#since there is so much bs hypocrisy going on
Look, I can understand where people are coming from when they criticize the portryal of the female characters in Helluva Boss.
But extending that same criticism to Hazbin Hotel is where I draw the fucking line.
Hazbin literally has a female protagonist with her own independant goal, who has to work hard for it because people constantly belittle her ideas and beliefs, and eventually gets proven right when it works in the end. Charlie tried to do what was thought impossible, and accomplished it when Sir Pentious gets ascended to heaven. Her love interest has her own backstory before meeting Charlie, where she used to work for the same exorcists who are responsible for nearly driving Charlie's people to extinction and almost making her fail to redeem anyone at the hotel. Vaggie kept this a secret from Charlie since they met, and Charlie feels betrayed by Vaggie to the point of not feeling like she should trust her anymore until it gets resolved. Vaggie has more characterizarion in season 1 of Hazbin alone than Millie does in the entirety of Helluva Boss pre-Hell's Belle's.
Lute is one of the main antagonists. She contributed just as much to the genocide as Adam did, is openly bigoted like Adam, has more common sense than Adam, is the only exorcist with a name, is just as much of a threat to the hotel as Adam is and most of all she survives while he doesn't. Sera approved of the genocide, but felt guilty about it because Adam would've probably killed her or something, which Emily calls her out on regardless. Speaking of Emily, she joins Charlie in on calling heaven out for their hypocrisy and literally says she detests being treated like a child.
Velvette is no less evil than the other two Vees. She sells love potions (aka date rape drugs) and treats her employees cruelly just like they do. She also disrepected the other overlords without giving two shits. Carmilla wasn't having any of Velvette's BS, is protective of Zestial, literally killed an exorcist (despite angels being much more powerful than demons, so that's pretty impressive on it's own) to protect her daughters and figured out that Vaggie was a fallen angel just by knowing what her choice of weapon was. She encouraged Vaggie to fight for the whole hotel, not just for Charlie. Cherri Bomb has an interesting rivalry with Sir Pentious in the pilot that eventually grows into a healthy relationship, and she goes against Valentino just to help and comfort Angel Dust in the Addict music video. Sadly she doesn't do much after that, but at least she got to participate in fighting for the hotel in The Show Must Go On, so it's better than nothing I suppose.
Rosie is one of the few people who Alastor has a genuine friendship with. She played a big part in Charlie trying to give a speech to Cannibal Town, and encouraged her to trust Vaggie again. Mimzy, while I dislike her, is the whole reason why the plot of Dad Beat Dad even happened. She tried to use her friendship with Alastor to get herself out of trouble, so the episode techically wouldn't of happened without her. It's also telling that Alastor didn't eat her or try to kill her for screwing things up, since he's done just that to others for much less. Even Niffty, who's mostly just there for comic relief, is another character who Alastor gets along with. He may own her soul, but he's a lot nicer to her than he is to Husk, who he keeps on a chain and abuses in a not-so-different way that Valentino does to Angel Dust, only without SA involved. Niffty is also the one who kills Adam in the end, so there you go.
That's a BUNCH more than what can be said for most of the ladies in Helluva. (Most of whom I also like, but their writing really does leave something to be desired, though it does seem to be slightly improving with the Hell's Belles short and the promise of a Millie focused episode in Ghostfuckers.) For the record I don't think the writing for the female characters in HH is perfect by any means, but it's a far cry from being anywhere near as bad as HB like many antis claim it is. I think they just say that shit because HB takes place in the same universe as Hazbin and both shows were created by the same person, (aka the guilt by association fallacy) or they just think Vivzie can't do anything right no matter what she does.
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raveneira · 6 months
Stop Lyin
'KawaSara fans just want everything to just be Naruto 2.0, they dont want anything new or different they only ship it cuz its like SS'
The same mfs sayin that:
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Stfu, the only ones your fooling are yourselves, your just fine with Naruto 2.0, but only for the ships YOU want canon.
'B-but their a mix of multiple OG ships not just one so its different!'
Thats even WORSE, it makes them the most unoriginal ship and just a weird amalgamation of OG ships with nothing of their own, their just NaruHina, MinaKushi, ItaIzu, ObiRin, NaruSaku, SasuSaku, SasuNaru etc all over again, but yea you sure showed us about wanting 'originality' lol
And just to burst your bubble even more, your not special, and your point is invalid anyway because I didnt hear nothin about 2.0 in OG Naruto when these were happening but NOW suddenly its an issue.
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But now suddenly its a problem, back then yall called it 'parallels' and 'foreshadowing' but for some reason conveniently when its KawaSara and BoruSumi suddenly its Naruto 2.0 and we need something different than past dynamics
But god forbid KawaSara is just a little too much like SS or BoruSumi a little too much like NH, but Bsa being like [in your words not mine] literally every past OG ship is totally fine and the pinnacle of originality you all wanna see from the sequel, give me a danm break lol
What makes this even more pathetic is that Im not even exaggerating, they've gotten so blatantly hypocritical their even trying to use the Minato one-shot as foreshadowing for Bsa, keep in mind these are the same people who claim to want something new and different, are using a one shot set in the past for an OG ship that happened WAY before Bsa even existed all because of the vortex symbolism and the sequel just happened to have the name vortex in it they think its some kind of parallel/foreshadowing for the pair...which is utterly ridiculous but this aint the post for that, but just friendly reminder the Shippuden in the Naruto sequel meant Hurricane chronicles/legends and the Uzumaki clan has always been symbolized with whirlpools/vortex way before Boruto was even thought of, hell their clan symbol is a literal swirl like a vortex...nuff said, this aint the post to delve deeper into that.
Im mentioning this purely to point out the hypocrisy of wanting something 'different' yet using every possible OG thing thats even remotely similar to boost your ship and show how canon it is, yet KawaSara and BoruSumi cant because then its Naruto 2.0.
Their newest thing lately I've been seein the most is that BoruSara is like MinaKushi and NaruHina because Sarada stalks Boruto etc, so I thought I'd bring this reality check back since these same ppl talkin about other shippers just wanting Naruto 2.0 again.
Like I said, the only ones your foolin are yourselves cuz nobody buys your bs cuz everytime yall pull that card you put your foot in your mouth with all these 'parralels' that are suddenly ok now, but NOT ok when its any of your rival ships . Sit down.
PS: This aint the post to go into this either, but like I mentioned earlier that Bsa is actually the most unoriginal new gen ship, I could literally make a separate post showing how that is and how KawaSara and BoruSumi are actually the more unique ships of the options. You may have noticed I havent mentioned Ksu at all in this...thats because its a joke atp that I nor anybody besides their shippers take seriously, but if I must address it its literally just poorly done SS and SH with a dash of SK so why would I even bother with such a joke of a ship that exists solely to play keep away for Bsa but not because theres any legitimate basis in canon and thrives purely off headcanon and Hondas rewriting of events that amounted to nothing because, shocker, the manga wasnt building anything between them, so Honda created a completely made up foundation for nothing that they scrapped immediately and never acknowledged it again. So much for 'the anime is the complete version of the manga' yea funny how they backtracked alot of their mistakes when they saw the manga contradicting it, cuz at the end of the day the manga is the MAIN source material, so what happens there is more canon than anything the anime does afterwards.
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Since I did a prediction earlier today, time to update!!
OKAY NO HiATUS WHAT NOOOOO! honestly having looked at the time during the livestream, i genuinely was questioning how they were gonna wrap this up by ep 12 like last time and started to wonder if this chapter will be longer as we spent this whole epsiode in david's extended mask off moment. as much as im sad abt the hiatus i am glad this is extended BECAUSE WE DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THE ACTUAL CRIME SCENE OR A DEBATE SCRUM tho ughhh noo this hiatus might kill meeee
OKAY DAVID OMG bro lost it AHHHHH i really wanted to believe that david had a good/moral reason for all this but to know he did all this secret maliciously?!!? ik he's not killer for sure so i do wonder how he's gonna be used in next chapters cuz as hot as he lowkey is rn and i do love his biting sarcasm, he's gonna be geninuely such a bitchy force to deal with in future chapters. to have this man constantly causing trouble for no other reason than fun and never trustworthy, i have to wonder if there's any hope left for him. i really hope that his arc actually has him improve cuz u know, poetic irony and all that jazz. Since now we know he doesn't believe what he says, i truly hope drdt takes the time to prove him wrong cuz i really dont want a grimdark killing game proving david (and in some ways, teruko) right. and also, idk why people are surprised david would lie abt being arei's killer and want to get himself killed rn. Bro literally now has lost his career and his public image is ruined. He doesn't have a life anymore for him to go back to. He already mentions how he hates everyone there, so I see zero reason why he wouldn't lie to drag everyone down with him
ACE SLAYS ONCE AGAIN! BRO POPPING OFF WITH THE TRUTH YESSSS AND CALLING OUT PEOPLE'S HYPOCRISY FOR NOT GOING AFTER DAVID WE LOVE TO SEE IT!!! Also j saying that she doubts ace's testimony just cuz she thinks he cant be quiet makes me sadddd
ALSO NICO AND CHARLES!!!! I love that nico comes back in clutch to help actually point out david's suspiciousness. His bluntness is always needed, especially with cutting through david's bs. ALSO CHARLES YESS IM GLAD HE IS NOW GONNA BE CRITICAL TO THIS CASE!!! I like that drdt takes advantage of its video format as normally to have a character interject like that in a mainline dr game would be bad since it's interupting gameplay and taking control out of player's hands. But it works here since we're not actually playing and shows teruko and charles backing each other up and shows people actually getting involved!!!
To the actual crime ... uh i dont know ... clearly this crime is so complicated that we need a TRIAL 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO lmaoo. i mentioned before but charles's comment of "fucking up" at the end seems to strongly imply the time of the murder, and thus everyone's testimonies for that time, are now irrelevant. Since arei was alive in the evening last night (ace does claim 7:30, but i do agree with david that ace might have just said that to back up his point rather than it being true) the death happened the prior night or early that morning. it puts into the question the note, calling for 7:30 but it could be 7:30 am before the motive reveal. however, unless it was something like a trap, such a time is so tight i find it hard to believe. maybe i'll do a post later doing a fully theory as i lose my mind during this hiatus (praying for it be under 6 months)
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whalehouse1 · 1 year
The Red Hood Problem (for me):
This is more for the comic than the show since I think the movie did a much better job at Bruce than the comic did.
Jason is now a murderer after this comic, this part is fine since he can still operate in Gotham having that be true (Cass, Jean-Paul, Damian, Tim, etc.) but the way they went about it doesn’t work for me. His resurrection has him come back, go on a frenzy and kill some of Ra’s’ men before he flees into the desert. Now where his mind is at here is debated, but if he survived the desert he must have been “sane” at one point. Or you like Lost Days and the Al Ghuls just picked him back up to train him, which that’s a different issue I have with Batman comics. He then gets back to Gotham and ruthlessly kills drug lords, pimps and other such criminals as it’s the only way to protect Gotham. This is where my first problem comes into play. Jason’s father was a criminal who died due to Two-Face and his mother (Catherine, that other woman can burn for all I care) died of a drug overdose. So him coming from that background had to be retconned so he wouldn’t go “oh extreme poverty and desperation can lead people to do things they wouldn’t consider otherwise”, but instead go to the classic, “my dad beat me so it’s okay that I became an orphan”, because then he’d have to be shown recognizing that killing people could result in leaving people behind much worse off. They try to do this in Urban Legends but Jason just seems a little off character there, especially knowing Tyler’s mom might not make it along with him just being a lack of impulse control personified. Then on top of them retconning (read gaslighting) his parents, they also keep trying to rewrite him as this super grumpy Robin who just would attack without thought. But we have the original Jason stories, he was rough around the edges, sure, but he wasn’t cruel or nasty or more violent than other Robins. And that’s what makes Red Hood so tragic, is he lost his joy and became resentful instead. He still kept his kindness in well-written stories, because he’s the same as Cass when it comes to bleeding hearts. If they can’t save someone they go full on Bruce moping mode. But nope, now we have Jason who couldn’t care less about saving people, he just wants to sow discord. And I know it was all to get the Joker out of Arkham, which just shows Jason as stupid (he isn’t but they love putting the stupid Robin label on him and Steph) since if he waited a day or two, Joker would be back on the streets. Then we get to my final issue, aside from Bruce not wanting to kill Joker but having no issue slicing Jason’s throat. It completely invalidates so much of Bruce’s decision to not kill the Joker that the hypocrisy leaks through the page and destroys any reason Jason could hold onto the “He didn’t kill because it’s his one rule” which yes is understandably frustrating for Jason but at least could give him some reason to think Bruce didn’t just value him as a body on the job. Which Bruce didn’t, Bruce, before some twats got allowed to write him, loved his children unconditionally, spent time with them and was a good father to them. This dunks on that harder than him and Dick in Infinite Crisis. It also perpetuates the Batman/Joker Optimus Prime/Megatron dynamic of “we’re made for each other to kill!!!”, which I’m fine with when it’s the Joker thinking that but not Batman. These rogues do not mean more to him than his children. He assaulted Two-Face, one of his closest friends when he attacked Dick, extremely violently might I add, but Joker gets a pass because “they’re the same you and I”? No that’s some BS right there. Also it cements the Red Hood backstory and I’m firmly anti-backstory Joker. But the actual final problem is the redemption part of his story. Writers don’t seem to do this and have him revert back to killing or he uses non-lethal rounds 😑, but it usually comes out of nowhere and it never is satisfactory. Have him keep killing and have the Bats have to put him away or actually write character growth for him in the Batman comic so it can more easily bleed over. But they won’t since edge lords sell. I absolutely love Jason and I as much as I wish you could retcon his death.
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dotthings · 1 year
Since the twitter Jensen stans are still going at it against Misha a few further brief reminders.
The faux pearl clutching puritannical bs, the concern trolling, the hypocrisy, the blame shifting, the needless hatred aimed towards Misha is uncalled for and unjustified.
If the anti-Misha twitter Jensen stans want to talk about "hypocrisy" they should look in the mirror.
Three days now of uncalled for twitter hate war waged against Misha.
They've tipped their hand how little respect they have for Misha and how much they hate him. They are allowed to hate him but let's call a spade a spade. They're antis.
And please note: there's a few of the anti-Misha ones who also hate Danneel too and are trying to justify their hatred for Danneel and insinuating things. And complaining against Jensen for his joke about how Danneel calls Misha her boyfriend "and so do I."
So that's the response when anyone points out that Jensen makes jokes too. They question Jensen. They turn on his wife.
Jensen, Danneel, and Misha all deserve better.
Fans of Jensen, Danneel, and Misha deserve better.
And trying to pin the hate on JenMisheel fans, WHILE YOU ARE DOING THE HATING??? really? REALLY? SERIOUSLY??????? GTFO with that.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 10 months
Just want to let you know how much I resonate with your post about the hypocrisy around wearing masks. I'm lucky in that what makes me high-risk didn't used to affect me much day-to-day, but ever since February 2020 I've been wearing KN-95s in every indoor space, public and private, that I enter. Add to that the airlock system my household uses (guests need to take a rapid-test if they want to come in without a mask), and the carelessness society now encourages really cuts deep. The disillusionment set in probably a year ago as far as faith in my community - there was a pretty big push for reopening schools in late 2020 and early 2021, resulting in a rushed back-to-school program that made cases in our community ratchet up. For all those warm, grateful parents championing teachers and schools, self-interest instantly took priority when it looked like sacrifices would have to be made. Watching my peers go back to their normal last year felt like the final straw. I don't want to assume your level of caution, but at this point, taking any kind of precautions creates this insurmountable alienation. The grudges I hold now aren't going to dissipate if/when I lessen my safety procedures, and neither is the feeling of loss. Guess all I can do is remind myself that this hypocrisy has been here all along - being face-to-face with it was just a matter of time. Sorry for the length of this; your thoughts really struck a nerve. And thanks for vocalizing what so many have to deal with. Wishing you the best.
Thanks, I’m glad!
No problems at all, I love hearing other disabled people’s thoughts on the pandemic bs. It’s just so exhausting 😪
Wishing you luck with it all too x
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etxrnaleclipse · 11 months
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Salty Mun Meme @thefvrious said: 1, 4, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 Note: I'll put these behind a cut since not everyone will probably want to read the salt haha
What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had? Look I'll be honest, having been in the tumblr rpc for over a decade, I've had a fair few. One of the worst would have to be a mun (A) who was massively jealous of my friendship with a mutual friend of ours (B) because she had a crush on her. Apparently A thought my friendship was getting in the way of her chances with B or something, idk but A messaged me accusing me of mistreating B and causing her to develop depression and that I was to never speak to B again or she'd report me for harassment. I spoke to B about this and she said that it was all lies and that I had done nothing to cause her any issues, but it was enough for me to walk away from that friendship. Nothing is worth that kind of stress.
4. What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community? Ho boy, there's plenty hahaha but one would definitely be the overreliance on formatting. Some formatting here and there is not an issue and if it makes you feel happy then go for it. But randomly bolding/italicising/striking out words for no reason and putting a billion spaces between every word and dropping random words because 'aesthetic' is just really not my thing. It just makes it hard to read people's replies, and in a hobby that is entirely based around reading and writing, that kind of feels like it defeats the purpose to me.
7. Things that you will not tolerate? People who blatantly don't read my rules and/or muse bios (or do but choose to ignore things because it suits them). It's an instant block from me, sorry.
15. What is your biggest pet peeve? There are several, but one of them would be people who scream from the rooftops about certain muses getting ignored (females or ocs) but the same people simultaneously then ignore other females or ocs. Hypocrisy at its finest.
16. How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last? It depends on the situation, who it is that is involved, and also what's going on in my real life at the time, really. Sometimes I can tolerate a lot and can just let it slide, but sometimes things hit harder.
17. Something that you find unforgivable? Using someone to gain popularity and then dropping them the second they have fulfilled their usefulness. Sadly, something that happened to me in the rpc many years ago. Also, funnily enough this is behaviour from the same person, but people who go around after a friendship has ended and tell other rpers lies about you to try and stifle your potential interactions. It's just childish and pathetic behaviour.
18. Have you ever felt like something off about someone? Does this mean like... your gut is telling you that something is off about them? If so, yeah there's been many times where I've had someone come to me for plotting and instantly, I just have this gut feeling that they either haven't read my rules or that they are planning to suggest a plot that blatantly disregards my limits/muse information. And every single time, I've been right.
20. Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want. I hate how some people have this idea in their head that just because they put effort into their muse, or just because they think that their oc is unique and well developed, that they are therefore automatically owed interactions or that people are obligated to give them a chance. Literally not a single one of us in this community is owed interactions or chances, it doesn't matter how much effort we've put into our blogs. It sucks, sure, but this whole "I put effort in and get ignored, this is proof that ocs are hated" is just BS in my opinion.
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livingfirehazzard · 8 months
This is so classic cases of hypocrisy of liberal gays they preach love trumps hate yet they can’t stand anyone that doesn’t believe in what they believe in so save me your BS rhetoric go back to showing that how hypocritical you all are Typical hypocrisy of you fags you can push your agenda down people throats legalize Pediophilla
I can see hypocrisy is your favorite word, but unfortunately im not sure how that applies to me since I have not done anything "hypocritical". Its not that I can't stand people who "don't believe what I do", its more like I can't stand people who have to go through Olympic level mental gymnastics to pose a problem that doesn't exist. Just because they don't like certain people.
Another thing is that nobody is trying to legalize pedophilia, your brain must be doing backflips if you truly believe that. I dont really understand why you think a drag queen is gonna prey on children for like, the hour they are gonna see them, but then be all hunky dory about priests and teachers who have arguably to most influence and power over a child over a much longer time frame besides the child's actual parents. Instead of going after a system who has a proven problem with pedophilia, you go after men in sparkly dresses who are probably reading to little timmy The Little Engine That Could in a public library surrounded by trusted staff members. But yeah, you guys really care about children right :).
The only reason why I said more than 2 sentences to you was because this gave me an opportunity to spread a little more awareness. Or what you would call "pushing our aganda". Otherwise ur a waste of time, getting this pressed because of 1 reply I said to you lol
Also, im not gay so calling me the f slur doesn't hold as much power as you think it does little man.
Anyway have a lovely day 💚
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scalehangar182 · 2 years
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We all know that your elevator doesn't always go to the top floor but please stop with this Russian bullshite. Every model you build now is promoting Russian manufactures . Some of these money goes to Russian military and no I will not tolerate that BS especially when few days after war started she tried to make a serious beef when Anna posted a picture of her with Minibase 1/48 Su-33. Dasha made a post not her Facebook, not on her Instagram but Russian social media "telegram" or whatever its called that Anna is promoting Russian aircraft that is bombing Ukraine while at the same time she played stupid on her YT channel denying any knowledge about the war when her subscribers asked her in comment section of her videos. She called out us for hypocrisy. Anna actually didn't even know that this model is Russian and bombing Ukraine as most girls have no knowledge about military equipment and when Dasha attacked her in DM Anna apologised and said she didn't know but Dasha didn't take made a post on the telegram with these stupid allegations while at the same time again she said she won't promote models from Ukrainian manufacturer "Miniart" because "their money goes to drones that navigate Ukrainian artillery to target Russian tanks".. yeah.. she also made a stupid post on telegram with kind of an outrage that 2 models of Ukrainian BTR-4 are coming out this year (miniart 1/35 and ibg models 1/72!) So all that bs and how bad Anna was posting picture of SU-33 Aircraft kit (made by Chinese manufacturer) while building shit loads of russian made models of russian vehicles painting them with Russian paints.. and who is hypocritical now? And after i months since Anna posted a picture of that kit (it was really in the first days of war and Anna deleted it within few hours) Dasha has audacity to share that screenshot now with the caption " first we hate the war, then we build a fighter that bombs ukraine".. Well, we didn't even build it, we sold that model out you ignorant, hypocritical, pro Russian, one fry short of a happy meal, a few beers short of a six pack, clogged chimney, forgot to pay brain bill silly woman. To all other friends of Scale Hangar 182, much love! (at Ely, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CitCQxeDd1y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hisriverrunsdeep · 2 months
I am going to be very blunt here. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone spouting some behind the scenes bs atm. That whole group have run their credibility through the mud due to their own hypocrisy and everyone outside of their bubble has noticed.
Especially since Wilbur's actions were apparently a well known secret within that bubble, but there was never a hint, clue or vague statement made about him to warn the audience/fans they care so much about.
If you know something say something or shut the fuck up.
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deadindeathvalley · 1 year
Re: your post about shane morris ... ryan ross does not associate himself with that guy anymore, he’s recently talked about struggling with addiction at that time, so he was most definitely not in a normal state of mind that can make good judgement.
He has since went to AA and is a recovering alcoholic now and seems to just mind his own business and not hurt anybody, and makes better choices about who he surrounds himself with, so idk why you’re going after him when that’s all over now
I'm "not going after him" I'm pointing out the hypocrisy. Ryan made mistakes, cheated on his girlfriend, but doesn't associate with shane anymore so it's fine, but why isn't Brendon also not allowed to make mistakes and apologize? Last I checked it's not like Ryan apologized lol. People drag up things Brendon did years ago that he's apologized for and it just doesn't make sense to me.
Look, I'm not going to die on this hill, I don't really care that much, I just think it's ridiculous that people act like Brendon is the worst because of random one off things he said over a decade ago that he's apologized for (or literal fake internet rumors). I just don't like seeing all the negativity because it feels unjustified. He's just a dude trying to live his life.
The way people put Ross up on a pedestal is super strange to me. It's mostly young people that weren't even around the last time he had anything to do with panic lol.
I've met both of them. I know my anecdotal evidence isn't proof of anything, but most people will tell you Brendon is much friendlier and seems to be a genuinely kind person.
TBH the Panic fandom has always been super toxic, even back in 2009 so I shouldn't be surprised. It's why I stopped being a panic fan when I was a teenager because I couldn't engage with content meaningfully on this hellsite without some BS drama lol.
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automatismoateo · 1 year
You really think prayer cured your cancer and not the chemo you received? How to deal with people like this?? via /r/atheism
You really think prayer cured your cancer and not the chemo you received? How to deal with people like this??
I recently had a discussion with someone who identifies as a Christian Scientist (don't even get me started on the contradiction that title even has , yet alone the hypocrisy of the whole "religion," I'll save that for another post if people are interested). Now to preface, this person, let's call him George, always speaks of his beliefs as fact instead of starting with an "I believe" statement for example, "we don't die, we never die, we are eternal beings." I would have no problem with these laughable, absurd statements, if that sentence started with acknowledging it was only a belief. Point is, George has been heavily indoctrinated since birth and is an extremely close-minded person when it comes to beliefs. It is extremely difficult to get him to comprehend the possibility that what he believes may not be real. I digress.
George used to have cancer (recovered now). George firmly believes the only reason he is alive is not because of the chemo, doctors, and other treatments he received, but that prayer alone fixed him. I firstly told him he would be dead right now if it wasn't for them and he responded with "I don't think so" and then did a stupid smile and looked up to the ceiling (looking for Sky Daddy I guess?).
He believes these made up stories of people who had brain tumours, prayed, and the tumour magically went away with prayer on its own with no medical treatment. These stories have no scientific backing and have not been medically documented anywhere. (at this point I look back and laugh abut the name Christian Science) Yet this gullible man believes it all.
I asked him how prayer might fix cancer, or a tumour, and he said god gives your body the strength to fight it off. This is where the science part of Christian science gains a few holes. He tries to explain some bs science to me about how it gives you "strength," I asked him, scientifically, what he thought strength was, and he said "the ability to keep going," I laughed. I asked him what would have happened without the chemo, and he said the cancer would have gone away on it's own. I then asked him why he had chemo then, and he didn't have much of a response other than he was following doctors advice. (for reference, we don't live in a country where you need to pay thousands for chemo)
Here's the kicker, it's called christian science and yet this man won't take a minute to think about the science behind chemo, we know exactly how chemo works and he just refuses to acknowledge to extensive research, evidence, time, money, and effort put into chemo.
How do I deal with people like this?
Submitted February 09, 2023 at 01:33PM by Fresh-Pie-1745 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/7EB1YAo)
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sandroila · 4 years
Hi!! i havent been active on twitter for like a week bc it makes me so anxious So i dont know what's goin on lately, Mind to explain who is that artist and what is the whole fiasco? who is that toxic jikooker?
Hi to you too, anon~
I believe it would be better if you would stay off of twitter for now. It’s a complete war zone the moment you get into the shipping area of it... Tks accusing random Jikookers of harrassment, Jikookers attacking everyone who supports the artist, and everyone is talking about it.
So the artist is called buruchii, and had, before this blew up, a fanart acc which was not dedicated to bts ships and just seemingly anime/manga/manwha ships, but they kept their bts ship to their personal acc. which wasn’t connected to the art one. Now they posted this “ship dynamic” art two days ago without any sign of who it was supposed to be, literally letting people interpret it the way they want to.
As normal ship dynamic arts are. Open for interpretation. So people did that.
But ACCORDING to the artist some tks from their personal acc saw the tweet and blew it up with tk comments. Supposedly, buruchii then saw that jikookers did the same to “not make tk dominate the comments”. Which is complete bs, and only 2 people said that. So the artist blocked all of them.
Every single Jikook comment got blocked or hidden. Just because of those few people who said that. Not caring if there are normal people amongst that, who just really liked their art.
So of course, the people who genuinely liked the art and interpreted in their own way without any negative meaning, noticed that they got blocked for no f-ing reason.
Now that Georgia (or whatever her name is) person picked up on that, and since seemingly her goal is to make every single tker out there hate her to the core by acting like huge b*tch for no reason and her minions do the same, she did a “call out” and CLAIMED it was Jikook. The artist then commented under the art that it’s supposedly tk (Just to shut up only the Jikookers). And even after the artist told that Georgia person that, she said shit like “Then you shouldn’t have drawn Jikook”. 
(god, I hate her)
Then her followers went complete nuts and claimed the same shit.
So on one side you have an artist who claims that they got “harrassed” by only Jikookers, by saying that the drawing looks like Jikook. While it seemingly was only a small amount of people who was more annoyed about the tks in the comment and not about the art/artist itself.
And on the other side, you have that dumb Jikook acc now actually literally harrassing them by sending her minions to them, and sending awful messages and calling them names.
But that only began after they started to block every Jikooker.
Now the artist is playing victimcard and says stuff like “They were harrassing me” and “I can block whoever I want to”, with the proof that only 2-4 people were actually saying that bs. But not even about them or the art (since at that time it was free to interpret), but about the tks in the comments saying it’s tk.
Even now they are getting support from openly known Jikook and Jimin antis, who they are even moots with.
No one was actually harrassing them directly, but they “only” insulted the shippers the artist, not even openly, belongs to. Even saying that their art, that they wanted to be tk, is Jikook, the mortal enemy of tk. How dare they? And seemingly THAT triggered them into going rampage and blocking every single Jikooker.
I got also blocked because I questioned their reasons and wasn’t supporting them blindly, AND also I am a Jikooker.
This whole thing is completely crazy.
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I usually don't bother engaging with Dany 's antis. They have such a distorted view of everything that happened in the show and/or the books that it's useless.
But today is not one of those days. So here we go. I suggest that Dany antis and Stansas don't read it.
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Indian WoC here, looks like you were talking about us. So I invited myself in. Seems fair to me.
First of all, what makes you think we/I don't know? Don't imply that I am stupid or oblivious enough to not see and understand what's in front of my own eyes. Please take your patronizing shit elsewhere.
I don't need your white ass to tell what's what. Thank you but I have already had enough of listening to white people. The centuries of colonisation was enough.
Yeah, Mirri was a slave and a child murderer. These things are not mutually exclusive. Why is this nuance so hard to grasp?
I am tired of antis painting this complex situation in black and white. Martin didn't waste writing pages to this point for antis to strip it of all its nuance.
Mirri was raped and brutalized by the Dothraki. Mirri lost her people and freedom because of the Dothraki. Yet, Mirri killed an innocent unborn child for the crime he didn't do. Mirri murdered an innocent child. It was still wrong.
Two wrongs don't make it right.
What did Rhaego ever did to her? Nothing. What wrong did Daenerys ever did to her? Nothing. Daenerys and Rhaego didn't deserve to suffer for Drogo 's crimes.
And if, being a slave means that Mirri get a pass for doing morally wrong things and harm innocents for her revenge then why didn't Daenerys get the same? Have y'all forgotten that she was sold as a glorified sex slave to Drogo? Pretty convenient for the antis, isn't it?
Yeah, that mhysa scene was racist. Guess who was responsible for it? The old white showrunners D&D, not Dany. Not the fucking character. Grrm didn't wrote a racially segregated slavery in asoiaf, can you already stop with this bs. Lay the blame where it belongs and hold accountable the people who fucked up rather than the character who had nothing to do with it.
I gotta laugh about this one. The irony😂 Projection much? Yeah, it's really hypocritical the standards antis only hold Dany upto in order to bash her.
'Just girl power' eh? Looks like there is someone who's stupid enough not to understand what's in front of them.
Newsflash, I do stan Arya. A lot of Dany stans stan Arya. Dany stans are capable of staning more than one character, thank you very much.
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Oh, saying that a female character is only popular because of the looks of the actress, how very sexist of you.
(I wonder why is Sansa so popular then. I never found Turner to be beautiful.)
Villain? Psst, Dany was never the villain. Don't lie to yourself like that. 
(The show did tried to make her one by highly contrived and OOC crap but it made no sense. This is not even worth arguing at this point.)
That's not how sexism works, at all.
Another newsflash, people knew and people have been complaining. Just because you didn't, doesn't mean no one else did. GoT 's racism, hypocrisy and sexism was always apparent. Ever since the first season.
So it's a competition then? And who made you the judge? It's not like pitting woman again woman is what patriarchy had been doing for generations.
As much as love Arya, Dany survived being on run too, for far more longer time too. Btw saving the world was a group effort. It's kinda the theme of asoiaf with the whole War of Dawn to save humanity. Arya didn't win the war by herself in the show bcoz I remember other people fighting there. It wasn't a one man/woman job.
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Yeah and Jon, the Wilding army, the Vale Army and Littlefinger came there to just watch the show. I wonder why Sansa even manipulated Jon to fight in the battle in the first place.
What people again? Can you show me their faces and names? I remember the ones who crowned Robb and Jon only. Don't kid yourself. Sansa became Queen by asking her little King brother. Girl power, indeed.
Agree with Brianne. One of the few true knights in the whole show.
Solid advice is arguable. Catelyn wasn't a perfect mother either.
Really, Cersei of all the people. She's a raging narcissist who loves only herself. Her treatment of women in the books is despicable. She hates being a woman. Even in the show, she had no positive relationships with other women, except perhaps Mycrella which is mostly off screen. Do you forgot how she treated both Sansa and Margeary? 
I can't believe people have Cersei as some kind of girl boss. *shudders*
Psst, as if taking that throne is the ultimate achievement. People like Cersei, Robert, Meagor, etc sat on it. Funny how it's value changes with what is convenient to the antis.
and why didn’t Dany btw? Yeah, right, she was murdered by her lover. Literally backstabbed.
For someone who cared so much about girl power, this is easily acceptable for you.
This will be all. I have had enough bs for one day.
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sesshoumarusama · 3 years
I will never shut up about the hypocrisy in this fandom and from Antis, fuck.
Like, even more for Riku x Towa, cuz if they hate that then they are admitting InuKag is problematic as well.
If there is somethig we all can be sure is that demons, Hanyous and Quarter Hanyous all will act with the mindset that their physical appearance show. It literally doesn't marter if one of them is hundreds of years older or not, the thing that matters is how they look, since even from Inuyasha days we have see that NOT every demon/hanyou grews up in the same way. But if they look like a kid they will act like a kid, if they look a like teen they will act like a teen and if they look like old people they will act like old people. The "lore" about how much time passess and how to calculate it is very flexible so we have to use what WE know is respected in all of Inuyasha's projects: Non-humans will act according to their physical appearance, not their chronological one.
That's why it doesn't matter how much they cry, Sesshomaru is listed with the looks of a 19 years old, that means he IS still a 19 years old in appearance and mindset. The same with Inuyasha, he is a 15 y/o and he IS still a 15 years old in mindset and physical appearance.
Comparing "looks" doesn't matter cuz there is a truth that antis will never accept: Rumiko has a distinctive way of designing: little kids, non-little kids and old people.
Like what about kyoukai no rinne? Rinne's father is literally him but taller, Kagome's mother doesn't look older but we know she is cuz she is a lil taller. Sango hasn't changed in years and all of antis will come and say that the artstyle reveals their ages??? That the biggest lie, cuz Rumiko always design teenagers-young adults in the same fucking way.
We don't exactly know what is Riku's appearence, but there is one thing that is clear in all this season, Riku is having "teenager" treatment by the story. We don't even know if he is actually old, we don't know if he is a hanyou yet, there still so much info missing about him except the fact that he is connected to Kirimaru. But Riku is having Teenager treatment.
If we put Riku, Inuyasha, Miroku and Koga in the same room, there is no way to tell who is older, why? Cuz Riku has teenager treatment just like literally any other demon in th og had before the guide books were published, cuz GUESS WHAT?! Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and Koga always had unknown physical age until the guide books were published. You all can literally read the manga over and over and their age will NEVER be revealed cuz that info that was only revealed until 2003, the manga never repairs on that.
This fandom is full of hypocrites, if you all have a problem with people shipping Riku and Towa for "his age" then I better see you all hating on Inukag, hating in people that ships Kagome with Koga, cuz is literally the same shit, characters that the story implies that are way way older of how they look yet receiving Teenager treatment cuz THEY LOOK LIKE TEENAGERS AND ACT LIKE TEENAGERS.
Riku looks like a teenager, the girls treat him like a teenager and he acts like one.
So shut up, if people want to ship Riku and Towa they can and they will.
THIIISSSS HAHAHAH omg back again with this antis' bs 😂 at least i saw one where they whined about rikowa is gross because Riku knows Towa since baby... LIKE 😂 damn we are going in circles 😂
And that's the energy! If antis said we can't ship sessrin or rikowa, we ship them even harder!! 🤩🙌🏼✨
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kireimoon · 4 years
Hey antis,
Where was this energy when a grown ass man Koga proposed to a literal child Ayame? When an 18 yo Miroku was leering and inappropriately touching every girls he found attractive and got near to, minor girls from that 14 yo child he promised to marry, to his eventual wife Sango who was 16 yo during the series, even Kagome who was just 15 at that time, where was this energy on inukag when a 200 year old guy like Inuyasha is getting romantically involved with a 15 yo, middle schooler Kagome? And don't give me that bs that he's a "15 yo mentally", since you'd like to apply your disgusting head canons so much on sessrin and apply realistic standards on them and call shippers gross, freaks and even accused them of being maps, then why are you all okay with an old man like Inuyasha to be with minor Kagome romantically? Because he looks young? Because he's a teenager mentally? Doesnt that mean yall okay with an old man to be with a minor just because he looks young and has a maturity of a teenager? Since yall love to equate sessrin so much to real people and realistic settings, why are yall being selective? Imagine if your 30 year old uncle who looks young and is immature dates a 15 year old girl? So that's okay with yall, since they look similar physical and maturity wise? I can go on and on how problematic this show is, but yall really draw the line on sessrin because yall love to trivialise the word grooming and pedophilia so much?
Where's the pearl clutching for the easily impressionable youths who'll be watching or have seen the show and manga? Where's the tantrums because fiction affects reality and a show like Inuyasha should be use as an example as the epitome moral guidebook for the youth and women?
Why are you all only throwing gross names, harassments, death threats, gas lighting and suicide baiting the shippers and the creators, real people who exist, because you don't like the ship? A fictional ship, characters that don't exist and don't have feelings in real life? I thought yall concerned for real people?
COME ON WHY ARE YALL BEING SO NITPICKY? WHEN WILL YALL REALIZE YALL ARE HYPOCRITES WHO GETS SEROTONIN SHOTS FROM CALLING OTHER PEOPLE GROSS? THAT YALL BUTTHURT BECAUSE YOUR SHIPS AREN'T CANON, YOUR HEADCANONS ARE NOT FACTS AND BECAUSE YALL LOVE VIRTUE SIGNALLING THAT YALL SO MORALLY GOOD BECAUSE YOU HAVE "LESS PROBLEMATIQUE" TASTE IN SHIPPING? Imagine abusing real people, calling and accusing them about gross stuff just because you couldn't get your own way? Just because youre indenial that your assumptions are wrong? Imagine thinking "yeah these real people who exist and have real feelings deserve to be harassed, abuse, death, etc because yeah I think this fictional ship is gross so they are gross and im basing their morality not by their actions in real life and on real people but base on their taste on fiction which doesn't exist"? Where's yall priority?
And don't give me that BS that yall concern about victims of abuse. Some of us whom you called gross, freaks and pedos are victims of abuse. Imagine calling a stranger gross, freak, pedo and equating their love to a fictional ship to real mental illness and attraction to children. This ship never triggers me but how many times was I driven to anxiety just because a stranger from the Internet calls me a map, a map apologist, not knowing I'm a csa survivor? All because of a fictional ship? Yeah you're all just loads of hypocrisy and bull and yall disgust me.
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