#single parent trope
geniousbh · 19 days
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⸻ ❝ 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒑 ❞
enzo vogrincic ₓ f.reader
wc.: 4,5k
prompt: baseado nesse excerto (parte do enzinho apenas) e na música "do i wanna know?" do artic monkeys (recomendo escutar pra leitura)
obs.: sou suspeita pra falar sobre como isso saiu pq eu gostei muito! fazendo uma quebra nas putarias duvidosas que eu ando compartilhando aqui nesse blog - e que eu não me arrependo, no entanto!! 🥴 espero que gostem, bebês!!! já somos quase 200 bilhões de geniousbhers e eu estou muitoo mtmtmtmt feliz com como as coisas tem ido <3 nossa girlies party é a melhor! desculpem os errinhos e boa leitura 💗
obs.²: sim, eu coloquei o esteban pra fazer cameo de novo, porque me afetou psicologicamente as obras recentes dele sendo um dilf ceo, peço que entendam meu momento delicado!!
tw.: smut, um palavrãozinho de nada aqui e acolá, praise kink, worship (fortíssimo), pet names, nipple play, sexo oral (f), sexo vaginal, sexo desprotegido (heróis usam capa fml), creampie, e se tiver algo mais vocês me avisem mwah. MDNI
— tem certeza? quer dizer, não é da minha conta com quem você se relaciona, mas... — o loiro falou baixo, apesar de estarem ambos sozinhos próximos à máquina de café no quiosque do andar.
— não sei... honestamente, sinto que é errado, mas, o que é que eu tenho a perder? — enzo respondeu antes de bebericar.
tinha aproveitado para conversar com o colega, recentemente promovido, nos minutos de pausa que tinham. ambos ocupavam cargos de diretoria, mas agora, esteban estava mais próximo do chefe, como braço direito e com parte nas ações da empresa, e o vogrincic se perguntava como e o "porquê" ao notar a filha do dono caminhando até eles com uma pastinha rosa em mãos; sempre muito pomposa desfilando pelos corredores acinzentados do prédio.
encarou o amigo confidente com o canto dos olhos e riu soprado quando a voz fina estava perto o suficiente para soltar um "meu pai pediu que você me ajudasse" toda calma, mas que nitidamente carregava uma urgência escondida. e lá ia o kukuriczka, fechando a expressão e fingindo que não gostava nada da atenção completamente inapropriada que a filhinha do cabeça branca oferecia a ele. isso, se já não tivesse oferecido outras coisas mais.
o uruguaio não poderia ser mais hipócrita naquele sentido, se deixando levar por um sentimento incoerente e repudiante que ele tinha pela babá de sua pequena. o que ele podia fazer, no entanto? não era alguém de grandes ambições, trabalhava o suficiente na semana para descansar no final desta e dar boas condições para sua família - a filha e os pais -, gostava de tranquilidade e tinha hobbies que não fugiam da normalidade, evitava se engraçar com o restante do pessoal do escritório e tinha poucos amigos, mas ainda era homem.
então chegar em casa e te flagrar ninando maria nos braços, de frente à sacada, afagando as costas da criança num carinho que era tão maternal que parecia impossível de se aflorar numa garota jovem como você, ou ainda te pegar adormecida no sofá, em meio as almofadas e suas apostilas de faculdade, depois de já ter colocado a bebê no quartinho num dia que ele precisava de você até mais tarde, eram coisas que mexiam com algo adormecido nele.
desde o momento que tinha perdido a esposa para um acidente de carro, enzo podia contar em uma mão quantas vezes tinha se interessado por outra mulher - e o número era ainda menor das que ele tinha chego nas vias de fato -, e não era como se ele tivesse problemas ou que fosse um trauma latente ter ficado viúvo aos vinte e oito anos de idade, mas por natureza ele gostava de coisas mais calmas, mais reservadas, que não gerassem burburinho, e ter uma filha e uma história tão impactante, por si só, era fofoca.
não com você. a garota que o amigo romero havia apresentado e que tinha disponibilidade para ajudar na manhã e de tarde. na entrevista quando se conheceram, tinha agido com tanta naturalidade após ouvir os acontecimentos, sem forçar uma reação super empática ou perguntar além do que devia. parecia tão independente e decidida, e ao mesmo tempo frágil e medrosa.
chegava sempre atrasada, o que ele relevava porque sabia que o metrô era um caos pela manhã, mas vivia trazendo livros diferentes para ler com maria, fazia as compras pra semana com o dinheiro que ele deixava e nos dias em que não tinha de se preocupar com trabalhos e relatórios se aventurava na cozinha do apartamento fazendo bolos, brownies, polvilhos.
enzo era envolto pelo ambiente que você criava, gostava de como a casa tinha passado a ficar mais bagunçadinha, e não no sentido ruim, mas por ter mais vida dentro, ele amava o cheiro dos confeitos quando chegava do trabalho depois de um dia longo, e sentia, novamente, a vontade de pertencer a alguém.
mas não era nenhum idiota também, antes de tomar o primeiro passo tinha te estudado, suas expressões e trejeitos quando conversavam, os olhos vacilantes que pareciam evitar os dele a qualquer maneira e os arrepios quando suas peles roçavam, mesmo que por breves segundos. o que tinham o levado a te presentear com um beijo no seu aniversário. a sem graceza e o seu acanhamento naquela data tinham feito a cabeça dele ferver com tantas possibilidades, as quais ele abraçou com muito gosto quando no final do dia se pegou se masturbando durante o banho.
a culpa que o consumiu depois foi avassaladora, pensando que um homem dez anos mais velho não deveria olhar para uma garota assim, que talvez, suas reações fossem de medo e de estranheza e que você se forçava a trabalhar ali para conseguir algum dinheiro e deixar a conta do banco positiva no final do mês.
— mierda. — resmungou quando derrubou chá no livro de poesias que tentava ler.
e só tentava mesmo porque a mente era açoitada com várias perguntas, que enzo não tinha a menor condição de responder num sábado de noite que ele tirava para descansar. maria na casa dos avós e ele com o apartamento num quase breu, se não fosse pelo abajur de luz amarelada na sala, onde ele se deitava preguiçosamente com o livro em mãos, agora pingando já que tinha se descuidado.
levantou e foi até a cozinha, tendo que acender as luzes para buscar algum pano limpo e tirar o excesso das páginas, notando pouco depois que sua calça moletom tinha sido molhada também. enzo, enzo... pensava consigo mesmo, nervoso por estar tão vulnerável com aquela história.
e teria tirado a peça inferior e colocado pra lavar se algo não o chamasse a atenção antes: um barulho de trancas, fazendo com que o moreno franzisse o cenho e caminhasse até a sala devagar. olhou para a luz que entrava por debaixo da porta de entrada, o que implicava que os sensores de movimento no corredor do andar tinham sido ativados e viu uma sombra zanzando. não poderia ser sua mãe, apesar de que essa tinha sim uma cópia das chaves do apartamento, ela com certeza ligaria se maria estivesse precisando de algo.
engoliu seco, olhando em volta, buscando um objeto que pudesse usar caso fosse uma tentativa de roubo, segurando o guarda-chuva, que tirava do suporte com cuidado, atrás das costas.
a imagem que tinha quando a porta se abria, contudo era no mínimo curiosa. você estava com o olhar baixo e os olhos pesados, uma roupa casual e que diga-se de passagem modelava bem seu corpo; um cropped e uma saia curta, os tênis ele já conhecia bem. e demorou a notá-lo ali, chegando a se virar e fechar a passagem com o molho de chaves que enzo tinha te dado no começo do ano; e aparentemente esquecido disso.
quando suas vistas se acostumavam com a penumbra do ambiente e você explorava o redor soltava um chiado alto, cambaleando para trás e levando a mão ao interruptor com rapidez.
— sr. vogrincic??! — se exaltou desentendida, lembrando do horário e colocando uma mão cobrindo a boca, com medo de receber uma multa ou algo assim já que sua quitinete era um cubículo e tinha paredes tão finas que ouvia até mesmo os mosquitos dos outros apartamentos. — o que o senhor tá fazendo aqui??
— eu é quem pergunto pra senhorita... — replicou e um riso apaziguado escapou-lhe, colocando o guarda-chuva no gancho novamente. — perdiste el camino a casa, chiquita? — cruzando os braços que estavam expostos na falta de uma blusa.
você se situava lentamente, sua carinha indo de espanto para vergonha quando entendia o que tinha acontecido. se encolhia, agachando e cobrindo a cabeça, choramingando. não estava no seu prédio, tão pouco no seu apartamento.
— nossa, o senhor vai me achar uma maluca... — levantando o olhar pra ele outra vez. — mas eu juro que não foi intencional! juro mesmo! fui numa festa aqui perto, mas começou a ficar chato e eu decidi ir pra casa, nem me toquei de que tava no automático e vim pra cá. — bufou sentida.
ele acompanhava, a maquiagem fraquinha e as unhas pintadas, que você evitava usar nos dias de trabalho, provavelmente porque enzo tinha dito que queria que maria tivesse uma infância duradoura e bem vivida, sem crescer antes da hora. você ficava cada vez mais linda e intrigante aos olhos dele.
— deixa disso, não tem que se desculpar... — colocou a mão sobre o peito e te fitou, mordendo o lábio brevemente. — na verdade, fiquei aliviado quando te vi.
— você pensou que era algum ladrão? — a pergunta saía num tom fraquinho da sua parte, sem conseguir processar que por estar avoada havia gerado aquela confusão. — me perdoa, por favor.
enzo suspirou e então se aproximou de ti, segurando seus ombros retraídos e deixando um selar na sua testa.
— já falei que não precisa se desculpar assim. foi um acaso. todo mundo faz as coisas no automático às vezes. — e ele até gostaria de dizer que tinha achado uma graça sua cabeça traduzir "casa" como sendo o apartamento dele, mas guardaria o comentário. — vem, fiz um pouco de chá mais cedo, deve estar quente ainda. — te puxando devagar para a cozinha.
suas olhadinhas eram bem furtivas, quando voltava a ter completo senso das coisas não lhe escapava a situação do uruguaio, vestindo só uma calça moletom, os cabelos compridinhos amassados e desgrenhados sem aquele gel todo que ele usava pelas manhãs para ir trabalhar, e a casa numa quietude intensa. enzo era como um gato marrom, daqueles que se dão melhor com senhorinhas e com crianças, mas que não gostam muito de sair, ou de brincar com aquelas bugigangas espalhafatosas, preferem o canto deles, mas de vez em quando aceitam algumas coçadinhas.
— a maria foi com os avós? — perguntava tentando puxar assunto e esquecer a grande gafe.
— foi sim. — respondeu enquanto pegava uma caneca no armário, fazendo com que os músculos das costas largas expandissem e contraíssem, te fazendo entreabrir a boca. até então só tinha visto ele com roupas de academia, mas não com tanta pele exposta. — quer açúcar ou não precisa?
— não precisa. — você pegou a porcelana, achando conforto na quenturinha que se concentrava ali, segurando com ambas as mãos e aproveitando para sentir o cheiro da bebida. — que bom que o senhor gostou, quando fui fazer as compras essa semana, fiquei na dúvida se pegava o chá de boldo ou se trazia o mate normal.
enzo gostava de observar como você contornava a situação e se ele estivesse um pouquinho mais cruel te faria explicar tintim por tintim do caminho feito e como tinha passado pela portaria do condomínio sem que antônio o interfonasse - já que era tarde o suficente para se desconfiar de uma visita casual -, mas se limitou a te olhar, esticando uma das mãos para tirar uma mecha que caía sobre seus olhos e colocar atrás da sua orelha. você estremecia, apertando a boca na borda do recipiente, fazendo contato visual, e nada disso o escapava.
— vou arrumar o quarto de hóspedes pra você dormir. — o mais velho adiantou.
— não. não precisa, eu já vou indo. — segurou o pulso dele e o fez virar apenas a cabeça.
— você acha que eu vou te deixar sair nesse horário? — falava mudando o semblante pra algo mais sério e sóbrio. — você termina o seu chá, vou deixar uma muda de roupa que você pode usar pra dormir em cima da cama. toma um banho e descansa.
e ali estava o enzo que você tanto ressentia, o enzo que te via como inconsequente e "muito nova" pra saber o que fazer da vida. quando este deixava a cozinha você formava um beicinho tentando muito não se frustrar. nem sequer conseguia culpá-lo por tratá-la assim daquela vez porque tinha praticamente invadido a residência. e se ele estivesse com colegas? com uma mulher talvez? seria horrível e muito provavelmente seria demitida. maria entraria na escolinha no ano seguinte então não deviam ter muitos argumentos que o fizessem mudar de ideia.
parou de divagar quando terminou o chá, caminhando para o corredor e vendo ele sair do quarto de visitas. um sorriso complacente aparecia nos lábios bonitos e um afago foi deixado no seu ombro antes que ele sumisse no próprio quarto. entrou ali e viu as roupas na cama, uma blusa que provavelmente era do mesmo e uma boxer com etiqueta, não conseguiu evitar de sorrir com o cuidado.
viu? era esse o embate, gostava do tato e da preocupação, mas queria que ele se preocupasse por simplesmente querer assim e não porque te achava bobinha.
foi para o banheiro com as peças nos braços e notou no fim do corredor que a luz amarela havia sido apagada, ele já devia estar deitado então. ao contrário do que poderia parecer, falta de educação ou descaso, enzo apenas confiava muito em ti, acostumado com a sua presença e sabendo que você estaria habituada com tudo ali de dentro para não precisar ficar de cima.
no banho, sua mente te castigava, não conseguia se concentrar na água ou nos músculos relaxando, se lembrava do beijo no seu aniversário... breve, mas o suficiente para que você se recordasse exatamente de como a boca do mais velho era macia, de como o toque dele tinha sido firme e gentil e de como o corpo te prensando contra a bancada fora gostoso. estavam sozinhos lá agora, talvez... se você só perguntasse o que tinha significado... fechou o registro e saiu, se secando e vestindo as roupas largas emprestadas.
os passos eram dados com muito custo, temerosos, e o corpo retesava quando se encontrava de frente para o quarto principal. "isso é besteira", dava meia volta e cerrava os punhos, "mas é a única oportunidade", levava o polegar até a boca roendo a unha e se virava outra vez, "vai só incomodá-lo com isso...", recuava quando a mão erguia para bater, "é só inventar uma desculp-
e a porta se abria.
enzo passando a mão na nuca, bagunçando ainda mais os cabelos que estavam enormes. os olhos fixavam-se nos seus quando ele te percebia, mas não disse nada. em segredo, ele estava indo te perguntar a mesmíssima coisa que saiu da sua boca em seguida, mas ele o faria provavelmente bem menos embolado e atropelado.
— sr. vogrincic eu preciso saber o que significou o beijo! — puxava o ar angustiada. — eu não paro de pensar nisso, não tem um único dia desde que aconteceu que eu não
mas o agarre te envolvia e te puxava para dentro dos aposentos, cortando o raciocínio. era rápido e ágil, mas não a ponto de te machucar, isso jamais. fechou a porta atrás de ti e te encostou ali, apoiando uma mão na madeira e a outra brincando com o tecido da blusa dele em você, enquanto a testa pesava no seu ombro.
— o que você prefere que tenha significado? — o tom que ele usava era de um homem cansado e vencido, não fisicamente, mas mentalmente, porque ele precisava saber tanto quanto você.
— eu... — a boquinha contorcia, os fios espetados dele fazendo cócegas no seu pescoço e a respiração quente te deixando arrepiada, com os mamilos marcados no tecido de algodão. — se eu disser... você promete não me demitir? — perguntava tirando um riso mudo de outrem.
— prometo.
você tomava coragem, deitando a cabeça pra trás e fechando os olhos, confessando.
— queria que significasse que o senhor não me acha uma garotinha indefesa e burra... queria que me olhasse como mulher, sabe?... que me desejasse como mulher... — a última parte saía falha.
por um minuto inteiro o único som que se ouvia era o de suas respirações, a sua afetada já, e a dele calma, o remanso do quarto diferente de como seus pensamentos chegavam em um turbilhão; a vontade de sair de lá correndo, mas a necessidade de estar perto superando e te mantendo no lugar.
enzo parou de embolar a barra da blusa nos dedos e desgrudou lentamente a fronte do seu ombro, passando a te encarar de perto, quase roçando seus narizes. você parecia prestes a chorar de nervosismo com a admissão, instigando um lado másculo e um bocado vil nele. como homem, ter aquele tipo de efeito em alguém era delirante, mas ele estava tão miserável quanto a garota pequena à sua frente.
— então você quer que eu diga que... — ele começava, vagaroso e provocante. — desde o primeiro dia em que eu coloquei meus olhos em você, te achei a coisinha mais linda? — depositava um selar na sua bochecha. — que todas as vezes que eu te vejo chegar aqui de manhã a minha vontade é de te beijar por vários minutos a fio e me atrasar pro escritório? — a língua morna alcançava seu pescoço, deixando um rastro antes de sugar a pele fina. — ou ainda, que não exista um único pensamento são quando eu chego do trabalho e te vejo empinada na máquina de lavar? é isso, chiquita? você prefere assim? hm?
— enzo... — sua voz era embargada por um choro que não era de tristeza, não era de medo, de dor, mas sim de uma fraqueza interna muito grande, incapaz de resistir ao feitiço que ele lançava.
— sí...? eu preciso que você fale, princesa... — as mãos grandes e àsperas procuravam pelas suas, miúdas e suaves, anovelando os dedos. ele puxava uma até os lábios e beijava na parte de trás, o olhar que costumeiramente era dócil com um ar felino te atingindo à queima roupa. — porque se for isso, eu posso resolver... — sibilou. — nós podemos...
— por favor... — você miou apertando os olhos e sentindo as lágrimas escorrendo pelos cantinhos.
— por favor...? — e enzo era impiedoso. estava prestes a mergulhar em águas muito fundas, mas sabia nadar, só precisava ter seu consentimento e estaria feito.
— preciso de você...
o vogrincic sorriu alargando a boca antes de te capturar num beijo ardente. o toque descia imediatamente para a sua cintura, segurando firme ali e te espremendo entre ele a porta de modo que fazia seus pulmões buscarem ainda mais por ar, coisa que a boca sedenta dele não permitia.
seus braços o envolviam o pescoço, mostrando o quão necessitada estava e ele não demorou a te alçar pelas coxas, te ajeitando no colo e andando até a cama, sem cortar o ósculo. se sentava na beira contigo e era imprudente ao lhe apertar a bunda, mas você não recusava, apenas se prostrava mais para ele, roçando os seios cobertos pela blusa contra o peitoral desnudo.
na sua cabecinha as sensações se mesclavam, dando curto circuito no cérebro. o cheiro dele, do perfume caro que ele passava todos os dias, exalando de cada canto do quarto, a língua quente explorando sua cavidade úmida e brincando com seu músculo afoito, as mãos apertando sua carne com um afinco absurdo, tudo. aos poucos, o que faziam deixava de ser uma fuga imoral do cotidiano, e se tornava seu único objetivo.
ele parava, te segurava as bochechas e observava seu rostinho, não precisava falar, ele já sabia... te tirou a camisa e deslizou os palmos por todo seu tronco exposto, os ombros, as clavículas, escorrendo pelo vão entre os seus seios e por baixo destes, sem conseguir evitar de soltar um arfar admirado.
invertia vocês na cama, te colocando deitada, os fios se espalhando pelo colchão e seu rostinho jovem ansioso preso nele; uma pena ele não estar com sua câmera ali. mas, enzo já tinha passado dessa fase... da fase das peripécias públicas, das rapidinhas, das provocações vazias, ele era um homem, no melhor sentido da palavra. a boca cheinha envolveu um dos mamilos arrebitados primeiro enquanto os dedos continuavam na missão de te afagar cada centímetro, e de tirar aquela peça íntima, que, apesar de ficar muito sexy em você, apenas atrapalhava agora.
rodeava e mamava o peito, sentindo seu gosto, deixando babado o bastante até que se arrastasse para o outro, oferecendo as mesmas carícias que te arrancavam resmunguinhos manhosos. e continuou descendo, mordiscando a barriguinha, sugando e deixando chupões como se decorasse uma tela.
— eres perfecta... — sussurrou e roçou o rosto em seu baixo ventre, entre o umbigo e a púbis, sentindo a tez quente e os músculos trêmulos abaixo dele. — para mi, solamente para mi...
subiu os olhos aos teus encontrando eles fechadinhos enquanto você aproveitava, mas negou, a mão te segurando o queixinho e o nome sussurrado te tomando a atenção novamente.
— quero que você olhe... — pedia percorrendo os dedos sobre seus lábios que o capturavam as primeiras falanges para chupar, tão mole e entregue que apenas fazia o que lhe vinha à mente. — assim... — ele deixava enquanto ia se acomodando entre suas coxas roliças.
beijava sua virilha, fazia desenhos imaginários com a língua por lá, te deixando quase aflita quando arrastava os dentes de levinho pelo monte de vênus. e era ainda mais difícil acompanhar aquilo sem poder desviar já que o uruguaio se certificava vez ou outra de que você continuava atenta. não sabia o que ele ganhava sendo tão maquiavélico, mas tinha a certeza de que ninguém chegaria aos pés dele.
quando ele finalmente abocanhava o sexo sensível e melado você revirava os olhos. as mãozinhas que descansavam no lençol descendo e se perdendo em meio ao cabelo castanho escuro.
enzo esticava a língua arrastando da entrada até o grelo inchado num ritmo moroso. brincava com o pontinho deixando que escorregasse pela superfície do músculo, ouvindo seus gemidos carentes. mas, precisava confessar que ao passo em que ficava cada vez mais duro era difícil não descontar em você, naquela buceta morna e gostosa que preenchia a boca dele, que ele mastigava e sugava fazendo o cômodo ser preenchido com uma melodia devassa de quando a carne estalava e de quando a língua dele penetrava seu canal ensopado.
o pau chegava a palpitar, mas não conseguia parar de te mamar, seu sabor era viciante. enzo vogrincic não te chupava apenas, beijava seu sexo, a língua girava, se contraía e esticava dentro de você enquanto o nariz se afundava na fendinha molhada, ele sugava o melzinho que fluía e engolia, se afastando com o rosto completamente passado, o inferior dilatado dos movimentos e da fricção.
— tan dulce, nena... me volvi adicto... — ele sorria de canto.
enzo se colocou de joelhos na cama, te olhando dali de cima, tendo a certeza de que nunca tinha tido paisagem mais estonteante. tocou o membro sobre o moletom, tão ereto que até as veias marcavam na calça. desceu o cós aos poucos e mordeu o lábio com força, gemendo fraquinho quando se envolvia e começava a punhetar. você olhava, entorpecida, oferecendo a mão pequena para substituí-lo, mas ele recusava.
— não, chiquita... hoje não é sobre mim... você vai ter outras oportunidades, hm? — disse simples, sentindo-se mais do que pronto e então se esgueirando para pegar algo no criado mudo.
— não...! — você pediu quando ele tirava de lá um pacote de preservativos, destacando um com os dentes e te olhando sem entender. — eu preciso de você... tudo de você... — sussurrava.
se a mente do vogrincic já estava anuviada de luxúria antes, você terminava de deixá-lo completamente perdido. queria tudo dele? o pau e a porra que ele te encheria? meu deus....
o homem se curvava sobre si de novo, voltando a te beijar com demanda. subia uma de suas coxas até estar coladinha no seu tronco e descia o olhar para sua entrada. pincelava, afundando a glande gordinha e rosada entre seus labiozinhos, roçando de um lado para o outro, até que você chamasse fininho "enzoo...", e enfim deslizava para dentro, nenhum centímetro sobrando.
— puta madre... — enzo gemia sôfrego para si mesmo. — tão apertada... — e nisso enfiando o rosto na curva do seu pescoço, se embriagando no seu cheiro misturado com o suor que os corpos soltavam pelo calor e pelo atrito, o perfume de sabonete remanescente do seu banho recente apenas dando as notas finais pra que ele ficasse louco.
o quadril se impulsionava no vai e vem, o membro grande e grosso te beijando o pontinho esponjoso desde a primeira investida, como se tivesse sido feito para si, modelado para te preencher. a posição que não podia ser mais intimista com ele sussurrando o quanto você era boa, o quanto ele precisava se derramar em ti e te fazer dele enquanto os torsos se amassavam e roçavam.
suas unhas que o arranhavam as costas a cada vez que ele metia mais forte te fazendo duvidar do quão mais conseguiria aguentar. ele tinha a deixado já tão suscetível com o oral e agora seu membro vinha, sujigando cada canto interno e externo da sua bucetinha estreita, era demais.
— enzo.. enzo... — chamava numa prece.
— não segura, nena... dejálo fluir, de-
e ele mesmo não se continha, sentindo os apertos deliciosos que suas paredes davam ao redor do falo latejante, apertando os olhos e gemendo rouco quando se enfiava uma última vez. a pressão do seu orgasmo praticamente o ordenhando ali dentro, despejando até a última gotinha no seu colo do útero.
sua visão ficava turva, a sensação de preenchimento sendo o suficiente para te exaurir e quando o vogrincic fazia menção de se mexer você negava, com um biquinho.
— fica mais... — pediu, sentindo ele concordar mudo, te ajeitando melhor debaixo dele para que ficassem confortáveis.
sabia que ele era um homem certinho, muito provavelmente que optaria por uma ducha antes de dormir direito depois de uma foda, mas estava tão bom... que você acordava apenas no outro dia com o barulho da campainha do apartamento.
sentava no colchão assustadinha e com os cabelos desalinhados. notava que ele tinha te vestido a camiseta de novo, mas nem sequer sinal da cuequinha. levantava e ia até o batente do quarto, espiando o lado de fora e então ouvindo a voz de uma pessoa mais velha e uma infantil, esperando até que a porta fosse fechada novamente; seria incômodo se os pais dele te vissem ali, naquele estado.
mal teve tempo de caminhar até a sala quando maria vinha correndo, erguendo a cabeça e abrindo um super sorriso quando te reconhecia.
— papai! papai! a tia vai morar com a gente? — ela segurava sua mão a puxando até onde o mais velho estava tomando seu café preto usual.
— bom dia, bela adormecida. — ele provocava te fazendo ficar sem jeito.
— papaiii — a menorzinha se escorava nele, e então apontava para ti quando ele voltava toda a atenção para ela. — a tia vai morar com a gente, 'né?
— não sei... você precisa perguntar pra ela, princesinha. — ele colocava a xícara sobre a mesa e se curvava pegando a criança nos braços e enchendo de beijos, antes de pararem e te fitarem. — diz pra ela, maria, que seria muito bom ter ela aqui.
— é isso que o papai falou. — a menininha soprava e então estendia o bracinho na sua direção, querendo o abraço de ambos ao mesmo tempo. — você vem?
e quando você finalmente os encarava, ambos te olhavam com aquela carinha irrecusável de filhote abandonado, com o mesmo efeito de ter o coração flechado. você se derretia e não tinha como não balançar a cabeça positivamente.
— se não for incômodo...
— nunca seria. — o mais velho deixava um beijinho na sua testa. — vem, vamos tomar café da manhã.
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epiclamer · 2 years
Could you please write on hero x villian (single parent troupe)? :D I love it sm!!
Just the idea of (either hero or villian) getting all friendly and warm with the other's kid
And the other, at first being like UH UH NOPE STAY AWAY FROM MY KID but soon, after some time of bonding,
the other is the only person they can trust with the safety of their child?
Mmmmm delicious trope yesyes…
(No reposts but reblogs appreciated <3)
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New Recruit
Hero tapped their feet against the concrete flooring of Villains basement idly. Hardly paying any attention to their surroundings or the situation they were in, it was all too familiar. They were here a lot.
Ever since Villain got into the whole “kidnapping” thing, Hero had been a frequent visitor at the Villain estate. At first, it was frightening. Then, it turned more into friendly chatting and tea time than business and torture. Hero had nothing against that.
The large door finally began its opening—weirdly enough Villain was ten minutes early this time, that was new—but instead of Hero’s nemesis striding into the room, only a small head poked its way through the door frame. One of a child, a young child, ten at the most took a few nervous steps into the room before closing the door quietly.
Hero blinked in shock, the kid was a mirror reflection of their greatest enemy. Same nose, same eyes, same curious nature… just younger. Had Villain invented some sort of age regressing potion? Was this the same Villain of many years ago?
Lost in thought Hero hardly noticed the child puff up their chest and walk stiff-legged to a stop in front of them. Eyeing them up and down as they furrowed their brows slightly in an attempt to seem menacing. Hero had to stop the small chuckle from escaping their lips at the display.
“Who are you?” Despite the child’s best efforts to seem scary and in charge, their voice came out like a high pitched squeak as they shook a little in their stance.
“I could ask you the same thing.” Hero smiled, finding the younger one quite amusing, but the child didn’t back down.
“Are you Parent’s new lover.”
“The other one isn’t coming back so are you the new one.” There was a slight look of disappointment that crowded the poor kid’s face. They looked upset, as if they had watched their parent go through many heartbreaks and tissue boxes, but was clueless as to how to help.
Parent must have been Villain. That was the only connection that seemed fathomable in this case scenario, besides Hero had known that Villain had a long line of past lovers behind them, so it was only reasonable that this child in front of them was Villains and not the villain themselves.
That was definitely new to Hero. They had never known Villain had a child, and Villain most likely would’ve kept them that way and out of harm for years to come if they had had the chance. Unfortunately for them, this kid was very curious and determined to save their parent’s broken heart.
Adorable. Hero couldn’t help the flutter of pride in their chest for the kid.
Hero contemplated telling Villains child the truth, they surely didn’t want to lie to them and con their way out of this situation—Hero had a feeling that would do more harm to the kid than good—but the truth wasn’t all that easy to explain either. And telling the kid that their only parent is actually a wanted criminal was probably not very smart and Villain would surely have their head for it.
But without having to dwell on it much further, the rushed footsteps of who Hero assumed to be Villain stomping down the stairs towards the basement sounded and Hero found themselves sure of their answer.
“Yes. I am.” Hero was confident in their tone for such a rotten lie, but something in their heart pounded again when the kid broke out into a grin and the stress seemed to evaporate from their shoulders. They were starting to grow fond of this kid and co-parenting with their longtime crush Villain was becoming more and more endearing by the second.
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tophat-owl · 1 year
Oh for fucks sake!
First Snufmin and now bowuigi!? I'm not even a monster fucker! I'm just a bitch for interspecies relationship's! Idk why but I find something about it so adorable! Why brain why!?
Not to mention that Bowser is a dad! Another thing I'm a bitch for! Single parents that finally allow themselves out there, that fear that they may not get along with your child. But they do and in time start to become so ingrained in the family dinamic one starts wondering if they had always been a part of it all along.
And the other way around! The fear that they won't be a good parent but willing to try because they love their partner so much and don't want to see them go. And the realization that they are a good parent and are ready for the responsibility, not only because of there partner but because of the little bundle of joy they have now fallen in love with! And after a while wonder how they ever lived without there family.
Just aaaaaaaaa
And let's not forget why I love interspecies relationship's so much! It's basically for the same reason as the single parent trope! A new way of life they don't quite understand, a difference in way's of showing how much they love each other. Sometimes they stumble sometimes they don't get the hint, not for any fault of there's, they just have never experienced it before. The angst to! The heartbreak of thinking the other doesn't love them back, because something so obvious to them is so confusing to the other. The nesasary communication for all of it to work at all.
But no matter the obstacles
It still works
And they fall in love with every form there partner expresses love and maybe... Even starts doing it themselves.
Just gaaaaahh!
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒊𝒍𝒍 (𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠 #2) 🍼🧑🏻‍🍳☕️
✍🏽: 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲
Get the book! 🌟
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hellogoodbye14 · 2 years
I don’t know why but recently the single parent trope has had me in a chokehold.
Which means….. that I’m only going to be able to write Feysand with nyx fics now or gwynriel as parents.
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mybookends · 2 years
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The Takeover | TL Swan | 3.8 ⭐️
So this book is the second in the Miles High series that follows the 4 Miles brothers who are billionaires running Miles Media. This book follows Tristan who is head of acquisitions, he decided which of the failing media companies are worth buying and takes them over (thus the title of the book).
The FMC is Claire who is a widowed single parent of 3 boys who is the CEO of Anderson Media. Her late husband was Wade Anderson and he built that company and it was passed to her when he died. I don’t understand why all the media companies in the book are *insert last name* Media. Like this was how all 3 media companies that were talked about were named.
Anyway, I digress, I do not like parenting tropes like ever. I don’t know why, it’s probably because I hate kids lol and tbh I hated her kids. The youngest Patrick was sweet and the oldest Fletcher was kind of whatever but Harry the middle child was just on my fucking nerves bro. That kid had so many issues that Claire, for some reason, had no idea about because she was actually so self involved. When Tristan basically says that she wants him to be Wade like not be Tristan and live her life with him. She wanted him to just step in as Wade and keep the life she built with Wade and I totally felt that. Like she was using him. She was not necessarily the best mom and Tristan met those kids and stepped into the father role so quickly and I’m like girl you’ve had YEARS to be a good mom and this man is showing you up in a week?? Idk
I loved Tristan. Thought he was hot but I think I just don’t like TL Swans FMC but we will see once I read the 3rd book. The reason I rated it pretty high is because I lived Tristan’s character and his relationship with the boys. He saved this book.
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hopeless-weakness · 2 years
2022 Books I’ve Read
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Rule Breaker by Stacey Lynn
(Las Vegas Vipers book 3)
(I received an ARC for this book)
Trigger Warnings include:
drug use, child sex trafficking, child neglect, rehab
‘Now THAT’S a way to start a book.’ I made sure to make note of that! We dive right into Dominick and the heavy weight on his shoulders. I instantly wanted to hug him and protect him. In swoops Holly, ready to do just that for me! And I definitely trusted her to do that for Dominick. She came with her own mess, but that never stopped her from being the best person to stand by Dom’s side. Thanks to the way the cookie crumbles, Dominick is tasked with coaching Holly’s son’s hockey team. So he’s the hot hockey player AND the hot hockey coach! But Dom is absolutely more than just hockey! I loved how instantly Dom and Holly wanted to protect each other, even without truly knowing the extent of the circumstances. Everything involving Dom and Ben had me swooning! Their bond did a number on my heart! Dominick went from “don’t breathe in my vicinity” to “I really wanna spend time with kids” SO quick! But also, not quick enough! And then, he starts opening up with his teammates, forming friendships that he truly deserved. Few things are more attractive than when a man, seemingly a stranger, stands up for a single mom to her POS ex. And Dominick does it perfectly, flawlessly, and without hesitation. He didn’t want Holly to think he was a monster (not that he ever was). He wanted her goodness, but was so terrified of dimming her light. Nothing ripped them apart, everything only made them stronger. Together, and for each other. 
My Favorite Quotes:
• “That second goal was for you.”
• “Then get your ass over here and do it.”
• “We need to finish our meals, Before I throw you on this table.”
• “I don’t want any background noise for what I’m about to do to you. I only want to hear the sounds you’re about to make.”
• “I’ll teach you everything I like.”
• “I’m not leaving here without hearing you shatter.”
• “Hold on, honey.”
• “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better view, in my entire life, until I walked in and saw you right here.”
7/10 Dirty Birdy
8/10 Single Parent
7/10 Sports Romance
goodreads account
click here for my reading playlist! 🎧📖 click here for my reading playlist on spotify! 🎧📖
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hstylesficrecs · 11 months
Established Relationship
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Single Parent
Uni/Fratboy Harry
Grumpy x Sunshine
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Me: I want to write I’m going to write one of the many ideas I’ve been talking about forever and actually start something
Also me: meet cute but they’re two single parents who got called in to the school because their kids were fighting
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cosmophonia · 2 years
"I changed for you!" - overused, outdated, pretty bland, vague, usually said in toxic romance stories.
"I've always been ignored, misjudged, even criticized. Just for being myself. I'm aware I'm not a good person. I'm aware I've made many mistakes. Some unforgivable. I've been called names, and I've internalised them. Made them part of my identity. But for once in my life I feel seen. Heard. Understood. Accepted. Finally I can be totally myself around someone. It's scary. But if that someone is you, and you stay by my side, the world doesn't seem so bad." - spectacular, bittersweet, the perfect amount of heartbreaking, implies personal growth and living in a healthier environment, can be used platonically, just perfect.
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xxwhiskeyxx · 1 year
Love Trope February! Single Parent: Swiss x Reader
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Swiss and Reader are both single parents (divorced/cheated on and the other spouse passed away) but their kids end up becoming besties in school so they're always talking about their friend. Swiss and Reader meet because Reader becomes a manager for Ghost for Copia. Both parents have seen their kids bestie in passing while picking up their child but haven’t seen their parent so one day the kids decide they want their parents to meet (they both know they have single parents and want them together cause yay sibling) so they make them wait so they meet. Cue shocked spiderman pose when discovering their kids are besties.
6k words
HI! Not many things to say other than thank you Chaos for helping me come up with Allistor's personality (Also I know it's not the common spelling of Allistor, I jus like this way), also ignore the way it kinda doesn't make sense how they have lived at the ministry for 3 years and are friends with Mountain & Dew but yet have never seen Swiss with his twins. ITS FOR THE PLOT
Small masturbation scene but not much detail
- love Whiskey <3
(Y/N) was heading down to the school room to pick up their son Allistor; they had finished their duties for the day around the time it was time for the children to leave. Allistor had been going to the Ministry’s little school since he was 5 years old, and now that he was 9, they had combined the ghoul kits and human children together this school year, “Why must we separate the little ones just because they are two different species?” Papa Copia had announced. Some parents were uncomfortable with the thought of their children being taught alongside ghouls. Still, after a week, it was clear the children worked well together and loved being taught together, of course, the kits had special classes they would go to that aligned with their element (or affinities if they were Multis) so they could learn to control their magicks.
Opening the door to the classroom, (Y/N) spots their son playing with the two kits he had made friends with at the beginning of the school year. Elvira and Everett were twin Multi ghouls who were a year older than Allistor. Still, they were possibly the sweetest and funniest kits the mother had ever met, “Alli, it’s time to go honey.” (Y/N) calls, their son whirls around with a huge grin on his face, “Hi Mama!” he yells, smiling like a little imp, “Hi Ms. (L/N)!” the twins call, following their friend as he barrels to his parent, wrapping his arms around their waist.
Ruffling his hair slightly, “Hey guys, you have a good day at school?” they ask; all of them nod, “Mrs. Obando made us learn about the water cycle, but Mountain took Vira and me to the gardens and showed us how to grow flowers!” Everett says, the twins smoothly producing (Fav./Flower) from behind their backs and holding it up to the adult with matching grins, “For the lovely lady” Elvira cheekily says, their faces exposed since they were so young. They didn’t have to wear masks yet since it’d be expensive to constantly resize them with how much they grow. Gasping dramatically, “Thank you guys.” they say, taking the flowers from the kits, “Who taught you two how to be so romantic.” (Y/N) teases.
“Our daddy, he says it’s important to be smooth to show pretty people you aren’t an asshole.” Everett replies, laughing at the causal curse from the child, “Now Everett, you know not to use that type of language.” (Y/N) playfully scolds, they personally don’t mind if children curse if they can use it properly. Still, they have to try to seem like a responsible adult in front of the teacher that had sent a look over at the kit. “Yes, ma’am.” he says, though the grin doesn’t fade, tail flicking mischievously behind him. “All right guys, I think it’s time me and Alli get going, it was nice seeing you two.” (Y/N) says, the twins look slightly sad at the mention their friend was leaving.
“Bye Vira, bye Rett.” Allistor says, getting tackled into a hug by the twins, “Bye Alli, see you tomorrow!” they say in unison, happy trills coming from the two as the younger boy hugs them back. “C’mon, Allie, we’re making your favorite tonight; you can help too.” (Y/N) says, smiling at the three. Begrudgingly separating from his friends, the brown-haired boy grabs his parent’s hand, “Really?!” he asks excitedly, waving over his shoulder once more as they leave the classroom. Allistor had always loved cooking with his parent, even when he was little, despite how his father would always say it was ‘Women’s work’ and saying how (Y/N) would make his son into some little wussy bitch.
Thankfully the man is far, far away from them, locked in jail for child and domestic abuse; it had been a very messy divorce and an even messier court case, but everything got better when (Y/N) officially moved into the Church since they knew they would be safe there. This had all happened when Allistor was 7, and they had been living in the Ministry for 3 years. But despite how much happier he seems here, Allistor was overly responsible for his age; he always helped his mom as much as possible, never gave trouble, and tended to be very quiet. (Y/N) used to worry about him not having a good childhood because he seemed to be so focused on making sure his parent was happy, but then he met the twins this year.
Those rambunctious, outgoing twins really brought Allistor out of his shell, and this was the most he had ever smiled since he had started school. Before, he’d had to leave his mom and would always stay quiet in class, but now (Y/N) is even sometimes receiving little notes from his teacher about how little acts of mischief he gets up to with the Multi kits. This made the mother elated, their son was finally starting to open up and not act like a 30-year-old trapped in a 9-year-olds body.
“I got to go with Vira and Rett when they went with Mountain, Mrs. Obando let me since I was done with my work, and he promised he would teach me and Vira drums this weekend!” Allistor says excitedly, almost jumping up the stairs as the duo walks to their small suite. Families in the Ministry get a bigger room with two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small kitchenette; not as grande as the papal suites but it worked for the young parent and their son. “Is that so? That’ll definitely be fun.” (Y/N) says, “Maybe we can invite him for dinner that night as a thank you.” they suggest, looking down at their son, who nods spastically, “Yes! We can make that pot roast he likes!” he says, already starting to name off possibilities for sides and a desert.
Laughing softly, the young boy always loved the large Earth ghoul (Y/N) and Mountain had been friends for many years, even before Allistor had been born. He had helped the poor parent with the divorce, and they spent many a night in the ghoul’s room with his mate Dewdrop during the procession to protect themselves from their abusive ex. He would watch Allistor whenever (Y/N) needed help and was the closest thing to a father figure the little boy had. Mountain had also been the one to recommend them for the position of Copia’s assistant due to their amazing organizational skills and ability to wrangle the ghouls like a bunch of puppies.
Making it to their little home, (Y/N) opens the door, and Allistor races inside, already on the way to the kitchen as soon as he throws his backpack down. “Slow down honey, it’s only 4 pm.” they laugh as their son starts to gather the ingredients for that night's dinner, “I know, but this recipe always takes forever!” he calls back, taking out heavy cream, a box of linguine noodles and grabbing the chicken that (Y/N) had thawing in the sink, along with the vegetables. “Okay, Alli, let me do the chicken, and then we can get started, okay?” they say as they walk into the kitchen; the boy nods and watches as his parent takes out a cutting board and gets to work slicing the chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces.
They finish making the pasta around 6 pm, it indeed takes a while to cook this dish, but it was worth it. Sitting down on the small couch, they dig in, “This is great Alli, definitely the best version you’ve made yet.” (Y/N) compliments their son, who grins at them, “Thanks Mama, I added a little more basil and paprika to the chicken this time, I think it works better.” he says, slurping up a sauce covered noodle. Silently handing him a napkin, the two begin to make small talk; despite being nine, Allistor can hold surprisingly grown-up conversations; he asks questions about their work and when the next tour is, sadly, he cannot go with them whenever his mother goes on tour since he has school. Still, he stays with Omega, another good friend of (Y/N)’s, until they return.
They move onto the talk of the school, and the topic of Elvira and Everett come up, “Have you met their parents yet, honey?” (Y/N) asks, finishing up the last of their food, Allistor nods, “They just have their dad, he’s cool, he’s a Multi too!” he says, (Y/N) nods, having figured so, “He always gives me candy when he sees me, but then he messes up my hair and calls me squirt.” he pouts slightly. (Y/N) laughs, their son was slightly small for his age, but they hoped he’d grow as he got older. “He sounds nice, if the twins are any reflection of him.” they muse. Allistor nods again, “They look just like him, but Everett has different eyes, he says his dad says he has his mom's eyes. Mrs. Obando says the twins are just like him too, I can’t remember his name though.” he says, trying to remember.
“It’s okay, honey. Hey, whenever I meet their dad, maybe we can set up a play date for you guys.” (Y/N) says, they watch as Allistor’s head shoots up, “Really?!” he gasps; bouncing excitably. (Y/N) nods, smiling, “Yeah, maybe tomorrow since it’s Friday, we can set it up for this weekend once you and Elvira are done with your drum lesson.” they suggest. The boy's (E/C) eyes grow even bigger with his smile, “Yeah! I’ll talk to Vira and Rett tomorrow!” he says. Nodding, “Now how about we watch an episode of Adventure Time before it’s time for your shower and bed?” (Y/N) asks, Allistor agrees and snuggles into his mom as they turn the TV on, switching the TV to their Firestick and clicking HBO, quickly clicking on the show.
The show seems to go fast, 3 episodes go by before (Y/N) shoos their son off to take a shower and get ready for bed. Taking the time to clean up from dinner and put away the leftovers to eat another day, they wash the few dishes in the sink and leave them to dry. Sitting back on the couch and listening to the sound of the shower running, they allow their mind to wonder.
That day had been a lot of watching the band practice while setting hotel stops and more venues for later in the tour, Copia had insisted that he wanted to tour the US again this tour after they finished in Europe, so (Y/N) had already scheduled them to go through the Midwest and for the most part they’d have hotels, but there would be a few days they’d have to sleep on the tour bus in order to make it to the next venue or because the nearest hotels were too expensive. But one thing kept distracting them, Swiss.
The Multi had always been flirty with them, constantly complimenting them on their outfit of the day (since they were a manager, they were allowed to wear normal clothes most of the time since they were either in their small office or the practice room), sitting next to them on the small couch and throwing his arm around their shoulder as he chatted, sometimes even teasingly offering for them to sleep in his bunk with him while they were on tour. Swiss was also kind. All of the ghouls were, but he always seemed to have an excuse to help them out somehow or ask how their day went. Over the last 3 years of being Copia’s assistant, (Y/N) had grown feelings for the ghoul, despite the promise they had originally made to themselves of not dating again in order to focus on Allistor. But that Multi had weaseled his way into their heart.
Mountain and Dew have teased them about their little crush, offering to set them up and always trying to make the two be alone in rooms together, but (Y/N) insists that Swiss is just a flirt and friendly and why would he want a single parent, this statement made the two ghouls look at each other and sigh. “We’re telling you (Y/N), he would not give a shit for one and two, he fucking is head over tail for you!” Dew had said when they were sitting in the ghoul’s shared room one night, and Omega had offered to watch Allistor for the night so (Y/N) could have a much-needed ‘Girls Night’ which consisted of going out with Mountain, Dew, and the Ghoulettes. After getting back, the girls said they were tired and headed the bed, leaving the human with their best friends. “Dew, I have Alli. I can’t be distracted by a relationship.” (Y/N) insisted, “Leave them alone, Lemnoidaea, even if you’re right.” Mountain cutting in, winking at his friend, who groaned, “Not you too!” they groaned, dramatically falling back onto the bed.
“We’re jus telling you the truth, sweetheart, that Multi talks about you nonstop.” Mountain insisted that, lying next to his friend, Dew sprawled across the two’s stomachs. “Let’s talk about something else, please.” (Y/N) asks. The ghouls look at each other but concede. The night had been fun, (Y/N) had passed out cuddled between the two and had woken up to Allistor jumping in and snuggling up with his mom with the ghouls, soon joined by Omega.
“Mama, I’m ready for bed. Can we read The Hobbit tonight?” Allistor asks from the hallway, startling (Y/N) from their thoughts, “Huh, oh sure baby. I’ll be there in a sec, lemme grab the book.” they call, their son nods and heads to his room. Standing up and stretching for a minute, they make their way to the small bookcase that the TV sits on, grabbing the book before following after him.
Allistors room was small, but the perfect size for a 9-year-old. The walls were covered in a few different movie posters, along with crafts he had made at school, and some pictures of various sizes, some of just him and (Y/N), a few with Mountain and Dew, and some of the small group together. (Y/N)’s favorite was the one from when Allistor was 6. He was sat on Mountain’s shoulders with possibly the biggest grin on his face. Dew had his arms wrapped around (Y/N) and Rain, and the 5 were standing in the Ministry garden. The ghouls had just finished helping (Y/N) move the last of their things from the house they had shared with their ex and were now officially living in the Church. The rest of the room was identical to (Y/N)’s, with a little desk in the corner where Allistor did his homework; it had a few knick-knacks and a small bed that had Harry Potter bedding.
Sitting on the said bed and helping tuck him in, (Y/N) smooths the blankets out before lying down next to Allistor, who snuggles up next to them. Turning to the first page, they read, “In the ground, there lived a hobbit…”
It took about 2 chapters for the little boy to fall asleep, but (Y/N) continued to read for a few more minutes before bookmarking the page and kissing his forehead. Smoothing back his hair and gazing at their son for a minute, he had their nose, eyes, and lips, but everything else of the boy was that of his father. A strong chin and jaw, even for a child, high cheekbones, and thick, arching brows combined make Allistor look like a serious little man.
Kissing him again, (Y/N) carefully climbs out of the little bed and makes their way to their own room, grabbing clothes and taking a quick shower before lying down in their bed. Their mind begins to wander again, back to a certain Multi. Imaginary scenarios of cuddling in the bed their lying in soon turn spicy. Hand creeping down their sleep shorts, they begin to circle their clit, biting their lip against quiet moans as they picture him going down on them, how he’d used that long forked tongue to fuck them as his stares up at them with his gold-silver eyes; then how he’d hover above them and fuck his cock into them, would he use his tail to play with their clit like they are now; riding the Multi as he whines out their name, his melodic voice begging them to use him for their pleasure. It doesn’t take long for them to arch their back as they cum, whimpering out Swiss’ name. “Fuck…how am I gonna look him in the eye tomorrow?’ they mumble out, choosing to wipe their hand on their sheets before turning over and allowing the blissful exhaustion of their orgasm to take over, falling asleep snuggled into their pillow.
The Next Morning
(Y/N) is awoken by their alarm blaring from their phone, groaning as they click it off. Taking a few minutes to scroll through social media before getting up and starting their morning routine, quickly brushing their teeth and washing their face. Waking up Allistor so he can get ready for school, and then going back to their room, they grab a pair of ripped black jeans, a t-shirt that has a picture of a raccoon and reads “Human Laws are Absolute Trash”, a gift from Dewdrop, and their combat boots. They then go to the kitchen and start a simple breakfast, eggs and toast, making a cup of coffee as Allistor trudges into the living room, yawing and rubbing his eyes. “Come eat baby, we gotta head out soon.” (Y/N) calls from the couch, he nods and walks into the kitchen, returning with a plate of food and a small cup of coffee, (Y/N) allows him to have a little every once in a while since their little man was absolutely not a morning person, just like his parent, they eat in silence with the TV droning the news.
“Come on, let’s get ya to the classroom. Copia asked me to come to his office this morning.” (Y/N) says after they place the pan they cooked the eggs in, in the sink. Allistor groans but begrudgingly grabs his backpack, they make their way downstairs to the school room, kissing his forehead and ruffling his hair slightly, he walks in and immediately bolts to the twins. Smiling slightly at the sight, they begin to head to the papal office wing. Looking down at their phone for a minute as they walk; all of a sudden, they run into a wall, or at least they thought it was.
Warm clawed hands grab their shoulder’s as they stumble, (Y/N) looks up and low and behold, the ghoul that has been plaguing their thoughts is staring down at them with his signature smile. “Hey shortie, where ya off to in such a hurry?” he asks teasingly, letting go now, fighting off the blush they can feel rising in their cheeks, “Papa asked me to come to his office this morning.” they say, brushing off imaginary dirt from their pants. Swiss stares at them for a second before grinning again, “What a coincidence, he asked me to come in too!” he says, (Y/N)’s eyes widen; what could Copia need from both of them? “C’mon, let’s go before he starts wondering where we are.” Swiss says, gesturing for them to follow.
The pair make it to Copia’s office, and the ghoul knocks on the door, “Enter!” they hear from inside, Swiss holds the door open for them, dramatically bowing as they pass, (Y/N) rolls their eyes and laughs slightly. “Hello (Y/N), Swiss.” Copia says from behind his desk, seemingly already buried in paperwork for the day, “I’m sure you two are wondering why I asked you both to meet me so early this morning?” he asks, they both nod, “Well, as you know, our Impera tour is set to begin soon. So I wanted you two to go through all of the instruments, and make sure they are in good condition. This is why I asked Swiss to be here. And (Y/N), I want you to make a sheet including any and all possible supplies we will need for both the instruments and on the bus; food, strings, games, drumsticks, blankets, extra cords, and whatever. I trust Swiss to know the conditions of the instruments, we’ll check once more right before we leave, but I want to know if there is anything we need to do now.” he explains.
‘Fuck, I was hoping I’d just see him at practice tomorrow; now I have to spend hours in a room alone with him..’ (Y/N) thinks, “Yes sir, we’ll get right to it.” they say, Swiss agrees. Copia smiles at the pair, (Y/N) thinks they see an impish glint in his green eye but just waves it off for probably just the light. As they walk down to the practice room, Swiss is chattering on about how excited he is for the next tour, “The new masks are going to be a pain in the ass, but the uniforms are so much more comfortable than last time.” he rambles, “I actually helped with the design for these, figured you guys would prefer the boots and cool jackets over the spats and tight button ups, plus I convinced Copia to let you guys customize them a little.” (Y/N) says sheepishly. Swiss turns and gapes at them, “Really? That’s amazing, I’d say I didn’t know you had such good taste in fashion, but given your outfit of the day, which is amazing, by the way,” he says with a wink, “You really are great with this stuff.” he finishes, grinning at them again.
This time, (Y/N) can’t fight the flush that wells in their cheeks, “Thanks, Dew got the shirt for me when we were in Texas last time.” they say, “And I can’t take all the credit, Papa helped with the designs too.” they ramble. Swiss continue to ramble and grin at them. As they approach the band room, he holds the door again as they enter. “Okay, I guess you start on the instruments, and I’ll start the list.” (Y/N) says with a clap of their hands, turning to the Multi, who nods and heads over to the small storage closet where the guitars are hung up. The pair work in comfortable silence, other than the music playing with (Y/N)’s phone, the human typing away on the laptop they had brought with them as the ghoul checks the integrity of all of the guitars, keyboards, and drumset.
It takes a few hours to get everything done, (Y/N) asks Swiss if he has any requests for tour bus supplies, they plan on asking all of the ghouls later for their own requests, the Multi asks for a couple of certain snacks and offers to bring along Uno and some other card games. Soon (Y/N)’s phone alarm rings to let them know it is time to pick up Allistor, “Hey, wanna take a break for a minute, I gotta go pick up my son?” they call to Swiss. He turns around from where he had been rummaging through a box of instrument upkeep supplies, “Wait, what time is it?” he asks, “Almost 3:30, I’ll be back in a few.” they say, but he stands, “I gotta grab my kids too, told Aeth I’d get them today.” he says.
(Y/N) stares at him for a minute, Swiss has kids? Kids plural? ‘I wonder who they are. I didn’t know he had any kits.” they think, “Come on then, I’m sure they’ll be happy to see you. Maybe they can play with my son while we work; we still have a little bit to do.” (Y/N) suggests; Swiss nods, “Yeah, I’m sure they’ll be fine, there just like their old man, but they know not to mess with the instruments.” he grins. They exit the practice room and make their way towards the classroom, chatting about their kids; apparently, Swiss has twins, and their 10, ‘That sounds like Elvira and Everett, they can’t be his kids, though..Right?’ they think as they descend the stairs to the school wing. Thinking for a minute, (Y/N) had never seen Swiss’ full face, but they realized Elvira had the exact same eyes as he did.
Opening the door of the 9&10-year-old room, (Y/N) and Swiss call out for their kids at the same time, “Alli!”, “Trouble 1, Trouble 2!” The twins and Allistor whip their heads around, mouths agape at seeing their parents next to each other. Swiss and (Y/N) turn their heads back to one another, “You’re the twin’s dad?” they ask, “You’re Allistor’s mom?” he asks, and both stare at each other. How the hell did they never notice, glancing back at the kids, who were still staring at their parents, and then back at each other, “Well, I guess I see where Squirt gets his good looks from.” Swiss teases.
“Daddy!” Elvira yells, barreling in her father’s legs, who grins and scoops her up, “Hey Vi, you have a good day?” he asks as she giggles, clinging to her dad, tail whipping excitedly. “Hi, Mama.” Allistor says, running to hug his mom, Everett trailing after him and proceeds to headbutt Swiss’ stomach, and the Multi groans and places his hand on his kit's head. “Watch the horns, buddy.” he says weakly. The adults look at each other, “So I guess we head back to the practice room now. We’re almost done. Think you guys can stand watching your parents do menial tasks.” Swiss jokes, trying to put his daughter down, but she whines and clings like a vice, making him choke, “You two are the reason Aether has to keep healing me.” The Multi chokes out. Giggling at the ghoul’s dispair, (Y/N) offers their hand to Allistor, who happily grabs it as they head back to the band room.
The kids all decide to run around on the stage, playing tag, as (Y/N) and Swiss finish up the last of their work. “Hey, double trouble, you guys still remember how to play?” Swiss calls suddenly, holding up two guitars, “I do!” Everett yells, running over to his dad, “I do, but can I play drums instead?” Elvira asks, pointing at the large drumset, “I don’t know. Did Mounty say you could touch his drums?” Swiss questions, a joking look in his eyes, “Yes, daddy, he said I can as long as I put the stool back in the way he likes it.” she says, running over to the huge drumset; it was amusing to see the small girl sitting behind the large drums.
Allistor sits next to where Everett sat on his dad's stage, and Swiss grabs his guitar and names a song. (Y/N) is watching from their spot on the couch, smiling as the little family puts on a concert for them and Allistor, who is cheering between each song. Soon (Y/N) finishes the last bit of the work they had and sets the computer aside, walking over to the stage where the group seems to have gotten bored playing, “Do you think you can teach me to play Swiss, Mama said she was gonna ask Dew, but he’s always busy.” Allistor is asking the lanky ghoul, who looks down at the boy and smiles, “Sure, as long as you’re Mama promises to bring you down to visit these two as well, they talk about you all the time.” he offers.
“Please, Mama?!” Allistor begs, tugging on his mom's shirt, (Y/N) laughs and pats his head, “Of course, I was just about to ask Swiss if he and the twins wanted to join us for dinner so you guys can play.” they say, looking at the Multi, he grins and nods, “That’s fine with us, we eat anything.” he says. The twins squeal and grab their friend, “Let’s go; I’m starving!” Allistor says, grabbing his parent’s hand as the twins do the same to Swiss, chanting, “We’re hungry!” Both parents laugh and let their children drag them, Allistor and (Y/N) leading the course.
Once settled into the small suite, Allistor is drug off by the twins to his room, “I’d say they’re pretty excited that we met,” (Y/N) laughs, grabbing the things to make burgers for dinner, “I agree, they’ve apparently been plotting on making us meet way or another, even though we technically already know each other.” Swiss jokes, joining the human in the kitchen, “Let me help, I insist.” he says, grabbing the meat from (Y/N), “Fine, but only because it’ll help this go faster.” they say, pretending to seem begrudging but smiling.
In no time, the food is prepared, cheeseburgers with the options of onions, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and a few different condiments. They had been making small talk, Swiss slipping in compliments of their cooking skills and appearance, which made (Y/N) blush, then when the human had turned to call the kids, they accidentally ran into Swiss for the second time that day. But this time, instead of their shoulders, he grabs their waist to steady them; faces inches apart, gold-silver stare in (E/C). “You know, Mount told me something.” Swiss whispers, eyes glancing down at their lips, “Wh..what?” (Y/N) stutters, hands gripping broad shoulders.
But before he could finish, the kids barreled into the living room, causing the two to separate like they had been burned. “We could smell it from Alli’s room, is it done?” Everett asks, peeking into the kitchen, “Ye..yeah, come help yourselves!” Swiss stutters, thankful for his mask that is hiding his red face. His son stares at him for a second before calling his sister and friend to come to eat, the kids make their plates then the adults follow. The twins and Allistor had taken over the couch, leaving (Y/N) and Swiss to the floor. Everyone was talking about something, though the adults seemed to be subtly avoiding looking at one another.
Soon the food had disappeared, and the kids were whispering about something as their parents started cleaning up from dinner, “I have a feeling their conspiring against us, watch out for pranks. When I say call them double trouble, it’s not just a nickname.” Swiss jokingly warns as he scrubs the pan, (Y/N) putting away the leftover vegetables and condiments, “Oh no, I hope they don’t rope Alli into this, he’s a little sneaky bastard when he wants to be.” they laugh.
When suddenly, Elvira appears in the doorway, “Daddy, Ms. (Y/N), come here please, we wanted to show you something!” she says before darting away. The two look at each other but follow hesitantly; walking into the living room, they see the twins standing shoulder to shoulder, akin to the twins from the Shining, with unsettling grins on their faces that rival their fathers. Allistor was nowhere in sight, “What is it, Vira? What did you three do?” Swiss asks cautiously. The twins look at each other and then start to shimmy at their father, who grins and decides to play along, acting like Copia and pretending to faint. (Y/N) laughs at the sight, but when Swiss starts to stand back up, there is a flash of (Skin/Tone) and black, and suddenly Allistor is tripping Swiss.
(Y/N) hears the three run out of the room but instead is focused on catching the ghoul, grabbing him by the waist, they swing into something akin to a dip. Faces once again inches apart, Swiss’ arms around (Y/N)’s neck, “I…hi..” he says awkwardly, but makes no move to stand, “Hi…” (Y/N) says, the pair stare at one another for a second, “What did Mount tell you?” they whisper, Swiss’ eyes soften through his mask, “Can I just show you?” he whispers back.
As soon as (Y/N) nods, he pulls himself up enough to press his lips to theirs in a soft kiss. The human is shocked for a moment, but before Swiss can pull away, they kiss back; they stand up awkwardly but not letting go of each other, hands clinging to the Multi’s thin waist as his come up to cup their jaw. They stay connected for a few more moments before finally separating, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Ca..can I take it off?” (Y/N) asks softly, bringing a hand up to cup the mask's metal cheek, Swiss nods. Bringing their other hand up to the other cheek, they carefully lift the mask from his face, mouth open in shock when they finally see the beauty hidden by the metal. Allistor was right when he said that Elvira and Evertt were his mini me’s; the same strong nose, plush lips, sharp cheekbones, and even the same curls in their hair. Now able to see the face that goes with the piercing eyes they pictured last night, (Y/N) lets their fingers roam for a moment, grazing over his nose and cheeks, before bringing a chuckling Swiss back in for another kiss.
But this one is broken when the pair hear giggles break out from behind the couch; pulling away from each other and looking towards the sound, they spot Elvira, Evertt, and Allistor peeking from behind the arm of the couch. “You little imps!” Swiss jokingly growls, crouching down and launching at his kits and the human child, all of who shriek and dash away but soon Allistor and Elvira are dangling by their ankles in Swiss’ grasp, Everett squirming from where (Y/N) had picked him up and was holding him up. “I appreciate you three playing wingman, but let’s try not to make me eat it next time, huh?” Swiss says, shaking the two in his hold, who shriek their apologies. Everett giggles but lets out a scream of his own when (Y/N) suddenly flips him over their shoulders and holds him upside down by his ankles against their back, soon earning his apology.
“Okay, now that we have gotten the prisoners to apologize, how about we send them to have a sleepover in the ghoul den so we can have some alone time~” Swiss says with a grin, wiggling his now visible eyebrows, his kits both dramatically gag. At the same time, Allistor yells something about if he hurts his mom he’ll kick him in the balls. Laughing at the kids, “I mean, I can call Mount or Omega to come to pick them up, and they can watch them?” (Y/N) offers, to which Swiss smiles wider, “Hell yeah, how’s that sound. Sleepover with Mounty and Mega?” he asks as he tosses Allistor and Elvira on the couch, “Yeah!” they cry, Everett’s came from behind (Y/N), who then also sets him on the couch, earning a playful hiss from the kit once freed.
Soon Mountain came and collected the kids, grinning at the new paramours. Swiss had (Y/N) wrapped up in his arms and was kissing their neck lightly once the kids were out the door, “Told you, sweetheart.” Mountain teases, (Y/N) rolls their eyes, “Thanks Mounty. You sure it’s not a problem?” they ask, earning a groan from the Multi behind them as the Earth ghoul smiles at them, “Of course not, you two have fun. Just text me when you’re ready for the rugrats.” he laughs, then following after the kids who had already taken off down the hallway.
As soon as the door had closed, Swiss had (Y/N) pinned against the wall, “So, what to do now?’ he purrs, nipping at their throat, hands drifting under their shirt, “Mmm, I can tell you about something I fanaticized about last night.” (Y/N) whispers. Swiss looks at them with an evil glint in his eyes, “Oh, care to share with the class?” he teases. The human smirks and leans up to whisper in his ear. Once they pulled away, they felt his tail wrap tightly around their thigh before he suddenly lifted them off the floor by their thighs, “Oh my darling, you will have all of that and more~” he growls as he carries a giggle (Y/N) down the hall to their room.
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nuinokata · 1 year
sooo is misaki/anna-sensei a thing yet or...??? 👀
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rattrapdadfigure · 1 year
Just had the best daydream/idea!!!
In transformers earthspark the kids feel smothered by all their parent figures/older siblings that they just want somewhere else to relax.
Imagine them happening upon Shockwave who has since recovered from his terrible brainwashing and torture by the autobot council all those eons ago. And he’s just… gardening and running through the fields, enjoying life for once. Feeling like he’s finally alive and in control.
And he accidentally adopts twitch, thrash, robby, and mo 💀 and they just hang out and garden 🥰
And Shockwave actually listens to them when they tell it their wants, needs, and feelings. He’s just a great dad-
“Your feelings are valid, it’s okay to be frustrated with me, with this situation.”
Just giving them solid advice and not being overbearing or judgmental like Optimus, Dot, and (maybe)Bee.
The kids parents don’t know they’re hanging out with another ex war criminal (Optimus, bee, and megatron + many others are also war criminals and idk why Autobots are so glorified lmao)
But Shockwave is not afraid if the parents know because there’s nothing wrong with their situation. He’s a responsible, caring, and genuine parent figure to them when their default parents are currently failing them. But the kids are scared of their default parents and just can’t handle the drama rn. So Shockwave supports their decisions.
But he also doesn’t move them around or try to hide or cover tracks. It just enjoys the time he has with them and they dance to music and play games like tag and make flower crowns and stuff!!! So wholesome, so cute!
Ofc their default parents would be mortified, understandably, you’d be really worried and want to know who is caring for your kids!!!
I can just imagine dot and Optimus finding out and forbidding them from seeing Shockwave. But the kids get really depressed and shut down because they couldn’t depend on their parents to begin with, how would they help now?
Anyways, all the parent figures: Optimus, dot, Alex, elita, megs, Bee, etc talk and they finally decide to let Shockwave see them for a short time.
So Shockwave shows up and the kids are elated! They run and give hugs and Shockwave is happy!! But then It tells the kids, “it was nice seeing you, even for a short time.” And the kids get confused/distressed. And now Shockwave has to explain to them that this was just a short visit and he doesn’t know when they’ll meet up again. It has to explain it to them!! Instead of their supposed parents!!! That’s messed up that the kids had to find out this way cuz the default parents can’t/won’t communicate properly. :((
So Robby, Mo, and Twitch get upset and start crying and Shockwave has to give them a goodbye hug and the human kiddos run back to the house and Twitch flies off, not wanting to stay. Thrash doesn’t move, but he’s obviously upset, tense. Shockwave asks him if he wants a goodbye hug and Thrash makes a sour face in general because he’s having a hard time coping. Shockwave understands this and is not upset, he is fine with Thrash being angry at him/the situation. Thrash is allowed his emotions.
So Shockwave has a little talk with the default parents.
“Why didn’t you explain to them what was going to happen? I don’t care what happens to me, but you need to prioritize their emotional health.”
Then the default parents get all defensive/possessive.
“Please, just listen to them. When they come to you don’t turn them away, they need you.”
So Shockwave gets ready to leave but then Thrash runs and gives him a hug. And then Shockwave leaves. :( Thrash goes to sit by the barn for some alone time but I wouldn’t be surprised if his default parents bothered him anyways even though he clearly communicates his needs. Just wouldn’t be surprised 🥲😑
Whoops!! I love the old morally grey single dad who is a great dad trope :’D
I also love Shockwave!! :))
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lexxwithbooks · 2 years
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📖: 𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 (𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒 #3) 🍑🍳💝
✍🏽: 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭
Get the book! 🌟
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emblazons · 1 year
just putting me being petty about mlvn behind a cut don't mind me
okay but. tbh I’m really enjoying pulling all these parallels and more nuanced (canonical) arguments against mlvn that have nothing to do with Will’s happiness because (on top of it now being more settled in the distance since the vol ii drop) it just reminds me that even if there was no byler option, Mike and El are fundamentally incompatible even before they set a borderline terrifying parent-child dynamic set into the foundations of their romantic relationship.
“Don’t make it the byler show” FINE. I’ll throw all the Will-related explanations out and pull all the "freeze frame" evidence for why, even independent of Will, Mildew is a fractured relationship that is both unequal on several levels AND will ruin even potential ongoing friendship if they don’t end this weirdly familial and unpleasant-for-both dynamic right now.
I know its slightly petty to enjoy it but lol. I've repeatedly said my GA self was convinced of the end of mlvn before I did an iota of digging for canon endgame byler, so. I never actually needed to see Mike’s feelings for Will to know it was over & should be for Mike and El, no matter how loud (and wrong) mlvns claim “their ship is canon,” Mike’s 9 “I love you’s” or her hearing about his love “saved the world” lmao ☠️
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maddiesbookshelves · 5 months
I am not immune to Akata promoting other manga in their catalogue at the end of their books (← person who saw a cover showing two men holding a child's hands between them and instantly knew their wallet would be 8,05€ lighter in the near future)
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