#sister of skylark
peppermintbutch · 1 year
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Anton compilation
#i miss him so much going through old photos on my laptop and like every second photo i took was an anton photo#there were so many little things about him that will never be there again. But I'm so happy i got to see them even the disgusting ones.#he would lay on my feet when i was cutting vegetables. he would flatten his ears as a way of saying hi.#he would do his best impression of a human hello when encountering people on his walks. he loved to eat carrots#and whenever he got one he'd run off to his bed with it and the crunching would be so loud.#he could notice when people were angry or sad and he'd try to comfort me and lick my face when i was crying.#we'd throw sticks for him into wheat fields and he'd lose them in there and prance like a deer only his ears sticking out.#he smelled really awful most of the time. he loved to eat shit and dead animals.#he was really scared of sheep and skylarks and our neighbors cat#he loved swimming and when he first learned how he splashed around so much like a little fountain.#he liked to sleep with his head on my shoes. at night i would hear the tap of his little feet#and then a thump when he'd lay down against my parents bedroom door and then a really loud sigh.#he once got on the table and ate the bolognaise when my mom was picking me up from school but he left a plateful for me#he made genuinely the strangest noises I've ever heard a dog produce.#after i moved out he was always so happy when i came to visit. he loved people#when he was younger there were a few trigger words that made him so excited he'd run up the stairs and howl. one of them was my sisters nam#as he got older he became more of a baby and so cuddly and calm.#i'm really sad that i didn't get to say goodbye to him or be there when he died but i hope he knew how much i love him
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heartman · 2 years
Reblog for a larger data pool!! Let's share some music together!!!
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rainintheevening · 5 months
One thing that makes Helen Pevensie happy, is when she sees her children still all read the same books.
Ed still reads Sherlock Holmes.
Peter still devours Henty.
Lucy still loves A Little Princess or The Secret Garden.
Susan still prefers to talk than read.
It makes it easier when they read things she never would have expected them to read.
Peter and Susan read the newspapers together, back to front, thoroughly. They talk about things quietly to each other, and sometimes Ed leans over their shoulders, and they don't shove him off, but listen as he picks apart some legal case, and they all look thoughtful. Until Ed makes some little comment that makes them all laugh.
Ed reads the Bible. She's always been one to go to church, and she prays often, but the sheer number of times she comes into the living room early in the morning, and finds Edmund curled up with the large Bible Richard left behind, is... curious.
Lucy reads poetry all the time now, and memorizes it too. Eliot, Frost, Browning, Emerson, she gobbles it up. She buys Peter a whole book of poetry from the Great War for Christmas, and Peter actually reads it, deeply, thoughtfully. When Lucy recites Shelley's 'Skylark', while burning the toast, it sounds like she's singing it.
They always seem to have one or two books in their rooms that are just thicker and bigger and more serious than she would have expected, which makes her a little sad. It's always hard to see your children grow up.
Still, she thinks they'll be alright.
She sees Peter and Edmund leaning over a chess match, arguing ferociously about strategy, and they are boys in their complaints and teasing. Even if they sound like soldiers. But they lean back to smile at each other, and Peter's voice drips with fond exasperation, and Edmund's quick tongue brings deep full laughter from Peter's lungs.
Lucy perches behind Susan, braiding her older sister's hair with surprising speed, and calls for a hush, while Susan reads The Hobbit, and Helen exhales, slips in with her knitting to listen too.
They're still her children. They still know how to be children.
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Yun Que and Young Master Yue's beautifully weaved tragic love story proves that with the right writer, great actors with insane chemistry and a talented director, you don't need 40 episodes to make your audience care deeply for an OTP - 40 minutes is all it takes.
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Elder Yue wanted to replace the skylark bracelet Yun Que received from her sister with a crescent moon one, his sigil, - like a wedding ring - he wanted to become her new family. Their hope for future that was within their reach but never come to be is the most heartbreaking.
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When he slid the bracelet from her hand and promised her to put a new bracelet with a crescent moon in its place around her wrist, it felt like an intimate engagement ceremony.
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Moreover, he planned to ask our local beefy god of blacksmiths and craftsmen to make it; only the best for his future bride. Their story feels like the most tragic love ballad about star-crossed lovers whose love was cut too short.
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ms-moonlight-inn · 6 months
Thank you, @mybrainismelted & @energievie & @jrooc & @transmurderbug & @blue-disco-lights & @francesrose3 the tag on this one. Y'all are so sweet. 💕
Name: Angst-ridden Scumbag
Age: 40s
First Pet? Officially, my first pets were always parakeets. I remember buying them from the Sears basement (!) somewhere in downtown L.A. & my mom made sure they were two different colors so my sister didn't fight over which one was ours.
First Word? 😳 I have no idea. Probably "Mamá"
First Celebrity Crush? (Super embarrassing) Christopher Reeves as Superman. Don't laugh! But that's the first dream I ever remember having of being rescued by a superhero. 🫠
First IRL Crush? Rubén, in kindergarten. He never looked twice at me. 😶‍🌫️
First kiss? Jeremy, who lived in my apartment building. We went into the laundry room & he was totally freaked out about the whole thing. 😅 I was in... 3rd (?) grade.
First Car? 1982 Buick Skylark in rusted baby blue
First apartment/house/dorm/whatever away from your parents? My favorite apartment! A studio in a small building that was less than 1/2 a mile from the shoreline.
First time on a plane? Flight to Mexico when I was 11, we went to go see some distant relatives.
First cellphone? Nokia flip phone
First concert? It was actually a mariachi festival at the Rose Bowl, I know, super nerdy.
First Foreign country you visited? Does Mexico count? Otherwise, Canada.
First sport you ever played? Lol. Nope.
First career aspiration? Psychiatrist
And finally… tell me about the first time you wrote/drew/created/whatever something that made you think “wow”
When I was in high school, I wrote a short story about a guy who rips his own heart out & feeds it to his dog after his beloved girlfriend dies.
Tagging @stillbeatingheart & @notherenewjersey & @gallavichgeek with no pressure to play.
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xxbatsybeanxx · 9 months
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Introducing Lily Turner!! The older sister of Timmy :3
💗 Her info 💗
Age : 16 - 18
Relatives : Mrs. Turner ( Mother ),Mr. Turner ( Father ) Timmy Turner ( younger brother ).
Fairy relatives : Cosmo ( Fairy god father ) Wanda ( Fairy god mother ) Poof ( fairy godsibling )
D.O.B. : February 2nd 1985 ( the show might take place in mid-2001 so she would be 16 by then )
Likes : Art,music,comics, psychology and science, and playing her guitar
Dislikes : Vicky,Francis,Crocker,and secretly dislikes Trixie ( she doesn't want her breaking her brother's heart )
Sexuality : Bisexual
Personality : She can be sweet overall, and she is mostly protective, and also very caring and supportive of others but she does have times where she puts others first,often forgetting to put her needs first. ( More will be added in future posts about her )
Occupation : highschool student and works a part time job at " Comix " in dimsdale mall.
Love interest : Chip skylark ( she's around the same age as him )
- Relationships -
Mr. And Mr Turner. : She does get along with her parents well, and she even had a talk with them about how they should care for Timmy more often ( to which they understand and they try their best. ) Mrs. Turner even got her a bisexual flag for her room.
Timmy Turner : She can be protective of her younger brother, and deeply cares about him and would mostly babysit for him ( to which he's relieved. )
Cosmo,Wanda and Poof : By the time Timmy introduced Lily to them,Poof Immediately gave her a hug,and Cosmo and Wanda welcomed her to the god family.
Chip skylark : They met at one of his concerts,Lily was shy at first but they eventually started hanging out,they started off as friends but she's slowly beginning to fall in love with him.
If anyone has any questions about her,feel free to ask^^
( hoo boy that was a lot )
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mimble-sparklepudding · 3 months
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How does my Muse feel about yours thingy. Cimarra and Hadrian Skylark of @cimarraskylark
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Mimble would think Cimarra a pleasant and cultured person with whom he might enjoy erudite conversation over tea and biscuits. However he would also sense from her aether that she was also rather more powerful than her demure appearance might suggest - which would only make him enjoy her company more. Cimarra is a little more reserved and dignified than Mimble, but hopefully he could make her smile.
He would think Hadrian quite delightful and would teach him some of his most absolutely terrible jokes and regale him with some very silly stories.
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Humble would consider Cimarra to be quite a sophisticated lady and would be a little self-conscious about (what he sees as) his rough manners. He would probably initially consider her to be quite harmless - perhaps even someone in need of protection - but Humble is also surprisingly astute and (if given sufficient time to think about it) he would probably recall that the Viera women he has met on the Source and on the First were all far from helpless...
He would think Hadrian to be a nice enough lad and he would be happy that he at least has his sister. Humble knows what it is to be without family from a young age and would offer up a prayer for Hadrian to continue to grow into a noble and brave young man.
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Songbird Blog Takeover II: Scott Skylark Kaufner Intro
Hello, everyone!
First off, I should say that this isn't Scott. I'm his sister Tenzin, stepping in to craft a bit of an intro post on his behalf. Katy suggested that we just explain the concept well enough for him to do this himself, but I kind of shot myself in the foot fifteen years ago by making the internet out to be a singular entity that already knows about him. It was the only way I could get him to go online without someone else in the room, but I can't exactly back track and finally explain the whole concept of all of you being individuals with your own lives.
it would either fascinate him or push him into a massive existential crisis. He's agreed to use my old iPhone to post today (I showed him speech to text since touchscreen keyboards are hard for him), and that alone is such a push in the right direction that I don't want to rock his world too hard beyond that.
Anyway, here's what you need to know!
My Brother: The Basics
Scott is 30, Greek-Romanian, and an intersex man (Klinefelter's syndrome). He's an alloromantic asexual - I think sex-repulsed, but I haven't asked him directly for obvious reasons - and could be considered gender nonconforming.
He is also Traditionalist Birthright, and up until the age of 12 was raised entirely without gender.
Because of this, and as he lived exclusively in a witch town until his late twenties, he has nearly zero experience with most forms of bigotry. He does not think his upbringing was unique and does find his form of gender expression to be at all remarkable.
He definitely knows about ignorance though. He's not stupid. Once we were in a gay bar in Portland and a woman who was flirting with me made a sort of fetish-y remark about me being Nigerian and Scott heard and lectured her for ten minutes about the importance of broadening your horizons so you don't make "foolish fucking comments to nice people you've just met".
Scott doesn't know that much about birthright culture. Believe it or not, being a Traditionalist actually means he refuses to learn anything about his own history, instead choosing to see himself as a little creature being cared for by a loving and bountiful earth.
There's a whole thing with birthrights surrounding their middle name. It's considered a special rite of intimacy reserved for loved ones and the most trusted individuals in their lives. His first name is Scott, but considering that he thinks you are all one being he's known since childhood, I'm pretty sure you could call him Skylark if you want.
Scott is very passionate about Greek Mythology, music (He's been playing the piano since the age of two), breakfast foods, gardening, being outside, cats, bugs, food service, libraries, medicine, and uplifting movies about animals. He has seen The Adventures of Milo and Otis twenty-one times. I know this because I have also seen The Adventures of Milo and Otis twenty-one times.
That's all I can think to say. Scott is not at all technology or internet-savy beyond what he's needed to know for work and what he watched me do from over my shoulder. I'm kindly asking that, in turn, you dial back the chronically online high-octane absurdo-nihilism and just be nice to him. He's frankly excessive in terms of allyship, somehow being both sex-repulsed and deeply sex and kink positive (please don't ask why I know this). Katy him what he thought of the furry subculture and he nodded very seriously and said that he found them all very impressive. I don't know what that means. He refused to elaborate.
Scott just told me that he's taking the phone and going out to "show the internet his day". He seems excited.
Please, please be nice to my brother.
This is a Songbird Elegies blog takeover! Find out more about what that means by going here!
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diamondangelkitten · 6 months
Meet my FFXIV OC's:
Alinea Skylark
My main girlie!
Age: early 30's after Endwalker. She doesn't actually know when her birthday is, but after comparing to others, that's what she guestimates.
Unsundered life: She was happily married to Hades and Hythlodaeus, and her little brother, Themis, was the absolute apple of her eye. Her name was Emmeline, though once she became Azem, only the aforementioned people ever called her by her true name. She loved her work and got along well with everyone on the Convocation.
Alinea has full recollection of her unsundered life, but after the events at Ultima Thule, she's able to find peace and move on with her life as Alinea Skylark. Her and Estinien start dating shortly after, much to Alphinaud's delight and Alisae's horror. Currently, she's just trying to relax as much as possible before the next adventure sweeps her away.
Aurora Calypso
Age: 21 after Endwalker.
Unsundered life: She remembers bits and pieces of her life as Azem, and cares deeply for Hades, Hythlodaeus, and Themis, but doesn't remember any personal connection or attachment. The one thing she does remember is that her name was Echo.
The events in Shadowbringers and Endwalker took a heavy toll on Aurora's body. She's slowly recovering and is currently taking a tour with Erenville of all their favorite places across Etheirys. She loves her carbuncle, Monty, and he is absolutely spoiled.
Annabeth Rose
Age: 36 or so at the end of Endwalker
Unsundered Life: She was both Azem and sister to Hades. She knew that Hades was planning to propose to Hythlodaeus, but then the final days happened. Her name name then had been Eleonora.
Annabeth has a twin brother, Felix, who she adores, as well as many younger siblings that she also cares for and keeps in contact with. She has an extremely large extended family, most of whom consist of characters who I've saved from their in-game fates :P
Alira Thorne
Age: 32 at the end of Endwalker
Unsundered Life: Her name was Eris and she loved being Azem. She loved going from town to town, meeting and learning from the people, and helping wherever she could. Her best friends where Hades and Hythlodaeus and she had the great honor of officiating their wedding.
She had a very traumatic upbringing that caused her to push people away for the longest time. Only during Stormblood, does this come to a head and she starts working on the path to find inner peace. This comes in the form of becoming a Dark Knight. Thanks to Rielle, Fray, and the moogles, her and Sid work through their pasts together and eventually start dating. Her and Sid have a little girl after the events of Shadowbringers who Rielle names Sibbie.
In an alternate timeline, all the girls work together, going from ARR to EW. Most of the above information holds, with the only change being that Aurora worked in the Capital as a record taker of the convocation of fourteen meetings. She was adored by all, and knew the goings on and kept quiet on them all. All the 14 would talk to her as an impartial party when they were musing on issues, and she was good at providing input and questions in a way to help them think.
They are all fiercely protective of each other and love each other dearly. They often go on trips together with their significant others and families too.
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regularbeans · 2 years
Gonna rep my sister's book here!
Have you ever read a book?
Do you know what books are?
Do you yourself happen to be a book?
If you answered yes or no to any of these questions, you might be interested in this offer!
My sister (Helyna L. Clove) published a book recently titled Skylark in the Fog! A new adult/adult space opera/adventure!
Jeane Blake, captain of the Skylark, makes her living by looting dead worlds, remnants of a universe-breaking catastrophe hundreds of years ago. She only wants to be left to her smuggling business, but when her crew stumbles upon a dangerous invention, they draw the hungry eyes of the Union—and the empire will stop at nothing to get what it wants.
Maura Tholis, freshly crowned queen of the planet Miyoza, is fighting a losing battle for everything she holds dear. Plagued by grief, doubt, and fear, she has to leave her war-torn home behind, and the power she carries has the potential to change the course of history forever.
Forced to assist the refuge-seeking royalty, the Skylark crew is pursued by power-hungry militants and desperate rebels. The team has to work together to save their skin, their homes, and to preferably not destroy the universe in the process. But how do we go about saving the world when we haven’t even found our place in it yet?
⚓ get the e-book: here ⚓ see it on Goodreads: here ⚓ read the first two chapters free: here
She's worked on this book for some 10+ years, she's a huge sci-fi nerd so if you're into space stuff, Star Wars, Star Trek, other less mainstream sci-fi that I, a filthy normie have never heard of, then this is gonna be Right up your alley.
Please check it out, get it if you're interested, support her, give her a rating or a... ionno what bookworld accolades there are... nominate her for a... book oscar?
Or if you're a follower of mine, a reblog would be appreciated too, just to get her book out there and let the world find out about her Writing.
You can check out her official website here and you can go find her on twitter and see how cool she is over here
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
Inspired by (read: copied from) @moonchildreads and her amazing fic Small Town, I decided to make y’all a chapter title playlist for Next Time I Fall - hope you enjoy it!
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Track Listing:
Chapter 1. The Next Time I Fall - Peter Cetera & Amy Grant
Chapter 2. I Don’t Believe In Love - Queensrÿche
Chapter 3. Hold On to the Nights - Richard Marx
Ch 3 BONUS TRACK! We’re Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
Chapter 4. I Can’t Read You - Daniel Bedingfield
Chapter 5. Can We Still Be Friends? - Robert Palmer
Chapter 6. It Might Be You - Stephen Bishop
Chapter 7. It’s Sad To Belong - England Dan & John Ford Coley
Chapter 8. Talking To the Moon - Bruno Mars
Chapter 9. The Flame - Cheap Trick
Chapter 10. Darkness - The Police
Chapter 11. This One’s For You - Barry Manilow
Ch 11 BONUS TRACK! Holy Diver - Dio
Chapter 12. Bluer Than Blue - Michael Johnson
Ch 12 BONUS TRACK! Every Woman In the World - Air Supply
Ch 12 ADDITIONAL BONUS TRACK! Three Little Birds - Bob Marley & The Wailers
Chapter 13. I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
Chapter 14. Meet Me Halfway - Kenny Loggins
Chapter 15. I Have Nothing - Whitney Houston
Chapter 16. Wildflower - Skylark
Ch 16 BONUS TRACK! Love Theme from St. Elmo’s Fire - David Foster
Chapter 17. Never My Love - The Association
Chapter 19. Cleaning This Gun (Come On In Boy) - Rodney Atkins
Chapter 20. Big Yellow Taxi - Joni Mitchell
Lost and Found and Turned Around tracks:
VERY SPECIAL BONUS TRACK! Mama, I’m Coming Home - Ozzy Osbourne
Gareth. More Today Than Yesterday - The Spiral Starecase
Steve. Careless Whisper - Wham!
Gareth & Steve DUET. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart - Elton John & Kiki Dee
back to Next Time I Fall…
Chapter 21. Forever and for Always - Shania Twain
Chapter 23. Wouldn’t It Be Nice - The Beach Boys
Ch 23 BONUS TRACK! Longer - Dan Fogelberg
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aroaessidhe · 11 months
October Reading
audio favourites
Our Hideous Progeny - 4.5
This Delicious Death - 3.75
Saint Juniper's Folly - 3.25
The Siren, the Song, and the Spy - 4.5
This Dark Descent - 4
The Girls Are Never Gone - 3
Before The Devil Knows You're Here - 4.25
What Stalks Among Us - 4.5
Those Pink Mountain Nights - 3.75
Monstrous - 4.5
The Hands of the Emperor - 4
How To Get A Date With The Evil Queen - 4
Small Joys - 4.25
Don't Want To Be Your Monster -
Last Violent Call - 3.75
Cage of Dreams - 4
Foul Heart Huntsman - 3.75
Beholder - 4
A Warning About Swans - 4
Last To Leave The Room - 4 (reviewpost held for SMP boycott)
The Art of Destiny - 4.5
Hollowthorn - 3.75
Skylark in the Fog - 3
Teach The Torches to Burn - 3.5
Ink, Blood, Sister, Scribe - 3.75
Minor Detail
Let The Dead Bury The Dead - 3.75
Something More - 3.75
Caraway of the Sea - 3
You Exist Too Much - 3.5
Graphic Novels
Monstrous (by Sarah Myer) - 4
Artie and the Wolf Moon - 4
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
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wessexroyalfamily · 1 year
{ Location: Winchester City, WNN Studios }
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Jon Skylark: Welcome back to the Jon Skylark Show. I am joined tonight by Jean Tatum, actress in the upcoming Speed and Serious film and Walter Fitzherbert, Royal Naval Advisor.
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Jon Skylark: The royals have recently been in the news. Crown Princess Margaret is reportedly extending her maternity leave and refusing to attend many of her fall engagements.
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Jean Tatum: It makes us look foolish as a nation. No one wanted this marriage to happen, and now Margaret is refusing her royal duties.
Walter Fitzherbert: She's been on maternity leave. I don't think it is fair for us to judge. She's not abandoning the country.
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Jon Skylark: To be fair, When my wife had our son, she was back at work within 3 months. So the public is supposed to foot the bill of some glorified housewife?
(audience laughs)
Walter Fitzherbert: What I don't think the public should do is ridicule a mother wanting to spend more time with her family.
Jean Tatum: She's been on a private leave for almost the better part of a year. Her husband William must be sick of pulling dead weight around.
Jon Skylark: Do you think this is the biggest problem facing the royals this fall?
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Jean Tatum: I think a bigger issue Jon, is the lack of fucking talent within the royal family that we have to worry about.
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Jon Skylark: Alright Jean, keep it civil I'm trying to stay on the air.
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(audience laughs)
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Jean Tatum: (chuckles) I'm serious. We have a Queen that is rarely seen in public, her husband is more concerned with what's happening everywhere else on the continent than here in our own country. Their younger son, George, is frankly...a buffoon, and there's a whole host of useless minor royals who'd rather cling to outdated traditions than to start modernizing.
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Walter Fitzherbert: I don't fully agree. I think the Queen has been dealt a hand, and she is playing it the best that she can.
Jean Tatum: She's a Queen, she's The Queen. (laughs) I can guarantee her hand is much better than ours.
Walter Fitzherbert: She has led this country through one of our biggest military conflicts, since the Third Dane War and continues to guide our nation's leaders in an ever sifting geo-political climate. All the while being the head of large family...
Jean Tatum: You'd have to be a fool to think the Queen is involved in politics. We all know it's Lord Hyannis pulling the apron strings.
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Jon Skylark: Speaking of apron strings, with the Prince George's wife, The Duchess of Chelsea, now pregnant there has been talk about changing the rules of succession to absolute primogeniture.
Jean Tatum: Yes! How the hell are we still saying that a boy should be prioritized over his sisters. The Queen herself would have been displaced if her parents were to have a younger son. The whole thing is outdated.
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Walter Fitzherbert: It's tradition.
Jean Tatum: It's archaic.
Walter Fitzherbert: The royals are the keepers of our national traditions. There are some things, we as citizens, should expect from them. Continuity and consistency being two. Remaking themselves for the sake of popular opinion is not one.
Jean Tatum: Well admiral, it's simple we are either going to watch the royals die trying to modernize or we'll end up watching them...well just die.
Previous | Next | Beginning
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extremely-nervess · 2 years
Can you talk a little more about Skylark and Sera? I love their designs
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Ah, Sure. Skylark is played by someone else, and I don't know too much about her yet. She's come to Borovia intentionally, on some sort of personal mission but I'm not sure what. Her outfit is partially meant as a digsuise but I am not sure of the reason behind it. She's pretty young and kind of wild/ free spirited. Likes trying to come up with clever plans and tricking people. She's a bard. Serafia is my character, a Sorcerer/Paladin of the Order of Attar, who are a group of warrior nuns who worship the Morning Lord, via a sacred rose that blooms in their walled abbey. She's a native to Borovia. Sera is a Thorn Sister - meaning she is a member of the Order's millitant arm and doesn't really wield direct divine power. She's a reasonably experienced warrior, and considers herself a servant of the people. She is very composed and collected, always trying to set a good example and keep people out of danger. A bit of an older sister type.
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ciginatree · 3 months
Can i ask about your WIPS?
Cyberhex- an apocalyptic MIW series that will premiere it’s first chapter within the next couple weeks
White Roses, Black Doves- a series where Ricky secretly falls in love with Josh Balz’s sister after moving to Pennsylvania that will premiere it’s first chapter within the next week
A Chris x Ricky one shot
A Noah Sebastian x Nicholas one shot
Poly MIWx fem!reader smut one shot
Ryan x reader fluff and potential smut one shot
Justin x reader trying for kids one shot
‘96 Skylark- Vinny x reader one shot
Suit and Tie- Vinny x reader one shot
Some of these I haven’t technically started yet but I have the concepts/requests down and I intend to start working on then within the next few days :)
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rollwithitap · 9 months
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First moodboard of the year!!
We're jumping back in with the paramours of the Skylarks with Ali's paramour, Ynes.
(But don't worry, I won't forget about her sister too).
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