#simon riley made me lose my sleep and now i will make him suffer by writing angst
mudisgranapat · 3 months
FitnessInfluencer!Reader x GymBro!Ghost
so i’ve recently really gotten into going to the gym and i can’t stop thinking about Ghost working out and reader being an annoying influencer that is always recording at the gym. the last thing he needs is a camera in his face when he is trying to work out and de-compress from his deployment.
After finally finding a 24 hour gym, you get your things ready to film your content. Your youtube channel is one of the most popular nowadays, and it’s the platform where you make most of your videos. Most of them teach people workout series, ranging from stuff they can do at home, hardcore exercises and even a step to step guide on how to use each gym equipment, so newbies don’t get scared of training for the first time by themselves. However, sometimes, you do some vlogging on the side, showing your daily routine and other things, like skincare.
You figure 3 am is a good time to go to the gym and record - no one is at training by then and your schedule is already fucked anyways. Not having an office or regular work hours has its ups and downs, but at least you are in charge of own routine, since you make a surprisingly good amount of money from your videos.
You take your own time, making a protein smoothie (and obvioulsy recording it, as you had a paid partnership with the supplement’s brand) and writing down your ideas for the video you want to do today. You stick to a simple “leg day” vlog, typing on your phone what machines and reps you want to do.
Choosing a simple purple top and matching leggings, you make your way towards the gym on your Range Rover, Stanley cup filled with water on the cup holder. You roll your eyes as you make a turn and can feel the water dripping out of the cup. You make a note to yourself to bring a water bottle the actually works next time and keep it off camera, so the useless cup can just sit on frame for aesthetic purposes while your record.
If you had to point out one thing you hated about your job, it would be having to keep up with all the (in your opinion, useless) trends, so you could reach a bigger audience. At the end of the day, it was about making money, although you loved how your content got to inspire people to be more active. If it meant you had to carry a metal 40oz lead poisoned cup with you for a couple of hours, then so be it.
As soon as you park your car at the gym’s empty parking lot, you pull out your vlog camera, not noticing the single black truck parked in the far corner, under a tree.
Sometimes you wonder if you would hate your “vlog persona” if you met her in real life. Repeating the same phrases over and over again, trying to get the best take, constantly looking for better lighting. What looks good on camera, in real life, just looks painfully awkward sometimes, specially when you are talking to an audience that isn’t even there. You push those thoughts to the back of your head, as you slide your card at the gym’s card reader, opening the doors.
“Anyways, guys. I know it sounds crazy right?” You make your way into the gym, re-recording the introduction at least 3 times so you know you’ll have good material to edit later. “Training at 3 a.m. I don’t even know if it’s technically morning or night right now.” You joke to the camera. “Let me know in the comments if I should start the videos with ‘Good morning’ or ‘Goodni’-“ a hand suddenly grabs the camera from your hand, holding it right above your head. You stare at the man who seemed to materialise out of the shadows.
“How about ‘Goodbye’.” He says, and you barely have time to register his sarcasm as he slams your camera on the floor, breaking it in pieces. You stand there, frozen, while the man swings his duffel bag over his shoulders and heads out of the gym.
When you finally regain your senses, he is long gone, and you’re left wondering to yourself, not only who he is, but also who does he think he is. You barely had time to register what he looked like, simply recalling we was well over 6ft tall and build like a fucking tank. But regardless of his built, if he believes, even for a second, that he can do something like that and just walk away unscathed, he is dead wrong.
You can’t wait to see him again.
A.N: wrote this with my eyes literally closing, but i just couldn’t get it out of my head (sorry for any mistakes, def not proofread). hopefully it’s not complete shit. let me know if you want to see more of this! i could see this becoming either a short series or at least having one more part. Let me know if you want to be tagged if this has a part 2 :)
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ponyosmom35 · 7 months
my sisters keeper
Simon Ghost Riley x reader
Liability series chapter four!
summary: The reader visits her older sister who resides in the med bay, her small gesture does not go according to plan.
warnings: angst, fighting, cursing, sister fights lol
Liability masterlist:
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She had been at the base for nearly a month. She felt as though things were finally settled after the horrible first week she had. She was able to keep very busy, there were always soldiers needing some sort of treatment. If she wasn’t with patients then she spent most of her free team with Johnny and Kyle. They’d truly accepted her and invited her to join their little group. Besides the two sergeants, John Price had been incredibly kind to her. Constantly checking in and ensuring that she was doing well. They’d had a long talk recently about how hard it was to adjust to a place like this without having any military past. He understood her perfectly. He’d become a confidant, someone she trusted. 
The one thing that had been quite rough was Emma. The pair had been fighting nonstop since she arrived. Emma was a caretaker, being four years older, she was always in charge. When they were younger their parents traveled constantly for their business. Leaving Emma to care for her younger sister. Now that they were together once more, Emma had picked up the same behavior. Bossing her sister around and treating her like a child. She fucking hated it. She wondered why she was even there if this was the way her sister would behave like she was a nuisance. She’d begun to pull away from her sister in the past weeks, spent time with the boys, and continued avoiding Ghost. 
It was nearly 9 pm by the time she had gotten back to her room and showered, it was a 13-hour day as there had been a heli accident, resulting in tons of critical injuries. She’d been on her feet all day and she was exhausted. It was the first major emergency all-hands-on-deck situation she’d dealt with while at the base. It was quite eye-opening, having never been in that position before she’d worried how she would react when the time came. But she held herself together and they didn’t end up losing a single soldier. One of her patients was Emma, who’d been injured in the crash, her arm suffered 2nd degree burns and she had a broken hand. Though she wasn’t able to work on her sister, she snuck in a few times to check on her. The tension between them still lingers. 
 As much as her body craved sleep, she felt guilty that her sister was alone in a room while she slept peacefully in their shared room. She puts on a pair of grey sweatpants and a hoodie, she puts on her fuzzy socks and slips her berks over them, not caring how ridiculous she looked. Her long hair was still wet, and she was sure she’d never looked worse as she shuffled out of the warmth of the room. She sneaks through the common area, keeping a lookout for the skull-masked asshole. As she enters the med bay she hurries over to her sisters bed, she pulls back the curtain and notices Emma’s wide eyes. 
“What are you doing?” she demands 
“Came to see you” 
“I can see that, but you shouldn’t be here after lights out”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay, you scared me today Em” she says softly, trying to take her hand. Emma rips is away and glares at her. 
“You can’t just keep breaking the rules like this! Do you have any idea how much trouble the both of us would be in?”
“From who Ghost? I think I can handle it”
“You handled things once already and now I’m on his shitlist!” Emma whisper yells 
“What?” she asks angrily 
“If you hadn’t of made him look bad then I wouldn’t be on the backup team, I wouldn’t have been on the fucking helicopter” 
“No, Ghost isn’t like that. He wouldn’t punish you because of me” she refuses 
“And how do you know that?” 
“Johnny and -”
“Right Soap and Gaz told you, my fucking teammates are telling you stuff about the Lieutenant”
“Is that a problem? Do you not trust their word?” she asks 
“The problem is that you came here and make a fucking fool out of me, and then you steal my friends! Do you realize that you wouldn’t even be here with this fucking job if it wasn’t for me?”
“You refuse to let me forget” she snaps “I’m not stealing your friends, Kyle and Johnny have been the only people who will talk to me! The only time you talk to me is when we’re fighting! Do you have any idea how alone I’ve felt since I got here?”
“That’s because everyone thinks your fucking Ghost” Emma snaps.
her eyes widen and she stares at her sister in shock. “Is that true?”
“Yes” Emma responds
“You never change do you? I mean Jesus you are the one who begged me to come with you! I left my friends and my job to be here because you didn’t wanna go alone! I never wanted to work on a fucking military base with men who treat me like shit all day because I’m just the medic, nobody important! What do I matter here, I’m replaceable! I’m expendable! You and everyone else have made that very clear. The only people that have my back are Price, Johnny, and Kyle. You’ve always felt entitled to controlling my life, ever since we were little! Emma, I am so fucking sorry for making you look bad, I never meant to. But I am not the reason you were on that helicopter and I’m not the reason you’re alone!” she says before standing up and leaving the med bay. 
She was unable to stop the tears from dripping down her cheeks as she hurriedly walked back to her room. She raises her hands to wipe her face, not paying attention to where she was going when she runs into the wall. She yelps in surprise and looks up to see the one and only Ghost staring down at her angrily. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention” she says 
“What are you doing coming from the med bay after lights out?”
“Forgot my glasses” she lies 
Ghost notices her glossy eyes and tear stains on her hoodie. He sighs and moves out of her way. Some part of him was unsettled, seeing her clearly upset. He knew she was lying, she had certainly gone to speak to her sister. Whatever had happened between them left the girl in tears. 
 “Consider it forgotten, just this time”
“Good night Lieutenant” she murmurs before hurrying past him.
chapter five:
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soggyriceee · 1 year
I Can't Hurt You ~ Ghost NSFW
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[ mentions of gunshot wounds, anxiety, trauma and sex. plz like and lmk if there angsty type of stories interest anyone, have a good day <3 ]
It had been 6 weeks since you'd been shot. Once in the leg, once in the arm. For days you had thought you'd lose your arm and leg. All you could really remember was Simon yelling your name while blood covered his hands. Your blood. But, the base surgeons were some of the best and you were at home almost fully recovered. Your husband, Simon Riley, the man who unfortunately was leading that mission you'd suffered injury from, was always by your side. He was on e for giving you your space so having him everywhere you were at was new. But you loved it because the more you saw him and how caring he was towards literally only you, it made your heart flutter.
Ghost was a whole war criminal, why would he spend his time going to the store, getting flowers, cards, clothes gifts, all that stuff? Because he was so deeply in love with you, it was like his money and time quite literally belonged to you. He spent hours trying to learn to cook for you since you were glued to the bed.
" Tell me if it needs more salt." He demanded, towering over you as your sims started a house fire on your laptop screen. " Its good baby please stop bothering me now." You laughed, wiping some of the homemade pasta sauce from your lip. As much as he did annoy you, you couldn't ask him to really leave you alone.
He wasn't stupid, he knew that the whole happy persona you put on in front of him was fake. You were trying to act tough and brave for him. Independence was something you both had and in your eyes alone, it was embarrassing to be the first in the relationship to need help. Consistent help. Ghost was good at reassuring to you that he did not see you as weak, he actually saw you as brave, strong. " You survived two gun shot wounds at once lovie.. that makes you stronger than me." He whispered to her as you quietly sobbed in the hospital bed a few weeks back.
And this injury definitely caused some small bumps for you both. For example.. sex. It wasn't that it was different, it literally was not happening. Despite you being able to move almost all on your own, stairs were still a bit hard, he wouldn't touch you unless it was to help you. And as much as you loved how gentle and genuinely kind and caring he was for you, you needed a bit more. " Simon.." You'd whisper in his ear when it was close to your given bedtime. By Simon. "Yes my love? Do you need anything?" He asked, looking away from the news on your guys TV.
You moved to sit on his lap, struggling to raise your injured leg a bit. But you made it onto his lap successfully and with mi animal pain. But he sensed it immediately. " Lovie.." You shushed him and placed your arms around his neck. " I appreciate all the care you've been giving me.. but I need a bit more." You spoke softly, eyeing his lips. You began to move in but you could tell he began to panic, jolting his head back and hitting the bed frame. You looked up at him, your chest feeling like it just got shot this time. " I-i can't.. Im sorry." He had took you off his lap before standing and walking out the room and rubbing the back of his head.
It had been about a week since that encounter. It hurt you, and you definitely cried about it after. He ended up sleeping on the couch that night, but still coming every 30 to check on you, even when you were asleep. Neither of you really spoke about it. And you could assume thats what made the relationship more awkward now. While yes he did sleep in the bed again, and he was still taking care of you, the conversations were small and minimal. " He won't touch me Soap.. I don't know what to do. We used to have sex almost every day at least twice a day." You spoke into your phone as you looked up " How to Get My Husband To Have Sex With Me After Gunshot Wound". Almost no good articles came up. I mean, who really goes through this?
" Im sure he'll come around. I mean, he did see you literally almost die in his arms. You mean a lot to him and I think he's just terrified of hurting you more." He said through the speaker. He was on base, doing paperwork for the next mission. Another you and Ghost would be sitting out on. " Its been almost three months. Im practically healed... it just sucks because I feel like a..like a disease. He won't touch me in any way other than to help me. Even when I dont need it." You sighed.
Simon had gone to the store, grabbing you ice cream you had mentioned to yourself you wanted to get at some point and your positive other things to go along with it. Despite that awkward encounter he was still there to make you feel better. " He hasn't really said anything to me but you know how he is. Try talking to him again. I have to go, Price is calling." He said before hanging up abruptly. You sighed and looked around. You needed to get up and do.. something.
You moved your laptop to the side and began to stand. A minor pain stabbed your injured leg, causing a whimper of pain to leave your lips. As you opened the bedroom door, you heard Simon return into the house. " Lovie? Im home with that ice cream you wanted." He yelled from downstairs. You moved towards the stairs, gripping the handles and moving slowly. As your uninjured leg hit the bottom stair, your injured one again gave your a little trouble. "Shit" You squeaked, gripping the handle more. " Lovie?" He walked over swiftly to the stairs, dropping the ice cream and spoon that was in his hands. " What are you doing?! If you wanted to come down you should've waited for me to carry you down." He began to approach you but your hand hit his chest, stopping him. " I-i can do it mys-self." You grunted. Finally, your injured leg was on the same step as you. " You can't thats why your face is scrunched up in pain just let me help-" " GO AWAY! I dont need you here every two seconds simply just to help me. You won't do so much as cuddle with me let alone have sex with me. Im not made of glass im a human im your wife for crying out loud but you treat me l-like im not. leave me alone!" You screamed at him, tears welling in your eyes.
His face looked hurt, but also surprised. " L-lovie I just-" You cut him off by turning away, moving back up the stairs. He wanted to help you, but you had made it clear you wanted him to back off. You made it back up the one step and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door. You moved onto the bed, holding one out of the 10 stuffed animals Simon bought you and silently, again, cried into it. You felt bad, but at the same time you didn't. You were able to tell him finally how you felt. You heard his boots at the door, no matter how hard he tried to keep quiet. And he just stayed there. Listening to you cry but feeling too scared to say, or do anything.
The next morning you woke up and Simon wasn't there to wake you this time. You rubbed your eyes as the sun peaked into the room. " Simon..?" You asked, your voice a bit hoarse. You looked around and noticed a rectangular, long box at the end of the bed. You reached over and grabbed it.
Your right, ive been too overbearing. I'm sorry lovie..
You opened the box and inside was a cute lingerie set. It was with and pink, a little bow in the center of the bra. Your cheeks turned a bright red as you read the second note inside.
I hope you like it. I hope I see you in it soon <3
Just as you finished reading, Simon walked in the room. In his hands was a tray full of French toast, coffee and fruit. His eyes met yours, his big puppy eyes. " Oh I was.. expecting you to still be asleep." He chuckled softly, placing your breakfast on the night stand. " Im sorry for y-" For the first time in almost three months his lips touched yours. You gasped into the kiss, your heart going a 100 miles per hour. His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you up into him.
His lips yearned for yours. He slowly sat next to you, keeping your lips connected. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him just as passionately back. He broke away, sighing. " Dont apologize. You were right. And plus.." He right hand snaked up to your cheek, cupping it. " I've missed touching you like this." He whispered. His lips landed on yours again, this time a bit more passionately. You moaned into the kiss, a signal to him that you felt good. His free hand moved up your body, slowly. You had nothing on but his hoodie and some underwear. His favorite outfit of yours.
" Is this okay?" He asked against your lips. You nodded, smiling softly. For the first time in what felt like forever, you felt genuinely happy. He smiled and gently pushed you down on the bed, fixing you a bit so that your head was on the pillow. He hovered over you but you could tell he was still nervous as ever. " You can touch me anywhere.. Simon. Im not hurt anymore." You said softly, looking into his worried eyes. " I know but.. w-what if I get too aggressive-" You took his hand from beside your head and smiled. " How about this. If im hurting, ill call out.. "strawberries." Then you'll know to stop." You suggested, smiling up at him still. He pursed his lips but nodded.
He leaned down, attaching his lips to your again. This time, with lust and desperation. You could tell how much you both missed each others touch. Your hands slid under his black hoodie, tracing every ab until you got to the top. He hummed at your soft fingers against his skin, breaking away from the kiss. He moved down to your neck, gently sucking your skin. His right hand slowly, like criminally slow, slid up your thigh, gripping it every now and then.
Your eyes fluttered closed, your bottom lip trapped under your top teeth. Small, quiet whimpers left your lips every time he'd suck your neck. He left behind big and small marks, red and purple mix. He pushed himself off your body a bit, smiling at his work. " You look beautiful my love.." He whispered. You blushed and looked down. You saw the tent in his sweats, his Calvin Klein boxers peaking through at the top. His hand gripped your chin, gently moving your head to look up at him. " Don't be shy." He smirked. His hand that was still on your thigh was now at your wet core, It was throbbing for him at this point. Desperate.
" Awh.. your so wet.. show me how deprived you are from my touch baby.." He whispered, his thumb moving in small circles exactly at your swollen clit. Your body jerked up, a small moan leaving your lips. You watched his hands, only turning you on more. He watched you, his eyes not telling you what he was feeling. You felt embarrassed and began to slowly cover your face. He growled and grabbed your hands, pinning them above your head. " What did I tell you? Dont be shy.. I dont wanna have to stop you from cumming baby.. especially if you deserve it." He said, slowly moving his eyes down your body.
You shook your head, grinding your hips against him more. " Awh baby your so fucking cute when you get desperate like this." He sighed. You felt his thumb stop moving and instead, two of his fingers pulling your soaked panties down for you. He tossed them off the bed, licking his lips at your exposed pussy. " Fuck.. I wish you'd yelled at me sooner my love.. its gonna be so hard trying to hold back." He said before pulling off his hoodie. He tossed it away, before grabbing your knees, spreading them apart.
Yes this was your husband, but after being celibate for three months, you were nervous. And he felt it. He looked at you from through your legs, smiling. " Let me take care of you.. you deserve it baby." He smiled, kissing your inner thigh. He kissed down, surely leaving marks on your thighs, before finally reaching your dripping pussy again. He kissed it, earning a desperate whine from you. He chuckled before sliding his tongue through your folds, a gasp coming from you.
He slowly spread your legs more far apart. " Am I hurting you?" He asked, looking at your injured leg. " No.. remember ill say strawberry if you do." You said, patting his head gently. He smiled and nodded before turning his attention back to your pussy. It was on full display for him. He placed his hands on your hips, moving you onto his tongue. His tongue immediately went to your aching clit, sucking it ever so gently. You let out a satisfied whimper, your eyes again fluttering closed. He worked his tongue on your clit, sucking it, kissing it. His hands definitely started to make bruises on your skin but you were happy with that. Because it felt like normal. Like the sex you both used to have.
" O-oh Simon~' You'd whimper below him, gripping his brown hair. Your knees tried to connect but he gently, still worried about hurting you, kept them apart. " Don't close your legs until im done with you." He said, his lips glossy with your juices. It was such a hot sight to see. it felt like you guys were teenagers all over. Horny and desperate. His lips went back to working on your pussy, sucking your clit perfectly. " Because you had been deprived of your regular orgasms, you felt this one building fast. And it was surely gonna hit hard.
Your legs began to shake and you began to let out pathetic, desperate whimpers. " Sim-Simon I f-feel it.. shit." You cried out, gripping his hair and the sheets. He only moved his tongue faster, pulling you onto his face more. He was desperate. You could tell. He even began to moan against your pussy, looking up at you. " Thats it baby.. feel good for me. You deserve it." He said against your pussy, his middle and ring finger sliding in to help his tongue out. " Cum on my fucking face." he growled, moving his fingers faster.
His tongue moved with his fingers and quickly, you felt your body release its high. Your whole body began to shake, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. He whimpered quietly as he devoured every last drop of your cum. " Fuck baby.." He whimpered against your pussy as your body still jerked from the intensity of your orgasm. He moved his lips slowly against your pussy, sighing. He eventually sat up, his lips, nose and chin completely covered in your juices.
" You did amazing my love. Im so proud." He said, smiling down at you. You were out of breath, your eyes still shut. You felt him kiss your neck before your lips. " Do you want to continue baby? I can take care of myself. I want you to feel rested-" You pulled him down by the collar, your lips smashing onto his. He moaned into the kiss, smiling. " Yes.. I want to continue." You said after pulling away from him.
He kissed your cheeks before standing from the bed, pulling his pants down. His dick was huge. But, after three months of nothing, not even self pleasure, his dick looked..bigger. You had to admit, it made you a bit nervous. You watched as he pulled his boxers down, his whole body exposed in front of you. You quickly felt your clit throbbing all over as your eyes looked at every part of his body. " Are you positive you want this my love?" He asked, crawling back on the bed with you. He hovered over you, looking at your naked body as well.
" I swear Simon.. this is what I want." You said, looking up at him. He nodded before placing a soft but passionate kiss on your lips again. You kissed back as you felt him position himself at your entrance. " Just.. take my hand. And squeeze as hard as you want if it hurts." You nodded up at him. Despite how sex deprived you both were, how desperate, he still was patient and careful with you. He didn't want to do anything other than take care of you. " Okay.." He breathed out. Slowly, you felt him push into you. By the time his tip was in, you had already felt how thick he really was. He continued until he felt your hand grip him hard. He stopped.
" A..are you okay?" He breathed out, looking into your eyes. He was a little more than halfway in you by now and he felt like he could cum just off that alone. " I just.. need to get u-used to the feeling." You said, your other hand gripping his forearm. He nodded, kissing your cheek, then ear then neck. You loved his caring and gentle side. If you weren't injured, he'd probably be a bit less gentle, but still respectful of your needs.
" You can keep going." You smiled up at him after a minuet or so. " Are you positive?" He asked, moving his lips away from your breasts, again leaving behind more red and purple marks. You nodded and slowly, he pushed the rest of himself in. You both let out a gasp, his balls hitting the bottom of your ass as he went all the way in. " Fuck." He groaned before moving his hips back and forth slowly. With each thrust, a whimper left your lips. His head fell in the crook of your neck, slowly his hips picking up the pace.
You didnt have to ask for anything. He could read your body and what it was that you needed easily. You wanted him to go faster? He was already doing it before you moved your lips to ask. Your nails dug into his back, his hips now slamming into yours. " Yes Simon! y-your fucking me so well." You moaned, both of you not caring if your neighbors heard your moans. His hand slipped around your neck, his eyes hooded. " Yea? I am baby? Is my dick making you go.. fucking crazy?" He moaned, his free hand on your hip.
You whimpered and nodded, your body jolting up with each thrust of his. " U-Use your words..lemme hear that pretty voice." He whispered into your ear, slamming his hips into yours. You couldn't feel any pain. It was like all you needed was him fucking you silly. " I-i'm crazy..Im crazy for y...your dick Simon." You whimpered, barely able to make out words. He chuckled and kept his hand on your neck, moving at the same consistent pace.
Above you, his eyes were closed, squeezed shut matter of fact. His thrusts began to become a bit inconsistent, signaling to you he was close. " Baby.. I-ive missed this.. this pussy so much.. your gonna make..me fill you up." He groaned, his grip on you tightening. "Your gonna take.. all my cum to. Every..last..drop." He said, slamming his hips into yours with every word. You felt your stomach start to cramp and your legs shake. Both of you slowly became louder with your moans, your hands resting on his chest.
You could feel his arms wrap around your waist, hugging you as his body rested on top of you. His thrusts got sloppy, and he at this point, was a whimpering mess. " Oh baby.. im gonna..im gonna cum." he mumbled into your boobs. You tried to tell him the same but you again, felt your high wash over you. Your whole body froze, your vision weirdly went white for a quick 5 seconds. You didnt even realize Simon slamming into you fast, chasing his high. "F-fuck!" You felt his warm cum shoot into you, his body jerking as he tried to stay on top of you. But he failed, collapsing on top of you.
" s-shit.. Simon." you moaned, closing your eyes. His chest rose and fell fast, holding you tight as his cum slowly seeped out of you. He gently pushed himself back into you, wanting all of his cum stuffed into you. " I know baby.." he said, his voice tired.
both of you stayed like this for about 10 minuets. he eventually pulled out, watching your body react. " Are you hurt?" He asked, finally realizing his grip on your hips left finger marks. You smiled and shook your head. " I feel the best ive felt in three months baby.. thank you." You whispered, smiling up at him. He nodded before sliding off the bed. " I know.. I said I wanted to see you in this but. You looked beautiful and sexy regardless." He smiled before placing the box on the floor. You sat up, stretching.
" Lets shower and eat breakfast. We can go shopping. I want today tp be everything you want." He said as he lifted you up bridal style, carrying you to the bathroom. " I love you Simon.." You whispered, watching him as he carried you. He smiled and kissed your nose. " I love you more my love.. ill love you no matter what."
the end
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mudisgranapat · 4 months
Toxic!Simon in a toxic relationship with reader
is so FMLYHM (Fuck Me Like You Hate Me) by Seether coded
Content: angst, swearing, mentions of violence, mentions of sex
Note: This is not pt2 of the ToxicBF!Simon (this one is still in the works), just a drabble :) Also, i wrote this on my phone so apologies in advance for any mistakes
*This story is inspired by the lyrics of the song FMLYHM, by Seether
“You could've been the real one
You could've been the one enough for me
You could've been the free one, the broken down and sick one
Had enough of vacant life”
When the two of you started dating, Simon thought he had found the one. He believed you could heal him, that you would be the one to make him become a better man.
But he knew those were only dreams. He knew he could never get past his traumas. War had inevitably become a part of him, and he found himself destroying everything that he laid his hands on. With you, it was no different: spending his life with you was ruining your dreams of a happy ending and transforming it into a life sentence instead. Yet, he couldn’t break up with you. He was selfish, feeding from all the love and care that you gave him, knowing he could never return it. Simon was addicted to your devotion, careless about how he treated you because he knew you would always come back. He craved the softness of your touch, the way you would look at him with tears in your eyes and beg him to change for you. He would melt at the sweet sound of your voice and relish the warmness of your body when you laid to sleep beside him, blinded by the lie that he could become a better version of himself.
But he was broken beyond repair, and as the two of you spent years together in a relationship, you found yourself turning bitter and scarred from dealing with Simon. Instead of healing him, you became just as sick as he was. He had fooled himself into believing he could ever be loved. He had lied to himself thinking he could love. And now the possibility of a picture perfect future together became a corpse, dead, and withering in plain sight.
“You could've been the next one [god only knows]
You could've been the one to comprehend me”
Fighting became a regular thing, broken glass on the floor and holes on the wall. Simon could feel his poison transferring into you, pulsing inside your veins like blood. In his egotistical delusion, he thought that sharing the same bitterness would bring the two of you closer. Maybe if you saw his insides and outs, maybe if you felt the same way he did, you would understand him. You would save him. But when he looked in your eyes, he couldn’t find a shared burning passion, but instead, was met with distant, cold irises.
“You come around when you find me faithless
You come around when you find me faceless!”
Like everything in his life, Simon had destroyed you. Instead of longing for the moments of calm before the storm, you would look for him in the eye of the hurricane. Especially when he came home after missions, the spirit of Ghost still clinging to his bones. It was then that you would create a tempest inside a glass of water and feed it to him, rejoicing the desolation he still carried from the battlefield. You would make him drink all of it, his body unable to deny it from the severe dehydration and duress his body had been put through. Instead of dragging him away from his dark thoughts, you would blow out the candle and become the shadows that embraced him.
“Fuck me like you hate me [dig it up and tear it down]
Dig it up and hold me out
Fuck me like you hate me [dig it up, tear it down]
I love the sound when you come undone”
After all Simon had done, hatefuck was all that was left of the relationship. The hope of a bright future escaped your bodies through screams of pleasure, leaving behind a sore throat and the pain of a lost dream. Sometimes, Simon would let you take charge, so he could feel you fuck your hate into his body. He deserved it, after ruining what the two of you could have had. Only in those moments he would find the fire in your eyes reflecting his own. And then, he would watch you come undone in his arms, adoring the way your body would contort in pleasure and completely melt into him afterwards. It reminded him of the girl he fell in love with, vulnerable and clinging to his body. Those moments were the closest we would ever get to heaven, because it was when he would carry you out of the hell he created, even if just temporarily, so you could have a taste of paradise.
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mudisgranapat · 4 months
could not sleep for the life of me and now i have three hours straight of class with no brakes 😭 literally why
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