#siriusly struggled with the lighting on this one
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wolfstar brainrot!!!!!!!!! click for better quality <3
background and sketch below ⬇️
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prongsfootandco · 1 year
Day 20 of @prongsfoot-microfic
CW: implied period-typical homophobia
On AO3
“How exactly are we going to escape?” James mutters to his boyfriend or, more accurately, slurs in a loud whisper. 
The room is a dingy concrete square with a stone bench on one wall. In front of them are metal bars that muggles would find impossible to get through, and in the corner is a tiny blinking light that James is pretty sure is a camera. It’s uncomfortable, cold and cramped. James wants to go home so he can continue making out with Sirius on the couch, in bed… or even on the kitchen counters. Making out on the kitchen counters is always fun. 
Alas, they can’t. 
He’s not sure how they ended up in the muggle police station. One moment they were giggling and snogging in an alley, the next they were surrounded by cops, unable to disapparate and trapped. They’d struggled against the muggle cops, but without magic, they can’t do anything. 
James pouts at the memory. It was a good night up until that point, filled with booze and friends and Sirius. 
“Siriusly, Pads,” James giggles at his own joke, poking his boyfriend when he realises that Sirius still hasn’t responded to his question. “We need to get out of here! Sweet, sweet freedom.”
Sirius blinks slowly, his pretty silver eyes glazed over. He looks a little paler than usual and there’s black eyeliner smeared under both eyes. “Erm… magic?”
“Muggles can’t use magic, Jamie,” Sirius says with a roll of his eyes. 
“I know that. But- but they can’t see us. Camera!”
At that, Sirius frowns, peering up at the red blinking light. “Well… fuck. Peter?”
“What about him?”
There’s a pause. Sirius’ face scrunches up and he sticks his tongue between his lips. Pretty lips, James thinks. “What about who?”
Before James can answer, the door to their cell swings open, and a cop stands looming in the doorway. His arms are crossed in front of his chest and there’s a truncheon swinging from his belt. It’s not nearly as good as James’ mahogany wand, but it would cause some pretty nasty bruises if the policeman decides he wants some target practice. He certainly looks angry enough to try. Whatever James and Sirius did wrong the policeman isn’t pleased about it. 
The problem is… James can’t remember for the life of him what they’d done. 
They were just snogging. As far as he’s aware muggles are allowed to snog and they hadn’t broken some unspoken rule. 
“You’re free to go.”
“Wah?” James asks, not understanding the man. They haven’t even started their escape plan and now they’re being freed? 
They just don’t make sense. 
James hauls Sirius to his feet and they stumble into the foyer, grabbing their robes and wands at the front desk. When he turns around, Lily Evans is standing there, a haunted look on her face. 
“We didn’t do anything wrong?” James tells her, whining a little. 
She shakes her head, giving them a weak smile. “I know, love.”
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remmyswritings · 4 years
our secret pt. 2//regulus black x reader
Hello my beautiful Puffs!!! So I wrote this pretty early this morning, and while I just went over it again just now, please excuse any mistakes you find (dw @kashishwrites​ i did go back to sleep) Anyway I hope y’all like this <3 :) 
taglist: @willowbleedsonpaper​ @summer-writes​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @firewhisky-kisses​ @potterverseimagine​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @masterofthedarkness​ @imboredandneedalife​ @lila-lilakk​ @strawberriesonsummer​ @kalimagik​ @62442-am​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @curious-curios​ @jenniweaslee​ @cherrycolakxsses​ @peeves-a-legend​ @booksmusicteaandanimals​ @heart-of-tempered-steel​ @kashishwrites​ @siriusly-addicted-to-writing​ @redbulletxxxworld​ @pcseidcnsvoid​
part 1 
*Not my GIF, credit to creator*
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It had been a year- a very long year- since that fateful day at Hogsmeade where you finally convinced Regulus to let his brother- and by extension his brother’s friends- help him stay alive. Of course with Regulus now working as a double agent for the Order it was getting harder and harder for the two of you to spend time together. He was a skilled enough Legilimens so that You Know Who wouldn’t have a clue but around you, everything went away. You were, and still are, his one weakness. That’s why sitting across from him after the Order meeting had ended, telling everyone about his plan to replace the horcrux you knew you had to act. 
“Reg,” you reached your hand out to him hoping the physical contact would make him look at you for the first time in weeks, “can we talk?”
He still wouldn’t look at you completely but he nodded, so you took that as an improvement. 
You pulled him aside hoping that nobody would disturb the two of you, “Mi amor, can you please look at me? Please?”
His eyes shifted down and caught yours and the second they did you realized why he hadn’t looked at you before- he was terrified and you were the only person he showed any emotion to. You threw yourself into his arms hoping that at least the physical comfort might help a bit. His body tensed slightly at first since it had been quite some time since the two of you had touched only to relax completely, as if his body were putty. One of his hands went to your lower back while the other ran itself through your hair, his face hiding in that little spot in your neck. You swore you felt something wet but honestly you didn’t care… you finally had Regulus in your arms.
“I love you so much Regulus. I hope you know that, and I’m so proud of you,” you started your little speech. “But please for the love of everything good in the world don’t push me away- not now. I need you, I need to feel your heartbeat in the morning and need to be able to run my hands through your hair. I need to hear you read poetry to me on the weekends and hear you sing those French songs in the shower. I need to see you lying next to me when I go to sleep at night and when I wake up again in the morning. Please stop doing this.”
He nodded again and his hold on you tightened even more, “I’m sorry my love. I’m sorry for pushing you away and for hurting you in the process. I just- I worry that someone will figure out who you are and what you mean to me. And if it weren’t for this war, we’d probably already be married and I’d have found us a beautiful flat to stay in and you would have an amazing job with the Ministry. And I want to have that with you, but I can’t- not until I finish this.”
“We can at least start it- our plans for the future,” you pulled away slightly so that you could look at him, “Let’s get married… tonight.”
Regulus at first look bewildered but understand where you were coming from. After all tomorrow he’d go on a mission where he could basically end up dead, so if anything were to happen (fingers crossed it doesn’t) then at least the two of you would be married.
“Ok, but who will officiate it?” You could see the light in his eyes that had dimmed over the past week, reignite itself.
“Um…” you looked around the room where you all were, “I think we can get Remus to do it, and we have enough people here as witnesses.”
Regulus nodded his head and turned around to face the others in the room. They had seen the two of you talk for quite some time now but out of respect had decided not to eavesdrop, although you had made it difficult for them to even try in the first place.
“We’ve decided we want to get married tonight,” the announcement was met with excitement. 
After a little bit of coordinating, you were whisked away by Lily and Sirius while Remus and James helped Regulus get ready. You were quite surprised when Sirius said he’d be with you but in his words “I want to finally spend some one-on-one time with my soon-to-be sister-in-law. Plus Regulus won’t let me touch his hair.”
Thankfully, you had a dress hidden away from several months ago when you were given the chance to go to muggle London. It wasn’t a white dress but that fact seemed to make it even more unique. You were soon helped into your dress and your hair put into a beautiful updo. You didn’t have any flowers to hold or a veil in your hair, but you still felt like you were a princess. 
When you were finally ready, and everyone else in the house was dressed up, you were led outside to the backyard. With just a little bit of magic, small lights filled the air between you and your love. Lily, who had become something of a sister to you since you arrived, walked you down the makeshift aisle. 
By the time you had met Regulus, tears had started to fall from your eyes and you could see that the same was happening with him. There was not a dry-eyed soul in the vicinity. 
After that, everything became a blur… at least until you got to the vows. When Regulus started to read his, you weren’t sure if you would be able to make it through yours.
My love,
Since the very first day we met I knew you would be someone important to me. Even at eleven years old, you were quite good at reminding me when I was acting like a pretentious ass, but I wouldn’t want anyone else in the world calling me out with the sass that you do.
I think we can all agree that you are my better half. Whenever I look at you all I see is light, absolute pure light. You make everything around me seem so much better and you’ve taught me what it means to be a good person. I don’t think I would even be here right now if it weren’t for you. 
You are everything I wish to be and more, my love.
Your hands trembled as you pulled out the paper with the vows you had written one day, with the plan for them to be used much much later.
Mi amor,
I can’t imagine a life where I wake up without you by my side. You’ve taught me what it means to be resilient and determined, especially in the face of fear and evil. And what love looks like. I mean to me you are the definition of true love. 
When I think of us and what we’ve been through I think of all those moments we had together, where it was just about us. There is no one else who I’d want to sass at some point in my day, and there is no one else who I would want by my side when I fight. 
You may think that I’m your better half, but to be quite honest it’s the opposite. Being your friend, and then your lover, you have taught me so much that I can’t possibly put it into words even though I tried. 
I can’t wait to start our future together, mi amor.
By the time you had finished, everyone had started to sob. That night as much as worry filled the air, so did love. When Remus finally said the words “you may kiss the bride” Regulus had almost swept you off your feet- not that you minded. 
The two of you were led back inside where your new marriage was celebrated with day old cake and some left over wine. You didn’t care though, all you felt was happiness and hope that tomorrow would turn out okay. 
For the first time in weeks, Regulus and you slept together in the same bed. You didn’t do anything that night except hold one another in your arms and whisper I love yous throughout the night. The next morning, you were thankful to have woken up first, being given the chance to see your husband look so peaceful was something that you loved. Your husband, there was something about even thinking those words that set a fire in you. 
When the time came, Regulus and you went down to the kitchen where you would wait with the others for his return. It was a nerve-wracking several hours, so much so that Sirius had to grab you by the shoulders to stop your pacing. 
Finally, Regulus appeared close to death and you weren’t sure whether to scream or cry. You rushed over to him, a mere heap on the floor, and with some struggle lifted him into the sofa. Your hands didn’t stop moving until every cut was sealed and no more blood was pouring out of him. By the end, you had to be dragged towards the bathroom and have your hands cleaned, not wanting to leave Regulus alone. 
5 days. 5. 
That’s how long it took for Regulus to wake up. By then every Order member knew not to bother you as you sat by your husband. Sirius would sit with you occasionally and would constantly make sure you ate and drank water… something about how his little brother would kill him if he found out that nobody had made sure you were okay. 
When those grey, stormy eyes opened, the tears that you had held back when he arrived broke through. 
“Sirius!” You called out, “Sirius! He’s awake.”
You had to hold yourself back from simultaneously tackling Regulus out of happiness now that he was awake and hitting him out of anger for almost dying.
The two brothers spoke in private as you were sent to go drink some water. You weren’t sure how long you stood there, leaning against the counter until you saw Regulus out of the corner of your eye holding himself up with the doorframe.
“What are you doing up?” You rushed over to him, “You should be lying down.”
“So this is the first thing I hear from my beautiful wife,” he smirked slightly.
“Oh- if you were expecting me to be mad, I am. I am very mad at you,” you cupped his cheeks with your hands, squeezing them slightly, “but I’m also very very happy that you’re alive and standing in front of me. So this is what you get.”
Regulus wrapped you in his arms and although he told you he was fully healed, the face he made told you otherwise. 
Some days later, Dumbledore stopped by and told you that it would be best for the two of you to flee. You Know Who has gotten word about a traitor in his midst and Regulus’ absence had made him a suspect. The two of you packed your things and then spent that night together with your little family that had formed in the past year. 
You all cried, laughed, and screamed one last time. Then Regulus picked up your bags and wrapped you up in his arms.
“One day,” he started, “when this is all over. We’ll come back. I promise my love.”
With a pop, the two of you disappeared into the night, heading to who knows where to start your new life together. 
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skullrock · 4 years
the beauty - Steve x Reader
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pairing: Steve x Reader
request: since you're doing these comfort fics with steve can you write one where reader has acne please? 🥺 i struggle so much and it makes me really insecure. thank you!
word count: 900
warnings: swearing, insecurities 
a/n: I felt this so hard anon. I hope you’re doing well and I hope this fic is helpful for you <3 stay strong!! I know it can feel so defeating and hopeless but you got this! you are beautiful no matter what!!
It was the same routine every morning.
Wake up, wash your face with a wash that was way too expensive. Pat dry. Use toner. Use redness reducing lotion. Use moisturizer with salicylic acid. Apply concealer, foundation – the makeup you usually needed to feel comfortable. Stare in the mirror for entirely too long, picking at yourself, until you were nearly late to work or class.
It was a horrifying thought to go out without makeup. Actually, it was a horrifying thought to have anyone even see you without concealer. The thought made your breath catch and your stomach hurt.
The thought of Steve, your own boyfriend, seeing you without makeup was even more horrific. It sent panic through you to think of what he would say. Steve was perfect in every way – the only blemishes he ever had were from fights that he somehow managed to get into. Otherwise, his skin was smooth and beautiful, littered with beauty marks, toned and firm. Truth be told, you’d kill for his skin, and it was infuriating when he told you he just uses a gentle cleanser in the shower. Meanwhile, you had an entire skincare routine – and even if you kept it up for months, your skin still suffered.
You had a date with Steve at 7, and you could not get your foundation to sit right on your skin. You kept washing your face, toning, moisturizing. It seemed like no matter what you did, the foundation only exacerbated the blemishes, and you ended up breaking down at your vanity. It was already fifteen past, and you knew Steve was in the living room, but you could not go out like this. No way. Not an option.
As you try to pull yourself together, you hear a soft knock on your door. “Everything okay?”
“Fine, Steve,” you say quickly. But your voice is a bit too thick, and Steve’s a bit too caring.
You bury your face into your hands even more as you hear Steve enter the room. He comes to you immediately, kneeling down beside you. His brows are furrowed with worry and he rests a hand on your back. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“I’m good,” you lie. “I just keep messing up my eyeliner.”
Steve does a mix between a scoff and a snort, and it makes you laugh. “I don’t care about your eyeliner,” he says, rubbing your back. “I care about seeing you, though. Can you look at me?”
You shake your head.
“Come on,” he says gently, his hands coming to grip yours. “Let me see that pretty face –“
“Steve,” you say sharply. “Back off.”
You can feel him deflate beside you and he recoils, frowning. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –“
“No,” you sigh. “I’m sorry - it’s not you. I just… can’t get my makeup to look right.”
“You don’t need it.”
You laugh mirthlessly. “You don’t even know how wrong you are.”
Steve’s face twists. “You don’t need makeup. You’re perfect.”
You roll your eyes behind your hands. “Okay.”
Steve huffs. “Can I see my pretty girlfriend? Please?”
It sends the worst kind of panic through you, but you relent, slowly letting your hands fall to your clean and bare face.
Steve is completely unfazed. “Y/N, you don’t even have makeup on. How were you messing it up?”
You look at him, confused. “What?”
“Did you cry it off?”
“No – you don’t think this is ugly?” You gesture to your face and Steve frowns.
“No! I don’t think your face is ugly!”
You sigh again. “The acne, Steve.”
“Oh,” he says, and blinks. “Of course, I don’t think it’s ugly. Do you think I care?”
“Steve,” you say quietly. “I know your type of girl, and it’s not someone who has acne.”
Steve looks offended. “You obviously don’t know my type of girl.” He grabs your mirror and holds it up. You stare back at your reflection sadly.
“My type of girl is someone who’s funny,” he begins. “Someone who laughs at all my stupid, dumb jokes. Who lets me buy really ridiculous stuff at the store because I think it’s neat. A girl who is always there for me and others. She has great taste and a big heart. She’s quiet and serene, but loud and bold at the same time. She has a cute laugh and a bright smile.” He grins smugly. “Sound familiar?”
“No,” you joke, and he laughs.
“Look, I know this is cheesy as shit, but I really do love you,” he promises. “Your acne isn’t a big deal to me. I still think you’re beautiful.”
You sigh heavily and take the mirror from him, gazing at yourself. “Do you really mean that?”
Steve takes the mirror back and sits it on the vanity, grabbing your hands in his. “I really mean that. You’re everything to me. With and without makeup.”
You smile and look down. “Well, good, because you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”
“Oh, I like it,” he says, grinning again. “I mean, I really, really like it.”
You lean down and kiss him softly. He pulls back and kisses your forehead. “Let’s stay in tonight, huh? Then you don’t have to worry about going out. I can make you food.”
You laugh. “What do you know about food?”
“Trust me,” he grins, pulling you up and hugging you. “I know more than you think.”
taglist (join here!): @harrington-ofhawkins @comedy-witch @gothackedalready @wolfish-willow @sassisaluxury @willowrose99 @harringtown @m-blasterrr @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger​ @ssanjuniperoo​ @darth-el​ @sourapplebaby​ @yall-wildin-like-siriusly​ @andyl394​ @astil-be​ @troop-scoop​ @ilovebucketbarnes @with-a-little-bit-of-light​
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lmpala97 · 5 years
Who Does Dean Love More? PART 2 (Dean x Reader)
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Warnings: None
Summary: It was a normal day at the bunker, until someone from Dean’s past shows up...
“You are one hell of a sick bitch, you know that?” Dean stayed with an angry look, fists clenched at his sides.
“Comes with the eyes, sweetheart” Lisa-demon thing replied with a sickly sweet smile.
“So! Here’s how it goes” she said, her hand still holding the collar of my shirt “I have the blade, and you my dear friend Dean can only save one. Whoever you don’t choose, gets pricked! In a very particularly lethal place!” She smiled at me, running the tip of the blade down the side of my jawline, stopping at the artery in my neck “It’s simple really!”
“And say I refuse to play this game.” Dean questioned.
“Well then” she sighed “ill just kill them both. And poor poor Dean will be oh so alone again”
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Dean remained silent. Glaring at the demon and looking at me - so unsure what to do.
I could see the torment in his face. I know he wanted to save us both but one wrong step on his end would surely get one of us killed and he didn’t need any more blood on his hands.
I was about to tell him not to do it. Not to play this sick and twisted game. But how could I? That would be selfish because we both would die. And even if Dean managed to save one of us he would never get over the guilt of it being “his fault” He would never stop blaming himself.
“Times ticking Dean!? What’ll it be?” She tightened the grip on my shirt “not to make it any harder on you, but Lisa still thinks about you, you know. Wonders where you are, what you’re doing, wishing she could start all over with you. She still loves you, she’d take you back in an instant” she pointed to her head with the tip of the blade “and I know because it’s alllll up here. I’m in her head.”
Once again Deans face softened for a moment, contemplating if what this bitch had said was true, but as quick as it had come, it was gone again - his face returning stoic.
“Refusing to play? Well then I’ll just have to choose for you” the demon began pointing the blade back and forth between her body and mine like decimal keeper “eenie, meanie, miniiiii-“
“STOP!” I screamed, my voice richocheting off the bunkers cement walls. “Take me. Kill me”
I couldn’t let Dean feel guilty. If what this demon saying was true then he deserves to be with Lisa. Maybe have a normal life with her and her kid. He loved her. And clearly she loved him. I didn’t want him to look at me and be a reminder of her death. I had to die. For Dean. I loved him.
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“Ooooh we have a volunteer” she squealed, letting go of my collar for once
“YN no! What do you think you’re doing! Don’t you dare!” Dean shouted.
I clenched my jaw remaining silent, putting my hand out for the knife which the demon gave me with a smile. It was a regular knife so she knew it would do her no harm and she also knew that I wouldn’t hurt Lisa - for Dean’s sake.
I held the knife in my hand, all of a sudden a simple knife felt so heavy, probably with the weight of what it... what I was about to do with it.
I looked at Dean, he looked scared. His eyes wide and his perfect lips slightly parted. I stared for a moment, trying to take in every angle and line of his face to remember forever.
I mustered a smile. For him.
“Don’t be scared Dean” I said calmly, using both hands to point the Knife towards my abdomen “I love you... gosh I love you so much” a tear slipped down my cheek as I tightened my grip on the handle.
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“YN! You drop that knife right now! Now I said!”
“Be happy ok? Be with Lisa. You love her. I won’t make you choose. I’m ready. I’ll be okay”
“YN!” Dean shouted one last time, the tears in his eyes obvious now. Dean leapt forward to stop me but with a swift movement of the demons hand, he was pinned against the wall.
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“Tell Sam he’s a pain in my ass” I smiled through my tears, my voice cracking as I began to sob despite my best efforts. Ignoring deans protests, with shakey hands I slowly began to press the sharp tip of the blade into my abdomen.
It hurt. It hurt like a bitch. But I didn’t scream. I couldnt let Dean see how much pain I was in. I could feel the warm blood soaking my shirt as I continued to press the cold steel into my body. I could hear him shouting but it sounded far away - like I was under water. I was too focused. Focused on getting this blade far enough through my flesh to end it.
I didn’t get very far before the loud thud of bodies shook me from my trance. In the flurry of limbs I recognized who they belonged to.
Sam had Lisa pinned to the floor, arms above her head as the demon struggled to break free - Sam reciting the exorcism, his head turning as the black smoke exited from her body. And then it was silent, the sound of Sam’s heavy breathing filling the air as I held my own. Waiting, anticipating Lisa’s return.
Her eyes slowly drifted open, and she sat up right like a deer in head lights, looking around in shock “what happened? Where am I? Where’s Ben!?” And then she saw him, still in the corner the demon had pinned him. Her face softened in relief, as did his and in a moment she was wrapped in his arms. His face nuzzled in her hair as he closed his eyes in relief, his knuckles white with how tight he was holding her to his body. I waited for a moment, just watching, waiting to see if Dean would look at me. Ask me if I’m okay and I felt pathetic for that. That I needed that attention. That validation.
But it wasn’t Dean that spoke up, it was Sam.
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“YN are you okay? How bad is it? Should we get you to the hospital?” He said softly with a worried expression, his hand finding my shoulder.
“I’m okay, Sam” I managed a half- hearted smile. “It didn’t go too deep, a few superficial stitches and I’ll be fine” I glanced back to where Dean and Lisa were standing. Still holding each other - still oblivious as fuck to everything else around them.
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Sam’s face said everything, he was always the most insightful Winchester - and he knew I wasn’t okay. Not really. Not emotionally. I patted his hand and handed him the knife - wrapping his fingers around it.
“I’ll go wash up and stitch up ” I said before turning and leaving the room, refusing to look back another time.
Sorry, I’ve been on a hiatus.
@littlewhiterose @padfoot-siriusly-approves @lokisarmyforevr @emeow1496 @squirrelnotsam @defenderrosetyler @sasbb23 @unicornqu33n17 @gabby913 @biggirlauthor @itsjaybro16 @theworldofimagines @darkxheavens @hobby27 @beltzboys2015-blog @fanfictionrecommendations-com @posiemax @22sarah08 @seppys-return-to-madness @nothinbuttrouble2 @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763 @ryansgirl5509 @insomniac-with-a-juice-pouch @alexisxwinchester @officialmarvelwhore @brooklymw @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car @mrspeacem1nusone @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @carliewinchester @arizonalovesher @deangirl5509 @stoneyggirl @polina-93 @the247daydreamer @ladyofhellhounds @lovelyalyne @scarletluvscas
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hai-se · 4 years
F/GO: Chronicles of a Master [Vol. 1] (pt. I)
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Description: Has humanity fallen so deep into sin that others seek retribution against them?
Where is our salvation?
Where are our second chances?
Are we all created equal or are we all valued the same?
Why do we fight?
Why do I fight?
Will it ever be worth it?
The written diary of a master in Chaldea during their last leg. The one who was bestowed a burden that the world gave. They belong to no one but they belong to everyone. The secrets of Humanity's last master is told in the fashion of their diary. Fujimaru Ritsuka is only but a man filled with flaws like any human.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own fate grand order or any of its products as it belongs to Aniplex, or Type Moon or DW or Nasu.
The graphic designer of my cover is @TheDarkenIllusions
Pairings: N/A
Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Adventure
Warning: Gore, swearing, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental health, Spoilers for the game and light novels and manga.
Fandom: Fate/Grand Order and the Fate series.
Author’s Note: Can also be found at Wattpad under Hai_se_r__ and at Quotev at SiriusLyS. Also please don’t come @ me please lol, I just had this idea suddenly so sorry if my update schedule will be wack since there’s an Black Clover x FGO fic that I’m also working on which is my utmost priority rn since this series will have an irregular update schedule.
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      It's terrifying, I think, to land in a burning city with the smell of rotting flesh and iron flooding your nose.
To look around you and see nothing but fire and ashes, to hear the world scream in death. It makes your eyes water to see the world be nothing but chaos. There are some exceptions to chaos, sometimes order can be found, but in the chaos of the city we landed in, there was no order, just plain anarchy.
When I woke up that day, I wasn't expecting to suddenly be in charge of the whole of humanity. I expected to die in the command room with Mash, holding her hand and giving her company for her last moments in the physical plane, not to live and to have traveled back in time.
Right. Traveling back in time, that whole other mess that I didn't even cover. Singularities are an unobservable region that does not exist within Chaldea's recorded history. It's as if a hole has opened up within the timeline, a hole that is separate from the regular temporal axis.
They are sustained by a Holy Grail, which is given to a certain individual within a key historical time period, typically someone who will use it to cause major disruption to history and destabilize the Human Order Foundations.
The power of the Grails and the circumstances within the Singularities allow for the summoning of Servants and their continued existence in the world, even without a Master.
The emergence of large Singularities cause disturbances and fluctuations in time which spread out tsough history like a wave, and can cause other, smaller Singularities to emerge at other points in time.
Because of humanity's destruction in 2015, due to the collapse of the Human Order Foundation, we're forced to travel to Singularities in the past in order to fix the irregularities of history caused by various Holy Grails.
This is the start of the Grand Order where we, Chaldeans, would rise up against human history for the sake of humanity and to combat fate itself.
But it's just starting.
It starts at the city of Fuyuki, the flame contaminated city, the city of blood and war.
The city of servants and masters.
We had only finished clearing the Fuyuki singularity, a relief it should be, but we've been burdened with greater weight.
I don't know how to feel. I think I'm still in shock.
The prospect of meeting heroes and traveling back in time seems unrealistic, goes to show how brilliant Chaldea's whole existence really is.
Chaldea would probably look more amazing to me if I wasn't too busy worrying about the future. The staff would would probably be less crabby in a day to day basis if there wasn't so much pressure and stress on them. Dr. Roman and the staff are current researching the next singularity which is a whole load of night shifts and pulling all nighters, which puts so much stress. Dr. Roman's the one who told me to write in a diary you know? Says that in the end, no one is going to remember or know of the journey we'll take, only us and the ones who live under this roof. I think I'd like to write more than our journey.
It's a nice thought I think.
It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, I suppose, to meet heroes from various eras, to meet your idols. It would sound good to anyone. It'd be the best way to catch fish someone, honestly, but then again who would believe of legends and powers in our era?
It's hard knowing that in the end, I'd probably remember this whole journey as a delusion and hallucination as I grow older and lose memories. The people I'll meet will be dismissed and the affections and the humanity that's expressed will fade into background. Maybe even the lessons I'll learn will only end up as ridiculed thoughts.
It's not just me.
The journey to save humanity seems like a long path through treacherous obstacles but I'm not just fighting for myself right?
It won't be JUST me.
I'm not the one who carries the burden alone.
It's a lot of weight to carry the whole world on your shoulders. They say I'm the one who'll struggle the most but I think the ones who will are the ones who'll be in the command room, staying awake for hours on end and researching. They're homesick, tired, weary, exhausted, and most importantly, people.
They'll be the ones forced to watch on the sidelines unable to help anyone or anything, nothing to quench and quell their thirst to help, to do something.
But we have to be strong.
We have to give our best.
It has to be enough.
It will always have to be enough.
It can't not be enough.
To waver is to leave yourself open to your enemies.
I suppose watching anime and shows really do help real life.
'Till next time, I guess.
F. Ritsuka
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hey, if you accepting request at the moment, could i have a fic/hc (idm up to you) where the reader is friends with the marauders and they find out she’s anorexic and self harming. and sometimes has to leave class and stuff cause she gets really bad panic attacks and anxiety for seemingly no reason. Sorry if that to specific, I’ve been having a rough few months. thank you 😊
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Here’s a number of a crisis hotline if you want to  call: 1-800-273-8255 and if you’d like to text: Text HOME to 741741. Please remember that you all matter so so so much to me and that I will always be here for you for absolutely anything. I hope your month has gotten better my love :(
Your well worn, “May I please use the restroom?” excuse was clearly wearing thin on Professor Slughorn, as he reluctantly nodded.
“Be back quickly Y/L/N, I’m starting to think that you’re just ditching my class.”
You knew that that’s what it probably looked like as a teacher, a student regularly asking to use the bathroom right in the middle of a lesson or before pairing up with strangers for a group project. But the strict, teacher like tone of his voice was not missed on you and it only made your breathing quicken more as you stepped out into the hallway.
You didn’t have the energy to make it to the bathroom before your legs gave out, and you slid down the wall that the classroom shared with the hallway. Your hands found purchase in your hair, tugging on the strands as you inhaled more oxygen than you needed to. You dug the heels of your shoes into the ground, just a mechanism to tense your muscles that seemed as though they were about to explode if they weren’t used right now. You dug your nose into your knee, having sat with your legs tucked into your chest. The pressure did nothing at all, just giving you a bit of a sore nose as you sat there crying.
You heard the door squeak open and looked up to see a blurry figure, but smelled an all-too-familiar scent with it. James crouched down, resting a hand on your shoulder and pulling you into his lap when you did not reject his touch. You leaned your head against his chest, trying not to be so loud as sobs wracked your body. He rubbed a hand over your back, gripping you tight in his arms. He wriggled his fingers into your fists that were still pulling at your hair, taking them and repositioning them to be in front of you instead. He put a finger each in your fists and allowed you to squeeze his fingers rather than pull your hair.
He whispered softly to you, rambling about his day so that the conversation was not on you. You were able to calm down in his arms, eyes fluttering shut at the constant flow of information that he spouted to keep your mind on something else. You weren’t awake to see James duck his head into the class and tell Slughorn that you needed to be taken to the hospital wing immediately, before picking you up and taking you to his dorm. He tucked you into his bed, smiling gently as you unconsciously nestled into the soft sheets.
It was when you awoke that you saw Remus, sitting on his bed across from you. You sat up in James’ bed, getting his attention from the movement and returning his tentative smile.
Your school uniform was wrinkled from your impromptu nap, not going unnoticed by Remus. He got off of his bed, going to his dresser and pulling a t-shirt out of one of the drawers. He handed it to you, gesturing to the empty bathroom for you to change in. You reluctantly did so, noticing that the sleeves did near nothing to cover the rows of little white lines on your forearms. You resigned to just keep your arms tight to your sides, hopefully Remus wouldn’t notice the awkward position before you got back into James’ bed. You stepped out of the bathroom, nearly making it to James’ bed before you tripped over a stray shoe. The wind was knocked out of you as you landed face down on the floor of the dorms. Remus ran to you, turning you over before you could protest. You tried to tuck your arms back into your sides in time but he caught one of them, brow furrowing as he examined the marred skin.
“I didn’t know you… Why- When did you… I’m-” He floundered several times, finally deciding to keep silent as his eyes asked all of the questions that he couldn’t form. His deep, rich brown eyes looked into yours, slowly filling with tears as your nearly empty ones stared back at him. He had never noticed you struggling, had never noticed the dimmed filter over your usually bright eyes. But it was there, and he blamed himself for not being able to prevent it.
“I used to do it too you know. Being a werewolf is really not good on the self-esteem. But I stopped for you all. You, James, Sirius. Even though you didn’t know, I knew that you wanted me to stop. And I want you to stop. I can help you, you can get professional help if you want. Just please let someone help you. You can’t get through everything on your own.” Once again you were wrapped in one of your friend’s strong holds as your tears began falling, wetting your shirt and staining it darker. He rocked you back and forth, murmuring encouragements into your ears about how strong you were and how you could stop, how you were strong enough to stop. How loved you were by everyone.
Sirius barged in, pushing the door open forcefully and making it slam against the wall behind it. You and Remus both jumped, waving off the stuttered apologies from a now confused Sirius.
“I… If you want me to leave I can.”
“No, it’s okay. You can stay.” Your voice broke twice during the simple sentences but you ignored it and stood from Remus’ lap, offering him a hand.
The black haired boy, ever the joker, decided that it was going to be his mission before you left to make you laugh. He didn’t like seeing you cry, and he wanted to make sure that you didn’t leave their dorm sad.
He started with dumb jokes, earning a faint smile or a light chuckle, but not the hearty laugh that he was going for. He moved to the next step, taunting professors and impersonating them, which brought a few giggles out of you. Maybe he should have stopped there, but he wanted a full laugh. So he waited until you were the most unsuspecting, lunging at you and dancing his fingers over your sides.
He elicited a scream from you, but he thought it was just from the shock and pressed on. You pushed his hands away but he continued, hellbent on making you laugh. But when his fingers brushed over where your abdomen was under the large shirt, instead finding each individual rib in your ribcage, he stopped his motions.
“I.. I should have seen in coming. Remus, can you give us a moment alone please?”
“Uhm, okay..” Remus was reluctant to leave but he knew that it was best, he had no idea what Sirius had found. As soon as the door swung shut behind him Sirius turned to you, hair flying around from the motion.
“Each summer when I go to my parents house, they starve me. They give me the least amount of food necessary to survive, and I started voluntarily not eating after the third summer. I grew so used to the feeling that it started to feel good, in a sick way. But do you remember when I was practicing quidditch against James, and fell off of my broom? I wasn’t out because I hit the ground, I passed out from lack of food. You need to eat, especially because you’re active, you do work all day, you move around a lot. You’re gonna end up passing out one day and we might not be lucky enough to find you before it’s too late. And I’m not losing you, Y/N. Not you.”
“Sirius, I can’t just start eating again, it’s not that easy.”
“I know. You’re talking to someone who’s overcome it, remember? I’ll eat with you each meal, I’m a bit upset that I didn’t notice you weren’t eating sooner, we sit with each other every day. But you can get better and I’m going to help you do it.”
“Okay,” was all you could muster as for the third and final time that day, you let your eyes fall closed as your head laid on the chest of one of the people you loved most in the world.
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavka @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblack @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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robinskey · 4 years
CONGRATS ON 500 YOU ANGLE OMG 💗-TEDDy lupin (or remus i cant decide) 💘- brown hair, weird brown-hazel eyes that change worth my mood or the light. love reading and i can be in big group of people and be a clown but with one person at a time i am me. as in i love hanging out with people but my personality will be intense. SARCASTIC but sweet. study a lot and i have depression and anxiety so... marauders and next gen or lighting era. 💖-siriusly-a-gryffindor-chaser CONGRATS ILYYYYYYYY ❤️💛❤️💛❤️
thank you sm 🥺 ily too!!
💗 : teddy has a passion for theater. he fell in love with the performing arts at a young age, when his grandmother brought him to plays and performances. when the potter/weasley children were little, he’d put on one-man shows to entertain them, changing his appearance at will to act as multiple characters. while at hogwarts, teddy helps organize a theater club. and, surprisingly, teddy can sing?? so he can do musicals as well as plays. this boy’s power is limitless.
💘 : (side note: hazel eyes club! 🙏)
marauders era: i ship you with remus lupin! remus is so soft and sweet and the perfect study buddy. you’re both very well versed in literature, so you’d constantly be sharing he knows it won’t fix everything, but he will provide you with all of the chocolate in an attempt to make you feel a little better. (i also think remus struggles with his mental health, too, so he’d understand where you’re coming from.)
lightning era: i ship you with fred weasley! fred isn’t much of an academic, but he’d always be trying to make you laugh and improve your day. he’s not much of a help when it comes to studying (and honestly more of a distraction sometimes). but he loves when you read to him. he also loves that you’re so kind but also witty and sarcastic. 
💖 : your header is the literal cutest hp header i’ve ever seen?? it’s great. you always find the best fics. :) also, this isn’t about your blog but: you’re such a sweetheart, and i appreciate you sm!! thank you for being such a wonderful human <3
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Coffee addicted
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A/N: So this imagine has been in my drafts for so long but that is becuase I have been writing it for so long and I just wanted to make it perfect and even though I don’t like it as much as I do some of my fics I still think the idea is good and all of that. I really hope you guys like it and enjoy.
PAIRING: George Weasley x Muggle!reader
TAGS:  @siriusly-loves-snuffles, @slither-in-a-half, @nadinissavage, @shadyladyperfection, @geeksareunique, @ashkuuuu, @xinyourdreamsx, @maralisa124, @loserslytherpuff, @chloe-geoghegan1, @musekala, @moonysmilkshake, @crispyfrenchfrieschrusis, @unicorn-sparkles123, @queenofravenclaw05, @redhead-weasley, @fashionlive15, @quokkatrash, @bennie-badeend, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @rosegoldquintis
It was another one of those days. Those dark days where he couldn't sleep. Torturous days where his other half kept reappearing, sometimes smiling and laughing with him and sometimes laying on the ground, cold and pale. He couldn't stop thinking about him. He could never stop. Not even after a year he still felt cold and alone.
That is why he wasn't home. He wasn't at the apartment he used to share with his brother. It just didn’t feel home without him. Nothing ever felt the same without him. Not the warmth that came from the fireplace, nor the comfortable sofa they came up with the ideas on and not even the sunlight that shone through the windows in the enormous living room. It was cold and dark.
So he walked the night, the streets of the Muggle world. It's better there. Nobody knows him and nobody stops him to ask how he was holding up.
Here, he was just a muggle. He was a person and only that.
So as he gazed up at the stars, thinking about his other half looking down on him, probably thinking he was being sappy, he simpered but the moment his mouth curved into a smile a girl appeared out of the corner and bumped right into the man.
"Oh my god. I am so sorry. " you quickly apologized, dropping the map from your hands and looking up at the boy.
"It's okay. I'm sorry. I should have been watching where I was going. " he smiled awkwardly, bending down to pick up the map you were struggling with.
" No, trust me. It is not your fault. " you reassured him, sending him another smile. " I have been wandering these streets for about 15 minutes and I think I am even more lost than before. "
Stretching his smile into a beam, he ran his finger through his red hair and chuckled. " You're not from here, are you? "
"Is it that obvious? "
" The accent gave you up. " he grinned and lifted the map in his hands. “ And the map.”
" Oh..that. " you smiled and took the map from his hands. " Anyways, since you are from around here, might telling me where to find the cheapest motel. "
" Yeah. It's just a few streets down. Don't worry, you can't miss it."
You turned around with your gigantic backpack on your shoulders almost knocking him off his feet. " Oh. Well, crap. " you cursed, narrowing your eyes at the distance and seeing a big sign few blocks down. " That's for not wearing my glasses. " you smiled at him and started backing away. " Anyways thanks for the help......"
" William. " he replied, waving at you.
" Nice to meet you, William. I'm (y/n). " you shouted back, almost falling over your feet before awkwardly smiling at him. "I'm fine! I'm fine."
He chuckled, shaking his head at you. A muggle, completely new to this world. New to his world to say the least. Due to the dark night, he couldn't see you but he knew you must have looked beautiful. To who else would that adorable laugh belong to. And that smile, that smile was gorgeous as well. It was the only thing that kept pondering in his head all the way home.
The memory kept pondering in his head the whole next month and he felt lighter, better. He felt like he should at least have done something to see you one more time. Get your number or walk you to the motel.
Ron, who has been helping him around, hasn't seen George crack a smile in a long time. There was still no joking but he was glad to see him smiling again.
Until the night came again. A terrible nightmare that made him walk back to the window and gaze upon the stars. A tear wanted to escape his eyes but he couldn’t. He couldn’t cry anymore. It was just a big sad hole in the pit of his stomach that wanted him to at least force himself to cry. To let it all out. 
But all of a sudden you appeared in his mind.
' (y/n). ' he thought, saying it out loud and remembering your smile.
He knew he should have used his real name but Bill didn't use his so why should he? Why should he be the sad, twinless brother while Bill gets to have such a wonderful life with his gorgeous wife and daughter? 
So he decided to walk the night again. To get some fresh air and clear his head but honestly, he kept roaming the night, hoping he might run into you.
But nothing happened. No smile, no giggle and no girl with the name of (y/n). Nothing happened until he was walking down the empty streets of London and looking for an open coffee shop. He was exhausted but he didn't want to sleep. Not tonight at least. 
He entered the only coffee shop with a light on, punching the bell a few times.
Nobody came. There were only a few groups of friends and drunks at the tables. Irritated, he punched the bell a few times until he became impatient and continued to punch it nonstop.
"I'm coming! Geez!" A familiar voice came from the back, causing George to turn his frown into a beam. A girl, your height and your messy (y/h/c) hair walked from the back of the shop, hair in a low ponytail while a few strands fell from your barista hat. The mascara was a little smudged under your eyes and the clothes you were wearing were overloose and covered with coffee stains.
Not even looking up at the man, you grabbed a pen and a cup. " How can I help you? "
" How about a direction to the cheapest motel in London?" He smiled and you quickly looked up at the familiar voice.
" William. " you stretched a smile, putting down your cup and taking off the stupid barista cap, throwing it somewhere in the back and trying to fix your hair. “ Uhm, wha- what are you doing here?”
He looked so much more handsome in the light. Stocky, tall and lovely brown eyes. Few freckles with matching ginger hair. " Hello, (y/n). I don't know you worked here."
" Well, my dreams are finally coming true. Becoming a barista was always a passion of mine. " you spoke sarcastically, earning another chuckle from him. " So what can I get you, Will? Can I call you Will? I mean it kind of feels wrong saying it-"
"Will is fine." He spoke softly, looking up at the menu and reading the orders.
That gave you a perfect opportunity to observe the man. He had a gorgeous smile. So bright and lovely just as his laugh. What made you more keen on your attention was his left ear. He didn't have one.
" I'll have a vanilla cappuccino." He looked down on you, catching you in your action and causing you to blush.
" Right! " you exclaimed awkwardly, searching for the cup you placed down before. " Capilla- I mean vanilla cappuccino coming up."
" How much?" He chuckled, reaching for his wallet before you stopped him.
" Oh, no, no. It's on me. It's the least I can do for the man who helped me. " you smiled, writing Will on the cup and filling it in a creamy mix of milk and coffee.” Here you go. “ you gave him the cappuccino, smiling. “ And thank you again. “ 
“ Thank YOU. “ he smiled, lifting up the cup and walking out the doors. 
‘ (y/n). ‘ 
Now, he can finally put a beautiful face to a beautiful name because just like you, he has been observing you as well. From the corner of his eye, as he pretended to read the menu, he caught your beautiful features and he was right; you were beautiful.
He became your favorite customer. He didn’t miss a day of his coffee. Mondays and Tuesdays was an expresso, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays was a latte, Saturdays was a strawberry and vanilla tea while Sundays were usually a hot choco. 
It was a routine but there came days where he would ask for a vanilla cappuccino. It happened twice, maybe three times a week but when he ordered it, you knew something was wrong. To be honest, there came days where you wanted to ask him about it but you couldn’t let your curiosity ruin the relationship the two of you had. 
“ Good morning. “ his voice was cheerful and loud, as it was unusual for a Monday morning. 
“ An expresso? “ you smiled, reaching for a cup. 
“ Actually give me two, my brother is being grumpy without his morning coffee.” he smiled and you turned around with a smirk. 
“ A brother? I didn’t know you had one of those. “ 
“ A pack of them actually. And the coolest sister might I add. “ 
“ And what is Mr. Grumpy’s name? “ you held up a cup and marker. 
“ Ron. “ he smiled. “ But Grumpy will be fine. “ 
“ Alright. “ you smiled, writing down the name and filling it with coffee, both of the cups before giving them to George. “ And have a nice Monday. “ 
“ Likewise, madam.” he bowed and exited the coffee shop.
He entered the shop, smiling and climbing the stairs to find Ron. “ Honey! I’m home! “ he shouted, finding his brother packing up the new toys. “ Brought you some coffee. Thought it might cheer you up a bit.“ 
“ The hell have you been, George. “ he got up, grabbing the coffee from his hand before grabbing another box. “ You’ve been gone for twenty minutes. “ 
“ It’s a whole new world out there, Ronikins. Had to go explore it. “ 
Ron turned around at his sudden change of mood, taking a sip of his coffee. “ Oh, this is some good stuff. Where did you get it? “ 
“ Up and down, here and there.” he wiggled his eyebrows at him.
“ Uh-um. “ he threw him a suspicious look before leaning back on the desk and taking another sip. “ Speak. “ 
“ Okay, there is this girl.” he smiled, throwing himself on the chair and giggling. 
“ A girl? “ another voice entered the room, revealing a beautiful young lady with a few bruises on her arm. 
“ Ginny? What are you doing here? “ Ron asked but was completely ignored by her. 
She sat down next to George and smiled. “ Who is this girl? “
“ She is so gorgeous Gin. “ George swooned, not believing the words he spoke out loud right now. “ She has this smile that just makes me smile. And an adorable laugh that just makes me want to kiss her. “ 
“ Than why haven’t you asked her on a date yet? “ 
The question got him thinking. Why didn't he ask her on a date yet? Maybe because she doesn't know about the wizarding world. Or maybe it was because he was not ready. Not ready to love someone, someone who he might love more than his brother. A brother he has lost.
" I can't."
"You can't?" Both Ron and Ginny spoke together, a shocked expression on both of their freckled face.
" I can't." George got up and walked through the door.
He walked slowly as the night crept in. This time he didn't walk the streets of the Muggle world. He walked the path to his brother.
He knelt down, looked at the gravestone for just a moment before glancing down on the grass.
"Freddie...I miss you." He spoke glumly, his finger playing with the grass. " I miss you quite a lot but I know you're here. I know you watch over me...and all of us." He simpered, fell back on the ground so that he sat opposite of his brother's gravestone. " And if you are watching over me then you probably know about her. The girl in the coffee shop. (Y/n) is her name." His simper turned into a smile. "Isn't it just a lovely name?"
' (Y/n) with lovely (y/e/c) eyes and the way, they glow up. The way they match her smile and the way they lurk around whenever he decides to sit and read a book.' He thought, smiling foolishly at himself.
' You're such a git, Georgie.' He thought of his brother's voice in his head, almost as he was there. 'You like her and here you are, sitting like a fool and talking to a ghost.'
"I know."
'Than what are you doing?'
"She's a Muggle, Freddie."
' Bollocks! She is a muggle. You are bloody right, George Weasley should never date a Muggle. Oh dear god no.'
"Okay, I get your point."
But there was nothing now. Not a single voice in his head that could reply to him back. The only thing he knew right now was, what the hell was he doing sitting here and talking to a ghost?
So he ran. He ran into the Coffeshop, stumbling over and dodging Muggles until he was back in the coffee shop.
Though you weren't there. Not in your usual spot, nor any other table. Where were you?
"Hello, hi." He spoke to a girl behind the counter, her barista hat on and one hell of a sad expression.
"What can I get you?" She spat out.
" Might telling me where (y/n) is?"
" She went home. Probably pack or something."
"Yeah. She's leaving tomorrow."
Leaving? You can't be leaving? What about - you can't.
'' Wha- When? '' George realized his tone was desperate, something he hasn't heard in a long time since his brother's death.
'' I don't know, Red. You ask me too many questions.'' She turned around, leaving him behind in his own desperation.
He ran his hands through his hair, over and over again, pondering the thought of how to find her. Running back to the girl, he put his charming smile on his face and leaned on the counter, calmly this time.
You huffed, placing another T-shirt on the pile. '' I hate this.'' You grumbled, turning around, leaving for the living room and putting your hair in one shit of a bun. Grabbing the basket of unfolded clothes, you heard your back crack and you huffed once again, lifting the basket and heading back to the bedroom. '' I really hate this.''
Back down the hall, to the living room, this time heading towards the kitchen for a glass of water, you opened the cabinet to reach up for the glass but was interrupted by a knock instead.
'' Who is it? '' you shouted, closing the cabinet and walking towards the door.
'' It's Ge- I mean Will.'' George replied, hating to call himself after his brother.
'' Shit! '' you started to panic, looking in the mirror and seeing how awful you looked. Shit of a bun, sweaty top, unshaved, shorts. '' I'll be there in a minute! '' you bolted into the bedroom, putting down your bun and changing into longer sweatpants that fell down your hips perfectly. You rumbled through the clothes, looking for a nice sporty shirt but your ginger cat was getting in the way. '' Get lost! Shoo!'' you shooed him and the cat ran off while you ran back, putting your hair in a tight ponytail and opening the door.
' Fuck! I forgot to put deodorant!' you thought, hoping you didn't smell like a pig as he stood in front of you with those gorgeous brown eyes.
'' Hey.'' You smiled. '' Come in.''
''Hi.'' He beamed, coming in your apartment and try to pass you in a tight hall, causing the two of you to be closer by only an inch. '' Oh wow, this hall is small.'' He smiled awkwardly, trying to walk past you.
Blushing, you closed the door and reached your hand for his coat '' Here, let me.''
» Thanks.« he replied and walked into the living room.
It was small, old with clothes scattered all over the floor but you could still see it was quite a cozy apartment.
» Sorry about the mess. I didn't know I had this many clothes until I decided to clean my wardrobe.« you laughed awkwardly, walking into a messy living room and picking up the clothes from the ground. 
» I don't want you to leave.« he blurted out, turning around so you were faced with his back instead of those gorgeous brown eyes. He ran his hand down his face thinking of what to say to you after what he just said.
» Leaving?« you quivered, throwing the clothes in the basket and leaning on the kitchen table with your arms crossed. » What do you mean leaving?«
» Isn't that why you're packing? Cleaning your wardrobe?« he turned around, catching your confused gaze.
Uncrossing your arms, you walked back to the living room and grabbed the clothes from the sofa. » I told my boss I need some time off. I haven't cleaned this place since I moved in. I work every day and have no time for myself. I told her I want some time off.« you explained, walking back to the kitchen table and throwing all the clothes in the basket which sat on the chair.
And then it suddenly hit you.
» William?« you turned around, your voice soft and shy. » Wha- I mean, did you come here to prevent me from leaving? Or-.« you started to blush at your own words.
» George.« he spoke, lifting his gaze to meet your eyes and simpering. » My name is not William, it's George.«
» What?« you replied, this time louder and with a sharp edge in your tone. You crossed your arms once again, leaning back on the kitchen table as you did before and glaring at him.
»Don't be mad. Please.« he took a few steps towards.
» Well, I am mad, Will- I mean George.« you corrected yourself, uncrossing your arms. » I'm mad because I found myself liking you and now I just found out you've been lying to me for months.«
» You like me?« he smirked, taking another step closer so the two of you were only an inch apart. His hand took a hold of yours, causing your fingertips to burn from his touch and your cheeks turn red.
Avoiding his gaze, you kept your eyes on the ground and tried to brush off the burning feeling on your fingertips. » That's not the point.« you moved away, finally being able to breathe and look him in the eye. » Why did you lie?«
» I-I..« he sighed, took a deep breath then looked away. » More than a year ago, I lost my brother in a war.« he paused, turning around and walking to sit on a sofa. »  He was everything to me. Literally everything.« he smiled and finally looked up at you.
You softened your expression, uncrossed your arms and continued to listen.
» The worst part was that he was my twin which meant I shared my whole life with. It's not that I had to share my life with him, it's the fact that I wanted to. He was a nutter, I'll tell you that, but he was my nutter and my brother and my best friend. And I know my siblings kept trying to make me feel better after I've lost him, but they never truly understood my connection with Fred. And after Fred died, everybody kept asking me how was I holding up and that he's in a better place and all of that but honestly I just wanted them to leave me alone.« he kept his eyes on the ground, glancing at you from time to time but as he did you weren't in the kitchen, leaning back on the kitchen table. You were sitting beside him and held his hand on your own. » I met you that day after I had another of those dreams. Dreams of him. And he was laughing with me after we blew up that new project of ours for our shop. So, when I woke up smiling, I just felt sad immediately because he was gone and I was still here. And I went for a walk and I bumped into you. » he smiled wider and brushed his thumbs over the back of your hand. » And you were new and you didn't know who I was or who my family was or that I lost a brother and I needed someone to look at me normally, Not from pity or grief. So, I introduced myself as William.«
» And the vanilla cappuccino?« you asked out of the blue, though you pretty much knew what it was about after hearing his story.
» You noticed, didn't you?« he asked and you simpered.
» I'm a barista, of course, I noticed.«
» Yeah.« he chuckled. » Whenever Fred and I got into a fight, which was rare but it happened, mom made us vanilla cappuccino as some kind of peace offering between us. I don't know how it worked but we were kids and vanilla cappuccino somehow always made us forget about the fight. So whenever he was sad or I was sad, we made each other a vanilla cappuccino and it somehow got better.«
» Oh.«
» Don't feel sorry. Please don't. I get that from my family enough as it is.«
» I'm not.« you denied and he chuckled.
» Yes, you are. You're just trying not to.«
» Look.« you took his hands into yours. » I'm upset that you lied to me about who you are but I'm glad you told me the truth. To be honest I like George more than I like William.«
There was silence in the room now, only your cat's paws hitting the floor as she approached George. 
» Shoo.« you tried to shoo your cat away but he only crawled into George's lap and purred.
George removed his hands from your hold and started petting the cat, scratching behind his ears and down to his neck until he found it's collar. » Aren't you just an adorable little kitty.« he cooed and the cat turned on her back so he could scratch his belly. » What's her name?« he asked, placing his both hands on each side of cats head and massage it.
» Well…it's a he.« you chuckled and let your fingers wander to the cat's fur. » And his name is Jack.« you smiled and took George's hands from the cat and to your own hold.
He looked at you, grinning and letting one hand place itself on your cheek. Leaning in, he pressed his lips onto yours and started to kiss you softly. You smiled into it and let your hands run through his messy, dense, ginger hair. That was until a little furball at your feet started meowing and scratching both of your legs.
The two of you pulled away, chuckling and looking down at the cat. You smiled at George, giving him a soft peck on the lips and playing with his hair. » Anything else I should know?«
He smiled, prepared to give you a clear no but then there was something he clearly couldn’t hide from you. » Do you believe in magic?«
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robinbuckleysfringe · 7 years
The Unknown Daughter of Sirius Black (a Fred Weasley fan fic)
[Rose is a witch and a b*tch (oops, spoilers) for your information]
Sirius Black was on his way back home from visiting his old school mates, James and Lily Potter, their son Harry and his other old school friend Remus Lupin. In his arms was a small child, only three years of age, who looked tired but nonetheless was wide awake. She had spent the afternoon playing with Harry, who was two years younger than her, and her uncles and aunt.
The girl had Sirius' black hair and her mother's green eyes which seemed to light up as she talked animatedly about how much fun she had had that day. "Daddy?" The little girl questioned her father. "Yes Ellie?" Ellie was not the child's full name. In fact her name was Eleanor Rose (after her mother's name) Black.
"This was the BEST Halloween EVER!" She exclaimed. The night was in fact the 31st October meaning that there were quite a few kids on the streets going 'trick-or-treating'. "Was it now sweetie?" Sirius asked his daughter, "you said that last year didn't you?" He teased. "But this year was better cuz I could play with Harry!"
The two quickly reached their home where Eleanor's mother, Rose, was waiting for them. As Sirius walked through the door of the home he and his family lived in he set little Eleanor down and she ran up to the woman that was waiting at the end of the hallway. The house they lived in was old but it was big enough for the small family. They lived in London in a building that as been in the Black family for years. In fact when Sirius himself was little, he grew up in this house. You see the house was in fact 12 Grimmauld Place.
As Eleanor reached where her mother was standing the woman picked her up and gave her a cuddle asking if she had behaved herself. "She's our daughter, obviously she didn't." Was the answer that Rose heard coming from her husband. Rose walked over to Sirius, with Ellie in her arms, and hugged him so Ellie was in between both of the adults. The moment, however was ruined when Sirius spoke.
"I have to go and see Peter. I convinced James and Lily to make him the secret keeper instead of me. I must go check on him and his house. You know, make sure everything's alright." "You've only just got back though." Rose countered. "I know," Sirius' usually happy face turned sad. "I'll be quick though. I love you both." "I love you to Sirius. Be safe." Rose smiled sadly at her husband. "Love you Daddy" little Eleanor's voice spoke up. She had been listening to the conversation intently and was confused, the confusion evident on her little face. Sirius leaned over and kissed his daughter on the head. "Be good for Mummy for me little one." "Yes Daddy."
💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥time skip💥💥💥💥💥💩💩💩💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Rose had just put Eleanor to bed after the little girl constantly asked if she could stay up till her dad got back home. For a three year old, Eleanor was quite smart for her age. It was something Rose liked to think she had got from her.
Another hour passed and still Sirius had not returned home. Rose wanted to go and see if everything was okay but she knew that she couldn't leave Eleanor by herself. After about half an hour of debating, Rose decided that she would leave for only a short amount of time, try to find Sirius and return them both home before Eleanor awoke to an empty house or if anything bad happened to her. So with all that in mind Rose left 12 Grimmauld Place, locking the door behind her, and apparating to the first place that came to mind of where her husband could be, Godric's Hollow.
Upon arriving Rose Black was met with a saddening and shocking sight. The home of Lily and James Potter had been destroyed, the top half anyway. Outside the remains of the house stood Hagrid (You lot know who he is so I'm not explaining who he his) and her husband, Sirius Black.
"What happened Sirius?" Rose asked as she approached her husband, tears threatening to spill. "Rose, what are you doing here? Where's Ellie?" said Sirius siriusly. "Ellie's fine. She's asleep at home. What happened?" "He killed them!" Sirius exclaimed. "Peter led Voldermort to them! He's a traitor!" "How do you know if any or this is true?" Rose questioned quietly and calmly, afraid that if she spoke any louder the tears would stream from her eyes. Sirius explained how when he got to Pettigrew's house no one was there and there was no sign of a struggle, so he had immediately apparated to Godric's Hollow.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭three years later😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Eleanor was now six and she hadn't seen her dad since the night of Halloween three years ago when he brought her home from visiting her uncle Remus (who was also her godfather) and her aunt and uncle Lily and James (they were also her godparents) and their son Harry. She had no idea what had happened to them or her father that night. She just knew something bad had happened. That's all her mum had told her.
Rose had started neglecting her child a week after the incident. The only time she would acknowledge the child's existence would be to tell her to make the food at meal times or to abuse her, other than that she ignored her. Rose wasn't over what had happened to her husband. Sirius Black had been sent to Azkaban after Peter Pettigrew had set him up. The events that had happened made it look like Sirius had killed Peter and thirteen other people, all muggles, leaving Rose to care for their daughter by herself. Eleanor often found her mum with a bottle of Firewhisky in her hands.
Eleanor knew about magic and would often perform it accidentally resulting in her breaking something or causing something to happen that meant her once caring mother would scream and punish her for. The child would often spend the time she wasn't doing chores or cooking in her room shut away from her mother, crying and wishing that her father was there. She somehow knew that his absence had affected her mother and that she would often get the blame for it.
❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌another time skip. I'm sorry. This is when Eleanor is eleven❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌
It was Eleanor's eleventh birthday, June 1st. As usual she got up and got dressed. Examining her silver locket in the process. She went downstairs and was about to make breakfast in the kitchen when the sight of her mother looking happy and sitting at the table with two plates of fried eggs and bacon on the table startled her. She sensed that her mother had sensed her startledness as the woman spoke up. And for the first time in forever, spoke with a kind tone to her voice. "It's alright darling. I haven't poisoned it. Sit and eat." Cautiously Eleanor sat opposite her mother and slowly began eating her breakfast. "This came in the post for you dear." Rose passed a letter across the table to her daughter. She watched her daughters face. She saw confusion and then as she watched she saw Eleanor's face light up.
Eleanor finally had her Hogwarts letter! She was finally going! She looked at her mum. "We'll get your stuff from Diagon Alley tomorrow. Don't worry. You can go." Eleanor was excited. She hurriedly ate her breakfast and began to wash up. "Don't wash up honey. You go read your letter. I'll wash up." Eleanor was confused as to why her mother was suddenly being nice to her but didn't say anything as she left the room, letter in hand, and ran upstairs to her room where she happily sat on her bed and began reading her letter. It read:
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Miss Black, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress
Eleanor raced downstairs the next day to find her mum up and dressed ready to leave to go to Diagon Alley. Rose turned to look at her daughter who had grabbed a piece of toast from the kitchen and stood eating it hurriedly while shoving her shoes on at the same time. A few minutes later Eleanor bounded up to her mother asking if it was time to leave yet. She had on a Green Day shirt in that said 'Do You Know Your Enemy?!' with the Green Day logo on the back. {Please imagine that Green Day and any other artists I mention are not muggle bands/artists and that they are wizarding ones}. Ellie was also wearing blue jeggings and a pair of black trainers. Rose nodded at her daughter and they both stepped into the fireplace. Rose chucked the green powder into the fire and yelled "Diagon Alley" and the next thing Ellie knew, she was in a shop in Diagon Alley.
Eleanor was excited to see her mother and be with her for the Christmas holidays. She wanted to tell her about the classes and how she had been put in Gryffindor and about her friends. However, Eleanor's smile disappeared when she got off the train. She couldn't see her mother and was sad. But then a thought popped into her head. 'Maybe she was the other side of the barrier?!' With that thought in mind Eleanor's smile came back to her face and she made her way through the barrier. But yet again her mother was nowhere in sight. She decided that she should go home. Maybe her mother was there. So with difficulty Eleanor made her way home from Kings Cross Station.
It was late when Ellie opened her front door. The hallway seemed empty but she shook the thought out of her head. She dragged her trunk up the stairs to her room still seeing no sign of her mother. Soon enough she reached her room and placed her trunk on the floor in the middle of it. Realising that she hadn't eaten her entire journey home, Eleanor rushed downstairs to the kitchen hoping to be able to find her mother after having something to eat.
Reaching the kitchen, Eleanor found a note pinned to the table, with a knife, from her mother. She pulled the knife out of the table placing it next to the note. Reading the note Eleanor realised why the woman wasn't at the train station or even in the house she called home. Her mother had left her. The note read:
Eleanor, I've left. I can't live in the same house as you. I never wanted you when your father left. I won't tell you about him. You disgrace me. You are too much like your father, a freak. I get that me and you both can do magic (your father could as well) but I didn't realise that like him you could turn into an animal. You are an animal. Don't even bother to come looking for me. Have fun. Rose Black, don't call me your mother. You aren't my child.
Eleanor re-read the letter a couple more times not believing what it said. But it was true. She dropped the letter to the floor, along with her body bringing her knees up to her chest. Crying her eyes out, the girl didn't notice the house elf enter the room till it spoke. Eleanor looked up in panic but then she realised it was only Kreacher the old house elf that shared the house and occasionally helped her do her chores.
"Is Miss Black alright?" The house elf asked. "N..no" Eleanor managed to croak out, her voice hoarse from the crying she had been doing. She knew that her mother hated her but she didn't realise she was hated this much. "What would Miss Black like Kreacher to do?" "Why did my mum leave? When did she leave?" "Mistress Black left the day after you left to go to Hogwarts. Kreacher does not know why she left. Mistress Black left only the note which Kreacher did not touch." "Why are you being kind to me Kreacher?" The small girl asked the unusually nice house elf. "Because Miss Black is upset and Kreacher does not like to see Miss Black upset." "Stop calling me 'Miss Black' and call me Eleanor or Ellie." "Yes Miss Ellie. Would you like Kreacher to do anything else for you?" "Could you um... Make me something to eat. It doesn't have to be much. A sandwich will do. I'm gonna write to mother and tell her how I feel." And with that Eleanor got up from her position in the floor and raced out the room to find some parchment.
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Reality ~ Pt. 5
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A/N: Oh my God, I worked on this for so long but I finally finished and I really hope you guys like it. I’m sorry for not posting as much as before but I’m really focusing on school and my grades are really good, so I’m mostly behind books. Send me some feedback if you want, my inbox has been pretty lonely lately. Like draught has taken over and man my notes are dropping, wtf. Anyways. Enjoy.
PAIRING: Sirius Black x reader x Mulciber
TAGS: @siriusly-loves-snuffles, @slither-in-a-half, @nadinissavage, @shadyladyperfection, @geeksareunique, @ashkuuuu, @xinyourdreamsx, @maralisa124, @loserslytherpuff, @chloe-geoghegan1, @musekala, @moonysmilkshake, @crispyfrenchfrieschrusis, @unicorn-sparkles123, @queenofravenclaw05, @redhead-weasley, @fashionlive15, @quokkatrash, @bennie-badeend, @sly-vixen-up2nogood, @rosegoldquintis  (If I forgot to tag anyone just let me know in my inbox okay. These tags are getting me confused) 
Other parts —> MASTERLIST Xx
How you got here was just another question you kept pondering in your head as you continued to lay in the arms of your boyfriend. One of his hands was holding your around your stomach while the other was stretched on the matress, naked and revealing his dark skull-shaped tattoo. 
He is not dark. He cannot be dark. His touch can be so gentle, his eyes so kind when they fall on you...but who are you fooling, (y/n)? 
"HE DID WHAT!? AND YOU-YOU KISSED HIM BACK!?!" he shouted on the top of his lungs, his fists clenched so tight that his nails caused his palm to bleed.
He was hurt. He was truly hurt that his girlfriend's lips were on any other but his enemy.
"I pushed away, Mulciber! I pushed away because I'm in love with you and not him! I pushed away because I realized that I don't love him!" you shouted back, tears starting to gather at the corner of your eyes without any permission to.
"He's- he's-" he struggled with words. "He's DEAD!" he screamed so loudly you felt every bone in your body shake and your heart stop for a second.
"Mulciber." you spoke softly now, avoiding his glare. " Don't do anything stupid." you stepped closer and took a hold of his fist, unclenching it and tracing your fingertips against the scars he left.
He looked down on you with a glare, gritting his teeth and trying to bottle up the anger he wanted to release. " He's going to pay! " he growled dangerously, barely in control of his emotions.
"Can you stop, Mulciber!" you snapped and he looked at you with a stunned look on his face. " Stop acting like a child! It was a meaningless kiss that just proved how much I love you! Don't listen to jealous and angry voices in the back of your head! Listen to me! If I held any feelings towards Sirius I wouldn't be here with you! I wouldn't be here having this fight and trying to solve it! I wouldn't be telling you the truth and I definitely wouldn't be trying to accept the mark you got on your forearm! I know you're not a monster! It just came out wrong!" you shouted, panting quietly and trying to catch some air as he only stared.
He stared at you with eyes that couldn't hold anger anymore. They were full of lust and love that was only directed to one specific person. You. You and your stupid effect on him that worked like a charm. Your eyes and your lips and everything that came so beautifully with this stunning person in front of him. You.
And as much as he wanted to be stubborn and angry at you for kissing back Sirius Black, he kissed you. Roughly, passionately,... Like the burning jealousy inside made him kiss you so good no man could ever match him.
*end of flashback*
Your nails now wandered on his forearm, following the snake that came out from the terrifying skull and lightly scratching him awake.
"I love you." he whispered sleepily in your ear. Lovely, raspy and sleepy words which made you smile and flutter your heart as you turned your head to meet his eyes. 
It was the first time he ever said that. First time. He never said those three gorgeous, powerful words to you that sounded like magic at the very moment. Because this man, who is supposed to be toxic, cruel and malicious, has now spoken words no other would ever believe.
You stared at him with a beam and blinking a few times to be sure if you're not dreaming. "I really hope you'd say it back or this will end up being a very embarassing situation." he grinned and you rolled over on him, leaving a few squeaks as you placed yourself right on top of him.
You pulled the covers up to your nose and watched him with all joy that you felt. " Say it again."
He chuckled at your bubbly-self and rolled his eyes. " I-" he smiled and wrapped him, squeezing you. “ Love you.” 
"I love you too." you finally said back and rubbed your nose against his before kissing his softly on the lips.
You never accepted the Dark Mark nor the Mulciber who wanted to serve the Dark Lord but you knew one thing for sure: You loved him and he loved you. And if any cliché movie and book told you is that love can concern everything.
It's total bullshit but you had a plan for it. You had a plan to make Mulciber turn away from the dark path.
So, you didn't worry.
"I think your roots are coming out." said one of your friend as you ate breakfast with them. 
"Yeah, I know. I'm going to the hairdresser soon." you smiled.
"What are you going to do? Dye them rainbow?" they all started to tease and you only quirked an eyebrow.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know but maybe if you grew them long again and dye them normal colour, you'd look like a girl again." she smirked and you dropped your fork on the plate.
How ready you were to have a bloodbath with this Hufflepuff at the very moment but that is not who you were.
Quirking an eyebrow at her first, you slowly chewed the food in your mouth and stretched the fakest smile you could. " You know what, Liza? You are completely right. I'll just let my normal natural (y/h/c) grow back and long like it used to be." you pushed away a plate and got on your feet. "Can't believe how stupid I was." you let out a fake laugh and they laughed along.
"You're welcome." she beamed and you waved at her goodbye, turning her your back and changing your expression as it was before.
You were gone for a whole day. One whole day. Nobody didn't know where you were and Remus Lupin was completely losing it.
Why? - Because both of you had a transfiguration project due today and you had all the research. He hoped that when he walked in the class, you'd be there with papers in your hands and that bubbly smile of yours. But you weren't. You were not in the classroom with the other Hufflepuffs.
"Liza! Have you seen, (y/n)?" he asked as he ran over to her and another Hufflepuff. He was desperate and on the verge of ripping his hair.
"Nope. Not since this morning. I think I offended her a bit at breakfast."
"Offended? Offended her how?" Remus quirked an eyebrow and Sirius looked her way as well.
" Girl thing." Liza smirked proudly with a thought of holding any power over you.
Sirius smirked and started to pull out his quill and books. You? Offended? Sure. He chuckled to himself and finally sat on the seat next to James.
Remus sat down as well, his heart rate racing and his eyes bulging out of his head. His thoughts were so wild in his head that he didn't even see you come in the classroom, unlike Sirius who almost fell off his chair at the sight.
" Hey, Remus." you smiled and sat down next to him, placing your bag down on the floor and pulling out a pack of papers.
Remus shot his head to you almost breaking his neckr but it took him only a few moments to realize that the girl next to him really is different today. " (y/n)?" he blurted out, almost as he wasn't sure.
"Remus?" you smiled, your eyes twinkling.
"Your hair?" he pointed breathlessly at your short hair. Completely short at the back of your head while at front fell long strands of light violet hair.
"Yeah. Isn't it cool?" you smiled and ran your hand through them, flipping them on one side.
" You look great!" he beamed, observing your hair and causing the Hufflepuffs in front of you to turn around in their seat.
" (y/n)?" Liza scoffed with a smile. "You look like a boy!" she started laughing hysterically and the girls next to her as well.
Sirius stare shot up to the Hufflepuffs and he was prepared to say something back but you cut him off by looking down at your breasts. "No, I don't think so. My breasts are still bigger than yours and-" you stopped and narrowed your eyes at the ceiling, pretending to ponder a thought. " Yeah, bigger guts too. You see, Liza? I look good in long hair, short hair and I think if I decided to have rainbow hair, I'd still be better looking than your ugly arse." you smirked at her before turning to Remus and his wildly charming smirk. "I added a few more excerpts for Reparo and Revelio if that's okay with you. Just so if she doesn't like it, extra points for the longer report." you winked and he beamed at you.
"You are-" he took the papers from your hands and browsed through the report. "Amazing."
You’ve been the gossip of the day with your new change. There wasn’t a student who didn’t hear about your hair and you found it funny how one hairstyle could be the biggest gossip of the whole school.
Since Mulciber heard the gossip, he grew so impatient to see you that he ditched his Arithmancy class just to find you. He walked the corridors with a quick pace, his expression lethal as always and his eyes scaring away every student who crossed his path.
It took him tiny little doubts to stop at one student and petrify him. Just to taste his fear for a little while, to feel more powerful for one small second... But his curiosity for you was far stronger, so he made his way to the Hufflepuff common room and made his way to your dorm.
He opened the door gently and slowly, peeking inside. “ (y/n), love?” he spoke softly and with a grin.
He came in, looking around the five beds and making his way towards yours. He sat on the bed right next to your bright yellow pillows and took a framed photo in his hands. It was a photo of both of you laughing even before the two of you started dating. During the holidays when you stayed at your aunt’s house, neighbor to Mulciber’s home. He chuckled and carefully placed it back where it belonged.
“ Mulciber?” a soft voice came from the bathroom door. “ Wha-what are you doing here?” you asked, putting a hood over your head and zipping up the hoodie up to your neck.
“ I heard my girl got a new haircut and I’ve been dying to see it.” he grinned and you felt tears spike your eyes. His grin immediately disappeared from his lips and he carefully took a few steps forward. “ What’s wrong?” 
“ No-no-nothing’s wrong.” you stepped a few steps back and felt a tear fall down your cheek but you quickly wiped it away. “ Shite.” you forced a smile on your lips and try to avoid his gaze.
“ Love, you are terrible at lying to me.” he walked closer and reached for your hands. “ Now, tell me what’s wrong?”
“ I- I-” you stammered and felt tears roll down your cheeks without any of your control. “ I look awful!” you suddenly broke down. “ The-they pissed me off because they didn’t like my hair a-and I was so stupid and told the hairdresser to cut them all off!” you sobbed and he pulled you into a hug, placing his head on top of yours and rocking you left and right.
“ You don’t look awful.” he said and kissed the top of your hood. Slowly pulling you away, cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears away with his thumbs. His hand followed to your hood and slowly put it off, to reveal your new, short, bright violet hair, falling down your sides. “ Wow.” he smiled breathlessly with a glint in his eyes. “ You look just beautiful.”
You smiled at him and felt his hand run through your short hair. All you wanted to do was prove those girls they don’t have any power over you or that the stereotype of girls having long hair is crap. And you liked it at first but now looking in the mirror with your bright violet hair made you want to cry and grow them back.
“ You, my dear.” he smiled, lifting up your chin and leaning his forehead on yours. “ Look absolutely stunning in your crazy hair. I think I just fell in love with you more.” he continued and you let out a small laugh. He pulled you into a kiss, soft and gentle as he always was when it came to loving you. “ And if anybody has a problem with them, they have a problem with me too.”
" Lupin - Johnson, Prince - Longbottom, Potter - Evans, Pettigrew - Hollows, (y/n) - Black..." you shot your head up immediately, staring at Professor Sprout.
"No, no, no, no, no..." you murmured to yourself and turned in your chair to face his devilish grey eyes. "No!" you pointed your finger at him but he only grinned.
" What an odd coincidence." he wiggled his eyebrows and licked the bottom of his lip, grinning.
"You did this on purpose!"
"Me?" he played daftly but kept the grin present. " How dare you accuse me of such a thing?!"
"Har- har." you retorded before turning to Remus.
You knew this was all his fault. He was the only one of the four smart enough to pull this off. He caught your gaze and immediately turned it away, tensing up from your angry energy.
" You are a dead man, Lupin."
“ Thyme has numerous magical properties. It is available as an essential oil, it can be burned as incense and the leaves can be made into poultices and teas.” Sirius read while your pen scribbled along on the piece of paper. “ Thyme’s associations include healing, love, psychic knowledge and purification.” he continued and read the next line carefully, smirking midway. “ Thyme is associated with two planets, Mercury and Venus; with the element of water; and with Taurus and Libra. “ he closed the book and threw it on the table while you continued to write the last words you heard from him. After you finished, you looked up from the report and at him, quirking an eyebrow.
“ Why did you stop?” you asked perplexed by his sudden change of mood.
“ You know who else’s planet is Venus?” he leaned forward on his chair, eyes twinkling. “ Scorpio’s.”
“ You’re joking!” you scoffed and backed away from the report. You leaned on your chair, crossed your arms over your chest and stared at him with amusement. “ This is going to be fun.” you mumbled and continued to watch his grin spread as well as the mischief in his eyes.
“ You know who else is Scorpio?” he continued and you only watched. “ Me. “
“ What an interesting fact.” you pretended to be amazed, gasping dramatically as he only chuckled.
“I know right. And us Scorpio, well, you know us, we’re passionate...” he now leaned more forward, something else shimmering in his eyes. Something completely more dangerous. “ ...stubborn..” he continued, leaning closer. “ ...determined...” his voice started to lower into a more angry yet seductive. “...and we get jealous really quickly. "
You smirked and placed your hand over his face, pushing him further away from you. " And my horoscope is just about not giving a damn about whatever comes out from your mouth, except anything related to Thyme and its magical properties."
" Okay then. " he grinned and leaned back on his chair, mirroring your posture. " Thyme doesn't understand how Venus is good for her and how Mercury is not. "
You scoffed once again, seeing his metaphore. " Thyme is completely alright with planet Mercury. "
" Yeah but Venus knows her better than Mercury. Venus knows what's good for her and Mercury doesn't."
"And what does Venus say what's good for Thyme, huh?"
"Well, dating Mercury is a first. He joined the Death Eaters and I hardly doubt he didn't get the Dark Mark already. One thing leads to another and Mercury is growing dark and pulling Thyme with it." he spoke in more serious tone, causing you to glare at him.
"Well, at least Mercury gives me something Venus never could. "
"Sex? Because God knows I could-"
"Love!" you cut him off, standing up. "It's love! Something you never gave. You think you love me, Sirius, when all you do is being possessive over me because your ex  got together with your biggest enemy!"
" NO! NO!" he bellowed back, growling. " It's not because I love you or don't love you! It's because I know that you think you're being all bad-arse and cool, hanging around with him and his friends but all you're doing is following him into the darkness! I know that's not you! I just know it deep inside you're not the person you want to be. "
"I don't pretend Sirius!"
"I know you don’t but you're acting out! He's not the one for you! As much as you want him to not submit to the Dark Lord, you're wrong! Sooner or later he's gonna do it and whatever you want to do you can't! I'm sorry but you can't!"
"Yes, I can! He loves me!"
"He's a pureblood, (y/n)! And like any pureblood, he'll choose reputation and family over anybody! Over you!"
"You didn't."
"I'm different!"
"Oh, here we go again with the egoism." you huffed and rolled your eyes. "Bravo, Sirius."
“I- UGHH!” he clenched his fingers and ran his hands through the sides of his head. “ You are unbelievable to argue with!” he growled angrily in desperation to which you found oddly amusing and funny.
You never saw this side of Sirius. The angry Sirius, the desperate Sirius. He really tried to prove a point to you right now to which you did nothing but continue to avoid.
You let out a small hum, similar to laughter. You couldn’t help yourself but laugh at the situation, confusing him even more.
“What?” he asked, firstly completely perplexed with one of his thick black eyebrow quirking up before his lips spread into a grin. “What are you laughing about?”
“You.” you chuckled and continued to smile at him. “Us. Look at us. We’re bickering like two old married couple. ” you let out another chuckle and he smiled as well.
“Two old married couple.” he repeated so quietly you could barely hear the disbelief in his voice.
“Look.” you spoke after the chuckling settled down. “I know you don’t like Mulciber and I am completely aware of him and his loyalty to the Dark Lord. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. If he decides to choose him over me, I get to live with that. It wouldn’t be my first heartbreak.” you simpered and his smile quickly faded, taking a hold of your hand.
“I never meant for you to get through all that. I never meant of us to break up so ugly as we did. ” he spoke softly with guilt in his tone.
“Sirius, it’s okay.”
“No, let me finish.” he sighed and took a deep breath in. “ You’re right. I do have a big ego and I’d do anything to keep my reputation right but what I got taught at the Potters all those years is that doing the right thing, that’s what matters not reputation. So yes, I do need to apologize to you because I never slept with you or your best friend but I started a rumor that I did and I shouldn’t have done that. It just came out so wrong and under so much pressure, I didn’t know a clue I was doing… But please don’t smoke or go dark. You don’t deserve that.”
You giggled at his last two sentences. “ I won’t go dark, don’t you worry. ” you pulled away from his hold and turned back to the books. “ Or smoke but I will force you to finish this Thyme assignment with me.” you smiled and he let go of your hands to grab the book. 
He opened it on the page he closed on before and cleared his throat. Before he started, his eyes glanced one more time to you. “ I love the hair by the way. It’s different.” he smiled and you looked up to meet his eyes as well. 
His eyes that held something so lovely inside. A mystery you couldn’t decide but felt the answer to. So, ignoring every single flare that lit up between the two of you, you shook your head and simpered. “ Thanks.”
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