#sing alignment charts
hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing Characters + Alignment Chart Again: School Fights Edition
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It's gonna be my BIRTHDAY soon and I really need to rustle up some CASH so if u feel like this blog has made your life MEASURABLY WORSE (or just weirder) over the past year, perchance consider tipping your town fool? THANK YOU (kofi / paypal)
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beez-nutz · 10 months
Greek chorus alignment chart
Legally Blonde the Musical - Chaotic Good
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Hercules - Chaotic Neutral
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Hadestown - Chaotic Evil
(edit: I've been told they fit the "lawful evil" role better, or even the "true neutral one", and I agree, but for the sake of consistency, I assigned them the chaotic evil allignment. This post isn't really serious I made it mostly in a humorous way)
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cracktopus · 11 days
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I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a minute. The Chavarria’s have a lot of musical talent for the most part. Both Ralph and Zion have singing careers. Yosef and Nawwaf are currently working on their own too. Ehren and Heriberto are okay singers but it’s just not their thing. If Ember comes to karaoke, you should leave.
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starsandsuch · 2 months
JUPITER through the houses: Where do things happen easily for you in life ? 🍀🎰🔑
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Jupiter naturally represents one’s fortune. The house Jupiter resides in one’s birth chart depicts the individual’s “luck” in life.
But one can liken “luck” and “fortune” as circumstances where things just happen to work out for you and you gain things “easily”.
This is due to Jupiter’s innate supportive nature, blessing natives with favorable circumstances wherever he resides.
Where Saturn restricts and pushes one to put in effort, Jupiter’s nature is supportive and generous with fortune.
Check the house you have Jupiter in ➡️
Can work for tropical or sidereal birth chart!
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Jupiter in 1H: you attract attention easily, naturally popular, respected by others, gains weight easily. Naturally protected by the universe and divinely guided. Naturally confident about oneself.
Jupiter in 2H: receiving financial opportunities easily, receiving gifts from others, spoiled with money and gifts. Easy to have large appetite. Gets financial support from family easily. Singing abilities and vocal talents come easy to you. Gets wealthy easily.
Jupiter in 3H: Easily learns new skills. Easily expresses oneself, endless creativity, ease with forming social connections. Easily gains favoritism at school and from peers. Trying stuff for the first time and succeeding. Easily succeeding at social media, gaining followers etc. Easy for you to learn and gain knowledge. Being smart comes easy. Understanding many topics without much effort.
Jupiter in 4H: Easily aligns with one’s feminine energy. Has powerful intuitive downloads, ease with home related manners, easy to live in desired circumstances. Easy to manifest dream car/ home. Supportive connection with family. If you need help they support you easily.
Jupiter in 5H: ease with creativity, having a lot of creative projects. Easy to get pregnant, “fertile”. Multitalented. Easy to have multiple talents. Trying anything creative and being automatically good at it. Easy to become famous. Effortless “star quality”. Easily attracts romantic attention.
Jupiter in 6H: ease with health matters. Healing from ailments quickly. Easy to develop a routine for oneself, easy to get a job, easy to form bonds with animals. Easily receives favoritism at work. Easily gains victory over enemies.
Jupiter in 7H: ease with relationships. Getting into a partnership without trying too hard, romantic options fall into your lap. Easy to appeal to others in social situations. Gaining a favorable reputation easily. Receives favorable circumstances in business partnerships easily.
Jupiter in 8H: receiving money and gifts from others easily, people just give you stuff often. Easily finds a wealthy spouse. Spouse is financially generous. Able to use intuitive powers easily, naturally “psychic”, you manifest easily and get what you want through spiritual abilities.
Jupiter in 9H: gaining knowledge, and understanding spiritual topics easily. Naturally wise, intelligent, clever without much effort. Naturally a good teacher to others. Easy to guide others and give advice. Gains fortune easily and is lucky. Ability to travel internationally without much efforts. Easily aligns with destiny.
Jupiter in 10H: receiving job opportunities easily, always has a good reputation no matter what. Receiving favorable jobs and profesional positions. Easily receives favoritism from boss. Easily gains popularity and status. Naturally a leader.
Jupiter in 11H: receives gains easily, experiences windfalls of increase financially, gets opportunities easily. Receiving social popularity easily, easy to get social media following/fanbase. Effortless ability to persuade the masses, easily influential, makes social connections easily. In difficult situations you always have someone that magically bails you out.
Jupiter in 12H: receives intuitive downloads easily. Naturally psychic, easily connects with spiritual world. Can easily astral travel and tap into different realities. Spiritual knowledge comes easy to you. Naturally protected from hidden enemies. Sleeps easily and comfortably. Has dreams that tell the future.
-starsandsuch 💕✌️
Similar post: Your Jupiter sign and your philosophy in life
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rucow · 1 year
made some shocking discoveries in regards to the 2004 poto film that may or may not have made me laugh hysterically bc i HAD a feeling this was true and . wow my intuition is on point
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black-lake · 7 months
astro observations 12
heyy here are some of the things i found out lately while i was wasting time
🎠 An aries moon and capricorn sun man, I always find this mix intriguing. Can give off the vibes of a character straight out of a webtoon, or a fuck boy that’s just visibly toxic. Either way I find them so incredibly magnetic. They possess strong fiery auras and usually have a rebellious streak to them. If they act out of their shadows they can be arrogant, insensitive, disloyal and only chase after the physical. 
🎠 Initially I wondered why eminem doesn’t give me libra sun vibes at all, then I looked a bit deeper into his chart and realized that he’s just textbook uranian, he even looks like an alien and acts like one at times. He got sun conjunct uranus, aquarius moon, mars conjunct uranus, and uranus square nn. He was born to be a rebel. 
🎠 He’s one of greatest rappers to exist and it’s worthy to mention some of the aspects that indicate his unique talent for rapping. First of all mars conj uranus is known to give unique talents, so that’s that. In this case sun and mars conj uranus granting him a natural rhythm, quick thinking, and unique expression. But the supersonic speed doesn’t come just from that. What’s interesting is that his ability to be a fast rapper and master lyricist is amplified by pluto also being in libra, conjunct his mars and pallas, fueling him with anger, intensifying his capabilities with determination, and heightened mental control and intelligence. Saturn is also in an air sign (gemini), indicating speed and intelligence. This gives rise to a grand air trine, linking his powerful stellium of sun, mars, uranus, pluto, and pallas in libra, his moon in aquarius, and saturn in gemini. The stars really aligned there making him the rap god huh.
🎠 If you know eminem's story you'd know that he had a tough upbringing. From a difficult mother and absent father to being an outcast bouncing between schools and sketchy neighbourhoods, the only white kid in a black community, being bullied by gangs, and even beaten up till he drifted out of consciousness, then dropped out of school. Makes me think it's why he keeps his bodyguards with him all the time! He was left with nothing and a daughter to provide for, encountered racial prejudice in rap contests for being white, despite these obstacles, he rose to become the best-selling hip-hop artist and earned recognition from rappers as one of the greatest of all time. Leads me to the next obs.
🎠 Heavy uranus/aquarius or 11°, 23° can easily become misfits without trying to. They’re constantly put in new environments, places where they’re the only ones of their kind, like a white kid in a black community, a foreign in a mostly local area, the new kid in school. There’s always ‘something different about them’ that people pick up on even if it was as early as elementary school. Which may get them outcasted or bullied. Their experiences at times lead them to hate school and drop out. 
🎠 People with these placements have something special to offer the world. It may seem like obstacles are constantly put in their way without them doing anything, but it’s their path unfolding. So they can wake up from their conditioned states and break from the status quo. The more that happens the more they realize who they are. 
🎠 Here’s why I think those that got capricorn north node can be the best fathers or the child’s favorite parent. It’s part of their destiny to be a caregiver and a good example for their children and they have the biggest hearts when it comes to caring for them and protecting them. They desire to give their child what they themselves may have lacked in their youth and shield them from the pain they experienced. Their child is their inspiration and reason to keep going in a way.
🎠 The biggest two examples I can give, Eminem singing mockingbird (one of my favs) for his daughter Hailie. He often mentions her in award shows, and did a whole diss track (killshot), in 13 minutes btw lmao, just because MGK made a tweet about his daughter. The other example is Travis Scott singing goosebumps for his daughter Stormi on stage and bringing her to his concerts. She has always said that her fav parent is her dad. Anyway, don’t mess with these ppl’s kids they’ll go after you to the end of the world. 
🎠 Men with mercury conjunct saturn have deeper voices, speak slowly and eloquently like they’re a 50 year old even if they’re 25. They are very grounded, have a methodical way of thinking and are wise beyond their years. Also masters at dodging questions.
🎠 I’ve seen it a lot and experienced it myself having an aries stellium. Women with a lot of aries or mars placements can often feel like they’re more cute, youthful and sexy in a cool way rather than the typical feminine way. They often have toned bodies, smaller chests and a lot of masculine qualities that trying to appear too feminine can feel fake to them. 
🎠 People with north node in capricorn can feel like they've been robbed of the success they deserve. It's giving the vibe of a musician that has worked so damn hard on their album and received public success but no official awards, then released another album and did it again and again and still haven’t gotten a grammy. I mean grammys are scams but ykwim. Along the lessons of success and accomplishment, there's also a profound lesson in patience and self-validation, a focus on recognizing one's worth from within rather than seeking external validation.
🎠 I noticed that aries, gemini, aquarius and capricorn placements or heavy mars, mercury, uranus and saturn can prefer skirts over dresses or just wear pants all the time.
🎠 Those with uranus-neptune in pisces really brought back the love for anime, manga, webtoons, cosplay, colourful cute aesthetics, dreamcore, surrealist aesthetics and art. They just got a dreamland vibe to them and it’s quite fascinating to see.
🎠 I have north node in leo and I'm starting to look like my 5 year old self, no joke, connecting to your inner child can do that. Looking at my childhood photos stirs up emotions within me. I often find myself reminiscing and yearning for that carefree time when I was simply myself, devoid of societal pressures. Plus, I can't help but notice after fixing my fucked up teeth I got my child smile back. I feel like I'm in a journey of rediscovery as I start to recognize that childlike spirit within me once again.
🎠 Those with sagittarius, libra, taurus, gemini, leo and aries placements have the most beautiful smiles omg, like it does something to your heart. Please keep smiling it really brightens up this world. I mean I can fit all the signs here I just love when others smile. 🥺
🎠 Mercury opposite pluto, these native can say exactly what would get them mocked or bullied. They keep starting the wrong fights for the wrong reasons. They could get triggered of people who communicate better than them. Their lesson lies in improving their communication skills, cultivating tactfulness and diplomacy, and learning to reclaim their power in a psychological manner rather than resorting to mindless verbal confrontations.
🎠 Mars conj/opp pluto can at times experience violence early on, in school or their neighborhood. They experience a lot of obstacles constantly, inner and outer pressures that they may feel like giving up. These challenges ultimately instill within them greater resilience and determination to pursue their goals. Many martial artists and athletes have this aspect, seeking an outlet to channel the intense anger they experience.
🎠 People with aries north node really go from one battle to another without a break. Leaving behind their need to compromise and avoid confrontations can be challenging but is the very thing that brings those battles. Eventually they will find themselves needing to defend themselves alone with no support, fighting back relentlessly no matter what and stop compromising to keep the peace. They will gain this sense of self assurance and bravery to face anything in life.
🎠 I know someone with a lot of saturn oppositions, aquarius sun and stellium opposite saturn, capricorn moon and aries nn. This person has always been underestimated by their parents and always felt like an outsider. They had controlling parents that imposed so many restrictions on them. They also were targeted in school for having a funny and likable personality. Being their aquarius mc and aries mercury bestie I saw their potential and encouraged them to fight back even if it meant making a scene. They eventually built up the courage to stand up for themselves no matter how alone they are. But they also have this wisdom to know when to pick their battles and when to ignore things and let them go, which I look up to.
🎠 People with a lot of chiron conjunctions or oppositions have a heart of gold. Real angels on earth that have been through it. They have so much compassion and understanding for others because they’ve been hurt in many ways. They know what it feels like to be wounded by life and have tremendous amounts of empathy for that. They have sensitive souls and their presence alone can make others feel seen and heard. I appreciate these people a lot, like thank u for existing. 
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millysastroblog · 2 years
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Disclamer: Pls don’t take what I wrote here to heart , I posted this observation just for fun! And if u guys can’t relate that’s totally fine , OK? …….. Have fun guys 💕🌸!!!
💗 Mercury in Taurus have some beatiful , soulful, rich singing voices.
💗Venus- Saturn positve aspects are just so calm, respectful, thoughtful toward their friends and partners. They can take accountability and responsibility for their actions and learn from them. They take love very seriously, wanting to be available for loved once 24/7 being helpful and supportive. And that’s why I appreciate you all. # ride or die for love , # stable lovers 💍👍💓!
💗Mars- Jupiter know how to cheer other people up and make their days better. These are the funny, sometimes even embarrassing friends that love to do extreme fun activities like riding roller coasters, jumping of a cliff, going to the zooo (IDKW?) # fun people
💗Mercury- Venus aspects know how to charm someone with their VOICE , people love listening to them , including me !
💗Pisces Asc people are just fucking pretty, empathetic, soft, shy, accepting of different people. I just love the aura they carry, so ethereal untouchable individuals.
💗Libra and 7th house stelliums love to communicate and surround themselves with people or lager groups. They could be good leaders, classmates, teachers because of how connected they are to others wanting to be pro active and helpful.
💗Ceres in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house embody the care taker role very well, extending this caring, soul full energy nurturing other brocken hearts with their presence.
💗 Venus / Mars in Pisces are full time active people pleaser 24/7 ,they love to take care of others. To have a boyfriend or girlfriend with placement is a blessing in disguise’s .
💗Mercury in Aries I love you for staying in your truth and expressing what ever you guys are feeling at the moment. We appreciate that 😘.
💗Venus- Moon poitives ascpects are such niiicce individuals to be around, they excude this loving, nututring, sweet, feminime energy perfectly. They dont mind helpinng others who are in need. Being a supportive friend when hardships occur. Because Venus is love, and the moon emotions , they looovve their friends and partners with all their 💕 !
💗Venus- Jupiter woman are the "IT GIRL" placement, how they can make a room brighter just by their presence is stunning !!
💗Venus in the 5th house love entertainment, fun, being extravagant , CHILDREN, these people would die to have a child honestly ! Gotta love the artistic self expression with these individuals.
💗Mercury in Cancer make people feel understood and loved because of their good listening skills.:)
💗Taurus Rising pretty, nice, calm friendly people. Exude this grounding stable energy that gives people the emotional security to open up. They are very patient and don’t rush in life. Nice body, hair, everything.
💗Cancer Rising so cuuute I swear ! Love how comfortable they make others feel including me. Expressing emotion raw and truthfully. They shine like the moon. Glowing pale skin, big eyes, big chest 😌.
💗Moon- Jupiter ahhhhwweeee these people are sooooo cuute I swear, showing pure, authentic, open, and vurnerbale emotion is nothing new for these individuals. I apprectiate just that positive energy yall got.
💗Venus in 2nd/ Mars in the 2nd housers are veryyy generous with finances, spending moey on people. How much effort and energy these beautiful unicorns put in gifting someone is incredably special and kind.
Thx 🤍
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cupidastrology · 1 month
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 1388 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 2𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 *:・゚☆ through the 12 signs
This post is about understanding more about your synastry with asteroid aphrodite with your partner through the 2nd house.
Apply this to your birth chart if your lover has their natal Asteroid Aphrodite 1388 in your 2nd house.
Asteroid Aphrodite reading are currently open to book for a deeper analysis.
Please do not repost or copy.
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Asteroid Aphrodite 1388, the asteroid that rules love and sex magick, the ability to seduce or attract lovers/admirers, your understanding of self love and sexual/romantic attractions.
The 2nd House, the house of feeling, the sound of your voice, gifts and giving, to provide and receive, emotional security and support, where you express your feelings, wants, needs, desires.
Aries ♈︎ in the 2nd - the partner spoils you unexpectedly, both may have a strong connection for riskiness in the connection, and it is easy for the partner to seduce them as you can seduce them emotionally. the partner's voice is a direct key to seduction in the bedroom, and may bring up emotions involving recklessness. seducing each other is impulsive, sudden, and raunchy (in the greatest way).
Taurus ♉︎ in the 2nd - the sound of their voice can be a comfort or a source of indulgence for you, wanting to listen to your partner all the time just as they wish to hear your wants and desires, may love to make drinks or share a glass of wine together, money and assets are always in alignment with needs/wants. seduction is made through the pleasures that both of you enjoy individually.
Gemini ♊︎ in the 2nd - the way your partner expresses new found ideas, moments in discussions, debates, and relief in conversations where you must calm down brings pleasure to the connection. you may enjoy the way they express themselves, especially how they see the world and its many topics. the connection between both is seductive due to the length taken in communication, literature, and different forms of mental expression.
Cancer in the 2nd - the partner always desires you reassurance and comfort, forever focusing on your needs. you may be able to find pleasure in the way they care for you, leading into the bedroom, and even building a foundation that involves a family. they may desire you in ways where they wish to care for you, and want to connect with the way you care for yourself in daily life. to be the one to provide for any of your issues are commonly found here.
Leo ♌︎ in the 2nd - the partner finds pleasure and as if they are under a spell when they listen to the way you sing, express yourself in roleplay, and even focus on what brings you confidence. they want to up your ability to stand independently in life, and may feel turned on by the way you see yourself. fashion and looks come big here, and with your preferences, you bring out inner strong romantic emotions due to your style.
Virgo ♍︎ in the 2nd - you have the ability to heal and nurture your partner, but in this case your partner has the innate ability to find what brings you problems mentally. they may find strength, motivation, and a clear mind with the way you express your own thoughts and emotions on issues. you may do well in the world of psychology, or this can be reflected off them. knowledge is a turn on from the partner here.
Libra ♎︎ in the 2nd - the partner connects with you through finding balance in your relationship. you may be all they need in life, to find stability, harmony, understanding, and seduction. you are capable of attracting your partner in easily by the way you speak to them, but this is also effective in terms of finding emotional fulfillment and validation. you both find strength in caring for the issues that come in the way of your relationship.
Scorpio ♏︎ in the 2nd - the ability and skill your partner has to fulfill any desires or needs over being wanted in not only the bedroom but in all spaces you both accompany is also a turn on on their end. to fulfill not only your emotions but theirs through seeing that they help you feel safe makes the connection becoming consuming in a positive way. you feel consumed by their love and unity, feeling as if nothing can hurt you or touch you.
Sagittarius in the 2nd - the partner is able to take you out of your comfort zone and fulfill your fantasies in connecting with the spiritual and the unknown. you may have an affinity for the religious or the spiritual, and you are emotionally validated through the partner's ability to reel you into new subjects of discussion around this world. you feel that life is complete due to the knowledge and the experiences this person places on you, wanting to travel and see every corner of the world with them.
Capricorn ♑︎ in the 2nd - your partner brings you an offer for stability, which can be an indication for a connection that goes through many upheavals. you are to be the provider of both parties, and in this case of the partner being an influence, they may want to replace all the powerless events that have come into your life. it brings you to a point where if rose colored glasses are necessary for this connection due to feeling fulfilled by the desires the partner places on you. you may become the partner that is constantly taken care of, which is a desire that grows over time.
Aquarius ♒︎ in the 2nd - your partner brings in an aura where you feel you can tell them and express to them anything you wish. you are swayed and seduced by the images they bring into mind when it comes becomes romantic. their intellect may entice you to connect with them more. they may help you to manifest and bring out a new self that you have buried, focusing on a constant connection of changing perspectives while you are with them. discussions of events outside the box may be common in this connection.
Pisces ♓︎ in the 2nd - you are utterly drowning in the losses and love of your partner, their influence over you so strong that dreams can't explain the amount of love you may feel for them. forms of art are created for this connection to be so beautiful, and like a dream. you are connected to their desire for all things that are odd, different, and not human.
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Inception 30 Day Challenge 2024: Get inspired, share your hot takes and win prizes!
Create a post, whether it be text, art, music, or any other media, using these 31 items as prompts. Feel free to participate in as many or as few of them as you want!
Copy the prompt into the body of the post somewhere and tag your posts with @inception30daychallenge, #inceptiversary, and #inception30daychallenge. Your posts will be reblogged on this blog for everyone to appreciate!
You earn one entry for every prompt you answer before 11:59 PM EDT on July 31. We’ll hold a raffle then to determine our prize winner(s)! More info can be found in our FAQ.
Prompts below the cut, or at this Google Doc link!
Day 01: Your favourite thing about the movie.
Day 02: Classify each character according to the Alignment Chart. (For more details on what each box means)
Day 03: A post-canon headcanon.
Day 04: Arthur’s secret phobia.
Day 05: Your favourite line in the movie.
Day 06: A fic rec!
Day 07: If you had to change a scene from the movie to have a musical number, which scene would it be?
Day 08: What songs/artists are on Eames’ main playlist?
Day 09: Which character has the most annoying habit on the job and what is it?
Day 10: A headcanon about your favourite character.
Day 11: Mal’s favourite fairytale.
Day 12: Your favourite setting in the movie.
Day 13: A fanart rec! (note: please do not repost art from tumblr artists! just reblog it and tag @inception30daychallenge so we can see it.)
Day 14: What skills would you bring to a dreamshare team?
Day 15: Cobb’s greatest parenting strength and weakness.
Day 16: Inception Day! Make anything Inception-related! Take a photo, write a poem, make a meme, sing a tune, whatever you want!
Day 17: How did the team spend the rest of the week on the first dream level?
Day 18: What building or monument does Ariadne wish she designed?
Day 19: Your favourite bit of fanon.
Day 20: Another type of rec! (meta, podfic, fanvid, edit, meme, blog, whatever!)
Day 21: What would you want to use dreamshare technology for?
Day 22: What skill does Robert wish he had?
Day 23: If you had to be stuck on a deserted island with an Inception character, who would you choose?
Day 24: A headcanon about your favourite friendship or relationship.
Day 25: When Saito was a child, what did he want to be when he grew up?
Day 26: Which summer Olympic sport would each character compete in? 
Day 27: A self-rec! (anything from art to a funny Tumblr post you made!)
Day 28: What piece of media would you want to see in a crossover with Inception?
Day 29: Something Yusuf keeps hidden in his desk.
Day 30: If the characters were all in a band, what instruments/roles would they play?
Day 31: A letter to Inception fandom.
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d-criss-news · 2 months
How Sondheim and Burnett Got Darren Criss to Provincetown
Provincetown hasn’t been compared to The Godfather or Star Wars very often, but those are the examples actor and singer Darren Criss names in acknowledging that his July 21 town hall appearance will be his first visit here.
“Provincetown is like that movie that you haven’t seen but you don’t want your friends to know you haven’t seen, so you don’t incur their wrath and ridicule and disbelief,” he says, noting that several of his good pals visit often. “I don’t bring up that I haven’t been there because my friends will give me crap. I haven’t avoided it — I’ve really wanted to go. Finally, the stars aligned quite nicely.”
Maybe the stars had a little help from Carol Burnett.
Host and accompanist John McDaniel, a Grammy and Emmy award-winning musician, says he invited Criss to be part of his summer Broadway series here after Criss performed on 2023’s Carol Burnett: 90 Years of Love + Laughter TV birthday special. McDaniel was the music director.
Criss’s best-known roles are his breakout portrayal of Blaine for five seasons (2010 to 2015) on Glee in a milestone-for-mainstream-TV gay romance with Chris Colfer’s Kurt, and his 2018 Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning turn as spree killer Andrew Cunanan in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story. (Both roles came thanks to producer and Provincetown part-timer Ryan Murphy.)
In addition to acting and singing — including Glee’s “Teenage Dream” cover that climbed the Billboard charts — Criss is a songwriter. He first won notice for co-writing and starring in 2009’s A Very Potter Musical parody for the Chicago-based StarKid Productions, which he co-founded. Criss’s A Very Darren Crissmas generated national holiday tours.
Shortly after Criss wrote the opening number for the 2022 Tony Awards, his friend Paul Miller, director of the Burnett tribute, asked him to refashion Stephen Sondheim’s “Side by Side” from Company into an homage to Burnett’s famous duets with celebrity guest stars.
In what he called “one of the coolest things I’ve ever gotten to be a part of,” Criss performed “Burnett’s Duets” for the star-studded birthday-party special with Broadway’s Sutton Foster. That came after he meticulously dissected Sondheim’s music to fit new lyrics and fine-tuned the arrangement with McDaniel.
“When I was doing this,” Criss says, “in my mind, I was going, ‘What would the ghost of Sondheim be OK with?’ ”
More Broadway music will be on Criss’s mind in Provincetown for what he says will be an unusual program because it likely won’t include original work or him playing guitar or piano; McDaniel will accompany him. Criss prides himself on not performing the same live show twice and plans to include Broadway songs he’s not yet sung in public.
That said, he recognizes fans might want to hear something connected to his own Broadway star turns. Those include — besides the nonmusical American Buffalo in 2022 — How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in 2012 and 2015’s Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Plus, earlier this year, Criss starred in off-Broadway’s Little Shop of Horrors.
In September, he’ll originate a Broadway role for the first time, headlining Will Aronson and Hue Park’s musical Maybe Happy Ending. Criss plays an outdated, retired robot in futuristic Seoul who explores the nature of love with another retired robot (Helen J. Shen). To try to help boost its U.S. profile, Criss is also a producer of the musical, which has been a hit in Korea, China, and Japan. Its Broadway debut will be directed by Michael Arden (2023 Tony Award for Parade, Spring Awakening), a longtime Criss friend who directed the English-language debut in 2020 in Atlanta.
Criss is excited but nervous about the piece; he says it’s intimate and epic at once. “There’s an excitement about the uniqueness and specialness of this show that I’ve never encountered before,” he says. “So that’s either going to crash and burn and blow up in our faces or catch on. I don’t know, but the prospect is very thrilling.”
Criss, who is straight, made headlines this spring for comments at a Chicago expo about being “culturally queer” because of his admiration for the LGBTQ community. “The things in my life that I have tried to emulate, learn from, and be inspired by are 100 percent queer,” he said then, later adding that “it was in queer communities that I’ve found people that I idolize, that I want to learn something from.”
“That had to be the slowest news day ever,” Criss says about his comments getting attention — especially because he’s talked many times before about similar things, including how much it meant to be part of Glee’s Blaine-Kurt relationship story.
Beyond Provincetown and Broadway, in August Criss’s voice will be heard in an unusual spot: on season 10 of Netflix’s Gabby’s Dollhouse, a children’s show, as the new Marty the Party Cat, magical host of the Party Room. It’s a voice role Criss says was planned long before his two-year-old daughter and seven-week-old son were born to him and his wife.
Marty is described by Netflix as a lovable, “exuberant goofball” who has a big heart and the ability to laugh at himself.
“He’s a fun guy,�� Criss says. “I’m aspirationally Marty the Party Cat.”
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing Characters + Babysitting Chart
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andy-wm · 1 year
How to explain JK & JM and their endless coincidences?
Easy really, none of them are coincidences.
I'll admit that I'm not the quickest at reacting to what's going on around me. My poor ND brain takes a while to absorb it all and put the pieces together, but then I can't stop thinking and thinking and thinking about all those puzzle pieces.
Gotta get those thoughts out of my head to make room for new ones LOL... so here they are.
Everything is not a coincidence 🎶
I hear Jimin singing this in my head.
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No, of course its not.
We've seen how intricately they plan their cocepts, outfits, stages and releases. We saw it in detail with the Artist Made Collection and the Photo Folios. The processes they went through were thorough and thoughtful. They considered everything.
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For Jimin and Jungkook, aligning their message is nothing new. For years they've been coming out in matching clothes, jewelery, and accessories - including the cute and silly matching Pororo bandaids at the puma fansign in 2016 when neither of them had an injury (JK's idea, according to JM).
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Sometimes the matching outfits are identical...
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Other times the alignment is more subtle....
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But it's so frequent, we barely comment these days.
When they aren't matching, they're swapping. Their shared wardrobe is legendary - especially for someone who doesn't like other people wearing his clothes (JK) and someone who has assured us they have different clothes (JM).
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But I digress....
The gist is, we know they pay attention to the mesage they send with their clothes and styling.
They know WE we pay attention too - they know we notice it all. Every.Single.Thing.They.Do.
They tell us they know all the ARMY jokes and memes. They do and say things that correspond too closely to ARMY's conversations on socials to be a coincidence.
Everything is not a coincidence 🎶
So with the visual themes of their solo releases being so astonishingly similar, anyone with eyes in their head (and a moderately functional brain and heart) can't think it's accidental. And JK and JM can't possibly think they're being subtle either.
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And I honestly don't think they're trying to be subtle. Not at all.
I think they are demonstrating very clearly that even when they're apart, they're together. They're always aligned*.
They share ideas, they work together (they certainly don't work in secret) and they agree on what they, together are choosing to show.
Everything is not a cooincidence 🎶
We know they've shared ideas for this because at no point has either of them shown suprise at seeing the other wearing a similar outfit, holding a similar pose, or adopting similar aesthetics. They're hyping each other's music and promo work, and sharing their pride and enjoyment with us. (JM posting on insta to celebrate JK's #1 on the hottest 100 was NOT for JKs benefiit. It was for ours 💜)
It's not a matter of who did it first or who copied...all of this they created together.
They're showing us their individual strengths and telling their own stories, but using an aesthetic framework they've planned together. The visuals overlap is enough to to unmistakablly link their narratives together without restricting their self expression.
It's genius really.
They're living their 'I am you, you are me' dream right now, but in such a way that they are also without a doubt independent individuals as well.
Personally I love this. I love them.
I love that they can contribute to one another's creative processes, each produce something wholly unique to themself, and still have visually connected stories.
One day this will become their shared history. With a brief glance, anyone who looks will be able to see how much they supported and cooperated with each other, and that they chose to reflect their personal relationship in these works.
This would be a very conscious decision - to be visibly connected, not just for the few months their solo work is on the charts but for as long as the record of BTS's existance remains.
And that will be a long, long time I am sure 💜
*They're always aligned, i believ, with regards to their goals. For their work but also in terms of their relationship.
I think they trust one another implicitly, both professionally and personally. I think they're honest but kind, and they have each others backs. They are each other's highest priority and I hope it will always be this way for them 💜
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Game of Thrones Muscial Character Alignment Chart🎙🎶
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What do you think of this ranking?
Explanation of the Catelyn placing: Either Catelyn would sing a long song about her problems, and continue as if none of it had happened OR Jaime and her would duet DUEL the hell out of each other 🤜🤛⚔️😂
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vivmaek · 2 years
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Happiness is found when we are in touch with our higher selves. Look to the giver of life within your natal chart to come into alignment with joy. 
Aries - Workout, chase after truth, surround yourself with people who match your energy, tap into an adrenaline rush, smile at yourself in the mirror everyday, don’t wait for desire to pass, take a hot bath, write out all your flaws on a piece of paper and then burn it, play video games, listen to loud music, do a face mask, eat tomatoes, do something you’re afraid of. 
1st House - Write out all your best attributes, keep up with your appearance, find new beginnings within the everyday, take care of your body, meet someone new, showcase your identity, march to the beat of your own drum.
Taurus - Go for a hike, solve a puzzle, go to the art museum, eat a home cooked meal, buy yourself flowers, snuggle with something soft, wear your favorite perfume or cologne, clean your house, watch that tv show you’ve already seen a million times, get a neck massage, write an appreciation letter to yourself, create something with materials that can be found at home, eat fresh fruit. 
2nd House - Keep a money jar, show up to work on time, show gratitude, keep up with a daily routine, write out all your values, take good care of your material possessions, make a list of priorities and stick to it, form healthy habits.
Gemini - Read a book, go on a spontaneous trip, watch something that makes you laugh, buy a concert ticket, run errands, put on some headphones and go for a walk, google questions, journal, dance to your favorite music, get a manicure, try out a new restaurant, rearrange your room, do yoga and practice breathwork, make a collage using cut up magazines, take a class on one of your favorite interests, smell some lavender. 
3rd House- Write daily, keep up with your communications, always check your email, take special care of your siblings, don’t make a habit of turning down social events, be friendly towards your neighbors, try to learn something new everyday. 
Cancer - Call family, put on pajamas, watch a movie that will make you cry, sit in the rain, drink something warm, cuddle with a pet, wear your favorite sweater, have a stash of goodies on hand, go home, read a fantasy novel, give someone a hug, eat seafood, go stargazing and have a picnic, stick your feet in the stream, write poetry. 
4th House - Keep a tidy home, check up on family, daily hygiene, keep a mood journal, have some privacy, show kindness towards children, mother yourself.
Leo - Look at old childhood photos, brush your hair, lay out in the sun, put on an outfit that makes you feel your best, listen to music that boosts your confidence, daily affirmations, eat oranges and lemons, light a candle, hang out with your best friend, put on a performance when no one is watching, watch a dramatic romance movie, sing in the shower, get a back massage. 
5th House - Romanticize your daily life, focus on what your love, chase after your passions, make time for play, showcase your creativity, connect to your inner child, make art, don’t be afraid to be dramatic.
Virgo - Create a new playlist, go to the craft store, tend to a garden, do your laundry, play the sims, watch video essays on youtube, join a book club, talk about your current interests with friends, make jewelry, hangout at a coffee shop, eat fresh veggies and clean food, talk to your plants, go for a walk and take pictures of whatever your find interesting, go to the farmers market.
6th House - Eat healthy, keep up with fitness and physical activity, have a daily system in order, showcase a healthy amount of criticism, take care of a pet, keep an organized house, find ways to be useful everyday, be of service to others 
Libra - Grab dinner and drinks with your favorite people, write a love letter to yourself, have a shopping spree, post your thoughts on social media, stand up for someone when no one else is, invest in skincare, wear sunglasses, re-organize your room, lather your body with lotion and oils, eat cheese and yogurt, go to the gym, watch an old hollywood movie, buy a present for someone you love.
7th House - Focus on forming relationships, don’t rely on codependency, keep up with healthy boundaries, read over contracts carefully, be someone people can rely on, always be fair, share with people.
Scorpio - Watch a true crime documentary, make an offering to your ancestors, write your deepest thoughts in a journal and then keep it hidden, go skinny dipping, listen to music in the dark, spend time in nature to gather gems and crystals, play card games, do in depth research on your favorite artist, tend to your alter. 
8th House - Don’t run from intimacy, keep up with your debts, take care of your property, discover mystery within the daily, keep a clean bathroom.
Sagittarius - Spend time by a campfire, book a plane ticket to somewhere, go out and party with your best friends, learn how to cook your favorite foreign meals, massage your legs, go thrift shopping, invite people over for a barbeque, read translated books, wear rings, eat plums and cherries, drink plenty of wine, have deep discussions over dinner.
9th House - Travel, ask for advice, pursue education, follow your own personal laws, appreciate different cultures, learn a second language, have strong ethics.
Capricorn - Sneak away for a well deserved break, buy something expensive, brush your teeth, go to a fancy restaurant by yourself, wear tailored pants, read a lengthy novel, give yourself a scalp massage, have a drink at the end of a long day, stay up late into the night, write out all your goals, eat lots of protein, be naughty when you can get away with it.
10th House - Keep a good reputation, follow through on your goals, focus on your career, implement structure within your daily life, be disciplined, use your expertise when appropriate.
Aquarius - Buy something you’ve put a lot of research into, go to the restaurant that only you seem to know about, write out everything you wish for, eat peaches, wear turquoise jewelry, design your own clothing, spend time on the computer, ghost everyone for the day, watch that tv show you’re newly obsessed with, join an exclusive club. 
11th House - Be a good friend to people, belong to something larger than you, be socially aware, focus on humanitarian efforts, show respect to the technology you own, always look to the future.
Pisces - Go for a swim, have music constantly playing in the background, write out all your fantasies, get a pedicure, eat berries, do volunteer work, take up painting, wear silk, sleep in all day, daydream freely, lay on your back and cloud gaze, pray, make eye contact with people, wear warm socks, appreciate the background details. 
12th House - Spend time alone, welcome endings with open arms, find closure, take up spiritual practice, show respect to the elderly, keep things hidden, maintain a dream journal, don't limit yourself .
Someone in my ask box sent me this really thoughtful question about how to use a natal chart to find happiness and I accidentally deleted it! My apologies!
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sensualnoiree · 3 months
Mercury as a Morning Star a.k.a Mercury Phosphorus or Mercury Lucifer
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Appearance/Location: Mercury appears in the sky just before sunrise. In the natal chart you will see Mercury in a position in front of the sun rising before it and setting before it.
Symbolism: This position of Mercury is associated with the beginning of the day, new ideas, and initiating processes. It represents the dawn of consciousness and the start of intellectual pursuits.
Characteristics and Influence of the Morning Star
Proactive Thinkers: People with Mercury as a morning star often have a proactive approach to thinking and communication. They are eager to explore new ideas and share their thoughts.
Quick Learners: This placement can indicate someone who is quick to grasp new concepts and is always curious, often seen as innovative or ahead of their time.
Initiators: These individuals are likely to initiate conversations and projects. They thrive on starting new intellectual pursuits and can be quite persuasive.
Energetic Communicators: Communication is lively and dynamic. There is a natural enthusiasm in the way they express themselves, often making them captivating speakers or writers.
Astrological Significance: In a natal chart, Mercury as a morning star can indicate a person who is an early riser in thought and action, someone who enjoys being at the forefront of communication and ideas. This position may also enhance one's ability to start new intellectual or communicative projects.
Notable Individuals with Mercury as a Morning Star
Maya AngelouOccupation: Poet, Author, Civil Rights Activist Notable Contributions: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," influential works in literature and civil rights Mercury Influence: Angelou's eloquent and powerful use of language, along with her proactive approach to advocating for civil rights and equality, embodies the dynamic and impactful communication style of Mercury as a morning star.
Jane AustenOccupation: Novelist Notable Works: "Pride and Prejudice," "Sense and Sensibility" Mercury Influence: Austen's sharp wit and insightful commentary on social issues reflect the eloquence and perceptiveness associated with Mercury as a morning star.
Carl Jung Occupation: Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst Notable Contributions: Founding analytical psychology, concepts like the collective unconscious, archetypes Mercury Influence: Jung’s pioneering work in psychology, his innovative theories, and his profound insights into the human psyche align with the qualities of Mercury as a morning star, showcasing his proactive and forward-thinking approach to understanding the mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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