#sir you don't know half of it.....................
oneforthemunny · 7 hours
🧸🍯🎸 this is mine
for your blurb, rockstar!eddie, fluff, lore/flashback. set during the sneaking around phase, like a month before the engagement for timeline purposes.
"You're going back to the hotel room?" Jeff gawked, mouth nearly dropping at the words he was sure he was hallucinating.
"Yeah," Eddie flicked the lighter, bringing it to his usual post show joint. "Not really feelin' it."
"Not- Ed, we're in Amsterdam." Jeff scoffed.
"You fuckin' love Amsterdam." Jeff blinked in awe, partial confusion.
"Yeah, I used to. Kinda boring now. Seen it, done it, need somethin' more exciting than hookers and weed." Eddie shrugged as nonchalantly as he could, his hands twitching with irritation, anxious to get into the car and back to the hotel.
"Lemme know if it's somethin' good, though. Maybe I'll stop by later." Ducking into the black car, Eddie nodded at the rest of his bandmates, shutting the door quickly.
His knee bounced the entire car ride, all seven minutes of it, ringed fingers tapping on the edge of his torn jeans. The car had barely slowed to a stop before Eddie was out, throwing a wad of Euros his tour manager had given him towards the driver, practically sprinting towards the private elevator entrance.
"Hey, uh, you don't happen to know what time it is in Los Angeles right now, do you?" Eddie turned towards the hotel manager accompanying him on the ride to the penthouse.
"No, sir, but I can get the front desk to call and-"
"-That's alright. Thank you." Eddie nodded, stepping towards the door before it opened, sliding through the opening gap.
"Looks great!" He turned, giving a half grin and a thumbs up, jamming the key into the lock.
"Uh, if you need anything, Mr. Munson-"
"-I won't even hesitate to let you know. I promise." Eddie cut off the nervous hotel manager, too familiar with the schtick- too many hotel rooms, all saying the same thing. Normally, he'd be less pushy and in a rush, on his best behavior with the staff because- "Fuck it, they're just doing their job. Why would I be an asshole about it?"
But tonight, he had bigger plans. He'd timed the closing number just right, no off topic rants or mid song chaos like usual- his tour manager should be thankful. No, he'd timed it all perfectly, striding over to the phone, dialing out for an international number.
The phone rang once, twice- Eddie's leg hadn't stopped bouncing until,
"I thought you said you'd call me at four." The familiar playful purr in your tone had his heart skipping, a nearly boyish grin spreading across his face. "It's almost five, here."
"I'm sorry, baby. Had to wrap a few things up at the venue. Didn't plan on it being late." Eddie cradled the phone to his ear, leaning back on the pristine bed. "What are you up to?"
"Hm, about to go out to dinner with a few friends." You sighed, nearly bored, like your heart wasn't fluttering the same way his was.
"Friends? Any I should be worried about?" Eddie's voice dropped, a low gravel in his tone that made heat rush through your veins.
"I think I should be asking you that, rockstar." You teased back. "You're the one in Amsterdam, and who called me late. Too busy with the hookers?"
"Psh, you caught me." Eddie snorted sarcastically. "Got one here with me right now if you wanna talk to her."
"You better not." Your tone clipped, teetering away from playful and towards possessive. "I'd hate to have to catch a flight down there."
"Well, in that case..." Eddie teased, rolling over on the bed, the phone chord stretching with him.
"'M just messin' with you. No hookers here. Just me." Eddie muttered, the silence of the room falling around him. "Wouldn't be mad if you did catch a flight, though. I've missed you, baby."
Your cheeks pricked with excited heat, swaying with the phone pressed to your ear. "Yeah?"
"I've missed you too." You whispered, like it was a secret. Maybe it was, to everyone else. "What are you doing tonight?"
"Smokin'." Eddie hummed, patting his bedside table, looking for the pre-rolled joints he'd requested. "Sleepin'."
"That doesn't sound like much fun." Eddie could practically hear your pout through the phone.
"Eh, it's not bad. A little lonely though." Eddie sighed. "Wish I had someone here with me to keep me company."
"You better be talking about me, Munson." You clipped.
Eddie grinned, a huff of laughter floating though the other end. "You know I'm talking about you. Everyone else is boring t'me now, baby. You ruined them, ruined me."
You bit back a giggle, lips curing in a grin. "Where's your next stop?"
"Uh, Berlin." Eddie muttered. "Leave tomorrow."
"Maybe... Maybe I'll stop in and see you." Your heart skipped when you suggested it. "Maybe we can go back to that cafe."
"You're too good to me." Eddie grinned, lazy and silly. "I'll pick you up at the airport."
"No, just send a car-"
"-I'll pick you up." Eddie insisted. "Don't worry, baby, I'll keep it hush-hush. Very low profile." He could practically hear your smile. "I don't wanna keep you from your friends tonight, so I'll get off the-"
"-You're not." You shook your head. "But I should probably go before Farrah kills me... and I need to call Jaques and let him know I'll need the plane tomorrow."
"I can't wait to see you." Eddie grinned into the receiver.
"You too." You squeaked, a giggly blush practically spilling through the phone. "I'll call you with the times."
"Alright, sweetheart. Have fun tonight. I'll see you soon." Eddie paused, his tongue running over his bottom lip. "Love you, baby."
"I love you." You sighed sweetly. "Don't party too hard. I'll see you tomorrow."
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thezombieprostitute · 15 hours
Tech Tuesday: Lloyd Hansen
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Summary: It's your first week on the job and you find yourself having to deal with a very angry higher up.
Warnings: Power imbalance, Yelling. Please let me know if I missed any.
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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"For the last time, Hansen, NO! We have these regulations for a reason." Levinson was yet again regretting hiring Lloyd. There's no denying the man got results but were the results worth the cost of dealing with the man? He'll have to get some of his analysts take a look. He doesn't even have to ask and he knows Raymond, his assistant, has made note to ask them.
"It's a bullshit regulation," Lloyd argues. "There's one IT person who can work with me, why the hell wouldn't they be the one to go with me on this trip? You've always been okay with us bringing some tech head in case our company electronics have problems."
"Yes, but that's for experienced tech employees," Jonathan intervenes. "This young lady has been working with us for only a few weeks. She is very skilled, yes, but---"
"And she's the only one of your team that isn't a pompous ass," Lloyd sneers. Ari, Jonathan and Raymond all give him a look. "Yeah, I know I'm a pompous ass. It's why I don't work well with those other assholes."
Ari sighs, "still, we can't have such a new employee going on a trip. You're going to take a more experienced IT member or you will take no one."
Lloyd huffs before stomping out of the CEO's office.
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The project for the CFO is taking up a lot of your time but you're grateful for having something to focus on between tickets. Working with people was never your strong suit and those tickets can be draining.
Except for the ones from Hansen, funny enough. While you understand why others don't like to work with him, you're grateful that he leaves you be. He doesn't pester you with questions or offer advice that you have to pretend is good. He doesn't talk about his life's story or complain about "technology these days" that you have to half listen to so as not to appear rude. He lets you work, get in the zone, and you can get the ticket completed without feeling drained afterwards.
He seems like the naturally loud and demanding type so the fact that he's quiet when you work really means something to you. And he always follows it up with praising your work. The nickname "Maestro" seems to have stuck with the rest of the IT crew and it's really helped you feel more like you belong. You're genuinely grateful to Lloyd for that.
Almost as if your thoughts made him manifest, Lloyd enters your cubicle and sets his laptop next to you.
"Hey there, Maestro," Lloyd smiles. "My laptop is acting up. Take a look at it for me, will ya?"
"Um, Mr. Hansen, Sir, did you submit a ticket?"
Lloyd's smile drops. "If I did that, it might not get assigned to you. This way we can work around that requirement and spend some more time together."
"I'm, I'm sorry, Sir," you shake your head. "You have to submit the ticket. It's regulation."
"What the hell is with everyone and these damn regulations?!"
"I could get in trouble, Sir," you explain. "If I fix your laptop without submitting a ticket, that's work time that I can't account for. In other cases, Sir, if something goes wrong with company property, they need to know who was responsible for fixing it. If I fix your laptop but the fix doesn't work, there's a gap in that item's history that could throw off future updates. I really don't want to get in trouble, Mr. Hansen." You look up at him, eyes pleading.
He sighs, "well, can't have a good girl like you getting in trouble on my account, huh?" You try to hide your reaction to being called a good girl but Lloyd gives you a look before grinning at you. "Did you like that?" His voice is low and he brings himself to your level so he's right next to your ear. "Do you like being a good girl?"
"Y-yes, Sir," you confess.
He chuckles, "I'll remember that, Maestro." He grabs his laptop and gives you a wink before sauntering out.
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Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory;
@late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly; @lokislady82
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mandoriana · 1 day
Arthur and the knights (Gwaine, Percival, Elyan and Mordred) are in the kitchen when Merlin and Gwen arrive with Leon.
Leon - What are you doing? 😰
Arthur/Knights - Cooking.
Merlin *looking at where Gwaine is crouching in a water basin* - What are you doing, Gwaine? 😨
Gwaine - I'm washing the fish, don't you see? *Gwaine puts more soap in the water*
Gwen -shampoo?!😥
Gaine - Of course! Or do you want to eat a fish with double-pointed scales?
*Leon and Gwen exchange terrified looks, Merlin just watches the scene in shock*
Elyan - Don't worry, Merlin, you're looking at the greatest chef this kingdom has ever produced!
Gwen - oh of course, why weren't you responsible for burning yesterday's dinner soup? 🤨
Elyan - Don't worry so much, sister, I know what I'm doing. * Turn to Arthur who was staring at a raw chicken as if it were the biggest mystery of his life* Sir.
Arthur turns to Elyan and throws the chicken to Mordred who gets scared and throws the chicken to Percival.
Elyan - Take the onion, the recipe says we need an onion.
*Arthur turns around to walk through the kitchen, but Merlin is in front of the closet with her onions.*
Arthur - Get out of the front, Merlin.
*Merlin faced Arthur with horror, but let the king take the onion. Arthur takes the onion before throwing the onion at Elyan across the kitchen.*
Elyan - Thank you sir.
*Gwaine gets up from where she was washing the fish and delivers it to Elyan*
Gwaine - Be careful where you're going to put this onion, you have to get away from the fish's head, so you don't irritate his eyes.
Arthur - Now you're going to say I can't put on pepper just because the fish doesn't like spicy soup!?
*Arthur turns his eyes and throws 5 whole peppers into a pot with water, probably the soup they would eat with the fish.*
Leon - Mordred *The young knight turns to Leon* stop them, do something!
Mordred - How what? 😟
Leon - I don't know! Anything that prevents them from killing themselves with food.
*Mordred stutters and then has an idea*
Mordred - I know! Since you are putting on pepper then add garlic.
Percival - Yes, garlic always looks good at everything.
*The king and knights looked into question then Mordred answers their silent questions.*
Mordred - You need two and a half heads of garlic.
Elyan - Oh yeah, right *Take two garlic* Here's two heads of garlic. * Throw the garlic in the pot. Gwaine is approaching.*
Gaine - And here's the socks.
*Plays a sock probably Arthur's sock in the pot*
Everyone: NO! NO! GWAINE YOU ARE CRAZY!? *Everyone tries to stop it, but the sock has already fallen into the pot*
Merlin - Gwaine, it wasn't sock, it was half!
*Everyone approached to smell the soup and backed down in disgust. *
Percival - Gods, that's very bad.
*Arthur and the others look to Elyan for answers.?*
Elyan - It's not so bad, but it lacks an ingredient!
Mordred - Herbs! *Everyone turned to druid*
*Percival snaps his fingers*
Percival - That's it! Lack of herbs to season, taste better, druids always used herbs in soups...
Merlin *in panic*- Medicinal soups!!
*Everyone ignored*
Mordred - Let's put one of those herbs, where do you have it? Do you have any around here? *Move in the closet, but don't think anything. .*
Gwaine - I'm going to the garden right now! Here, hold the fish, princess! *throw the fish to Arthur and run down the corridors to the garden of Gaius*
Gaius - Sir Gwaine! What...
*Gwaine ignores it, but since she did not know how to differentiate grass herbs she ended up picking up the two and returning to the kitchen without giving attention to the doctor.*
Gaine - I'm back!! Take your herb here!
Arthur/Knights - Aeeee!!
*Elyan will throw the grass in the pot, but is stopped by Merlin before he can put it in the soup*
Merlin - Elyan.
Elyan - Yeah?
Merlin - That's grass!!
Mordred - It's still herb.
Arthur - What God did, it doesn't hurt...
Knights - AMEM!
*Elyan puts the grass in the soup and moves with a spoon.*
Merlin - Arrive, I'm not going to stay here to see the worst happen.
*Turn to Gwen and Leon*
Merlin - And if those idiots really try to eat that soup, kill them before *Merlin whispers*
Gwen - I promise not to let them die.
Leon - I promise to kill them first.
(Gwaine's joke about half and a sock is because my brother confused the two words, in our half-and-a-sock country it has the same word.)
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ayakashibackstreet · 1 year
I can't believe I got cursed and I have to pay over 100PLN to get the curse lifted smh
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artkaninchenbau · 20 days
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Wanted to make an Egghead-themed sticker sheet for a looong time, and once I got to it I noticed had enough room for a few more extras after the Strawhats were done... So here's some Cross Guild chibs for you
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moongothic · 10 months
Honestly I think crocodile/dragon and crocodile/Doflamingo are only interesting when treated as failed relationships spinning off into increasingly petty grudges and instigations. Become a warlord to piss off one ex by working with his hated father only for the OTHER ex to ALSO become a warlord to drive you insane. Etc.
I am now going to take his as an opportunity to rant about Dragodile because I unironically think it's an interesting ship if Crocodad Real and I don't think I'm ever going to find a better excuse to rant about it unprompted lmao SO HERE WE GO
But yes like. Dragodile is so fucking interesting to me
A marine and a pirate falling in love with each other is already some starcrossed lovers kinda BS. But then it's like, a FORMER marine and pirate who is WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT. That's EXTRA JUICY, it adds layers to the starcrossed lovers shit, and I am not immune to it, it's FACINATING, like what was the dynamic here
But also we don't even know when Dragon left the marines and when he and Crocodile first met, so for all we know it could've been some real enemies-to-lovers-to-enemies shit AND THAT'S SO INTERESTING
(Also the mere concept that Dragon could've been chasing Crocodile around kinda like Smoker tried to chase Luffy, only for Crocodile to become a Shichibukai and Dragon having to give up because they're on the same side now (kinda). Like. That is so fucking funny. And then he leaves the Marines to start a revolution. Or just out of spite dshgjdgs)
Then there's the absolutely hysterical part where Crocodile is the meanest, most intimidating, standoff-ish asshole around. So the idea Dragon was fucking into that is INCREDIBLE. THIS MAN LIKES BEING BULLIED DFSHFKGHFGJHDS (It's possible Young Croc might've been less mean but it's funnier if he wasn't)
And yeah. Somehow. In complete secret. A romance blooms.
And then there's a baby.
And Crocodile transes his gender.
And there's a divorce.
And 17 years later Crocodile has commited dozens of unforgivable warcrimes that are almost exactly the kind of things Dragon wanted to stop the government from doing to begin with.
Mind you, I don't actually think there's coming back from that, this relationship was burned to the ground and the ashes blown away by wind, there is nothing left
But could you imagine if despite the anger and the hurt and the warcrimes they still somehow loved each other
I would just
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#Moon posting#Crocodad#Sir Crocodile#Monkey D Dragon#Dragodile#OP Meta#I keep on mentioning Dragodile Divorce but to be fair we don't even know if they had been married#All we do have is the fact that Crocodile Very Specifically doesn't wear a ring on his ring finger (in the manga)#(First half of Alabasta it's his middle finger but from the second half onwards it's consistently been his ring finger)#And there's that SBS where a person asked if the Shichibukai were gonna remain single etc and if they had any kids#And Oda was like ''hMmM I wOnDeR iF aNy oF tHeM hAvE bEeN mArRiEd... Anyway I imagine their kids would be like this''#And then very very specifically he only did Doflamingo Mihawk and **Crocodile**#So like. If Crocodad Real. The two could've been married briefly (in secret). Probably just engaged in my personal opinion#Also like. Like we all know Iva's Magic HRT is POWERFUL STUFF right#There is something so deeply tragic to me about the just the mental image#Of Crocodile trying to put on his engagement ring post-HRT only to realize it doesn't fit his massive man hand#Like a horrible premonition of how this relationship was going to end#Even if he was the same on the inside he no longer literally fit the mere concept of the woman Dragon had fallen in love with#Can you imagine the series of emotions Crocodile would've gone through realizing that#Or who knows maybe he realized it all much earlier-- when and however the fuck he decided to get HRT from Iva-chan#There is much to be said about One Piece's running theme of loneliness and the loneliness queer people experience#God Oda please I need this man's backstory#I need to know what the fuck happened#I NEED TO KNOW HOW THE DIVORCE HAPPENED#NGL there's a part of me that almost hopes Dragon was Objectively Horrible (in a heated moment that he really regrets)#Just so Crocodile could be at least a little justified in being at resentful towards Dragon#I dunno it would not sit too well with me if the Cishet Man Dragon was 100% In The Right And Never Did Anything Wrong#And then it's the transgender man who does all the morally questionable horrible shit because he's an evil queer#(There's more than plenty of positive queer rep in OP to balance out one (1) evil trans character don't get me wrong)#(But it would be sad if Crocodile was An Evil Queer especially because he's the one who has transitioned)
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aeolianblues · 17 days
the real fiction in a lot of band AU fics is the amount of time bands seem to have on the evening of a show!
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magnetic-dogz · 4 months
I'm not much into the m/m Dunmeshi ships because I came here for the yuri to begin with but Chilshi and Chilaios are funny as FUCK to me
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wellhalesbells · 6 months
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Is it still Wednesday? No, you say? Well, time is an illusion so you're probably wrong about that. Thanks for the tag, @piratefalls! I had this idea because of a tumblr post I stumbled across again in my likes... I dunno an hour or two ago? And now here we are, lol.
Derek hadn’t expected he would hear from Stiles again, possibly ever, but certainly not until he was back within the borders of Beacon Hills when he pulled out the rock. Derek blinked it.  The rock’s eyes rolled back at him.  Ignoring the hand with the rock in it for the moment, he diverted his attention back to the box.  It was a perfectly ordinary and small, square box.  Derek’s address and Stiles’ return one at his dorm room the only things scrawled on the outside. And it appeared to contain nothing but bubble wrap and a rock. A rock with googly eyes on it. It wasn’t quite smooth, peaked but rounded almost precisely in the center of its top, and squat.  Perfectly gray, perfectly bland, with a flat bottom to it.  The eyes were placed with care more towards the hilly top and right under where the sides started their downslopes.  Meaning they almost looked like brows depending on the angle Derek held the rock at. He glanced at his phone but flatly refused to ask.  That had to be what Stiles wanted with this and Derek was hardly going to give him that. He thought about crushing the box and throwing the rock away.  Instead he carefully pulled the tape apart, breaking the box down for his recycling.  Which is when he found the little piece of notebook paper that had slid under the flap. In that same scrawl were the words: It needs a home and a name. - Derek, despite all his better judgment, didn’t throw the rock away but he did leave it on top of his microwave and forget about it (after letting it bother him for far too long). That should be the end of that particular saga - he’d managed to dismiss it as a prank that went over his head, probably some social media, not-quite-his-generation fad that he would never get no matter how hard he tried - except.  Except that not-quite a month later he got another similarly-sized box. And if Stiles had sent him another rock, he was throwing them both away after crushing them into powder.  He opened the top, parted the bubble wrap with a sigh, only to find very much not a rock. It was a miniature armchair. The detail was exquisite and the upholstery on it felt real, that scratchy but nostalgic quality that reminded him of going to his grandparents’ house.  The wood of the legs and arms was finely honed and the arms even had upholstered tops.  The color was a deep maroon and embroidered in the back of it in gold were a few stalks of wheat contained in an oval shape. The strangest thing about it, aside from everything, was how wide the seat was.  The proportions really didn’t seem to— “Oh you have got to be fucking…” Derek trailed off, practically stomping over to the other side of the kitchen.  He snatched up the rock and plonked it down in the chair, eyes rattling about but facing forward. It was a perfect fit.
Tagging..... I dunno, other people who spit in the face of 'Wednesday' and all its cohorts? I don't really know who fits that description but, if that's you, you've been summoned.
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statementlou · 1 year
In the article that came out this morning about Andrew Cushin's album, Pete Doherty was quoted being defensive about his decision to collaborate with Louis, saying, “Look at some of the great labels, look at The Sex Pistols with Malcolm McLaren getting together with Richard Branson. Over the years, labels’ main aim was to be a springboard for their artists to get as many people to hear the music they believe in. Whatever that takes – if that means having a major label take you up the alley for five minutes I will do that for my artists any day of the week.” Initially this just pissed me off (and it still does) but the more I thought about the more fascinating it is actually. There's never been any question that 78 Productions' role in co-releasing Andrew Cushin's album is primarily financial, and I'd say this confirms that, but he's saying more than that; he's saying that Louis and his label, that has never had a single release before now, offer more than just cash, that it is on par with Virgin Records in its infancy because of the position and reach Louis has in the industry... and he can be as sour as he wants about it, that's a hell of an admission and not a position you just automatically hold by being a former boyband member. We already know this but that doesn't mean I don't love it when people say it out loud!
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Arthur and Gwaine getting drunk and naturally ending up on the topic of fucky family relationships and older sisters and realising they are on very different ends of a spectrum because Gwaine and his sister can't be in the same room without throwing hands like a pair of human betta fish, and Arthur and his sister once got really drunk at a feast when they were teenagers and made out in a linen closet.
He also fails to mention neither of them actually knew they were related at the time, so Gwaine is just
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Arthur, unaware he forgot specific context: Wild, am I right?
Gwaine, slowing sobering up after what he just heard: Can we rewind real quick
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britneyshakespeare · 5 months
Man is saying weird things to me again
#help mom he's oversharing about drinking scotch every evening#that's very on brand for Man#tales from diana#i literally did Nothing to reach out to him i don't know what he wants#i was just thinking in the shower literally not even half an hour ago about how you know it's strange#he used to always have this way of talking to me like he was trying to impress me which is just kinda silly honestly#like i was a 20-21-year-old in awe of him and he was a retired male model eight years older than me w more life experience#and some rather exotic and interesting experiences at that#i think he somewhat envies that i seem (at least to him) like a self-possessed 'intellectual'#thats how he talks to me at least. it's funny tho#not that im not. like. smart. i think the both of us know i'm better-read than he'll be in 3 lifetimes#and i'm not quite self-possessed but i certainly don't have the open-wounded insecurity he does#while also being rather more confident than most ppl in some areas (and it's not ALL unearned)#he's got much more ambition than i do though. more ambition than i'll have in 10 lifetimes#and he seems to do everything with a motivation of external validation and approval.#so i think he has a chip on his shoulder. poor little Man#the two of us could not be more opposite. but i don't really strive to be like him in the ways he strives to be like me#he chases this dream of what he thinks the perfect man is and it's quite inhuman so of course he falls short.#i on the other hand am if anything much TOO accepting of my own faults and shortcomings. ahem#these are all things i will never say to Man. he's too silly to hear it#besides. im rather sure he likes me (? in some way) and i am these days just very ambivalent to him#i can't NOT say i find him attractive bc i do but he's just. sooooo not the one lol#he's a fascinating creature all flaws aside but i never find myself studying him at my own volition#Man just comes outta the woods sometimes to tell me about his travels or women or whiskey. he's odd#he's very eccentric but between the two of us i think i'm the better eccentric. no wonder he visits me sometimes#but he brings gifts and prayers like he's coming to a devotional shrine or something. i'm like sir this is not a temple#he'll never be normal but he is so strange in the ways i'm too good for. if i do say so myself#(and that's saying something bc i'm not too good for ANYTHING)
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banannabethchase · 2 months
A lot happened for the first day of school. I learned that I didn't get the major promotion, but I did get a student teacher. I learned that were completely revamping our reading curriculum for my classroom, for the second time in 2 years, but that I can use that time to make some serious adjustments to my teaching plan which will fix some of the problems I was running into last year. I fell off my chair in the cafeteria in a very slidey motion, in front of the entire school. And I got stuck behind a train on my way home from work.
What a weird day.
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useragarfield · 7 months
#sorry montgomery wants what she has
u mean to be alive? 😭
i am genuinely wheezing like i need to lay down
TO BE ALIVE snfjhnsjkghskjg
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quatregats · 5 months
Honestly I think everything would be much better if I could think about everything much more and also much less
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Not cis, not trans, but a secret third thing
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