#silly girlfriend
inkwell-studi0s · 5 months
"im being bulied send help" - @vercruva
So I'm in class right now with the love of my life, and she was guessing what my favorite Ghost and Pals song was from a playlist I made. She was guessing until she got to Rotary Dial. She pronounced rotary "ro-tary" (or roe-terry, however you wanna spell it), and for the past three minutes I was laughing so hard without making that annoying wheeze sound.
She said "I'm being bullied, bullied by my own partner" while I was struggling to breathe. I'm not posting this here to make fun of them, no, never, I'm posting this here because it's my favorite moment of today with them alongside seeing her in first period. I love you sweetpea :)
Now for random things that they said today that I love:
Parallel-play: When we sit together and not talk to each other, but we sit together and love each other's presence
"Depression can be the dark"
She said that she was like a small cat wanting attention and I apparently stepped on the cat while making this post WHILE MID LAUGH-CRY :)
"She's sort and silly" - Her reading the tags
:) I love this human being
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kingshook1 · 2 years
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kookydoodleky · 4 months
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Pomni is having the best moment of her digital life
She’s also about to faint
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kor0kke · 2 months
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They're a cool gang when they're not trying to kill eachother
Pico if he were PEAKK!!1!!11
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acornered · 1 month
I've never really self-identifed as butch because my style sensibility leans more toward effeminate gay man/eccentric grandparent but while my girlfriend was visiting, the clasps that held the shoulder strap of her handbag kept breaking (thanks temu), and finally I got fed up and fixed it by
a) wrenching off the old clasps with a pair of plyers and
b) replacing them with the only clasps I had on hand, which were 2 giant carabiners
and yeah, now that I think about it, that is incredibly butch lesbian behavior.
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goga-honey · 3 months
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Happy final SF Sunday! See y’all next season 💕💕💔😭
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pynpaintings · 5 months
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I colored it
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deadmeatfactory · 4 months
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some fnf stuff bleeeggh
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yennao · 3 months
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Girl there’s no way a shield woulda helped him.
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localsamalicer · 2 months
Sam: "You're manipulating me!"
Alice: "Yes, but it is because I need you here with me but I want to protect you."
Sam: "Ugh whatever you're just a jealous ex, I'm going to go talk to my beautiful current girlfriend who is definitely not manipulating me as well."
Sam: "Hello beautiful girlfriend who is definitely not also manipulating me!"
Celia: "Hello Sam, sorry about Alice. Would you like to hear more about the Magnus Institute?"
Sam: "Oh boy do I!"
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barbaress · 4 months
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 4 months
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Aww he just needs a hu— *dies horrifically*
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Charlie: "Dad. Don't freak out now. But it turns out my girlfriend is...."
Lucifer: "? Lesbian, yes?"
Charlie: "...an angel."
Lucifer: "Oh I KNOW she is Char-char! Just look at her!"
Charlie: "You whuh?"
Vaggie: "It's- it's not that obvious! ...is it?"
Lucifer: "Aww Maggie, anyone who's known you for two minutes could see that you're just the sweetest most angelic girlfriend."
Charlie: "Oh noo..."
Vaggie: "Uhhh. How, sir?"
Lucifer: "Why, the way you look at Charlie! All soft and gooey! Like caramel melting on an apple!"
Vaggie: "Oh."
Charlie: "No dad I didn't mean 'angel' as in she's sweet like an angel or pretty like angel- I mean! She IS pretty! The most pretty!! Gorgeous, stunning-"
Vaggie: "Getting off topic babe."
Charlie: "We mean it literally. Dad, Vaggie's an angel. Vaggie?"
Vaggie: (wings go floomf)
Lucifer: ".........."
Lucifer: "...."
Lucifer: "Oh." (tears up) "Wowzer."
Vaggie: (PANIC) "Shit oh shit, Charlie- Charlie I made your dad cry-"
Charlie: "H-happy tears, right dad!? Happy tears!"
Lucifer: "Oh, yes. It's only. Standing like that. You two, you look a lot like..." (clears throat) "Golly!"
Charlie: "We look at lot like...?"
Lucifer: "A whoooole lot of happy! Just. Wow! HA!"
Vaggie: "Are you okay sir?"
Lucifer: "Am I okay- are YOU okay??? How did you get down here, Maggie! And without anyone telling me! I would've LOVED to have helped- errr ah well, or at LEAST given you a place to crash- oh GOSH not the best word choice is that ha ha oops! Um!"
Vaggie: "It's alright sir. Charlie kinda... took care of all that. And, me."
Charlie: "She was Exorcist. She is NOT like that anymore. She left them all on her own, and they- they just left her here."
Lucifer: "An Exorcist? One of Lilith's ex's scary vengeance ladies?"
Charlie: "Dad-"
Lucifer: "OHHHH THAT IS HILARIOUS- oh Lili would LOVE this- did you leave him too? The-"
Vaggie: "First dick? Yeah."
Lucifer: "HIGH FIVE! Ooh ooh AND DOWN LOW! Oh haha, I haven't done that part since Charlie was still my size!!!"
Charlie: "Daaaaad..."
Lucifer: "So you left Adam like Lili did and you're dating a demon like I was and you're and angel like me and- oh do you. Do you miss heaven? Are you, trying to get back...?"
Vaggie: "No. I like it here."
Lucifer: "Preferring and happier in hell, another point like Lili! But why?"
Charlie: "She didn't exactly have the best time up in heaven."
Vaggie: "No shit. You weren't up there."
Charlie: "Vaggieeee."
Lucifer: "Youuuuu're looking at her all melty and sweet again~"
Vaggie: "Anyway sir, we just wanted you to know."
Lucifer: "Well gee whiz I sure hope you kids didn't stress over tell me! This is PERFECT!"
Charlie: "It is?"
Lucifer: "Of course it is! Maggie." (takes Vaggie by the shoulders) "Do you know what all of this means?"
Vaggie: "...that i can... keep dating... your daughter..?"
Charlie: "Vaggie of course you c-"
Lucifer: "YOU WERE DESTINED TO BE MY DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!" (hugs her) "You're like a perfect mix of me and Lili! It's like creation made someone specially to understand our daughter- and it's YOU! Charlie's matching other half, her soulmate- exactly the right wife for her!"
Vaggie: "Your- wait- HER-?"
Demon Charlie: "DAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!"
Lucifer: "Two beautiful brides!" (sniffles) (pulls charlie into the hug and cracks them both like glow sticks) "So! When's the wedding!?"
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linxunderlife3 · 4 months
The trio >:D
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Guess who is my fav character is:
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mumatsi · 5 months
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They deserve the whole world sob sob
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Reference + Close-up shots!!!
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kor0kke · 6 months
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It's never too late to celebrate women 💜 love them in any way :]] 💐
Im mad this is like the third time im wroting tjis 💔💔💔
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