#sims 4 wind chimes
simdertalia · 1 year
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🔮 Witchy Shop Decor Set 2 🔮
20 items | Sims 4, Base game compatible | Many swatches for multiple items
Set contains: -Tarot Box | 4 swatches | 311 poly -Tarot stacked | 2 swatches | 58 poly -Tarot spread (2 items: face up and face down) | 2 swatches each | 82 poly -Gem Bins | 4 swatches | 2,014 poly -Sticker Roll | 1 swatch (made to match the stickers on the bags from the first shop decor set) | 50 poly -Fairy Door | 10 swatches | 108 poly -Floating Frames (2 items: table and string versions) | 20 swatches | blanks included for recolors | 48 poly & 59 poly -Rugs | 3 swatches | 339 poly -Tray | 3 swatches | 1020 poly -Keepsake Jar (open & closed) | 7 swatches | 74 poly each -Intercom | 7 swatches | 472 poly -Breaker | 4 swatches | 308 poly -Extinguisher | 1 swatch | 1204 poly -Security Camera | 2 swatches | 1208 poly -Meteor Display | 4 swatches | 1286 poly -Nature Chimes | 2 swatches | 1212 poly -T-shirt Display | 6 swatches | blanks included for recolors | 792 poly
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE> https://simfileshare.net/folder/185100/
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE> https://mega.nz/folder/t9hC2JKT#eTeH0li3x3aq-qCK2BOO8w
📁 DL on Patreon
Will be public on April 8th, 2023
Update April 8th, 2023: The gem bins have been updated today to include all of the swatches from the gem piles TSM conversion in the first shop decor set.
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my sets will be early access from now on. If you like my work, please consider supporting me:
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram  📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️❤️❤️
@sssvitlanz​​  @maxismatchccworld​​ @mmoutfitters​​  @coffee-cc-finds​​  @itsjessicaccfinds​​  @gamommypeach​​  @stargazer-sims-finds​​  @khelga68​​  @suricringe​​  @vaporwavesims​​
Set 1 can be found HERE>
723 notes · View notes
plumdale · 1 year
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vic & phoenix had some friends over for their housewarming party, which was going great until the fire pit caught on… fire :)
202 notes · View notes
symerr · 1 year
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Dayana's trying to study robotics while listening to Focus music and then her parents came in to dance to Focus music and then her brother joined in.
0 notes
paradise-world · 5 months
Whispers Of Fate | Kim Jiwoong ZB1
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Summary : A talented cheerleader navigates love and secrets while balancing the pressures of highschool cheerleading.
Genre : Coming Of Age, Fluff, Romance, High School AU, VERY Mildly Suggestive, Fem Reader, Drama, Friendship, Slice Of Life
Warnings : Not proofread, everything (all the characters) are fictional except Jiwoong, but this story does not reflect how he is in real life since he is (obviously) and idol, the name of the highschool was just some random one I found online
Word Count : 9.2k
Sims 4 Lives As Stories | Masterlist 1
Seo Y/N strode onto the cheerleading mat with an air of self-assured confidence that commanded attention. With a penchant for drama and a thirst for excitement, she relished the spotlight, making every practice a performance. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she reveled in the exhilarating rush that came with executing flawless routines and igniting the crowd's energy.
The gymnasium echoed with the rhythmic thud of feet landing in sync, punctuated by the harmonious chants of "Go, Fight, Win!" Y/N led her squad with precision, her movements fluid and graceful as she executed a series of complex stunts and tumbling passes. The team seamlessly transitioned from pyramid formations to intricate dance sequences, their collective energy electrifying the room. Each toss and catch was executed with meticulous precision, showcasing the hours of dedication and teamwork that defined their camaraderie.
Just as the routine reached its crescendo, a sudden misstep sent one of the flyers tumbling to the mat, causing a ripple of concern among the team. Tensions flared as accusations flew, with two members, Eunbyul and Nayoung, locking horns in a heated exchange. Y/N's eyes narrowed, sensing the mounting drama, and she quickly intervened, silencing the squabble with a commanding presence. As the cheerleading captain, she deftly mediated the situation, diffusing the tension with a stern yet reassuring demeanor, ensuring the practice could resume without further disruption.
With the drama momentarily quelled, Y/N gathered her friends, discussing the incident in hushed tones before they dispersed. Eunbi, her closest confidante, was getting picked up by her parents; Chaewon, always the adventurer, hopped on her bike, eager to feel the wind in her hair; and Areum boarded the bus, headphones in, lost in her world. Y/N watched them depart, her thoughts lingering on the day's events as she began her familiar walk home, a sense of fulfillment tinged with anticipation of the challenges and excitement that awaited her.
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Y/N's home was a sanctuary of warmth and laughter, a testament to the close-knit bond she shared with her family. As she entered the cozy living room, her eyes met those of her mother, whose loving gaze conveyed an unspoken understanding. Her father, seated nearby, flashed a proud smile, while her younger brother, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, eagerly awaited his sister's attention. Together, they settled into a familiar routine, exchanging playful banter and heartfelt conversations that showcased their genuine affection for one another.
Drawing a deep breath, Y/N turned to her parents, seeking their guidance on a matter close to her heart. "Mom, Dad," she began hesitantly, "I've been contemplating whether to take on a leadership role in a community project at school. It's a significant commitment, and I value your insights." Her parents exchanged knowing glances before nodding in unison, expressing their unwavering support. As they offered words of encouragement, Y/N's little brother chimed in, his youthful voice echoing with innocent enthusiasm. "Sis, you'd be awesome! I'll even help with your posters!" His earnest offer elicited smiles all around, reaffirming the familial bonds that grounded Y/N and shaped her decisions.
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After a heartfelt conversation with her family that left her spirit refreshed, Y/N retreated to her room, where rows of books beckoned from their shelves. For Y/N, books were more than mere ink and paper; they were portals to other worlds, beckoning her to embark on new adventures and explore uncharted territories of the mind.
As night settled in, Y/N's focus shifted to the daunting task at hand. Armed with an array of textbooks and study materials, she delved into her preparations for the upcoming weekly exams. Each page she turned, each concept she grasped, showcased her unwavering dedication to academic excellence. However, as the clock ticked relentlessly onwards, exhaustion began to weigh heavily upon her. Despite her best efforts to remain alert, sleep's embrace proved too enticing to resist. With a sigh, Y/N's head gently descended onto the pages of her open textbook, a testament to her relentless pursuit of knowledge and the boundless curiosity that fueled her aspirations.
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As dawn broke, heralding a new day, Y/N embarked on her familiar routine, navigating the bustling hallways of her high school with practiced ease. The chatter of students, the clatter of lockers, and the rhythmic cadence of footsteps marked the rhythm of daily life, each moment meticulously orchestrated as Y/N seamlessly transitioned from one class to the next, her determination evident in every stride.
The culmination of her relentless dedication manifested in the form of impeccable exam results. Y/N's unwavering commitment to excellence was evident, as her name resonated with admiration and respect when the grades were announced. Her accomplishments echoed through the corridors, solidifying her reputation as a formidable scholar whose intellect and diligence were beyond reproach.
Amidst the throng of students, Y/N's gaze inadvertently locked onto a figure who exuded an undeniable magnetism. Though they had never spoken, she was acutely aware of his presence, his allure transcending mere physical attraction. His name was Kim Jiwoong, a familiar face whose enigmatic aura had always piqued her curiosity. Today, however, something was different; a subtle shift in the atmosphere hinted at the possibility of a deeper connection waiting to be explored. Shaking off her reverie, Y/N refocused her thoughts. Her heart rate subtly accelerated as she began her journey towards cheer practice, a sense of anticipation tingling at the back of her mind, hinting at the unforeseen twists and turns that lay ahead.
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In the pulsating heart of the gymnasium, Y/N commanded the spotlight with an effortless grace and precision that left spectators in awe. As the cheerleading captain, she was a beacon of inspiration, her every movement a symphony of athleticism and artistry. From executing gravity-defying flips to orchestrating intricate formations, Y/N's leadership shone brightly, her teammates rallying behind her with unwavering trust and admiration.
Amidst the exhilarating routines and synchronized choreography, Y/N's leadership skills came to the fore, her passion for cheerleading evident in every spirited chant and triumphant stance. She guided her squad with unwavering determination, instilling a sense of camaraderie and unity that transcended the confines of the gymnasium. Her unwavering commitment to excellence fostered an environment where each member felt valued, their individual strengths celebrated as integral components of a cohesive whole.
However, as the intensity of practice reached its zenith, tensions simmered beneath the surface, culminating in a heated confrontation between two members of the cheer squad. The air grew thick with animosity, escalating rapidly into a volatile altercation that threatened to disrupt the harmony Y/N had worked so tirelessly to maintain. With tempers flaring, the situation spiraled out of control, culminating in a hair-pulling skirmish that sent shockwaves through the gymnasium.
Reacting swiftly, Y/N and her friends intervened, pulling the feuding cheerleaders apart with determined resolve. As the chaos unfolded, another member of the squad sprinted towards the head teacher of PDHPE, ushering her into the fray. With a sense of urgency, they guided the antagonists away, leading them to the sanctuary of the teacher's office to defuse the escalating tension.
Once the immediate crisis was averted, Y/N gathered with her friends, noticing their faces filled with concern and disbelief. "I can't believe they let it get that far," Eunbi exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. Chaewon shook her head. "It's like they forgot we're a team. A family," Areum chimed in, "We need to address this before it tears us apart." Y/N nodded, her expression resolute as she contemplated the repercussions of the day's events. With a heavy heart, she bid her friends farewell, her thoughts consumed by the challenges that lay ahead as she made her way to the bus stop, her part-time job beckoning with the promise of a brief respite from the tumultuous world of high school drama.
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Amidst the rhythmic hum of the espresso machine and the aromatic symphony of freshly brewed coffee, Y/N gracefully navigated the bustling ambiance of the café. As a barista, she moved with a practiced ease, her hands deftly maneuvering the machinery with precision. The rich aroma of roasted beans permeated the air, blending harmoniously with the soft hum of conversation that filled the space, each moment punctuated by Y/N's meticulous attention to detail as she crafted each beverage with care.
Y/N's multitasking prowess was on full display as she seamlessly juggled multiple orders, her focus unwavering amidst the cacophony of voices and the clatter of porcelain cups. With an innate sense of rhythm, she orchestrated a delicate ballet of flavors and textures, each drink tailored to perfection under her expert guidance.
Interacting with customers, Y/N exuded warmth and professionalism, her genuine smile brightening the day of each patron who crossed the café threshold. However, amidst the familiar faces and routine interactions, Y/N's focus shifted abruptly when a figure entered, causing a surge of anticipation to flow through her veins. Jiwoong stood before her, his striking features accentuated by the soft glow of the café lights.
"Good evening," Jiwoong greeted with a polite nod, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a hint of intrigue. "I'll have a caramel macchiato, please."
"Of course," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with sweetness as she punched in his order. "One caramel macchiato coming right up. Would you like that for here or to go?"
"To go, please," Jiwoong responded, his gaze lingering on Y/N's with a subtle appreciation for her attentiveness.
As Y/N meticulously crafted his beverage, their conversation flowed effortlessly, a seamless exchange of pleasantries and compliments that hinted at the possibility of future encounters. "Here you go," she said, handing him the carefully prepared drink. "I added an extra drizzle of caramel for good measure. Let me know how it tastes."
Jiwoong took a sip, savoring the rich blend of flavors. "It's perfect," he remarked, his eyes meeting Y/N's with a genuine warmth that resonated within her. "You've certainly earned yourself a regular customer."
Y/N's internal turmoil of excitement and intrigue remained concealed behind a composed facade as she bid him farewell, her thoughts lingering on the unexpected connection that had ignited amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. With Jiwoong's departure, Y/N resumed her duties, attending to a myriad of tasks that demanded her attention, a sense of anticipation tingling at the prospect of future encounters that promised to redefine the contours of her seemingly ordinary existence.
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The new week at Chiak High School unfurled with an electric tension, and Y/N felt irresistibly drawn to the whirlwind of drama that captivated her peers. As she maneuvered through the bustling hallways, her eyes sparkled with mischief, relishing the intoxicating blend of whispers and speculations that permeated the atmosphere. To Y/N, the allure of drama was an irresistible siren song—a thrilling game where she delighted in orchestrating the intricate tapestry of rumors and intrigue that ensnared the student body.
Spotting Eunbi across the quad, Y/N leaned in, her voice dripping with feigned concern. "You wouldn't believe the latest," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yeeun and Namgi were allegedly spotted at the park last weekend. Witnesses claim Namgi was seen coercing Yeeun into some shady dealings." The revelation sent a palpable shockwave through Eunbi, and Y/N savored the moment, her senses tingling with anticipation.
As the day unfolded, Y/N's fabricated tale echoed through the corridors, each retelling more embellished than the last. "I heard Namgi was pressuring Yeeun into something sketchy at the park," one student murmured, their voice tinged with a blend of disbelief and fascination. Y/N's smirk deepened, her satisfaction growing as she reveled in the power of her words, the tendrils of her rumors weaving a complex web that ensnared the unsuspecting students.
Seizing an opportunity to engage Jiwoong, Y/N's heart raced as she approached him, her voice tinged with faux sympathy as she relayed the salacious details. "You wouldn't believe the rumors circulating around school," she began, her eyes meeting his with a hint of intrigue. 
Jiwoong raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his gaze. "Go on," he prompted, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and intrigue.
"I've heard whispers about Yeeun and Namgi," Y/N continued, her voice tinged with a blend of concern and excitement. "Apparently, Namgi was seen pressuring her into something questionable at the park. It's all anyone can talk about."
Jiwoong's eyes widened momentarily before he responded, "That's quite the rumor. I hope it's just that—a rumor."
Y/N nodded, her gaze lingering on Jiwoong's for a moment longer before she replied, "Time will tell, won't it?" With a subtle smile, she bid him farewell, leaving Jiwoong lost in thought as she walked away, her mind already racing about her conversation with the male.
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Y/N entered the hushed atmosphere of Chiak High School's library, her footsteps muted by the soft carpeted floors. With her backpack slung over one shoulder, she ventured to a secluded corner, immersing herself among the rows of bookshelves that housed worlds waiting to be explored. As she delved into the pages of a captivating novel, a subtle rustle of movement nearby caught her attention.
Glancing up, Y/N found herself locking eyes with Jiwoong, who had just rounded the corner of the same section she was perusing. Their eyes met briefly before he offered a polite smile, his gaze drifting to the book she held in her hands. "I didn't expect to find someone else interested in contemporary literature," he remarked, his voice soft yet confident.
Y/N returned his smile, intrigued by his observation. "It's a refreshing change from the usual classics," she replied, her curiosity piqued. "What brings you to this section?"
"Stories that challenge conventional narratives have always captivated me," Jiwoong responded, his eyes meeting hers with genuine interest. "There's something captivating about exploring themes that resonate with our generation."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they delved deeper into their shared passion for literature, exchanging insights and recommendations with a sense of camaraderie that belied their brief acquaintance. As the final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of classes, Y/N and Jiwoong discovered they lived in the same direction, providing an opportunity for them to continue their conversation as they walked home together.
"So, aside from literature, what other subjects do you enjoy?" Y/N asked, her curiosity guiding their conversation.
"History has always fascinated me," Jiwoong replied, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "The intricacies of past civilizations and their impact on contemporary society never cease to amaze me. How about you?"
"I've always had a penchant for science," Y/N admitted, her eyes meeting his as they navigated the familiar path home. "There's something empowering about understanding the complexities of the world around us."
Later that evening, as Y/N recounted her day to her family, she found herself hesitating before revealing her newfound connection with Jiwoong. "He's quite insightful," she finally admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.
Her little brother, sensing her reluctance, chimed in teasingly, "Sounds like someone has a crush!"
Y/N's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the truth in his words. "It's not like that," she protested, although her heart hinted otherwise.
Unable to contain her excitement, Y/N dialed her friends, eager to share the day's events. "You won't believe who I ran into at the library," she exclaimed, her voice animated as she recounted her unexpected encounter with Jiwoong. Amidst the chorus of questions and laughter from her friends, Y/N felt a sense of exhilaration, her heart fluttering with the promise of possibilities yet to be explored.
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Fresh from the exhilaration of a rigorous cheer practice, Y/N slipped into the rhythmic familiarity of her barista role at the local coffee shop. As she adjusted her apron, her gaze drifted across the room and settled on a familiar face: Jiwoong. Their eyes met, and a subtle smile graced his lips. "Looks like you weren't kidding when you said you'd become a regular," Y/N remarked, her tone light yet genuine.
Jiwoong chuckled softly, his gaze meeting hers with a hint of amusement. "I tend to remember what I say," he replied, his voice carrying a note of sincerity that resonated with Y/N.
Without missing a beat, Y/N proceeded to prepare Jiwoong's preferred drink, recalling their previous conversation with a sense of anticipation. As she handed him the meticulously crafted beverage, their fingers briefly touched, sending a subtle yet palpable spark between them. "Your usual, a caramel macchiato," she remarked, her eyes meeting his as she awaited his response.
"Absolutely," Jiwoong affirmed, taking a sip and savoring the rich blend of flavors. "You have an impeccable memory."
As the evening unfolded, the coffee shop gradually emptied, leaving Y/N and Jiwoong in a realm of their own. Before long, their conversation drifted to the recent drama that had unfolded between Yeeun and Namgi. "Have you heard anything new about Yeeun and Namgi?" Jiwoong inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
Y/N hesitated momentarily before responding, "There's been some tension, but I'm hopeful they'll work things out." She shared a few details, providing Jiwoong with an update while navigating the delicate intricacies of their shared social circle.
As the final customers departed, Jiwoong lingered, his presence filling the space with a sense of possibility. "Mind if I accompany you?" he ventured, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of vulnerability.
Y/N nodded, her heart echoing his unspoken sentiments. "I'd like that," she replied, her voice tinged with anticipation.
Together, they ventured into the crisp night air, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they approached the bus stop. As they waited for the bus to arrive, Y/N and Jiwoong found solace in each other's presence. Their shared journey home marking the beginning of a newfound connection that promised to transcend the boundaries of their ordinary lives.
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The sun cast a golden hue across the sprawling school field as the cheer squad assembled, anticipation humming in the air. Y/N's eyes scanned the familiar faces of her teammates, their expressions a mix of curiosity and intrigue. As she glanced towards the football team gathered nearby, her gaze settled on Jiwoong, his presence commanding yet approachable. The football coach stepped forward, his voice echoing across the field. "Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be training together from now on. The cheer squad will join our sessions, not only to practice outdoors but also to fuel our team with motivation."
As the joint training session commenced, Y/N and her teammates seamlessly integrated their routines with the football team's drills. The rhythmic cadence of cheers mingled with the grunts and shouts of athletes, creating a symphony of determination and unity. Amidst the flurry of activity, Y/N found herself crossing paths with Jiwoong during a brief break. Seizing the moment, Jiwoong approached her, his eyes meeting hers with a sense of earnestness. "It's interesting how our worlds have collided," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "It's a unique opportunity for both teams to support each other," she replied, her voice steady yet warm. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they exchanged insights about the collaborative training, their perspectives weaving together with a sense of camaraderie. As the whistle signaled the end of the break, they exchanged a fleeting glance, their connection palpable yet understated.
Jiwoong's departure was soon followed by the enthusiastic approach of Y/N's main friend group, their faces alight with excitement. "That was quite a conversation you had with Jiwoong," one of them remarked, her eyes dancing with curiosity.
Y/N smiled, her heart buoyed by their support. "It's a new experience for all of us," she replied, her voice filled with gratitude. Their conversation continued, punctuated by laughter and shared insights, before they dispersed to resume their respective practices. As Y/N rejoined her teammates, her thoughts lingered on her unexpected connection with Jiwoong, their shared journey unfolding amidst the backdrop of teamwork and determination.
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Friday afternoon draped a wearied spell over the town, leaving Y/N and her younger brother, Taeho, drained from their day of leading a charity fundraiser. Feeling the weight of the day, Y/N suggested to her parents, "I think I'll head to the bookstore for a bit." Her parents exchanged knowing smiles, with her mother teasing, "Maybe you'll run into that young man again," referencing Jiwoong. Y/N responded with a playful smirk and set out toward the bookstore.
Upon entering the bookstore, Y/N gravitated toward her favorite section, soon finding herself engrossed in the titles before her. As she contemplated her next literary escape, a familiar face appeared beside her — Jiwoong. Both startled yet pleasantly surprised, they exchanged warm smiles. "Meeting you here seems almost like fate," Jiwoong quipped, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
Y/N chuckled, the fatigue of the day momentarily overshadowed by intrigue. "It certainly feels like our love for books keeps leading us to the same places," she mused. "So, who are some of your favorite authors?"
Jiwoong's eyes brightened with enthusiasm. "The works of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway have deeply moved me. Their insights into the human condition have resonated with me. What about you?"
Y/N's face lit up, her passion evident. "I've long admired the storytelling of Jane Austen and Harper Lee. Their ability to craft interesting narratives while offering profound societal commentary has always captivated me," she shared, their conversation deepening as they explored shared literary interests.
As Y/N and Jiwoong delved into their discussion, ‌their shared love for literature was more than a passing coincidence. Their mutual respect, intellectual curiosity, and shared interests paved the way for a connection that promised to flourish as they navigated the intricate tapestry of books and ideas together, forging a bond rooted in understanding, appreciation, and shared passion.
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In the midst of a bustling school event, Y/N and Jiwoong found a rare moment of quiet. Away from the noise and distractions, the two stood slightly apart from the crowd, enveloped in a peaceful lull. Jiwoong looked at Y/N, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
"You know," Jiwoong began, his voice softer than usual, "events like this always take me back to when I was younger. My family faced some tough times, and gatherings like this were rare but cherished. They taught me the value of community and sticking together."
Y/N's eyes met Jiwoong's, recognizing the vulnerability in his words. "I get that," she replied gently. "My family had its challenges too. It's events like this that remind me of where I come from and what's important."
The two shared a quiet understanding, realizing that amidst the noise and excitement of the event, they had found a moment to connect on a deeper level. This exchange of personal stories, though brief, allowed them to glimpse into each other's worlds, understanding the motivations and values that shaped their perspectives.
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The day's classes concluded with an electrifying assembly in the school gym. The principal, microphone in hand, announced, "In celebration of the success of our event yesterday, there will be a carnival held at 7 pm at the local docks!" The hall erupted with cheers and excited chatter.
Y/N's close friends huddled around her, their faces beaming with anticipation. "Y/N, this is your chance! We see how close you're getting to Jiwoong," Eunbi teased. Chaewon chimed in, "Seriously, we've all noticed."
Y/N rolled her eyes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "You're reading too much into it," she dismissed, though her friends weren't convinced.
"We'll see," Areum winked as they all dispersed, preparing for the evening's excitement.
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The carnival was in full swing as Y/N and her friends meandered through the vibrant stalls, each indulging in their favorite treats. As they settled on a bench to enjoy their ice creams, flavors ranging from vanilla to mint chocolate, their laughter and banter filled the air.
Making their way toward the towering ferris wheel, the group's anticipation grew palpable. Inside the cozy confines of their cart, Y/N updated her friends on the latest drama between Yeeun and Namgi. "You won't believe what Yeeun did this time," she began, her voice filled with exaggerated disbelief.
Her friend, Areum, leaned in, "Go on, spill the tea!"
Y/N continued recounting the latest escapades, eliciting gasps and giggles from her attentive audience. "And Namgi's reaction was priceless," she concluded, the group laughing in unison.
As they disembarked from the ferris wheel, Jiwoong & his friends approached. "Mind if we join you?" Jiwoong's voice was warm and inviting. Y/N's eyes met his, a hint of surprise, before she nodded. "Of course."
Venturing into the haunted house as a combined group, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. Amidst the eerie surroundings and playful scares, Y/N found herself exchanging glances with Jiwoong, their connection deepening with each shared moment and inside joke.
Exiting the haunted house, Jiwoong's voice resonated with a playful tone, "Fancy a ride on the love carts?" Y/N's heart raced, the playful banter and shared moments paving the way for an evening filled with excitement, laughter, and unexpected connections.
As they settled into the intimate confines of the love carts, Y/N felt a rush of anticipation. Jiwoong took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto hers, revealing a vulnerability she hadn't seen before. "Y/N," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "I've been wanting to tell you something. I've developed feelings for you, feelings that I can't ignore any longer."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of Jiwoong's confession hanging in the air between them. "Jiwoong," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion, "I've been feeling the same way."
Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them. Slowly, Jiwoong reached up, gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind Y/N's ear. She leaned into his touch, her eyes never leaving his. With a gentle tug, Jiwoong's fingers intertwined with her hair, drawing her closer.
The world around them faded as their lips met, a soft and tender connection that spoke volumes. It was like they had a shared longing for each other that they weren’t able to control. Wanting to go deeper, he put his tongue on her lips as a way of asking for permission to enter her mouth. With the consent given, their kiss was filled with warmth and understanding. Y/N's hand found its way to Jiwoong's cheek, caressing it softly as they deepened the kiss, exploring the newfound intimacy.
As their moment continued, a surge of emotion swept over them both. Jiwoong's other hand found its way to the small of Y/N's back, pulling her closer, sealing their connection. They were lost in the moment, a beautiful symphony of emotions, thoughts, and desires colliding in a single, unforgettable kiss.
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In the digital age, news traveled faster than light, and whispers on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and X were the catalysts. By the morning, after the love carts incident, cryptic posts, and veiled references flooded timelines. Screenshots of Y/N and Jiwoong at the entrance of the love carts were plastered with speculative captions. The rumor mill was in full swing, yet the specifics remained shrouded in ambiguity.
Y/N's close circle noticed the online chatter almost immediately. "Y/N, have you seen what people are saying?" Areum, one of her closest friends, questioned, concern evident in her voice. "Are you okay?"
Y/N smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. "I'm more than okay," she replied with a hint of excitement. "But the drama? It's like watching a movie unfold. I can't deny it's kind of exhilarating."
Areum sighed, shaking her head. "Only you would find joy in this chaos," she remarked, half-amused and half-worried about Y/N's penchant for drama. "But seriously, amidst all this excitement, remember to stay grounded. Not everything on social media reflects reality."
Y/N nodded but couldn't resist the allure of the drama. She grabbed her phone, typing a quick, cutting retort to a particularly nasty comment, showcasing her sharp wit and occasional mean streak. While she reveled in the drama, her friends knew this behavior was a double-edged sword.
As the day wore on, Y/N's internal conflict became more apparent. While she thrived amidst the chaos and drama, her friends could see the toll it sometimes took on her. They hoped that amidst the social media storm, Y/N would recognize the growth potential within her, understanding that true strength and confidence came from introspection and genuine connections, not just fleeting online validation.
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Since the whirlwind of social media drama erupted, a tangible void enveloped Y/N's world. The familiar corners of their shared spaces — the coffee shop's cozy ambiance, the silent camaraderie in the school library, and even the hushed whispers among bookshelves at the local bookstore — felt hauntingly empty without Jiwoong's presence. While he continued his routine at school and displayed his prowess at football practice, it was as though an invisible barrier separated them from their previously shared moments, leaving Y/N grappling with a palpable silence.
Each passing day deepened the chasm of uncertainty, amplifying Y/N's inner turmoil. The absence of their usual interactions weighed heavily on her heart, casting shadows of doubt and longing. The pending football game added a layer of pressure, magnifying the stakes of their unresolved tension. With every practice session, every fleeting glance, the impending game loomed ominously, intensifying the need for clarity and reconciliation. Y/N's emotions churned, caught between hope and despair, as the uncertainty of their relationship and the looming football game intertwined, creating a complex web of emotions that demanded resolution.
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The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, buzzing with anticipation as the two teams clashed on the field. Jiwoong, with his unmistakable agility and determination, navigated the gridiron with precision. His strategic moves and seamless coordination with teammates showcased his prowess, drawing roars of approval from the crowd and amplifying the team's momentum.
Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Y/N led her cheer squad with an unwavering focus. Every lift, toss, and formation executed with precision, echoing the team's dedication and spirit. Her sharp commands and synchronized routines spurred the crowd's energy, creating a dynamic interplay between the players on the field and the cheerleaders rallying support from the sidelines.
As the game intensified, the palpable tension between the two teams became evident. Each play, tackle, and interception was met with fervent determination, pushing both sides to their limits. The aggressive exchanges and heated confrontations on the field underscored the high stakes, fueling the crowd's excitement and fervor.
Seeking a brief respite from the mounting pressure, Y/N retreated to the bathroom, only to encounter a rival cheerleader from a competing school. "Looks like your squad's losing its touch," the rival cheerleader taunted, her voice dripping with condescension. 
Y/N squared her shoulders, meeting the rival's gaze defiantly. "Maybe focus on your own team instead of worrying about ours," she retorted sharply. 
The rival cheerleader scoffed, tossing her hair dismissively. "Just wait and watch," she shot back before storming out, leaving Y/N pondering the implications of their confrontation amidst the unfolding game.
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Y/N had always possessed a remarkable resilience, a quality that allowed her to navigate the complexities of relationships with grace and poise. While the recent tension with Jiwoong weighed on her mind, she refused to let it overshadow her innate ability to rebound from challenges. Instead of dwelling on uncertainties, she embraced her strength, recognizing that her happiness wasn't solely tethered to the dynamics of one relationship.
Focusing her energy on cherished friendships, Y/N reveled in the joy and laughter shared with her closest companions. Their shared moments, filled with genuine laughter, heartfelt conversations, and unwavering support, served as a reminder of the profound connections that enriched her life. Embracing her carefree spirit, she cherished these moments, finding solace and happiness in their unwavering camaraderie.
Beyond her circle of friends, Y/N found contentment in the warmth and love of her family. Their shared memories, traditions, and unwavering support offered a sense of stability and comfort amidst life's uncertainties. Whether through shared meals, family gatherings, or quiet moments at home, she recognized the invaluable bond they shared, allowing her to find peace and contentment within their embrace.
As the days passed, Y/N's carefree nature shone brightly, guiding her through life's ebbs and flows. Embracing the love and support of friends and family, she reveled in the joy of the present moment, unburdened by past uncertainties. With a renewed sense of self-assurance and contentment, Y/N embraced the tranquility that enveloped her, confident in her ability to navigate whatever challenges lay ahead.
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Throughout the past few weeks, Y/N had demonstrated an unwavering commitment to her academic pursuits, reflected in her exemplary grades and stellar exam results. Her dedication and diligence had not only propelled her academic standing but also paved the way for opportunities beyond her current educational path.
Midway through a particularly engaging class, a call from the principal's office interrupted the day's routine. With a mix of curiosity and anticipation, Y/N made her way to the principal's office, wondering what awaited her. 
"Please have a seat, Y/N," the principal began, her expression a mix of pride and seriousness. "Your academic performance has been nothing short of exceptional, and as a result, you have the opportunity to graduate early."
Taken aback by the unexpected news, Y/N weighed her options carefully. While the prospect of early graduation presented a unique opportunity for her future, it also meant bidding farewell to cherished activities and roles, including her position on the cheer squad. With a deep breath, she accepted the offer, recognizing the potential benefits that lay ahead.
As cheer practice commenced later that day, Y/N gathered her teammates, her voice steady yet tinged with emotion. "I've been presented with an opportunity to graduate early," she began, pausing to gauge their reactions. "This means I'll be stepping down from the cheer squad."
Amidst a chorus of surprised expressions and murmurs of disappointment, Y/N turned to one of her closest friends which was Eunbi. "I believe in you," she said, passing on the mantle of cheerleading captaincy. "You'll make an incredible captain."
Though saddened by the news, Y/N's friends rallied around her, offering words of support and encouragement as they navigated the bittersweet reality of her impending departure.
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As Y/N wandered through the spacious rooms of the city's renowned art gallery on a leisurely weekend afternoon, she never anticipated the surprise that awaited her. Turning a corner, her eyes immediately laid on Jiwoong, amidst the vibrant canvases and sculptures that adorned the walls and alcoves. The unexpected encounter filled the air with a mix of surprise and nostalgia, their paths crossing in a setting neither frequented often.
"Wow, I didn't expect to see you here," Y/N remarked, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.
Jiwoong smiled, his eyes reflecting a genuine interest. "I've always had a passion for art and culture," he replied. "It's a great way to unwind and gain inspiration."
As they exchanged casual conversation about their current activities, Y/N mentioned that her family had decided to visit the art gallery for the weekend, exploring the diverse collection and engaging in lively discussions about the various pieces. In contrast, Jiwoong shared his perspective on art, highlighting his appreciation for the intricate details, diverse styles, and profound messages conveyed through each artwork.
Amidst the captivating artwork and ambient surroundings, their unplanned meeting began to stir old feelings and memories, reigniting a connection that had faded over time. The serene atmosphere of the art gallery provided a tranquil backdrop for them to reconnect, reflecting on experiences, shared moments, and unresolved issues that lingered between them.
As the conversation flowed and emotions surfaced, Y/N felt a wave of old feelings resurface, prompting her to seize the opportunity to address unresolved issues and reconnect with Jiwoong. The unexpected encounter offered a chance to rediscover common ground, explore renewed perspectives, and potentially embark on a journey to rebuild their relationship with honesty, understanding, and openness.
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Since her unexpected encounter with Jiwoong at the art gallery, Y/N found herself captivated by a newfound passion for art. The vibrant colors, intricate details, and emotive expressions displayed in each piece resonated deeply with her, inspiring a renewed sense of creativity and curiosity. The diverse styles and profound messages conveyed through the artworks ignited a spark within Y/N, encouraging her to explore her artistic side and embrace the transformative power of expression.
Embracing her newfound love for art, Y/N began to channel her creativity into her daily life, starting with her old school books. Instead of simply jotting down notes and completing assignments, she transformed the pages into a canvas of her imagination, sketching intricate designs, experimenting with various techniques, and capturing moments of inspiration that flowed from her experiences and emotions. With each stroke of her pencil and splash of color, Y/N felt a sense of liberation and joy, immersing herself in the creative process and allowing her inner artist to flourish.
As Y/N continued to explore her artistic talents, she dedicated herself to refining her skills and expressing her unique perspective through her drawings. With unwavering determination and passion, she poured her heart and soul into each artwork, embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal growth that unfolded on the pages of her old school books. With each completed drawing, Y/N felt a profound sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, recognizing the transformative impact of art on her life and embracing the endless possibilities that awaited her on her creative journey.
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As time passed and circumstances changed, Y/N began to recognize the invaluable role that friendship played in her life. Despite the distance that separated her from her school friends, their bond remained unbreakable, serving as a constant source of support, understanding, and joy. The memories they shared, the laughter they enjoyed, and the challenges they overcame together highlighted the significance of friendship in shaping her identity, fostering personal growth, and cultivating meaningful connections. Despite the physical distance, Y/N cherished the bond she shared with her friends, recognizing the profound impact they had on her life and the enduring value of their friendship.
Furthermore, Y/N's interactions with Jiwoong further emphasized the importance of friendship in her life. As they navigated their renewed connection, addressed unresolved issues, and explored shared interests, Y/N appreciated the supportive and understanding nature of their relationship. Jiwoong's presence, encouragement, and willingness to communicate openly and honestly reinforced the significance of friendship in fostering trust, mutual respect, and emotional intimacy. Through their interactions, Y/N recognized the transformative power of friendship in building strong, meaningful relationships, navigating challenges, and embracing the joys of companionship.
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Y/N was busy behind the counter of the bustling café, expertly crafting lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos with precision and care. The aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, blending seamlessly with the soft hum of conversations and clinking of cups, creating a welcoming ambiance for customers seeking a momentary escape from their daily routines.
As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow through the café windows, Y/N's eyes lit up with delight as her three close female friends entered the establishment, their faces beaming with excitement and anticipation. "Y/N!" exclaimed Chaewon, waving enthusiastically. "It's so good to see you!" chimed in Eunbi, as the trio exchanged warm greetings and laughter. After a brief exchange of hellos and hugs, they proceeded to place their orders, eagerly anticipating their favorite beverages.
Nestled in a cozy corner of the café, the trio settled into plush armchairs and comfortable sofas, enveloped by the inviting atmosphere of the establishment. The soft lighting, soothing background music, and aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee created a tranquil ambiance, encouraging the group to relax, unwind, and immerse themselves in the comforting embrace of their surroundings. As they exchanged stories, reminisced about shared memories, and laughed at inside jokes, the café transformed into a sanctuary of joy, laughter, and camaraderie.
With a tray laden with delicious beverages in hand, Y/N approached the trio with a smile, distributing their orders with care and precision. "Join us, Y/N," Areum suggested, patting the empty seat beside her. Gratefully accepting the invitation, Y/N settled into the chair, embracing the warmth and familiarity of the company of her friends.
Engulfed in conversation, laughter, and shared memories, the trio reveled in the joyous reunion, catching up on recent events, sharing stories, and cherishing the precious moments spent together. As the hours passed, the café echoed with their laughter, chatter, and camaraderie, serving as a testament to the enduring bond and cherished memories that united them. Amidst the comforting ambiance of the café and the company of cherished friends, Y/N relished the joy, happiness, and contentment that blossomed within her, savoring the moments of connection, camaraderie, and cherished memories that defined their friendship.
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As the afternoon winds down, the Y/N's phone lights up with a familiar name: Jiwoong. "Hey," Jiwoong's voice comes through, slightly hesitant but warm. "Would you be up for a meeting at the park?" A smile breaks across her face. "Absolutely," she responds, excitement bubbling within her. With a nod to her parents, she quickly shares the news of her upcoming rendezvous with Jiwoong.
The doorbell chimes, signaling Jiwoong's arrival. He and her parents exchange warm greetings. She joins Jiwoong outside, feeling a rush of anticipation as they make their way to the local park, a serene haven in the heart of the city. The ambiance is soothing, with the gentle rustle of leaves and distant chirping of birds providing beautiful sounds to their ears.
As they stroll along the winding paths, the atmosphere between them is comfortable, yet charged with an undercurrent of unspoken emotions. "It's been a while since we've had a chance to just talk," Jiwoong starts, breaking the silence. "Yeah," she agrees. "Life has been pretty hectic." Their conversation flows naturally, touching on shared memories, aspirations, and the complexities of their current situations. They laugh at old jokes, share insights about recent experiences, and even delve into deeper topics, revealing vulnerabilities and strengths.
After a while, Jiwoong reaches into his bag, pulling out a variety of snacks. "Hungry?" he asks, extending the offerings towards her. "Always," she replies with a grin, selecting a treat. They find a secluded bench, settling down amidst the tranquil surroundings. Their conversation continues, with moments of reflection, understanding, and genuine connection.
As the afternoon progresses, the two of them lose themselves in the conversation, appreciating the opportunity to reconnect. With their surroundings, they become immersed in the beauty of the park, their bond strengthened, and the promise of more meaningful interactions on the horizon.
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The hum of the coffee machine fills the air as the Y/N expertly crafts a latte, her focus sharp amidst a bustling shift. The familiar chime of the café door interrupts her concentration, and she glances up to see her main friend group entering the establishment. Among them is Jiwoong, accompanied by three other members of his friend group, their presence adding a sense of intrigue to the setting.
As the two groups converge, the atmosphere becomes a blend of excitement and curiosity. She feels a mix of emotions as she navigates this unexpected merging of social circles, her eyes meeting Jiwoong's with a hint of warmth and familiarity. "Looks like we've got a full house today," Eunbi observes, breaking the initial tension and setting a playful tone for the gathering.
Engaging with both her friends and Jiwoong's group, the girl facilitates introductions and encourages conversation, eager to bridge the gap between the two worlds. The presence of Jiwoong and his friends adds a layer of excitement and possibility, hinting at shared experiences and connections yet to be explored. Throughout the visit, the conversation flows naturally as relationships evolve and new dynamics form among the group.
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The weekend had finally arrived, and it seemed like a perfect time for the entire friend group to come together. Lately, they had been growing closer, finding more reasons to hang out and share moments of laughter and camaraderie. Today was no exception, as plans were set for a day at the beach. 
The sun gleamed overhead as the Y/N's family car rolled down the coastal highway, the rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore growing louder with each passing mile. Excitement bubbled within her, knowing she would soon be surrounded by friends, feeling the sun on her skin, and hearing the distant calls of seagulls.
Upon arriving at the beach, the sight of her friends instantly lifted her spirits. The group wasted no time diving into the refreshing ocean waters, their laughter echoing amidst the waves. Amidst the playful splashing and floating, Y/N found herself beside Jiwoong, the two momentarily separated from the rest. 
"Hey," Jiwoong began, his voice gentle amidst the ocean's roar, "It's been great being here with everyone, hasn't it?" 
She nodded, smiling, "Absolutely. It feels like we're creating memories that will last a lifetime."
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, a few members of the group decided to return to the shore, setting up a makeshift beach volleyball court. Yet, Y/N, Jiwoong, and a couple of others remained, floating lazily in the water, the ocean's ebb and flow carrying their conversations.
Suddenly, Jiwoong's eyes twinkled with mischief. "How about we build a sandcastle?" he suggested, pointing to a spot on the shore where the sand looked perfect for their creative endeavor. 
With a playful grin, she replied, "Challenge accepted." 
The two made their way back to the sandy shores, their hands brushing against each other as they gathered wet sand, crafting intricate towers and moats. Amidst the building, their conversations flowed effortlessly, diving into dreams, aspirations, and cherished memories. 
As the day began to wane, casting a golden hue across the horizon, the group gathered around their masterpiece, a sandcastle that stood as a testament to their bond. Laughter echoed, memories were captured, and amidst the simplicity of a day at the beach, friendships deepened, and moments became memories to cherish.
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Amidst the familiar hum of the coffee machine and the soft chatter of customers, the Y/N diligently worked her shift at the bustling café. As she wiped down the counter, Eunbi stepped in, the doorbell chiming above her. With a hint of weariness in her eyes, Eunbi approached the girl. "Hey, can we talk? I need some advice," she said, taking a seat.
Recognizing the weight behind Eunbi's words, she quickly joined her friend, offering a comforting smile. "Of course, Eunbi. What's been bothering you?" she inquired, sensing the underlying tension in Eunbi's demeanor.
Eunbi exhaled deeply, her fingers tracing patterns on the wooden table. "Being the cheer captain has been more challenging than I imagined," she began, her voice quivering slightly. "Managing all the dramas within the squad, handling responsibilities—it's been overwhelming. I'm losing my confidence."
Listening intently, Y/N reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her friend. "Eunbi, you've always been resilient and strong. Remember, every leader faces challenges," she affirmed, looking directly into Eunbi's eyes. "You're not alone in this, and I believe in you. We can work through this together."
Tears glistened in Eunbi's eyes as she smiled gratefully, feeling the weight on her shoulders lighten slightly. "Thank you," she whispered. Y/N squeezed her hand gently, affirming their bond. "Always," she replied, "Forever."
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The local library, with its high ceilings and rows of wooden shelves filled with books, had become a frequent haunt for Y/N ever since she graduated early. The space offered solace, allowing her to escape into different worlds through the pages of countless novels.
As she reached out to grab a book from a top shelf, her fingers accidentally brushed against another's. Looking up, she found herself face-to-face with Jiwoong. "Seems like we've got our eyes on the same book," he remarked, offering her the book with a playful smirk.
She chuckled softly, feeling a brief but palpable connection. "You beat me to it," she replied, their fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary, a spark of recognition passing between them.
Returning to her chosen reading nook, she lost herself in the narrative of her novel. However, she couldn't help but notice Jiwoong a few rows away, engrossed in the exact same book. Their eyes met across the library, and for a fleeting moment, the world around them seemed to blur, leaving only the two of them connected by a shared interest.
Jiwoong approached her with a grin, holding up another copy of the book. "Looks like we have similar tastes," he quipped, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of curiosity and intrigue. She laughed softly, realizing the serendipity of their encounter. "Well, seems like it," she replied, the shared moment leaving an indelible mark on her heart.
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Y/N's phone buzzed on the coffee table, displaying Eunbi's name. "Hey, you up for a day in the city with everyone?" Eunbi's voice echoed through the speaker. 
"Absolutely," Y/N replied with enthusiasm.
Soon after, a familiar van pulled up outside her home, its doors sliding open to reveal the faces of Eunbi, Chaewon, Areum, Jiwoong, and three other friends from their group. "Ready for an adventure?" Jiwoong greeted her with a smile as she hopped in.
"Always," Y/N grinned, finding a seat beside Jiwoong. The van roared to life, carrying them towards the bustling heart of the city.
Their first stop was a cultural attraction, an immersive experience that celebrated their heritage. Walking amidst intricate displays and vibrant performances, Jiwoong leaned closer to Y/N, whispering, "This reminds me of our roots, the stories that shaped us."
Y/N nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the cultural pride around them. "It's a beautiful reminder of where we come from."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the city transformed into a hub of nightlife excitement. The group found themselves navigating neon-lit streets, sampling street food, and dancing to the rhythm of live music. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Jiwoong's hand brushed against Y/N's, their fingers entwining for a fleeting moment that spoke volumes.
As the night progressed, Jiwoong suggested they visit a renowned museum nearby. The ambiance shifted from the vibrant streets to the tranquil halls of history. Walking side by side, Y/N and Jiwoong explored ancient artifacts and whispered stories of bygone eras.
Finding a secluded corner, away from the prying eyes of their friends, Jiwoong took a deep breath, "Y/N, amidst all this history, I've been reflecting on our journey the moments we've shared."
Y/N's heart raced, realizing the depth of Jiwoong's sentiments. "I've felt it too, Jiwoong," she responded softly. "Our connection, the memories we've created together."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly, every word echoing with shared experiences and unspoken emotions. As they stood surrounded by history, Jiwoong's hand gently cupped Y/N's face, drawing her close. Their lips met in a tender kiss, a testament to their journey and the promise of a shared future.
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note : THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER WRITING SOMETHING THIS LONG so uhm if i could get tips of how to make my writing better for the future please dm!
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The harem is on a date at kalims palace and esthers getting very pale so they insist the bat feeds on them
Kalims parent(s) (you decide if it's one or both) walk in while esthers drinking blood from their sons neck.
What they pictured:
What was actually happening:
Bruh I forgot her noises in this anime, I watched this as a kid???
The trip was a safe one in the beginning with everyone arriving perfectly fine and on time with no sight of Kalim's parents anywhere
They all made it in time of Kalim's house when Arie pointed out Esther's appearance in a lovingly sweet concern- "What the fuck is happening to you??"
Que many concerned ahem Riddle- but bat informed them they're just on low of food supplies
And now que everyone offering for him to suck lol
The heat was nice and mild for the Scalding Sands, the wind chimes making beautiful melodies with the winds as the group of lovers snuggle up under the sun beams under the beautiful glass ceiling of Kalim's room
Which btw I made in the Sims 4 lol
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Esther just finishes sipping from a rather overly dramatic vocal Arie, to of which Sebek scolding for doing in front of Malleus and Lilia, before straddling a smiling Kalim's lap, hands finding each other in a twine
Fangs graze and soon pierce skin, a soft moan leaves the golden prince of the sun's lips as ruby eyes flutter shut behind luxurious white lashes, his back falling against the cold tile and soft pillows of the floor as the cute vampire feeds gently against the warm skin
Everyone basically watch in awe as Kalim softly squirms and makes breathless beautiful noises as Esther feeds so perfectly with happy blissful hums and moans muffled and vibrating against the neck they are feeding from, some shift in their seats while some carefully cup their fronts or cup others
Then the door opens
Eyes widen as Kalim's parents stand at the hall of the door of their son's lounging area, obviously was trying to see and welcome their sunshine boy, but are instead met with the terror of Kalim seemingly pinned to the floor by a blood sucker who's teeth are deep in his flesh
Everything happened in a flash. The screaming, the shouts, the defeating of Esther, the awkward attempts of explaining, the tears in ruby eyes, and now Kalim is bathing alone in his bathroom, upset of what happened earlier. Jamil was guiding everyone to their guest room(s) and Kalim decided to light some candles and incense and relaxed in the warm water as his mind tried to think of ways to make it up to everyone including his parents.
He was so deep in thought he didn't notice the bathroom door open and some feet walked in
He didn't notice until he felt and saw two pale arms wrap around him from behind.
He whipped around and sees Esther, Jamil, and the others there
They all decided to join him since the bath was very large like a inground pool
Think this
The lovebirds all enjoyed the bath together, Esther's more healthier thanks to the feeding in which he thanked Neige because the actor offered super fast when bat needed a fix
How long did it take for that bath to turn into some fun? Well that's up to you to decide~
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sims 4 cheat to end pregnancy
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Carls sims 4 guide pregnancy cheats. The Sims franchise has been around for a while now and has become extremely successful thanks to its quirkiness and. If tu hear little chimes at the end, then you're going to have a baby (or babies!) and Click on the mailbox, it will say "Set pregnancy relations with. Unlock CAS Items. by Szemoka Yesterday at am. Description: This mod can unlock CAS items such as hats, clothing, etc. It works in the same way as buying. (@ainment), Paulo(@pawlloe), Gohar Khan(@goharsguide), Real College Advice (@collegefreshmanfocus), Video's(@series), Gabe Dannenbring(@. Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Grupo Educare. +votre +oleh +##gi +yog +olan +parte +tas +##id +fun +##4 + +##P +atu +kasarangang +dette +Jeg +heeft +Internet +cikin +Online +hafa +end +shum. Wgm jung joon young ep 4 eng sub, List of flags in the world, Joseph macaluso new orleans, In sims 3 university cheats, Average wind speed on mercury.
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seraphicsimblr · 6 years
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Random fact: Nina hates wind chimes. Hates.
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occasionalsnippets · 2 years
Ok so here's the full Mc Grove idea thing by me 🌌 anon. So Ancient or Eldritch Mc build a Grove from the ground up that is later found by a child, Mc leads that child out of the Grove but they keep coming back with more kids because good sweet. So Mc just tells them to come back in 10 years to build a town. The kids left. Then Mc work on the 4 flowers that I mentioned in part 1 before the building of the Grove. Anyway, Mc brings up the mountain to the east and a river that is hard to cross on the west that leads to Mc's home. Then in the middle between the two Mc made a tree big so that it blocks everything from mc house. Then there are gates one is clear because it leads to the big tree and place of worship and the other is not clear because they do not use it that way. Anyway, the children come back now from 17 to 18 and build a town this is like middle age. The children have a hard time building the town so Mc magic is a town because they are like the nice neighbors that they love and hate. Anyway cult happens then they build the shine so that they get better worship Mc and the stacked rock is only there to count how many years this town has been around.
Anyway, Mc house it two floors. I try to build a small home-like but the scale in the sims 4 sucks. Besides that Mc have has a wonderful arch that leads to their house. I think halfway to make mc have some new stuff do to people leaving a box in the shine ( that can fit anything in it) that connect to mc own shine, that how they get new stuff. Anyway, there are two bathrooms, a laundry space near the stair, a living room/diner/kitchen/walk-in space, an open bedroom, a sunroom, and balcony, a patio, a small library/work space, and in the back a greenhouse that held outdoor work space.
So in the front yard, we gave the arch, bike, garbage collection thing because sims, a part of the river, small outdoor eating place, a well and to the east a hot spring.
On the patio, just a bit empty like their hanging plant, a wind chime, a hanging sitting place, and a gill.
In the house, we have two plants divided and on the left wall just a clothes rack and shoes and an umbrella stand.
Then we get to the back of the house which is the kitchen and dining room simple and easy.
On the right wall next to the door that leads to the library are a pipe organ, a harp with leaves, and decorative boxes. Then turn around to the front of the house, we have the living room, with a fireplace, small record thing, a sofa with two chairs, a cat thing, a wonderful tv, coss sticking and knitting stuff and book ancient.
The door next to the living room leads to a small library, it has a daybed near the window book on all three walls, a desk that looks like a writing desk with a new computer, camera, and book, and then a chest table.
Next is the small hallway that leads to the stair in the corner and front of a laundry space, to the right is a small bathroom.
Up the stair, it leads you to mc bedroom, on the front is mc bed and two night stand one have a clock the other book. There a door to the right that lead to Mc bathroom, to the left two door the back on lead to Mc balcony and near the front Mc sunroom. On the right the wall it in a bit and it have small plant and fish tank, in the back it have Mc dresser and next to it a cat tree sleeping think. Their are some painting stuff here and their. On mc balcony is yoga thing, a small chair, and Mc artist stuff. In mc sunroom is a piano and magic stuff.
In the back of the house, it a small garden with a shed that was a greenhouse but become well a shed that held mc flower space, carpenter stuff, pumpkin craving, and canding making. And next to the shine/ wishing well that give you stuff if you give it a lit of money, make it happy, and it pay it even more money to make a wish. Oh and the bird house and rabbit home.
The random Sims is for testing, it is 100% play test.
Yeah that about it. Any questions. Anyway I will be back to build doctor mc apartment that I believe it better that this house. Honestly I am better at building apartment then house. Oh well.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: Nope. I didn’t say any curse words as a kid for one, but also I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t have done that if I did. They would have just talked to me about it and tell me not to say them. I personally don’t like the soap punishment, I think it’s dumb. I’ve heard of some parents who use hot sauce instead, which is just horrible. I understand if you don’t want your kid to curse, but you don’t have to torture them. Just talk with them and explain why it’s not nice to say and that kids shouldn’t speak that way or whatever. Don’t make too big a deal about it. Try not to curse around them either, that’s where they likely hear it and you can be an example for them. If talking doesn’t work then take something away like a toy or some computer time or whatever. I think it’s also important to reward kids when they’re behaving, even just acknowledging it. That can go a long way.
2. what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: Well, I personally don’t think kids should watch that at all. I’d say wait until they’re in high school. 
3. do you know what the word “polyamorous” means? and did you ever hear that song by breaking benjamin?: Yes I know what it means, no I haven’t heard that particular song by them.
4. how many bug bites do you currently have?:  Zero.
5. what’s one word you always have trouble spelling and can’t remember the correct spelling of?: Whenever a question like this comes up, “onomatopoeia” always comes to mind. That’s a word I never use except for these questions haha, but yeah I can never seem to remember the spelling, I have to Google it each time.
6. what’s one band that really sucks live?: I’ve never seen a bad live performance, but I’ve heard things about some bands that I haven’t seen, such as Maroon 5. I’ve heard they’re pretty bad. :X
7. do you go to warped tour? why or why not?:  I’ve never been.
8. do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: Yes, a couple. 
9. do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?:  I’ve never heard of that lol but awww how corny and sweet.
10. which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Firefox out of the two, but I use Chrome.
11. who is the most attractive person on your street?: I haven’t seen all my neighbors, but I don’t find the few I have seen attractive. 
12. do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?:  I have a flat stomach, but noooo you’ll never see me in a crop top. I’m waaaaay too self-conscious for that.
13. which do you prefer on yourself, long or short hair?: Long, which is what I have, but it takes more energy and maintenance than I can give right now and I should just cut it short again. :/ I just can’t bring myself to do it for some reason, though.
14. what about on your preferred sex? long or short?:  Short.
15. with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?:  I don’t care for eyebrow piercings, personally.
16. have you ever pierced something yourself? why and what was it?: Nooooo. I would never. I’m terrified of needles and don’t do well at all when getting blood work done, and that’s by professionals. I could never attempt to pierce myself with no experience at all. I’d also be scared of doing something wrong or causing an infection.
17. would you date someone who was five years older than you?:  Maybe. I think that’s the oldest I would go.
18. i heard of a girl whose boyfriend cheated on her with a 13yearold (he’s 18) and got her pregnant, so she left him. what would you have done if you were in her situation?:  Omg. I’d have left him, too, but I also would have reported him.
19. how old was the youngest person you ever found attractive? and how old were you?:  Just a year younger than me.
20. isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to start conversation with someone and all they say is “yup” or “really now” or something like that?: Ugh, yes. If they’re clearly not into it or they’e distracted then forget it, what’s the point? I can’t keep a conversation going if the other person isn’t putting anything into it nor would I want to even try.
21. if you have aim, do you have any linked screen names? how many?: AIM died.
22. which of your favorite bands released a new album last?: Hmm. I’m blanking at the moment.
23. are you waiting for any bands to release new albums? which ones?:  Not in particular, but I’m always down for new music.
24. what’s your favorite store for buying cds and such at?:  I haven’t bought a CD since like 2011. I usually just went to like Walmart or Target. I also bought a few CDs from a place that sold old records/albums/cassettes, though. That’s also the place I sold all my CDs to.
25. what’s the point in buying dvds like “girls gone wild” and other porn if you can get tons more online for free?: I don’t know, ask someone who watches porn. 26. if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: Marijuana is legal here, but that’s the only drug I would do.
27. would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?:  No. I only want one little one.
28. do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: I have a laptop, so it has a built-in trackpad and keyboard. 
29. do you think your biological parents love each other?: Yes.
30. do you have callouses on your feet?:  No.
31. did you see the commercial for that “foot grater” on tv that basically shaves the callouses off of your feet? isn’t that nasty to think about?: Gahhh, yes. 🤢 It was so gross.
31. what’s your favorite color combination (ex. pink and purple)?: I love pastel colors together.
32. ever been to watchmovies.net? what do you think of the quality of the movies there?:  Yeah, back in the day. I totally forgot about that. The quality wasn’t too, too bad on the ones I saw.
33. what’s one movie you’re dying to see but haven’t had the chance to see yet?: There’s a few movies that were supposed to come out this year that I wanted to see, but that’s obviously not going to happen. 34. would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: I don’t want to live alone at all, but if I had to choose I’d definitely choose the small studio apartment. I wouldn’t want to live in some huge house by myself. That would make me a lot more anxious and uncomfortable. I don’t even want a big house like that for my family and I, it’s just so unnecessary. We’d only need a house big enough for 4 adults and a doggo to live in. 
35. if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?:  Omg, that would mean I was hacked somehow. I’d be disgusted and horrified and try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Are you supposed to report that kind of thing? I would think so, so that it could be taken down and hopefully catch whoever distributed it.
36. what’s the last computer game you played?: The Sims 4. It’s been a couple years, though. I get urges to play, but I’m too lazy.
37. what’s the name of the street you live on?: I’m definitely not sharing that.
38. would you ever dye your entire head blonde?:  No.
39. what’s the randomest thing you ever heard of someone collecting?:  *shrug* I have a rock collection, so who am I to judge. lol.
40. how often do you use “<3” or “:]”?: I don’t use :], I use :) Anyway, I don’t use emojis or smiley faces super often, but sometimes when I feel they’re fitting. I know some people who get a little carried with them.
41. isn’t it annoying how people walk around thinking hollister logo tshirts and ripped jeans are preppy, even though those things would never be allowed in a prepatory school because of the dress code?: >> *stares blankly in “I don’t care”* <<< Hahaha, for real. 
42. how do you feel about abortion?:
43. what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?:  She doesn’t do anything that I can’t stand. My grandmothers were/are (my maternal grandmother sadly passed away 15 years ago) sweet, loving, and adorable. haha.
44. did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?:  Loss of my grandparents was heartbreaking for me, I had a really hard time with their loss. Them being older didn’t make it any easier. I think why people find it even more devastating when a child dies is because they were so young and hadn’t even had a chance, yet, like their life had just begun. There was so much still to experience. They should have had a lot more time. Even a young adult because it’s like their life is also kind of just beginning in a way, perhaps they just started or finished college, were about to start a new job, or were about to get married and start a family. They, too, have so much still to experience and should have had more time. But still, losing someone who is older is still just as sad. I think some people just can sometimes find a little comfort in the fact that they had lived a long life and got to experience a lot. 
45. when’s the last time you snuck around, and where did you go?: I don’t have to sneak around. Never have.
46. how often do you wash your hair?: Every couple days.
47. do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: Well, these days movie theaters aren’t even open. However, I don’t think it’s the movie ticket price that’s too high, it’s getting stuff at the concession stand that racks it up. The food and drinks are ridiculously overpriced. I just have to get some popcorn, though. I miss movie theater popcorn with salt and lots of butter.  48. have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?:  Yeah, a few times as a kid. Actually, the last time I went was to see the Willy Wonka movie with Johnny Depp when it came out. I wish they still had drive in theaters where I live. I think they should make a big comeback, I mean that’s perfect for social distancing. We can stay in our own cars, closed off from others, but still enjoy movies on the big screen.
49. what’s your favorite musical?:  Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter). 
50. what do you think of dr. seuss?: I was a fan as a kid, I loved his books. They’re classics. I actually have a Star-belly Sneetch stuffed animal, which is a character from his book, The Sneetches. 
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experenta · 4 years
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So I made a little piece of Asia for my sims, including a small market and a pagoda. The buildings are not furnished except for the temple. Around the temple is also a little zen garden. Thanks to all cc creators.
I used some stuff from cats & dogs and quite a lot from city living.
CC list: Bamboo: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-plants/title/elora-bamboo/id/1311580/ Buddha Statue: http://leosims.com/product/buddha-statue/ Fish Market set @soloriya​: http://soloriya.blogspot.com/2019/02/fish-market-sims-4.html
Teapot, sake set: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-livingroom/title/japan-living/id/1397023/
Candles, chairs, tables: https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/ShinoKCR/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets-objects-diningroom/title/japan-dining/id/1399387/
Bonsai tree: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-plants/title/bonsai-tree/id/1264550/
Windows, doors: https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Mutske/downloads/details/category/sims4-sets/title/tokyo-windowsdoors-and-more/id/1326374/
Signs, bags of chips, shadow screen, table https://poponopun.tumblr.com/post/182941714048/kkbkorean-style-goods
Vending machine @vertseta: https://vertseta.tumblr.com/post/185682521972/mellowlin-tokyoscape-kirin-vend-197-poly-%E6%9C%AC%E6%B0%97
Factory windows (the red ones), fire escape @blackmojitos :https://blackmojitos.tumblr.com/post/133781062148/leedeeah-factory-windows-wall-panel-deco
Wind chime, stool: https://serenebluesims.tumblr.com/post/186533094390/engawa-mini-set-for-sims4-this-set-includes-furin
By @serenebluesims​:
Wind chime: https://serenebluesims.tumblr.com/post/186533094390/engawa-mini-set-for-sims4-this-set-includes-furin
Magnolia: https://serenebluesims.tumblr.com/post/190155260275/magnolia-for-sims4-thank-you-for-sweet-replies-to
Wooden windows: https://gardenbreeze.home.blog/2019/11/18/odds-and-ends/
Cherry blossom: https://gardenbreeze.home.blog/2019/03/04/cherry-blossom-vase/
Small hanging fern: https://ddaeng-sims.tumblr.com/post/150153147835/marcussims91-sunnersta-kitchen-counter-island
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breastforce · 5 years
So with the recent release of your final list, I decided to reinstall the Sims 4. I noticed they're doing a promotion now where you can get a good chunk of cash off if you buy a expansion, a game pack, and a stuff pack all at the same time. I was already planning on picking up seasons and Parenthood, what would be the stuff pack you recommend?
Laundry Day Stuff and Backyard Stuff are the ones I get the most use out of, the former has some very versatile rustic clothing and objects, where the latter one is basically summer-themed and has a good collection of objects that are at the very least a little more than just static decoration such as working bird feeder and working wind chimes.
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ts4ccfaves · 5 years
not a cc-related question, but maybe you still wanna answer this for me :) I'm thinking of buying some off the expansions / game packs (currently only have the BG and don't have the money to buy EVERY add-on 😢) which are your favourites?
Here are some of our favourites! Hopefully this helps with your decision, boo!
All opinions are under the cut because it got a little long with explanations and such!
001. SEASONS!!! Hands down my favorite EP002. Laundry Stuff Pack - I like making my sims do laundry so they can suffer like me 😅003. Parenthood EP - while I haven’t played a game long enough to fully enjoy the interactions, a lot of the stuff that came with this one is amazing and I use a lot of it most of the time.004. Strangerville GP - I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this gp. The story was a lot of fun and it gave me some Strangerhood feels 💕 plus the items 😍005. Backyard SP - I’m pretty sure this is the one that comes with the wind chimes and bird feeder which I always put on every single lot I make 💖
1. Definitely Seasons as well, it adds SO much to the game like the calendar and swings!
2. City Living is another one that is just amazing! It adds so much different cultures and such to the game and I love the festivals c:
3. I couldn’t decide if I loved Dine Out or Parenthood more. Dine Out adds the whole new aspect of running restaurants or going to them while Parenthood is more of a Generations kind of pack.
1. Seasons - omg seasons, this ep changes the game completely. No matter what you like to do in game, I highly recommend it. You obviously get different seasons, weather, new clothes for 2 new categories, so many new interactions and things to do in game, and calendar where you can plan parties and events!
2. Cats and Dogs - I mean, who doesn’t like cute doggies and kitties running around in your sims’ house? They are so cute, and there’s so many races of them so they really look different! With that you get completely new cool world to live in, vet career, training skill, as well as just new objects, clothes, interactions.
3. Get together - For me, quite underappreciated pack. Windenburg is amazing, it’s one of my fav (and so big) world. You get clubs (hey so cool that your sim hangs out with others and do things together, they gather points to unlock stuff…), dj and dancing skills, I believe also cafes are from this pack and actually my fav townies are from Windenburg! This pack really has some cool atmosphere.
4. Get famous - the world is small but so cute. Your sim can get famous no matter if you choose new acting career/influencer or something from different packs or bg. Like with vampires ep (which is a cool option if you are into that), you get a whole system with perks and quirks, new interactions and activities (such as new events), paparazzis following you around. If you’d rather play with normal sim, you get'public image’ - which basically means your sim has bad, good or neutral reputation (based on how they act to other sims) and it influence their daily lives as well!
5. Parenthood - no surprise, it adds so much to your sims’ family life. It finally makes sense! The huge part of it are character values and how you can basically shape your younger sims and their behaviour in the future. Parenting skill is another cool part of it because as a parent, your sim can teach their kids how to be a good (or not really) adult sim in the future! And I have to mention these amazing objects and clothes you get with it!
I enjoy these questions so much! :) Thank you for your question, Anon. *Warning* This response will be a bit long. I will start off by saying though, that what it really comes down to is going to be the type of play-style that you enjoy with your game. Are you a family-player? Are you a single Sim player? Do you like to play with multiple Sims, or just prefer maybe one or two in the household and the “Single life”? With that being said, I am a family player. :) So, I’ll list some of my favorites but give you a small peek at some other content that could be for single life, if that’s your preferred play-style.Game Packs:
Parenthood - Hands down. This adds so much more depth to toddlers, children, and teenagers. It gives you a new skill to work on as a ‘new parent’, Parenting skill. Then you have to basically help raise and shape your kids into possibly good or …. not so great… young adults. You’ll have to teach them about manners, responsibility, empathy, and more! This can affect them once they age to Young Adult. You’re going to see tantrums, phases between children and teenagers, and so much more. The CAS and Buy Mode objects are lovely! I use them all the time! :)Expansion Pack:
Seasons: While I do love each of the other packs for their own content (Get To Work being one of my favorites), I feel the other packs seem “emptier” to me. Like some factor is missing. This is just my opinion. But I feel like the expansion packs didn’t have that filling feeling until Seasons and Get Famous. They just seem to have lots of game-play in them compared to others. But I do enjoy the other packs for what they do have (Vet career is SUPER fun to play! from Cats and Dogs and the cats and dogs are sooo cute and I love how real life they are.)Seasons just adds so much game-play to my families. You get a calendar and YOU can host events, or parties, you can finally plan birthday parties because the calendar will let you know when your Sims birthday is coming up. Also, there is a new Gardener career, bee keeping is back, seasons of course are beautiful. There’s lots of stuff you can do in each season. You can celebrate Harvest Fest, Love Day, or New Years, etc. You can share thanks with your families and see what other Sims are grateful for. It’s really a great pack with so much more to do. I’ve barely even scratched the surface of the pack. Plus, I just really love that there is more weather than just summer time all year round now. :)As for game packs or expansion packs that go well with single life:Get Famous - You can work your way up from rags to riches now. You don’t have to be a famous singer, or actor, you could also be a famous chef if you work on your cooking skills, etc. There are other things you can do in this pack and you can even opt-out of the celebrity life-style, if you choose to do so. Get Together - This has the club system. Where you can create clubs and invite other Sims to do activities together and build a lot where you can hang out together. You can also learn djing skills and dance skills and this is more of the “night club life” type of pack. So definitely look into this pack and look at the items and CAS (from Origin) and maybe even look up some game-play videos to see if it’s something you’d be interested in. I suggest this for all the packs mentioned here so you can get an idea of what you may be interested in buying. :)If you like interactive careers, I’d suggest : Get To Work as you can be a doctor, detective, or a Scientist. You can also run your own business and create a bakery, or some other store of your choosing. :)(Also dine-out is a great game-pack because it adds the ability to run your own restaurants and set your own menu’s etc; it’s also something you can use to take dates out to, or families to for dinner).Sorry for this long response. But I hope something helps you find what you’re looking for. :)
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sadnessimmer · 6 years
What stuffpack should you get? (BUILD MODE ITEMS)
Here is a list of my PERSONAL opinions on every stuffpack and whats included.
! I am not payed to say this !
I will rate these from 1-10 based on how much I PERSONALLY USE THEM.
Click on the name of the stuffpacks to see pictures of all the items.
Luxury Party Stuff:
1  dining chair
1 bar stool
1 ottoman
1 dinner table
1 accent table
1 bar
1 curtain
1 floorlamp
1 wall decoration (lights up)
The buffé table, you can serve all the food for 250 simoleons or individually.
The drinks/dessert fountain, serves chocolate, cheese, fruit punch, sparkling apple juice, caramel, futuristic punch andparty extender punch. Some require higher mixology skill. Some are drinks and some are dips for fruit or bread.
I fully recommend this pack for weddings and parties, other than that the items are kind of pointless because they dont really look good in everyday gameplay/houses, in MY opinion. 3/10.
Perfect Patio Stuff:
1 arm chair
2 sofas, same one but a 2 seater and a 3 seater
1 dinner table
1 coffee table
2 counter tops, normal one and island one
1 bar stool
1 bar
1 bbq
2 cluter items. bbq sauses and grill tongs
3 floor lamps
2 wall decorations, a cool wood one and a metal string one
1 lantern (table lamp)
4 plants, 2 of them are none fence hedges
2 floor decorations, stars in flooring and a weird statue
1 table w/ umbrella
1 fence and 1 gate
2 hottubs
I love this pack, the hottubs adds a new woohoo animation which is always nice. I love the 2 big floor plants so much. The sofas can work inside but they are wicker with cushions. The coffee table is my all time FAV. 6/10.
Cool Kitchen Stuff:
1 fridge
1 stove
2 counters, normal one and island one
matching cabinets
2 ceiling lamps
6 wall decorations, a filled shelf, knifes, utensils, wood board, spice rack, and a painting will many different designs
1 dinner table
1 dining chair
1 bar stool
1 end table
2 clutter items, decorational cookbooks, salt and pepper shakers
1 plant 
ice cream machine, 30 flavors, unlock all with higher cooking skill.
8 ice cream toppings and 10 garnishes.
grab ice cream in cone or bowl.
This pack is cute, the kitchen items are OFTEN used in my game, the one plant is super cute flowers that i love. The one painting has super cute swatched like eggs and bacon with cute faces and avocados. IF you like making kitchens you’ll love this. 8/10.
Spoky Stuff:
1 arm chair
1 sofa
1 dinner table
1 end table
1 rug
1 curtain
3 painting
3 wall lights
2 wall decorations, spider web and a spider
4 clutter items, candy bowl, 2 pumpkins and a mini haunted house
1 skelly bear for kids
1 light show pot 
1 pumpkin carving station, 9 different carving styles, unlock all with higher handiness skill
This pack i regret spending money on because i NEVER use it and i hate halloween, but if you love halloween then go for it! Includes a costume party. It does have a kinda nice wood flooring but thats it sorry EA. 1/10.
Movie Hangout Stuff:
1 arm chair
1 cushion poof chair
2 dining chairs
2 sofas one 3 seater and one 3 seater (theyre different)
1 dinner table
1 accent table
1 coffee table
3 plants
2 wall decorations, a drape with patterns and a shelf with hanging plants
2 ceiling lamps
1 candle with other decorations around it
7 paintings, 5 of them are movie posters 2 are a cluster of differnt ones but its one item
1 curtain with 2 pieces
1 mirror
1 rug
1 dresser
2 big tv’s
2 doors 
1 tree
popcorn machine, 4 kinds of popcorn, butterd popcorn, kettle corn, cheddar popcorn and caramen corn. Different kinds requires higher cooking skill
I like this pack,the items are a bit much when it comes to color and pattern but the plants are very nice and i love the coffee table with the built in mirror. The curtains are the star of this pack for me theyre AMAZING. The cluster of paintings are lovely. The drape down plants on the shelf is also one of my faves. 7/10.
Romantic Garden Stuff:
2 benches
1 picnic table
3 fountains, one of them you can interact with, add soap, sit and nap on also play in.
7 sculptures, beautiful stone sculptures of a man and a woman also 3 cool kinds of arches
1 wall sculpture, its basically a wall plant, looks good under windows
2 lamps, one outdoor one perfect for hiding in plants and then a big street light one
2 dividers
monkey bars
1 window
1 column
1 fence
1 gate
none fence hedges
6 outdoor plants
wishing well, has 7 wishes you can make, happiness, simoleons, skills, youthful vigor, a child or a promotion in career, 3 offers, 100, 1000 or 5000 simoleons
This pack is stunning, i will be honest though i never use the big sculptures, its hard to make something with them. I know a few simmers have built a romantic garden with all the stuff and its like a cute park! The outdoor plants are fab they go with normal houses aswell. The monkey bars are cuter than the base game ones heh. The wishing well is cool but i havent used it since the pack first came out. 4/10.
Kids Room Stuff:
1 bed
1 accent table
1 desk chair
1 desk
1 arm chair
1 ottoman
2 lamps
1 mirror
1 trashcan
2 room dividers
1 toy box
2 book cases
1 dresser
2 decorations, a transformer and a cute stuffed animal
8 paintings/posters, cool transformer, all the voidcritters, voidcritter poster, poster of fairies and cute things
3 cluster of paintings
2 shelves, one with trophies and one with a picture and some hanging things
1 clock
2 wall decorations, light up butterflies, framed jersey and fairy lights with photos
puppet theater, kids can preform a show to adults and other children
voidcritter battle station, kids can play against eachother and watch out for a sore loser
This pack i love because theres a bed, always love new beds, also its just cute, the decorations work amazing for kids and toddlers, the mirror i use for adults too super cute.The book cases are fab for all around the house so is the dresser. 6/10.
Backyard Stuff:
2 dining chairs
1 dinner table
1 coffee table
2 accent tables
1 loveseat
1 floor deoration
6 wind chimes
3 paintings, a frog, flower and a cluster of paintings
fairy lights
1 wall speaker
2 tables w/ umbrellas
2 rugs
2 sculptures, a birdhouse and a butterfly decoration
3 plants
2 clitter items, bowl or lemons, and condiments
1 drink tray, you can serve iced tea, lemonade and citrus swig
4 lamps, a single candle, a candle with a flower and a lantern
1 frog fountain
1 outdoor plant
1 birdfeeder. you can ass bird seeds ans birds will appear, watch out they do attack 
1 fence
1 gate
2 slip and slides, you can add soap and theres slide and trick slide
This pack i really like, i dont use the slip and slide but the birdfeeder looks cute in the front yard and the drink tray is a personal fave, the candles in this pack are my jam, the wind chimes are cute and make noice but i play the sims with my sound off so oh well. The plants in this pack are also fab af. 8/10.
Vintage Glamour Stuff:
2 double beds
2 dining chairs
1 sofa, a 3 seater
1 ottoman
2 coffetable
2 accent tables
1 desk
2 rugs
2 dressers
2 curtains
1 fireplace
4 lamps, one ceiling lamp, one desk lamp, a tray with a candle and perfumes 
1 plant
2 sculptures, a little lion sitting on books and some body lotions
4 mirrors
1 painting, 3 swatches
1 clock
1 room divider
1 window
1 globe bar
2 vanity tables, your sims can sit down and choose between 56 different makeup looks and it also works like a mirror
2 wallpapers
butlers are included in this pack
This pack let me tell you THIS IS MY FAVORITE, will always be. First of all 2 new beds thank u sm love it, and everything just looks so classy and nice the desk i use all the time, the dresser is lovely, the globe bar is fab, the curtains are bae. 10/10.
Bowling Night Stuff:
1 dining chair
1 arm chair
1 bar stool
1 sofa
1 ottoman
1 dining table
1 coffee table
1 bar
2 paintings, one of big bowling pins and some arrows
1 sculpture, bowling alley sign
1 rug
2 wall decorations, bowling score board and a cluster of bowling themes pictures
6 floor decorations, 2 bowling ball racks, 2 shoe racks, a trophy case and a bowling alley street sign
2 clutter items, a single bowling pin and a trophy
4 lights, an arror thing, a spotlight lamp, a desk lamp and 2 ceiling lights
1 room divider
This pack is great, the items like the sofa, chairs, coffee table and rug i use all the time, i personally havent used the bowling part of this pack since it came out. 7/10.
Fitness Stuff:
1 dining chair
1 arm chair
1 loveseat
1 dinner table
1 coffee table
1 shelf
1 sink
1 toilet
1 shower
1 bathtub
1 treadmill
1 weights machine
1 rock climbing wall
2 rugs
1 plant
1 painting, a map in a frame
1 mirror
3 wall decorations, theyre all like stone things, and one of them looks like 2 nipples
4 lamps.
1 bookcase
2 wallpapers
This pack is nice, i use the chairs, tables and bathroom items all the time, the rugs are cool and abstract, the bookcase is also kinds abstract which i love. My sims dont work out often but the treadmill is a nice style. I will give this pack a higher rating because of the bathroom items i LOVE them. 8/10.
Toddler Stuff:
2 arm chairs, one is is just 2 pillows
1 picnic table
1 cooler
6 sculptures, 4 cute panda tree stumps and some standing big fairy lights
1 clutter item, its a set of forks, spoons, knifes, napkins and paper plates
2 rugs
1 dollhouse
1 toybox
1 slide
1 ballpit
2 big play grounds, one with ball pit and one without
1 bbq
This pack i couldnt play without because the base game thing for toddlers are boring af and some of the stuff are amazing for parks and pretend day care centers. 7/10.
Laundry Day Stuff:
1 arm chair
1 dining chair
1 loveseat
1 coffeetable
1 dinner table
2 accent tables
5 shelves, an cabinet w/ coats, a bigger cabinet with some storage baskets, and 2 shelves with things on them, plants, towels ect
2 sinks
washer and dryer, you can interact with these, new animations
3 hampers
clothes line
3 plants
4 clutter items, laundry detergent, bucket of tissues and towels,wicker baskets and a cluster of plants with a table
7 rugs
6 wall decorations, a rub board, a broom, towel rack, shelf with herbs and ironing board
2 lamps, ceiling lamp and a candle
2 doors
1 window
This pack is my second fave, the items are super cute and i just like the overall style sm, i dont have much to say other than i love it. 8/10.
My First Pet Stuff:
1 arm chair
1 desk chair
2 sofas
2 pet beds
1 coffee table
1 accent table
1 desk
1 litterbox
4 animal habitats, these you can interact with theres hamster, a voidcrittor one, rat and hedgehog, be on the lookout these things are sneaky af
5 paintings, a height checker for kids, some hamster tunnels, and a cluster of cute animal pictures
1 mirror
1 rug
1 food bowl
2 cat condos
1 book case
1 activity table for kids
1 toy
2 lamps
3 curtains 
This pack has gotten so much critisism but honestly i love it and its all bc of the aquarium coffee table, the circular end table, new things for cats and dogs and the sofas.Dont get this pack if you dont own cats & dogs. 5/10.
Really hope this will help some of you who are wondering what pack to get, if its really wanted i can do the same with expansion packs and game packs, dont forget to reblog to share with peope who might need this. A cas version of this is coming asap. 
Hope you enjoy <3
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b-bridge · 6 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @join-the-losers-club thanks! I haven’t been tagged by someone before, so this is exciting!
The rules are as follows: answer the questions and then tag someone you want to get to know better.
Name: Brooklyn
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5’4 or 5’5
Middle name: Jolene
Put your music on shuffle and list the first 4 songs that come up: Brooklyn, You’re Killing Me by Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness; Hopeless by Halsey; What I’ve Done by Linkin Park; Sunshine Riptide by Fall Out Boy
Ever had a song/poem about you: doubt it
Last time you played air guitar: uhh coulda been years ago, but I actually (attempted) to play my own actual guitar 😂
Celebrity crush?: Matthew Gray Gubler, Seb Stan, Luke Hemmings, and Osric Chau
Sounds you love: thunder, cats purring, wind chimes, leaves in the wind, heels on hard flooring, crunching of gravel under shoes, train whistles
Sounds you hate: food smacking, heavy breathing, babies crying, cars honking
Do you believe in ghosts?: gotta believe in your roommate (shoutout to Casper, my personal ghostie on a leash)
Aliens?: used to not believe, now on the fence, but I’m leaning a bit towards believing
Do you drive: only because I have to
Ever crashed?: nah, I’m too much of a grandma-driver
Do you like the smell of gasoline: heck yeah
Do you hold grudges?: ...sometimes (I’m petty)
Any obsessions?: movies, my writing, my Pinterest, Sims, aesthetics
In a relationship?: hA
Thank you again for tagging me! I now tag:
@everything-unsolved @shanexmadej @bucknasty-buchanan @k3nz-doodl3
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roaringdandelions · 6 years
When I hear “My First Pet”...
Okay. I’m a grown woman and don’t need to throw my hat in the ring on this one. Everybody has an opinion on this stuff pack, and wherever you fall on this, you can’t deny that it’s got a lot of people talking about it. So, let’s (nicely) talk about it.
(This is gonna be long, y’all, so hold on tight)
Having played the Sims series since Sims 2 and falling in love with every single expansion that came to that game, then Sims 3 has its additions that I seriously enjoyed (i. Want. HORSES.), we now seen that Sims 4 is something... different than we’ve seen in the past. Some call it revolutionary, some call it a constant money-grab (I highly recommend you watch Lazy Game Reviews on YouTube if you can have a sense of humor about someone reviewing a pack that you might personally like; he’s genuinely hilarious). No matter where you stand, somebody’s happy or upset about something.
Somebody left a comment on Deligracy’s trailer reaction video on YouTube that this is “the Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats stuff pack of 2018”. And, from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not going to disagree.
However, given the hostility that this pack has received, inevitably EA’s response will be something similar to the skin tone issues we experienced not too long ago: “we needed more references, please give us ideas”, et cetera.
So, okay, EA. Your customers hear you. Your Research & Development Teams are on hiatus and can’t help you get the information you need? Your market research told you that *everybody* across your international market has a hamster as their first pet?
We got you, sweetie. Have a seat at the table, and listen to your customers create their dream stuff pack.
REBLOG WITH YOUR IDEAS IN ADDITION TO MY LIST. Let’s help EA with their apparent R&D issues going forward. Read below for my list, then add the hashtag #TS4 My Real First Pet to show them how it’s done. Because let’s be honest: to the apologists who say “oh, it’s just a stuff pack, they only have so much room”, I say: that’s fair. And 75% of this pack has nothing to do with the concept of “my First Pet”. It has everything to do with what should have been an update to Cats & Dogs. So, there would be room for more actual items to fit the theme if you separate out the items that do not.
Remember when toddlers just showed up one day, fully playable and outfitted with CAS items, Build & Buy items, and fully integrated into the game *on a free and unannounced update*? There’s room to make it work, people. Let’s show them how.
When I hear “My First Pet”, here’s what I think of...
-Hamsters & Gerbils, and all of their cage accessories; running on the wheel, hiding in their little igloo houses, leaving bite marks on small children... y’know, what was in the game trailer today. Also, breeding because holy Jesus those little fur balls could not keep away from each other!
Here’s everything else I think of:
-Bunnies. Adorable, fluffy, hoppy bunnies that also live in cages and hide in little igloos! The produce mechanism in-game is perfect for them - you can grow carrots or other veggies and feed them with that (great for starter families), or buy them at produce stands like in San Myshuno if you own City Living. Introduce new harvestables like hay for their snacks, give them the ability to hop around the house free-range, or go on walks like cats & dogs can (which *does* happen!).
-Parakeets. A small bird option, as opposed to a large bird like a macaw or a parrot, and very easy to maintain for children. Their language skills could be a skill building tool for children, their small size makes them perfect walking-about buddies (a la dragons in Sims 3: Dragon Valley). Their cage size could be 1x2 squares, miniaturized from the Sims 3 model for large birds in fun and neutral colors. Again, certain harvestables could be chosen to feed them, and the toys would be *so* cute. The wind chime accessory in Backyard Stuff Pack could be altered to create a ringing noise toy for them. Also, decorating the cages could be a Build&Buy within the game itself - holy Meta, Batman! Slot those suckers and give the birdies something fun!
-Frogs & Snakes. While we already catch frogs in TS4, it’s important to note that they aren’t functional at this time. Well, cut the strings and let Pinocchio dance! Their terrariums could be cloned versions of the aquariums, or something altogether new; their mini tabletop terrariums could be given more interactive ability. Buy them flies and mice to eat, or catch them in the wild! Watch them molt out of their snakeskin. Watch the frogs swim in the water. Find the snake in the kitchen hunting for more mice!
-Sea Monkeys & Ant Farms. While not a big, fun animal to play with, these Science-projects-waiting-to-happen would be a wonderful addition to the game, especially for children not exactly ready to commit to a bigger animal but bored by fish (Parenthood skills could play a *big* part in a child’s “pet readiness”. Just saying.) Also, you could make some amazing fail states out of the ants escaping, or the sea monkeys doing tricks in the background while you are playing your family, and never on command; the possibilities for hilarious moodlets are endless.
-Ferrets. Because, ferrets. Similar to hamsters, with even more playability options! The possibilities for ferret hyjinks are hysterically funny and also endless! (See also rats and domesticated mice)
-Most importantly, A PET STORE WHERE YOU CAN GO AND CHOOSE YOUR FIRST PET WITH YOUR PARENT(S). Create a downloadable lot on the Gallery, with the newest items in it, and let the Sim kids of the world light up with joy as soon as they step through the doors. Make small pet food purchase-able like produce or books, add decor items to change moodlets *of the pet*, and maybe even have a grooming salon where you can bring your bunnies or hamsters or parakeets to get clipped/trimmed/de-flight-feathered. Set a price and check the kid’s Responsibility and Emotional Control (Parenthood) before allowing a purchase.
<takes deep breath>
So. What do you think of when you hear “My First Pet”?
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nostalgiaispeace · 3 years
1. have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: not for cursing; i mean you do you
2. what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: whenever they can handle it i guess.
3. do you know what the word “polyamorous” means? and did you ever hear that song by breaking benjamin?: idk and no
4. how many bug bites do you currently have?: 0
5. what’s one word you always have trouble spelling and can’t remember the correct spelling of?: idk
6. what’s one band that really sucks live?: i’m not sure
7. do you go to warped tour? why or why not?: no. i don’t like the bands
8. do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: no
9. do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?: i’m not sure
10. which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Firefox.
11. who is the most attractive person on your street?: my husband
12. do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?: lol no i’m pregnant; no
13. which do you prefer on yourself, long or short hair?: short
14. what about on your preferred sex? long or short?: short
15. with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?: ring
16. have you ever pierced something yourself? why and what was it?: no
17. would you date someone who was five years older than you?: i did
18. i heard of a girl whose boyfriend cheated on her with a 13yearold (he’s 18) and got her pregnant, so she left him. what would you have done if you were in her situation?: no
19. how old was the youngest person you ever found attractive? and how old were you?: idk
20. isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to start conversation with someone and all they say is “yup” or “really now” or something like that?: yeah
21. if you have aim, do you have any linked screen names? how many?: —
22. which of your favorite bands released a new album last?: bring me the horizon
23. are you waiting for any bands to release new albums? which ones?: no
24. what’s your favorite store for buying cds and such at?: official sites
25. what’s the point in buying dvds like “girls gone wild” and other porn if you can get tons more online for free?: um
26. if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: none
27. would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?: yeah
28. do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: no
29. do you think your biological parents love each other?: no
30. do you have callouses on your feet?: yeah
31. did you see the commercial for that “foot grater” on tv that basically shaves the callouses off of your feet? isn’t that nasty to think about?: it’s nasty
31. what’s your favorite color combination (ex. pink and purple)?: black and white
32. ever been to watchmovies.net? what do you think of the quality of the movies there?: no
33. what’s one movie you’re dying to see but haven’t had the chance to see yet?: dreamland
34. would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: alone in a small apartment
35. if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?: freak out
36. what’s the last computer game you played?: sims
37. what’s the name of the street you live on?: um
38. would you ever dye your entire head blonde?: yeah
39. what’s the randomest thing you ever heard of someone collecting?: idk
40. how often do you use “<3” or “:]”?: rare
41. isn’t it annoying how people walk around thinking hollister logo tshirts and ripped jeans are preppy, even though those things would never be allowed in a prepatory school because of the dress code?: no
42. how do you feel about abortion?: i’m pro life
43. what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?: nothing
44. did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?: yeah
45. when’s the last time you snuck around, and where did you go?: i’m grown
46. how often do you wash your hair?: every few days
47. do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: yes
48. have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?: i wish
49. what’s your favorite musical?: hamilton
50. what do you think of dr. seuss?: it’s alright
0 notes