#since this is a vent fic
hai-nae · 7 months
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meant to post these sketches a few days ago? a week? but, well, life.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Aggressive Affection
A concept:
The tweels being roughly affectionate with their partner, but not in a r*pey kind of way. More like in the “I love you so fucking much that I can’t contain all this newfound overflowing affectionate I have for you so let me just nom on you in the hopes that you understand even a fraction of my love towards you” kind of way.
Like, Floyd loves loves loves biting and marking his partner, especially when they squirm beneath him. Loves it even more when when his partner huskily asks him to bite harder. Rough them up a little more. Squeeze their thighs rougher. They writhe and whine for him to not hold back and to just use them as a chew toy already! He toothily grins down at them and coos over how much smaller they are compared to him, how so much more tiny and fragile they are, how much he loves his little shrimpy and loves the sounds they make. Like a prey squealing as he devours them.
Jade is much more reserved compared to his twin... at first. Oh, he tries to keep up appearances, but even he can’t hold back his natural instincts forever. Eventually those soft touches and lingering caresses turn into the desire to latch down his maw onto supple skin, to mark them and hear them keen. His teeth itching and aching with desire. His much taller frame looming over his tiny partner, bending down to properly flash his dangerous smile at them, sending a shiver down their spine, before nuzzling into their neck and giving little nips. 
And that’s not even accounting for their eel forms. Adds a whole new flavor to their unconventional affection. Their tails wrapping around their partner, gently squeezing at first, before tightening more and more, pressing against sensitive spots along their skin. Either twin leaving bite marks on any exposed skin and pressing themselves as close to their partner as possible. It’s positively primal how unrestricted they are towards them, trilling and growling all the while.
This same behavior extends to their instinctual need to protect their mate, to ward off any fool who didn’t get the memo that they’re taken. RIP to anyone who makes the unfortunate mistake of harassing, or worse, assaulting their partner. That person is gonna become nothing but bloody chum. Also RIP to anyone who accuses either twin of being a “hypocritic” and accusing them of ever purposefully harming their partner against their will. Such slander is just asking to get squeezed.
Actually, hold on-
Gonna get some of the others in on this since I’m on a roll.
Leona, the lazy ass, nuzzling into his partner as he uses them as a pillow, rubbing his face against theirs. A deep rumble reverberates from deep in his chest, causing their body to shake in response. The lion just keeps pressing himself against them, putting all his weight on them, pushing them further into the mattress. His ear twitches at the sound of their muffled protests and giggles to get off. But he doesn’t, yawning in his partner’s face and instead licking his rough tongue lazily along their skin. Their quiet moans fill his bedroom as his licks turn into nips and gentle bites at their neck.
Malleus is the worst one once he’s reached a certain point in the relationship, becoming much more openly affectionate. Nuzzling his partner’s neck and chuckling at their little squeak when he lifts them up to hold them. His wings and tail present and wrapping around his partner, caging them against him. Their view blocked by only the sight of the dragon fae grinning down at them mischievously. His tail pulls them closer in his embrace, cooing at the size difference between him and their child of man. Clawed hands begin to wander...
Azul refusing to let his partner see his octo form, reserving himself more so than Jade, limiting his affection to simple hand holding and pecks on the cheek. And yet he still finds himself in his original form, tentacles coiling themselves around his partner, wrapping around them and clutching onto them in desperation. Almost afraid that if he let them go, they’ll leave forever. The suckers are glued to their skin, further trapping them to him. All eight tentacles pull his partner closer to him, pressing them against him. Much like Malleus and his wings, Azul’s tentacles serve as a blanket of inky black, only allowing his partner to see darkness and the bright blue of the octomer.
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
★ WARNING FOR : BLOOD . GORE [kinda] . BODY HORROR [not really but i wanna cover all bases]
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something something "i want to pull your skin open and crawl inside you" something something
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right-there-ride-on · 2 months
Gyjo in the fandom
cw: light discussion of ableism
Gyjo… what am I thinking about gyjo…
I like them. I like them a lot, actually. They have paralleled narrative arcs, they complement each other nicely, the romantic subtext is incredibly obvious to the point that even the most homophobic fan you know will admit they understand why people ship it… so why do I also have a problem with it?
There’s a lot of good fanart. Hell, I’ve reblogged plenty. Maybe it’s just something that’s more pronounced in fic.
I’m trying to word this correctly. My issue with gyjo has nothing to do with the text itself. I think my problem is just how people portray it in the fandom.
Maybe it’s because it’s so popular, or maybe it’s the sheer prominence of applying ‘Character A’ and ‘Character B’ dynamics without considerable regard for the characters involved, but I feel gyjo is very prone to flanderization. I believe the intersection with how ableist people are toward Johnny (intentionally or not, subtly or not) and the old tropes these two get shoved into makes it so I have trouble enjoying fics in the fandom.
I’m not saying it’s bad to enjoy certain tropes. I’m not saying headcanons are bad either. What I am saying is that writing is hard, but if you’re going to write fanfiction please have consideration for the characters you’re writing. The arcs of these two are complex and multilayered, which is why I think they have such staying power, but I also think they also provide a good opportunity for us as writers and artists to examine our biases when it comes to the portrayal of certain groups, personality types, mental illnesses, queerness, disability, etc. and maybe come out better people for it.
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gnomewithalaptop · 2 months
Uuuugh vehement antishippers are so annoyinggg 😑
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the sky was still blue, @queerstudiesnatural // safet zec // morning sun, edward hopper // funeral blues, w. h. auden // free, florence + the machine // what used to be mine, @loserchildhotpants // 3x04 aperitivo, hannibal // du vent dans mes mollets (2012), carine tardieu
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Final Hour (Linked Universe fanfic)
(@artisticgamer, @ludoluck sorry I keep forgetting to tag you guys for my writing)
Inspired by @kikker-oma's amazing Fierce Deity art. Love your talent and your creativity, Oma! <3
Summary: When everything goes horribly wrong, Time desperately attempts everything in his power to fix it. Wind instead chooses to be the self sacrificing Hero, but the end result isn't what Time expected it to be.
(AO3 link)
The clocktower tolled.
He saw her. He saw Zelda standing in front of him, sad and beautiful and aged beyond her years, just like him. He saw her morose smile, the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, her steady resolve despite it all. He saw her play the ocarina as she grew ever smaller and farther away while his hand reached out desperately for her.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw her. He saw Malon smiling sweetly at him, bright and beautiful and innocent, like how he used to be. He saw the freckles on her cheeks pull as she giggled and called him by that nickname she’d made up a lifetime ago. He saw her eyes grow fierce with a desire for adventure as she worked with an unruly mare. He saw her twirl as they danced together.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw them. He saw Anju and Kafei’s love and desperation and acceptance in their eyes as they held each other, as she said they’d greet the morning together while his hand held hers in a white knuckled grip. He saw them tremble as he turned and ran outside.
The clocktower tolled.
He saw them. He saw the Heroes of Hyrule, how they were all young, experienced, hurt, filled with power and hope and light. He saw how they emanated a strength that couldn’t be quantified, an inherent resolve and determination to their core that shone through and resonated between each and every one of them, a shared bond and unbreakable spirit. He saw their uniqueness, their wonder, their gifts and quirks.
And he saw them fall, one by one.
The clocktower tolled.
They’d been wounded. They’d been weak. They’d just fought multiple hordes and had been desperately trying to get to the nearest village. They’d known it hadn’t been far, from the forest they could hear the bells of a clocktower in a nearby town.
There had been a split in the path. Time had chosen the route.
The clocktower tolled.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. It couldn’t happen.
The black blooded dragon roared again, held at bay by the few still standing. He heard a scream, and a body collapse on the ground. He couldn’t even tell who was still standing anymore; he’d been one of the last to fall. Nearly everyone had stilled, no longer writhing in agony or sheer force of will.
Except for Wind.
The sailor groaned as he desperately crawled forward, reaching above Time, whose hand was overhead as he’d been grabbing desperately at one of his items when he fell, as he’d been willing to throw his life, sanity, everything away in a frantic attempt to fix this.
The wooden mask barely was within his grasp, propped by a finger.
Despite the severity of the situation, despite the cold silence of his companions, despite the clocktower ringing in his ears, a reminder of time after time of facing death and life and everything in between as his entire journey flashed before his eyes, he wanted to save Wind from this. The mask was too dangerous for anyone else. What good would such a victory do if the child was lost to the darkness?
“Please, Wind… no.”
He had other methods he could call on.
He had other items he could use.
The Hero of Time was nothing if not relentless. He never gave up. Never. Not even now, not even when he was bleeding to death, when the world around him blurred and dulled, when his mind was screaming and running into the past rather than focusing on the present. Not even now. He’d spent a lifetime perfecting three days over and over and over until he could get everything right and save everyone. He refused to let this be any different.
“You said…” Wind pleaded desperately, his voice trembling, tears and blood and phlegm rolling down his face from what little of it Time could see. With a hiccup, he continued, “You said it’s for emergencies, right? It’s okay, I’ll save you!”
I’ll save you. A last, desperate, pleading promise. The others couldn’t be saved, but Time was still here.
Time’s hands fumbled around his belt, desperately searching for the item he needed.
The clocktower tolled. The dragon roared again, any obstacle between it and the last pair of heroes long gone.
The mask slipped from Time’s finger, a rough disappearance as if it had been pulled.
“Sailor,” he tried again, his voice barely above a whisper, his world spinning and fading fast. He had to move.
Wind screamed.
The noise jolted Time out of his stupor, adrenaline feebly trying to awaken what little life essence he had left in him. He had enough energy to look up and see a figure towering over him where Wind originally had been crawling.
The monster bore Wind’s curls, bleached white. It bore Time’s armor, with a decorative fairy pendant dangling in the breeze as it stood stock still. Wind’s face was older, chiseled, once-chubby cheeks pulled taught over cheekbones that shouldn’t be so developed. Its eyes glowed, contrasting the purple and blue markings that cut across its face.
The Fierce Deity.
Time let out a desperate breath, unable to speak anymore, and watched helplessly as the cursed mask made Wind’s possessed body march across the field towards the dragon that awaited him. He couldn’t see the fight, but he could hear it. He heard the grunts, deeper than they should be, the fierce battle cries, the screeches from the dragon as its opponent landed cut after cut. He breathed hastily, feeling his heart quicken, feeling his body begin to grow numb, and he again searched desperately on his belt for the one thing that could change everything.
Warriors was gone. Sky was gone. Four was gone. Legend was gone. Hyrule was gone. Wild was gone.
Twilight was gone.
Time was going to be damned if he would let Wind fall in the worst way possible.
The clocktower tolled.
The dragon screamed, and the earth shook.
And then everything grew silent.
Time gasped for air, trying to raise his head, wanting to call for the young sailor, for the brightest ray of sunshine in the group, for the one last surviving member.
He couldn’t move.
So this is how I meet death? He wondered. On the verge of tears, an utter failure to all who depended on me?
He remembered the people of Termina. He remembered how they all faced death in their own ways. He thought of Cremia and Romani, of Anju and Kafei.
Goddesses. He missed Malon so desperately right now.
Heavy footsteps approached him, and he blinked, the world coming back into focus long enough for his body to scream that he couldn’t take any more of this. A blurry image hovered over him, and he squinted, confused, until his mind registered who he was staring at, and his hands finally found the item they’d been searching for.
The Fierce Deity knelt down slowly, eyes fixed on him. When his knees sank into the ground, he reached slowly, sliding a hand behind Time and pulling him into a seated position. Time cried out in pain with the motion, and the cursed deity paused only a moment before reaching his other hand towards the Hero of Time’s fumbling hands, pulling the ocarina from their grasp. Time tried to protest, tried to fight against his possessed successor’s hold, but he was too weak to do anything. Then amethyst rose into his periphery, and he looked down to see the Ocarina of Time hovering in front of his lips.
“Play, Link,” the Fierce Deity said, Wind’s higher voice pitched into a deeper timber and holding power and energy the boy didn’t usually possess. “Save them, as you always do.”
Time stared at the deity, his fears and thoughts stolen away. The pair was frozen for a moment, the world pausing around them, time itself holding its breath in anticipation. A gentleness fell over the cursed deity’s face, and Time felt the thumb behind his back caress him once, ever so softly. Understanding slid between the two, a heavy, bone deep realization that dug into Time’s mind more than he could fathom in the moment, a certainty and safety and assurance and comfort that he'd somehow always felt but always ignored. He let out a shaky exhale and, with trembling hands, took the ocarina from the Fierce Deity.
And he played.
The world turned white.
Time felt warmth engulf him, like an embrace from tender arms. Magic sparkled inside his mind and heart, a familiar friend, singing and resonating with his song like fairies humming together, a melody entwined in mystery and grace. His horizon shifted, and he was on his feet, set there gently as if floating through the air. The warmth spread from his core to his extremities, the numbness in his fingers dissipating, the stabbing pain of his own armor piercing his gut dulling into nothingness. The blood on him washed away with invisible waters, and an airless breeze blew the dirt off his body. He continued to play, the melody growing steadier as his strength returned, his determination steeling him, tightening his weakened muscles and bringing an assurance that he hadn’t felt since Termina.
Save them, as you always do.
Oh, the countless times he’d played this hymn, this spell, this prayer. Oh, the countless times he’d clung to it desperately as he tried again, the numerous times he’d played it in tears at his failure, the many times he’d nearly belted it in fortitude as he prepared with renewed hope and a plan in place.
Save them, Link.
“Really, old man? You’re playing your ocarina right now? We have wounded, we need to get moving.”
Time’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Legend’s voice.
They were all there, tired and hurt but alive. Sky was leaning against Hyrule, eyes half closed but body stiff with stubbornness, while Hyrule held him with a fierce protectiveness. Legend was watching him impatiently, scraped and bruised but relatively unharmed and clearly anxious to get help for the others. Four and Warriors were bringing up the rear, watching everyone’s backs and growing ever more confused by the turn of events. Wind hovered with some distress between Sky and Wild, who was the other most injured member of the group, though the champion was well looked after in Twilight’s hold as the rancher carried him on his back.
Time stared at him too long, meriting a worried expression from the rancher. “You alright?”
Blinking the oncoming tears away, the eldest Link took a deep breath and nodded. “Let’s keep going.”
“That’s what I said,” Legend grumbled, turning back towards the road ahead.
“Yeah, but which way?” Twilight asked, staring at the fork in the road.
The clocktower tolled.
Time pointed left.
“But I can hear the bells to the east of here,” Hyrule noted as he steadied Sky a little. “Shouldn’t we take the path on the right?”
“We’re taking this one,” Time said firmly, brooking no argument. The group followed him silently as he tried to reorient and move ahead like nothing had happened.
His hand slipped into his adventure pouch subconsciously as they walked, and the group started to talk amongst themselves, their voices the most beautiful things he’d ever heard. His heart rate began to normalize, and he closed his eyes, basking in the safety of seeing and hearing everyone alive again.
His fingers brushed against wood in his pouch, and they tingled with warm energy that climbed all the way up his arm, through his shoulder, and into his core. He took another steadying breath, clutching the mask tenderly as an entirely different set of emotions nearly knocked him to the ground, confusion and relief and hope and fear and curiosity above all else.
Another time. Today he tread ahead cautiously and protected his family.
Today he saved them, as he always would.
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gilly-moon · 1 year
this last few chapters of shattered pieces are killlinnnggg me dude.
maybe I just don't want it to be over and so my brain is rebelling??? Even tho the scenes are so clear in my head, the process of writing them out is like:
*stares at screen for two hours*
Oooo burst of inspiration! *writes like three paragraphs*
*stares at screen for another two hours*
Alright that was enough for today *closes doc and goes to bed*
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kitramune · 10 months
A letter to everyone who thinks InuKag aren't explicitly romantic and "together" throughout the series:
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- Sincerely Inuyasha and Kagome
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 5 months
anyway. the uk sucks ass and living here sucks ass too! NHS is sooo amazing until its soooo not!
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tana-draws · 2 months
my brain is so fucking stupid. I was bullied in fourth grade, my friends were like “actually erm we don’t want to be friends with you :/“ on the second to last day of eighth grade (even though we were all zoned for different high schools and would never see eachother anyway). And because of that my brain is, as my therapist and mother (two different people,) theorized, “hyper vigilant for any perceived social ostrichaztion”. The thing is it’s fucking stupid about it. Sure it has the generic “uwu your friends probably hate you secretly” thing.
But it also. Like: I’ll see a post that is somewhat negative towards a thing I like or a trait I even remotely identify with (including stuff as vague as ‘nervous’ or ‘writer’) and I’ll be like “yeah that makes sense” or “I don’t agree but I also don’t care”. But then my brain will repeat the negative phrase on loop for like a week. And will trigger physical reactions (crying, shortness of breath, etc) in response to it. I’ve actually had public panic attacks over things I give 0 shits about because my brain is a fucking helicopter parent.
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the problem with not having any new fics to read bc they havent been posted yet is that when Invisible Tigers Are Hunting You, there is no distraction
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dragon-tamer-1 · 6 months
I want to be able to reblog people's art without having to worry about people's negative reactions when it's someone that a majority of people don't like, is that so much to ask?
Why must it be a problem if I like someone's art even if the person believes in something others don't? Why must people treat people like they're bad for liking someone's art and writing when others don't like that person because of their beliefs?
I'm just hanging out and reblogging art and writing that I find enjoyable. In the end that's just what I'm doing when I reblog stuff. Enjoying it. If it's something I don't enjoy/like to see, I just block the tag or, if it's a specific blog that I decided that I didn't enjoy and don't want to see I block that blog as well. Otherwise just vibing. I don't hate anyone that doesn't like someone else of course, but the way people talk about that one person, it's like they think it's the worst possible thing for someone to enjoy that person's art and writing. I just can't hate someone based on that person's beliefs, it just goes against my own personal beliefs, and I can't help that I still enjoy those things.
I try to keep the drama and stuff off my blog cause I'm not about that. And it shouldn't be treated like some kind of crime to still enjoy someone's art/writing/etc just because other people don't like that person, in my opinion.
#vent post#i only feel this way cause someone on anon asked why i still follow a certain person cause i reblogged that person's post updating their fic#and i think it's weird that if people don't like that person. then just don't like that person#i just enjoy the art and writing#i only see hate going to that person yet that person has never spread hate for anyone to anyone#i just want to reblog stuff without it becoming this big thing of drama#discourse tw#stop spreading hate and just move on#at this point it just seems like toxic behavior (not attacking anyone. just how it feels to me)#like i said you can freely dislike someone#its just that it seems controlling when you want others to think like you do and dislike who you dislike and congorm to your own beliefs#I'm just here to enjoy art and writing#regardless of who it's from#unless that person has legitimately hurt people#just block certain tags and the person you dislike and move on#i don't think anyone is bad for liking or disliking people for their own reasons and personal beliefs#i also just cant hate someone for their own beliefs. especially since they're not hurting anyone with those beliefs#sorry for the down mood#this whole thing is just tiring for me and i just want to enjoy the things i like without being all “man people are going to dislike me -#just because i still like the art/writing of someone that everyone around me dislikes. i just want to enjoy stuff why must it be such#a controversial thing to just like something “#can't we all just agree to disagree instead of being mean to someone who likes something /someone you don't?#liking and reblogging stuff that doesn't have any harmful stuff in it can't hurt anyone#i wish this stuff didn't make me feel as stressed as i did#I'll be fine#i just want to enjoy the art and stories that i came to love by the people who made them#regardless of their beliefs#cause i think that just because someone believes something doesn't make them a bad person for believing that
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rithiathemoth · 10 months
do I do too much with the headcannon stuff in the comics? I feel like I add too much, or I get carried away
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euclydya · 1 month
“Please don't leave them, Stars, you know they both need you,” said Harmonia. “You know what happened last time you were out of the picture. They can't function without you around.”
“And is that all I'm good for? The glue that keeps them together? I'm so tired, Whole, I'm fucking exhausted! I… I don't know! I just want us three to be happy but I don't know what to do!” She sobbed. “I can't… I can't go down that route, but I can just. Distance myself, yeah? Distancing myself wouldn't end the time loop. I can just… Distancing myself could do the job. That'll fix it, right?”
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jutsuuu · 1 year
girl help I’m experiencing
#weird addendum but pls don’t reblog my vent posts??? why would you even want to????#everything has been So Much lately and I wasn’t gonna vent but then I remembered this is my blog and I can do what I want#one of my best friends left the country last week and he’ll be gone for like two years and I’m so sad without him around#I mean he’s been messaging me every day since he left but it’s still hard not having him here yknow?#and I’m moving into his place but it requires a lot of work before I can so I’m always exhausted#and my joints have all but given out on me completely so I’m always covered in KT tape and braces#which doesn’t gel very well with moving furniture and heavy boxes#and I have no money so I need to be job searching but I can’t do that until I move. BUT I NEED MONEY TO MOVE#on top of that my grandpa died and there’s so much family drama involving that it’s unreal#and weirdly the thing I’ve recently felt bad about is I’ve been neglecting my self imposed Fandom Duties#maybe not fandom specifically but like. creative duties#I want to write fic. I want to draw. I want to read and comment on other people’s stuff#I also really want to do more of my non fandom writing because I want to get something published this year. but i got no good idea aaack#or early next year#and I’ve just had like. no time at all to do any of it and the time I have had I’ve been too drained to do it#ughghghghghghggh#I think today I will drink and try to write something. as a treat.#after I go on a reblog spree to bury this because emotions are very embarrassing#anyway how are you?
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