#silvers rayleigh fluff
soleilnomoon · 1 year
Kaia my darling!!!!! Congrats on your milestone!!!
Can I get strawberries with a mai tai, and songs 8 bubblegum, 16 bonfire, and 44. “I’m sorry have we met?” for either sanji, law, or rayleigh?
Please and thank you! 💕
hiiiiii bb 🤩 okay so i picked rayleigh bc hello i love that man obsessively 🤭 this was my first time writing a full fic for him so i was v excited, ty ty 💙 and even tho fluff tries to claim my life every time i write it, i persevered (for u, this is me proposing obvy~) anyway i had fun!! 🥰️
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1.3k words (i tried, i tried to keep it under 1k, i failed so bad), gn reader, sfw (just slightly suggestive yk the vibes babey), 18+ mdni; fluff!!!!!!! and maybe, maybe, a tiny tiny bit of angst maybe. just maybe. feat. reader wanting to be a lone wolf, rayleigh who is just v social when alcohol is involved, denial (of feelings and attraction, sort of), it's not cheating bc... well it's not. no real warnings, there's alcohol and a beach and a bonfire. the moon is a paid actress, the ocean is a special guest <3 i, too, would be flustered like crazy around rayleigh, he's got bde 💛 (if u see spelling/grammar errors no u didn't bb)
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solitude haunts you without remorse — heavy, daunting, an eerie melody that saturates your world. gray and unending, with a curtain so thick that it obscures your vision most days. it nestles itself in the grooves of the footprints you leave behind in the wet sand along the shore, the ocean water kissing the bottom of your feet as the tide ebbs and flows with practiced ease. you pause in your slow gait and allow the water to wash over your feet over and over before moving forward.
you don’t have a particular destination in mind, you simply wanted to be away from the noise of the sea-faring town you decided to visit. and while you don’t actively seek out solitude, it still follows you around, blending into your shadow, but there’s a comfort in its presence.
because, then, you’re never truly alone, are you?
partially obscured, a waning crescent moon illuminates the ocean, glowing brightly; another comfort that pushes aside that empty, aching feeling in your chest. the ripples in the water are mesmerizing and hypnotic, but you don’t fall prey to its machinations — you don’t let the barely audible melodies of the lurking sirens tempt you into walking closer.
if anything, you give yourself some distance.
there’s a small gathering nearby, the partygoers beckoning you with their promises of drinks and good food. if your traitorous stomach didn’t gurgle so loudly, you would have been able to refuse without issue.
still, it doesn’t hurt to eat, especially when everything smells rich and enticing, strong enough to make your mouth water. you watch the crowd around you, their infectious laughter seeps into your skin, a small flicker of warmth igniting to jumpstart your heart.
this is nice, you tell yourself before taking out a piece of bubblegum from your bag and chewing on it. you don’t particularly like this brand or flavor — much too sweet and a little thick — but you need something to do, and chewing gum helps calm you, surprisingly enough.
silvers rayleigh has never been fond of rooting himself in one, singular place; the desire to roam, to investigate the wonders of the world, to meet and experience life through people — it overwhelms him constantly. to combat that impulse, he sticks to roaming nearby islands, accidentally stumbling upon the same coastal town you find yourself in.
and again it’s pure coincidence that leads him to take the empty chair closest to you. he doesn’t bother with the flask he has, opting to graciously accept the free drinks from the revelers nearby. the brandy is sweet, but crisp — something he’s not too accustomed to, but it puts him at ease all the same. it’s when you pucker your lips and exhale to blow your bubblegum into a decent sized bubble, that he takes notice of you.
well, no—that’s a lie.
he already did notice you, in town earlier. you still have that same, dazed look in your eyes, the same melancholy that inadvertently acts as a small shield to protect you from others draped along your shoulders. you’re not a case study, he knows that, but that doesn’t keep him from observing you all the same.
it’s something stronger than morbid curiosity, and the more he drinks, the closer he comes to discovering the truth in that.
the bubble pops unceremoniously, the saccharine scent is much stronger than he thought it’d be; even as he steadies his breathing, it’s almost as the wind is working against him, keeping him rooted in the chair as he’s bombarded with the playful, artificial smell of strawberry and cherry all in one.
it’s much more pleasant than he thought it would be.
you’re not the best at observing your surroundings, but you’re not completely helpless — especially not when the man next to you is so boldly looking at you without remorse or shame. you chew on the fruity bubblegum thoughtfully and turn towards him unprompted.
a coy smile hangs onto his lips, the corners of his mouth curling upward as thinly veiled amusement flits about on his face.
“i’m sorry,” you say softly, in between chews, “have we met?”
the question is valid, and he should probably answer you, but he finishes his drink instead and waves someone down to pour him another.
with furrowed brows, you watch him quietly, taking in the sharp angle of his jaw and admiring the way he savors each sip of his drink. a peculiar silence surrounds both of you, and when he looks your way again, his eyes sweep over you once — almost like an intimate touch between lovers — and you suddenly remember that you’ve been holding your breath, waiting for him to answer you.
he takes his time, though, the tip of his tongue briefly gliding onto his lip —because wasting even a single drop of brandy is irresponsible, in his opinion. it’s with clarity and certainty that he tells you, “no.”
the answer isn’t surprising, and you’re not sure what you expected him to say. his voice is deep and rich, with a huskiness that completely suits his rugged demeanor. you don’t know what to do with that feeling, because for some reason, you feel as though you should know him. one after another, thoughts infiltrate the darkest parts of your mind, reviving you with a startling reminder that your heart — as pitiful and naïve as it is — still works perfectly fine.
in fact, it’s working a little too hard right now, beating louder with each passing second. you almost rub at your chest, but refrain from doing so, and blow another bubble to take your mind off it all.
“but,” he continues, as if he didn’t leave you in limbo for the longest sixty seconds of your life, “does that matter?”
he’s playing a dangerous game, he knows that, but rayleigh loves the high that comes with the risk of gambling. it’s invigorating and fresh, much more interesting than coating ships on the sabaody archipelagos.
it’s alluring, the confidence he exudes. his attractiveness is offensive and wholly unavoidable, which annoys you. it’s irrational, you know, you know but the longer you look at him, the more you yearn to get out of your chair and—
you cut yourself off completely from that thought and chew, chew, chew. maybe if you fill your senses with the taste of the bubblegum, you’ll distract yourself from his presence. he’s completely certain you’ll continue to allow him the pleasure of conversation, much to your inevitable dismay.
solitude is safer, you tell yourself. it’s what you’ve always known, but an unnecessary flush stains your cheeks and the heat makes it impossible to look at him for much longer.
“i suppose it really doesn’t matter,” you manage to say, and with great difficulty you force yourself to look at him again and find that he’s never once took his eyes off you.
the intensity behind his gaze is unnerving, but welcomed; a contradictory feeling, but there’s something overtly calming about his presence. so you let yourself step out of your comfort zone and allow him into your space, to pick your brain on various topics without restraint.
he’s normally not this chatty, preferring to drink and fool around — as talking requires a level of vulnerability that he’s not interested in giving. but with you, he finds it incredibly easy to do so — even allowing you to ask him questions about himself and the adventures he’s had on the sea. you get more animated as the night goes on, the bonfire still burning fierce and keeping you warm.
rayleigh’s voice drizzles onto your skin, his words smooth and suggestive without even trying. normally you wouldn’t entertain a man like this, but you’re trapped in his orbit, his aura prompting you to scoot your chair closer, so you can talk to him more privately. he’s completely enchanted by you — with your animated expressions, with the way you talk with your hands a lot, with how you keep leaning closer and closer to him. if you knew just how cute and charming you were, he might be in trouble.
thankfully, you don’t.
and while he already has someone that occupies the majority of his heart, he’s starting to think that he wouldn’t mind making space for someone like you.
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Pls do more of Rayleigh and shakky those story u posted heal my childhood, they r like the type of parents I wish I had.
Thank you so much for ur work and ofc u don’t gotta do this if u don’t wanna or don’t do requests but thanks have a good one :)
Special Treasure (Rayleigh x gn!child!reader x Shakky)
A/N: YALL I HAVE COME BACK WITH A COOK AM I WRONG OR AM I RIGHT?? Toothroting, cavity inducing heart stopping cuteness ahead
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Reader, where were you? Rayleigh questions as he sees his grandchild coming into the bar on top of Millo, their usual Smiledon Companion covered in dirt and grass, his wife in front of him preparing drinks, glancing at the child questioningly
Rayleigh smiled softly as he approached the child, kneeling down slightly to meet them. Grabbing them from the large feline and putting them on their hip
“What were you doing outside?”
“Causing trouble, I bet?” pipes in Shakky
“We were exploring.”
“Mm, of course,” Rayleigh raises his brow at his wife, who nods along knowingly.
“Exploring, eh?” The white-haired man asks with a sly smirk
“Where were you exploring?”
They stay silent, playing with their grandfathers hair, trying to evade their gaze as they shrug
“Hm,” Rayleigh muttered
He then raises his eyebrows.
“You think I'm going to get mad?” his voice was light yet stern
“Yeah,” they say, hiding their face into their neck and continuing to play with his hair
Rayleigh chuckles, rubbing their head with one hand as he speaks to them.
“Well, I'm not...I know how it is. Being young and curious.”
“But you should never go off without telling someone where you're going.."
“But I went with Millo!” They exclaim, pulling their head out and gesturing at the large feline
“I mean a proper person,” Rayleigh chuckles,
“Millo, doesn’t count”
The toothed cat lets out a small indignant yowl at his comment, Reader reacting similarly with an offended gasp
Rayleigh scoffed at the cat's reaction, finding it amusing.
“There, there, Millo, you'll live.” Shakky Laughs.
“You're lucky you're adorable, isn't that right?” he said, looking at the cat.
“You're being mean to Millo Grandpa!”
“Now, Now both of you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Rayleigh says with a frown,
“but you need to understand it makes your gramps and gran worry, alright? You're our treasure, you know?”
“Im sorry,”
Shakky smiles, opening her arms for Rayleigh to pass them to her, he smiles obliging her silent request
“Come here” she says taking a hold of them
“We’re not mad, As we said, you are really important, and we simply worry, there are dangerous and gross people not far from here.”
“I just wanted to explore a little, but I didn’t mean to go far. “
Rayleigh scoffs and pulls the child into his arms, planting several kisses upon their cheek,
“It's fine... Just let me know next time where you are exploring; I know you're more than capable on your own, but still, I'd like to have an idea of where to look for you."
“Now that we got that out of the way, what were you doing that got you covered in dirt?”
They shuffle in their grandmother's arms, digging something from their small backpack
“I was getting you guys flowers!” They exclaim, pulling said plants out and handing two roughly arrays of flowers
Rayleigh’s face breaks out into a smile,
“For Us, you brought us flowers?”
They nod excitedly handing them the mix-match bouquet of flowers
The elderly couple exchange a look before embracing the child, who is now buried within the confines of their affection.
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What do we think? Originally I thought it was missing something but I re-read it and I really like it, what are our thoughts? Im going to try the Dokusha reader for a test run, btw it’s about a certain lazy ice lord 👀. Im editing it right now maybe even a second part today if yall like it?
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lale-txt · 2 years
🌙 waking up at night without you by their side ↳ w/ Kid, Rayleigh, Denjiro & Yamato
a/n: another draft that's been sitting here since forever. in the light you go!! love me some lighthearted fluff. slightly suggestive + poly mention for Rayleigh (i feel like i'm putting this ALWAYS when writing Rayleigh omg) also sending kisses to all my anons swooning over Yamato. i know i don't write him that much but wanted to include him here for you ♡ i always love reading about your undying love for him, it's the purest thing.
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how dare you leave his side while he’s sleeping
don’t you know about your big spoon duties which involve holding him tenderly from behind, rubbing his back and making sure your arms are constantly wrapped around him all the time? 
Kid huffs when he wakes up with his back cold and your side of the bed empty
were you going for a midnight snack without him? didn’t you know that he was also craving shredded cheese at 3am? was your relationship a lie the whole time? 
no he’s not being dramatic why do you ask
or did you miss a step of your skin care routine and went back to the bathroom to do it again? he told you countless times that it didn’t work that way…
he throws back the covers and gets up, his red hair a mess and barely held together by the cat ear hairband you once gifted him 
Kid’s first instinct when he’s in trouble is to consult Killer so they can be in trouble together, so naturally he stomps down the hall to Killer’s cabin and doesn’t bother knocking, just bursts in like the Kool Aid man 
he lets out a surprised gasp when Killer isn’t sleeping peacefully in his bed but playing cards with you, Heat and Wire – very wide awake 
before Kid’s face can turn the color of his hair, you already kick out a chair for the tulip and gesture him to sit his ass down so you can explain
“see… on the last island when we stocked up on supplies Killer didn’t buy decaf coffee like ne normally does but regular… and since everyone but you drinks coffee–” “because it’s BAD for your skin, but no one ever listens to me” “–all of us have just been unable to fall asleep.”
Kid rolls his eyes and continues huffing, but also pulls you in his lap and wrap his arm around you, falling asleep with his head resting against yours as you continue your game
but no more coffee for you after 2pm, decaf or not. the big spoon rule book got updated, you gotta keep up duh
even in his sleep Rayleigh reaches for you, wanting to hug you close to him, only content when he can nuzzle his face in the back of your neck
so when his hand pats into empty space, he’s suddenly awake, mumbling out your name into the dark 
first thing he does is turn on the light on the nightstand and reach for his glasses because he can’t see shit without them
still fighting off sleep, he takes a moment to reconstruct last night, smiling over it. no, you definitely fell asleep in his arms after you both finished… several times
actually he could go another round now that he was awake, but someone was missing…
it’s when he hears muffled voices coming from downstairs that he calls out your name again, louder this time
“we’re in the kitchen!”
we? … oh
with his observation haki never failing him, Rayleigh realizes within a heartbeat now what is going on
following your laughter he finds you in the kitchen… accompanied by a very familiar face
“Ray, I must say your taste is exquisite as always…”
Shakky cups your face, a cigarette dangling from her lips, as she beams at her husband leaning in the doorframe
“i think I’m in love with your wife”, you sigh dreamily, melting under her touch and gazing up to her with puppy eyes, completely encharmed by her 
Rayleigh ruffles his white hair and just smirks. he was about to introduce you anyway, so this makes things much easier now
he comes closer and places kisses on both of your cheeks. this night just got so much more interesting… 
Denjiro is always a little sleepy and would pass out within a heartbeat wherever and whenever, but preferably with you by his side, pulling you close even in his sleep
so why were his arms empty right now?
long blue hair is spilled all over the futons and usually by now you would complain because you’re getting tangled up in it 
rubbing his eyes he sits up, he murmurs out your name into the dim light of your shared room 
Denjiro isn’t too worried, he knows what you’re capable off, otherwise the yakuza boss wouldn’t have married you. he twists the golden band on his ring finger absentmindedly as he’s slowly forcing himself to wake up properly
it’s when he notices the gentle breeze coming through the open sliding door leading to the veranda and he immediately knows where to look for you
throwing the blanket over his shoulders he gets up, already making out your silhouette in the milky moonlight as you sit there huddled up, looking over your shoulder when you hear his footsteps approaching
“Den… you gotta see this…” 
your excited whisper and gestures to keep quiet had him curious, but more than that he was just happy to see you smiling
Denjiro sits down behind you and pulls you in his lap, wrapping his big arms and the blanket around you and kissing the side of your neck. you’re cold but feel warmth tingling in your limbs immediately under his touch
“what is it, little moonshine?”, he whispers and rests his chin on top of your head. you almost disappear in his embrace due the size difference and wiggle yourself in a comfortable position, the tip of your nose and your curious eyes peeking out from the blanket 
“snow bunnies”, you say softly and point to the garden where a pair of white bunnies frolic around in the falling snow, almost invisible for the eyes
Denjiro smiles and leans down to kiss you again. love is stored in the little things, you taught him that. and soon he falls asleep again, holding you tightly as he drifts into dreams of you, but none sweeter than the reality he gets to live with you
personal space? not in this house 
Yamato usually sleeps sprawled out like a starfish and rotates in his sleep like a beyblade
but it’s fine because you adjusted to that! nothing can stop you from cuddling your big golden retriever boyfriend in his sleep
so when he wakes up at night and doesn’t feel your familiar weight on top of him it just sends him into straight up panic
in an attempt to turn the lights on he gets tangled up in the sheets and stumbles, taking down the lamp and everything else on the nightstand with him 
he’s calling out your name and trying not to cry on the spot
did you have a bad dream and he didn’t notice? were you somewhere crying on your own? his heart couldn’t take the thought of it. 
this was even worse than the one time he lost you at the supermarket in the candy aisle and he had to make an announcement over speaker which was mostly him sobbing into the microphone
his brain still lagging from the sleepiness and shock, Yamato doesn’t notice how you squat down next to him, picking off various nightstand items (tissues, crystals, harness…) off him 
“Yams, just what are you doing down there? were you sleepwalking? i knew this would become an issue one day…”
cut to Yamato sobbing in your arms because for three hot minutes he thought he had lost you forever 
which is when you kindly explain him that nature called and you only went to the bathroom but would have returned into his arms straight away
however you can never hold back tears as well when you see Yamato crying and now you’re both on the floor sobbing as you hold each other tenderly 
only when he kisses away the salty streaks you both calm down a little and can laugh about the situation
ever since you leave a little note out when you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and make sure to snuggle extra close to him once you return, making Yamato smile even in his sleep
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paulii7 · 11 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Who would’ve thought you needed someone older?
From the experiences you had. It just didn’t feel the same as how you were with him. He was mature, calm, and cool as a cucumber.
With an appearance that showed his experience in life. Making him more attractive than any of the guys you dated around your age.
It was even the way he held you warmly in his embrace as tears were wiped. Making you think you needed some older. Just a little bit colder. Take the weight off of your shoulders.
He was the perfect description of that “someone older.”
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theladystyx · 5 months
one piece spoilers ‼️
My mind just told me that Sabo would’ve been the Rayleigh to aces roger because both pair met as lone boys who had to fight against the world and that maybe Sabo would’ve joined ace as a pirate and made a great name for himself and only himself while leaving behind his blood and ancestry because they did not bound them but it will never happen because Sabos blood chased him out and ‘killed’ him or atleast in Ace’s mind while Sabo forogt about his life because life was so unfair and when he did remember Ace was already dead and that their last memories of each other was that they were being torn apart not only from each others but also from the things they believed in such as Sabo’s freedom was taken from him whereas aces beloved brother was taken from him and that they will never make great name of themselves TOGETHER and most of humanity will remember Ace as rogers son which was the opposite of what he wanted and Sabo was left with the pain to shoulder it all alone, the dreams, the expectations, the responsibility and the role of being the older brother” and i ended up flinging my phone across the room because i did NOT need ANOTHER reason to cry and breakdown over these damn brothers and the roger pirates
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trashytoastboi · 2 months
🥈Silvers Rayleigh Masterlist🥈
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🥈 Headcanons: Shanks, Rayleigh, Whitebeard, Kid – Falling in love at first sight with F! Admiral and how they try for her attention
🥈 Short Scenario: Rayleigh #12. How about a kiss? + #13. You are my love
🥈 Headcanons: Male! Reader being Rayleighs nephew and joining the straw hats
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zorosq · 2 years
untitled ; silvers rayleigh
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↻ kinda angsty, hurt/comfort, possible ooc character, reader is in their early 50, short, shakky is not in a relationship with rayleigh, grammatical error, this sucks (cuz i havent written anything in a while)
↻ pairing ↬ rayleigh x gn!reader!
@ireaderstuff asked: Hi can i request rayleigh, ace, kid or katakuri with a romantic relationship with reader. Their reaction for reader being hurt badly. Or an ABO with alpha being choose by omega reader for being their alpha.
If you're not ok with my request it's ok juste ignore it.
Thank you and sorry about my english it's been a while since i write in an another language
a/n i dont write abo au so i’ll take up your first request :) and this might sucks really bad bcs i havent write anything in months 😭
your body froze. you were too caught up with the ambusher in front of you that you hadn’t realize that one of them had sneaked up on you. their sword punctured the side of your abdomen.
thanks to your fast reflex, you stopped them from making the sword to go deeper than it already has. you quickly knocked them all out before leaving the scene. you leave it up to your foot to take you somewhere safe.
not realizing it, you were already standing in front of shakky’s run-down bar. you had hoped for rayleigh to be there. it wouldn’t surprise you if he wasn’t inside. when you walk inside, there was only shakky there. you already guessed it. but it hurts to see that you were right. he wasn’t there.
“hey, shakky,” you said, clutching to your side while struggling to keep yourself up. her eyes widened before she rushed up to your side immediately. she didn’t say a word. except for the grim look on her face. not long after. you find your eyes slipping shut, knowing that you were finally safe.
“what happened?” rayleigh asked, his eyes looked at your sleeping figure. shakky only shook her head. “y/n came here looking like that. didn’t get to ask what happened before they passed out,” she explained.
“thank you for taking care of them,” rayleigh said with a gentle smile. he kneel down beside the bed and took your hand in his. he kissed your knuckle, eyes closed while slowly wishing for you to wake up.
he felt guilty for not being there when you needed him. he laughed to himself. you’re getting rusty at fighting. the more reason for him to always stay by your side. but he knew that was impossible. he can’t stay in one place for too long.
that could be the downfall of your relationship with him. it was always long-distanced. he kept on wondering how you managed to put up with him even after all these years.
how could you still love him?
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philosopherbouquet · 2 years
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Warnings: No Warnings
Chapters: 7/7
Fandom: One Piece
Relationships: Gol D. Roger & Roger Pirates, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks & Buggy, Kozuki Hiyori & Kozuki Momonosuke & Kozuki Oden & Kozuki Toki, Gol D. Roger/Portgas D. Rouge 
Characters: Gol D. Roger, Roger Pirates (One Piece), Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks, Buggy (One Piece), The Oro Jackson, Kozuki Toki, Silvers Rayleigh, Kozuki Oden, Whitebeard Pirates, Portgas D. Rouge                 
Additional Tags: Roger Pirates Week 2023, Rogers Pirates Week, Fluff and Humor, Canon Universe, Canon Compliant, Klabautermann (One Piece) - Freeform, Angst and Feels, One Shot Collection, Short One Shot, Slice of Life, Complete, 'D' stands for 'Dummy' (affection) 
SUMMARY: The strongest pirate crew in the world, made of battle-hardened veterans who have traveled all four seas and seen the final island. They are also quirky dorks who enjoy the simple pleasures of the world. But don't tell the Marines that.
For One Piece Roger Pirates Week 2023
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 5 months
Can you write something about Shanks x reader? Like, the reader was teleported by Kuma, now she's on Shanks's ship and he offered himself to train her. (Can be fluffy with a little bit of angst. And slightly of age gap)
I loved the idea✨. Shanks is one of my favorite OP characters (after Luffy, Kid and Zoro, of course). And I wrote this while marathoning One Piece (I'm still in the Punk Hazard arc 😭) one eye was on the caption and the other eye was on the writing.
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"Let me help you"
Pairing: Shanks x gn!reader
Warning: slight angst, fluff most of the time.
W/C: 18.1k
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You, as a resident of the Sabaody Archipelago since birth, are good friends with Rayleigh and Shakky. Ever since you were 7 years old, you would sneak out of your house to visit Shakky's Rip-off Bar just so you could listen to Rayleigh tell several of his adventure stories from when he was still a pirate while Shakky prepared his favorite juice. It was like a hobby, and you loved it.
You just didn't expect that on another calm, sunny day, a seriously injured fish-man, a mermaid, a talking starfish and a group of very strange pirates would show up at Shakky's bar.
At the bar, as you sipped a beer, you watched the scene unfold in front of you, seeing what looked like a pet bandaging the fish-man.
"A raccoon?" You said, tilting your head to the side. The animal in question looked furious and turned its head towards you. "I AM NOT A RACCOON, I AM A REINDEER!" the reindeer exclaimed, blowing smoke out of its nostrils. He went back to what he was doing, muttering quietly.
Rayleigh, smiling, came to his side, taking a seat in front of the counter.
"What happened while you were out?" You asked Rayleigh, as Shakky offered him a glass of beer.
"Oh, I was almost sold into slavery," Rayleigh said, as calmly as if this happened to him often. "EHHHH?" You were shocked, not that enslaving humans shocked you, as much as you found it disgusting, but who in the world could capture Silvers Rayleigh to be sold! That didn't fit at all.
"How did they catch you? And how did you escape?" You kind of already knew the answer, just the use of the King's Haki was enough for Rayleigh to get away.
"I had the help of that little guy over there" He pointed his chin at the boy with a straw hat on his head who ate like a pig, if not worse. Rayleigh was now talking to Shakky, while you brought the glass of beer to your lips, feeling the bitter taste of the cheap drink. "Ah, did you know that he faced a Tenryuubito?"
Immediately, you choked on that information, beer coming out of your nose.
"Ahhhh, a lady!" A blond man came up to you with hearts in his eyes, offering you a handkerchief. "How could I not see you there? With this beauty that blinds a man, forgive me miss, you don't deserve such disgrace." You ignored the chatter of the blond man with the strange eyebrows and walked over to the boy in the straw hat.
"EI" You caught his eye and that of the rest of the people present. "Are you crazy? Do you want to attract the attention of the navy by taking on a Tenryuubito?" You snorted next to the boy. You, in your thirties, had never heard such an appalling event.
Swallowing the piece of meat he was eating, the straw hat said, "I'm not crazy! And I only did it because that idiot shot Hachi, so of course I'm going to fight back!" He exclaimed, looking at you with a kind of determination. That shocked you to some extent. You sighed heavily "Still, who are you to stand up to a protégé of the World Government?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be the King of the Pirates!" Luffy exclaimed once again, taking the large piece of meat into his mouth and swallowing.
"Ah, so you're that pirate with a 300 million berry bounty," you said, leaning against the counter. "But that won't solve anything, the navy will surely strike back."
"Actually, it's likely that they're already on their way here" Rayleigh said "Hey Shakky, I want some more beer" He said, indignant that his drink had run out.
You sighed once more, feeling the pangs of a headache when too many bad things were happening at once. After a while, the Straw Hat pirates left the bar, saying they were going to stay in the archipelago for another three days to throw off the Navy. The place was now silent, leaving only you, Shakky, Rayleigh, Hachi and his friends, whom you knew as Camie and Pappag. In your mind, the events of now were running wild.
A few hours later, Rayleigh stood up, heading for the door of the bar.
"Where are you going?" You asked, crossing your arms.
"I'm going to help Luffy" He left before you could say anything else. "Tch, what a stubborn old man" You exclaimed.
"Come on, he can take care of himself, you know that" Shakky said smiling as he cleaned the counter
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Hours and hours passed and no news about Rayleigh or the Gang of Straw Hats.
You paced back and forth, anxiety running through your mind as you bit your nails. You stopped, looking at the door. Making up your mind, you headed for the exit, ignoring Shakky's protests for you to stay.
Running through the mangroves, you followed the sound of explosions, the smoke filling your lungs every time you got close. Arriving at your destination, you saw that the place was a zone, pirates everywhere, navy soldiers firing into the wind. Scanning around, you found Rayleigh fighting Kizaru, a navy admiral you knew only by face. Before you could get to Rayleigh, a familiar shout made you stop, turning in the direction of the sound. It was Luffy shouting, while his companions were fighting Kuma, one of the Navy's seven Shichibukais. When Kuma's hand touched one of Luffy's companions, one with orange hair, she disappeared in the blink of an eye.
On impulse, you went over to them, wondering if you could help them. You barely knew Luffy, but the short time you spent together was enough for you to judge him as a man of good intentions.
As you ran towards them, you saw that some of Luffy's companions were missing. You guessed that they had been defeated, probably by Kuma.
"Luffy!" you shouted, pulling him out of the way of Kuma's hands, but this only resulted in one thing: you tripping over something you didn't identify and falling to the ground. You turned to Kuma, pulling a gun from your waistband as you fired wildly at him, but it had no effect.
"A friend of Luffy from Straw Hat?" The Shichibukai said, staring at you for a few seconds before his giant hand touched you, the power of his Akuma no Mi taking effect, his body disappearing. You felt an enormous pressure in the room, causing you to faint immediately afterwards.
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You felt trapped in something soft while you were lying down. It was as if you were lying on a pile of clouds. Opening your eyes slowly, small pains spread through your body. On closer inspection, you were flying in the sky, but you couldn't feel the breeze and, incredibly, you didn't feel short of breath because you were wrapped in a kind of bubble. Dramatically, the memories returned to your mind, making you feel pathetic.
"Damn, I couldn't do anything useful" you thought to yourself, mulling it over as the bubble carried you across the vast sky. You still had the gun in your hand, so you put it in your waistband, not that it was any use without bullets. You didn't know how many hours or days you had slept, but you wanted to know what your fate would be. Before you could think of anything else, the bubble protecting you landed, startling you. What if it fell into the open sea? You knew how to swim, but sea monsters could appear anywhere.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you fell into a ship, hitting your back on the wooden floor.
"Damn…" you cursed, then got up and opened your eyes, only to find a bunch of men around you. A pirate ship, your senses alerted you, making your hand go towards the gun you always carried, pointing it at several of the men.
"Boss, come and see this." A portly man with a piece of meat in his hand spoke up. As the men around you moved away, you could immediately feel an overwhelming presence. Turning in the direction of the presence, you could see a man with red hair and a scar on his face coming towards you. Immediately, you recognized the man. It was impossible not to recognize the pirate in question, given the fact that both his person and his deeds were notorious and circulated widely on people's lips. It was Shanks, The Redhead, a name that made many people shudder just to hear it.
Your body trembled, the gun in your hand wavering as you pointed it in the Redhead's direction, bitterly regretting your decision, but you were too proud to turn back.
"Well well, looks like we've got a scared kitten here," Shanks laughed, looking over at you. He crouched down very close to you, leaning his forehead against the barrel of the gun. "Aren't you going to shoot?" A faint smile appeared on the pirate's face as he stared into your soul.
"Don't play games with me," you said, with great difficulty, trying to sound strong, but coming out more like a cry for help.
Shanks stared at you for what seemed like an eternity, before bursting into laughter, his body tilting backwards, his men doing the same. You, not understanding anything, blushed intensely with embarrassment. "Ouch, scaredy-cat, how the hell did you get here out of nowhere, huh?" Shanks asked after wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.
You, seeing no point in hiding the truth, (not as if you could, Shanks would get the truth out anyway) told him the truth. He understood, saying that he knew Luffy, then smiling, saying that the boy only got into trouble.
"Well, what if I taught you how to fight for real?" He came up with the idea out of the blue, while sipping sake sitting on one of the ship's barrels.
You looked at him, surprised by his proposal. You looked at the ground, remembering how pathetic you were to try to fight a Shichibukai when you didn't even know the basics of anything. You looked at Shanks again, determination shining in your eyes.
"Please teach me how to fight!"
Shanks smiled, setting the sake aside as he stood up. "Looks like the scared little kitten has guts. I like that about you."
You blushed slightly at his words, standing up too. "Well, I'll teach you everything I know."
Days and days went by as Shanks taught you the most varied fighting techniques. Months later, he saw that you were strong enough to learn how to use Weapons Haki and Observation Haki. A year and a half flew by and you didn't even notice. Along with fighting and teaching, you developed feelings for Shanks.
It started with the nicknames; kitten, shawty, cutie. Then there were touches here and there. As well as the time you spent together without fighting or learning the theory of anything. Just the moments Shanks spent recounting his adventures with a twinkle in his eye in the dead of night when most of the pirates were too drunk to sober up. And you listened to every word that came out of his mouth with admiration, secretly happy for the adventures he had been through. There were also the times when he and the crew tried your sweets, from the first day you started making them, with the excuse that it was payment for his teaching and temporary hospitality. But you couldn't deny to yourself that the reason was just to please him as much as possible, so that you could receive a pat on the head or a mess of hair, followed by compliments from the redhead.
Oh, and let's not forget the flirting. The damned flirting that he would give you with that mischievous little smile, to which you would respond back with rosy cheeks, not wanting to be left behind in any way, especially when it came to Shanks.
And on this night in question, it seems he was loaded with flirting to try and embarrass you while everyone drank and ate outdoors, partying for nothing.
"Hey Y/N." The sound of the redhead's sweet voice caught her attention, her head turning in the direction of the melody that called her name. Seeing him sitting next to Benn, sipping a sake, you smiled, putting your hands on your waist. "Yes, Shanks?" You answered the man, already preparing yourself for what was to come.
"If I happen to drown, do I get a mouth to mouth breath from you?" he asked, his damn winning smile opening the door for your heart to skip a beat.
Her legs turned to jelly for a moment, never getting used to the feeling of receiving the slightest bit of attention from Shanks.
"Well, try your luck and I'll be happy to do it," you replied, putting a false smile on your face, but you didn't know whether to throw yourself into the sea out of embarrassment or kiss Shanks in front of everyone.
Shanks, being the flirt he was - very professional, so to speak - didn't expect you to be able to respond to his flirting, or even better than that, which caused the man to have a total meltdown, leaving him speechless.
"HAHA, Y/N dismantled the boss" Lucky laughed out loud, his companions laughing next, bringing Shanks to attention, his cheeks slightly flushed. He hid his smile as he turned over the sake bottle.
After an hour or so, the crew of the Redhead Pirates were too drunk to even stand up. Some went to sleep in their rooms, others blacked out in whatever corner of the ship was considered "comfortable".
You were washing the dishes that the men had soiled during the party. Living with men wasn't easy, since Benn was one of the few who cared at all about the cleanliness of the ship. So you did the cleaning, since you couldn't stand living in the mess and dirt.
You started thinking about your home in Sabaody, missing Rayleigh's stories, Shakky's cheap booze, the cotton candy from the Archipelago that tasted special. You felt a pang in your chest from nostalgia. You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't feel the presence of Shanks behind you, only sensing when his arms were wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. The man's sudden movement made your body shudder. "Shanks?" You looked at him, confused.
He looked at you, while smiling faintly. "Yes, kitten?" he purred softly, his nose sinking into your clothes, his eyes closing as he inhaled your perfume deeply.
In that situation, you felt stagnant, not knowing what to do. Your heart was pounding like crazy, your hair was standing on end, and the desire to kiss him right then and there was greater than anything in the world.
You swallowed dryly, dropping the dishes from your hands as you wiped your hands on the cloth on your other shoulder. "Are you even sober?" You asked, apprehensive of his answer.
Shanks opened his eyes, squinting at you for a few seconds, then immediately turned his body so that you were facing him. Shanks' muscular body pressed against yours, making you breathless. "Enough to answer for my actions." Shanks said, their faces very close together, Shanks' lips almost touching yours as his eyes roamed over your lips, without any shame in facing them.
You were losing your sanity and along with it, your patience. "Kiss," you said, drawing his attention instantly to your eyes. "If you have the courage, of course." You challenged, your breathing pausing for a moment to see what he was going to do.
"You asked for it," Shanks said before attacking your lips, and what began as a sloppy kiss, saliva spilling out, continued with a kiss of dominance from both of you, tongues and teeth clashing, making you both lose your breath, while his hands circled your waist, squeezing lightly from time to time, and you snaked your arms around his neck, stroking his soft hair. You separated so you could breathe.
That didn't stop Shanks from sprinkling wet kisses all over your face, which you gladly accepted, not letting any opportunity pass you by. "Be part of my crew" he said breathlessly "I like you. I like you a lot. I can't let you get away from me." The redhead's statement made your heart leap, longing for this moment since the day you realized you liked that man. "Please?" He asked, his pleading eyes looking at you while his face was a pure mess, and you were probably on the same level. It stirred you, a chill in your stomach settling in.
"Yeah," you didn't have to think long. God, it was Shanks over there, begging you like a puppy to stay by his side. "And I like you too." Both the statement and the quick acceptance surprised Shanks, making him blink a few times. "That easy? I thought women played hard to get at times like this." His arms encircled your body even more, bringing you closer to him.
"Well, I'm a straightforward woman. But I need you to stop by the Sabaody Archipelago. I need to know how Shakky and Rayleigh are doing after all that mess with the Navy," you said, your hands on Shanks' bare chest. Shanks' eyebrows rose. "You know Silvers Rayleigh?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes… he's like a father to me" You said, tilting your head to the side. "You've never said that to me," the redhead uttered, indignantly.
Instead of just replying with a simple "sorry", you decided to be mischievous. "Do I have to?" you said, a little smile playing across your face. Shanks sighed in shock, then smiled and pinched your nose. "You little brat, respect me, I'm older than you"
"It's only nine years apart," you smiled, joining in the fun as you enjoyed your evening, knowing that you had made the right choice from the start.
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If you've made it this far, I take off my straw hat. Jokes aside, but I got too carried away writing this, sorry if it's too long. And I hope you enjoyed it, I really do.
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ezzydantes · 11 months
Telling the Monster Trio you're pregnant...
Author's note: Just light fluff and lovings from our Monster Trio after you tell them that you are pregnant.
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You had spent two years with Luffy while he had trained. You had been the one to pick up the pieces after Ace had been killed at Marineford. Your lover had never really been the same after, hellbent on getting stronger so that he didn't have to lose anyone that he loved ever again. He had vowed that he would not lose what was left of his family.... you.
While the thought made your heart swell with love and adoration, it also began to break because of the trauma you had both endured during it. You had fought alongside Luffy as he tried desperately to save Ace. The both of you finding an inner strength that had been hidden and potentiality that needed to be exploited if you two were to carry on in the New World.
Rayleigh had been a saving grace for you both. Teaching you and Luffy the ins and outs of using Haki as well as building on fighting separately and as a team. However, there was one thing he had not been expecting the last six months of his proposed two year training schedule for you both.
"So you're pregnant?" he quietly asked as Luffy slept with his head on your lap, holding your right hand to his chest.
You simply smiled, knowing you couldn't hide the fact from Rayleigh. He had a sixth sense about EVERYTHING it seemed. "Yes... I haven't told Luffy yet because I am not so sure myself...not like we have a doctor here..."
"I can tell you that you are... and I know that you have a well enough intuition being a woman, that you can tell....", he stated matter of factly.
"I know what you are thinking... a pregnant woman at sea is not meant for the future King of the Pirates..." you scoffed as you raked your fingers through Luffy's hair... ensuring he didn't wake up.
"No... what I am thinking is the two of you will need to consider long and hard what a child would do to this dream of freedom that you have. It will definitely nullify it", the elder man raised his eyebrow at you.
"You think I haven't considered that? That I haven't brought up to Luffy that eventually being together the way we are will result in a child? He's well aware...", you whispered as you started tracing your lover's face before leaning down and kissing his forehead, "You can say what you want, Silver King... we will make our way in this world as we always have... together...ALL of us..."
Rayleigh smiled at this. "Then I will only say this... hold onto each other because there will be a time that will either make you both stronger... or break you...."
"Fair enough... ", you smiled as you leaned against the tree and shut your eyes. Luffy turned to sleep on his side and wrapped his rubber arms around you, nuzzling into your hip as he did so. "Mmmm.. I love you, y/n..."
"I love you too, Lu..." you sighed as you began to drift off to sleep.
The next morning Luffy was already awake, trying to find something for the two of you to eat for breakfast. When he returned he gently shook your curled up form. You had at some point nestled down onto the ground from your sitting position against the tree in the middle of the night, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "Hey! Sleepy head!" he shouted as he threw the large beast he had caught on the ground in front of you. You moaned at him, "I'm still tired Luffy...."
His hand immediately shot to your forehead. You were never one to sleep in, not in all the years he had known you. "Are you sick? Are you okay?"
"Luffy..", Rayleigh warned. Let her sleep... she's tired."
"But we still have training to do...", the young man pouted as he kept feeling all over your face, trying to find any sign of fever.
"Lu... I'm fine... ", you stated groggily as you sat up, "I'm just really tired today."
"You've been acting differently the last few days...", Luffy hinted, "What's really going on?"
You looked to Rayleigh who merely shrugged his shoulders. "It's your business to tell him... so I think I will simply go this way..." And with that their teacher walked towards the jungle without as much as another word. This caused Luffy's eyebrows to raise. "What's going on?"
"Luffy... you know how I told you that if we kept sleeping together...without taking any precaution that there might be a baby born from it?" you started to explain but was quickly shut up by your lover snatching you up and into his lap as he sat down. "Are you pregnant?"
"Possibly... I won't know for sure until we are somewhere that I can be tested...", you began but Luffy immediately shut you up with a kiss. He clung to you tightly like you were the last bit of breath on this Earth. He relented on his passionate kiss and began peppering kisses all over your face, before resting his lips on your forehead. "I thought that might be the case... and if it's true.. I couldn't be more happier..."
His lips speaking those words against your flesh was mind altering. You couldn't help but blush and embrace him tighter to you, eventually burying your face in his chest. "I was worried..."
"I know this is going to be a BIG step for us... and it's going to change a lot of plans... but I am still going to be King of the Pirates....and you will be Queen... we're going to be free for the rest of our lives and our child... will be happier for it", he whispered into the crown of your head, "I always wanted us to have kids... I can teach them all kinds of things!"
His excitement warmed your heart. You took his face into both of your hands as you looked up at him. "Its not going to be easy...", you began but he quickly shut you up yet again with his finger on your lips.
"I am training to be stronger for you and my crew. That includes our baby... I will NOT lose anymore of the ones I love...", he stated very seriously as he pulled you back into his chest, "You, this baby, our crew... you're the only family I have left and I refuse to lose any of you."
You couldn't help yourself and blamed it on the hormones since you were normally not so emotional, but you began to cry and cry and cry... you had never cried so much in your life. "Thank you, Luffy..."
"No... thank you. I have a kid that will grow up to be an even better pirate than me one day!" he began laughing as he wiped your tears away. You could only shake your head and giggle through the sniffles as you buried your head back into his chest.
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You and Zoro had been in Wano not even a week before you noticed he was enjoying his time there. In all of your adventures and traveling together, you had never seen him more in his element. He had met master swordsmen and craftsmen and looked like a child who had been introduced to a candy shop with no budget to speak of.
It truly warmed your heart to see your lover in his element. but you knew that something might change his attitude. You had recently visited a doctor during one of the few moments that Zoro had left you alone. He had confirmed what you already knew... you were pregnant. It had to be that time a couple of months ago during your reprieve from the crew on your own. Luffy had granted you and Zoro time alone and you had taken off to an island that you had wanted to visit for a while... Grekko.
It reminded you of your homeland that had been taken by the Celestial Dragons long ago to serve as their own vacation spot. It had the bluest waters, the greatest food (many dishes that were from your homeland), and hanging gardens in the central most part of the island. Zoro had taken you to a resort there with the money that Nami had actually helped him save up. She had even talked down the prices so that you two could enjoy more on the amount she had helped him set aside and more.
The view from your balcony in your suite was breathtaking. You could watch the sun rise, the sunset, and even the full moon. He had planned it perfectly so you could see all three based on your descriptions from childhood. He proclaimed to you that he had loved you since he laid eyes on you at 10 years old. Hence why he asked you to remain by his side after Kuina passed. He had considered you HIS since then. Once Luffy was King of the Pirates, which was just a matter of time, he wanted to marry you. After making love for hours that night, Zoro decided he couldn't wait. He wanted you to be his wife then and there and threatened a priest to perform the ceremony. While the both of you wanted your crew there, it was a special moment. You and he had tried to plan things out accordingly throughout your lives, so the spontaneous idea to wed on the island was new for you both. A mutual decison...
You and he had talked about children but agreed to wait until the right time to start having them.... and this was the most inopportune moment to have one. You guys were setting up to go against Kaido... an Emperor and being pregnant during this time was dangerous.
Your thoughts were keeping you from sleeping and nausea was beginning to set in from the stress of it all. You clawed your way out of your husband's embrace to stumble to the toilet where you barfed your heart out. Zoro had naturally woken up from you tearing yourself away from his embrace, so he came to check on you. He was half asleep and naturally grumpy from the way he had been awoken. "Oi..", he called out as he walked up to the scene in front of him.. the gruffness immediately leaving him as he saw you puking your guts out, "Baby... are you okay?"
He leaned down to hold your hair out of your face and crouched beside you at the toilet. He rubbed your back with his free hand and kept reassuring you that you were fine. "Zoro... I need to tell you something..."
"You're pregnant... ", he deduced as he continued to rub your back, "I figured after Grekko... if I didn't get you pregnant then..."
Your green-haired swordsman chuckled to himself when you looked back at him with shock on your face. "Baby... not to brag but I fucked you into that bed so many times and in the hots springs... as many times as I came inside of you, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a baby..."
"You're not upset?" you questioned. Timing could not have been worse.
"I've always wanted a child with you.... someone to carry on my name in one sense or the other.... to teach the sword... my greatest dream besides becoming the strongest swordsman in the world is having my kid surpass me...", he stated honestly as he wiped your mouth with a wet cloth he had just procured.
"But our lives... your oath to Luffy...", you began but was quickly silenced by him grabbing your face with both hands.
"Luffy will be happy for us... he may be an idiot but he knows good news when he hears it...", he assured as his thumbs began to gently stroke your cheeks. You couldn't help the tears that came slowly at first, until your husband held you to his chest and then it was an all out bawl fest.
"I love you so much, y/n and our child...", Zoro cooed into your hair as he held you tight to him.
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"I'm pregnant...", you announced in the kitchen early in the morning before the rest of the crew could interrupt the two of you. Sanji immediately dropped the knife he was using to cut up veggies for the omelets he had planned to make. His cigarette dropped onto the floor as he whirled around with hearts in his eyes.
"Y/N LOVE!!!!!" he screamed as he ran to you and engulfed you in his arms, holding you tight to him, "REALLY?"
"Yes... Chopper confirmed it yesterday but I asked him to keep it secret until I could tell you.... are you happy?" you smiled, knowing damn well your man was over the moon about you carrying his child.
"Y/N!!! ARE YOU KIDDING????" the cook shouted as he began twirling you around in his arms.
"BABE!!!" you shouted, "Don't do that!!! I'm already sick to my stomach..."
Your cook immediately stopped and sat you down in a chair. He began feeling your head with one hand and placing his other on your stomach. "I'm sorry... its just..."
You couldn't help but smile as he began to weep. Black Leg Sanji fell to his knees before his lover and held you close so that his face was next to your womb. "I wanted you to carry my children for so long.... ever since the Baratie when I told Zeff I was going to make you mine..."
You hugged Sanji close to you combing your fingers through his hair as you whispered how much you loved him and how you were his completely even before you were pregnant, which caused the man who had always had a stiff upper lip to fall to pieces in your embrace. Between his sobs and declaration of love and protection for both you and your child, he kept rubbing his head against your womb and kissing it reverently.
"Sanji... Baby...", you cooed as you lifted his head up to look at you, "This is going to be hard.. you made an oath to Luffy...."
The cook quickly stood up, never letting his embrace on you break, keeping you and the newly formed life within you close. "I will never let you or our child get hurt... and neither will our crew..."
"I know..", you gently caressed his face, wiping away any stray tears, "Our child will be protected."
"How far along are you?" he quickly changed the subject, "And why didn't you tell me sooner?"
You laughed at his pouting face. "I wanted to be sure and as I said I wanted Chopper to keep it secret until I could tell you.... "
"You don't even know how happy you've made me, Love", the cook pulled you to his chest and kissed the top of your crown, "You've made me the happiest man in the world..."
"Would you prefer it be a boy or a girl?" you innocently asked. He quickly pulled you from him with his hands still gently, but firmly on your shoulders as he looked you straight in the eye. "Be it boy or girl... I am going to love our baby because its ours... yours and mine."
"Shall we tell the others?" you smiled. He grew serious in the moment and picked you up bridal style. "No... I want you both to myself for just a little while longer."
Sanji began to walk to your shared bedroom and ignored some curious glances from your crew mates.
"Hey Sanji! When are you making lunch?" Luffy called.
"Make your own damn lunch... I'm spending time with my family!" the cook growled as he pushed past Franky.
"Whoa what's with the attitude, Bro?" the cyborg asked.
"Y/n is pregnant! She needs rest and I will need to make her a snack...what are you craving, Baby?" Sanji asked as he continued on his way leaving a stunned Franky in his wake.
You couldn't help but giggle at this. "Well I don't know what Baby is craving... but I would like some cucumbers and carrots... with some ranch? Maybe some pickles... oh and lots of water... I've been craving water like crazy....", you began listing off things.
Once inside the room, Sanji stated he would fulfill of your needs and encouraged you to relax and maybe take a nap. Once he was down getting your snacks together he admitted he didn't mind taking a nap with you.
"But what about the rest of the crew?" you earnestly asked. You felt bad if he didn't fulfill his duties just because he knew you were pregnant.
"They know how to fend for themselves and Luffy can't break the lock on the fridge. It was one special request I put in with Franky while he was building the Sunny...." he stated matter of factly.
"Smart man.... ", you teased as he leaned in for a kiss.
"By the way... I know you need your rest but...", Sanji coyly hinted.
"Of course...I heard it was good for the baby and I am already pregnant so...", you wiggled your eyebrows.
"Oh you're going to be the death of me my Love...", the cook grinned as you entered your shared bedroom, "Don't hold back..."
"Wasn't planning on it", you grinned as you squealed from him gently throwing you on the bed and immediately draping himself over you, shirtless. You laughed at the fact that he was quick to get undressed and even more so to have you the same way.
Hours later you two revealed yourselves and announced the joyous news to the rest of the crew, who already had an idea due to Franky freaking out by Sanji's casual statement. The crew celebrated with a party, which Sanji simply sat with you in the corner of the kitchen, enjoying being cuddled up with you and your growing child. He did not drink because he wanted to make sure he was within his senses to take care of you and the baby during the night. You didn't mind his over protectiveness... knowing it would be part of his demeanor from now on being a father. You simply rolled your eyes and enjoyed his embrace, longing looks, and sweet nothings he kept whispering in your ear. You couldn't help but feel overjoyed at the fact that you couldn't have asked for a better partner and the family that you two shared.
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
Hi Kaia could i order white chocolate,fruit tart,glazed Donut,nougat,Donut hole,with caramel and whipped cream for one piece men: (Luffy ,Rayliegh ,Ace, Zoro, Sanji ,Shanks,and Law) plz and thank you
hihi ty for being patient angel 🥰️ i def took some liberty w. this one, but i think i like how all of them turned out; you gave me a tall order but *clenches fist* i survived 💛💛💛 anyway, ty for requesting hope you like it :)
3.2k words, fem reader, nsfw, 18+ mdni; smut, some angst, fluff (wow i know), hurt/comfort; feat. luffy being a total menace, rayleigh being the dilf we all want, ace being mischievous as ever, zoro being a dumbass, sanji being overwhelmed, shanks being the absolute worst, and law trying to teach reader a lesson. also feat. cute stuff like: ass grabbing, rough (consensual sex), exhibitionism & public sex, lil bondage, jealousy, orgasm denial, some sof smut™ (who am i), oral (f receiving), fingering, oral (m receiving), idk other stuff probably. y/n has no self preservation ofc, these men are ridiculous (i love them). (if u see grammar/spelling mistakes no u didn't <3)
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it isn’t your intention, but somehow you and your captain get separated from the group one afternoon while canvasing a new island. you normally don’t get lost, but luffy was teasing you all morning — pulling you aside for impromptu kisses, grabbing onto your hips from behind, his lips curled into a devilish smile against your neck with each kiss he left behind. luck was usually on your side during those instances, except it seems it’s suddenly run out.
“don’t give me that look,” you say as sternly as you can, eyes glancing around to see if any of your crew mates doubled back to look for you. luffy’s really to blame for you both getting lost, but he doesn’t want to admit that just yet; it’s more entertaining to tease you, because you’re cute when you’re annoyed. luffy wraps a hand around your wrist and pulls you further away from the path you came from.
in between kisses, you remind him that you’re both pressed for time.
“don’t worry,” he says in a low voice, “it’ll be fine, probably.” you’d slap him if he wasn’t already kissing you again, tongue licking inside your mouth hotly; you arch against him, face flushed from the heat. his kisses remind you of summers and warm breezes; your mouth still tastes like the mangos you consumed with him earlier — sticky and sweet, a taste he’ll always covet.
you squeeze your thighs together when his hand roams lower and take a shuddering breath once he backs you against a thick tree. you hike a leg around his hip, holding him close to you, humming pleasantly when you feel the growing bulge in his shorts. being this close to him makes you impulsive and you know that all you have to do is rub against him once and he’ll fuck you against that tree. but your conscience wins out and you pull away, ducking out of his hold quickly, panting lightly as you touch your lips with the tips of your fingers.
“we need to get back to the others,” your voice is a bit too high when you say that. luffy laughs at your act and plants a wet kiss on your cheek; you bicker with him playfully on the walk back while holding his hand and lacing your fingers together with his.
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“i don’t normally do this. i have to go.”
that’s what you said twenty minutes ago, after you’d gotten tipsy enough to have the courage to flirt with the older man sitting next to you. the pub was crowded and you only ever came by if you didn’t want to be recognized. rayleigh had a dangerously devilish charm, one that extracted information out of you with ease.
his voice is thick and rich, his words a pretty distraction — hypnotizing you as you find yourself nodding along to his impetuous plans. he hadn’t intended on sleeping with anyone tonight, but he couldn’t resist himself once he saw you sitting there by yourself, swaying on the bar stool while humming a nameless tune.
you seemed so content to be alone, it was admirable.
he had a bright smile and a laugh that came deep from the soul; you felt your body flush at the thought of kissing him suddenly. you blamed the alcohol for making you foolish, but you knew that wasn’t exactly true.
now you’re seated atop a sink in the upstairs bathroom, whimpering softly as you keep your legs spread for him. your skirt is hiked up, panties discarded somewhere — they were ruined once rayleigh whispered in your ear and suggested you carry on the conversation elsewhere; his hands were skilled, his mouth even more so.
he liked how pliable and supple your body was, how plush and soft your thighs were under his calloused hands. you shivered as he ran a finger along your slit, making you tremble as you keep as still as possible. rayleigh, you come to find, is experienced and passionate; you grow impossibly drunk from all his teasing — to the point that you’re panting and begging him to fuck you.
“all in good time.” his voice is gravelly when he nips at your exposed clavicle, cock hard and heavy; he knows he should hurry up, but something about you makes him want to take his time — so he can see all the frustrated expressions on your face. you pull him close and wrap your hand around his cock, stroking his length, rattling his nerves until he finally gives in.
he buries his cock to the hilt, hips pulling back and snapping forward roughly against you. letting out a breathy moan, you can feel just how slick your pussy is from your arousal. legs wrapped around him, you lean up to kiss along his jaw; he chuckles and indulges you, hands gripping your thighs, fingers likely to leave bruising marks behind from how tight he’s holding you. rayleigh fucks with you with fervor and selfishness that serves as a daunting reminder — that you’ll never find someone else like him after this.
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“ace,” you pant as quietly as you can, but you’re struggling badly. the 2nd division commander has you in a back hallway on the ship early in the morning. he’s grinning like a fool, clearly entertained by your insistence on keeping quiet. he kisses you as he knocks his hips against yours, his cock sliding deeper inside your pussy; he holds you up against the wall as your legs stay wrapped around him.
you buck your hips against his, doing your best to match his thrusts, but his strokes are deadly and frenzied.
“wait, wait, ace slow down,” you whisper, sighing pleasantly when his cock reaches a sweet spot that has you clenching around him tightly.
“can’t,” he says in response, breath warm against your jaw, “stay. unless you want to get caught.” he gives you a meaningful look that’s accompanied with a smirk. you purse your lips but shake your head. it would be easier if you could stay mad at him, but he’s too cute and funny and attractive — plus, you like that he’s bold enough to fuck you in public without a care in the world. you hear voices off in the distance and panic, eyes widening as you look back at him.
but ace only winks and tells you to hold on tight.
as you bite down on the fleshy part of your palm to keep yourself from screaming, ace pummels his thick cock into your cunt mercilessly, balls slapping against you loudly. the sound is lewd and tantalizing; you find that you can barely keep up with his thrusts, but you do your best anyway.
apparently, he’s determined to make you cum before your crew mates catch you. and as much as he jokes that he wouldn’t care if someone saw you, a small wave of jealousy passes through him at the thought of anyone seeing you like this. he wants to finish up quickly so he can take you somewhere more private. it’s when he bites your neck roughly and pants against your skin that you cum unexpectedly, a blinding, white hot flash filling your vision as you forget yourself and scream his name.
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the rain has yet to let up, not that it matters to you since you’re trapped in yet another argument with your thick-skulled boyfriend. you can’t even remember what triggered the argument in the first place, and because stuff like this makes you extra sensitive, you end up crying.
he sighs at the sight of your face flushing and eyes closing as you try to wipe away the tears, as if they were bothersome and unnecessary. guilt eats away at his chest, making it hard to swallow or breathe; he knows he should apologize, but he’s just so terrible at it. so, he does the one thing he knows how to do — apologize with his hands and mouth.
the mattress is soft beneath him as you straddle his hips and slowing sink onto his cock; you both shed your clothes some time ago, lips swollen from kissing him hungrily, an insatiable need seeping into your pores and making you greedy. you place kisses along the base of his throat, hips rocking forward as he thrusts into your cunt slowly. and while he’d love to just fuck you senseless — something quick and dirty — he knows that you’d appreciate his apology more if he took his time.
so, he does.
you sigh against his lips, fingers threading through his hair, tugging on the short strands. his chest is broad and firm, your nipples harden each time they rub against his light brown skin. slipping your tongue into his mouth, you cradle his face in your hands as he continues to give you broad, sensual strokes that have you whimpering in the most pathetic way against him. he likes you like this, though, and tells you as much when he presses a kiss along your jaw.
he finds forgiveness when you bounce on his cock a little harder, his hands rough against your skin as he grabs onto your ass to thrust into your pussy at a devastating pace. tears coat your eyelashes, but they primarily because zoro’s fucking you like he loves you. and maybe he does; you don’t want to think about that too much, because the intimacy behind it scares you.
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jealousy, you think, looks good on him.
sanji rarely likes to show his true jealous side to you, it’s less playful and much more charged, possessive but you don’t mind that at all. earlier, zoro had offered to help train you and before you could turn him down — you’d seen firsthand just how brutal he is with his workouts — sanji was already up in arms over it. they argued for the entire afternoon, but by then you were already annoyed over the situation and dragged sanji off to calm him down.
his face is flushed when you kiss him suddenly and pull him into a broom closet without thinking too much about it. you can’t remember if you locked the door, but it doesn’t really matter. all you care about is wanting to give your silly boyfriend a little bit of attention.
your idea of giving attention is rubbing his half-hard cock through his pants, smiling slyly against his lips when you feel him shiver. in one fluid motion, you sink to your knees, fingers quickly unzipping his pants and tugging it lower. you pull his cock out and admire the shape of it, the slight curve always made your mouth water; before he can say anything, your tongue darts out and swipes at his slit, the pre-cum slightly salty in your mouth.
you make a big show of licking your lips, which only causes another flush to stain his cheeks. whenever you get like this, he has no choice but to follow your whims; he likes that about you, a lot. that you take charge and keep him grounded whenever his feelings get to be a bit too much for him to handle.
he opens his mouth to apologize, but you kiss his tip and he forgets all about it, mind short-circuiting momentarily, which gives you the opportunity to take him by surprise again.
“i don’t care that you’re jealous,” your voice is honeyed and sweet, wrapping itself around him comfortably, a lust-filled haze taking over his mind when you wrap your lips around him and suck. you run your tongue flat along his length, taking your time to lick all over before you take his cock into your mouth completely.
sanji’s breath slows and he does his best to not fuck your face, but then you’re massaging his balls and bobbing your head faster — so he does the most impractical thing and bucks his hips forward and thrusts his cock further down your throat. you gag around him, the pressure intense but welcomed; if he didn’t already know that you like it rough, he’d feel bad — and he still does, but he hasn’t voiced that out loud just yet. you don’t care though; truly, you don’t. you just want him to feel as relaxed as possible, but how can he relax when your mouth is warm and wet, when you’re looking at him tenderly, like you’d be on your knees for him every day if he asked you?
you let him have his way, and he doesn’t last very long, but you keep still, hold onto his thighs, nails sinking into his skin when his cock goes a little too deep. when he sees the tears roll down your cheeks, it ignites something in him and he cums in your mouth, your name a soft chant that tumbles out of his parted lips. he feels feverish and dizzy, but very much alive. you rub your thighs together as you swallow the thick load, smiling prettily at him, head tilted slightly while you boldly ask, “do you feel better now?”
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he knows better than to piss you off, but he does it intentionally anyway. the captain of the red hair pirates loves pushing your buttons; he likes when you roll your eyes at him, when you pout cutely and demand he take you seriously; he likes when you don’t stop him when he kisses you openly, mouth possessively staking its claim against yours.
if you weren’t so used to his whims, you’d have the decency to act bashful.
you have a short temper that he’s been warned about time and time again; except, shanks doesn’t fucking listen — nor does he care.
so when he has you bent over one of the tables in the kitchen late one night after you both argued and drank and argued again, you have no choice but to forgive him. especially when he his thick cock is buried deep inside your pussy, his large hand pressing down on your lower back as you grip the sides of the table. your legs shake, but you know better than to complain right now. shanks fucks you hard, the wooden table scraping against the floor every time his hips knock roughly against yours.
“shanks, fuck,” you cry out, chest heaving as you try to keep your sanity intact. his chuckles annoy you, but he knows that you only pretend to act annoyed with him because you like the way he makes up with you. your ass bounces back against him, jiggling from the ferocity behind his thrusts.
“careful, doll,” he grabs your hip to power into you — his strokes turning you into a mumbling, delirious mess, “thought you didn’t want us to get caught.” he sounds so fucking pleased with himself, and you hate that your pussy is wet enough that you can take him without much prep. you blush at the thought of being caught and remind yourself to keep quiet.
“oh, don’t stop now on my account,” his voice lowers substantially, you crane your neck to hear him better, and you just know without having to look at him that he’s got a pleased smile on his face. that man works every nerve in your body, but you like him too much to leave him properly.
you press your lips together to stifle another moan, but then shanks keeps his hips close to yours and gives you short, rough thrusts that you struggle to keep up with. with your back arched, you make for a pretty sight; he knows he should finish quickly, but he likes watching you hold onto the edge of the table like it’s your only lifeline. you don’t even have time to process the orgasm that passes through you because it happens so suddenly.
he teases you mercilessly and without remorse, but you take it; you take the rest of his frenetic thrusts, take the way he slides his hand underneath you to rub your clit. your body is much too sensitive, and when you moan his name like that, it flips a switch in him. you doubt you’ll be able to walk properly after this, but you’re not too worried about that; shanks bullies his cock in and out of your needy hole until he’s satisfied, successfully wrenching another orgasm out of you that makes you slump over the table weakly.
“don’t tell me you’re all done,” he presses a kiss on the side of your neck, lazily grinding against you, every bit as greedy as he always is. you can barely stand, but you feel alive in the best sort of way, already forgetting that you were mad at him in the first place.
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you knew better and you still didn’t listen.
the restraints around your wrists dig into your skin a bit, but they don’t hurt that much; you squirm around on the bed, not liking that you can’t touch yourself or him. but he told you earlier to behave and you still chose to ignore his warning.
now you’re paying for it.
although, you wouldn’t exactly call this sort of thing a punishment.
law’s mouth latches onto a patch of skin on your inner thigh, teeth and mouth leaving behind marks that serve as little reminders for later. you whimper softly, but he pays you no mind, instead moving to the other thigh, tongue running along your skin. you buck your hips forward to get him to touch you properly, but all he does is click his tongue at you in faux-disappointment.
“seems like you still need to learn,” he says sharply, his eyes a dark amber, the look he gives you is equal parts fierce and mesmerizing. you want to kiss him, to run your hands down his chest, but he won’t let you and you’re upset about it.
when it looks like you’re about to say something that’ll piss him off, he stuffs your panties inside of your mouth to keep you quiet. your pleas are muffled but he pulls your hips close, mouth brushing along your slit, making you tremble with need.
he knows he should probably ease up, but if he doesn’t teach you now, then you’ll keep the same bad habits and he can’t have that, now, can he? you’re nearly in tears when he finally flicks his tongue against your throbbing clit, hips jerking forward when he swirls his tongue around. you can feel your saliva dampen your panties. you close your eyes briefly, ecstasy filling every part of your body when he stops and says, “keep your eyes on me.”
you want to tell him that it’s damn near impossible, but you try to follow his instruction anyway.
law eats you out with purpose and vigor, his mouth a sinful delight as he french-kisses your pussy without restraint. he teased you for so long that your nipples ache from being hard and untouched. you could kill him for that. and law is smug in his own way, enjoying you at his leisure, slurping and licking your pussy with fervor.
you thrash against him and he holds you steady; you can barely keep your eyes open and you feel like you’re having an out of body experience when he glides his lithe fingers inside your cunt. law fingerfucks you lazily, sucking on your clit like it’s his favorite piece of candy. when you cum, your moans are strangled and garbled, vision blurring as you ride his mouth shamelessly, a sharp pain on your wrists from the way you keep tugging fruitlessly.
he could let up but won’t, taking pleasure in watching you fall apart for him; you tell yourself that once you’ve calmed down, you’ll just have to pay him back in kind later when he least expects it.
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alexa-fika · 9 months
okay hold up I just a.. unique idea
Im rewatching OP and im at sabody arc, n Laffy jist knocked the shit outta the noble
Idk who to ask this for but id love to see how'd you'd write a character reacticing to a noble trynna BUY child reader..
Or perhaps how mihawk would react with them trynna buy winged!child!reader?? IDK IT JIST SPROUTED
Do with as you will👹
Embracing Feelings and Family (Rayleigh x gn!winged!child!reader)
A/N: Not sure how to feel about this one., I think is really mid, maybe it’s just because of the dark nature of the piece itself but idk. I think this goes without saying based on the request but beware of the dark undertones of this piece as it portrays human slavery and auctioning. I couldn’t come up with something for mihawk so I went with our favorite grandpa
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Up next, we have ourselves a true rarity! This one will blow your minds; we have a winged child! You can fly it around as you want or even have them carry you around the skies! They can even deliver you special things in a fraction of a time!” The announcer enthusiastically explained
“Let us start the bid at 10 Million Berry! Who offers 10 Million Berry?!”
“Let me go, you Jerks! Im not an item!” The child growls, banging on the cage’s bars
Charlos awes childishly before throwing out the first bid
“It’s a big Bird! It’s a Big Bird! 50 million Berry!” He yelled out joyfully before waving happily to the child in the cage
“Grandpa will get you all! Grandpa will save me, you gross creeps!”
The bidders ignore the child’s threats, continuing to bid
“60 million!” A man in the back screams
“80 million!” Another man hollers back
“I’ll do 800 million!” Charlos shouts back while waving his arms frantically in the air excitedly
“D-Does somebody bid any higher?”
“800 million….” “Awe, man, I was excited to have it too!” The crowd mutters
“Going in 3!
Going in 2!
Going in 1!
The winged child goes to Saint Charlos for 800 million berry!”
Reader screams as they open the door to their cage and begin pulling on the chains, trying to pull them out and take him toward Charlos.
“Don’t touch me!” They sneered, throwing a kick toward the handler that was closest to them
The handler dodges out of the way and gives them a look.
“Rude little one, don’t bite the hand that feeds you!” The handler growls
“You have just been bought for a very generous amount of money for no one less than a Saint himself! A nobody like you should be Grateful!” They turn towards The Saint and bow
“A-Apologies for its insolence Saint Charlos; if I may, I’ll gladly teach it some manners for you; no need to trouble someone of your status to teach slaves some tricks.”
Charlos groans, sticking his finger in his nose.
“Could you hurry it up? I want to fly it!”
“Yes, Yes, of course; im sure you must be extremely busy, Saint Charlos. I promise not to take more time than is needed!” they assure him, turning around towards the child
“Now come here, you stupid brat,” they growl, raising a baton towards them.
“You will learn to listen!" the exclaim, bringing the baton down, but instead of receiving a blow, the man before them falls to the ground, knocked unconscious.
Reader sighs with relief when the man falls to the ground, the people in the auctioning house following the familiar pattern they have come to expect from their grandpa’s powerful Haki
“Grandpa!” They say, trying to flutter their way to Rayleigh but are cut short due to the chains binding them, causing them to plummet to the ground
“Geez, Reader.”
Rayleigh sighs calmly as he wrenches the chains from them easily, not paying any mind to the explosions that followed once they were removed.
“You seem to be able to get yourself in all kinds of trouble,” He says calmly as he sets the child back down
“Haven’t I told you not to get near this place and much less showing off those wings of yours?”
“What was it this time?” He asks as he looks them over for injuries
“I tried to fly higher…but a wind current caught me, and I couldn’t get myself out from it; it dragged me here, and they brought me here.”
“A wind current?” Rayleigh asks curiously
“One strong enough to drag even you, that’s pretty surprising, to say the least,” He says as he continues to look them over
“Are you alright? Have you sustained any injuries?”
“Im okay.”
“Alright, good to know,” He says as he scoops them up and leaves the wretched place.
“That must have been scary, huh? Im sorry it took me so long to get there; my body doesn’t move the way I want to anymore.”
“I wasn’t scared,” they mutter
“It’s okay, you know.”
“To be scared for one’s life from time to time it’s not something one should be ashamed to admit; it doesn’t make us any less brave; you have the right to be scared, just as much as you have the right to be brave.”
“Your feelings are real; you shouldn’t deny them,” He says as he continues to carry them
They stare at him as their eyes begin to water
He smiles gently
“Just let it out, Reader; no one will think less of you for being scared.”
They hug him tighter, diving their head in his shirt as sobs start escaping them
“T-They kept calling me ‘it,’ they kept saying how they would fly me around like I was a kite,” they sob
He ran his fingers through their hair while he let them continue to cry, hugging them back tightly as he did.
He couldn’t help the anger he felt rising when thinking about what had happened inside the auction house
He rubs their back gently as he continues to walk
“Nothing that they told you in it is true; Reader, do not listen to their words; you are invaluable and your own person, not someone to be owned,” He says
“I -I know b-but the way they said it, they meant it, Grandpa; I was nothing but an item for them to use in their eyes.”
He pulls them a bit more tightly as he did
"I know, some people are like that, wretched beings who enjoy stepping in other people and causing them misery simply because they can."
“You are someone special to me; always remember that; you are the biggest treasure for me and your grandmother,” He says gently as they rub their back
"Now what do you say we go back to the shack and ask Grandma to make you your favorite drink?" they offer, chuckling when they feel the child nooding
"Can we add extra chocolate to it?"
"Anything you want, Reader," he smiles, knowing that it would take a long time and effort to build their confidence and sense of security back to where it was after everything that had happened, but they would get there together.
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Ya’ll I have summoned my choice wheels to do some platonic!reader x character, not child reader, normal age reader but still platonic 👀 Had to fight to find some good roulettes.
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lale-txt · 2 years
♡ taking care of them when they have a fever ➳ w/ Kid, Mihawk & Rayleigh
a/n: i… i fought Tumblr text editor so long and hard for this and it‘s still a mess oh my god. anyway enjoy those silly little headcanons, i love putting those lads into ✨situations✨
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simply the worst patient you can ever imagine <3
when falling sick, he goes through the five stages of grief several times a day
denial: „i am not sick, what the fuck are you talking about“, he asks with a runny nose and face almost as bright red as his hair, beads of sweat running down his temples, barely able to stand up straight
Killer and you just exchange a look and brace yourself for what‘s coming next
anger: ever saw a tulip explode? now you will
don‘t mind the claw marks on the ground when Killer drags Kid by one leg to bed while the captain combusts and grunts out curses you‘ve never heard before
lots of shouting and yelling and middle fingers being raised with the last bit of energy he has left before you watch Killer pull out some wrestling moves to get the tulip into bed. it‘s like watching two grizzlies fight
feel free to join but be prepared to get bitten in the ass
bargaining: so Kid is in bed, blanket pulled up to his nose, breathing heavily
it‘s when it all sinks in. the realization that maybe he should have covered up those honkers when visiting that winter island. Kid was a South Blue child after all, not used to the cold
don‘t disturb him during that phase, just enjoy the silence while he ponders on every life choice he made that led him here
depression: that‘s when he will call you and the other crew members into his cabin one by one despite you telling him he‘ll just spread his germs that way, but Kid doesn‘t care. he feels like he‘s dying from that common cold and he needs to tell everyone his last words
don‘t flinch when he clutches his metal fist around your hand and rattles something about how he doesn‘t mind when you fall in love again after he dies, but preferably with Killer because then he‘ll know from heaven (or hell) that you‘re in good hands (followed by an hour long monologue on why Killer is the greatest man ever existing)
acceptance: so Kid realized he might not die today but his throat is still sore and all the yelling probably didn‘t make it any better
bring him some tea, tuck him in and kiss his forehead, he‘ll pass out in a minute and the whole thing will repeat a few more times on his way to recovery
Kid is gonna act like none of this has happened once he is back to his old self but he‘ll still make sure to pull you into a hug and mumble a Thank You against your skin, followed by making up for all the kisses he couldn‘t give you during that time
have you ever tried giving your pet any kind of medicine? it was bad, wasn‘t it? then good luck with this man because he is worse
it‘s hard to imagine that someone as perfect as Mihawk could fall sick with a fever, but here you are, standing with a glass of water and painkillers in your hands next to him while he‘s passed out on the couch
„get those away from me“, he mumbles like a dying peasant who is confronted with his own mortality in the face of a common cold 
even with his strength being robbed he is still much stronger than you, using this fact to his advantage (by rolling over flat on his stomach, face down, so you can‘t hold the glass of water against his lips)
give him five minutes for some frustrated groaning until he admits his defeat and finally reaches for the things in your hands
brace yourself for a silent staring duel when he asks for a glass of red wine to wash down the painkillers
he‘s lucky that you‘re in love so madly and deeply with him and have all the patience in the world to bear with him, knowing well he would pamper you too if you ever fell sick (you remembered how he pulled out a whole first aid kit as if he was ready to perform emergency surgery when you cut your finger slightly once while cooking together)
Mihawk would hate the fact that you see him in such a weak state but deep down he is still happy to have you by his side during his darkest hours
he‘ll have a few fever dreams and will be startled, probably panting something about his crops and how he gotta look after them
just gently push him back down by his shoulders and calm him down by telling him that you watered the garden and that the tomatoes are looking plump and ripe and ready for harvesting once he‘s back to full health
he‘ll ask you to read him from his favorite romance novels before he drifts back to sleep
Mihawk will cook you the fanciest dinner to show you his gratitude for nursing him back to health, including the most expensive bottle of red wine and kitchen dances together
„you‘re burning up, Ray.“
you look at him worried, hands on his cheek and forehead to feel his temperature
Rayleigh just sighs, pushes his glasses up his hair, pinches the bridge of his nose and accepts his defeat
the Dark King knows that there‘s a limit on how much you can push a sick body and that the only cure is rest
after all, he had watched Roger struggle during his illness when no one else was watching; it made him realize that every action has its toll and us humans are fragile little things
he will do his best to not make you worry, after everything he‘s been through at his age a simple cold won‘t take him out
sure, he will try to send you home so he doesn‘t pass on the fever to you, but you insist on staying by his side — after all it was „in sickness and in health“ what you vowed to
a fact that earns you a lot of forehead kisses and the inevitable fate that you‘ll be down with a fever as well a few days later (where Rayleigh will take care of you as well, of course)
he is an easy patient on his best behaviour, drinking up the tea you brewed for him and staying in bed with the newspaper and some card games (since he can‘t go gambling)
Rayleigh will hum and lean deep into your touch when you run him a bath and wash his hair, your fingers massaging every bit of tension out of him
knowing you can‘t resist his charm he‘ll ask you to join him in the bath tub. just do it. the old man is needy and a little cold won‘t stop him from using his hands to return a little favor…
Rayleigh is a restless man, never one for settling down completely or staying in one place for too long, but those days in bed together are surprisingly nice and help him to recover quickly, thanks to your committed care
countless kisses on your skin show you his gratitude and blur the line between heat and fever…
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harudnae · 8 months
The Great Draft Eradication Plan continues! Today's delivery is a fluffy (albeit a bit horny) Gaban x Rayleigh x Reader short fic.
Down the rabbit hole I go, I just can't get enough of them...
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Also posted on AO3 on 2024.01.26
Rating: Mature
Pairing: (mentioned Roger x) Rayleigh x Gaban x GN!Reader
Summary: Gaban walks in on you curled asleep against Rayleigh, and tells him about a pattern he noticed.
Content warnings : polyamory, fluff, horny mood, rated M for mentions of sex, they/them pronouns for Reader, no body description for Reader
Word count: <1k
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🧲 Magnetic silver
Gaban dresses a mental list while he wraps up the last of his duties, before he turns in for the night.
Who's on watch until tomorrow, what's missing in the pantry that they'll need to restock at the next island, a couple of medical supplies Crocus asked for...
He considers passing on the list to Roger, but he thinks the Captain might already be asleep.
Rayleigh, on the other hand, was supposed to have a few things to do after dinner, so Gaban figures the First Mate should still be awake.
Once done with his chores, Gaban walks to Rayleigh's quarters and knocks at the door.
"Come in."
Gaban slides in, closing the door behind him. When he turns around his gaze softens.
Rayleigh is reading a book, laying against the headboard, over the covers.
You're nestled by his side, asleep under the blanket, a hand spread over his stomach.
Gaban exhales a soft hum. "You've got company for the night. That's cute."
Rayleigh drops his book on the nearby shelf, then gives you a side-glance. "I was updating the ship's log when (y/n) came in. They insisted to keep me company and fell asleep there."
Gaban sits by Rayleigh's side and reaches out for you, gently caressing your bare arm. "They're always more at ease when they're with you."
Rayleigh briefly glares at him. "That's not true and you know it."
"It is, and I don't blame them."
Rayleigh looks at him over his glasses. "You know they love you just as much, though."
Gaban chuckles, "Yeah. Still, we were all drawn to you first."
Rayleigh slightly tilts his head to the side. "What?"
"Roger set out to sea with you. I joined because of you, then you caught their eye, too", He nods towards your sleeping form. "We eventually mingled with each other and all together, but you're the one that caught our attention first."
Rayleigh squints.
Gaban lifts a hand to cup his chin. "What? Not my fault you're a handsome devil", he smiles, and leans in for a kiss.
Rayleigh hums into the kiss, and lets Gaban claim his mouth, slightly breathless when he leans back for air after a while.
Gaban's soft smile turns into a playful smirk. "We just happen to have excellent taste."
Rayleigh lifts an eyebrow. "Are you trying to seduce me?"
Gaban's smirk widens. "Is it working?"
Rayleigh cards a hand at Gaban's nape and pulls him closer. "I don't know", he breathes against Gaban's lips before kissing him again.
Your fingertips twitch against Rayleigh's stomach when its tenses underneath, and you exhale a soft sigh.
Rayleigh reluctantly breaks the kiss. "Stop, we're going to wake them up."
Gaban half-heartedly glares. "Are you playing favorites?" Then he licks his lips and playfully retorts, "Don't move, don't make a sound", and leans in to kiss and nibble Rayleigh's neck, smiling against his pale skin when it tenses under his lips.
Rayleigh whines in his embrace, and gradually loses his composure despite his best efforts.
Gaban sucks on the tender skin of Rayleigh's neck, admiring the mark he left when he leans back, a hungry smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No complaints yet? Figures", he huskily teases.
Rayleigh's hand travels from Gaban's hair to his jawline, and his thumb traces his lower lip, pulling it down, asking for entrance.
Gaban draws his tongue out and leans in to suck Rayleigh's thumb.
Rayleigh's next groan is downright sinful, and shortly followed by a full-body shudder under Gaban's intense gaze while his tongue swirls nears Rayleigh's wrist.
Movements and noises eventually stir you up from sleep. You blink awake and look up, and a lazy smile curves your lips. "Hornies", you mumble.
Rayleigh bites back another moan before turning to you. "Says the one who loves morning sex so much that they never want to sleep alone", he gently teases, threading his free hand through your hair.
You draw your tongue out.
Gaban leans in and bites Rayleigh's shoulder.
He winces and glares in return.
Gaban apologetically licks Rayleigh's skin. "What? They're awake, now."
"Does that mean I can join?", you coyly ask, already sliding your hands down Rayleigh's body, reaching out for the obvious bulge underneath his pants.
Gaban huffs a chuckle under Rayleigh's ear. "Told you", he softly teases, "It's always about you."
Rayleigh exhales a sigh, rolling his eyes. Then he turns to you and cracks a smile. "I must be incredibly lucky, then."
One of Gaban's hands reaches out for your bare arm, prompting your attention while keeping his face buried in the crook of Rayleigh's neck. "Maybe, but I think it's the other way around too", he says, drawing his tongue out to lick a long stripe up Rayleigh's skin. He meets your gaze when he reaches Rayleigh's ear and gently nibbles. "Don't you?"
Your smile widens. "Well I think we're all lucky to have each other."
Gaban squints.
You slightly raise an eyebrow, then you continue, "But... Since Gaban wants to prove a point..." You blow a couple of kisses his way. "We're all lucky to have you", you turn back to Rayleigh, "and we're going to show you just how much, right here, right now."
Rayleigh's breath hitches, and he almost imperceptibly snuggles closer to the both of you. "Yes, please?"
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theladystyx · 6 months
One thing about me is that I will gaslight myself if I don't like a storyline or am too heartbroken by it. What are you telling me? That law lost everyone close to him? That Corazon couldn't have enough dad-son time? That Luffy sacrificed more than a decade of his life for the only brother who he thought was alive for the brother to die anyway? That the world's greatest pirate crew disbanded to be left with the image of a family that they couldn't talk to for years because they had to go so deep underground and don't even know if all of them are well and alive? That Rayleigh now has to live without his one best friend and the man who was perhaps the dearest person to him who gave him a grand life and a purpose? That Tama will never meet her brother again even though he promised her he would come back? That Yamato’s only friend whom they only met for one night died while he couldn't do anything about it? That brook died while remaining alive and the only person alive after living through the deaths of his captain and his crew and being alone for about half a century he will probably outlive the straw hats as well and be the last living one again when though he hates being alone? That chopper who only wanted to help the only person who cared for him but ended up having a hand in killing him by giving him poison? That Robin ran for two whole decades since the age of eight and was an unwanted child since she was a toddler and being left with the burden of being the sole survivor of an island that simply was innocent? That buggy still hates Shanks even though they promised to sail together and never leave each other yet he still has to see Shanks make a name for himself and sail the seas and make a name for himself when they were supposed to do it together and now his issues are even more. And that Shanks despite not knowing what his fault was lost his friend that was supposed to last and still somehow can't let go? That sabo couldn't get to know the ace who loved Luffy so much more and who became a more gentle puppy rather than the beast with fangs when that was how he wanted Ace to be since the beginning and when he did know him Ace was already dead trying to protect the brother they were both meant to save together and now he blames himself all for it even though he didn't have any fault in it? And so much more…
Because my brain still believes that Law didn't lose anyone and that despite Corazon being alive he is still free of Doffy and Cora still got to raise his son. That Ace is still alive and that Luffy’s sacrifice was worth it in the end. That the Roger crew is still a family that meets up every few months and that somehow it doesn't hurt. That Ace wasn't hurt and that he would feel loved. Ace did come back to Wano with Luffy and made even more straw hats for Tama and now straw hats remind him of two of the dearest people in the world. That Yamato never lost Ace, never felt hopeless and that they met again and will meet again. That somehow Brooks's captain and crew didn't die, that he didn't have to live in constant hallucinations and dreams and that he wouldn't have to hurt all over again. That somehow chopper is okay and so is his father who is still waiting for his son to return after his great journey. That Robin didn't have to suffer, that she was loved. That buggy didn't have to go through it all alone and neither did Shanks. That Sabo wasn't taken away, and he knew and saw the Ace he wished to see for Ace. And that he doesn’t have to let the guilt eat through him because Ace never died and they protected their brother together and they are still brothers, separated by the seas but connected by their promise and the cup of sake they drank.
I knwo it's a great story, it's the grandest story I will ever live through yet my heart shatters every time for them.
So every time I'm too heartbroken i will be like this Luffy.
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》Hospital Visit《
Content: Buggy Fluff. Ambiguous Reader.
————— ୨୧ —————
Buggy is so mad at you. You reckless fool, how could you do that? How could you literally walk off a cliff? What kind of absolute moron did he fall in love with? Though he supposes it was not wholly your fault. Maybe the earth was stupid because when you wandered a touch too close to the edge, the ground gave out beneath your feet.
The captain ties his hair up in a colorful scrunchie to get it off his neck. It's far too hot for him in his cabin. Despite the open windows and the cool sea breeze, Buggy is sweating. His foot taps anxiously as he crosses his arms over his chest. He couldn't imagine what was taking those medics so long to patch you up. He refused to believe you were hurt so badly that the medbay team would take forever to fix you. That wasn't possible… was it?
The knock on Buggy's cabin door makes him jump. A crewmate from the medical team pokes his head into the captain's quarters. Buggy is on his feet before the words leave the crew member's mouth. "If they're up, I want to see them," Buggy announces, dashing any negative thoughts from his mind. Since the crewmate wasn't shaking in fear, (Name) must be perfectly fine.
"(Name) is pretty banged up, but they'll be back to normal in a few weeks," the crewmate assures, leading his captain down the hall- well, not so much leading, more like chasing after,
Buggy storms down the ship's halls till he gets to the sick bay. His insides are squeezing most uncomfortably. His nerves won't let him be comforted by anyone's words. Seeing is believing, after all.
He bursts through the doors to find his partner sitting up and awake. Their leg is wrapped in a white cast, and they've got bruises and bandages, but (Name) is okay.
Emotion rolls over him in the most unexpected storm. His anxiety is washed away with relief, followed by anger and guilt, but none of those feelings will help. He lets out a breath of relief.
"(Name)," he calls smiling, "I'm so glad you're alright."
"Sweetheart!" (Name) grins back, waving to him. They're pleased to see him turn a bit pink at the nickname. Then they pat the spot beside them.
He frowns, looking down at the blank cast. "I'll be with you in a moment, precious," he says before disappearing. Upon his return, Buggy has a large box of permanent markers in hand. He comforts himself on the bed's edge and starts doodling on your cast.
"Now you'll look extra flashy," he states with a smug smile. He writes his name in big blue letters, giving his signatures lots of flourishing touches.
You can barely contain your laughter as your partner draws over your cast like a young kid. How sweet. "Thanks, B, I appreciate it," you say, gazing at him fondly.
"I know you do, and I don't do these kinds of things for just anyone. Only people as handsome as you," Buggy replies winking at you.
"How long can you hang out with me?" you ask, hoping he'll take the afternoon off from piracy, "The doc is only entertaining me so much."
Buggy pauses in his coloring, frowning again. "I can't stay too long. I put off all my work until right this minute," he confesses.
"Why would you do that?" you ask, bewildered. Ever since you met the man was a workaholic. He never wanted to take a break unless he felt like he had earned it. Maybe that was the remanence of Silvers Rayleigh stuck in his subconscious.
Buggy huffs, not looking at you. "I was worried. You fell off a cliff, and I couldn't catch you," he spits, clearly upset with himself, "How am I supposed to work when the most important treasure I could ever get falls off a cliff and is in the medbay?"
You reach down and stroke his hair. The moment burns an unseen injury, but you ignore it for the moment. "Thank you," you say softly, "For caring about me."
"Of course, I care about you, idiot," Buggy retorts, flipping back to his usual snarky self, "What fun am I supposed to have if you're not around."
You nod, considering the prospect. He'd certainly get into a lot more trouble, but maybe a little trouble and worry were good for him. Perhaps you thought the flashiest man you knew needed to take a moment and remember the precious things in life.
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