#simeon om nb
mylittlesecrethaven · 2 months
More Cards?!
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I want tough Mammon and pretty Simeon.
I have no money to give.
But I can beg.
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rae-writes · 10 months
when it's time for mc to return to their original timeline how do you think the [nightbringer] characters would react if mc told them that they were from future and it's time for them to go back to the present timeline and that they'd meet them then
The common room was silent— so silent, it sounded like the entire Devildom was sleeping all at once. There was tension so thick you could cut it by just swiping at the air- there were eleven pairs of eyes trained onto Mc; the single tear that dripped down their face was like a harsh shock wave.
"I'm sorry...but I have to leave- I have to go back to my timeline now..I'll see you again when I return, okay? I promise."
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Lucifer is absolutely flabbergasted, red eyes wide as he scanned your face for any signs of humor, but you weren’t joking. His hands trembled uncharacteristically, fingers twitching as he stretched his arm out to try and grab at you; "What do you mean you have to go? Don't...your place is here, with us, you can't leave- what the hell do you mean you'll see me 'when you return', I'm me! I'm right here! Don't go-!"
Mammon doesn't fully process your words, only really catching the part where you said you had to leave. He feels nauseous and scared as he immediately begins to stammer and stumble over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer so he can feel that you’re still there; "Y-you can't leave! Why would you want to leave- your home is here, you belong with us- with me- I'm right here, where are you going? Don't leave me behind! I-I need you! Please!"
Levi instantly has tears in his eyes, too preoccupied with watching you start moving away from him to realize you said you’d see him again. His tail whips out to circle your waist, arms frantically grabbing at you as he cries; "W-w-wait-! D-don't go, don't leave...did I do s-something- a-are you leaving because of m-me? I-I'll fix it, I p-promise, just please don't go..."
Satan's first instinct is to get angry- to throw a fit and throw anything in reach and scream and lash out, but he just stands there staring at you. He understands the concept of time travel and other timelines- he's read all about it- and essentially knows that he'll see you in less than a minute once you go back, and yet...; "Leaving...? You're leaving? I- I don't...I don't want you to go..don't-...just..Mc, please."
Asmo hears everything you're saying, but he just doesn't understand! He practically curls his whole body around you as he stutters through his denial, trying so hard not to cry because it would ruin his makeup; "What do you mean you're leaving, hon? Time travel is nonsense..you belong here, with us! Y-you're not actually going to leave me, right? Not me...don't leave me.."
Beel immediately panics as his thoughts run rampant about losing you and never getting to see you again, despite you assuring him that you'd see him very soon- he can't lose someone close to him again, not you- and the way he grabs onto you shows his desperation; "No! I-I mean...no, you can't leave us- why would you leave us? I thought you were at home here, with us, please...I can't lose you, too..."
Belphie, like his twin, is panicking- but he's in a hysterical panic. He breaks down into sobs and apologies right at your feet- apologizing for any time he was snippy with you and especially the time he got so mad he almost hurt you after finding out you were human- he's so sorry, just..don't leave-!; "No, no, no! You can't! You can't leave us, please, don't leave, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong to you- just don't leave me! Please, don't leave me..."
Diavolo understands the concept of what you're saying, though it's still hard for him to grasp the fact that you're leaving to go back to a different him...why couldn't you just stay with him in this 'timeline'? Didn't...didn't you still like him either way?; "What...what? Mc, I don't understand...just stay. Here. With- with me, with us, I don't...why must you go back? Don't you like it here?"
Barbatos shouldn't be worried. He knows exactly what you're talking about and what you mean by 'see you again when I return' and yet he can't help but feel at a loss, torn between letting you just walk away or trying to stop you- he doesn't want you to go back to future him...he wants you here with this him; "I...wait, Mc..don't-...don't go back. Stay, please..I know I'll remember the time we spent together here when you return, but I...I don't want to let you go.."
Simeon is in an odd state between panicked and calm. One on hand, he trusts you. If you say you promise you'll see him again- whatever that means- he believes you. But on the other hand, he's already lost so much in life and he can't possibly bear to lose you too, so he grabs you and holds on tightly; "Go? What do you mean 'go'? I...Mc...I don't want to let you go..I don't want you to leave- please stay...with us. With me."
Luke's confusion dances across his face as he latches onto your waist, firing a thousand questions at once, as fast as he can speak them; "What do you mean you're leaving? How can you see me when you 'return'- what does that even mean?! I'm the only me...and I'm right here- where...where are you going?! Don't leave me! I don't want you to go!"
bonus :
Solomon is there to wrap his arms around your waist tightly for comfort, keeping the others from coming too close; he can't let them take you away from him- won't let them convince you to stay. Your place is in your own timeline, with the present versions of them, with him. He promised he'd bring you back home with him and no one is going to stop him; "Come on, Mc...let's go. We need to go- this is what we've been working towards remember? You'll see them in less than a second once we go through the portal. I'm here with you, I'm not ever going to leave your side. You trust me don't you? Let's go home. Together."
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diatiddiess · 7 months
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Christmas 🎄
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warper-in-training · 1 month
This artist appreciation post
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Honestly I love how much time they put on their works. I love how sparkly their arts are :(( and the tiny details!! specially the fangs!! not to mention their hair and skin shading. I also love the noses💚💚 eye candy. backbone of the om official arts honestly I think they should be drawing all official art from now on- I mean look at how they draw hair??? it looks so soft, flowy, Dia's hair nevverrr looked this pattable now. also Satan's hair too. #art goals, they make everything work together so nicely I want to cry. did I mention the noses
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fully-automatic-ass · 2 months
om handwriting headcanons
(the rest of them this time)
Part 1 :33
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Diavolo: wanted it to look neater, but eh
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Barbartos: look he's a butler he doesn't have time to make his handwriting all that neat
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Luke: I had my little sister write this
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Simeon: is it obvious I don't know what to write here anymore
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Soomon: go girl. Give us messy
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cooler-ian · 28 days
thinking about how angels and demons treat their kids compared to humans, like-
was the demon kings neglect really extreme enough to be some form of abuse in actual demon society? Why is Luke expected to cook for Simeon and Solomon? Why is Luke treated so- weirdly??
For Diavolo, I think he was overselling his tragic childhood a bit- I'm your average Diavolo hater but I seriously do think he was just severely under socialized and if he was around other children and their parents he would realize that hey, my dad definitely has something against me but he's a pretty basic demon parent™️ (also he would resent his own species less frfr)
I say this because of the casual(?) way he treated that death trap his father called teaching in nightbringer, I like to imagine that he's actually grown since his comically lonely childhood and is able to rationalize it properly.
Anyways this post is actually mostly about Luke
so, I feel like Luke wouldn't understand what to do if you held your hand out to him, like I imagine angels don't really chaperone their youngest that directly,
(considering how much they put the little lad to work and how in nightbringer Luke took over the cooking entirely??? Like- immediately?)
so Luke wouldn't understand the very human desire to protect their stupid offspring in small ways,
human children are barely alive and will fully walk into the street if unsupervised, angel children will not.
If you were out in public with Luke and you're leaving a store and you do that silent stretching out your hand for them to take that parents do he would just stare at you like "why's your hand in my face 🤨" it would probably be real awkward
(Sorry for rambling I didn't sleep will probably delete this and rewrite it better tomorrow?)
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
i don't think that people really acknowledge enough that simeon is actually like... definitely a shithead lmao. he's got big younger (not necessarily youngest but younger) sibling energy whenever he interacts with lucifer, constantly whining in his texts n shit. like sure he plays grandpa with luke but the moment that lil cherub is out of the picture simeon is that little sibling that tells your crush you like them and steals the good controller when playing video games together and that's gotta be why lucifer doesn't give him the time of day
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MC: Father's day and mother's day are cool and stuff - but what about a therapist appreciation day?
Simeon: MC, are you doing okay...?
MC: There is only so much an emotional support rock can do for me, Simeon
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msrubble · 17 days
So we know that Micheal has some sort of time powers, right? What if in Night Bringer Micheal sent Luke and Simeon to the devildom to keep an eye on us. Solomon was even confused on why Simeon was in the devildom.
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Anyways, this is just some late night thoughts that I needed to release. I’d love to hear more peoples ideas on Micheal cause he’s just so freaking interesting.
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girlfailure-smut-hour · 10 months
"It's Not a Sin"
Nsfw content MDNI
Characters: Simeon X GN!Reader
CW: Cockwarming, Penetration (Receiving.) Quiet, breathy, and romantic. GN reader with ambiguous genitals as always.
A/N: This one turned out longer than I expected. I was scared it would be too short. Still just obsessed with innocent Simeon. Not related to my last Simeon fic. MC convinces Simeon to try cockwarming saying it's not a sin if they don't move. ~1500 words.
Please check out my fic masterlist <3
There was something to that angel. Maybe it was his innocence. Obviously he was beautiful in every way. From his soft skin to his cute, curly locks he was undeniably perfect. The only problem was he was too pure. It was cute of course. The way he got shy and quiet whenever anything remotely sexual came up, blushing at the slightest mention of the human body. You’d flirted and even propositioned him before, but he always says the same thing: “It’s a sin.” You had a new idea though.
“There’s this thing they do on Earth,” You tell him. “It’s a way to be intimate without sinning. I think they call it soaking. You put it in and just sit there. It’s not a sin if you don’t move!”
His jaw drops and his face flushes. He might be in shock.
“You okay Simeon?” You ask.
He shakes his head quickly to clear his head. “That’s a lot to take in…” He says.
Neglecting to make the obvious joke you take his hands and say, “I just want to be closer to you Simeon!” You link your fingers with his, looking deep into his eyes.
He’s starting to sweat a little. “I don’t know…” He says.
“I promise I’ll be good!” You say. “It would really mean a lot to me… You mean a lot to me.”
He looks down, not sure what to think. It’s quiet for a moment before you squeeze his hands gently and he looks up at your pleading eyes. “Okay,” He says. “We can do it.”
“Really!?” You ask, pulling him into a hug.
“Really,” He says warmly.
You give him a deep, sweet kiss, holding his face between your hands. Though hesitant at first, you feel him ease into it, and even wrap his arms around you.
As you pull away he looks happy and even excited, if a little conflicted.
“Well.” You say, “I’ll see you tonight then! Bring pajamas, you’re staying the night.”
He smiles and nods.
Trying not to think about your plans for the night was impossible. All through the day all you could think about is his cock inside of you. Even when you sit there trying to focus on anything else, you’re rubbing your legs together thinking about how good it will feel when he slides into you for the first time. How he’ll groan in your ear as he enters you, and how you’ll “accidentally” move, "trying to get comfortable."
Your heart is pounding as you await him in your room. You’ve put on your most comfortable pajamas to pace the room as you wait. When he finally knocks it’s almost startling. Rushing to the door, you open it and see Simeon standing there in cute, silken pajamas. He’s blushing already, rubbing his arm as he avoids your eyes.
“Come on in!” You say, stepping out of the way.
He walks in, his movements stiff and awkward. Clearly he’s nervous, but that’s to be expected. You know he’s excited though because the pajamas he’s wearing do little to hide his erection. You can clearly make out the shape of his cock, the head imprinted in the fabric.
“You look so cute in your pajamas,” You say, rubbing his arm.
“Thanks,” he chuckles, blushing again.
“Are you ready?” You ask.
“I think so,” He replies.
“Come on!” You tell him, walking over to your bed.
You lift the covers and settle into bed on your side. Simeon does the same, but keeps some distance between you.
“You’ll need to get closer than that,” You giggle.
He inches closer to you, bringing his warm body close to yours. As he presses up against you, it's impossible to ignore his hard cock pressed against your ass. You grab his arm and put it over your side. His strong arm feels so comforting around your waist.
“So how do we…” He begins.
“Slide off your pants,” You say. “You can just do a little.” It’s not like you can’t already feel his cock after all.
You pull your pants all the way down and off as you feel him adjusting his to barely free his cock. As he settles back in, you feel his cock, hot and rock hard against your ass. All you can think about is how good it’s going to feel inside you. How warm and filling. Your hips are already moving on their own as your imagination runs wild.
You reach back and fondle his cock. His breath catches and he whimpers a little, clutching tight to you. “Are you ready?” you ask.
He hesitates, but says, “I’m ready.”
You take his cock and guide it to your entrance. As the tip presses against you, you push back against him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, burying his face in your hair and grunting. You keep pushing back slowly until you feel his cock all the way inside of you.
You moan and shudder a little, feeling his hard length filling you up. It’s hard not to move already. You just want to gyrate your hips, pushing his cock in and out of you, but you have to be patient. You don’t want him to know that you were planning this all along.
You can feel him shuddering behind you too, the intensity of being inside you driving him crazy.
“Doesn’t it feel nice?” You ask. “Being so close?”
“Y-yeah,” He grunts.
You try not to move, but it’s getting too hard. Deep, instinctual temptations bombard your senses and it’s not long before you move your hips a little feeling his hard cock twitch inside of you.
He pulls you tight with the arm that he hooked around your shoulder and growls in your ear. You moan as he presses into you.
“I’m sorry,” He says. “It just caught me off-guard.”
“That’s okay,” You say, trying to hide a smirk.
You wait as long as you can before adjusting again, feeling the impatience building up in you. You can feel it in him too in the way he curls his toes and balls his fists, shuddering as he clings on to you.
You adjust and he jerks involuntarily again, pushing into you. This time, you don’t stop. You gyrate your hips forward and back, his cock sliding in and out of you. In the quiet room, all you can hear are his faint whimpers and heavy breaths. You do your best to keep quiet as well, but it’s hard. You both know what you’re doing is wrong, but neither of you will say anything now.
The way he holds onto you and breathes into your ear as he buries his face in your hair is heavenly.
You keep thrusting on and off of his cock, feeling his length sliding in and out of you. Still, it’s not enough. You need more. Breathier, clingier, harder sex. As good as this feels, you can’t take it any more.
You pull off of him and roll him over onto his back. As you climb on top of him, he looks up at you with his beautiful blue eyes, panting. His eyes are filled with desire in a way you’ve never seen before. They’re pleading for you to fuck him as hard as you can.
You rip your shirt off and climb on top of him. You lean over him, holding yourself up with your arms. Your eyes are locked as you ease onto his cock, gasping as you feel it parting your walls. You press down onto it until you feel your entrance clench around the base.
You start to bounce on his cock. As you do, his eyes meet yours and you can see the adoration sparkling in them. He sets his hands on your waist then runs them up your chest and all the way to your face. He cups your cheeks in his soft, warm hands, staring deep into your eyes as you push his cock deep into you.
You continue to bounce on him. The only sound in the quiet room is the faint slapping of skin, heavy breathing, and occasional grunts and moans. Feeling his length slide in and out of you, you’re getting close to an orgasm, and he must be too.
“I’m going to…” He says, interrupting himself with a gulp. Perhaps he can’t bring himself to say it fully, but you can feel that he’s close before he even says anything.
“Come for me sweet boy,” You say as you continue to ride him. Suddenly you feel his cock throb inside you, as he shoots hot cum into you. He bucks his hips, thrusting deeper into you. At the same time you feel waves of pleasure wash over you. Your legs shake as you cum and your arms grow weak. A soft elongated moan escapes your lips and you collapse on his chest.
You lay there for a moment before rolling over to lay facing him, your fingers tracing his beautiful features. He smiles faintly, though his consciousness is clearly fading. Sighing contentedly you say, "Good night sweet boy."
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trashytoastboi · 27 days
~Seven Days of Sin Event~
Obey Me!
To Corrupt an Angel - M! Version (NSFW)
Solomon x M! Reader x Simeon
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WARNING: NSFW (Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, lowkey Dom/Sub dynamics, Overstimulation, Threesome, Corruption Kink, Teasing, Fingering, Oral, Missionary, Doggy, Riding, Mating Press, Dacryphilia, Masturbation, Virgin, Hair Pulling, Begging, Orgasm Denial/Edging, Mild Choking, Anal (kind of), Face Fucking, Biting, Body Worship} 
Word count: 7,996 words
{Name} departed for another night at Purgatory Hall; this was a regular occurrence and normal for him to go over at least two times a week, Solomon and {Name} started a relationship that ran a little deeper than their friendship. Something akin to friends with benefits, and his constantly coming over to spend time with Solomon wasn't exactly out of the ordinary. Besides for the most part, they were discreet and everyone knew none the wiser, aside from the more intuitive people like Barbatos and Lucifer could see the telltale signs. Most assumed it was just Solomon offering guidance in regards to his magic, seeing that they are both human. I mean after all, they're friends so nothing wrong. At first it was innocent, Solomon simply wanted to offer companionship, friendship and comfort knowing that humans are somewhat of a rare commodity within the Devildom. {Name’s} innocence attracted Solomon’s attention, invoked a protective streak until he grew addicted to all of his little expressions, sounds and reactions he could pull from {Name} with every increasingly bold act. Until he, well, in a sense corrupted {Name}. Giving him the first taste of what the human body could offer, ironic isn’t it, surrounded by demons and yet he fell to temptation at the hands of a fellow human. 
Simeon stayed up later than his usual time, writing as the spark of inspiration struck. Not exactly at the most opportune time however Simeon would never complain even if it required he burn some of the midnight oil. He slumped against his desk and rubbed his eyes from the creeping exhaustion. Simeon rose to his feet and wrestled with the idea of going to sleep or trying to get a few more lines out. Well, he'd decide after a drink of water and then probably turn in for the night knowing himself. Quietly he clicks the door open, taking care not to move the handle too quickly in case the metal squeaks as obnoxiously loud as it does on occasion. Practically tiptoeing he makes his way in complete silence. He downs his glass of water that leaves him feeling a little more refreshed. Simeon sets the glass down on the counter. He heads down the hallway back to his room, the silence is disturbed by the slightest, whimper? Simeon questioned if he heard that correctly, he noticed the sound coming from the guest room where {Name} is staying, and holding a genuine concern he pressed his ear against the door. “S-Solomon wait! Mnnn…” his voice rang out sweetly with a moan that made the angel blush furiously. “It's alright baby boy, just trust me.” Solomon's voice joined in his symphony, almost sounding breathless and strained. The heat crept and spread from Simeon's ears, cascading down his face and neck. Those kinds of sounds were pretty obvious and he could only imagine what was happening. “Surely not..?” He tried to reason with himself, shaking the very thought from his mind. “It's none of my business anyway.” The moment when Simeon turned to leave, {Name's} voice cried out, and that initial heat traveled further down. Simeon ran back to his room. His face, heart and mind are all in a mess, it's so easy to misunderstand those sounds, {Name’s} sounds. They are so pretty…so licentious. Simeon felt shame when he saw his own state of arousal. His hardened cock strained against his clothing. 
The discomfort is too great to ignore or sleep it off. Simeon laid on his bed, trying to force sleep against the repeating sound of {Name's} moans that played in his mind over and over again. His thoughts began to stray, wander. Crossing into a curious and unfamiliar territory. Simeon admittedly never felt curious about such things, never felt the impulsive tug to stray down the path of temptation. Somehow, just the imagery of {Name} in that light, wondering how his body would look? How would it feel? How sweet would his lips taste? And how warm would his skin feel against his body? The thoughts drove the poor angel borderline mad. Madness would be the only reasonable explanation for his actions. Simeon slid his hand down between his thighs nervously, “Oh…” a foreign sensation arose, he turned to bury his face in the pillow as he palmed against his erection. Even just over the cloth of his pants felt so good. Was this pleasure? Simeon tasted this gratification for the very first time. He whined softly, biting the fabric of his pillow between his teeth to muffle the sounds, sliding his hand into his pants. Uncertain of what exactly to do, he caressed and touched his cock, noting the sensation every time he ran his hand up and down was immeasurable to anything he'd felt before. “Would this feel even better if it was {Name}?” Simeon thought, imagining his hands. Touching him, teasing him and stroking him the way he is doing to himself right now. Simeon's body trembled from the sensation that took him, a strange tension that wracked through his body something he could only describe as pure bliss and the afterglow as he came down from that high. He sighed with a soft moan realizing it was an orgasm. His first taste of physical pleasure. Not to be misunderstood, Simeon is not oblivious nor a complete stranger to such topics and knowledge. All the knowledge he possesses is purely theory and never had the opportunity to be applied practically. Up until this point in his very long life, the angel has never felt any urges or need to experience it. 
Simeon probably felt more ashamed than he ever had in his whole existence. It manifested in all of his awkward mannerisms. Luke sang and chirped happily while making pancakes asking for Simeon to help, which he was happy to welcome any form of a distraction. Simeon however, even when doing something that he enjoyed, was too distracted. Making obvious mistakes, mixing up the amount of salt versus sugar, blundering the cracking of eggs till there was more shell in the batter than egg. Luke eventually banned him from the kitchen, sending him off to set the table. Simeon was completely out of it, and had not made a single inkling of eye contact with {Name} or Solomon. He mumbled out a stuttered good morning which vexed the both of them as to his sudden shift from his usual self. It’s not as if they knew that he had heard the two of them, nor that he made his own assumptions. It was a stretch to believe those sounds were innocent, and yet Simeon grasped at those straws to convince himself.  Especially after he imagined {Name} in such a manner, and all the things he wondered about what he would do to him in the fantasy. Solomon smirked, noticing all of his strange reactions. His absent mindedness and sneaking glances at {Name} only to fire up in an all too obvious blush on his face and ears. Solomon clicked, the shadows under the door and the little scurrying figure wasn’t all in his imagination. Arguably he felt Simeon’s presence, and thought nothing of it. Wholeheartedly believing the angel would just walk along and ignore what happened behind the door.
Days after the little incident and blatant avoidance. The awkwardness began to settle enough for Simeon to be around {Name} again. He became more relaxed, complacent since ‘that’ hadn’t happened again. He was tired, probably delusional from the exhaustion, and imagined that. Those lustful urges tugged for attention in the back of his mind, Simeon pushed them aside and ignored them easily enough. {Name} reached up to touch his forehead, he flinched away from the human’s touch. “Sorry, wanted to check and make sure you were okay.” He offered a stiff smile in light of the strange atmosphere. “T-That’s okay.” Simeon cleared his throat and tried to force the words out as naturally as he could. “I’ll see you later.” {Name} said before leaving, curious he would say that when the day was nearly over. It came to his ears last that {Name} would be spending the night at Purgatory Hall that evening yet again. Simeon sat on his bed, staring blankly at the novel he picked up to read. After reading the same sentence for the umpteenth time he resigned to the fact he would not be able to read further. His brain begged for an answer to his incessant questions. Would they be doing that again? Would he be able to hear {Name’s} sweet voice again? Simeon repeated the question again, drawing up not a single answer but rather a slew of potentials. Could be this, could be that’s. So he did the only reasonable thing he could have, he wanted a glass of water. Taking a few quiet steps in the silence of the late night, he heard it again. Simeon did truly plan to just walk past, not repeat his mistake from last time and linger a little too long. Surely just a little wouldn’t hurt? To Simeon’s pleasant surprise, the sounds leaked out from {Name’s} room, growing louder as he got closer. He could hear Solomon’s voice groaning in content. To further Simeon’s surprise, the door is cracked open just a little, ever so slightly, enough for him to glimpse inside. The scene inside showed {Name}, all of him, on all fours atop the bed. His hands gripping and bunching the sheets below while his chest heaved with breath. {Name’s} forehead painted with a light sheen of sweat, eyes glossed over and he bit lip as his body practically fell forward with every hard thrust from Solomon. Flashing a knowing grin watching how {Name} fell apart from his cock. “Feeling good baby?” He emphasized his words with a chuckle. “Sol- I can’t...hng-” his words fell short, unable to even string together a single sentence. The heat spread through Simeon’s body again, that same demanding urge. He turned on his heel and ran back to his room. 
Solomon watched the figure leave, his lips curled into an all too familiar smirk that meant things were working out exactly like he anticipated. He leaned down pressing a soft kiss to {Name’s} back, resting his forehead against him as he reveled in the feeling of {Name} cumming around him again. “Solomon…” he whined his name. “Hm?” He turned his full attention back to the trembling man. 
Simeon held his breath in fear of his voice being too loud. The lust consumed him with a fast and fierce blaze that had him cumming not even after a few touches. He'd barely touched himself and found the same release he'd craved since the first time, was it always like this? He let out shaky breaths afraid of raising his voice. The need did not dissipate, the aching feeling only got worse. Desire in its purest form, and for him, with everything foreign, strange and new. The first experience, and taste of pleasure. A sinful indulgence in which he should never partake. A stinging sweetness laced with guilt that could easily be swallowed down with wanton pleasure. His impatience and temptation for something more real than his fantasies grew and Simeon could not handle it well. 
He avoided breakfast. He couldn't bear it, facing {Name} the person of his desire, and Solomon who evoked what could be considered envy, Simeon could not bring himself to be in their presence. After what he witnessed the previous night, what he heard and touching himself to the very thought of wishing it was him doing those things and not Solomon. Simeon heard through Luke that {Name} would be spending another night, sure seeing him a couple times a week was normal, but consecutive nights? Not so much. Colour him surprised, the news practically wrecked his mind for the day. Left unable to concentrate and distracted, his mind constantly fell back to thinking about {Name}, would he be able to see him in such a manner again tonight? No. He really shouldn't. It was already bad enough to be sneaking around, not once but twice. The second time where he was no better than a peeping Tom. Despite Simeon's arguments, protests against himself, here he is. Once again, outside of the guest room door. The door that so conveniently had been left slightly ajar, inviting him to peek inside. Simeon glanced inside, {Name} was sitting on Solomon's lap, his back pressed against the sorcerer's chest and his thighs spread wide apart. His hands mapped {Name’s} body, teased his chest while occasionally rolling his nipples between his deft fingers. His fingers drew a line from his lips, down his jaw to his neck and shoulders. He pressed kiss after kiss, lingering to suckle and nibble at the skin. He leaned his head against Solomon’s chest, Solomon perked up “Looks like our guest is here.” he whispered to {Name}. His mind however, proved to be far too occupied to take any real note of his words. Especially not registering the news of a guest. “Why don’t you come in Simeon?”
Simeon felt his blood run cold, heart hammering away in his chest from fear of being caught. Did he know? Did Solomon know that he was there the whole time, now and before? Simeon debated running back to his room, admitting his guilt and trying to forcefully forget everything that he witnessed. Flight or fight, in Simeon’s case, freeze. He stayed glued to the floor unable to leave nor enter. The lack of response had the sorcerer sighing and with a gesture of his hand easily had the door flying open with Simeon tumbling inside. {Name} jolted from the startling sight of a familiar person stumbling into the room. In his embarrassment he frantically tried to cover what he could of his body, Solomon’s hands stopped {Name’s} in their panic. “No, baby. Let him see you. Let him see how pretty you are for me.” 
Simeon gazed upward, his expression flustered and showing nothing short of shame. He felt even worse for getting caught. His eyes fell to the floor and fixated on the edge of the bed, uncertain of where he could look. “Simeon, eyes up here.” Solomon said. Reluctant though not refusing the invitation his eyes drifted up, higher and higher till his gaze met {Name’s}. His eyes were not the only things in his line of sight, the entirety of his body was on display in front of him. Solomon traced his fingers along his human companion’s thighs, closer and closer, stopping to shift its direction and glide up his navel. Teasingly, for both {Name} and Simeon. He inched closer, lightly dragging his finger down {Name’s} inner thigh. Solomon took one long stroke, smirking when he felt how hard he already was, not that it ever took much. He circled his fingers around the base of his cock watching how {Name’s} body shuddered and melted into his touch. Solomon moved his fingers with practiced and precise finesse knowing exactly how to touch {Name}. He knew his body all too well, enough for a few of his touches to make him fall apart. “This is what you wanted to see, isn’t it?” Solomon directed his question to Simeon, accentuating his words as he slid one of his long fingers inside of {Name}. Simeon had a front row seat and he could see everything, hear every lewd sound and observe every tiny reaction straight from man he desired. The mesmerizing way his chest rose and sank with heavy breath, how the pleasure would cause {Name} to tremble from being touched. How beautiful, Simeon thought. 
Moments pass, his eyes never budge from the display before him. The only thing that snapped Simeon out of his trance was the nagging ache between his legs that had him squirming and trying to hide how uncomfortably hard he is. Solomon proceeded with his delicate ministrations, {Name} slowly rutted his hips against the sorcerer’s fingers as he added a second finger following a specific pattern of movement at a set pace. The goal after all is simply to tease and prepare. He leaned his head back against Solomon, turning to place messy kisses along his neck when he wasn’t floating up in the clouds. Solomon’s fingers always were impeccably dexterous, one in, then two, then none. His odd little counting game with fingers before surprising {Name} with three, sinking them as deep as he could and intentionally bumping against his cock simultaneously before using his free hand to wrap around his throat, then changing to roughly grab his chest.  “Cum for me baby, show Simeon how pretty you look when you cum.” Solomon encouraged, {Name’s} body as if following instruction came on Solomon’s fingers while he continued to whisper sweet words of encouragement. Splatterings of his cum covered his own stomach, {Name} slumped against his body, needing a moment to gather himself and catch his breath. Having an audience made him so much more aware of everything, far more perceptive to the sensation of his touch. Solomon kissed his head, “I honestly thought you would have joined sooner. That’s why I left the door open for you.” Solomon’s eyes fixate on Simeon’s, his pallor flushes with his embarrassment. “I…I…” he stuttered over his words, unable to muster any when brought to the forefront. “So? Don’t you want it…The real thing?” Solomon asked, his fingers spreading {Name’s} thighs even further in front of Simeon, inviting him to make his fantasy real and fall to his first real temptation.
All of this sent the angel’s mind into a frenzy, he wanted to touch {Name}. Perhaps in his life he had never wanted anything more. Some reservations existed even now. He argued with himself, however, his desire to pleasure him seemed all too convincing. Simeon pushed all other thoughts aside, they were not needed. Obviously in his body language he looked awkward, unsure of the first move. Solomon picked up on it and broke the silence with a few hushed whispers to {Name}. He turned his attention towards Simeon, “I’ll teach you so there is no need to worry.” The sorcerer lured him in with words of encouragement, Simeon rose to his feet and slowly meandered over, closer to where {Name} waited. The exchange student  smiled so sweetly, standing on shaking legs as he pressed a kiss to the angel’s lips, and with a mere utterance of his name, he had Simeon completely entranced. He would have believed it if someone told him that {Name} was a tempter. He shook his head, that would be wrong when this was born from his one sided desire for {Name}. Simeon’s temptation never occurred because he led him into it, his curiosity already made him fall and {Name} facilitated the place in which he landed. He could not deny what he so desperately craved. {Name} gave him another kiss, softer and somehow careful. Full of affection and care, Simeon didn’t know what to do. To the best of his ability he tried to follow his movements and fall into time with them. {Name} looked pleased, deciding to further his actions when he slipped his tongue into Simeon’s mouth. When he pulled away, his eyes were dazed and you could practically see the hearts floating in them. “Such an enraptured expression from a little kiss? How cute~♡” Solomon chirped. 
{Name} hummed, seemingly pleased with Simeon’s reaction and holding a little smirk knowing it was his tender kiss that made the angel so weak in the knees. “What do you want to do now?” Simeon mumbled some inaudible words, “You’ll have to speak up” Solomon encouraged. “I-...I want to m-make {Name} feel good.” The two couldn’t help but find Simeon absolutely adorable, their hearts swelled at his cuteness. “Well, you heard him {Name}” Solomon directs him to lay on the bed, pulling Simeon closer and guides him to kneel on the floor before {Name}. The poor baby blushed so much, he could not stop being so flustered. Everything happened so quickly, and it’s all so overwhelming. He feels breath tickling his ear as a few whispers are imparted, “You’re going to make him feel really good. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you.” Solomon’s reassurance helped Simeon to relax and mentally prepare for what he was going to do. “You’re going to use your mouth.” Simeon nervously shifted in an attempt to get a bit more comfortable and hide his desire, he looked towards {Name} to see him subtly bashful, he caught his lip between his teeth in anticipation. Having {Name} in the flesh was so much greater than his meager fantasy. Simeon almost felt bad for his poor mental rendition that did no justice in comparison to the real thing. Under Solomon’s guidance Simeon placed his hands on {Name’s} thighs, pleasantly surprised and taken with their warmth and softness. His fingers squeezed, his eyes marveling as he watched how his fingers squished  into the soft flesh. Without warning he leaned in and gently nommed, {Name} flinched in surprise at the contact, a small chuckle escaped his throat from the tickling feeling. 
Grinning at how everything is playing out, Solomon reaches his hands to work their magic on {Name’s} chest, focusing on pleasuring him while instructing Simeon on how to do the same. “Just use your tongue, pay attention to when he moans and you’ll learn his good spots. Isn’t that right baby?” He leaned in and captured {Name’s} mouth in a passionate kiss.  Simeon takes a tentative approach, slowly dragging his tongue along {Name’s} cock while watching every miniscule reaction. In a series of small, kitten-like licks he starts to get a feel for where he likes it. As his tongue reaches and swipes over his head, his body shudders as the exchange student’s moans spill and overflow into his kiss with Solomon. Simeon obliges, opening his mouth and wrapping it around the head of his cock. {Name} pulls away from the kiss “There…please” he pleads, Simeon focuses his attention and affection to that one point, dragging his tongue up and around with sloppy movements. “Suck on it a little, not too hard or else he’ll finish too quickly. Don’t worry if you can’t take it all.” Following the instructions, he nods and softly suckles on the sensitive tip. {Name} whines and whimpers, weaving his hand into Simeon’s dark hair, shifting between tugging at his hair and pushing his face down, trying to get more stimulation. No wonder the angel was taken aback while {Name} rutted his hips against Simeon’s mouth greedily in carnal desire. Aware of every tug against his roots only further egged him down and encouraged him like silent praise. Solomon grinned watching {Name} slipping further into the throes of ecstasy. “Good boy, you’re doing so well.” He praises, Simeon’s face flushes and heat rises to his ears, his body trembling from the praise. What is this? He wondered, unable to discern why his body reacted in such a way. This reaction did not miss the sorcerer’s keen eye. “Hmm a praise kink huh?” he muttered to himself, amused. Solomon moves alongside Simeon, “Now you’re going to multitask” he grasps Simeon’s hand and takes two of his fingers into his mouth, sucking on them and using his tongue to trace their shape in his mouth. Simeon whines, not realizing his fingers were so sensitive, the more the other man sucked on his fingers, the more acutely aware Simeon became. He pulls the fingers out with a loud pop, and still holding Simeon’s hand, guides his fingers to {Name’s} ass. “You’re going to slide your fingers in here.” 
“Hm? Oh, okay.” He awkwardly stammered, carefully sliding two fingers in. His eyes widened, marveling at how warm and wet it felt inside, how he randomly clenched around his digits. The way the heat completely engulfed his fingers. Simeon felt his cock aching, begging for any form of touch or attention. His fingers pressed further inside until his knuckles acted like a stopper. “Now, we can start off slow, just pull your fingers out and push them back in.” Solomon kept a grip on Simeon’s wrist, leading him with a simple pace that he could easily follow. “Like this?”, the question begged for approval. Staying true to the teaching, he moved his fingers in, and out. Repeating this slow and insistent pattern “Mhm, good. Now-” Solomon’s breath tickled Simeon’s ear again. Whispering low enough that {Name} wouldn’t hear, “Slowly curl your fingers up as you’re pulling out.” Simeon was curious about why, it seemed odd. He listened regardless, he did as he was told and watched {Name’s} body jump as he grazed his prostate. His moans and gasps took Simeon by surprise. “I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?” his voice was concerned, he stopped moving his fingers. {Name} shakes his head “Do it again…” 
“A-alright” Simeon moves his fingers again, when Solomon reminds him to use his mouth again just like before. He obeys, putting his mouth back to work and the beautiful sounds that left {Name} were nothing short of divine and euphoric. {Name’s} hand guided his head, urging him for more, he pulled Simeon’s hair then pushed his head as he bucked his hips against him and watching him lose himself gave Simeon a little more confidence, he used his free hand to squeeze {Name’s} thigh as he focused on moving more intently. “Ah Simeon, just like that…I’m going to- ah fuck!” {Name} sputtered breathlessly cursing as his moans interrupted every word, he was on the cusp, so close. His thighs trapped Simeon’s head in between as his orgasm finally overtook him. He grasped at the sheets trying to find breath as {Name} felt his body shudder in the aftermath. {Name’s} body became languid, his legs loosened and Simeon tried to catch his breath, looking a little flustered to have his face covered with {Name’s} cum. He pulled his fingers out of him slowly. “How was it, Simeon? Making our sweet {Name} cum?” Solomon chuckled, and saw that dark haired man was speechless, lost in thought.. Simeon loved it, and even that might be an understatement. There was an urge, almost an addiction alongside a need to do it again and again. The fire was lit. Solomon wiped the excess cum from Simeon’s face with a chuckle. Suddenly the sorcerer pulled the dazed angel up onto his feet, and deftly began undoing his pants. Simeon stuttered and tried to stop him without much avail. Once his pants were off, he made quick work of completely stripping the angel of all clothing and left him bare in front of their eyes.
Solomon let out a low whistle, “Your cock is bigger than I expected {Name} is definitely going to enjoy it.” he gestures for {Name} to come over. Courteously he offers a hand to help {Name} walk a few unsteady steps as he sinks to his knees in front of Simeon, and watching him kneel had Simeon’s mind in overdrive. “W-what are you doing {N-Name?}” he stammered, tripping over his words when seeing how close he got, out of his embarrassment he tried to take a step back only to bump into Solomon who acted as a wall that did not allow him to run away. “I want to make you feel good too” his words were filled with sincerity that almost made Simeon melt. {Name} reached up, his hands rested on the angel's thighs. Solomon’s hand wanders up Simeon’s sides, tracing up to his chest and his fingers toy with the angel's nipples. Simeon throws a hand over his mouth, shocked by his own voice and how loud he moaned when Solomon touched him. “You’re so sensitive” the sorcerer states in a manner that gives away his delight, his teeth nibbling on Simeon’s ear. “We’re going to make you feel amazing.” 
{Name} licks his lips, reaching a delicate hand to touch Simeon’s twitching cock, he takes it in hand and strokes it. Running his hand down the angel’s length, up again and circling the sensitive tip with his thumb. The dark haired man gasps, his cute little whimpers leak despite his attempts to withhold them, “Let me hear you.” {Name} purrs, almost entranced by the plea his hand falls from his mouth allowing all his pretty sounds to be heard unrestricted. He keeps moving his hand in a series of exact, unhurried strokes, acclimatizing Simeon to the sensations while Solomon continues to tease his chest, lavishing his ears and neck with kisses and bites. The feeling is breathtaking, so much better than when Simeon did it himself with unpractised touch, this was different and decadent.  {Name} smiled seeing his reception, he took Simeon’s leaking cockhead into his mouth, Simeon swears his vision blanked for a second. His legs would have buckled beneath him had it not been for Solomon’s swift reaction in catching him by wrapping his arms around Simeon. He internally smiles loving all of his reactions and sensitivity that made the angel so easy to please. {Name} tried but to his surprise he couldn’t fit all of Simeon’s cock in his mouth although he tried his best, overextending a little and giving Simeon a brief glimpse of what it meant to have someone choking on his cock. {Name} pulled him out of his mouth, well no matter, he’ll make up for what he couldn’t fit. His hands stroked the angel’s cock fast, in contrast to the little kisses and licks he pressed to the tip. “{Name}...you have to stop-” interrupting him, {Name} sucked harder with a cheeky look in his eyes, Simeon nearly choked on his moans and was unable to hold anything back from his voice. “It’s fine Simeon, just cum.” Solomon assured him, encouraged him to just let go and give in. That enjoyable pleasure emanated through his body in a greater surge than he had ever experienced, it felt ten- no one hundred times better. Every nerve was on fire, it was by far more intense. His hand went to stop {Name}, the heat circulated throughout his stomach. Solomon seized Simeon’s hand, the other went to push {Name’s} head down further onto Simeon’s cock as he came. His moans followed by soft whimpers as the angel came back down to earth, realizing he had cum in {Name’s} mouth. Simeon stuttered a broken apology, {Name} wasn’t even abashed as he swallowed everything he gave, he pouted and looked towards Solomon. “A little warning next time.” The white haired man chortled and lifted his hands in surrender “Alright, my bad” he gave a faux apology that didn’t sound all that sorry. “Idiot.” {Name} muttered underneath his breath as his hand gave the odd pump to Simeon’s length, while he splattered a series of butterfly kisses along his thighs and hips. 
Solomon clapped his hands together “Well then, we might as well take this to the bed” he stated cheerfully. The three sit themselves atop the bed, which thankfully was large enough to accommodate them all comfortably. {Name} alternates between kissing Solomon and Simeon. “I hope you’re not done yet, you haven’t even gotten to the best part.” The sorcerer teased. He settled behind {Name} and had him laying down in front of the nervous Simeon. One would think after everything that happened his nerves would have settled by now, though Simeon seems to be in denial with himself. Solomon hummed some random tune as his hands spread {Name’s} thighs apart, the angel easily got the gist of what was to come and he shifted to slot between the exchange student’s thighs that felt a little too perfect at accommodating him. “This part is reaaaalllly easy. Just line yourself up right here and push inside.” He pushes his fingers inside as if to demonstrate to Simeon. He nodded, although the poor angel looked dazed and intoxicated. {Name} rested his head against Solomon’s thigh while Simeon bit his lip and pressed against his eager hole. Nervous for the real deal, he took a deep breath and pushed inside {Name}. His breath caught in his throat, the warmth, the wetness, the tight feeling that swallowed up every inch of him so eagerly. “Mmm…ah-! It’s-” He couldn’t even put the feeling into words, there was no possible way to explain what he felt. He had a word but felt it highly inappropriate to call this ‘heavenly.’ His body shook, Simeon felt the tightness in his stomach that indicated his orgasm was already creeping up on him.
Solomon chuckled, the sight is so adorable, it was so cute to see a precious little virgin getting their first taste of pleasure and immediately getting drunk off it. Simeon bottomed out, his pelvis meeting {Name’s}, he was so deep and it felt amazing. {Name} moaned as Simeon stretched him out, bumping against his every sensitive spot along the way. He swears he could feel Simeon’s cock throb inside. The look on his face was lust, Simeon worried if he was too deep inside and pulled out slightly, Simeon held himself deathly still, taking shallow breaths and wholly convinced if he moved he would cum immediately. Solomon could see him struggling to control himself, it is his first time after all so a little understanding went a long way. Simeon paused and trying to distract himself he looked a little pensive, unsure of whether or not to ask {Name} for a kiss. Well nothing ventured nothing gained he thought to himself. {Name} called to him, snapping him out of his thoughts, Simeon leaned down and kissed him gingerly. Tender and slow, {Name’s} tongue easily took the lead. He intertwined his tongue with the eager angel, drawing him in more and more. Simeon groaned into the kiss trying to keep up. Solomon beamed at the display, his fingers ran through {Name’s} hair. Simeon rutted into him, as much as he felt he could allow with holding back his orgasm. They broke the kiss, Simeon could feel the remnant heat from where they parted. He pulled out slow, sinking in again, all with shallow thrusts. His moans got louder, he kept forgetting himself and sinking all the way inside. {Name} would whine every time he did and Simeon believed this to be painful, regardless, even if Simeon is a complete novice, {Name} could feel him prodding and bumping against all of his good spots inside. Solomon drew the exchange student’s attention away from the angel's divine and flustered face. “I want a little kiss baby” he purred, {Name} obeyed and kissed the sorcerer in response and he chuckled, licking his lips. “So sweet, but I meant here” Solomon rubbed his hard cock through his pants. He stripped his pants and settled back by {Name}, his thick head demanding entrance as it pressed against {Name’s} soft lips. The man caught between the other two flashed a cheeky grin, and pressed the gentlest kiss to his head, Solomon looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he simply responded “You said a little kiss.” his eyes flashed with the most innocent, could do no wrong expression. “Such a little tease.” Solomon pushed the fat head into {Name’s} mouth, further and further until he hit the back of his throat and {Name} tapped on his thighs to say he couldn’t take anymore. “Just a little more baby please?” Solomon pleaded, groaning as he shut his eyes, he inched into the exchange student’s mouth again until he tapped on Solomon’s thighs again. He looked down to see {Name’s} eyes watering, filling up and tears fell down his cheeks. The sorcerer gave him a moment before filling his throat with his cock again, the sight had distracted and amazed Simeon as his thrust was a bit sharper than the previous ones. {Name} jolted and yelped, which vibrated around Solomon’s cock. He groaned “Fuck…So good.” He would carefully thrust, until {Name} could take no more, pull out a little faster and pause for a few seconds to let {Name} recover before the next thrust. His hand lovingly petted {Name’s} head “You’re doing so well.” Solomon praised simultaneously as his moans added more vibrations around his length.
Simeon watched the scene unfolding, his body solely focused on his own sensation but he felt a little sad because he wanted more kisses. {Name} got used to the way Solomon is thrusting into his mouth and used his tongue to further tease the sorcerer, listening to him grunt and curse made {Name} smirk and flash a triumphant glare at him as if he had bested Solomon. The sorcerer hissed and grinned, taking a peak at Simeon to see his subdued and sulking face, he could infer what he wanted. Even the angel’s little bout of jealousy was quite adorable. Solomon leaned closer, his hand grasping under Simeon’s chin as he tilted his face up to look at him and kissed him. Poor baby was so surprised he tried to pull away but Solomon kept a firm grip on his chin and deepened the kiss. Simeon tried to keep up, tried to match the kiss but was overwhelmed. His hand moved from his chin to knot his fingers through Simeon’s hair, unexpectedly and roughly pulling against his dark hair, he placed kisses along the angel’s neck. Solomon made sure to leave his marks as he trailed down. “Move a little faster Simeon.” he stated, Simeon was far too dazed with the kisses to fully understand what Solomon was saying and just nodded along anyway. Solomon noticed it earlier, how Simeon’s virgin body tried its hardest to restrict and control itself. Simeon was already so close to cumming, in the process of holding back he deprived himself and {Name} the full potential of what they could have been experiencing. The sorcerer moved his hand to Simeon’s abdomen, grazing across his naval before resting on his hip. He flashed an evil smirk, the angel was so startled his thrusts stuttered and halted, too afraid to make sense of what just happened when he felt an unusual pressure around the base of his cock. “What is this?” 
“It’s called a cockring.” This was not your ordinary, run of the mill, standard issue kind of thing you bought off of Akuzon. More specifically it is one of the more unusual creations that Solomon dabbled and tinkered with. He created a cockring with magical enhancement, one that denies any and all orgasms of the one wearing it. It will keep the wearer on edge. That oh so tortuous edge before the fall and hold them in that state until it’s released by the one who placed it onto them. I mean it was a multipurpose, easy tool for edging, a cockring and could function as a chasity belt if utilized right. Solomon can guarantee its effectiveness after testing it on an incubus. “With this you won’t cum too quickly.” 
Simeon whined, the prospect of being denied sounded almost too cruel for him to bear. “Please…” Simeon begged with his desperation at its height. He wanted nothing more than Solomon to release him. “Don't misunderstand, it's here to help.” The sorcerer explained, hoping his explanation would clarify whatever misunderstanding the angel had. He nods, having a bit more confidence knowing he won't just cum without warning and it gives him some reassurance. “Just a little longer, give {Name} another orgasm and I'll let you finish at the same time.” Solomon proposed. He nods, and steadies himself. {Name} pulls Solomon’s cock from his mouth, all to beg Simeon to go harder. His slower pace felt good but {Name} needed more. Simeon complies, drawing his cock out and slamming back in harder than he had before. {Name’s} reaction confirms that he is enjoying it and he smiles at seeing him feeling good, and Simeon thought it feels even better knowing that he is the one that is doing it. “Yes! Simeon” {Name} moans, he gets so caught up in it, his body screams in agony at being kept on edge. {Name} whimpers about being close, his nails dig into Simeon’s forearms and he grits his teeth from the assault of extra sensation. The moment his body tensed up Solomon made sure to release the cockring, the two of them hitting their long awaited climax. {Name} wraps his legs around Simeon, enjoying how he shuts his eyes and collapses to {Name’s} chest. Simeon’s arms hold {Name} like a vice in the height of his orgasm. He stills completely, trying to regain his balance. It was the first time he had experienced something so intense. {Name} sighs in content, basking in the afterglow so to say. 
The exchange student perks up with a devious glint in his eyes, signaling for Solomon to come closer. “Help me out.” Solomon smirks, his hands hook under Simeon’s arms as he reshuffles him down to the bed and {Name} straddles him, his hand already encouraging Simeon’s softening cock to get hard for another round. “Wh-what!? I can’t…” Simeon sputters out nervously. Mildly terrified to see {Name} recover so quickly from the earlier orgasm that made him look positively insatiable  “And you say I’m the mean one.” the sorcerer snickers, seeing his human companion on a hunt to once again make Simeon lose his mind. His body betrays him, helped along by {Name’s} delicate and focused touch. Without delaying anymore, he sinks down onto the angel’s length. Leaning forward and to steady himself by putting his hands on Simeon’s chest, starting to ride him and overstimulate the angel. “{Name} please it’s too much.” Simeon whimpers. {Name} slows his pace, leaning down to kiss the angel, he keeps rocking his hips slowly, Solomon pulls him up and kisses him. “Don’t make me too jealous, baby.” His hand wraps around {Name’s} throat squeezing lighty, his walls tighten around Simeon’s cock in perfect response to Solomon’s hand. Although he couldn’t deny that seeing Simeon and {Name} together was quite the charming sight. {Name} continues to ride, while leaning his head back with suppressed moans and whimpers. The sorcerer smiles, taking hold of the angel's hand and lifting it to {Names} chest. His hands fondle his pecs, Simeon leans up and his mouth wraps around a nipple as he caresses it with his tongue. Solomon coos “He’s a natural.” Simeon squeezes down on them, testing the limits for how rough he could actually be. His teeth slowly nip and bite at the sensitive flesh, every nibble eliciting another sound from {Name}. Solomon decides to help him along, Solomon’s free hand finds its way between the exchange student’s legs as he pumps {Name’s} cock. “Come on baby boy, I know you’re close.” Solomon urges, flashing a look to Simeon as he nods and thrusts up in time with {Name’s} movements. “Ah-!” A yelp escapes from his throat, ‘Simeon- Sol-” he whines their names, unable to keep up with everything he’s experiencing. Simeon keeps thrusting until {Name} falls apart. Simeon gives a few more thrusts until his orgasm follows close after. 
Leaving {Name} uttering nothing but babbles, some nonsense, slurred words and incoherent sentences. Simeon looks concerned, seeing their companion in such a state, “Are you alright?” His words were so sincere, holding genuine worry for {Name’s} wellbeing. Solomon’s hand surprises him with a pat on the back, “No need to worry, he gets like this after a few orgasms.” Solomon reassures the angel, helping {Name} off of him and gently laying him down on the bed. Solomon pats his face lightly “Stay with me baby, it’s too early to call it quits.” He coos with faux sympathy and kisses {Name}, teasing his tongue before biting his lip. Solomon hums, throwing {Name’s} legs over his shoulders and rubbing his cock against his hole. “Simeon made such a mess inside” he chuckles, Simeon’s face heats up at hearing that. Solomon slams his cock in, letting out a guttural groan “You feel so fucking good.” He puts {Name} into a mating press and thrusts, at first hard and slow before speeding up. Simeon watches intently, unable to tear his eyes away. “You see Simeon, what I learned…{Name} doesn’t really have a preference for things like pace and all that. But he definitely loves it deep.” Solomon bottoms out, feeling {Name} cum around him. He calls Simeon over, and takes his hand. Pressing it down on his tummy, making {Name} whine all the more from the pressure. As Solomon thrusts slowly, Simeon can swear he feels Solomon’s cock moving under his hand. {Name} feels another orgasm ravaging his overstimulated body, he begs for no more. Solomon purrs “Just one more baby. Pretty please?” he pleads, {Name} tries to shuffle away Solomon grabs his hips “Don’t run.” His voice takes on a firmness that made {Name} submit without much effort. “You’re doing so good baby, I’m close. Just a little more, yeah? You can do it.” Solomon pounds into him with sharp thrusts, his brows knit as he can feel the pleasurable surge approaching. He mutters curses as he cums, filling {Name} up. He pauses for a moment before pulling out, looking quite satisfied when Solomon sees his cum overflowing from him. Simeon wasn’t hard before but after watching all that, his body apparently could handle more. {Name} looked absolutely exhausted so he knew he couldn’t exactly ask for anything. The sorcerer notices his state, he flashes a sickly sweet smile and elects that he will take care of Simeon. 
He grabs Simeon, pressing their bodies together and kisses him hard. “You’ve had plenty of practice, yeah? You can keep up.” Solomon murmurs before returning to the kiss feeling how Simeon adapted and keeps up with his flurry of kisses, only stumbling when it comes to the finer control of using his tongue. Solomon pulls away looking pleased “You’re a quick learner.” The sorcerer keeps Simeon’s mouth occupied as his hand slips down to stroke his cock, Simeon sighs. Enjoying the languid movements as opposed to intense ones. It was blatantly obvious however that Solomon’s hands were experienced, quick to seek out every sensitive place that he didn’t even know he had. Every movement in perfect tandem draws out the sweetest moans and whimpers from the angel, his legs buckle from the kiss but Solomon supports his weight and holds him close. His arm safely wrapped around the angel's waist. The very same arm that slowly loosens as his hand slides down Simeon’s body to rest on his ass, giving it a harsh grab. It slightly startles the angel. Solomon’s finger probes Simeon’s hole, “N-no” he whines, Solomon kisses his forehead. “It’s alright, I won’t go any further than this. Trust me.” his hushed voice that spoke so gently reassured Simeon. Carefully he pushes a finger inside, Simeon gasps. He couldn’t put into words exactly what this tickling sensation is. The only word that comes to mind is ‘strange’. It is so unfamiliar, the perfect movements of his finger moving inside while Solomon’s hand continued its consistent pumps on Simeon’s leaking cock. It caused pleasure beyond belief, the whole night was truly one of different sensations but this was probably the most unique. Simeon digs his nails into Solomon’s shoulder, whimpering as he covers the sorcerer's hand in cum. “That’s a good boy, no worries I’ve got you.” He lays Simeon down, {Name} snuggled up to him. Pressing a few affectionate kisses to his back. Solomon swooned at seeing his two dearest darlings cuddling up like sleepy kittens. He lays down, quickly snapping his fingers and there's an obvious change around them. Simeon is surprised, when {Name} chuckles “Magic is so convenient isn’t it?” All it took was a snap of Solomon’s fingers to be all cleaned up and in a fresh set of bedding. The comfort paired with exhaustion had Simeon falling asleep not too long after. {Name} peers at his peaceful face, while Solomon reaches over to brush the hair from his face. “I hope he joins us more often.” 
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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Apart II
In which the datables (+Luke) react to your disapperance. A sequel to this.
Warings: minimal proofreading, rampant speculation in Barbatos' part. Also, I skipped over Solomon for obvious reasons. 😅  As always, minors DNI.
Diavolo is many things: a friend, a lover, a prince.
But at the end of the day, he's a ruler who's first priority is the safety of his realm.
He's heir apparent and defacto head of the devildom while his father remains...indisposed.
This means that the fate of the devildom, and, in turn, the three realms, ultimately falls on his shoulders.
So, when one of the human world students goes missing? It's a war waiting to happen.
Diavolo does what any politician worth their salt would do: lie his ass off.
Every friend, every enemy, every diplomat who's ever met you hears a version of the same story: Solomon has taken his apprentice to a remote location in the human world to hone their skills.
Divaolo is a candle burning at both ends. He's running a kingdom, trying to cover up your disapperance, and placating your devildom/human world family.
In private? He misses you. But he barely has time to mourn. He throws himself into work with a single-minded verve that concerns those around him.
Solomon has a very interesting line in the first few lessons of Nightbringer.
"In the present you just...disappeared. So I analyzed the traces of magic left behind, which indicated that you jumped through spacetime to a past version of the devildom. Then, I had Barbatos lend me his power so I could come here after you."
To lend means, "to grant someone the use of something on the understanding that it shall be returned."
But, has Solomon returned Barbatos' powers yet? Can powers be transferred through a spacetime continuum?
What I'm trying to say is that there's a good chance Barbatos is in the original timeline, completely powerless.
He's not worried, though. He foresaw your disapperance millennia before you came into existance.
And, in the spaces between, while he watched mankind take it's first, trembling steps into the world and spill blood before the alters of false gods, he's been preparing.
The hardest thing is navigating his current duties without the use of his powers. It's hard to anticipate the young lord's needs when he can't predict the future.
Lucifer has stepped in to take over many of Barbatos' duties. The older demon is thankful and likes to consider this a period of semi-retirement.
Overall, Barbatos isn't too worried. He trusts Solomon and any past versions of himself to look after you.
Still, there's an unfamiliar ache in his chest when he mistakenly places two cups out for afternoon tea instead of one.
Simeon & Luke:
As an angel, Simeon was an omnipotent, nigh-immortal being. He's known death. He's known war. He's know the startling, cold indifference of his all-knowing Father.
Still, the hardest thing Simeon has done was explain your disapperance to Luke.
Luke cried himself to sleep. And Simeon tucked him into bed, dimming the lights and slipping out of the room as quietly as possible.
These days Simeon spends most of his time in the Devildom. (He refuses to leave until you're found.)
Luke, on the other hand, spends much of his time with Barbatos. He gardens. He cooks. He knits.
Luke thinks of you often - he can't wait to show you all the things he's learned! He's knitting a scarf for when you return!
(Please come back soon. Luke has so many new recipes to share with you.)
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chaotic-trash-cryptid · 3 months
Obey Me idea time! Just please no spoilers. Need to get back into playing the game and finally start Nightbringer. I am so behind T^T
What if the MC was only half human? Like, imagine if they were half demon or half angel or even some human/sheep hybrid or some other hybrid. Imagine if they were still brought in to be a human part of the exchange program, only for everyone to find out that surprise turns out that the human isn't fully human
I feel like this could have so many possibilities when it comes to interacting with everyone, especially depending on what's used. I mean, sure the MC is depicted as a sheep to have a gender neutral way of depicting the player, but who says sheep hybrid MC can't actually turn into a sheep in certain situations? On top of that, who says that demon hybrid MC wouldn't still be able to make pacts with other demons? Who says angel hybrid MC wouldn't still have the possibility of becoming a fallen angel?
There's so many types of hybrids that could potentially be created, especially considering there's magic within all three realms. There's so many possibilities in both friendship dynamics and romantic aspects. I'd be surprised if nobody's touched on this before
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666cosmicmango · 11 months
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Every breath you take and every move you make Every bond you break, every step you take I'll be watching you . . .
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warper-in-training · 2 months
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smth smth nsfw
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loweya-blog · 9 months
Slidey Socks Part 2
(SFW fluff, Using @synsc original AU here, please give them support!)
(Part 1)
Child MC was bored, so they put on their socks and slid around on the floors. How do the other characters react?
He is absolutely delighted by this game! The prince couldn’t help but admire MC’s creativity for these new ideas. When Barbatos’ back is turned, he picks up MC and finds the widest halls with the smoothest floors. He gets his own socks on and slides with MC down the grand halls, dodging the castle staff as he slides. Hearing the sound of MC’s laughter makes it all worth it when he’s sentenced to an hour-long lecture from Barbatos, and possibly Lucifer if he found out. 
The demon is conflicted. At one point Diavolo racing down halls in slippery socks with a CHILD at high speeds isn’t precisely safe. Not to mention Diavolo’s size means he’ll break things when he crashes into them or accidentally knock over the staff if he isn’t careful. But…. he had to admit it looked like fun. So he let them do it, deciding to save the lectures afterward. If MC asked him to join in, he would have no choice but to do so. After all, it was adorable MC who was asking. 
Also hesitant to allow this fun. However, after some convincing, he would be willing to join in after he safety-proofed the house and made sure that nothing could get damaged. Then he would get on his own socks and slide around slowly with MC and Luke. Eventually, the angel would go faster and enjoy it a bit more, even doing a few tricks and jumps. 
He loved this new human game! Sliding around the halls in socks sounded like fun! The angel even put on some cute doggy socks to join in. Of course, if any demon suggested the game he probably would have scolded them for being unsafe. But since it was MC who suggested it, he had no problems with the idea. The angel simply took MC’s hand and slid with them down the Purgatory Hall, falling only once or twice. 
Made a spell to help them race faster and the hall longer. He finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious and fun, curious to see how far this could go. Safety? What’s that? Solomon is more than willing to race around with MC, even making cute little bears and stuffed animals come to life to make a little sliding performance for them to watch. It’s fun but leaves a huge mess in Purgatory Hall, which an angry Simeone forces him to clean up afterward. 
(I’m adding her cause she’s my fav)
Thirteen was caught off guard when she saw MC and Solomon sliding into one of her traps. Luckily the trap was a basic one that only splattered people with octopus ink but still! After chewing out Solomon, she promptly picked up MC and walked off with them in a huff. She took them back to HOL but when MC asked for her to slide around, she accepted. After they were done racing each other and chasing each other around HOL, she crashed on the couch with MC curled up next to her. 
@synsc @demon-master-zero @lucifersloveydoveyhomie
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