the lockdown, he couldn’t even deactivate his own machines. Was there even a chance? Two civilians had already… already… He swallowed hard. Could he do anything? 
Devastated, he stared at Shinoda’s display, unmoving.
What could he possibly do?
Valt rammed his shoulder against the sealed door for what seemed like the millionth time, feeling the impact like a lance through his entire torso. “Augh! No! Come on!” He pushed himself off the plated steel shutters, hearing the panicked warble in his own voice. “Open! Open!” He reared back, about to try again, when Rantaro snatched his arm.
“Cut it out, man,” his friend gasped, reaching up to cradle his own shoulder, which had been nearly dislocated on the metal barrier. “You're just gonna hurt yourself.”
“Face it, Valt. We’re not going to get out like--!”
He was cut off suddenly by a flash of light. No, two--stunning and sharp. Both boys jerked backwards, startling away from the bursts.
“What’s--?” Valt started, stilling as his vision cleared and a wave of confusion fell over his head. There, hovering only inches from his nose was a flat screen, transparent with a light blue tinge. 
Hello. I am Shinoda.
A similar hologram was projected before Rantaro, his glowing a soft orange. Valt exchanged a confounded look with him before turning back, activity on the strange screen catching his eye.
Valt Aoi
Rank: 3,000
Floor: 1
Strength: E
Speed: D
Endurance: D
Dexterity: D
Power: F
Inventory: E
Strength: A
Speed: A
Endurance: S
Dexterity: S
Power: S
Inventory: SS
Press to ACCEPT
Press to DISMISS
Press to DELETE
“Valt…” Rantaro coughed, his eyes flitting over the scroll on his own screen. “Are you… are you getting this, too?”
“Yeah,” Valt managed, absently keying to open up the pending message. To his surprise, when the pad of his finger pressed against the ACCEPT icon, it was met with resistance, flattening against what he’d thought was a hologram. “Whoa,” he coughed.
In front of him, the screen changed, displaying a simple, two-sentence note.
The Tower is in lockdown due to a deadly outbreak of androids.
Reach [STORM] on Floor 193 to escape.
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r-a-b-talks · 2 years
Why did I pick [this animal] for [this person]'s dæmon's final form ?
I made things quite obvious with Bruce and Hal's dæmons but I've been a bit more subtle with others. Here are some explanations. 
Steph's dæmon, representing Jason's inner self, is a wood frog because A) the black marking around their eyes looks like a mask and B) they stop breathing and their hearts stop during Winter. Don't tell me that getting your inner self represented by a frog when your name is Todd isn't funny. Auberon's color is a wink at Stephanie's last name.
Cass' dæmon represents X, her unknown soulmate. I like to think her soulmate is a girl from her dance classes (Southern tiger cats are agile) with a leopard dæmon named Kitty or Fluffy or something inoffensive like that.
Tim's dæmon is a black Labrador Retriever. Of course you can imagine what you want but I had in mind that his soulmate was Conner and that a Labrador could match. This is why Brunhild's coat is black. Maybe I should have picked one of those black and red poisonous frogs instead but they seem less friendly.
Babs got a gibbon dæmon because they're agile and are excellent acrobats. They also happen to be social animals but defend their territories fiercely. They bond by grooming each other, you may have noticed Silas was braiding Babs' hair when she was arguing with Dick. 
Dick's dæmon is a Congo African grey parrot. Those are among the smartest animals. Studies show they have a small human child's intelligence. They also show that they're selfless and will give a nut to another member of their species even if they don't get one for themselves. The second bird tends to reciprocate the gesture.
Oh, Alfred's turn now ! His dæmon is male and represents himself. Humans have used domestic geese as guardians (for poultry, notably) for a long time in history. They have a very good eyesight and can sound the alarm very loudly and are good at intimidating predators. I picked a Barnacle goose because they're not domesticated usually and have a dignified air about them. 
Duke's dæmon is a guinea pig. I could tell you it's because his intended soulmate was Claire Clover (Gotham girl) and that she and her brother experimented on themselves to get Superman-like powers. However, I thought about making Duke's dæmon a guinea pig first and then considered whether or not my current Duke's ship could work and realized that it fitted quite well.
Damian has a Great Dane.  His soulmate is probably friendly, energetic, maybe a bit sensitive and likes to spend time outdoors. Make your own pick.
I picked a honeybee for Martha because they do a lot of good and that their disappearance can trigger tragic things.
Thomas has a sable, an elegant animal with beautiful soft fur. My idea here is that Martha's a musician (see my dæmon's names post) and sables have excellent hearing. 
Barry has a glorious scarab, a bright green animal that can fly because his soulmate is a Lantern. It's a small insect because Jessica seems to me of a reserved, quiet nature.
Jessica Cruz has a Peregrine falcon because it's the fastest animal in the world and her soulmate is a speedster.
Dinah has a Golden Retriever and I think it's self-explanatory. Something about Oliver's hair.
Oliver has a domestic canary and it's probably even more self-explanatory.
Jessica Jordan has an eagle dæmon because F-15 Eagles are USAF aircrafts and her husband is a pilot. 
Martin gets an American shorthair cat because they've got muscle, are patient and sociable, just like his wife. 
Selina gets a magpie because she's a thief and magpies have an undeserved reputation of being thieves too. Poor Tiffany does her best to avoid all the strays Selina has brought home.
I'm not forgetting Clark's non-existent bug. It's an imaginary insect because it's easier to pretend you have a bug dæmon than an elephant one. 
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danelloevee-sky · 3 years
I drew some sky kids belonging to different folks from skyblr! Here’s the first sheet!
Tumblr media
From left to right, top to bottom:
Peregrine from @moltergeist
Vault Kid from @agodth
Mizu from @winged-lights
Gem from @always-anxious-skychild
Creek from @opal-owl-flight
Kat (unmasked) from @skykid-kat
Orion from @boogie-kid
Spiris from @solaredarisen
Sila from @justsomeectoplasm
If any of you have a twitter or instagram, I’ll be posting this there as well! Let me know if you want me to tag you!
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tilthedayidice · 3 years
Name Palettes:
This is a list of names I've completed or are currently sitting in my ask box waiting for me to complete them! I've put them in alphabetical order so they're easier to find!
Please keep in mind that some names have both "masculine" and "feminine" versions and will have the same definitions.
Aarasha, Adastra, Adriana, Agni, Aisha, Alannah, Aleah, Alexandria, Alexis, Amanda, Amaris, Ambrose, Amelia, Angie, Annie, Ant, Apollo, Archer, Ari, Ariana, Ariel, Ashley, Aura, Avalon, Avery
Belinda, Bianca, Birgit, Bo, Breanna, Brittnay, Bryana
Caleb, Calliope, Calvin, Candy, Carakyn, Carly, Casanova, Cassandra, Cepheus, Chandler, Charolette, Claire, Cohen, Corynne,
Damien, Darby, Deanna, Dustin,
Edith, Ela, Elior, Elisabeth, Elliot, Elyan, Emily, Emrys, Espen, Evie
Finnigan, Fira, Flavia, Fletcher
Gaeylin, Gams, Gordon, Gracie, Griffin, Gwilym,
Hannah, Hex,
Icarus, Inga, Isaac, Isabel, Iska,
Jacquetta, Jackalope, Jade, Jana, Janus, Jasmine, Jasper,, Jeffery, Jordan, Julia, Justin,
Katarina, Katjia ,Kathryn, Katya, Kieran, Krista, Kymberly,
Lacey, Lane, Laura, Leander, Leo, Levi, Lew, Libby, Lilianna, Lilly, Liora, Logan, Luna, Lynn
Madelyn, Madison, Mallory, Marina, Maris, Marjolijm, Mars, Mercy, Mes, Micah, Mikaela, Miles, Mitchell, Molly, Morven
Nadia, Naosie, Neko, Nicola,
Peregrine, Pie, Puck,
Ray, Ratatoskr, Rebbeca, Reese, Rene, Rhys, Richard, Rio, Rose, Rowan, Ruben, Ryan,
Sabrina, Samantha, Saorise, Sarah, Seanus, Sean, Selen, Seph, Shiki, Sid, Sigrun, Silas, Siobhan, Soni, Spade, Steph, Sydney,
Tabith, Taylor, Tessa, Theo, Tiernan, Tim, Tine, Toby,
Valen, Valentine, Vene, Vexikos, Vinsar, Vitoria, Vivianne, Vos,
Wolfgang, Wyatt,
Zadkiel, Zephyr, Zoe,
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bitchfitch · 3 years
good fucking lord im doing this Im Doing This. List of Major Character ocs by project so i have a set list to work from for this nightmare painting. Including only the ones central to the romantic plots bc im a romance writer and like Hell am i making more work for myself by including every other important character:
Total: 69 (NICE)
the birth and death of everything
dnd and dnd adjacent
everard(boar rendition),
his weird cancer god,
no name
gothic romance tarot
banes and boons
the sire
That pirate thing
non series ocs:
the dancer
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