#sites-enabled sites-available
elfgrove · 1 year
New Things to Beware on the Internet
On May 3rd, Google released 8 new top-level domains (TLDs) -- these are new values like .com, .org, .biz, domain names. These new TLDs were made available for public registration via any domain registrar on May 10th.
Usually, this should be a cool info, move on with your life and largely ignore it moment.
Except a couple of these new domain names are common file type extensions: ".zip" and ".mov".
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This means typing out a file name could resolve into a link that takes you to one of these new URLs, whether it's in an email, on your tumblr blog post, a tweet, or in file explorer on your desktop.
What was previously plain text could now resolve as link and go to a malicious website where people are expecting to go to a file and therefore download malware without realizing it.
Folk monitoring these new domain registrations are already seeing some clearly malicious actors registering and setting this up. Some are squatting the domain names trying to point out what a bad idea this was. Some already trying to steal your login in credentials and personal info.
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This is what we're seeing only 12 days into the domains being available. Only 5 days being publicly available.
What can you do? For now, be very careful where you type in .zip or .mov, watch what website URLs you're on, don't enable automatic downloads, be very careful when visiting any site on these new domains, and do not type in file names without spaces or other interrupters.
I'm seeing security officers for companies talking about wholesale blocking .zip and .mov domains from within the company's internet, and that's probably wise.
Be cautious out there.
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trans-axolotl · 25 days
"Much ink has already been spilled on Harris’s prosecutorial background. What is significant about the topic of sex work is how recently the vice president–elect’s actions contradicted her alleged views. During her tenure as AG, she led a campaign to shut down Backpage, a classified advertising website frequently used by sex workers, calling it “the world’s top online brothel” in 2016 and claiming that the site made “millions of dollars from trafficking.” While Backpage did make millions off of sex work ads, its “adult services” listings offered a safer and more transparent platform for sex workers and their clients to conduct consensual transactions than had historically been available. Harris’s grandiose mischaracterization led to a Senate investigation, and the shuttering of the site by the FBI in 2018.
“Backpage being gone has devastated our community,” said Andrews. The platform allowed sex workers to work more safely: They were able to vet clients and promote their services online. “It’s very heartbreaking to see the fallout,” said dominatrix Yevgeniya Ivanyutenko. “A lot of people lost their ability to safely make a living. A lot of people were forced to go on the street or do other things that they wouldn’t have otherwise considered.” M.F. Akynos, the founder and executive director of the Black Sex Worker Collective, thinks Harris should “apologize to the community. She needs to admit that she really fucked up with Backpage, and really ruined a lot of people’s lives.”
After Harris became a senator, she cosponsored the now-infamous Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA), which—along with the House’s Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA)—was signed into law by President Trump in 2018. FOSTA-SESTA created a loophole in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, the so-called “safe harbor” provision that allows websites to be free from liability for user-generated content (e.g., Amazon reviews, Craigslist ads). The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that Section 230 is the backbone of the Internet, calling it “the most important law protecting internet free speech.” Now, website publishers are liable if third parties post sex-work ads on their platforms.
That spelled the end of any number of platforms—mostly famously Craigslist’s “personal encounters” section—that sex workers used to vet prospective clients, leaving an already vulnerable workforce even more exposed. (The Woodhull Freedom Foundation has filed a lawsuit challenging FOSTA on First Amendment grounds; in January 2020, it won an appeal in D.C.’s district court).
“I sent a bunch of stats [to Harris and Senator Diane Feinstein] about decriminalization and how much SESTA-FOSTA would hurt American sex workers and open them up to violence,” said Cara (a pseudonym), who was working as a sex worker in the San Francisco and a member of SWOP when the bill passed. Both senators ignored her.
The bill both demonstrably harmed sex workers and failed to drop sex trafficking. “Within one month of FOSTA’s enactment, 13 sex workers were reported missing, and two were dead from suicide,” wrote Lura Chamberlain in her Fordham Law Review article “FOSTA: A Hostile Law with a Human Cost.” “Sex workers operating independently faced a tremendous and immediate uptick in unwanted solicitation from individuals offering or demanding to traffic them. Numerous others were raped, assaulted, and rendered homeless or unable to feed their children.” A 2020 survey of the effects of FOSTA-SESTA found that “99% of online respondents reported that this law does not make them feel safer” and 80.61 percent “say they are now facing difficulties advertising their services.” "
-What Sex Workers Want Kamala Harris to Know by Hallie Liberman
389 notes · View notes
canmom · 1 year
"don't post links to pirate sites" as a security through obscurity strategy seems... weak. if a pirate site is so obscure that almost nobody can find it, it's also essentially pointless.
but yes, if a pirate site is common knowledge, the feds will be working on destroying it. so the idea is i assume to achieve an intermediate level of obscurity, where you have to have a certain amount of talent for asking the right people or searching the right things to find it. but... whatever capacity for research you are asking people to have on that front, the feds are equally capable of it, and they have a whole lot more time on their hands for tracking down pirate sites! security through obscurity is a losing game for piracy. the perfect sweet spot where people can find your pirate resource but the feds cannot is something of a mirage.
if not that, than what?
the current piracy system involves a few different tiers of accessibility, and various components that are more or less decentralised.
torrents are the most resilient tech because to stamp out a torrent (with DHT enabled) you have to suppress every seed. so, you have big public torrent trackers like TPB; these are well known and rely on hopping domains and redundancy for security. the ratio of seeds to leeches tends to be low, but the number of users is large enough that there will be at least a few seeds out there for most stuff. torrent clients have gotten a lot better at seeding strategies that take into account your seed ratio and what's currently available in the swarm, so if you just leave everything on seed and open your torrent client fairly often (use a VPN though lol), you don't really need to think about it.
then you have private trackers; these operate on an invite basis. the problem with this is that when the pool of users is so small, the odds of a given seed being online are also small. to prevent torrents dying, they gamify it: you get points for seeding and if you don't have enough points you can't download anything until you seed more. to help people get back in the game there will be 'freeleech' events. being active on a private tracker takes a bit of work.
and of course you have to get in in the first place, which tends to require a proven track record of seeding on other private trackers, and some kind of interview with the operators. getting involved in private trackers is a much bigger ask, you have to figure out where to get your foot in the door, and work your way up to the more insular trackers. it's like a mini subculture. it's valuable, but not scalable.
at the top level of inaccessibility is the warez scene. this is a whole subject that i'm not even gonna get into, go read wikipedia. historically this is where the files actually come from, before getting distributed on public trackers, usenet etc. but good luck getting in there lmao, they are understandably quite paranoid.
of course, for stuff to get on pirate sites you need somebody to go the effort of ripping and encoding it. this is where a major point of failure exists. when RarBG went down recently, the biggest loss was not the existing archive of torrent links, which can be backed up - it was that they were very active at converting scene releases into torrents with a decent balance of file size and quality, which then filter out into the various public trackers. that is much harder to replace! but what killed RarBG wasn't even suppression by authorities - according to their statement, it was a bunch of the admins getting covid or dying or fighting in the Russia-Ukraine war, which made the whole operation impossible to continue. so despite the thousands of people who download RarBG torrents, this single point of failure was overstressed and broke.
as far as the ethics of spreading links to pirate sites go... if it's something like a mega drive, yeah, the chances of a takedown are pretty high if it gets noticed! no question. but those things are by nature short-lived; if you want to use that for archival you're building on sand. there's also databases like emuparadise, but there was no saving that through obscurity, it just took Nintendo a minute to bring the case.
in this kind of centralised case, the clock is ticking from day 1. what we want is to maximise the number of people who are able to save copies while it's up, and then some of those people can put it up again somewhere else and keep the authorities playing whack-a-mole. (for a small collection of files, a sensible measure would be to make a torrent and a mega drive side by side, so that people can download the mega drive and then add the torrent to their client to seed if it gets nuked.)
as for torrent sites, the thing is that torrents rely for effectiveness on a swarm that is either very large or very responsible about seeding. if it's a public tracker, it has to be well known or it's pointless. instead of security through obscurity, the form of security for these sites is try to make the resource itself hard to take down - operating the tracker/archive in countries that don't have copyright treaties, maintaining mirrors, and of course distributing as many seeds as possible so the torrent can stay alive even if the site goes down.
the major problem with a dead torrent site is discoverability. if it's harder to find the torrent, fewer people will download it, the existing seeds will gradually go offline, and of course you can't download a torrent that you don't know exists. and while you could imagine a system of broadcasting metadata about a torrent (title, encoding etc.) in a DHT-like way but that would be so vulnerable to fakes and spam. maybe some kind of cryptographically signed 'this torrent is good' declaration is possible? I know certain torrent clients tout discovery features, but honestly I don't know how well they work. I'm sure there are projects that are way ahead of the game than me on this question.
but yeah anyway trying to browbeat people into not sharing links to pirate media is 1. futile, by the time you see it the cat is out of the bag 2. not a sustainable strategy for security. if you wanna lecture people, 'use a VPN and seed your torrents' is evergreen ;p
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milkteatrait · 1 year
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yuzu hyperpigmentation
i wanted to create some hyperpigmentation :) cuz i have it :)
5 different swatches, found in the mouth crease skin detail section
base game compatible obvi
enabled for both feminine & masculine frames
gif of before and after available under cut or on patreon page (free, I just don't have another hosting site LMFAO)
let me know if u guys like stuff like this......... its just like :) validating to hear :) LMFAOP
download | patreon (always free!!)
can someone pls give me a sfs code 😭
tagging some cc pages!! @alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds @maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz @simbfinds
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siraj2024 · 14 days
Daily update(44)
The Zionist occupation continues to steal Palestinian lands
The extremist Zionist forces were not content with usurping Palestine and establishing the Israeli entity after the Nakba of 1948, but they continued with hostility and hidden ambitions, planning to swallow up what remained of the Palestinian land, until their military plan became ready for implementation after the June 1967 war, when they took control of the entire West Bank and the Gaza Strip militarily. Gaza too.
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Hit the wall
These forces are implementing all of this in full view of the international community, ignoring international resolutions on the Palestinian issue over the decades, which deemed any change to the nature of the land occupied in 1967 to be illegal and in violation of international laws and customs. They also saw that any settlement in the lands that It belonged to Jordan on June 4, 1967, as an assault on the lands and rights of others.
Perhaps what encouraged these dark forces to persist in their attacks and strengthened their desire to prey on the land was the American administration, especially Trump’s willingness to move the American embassy to Jerusalem, in recognition of Jerusalem as the unified capital of Israel.
Law of the jungle
This unjust law enables the occupation government, which is confident, to impose legal sovereignty over the settlements without fear from anyone, without taking anyone into account, and not caring about any objection. It does not care about Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog’s description of the law as a disaster, nor does it care about the objection. Three Israeli left-wing organizations criticized the church's decision and described it as a "disgrace" and an immoral decision.
Thus, the occupying government, led by the extremist Zionist forces, announces - as every time - its disregard for international law in a clear, even blatant, public manner.
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Today, in 2024, the occupation is trying to steal lands in the Gaza Strip. It has killed more than 40,000, injured hundreds of thousands, and arrested tens of thousands, but it has not been able to succeed in its displacement and settlement plan.
The Nakba of 1948 will not be repeated🫵🇵🇸
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We do not leave our land no matter the cost. We are steadfast and steadfast here. We want to restore what the occupation destroyed in our home. Help us as much as you can, whether with support or by sharing and spreading our story and paying attention to it.
If the site does not respond and you are unable to donate, please change your browser.
Those who cannot donate through the options available on the site can donate via PayPal, our friend @malcriada , and he will donate directly on the site. Documenting the campaign through Cheb Hussein No. 219 in the file.
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littlemssam · 7 days
New Mods & Mod Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache, when updating my Mods!
New small Mod & new Bug Fix
Small Lactose Intolerant Overhaul This small Mod edits the Plant Milk so it is useable for more Recipes, and it changes how Sims with the Lactose Intolerant Trait react to Food a bit.
Vampire Run Fix This Mod fixes Vampires not using the Vampiric Run, and played Vampires changing their preferred Walkstyle, when switching Households.
Mod Updates
Foster Family Various Tweaks:
Increased the Duration potential Adoptives are visiting from 4 to 8 hrs.
Added Greeting Status to potential Adoptives, so you won't have to invite them in. They will more likely come in and interact with Foster Kids/Pets now.
Added a Send Home Interaction to potential Adoptives, since they now stay longer. This way you can send them Home with one Click.
Adopted Foster Kids will get the Son/Daughter Relationship added now and should show up in the Family Tree.
Mod Setting Option via Phone is only available, when a Sim has registered for the Foster Family Network.
Added new Cheat Menu (Shift Click) to Sims (Sims who registered for the Foster Family Network), where you can trigger the Foster Family Network Notifications to get Foster Kids/Pets.
Added new Cheat Menu (Shift Click) to all Kids/Pets ingame, where you can add already existing Kids/Pets in the World to become your Foster Kid/Pet.
Fixed an Issue with Foster Family Network Notifications for Cats, when you did not enable all Ages for them.
Vampire Powers | “Be able to eat Human Food”, “Enable own Mirror Reflection”, “Stop Hissing” and more Addon NPC Disable Special Walkstyle removes hidden Walkstyle Traits only from never played NPCs.
No Auto Food Grab after Cooking Fixed a small Issue with the Icon on the custom Get Leftover Interaction not showing up, when Choose Leftover is not installed.
Sul Sul Weather App Added Support for Ciudad Enamorada. Reworked Icons a bit. Script File is obsolete now. Pls remove.
Send Sims to Bed Added Support for Sleeping Bags
Social Activities (Visit Friends, Family and more) Fixed an Issue, where the Interactions got cancelled, when your Sim was on a Business Lot they own.
Random Small Mod Updates
Auto Brush Teeth Reworked Mod to make it compatible with EA's Bathroom/Kitchen Settings for Sinks. The Addon File "DisabledBrushTeethSinksWillAllowWashDishesOnly.ts4script" is obsolete because of that now, pls remove that File. I did keep my own "Allow/Disallow Brush Teeth" Options though, which you can still set via Cheat Debug Menu (Shift Click) in case the EA Settings don't work well for you. When you don't use EA's Settings or my Mod Settings, Sims will be allowed to use all Sinks however they like. The Addon "AfterEatingToo.ts4script" is changed to be compatible with the XML Injector now, and is changed into a Package File. Remove the Script File pls.
Auto Use Picnic Table when Eating Added Support for two new Picnic Tables from Lovestruck and Growing Together. Added an extra Addon File for "Umbrella Tables" from Base Game and various Packs.
Claim All The Things Added "Frying Pan", "Collectible Other/Treasure Map", "Canvas", and "SackLunch" to be supported
Prefer Leftover Added Addon for Bread to be blocked from autonomously Eating/Grabbing a Plate.
Release all Ghosts & Get Urn for Added the Interactions to Mailboxes (Shift Click), so you don't need to get Urns via Debug etc first.
Craft More Nectar Bottles and more When Crafting 5 Bottles, the Dynamic Skill loot for Nectar Making is multiplied by 1,5.
Advanced Birth Certificate - Update of Dutch by Willowtree My Pets - Update of Dutch by Willowtree Online Learning System - Added Finnish by MaijaEllen
My Site with all possible Download Links: lms-mods.com
Support Questions via Discord only please!
242 notes · View notes
lifebloa · 3 months
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These browser-based multiplayer games have taken the online gaming community by storm, offering a unique blend of simplicity and competitiveness that appeals to players of all ages. Whether you're looking to battle against others in real-time or collaborate in a delightful, chaotic environment, IO games provide a thrilling escape from your daily routine. In this blog post, we'll explore various aspects of IO games, including how to access them without restrictions, the most popular titles in the genre, and tips for unlocking your gaming experience.
As the world of online gaming continues to evolve, the rise of io games has captured the attention of players around the globe, combining simple mechanics with highly addictive gameplay.
One of the best places to explore the exciting realm of io games unblocked is at https://io-games-2025.github.io/, where players can dive into a variety of thrilling and entertaining games without the hindrance of restrictions, making it an ideal site for those looking to enjoy the best of these experiences.
Whether you are an experienced gamer or a newcomer eager to join in on the fun, accessing io unblocked games provides a fantastic opportunity to enjoy seamless gaming without barriers, allowing for endless hours of enjoyment
İo Games
When discussing the evolution and popularity of online gaming, one cannot overlook the immense impact of io games, a genre that has captured the attention of millions across the globe through its simple yet engaging gameplay mechanics, which allow players to enter a world of competition and collaboration instantly.
The appeal of io games unblocked lies in their accessibility; players can often access these games from various locations, whether in a school setting or at home, without the restrictions typically imposed by firewalls, allowing for a seamless gaming experience that fosters both casual play and competitive spirit among friends and strangers alike.
Moreover, the concept of io unblocked games has revolutionized how gamers interact with one another, as these easily accessible online platforms enable innovation in game design, giving rise to diverse game modes, styles, and strategies that keep players engaged for hours on end.
İo Games Unblocked
In recent years, the popularity of io games has skyrocketed, captivating players across various age groups with their simplicity, engaging gameplay, and competitive nature, making them a staple in the online gaming community.
One of the most significant advantages of io games unblocked is that they provide players with the opportunity to enjoy these games anywhere, whether that be at home, school, or in a public space, without facing the frustrating restrictions typically set by network administrators.
Additionally, the availability of io unblocked versions means that gamers can easily access their favorite titles without worrying about pesky firewalls or filters, allowing them to dive into fun and challenging adventures on platforms that support unblocked content.
İo Unblocked
When it comes to enjoying the online gaming experience, io unblocked games have become a popular choice among players who seek both entertainment and accessibility, as they provide a vast array of engaging options that can be played directly in the browser without hefty downloads or installations.
The appeal of io games lies in their simplicity and competitive nature, allowing players to jump right into action, whether they're engaging in a thrilling battle royale, a strategic team-based game, or a unique multiplayer experience that keeps them coming back for more fun.
Many gamers, especially students or individuals in restricted environments, have turned to io games unblocked options to bypass limitations imposed by schools or workplaces, ensuring they can continue to enjoy their favorite gaming experiences
1K notes · View notes
jellypawss · 2 years
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Medical Bracelet
A hospital bracelet babies wear after being born! It is available for all ages so mom can wear one too!
one swatch
disabled for random
slider enabled
facepaint category
curseforge | youtube | tumblr | patreon
Terms Of Use:
link back to original post if you recolor/convert
do not upload to sites such as simsdom or thesimsresource
do not put my content behind adfly
do not recolor/edit/convert and upload until my content is publicly released
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nyerus · 4 months
🎧A Guide to the TGCF Audio Drama🎭
With the release of the new season of the fabulous TGCF audio drama, I wanted to make an updated guide on how to make an account, purchase, and listen (with English subs) to it! Hopefully, this will help more people enjoy it and join in on the fun!
As a quick reminder, the audio drama is based on the revised version of the novel! It's a very faithful adaptation, but if you're a new fan, that might throw you for a loop! If you need an overview of the different versions of TGCF, check out this post first!
Part One: Making an Account & Purchasing
The process is a lot easier than you may expect! The site where the audio drama is hosted is "missevan.com," also known as "MaoerFM." They are one and the same!
Check out these infographics to create an account and buy the audio drama. (Due to tumblr compression, they may be difficult to read. If this is the case, please view these images in full-screen and preferably on a web browser for best quality!)
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General Info:
It costs 319 diamonds for the first season, and 359 diamonds for the second season of the TGCF audio drama. This was less than $5 USD, for each season. Future seasons will likely be similarly priced.
Episodes typically release weekly. Mini-episodes/bonus content releases intermittently, and often continues after the main season "ends."
This guide will work for any other audio dramas you want to purchase and support (such as MDZS)! They obviously have different costs, but the process of buying is pretty much the same.
Account/Registration Info:
If you do not see your country/region code listed when making an account, it is unfortunately unavailable there. I do not know any workarounds at the moment, apart from asking a friend/relative in a different country to help you out! If anyone does know other options, please let me know!
Step One of the guide is technically optional, as logging in on the app for the first time will automatically create a new account, if there’s not already one associated with your mobile phone number. I recommend doing that step anyway, as it will ensure that you have a password linked to your account. Several people in the past have reported that they sometimes cannot receive the verification code to log in. (Especially from South America and SEA for some reason.) Having a password bypasses this, if it happens to you.
Unfortunately, it seems that you MUST register with a mobile number to begin with.
Otherwise, you can use an existing Bilibili/QQ/WeChat/Weibo account if you have it. They all require a number for registration too, as far as I know, so you may run into the same problem. They may still be worth trying if you have no other options! Once again, if anyone is aware of other workarounds, do let me know.
Additionally, it’s possible to link your account to an email AFTER you register with a mobile number. (There’s no escaping that, from what I can tell.) You can then use that to log in.
It seems useful to have your email and a password associated with your account, especially in case your country code gets nixed from availability -- which has been known to happen without warning in the past.
The mobile browser seems to prefer you log in with a number/email and a password, rather than a verification code.
This must be done via web browser, or with your mobile browser set to desktop mode. It’s VERY easy if you use a browser with an auto-translate feature like Google Chrome:
(These images are the MTL translated versions!)
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Unfortunately yes, you will need to receive a verification code via mobile number to enable this. The second verification code gets sent to your email, though! (Try not to lose your password, because I'm pretty sure you'll still have to use your phone to verify and change it.) Don't forget to check your spam folder if you don't see it. It will be from "猫耳FM."
Once again, this is optional! I just wanted to include it as an extra avenue for people who may struggle with the verification codes, as they can be finicky. And it happened to me while I was making this section, so I knew I had to....
Part Two: How to Enable English Subtitles
First things first: there are no official English subs for the TGCF Audio Drama. Though I'm fairly sure this applies to all dramas on MaoerFM.
However, there are Chinese (Simplified) subs for each episode.
The main method that non-Chinese speakers have been using to understand the Audio Drama is via MTL (machine translation) on those subs! Browsers like Google Chrome not only have auto-translate, but it works in real time as you watch/listen to the episode.
Make sure that it's turned on and that you've selected English -- or your preferred output language!
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Be aware there are TWO types of subtitles on MaoerFM. There are the official subs, and the temporary subs.
At the bottom of the audio player, there is a button labelled "字幕," which is circled in purple in the image below. If it is there, it means that episode has official subs available, and you can toggle them on/off. Meanwhile, the "弹" that the green arrow is pointing to is known as the "barrage." That's the scrolling text that you will see filling the screen. It's other fans screaming and crying in chat. You can turn it off if it feels overwhelming!
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New episodes may take anywhere from a few hours to a day or two to be officially subtitled. (The bonus episodes don't have official subs for whatever reason.) In the meantime, there will be subtitlers working on adding temporary subs! I'd advise waiting a little while before listening to a new episode so they have more time to work, and you'll have better coverage!
While official subs are entirely separate, the temporary subs are part of the barrage. So you will have to keep the barrage turned on. (Notice how there is no "字幕" button next to it yet!) Unlike the rest of the barrage, the subs will be stationary, color-coded, and at the very bottom of the window -- so they're easy to differentiate.
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However, since the barrage can be a lot if you aren't used to it, there is a way around it.
Hit the settings menu (blue circle) and block the scrolling comments. You can also turn off the top ones, but just make sure not to turn off the bottom ones -- because those are the subs!
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DO NOTE that this all works best on desktop! If everything's gone correctly, you should have something like these:
Right -- regular view, temporary subs Left -- full-screen, official subs
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It's possible to get this to work on mobile if you enable desktop mode in your Chrome app. You will probably need to refresh a few times after that, or open the page in a new tab to have it work properly. Then it's the same steps as above!
You should have something like these:
Right -- landscape mode Left -- portrait mode
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The scaling on mobile can be troublesome, and I have noticed that the auto-translate is slower than on desktop. It seems to take an extra second or two to work on each line -- whereas on desktop it's pretty instant -- and that can get annoying, especially in fast-paced scenes.
Additional Info:
This does not work for the mobile app! It is for the website ONLY!
If the translation stops working, refreshing usually fixes it.
There are potentially other options to using Chrome. Any browser that has an auto-translate will work, assuming it's as quick as Chrome's. If anyone has tried other browsers and seen success, please leave a reply!
TreasureChestSubs here on tumblr have been doing high-quality fansubs for several audio dramas, including TGCF as of recently! However, at the time of making this guide, their TGCF translations currently only cover the first few episodes of season one. You will need to request an invite to their Discord server via the form in their posts. Please do check them out if you're interested.
I don't personally know of any other fansubbers who are actively working on the audio drama right now. But I do want to mention that Xyra_Rei on twitter has a Discord server where they share some translated snippets from various episodes. There are other great resources by fellow fans, too. Links and more info about the server can be found in the pinned post on their profile!
Part Three: Enjoy!!!
I hope this updated guide helps more people experience the wonder that is the TGCF audio drama (or really, any audio drama)! I cannot overstate how good it is in every aspect, and I think every TGCF fan deserves to be able to hear it for themselves! 💖
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superchat · 1 year
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Your Rights and Grant of Rights in the Content
You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the Services. What's yours is yours - you own your Content (and your incorporated audio, photos and videos are considered part of the Content).
By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, repost, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services as the use of the Services by you is hereby agreed as being sufficient compensation for the Content and grant of rights herein.
We have an evolving set of rules for how ecosystem partners can interact with your Content on the Services. These rules exist to enable an open ecosystem with your rights in mind. You understand that we may modify or adapt your Content as it is distributed, syndicated, published, or broadcast by us and our partners and/or make changes to your Content in order to adapt the Content to different media.
You represent and warrant that you have, or have obtained, all rights, licenses, consents, permissions, power and/or authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein for any Content that you submit, post or display on or through the Services. You agree that such Content will not contain material subject to copyright or other proprietary rights, unless you have necessary permission or are otherwise legally entitled to post the material and to grant us the license described above.
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kosmique · 2 years
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lunar 1.1v: a header-sidebar theme with with multiple customization modes.
previews: version one // version two // live preview
code: pastebin // github
left/right sidebar.
notes on index.
background image or gradient.
full width header option and optional header image.
dark mode.
400px, 450px, 500px and 540px posts.
optional about section.
up to five custom links + unlimited pages.
custom font and font size.
custom sidebar description.
post author picture.
optional message section.
optional post date on index.
optional post notes on index.
optional toggleable tags.
if you don't want the links to appear, leave the links titles fields empty; same for the sidebar description.
you can use any font from google fonts. just enter the site, copy the name of the font you want and paste in the appropriate field.
dark mode colors are not directly editable from the panel. however, if you want to modify the colors, just search for /*----- dark mode -----*/.
decimal format only
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magalhaessims · 7 months
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I'm finally sharing an apartment! I chose to build in Oasis Springs and opted for the smallest lot available. There are three units in total, but I've only fully decorated one. I designed it with Johnny Zest in mind. Also, I really wanted to use these two new, coolest sets: Neighborly and Cheap&Chipped by @syboubou. I really loved all the items — especially the empty toilet paper roll; it's my new favorite! LOL.
Additionally, due to some glitches in my game following the For Rent patch, I've labeled this build as "Residential" to avoid any potential issues with saving files. If you encounter any problems, please don't hesitate to let me know! If you want to check out the construction progress, watch the YouTube video linked below.
Lot Type: Residential | Rental
Size: 20x15 
World: Oasis Springs
Enable bb.moveobjects before placing in your game!
Origin ID: MagalhaesSims (remember to enable custom content on!) DOWNLOAD
NOTE: For convenience, some of the CC is included in the Download Folder. Please put it in your Mods Folder along with the CC linked below.
AwingedLlama: Nostalgia Living || Charly Pancakes: Chalk Kitchen (Clutter) | Munch | Soak | The Lighthouse || TheClutterCat: Busy Bee | Cozy Casita | Dandy Diary | Flower Power (Vinyl) | Hello Horse (Trophy) | Mellow Moods (Essential Oils Tray) || Felixandre: Colonial | Kyoto (Arch) | Soho || Harrie: Klean | Octave Collection | Shop The Look V2 | Spoons (Pizza Tray) | Stockholm || House Of Harlix: Baysic Bathroom | Baysic Set | Livin'Rum | The Kichen (Plant) | Tiny Twavellers (Wall) || KKB-MM: Citrus Room | My Heimish Hall || LittleDica: Delicato Living | Greasy Goods | Lava Lamp | Sleek Slumber || Max20: Classic Kitchen | Garden At Home | Master Bedroom | Poolside Lounge (Plant) || MyshunoSun: Gale Dining | Lottie Bedroom | Simmify | Sona Dining || Peacemaker-ic: Hinterland Kitchen (Honey Pot) | Hudson Bathroom (Towel Holder) | Tasteful Tots (Clutter) || Pierisim: Auntie Vera | Calderone Living | Coldbrew | Combles | David Apartment | Domaine Du Clos | MCM House Set | Oak House Set | Pantry Party | The Office | Tilable Kitchen | Unfold | Woodland Ranch || Simkoos: Clutter Dump || Sixam-CC: Art Studio | Cozy Family Livingroom | Home Improvement || SurelySims: Office Spaces (Clutter)
The CC Sets above are the main ones I used to decorate this specific building and you can find all the links to the creators’ sites on my Resource Page. However, if you can’t find something specific, you can send me a WCIF and I’ll try to help you find it!
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My content will always be free and right away available to everyone, but if you want to, you can show your support through my Ko-Fi Page. Your donation will always be much appreciated!
Thank you for reblogging: @maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @mmfinds @s4realtor @coffee-houses-finds and everyone else for helping me boost this post!
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pillowfort-social · 8 months
Site Update - 2/9/2024
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Hi Pillowfolks!
Today is the day. Post Queueing & Scheduling is finally here for everyone. Hooray! As always we will be monitoring closely for any unexpected bugs so please let us know if you run into any.
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New Features/Improvements
✨ *NEW* Queue & Schedule - One of the most highly requested features has finally arrived at Pillowfort. Users can now effortlessly Queue or Schedule a post for a future time.  
Queue helps keep your Pillowfort active by staggering posts over a period of hours or days. Just go to your Settings page to set your queue interval and time period.
How to add a post to your queue: 
While creating a new post or editing a draft, click on the clock icon to the right of the “Publish” button and choose “Queue.” Then click “Queue” when you’re ready to submit the post.
Schedule assigns a post a specific publishing time in the future (based on your timezone you’ve selected in Account Settings). How to schedule a post: 
While creating a new post or editing a draft, click on the clock icon to the right of “Publish” and choose “Schedule.” Enter the time you wish to publish your post, click on “Submit” and then click “Schedule.” 
How to review your queued & scheduled posts: 
On the web, your Queue is available in the user sidebar located on the left side of the screen underneath “Posts.” (On mobile devices, click on the three line icon located on the upper left of your screen to access your user sidebar.)
Note: the “Queue” button will only display if you have one or more queued or scheduled posts.
A CAVEAT: It is not currently possible to queue or schedule posts to Communities. We do intend to add this feature in the future, but during development it was determined that enabling queueing & scheduling to Communities would require additional workflow and use case requirements that would extend development time when this project has already been delayed, and so it was decided to release queue & scheduling for blogs only at the present time. We will add the ability to queue & schedule to Communities soon after the Pillowfort PWA (our next major development project) is complete.
✨ End of Year Fundraiser Reward Badges: End of Year Fundraiser Rewards Badges will begin to be distributed today. We'll update everyone when distribution is done.  
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✨ End of Year Fundraiser Reward Frames: As a special thank you to our community for helping keep Pillowfort online we have released two very special (and cozy!) Avatar Frames for all users. 
As for the remaining End of Year Fundraiser Rewards - we will be asking the Community for feedback on the upcoming Light Mode soon. 
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✨ Valentine’s Day Avatar Frame: A new Valentine’s Day inspired frame is now available!
✨ Valentine’s Day Premium Frames: Alternate colors of the Valentine’s Day frame are available to Pillowfort Premium subscribers. 
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✨ Site FAQ Update - Our Site FAQ has received a revamp.  
Terms of Service Update
As of today (February 9th), we are updating our Terms of Service to prohibit the following content:
Images created through the use of generative AI programs such as Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and Dall-E.
An explanation of how this policy will be enforced and what exactly that means for you is available here: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/4317673
Thank you again for your continued support. Other previously mentioned updates (such as the Pillowfort Premium Price increase, Multi Account Management, PWA, and more) will be coming down the pipeline soon. As always, stay tuned for updates. 
Best, Staff
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thelost-comic · 1 month
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Keep reading... [X]
Beloved Audience, we are delighted to announce that the Sponsors have had their fill, and the first installment of the latest adventure of the Great Coliseum is now available for your consumption free of charge!
In this introduction, you will meet the key players of the upcoming season, and learn why the last was cut short unexpectedly in the middle of an episode. We fellow Watchers apologize for the wait, and hope you enjoy the rest of this tale enough to forgive our fumble.
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Real life translation: Chapter one is now available for free for everyone to read!
The website and comic are both meant for mobile viewing, and the link above brings you directly to the chapter one landing page, where you can check the content warnings before reading.
All pages are fully described in ALT text both here and on the site.
If the link ever breaks for some weird reason, the URL is thelost.space. If you want to be notified when new chapters come out, follow this blog! The only posts will be updates on the comic itself, so you can enable notifications without getting spammed!
Want early access for chapter 2+? [X] Want the fonts and/or main brushes used in the comic? [X] (dialogue font will be available later today)
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post-futurism · 8 days
Australia NEEDS to be paying attention to this. In essence the Liberal party is going to use the tears of a massive gold mining company not being able to get their way with destroying a significant Aboriginal area to stir up racist and classist aligned votes under a new Liberal Party banner somehow claiming that the party is speaking for the working class.
ICYMI McPhillamy's Gold Mine has gone through the planning process and received development approval for their site near Blayney, NSW, on Wiradjuri land. The mine would be facilitated by the construction of a tailings dam on the Belubula River around which are identified Aboriginal archaeology. Because the dam would have required the destruction of these objects, the planning process included consultation with Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs), including the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council (Orange LALC), and Wiradyuri Traditional Owners Central West Aboriginal Corporation (WTOCWAC).
Despite having planning approval, Tanya Plibersek, Labor's Environmental Minister, made a rare approval of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protection Act Section 10 application which enables the protection of an area provided that the minister can be satisfied that the land is a significant Aboriginal area and is under threat of injury or desecration. This Act is separate to the planning process and is available to Aboriginal people to use where they consider that the planning system has failed to protect cultural sites.
This is exactly what the WTOCWAC did. During the assessment process, the WTOCWAC gave advice to the Orange LALC who were the identified Aboriginal persons to comment on the project in Blayney (because Blayney does not have a LALC). It originally did not support the proposal, the same as the WTOCWAC, however, the Orange LALC changed its final position to neutral. Despite the WTOCWAC being a registered RAP that had written it did not support the proposal, the planning system favours LALCs over traditional custodians who are not part of LALCs and therefore the state government was able to ignore the WTOCWAC's opposition and approve the development anyway.
The area where the tailings dam would be constructed is part of a significant Wiradyuri cultural story that is, at this time, only known to cultural knowledge holders, the Orange LALC and Tanya Plibersek. The cultural significance was clearly enough to 'satisfy' Plibersek that the identified area should be protected under Section 10.
The day that the section 10 application approval was announced was just two days after the 200th anniversary of the Bathurst Wars on August 14 1824, the day on which Governor Brisbane issued a proclamation of martial law which gave rise to a war against Wiradjuri people and colonisers. The war was indiscriminately a war of extermination, with Wiradjuri people fighting back but ultimately forcing to surrender after their population was significantly annihilated and the survivors having dispersed. 200 years later, the elders in the WTOCWAC are some of the many Wiradyuri survivors of the Bathurst Wars. It was during a week long of commemorating and conserving culture that the immensely great news of the Section 10 approval came through.
However, since the announcement, the WTOCWAC group have faced significant backlash from the mining sector and communities at large. In addition, the media has focused on the tears of the McPhillamy gold mine company not being able to get it exactly their way even though their shares have increased by about 16%.
Here are multiple articles weighted toward the mining sector's tears.
I have only seen one (1) mainstream article that actually gives an indigenous voice to the backlash they've been getting for daring to use the coloniser's laws to protect their cultural heritage.
Make a donation to the WTOWAC here. (They are a registered charity and your donation is tax deductible)
Wait, wasn't this post meant to be about the Liberal Party?
Yeah, so remember when The Voice referendum was going up and Peter Dutton said that he would give The Voice another go if it failed, and then when it DID fail, he said he would never give it a shot again? Did you also read the first linked article and read this horrific quote:
“This is not the Australian Labor party of the worker,” Dutton told the Minerals Council’s annual conference this week. “Its members are committed to waging environmental and social crusades, especially against certain industries.” .... The Coalition has carefully analysed the different reasons people had for voting no in last year’s defeated referendum on enshrining an Indigenous voice to parliament in the constitution, and especially those self-identified Labor voters who call themselves working people. Dutton wants to turn that opposition to the voice into disillusionment with the government, and ultimately, votes for the Coalition at the federal election. He reckons the McPhillamys decision helps him do it.
The interests of the mining sector, racism and anti-aboriginal rhetoric goes hand in hand with Peter Dutton's platform. Not only will we never see another attempt at The Voice under a federal Liberal Party, we COULD see an abolition of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protection Act, the mechanism that has protected the waters of the Belubula River from being destroyed by the McPhillamy gold mine. The mining sector has been so shaken up by this 'sudden' and 'unprecedented' decision, and with them lining Dutton's pockets it's not unreasonable to predict that abolishing the act could be one of the first things Dutton does if elected.
This would be absolutely devastating for current and any future Aboriginal sites that need to be protected where the planning system has failed to protect them. And this is going to continue to be the case until the planning system can better identify and protect intangible cultural heritage.
We need to stand up for Aboriginal rights, we need to stand up for the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage, we need to ensure there are pathways for the protection of culture and we need to believe traditional custodians when they walk their truth.
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minglana · 2 years
if you havent switched over to firefox, i recommend you do. unlike chrome and other browsers, firefox does not use your personal data to cater ads to you, and its way more customizable. and, since the start of 2023, add-ons including adblockers can no longer be used. im hoping this post can be a sort of guide people can use if they want to start using firefox
to start off, you can import your bookmarks and other data (like logins and saved passwords) with this easy tutorial. and if it hasnt asked you yet, you can make it your default browser like this. i also recommend making an account in case you ever want to log in from another device or anything happens to your computer. with this option, you can choose which data syncs to all devices and which doesnt.
just as a disclaimer (i am adding this on april 15th 2023, over 3 months after i published the post) this information is bound to change, and some addons and settings may become obsolete or redundant, with firefox adding more privacy-friendly settings, or removing available addons. i will update the post accordingly.
last updated: august 27th, 2024
these are things i recommend you do in settings. at the same time, you can also customize your settings any way you want to.
1. in the ‘general’ tab
‘make firefox your default browser’
check for updates to be automatically installed (its near the bottom)
2. ‘home’ tab
scroll down to ‘shortcuts’ and uncheck ‘sponsored shortcuts’
3. ‘search’ tab
make duckduckgo your default search engine
4. ‘privacy and security’ tab
standard security is fine, but strict doesnt hurt either. as it says, it may cause some sites to break, but ive found that barely any do. you can always switch back to standard security if you come across any problems
under ‘website privacy preferences’, select both options
under ‘firefox data collection and use’, i recommend unchecking the first one
under ‘website advertising preferences’, uncheck it
under ‘https-only mode’, enable https-only mode in all windows. again, if a website happens to not work, you can always go back to disable https-only mode
if you want to further customize your experience, you can go to about:config and mess with the settings on there, although you will need to be careful with some, as they can severely impact your firefox experience. some of the settings you can change are:
widget.non-native-theme.scrollbar.style to change the scrollbar style. the available parameters are 1-5
browser.tabs.tabClipwidth set to 999 if you want only the active tab to have a close button
extensions.pocket.enabled set to disabled so that pocket doesnt show up
browser.backspace_action set to 0 to use the backspace button as a button to go back webpages.
here are all the about:config entries, i recommend leaving most be, but some can be useful to customize.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE is uBlock origin. if you dont want to use any addons, and/or don’t like them for whatever reason, please please please get this one at the least. its not only an adblocker, but also blocks most unwanted content on any website. if any content on a website is bothering you, you can disable it by right-clicking it and checking ‘block element’, for example.
to get rid of cookie warnings, you can simply go to uBlock origin settings, and under “filter lists”, scroll down to the “ads” section and check the boxes for “AdGuard Base” and “EasyList”. This does the same function as the add-on “i don’t care about cookies” (which is no longer recommended). under the “annoyances” section (further down than the “ads” section), you can check off all of them, but if you dont feel like checking them all, the most important ones are “AdGuard Annoyances“ and “uBlock filters-Annoyances“
firefox multi-account containers. if you use multiple accounts on a same website, this is for you. you can be logged in to two tumblrs at the same time with this addon, for example.
facebook container. similar to the last addon i recommended, this one isolates all facebook-related activity
now. youre seeing this post on tumblr. which might also mean that you use tumblr web. well, you should probably add xkit rewritten then. it lets you completely hide filtered posts, has a mutual checker, gets rid of the ‘youre caught up’ bar, and many more things
bypass paywalls clean. lets you get through paywalls. it’s also updated frequently, adding websites with paywalls
instead of the addon (it was deleted from the firefox store i believe), you can copy this link (not the text on page it takes you to, just the link!) into the text field you get when clicking on ‘insert’ at the bottom of the ‘my filters’ page on ublock origin settings.
bitwarden. open-source password saver and generator. make an account and save all your account passwords. also generates passwords. with this, you only need to remember your master password, and bitwarden does the rest, really
tab session manager. lets you save all the windows that you close, in case that you ever accidentally close out of a window. that way you can recover all your tabs
terms of service; didnt read. lets you know about a websites terms of service. summarizes the basics point by point
clearURLs. cleans urls of any tracking elements
you can avoid having one more addon by copying this link and following the same instructions as for bypass paywalls clean
there are many more extensions you can use, here are the ones that the firefox team recommends
i also recommend using firefox on mobile, especially android, since you can use add-ons with it too. again, i recommend using uBlock Origin. it is not as customizable on mobile but its still extremely useful. since the beginning of this year, firefox for android has over 1000 addons available. for iOS users, if you want ad-less browsing, you can install firefox focus, although its not nearly as customizable as firefox for android.
i hope this guide is useful for anyone wanting to make the switch!
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