#sims 4 wooden fish
simdertalia · 5 months
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🎵 ACNH Music Stuff Set - Part 1 🎵
My lovely patrons wanted to have this set split into 2 parts so that some of it could be posted today, so here it is!
Sims 4, base game compatible (Piano is functional & requires City Living, as it uses the keyboard as its base). 48 items 💗
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
Set contains: -Amp (large, medium & practice sizes, functional music players, can be stacked) | 8 swatches each | 1202 poly each -Analog Reel 1 & 2 | 3 swatches each | 372 & 714 poly -Book Stand | 4 swatches | 1176 poly -Cello | 3 swatches | 1205 poly -Clarinet | 1 swatch | 1078 poly -Clarinet on Stand | 1 swatch | 1200 poly -Drum Set | 10 swatches | 2398 poly -Effects Rack | 10 swatches | 1222 poly -Floor Monitor (functional music player, can be stacked) | 1 swatch | 1191 poly -Guitar Bag | 5 swatches | 412 poly -Headphones | 11 swatches | 1172 poly -Headphones (wireless) | 11 swatches | 866 poly -Marimba | 1 swatch | 2352 poly -Metronome 1 & 2 (clicker out and in) | 5 swatches | 1168 poly -Mix Master Table Decluttered | 10 swatches | 314 poly -Ocarina | 2 swatches | 514 poly -Pan Flute | 1 swatch | 1042 poly -PA System for Floor (functional music player) | 1 swatch | 826 poly -Pedal Board | 3 swatches for body, 3 swatches with "light on" 6 swatches total | 1202 poly -Percussion Mallet | 1 swatch | 258 poly -Phonograph (functional music player) | 2 swatches | 1092 poly -Piano Bench Seat (is a chair) | 10 swatches | 1214 poly -Piano: Upright (functional, requires City Living) | 2 swatches | 2176 poly -Portable Record Player (functional music player) | 7 swatches | 1217 poly -Record Box | 16 swatches | 1146 poly -Sampler | 8 swatches | 820 poly -Sax: Alto & Tenor (2 items) | 1 swatch each | 1062 poly -Sax: Alto & Tenor on Stand | 1 swatch each | 1184 poly -Sign Dueling Pianos | 6 swatches | 222 poly -Snare Drum | 4 swatches | 706 poly -Snare Drum on Stand | 4 swatches | 1202 poly each -Stool (seat) | 4 swatches | 1072 poly -Tambourine (table & wall decor, 2 items) | 1 swatch each | 602 poly -Thumb Piano | 5 swatches | 1190 poly -Timpani | 4 swatches | 2394 poly -Timpani Single 1 | 4 swatches | 1270 poly -Timpani Single 2 | 4 swatches | 1124 poly -Tools | 2 swatches | 1200 poly -Trumpet | 2 swatches | 1094 poly -Trumpet on Stand | 2 swatches | 1192 poly -Wooden Fish | 3 swatches | 942 poly
Type “acnh music" into the search query in build mode to find quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing  the title and it will appear.
As always, please let me know if you have any issues!
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 Download on Patreon
Will be public on June 1st, 2024 💗Midnight CET
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my sets are early access. If you like my work, please consider supporting me (all support helps me with managing my chronic pain/illness):
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Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @moonglitchccfinds @xlost-in-wonderlandx @jbthedisabledvet
Other Instrument Downloads & Related: -Theramin -Gong & Bamboo Drum -Ukulele -Harp -Festivale Drum -Pipe Organ -Street Organ -PA System on Stand -Radios
-Music Tag
The rest of my CC
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
TMA - Chapters 1-10: The beginning and everything I didn’t expect to see
Hello, everyone.
As promised, here is the first post with my impressions regarding chapters 1-10.
Let’s not waste too much time here: there is a lot to say and I’ll leave my final impression for the end of this post. For now, let's start.
<< Main masterlist
MAG 1: Angler Fish
Well, that’s not what I expected.
So this series doesn't have a continuative plot, but it’s rather a “monster-of-the-week” situation. However, I don’t think it will be just like that: I’m quite sure a plot will come in the future. But since it’s not coming for now, I think the option I chose (i.e. commenting this series 10 chapters at a time) is perfect. This way, I can easily keep track of my favorite statements!
I also appreciate the small introduction. So we have a place: the Magnus Institute. I suppose this is the “library” I vaguely remembered. And we also have a person: Jonathan Sims, our maybe-protagonist. And we have Martin too! And Sasha and Tim! I have no idea who they are, but I’m looking forward to knowing them.
All I got for now, is that Jonathan (who I will surely call Jon from now on, because his name is too long) is kind of a skeptic. Clichè, but I accept it: this is a horror/supernatural series, so he will probably change his mind when he will face the real shit.
And speaking of the genre, glad to know that this story is horror/supernatural. I’m not a huge fan of horror, but I like to be surprised/scared/creeped out in creative ways.
And this first statement… fails to do that. Sorry to say that, but the story is kinda meh. The supernatural element is just here and it’s not very scary. Fine, the mysterious figure is probably just the bait of a supernatural shit we don’t see, but it’s weak. And the association with the anglerfish isn’t enough to creep me, nor creative enough to surprise me.
I hope the next statement will be better.
MAG 2: Do Not Open
Yep, that’s much more interesting.
I like that the wooden coffin doesn’t do anything you might expect from a coffin in a supernatural story. The scratching was still kind of clichè, but I didn’t expect the singing in the rain. Or the “dream possession” or whatever it was that weird power that tried to trick Mr. Gillespie into opening the coffin.
It was also kinda funny to follow his misadventures in dealing with it. And understandable too: my man doesn’t want to open the weird coffin, so he will do everything to not open the weird coffin.
Honestly, same: I am a wimp and if someone delivered some weird shit in my place, I wouldn’t be so stupid to go face-first into it. Curiosity might be strong, but my will to live is stronger.
MAG 3 - Across The Street
That’s another interesting statement.
First, you think it will be about Graham and his journals, then there’s the weird hypnotic table with the missing piece, then Not-Graham. There are a lot of things here and they’re all creepy and interesting and I want to know more about them. Could there be a follow-up to this story? Or, at least, to its mysteries? It would be very cool to read another story and find the missing piece of that table. Or one of Graham’s journals. Or to see Not-Graham again. It would be fun. I hope there are follow-ups.
About the supernatural stuff: I couldn’t really understand what the arm-y thing-y was, so it wasn’t exactly scary, but more… bizarre? And a bit meh. It was just a black arm-y thing-y after all.
What really crept me out was Not-Graham casually saying: “Hey Amy, we live so close to each other, what a weird coincidence! Maybe I’ll pay you a visit.”. THAT was creepy as fuck and I loved it.
MAG 4 - Page Turner
I vaguely remember the name Leitner, so I have high hopes we will see more of his books in the future. After all, this statement looks more like an introduction to him and his books, rather than a self-contained story about Random Weird Thing no. 247.
Maybe we won’t see Ex Altiora anymore, but other books… why not? Also, Jonathan knows about Leitner and asked to search more of his books, so maybe we will see more of them.
By itself, the story is good at introducing the weirdness of these books through the equally weird figure of the Keays. I feel there’s still a lot to find out about Mary Keay’s murder, her existence, her place and her connection with Sanskrit. I want to know more about her.
And I want to know more about Gerard Keay too. Will we see him again in the future? I hope so: I feel like he has still a lot to say.
I also noticed a guy named Michael. Will we see more of him too? Is he the same Michael I’ve heard about? Or is there another Michael? Can’t wait to find out.
MAG 5 - Thrown Away
I don’t think this statement is creepy, but rather, a great example of weird.
There is nothing truly scary here, only weird. And I love this kind of weird. Every new trash bag is a surprise and the surprises are not gore-y, bloody, or clichè with the sole purpose of shocking you. The stuff inside is harmless, just… immensely weird: a long paper strip covered with the Our Father prayer, a huge bag full of teeth that are all of the same tooth… that’s not dangerous stuff, just weird. Unexpected. And, therefore, very cool.
The metal heart was a great choice too: just like all other findings is not disgusting nor gore-y, but it serves its purpose perfectly. You look at it and you know Alan is dead. I love it when creativity is used so well.
I also noticed there is another Michael here. Is he the same Michael mentioned in the previous story? Or another Michael? How many Michaels are in this series? XD
MAG 6 - Squirm
Another meh statement: a mysterious girl is feeling very sick, then she basically explodes into worms. Kind of a backlash, going from the delicious, subtle weird of the previous story to the disgusting stuff of this one.
However, I can understand Mr. Hodge: if my room was packed with worms, I would’ve burned the whole house down too.
Also, it looks like Jon knows this woman in red. Will we see Jane Prentiss again? Or more of her victims? No, of course I don’t want your answers: the series will tell me ;)
MAG 7 - The Piper
A simple war tale, starring a supernatural element, the Piper. I don’t find it particularly scary, but rather a melancholic figure. Sure, it’s a bit eerie and mysterious, but not particularly interesting - not for me, at least.
The story isn’t particularly captivating either. It’s just here and it screams “filler”. Or maybe not? After all, Jon remembers the name Joseph Rayner, so we will see another story featuring this guy?
MAG 8 - Burned Out
There’s a lot of stuff here - maybe even too much. First, Mr. Lensik’s father and fractals and math and the mysterious guy with “all the bones in his hands”. Then Mr. Raymond Fielding and Agnes, the disappeared kid, the missing hand, the tree, the green apple with spiders… woah, woah, slow down! What are all these things? Should I remember all of them? Are they all important? I feel like I already forgot something while writing them down!
Honestly, this huge number of peculiar elements is very distracting, because it gets all of the reader’s attention and takes it away from the story itself. A story that, if we reduce it to basics, what’s truly about? A man meets a ghost and pulls down a tree. Not exactly the most exciting thing ever.
Now, I’m not saying that a story with multiple digressions is bad. It just needs an extremely good writer and A LOT of time and space to properly develop everything, because it would be too easy to “forget” the story and get lost into all the digressions.
So, considering these statements are all short, I would rather avoid too many elements and keep them as simple as possible, focusing more on the story itself and adding just one or two recurring elements.
MAG 9 - A Father’s Love
Another meh story. Some elements are interesting, like the necklace with the hand and closed eye related to the Church of the Divine Host and the mysterious something that blows out every lightbulb. But yeah, from the moment it was mentioned that the father had a shed, I knew he was doing some supernatural circle/prayer/whatever.
A simple story, but nothing truly amazing about it.
MAG 10 - Vampire Killer
Seriously, every time there is a meh statement, a great one follows up. And if it’s not great, it’s extremely interesting. Or, like in this case, it’s surprising.
I mean, a statement titled “Vampire Killer”? I expected the same old tale about seductive vampires burning out in the sunlight.
But nope, this story offered a new vision of vampires. Even better, it did it by putting these details into the story, in a great example of show don’t tell.
I really like that the vampires' characteristics are so… bestial. Shark-like teeth, a leech’s tongue and no ability to talk: it’s new, it’s cool, it’s interesting and I would love to see fanarts of them (once I’ll finish the whole series).
I also appreciate that they burn like crisps, because without blood (i.e. a liquid), they dry out: so, not only it justifies why they drink blood and not eat solid food, but also why they burn so easily. It’s cool, it’s logical, it’s creative: I love it.
Oh-oh, am I also noticing a small hint of doubt in Jon’s words? Is he starting to think these statements are not just silly stories made by insane people/mythomaniacs? Didn’t expect him to start so soon, but I suppose a lot of things will happen in the near future and he needs the right state of mind to face them.
In conclusion
My first overall impression is positive: this series looks promising and I want to read more statements. Sure, my impression is based on 10 chapters out of 200 (so basically nothing) and on all the assumptions I made while reading. I don’t know if there will be a continuative plot, I don’t know if the characters of these stories will return and I don’t know if something huge will come in the future. I am just assuming these things, based on my experience as an “art-forms-enjoyer”.
I just hope I am right and that, while being right about these things, the series itself will keep surprising me with creative ideas. I would be very sad if my assumptions were correct, but the quality of the statements gets worse and worse. Please, keep being creative! More surprising stories and less “meh” stuff!
That’s all for now. I’ll come back very soon with the next post about chapters 11-20.
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>> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 8 months
Research Story
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[ID: The banner of the game research story, drawn in anime style. It shows a person next to the game's title, looking at a yellow flower through a magnifying glass, papers in hand and a black cat with a sprout on its head on their shoulder. End ID]
You move into the cozy little village Shimmerbrook as a researcher. Unlike in other farming sims, that means you don't purchase seeds/animals, you have to pick up a plant/animal/fish part, start researching, observe, learn how to forage seeds and how to tame the creatures, then grow the plants and bond with the creatures by fulfilling their needs.
Once it likes you, every creature has a different perk, from giving you bonus seeds when foraging plants, over finding mushrooms, over automatically fertilizing soil when planting seeds, over finding treasure, over…
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[ID: A screenshot of the game. The artstyle is pixel graphics, the colors are muted because it's after nightfall. The player character, with pink hair and yellow and pink clothes, walks across a meadow towards a house looking like a giant tree stump. A chicken, a rabbit, and a fox are following them. End ID ]
Different plants/creatures appear depending on weather, location, season & time of day. Some plants only grow next to water, some fish only appear in caves at night. All creatures have multiple possible traits, for example needing a buddy to be happy, and some being sheltered by a nearby tree. The more things you research, the more your rank increases, unlocking more things - like weekly fetch quests for villagers.
Research (d'uh)
Looking at it objectively, no feature is extremely deep (though I believe some will be expanded before 1.0). There's only a limited selection of decor items, no farm buildings, different requirements make large-scale farming tedious, and the fishing minigame is very simple. Dating is still getting expanded (no marriage yet), and crafting is rather limited, mostly things you need for research like different kinds of feed, bait, soil, and crafting stations. There's no cooking yet other than throwing a few basic items into a campfire to get a roasted version, and only a few equippable items as rewards.
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[ID: The same player character stands in a small, square house against a black background. The house is furnished with a bed, a bedside table, a desk with a pot of pink flowers on top, a painting, a pale yellow rug, and several wooden chests. End ID]
But, at least for me, it all fits together incredibly well if you accept the research part as the main goal. There's just enough of a carrot on a stick I want to keep playing.
Shortly after release, I already put about 25 hours in and didn't even reach the first year's fall. That was before a lot of the content updates, so there's definitely enough to do for the price tag. I want to earn more money because I want to buy some furniture, and I need those recipes because and I want more sprinklers, and oh my, I forgot upgrading the scythe gives a chance of getting insects, I need insects, so I need more ore, two more days and my research is done, oh yay I reached the next mine level and can finally get sand, and why is it 2am?
Now to be fair, the gameplay loop is - as so often in those kinds of games - rather repetitive. Feed animals, water plants, forage whatever grows today, fish and mine, talk to some people, day's over. Especially feeding the creatures is tedious at the start, since some food items are rare, you have to hand-craft the food, and each pen only holds 2 servings.
But later, there's sprinklers, and feed crafting stations, and autofeeders, and also - creatures don't die. If you don't need the creature's perk, you can just ignore it (Sorry, Rock Salamander!)
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[ID: A screenshot of the town in the game, showing 4 different houses to both sides of a river. Two are built out of wood, one being a tavern, the other a potion ship with a small garden in front, and two are built out of stone, one with a forge, the other with masonry tools in front. The player character stands next to the river, fishing. End ID]
As for the game world, it's incredibly cute and the artstyle is minimalist but adorable. The town itself is by far the highlight - other areas have a bit much open/empty space. Speaking of maps, the mini map is great: not only does it show you the opening hours of each store, once you befriend people to a certain level, you can also see their position on the map.
In general, this game has so many convenient features. Excellent auto-stacking and quick transfer into chests. A bell tool to send creatures back into their pens. You can adjust the length of day and amount of energy in the settings (at the moment with no achievement penalty, though there might be one in the future requiring to play with default settings). Energy itself is on the lower side, but you're supposed to use food, not hoard it like a little raccoon as I do. Oh, and - you can save anytime, anywhere. Yay!
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[ID: A screenshot showing the dialogue window of the character Teagan in their potion shop decorated with purple furniture, shelves with potions, and various potted plants as well as a big cauldron. The portrait is drawn in anime style. They have pale skin, long, pale pink hair with blonde tips and are wearing purple clothes and a headband with feathers and a bird skull. They ask: What can I do for you? End ID]
The controller support (and, therefore, the steam deck support) is great. Everything works, and what little hiccups there are I expect to be gone by the time it leaves early access. Cloud save between the deck and a pc work as well. The only thing missing is the 1200x800 resolution, which is really no good reason for an "unsupported" label.
I really love this game. Sometimes I don't want to build a farming empire. Sometimes I just wanna crawl in the dirt while watching a little bunny poop so I can pick up the droppings and figure out what it eats.
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ckret2 · 1 year
are you going to put your mystery shack on the gallery when you finish it? and did you use a lot of cc for it?
(for anyone who missed it, we're talking about this Sims 4 build.)
Eventually, yeah! Though I'm not quite finished with it yet. There's a few more things I wanna fix up first. I'll put them under a cut since it's a long list lol.
But the build actually uses zero CC! I actually started building the shack as a way to pass the time on patch days so that I could have a CC-free project to work on whenever I'm wait for all my mods to get updated lmfao. Even the paintings of Bill aren't flagged as CC. (I used in-game objects to create a big architectural structure that looks like Bill, maxed Ford's painting skill, and sent him to go paint the scenery.)
Incidentally, if you want to have a couple of Authentic No-CC In-Game Bill Cipher Paintings, I HAVE put those up on the gallery:
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Sorry the preview image sucks. I do not control how the gallery puts up preview images.
(I thiiiiiink I've also put up a couple of yes-CC Bill Cipher paintings that nevertheless still work in-game without you have it to download anything? They look like the actual tapestry in Mabelcorn. But you've gotta turn on the "allow CC" flag when searching the gallery to see them.)
Some of the objects were placed using the TOOL mod—for instance, that RoM rug I stuck on the wall to serve as the Portal—but objects placed with TOOL will stay put even if you don't have TOOL, so you won't need it to download the shack and use it as-is and it won't be flagged as CC when it's uploaded to the gallery.
And the things I still need to fix, off the top of my head:
I'm gonna replace the bookcases in Ford's study with the new bookcases from the book nook kit, so that the books on the shelves will look a bit more diverse.
In the show, there's a spiral staircase to nowhere in Ford's study. I'm gonna put a ladder in that spot and connect it to an extra bathroom. For the size of this build, it's got way too few bathrooms.
And on that note: outhouse. The shack needs its outhouse.
I've gotta rearrange the position of Stan's bedroom and the attic window seat. When I originally put the window seat in the build, I was going off Headhunters where it seemed to be on one end of the house; but from later episodes it seems more accurate to put the window seat on the side of the house (as the window under the roof hangout spot).
I found some better screenshots of the main bathroom, so I've gotta fix it up—put the toilet in the correct spot, add its second mirror, etc.
I need to finalize the route to the roof hangout spot. The show has the characters climb on the roof to get to it, which just isn't an option in the sims; so trying to find a route up that still looks kinda canon-accurate has been giving me trouble for the whole build.
I wanna shuffle around the position of the basement rooms a little bit so that the elevator entrance doesn't feel quite so cramped.
Now that we got some brand new functional backpacks and lunchboxes in game, I wanna drop them in the attic for Dipper and Mabel to use.
I might change the gift shop up a bit. Right now I've got all the "for sale" souvenirs on a big wooden display cabinet, and it looks very nice; buuut it's not canon accurate, it's supposed to be a glass display case. And I AM trying to be canon accurate. Even if the wooden display cabinet looks nicer.
I'm not quite sure if uploading a fishbowl full of fish to the library will keep the fish in that bowl, but just in case it does, I wanna have Mabel go catch a lobster and put it in the fish tank (to parallel the lobster she gets in The Hand That Rocks The Mabel). Too bad there's no axolotls in TS4.
Similarly, I'm not quite sure if items stolen by kleptomaniac sims retain those "stolen item" flags when uploaded to the gallery; but just in case they do, I wanna make a Gleeful household just so that Stan can steal their sad clown painting to hang in the living room lmfao.
Now that we can paint ceilings, I've gotta paint ALL THE CEILINGS!
I got like six packs/kits just to use a few extra items in the Mystery Shack build lmfao, so I've gotta go through all those items with a fine-tooth comb to see if they can replace any items I currently have.
I've been putting off placing a lot of columns/corbels/rafters until the end, since while I was still shifting around the rooms they just got in the way. Now's the time to finish that.
I think I'm gonna redo how I handle the door to the cellar, TOOL mod willing, to make it more accurate and less wonky-looking.
I've been playing in the house a little bit to test it, so I've gotta do some housecleaning before we're ready to upload to the gallery: wash the dishes, mop up the mess Mabel made in the floor room, pick up the seed packets the gnomes tossed all over the place...
When I first made the shack, I actually started with somebody else's build I found on the gallery, and then went "wait this is inaccurate as hell and kind of sucks, all the rooms look wrong and the layout is VERY wrong," and I basically bulldozed it piece by piece to remake it myself. But because I started with someone else's build, it still retains an "originally made by this other guy" flag when I save the lot. This annoys me. So I've gotta find a way to get rid of that flag before uploading to the gallery.
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samwise1548 · 2 years
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Oh I guess I could post my art summary here too
[ID: a 4 by 3 grid of drawings shown for each month of 2022. They look as follows:
January- a long haired Jonathan Sims playing solitaire on a computer that is on fire.
February- Jon and Martin pushed together in an awkward, yet flustering embrace.
March- an original character named Eshika Paul, who is a grim reaper, drawn all in purple.
April- a cosplayer dressed as Antigone Funn from Wooden Overcoats.
May- two original characters (waffles and her mom), that are fish creatures, holding each other.
June- a young Jonathan Sims digging in the dirt with a spider book next to him.
July- a drawing of @/hawkfurze's tma oc, Cecilia Leonard done for artfight, inspired by the recent Hubble telescope pictures of space.
August- an original character named No Body, with blond hair dyed pink at the ends, and a blue hat, smiling brightly.
September- Martin Blackwood holding a pink mug of steaming tea.
October- a younger Jon as a moth person, carrying a younger Martin, trying to lift them both off the ground.
November- an acrylic charm design of Oliver Banks wearing a skull mask.
December- a sad Jonathan Sims sitting on a fancy green couch, wearing a pretty light green dress.
/End ID]
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dmc-questions-anon · 12 days
The Hunger Games Simulator: Character Edition Part 2
Putting 24 characters in a THG sim.
Part 1
Day 2:
Patty is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Morrison picks flowers.
Agnus and Gilver work together for the day.
Nell Goldstein tends to Grue's wounds.
Beryl discovers a cave.
Nero collects fruit from a tree.
Lady, Sanctus, Lucia, and Mundus form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Argosax tries to spear fish with a trident.
Credo receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Fallen Tributes 2:
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
LadyDistrict 3 SanctusDistrict 8 LuciaDistrict 2 MundusDistrict 6
Night 2:
Morrison lets Argosax into his shelter.
Gilver and Grue run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Nero destroys Agnus's supplies while he is asleep.
Credo and Patty huddle for warmth.
Nell Goldstein thinks about home.
Beryl cooks her food before putting her fire out.
Day 3:
Nero pushes Argosax off a cliff during a knife fight.
Agnus, Morrison, Gilver, and Patty raid Grue's camp while he is hunting.
Beryl is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
Credo makes a wooden spear.
Nell Goldstein explores the arena.
Fallen Tributes 3:
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
ArgosaxDistrict 7
Night 3:
Nell Goldstein and Grue sleep in shifts.
Credo severely injures Patty and leaves her to die.
Nero starts a fire.
Morrison sets an explosive off, killing Agnus, and Gilver.
Beryl receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
The Feast:
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Beryl repeatedly stabs Grue to death with sais.
Nell Goldstein decides not to go to The Feast.
Nero dies from an infection.
Credo ambushes Morrison and kills him.
Day 4:
Nell Goldstein receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Credo tries to spear fish with a trident.
Beryl receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Fallen Tributes 4:
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
PattyDistrict 9 AgnusDistrict 8 GilverDistrict 12 GrueDistrict 11 NeroDistrict 3 MorrisonDistrict 10
Night 4:
Beryl attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Credo and Nell Goldstein sleep in shifts.
Day 5:
Beryl sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Credo searches for a water source.
Nell Goldstein receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Fallen Tributes 5:
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 5:
Nell Goldstein tends to Beryl's wounds.
Credo loses sight of where he is.
Day 6:
Nell Goldstein discovers a river.
Credo tends to Beryl's wounds.
Fallen Tributes 6:
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 6:
Beryl attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.
Nell Goldstein climbs a tree to rest.
Credo screams for help.
Day 7:
Nell Goldstein practices her archery.
Credo pushes Beryl off a cliff during a knife fight.
Fallen Tributes 7:
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
BerylDistrict 11
Night 7:
Nell Goldstein tracks down and kills Credo.
The Winner:
The winner is Nell Goldstein from District 10!
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guessimate · 1 year
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Today we're visiting the Tia family, where we have our first 2nd generation couple and their kids. I know Lovetar Imago (now Tia) will end up being the oldest teenager of her generation, but I don't care about this lack of sync between families, especially that you know how my mortality rolls go...
At the very beginning of the round the heir, Zet Tia, wanted to ask his new bride on a date, so the newlyweds had their 'honeymoon'.
I was actually really surprised Lovetar kept rolling the 'gain a skill' want. It must have been because her romance wants got fulfilled all the time because of the dates. She behaved more like a knowledge sim than her husband did, besides not wanting to see ghosts. Her husband aspired to see the ghost of his mom, which came true.
The Tia household was also lucky enough to get a genie lamp (probably because Lovetar is a sim who maxed out 2 hobbies). I might make getting the dusty old lamp into some sort of a milestone, just like domesticating the wolves, which will hopefully happen soon.
The weather was quite mild on this lot. Noone was on the brink of a heatstroke and they all even lost their sunburns.
Zet's younger sister, Mutneferet, was initially rolled to be a Romance sim, but I overrulled it, because I can't just keep having female Romance sims, especially that her brother's wife is already one... So I rolled again and she's a Fortune sim, which fits better. Their father is also a Fortune sim after all, and I like the idea of children sharing goals with their parents, especially if their parents' life dreams were never fulfilled.
Mutneferet managed to get Gold Fishing and Gold Gardening Badges shortly after aging up, which is great.
Zet and Lovetar's next child managed to survive (so no miscarriages for Lovetar). Unfortuantely, the mother paid the ultimate price for their heir being born...
The baby boy was named Zephaniah. He's a gray-eyed redhead. Both of their kids got the eye colour of their grandmothers. He is an Aquarius, so he shares mother's star sign. Personality-wise he's quite similar to her, with 6 neat and 4 shy points. He's also as active as his dad (7). He has 9 playful, and 9 nice points.
His older sister, Lovi, is an Aquarius as well. She's just as neat (6), active (6), and playful (9) as her mom. She's also as outgoing as her dad (6). And she has 8 nice points. Lovi naturally went into aspiration failure when her mom died, despite having learnt all of the toddler skills and the nursery rhyme.
Totally off topic CC list, because Satiah's ghost looks a bit different... I got this awesome plantsim skin default. I'm still experimenting with my supernatural defaults, but there are for sure some I like, e.g. the awesome correlated werewolf skins. For now I also put this vampire skin in my game (it has pink eyes). And I got rid of the witch skin and the sparkles... And did I mention I also got the spectral cat mods... and a spectral assistant replacement, as well as a servo replacement... And even a magical broom instead of the cleanbot! I need to get a witch in town some day. And it's spooky season soon!
And yes, I know there are a lot more... I got the supernatural garden and juicer (there's also the wooden version)... There's the fairy mod and the fairy house, but I need to incorporate just the regular occults at first... I know there's TSM Grim replacement, but I like the vanilla one enough.
BTW If you haven't already, definitely grab the favourite colour mod! I use the engagement ring mod and the date flower mod. They're not very historical, but who cares, better than vanilla maxis ones and so customizable!
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
Hunger Games Sim :D
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Leo rips a mace out of Mikey's hands.
Hypno runs away from the Cornucopia.
Huggin kills Raph as he tries to run.
JESUS CHRIST- Raph didn't deserve that &lt;;/3
Jason cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Foot Lieutenant runs away from the Cornucopia.
Mayhem grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
it's a place to sleep :D
April finds a canteen full of water.
Foot Brute takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.
Sunita finds a canteen full of water.
Munnin shoots an arrow into Kraang 's head.
damn, *erases the movie trauma*
Warren finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
Casey decapitates Kendra with a sword.
Cass runs away from the Cornucopia.
Draxum grabs a sword.
Shredder bashes Meat Sweats's head against a rock several times.
Karai runs away from the Cornucopia.
Peepaw Leo runs away from the Cornucopia.
*runs away cutely*
Bone Man rips a mace out of Donnie's hands.
good job-
Warren bashes Mayhem's head in with a mace.
Leo diverts Huggin's attention and runs away.
LFLS vibes
Bone Man, Foot Brute, Cass, Sunita, and Foot Lieutenant hunt for other tributes.
Peepaw Leo travels to higher ground.
Mikey explores the arena.
Draxum tends to Donnie's wounds.
I- canon..?
Shredder constructs a shack.
Munnin steals from Casey while he isn't looking.
Karai and April work together
Hypno tries to sleep through the entire day.
Raph - Deceased / Mikey - Alive
April - Alive / Mayhem - Deceased
Casey - Alive (1 Kill) / Cass - Alive Donnie - Alive / Leo - Alive
Draxum - Alive / Meat Sweats - Deceased
Kendra - Deceased / Jason - Deceased Sunita - Alive / Bone Man - Alive
Hypno - Alive / Warren - Alive (1 Kill)
Huggin - Alive (1 Kill) / Munnin - Alive (1 Kill) Foot Brute - Alive / Foot Lieutenant - Alive
Karai - Alive / Peepaw Leo - Alive
Shredder - Alive (1 Kill) / Kraang - Deceased
Mikey climbs a tree to rest.
Peepaw Leo receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Foot Brute, Leo, Warren, Huggin, and Munnin sleep in shifts.
Karai convinces Shredder to snuggle with her.
daddy daughter day ig
Cass, Draxum, and Hypno cheerfully sing songs together.
Bone Man receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Casey is awoken by nightmares.
dont cry. peepaw alive :D
Sunita stays awake all night.
April taints Donnie's food, killing him.
Foot Lieutenant is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth
Bone Man tends to Cass's wounds.
April injures herself.
Leo makes a wooden spear.
Munnin and Mikey fight Peepaw Leo and Karai. Munnin and Mikey survive.
Shredder thinks about home.
Casey and Huggin work together for the day.
Sunita goes hunting.
Hypno stalks Foot Brute.
Warren tries to spear fish with a trident.
Draxum severely injures Foot Lieutenant, but puts him out of his misery.
4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Donnie - District 4 Peepaw Leo - District 11 Karai - District 11 Foot Lieutenant - District 10
Hypno, April, and Casey unsuccessfully ambush Warren, Munnin, and Huggin, who kill them instead.
Draxum sets an explosive off, killing Leo, and Bone Man
poor Leo & Bone Man
Foot Brute tries to treat his infection.
Mikey begs for Cass to kill him. She refuses, keeping Mikey alive.
Shredder and Sunita sleep in shifts.
why...why would you?
The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Cass decides not to go to The Feast.
Warren convinces Mikey to not kill him, only to kill him instead.
Mikey have you not learned your lesson?? don't trust bad people.
Shredder throws a knife into Huggin's head.
Munnin decides not to go to The Feast.
Draxum decides not to go to The Feast.
Sunita decides not to go to The Feast.
Foot Brute decides not to go to The Feast.
Foot Brute discovers a cave.
Sunita catches Cass off guard and kills her.
Shredder makes a slingshot.
Draxum injures himself.
Warren searches for a water source.
Munnin practices his archery.
8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Hypno - District 8 April - District 2 Casey - District 3 Leo - District 4 Bone Man - District 7 Mikey - District 1 Huggin - District 9 Cass - District 3
Sunita accidentally detonates a land mine while trying to arm it
Foot Brute stalks Draxum.
Munnin begs for Warren to kill him. He refuses, keeping Munnin alive.
Foot Brute, Munnin, Draxum, and Warren sleep in shifts.
Shredder dies from thirst.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Sunita - District 7 Shredder - District 12
Warren thinks about winning.
Draxum and Munnin sleep in shifts.
Foot Brute sets up camp for the night.
Foot Brute steals from Warren while he isn't looking.
Munnin scares Draxum off.
Warren and Draxum run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Munnin and Foot Brute talk about the tributes still alive.
Draxum kills Munnin with a hatchet.
Warren tries to spear fish with a trident.
Foot Brute makes a slingshot.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Munnin - District 9
Warren looks at the night sky.
Draxum cooks his food before putting his fire out.
Foot Brute screams for help.
Warren defeats Draxum in a fight, but spares his life.
Foot Brute searches for firewood.
Warren begs for Draxum to kill him, He reluctantly obliges, killing Warren.
Foot Brute dies from hypothermia.
The winner is Draxum from District 5!
*the person was too stunned to speak*
0 notes
indiegamesofcolor · 2 years
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[ID: A gifset containing four gifs of the anthology collection The Cartomancy Anthology. Several games in different artstyles and formats are featured.
Gif 1 shows two games. One shows two scenes from a colorful, top-down game as a character in yellow clothes walks across paths. There are many plants in the surrounding area and the player interacts with cubes to grow flowers. The second game shows a cooking interface as the player prepares a meal with the final result being a meat dish. 
Gif 2 shows two games. Three scenes from a mixed-media game show a blue player against backgrounds collaged from what appears to be hand-drawn art and photos. The other game shows a dark room with blue lighting traveling through it. On the right is text saying, “there is nothing else / there is only me / and you are alone.”
Gif 3 shows two games. One features a grayescale scene of a white skeletal figure riding a white skeletal horse while holding a flag that flows in the air. The character rides through a raining forest of bare trees and a smoking battlefield. The second game shown is a platformer featuring a scarecrow-like character with a pumpkin for a head. The character skips across a wooden platform past a house as the game’s overlay on the bottom reads. “Parts: 1/4 | Lure: None” and “[E] Talk to Gramms.”
Gif 4 shows a text excerpt from an interactive text game. It reads: “This isn’t exactly my dream job, but I can handle it. It’s not like I haven’t done repair work before. There’s so much to learn though. I didn’t know how complex a clock tower could be, but its guts are a labyrinth of metal and steam. I have trouble following the mechanisms sometimes. They tell me just to focus on the immediate task, that trying to grasp too much at once will just overwhelm me.”
end ID.]
The Cartomancy Anthology is a collection of introspective and compact experiences with each game representing a Major Arcana! Pull cards to explore powerful emotions and life lessons throughout 22 games. Play platformers, visual novels, cooking sims, fishing games and more as you learn about guiding one’s life!
For Windows.
Developed by a diverse team with 70+ game developers from across the globe. A full roster of the developers and the cards represented are listed here. Some devs/studios include The Sheep’s Meow of Tree Trunk Book; Jessie Lo of Later Daters; Seamus Ly of Solace State; and Sam of Tamales: Con Familia and Neon White.
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simdertalia · 1 month
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🌺🎍 ACNH Harmonious Set: Part 2 🎍🌺
💗 Sims 4, Base game compatible besides 2 items (ourdoor retreat & get together for hearth & dance floor). 55 items. Many extra swatches added by me. Items with only 1 swatch are not pictured in the swatch previews.
Always suggested: bb.objects ON, it makes placing items much easier. For further placement tweaking, check out the TOOL mod.
You can raise & lower items with 0 and 9 on your keyboard.
Use the scale up & down feature on your keyboard to make the items larger or smaller to your liking. If you have a non-US keyboard, it may be different keys depending on which alphabet it uses.
I hope you enjoy! ☺️ Download below, all in a zip file or pick & choose!
I hope you enjoy!
Set contains: -Another Wall Hook | 5 swatches | 104 poly -Asian Screen | 5 swatches | 2280 poly -Asian Wall Shelf | 5 swatches | 2612 poly -Bamboo Bench | 3 swatches | 1968 poly  -Bamboo Nightstand | 3 swatches | 1094 poly -Bamboo Seat | 3 swatches | 1094 poly -Bird Bath | 12 swatches | 1194 poly -Bonbori (2 items, short and tall versions. Lights up in the dark) | 5 swatches each | 1226 poly each -Dharma Decor | 10 swatches | 1124 poly -Dharma Flower Pot | 12 swatches | 2116 poly -Dresser | 6 swatches | 1662 poly -Framed Art Decor | 24 swatches | 52 poly -Go Board | 1 swatch | 1190 poly -Hinaningyo (lanterns light up in the dark) | 1 swatch | 4802 poly -Japanese Coffee Table | 6 swatches | 1208 poly -Japanese Hearth: Functional (requires Outdoor Retreat) | 2 swatches for fish color | 3042 poly -Japanese Kettle (steams) | 8 swatches | 1200 poly -Japanese Lantern (lights up in the dark) | 33 swatches | 824 poly -Jars Glow Moss 1-5 (5 items in different shapes & sizes, glows in the dark) | 21 swatches each | 810 poly each -Make-Up Brushes | 17 swatches | 1730 poly -Maneki-neko Flower Pot | 8 swatches | 1396 poly -Miso Soup (steam & no steam versions) | 5 swatches each | 196 poly each -Mochi Pestle | 14 swatches | 1194 poly -Pagoda Statue | 5 swatches | 2702 poly -Sakura Blossom Lantern (2 items, small and tall, lights up in the dark) | 2 swatches each | 1238 poly each -Sakura Dance Floor | 1 swatch | 2 poly -Sakura Petals | 4 swatches | 633 poly -Sakura Purse (wall) | 7 swatch | 736 poly -Sakura Wall Clock | 7 swatches | 876 poly -Sakura Alarm Clock | 7 swatches | 952 poly -Salad | 3 swatches | 238 poly -Shoulder Bag (wall) | 25 swatches | 782 poly -Spring Rolls | 3 swatches for plate | 328 poly -Stone Arch: functional (marriage altar) | 5 swatches | 2102 poly -Torii | 5 swatches | 1976 poly -Vanity Anti-Dust Cloche | 8 swatches | 964 poly -Vase | 1 swatch | 812 poly -Vines 1-3 (3 items of different vine plant combinations) | 7 swatches each | 783, 741, & 720 poly -Vine Chair (the actual chair one) | 7 swatches | 1313 poly -Vine Lamp (lights up in the dark) | 5 swatcesh | 1238 poly -Vine Purse (wall) | 7 swatches | 810 poly -Vine Seat (the plant one) | 5 swatches for pot | 1032 poly -Vine Wall Hook | 5 swatches | 312 poly -Wall Flag | 4 swatches | 1203 poly -Wooden Make-Up Mirror | 12 swatches | 298 poly -Woven Trivet (slotted for tea kettle) | 11 swatch | 482 poly
Type “ACNH harmonious 2” into the search query in build mode to find  quickly. You can always find items like this, just begin typing the title and it will appear.
📁 Download all or pick & choose (SFS, No Ads): HERE
📁 Alt Mega Download (still no ads): HERE
📁 Download on Patreon
Will be public on September 1st, 2024 💗 Midnight CET
Happy Simming! ✨ Some of my CC is early access. If you like my work, please consider supporting me (all support helps me with managing my chronic pain/illness):
★ Patreon  🎉 ❤️ |★ Ko-Fi  ☕️  ❤️ ★ Instagram📷
Thank you for reblogging ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@sssvitlanz  @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters  @coffee-cc-finds  @itsjessicaccfinds  @gamommypeach  @stargazer-sims-finds  @khelga68  @suricringe  @vaporwavesims  @mystictrance15 @moonglitchccfinds @xlost-in-wonderlandx @jbthedisabledvet
Harmonious Set 1
-Potted Palm CC & Plumeria Blooms -Sakura Branch in Vase CC -Altar Cloth CC
The rest of my CC
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simder-talia-blog · 3 years
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WCIF - Picnic Stuff - For @mystica-sims
1. Plastic Garden Chair by @kliekie 2. Fishing Cooler by @brazenlotus 3. Attic Stack Decoration Box from Seasons (here are some recolors!) 4. Totoro Doll by @hamburgercakes 5. Wooden Game by @soloriya 6. Picnic Blanket by @imadako 7. Open Book by @hula-zombie 8. Converse Shoe Clutter by @the-dew-of-the-sea 9. Tent by @simverses & another cute version by @teanmoon 10. Soda Bottles by @yourdorkbrains (DL unavailable, ad-f*y suspended, i will edit note if DL is fixed) 11. The Lubber's Picnicer Table from Cats & Dogs 12. Picnic Basket by @jennisims (note: has ad) 13. Mustard & Ketchup by @aroundthesims  (note: site down 4-1-22) 14 & 15: Barbecue Meats by @aroundthesims  (note: site down 4-1-22) 16. Buy Debug Knife and Red Party Cup by MadHox 17. Rainbow Cake by Psyzny 18. Soda Cans by @aroundthesims (note: site down 4-1-22) 19. Bowl With Shaving Foam by @soloriya 20. Silverware by DominationKid (original post archive) 21. Placemat by @ddaeng-sims (note: has ad) * I don’t have the toilet paper rolls in my game anymore and can’t find them, but <HERE> is a very nice substitute.
Thanks for stopping by!
My Own CC 🔮
Ko-Fi ☕️ ❤️
Instagram 📷
Happy Simming!
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emilyccfinds · 3 years
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Ethnic decor *Fishes* by Severinka
Created for: The Sims 4
A set of table decor - wooden sculptures in Ethnic style in the form of various fishes.
The set includes 8 items. 
DOWNLOAD (TSR) | Jul 16, 2021
Ethnic decor *Stones* | Jul 21, 2021
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valentinakarlova · 3 years
Snaklace, Arc Top and fish whiskers
Made a snake accessory (found in necklaces) for your sims.
It's a very short but happy little fellow that comes in a few swatches (like 30) and they don't really match my Greyduck's wings swatches (these: https://www.patreon.com/posts/greyducks-wings-52545098)
Also made a top that was requested
Called the Arc Top. Has a wooden-like right arm and a mantis-like left arm. There is some glitching with mostly the mantis arm (you'll see an arm is not supposed to be shaped that way) but I did my best. It comes in 4 swatches.
AAAND I made some fish whiskers to go with my Koi Tails (here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/what-tail-koi-is-52592675), they can be found in Occult/Mouth and do not have any swatch; they will be the sims' skin color.
Pics now:
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Everything is disabled for random (for normal sims at least) and base game. I know it's all random and stuff but it's still free stuff XD
Here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52924893
Hope you enjoy!
♥♥ BYYEE ♥♥
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sunmoon-starfactory · 4 years
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Forging On - Metalsmithing Station
Steel yourself and strike while the iron is hot! With an anvil and the proper body skill, a sim may forge various components, wares, tools, and even weapons and armor.
Download  Metalsmithing - SFS
Download Auto Tool Update - SFS
Download/View - The Keep
See under the cut for details and instructions, or visit the Keep link for the same and more images.
REQUIRED OTHER SUN&MOON SETS: ● Refine And Shine – Metal Ingots, Shovel Tool ● All Fired Up – Fire Grates ● Great Grains – Field Sickle Tool ● Cheese Please – Cheese Knife ● Gone Fishin’ – Fillet Knife ● Mining 3.0 – Pickaxe ● Rainy Day Savings – Metal Safes/Strongboxes ● It’s A Trap! – Animal Traps
THE ANVIL: This is the station used for metal smithing. It comes in two versions, one that is a whole set up of anvil on stump with quenching barrel, and the other that is just an anvil to be placed anywhere. Of course if you choose just the anvil, be aware that the animation may be off depending on the height of the surface it is placed.  
Skill Level 0-2: Perfect starting projects for an apprentice or someone just getting into the craft. Learn the basics first! ● Wooden Components ● Chains ● Nails ● Findings ● Hoops Skill Level 3-4: Now that the basics are there, time to learn to make more complex or delicate shapes and bends. ● Previous Tier Items ● Horse Shoe Set ● Spigots ● Sink and Washtub ● Tools ● Kitchen Utensil Set ● Lanterns ● Alarm Bells ● Tableware Sets ● Animal Traps ● Candlesticks/Holders Skill Level 5-6: Those shapes are muscle memory now, time to get to confidently producing more sturdy goods prone to wear and tear. ● Previous Tier Items ● Cookware Set ● Security Keys ● Stoves ● Fire Grates ● Buffet Platter ● Safes Skill Level 7+: Items that require more fine detail or precision are now the goal. ● Previous Tier Items ● Idols ● Iron Sword ● Mail Armor Writ Of Mastery: ● Previous Tier Items ● Plate Armors ● Steel Weapons
FUNCTIONAL ITEMS ANIMAL TRAPS: While the files for the traps themselves are not included in the download, the metalsmith station is capable of making three fully functioning animal traps. *Note: Traps are not restockable from inventory in a business setting. Future update to Animal Hunting will cover that. ● Fox Trap ● Wolf Trap ● Bear Trap
PORTION KNIVES: ● Cheese Knife ● Fish Fillet Knife
LANTERNS: Place Anywhere/Holdable Lanterns: Copied files of existing creations from Ocelotekatl who allowed me to incorporate the files into the station. Retains old GUIDs, but have been renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code. Accessory packages are included. ● Box ● Cylindrical ● Oblong
STOVES: ● Skyrim Cauldrons/Pots/Spit: Copied files of existing creations from Sunni. Retains old GUIDs, but have been renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code. ● Muffin Maker: Copied files of existing creations from Motherof70. Retains old GUIDs, but have been renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code. ● Cooktop Ring: A stove that can be placed on countertops or anywhere really. ● Pot Belly Stove: Copied files of existing creations from Numenor. Retains old GUIDs, but have been renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code. ● Eva's Hanging Cauldron:Copied files of existing creations from Eva/Sunni. Retains old GUIDs, but have been renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code. ● Auld Crow Stove: TS2 stove with some bits and bobs removed. 
BELLS & KEYS: ● Fire Alarm Bell: Copied files of existing creation by Kate. Retains old GUID, but has been remapped, renamed and given Restocking From Inventory Code ● Alarm Clock Hand Bell. Based on Inge's Alarm Clock for more customization and setting. ● Security Keys - Custom Burglar Alarm. Make sure to download Midge's Mod for Custom Burglar alarms to make it work. 
BANKS While the files for the banks themselves are not included in the download, the metalsmith station is capable of making three fully functioning metal banks. ● Skyrim Metal Safe ● Skyrim Strongbox Safe ● Witcher Metal Safe  
SWORDS/DAGGER: Based off of Paladin's Dueling Swords, but heavily modified, new weapons are available for use by sims teen and older. All swords and the dagger may perform the following actions: ● Challenge: This action allows two sims to spar with swords. They will continue to do so until they reach motive failure, but the action can be interrupted at any time. ● Practice: This action allows a sim to practice their sword work and footing and thus gain mechanical (dexterity) skill. Note that the sword will “disappear” from where it has been placed with this action, representing a sim has it in use. ● Kill: This action allows the current selected sim to have a brief fight with another sim and the target sim will die at the end of the fight. Use with caution, death is always the outcome for the target sim. ● Grab: Standard Grab function that adds a sword into a sim’s inventory. It is enabled for visitors, as well as children. So deliveries can be made, or thievery can happen. The grab in non-autonomous however. All Swords use NixedSims Accessory Swords from her Training Dummies V3 set, and retain their original GUIDs. If you have these already in your game you can delete them from this set. Each Sword utilizes 5 packages. All swords share the FIGHT AREA package but must have their own Object, Accessory, and Actions Packages. Different swords cannot share the latter 3.
IDOLS: Models picked based on aspects they can represent rather than any real world religion. These objects are a combination of the available actions found on KevinHope's Cross and Rebecah's Bible. Each comes in gold/silver/bronze recolors. ● Azura ● Dibella ● Mara ● Meridia ● Mermaid ● Watcher
WASH BASINS: Two items for hygiene and cleanliness. The tub is enabled for pets, and the sink is a place anywhere style. ● Metal Washtub - Bathtub ● Basin Sink
ARMOR: These smithed items can be sold to a sim who can then use it for an actual clothing grant to their wardrobe. It is one time use, thus incentivising a smith to continue to make more. There are five levels of armor that require different base metals: Iron, Steel, Gold, Mithril, and Chain. Armors DO NOT come on prebuilt display racks. They float in the air and are meant to be slotted into a display.
STATIC/SLOTTED ITEMS COMPONENTS: Components are to be used as parts in the making of other items. They are purely deco and intended for sale or further refinement. ● Chain ● Nail Box ● Spigot ● Hoops ● Findings ● Horse Shoe Set ● Wooden Bits and Bobs
INVENTORY TOOLS: The metalsmith may craft any autonomous inventory tool from Sun&Moon sets. The versions of the auto tools included in this download are updated with restocking code ans should replace any previous versions in any set released thus far. *Not pictured: Shears
COOKWARE/KITCHEN UTENSIL SETS: A set of items that when opened places single items into a sim's inventory. These items are considered inventory tools for future stations, as well as decorative slotted items. ● Cookware Set Contains: Stock Pot, Gratin Pan, Pancake Frying Pan, Roasting Pan, Sauce Pan, Saute Pan, and Wok. ● Kitchen Utensil Set Contains: Spatula, Dipper, Slotted Dipper, Ladle, Large Fork, and Whisk.
TABLEWARE SET/PLACE SETTINGS: A set of flatware, charger, and drinking vessel to set upon your sims tables. Sims will place their bowl/plate on the charger and eat. Each set has an invisible recolor of the drinking vessel/flatware so that they can be hidden. With everything but the charger plate hidden, players can decorate around the plate using five different slots with tableware or items of their choosing. Comes in three styles; Lower Class, Middle Class, and Upper Class. Each set has a different drinking vessel and is made of a different metal.
CANDLE HOLDERS: A set of various candle holders with functional slots. ● Fancy Candlestick - Tall and Short ● Fancy Candelabrum ● Simple Candlestick ● Simple Candle Dish
BONUS ROUND ARMOR STANDS: You can’t have your armor just floating there in the air (unless it’s an enchanted shop of course) so you have to have something to put it on. Some basic wooden armor stands that are found in the catalog under Surfaces > Shelves. The Armor stand has two slots to pop in Armor of your choice and a sword of your choice. The Chainmail Shirt stand had one slot. CHAIN DISPLAY STAND: Can't have floating chains either, so store them here. Five slots for five lengths of chain. Can be found in the catalog under Surfaces > Shelves.
REFERENCE TOME: A handy dandy knowledge source to know how to craft various items. This will tell you what metals and how many of that metal you will need for each item. Can be found in Hobbies > Knowledge.
REPO FILES: This set is HEAVILY respositoried. A list of all main files follows:
● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_TablewareSet_LowerClass ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_TablewareSet_MiddleClass ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_TablewareSet_UpperClass ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_Cookware_StockPot ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_KitchenUtensil_Spatula ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_Findings ● Sun&Moon-Smithing_Product_Candlestick_Fancy_Tall
DUPLICATE FILES: All items from other creator’s sets have been renamed to match the file structure, and have been given additional restocking code or other minor updates. They retain their original GUIDs and should be removed in favor of these versions of files.
EXTRA CREDITS & THANKS: Nixedsims, Davina, Fire_flower, CelestialSpider, crowderhead (sims-historicalish),  Gayars, Ocelotekatl , mustluzcats, solfal, Paladin, Sunni, Mo70, Liz, Sherahbim, Inge, Cynnix, Maxis, Cassandre, Numenor, S99, Kate, TSM, TS3, Skyrim, The Nexus, DAZ3D, Unity.
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
Patch Notes
Update 06/03/2020 PC: / Mac: Console: Version 1.25
The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Expansion Pack drops in just a mere few days, and since we know that living your best Eco Lifestyle can take a little extra elbow grease, we’ve added some exciting quality-of-life improvements to help pave the way.
Between Inventory updates, new CAS assets from a surprise partnership with M·A·C, the return of two beloved NPCs, as well as some really cool new Build features, we hope you enjoy the update.
-SimGuruJill & SimGuruRusskii
Fellow hoarders, this one’s for you: We have updated the Sim Inventory with the ability to Filter, Sort, Favorite, Multi-Select, and Multi-Sell in one easy flick of the wrist. Managing that cumbersome pile of collectables you’ve been racking up for the past five years has never been so easy!
Following in true Eco Lifestyle fashion, Door and Window placement is now also Off-the-Grid. But not that kind of grid. The limiting kind of tile grid that used to keep you from placing your windows and doors precisely where you wanted them. By holding down the Alt key while dragging, you can enjoy the smooth sensations of free Door and Window placement.
Ladders have been added as part of the Build System. Find your free Classic Wooden Ladder in the Build catalog in the Stairs (& Ladders) category. Unlike Island Living’s Dock and Ladder objects for use on water lots, these Ladders can be placed anywhere on your lot and like stairs, they can be used as a means for Sims to traverse from one floor to another.
Did you say you needed some fresh looks for your Sims? We’ve collaborated with none other than M·A·C Cosmetics to bring you 12 fashion-forward makeup assets suited for everything from everyday to night out glam. If you’re not already using it, on PC and Mac we recommend trying out the “Uncompressed Sim Textures” setting in the Options Menu, which is now enabled by default on the High and Ultra graphics settings profiles in order to see these looks really shine. While console versions of The Sims 4 do not have the setting in the Options Menu, each console spec is automatically using the optimal graphical settings based on system resources.
The Repo Person NPC has graduated with honors from Discover University’s University of Britechester with a Degree in Villainy and has comfortably taken up residence in Base Game. Now everyone can taste their wrath if Bill payments fall behind.
Speaking of Bills, we’ve added a cohesive breakdown of Sim’s Bills information that can be accessed via an interaction on the Mailbox or Phone. Now instead of lumping everything together, you can see what percentage of your Bills go to Water, what percentage go to Power, insight into any Fees, Reductions, or Penalties. All this and more, calculated and cleanly presented for your finer understanding.
We have gone back and added Map Tags with Neighborhood Descriptions to existing neighborhoods that didn’t yet have them. We now have delightful icons, names, and descriptions for the no-longer-forgotten Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, Newcrest, and Windenburg. Ok, feel free to freak out now.
This one is tricky to list out in a single paragraph with attempted wit, so I’ll just drop this bullet list off right here:
The Off-the-Grid Lot Trait now ties into our new Bill updates, drawing from Water and Power utility. Without excess utility, lots function off-the-grid as they did before. With excess utility, they function more like an on-the-grid lot.
There is a new Off-the-Grid Build category that will allow players to find Off-the-Grid and survival-esque objects.
We've done a pass on candles to ensure they properly work when electricity is out.
Off-the-Grid supported Fridges now have an "Add Ice" interaction that will allow them to keep food preserved—so long as the ice remains!
Sim will now autonomously use stoves and fridges when Off-the-Grid, not just grills.
Harvestables now grant unique buffs when consumed off-the-grid.
Dogs and Toddlers now have a unique interaction to be bathed in Bathtubs even when Off-the-Grid.
Objects can now be cleaned using the "Use Elbow Grease" interaction. Yummy.
Players are able to gather Water utility from fishing spots in base game. With Island Living they can gather from the waterfall. Water can also be gathered from any world with swimmable 'ocean' water. With Seasons, water can be gathered from snow drifts.
Off-the-Grid specific buffs will now take into account motives and Sim traits when determining if a Sim should receive a positive or negative moodlet when living Off-the-Grid.
We've added multiple new recipes that can be cooked while Off-the-Grid given a Sim has the proper cooking skill level. Some recipes require special ingredients like the Boiling Frog Hot Pot—which adds a really neat survival element to off-the-grid gameplay, while providing Sims with powerful new moodlets that will help them survive in the wild.
Some people who have the Vampires Game Pack appreciate Vlad’s antics more than others. I personally love receiving a charming visit from Vlad, and sometimes I could really use a kind compliment about my neck. But we’ve heard there are a select few that don’t quite like having their Sim’s necks bitten and motives tanked by an invasive nighttime visitor with no respect for boundaries. Keep Vampires and other unwanted visitors at bay with a new No Trespassing interaction we’ve added to the Door.
Speaking of unwelcome visitors, we’ve also added a new Send Home interaction that’s available on visiting NPCs or as a self-interaction in the case of multiple visitors. How is this interaction any different from Ask To Leave or Go Away, you might ask? Convenience. Unlike its less efficient predecessors, this interaction is nearly instantaneous and leaves your visitors with no hurt feelings or Relationship impact. We added it as a useful tool for players, not necessarily as a story-telling mechanism.
How you build your lot can now affect your gameplay. Certain objects such as wall patterns, floor patterns, fences, and columns bring different gameplay modifiers. Some of these modifiers affect how your Bills and utilities are calculated by decreasing or increasing your Power or Water utility production or usage, as well increasing or decreasing the price of bills. Environment Score can now be impacted by certain objects and materials. Drywall walls without wall patterns applied now decrease environment score like they did in The Sims 3! The choice of floor and wall materials used can also affect the ability to spread fire or puddles at an increased or lessened rate. And if you’d rather build your lot without having to think about these things, don’t worry. There’s an Option in the Gameplay menu to turn all of this off.
Oh hey, and speaking of Fire, that reminds me. Did you hear that we’ve added Firefighter NPCs to the game? We took nods from classic Firefighter NPC behavior from The Sims, The Sims 2, and The Sims 3 and added a few small twists for The Sims 4. When a fire breaks out, Firefighters will come automatically to your lot if you already have a Fire Alarm installed. That way, if you still like to let things burn baby burn, you can just “accidentally” forget to place a Fire Alarm. It’s okay. We won’t tell anybody. If you honestly did forget to place a Fire Alarm, you can call the Fire Department from the Phone or by clicking on the fire itself. If the Fire Department is called, but there is not an active fire, they will call you on your lapse in judgement and charge you a fine. You won’t be punished if there was legitimately a fire that was extinguished before they arrive though. The Firefighter Uniform can be accessed in CAS and gives any Sim wearing it the Fireproof Buff, which gives them some extra protection against fires as well as make them more efficient at putting out fires themselves. It’s worth noting that Firefighter NPC’s do not show up in Island Living’s Sulani. Sulani already has their local Fire Brigade to handle these kinds of emergencies and besides, who wants to wear all that heavy Firefighter gear in the tropics?
More than 20 New Styled Looks have been added for Children and Toddlers, using existing Base Game CAS assets to better flesh out some outfit categories that previously felt sparse.
After five years of Expansion Packs, Game Packs, and Stuff Packs our phone call invites were admittedly starting to get a little spammy. Moments after moving in, you’ve got Lucas Munch hitting you up, asking you to go to the Bluffs with him. Then not long after, you might have had Vivian Lewis asking you to join her at The Spice Festival. Jeez, let me get settled in first, why don’t ya? We’ve done a tuning pass to rebalance all of these previously competing Phone invites to give you a more meaningful and holistic experience.
In the same vein as the above balancing pass, we wanted to smooth out one of our more pressing notifications. The free earbuds pop-up that comes with Fitness Stuff has been changed to a more passive TNS and gifts your Sim the earbuds automatically when it triggers. The days of telling the game over and over that you don’t want free earbuds, or worse - hitting OK by accident - is a thing of the past.
Eco Lifestyle releasing on the same day across all platforms marks an important milestone for The Sims 4 as Simmers get to play the same content and share new creations on The Gallery together. In this update Console Simmers have a few additional features to improve their quality of life:
We have added a new Controls Overlay Reminder that shows up throughout CAS, Gallery, Live Mode and Build Mode which should make it easier for new Simmers to jump in and not need to remember all the controls.
If you don’t want to be reminded and you know all the controls by heart, you can turn off the Controls Overlay Reminder in the Game Options > Other menu
The controller overlay screens remain available for those who want them.
Now onto the fixes and updates:
The Sims 4
macOS players should no longer encounter the setLocale.zsh error. However, both Origin and TS4 must be up to date.
Sims will not have random accessories or clothing pieces when changing into towels.
Style Influencer Sims can now remove trends they have created, with the Reset Trend interaction.
Fixed an issue where Sims were not able to Care for Self after they had been in daycare when they were a Toddler.
Some roofs were updated to remove the appearance of black sides when placed on ceilings.
Active Sims will no longer get a Tense moodlet for lack of exercise when finishing exercising. Do you even push up bro?
Sims will no longer get the Fatigued moodlet immediately after starting a workout. Now, we know that endurance takes time to build, but we decided to give Sims a chance to enjoy their workout before being completely fatigued right away.
Child Sims will now be able to unlock the Video Gaming Skill after they have maxed out their Mental Skill instead of their Motor Skill, which was causing adult skills to reset for Child Sims when they completed aspirations.
Fixed an issue in which some Households did not have their names displayed in Manage Worlds.
Corrected requirements for completing the Great Landscaper task that is part of the Mansion Baron Aspiration.
Fixed an issue in which when utilities are shut off (either because of past due bills or Off-The-Grid) adding objects from Build Mode such as Lamps, would add them turned On.
The Water Pump, Fishing Holes, Romantic Garden’s Whispering Wishing Well, and Get Famous’s Luminary’s Exotic Water Garden now have the Gather Water interaction when the Off-the-Grid Lot Trait is applied.
Fixed an issue in which the Subtle Saucer Light was not being so subtle and made objects added from Build Mode be placed randomly when dragged near it.
Teen Sims will now see the appropriate tooltip when trying to acquire the Fertile Trait from the Rewards Store. No, they are not Robots.
Fixed an issue in which some Roof Eaves were clipping into enclosed blocks.
Fixed an issue in which the Clean Up interaction would drop off the queue if dirty dishes were placed on a counter.
Since we added a new trash bike to Eco Lifestyle, we’ve made the bicycle helmet available for everyone in CAS. Now you can outfit your Sim in a helmet, regardless of owning a pack that includes bikes.
Sims will now not receive occasional text messages asking them for a Date from other Sims that they are not romantically involved with. Because it was aaaakward…
Toddler Sims will not be able to Ask for Mentoring on some in progress mentoring interactions to strangers. Except for “Invite to Bob to Music” because we can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind, ‘cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well... they’re not friends of mine.
Fixed an issue with textures for the tops and landings on some Staircases.
Fixed an issue that did not allow randomizer to work correctly when Male Sims had Makeup on Create a Sim.
Plants can now be placed closer to foundations with moveobjects cheat enabled, as long as most of the plant's footprint is outside of the foundation.
Fixed an issue in which Simoleons were not added to Household Funds when moving and selling furniture.
Fixed an issue in which previewing certain windows on diagonal walls reverted their color back to the default color swatch.
Simmers on macOS Catalina and Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 GPU will no longer experience seeing a squared shadow under their Sims.
Fixed an issue with the Wooden Prairie-Style Two-Panel door in which color swatches were not displaying correctly on both sides of the door.
Sims now can dispose of packed lunches that have spoiled. Out, foul food!
Fixed some oddness with disappearing Stairs within enclosed courtyards.
Fixed a Stair issue with Landings not working properly on lots with raised foundations and basements. Sims will no longer walk through walls and things should now look appropriate.
Fixed missing Career Promotion screens for careers in various packs.
Fixed User Interface elements and Icons across multiple packs.
Spandrels can now be properly applied on Fences.
Stairs will now not shrink when increasing Foundation heights.
Get Together
Fixed an issue in which non local Sim Townies would spawn in Windenburg’s Island, now named The Crumbling Isle.
Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when deleting or editing Clubs.
As much as Windenburgians (Windenburgers? Windenburguese? Windenburglites?) love visitors from other worlds, they have voted them off the Island. Sorry, not sorry!
City Living
Fixed an issue that caused time to be desynchronized at Speed 3. Bending the space time continuum no more!
Vet Clinics can no longer be placed in Penthouses.
Yard Sale customers will no longer wander inside Sims’ houses and interact with their belongings. While prospective buyers are nice to have in any sale, this was just rude, this is NOT a Welcome Wagon.
Cats & Dogs
Game progress will no longer be lost when editing/adding/deleting career outfits in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue that made Pets’ needs to not be fulfilled if not playing an active household.
Pets’ ehm… poop is now able to be used as plant fertilizer. Happy gardening!
Sims can now sell Flowers in stacks from their Inventory.
Sims will now appropriately put their Umbrellas away before performing some interactions. Because WooHoo while having an Umbrella out in the open, seems complicated, we are not judging… but seems complicated.
Fixed an issue that made Simmer created Holidays in the Calendar populate after a season ended.
Father Winter will now be able to remove his beard and change in Create a Sim if he is part of an active Household. But who would dare shave Father Winter’s beard?? Who?!
Get Famous
Fixed the issue with the Actor Career where Sims were unable to complete their gig when they would travel and return home before it was time for the gig.
Island Living
Lotta Cocolatas will now be made with actual Coconuts taken from Sims’ Inventories. What were they made from before? We will never know! Never accept imitation Lotta Cocolatas… never!
Fixed an issue in which some quick meals were requiring a Microwave while being Off-The-Grid when it is not needed. Yogurt needing a microwave? I think not!
Mermaids in Create a Sim will no longer be able to have their Traits randomized. This allows them to keep their Mermaidism, as well as their air of mystery and charm.
Mermaids now will wear appropriate career outfits when going to work. So I can picture this now, Mermaids as Doctors would be a great TV show.
Fixed an issue in which some Island Living Tank Tops were categorized incorrectly in Create a Sim.
Mermaid Children made in Create a Sim will now grow up to be fully-functioning Mer-dults.
The Go To Work button for Odd Jobs has been fixed for Sims on Vacation.
The Eyedropper tool will now work on Stilts instead of only working on the Foundation Trims.
Fixed an issue in which Sims in Off-The-Grid lots were showering constantly. Now they will shower when appropriate. Though, with this heatwave, anything goes in my opinion!
“Dr. Mermaid/Merman, what do you recommend?
“I am prescribing some Vitamin Sea”
Give Russkii more coffee please...
Discover University
Student Sims will not lose their Term Presentations Boards when signing up for another term.
Simmers with Seasons additionally installed: Student Sims will no longer receive Academic Probation if they were on planned Holidays through the Calendar.
Student Sims will no longer be labeled as Graduate after completing the Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations!
Fixed an issue in which homework assignment progression was too slow and timers might have been missing in some instances.
Fixed an issue in which Sims were taking showers fully clothed. As much as the current heat wave is giving us creative ideas to cool off, it would be more efficient to not be fully clothed when showering.
Hair Style ymHair_EP08MensShavedPonytail_Black has been updated for Teens, Adults, and Elders to display all swatches. Similarly yfHair_EP08ShortBobBraid_Black has been fixed to appear as an option for Teens.
Sims that re-enroll in University after graduating or dropping out, can now rejoin their Secret Society. Likewise, if Sims get suspended and re-enrolls their progress will not be lost.
Fixed an issue with the "Gameday Glute Accommodator" chair that occasionally could make Sims invisible if they placed it in their Inventory. We don’t know what other powers the "Gameday Glute Accommodator" may have but invisibility is now not one of them.
Sims in the Law Career can now Attend Depositions from their Computers and Phones. Because you don’t need to break your computer to complete an assignment, that seems impractical.
Vampire Coffins and Sleeping Pods can now count as Beds in University Dorms.
Fixed an issue in which the Write and Publish Research Paper interaction would disappear from the options if it was cancelled midway. I mean, I understand rage quitting something but not to the point of my options to do it disappearing...amirite?
Fixed an issue with yfBody_EP08DressParty_SolidPurple in which pendant necklaces were not able to be seen if this asset was worn by Sims.
Fixed an issue that could make the Soccer interaction Study Plays with drop out from the interaction queue.
Corrected Final Exam Requirements for Elective Courses to say that for studying they need to do so on Computers or Research Machines.
To anyone who may have noticed the tiny head effect in the thumbnails if you wore the Dragon or the Lobster mascot costume without their hats, that issue has been fixed.
Humanoid Robots will no longer be able to have Traits or Aspirations modified in Create a Sim. You are a real Sim to me Robot friend, you are to me.
If a Sim already knows about the Secret Society, is it still a secret? Time will tell.
Outdoor Retreat
Herbalism recipes can now work while Off-The-Grid, however only on Off-The-Grid supported stoves.
Dine Out
Random NPCs will not leave Hamburgers on tables at restaurants anymore. As much as we like to receive free food, we don’t think it is proper to get them randomly from a stranger.
Vampire Sims working on the Master Vampire Aspiration will no longer have the task “Survive for an Additional 20 Days as a Vampire” reset after traveling.
Vampire Sims with Full Sun Resistance are now able to properly tend to gardens and not tend to plants one at a time.
Fixed an issue in which you could set the Registered Vampire Lair Lot Trait for Venues.
Vampire child ears can now be changed after being aged-down from adult Dark Form.
The Rustic Candle Chandelier now has flame effects on the candles.
Jungle Adventure
Fans/Stans will no longer follow their adored celebrity into the jungles of Selvadorada.
Realm Of Magic
Spellcasters have regained access to Styled Looks.
Fixed an issue in which a Tank Top belonging to this pack was not categorized correctly in Create a Sim.
Hot Tubs that have been upgraded to unbreakable will no longer be broken upon performing the Zipzap Spell.
A Spellcaster is never not in vogue, but it’s always nice to have options.
We fixed an issue in which some hotkeys in Photo Mode (particularly E and Q) were not working.
After popular demand, the Libearian bookend will now cost Simoleons. Nothing’s for free, nothing’s for freeee... take it away!
Tiny Living
Murphy beds will now be more resilient after first use. Warranty terms pending.
Fixed an issue in which Game Consoles were not usable with the all in one entertainment systems.
Fixed an issue in which Hair Styles from this pack appeared with their color swatches out of order in Create a Sim.
Fixed an issue in which Sims could not Put Bed Up their Murphy Beds after WooHoo.
We have also adjusted their pricing and comfort levels, bang for your buck!
Now the “Media Marathoner All on the Wall” will be actually the Media Marathoner All on the Wall.
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thesimsgalleryyt · 4 years
Swing: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-kids-furniture/title/%5Bjuno-kidsroom%5D--swing-living-chair-sw/id/1493692/ Office Chair: https://novvvas.tumblr.com/post/173959627161/mxims-lackshore-desk-jeanneret-chair-dell Wall Grid: https://novvvas.tumblr.com/post/162900601601/mxims-thorne-bedroom-ikea-tarva-bed-ikea Rug: https://sims4studio.com/thread/17736/chicklets-nest Wall Art: https://www.simsdom.com/downloads/219666/modern-tropical-prints-1-by-faded-springs-sims4 Rug: https://www.google.com/search?q=sims4%20False%20Creek%20Home%20%20%20Rug Shelves: https://pqsim4.blogspot.com/2020/06/mares-pantry-sims-4-custom-content.html Slanted Windows: http://sims4updates.net/objects/decor/slanted-window-wall-deco-at-13pumpkin31/ Pouf: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-comfort-livingchairs/title/europium-pouf/id/1441806/ Pillows: https://novvvas.tumblr.com/post/156971192741/random-pillows-10-swatches-download-mesh-needed Light Box: https://novvvas.tumblr.com/post/177264346661/the77sim3-77-objects-bxxlght-light-box-set-77 Shelf: https://ts4novvvas.blogspot.com/2020/06/mid-century-modern-living-room.html Pillows: https://slox.tumblr.com/post/175782016719/raa-livings-part-1-thanks-to-nelphaell-these-are Desk: https://pqsim4.blogspot.com/2019/11/study-space-sims-4-custom-content.html Wall Board: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-decor-miscellaneous/title/%5Balisha-bedroom-ii%5D--wall-round-board/id/1481034/ Fairy Lights: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-objects-furnishing-lighting-walllamps/title/chlorine-wall-lamp/id/1371420/ Lighted Pictures: http://sims4updates.net/objects/lighted-pics-at-leo-sims/ Window: https://blewis50.tumblr.com/post/158676325672/minc7878-sunset-windows-and-arches-2 Bookcase: https://sims-kkb.tumblr.com/post/622083962841481216/kkbinterior-props-4-kkbinterior Wallpaper: https://wisimblr.tumblr.com/post/612364629850603520/scandi-cool-fish-bone-pattern-wow-if-you-are Wallpaper: https://treasurechestsimscc.tumblr.com/post/613459571309199360/nimbussim-moth-wallpaper-hey-i-saw-mothz?is_related_post=1 Floors: https://thesimscatalog.com/sims4/downloads/build-mode/floors/bitu-realistic-wooden-floors-at-slox/
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