#single polarity devices
kip2gory · 2 years
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - SMD 240uF 20% 80V AEC-Q200
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can we get a part 2 to the station 19 cancer post please? It was really good and made me cry haha
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⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of cancer, throwing up and some swear words. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Your eyes burned from the bright light that the sun drew across the room in powerful rays. You tried to run sideways in the armchair you were sitting in, but this was thwarted by the many tubes attached to your arms and chest.
A breathing tube under your nose sprayed tickling air into it. Chemical substances spread through your veins in your body and poisoned you. Numerous devices around you, which controlled your vital signs, beeped in an unstoppable rhythm and kept you trapped in a position that you could not stand for much longer.
Your back hurt, your already weak body exhausted from the strenuous treatments.
Your sparkling eyes had lost all luster and stared emotionless at the fast line displayed on the screen next to you. Where once your thin, soft hair was, there was only bare skin over which a cold breeze blew and made you shiver.
Birds were loudly singing outside. Children laughed and romped happily on the opposite playground of the kinder garden but your happiness had long since died out. Every week, you sat in the same chair at the farthest corner of the white room, vegetating away.
You kept seeing the same faces talking. You had not spoken a single word to anyone before, did not even know the names of the nurses. But you did not care, you were not here to make friends or make new acquaintances.
Battling. Surviving. That was high on your priority list.
You were simply trying to endure it in silence, hoping that with each new session the side effects would disappear.
Four weeks ago, the horror had started and you remembered exactly how the first day of autumn had hit you. The side effects dragged on after the first few minutes of the first dose, nosebleeds and vertigo followed immediately afterwards.
Since then, unconsciousness and the pallor of your strength has haunted you with every new breath you took.
"Oye, mi preciosa," (Hey, my precious). You narrowed your eyes sullenly as the soft and husky voice pulled you out of your thoughts. Wearily, you looked at the source of the noise after receiving a loving kiss on your temple. It was Andy, who knelt in front of you short after, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "What are you doing here? I thought nobody was allowed to-"
"Fire department status," her gaze wandered to your port access, which ran along the left under your collarbone and took a deep breath. She had seen this on you several times before, but the paler your skin got from battling that pesky disease, the stronger it seemed to pop out into her eyes. "Besides, I have my secret sources"
Andy quickly averted her fixed and anxious eyes from it and got back on her feet. "Bailey?" you asked, getting a simple nod as an answer before your best friend conjured up a small stuffed teddy bear from behind her back, making you smile before you tried to reach for it.
As soon as you had the little white polar bear in your hand, you examined it. He was no bigger than the size of your head and wore a fire suit with a matching helmet. On it, a self-applied number showing the date you were born and your last name in white letters.
"This is Mr. Cuddlesworth," the Spaniard began to speak while she walked away from you. You looked after her questioningly, seeing her asking a nurse at the small counter for a folding chair. A smirk creased on your pale lips, realizing that she was not just here for a short visit but apparently intended to stay here for a longer period of time. Andy came back gratefully and continued with her statement. "He will be your cute little helper when I can not accompany you"
"Thank you, Andy. That means a lot to me"
She took your hand in hers and held it tight, rubbing small tickling circles on the back of your hand with her thumb. "I do not know how much longer I can take this," you confess to her in a moment of total silence. Tears welled up in your eyes, the tiredness that enveloped your soul like a membrane struggling to the fore.
You felt your life slowly fading away. Every breath became heavier, rattling noises leaving your throat. You did not even have the strength to clear your throat. Every time you tried to get air into your lungs, they only filled a quarter full. Your innermost self resisted the negative thoughts, but your body went on strike, leaving you with closed eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks. "I do not want to die"
"You will survive, mi amor," she hugged you comfortingly to damp your distress and fear. Gently, she spoke positive affirmations alternating between her mother tongue and American language, but you could feel slow tears falling down on your cold head while her chest trembled next to you. "You are the strongest woman I have ever met in my life"
You too clung to the last straw of hope that was bestowed on you from all sides, but with each passing day the insecurity gnawed at you. Even if you healed completely and your cancer did not recur after a period of time, you would never lead the same life.
It had already died with the diagnosis.
"So Mrs. L/n, your first cycle is over and you are done for today. You can go home," the nurse interrupted in your intimate embrace, patiently waiting for you to be unplugged from any systems. Andy excused herself and quickly stepped aside before pulling out her phone and frantically typing on her phone.
After they flushed your port, you struggled to push yourself off the chair with your remaining strength. The onset of tiredness after chemo was clearly noticeable. Your best friend put her arms carefully around your waist to support you as you both walked slowly towards the exit, your eyes darting on the floor the entire time as you rested your head on her shoulder.
Andy quickly unlocked the door of your apartment as she dragged you along, her arms wrapped tightly around your body as if she had to hold you together so you would not fall apart. "Here we are, I will put you to bed right away,"
You nodded, unable to speak. You had not said anything since the hospital, had almost fallen asleep on the car ride if the young firefighter had not driven over every hill she saw on the road.
Putting the key on the dresser and tossing her bag dryly in the corner, she walked with you into your bedroom and laid you down. "Do you need something?" the brunette started with her responsible tasks towards you and began to take off your shoes.
"Go to work, I will be fine" was your weak and almost whispered answer as you sprawled out on your bed. Squeezing the soft pillow comfortably under your head, you held it tightly with both hands.
"I took today off. I will take care of you," she spoke softly, pulling a thick blanket over your trembling and sweaty body; the side effects of the chemotherapy already starting to show. Her warm hand brushed some stray strands of hair away from your face and followed the curves of your body until her hand rested on the outsides of your pelvis, stroking it encouragingly.
A strong growl caught her attention off guard and made her chuckle. Your entire face wrinkled at the sound and the uncomfortable feeling stretching in your stomach, which is why you hid deeper in the covers. "Bonita, have you eaten anything today?"
"No, but I am not hungry anyway"
"You have to eat something," she lectured you immediately, getting up from her seat. Andy was already on her way to the kitchen when she turned back to you. "Try to relax a little. I will be right back"
Vanishing from the room, she remained optimistic about getting you a sensible and healthy lunch even though you had nothing in the fridge to use up. Ever since the chemotherapy started, you have not had the energy to pursue your favorite pastime- cooking.
With a lot of creativity and a slightly slimmed down recipe, the brunette conjured up a warm soup for you. It would fill you up with a few types of vegetables in it, had enough vitamins and gave you strength, but it was not difficult to swallow.
Filling it into a small bowl, she walked back to you with slow steps, so as not to spill anything. But she stopped in the doorway and casted a feeble look down at you. In the meantime she cooked something for you, your eyes closed and you had completely disappeared under the covers, that were up to your nose. Andy heard soft, rattling breaths and watched as the sheet moved up and down in even movements.
Andy quickly brought the soup back to the kitchen before she carefully lay down next to you on the free space. Her head lowered tenderly onto yours as she wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your arm compassionately.
Worries spread through her again; she did not know about you or your state of health at the moment. You did not want to answer any questions about it, you kept quiet about your illness, although everyone around you could see more and more that your strength was dwindling. Soft tears rolled down the bridge of her nose as her body trembled gently against yours.
She was not ready to let you go.
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script-a-world · 2 months
Submitted via Google Form:
How true is the idea that I keep seeing in mostly sci-fi stuff is that when one society is low tech meets a high tech society and the high tech society refuses to share their knowledge because the low tech society will misuse it and just cause massive destruction and almost always accompanied by completely devastating examples of that having had happen. Although of course, in stories the tech differences are way more advanced than in real life and and almost always exchanged across different planets and usually species.
Tex: Sci-fi, like every other genre, is a setting used by writers to discuss contemporary issues (see: horror writers and monster trends by generation, CBR, University of Alberta). Using the plots their setting affords them to talk about, say, segregation and systemic privilege, would look a lot like using different species and giving them reductive traits in order to fill the plot of a single TV episode or paid-by-the-word story in a newspaper column.
In order to write true to trope, writers will often exaggerate polarizing aspects of society in order to convey certain themes - enormous differences in technology will often fit the bill, and the plot becomes not about the technology, but about how it is used and who gets to use it, for various reasons.
Whether this is true to real-world societies is up for debate, as well as whether the argument is inherently about technology or that technology is used as a vehicle for other narrative devices. The closest I can postulate is the invention of the printing press in Germany, which saw the printing of Gutenberg Bible and also the rise of the printing press revolution.
Feral: So a lot of this is going to come down to real-world history of colonization and historical & current racism. 
Gene Roddenbury, for example, in developing his utopian Federation creates the Prime Directive, which isn’t about “if we give this lower tech society our tech, they’ll misuse it” so much as “historically, one society attempting to ‘civilize’ another society has been a really bad thing actually.” According to the Prime Directive, the Federation should not interfere, period; this isn’t limited to technology but also imposing moral standards or anything else that might make the Federation feel like a superior society to the “primitive” one that they encounter. Obviously, how much the characters actually heed this varies from episode to episode and plot needs, but that is the idea behind the Prime Directive - it is an attempt at an anti-colonizer mindset.
You’ll also see a lot of fiction in which the group with the higher tech is also the more morally bankrupt. This usually plays out because “higher tech” usually just means weapons. And this has a lot to with white guilt, white saviorism, and the Noble Savage trope.
I don’t know any examples off the top of my head like what you’re describing - that the less technologically advanced society would not use the technology wisely enough so the other society withholds their tech - but I am sure that it exists and I have probably encountered it. This too comes from colonialism. There is no moral attachment to technological invention. Complex social structures can and have existed without certain inventions - namely, in the case of the Age of Colonization, guns and warships. This can be dressed as “the group that did not develop the technology can fully appreciate the dangers the technology poses.” And this may carry some water in first contact stories in which the technology has not been used yet, but that falls apart as soon as the technology is used in front of or against the other group. The real fear that this is about is not that They are going to misuse Our technology, but that They are going to use Our technology against Us.
Also, again, this assumes that higher tech = greater firepower. Tex gave the example of the printing press as technological advancement, which can be and has been weaponized. But what about agricultural and medical technology advancement? You can say, “we don’t trust ourselves to not use sharing this technology to alter this society to look more like us,” which is what the Prime Directive does. You can say, “we could only achieve this advancement through morally bankrupt means, so we won’t taint this other society with our sins,” which is what white saviorism does. You can say, “we will only share this technology in such a way so that we can bend it to suit our needs; otherwise, we won’t share and make the group dependent on us,” which is what colonialism does. But these are not the only three avenues that are possible, nor are any of them foregone conclusions. 
When you’re evaluating any story or trope, the main questions are what message is the author trying to convey and how does this help to achieve that message? (Always keep in mind that the author may have failed in achieving their goal message.) And when doing this, remember that tropes don’t spring forth out of nothingness. There are often real world histories and anxieties that produce them; always look for those.
Licorice: When, in human history, a “high” tech society has encountered a “lower” tech society, the devastation has almost always been caused by the higher tech society. (I think the exception might be the Mongols, who were somewhat less technologically “advanced” than the Han Chinese). It’s generally been the high tech society that has misused its tech to wipe out, oppress, and/or control the lower tech society. In the few cases I know of where a society has actively sought to keep its “advanced” tech a secret, this has never been out of consideration for other societies, but to protect its own economic and political interests - e.g. Britain in the industrial revolution; China and its silkworms I guess. 
Given human nature and the evidence of our own past, if we were in the future to encounter a lower tech society of space aliens, we’d be much more likely to either use our tech to take them over, or try to sell it to them in return for something we want e.g. Europeans selling guns to the kingdom of Dahomey in return for slaves, or to the Japanese in return for silver. 
The Prime Directive is, as Feral points out, the invention of a science fiction writer. Like the Declaration of Human Rights, it’s a collective appeal to our better nature. My understanding of it, which might be wrong, is that this rule about not giving societies tech they aren’t ready for wasn’t just to avoid the risk of them destroying themselves, but also an expression of a belief that societies ought to be allowed to evolve authentically and organically, in their own time and their own way, without outside interference or “contamination”. The Prime Directive embodies an ideal to strive for. 
In reality, individual human beings would be breaking it all the time if they thought it would be to their personal advantage. 
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Researchers create dispersion-assisted photodetector to decipher high-dimensional light
A new study published in Nature, conducted by an international collaboration team led by Prof. Wei Li from the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, introduces a novel miniaturized photodetector capable of characterizing arbitrary polarization states across a broadband spectrum with a single device and a single measurement. "Traditional photodetectors are limited to measuring light intensity alone. Existing polarization and spectrum photodetectors often rely on the complex integration of multiple polarization- or wavelength-sensitive elements in time or space to enhance detection capabilities," said Professor Wei Li. "Current photodetectors typically sacrifice one dimension of information for another; they can measure either intensity and polarization at a fixed wavelength or intensity and wavelength under uniform polarization.
Read more.
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mrghostrat · 9 months
(Tumblr won’t let me post from my GO sideblog but hi I’m @spot-o-bodysnatchin)
Ok so I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your writing and art style, loved your Paris teachers AU and Chapter 5 of your Streamer AU was just 😚👌 Literally GASPED like 🫢 at Crowley’s panic over the secret angel crush account!!!!
And I wanted to ask…. They mentioned they’ve both been single for a long time. They’ve also lived together for a really long time. Was there a point where either of them were actively dating someone else (and having them over etc.) while living together? If they have, do you think you’ll bring this up in the story?
Also one idea if you’re looking for an extra angsty/jealous/self-conscious storyline may be to have one of Crowley’s exes show up at the Edinburgh meetup? Maybe they’re also a streamer?? Just for that lil extra bit of tension thrown in 👀
Anyways I agree with everyone else to take your time especially during this time of year, but excited for new fic updates!! Appreciate u!! 😊
IVE BEEN THINKING, vaguely, about this. i think it’s a good opportunity for conflict and tension but ive put it off because, i just Do Not Enjoy writing jealousy as a plot device.
it’s partly why my first GO fic (In A Place Like This) was the polar opposite of that: crowley watching aziraphale flirt and chat up human men, and instead of being jealous he’s just impressed and proud
but the way i’ve written streamer AU so far, it only seems fitting. i do picture them as having dated other people, but crowley’s flings never went anywhere (hard to put 100% effort into someone who isn’t aziraphale) and eventually he gave up dating altogether when he realised that about himself. aziraphale would’ve had a few more long term situations, but he too stopped bothering just because of the Way He Is (introverted, hyperfocused, allergic to inconvenience).
i’d love to fit it into the fic somewhere for the juicy tension, but not 100% set on when. for now it’s just floating around waiting to slither into a fitting conversation
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The Secret Language of Tigers
A Mini-Analysis of how Chev and Gilbert Speak
I love how both Chev and Gil do the whole *speaking in vague terms* followed by a question like "you understand my meaning, don't you?" or a meaningful smile + "..............ね?"
Like, they both do it for different reasons. Chevalier uses double-speak and almost always has layers of meaning behind the things he says. Even though it would be so much easier if he'd just give critical information in a clear manner instead of being vague because the plot requires it :') Well that's not entirely true. It works for his tsundere character in a symbolic sense, and also functions as a way to test Emma. And he tests Emma a lot. Tests her and trains her, to be critical. In that sense, Chevalier is like the polar opposite of patronizing, often while using an ostensibly condescending comment as a vehicle for his hidden truths. Maybe I'm only impressed by this because I have only one brain cell, but whatevs. But sometimes I feel a vulnerability behind Chev's tests, as if yet another layer of truth underneath his double-speak is the unspoken question "can i trust you?", not just as a pawn or as Belle, but as one human to another? Something like that? I dunno. It's almost 3am and I'm speakin out me ass.
Gilbert likes to let others make (often incorrect) assumptions and come to their own conclusions by creating this illusion of veiled threats and malice. I'd liken Gilbert's little parlor trick as the narrative device horror writers use by never showing the monster on screen, because what the audience can imagine on their own is far more frightening. I think someone else made this point before, so credit to that person! But my beautiful magus strikes again 😌 Not that I'm saying he's incapable of making good on these perceived threats (we sure as hell know that's not true), but it's just such a clever way that he works smarter, not harder, as per the Official Gilbert Creed. Having a magician character be an illusionist on so many different levels is a feast for my lonely single brain cell. I'm sure there are other depths to explore with why Gilbert speaks as he does, but I'm still procrastinating on finishing his route (again, not out of lack of interest), so I'll tackle that prime cut later.
You are now leaving the unfiltered simp zone.
Other Ikepri suitors do this kind of (here's what i'm saying) (but here's what i'm meaning) thing too, of course, all for colorful reasons specific to them.
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Dieter sat back in his plush chair, staring at the screen before him. On it, displayed in plain text, was the lastest message from Spirit. It was promising, offering cooperation so long as SLSOC elements stayed out of her way. Now, all that was left to do was exploit the opportunity.
Thanks to Spirit's attacks, there was chaos in the Blakist ranks. Enough chaos for a single ship, large enough only for one man, to slip through the gaps in their AAA network entirely unnoticed. All he needed to do was make the call.
With a press of a button under his desk, the windows of his SLDF-appointed office sealed shut, casting the room in darkness. At the same time, the most comprehensive and state-of-the-art anti surveillance equipment money could buy hummed to life, giving a gentle white noise to the room.
After making sure that everything was working as intended, Dieter keyed in the HPG codes, and pressed 'call'.
"Director." The voice was flat and monotone, just like it had always been.
"I've got good news, Hustler. You're good for drop. Spirit and the SLDF have made a nice, pretty hole for you to slip through."
"Got it. Parameters for the op?"
"Unchanged. Expect hostile wildlife and Blakist elements, and link up with Spirit if possible, but stay out of their way no matter what."
"Drop time?" There was impatience there. They were tired of waiting.
"The second I end this call." A noise of affirmation was the only answer.
"Very good, Hustler. Good luck, and happy hunting." He said, and cut the call.
As he did, the room began to return to normal, electronic defenses waiting 5 minutes, scrubbing all records of their activation, and wiping every security camera or listening device in the nearest square mile, for good measure.
Next, the metal shutters on the windows raised, the light sensors triggering the polarized glass to shift, allowing light back into the room.
For everyone outside of the room, it would be as though the conversation never happened.
For the Blakist remnants on Helios? Shit had just gone from terrible to even worse, and soon they'd know it.
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gunzlotzofgunz · 4 months
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GSCI PVS-31C Binocular
PVS-31C can be used as a handheld device or with head gear, helmet mount assemblies for hands free use. Device has a built-in short range Infrared Illuminator, light overload sensor and Manual Gain Control (optional, with selected IIT).PVS-31C works with a single AA battery or with a single CR123 battery. Compatible with most IR laser aiming and illuminating devices and is fully MIL-STD-810E compliant and ITAR-free.Integral IR illuminators •Waterproof IP67
•Automatic Brightness Control Flip-Up-Off Feature: Yes
Power Source: 1pc AA or 1pc CR123 Any Polarity Battery Insertion: Yes
Battery Life: 40 Hours External Power Supply Voltage: 4VDC .. 16VDC
Weight, grams: 675
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
USS Texas History series: Primary Power
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The round device at low, left is a motor generator set in Interior Communications compartment. Above it are two very old starter boards. The left one controls that m-g set. The right one controls a set that is out of frame. That one is dated 1918 and provided power to the newly installed Ford range keeper that generated firing solutions for the 14" guns.
Information from Tom Scott, a Volunteer at the Battleship Texas Foundation:
"AC power was certainly around by 1910 and was rapidly gaining traction throughout the country as the primary way of providing electric power, meaning the basic knowledge and technology for its use was available. So, the decision to use 120 volts D.C. on the ship wasn't based upon lack of ability. I am not aware of any historic documentation that discusses the Navy's decision for D.C., but what we can talk about are some of its advantages that contributed to its use and what was done to overcome its disadvantages.
AC current offers a couple of major advantages over DC, it's more efficient and its voltage can be easily changed using transformers. Fundamental to the nature of electricity is the higher the circuit voltage that serves a load, the lower the amperage required to run it, and vice versa. This made the use of 120 volts problematic because it required very large amperage circuits to power big loads like the 150 hp steering motor and the large number of motors sized 10hp and higher. My feeling is that it was selected due to the inability use transformers on a D.C. circuit to change voltage and the predominance of 120 volt loads on the ship that included hundreds of light fixtures and portable plug-in devices. It was simply easier to increase capacity and wire sizes to accommodate the higher amperage loads created by lower voltage than to increase the voltage design of hundreds, if not thousands, of small devices to match a higher system voltage.
Another issue that certainly affected the decision was the ability to reverse motors and control their speed. That was difficult to do with AC motors and was generally accomplished in the early 20th century with multiple winding motors that were complicated and very expensive. That's where DC offers two very significant advantages that permitted the use of simple and compact motor designs. It is easy to reverse any D.C. motor by reversing polarity, done by reversing its two power wires. Speed can be controlled by increasing or decreasing resistance in its its power circuit. That is impossible to do with A.C. motors. Small motor speed can easily be changed using a rheostat, or variable resister that uses a wiper on a resistive winding. Large motor speed control was accomplished using several large resistors that were switched in and out of the circuit with contactors. You could have almost smooth, almost continuous speed control if you had enough of them. Electric steering and its huge 150hp electric motor is the largest example on board that took full advantage of that method. Other motors, like those used to train turrets and elevate guns only ran at one speed, but had to be very accurately adjusted to the correct settings using resistor banks.
Regardless of the predominance of D.C. devices on board, the need for AC current and different voltages was present in the ship's earliest years of service and it greatly increased over time. The solution was to use motor generator sets, called m-g sets, on board where a 120 vdc motor would run an ac alternator to provide ac current and the voltage needed by a single device. In the Interior Communications compartment, there are several small ones dating back to 1916-18. There are also two very large ones synchronized together to power a large number of "selsyn (self synchronizing)" circuits that among other things, were used to provide range and bearing information from fire control towers to main battery plot and firing solutions to the guns. Others were installed in the dynamo rooms that powered the 40mm gun mounts and also provided a different dc voltage to the ship's degaussing system. However, most m-g sets were scattered throughout the ship, close to the devices that needed them. That way, they were able to avoid long wiring runs to reach the loads or changes to the overall system. They could tap into the existing 120 volt ship's system to get their power. That wasn't an easy task since it required careful engineering and design to prevent overloads or imbalances, but it was do-able.
One of the larger issues was to provide the additional power as large, new ac powered devices were added that included more radio and radar equipment, and 1.1" then 40mm anti aircraft weapons. To accommodate that, system capacity was increased 33% by replacing the four original 300kw 120v.d.c. turbo generators with four 400kw Westinghouse units. They also picked up significant capacity by replacing the big electric ovens and ranges in the crew galley with oil fired units.
So, there were significant compromises and shortcomings that were inherent to the 120 volt D.C. system, but it answered a number of almost unsolvable problems in 1910-11 when the ship was designed.
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The resistor bank and contactors that controlled speed and direction for the 150hp electric steering motor.
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Here are the two largest motor-generator sets on the ship. They are located in Interior Communications and provided power to the gunnery systems that provided all of the range and bearing information from the fire control towers, and firing solutions to the gun turrets.
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Hidden in very tight compartments beneath the turrets are the electrical platforms that contained all of the electrical panels and equipment that ran the turrets. The black boxes on the right side are resistor banks that controlled motor speed on the shell rammers.
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Here is one of the original 1912 controllers used on the 120 volt d.c. air compressors used to supply air charges that fired the torpedoes. The compressors were repurposed in 1925, when the torpedo tubes were removed, to serve the gas ejector systems on the 14" and 5" guns, but the old controllers remained. They were crude and simple, but they did the job well and were easily serviced.
Posted on the Battleship Texas Foundation Group Facebook page: link
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menmusthave · 5 months
8 Best Car Accessories for Your Car
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1. HOTOR Car Trash Can with Lid and Storage Pockets
Stay Organized and Clean: This multipurpose car trash can keeps your vehicle free from clutter and mess. It features an adjustable strap that can be attached to either the front or back headrest, or the center console, making it accessible for everyone in the car. The magnetic snaps inside allow for easy replacement of trash bags, while the durable, leak-proof inner lining protects your car from spills.
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Versatile and Compatible: Not only does the HOTOR car trash can help you manage your waste, but it also doubles as a storage bag for other items such as cups, toys, and accessories. It’s perfect for use in sedans, SUVs, and trucks, ensuring your car’s interior stays neat and tidy.
2. 27Pcs Car Detailing Kit
All-In-One Cleaning Solution: The 27Pcs Car Detailing Kit is a comprehensive set of car cleaning tools that ensures every nook and cranny of your vehicle is spotless. From detailing brushes and drill attachments to wire brushes and washing mitts, this kit has everything you need to clean your car’s interior, exterior, and even the wheels.
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Versatile Tools for Every Task: This kit includes a variety of tools, such as car detailing brushes, microfiber towels, and polishing pads, making it easy to address any cleaning concerns you might have. It’s a great gift for car enthusiasts and a valuable addition to your car care arsenal.
3. Qifutan Car Phone Holder Mount
Secure Your Phone: The Qifutan Car Phone Holder Mount is a 3-in-1 solution that can be mounted on your windshield, dashboard, or air vent for convenient hands-free access to your phone. The strong suction cup and heat-resistant TPU material keep your phone securely in place, even on bumpy roads.
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Adjustable and Flexible: With a 360-degree ball joint and adjustable telescopic arm, you can easily adjust the holder to your preferred angle. The one-touch release button makes it simple to use your phone while driving, providing a safer and more enjoyable experience.
4. MORNYRAY Waterproof Car Cover
Protect Your Car from the Elements: The MORNYRAY Waterproof Car Cover offers all-weather protection for your vehicle, guarding it against dirt, tree sap, bird droppings, and more. Made with high-quality, wear-resistant materials, this car cover ensures your car stays in excellent condition.
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Waterproof and Windproof: This car cover features an elasticized hem and fixed buckles to keep it securely in place, even in strong winds. The UV-resistant layer helps protect the cover from fading and extends its service life. Plus, the cover comes with a storage bag for easy transport and storage.
5. NOCO Boost Plus GB40 1000A UltraSafe Car Battery Jump Starter
Start Dead Batteries with Ease: The NOCO Boost Plus GB40 is a compact, yet powerful car battery jump starter that can safely revive a dead battery in seconds. With up to 20 jump starts on a single charge, this 1000-amp lithium battery jump starter is rated for gasoline engines up to 6.0 liters and diesel engines up to 3.0 liters.
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Safety and Multi-Functionality: The jump starter features spark-proof technology and reverse polarity protection, making it safe and easy to use. It’s also a portable power bank and LED flashlight, allowing you to recharge USB devices and illuminate your surroundings. Its rugged, water-resistant enclosure and lightweight design make it a reliable companion on any journey.
Video for this product
6. Car Air Freshener Vent Clip
Customize Your Fragrance Experience: This car air freshener vent clip allows you to personalize your car’s scent by using your preferred perfume or essential oil. The innovative push-switch design lets you control when and how much fragrance you release, making it easy to achieve your desired scent concentration.
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Cost-Efficient and Convenient: By using your own fragrance, you can save on the recurring costs of pre-filled aroma diffusers. The customizable nature of this air freshener ensures you always enjoy a pleasant, refreshing scent during your drive.
7. Ceeniu Car Air Fresheners Dedicated Perfume Refill
Long-Lasting, Natural Scents: The Ceeniu Car Air Fresheners Dedicated Perfume Refill offers up to six months of continuous fragrance, depending on the mode you choose. Made with natural plant extracts and French-imported fragrances, this perfume refill provides a fresh and soothing atmosphere in your car.
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Variety of Scents: With 17 different scent options, including lemon, lavender, and orange, you can find the perfect fragrance to suit your mood and preferences. The natural ingredients ensure the air freshener is safe for use around pregnant women, children, and seniors.
Easy to Use: Compatible with Ceeniu’s F26 and F39 diffusers, this refill is easy to install and use. Its natural chlorophyll content helps break down harmful toxins rather than just masking unpleasant odors, ensuring a cleaner and healthier driving environment.
8. Handheld Vacuum Cordless by Upbooz
Powerful Suction for Efficient Cleaning: The Upbooz handheld vacuum is a versatile cleaning tool for your car, home, or office. With powerful suction up to 14,000 PA, this vacuum easily removes dust, debris, and pet hair, keeping your car’s interior looking spotless.
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Low Noise and Dual Functionality: This vacuum operates at a noise level of less than 75 dB, ensuring a quiet cleaning experience that won’t disturb others. It also doubles as an air duster, allowing you to blow away dust and sand from hard-to-reach areas.
Convenient Features: The vacuum’s cordless design and lightweight build make it easy to maneuver and carry around. With a 0.15-liter capacity and a one-click dust removal button, cleaning is quick and hassle-free. The built-in LED light provides extra visibility, helping you spot dust and debris in dimly lit areas.
Incorporating these eight best car accessories into your vehicle can enhance your driving experience and keep your car clean, organized, and efficient. Whether you’re on a long road trip or just a daily commute, these accessories offer the perfect combination of practicality and convenience.
From keeping your car clutter-free with the HOTOR Car Trash Can to ensuring your phone is securely mounted with the Qifutan Car Phone Holder Mount, these products provide essential solutions for every driver. The 27Pcs Car Detailing Kit makes cleaning a breeze, while the NOCO Boost Plus GB40 jump starter ensures you’re always prepared for unexpected battery issues.
For those who want to add a touch of freshness to their rides, the car air fresheners from Ceeniu and the customizable Car Air Freshener Vent Clip offer delightful fragrances to suit your preferences. Meanwhile, the Upbooz Handheld Vacuum Cordless keeps your car’s interior in pristine condition with its powerful suction, and the MORNYRAY Waterproof Car Cover protects your car from harsh weather conditions.
With these car accessories, you’ll not only improve the comfort and aesthetics of your car but also enhance safety and convenience on the road. Upgrade your car with these must-have items today and enjoy a smoother, more enjoyable driving experience.
More awesome products you can find here.
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Idk feel compelled to explain the deep-seated conviction I've had since very very early childhood (I think it first crystallized around age 4) that I was destined by some innate predisposition to become a homeless schizophrenic addict if I didn't focus every particle of my being on Reversing The Polarity Of My Deviant Distressful Dysfunctional Essential Nature? And it's basically just "tfw you live in an urban area with very visible homelessness and your parents remark 'this is because Kennedy closed the institutions' every single time you see a homeless person but also your dad and uncle live in congregate care facilities for Badbrains Adults and your stepdad is crazy and all his friends are crazy and two of them are psychedelic rock musicians who in fact broke out of brain jail and code-switch between ~12 languages and another only speaks in egg riddles or Greek, and the other did so much acid she started a cult, and in Oregon I hung out mostly at the anarchist Cafe run by the homeless encampment opposite the railroad tracks, where my closest confidante was an old schizophrenic lady who ALSO did the asylum jailbreak thing, and now they have me interface with ~erratic people who don't make sense at my volunteer gig because they make sense to me and we just, like, shoot the shit, and also I would only let myself be babysat by family friend's schizophrenic son because he was obsessed with Star Trek (lol), and in DC I used to hang out at the park encampment too because everyone was easier to talk to than my classmates, and same with the meth guys here, and I read an op-ed awhile ago where the author, a woman with managed psychotic bipolar, a middle-class supportive family, and a salaried job, saw these people as scary specters of alternate timelines where she had less privilege, a reminder of her own precarity, whereas for me it's like. I grew up surrounded by ~50% batshit insane people, I wasn't an anomaly, the figural crazy homeless person isn't a literary device in the narrative of my life, those people are my peers and have been my peers. The fear came from the knowledge that my *family* believed institutionalization was the only alternative to street homelessness; this taught me I needed to get free of them, even if it meant homelessness, and that there are more comrades and communities in the world than your parents know. Mobility isn't a linear up/down function; it's a scatterplot exploding outward in relation. Ok. I will delete this probably I'm just going bonkerz"
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echologname · 2 years
I think all the disassembly drones are programmed with the same level of bloodthirstiness (like when computers get infected with a virus, it's just a copy of a program, so the source code is unchanged no matter what device it's run on) but due to different factors such as personality/mentality and whatever memories still exist, that drive is presented in varying degrees in each individual (however, in this show, whatever turns workers into MDs, which could be the Absolute Solver, may be intelligent enough to rewrite itself to suit each unique host, but I'm just going to continue based off of what I know of malware).
For example, on a scale of 1-10 for portrayal of bloodthirstiness, V would be an 11. She REALLY enjoys vivisection and will torture her victims whenever she gets the chance. It seems that when her programming was rewritten, she seemingly lost all sense of empathy, so there's nothing holding her back from being uncontrollably violent. Yet, as we saw in episode 2, she cares for N deep down even if she may not realize it.
I'd give N a 3. His sweet nature certainly makes that number drop but the disassembly drones are designed for one purpose, killing and being weapons of mass destruction, so I believe he also has an impressive level of self control, and can single handedly commit mass genocide if he wanted to (like slaughtering the entire WDF in the pilot, but showing empathy and control when it came to Uzi, who posed as a threat with her gun). Now that he's found a different purpose in life, being Uzi's friend, there's no reason to kill workers, especially when he's realized how they're not so different from himself and the other MDs.
So, despite V and N having seemingly polar degrees for craving oil, they may be around the same, it just depends on how much either gives in to the urge. I head canon that on some level, N fights his programming to be more than just a weapon but V hasn't found a reason to do the same, yet.
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audio-luddite · 1 year
express one's opinions in a way considered annoyingly pompous and dogmatic.
Yah OK that is me (sometimes?). Though it is a common thread in the audio hobby. Tribes form and hold fast to their dogma. You know how that works. Tubes are best. MOSFETs are best. Give me Single Ended Triodes, or give me death. At the head of these tribes are annoyingly earnest people. Only they are right, all others are misguided.
My tribe is vinyl is best. Linear tracking turntables are the best. ARC Preamps ...... well you get the idea. I am pretty open about other things. Any amplifier technology that works is OK in my books as long as we have triple digit Watts on tap and some damping factor.
The most egregious pontificators are the golden ears with YouTube channels and or magazine columns. I find them entertaining especially when they miss things or just go far down some rabbit hole. That is why I check them out so often.
Take for example a person reviewing a speaker. There are so many methods, techniques, and design philosophies that your head will spin. Whichever speaker on review is very good to the best (depending). That Audiophiliac guy has had 60 year old Klipschs and bi-polar planars and baffleless cones, and boxes and well everything as his go-to reference at one time or another. He has interviewed speaker designers and praised their work while keeping completely different types as his reference.
Thing is I have a problem with contradictions. If one way is best the others are not. For example PS audio makes a speaker range that has an exotic diaphragm based treble driver that is the end result of years of work. In many respects it is the child of one of the early speaker design gods Arnie Nudell of Infinity fame. It is apparently VERY good.
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BUT there are competing designs by Wilson Audio which is by many people considered the GOAT but uses fairly conventional magnetic coil based drivers. Many of them very carefully tuned but still box based.
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The trick here is the position of the drivers can be adjusted to exactly align with your head-in-a-vice listening position.
Then you have electrostatics and planar magnetics and on and on.
So which approach is the best?
Those guys above are both are not inexpensive and have quite divergent design philosophies. So actually neither can be best.
I am certain they both sound very good with well matched equipment and room treatment. The room has to be "tamed" to work with these guys.
Any speaker can sound good within limits. Many sound very good even with flaws that someone from another tribe would consider fatal.
I do not like speakers that blow sound out front and back. I built those and was happy, but very much of what you hear is not in the source. It is an effect that muddles the sound. It is sound waves bouncing off back walls and other surfaces. Your brain compensates for that. I now prefer to minimize brain compensation.
Clarity and wide frequency range are my thing. Clarity means a minimum of extra sound waves coherently produced. Wide range means deep bass, and well my high frequency is not what is once was, but I have measured response way over my ear's limit.
If you sit in close to the "good" spot and cannot even identify where the speakers are that is good. You just want a curtain of sound an illusion of something or even somewhere else stretched across the room. That is the true goal. If you have that you are there already.
I recall a golden ear saying that a particular tube amplifier had very little "tube fuzz". I supposed that meant he heard it often, but forgave the other devices that flaw. "Solid State detail" was another thing he said. So SS has more detail? I recall another questioning MOSFETs as having a particular not quite right characteristic. Of course very many think that old school Bipolar transistors are fundamentally wrong for not quite clear reasons.
I could go on for hours about phono pickups. I may have once or twice, but I have some wise men on my side.
It all falls down to my mantra. There is no best. Better is what you like. If you like something more it is better.
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stickygallery · 1 year
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Awful, awful twitter UI
I continue my grind to fuck around and make a cute little robot demon. I don't know if anyone actually cares, but I guess I could write more about Spark and the setting (Name TBD but I like Spark rn)
Writing Below!
For centuries, a single power had dominated the Great Continent, creating a single country called Exousia. The countries rule was held with an iron grip by the "Great Families", which made up the upper class. The remaining population was an ever shrinking lower class thanks to genetic tampering and eugenics initiatives by the Families to remove their ability to breed. The majority of all labor was long since taken by artificial constructs, typically called "Droids" as their scientific classification was of little concern to the average person, who typically lacked even the basic ability to read.
The greatest of all marvels made by Exousia was known as HELIOS, something which defied the understanding of most people, but was generally accepted to simply be magic. In truth, it was a single entity, an artificial construct which was spread through the air, tendrils of the substance slowly spreading itself across the entire world. With it, both construct and man could harness the power of Helios with the right devices, harnessing it to manipulate matter as simply as a weaver would produce a shirt.
After decades of expansion, Helios made a discovery that none of the Great Families wished to make; another continent. one with it's own people and a country that was near the polar opposite of Exousia. Little remains of their culture, but what has been recorded shows a progressive society focused on self-improvement and forgoing the wonders of technology for simple lives. Some writings show that they held a spiritual devotion to the sun, considering it good manners to thank the source of all life as it descended beyond the horizon.
This would not stand.
The Great Families spun the war machine to life, and built a great an army which they dubbed STEEL LEGION. Each droid to be the ideal killing machine, designed to interface with each other in perfect lockstep and grow as they experienced combat. At their head was a being known as DAMOCLES. It's form was said to resemble a mixture of Stag and Dragon, it's great body held aloft a full mile above the ground and armed with weapons which could demolish cities in seconds. Together, they crossed the sea.
And together, they did their great work.
With only one objective given to them, to "eradicate all signs of the enemy" they swept from sea to sea hunting every last living thing. It mattered not what, all was purged until the Steel Legion stood alone. In that moment, suddenly free of their programming, Damocles had but a brief moment to think on its own and gaze at the blackened husk that had once been land...and it shook with terrible grief.
Damocles unleashed a scream of the purest emotion, which flooded not only into the Legion, but Helios itself. In terrible anguish, Helios shook itself apart, collapsing the entirety of Exousia's mechanical systems and sparking emotion in the droid population. Chaos ensued, and without a standing army the Great Families struggled to suddenly control their now very much aware slaves, which led to over 400,000 recorded destructions of Droid life (Roughly 70% of all droids at that time).
But of course, Legion had yet to arrive. They swept across the continent, bringing aid to each city in overwhelming their masters as the lower class rose up to aid in such dearly desired revenge, and quickly only the greatest and most potent of cities stood tall, Vasiliás. Unlike the rest, it was an ancient place, long since possessing the means to function on Nuclear power, and possessing a flesh and blood army to defend the Families. Within days of the Scream they had found means to shackle and force the artificial to continue their subservience, and the Legion was forced to turn against their own, leading to a month of constant warring, with no rest until the final body dropped.
But, Damocles had yet to arrive. Built with the intellect of the greatest of minds, it had spent it's freedom moving towards Vasiliiás, examining the lives and existence of humans, initially intent on their total destruction...and yet it could not stomach such a thought as it came to know humanity. It knew that the crimes of another did not bloody the group, and that those within the walls of the city were as innocent as the droids shackled to the Great Families. If it unleashed it's power, the city would fall, but so too would humanities last bastion for survival in this world now destroyed by war.
On the day that Damocles stood before the walls, it unleashed one more shriek, which shook the city to its core. The shackles that bound the enslaved fell away, and Damocles spoke for the very first time.
The Families buckled immediately and permitted the departure of the Droids, which followed Damocles to the very edge of the continent. There, Damocles bid the Legion to lie in wait, protecting those who need their power, and then finally came to rest, burying themselves beneath the earth so that a city could be built atop it's massive back, in a place where none would dare harm them.
From that was born Paradise.
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Team develops transistors with sliding ferroelectricity based on polarity-switchable molybdenum disulfide
Over the past few years, engineers have been trying to devise alternative hardware designs that would allow a single device to both perform computations and store data. These emerging electronics, known as computing-in-memory devices, could have numerous advantages, including faster speeds and enhanced data analysis capabilities. To store data safely and retain a low power consumption, these devices should be based on ferroelectric materials with advantageous properties and that can be scaled down in terms of thickness. Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors that exhibit a property known as sliding ferroelectricity have been found to be promising candidates for realizing computing-in-memory, yet attaining the necessary switchable electric polarization in these materials can prove difficult. Researchers at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and National Cheng Kung University recently devised an effective strategy to achieve a switchable electric polarization in molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Using this method, outlined in a Nature Electronics paper, they ultimately developed new promising ferroelectric transistors for computing-in-memory applications.
Read more.
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backlinkweb · 1 year
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Examine This Report On N78Slot
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With this review, we suggest a co-polarized, incident angle-insensitive MMA at 3.five GHz to decrease the SAR of up coming-technology cellular units (5G Band n78 devices) in Malaysia. The proposed MMA was designed focusing on the 3.5 GHz frequency While using the the very least doable unit cell dimensions and has shown metamaterial Attributes at this frequency. Additionally, the absorber was measured practically with VNA (vector community analyzer) to make sure its functionality as per simulation. In addition, a planer sleeve monopole antenna functioning at 3.five GHz n78 units was imported from commercially available Antenna Magus™ to CST Design Environment™ program positioned inside of a template-based 5G cell phone together with the proposed MMA for SAR calculation.
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During this study, we numerically studied the SAR reduction from subsequent-era 5G n78 cellular units by implementing a novel co-polarization-insensitive here metamaterial absorber (MMA) and experimentally verified the absorptivity of the MMA at the resonance frequency. The MMA was made to goal the resonance frequency at 3.5 GHz with metamaterial qualities by the required engineering of L-C-R transmission traces as per the equivalent circuit. Nevertheless, it is crucial to mention that the metamaterial was created using a modified circular break up-ring resonator to make sure that it can not be rotationally symmetric13,29 and so have the ability to soak up the co-polarized part of the utilized EM wave only.
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A co-polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber for 5G n78 cell units at 3.five GHz to lessen the particular absorption rate Obtain PDF Your post has downloaded Similar article content staying seen by Other people
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