#sitting in a cafe charging my phone before i go out and look for it again. sigh.
falled-over · 10 months
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really fucking weird morning. my 2 favourite christian religious trauma songs came on shuffle hand in hand, i got this keychain and then i realised i’d lost my wallet (has some stuff in it i really need) and on hold to the bank to cancel the card the code i used to get to the right branch spelled out the angel number for good fortune in finances
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lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (II)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
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I barely remember anything he said after him asking me to lunch. I just remember he grabbed my phone putting in his number.
Holy Fuck. I had Jensen Ackles number.
I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't still curled up on our rundown sofa in our apartment.
"call me when you're on lunch break, see you soon Ms. (L/N)."
That brings us to now.
I'm standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom of the cafe down the block, checking my reflection one last time. It's not everyday a super hot billionaire asks you on a lunch date. I wiped off some excess lip gloss before walking out to meet him.
“I ordered you some coffee, I hope that’s okay?” He asks smiling.
I shake my head yes before sitting down in front of him nervously fidgeting.
What do I do with my hands? Why won't my knee stop bouncing?
He must've noticed, he shot a hand out and put it on my knee to keep it from bouncing.
"everything okay Ms. (L/N) you seem nervous?" He observes.
"I find you rather intimidating." I admit truthfully.
Jensen was quiet for a moment before leaning in close and whispering in my ear.
"you probably should."
I couldn't stop the chills that spread down my spine and the heat that flushed my face.
Jensen knew the effect he had on women, I think part of him gets off on it. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making me squirm. I was still nervous sure but slowly staring to loosen up a bit.
"so tell me about you." He says, sipping from his coffee cup.
"there's not much to know about me, I've always been passionate about photography since I was a little girl, I uh met Stella when we were freshman in college and we've been roommates ever since. I eventually want to travel the world and photograph for vogue magazine." I said sipping my own coffee.
"what about your family?" He asked.
"my family? uh okay my dad died when I was nine and my mom never quite got over it." I murmured.
"what about yours?" I added.
"sorry sore subject." He said simply.
I didn't push, I didn't always like talking about my family either.
"okay it's my turn to ask you another question. where did you find my sd card, and how did you find out where I worked?" I asked swirling my finger around the rim of my coffee cup.
"As I was leaving I saw it laying on the ground. I asked the security guard in charge of the media, wasn't hard to find the location once I knew the name of the magazine." He simply answered.
I nodded slowly, it seemed like he was telling the truth but also like he was holding something back.
"and Stella's questions? ya know for someone who claims to not have a heart that was rather nice of you to fill out her entire questionnaire." I smirked looking up at him.
I didn’t know where this sudden burst of confidence came from, but I can tell from the look on Jensen’s face that now he was the one who was nervous.
"I don't, it's just if people are going to write things about me in a magazine, I'd rather it be my words than theirs." He answered still keeping with his tough guy facade.
"I don't know I think you may just be romantic under all that toughness." I joked.
I could see his eyes furrow a bit.
"are you Ms. (L/N)?"
"am I what?"
"a romantic?" He clarified.
"I'm a photographer Jensen, I see the beauty in everything so I kind of have to be." I said biting my lip.
I could see his whole demeanor change.
"(y/n), I don't think I can do this." He said suddenly pushing his chair out and getting up.
I was completely confused, he asked me to lunch? Was it something I said.
"I'll walk you out." Jensen said grabbing my elbow and helping me up.
"hang on, did I say something wrong?" I asked.
He didn't answer, just continued to pull me out the door. He started to pull me down the sidewalk, in front of the cafe.
"Jensen wait." I growled, prying his hand off my elbow.
"Look (y/n), I don't do romance or relationships, okay, I do pleasure, nothing else. I'm sorry if you thought I was somebody else but I'm not. I'm not the man for you." He said quickly.
I stepped back from him. What did that even mean? He's a completely different person now than he was earlier. What changed?
"but just.." I started but all of a sudden a guy riding a bike flew past me.
Jensen grabbed my elbow pulling me in to his hard chest.
"you really need to be more careful." He grumbled as if it were my fault.
I couldn't believe him. Where was all this coming from? He was acting like a total asshole.
"Goodbye Jensen." I said ripping my arm from his grip.
I walked the couple blocks back to our office, not expecting him to follow. What the hell was his problem?
I do pleasure, nothing else.
What was that even supposed to mean? Like sex? He only wanted sex? A fuck buddy? I threw open the door huffing into the office. Stella ran over with a concerned look. I was about to open my mouth and tell her what happened when Gray came running over to us.
"there they are, my two favorite girls!" He said wrapping an arm around each of our shoulders.
"uh who are you and what have you done with our boss?" Stella asked giving him a raised brow look.
"This months magazine has only been out for four hours and is already flying off the shelves due to your article on Mr. Ackles." Gray said.
Ugh, hearing his name made me even more cranky. I can't believe I was embarrassed like that!
"I'm so proud and because of you wonderful ladies, I'm giving everyone the rest of the day off!" Gray added ruffling our hair before letting go and walking away.
"okay I hope he never does that again." Stella said fixing her hair.
I didn't say anything just stood looking at my shoes. My mind racing with everything that just happened.
"sooo, how did lunch go, I didn't expect you to be back this early?" Stella questioned.
I could feel the rage building.
"ugh what a pretentious asshole!” I yelled, causing others in the office to look at me strangely.
"that bad?" Stella seemed shocked.
"let's just go home please." I sighed grabbing my stuff.
I should've known it was too good to be true. I just wanted to forget any of this ever happened. I felt stupid, stupid and embarrassed. Stella was quiet as we got in to the car.
"Let's go out tonight." She said looking at me.
She can't be serious.
"Stell, I'm not exactly in the going out mood."
She frowned at me. Yep she was serious.
"exactly which is the precise reason of why you should, come on (y/n/n) so what Jensen turned out to be a dick like everyone says, I mean it would be more worrisome if he was that good looking and had nothing wrong with him. " She rambled.
“YOUR NOT HELPING." I yelled making her roll her eyes.
"Okay then let's go out and celebrate Gray finally getting off our asses! (y/n) we made this months magazine, us! We deserve to celebrate that!" She pushed.
I sighed looking at my giddy best friend.
"you're not going to take no for an answer are you?" I grumbled in defeat.
If Stella was one thing, it was incredibly persistent and sometimes like now for example, annoying.
"nope, and that's why you love me, so what do you say roomie?"
"ugh fine, but just for a little bit, and I’m not drinking." I agreed turning up the music as she drove home.
It was late in the evening now, Stella and I were getting ready to go to the club. I was in the bathroom fixing my hair. I really didn't feel like going out, but I knew it would make Stella happy.
“Stell, do you think this shirt is too revealing?” I asked looking at the red strapless top I wore.
“if anything it’s not revealing enough.” She joked coming in to stand beside me.
I was about to say something snarky back to her when someone rang our doorbell.
“I’ll get it, you finish getting dolled up!” Stella squealed heading for the door.
I heard her open the door, but no one talking.
“Stell who is it?” I asked coming out of the bathroom.
“not a who, a what. It’s a package for you. To Ms. (L/N).” Stella read.
nobody calls me Ms. (L/N). nobody but him. I look at the back of the card.
I’m really sorry for how things ended, please accept this as my token of apology.
How did he even know where we live!? I rolled my eyes hesitantly unwrapping the package.
“holy fuck Stell.”
I pulled out the vintage polariod camera, one I could only dream of owning one day.
“this is super vintage, one of these costs easily thousands of dollars.” I said showing her the camera.
so he thinks he can buy my forgiveness and I’ll just forget about him being an ass… yeah not going to happen.
“I have to send this back Stella.” I said carefully setting down the old camera afraid of breaking it.
“not right now you don’t, right now you have to put on this lipgloss and go dance your cute ass off with your best friend, come on (y/n/n), forget Jensen and let’s live a little!” She pouted.
Gosh sometimes she could be such a child. I stood there silently giving her a defeated look. She uncapped the lipgloss and started swiping some on my plump lips, taking my silence as a go ahead.
“you’re quite annoying sometimes I hope you know that.” I joked checking my reflection in the mirror one last time.
“I know, it’s one of my many shining qualities.” She said pulling me towards the door to our awaiting Uber.
I sighed looking at the camera one last time before we shut the door.
I was so confused. Why apologize? Did he actually feel bad?
Or did he think I was going to run to the media and gossip about him? Was he trying to buy my silence?
Maybe Stell was right, I mean what harm could possibly come from forgetting, even if just for tonight. I impressed Gray, something I’ve been trying to do for months now. I deserved to celebrate that!
“okay miss moody, I’m going to need you to stop overthinking there and relax.” Stella said digging an elbow into my side.
I rolled my eyes at her.
“I’m thinking you were right, let’s have fun.”
“that’s my girl!” Stella cheered.
I could see the fluorescent lighting as we pulled up to the club. The music was so loud I could feel it pulsating through my skin as we entered, finding a table to set our stuff down at.
“yum yum look at all this eye candy.” Stella said licking her lips.
“mhm not bad.” I shrugged looking at the sweaty bodies drinking and dancing all around us.
A waiter comes in to our viewpoint carrying a tray with two shots on it. I looked at Stella confused as we’d only just arrived, not having time to order anything yet.
“ladies, compliments of that gentleman over there.” the waiter says pointing to a handsome gentleman.
He wasn’t as handsome as Jensen but definitely not bad. We gave him a small smile to which he returned.
“see not even five minutes here and you’re already getting attention.” Stella said grabbing the shot and throwing it back.
“please, how do you know he didn’t buy them for you?” I scoffed.
Stella was one of those girls that looked flawless without even trying. She garnered men’s attention wherever we went. I loved that for her.
“I’m not the one he’s giving the fuck me eyes to.” She smirked.
I nervously turned my head around to look at the handsome guy. He stood puffing a cigarette while making eye contact with me.
I turned back around quickly a brush spread to my cheeks.
“told you so.” she smirked.
I quickly picked up the shot, I know I said I wasn’t drinking but at this point I needed the liquid courage to help me through the night. I threw it back feeling the familiar burn in the back of my throat. Hmm a Scotch guy.
“oh god (y/n/n) he’s coming this way.” Stella said turning me around.
Sure enough the handsome stranger was walking towards me, a smirk playing on his lips. He gets closer muttering a quick hi. He leans in so I can hear him over the booming electronic dance song that plays through the speakers.
“can I just say you’re the prettiest girl that’s walked through this door tonight?” He said, his voice husky.
Stella was usually the one getting the male attention so I had no idea what to do now that it was focused on me.
“thanks, and thanks for the shots.” I quietly said in his ear.
“of course, want a drink gorgeous?” He asked.
I knew I probably shouldn’t be drinking so much especially drinks from a stranger, but part of me didn’t care.
I mean I was celebrating after all.
I look towards Stella however she was now grinding on a stranger, a full mixed drink now in her hand. I sighed. I wanted to forget. So I was going to forget.
“how about some more shots?” I whispered seductively.
I didn’t know where this was coming from, but it felt kinda good.
“I like how you think.. uh” he said realizing he didn’t get my name.
“(y/n).” I filled in for him.
“(y/n), I like that. I’m Sebastian.”
Sebastian walked over to the bar ordering us more shots. I glanced at Stella making sure she was okay. She caught my eyes mouthing a you go girl. Sebastian came back with four shots.
I couldn’t help but think of Jensen, he smelled like Whiskey.
Fuck I'm supposed to be forgetting.
I quickly threw back the shots. I grabbed Sebastian’s hand pulling him over to where Stella was grinding on her guy. Our bodies moved in sync as his hands started to explore. It had been awhile since a man touched me in more than a friendly manner so the way his hands roamed around my hips and up my sides made the heat flush to my cheeks.
Or maybe that was the alcohol talking.
Whatever it was I liked it. It continues on this way, me throwing back shots while Sebastian's body clashed with mine.
“you’re so fucking hot, what I wouldn’t do to take you home.” He spoke biting his lip.
I was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol at this point. My head was getting a little fuzzy, my better judgement going out the window.
“I have to pee.” I said pulling Sebastian’s hands off my ass and starting to make my way to the bathroom.
I got to the back of the club to the bathrooms but of course there was a huge line for the women’s, there always was. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket bringing it to life. I had a missed call from my mom. I had to remember to call her back when I was sober.
But then his name caught my attention.
I scrolled over his contact information, meaning to delete his number.
I’m forgetting him.
I bit my lip as I hovered over the delete button. I hesitated though.
You know what, before I deleted him, I was going to give him a piece of my mind, knowing without the alcohol in my system I wouldn’t have this much courage again. I clicked the call button bringing it to my ear. It rang a couple times before his voice filled the speakers.
“(y/n)? What’s wrong? I hear music where are you?” He asked concerned.
“Mr. Ackles I just have to tell you that you can keep your stupid camera, I don’t want it.” I slurred trying to sound tough.
“God (y/n) have you been drinking, you sound drunk? Where are you?” He growled.
“uh yeah I’ve been drinking Mr. Grumpy Pants, and I'm dancing with a hot guy. And for your information he told me that I was the prettiest girl here tonight.” I laughed feeling the encouragement from the alcohol.
“(y/n) guys say things like that in hopes to get in your pants.” Jensen grumbled.
I could almost feel him rolling his eyes as he said that.
“well I might just let him cause he actually wants me.”
I could hear Jensen growl on the other end. I was really getting under his skin, which is exactly what I wanted.
“(y/n) tell me where you are right now.”
I could hear him breathing deeply, like he was trying to prevent himself from losing his cool.
“sorry no can do, I gotta go though it’s almost my turn to pee.”
“(y/n) I swear to god…”
I heard him start before I clicked end call. I felt satisfied with myself.
“I told him.” I said to a girl standing next to me.
She gave me an awkward smile that indicated she had no clue what I was talking about. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. Jensen’s name flashing over the caller idea. I quickly answered bringing it to my ear.
“look man..” I started but he quickly cut me off.
“stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.” Jensen ordered.
“wait what? Jensen you can’t be serious? Jensen?” I spoke but I was met with only dial tone.
I tried to dial him again but it went straight to voicemail. I tried again with the same results.
He couldn't actually be coming here. Could he? How did he know where I was?
Oh god, I felt like I was going to be sick. I left my spot in line making my way outside the club. I needed some fresh air.
It was now after midnight and the air had grown colder. I rubbed my hands up and down my bare arms trying to get warmed up.
Sebastian came out of the club now standing in front of me.
"there you are, I thought you disappeared on me." He said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"yeah sorry I'm just not feeling the greatest, needed some air." I slurred.
"well how about we go back to my place and I make you feel better?" Sebastian purred, rubbing his hands down my arms and sides.
I was never really going to go home with him, I'm not that reckless. Now that I know Jensen is potentially coming, I wanted to get away from Sebastian as quick as possible.
"I don't think that's a good idea." I said firmly without slur, pulling away from him slightly.
"oh come on baby, I promise to take care of you." He pressed, pulling me back in so I was trapped between his chest and his arms wrapping around my lower back.
"no, no I'm okay." I said trying to push him away.
"come on.."
"she said NO."
It all happened in a blur.
Jensen showed up grabbing Sebastian's shoulder throwing him off of me. Sebastian clattered to the ground with a thud. Jensen stood in front of me, blocking me from Sebastian. I could see his back muscles clenching as he huffed in anger.
"what the hell is your problem bro?" Sebastian seethed.
"my problem bro is you trying to take advantage of someone who can't even stand up straight." Jensen yelled causing other patrons to look our way.
I scoffed.
"uh for your information I can stand up perfectly fine."
Of course as I said that, I stumbled forward a bit, right into Jensen. He wrapped a protective arm around my waist, holding me still in his side.
Sebastian looked at him up and down, as if he was sizing him up.
"whatever, no piece of ass is worth this much hassle." Sebastian said standing up and brushing the dirt off his clothes.
"I'll have you know my ass is really nice sir." I defended, but that was just the alcohol talking.
Jensen put a hand over my mouth quickly.
"(y/n) stop talking, and let's go." Jensen growled giving me a warning scowl before starting to lead me away.
I probably should stop talking.
"It wasn't like the bitch was going to put out anyways." Sebastian called after us.
Jensen stopped us in our tracks. I could hear his breathing start to pick up again. Jensen unwrapped his arm from my waist before turning around and launching a punch right to the side of Sebastians face. Sebastian fell down hard, not expecting Jensen to strike him. Jensen leaned down and whispered something I couldn't make out. It was all too much, the alcohol now effecting my stomach.
"I think I'm.." I started but wasn't able to finish as I emptied my stomach right there on the sidewalk.
In this case most men would jump back in disgust, but not Jensen. He ran behind me grabbing my long hair, holding it back so I wouldn't get messy. I hurled again, feeling like absolute shit.
"ugh please don't look at me." I told him before puking again.
He didn't say anything, just rubbed my back with one hand and held my hair with the other, once I thought I was done, I slowly stood up leaning in to him. I had no energy to hold myself up at this point.
"come on, lets get you out of here." He said into my ear.
"but wait, Stell, I can't just leave her." I groaned in pain, my throat raw from my puking episodes.
"I already got her in a cab back to your place." He spoke pulling me towards a car.
He gently put me in the back seat before climbing in beside me.
"Lay your head in my lap and relax." He said running his hand through my hair.
I slumped over in his lap, letting the effects of the night wash over me. I felt so weak, my muscles ached. I sighed relaxing in to his hand. My eyes slipping closed, my mind slipping into darkness.
The blinding light from the sun, woke me out of my deep sleep. I clutched the duvet closer to my body, slowly fluttering my eyelashes open. I groaned as I tried to move, everything hurt.
Oh god, I'm never drinking again.
I looked down, not immediately recognizing the bed I was in. The sheets and comforter just felt expensive. I sat up trying to get a view of my surroundings. I was definitely in a hotel room, but not just any hotel room.
Jensen's luxury suite.
I looked down at my body, I was shocked to find out my pants were discarded, and I was wearing a large Metallica shirt. My cheeks flushed red. I didn't remember getting undressed last night. Jensen must've undressed me. I felt so embarrassed.
The bathroom door opening startled me. Jensen came out, a pair of black sweatpants snug on his hips. He was shirtless, and water droplets, dripped from the end of his hair, down his toned chest. I couldn't help the way my eyes raked up and down his body. I bit my lip staring at the gorgeous man stood before me.
"how are you feeling?" He asked, pulling out some ibuprofen, and a glass of water.
"like, I've been hit by truck, but nothing that I don't deserve." I said gratefully taking the pain medication and water.
Jensen watched me intently as I swallowed both the pills he gave me.
"uh did you uh undress me?" I asked addressing the elephant in the room.
"I had to, you threw up all over yourself and me." He said.
I felt the heat go all throughout my body in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry you had to deal with that." I piped up.
"It could've been a lot worse, what were you thinking getting drunk like that." He growled crossing his arms.
Wait was he seriously mad at me? He's the one that told me he didn't want to do this.
"you can't seriously be mad at me for going out." I scoffed.
Who does he think he is?
"well I am mad (y/n), I'm palm-twitchingly mad. I'm all for drinking and having a good time but you put yourself at serious risk last night, how could you be so stupid?" He yelled.
"okay that is so not fair." I yelled back.
"you're lucky I was there, and your lucky all I did was throw a punch." Jensen seethed breathing deeply in anger.
I was about to make a rude comment back, but I realized he was right, I was lucky he was there. Had Sebastian pushed further, I wouldn't have been able to fight him off. I was so confused. He pushes me away but then comes to rescue me. What did he want?
"why am I here Jensen?" I asked looking at his clenched jaw.
Jensen stared at me intently as if trying to formulate an answer, or an excuse, I wouldn't know which is which. It was a moment before he responded.
"It seems I'm incapable of leaving you alone." He said turning away from me.
Holy Fuck.
I felt my heart rate increase and the heat igniting my skin.
"then don't." I whispered biting my lip.
"(y/n), I told you..." He started but I cut him off.
"you don't do relationships, I know, but that doesn't mean we can't have anything." I said surprising him, even surprising myself.
Jensen didn't respond, I looked up at him to see him grabbing a piece of toast spreading some jam on it.
"you need to eat something, you threw up a lot last night." He said handing me the toast and ignoring what I said.
I hesitantly took it from him, biting off the corner. He sat down on the bed staring up at me, as if he were checking that I was actually going to eat it. He had a commanding presence and I didn't know whether to be incredibly intimidated or incredibly turned on.
"I'm really sorry you had to deal with me, I hope I didn't disrupt your night too much?" I questioned hesitantly looking at him.
"just my sleeping arrangements, I'm not use to sharing a bed.
Holy Fuck.
"we uh slept together?" I asked.
"well you slept in the bed and I slept in the bed so if you want to call that sleeping together then yeah." He said taking a bite off the other corner of my toast.
"we uh didn't do anything did we, just slept?" I asked in a shaky breath.
Jensen leaned in close to my ear. I could feel his breath on me, making shivers run down my spine.
"no, you see when I fuck, I like my women to be conscious and consenting, besides if we did, believe me baby you'd definitely be feeling it right now." He whispered seductively.
I couldn't help but clench my thighs together at his words.
Holy Fuck.
I was speechless. I felt the heat spread between my legs, and the breath get caught in my throat. I bite my lip looking in his eyes.
"so is that all you want, someone to pleasure you?" I spoke softly not trusting my own voice.
"that's part of it, but that's not entirely all there is to it." He said.
"then what else?"
Jensen smirked looking down at me biting my lip. He towered over me even sitting.
"why? are you interested?" He asked cocking his eyebrow.
I shuddered at his husky voice. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"maybe, what do I get out of it?" I asked feeling a burst of confidence.
"Me." He smirked putting his large hand on my bare thigh.
Holy Fuck.
I gotta stop thinking the word Fuck.
"that's quite pretentious of you Mr. Ackles...but say I am interested, are you going to clue me in on the rest?" I asked seductively cocking my head to the side.
Jensen wore a shit eating grin, like he had me exactly where he wanted me.
"not right now, I have to go into the office, and I want to take things slow." He laughed getting up.
I breathed out a shaky sigh.
Fucking tease.
God this man was doing things to me. He threw me my clothes that were now freshly laundered.
"get dressed, I'll take you home." He smirked.
I got off the bed heading in to his large ensuite bathroom. I grimaced at my reflection in the mirror, my hair was a mess, my makeup smeared. I splashed some water on my face and ran a wet hand through my hair to hopefully flatten some of the flyaways. I slowly pulled my pants back on, discarding his shirt and replacing it with mine. I grabbed some mouthwash he had on the counter, swishing it around to get the taste of alcohol and vomit out of my mouth. I bit my lip looking in the mirror.
This was crazy.
I hesitantly grabbed the door handle slipping out. Jensen now stood in a suit and tie, looking as handsome as ever. God he looked good.
"ready?" He asked looking down at me.
I nodded my head having to peel my eyes away from his body. I had to stop staring before I did something I regretted.
He put a hand to the small of my back leading me out the door and to the elevator. I didn't have to look at him to feel his gaze on me as we waited for the elevator.
We walked in when it arrived, standing side by side but extremely close. The air between us was thick and heavy. I bit my lip trying my hardest not to look up at him, and fiddled with my hands at my sides.
"you know what fuck slow."
I gasped as Jensen grabbed my hands pinning them above my head and me to the back of the elevator, his lips crashing in to the arch of my neck. He kissed it roughly, trailing kisses up my neck along my chin and back down again. I moaned as his core pressed in to mine, his mouth traveling further down to my collarbone. He sucked on a especially sensitive spot making me whimper in pleasure.
Fuck did he know what he was doing.
He pulled away just as the elevator doors opened, a couple other men in suits walking in. He stood beside me smirking at the thought of getting caught. I hope I didn't look as flustered as I felt.
Only one thing was running through my head.
Holy Fuck.
Author Note:
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Part (III)
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silantryoo · 1 year
BONUS [ RP STONT ] — the publicity date
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minji and y/n’s first (not) date.
WARNINGS ; mentions of diet and calories, self comparisons
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[DECEMBER 5, 2022. 9:36PM]
y/n sat quietly, watching as hybe’s company car left the two girls at the niche cafe that she had been to since she was a trainee (she should have never mentioned it to her manager).
the vents blew cold air, and it was as if reality hit her. this ‘was an actual thing 'date’, the one that she had to do with the person who reminded her of everything she wasn’t, she had been made to do this by her company. she had to sit here and pretend to be friendly with the girl who has and could probably ruin her life again.
the idol looked around, spotting a cameraman eating what looked to be street food on the side of the curb, and a woman sitting a couple tables behind her and minji.
y/n turned back around. she wondered if she should actually talk to minji since they would be stuck here for the next hour or two. it wouldn’t physically hurt to talk to the younger girl, but it would definitely hurt her pride.
she watched her, noticing that minji was looking at her phone with a worried expression.
she cleared her throat, hesitantly asking, “are you okay?”
“my kid’s trapped in the washroom.” minji blurted out, her eyes terrified. she completely forgot to tell danielle that she was in charge while she was out. the last time that had happened, haerin had managed to get hyein’s arm stuck in the vent.
they had to call their manager and a fire department to fix the situation.
y/n’s eyes widened as minji continued to explain. “i think hanni locked her in there.”
y/n blinked at her, not really knowing what to say.
minji swallowed, picking up her phone as it pinged again. “nevermind.”
y/n scratched her head as she pulled out her phone, updating her members before setting it back down. this was awkward (and the comment from earlier had thrown her off for a loop), and not the usual 'i hate you’ type of awkward, but the 'what do i do?’ type of awkward.
she looked at a worried minji’s scrunched-up face. the older idol smiled lightly. she hated to admit that she found minji irritatingly cute at times. it wasn’t fair that she hated someone so pretty.
she took a deep breath, trying to push her pride down just like chaewon had taught her before. she just needed to be civil. that was all.
minji, however, beat her to it.
“um,” minji cleared her throat, an awkward smile on her face as she clutched her phone. “what drink are you going to order?”
y/n looked at her closely, trying to wonder what the girl’s motive was. the minji she knew wouldn’t be this nice… would she?
she watched as minji smiled awkwardly, waiting for the older girl to say something.
“probably a frappucino,” y/n replied.
minji nodded, looking as if she was dying to get rid of the tension between the two. the leader had never been good at keeping cool in situations like these.
y/n took a breath, deciding to humor the situation. if she was gonna be stuck doing this every other week or so, she needed to make being around minji bearable.
“what about you?”
minji looked at her for a moment, shocked that y/n actually responded with something that wasn’t a sneer or a glare. she couldn’t believe hanni was right (and she hated it).
“probably an iced americano.” minji nodded, picking on her phone as she watched a waiter pass by. “you know, it’s low on calories.”
“you shouldn’t be worried about that.” y/n said without thinking. minji felt a blush spread across her face. “i mean, this situation’s already stressful enough. just get what you want.”
“it’s not that easy.” minji shook her head, frowning at the simple thought.
“yes, it is.” y/n scoffed, watching as the girl in front of her glared in disbelief. “calories are just numbers. yunjin-unnie taught me that.”
“you shouldn’t be such a kiss ass to heejin-nim.” y/n spat out. she watched as minji recoiled, realizing that she fell back into the habit of getting angry at minji. y/n took a deep breath. “diets are stupid anyways.”
minji didn’t know why she felt flattered. y/n wasn’t usually this harsh with her words, but minji couldn’t help but feel like the older girl meant it with worry. maybe minji was reading into it too much because y/n was finally trying(?). either way, the leader felt herself staring at y/n as a camera flashed outside the window.
they looked at each other, both holding back a sigh.
“is the frappucino here good?” minji asked.
y/n felt pride in her chest. “it’s not bad.”
minji watched as the older girl tried to push down a real, genuinely happy smile. she had never seen that on y/n before, at least not because of her.
a feeling spread across her body, but minji couldn’t tell what.
“i see.” minji nodded.
minji grabbed her phone, on her way to text who y/n assumed was hyein (minji’s 'kid’?).
to y/n, hyein had always been someone she knew looked up to her. the young girl would follow her around back during their trainee days, only to be scolded by haerin about the importance of space (something y/n greatly appreciated).
and hanni… well, y/n already knew much about her.
minji quickly looked up as a waiter briefly passed them. luckily, it caught his attention, and the waiter paitently waited as minji scanned the on-table menu in front of them.
“can we get two frappucinos,” minji pointed, looking through her options. two items caught her eye, something that she knew y/n would’ve been familiar with. “two grilled cheese sandwiches and a blueberry muffin?”
the waiter nodded, quickly scurrying off as minji looked up from the table to find y/n extremely flustered.
minji looked at her curiously.
“you remembered my usual when i was a trainee?” y/n asked, covering her face as she spoke. she bit her tongue, trying not to smile at the almost sweet (maybe even romantic?) gesture.
“it’s not that hard to memorize.” minji shrugged, wondering why it was such a big deal to the girl. “you always ate the same thing each day.”
“yeah, well…” y/n looked away, a part of her now feeling guilty about her treatment to the girl.
she quickly shook it off, realizing that now was not a good time to deal with something like this. she was here on a publicity date, not to think about her deeper thoughts with someone who reminded her of who she should’ve become.
y/n stared at minji who watched as the waiters passed their table.
“how’s it like?” y/n asked, minji’s head snapping towards the girl. “in new jeans, i mean.”
minji’s eyebrows furrowed. she assumed that there wouldn’t be any talk about her group since it seemed like a sensitive topic for y/n, but this was the first time anyone actually asked, and it wasn’t like y/n was evil. she was just annoying.
“it’s not like how i expected it.” minji shrugged, another flash outside startling the two. y/n urged her to continue. “it’s easier than being a trainee, but it’s harder because i have to take care of other people.”
y/n nodded, hating the sinking feeling that she felt in her stomach. she hated that minji was the right choice and not her.
she bit her lip, another waiter passing the two by with another table’s food. “hanni says you’re doing a good job so…”
“oh.” minji could feel herself blush at the compliment. she closed her eyes tightly before exhaling ('what is wrong with me?’). “that’s good.”
y/n nodded, the two staring at each other before another flash made itself known. y/n rolled her eyes, subtly gesturing at the man standing outside with a thousand-dollar camera that was definitely freezing himself to death.
minji bit back a smile, another photo getting taken, reminding her that this wasn’t an actual outing that she had agreed on. the two had been left here by the company earlier.
she cringed, thinking about the comment she had made earlier as she rehashed the events.
minji cleared her throat. “about earlier—”
“hyein?” y/n asked, a playful grin on her face.
minji chuckled, the two girls clearly knowing what the youngest was like. “she doesn’t really listen to anyone except haerin.”
“she listened to me.” y/n stated, smirking slightly as she watched minji get irritated. she loved having something above the younger girl.
old habits die hard.
“that was for a different reason.” minji rolled her eyes, hating the smug look on the older girl’s face. the leader sighed. “it’s just that… she’s a good kid, but i get worried sometimes.”
y/n’s face dropped slightly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the amount that minji was opening up to her. she wasn’t sure if normal people were like this, but if this meant that she would fight less with minji, y/n would do it (for the sake of the team, of course).
“what do you mean?” y/n tired to push her discomfort down.
“sometimes i feel like she’s growing up too fast. sometimes i feel like she’s not growing up enough.” minji ran her hand through her hair, her eyebrows furrowed from stress. “i get worried that i won’t be able to help her because she doesn’t listen.”
y/n winced, realizing that this was probably how sakura and chaewon viewed her.
she didn’t want to say anything, the topic hitting a little too close to home for her, but she couldn’t imagine how minji (and chaewon) was feeling.
the idol thought to herself, thinking about her leader and what she would say to her (she made a mental note to hug chaewon as soon as she got back).
“you shouldn’t worry about that too much. i can tell she looks up to you.” y/n said, clearing her throat. she looked down, watching herself play with her hands. “i hate to say it but i agree with hanni. you were the best choice for their leader.”
“oh.” minji tried to bite back a smile. “thank you.”
y/n nodded and tried to respond, but another flash startled the two. she turned to face the man, trying to signal to him to lessen the photos, or at least turn the brightness of the flash down. the older man gave her the middle finger, causing y/n to scoff loudly.
minji laughed as the older idol silently argued with the man in the street, a large grin on her face.
y/n turned to look at her briefly with a bewildered face before turning back to the paparazzi, but minji felt something when their eyes met. something that she shouldn’t have.
her stomach quickly sank as she realized that this was all supposed to be fake. she and y/n were never supposed to be here in the first place. they weren’t supposed to get along, and they were supposed to hate each other. she wasn’t supposed to be laughing at the idol arguing with some dispatch idiot who was freezing on the street.
this wasn’t supposed to happen.
but minji didn’t know why it bothered her so much.
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swtstrwbrris · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 just, let me. ; sohma yuki 𓆩♡𓆪
pairing: Yuki Sohma x Female!Reader
genre: fluff, uni!au, yuki being the gentleman he is <3
warning: second hand embarrassment, post-curse!Yuki
a/n: this scenario is based off of my embarrassing life events so if you get second hand embarrassment, imagine how I felt going through it in the moment (only a small portion of this scenario is inspiration of my life events, minus the romance.) Thought Yuki would be the perfect character to write about because who doesn't love him (sorry Kyo but the minute I saw Yuki, I knew he was the one for me)
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"Since you dropped out of class and left me alone, you're in charge of buying me drinks and saving me a spot before our next class." Tohru teased as the two of you walked out of lecture hall together. You enrolled in a course together to only dropping out because you didn't take the prerequisite required, even though your friend, who is clearly smarter than you, said it'll be 'a breeze.' You walked her to her next class, peaking your head in to see if the professor arrived yet.
"Matcha latte, less ice, substitute for almond milk." You answered her before she was able to remind you her order. Waving her goodbye, you walked back to the main student center, deciding to spent the 2 hours you know have free to study for your upcoming midterms. Walking down the outdoor path, you looked up at the sky, seeing the snow slowly fall as you admire the snowflake that landed on your palm. You weren't the fan of the cold, but when the snow falls slowly, it took away the cold you were feeling. Entering the cafe, you went to buy your own latte first and getting hers before the next class starts so it doesn't get watered down. Walking around the the building, you tried to spot a free table, knowing it was unlikely since it was during the peak of lunch hours but to your surprise, you spotted an empty table on the second floor, quickly scurrying to take a seat. You settled down, removing your long puffer and scarf and took out your notebook, laptop and earphone, getting ready for a productive session when your eyes travelled across the other side, meeting the eyes of a greyish purple haired male who was sitting directly in front of you across the balcony. He looked up from his book before sending a soft smile. You blankly blinked before looking away, not thinking much of it. Putting in your earphones, you tied your hair and began studying without knowing that the male stole glances at your working figure time to time.
You glanced at your phone seeing that your next class was starting in 20 minutes or so. Pulling out your earphones, you glanced across, seeing the male calmly flipping through his book. His pupils moving to read each line on the page, hair softly moving to the wind blowing in from the entrance doors downstairs. You had to admit, he was kind of cute but what are the chances you'll see him again in such a large campus?
'How can someone be able to read in such a loud environment? I'm blasting music and yet I can still hear conversations beside me.' You wondered as you packed your things walking down to the cafe to order your friend's latte. You stumbled to balance the two lattes along with your textbook that you didn't think of putting back into your bag, regretting for not asking for a tray or bag for the drinks but carefully made your way to the next building for class dodging the incoming students. You arrived at the main doors of the building, waving your elbow at the automatic door sensor but the door doesn't budge. You started to panic, feeling the people behind waiting for you to open the door. Tightening your grip around your textbook, trying to awkwardly reach for door handle before a hand beat you to it, pulling the door opened for you.
You looked up, seeing the same male whom you sat across from at the student center. He definitely looks better up close, and he's tall. "People can be so impolite and inconsiderate sometimes." He smiled, waiting for you to enter before you walked in, glancing back to see the people looking unamused.
"Thank you." You slightly nodded, passing him to hurry on to class. He seemed to be walking in the same direction before speaking up.
"Do you need any help?" He caught up to your peace, looking at your hands.
"Nope, I'm good, thanks." You rejected quicken your steps before he bid you goodbye, walking away in the opposite direction.
'he followed me to ask me if I needed help?' You quickly walked up the flights of stairs to the top floor, entering the empty classroom to claim the last two seats. Tohru enters shortly after, too excited to for latte to realize you were seated beside her. "I guess all it takes to kidnap you is a matcha latte" She looked up from your voice, cheekily smiling.
"Someone almost stole my latte." You went on to explain the scenario that happened minutes ago to her. She looked at you with an expression you couldn't read and she's quite the expressive person. "So yeah, he wanted to follow me and steal my latte. His eyes were literally glued to my latte." You waited for her burst of emotions.
"I don't know about you, but to me, he seemed like he was genuinely trying you help you out." You tried to see things through Tohru's perspective. "I mean for someone on our campus to actually step in and help out? Where's this guy from? Heaven?"
"Maybe. He was kind of cute." You confessed quietly. The class started to fill up with students.
"And you rejected him when that may be your one and only chance?!" You slapped Tohru's shoulder from her suddenly raise in voice. The class turned their attention to your corner as you hide your face behind your hands, hearing a awkward giggle from your friend. "Seriously though, you have to stop questioning everyone's intentions. That's the main reason you're still single." She finally whispers as you shot her a glare.
"And what about you? I don't see you with anyone." You rolled your eyes, hearing this complain from almost everyone. It's been several years since your last relationship and as much as you wanted to be in one, you found yourself not wanting to carry a conversation longer than greetings.
"I choose the single life. I believe the one for me will come when the time is right." She defense confidently. You scoffed at her nonsense.
"Well, I, too am waiting for my one."
"Well what if that was your one? And you just brushed him off?" She started to raise her voice again before your hand covered her mouth. The professor walked in just in time before Tohru could continue on with her love conspiracies. "I won't ever see him again so it won't matter." You added before facing the front of class, sensing her death stare.
Ever since the incident and what Tohru said, you've been secretly wishing you could go back in time and acted differently. Your class schedule today was alone as Tohru was taking different courses from yours. You entered the lecture hall, taking a seat at your usual spot on the right side of the room, 10 rows from the front, the outermost seat. As students hustled in, a particular hair color caught your eye. It was the greyish purple haired male. The one you saw a week ago. He was in the same core class as you, meaning that he was probably in the same program as you. He walked up the left side of the room as you let out a relieved sigh.
As the professor wrapped up class, you started to pack your things, knowing your lab is quite the distance from where you are and with the limited time and weather condition outside, you weren't willing to take the late mark. You stood up to wear your jacket when a few things hit you;
everyone else was still seated expect you... and the male you couldn't tell if you're trying to avoiding or hoping to see
he was staring directly at you and was seated in the exact same spot but in the other side of the room
your arms were in a very awkward position. and frozen
You quickly darted your eyes away, internally screaming at how embarrassing it was. Just as you thought it couldn't get worst, you noticed a person in your pervious lab turning back to look at you. "Hey Y/N!" he normal voice was loud enough for the front section to hear. You awkward nodded before waving but it was too late because he faced back to the front of the class, so here you are, slowly waving at the back of his head, slowly sinking into your seat, slowly wanting to die and bury yourself in a hole. The professor dismissed class and you couldn't stand a second longer in the room as you darted out, rushing to your lab and trying to run away from embarrassment.
Luckily you made it on time when your lab room still have a lab ongoing so you waited outside until they were finished. You pulled out a water bottle, trying to twist it open but your sweaty palms would just slipped whenever you tried.
"Do you need any help?" Your eyes widen as you heard a familiar tone behind you. It was weird. You only heard him spoke twice and yet you were able to tell who it belonged to. Slowly turning, he peered over your shoulder, sending you his gentle smile. You took a couple of steps back, still trying to recover from what happened in the lecture hall. You couldn't face him like this.
"Nope, I'm good, thanks." You nervously chuckled gripping the water bottle tightly before you felt your top becoming damp. The water was leaking through your half opened lid. "Shit." You cursed, seeing the a huge damp spot on the front of your shirt. He quickly dug into his back for some napkins but before he was able to hand it to you, you were already off to the washroom.
You walked out to get your bag, feeling uncomfortable about how your morning was starting off when you saw a pocket of tissue on top of your bag. You stuffed it back into your bag, entering your lab. You couldn't focus on your lab, your thoughts were all over the place and all you wanted to do was just hide under your blankets, away from the world. Walking out of the lab, the doors of a room further down the hall opened as the male walked out. You froze, praying he doesn't look back. He continues walking down the hall, as you mutely followed behind. Stopping to stare out the window, taking in the white view of first snow on the trees.
"It's so pretty." You spoke to yourself.
"It sure is." You almost jolted, stepping back from his sudden appearance. You swore you saw him walking down the stairs. "Is your shirt okay?" You instantly covered your shirt, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Yes, it's okay now." You stared out the window, feeling the awkward tensions around the two of you.
"I'm Yuki. Yuki Sohma." He introduces himself with his hand extended. You looked at his hand, hesitant on whether or not to shake it.
"I'm Y/N L/N." You slowly reach out to his hand and shook it.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." You slightly nodded before looking at your phone, seeing that your bus comes in a few minutes. You quickly throw on your jacket, opened your bag to grab your scarf when you saw the tissue.
"Here you go." You handed him the tissues but he looked at you confusingly. "Oh, is this not yours?"
"No it is bu-"
"Thanks. I didn't use it so it's not opened." You gave him the tissues before taking off. He saw you run to the station through the window, softly smiling at himself.
"You didn't have to return the tissues." He looked at the tissue in his hand.
The boy you thought you never see again began to be the person you pumped into the most in the weirdest places. Though he didn't have many classes with you, his classes all somehow ended up to be near yours, so whenever you came out, he was there. You started to having bad feelings for him, wondering if all this encounters are purely by coincidence or stalking. Tohru has been pressuring you to chat up a conversation with him but you didn't have to guts or interest to. Yes he was very attractive and all but you only thought of him as someone you could admire from afar. He was way out of your league. He was a smooth talker and proper whereas you're awkward and clumsy. He's been trying to offer you help whenever it seemed like you needed it but you were starting to feel like he was making fun of what you were capable of.
"Do you need help with that?" He approached you as you carried stacks of paper and coffee for your club's meeting.
"Nope, I'm good, thanks."
"Do you need a hand?" You were stapling some posters for your club's event. You stood on a stool, trying to reach the empty spot at the top.
"Nope, I'm good, thanks."
"Do you need any help?" You were carrying a box filled with equipment with wires dangling out.
"Nope, I'm good, thanks" Every time he asked, you felt like you were being looked down on. You clearly had it fine but for some reason, his offer doesn't seem to kind in your eyes anymore.
"I'm telling you, he's looking down on me." You spoke to your club members as they asked about the mysterious guy who has been following you to the club.
"I don't think so." One of them spoke. "I have mutual friends with him and he's actually a really kind person."
"Maybe you should just let him help. He won't feel so bad for himself." Another joins in.
You shook your head, not understanding what they're saying. "But I'm fine without any help. I got it under control." You crossed your arms, feeling a little triggered by his actions.
"I'm telling, what if he genuinely just wants to help and you're just turning him down? If I were him, I would feel pretty hurt myself." Tohru tries to explain herself and the club members agreed, making you feel helpless on what to do.
"But he's literally everywhere I go. You can't tell me he's not stalking me. It's too coincidential to be a coincidence" You bring out another point to only see them shake their heads in disapproval.
"Coincidence is the first sign of love."
"Maybe it's not a coincidence... but fate." You facepalmed from your unhelpful friends
The club meeting ended a lot later than expected from the upcoming events and promotions. You volunteered to lock up the room as you wanted to finish up a couple of things before leaving. You glanced out the window, seeing the snow slowly fall, melting away all your tiredness. You wore your jacket, locking up the room before heading out the building. It was already dark outside, as the light post was your only light source to the station. You started to walk, hearing the doors behind you open. Yuki was walking out as your quicken your steps, feeling scared about what he might do. The sudden gust of wind cause a chill through your neck as you notice you weren't wearing your scarf. You whipped your bag to the front, unzipping your bag to only see your bag empty without your scarf. You must've forgotten it at home.
"Y/N?" A soft voice called out. You didn't know if the chills you were feeling were from the wind or him. You turned around as he quicken his steps to you. "Walking to the station?" He asked but you froze and instead back up slowly. "Y/N?" He tried to approach you before you stopped him with your hands
"Why are you always following me? Are you trying to stalk me? What do you want from me?" His eye widen as you spoke loudly. You were shaking from fear and the cold. "Don't come closer. Leave me alone."
"Okay okay, but just listen to what I have to say." He took out his phone, tapping on his screen. "I think you have the wrong idea. I wasn't following or stalking you." He showed his phone with the messages he exchanged with one of your club members. She was technically setting up all the club encounters without the two of you knowing. "She told me that she needed something from me but every time I go where she said she'll meet me, she's never there." You gave yourself a mental note to give her an earful the next time you saw her. You felt a little more relieved that he didn't have any bad motives.
"Then why are you looking down on me?" he blinked several times, trying to make sense of what you said. "Do you not think I'm capable of what I'm doing." He finally understood what you're saying
"Of course not! I swear, that wasn't my intentions. I was truly just asking if you needed some help." He looked away from you. "You always look so hard work and all. I thought I could offer you a hand." His cheeks were tinted red but you couldn't tell if it's from the cold or something else. "I promise, I didn't mean to come off to you at all. I've always admire how diligent you are."
You breathlessly chuckled, feeling at ease. He kind of felt the same as he mirrored your actions. The two of you slowly walked to the station, as a conversation naturally started without you coming to realize.
"I have to say though, I felt kind of hurt that you kept on brushing me off." You felt guilty on holding bad thoughts about him. "I thought I was annoying you or something. But it’s weird, because it’s almost like we always bump into each other” he spoke your exact thoughts. “I guess it might be fate.” He quickly mumbled but you were able to caught what he was saying. You couldn’t help but to smile.
"Sorry about that." You apologized but he smiled, almost brightening your whole surrounding. “I don’t believe in fate, but maybe this is proof that it does exists.” You took the risk. It was now or never.
"I'm glad we cleared out the misunderstanding." You nodded, smiling before shivering, feeling the cold air travel down and into your jacket. He stopped you before facing you.
"Where's your scarf?" Your heart fluttered that he remembered you always carried your scarf.
"I most've left it at home." You looked to the side, hiding your shame.
"Do you need help?"
"'Nope, I'm good, thanks'" He answered before you could speak feeling flustered.
"No seriously though, I'm good. We're almost at the station." You peeked behind him expecting to see the station but to your surprise, you still had some way to go. He started to take his scarf off his neck. "Yuki-"
"Just," He stepped closer to you, wrapping the scarf around your neck. "let me." he finishes tying a knot. The scarf felt warm from his body temperature. You touched your cheeks, trying to hide your redness. "I was finally able to help you somehow." He softly spoke, gently caressing your hair before his eyes travelling to your red fingertips. He took your hands, removing his right glove and helping you wear it on your right hand. You remained silent, not knowing what to do. He extended his left hand to you.
"May I?" You looked at him before smiling, offering his right hand as he intertwined his fingers, stuffing your hand in his into his jacket pocket.
"I guess today, I'll be helping you."
"Thank you Yuki."
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that."
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
day 26 - exhibitionism
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nct 1.2k words female reader insert Reader x Nakamoto Yuta NSFW
🖤 warnings: welcome back day 16 mc!!! she’s getting the goods!!! explicitly protected sex, penetrative sex, please don’t be like this i don’t want anyone getting indecent exposure charges 🖤
🎂 happy yuta day~
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
"I heard you were looking for me."
You look up from your textbook, first in simple confusion, but any intention of skimming back over this lesson is forgotten when you see who it is, leaning on your table in the student cafe.
Yuta is as beautiful as you remember, dark wavy hair and sharp eyes, his lean form in his stylishly baggy clothes. He's looking at you with a mixture of mirth and curiosity, and you can feel your pulse pick up.
"You're (Y/N), right?" he asks.
You nod. It's all you can do.
"Then that's right. Heard you wanted to see me."
"Who'd you hear that from?" you ask.
"It's hot gossip," he tells you. "In my house, at least."
Fucking Doyoung, that snitch.
"Someone let slip that when you found Doyoungie, the other week, you were looking for me," he says.
You glance around, to see if anyone else is witnessing this batshit crazy scene. All you find is Yangyang the barista, leaning over the counter and giving you a shark's grin and a not-so-subtle thumbs up. You'd forgotten that the kid is in the same frat, too. He probably knows exactly what's up. He's probably even the someone who told Yuta everything, that nosy little shit.
"I mean," you start, "I mean, yeah. Yes."
"And yet, you fucked around with Doyoung."
He doesn't sound upset or jealous or anything. He just sounds curious. That, you can handle.
So you grin. "He needed it."
"I'm sure he did," Yuta agrees.
"But yes, I was looking for you."
"Gonna tell me what for?" he asks, sliding out the other chair at your little table and making himself comfortable.
He's sitting with the chair turned backwards, his sharp chin hooked over the back. You close your textbook.
"Well," you say. "I liked your piercing."
"Which one?" He tucks his hair behind his ear, on one side, showing off a lobe full of pretty rings.
"The belly button piercing."
"The best one," he smirks.
Pretty and charming. He's a real threat, and it makes you even more thirsty for him.
"Can I get you a drink?" you ask.
"I've had enough caffeine for today, thanks."
"Plus, we're closing!" Yangyang calls, obviously eavesdropping.
You roll your eyes at him, but you do glance at your phone. He's right. The cafe closes at 11, and it's about to strike the hour now. He's probably been waiting to kick you out, just watching everything unfold like a drama.
The connecting student lounge is open 24 hours, though, so you pick up your bag and your book and nod toward the next room, silently asking (begging) for Yuta to join you there.
Your favorite table in the corner is open, so that's where you stop. It's a booth, of sorts, built into the corner walls with high-backed benches around the square table. The design boxes the table in from three directions, making it a perfect semi-private place to study or sleep.
Or to hide out with Yuta, whose hand is firm on your thigh as soon as he follows you into the booth.
"I was kinda flattered, you know, when I figured out who you were," he says. "Someone cute as you chasing me down."
"Sorry I didn't just do it outright. Wasted a ton of time," you reply.
Yangyang passes by, then, his work apron slung over his shoulder. He throws something at you, that bounces off the table and onto the floor.
"Don't get arrested," he says, before he disappears out the door and into the night.
Yuta ducks under the table to retrieve the projectile, and he comes up laughing.
"Little fucker," he says fondly.
It's a condom.
"Are we gonna need that tonight?" you ask.
"Unless you wanna go raw," Yuta says, far too loudly for the public place you're in.
There's nobody close by, though. Maybe a couple people studying across the room, out of sight from your vantage point inside the little cocoon of your booth. But it's definitely still public. That's also not what you'd meant, but you know, he has a point.
"Maybe not the first time," you reply.
"That implies there's gonna be more times."
"If this one goes well, there might be."
Yuta laughs again, the picture of easy grace. "I like you. You're fun."
"We haven't even started yet," you say.
He lays down, then, back meeting the durable fabric of the bench seat and arms folded under his head. "Get started, then."
You look down at him from the next seat, appraising. He's on the bench directly behind the table, so that any passersby probably wouldn't see him at first glance. But anyone who approached would, most definitely. Not that there's anyone passing by...
"Unless you really don't want to," Yuta says. "Which is cool. But hey, no time like the present."
You have to take a second and think about it. Messing around with Yuta, here? In front of a potential audience of other students, sitting just across the room? It makes your stomach churn with anticipation, but not, you think, in a negative way.
This is exactly what Yuta wants, you realize. He wants to do it here, he wants the risk of someone seeing. Vain motherfucker that he is.
Well, there's a first time for everything, huh?
You go for his belt before your nerve leaves you. "Can I-?"
"Of course."
It's a thrill but not a surprise to find that Yuta's hard already. If he's as into this on principle as you think he is, he's probably been hard this whole time. You wrap your hand around him, hesitating, and he notices.
"A little," you admit, "I've never..."
"I'll stay down here. You can take a ride, for a sec, get into it," he suggests.
That's how you find yourself sitting sidesaddle on Yuta's lap. Your book is open on the table as if you're studying, your feet on the floor, your pants shimmied down your thighs just enough (hell of a day to wear pants), cock buried inside you, pretending you're sitting on a normal old bench and fucking sweating through it.
Yuta had slipped the condom on and slipped you on right after. It's been nearly ten minutes, and you're...it's...
"Not enough," you whine.
"Sweetheart, if we switch it up," he says, patronizing and dark and delicious, "Then people will definitely see."
As if to prove his point, the far door opens and a few voices trail into the student lounge, people talking softly. They stop somewhere out of view, you hear chairs scraping as they settle at a table, but the thrill of it isn't any less present. If they came just a little bit closer, to sit at any of the half-dozen tables in full view of yours...
But Yuta is throbbing inside you, hot and perfect and not nearly enough.
You move off him, to the side, and you tug at his shoulder until he sits up, smirking at you. Only a little prodding has him sitting properly on the bench, so you can scramble into his lap facing him. Any illusion of normalcy is gone, like this, the table's edge digging into your back as you scoot it away to make more room for yourself, well and truly wrapped around Yuta.
You can barely get out the words, as you line him up and press down on him again.
"Let 'em see."
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positively-peachy-143 · 2 months
finally overcame my writers block and finished the first chapter of that jokefic!! here it is! also posting it on Ao3
Timeless Love
wk: 1186
You didn’t know how, but somehow you knew today would be different. As you threw your hair into a messy bun, tugged on some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, and made your black iced coffee, something just felt… odd about today. 
You hadn’t lived in Tulsa long, just long enough to become familiar with the streets and landmarks, not so much the people. Moving from the hustle and bustle to a small town like this had been quite a shock to your system. You had seen enough of the people here, however, to know that when you laid eyes on seven guys decked out in almost entirely denim and leather on your way to your favorite cafe, it wasn’t normal. 
You blinked, trying to make sure you’d seen them correctly, but yes, there they were, looking like a group of confused cosplayers on their way to a 60’s themed party, looking around like they were on a strange alien planet. 
One of them; a tall brunette in the ugliest brown jacket you’d ever seen, caught you staring. He looked older than a few of the others, taller, you guessed maybe 17. He glared right back at you, saying something to one of the other guys before patting their shoulder and starting in your direction. 
He’d have to cross the street to get to you, and by the looks of it he was just going to march right out onto the pavement, not sparing a glance in either direction. He clearly didn’t understand how busy the streets of Tulsa can get, or how careless drivers can be. 
Panic surged through you when you saw the big truck steadily approaching. They’d had plenty of time to see him over the gigantic dashboard, only they were on their phone. You had to act fast. 
“Look out!” You shouted, and before you could think to stop yourself, you were charging head first at this total stranger. He didn’t seem to understand, looking around and freezing in place when he saw the truck.
 Now you weren’t a very tall person or very large at all, but growing up with 7 brothers taught you how to take down opponents larger than you. This guy towered over you, only seeming to grow in height the closer you got. 
You toppled into him, hearing a startled grunt leave his lungs as you both fell over each other. The truck narrowly missed you. Only now you kind of wish the truck hadn’t missed you with how awkwardly the two of you had landed. You were basically sitting right on top of him! His glare was enough to bring a heavy blush to your cheeks. 
“Sorry-! I-I just- the truck- and-” you stuttered, cut off when several hands appeared, offering to help you up. You surveyed your options, deciding to go with the safest one. You took the hand of seemingly the oldest member of the group; a strikingly handsome, tall man who looked to be the dad of the motley crew. While physically he didn’t look old, something in his brown orbs told you he’d seen far too much for his age. 
Once on your feet, you glanced around at the guys. Upon closer inspection, they all had their own little differences. At first, from afar, they all almost looked the same, but now you could see them up close and personal, already able to tell there were some you could get along with and… some you probably couldn’t. 
“Uh, sorry ma’am, I’m Darrell.” the older man who’d helped you up firmly shook your hand, looking a bit frazzled. Though all of them seemed a bit frazzled if you were being honest. 
“Could you tell us where we are?” He had an almost southern drawl to his voice, and you honestly couldn’t tell if this was a bit or not. While one of the other guys helped the brunette you’d so rudely knocked over to his feet, you narrowed your eyes at Darrell. 
“Tulsa, Oklahoma.” You stated plainly, as if it should be obvious. 
Rather than respond, the group paid each other a mixture of confused and worried glances. 
“What? Something wrong?” You made a point to focus on each individual face there, trying to find answers to all the questions running around in your head. 
“Uh… awkward question, but… what year is it?” The one to speak up this time was smaller, looked no older than fourteen and was only a little bit taller than you, which was saying a lot considering you were only 5’4. 
“It’s 2024?” The statement came out as more of a question than anything, as you still weren’t sure they were being serious. 
The silence that followed was deafening. They didn’t even look at each other this time, all staring at you, jaws agape. 
The first one to speak was a smaller boy with really dark greasy hair that covered his forehead, wearing jeans AND a denim jacket over a black t-shirt. “2024..?” He seemed like the jumpy type, meak and mousy. 
“Yeah, why? What year did you think it was?” Surely it was a misunderstanding, maybe they’d just misheard?
“1965…” Darrell stated, his voice quieter than before. You couldn’t help the laugh bubbling in your chest at this. So they were joking, then! 
Only… none of them laughed, just staring at you stone-faced and… honestly a few of them looked horrified. Your laughter died pretty fast. 
“Wait.. seriously?” you blanched, eyes darting between each of the guys as they all slowly nodded. 
“You even listenin’? Of course we’re serious.” It was the guy you’d run into, still as pleasant as you’d initially imagined he’d be, glaring at you. 
“Dallas, quit it!” This guy hadn’t spoken yet. He was in a black leather jacket and a gray Mickey Mouse shirt, he smacked the other guy (who you’d picked up was named Dallas) on the shoulder. Dallas looked ready to retaliate, when the smaller boy in double-denim stepped between them. 
“Look, we’re mighty lost.” it was Darrell again, his eyes fixed on you with an expression like a begging puppy. “We ain’t sure how we got here or how to get home. Could you help us?” 
The question seemed easy enough, you could’ve always directed them toward a police station or something where they could get help, but… you felt like taking this into your own hands. If they were, in fact, a group of greasers from the 60’s, somebody would need to teach them about how different the world was now. You thought you were perfect for the job. 
“Sure, um. My place isn’t far.” You shrugged, throwing a glance back across the street. 
“Your place? We’re just gonna follow some stranger?” Dallas sneered. 
“Why? You never had a girl invite you to her place before?” It was the guy in the Mickey Mouse shirt, grinning from ear to ear at his stupid joke. You felt your cheeks go red at the implication. 
“It’s not like that! Just- ugh, follow me.” you huffed, looking both ways carefully, before crossing the street. 
Oh boy, what have you gotten yourself into?
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oumaheroes · 1 year
4 ] "you can stay at my place."
How much would you mind doing pruk for this? If not then fruk would be wonderful too!
Something short and sweet, Anon, just for u
From dialogue prompts
Characters: England/ Prussia, pruk
Human AU
‘Oh fuck.’
Gilbert patted his pockets one more time, turning out his phone and wallet and lighter to desperately press his fingers down further into the material in case he’d missed a hole or fold.
‘My keys. Fucking forgot my house keys.’
Arthur took a drag of his cigarette, tip flaring red before he flicked it away with practised ease, ‘Or lost them.’
‘Fuck you.’
‘Can you get in the building, at least?’
‘The keyring’s got my building’s key card on it. Doesn’t matter if my flat’s unlocked, I can’t get to it.’
‘Night staff?’
‘How much fucking money do you think I make? Do you I look rich to you?’
Arthur took another drag and let the smoke out through his nose, ‘When’d you last see them.’
‘I fucking hate that question. If I knew that, I wouldn’t be panicking, would I?’
Gilbert scanned the bus stop around them, as if hoping to find his house keys magically waiting for him on the ground, unnoticed until that very moment. It was dark, the overhead streetlamp holding them in a muted pool of yellow, and outside this was nothing but the passing head and tail lights of cars. If he had lost his keys, he wouldn’t find anything out there without carding his phone’s torch across the ground. Even then it wouldn’t do much. The club they’d played in was two Tube line changes away- there was no hope.
Arthur shrugged and watched Gilbert circle the small scratched hut of Perspex glass from his leaning spot on the awkward bus stop ledges. His guitar stood beside him, resting against a hip, and he held it steady as he shifted his weight from one foot to another, ‘Can’t help you then, can I.’
‘Shit. Fuck!’
‘Call Ludwig.’
‘He’s out of town; he can't help. With some mate of his somewhere.’
‘The Italian one?’
Arthur snorted, ‘They’re shagging.’
‘You’re really not helping.’
‘Well there’s nothing I can do, is there? Or you for that matter.’ Arthur dropped his cigarette end on the floor and stepped on it with his heel, ‘If you left them at home, you can go to the building tomorrow and it’s fine. If you’ve lost them, you’ll have to call Ludwig in the morning or get a locksmith. Either way, nothing you can do now.’
‘Great, but what am I doing to do in the meantime?’
Gilbert luckily had his phone and his wallet- credit cards intact. He wasn’t too drunk but his phone wouldn’t last long without being charged and then calling anyone would be impossible. He didn’t live in London, didn’t know anyone in the city, but didn’t want to leave just to head back to the home counties and wander the streets till morning. Better to find a late night place here, or early morning cafe to pass the time till everything else woke up. No chance of that at home.
‘You can stay with me. Obviously.’ Gilbert must have made a face because Arthur gave him a funny look, ‘What?’
‘You didn’t think I’d offer?’
‘I...’ Gilbert rubbed at the back of his head, ‘I hadn’t thought about it.’
‘Christ.’ Arthur pulled up his phone to check the time and glanced up at the screen showing the bus time table, ‘Sit down and stop pacing. We’ve got half an hour left and you’re stressing me out.’
Gilbert sat against the slanted bench, careful of Arthur’s guitar between them. His own drums were at home, too precious to risk potential ruin in a sticky, grimy basement of a random London pub. Gilbert’s fingers still tingled from playing, a furious playlist of their favourites, and Arthur’s voice sounded hoarse and strained. Too much alcohol and not enough warm-up for either of them.
It had been dammed worth it, even after.
'Don't you live in a house share?'
'Got any better options?'
'Where am I gonna sleep.'
'You take the bed, I'll take the floor.'
Arthur would not take the floor. They'd wind up together, a tangle of limbs pressed close and then closer still, eyes wide and alert in the dark. Maybe they'd blame it on the beer. Maybe they'd never speak of it again. Or maybe they would, Gilbert smiling whenever he almost loses his keys as he remembered this night, this bus stop, and all the times in between.
Right then, though, Gilbert jostled Arthur with his shoulder. 'Cheers.'
'Watch the guitar.'
'Fuck you.'
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space-fox-writes · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary- When Y/N's truck breaks down on the side of the road in Hawkins, she calls a mechanic, who happens to be Eddie Munson, and he comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- talk of injury, cussing
Word count-2.3
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"No, please no, not now!" Y/N cries as her truck comes to a sputtered stop. She drops her head onto her hands that rest on the steering wheel, willing herself not to cry. Her day could not get any worse. A strange noise made the girl raise her head from her hands, seeing the engine emitting black smoke from under the hood. Spoke too soon, Y/N thinks to herself.
The upset young adult throws her truck door open, stepping out of the vehicle, but not before popping the hood open. She walks to the front of the truck and opens the hood to look at the damage. She props the hood on the hood strut, waiting for the smoke to clear so she can get a better look at the engine.
The girl has some knowledge of cars, only learning how to fix some problems because of her truck. The truck was older than her, meaning she got it from her parents before they moved halfway across the world, but not before mentioning all the problems the old vehicle has, just as they were walking to the plane, stunning the poor girl.
"Stupid piece of shit! Shoulda scraped you with the rest of dad's shit vehicles!" Y/N yelled at the truck, kicking the tire while she ranted. In turn, the truck let out a whine, almost as if it was replying to the flustered girl.
She went back to looking at the engine, sticking her hand down into the heart of the truck, but quickly pulled it back when the hot metal burned her hand, leaving a nasty red mark on the back of her hand. The girl kneeled down, her hand still sitting on the truck where the hood sits. Her left hand rested over her eyes as she took deep breaths, trying to figure out what to do.
Deep in thought, the girl didn't hear the sound of the hood strut snapping in two, causing the heavy metal hood to fall, landing on her burned hand. Y/N cried out as she shot up from her kneeling position, opening the hood as fast as she could to get it off her hand. Once it was finally off, she cradled her clearly broken hand to her chest, letting a single tear fall down her face.
Y/N slammed the hood closed, cussing under her breath as she got back into the cab of her truck, cranking the key with her left hand, seeing if by some miracle the vehicle would start, but to no avail. The truck sputtered slightly before going silent, refusing to turn on. Y/N sighed, looking at her surroundings, and seeing a gas station not very far up the road. She grabbed the keys out of the ignition, picked up her wallet, and exited the truck, slamming the door with force, making the metal groan when it hit the frame. Y/N didn't even care, she just started her walk to the gas station, cradling her hand to her chest.
When the angry young woman got to the station, she saw a pay phone, walking into the building to ask the clerk a question. "Welcome to John's quick stop gas station and cafe, how can I help you?" The older clerk asked from behind the counter when Y/N stepped up.
"Yeah hi. Do you have the number for a mechanic in town? My truck broke down, then decided it wanted to break my hand with the hood. Someone reliable would be preferred, please." She said, resting her hand on the counter. The sixty-something-year-old clerk gave her a worried smile, before she wrote something down on a sticky note, handing it across the counter.
"This is the best shop we have in Hawkins, but ask for Eddie Munson, he won't charge you an arm and a leg to fix your car. Payphone is right out there. Come back inside when you get off the phone and I'll get you something for your hand darlin'." The sweet clerk said to the younger woman, smiling sympathetically at her. Y/N smiled at her, walking out to the payphone to call the number on the paper.
Y/N dialed the number, putting the phone up to her ear, waiting for someone to answer.
"Greasy hands car mechanic, this is Eddie speaking." Y/N heard a deep voice say on the other end.
"Yeah, is this Eddie Munson?" She asked in her best phone voice.
"Sure is, sweetcheeks. What can I do for you today?" The guy said on the other end.
"Yeah, my truck broke down and I need a mechanic. I was told you're the best in town. Do you think you could come out and tow my truck for me?" She asked, hoping the clerk was right about him not charging tons for a fix.
"Sure can. I just need your location and name and I'll be out with a tow truck in no time." 'Eddie' said to Y/N, causing her to sigh out in relief. She proceeded to give him her location, thanking him before hanging the phone up. Y/N then walked back into the gas station, smiling at the clerk as she disappeared into the back, only to emerge a few seconds later with an ice pack for her hand.
"Go on and get yourself a drink and something to eat, it's covered darlin'." The clerk smiled at Y/N, shooing her to find something she liked in the store.
"Thank you so much. You're so sweet." Y/N said when she found what she wanted. As the older lady turned around, she fished some money out of her wallet, placed it on the counter for her, and walked out the door to sit and wait for this 'Eddie' guy to show up.
"Oh, you sneaky little thing!" The clerk said once she turned around and saw the money on the counter, but nonetheless put it in the cash register.
Y/N sat on the tailgate of her truck, eating the sandwich and drinking the soda she grabbed, watching the different cars drive by.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, but in reality was only half an hour, she saw the tow truck pull up, backing up to her truck to hook it up. The driver's side door opened, and out stepped a guy not much older than Y/N, walking over to her. He had long, curly hair that just hit his shoulders, framing his face perfectly. He wore a grey uniform, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing a bat tattoo on his left arm.
"You must be Y/N?" He asked, receiving a nod from said girl. "I'm Eddie. What seems to be going on with this thing?" He asked, walking to stand in front of Y/N to talk.
"I'm not sure. It just died on me. I just replaced the carburetor and fuel line less than a month ago, so it's not that. I'm not sure what it could be, to be honest." Y/N said, looking at Eddie as he nodded his head.
"Well, let's get it back to the shop and I'll have a peek at it for you." The long-haired man said, smiling lightly at Y/N. She nodded her head, letting him do his stuff.
Once the truck was hooked up and in position on the back of the tow truck, Eddie told Y/N to get into the passenger side. She did as told, closing the door and buckling her seatbelt. Eddie got into the driver's seat not long after, starting the vehicle up and putting it into gear.
Neither Eddie nor Y/N talked for a while on the way to the shop, sitting in silence, the only sound coming from the tape Eddie had put into the tapedeck on his drive over. Y/N sat, still cradling her injured hand to her chest, trying her best to stop the throbbing pain she felt in it. Eddie noticed this, and questioned her about it.
"What'd ya do to your hand?" He asked, taking a quick glance at the girl next to him.
"Oh, I'm pretty positive I broke it. I was looking in the engine earlier and stuck my hand down into it, but got burnt so I kneeled down with my hand still on the truck, and the stupid hood strut snapped in half, causing the hood to fall on my hand. I shoulda scrapped the piece of shit a long time ago." Y/N replied, snorting softly at the end.
"Well, are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital or something to get that looked at?" Eddie asked, concern lacing his deep voice.
"Nah, I'm fine. I can wait a while." Y/N simply countered, gently resting her hand down on her jean-covered thighs.
"Well, it looks like the alternator and a few spark plugs went out. I took a look at the rest of the engine and the oil filter and water pump are going out. The engine looks like it's about fifty years old, so everything is running on its last legs. I would suggest a whole new engine at this point." Eddie said to Y/N, gauging her reaction.
"What happens if I don't do the whole new engine?" She asks, standing at the counter, looking at Eddie, who stood on the other side, behind the counter. She was watching Eddie with interested eyes, her eyes scanning his face, down his neck then back up, looking at the bun he had thrown his hair into when he got back to the shop.
"Well, if you don't replace it, everything is just going to keep going out, giving you problems, making it harder for the truck to run until it just stops altogether like it did today." Eddie explained, waiting for the girl to reply.
"If I replace it, how much are we talking it'll cost?" She questioned, scared of his answer.
"We're lookin' at around three grand. But that's with new everything. The whole engine will be brand new, right from the factory." Y/N eyes widened, a heavy sigh falling from her lips. She rubbed her left hand on her forehead, thinking everything over. "But, I can make a couple calls, see where you can buy a new engine at the best price here in town. I know a few people that will give me a good price on one." Y/N nodded her head, Eddie pulling out some papers from a filing cabinet behind him, and starting to write on them
"Alright, I guess we'll have to do that, I don't have much of a choice here. When can you start on that?"
"I'll have to call a few people and as soon as I do that, and determine where the engine will come from, it will take about a week, two at the most to get it in, swap the engines out and tune the new one to your truck. I can work fairly quickly once the engine gets here. I can start today, pulling the engine out and seeing what I can save from it to maybe sell, get you a little bit of cash from what is salvageable, scrap the rest of the engine and get money off of that too. Let me finish this paperwork and I'll do that. Do you have someone that can pick you up, take you to get that hand looked at?" Eddie asked, pointing his pen at her bruising hand.
"Um, no I don't have anyone. I was just moving here when my truck broke down. I don't know anyone here. Do you have a phone book I could use to call a cab?" Y/N asked, rubbing the back of her neck.
"No, I'm not gonna make you call a cab. It's actually passed quitting time for me, this is all overtime. I can take you to the hospital and take you to your place after." Eddie explained, smiling up at Y/N, making butterflies erupt in her stomach. Said girl nodded her head, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks.
"Alright, what's your new address so I can drop you off?" Eddie asked once Y/N got back into his van from the hospital, a dark blue cast on her right hand.
"Um, you can just drop me off at a motel, I don't actually have a place to live yet." Y/N said, a blush once again creeping up her cheeks.
"What? I can't let a pretty girl like yourself stay in a random motel here! You can stay with me. My uncle works nights so he's not home at night and sleeps through the day when he gets home, so he won't mind."
"No, I can't let you do that. I'll be fine in a motel, you've already done so much for me." Y/N said, giving Eddie a very faint smile.
"Please, I insist. It would make me feel better knowing such a beautiful girl like yourself is safe at my place, not in some creepy ass motel in the middle of town. Just let me take care of you. I mean, after all, you're making my paycheck with your broken-down truck. It's the least I can do. Please?" Eddie begged, trying to convince the girl in front of him. If he was being totally honest with himself, he just didn't want to let Y/N go, he found her incredibly beautiful and sweet. He wanted to get to know her more, maybe take her on a date. But he wouldn't admit that out loud.
"Okay, I'll stay at your place. But you have to let me cook for you. It will be my way of saying thank you, even though it's not much. And I won't take no for an answer!" Y/N said, a smile pulling on her lips. Eddie nodded his head, agreeing to what she said, deciding it wouldn't be so bad to have a homecooked meal instead of the same microwave meals he has every night.
"Yeah alright. I can live with that. Now, if you're going to be living with me, I need to know a bit about you. Tell me about yourself, pretty lady." Eddie said, looking over at the girl next to him, a smile of his own on his lips. Y/N looked down, her smile widening as she shook her head, starting to tell Eddie about herself.
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heich0e · 2 years
Was just going about my day and realized how much I would love if Perc Furlan asked me out and how much of a fool I would act around him.
sophie i literally have no idea how this happened but pls take this. i firmly believe percolate!furlan has no idea how to actually ask someone he likes out on a date and this is the result.
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"What's your least favourite meal of the day?"
You pause, the beverage Furlan's just prepared for you half-way to your parted lips, your tongue already pressing forward in your mouth in preparation for it. The cafe is lively at this time in the day, other customers sipping their coffees and chatting in a din that mounts to incoherency as you sit at the end of the bar with your textbook in front of you.
You haven't even cracked it open yet.
You look at Furlan, bewildered but amused: an expression you think might be just for him now, what with how often you seem to make it in his presence. Over the past few months you've struck a sort of unlikely camaraderie with the friendly (if not slightly awkward) barista, having become something of a regular at the cafe--though your relationship exists only within the walls of the coffee shop just off campus. Your friendship starts and ends when the bell chimes above the shop door.
"My least favourite?" you look for clarification, though you're certain you heard him right.
Furlan nods, his eyes rapt and expression eager as you purse your lips.
"Levi says it's rude to answer a question with another question," Furlan says, raising a finger in the air.
"Who's Levi?" you ask him, your brow pulling in confusion.
Furlan groans playfully, abandoning the explanation and leaning forward across the counter towards you. His hands rest on your neglected text book. He's quite close. Closer than you think he's ever been.
You set your coffee down.
The barista blinks at you, his silvery eyes doelike and entreating.
"Can't you just answer the question?"
You bite the inside of your cheek.
"Lunch," you finally admit, and Furlan pulls himself back up to his full height, retreating from your personal space.
"Why lunch?" he asks you brightly, suspiciously happy to hear about your least-enjoyed mealtime.
"I don't know," you say with a little shrug. You wave your hand around vaguely as you go on to elaborate: "I'm always too lazy to pack a lunch the night before, so I end up throwing whatever's easy into my backpack at the last minute when I'm on my way out the door and rushing to get to class. By the time lunch actually rolls around it's just a kind of... sad assortment of foods that don't even really go together."
Furlan nods, his expression empathetic--as though he understands the struggle of slogging through two back to back lectures and a lab, only to realize all you have for lunch is a bruised apple, six stale cheesy crackers, and a mint chocolate protein bar that's been at the bottom of your backpack for so long you fear that when you open the package it may actually turn to dust.
"Not only that," suddenly it's like you have a million things to say about the noontime meal, "but I always eat lunch on the first floor of the library near the south entrance, and for the past three weeks one of the fluorescent lights has been flickering, so I have to sit facing the wall like a psychopath just to avoid a migraine."
"Why don't you just go eat somewhere else?" Furlan asks, like it's an obvious solution.
You huff. "That's the only place in the library that gets full wifi signal, and it has two outlets so I can plug my laptop and my phone in to charge at the same time before my afternoon classes. I've been eating lunch there for years."
A little smile is pulling at Furlan's mouth when you finish your impassioned explanation.
"What?" you ask him, not quite trusting the quirk of his lips. It's different from the wide, easygoing grin you're used to.
"Nothing! Nothing!" he says with a laugh, and suddenly the expression you're used to is back again. "Do you need a top-up before you go? Your class is starting soon."
You glance at the watch on your wrist and see he's not wrong--you have just enough time to make it back to campus.
You haven't cracked your textbook once in the entire time you'd been at the cafe. You sigh, sweeping it off the counter and back into your bag. You peek into the little hole on the lid of your to-go cup.
"I think I'm ok on the top-up front. Thanks, though."
You stand from your seat.
"Seeya later!" Furlan calls as you step away, and you lift your hand in a parting wave as you make your way towards the exit.
The bell chimes overhead on your way out.
It's been 24 days, and the light in the library is still flickering.
You feel a twitch in your eye as you stare up at the fluorescent light that is proving to be the bane of your own miserable existence, wondering if an email to the university President would be considered excessive (or punishable by expulsion) in your quest to remedy the situation--you've already contacted campus security, maintenance, and the main library email in your desperation.
You sigh, turning yourself around in your seat and facing the dull grey wall.
Lunch today is half a box of raisins you found in your cupboard that you could not even begin to explain where you got, a piece of baguette (the butt end) that's near rock solid, and a handful of grapes. You stare down at the grape held in your left hand and the raisin resting in your right, wondering how you somehow ended up with two different forms of the same food in one lunch and yet don't like either of them.
"Did you know the french word for grapes is 'raisins'?"
Your head swivels around at the unexpected voice, eyes widening at you meet a familiar silver gaze.
Furlan stands before you with a backpack slung over his shoulder. He has a paper bag in one hand, and a tray of coffee in the other.
You give him his look--that same bewildered but amused one you've gotten so used to--blinking up at him in confusion from your seat.
"Then what do they call raisins?" you ask--answering his question with another question again. Because that's a totally normal reaction to running into your favourite barista in the middle of the day in a remote corner of your university's library where you'd been staring resentfully at a wall, right?
Furlan laughs, setting the tray of coffee (two coffees--printed with the cafe logo you've come to know so well) on the table in front of you. "I don't know, actually."
He takes the seat across from you, letting his backpack drop to the floor at his feet.
"What are you doing here?" you finally ask him the question that you should have almost certainly lead with.
It's strange seeing Furlan outside of the coffee shop. No apron over the sweatshirt he has on, no stir stick tucked behind his ear that he forgot about. Your stomach feels strange, and you don't think you can blame the unappetizing spread you'd brought for lunch.
Furlan looks at the meagre collection of food in front of you.
"Man you weren't kidding," he says, eyes flickering up to meet yours. He looks concerned, like he should call someone to do a wellness check--or a pizza delivery. "Is it always so... depressing?"
"You just answered my question with a question," you reply flatly, "Eli would be upset."
"Levi," Furlan corrects you with a chuckle.
Furlan scrunches up his nose a little bit, like he's trying not to laugh. Your eyes meet for a moment longer than you think is normal, and his gaze flitters down to the bag clasped between his hands.
"I, uh," he struggles a little, like he knows the words he wants to say but not the order to say them in. He looks up at you again. "Lunch. You don't like lunch."
You nod slowly as if to encourage him to elaborate.
"So I wanted... I just thought... you know--"
You actually don't know. In fact, you're starting to question whether or not he knows.
"I brought you lunch," he finally gets the words out, pushing the bag in his hands across the table towards you.
It's painfully quiet in the moments that follow.
"You brought me lunch?" you ask him quietly. You slide a finger into the fold of the paper bag in front of you, lifting it open. Inside you find two sandwiches, a brownie, and a cinnamon roll from the cafe. There are two cups of coffee in the tray just beside you.
You tear your eyes away from the food and look back at Furlan's suddenly very pink, surprisingly earnest face.
"I brought us lunch. If you're okay with that."
You swallow down the excitement that threatens to bubble up from your empty stomach.
"Yeah," you say with a little laugh, "I'm okay with that."
He grins.
(It's only at the end of the meal--sandwiches eaten, coffees (your usual order) mostly drained, the cinnamon roll and brownie each divided down the middle so the two of you can share--that you ask him how he'd managed to find your corner. He'd walked the entire first floor looking for the flickering light.)
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turanga4 · 1 year
<no fanfic today real life is too argh. lil baby teacher turanga is one of 3000 educators on strike right now in an attempt to get a fair contract that also includes things like mental health support for kids. it's a new exciting time in the labor movement, called 'common good bargaining,' and...my district is shit at it and it's not going well>
Another morning on the picket line, outside my school. I learn a little more about the teachers I’m blessed to teach with, do some email advocacy for upcoming students. It is colder outside than any of us expected: my principal crosses the line to sell me a school hoodie.
A second grade teacher has a butterfly habitat in a little mesh frame, set outside the gate. Kids who have come to the line with their families take a look and she explains things, in English and Spanish. We discuss the upcoming School Board meeting…until the Board cancels the meeting. Then we discuss how we’re gonna show up anyway, gonna rally at the meeting site because it is simply unfathomable to have NOTHING there.
When morning picket’s over, we thank the neighbor for the blankets she leant us and I drive to the Peet’s parking lot, to get a coffee and charge my phone a little bit before my daily little shift at the Solidarity/Strike School.
And I’m scanning through my What’s App messages, sipping my vanilla latte, when a man sits down at the table next to me. Dispassionately, eyes on the floor, he begins reciting a story that he’s telling to himself, about how tonight, he'll commit suicide.
I look around me. There’s one man frozen at the counter, looking at the man who is speaking next to me. That man’s expression tells me, I’m hearing this right.
I’m sipping a latte and closing What’s App and messaging the strike school that I’ll be a bit late. My phone is up to 60% and I’m using it to text my friend from Berkeley Free Clinic and ask him what the fuck I should do next. Hello hello there is a suicidal person sitting next to me in Oakland who can I contact other than the police?
The man is detached and slow enough, I am well enough into crisis mode, that I’m able to have a whole-ass text and google search and email exchange under the table while I simultaneously hold down a conversation with him. It all tumbles out and I don’t remember all of it, but yes, he’s suicidal. “Inside my heart is a terrible place,” he tells me. “I have a demon inside of my soul.” He is lucid, and not. But the thing he says, again and again, is, “I don’t know who can help me, but I think I need help.” His eyes glaze a bit, he looks down at the floor again, and I go up to the man who is standing at the counter. He asks me, “are you calling 911?” I shake my head, because the friend that I’ve been texting with helped me LAST time when the cop thing wasn’t great.
The man stands, walks out of the cafe. I follow him; my friend’s got me directly connected now to a volunteer from Oakland’s MH First program. Behind the scenes, she activates a support thread: the man sees me, thanks me for listening, apologizes for bothering me. I tell him, “You said you think you need help. I am here because I think I may know people who can help you. I’m not going to leave until they come. They’re not cops.”
Message from dispatcher: ten minutes away.
The man sits and talks fragments about cops and people and hurting and helping, repeats the things about the demon, says again that he needs help. Says, “people haven’t helped me, before. You’re the first.” I think of the man who watched, frozen at the counter. I think of all the help my colleagues are fighting to get for all of our kids. I think, dammit, I don’t know if THESE people can help either, but at least they’re not a cop and at least I’ve done this much.
“You deserve to be helped. You deserve to be listened to. I’m here because I want you to have what you deserve. I’m one person. There are others. You don’t have to deal with the demons by yourself.”
Then I tell him, “I know what it’s like to need help. I’m not saying it’s the same, but I’ve needed help, myself.”
He fixes me with a stare more direct and intense than any of the looks that he’s given me so far. “You know, then, what the world is like?”
It takes me awhile to figure out how to answer that. “I think I know some of it. I know that the world is full of very hard things, but it has good things, too, and you deserve those things. I know that the world is a place that can get better.”
The fixed look again. “What if it doesn’t?”
And there—right there—is the thing that I’ve been fighting. All week, through this strike. All my life, in other ways.
Eye contact is a thing that I will never find easy, but I try.
“I can’t lie to you. I don’t know what happens then. All I know is, we’re not there yet.”
The van pulls up, and the man stays seated, passive, on the curb while I move back to talk to the unit. I introduce the man to my new friend, Keith, and step back to let them talk. As I move away, another member of the unit reaches out to shake my hand. Gestures to my union shirt, says, “I know why you are striking.”
I nod. I thank him. I tell him, “yeah. Pretty much for THIS.”
And then I cry in the hills above Dimond Park for ten minutes, before heading down to the picnic tables to help out at the strike school.
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phoebenpiperx · 1 year
Third Second Time's a Charm
Chapter 5 = Carlos is getting a pedicure before his wedding, but he can't relax because he's dying to know what all Iris told TK.
read the entire fic on ao3
As the pedicurist walked away to work on other customers, Carlos closed his eyes, trying to focus on the feel of the warm water on his bare feet. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be thinking about the wedding, but he couldn’t help it. Was everything getting done? Were there any problems setting up everything? Carlos longed to check his phone, but Iris had taken it from him back at the loft, insisting she could monitor any texts to make sure he wasn’t missing anything important. However, how could he be sure she—
The sound of Iris’s voice made Carlos open his eyes and turn to her. “Stop what?”
“Stop worrying about what all needs to be done,” Iris stated. “TK is taking care of everything.”
“Right. TK’s in charge.” Carlos smiled, playfully explaining, “Which, as you know, is exactly why I’m worrying.”
Because, as Iris had once pointed out, TK was a hot mess! How could she have allowed him to be in charge of something so important?
She merely shrugged, pointing out, “He has help. His dad seems capable. And your mom is there, too.”
His mom...
A wave of grief and regret once again washed over Carlos as he thought about his mom trying to organize everything. She had been through so much these last few days, maybe they should’ve delayed—
“This is exactly the kind of distraction your mom needs right now,” Iris pointed out, as if reading his thoughts. “Remember how obsessed she got over our wedding? And this one actually means something. So today she can put all her grief aside and focus on giving her son the perfect wedding.”
And distract herself from the fact that her husband’s murderer was still out there somewhere, Carlos silently finished for her.
Though perhaps Iris was right. Perhaps distraction was exactly what his mom needed right now.
It had certainly been the right thing for him this morning. Sitting in their old booth at the Star Seeds Cafe, he’d momentarily forgotten about all the wedding prep as he and Iris had talked and laughed about the good ole days, about how they used to stay up all night talking about boys...
and certain TV shows.
Carlos suddenly flashed back on the loft, on TK’s teasing grin.
“So...how much did you tell TK?” Carlos tentatively asked.
Iris seemed to instantly sense what was concerning him.
“I didn’t tell him about the fanfic, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
It was—at least, in part—and Carlos gave a small sigh of relief.
Although that wasn’t the only detail of his past he was embarrassed to have TK know.
“And...the other stuff?”
“What other stuff?”
Her tone was casual, but it was clear from her look that she knew exactly what he was referring to.
“You know.” He gave her a pointed look, but she merely raised her eyebrows, daring him to say it.
Damn her!
Carlos lowered his voice as he merely asked, “Chicago Fire?” hoping that would be enough.
Apparently it wasn’t because Iris didn’t respond, obviously waiting for him to say the rest, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
He couldn’t believe she was going to force him to say it directly.
Just like she’d forced him to admit, “I’m gay,” all those years ago.
But just as that had needed to be said, so, too, did the answer to his burning question, and obviously she wasn’t going to respond until he actually asked.
Rolling his eyes in frustration, Carlos leaned over, whispering, “Did you tell TK about my...uh...firefighter fixation?”
As a teen, Carlos had become completely obsessed with Chicago Fire...and not just because it was something manly he could watch with his dad. The hot, buff men on the show were something that Carlos dreamed about—literally and figuratively—and he had often joked with Iris that perhaps he should set fire to his own house in order to meet a real firefighter!
But now, having experienced a real fire firsthand—having almost been responsible for killing both TK and himself because he hadn’t stashed a fire extinguisher upstairs—Carlos was relieved his horny teen self had never gone through with his ridiculous plan.
And luckily, he’d gotten to hook up with a real firefighter anyway.
Though he certainly didn’t want TK knowing about the fanciful sexual daydreams of 16-year-old Carlos.
And apparently he didn’t.
“No, of course I didn’t tell him that,” Iris stated, as if she was offended by the mere suggestion. “Some things are sacred between BFFs.” Her eyes twinkled once again before adding, “Though I’ve been dying to know, ever since I met TK, whether he lived up to all your teen fantasies.”
Carlos couldn’t help but smile. “Oh yeah!”
That first night in the honky-tonk bar, Carlos had tried to act all suave and casual when asking the hot young firefighter to dance, but inside, his little fannish heart was jumping for joy. He was dancing with was a real-life Casey, a real-life Severide.
Could life get any better than this?
Of course, Carlos now knew the answer was yes. Four years later and the two of them were getting married this afternoon. It was something he’d never even dared to dream.
“So,” Iris began, grinning at him. “20 questions?”
Carlos shook his head. Back in high school he’d often been reluctant to talk about his feelings, reluctant to say the words aloud, so Iris had begun playing 20 questions with him.
It wasn’t the traditional game, where she’d try to deduce what object he was thinking of. Instead, she’d merely asked yes or no questions about what was going on in his head, what he was feeling, what he was longing to do to the boys he had crushes on, so he didn’t have to say the words aloud.
But surely they’d outgrown that by now.
Besides, some parts of his relationship with TK should remain just between him and his soon-to-be husband.
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Carlos playfully replied.
Iris raised a doubtful eyebrow. “You did with Darnell Murray.”
“Shh!” Carlos frantically shushed her, nervously looking around the nail salon. Although he hadn’t heard the name of his high school crush in years, it was possible the star football player might still be in town, and Carlos was certain Darnell wouldn’t want anyone to know about their late night hookup under the bleachers after Homecoming.
Iris nodded, recalling, “That’s right. If I remember correctly, there was no actual kissing involved, at least not on the—”
Obviously she hadn’t forgotten his answers to those particular 20 questions!
And she was liable to continue blurting out his sexual history to the entire nail salon if he didn’t distract her with something new.
So he reluctantly conceded, “Go ahead—you can ask your 20 questions about TK.”
Iris smiled, as if she’d known she’d win, before asking, “So what does TK stand for?”
Carlos opened his mouth, about to answer, when he stopped himself. He shook his finger at her, saying, “You know the rules. Yes or no questions only.” Plus, Tyler Kennedy was printed on the wedding invitation—hadn’t she even read it?
Iris rolled her eyes. She took a moment to think before asking, “Did you know he was a firefighter when you hooked up?”
“Yes.” Carlos grinned, remembering the hot firefighter standing next to him that night on the side of the road, watching together as the new fire chief rescued a baby from a tree.
“Did you get to see him in his uniform?”
His grin grew even bigger at the happy memory. “Yes.”
“Did you make him leave his fire hat on when you hooked up?”
Carlos could feel his cheeks suddenly burn with embarrassment. Iris knew him too well. She clearly remembered his favorite scene from season one—Severide making out with some girl (Carlos didn’t even remember the character’s name) who had insisted he leave his hat on—and remembered how Carlos had always said he’d do the same if he finally got together with a firefighter.
Though he could honestly answer her question, “No.”
“So he obviously wasn’t in uniform when you hooked up,” Iris correctly deduced before asking, “Did you hook up the first night you met?”
Carlos paused, not certain how to answer. They certainly hadn’t had sex that first night, but the heat they’d generated together on the dance floor had definitely meant more than a casual conversation. “Not exactly.”
Iris looked almost proud of him. “So you actually dated and got to know him first?”
Carlos blushed once again, thinking about how, only days later, he and TK hadn’t even bothered with dinner before practically breaking down the door to his loft, eager to connect.
“Not exactly.”
“What color do you want?”
Carlos jumped at the unexpected question as the pedicurist suddenly appeared at his side, thrusting a keyring with sticks of colored fingernails in front of him.
“We’ll finish this later,” Iris said, clearly recognizing that he didn’t want to discuss this topic in front of others.
He appreciated her discretion and decided to reward her later by giving her all the juicy details when they were alone.
And maybe he’d even show her the hot pics he’d saved on his phone of shirtless TK donning his sexy fire hat.
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mr007pennyworth · 2 years
The Holiday - One Shot (Alfred x Gareth)
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Alfred had no idea why socks felt different when you put them in a suitcase first before putting them on, but they did. The same with his shirts and his watch, pretty everything felt different.
"We could just stay here" Gareth muses from his spot on the bed where he was busy texting some person across the Atlantic Ocean, the poor dimwit who may or may not be highly concerned that their superior was about to go offline for five days. "I hate sand"
Alfred shakes his head. No, they couldn't, they needed this, they needed no walls and no responsibilities for once. "So do I" he replies.
The drive to the airport was quiet, the sun only just coming up, the sky dancing with reds and blues. Alfred glances over to the passenger seat as he comes to a stop light. Gareth sat staring out of the window, toying with his phone in one hand, a takeaway cup of tea in the other resting on his bad knee. He almost envied the silly cardboard thing for the way Gareth's hand carefully cradled it with such a light touch.
"The lights gone green" Gareth notes quietly looking over confused.
Alfred has to force his eyes away and back to the road. Doesn't mention nor acknowledge the fact Gareth is looking at him curiously now he'd caught him drift off again for the fifth time that morning.
He does it again as they sit waiting in the cafe after checking the bags. Gareth seems perhaps a little disappointed that he won't have his phone out there, but he had promised. Just them.
"Why did we have to go where there's sand?" Gareth huffs again. Alfred shrugs. He guessed other people liked the sand.
Gareth is in charge of everything, tickets, hotel, transport. He's the one who booked it on Alfred's card and he's the only one paying attention. Alfred spends more time focused on Gareth and blocking out the noise of everyone else around him.
Alfred wonders as they get on the private jet, (that would take both of them and three others from Wayne Enterprises to the island) when he lost control.
Had he always been this skittish with his thoughts or was that recent? Bruce mentioned he hadn't always been like that, old age maybe. Gareth puts it down to post-traumatic stress. Used to peace and quiet and not having to pay so much attention to such unnecessary things.
But if anything it makes Alfred worry more.
Gareth goes on about sand again at least twice more on the flight over. Seems to take comfort from toying with his phone, Alfred wished he could turn the plane around one moment before he reaches for the device pockets it and takes Gareth's hand in his own. He slept the rest of the way.
"Its hot"
Alfred rolls his eyes as they exit the plane onto the tarmac with the hand luggage. "And you expected what exactly?" he mutters, voice dry from having been asleep. It's a dry heat, it's tickling an old grudge for him, but it's bearable. He knows he's far away from Israel and that's enough to ground him.
"I don't know…just warm?"
Bags collected, they're next in the back of a private car and on their way to the villa, palm trees, locals and swathes of sea and sand stretch out on the view either side of them.
It's quiet, save for a few birds and the waves. it's quiet.
Alfred, one minute is standing in his room fully dressed at home in Gotham and is now in a t-shirt and shorts on the steps towards an almightly tropical beach admiring the vista view.
"I hate sand…if this gets anywhere near my suits I'm going to brand it a terrorist" Gareth grumbles from below him. Alfred looks down, the younger is standing on the beach, in just a pair of dark navy swimming shorts and shades, holding a pina colada and smirking.
Alfred smirks back. "Yes it is quite terrible"
"We should never do this again you know" Gareth says as he reaches for Alfred's hand as he finally joins him on the sand, nervously. It's been years since he stood on sand without having two legs. He finds it's not as difficult with Gareth holding onto him, in fact, when he thinks about it, he's never been seen in shorts like this by even Bruce.
But he doesn't seem to care right now, Gareth certainly doesn't. There's no one here, no one to question any little thing, no one to question, the greying hair, the scars, the tattoos and sleek black carbon fibre that contrasted the white sand. The staff of the huge villa have one job and they ask about nothing. He can see why Thomas loved this place.
It's getting late when Alfred finds his voice again. There just didn't seem to be much to talk about, why did they need to, the peace was perfect. It seemed to be they still knew each other well enough to communicate by nodding or just a look. He loves it. Having back that one person who knows you so well that all you have to do is wink when they look at you from the bar and your next drinking a mojito you were thinking about.
They were sitting around a small campfire pit as it grows dark when Gareth stands up and pads a few feet away to look at the small shells in the sand where the tide had gone back.
"I miss you" it was only just more than a whisper but Gareth heard every word.
It takes the younger a moment before he looks up and frowns. "I'm right here Alfie"
"But I still miss you" Alfred sighs and stands himself, setting his beer can down.
Gareth returns to the fireside confused but once Alfred looks up from the flames, everything seems to have been explained. There's sand on his fingers as his hand comes into contact with Alfred's waist he realises. The grit of it is a horrible sensation against his palm but he doesn't stop. He feels it brush away as his hand runs up the butler's back and then teases him again when fingers thread into silver hair.
He doesn't only feel it more when he's laying down, this time it's a cool contrast to the warmth of the day, but he can taste it, taste salt and alcohol on his lips as they seek out scars.
It's a feeling that's only pushed away by a rush of blood that comes on so quickly Gareth's head spins, and that one is then drowned by the overlapping wave of desperation and heated ecstasy between breathless whispers of his name.
Even when he's grasping a handful of the stuff at the last minute, and his voice breaks the peace of the beach for a moment. It's just sand.
He barely noticed how much he'd got on him as he stands in the shower watching it drain away.
Doesn't even comment on it again as he feels smooth cotton sheets and duck feathered pillows, Alfred's warm skin against his chest or his shoulder beneath his lips.
The next day the place seems more comfortable, Gareth's phone is well forgotten and Alfred is more excited about it too.
"Fancy a walk?" Alfred calls out already out in the shade after breakfast.
Gareth smiles and joins him on the sand again. "Why not…it's not so bad when I'm with you"
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makangerous · 6 days
Fukuya Rank 1 (Temperance Confidant)
This scene would happen automatically, around the same day you would normally find out about Kawakami's maid job.
You're sitting in your homeroom. Kawakami is lecturing…
Kawakami: Look, I know this is boring. But the principal asked me to go over the code of conduct with every student. Apparently, there's been an uptick in bad behavior, and whenever he catches someone breaking the rules, the culprit always says, "I didn't know that was a rule." Ignorance is no excuse. But since so much of the student body is-- Nakai, quit sleeping! If you're feeling sick again, you can go to the nurse, but stop dozing--
A male student suddenly sways in his chair and collapses on the floor.
Kawakami: Nakai! Can you stand up? …Did he seriously pass out? Someone! Yukimura, check his breathing!
You run to the collapsed student and kneel down beside him. His eyes open.
Kawakami: Yukimura, can you take him to the nurse's office? I don't want him to keel over again on the way there.
You extend your arm to Nakai, and he uses it to slowly stand up. You escort him out of the classroom. You make it halfway down the hallway when he lets go suddenly.
That's enough. You don't need to actually bring me to the nurse. I'm fine. The blood just got redirected out of my head for a minute or two. You can go back to class. Or you can ditch with me if you want. You're no stranger to that, after all. You ditched your first day. But if you really want to ditch, you must work on your technique. Skip a class here or there due to chronic headaches or stomach issues? No one cares. Miss an entire day for no reason? You're in deep shit. You always need a foolproof excuse.
>You make yourself sick on purpose?
Great men and women have done it many times. My uncle's a school nurse and he sees it constantly. Some purposely infect themselves with colds, but I prefer pills, or gases, or injections that give me control over--
Nope. You don't get to know about my methods. They're secret. Not for human consumption. Forget everything and go back to class.
>Can you help me ditch classes?
Nuh-uh. You're not going to be using my stuff to do that. Get your own. Oh wait, you can't. I'm the only one who knows how to make most of it.
Tell you what. Maybe we can work out a deal. I get awfully lonely at my part-time job at night. If you can pay the upfront cost and hang out with me at work sometimes, I'll consider giving you some tips on… Time management, let's call it. I work on call as a science tutor. Work's been very slow, so anytime at night should be fine to give me a ring. The name's Fukuya Nakai. Here's my personal number. Now, I need to remove myself before anyone sees me loitering in the hallway. Do as you wish.
(…Should I really give him a call later?)
You call Fukuya at night.
Hey, what do you want? …Tutoring?! Oh, uh, sorry for answering the phone so rudely. I mistook you for someone else. Sure, I have a timeslot tonight! Can I have your name and address, please? Emi Yukimura, uh huh… wait, it's you? Dang, I was hoping you forgot about that. Don't worry, I'll stay true to my word as long as you send me the cash. You want to meet at Cafe Leblanc?
Fukuya arrives at the cafe, and you meet him on the ground floor.
This place isn't too far from that doctor's office. Maybe I should have her write me another note soon. Huh? You see Dr. Takemi, too? Do you, by chance, pretend to be sick? …I can see why you're so eager to learn my ways. It seems we're not so different. Anyway, let me lay down some ground rules for our agreement. First of all, you won't get any of my "instant sickness" concoctions. Ever. It's dangerous. Second, I'm going to have to charge you more than my standard rate, since theoretically, I could fit in multiple clients in the time I'll have to spend to educate you. But I'm sure you'll come to realize it's worth the cost. I'll show you how to squeeze every extra bit of free time out of your daily life full of obligations. Deal?
I knew you'd say that. You do remind me a lot of myself.
Emi, consider yourself officially enrolled in my exclusive class, "The Science of Stealing Back Your Time: Reclaiming What's Rightfully Yours"!
I am thou, thou art I…Thou hast acquired a new vow.
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Temperance Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power…
Well, we can start the class officially next time. I didn't have time to prepare anything for tonight. Do you have any homework you need help with?
Late at night, your phone rings when you're alone in your room.
Time for a pop quiz! No, it's not too late for one. You never know if a maniac will use a science question to decide whether you get to live or die. Quick, what's the powerhouse of the cell?
Congratulations, you get to live another day! Keep in mind, though, "mitochondria" is plural. The singular form is "mitochondrion".
That was a very easy question. I'm not going to take it easy on you going forward. Hope you're prepared. Bye now.
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natedogx15 · 4 months
Kamen Rider Deku Mission 14: Coming to Terms
Previous Chapter / AO3 / Master List
Katsuki and Slidin' Go are sitting in a cafe. It's been a day since the events against Plant Nomu, and the two are watching a broadcast on Slidin' Go's phone.
"Yesterday's unexpected city-wide villain attack has now been fully cleared up. It would seem the ones leading the charge against this attack were the Kamen Riders." The newscaster says as they pull up a video of K.E.M. destroying an army of plant creatures.
"It seems the most violent of them, King Explosion Murder, was the most instrumental in the defeat of this Nomu threat. He went around the city, finishing off tons of plant creatures before finishing off the Nomu herself." The newscaster explains, causing Slidin' Go to grin.
"This is great news for you. The bad publicity from your first stunt is finally starting to vanish." Slidin' Go tells his student, but Katsuki doesn't look like he cares about this information.
All the teen has done since they arrived at the cafe is glare at his drink. When Slidin' Go sees this, he lets out a heavy sigh.
"The person behind this Nomu attack is Kimura Kaho. An office worker from Jaku City in the Kyoto Prefecture. She's also a member of several support groups and charities for Mutation-Quirk users. Her link to these Nomu is currently unknown. To try and answer this, we have brought a professional hero analysis." The newscaster explains before a green-skinned man with purple hair walks in.
Slidin' Go raises an eyebrow in interest, feeling he recognizes the man put on from the Meta Liberation Army but is unsure.
"Tell us, you've done quite a bit of analysis on different hero cases and villain attacks. What do you think is the connection between Kimura and the Nomu?" The newscaster asks curiously.
"Unfortunately, I, like the rest of Japan, am uncertain. It may be whoever is creating these Nomu approached her with an offer. It would explain multiple other Nomu, such as that young man from a couple of months back who tried to kill his father." The analyst shrugs with a sigh.
"So, you're saying these Nomu are possibly appearing from something as simple as a back alley deal?" The newscaster asks with a raised eyebrow.
"There's nothing simple about this situation. A lot of secrecy can go into these types of transactions. It's why so many have found it difficult to find any lead on the Nomu. Of course, this is just speculation and is likely not the case. Whoever is behind this operation is keeping their cards close to them, if you understand what I mean." The analyst states.
"I see. Well, thank you for your words today." The newscaster thanks the analyst.
"Thank you for having me." The analyst thanks before Slidin' Go turns off his phone and looks to an annoyed Katsuki.
"Well, it's great to hear your image is improving. That's an important part of being a hero." Slidin' Go tells him with his trademark smile.
Katsuki continues not to say anything. It's becoming unsettling for Slidin' Go, who's gotten used to his student's explosive personality.
"What's wrong with you? You're usually a lot more reactive. Is it about what happened with Chamber yesterday?" Slidin' Go asks with a raised eyebrow.
That gets a frustrated growl from Katsuki, and he glares at Slidin' Go, who raises his hands defensively while smiling.
"There's my student. But you should be careful if you want to go after him. He may be the Hero Public Safety Commission's chairman's grandson. From what I heard, at least. Trust me, the chairman is not someone you want to be on the bad side of." Slidin' Go warns Katsuki.
When Katsuki hears that, he seems to snarl more.
"Who gives a shit if Pompadour is some old bastard's grandson! That bastard has been looking down on me! I'm going to kill him and then Deku!" Katsuki states his plan to take down Chamber.
Now, most people would be uncomfortable about the idea of a teen with his personality saying he'll kill someone since his personality can make someone feel like he means it. However, Slidin' Go understands he doesn't actually mean to kill Shiki. Violently maim, maybe, but not kill. He's not exactly sure if that's better.
"Well, you better hope he'll give you the opportunity then. Chamber seems to be the more careful one between the two Kamen Riders. He may not give you a chance to attack him." Slidin' Go warns him.
"That's what your damn lessons at the start were for. I'm getting payback on that bastard for what he did?" Katsuki growls.
"Did something else happen besides yesterday?" Slidin' Go asks curiously, having gained some ability to gauge Katsuki's anger levels and noticing this is worse than what it may be if it were only what happened yesterday.
A louder snarl is his answer, signaling that something else did happen.
"Must have happened when he went to the docks." Slidin' Go thinks as he watches Katsuki's anger.
While Slidin' Go thinks this, Katsuki's mind flashes back to yesterday's events and their confrontation at the docks. Chamber is the first person his age who started giving Katsuki a challenge. Even growing up, he was always capable of taking down the older kids, and they were the only ones who gave him some challenge. The fact he's Quirkless like Deku doesn't help Katsuki's temper.
"That bastard. He and Deku are both in my damn way. I won't let him stop me from becoming number one. I'll put that Quirkless bastard back in his place before doing the same to Deku." Katsuki promises himself as he seethes.
With that promise, Katsuki takes his coffee and tries to down it in one go before spitting it back in his cup in disgust.
"Who the fuck gave me the damn black coffee! I ordered the damn spicy one!" Katsuki shouts as he slams his hand on the table and glares at the employees behind the desk.
Shiki is sitting in his room, inspecting his new Power Coins with the ones he's already collected. Off to the side are the Chameleon and Rifle Power Coins.
"If how the Nomu used them is anything to go by, I might be able to spawn minions with this." Shiki thinks as he inspects the Power Coin with a Venus flytrap outline.
He then picks up the Power Coin with the outline of a drill running through the ground.
"This one will probably turn my bullets into drills and enhance their piercing ability. That'll be useful against Nomu with stronger defenses like that one Midoriya and I fought." Shiki thinks as his mind flashes back to the battle with Giran.
When he does, he frowns in anger. He then raises an eyebrow in thought.
"Wait, we didn't see them today." He realizes.
"Did you manage to get the Time Amplifier?" Dr. Garaki asks Giran over the phone.
"Yeah. I stole it in the smokescreen caused by the violent friend of our friends." Giran tells him over the phone with a grin while holding the inhaler-like device.
"Good. We can afford to lose the Nomu Coins since I made it so they look like ordinary ones after use. But we can't afford to lose any of those. Remember, if you can't manage to both take out the defeated Nomu and grab the Time Amplifier, then prioritize the device." Dr. Garaki states.
"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, Doc. I'll make sure we don't lose any of these. So, should I just return it to the Meta Liberation Army? Or do we keep it?" Giran asks.
"For now, return it to them. We'll keep it seeming like we're working with them until we no longer need them." Dr. Garaki tells him, and Giran nods.
"Alright. Mind having Kurogiri or your little pet send me a portal to Deika City?" Giran asks.
"You can head there on your own." Dr. Garaki states with a hint of annoyance.
"Is this because I called one of your creations a pet? I'm sorry. Can you have one of your children send me to Deika City?" Giran requests again in a more polite tone.
"No. You can get there on your own. You're used to moving around a lot and meeting with people face-to-face anyway." Dr. Garaki tells him before hanging up and leaving Giran on his own.
"He's always so touchy about how someone talks about his Nomu." Giran grunts in annoyance before sighing and preparing to leave for Deika City.
"Then again, he's also testy that those kids managed to see me, and I couldn't erase their memories. That's bad news, too. It's the first hint anyone's gotten about who we may be. Luckily, they didn't see me out of my Nomu form. Still, I'll have to do something about them at some point and whoever they might have told. That's a tall order, though. Who knows how many high-ranking Commission or Uncountable Enterprises members know about this?" Giran mutters as he thinks about everything.
"You know, when we developed the Hero Driver. I was expecting a lot. But I never expected so much chaos so soon. We haven't even had a villain steal one, but everything is already going to hell." Hisashi says as he replays yesterday's small fight between K.E.M. and Chamber, with David, Melissa, and his son beside him.
"Sorry." Izuku quietly apologizes to his father.
"It's not your fault. We can blame Abraham for this more than anyone since he's the one who sold a stolen Hero Driver to one of the less-than-stellar members of the Commission." Hisashi tells his son with a sigh.
That causes David and Melissa to winch.
"I'm sorry for bringing Samuel in on this project, Hisashi. He was always a good man and a great assistant. I couldn't have developed our Quirk enhancement technology without him." David apologizes, while Melissa also looks sad.
Hisashi is quick to wave off David's apology as well.
"Will you relax? Like you said, you wouldn't have gotten as far with the research without him. So, it's not like nothing good came out of bringing him here. Besides, I've had a few science partners I'd trust without a second thought. So, it's not like I don't understand where you're coming from. Abraham seemed like a good guy while we were working together. It's just as much my fault for not noticing as yours." Hisashi tells David to calm the man down.
There's an awkward silence between the four after Hisashi says those words before Melissa asks.
"Have they found Mr. Abraham yet?" Melissa asks her father.
David lets out a sigh, and Hisashi shakes his head.
"Nope. Wherever the guy is, he's hidden well. That or we don't have good enough trackers after him. I may have to put in a request to have some underground heroes investigate where he went." Hisashi says with a sigh.
"I see," Melissa says as she looks down in worry.
"Anyway, you may not have to worry as much about that Bakugou brat as you thought, Izuku. It seems he and Hikage's grandson are at each other's throats." Hisashi says in a relaxed tone as he crashes into one of the spinny chairs.
"Isn't that a bad thing? We're supposed to be working together to defeat the Nomu." Izuku tells his father, and Melissa nods in agreement.
"Yeah, Mr. Midoriya. Isn't it important for the safety of Japan for the Kamen Riders to get along?" She asks him.
"It is, which is why I'm surprised at how much trouble that simple task is to complete. Since Bakugou got his Hero Driver, everything seems like it's been going to hell. And, unfortunately, I can't just have the Hero Driver returned to us. Trust me, I've checked several times." Hisashi bluntly states as he idly begins channel surfing while he talks to the group.
"So... what should we do?" Izuku nervously asks his father and David, hoping one of them will answer.
David rubs the back of his head and says.
"I'm not sure. As things are now, I'm not sure how we can improve things without taking Bakugou's Driver from him and giving it to someone else." David tells him.
"That, or have someone shatter the kid's pride into the ground so he'll stop acting like he's the protagonist in a damn story and rules don't apply to him." Hisashi bluntly adds with an annoyed expression.
"Hisashi..." David says with a slight winch at Hisashi's statement.
"I'm telling you it would be for the best. I don't like the kid for what he's done to mine, but I will admit he has talent and could reach the top ten if he put the work in. But he has to do something about his damn attitude before anything else. The guy nearly got people killed when he deflected Hikage's shot so he could fight alone. That's not hero behavior." Hisashi tells his colleague with a slight glare as he points out Bakugou's behavior.
David doesn't have a rebuttal for that, and Hisashi goes on.
"Though, it's not like I don't have personal reasons for this. The brat has been bullying my kid for years. Of course, I don't like him using something I made or Izuku needing to work with him. He's already shown how willing he is to attack Izuku despite them having to work together. Plus, Izuku is nervous being around him, right?" Hisashi turns to his son as he asks this, causing him to jump in surprise at being addressed.
When he fully registers the question, Izuku can't help but look toward the ground while rubbing his arm nervously.
"...I don't know." Izuku finally says while rubbing his arm, causing Hisashi's eyes to widen.
"I-I mean, Kacchan is strong and gifted. He'd be a big help against the Nomu, and we don't know how long it'll take us to figure out who is creating them. If we had his strength, it'd be easier to handle them longer. Y-you know?" Izuku asks nervously as he stares at his father.
Hisashi blinks at his son a few times before letting out a heavy sigh and facepalming. He then runs his hand down his face before looking at his son again.
"Izuku. We talked about your relationship with Katsuki." Hisashi starts as he looks toward his son.
"I-I know. B-but I can't help but think that him having the Hero Driver may be a good thing. I-I don't plan to follow him around again. And I know we weren't really friends back then. B-but, I can't help but think this might be a good thing that Kacchan got the Driver. Maybe he'll change when he experiences what being a hero is like. Like I have." Izuku tells Hisashi while whispering this last part as he remembers his recent observations about hero work.
Not catching this last part, Hisashi sighs heavily and looks toward his son.
"Izuku. You have too much of a hero's heart. You are way too kind and hopeful sometimes." Hisashi tells his son as he looks at him.
Izuku winches slightly when he hears that.
"I think it's nice that he's so hopeful Bakugou will change," Melissa says as she quickly walks toward Izuku and moves her head to examine him from top to bottom.
This sudden invasion of his privacy by a pretty girl causes Izuku's entire head and neck to blush while steam starts to come from his head. Seeing this causes the two men to smirk before David coughs into his fist.
"Melissa, I think you're making the poor boy uncomfortable," David tells his daughter, causing her to blink before giving Izuku an apologetic smile.
"Sorry about that. Sometimes, the scientist and inventor in me take over, and I can't help but be curious. " Melissa says sheepishly.
"I-i-it's n-no p-problem." Izuku can barely get a sentence out as he tries to calm his blush and rapidly beating heart.
"Anyway, that's not a bad thing. But it can get you in serious trouble at some point. Just be careful with it, okay." Hisashi tells his son with an amused smirk.
"Al-alright, Dad," Izuku says after a minute.
Hisashi lets out an amused chuckle as he watches his son's state before deciding to take pity on him and get back on their first topic.
"Anyway, I am worried about Abraham being out; who knows what else that guy knows? If he knows how to make them off the top of his head, there's no telling what he might be able to do. He could have made another one already and given it to someone else." Hisashi mutters in frustration as he thinks about that.
Before anyone can say anything to that, a new voice interjects.
"Highly unlikely." A mature and commanding female voice says.
The group turns to see Mrs. Yaoyorozu walk into the lab with her daughter behind her.
"Hey, boss. You forgot to ring the doorbell." Hisashi says with a slight smirk as he points toward the door.
Mrs. Yaoyorozu rolls her eyes while holding a phone up.
"Don't forget that I have access to all the cameras in the lab. I know when you people are working and when you're not." She tells him.
Izuku and Melissa look slightly lost at who that is while Momo walks up to them with a smile and bows.
"It's nice to meet you. My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, and the person talking to your parents is my mother. She's the CEO of Uncountable Enterprises." Momo explains to the two, causing their eyes to widen as they stare at the older Yaoyorozu.
Mrs. Yayorozu turns to the two teens and gives them a small smile before turning back to the two scientists.
"As I was saying, there's likely no need to worry about that. The parts needed to complete one of those Drivers are expensive and hard to get. You'd need someone with priority for parts to gather most of it. Such as myself." Mrs. Yaoyorozu says as she holds up a list containing some of the parts needed for a Hero Driver.
"It should be impossible for someone on the run like Mr. Abraham to gather the parts unless he has backing from someone else or has stolen resources from the company without my team or I noticing." Mrs. Yaoyorozu states.
"While that may be true. We haven't found Abraham yet. So, that means he may actually have someone helping him." Hisashi reminds her.
"True. So, I'm giving you a new candidate for your next Hero Driver to help the situation." Mrs. Yaoyorozu says as she walks over to her daughter and puts her hands on Momo's shoulders, shocking the girl and the others in the room.
"Here's your third candidate, with that Sero boy and Little Shield. My daughter." Mrs. Yaoyorozu announces.
Momo turns to her mother and says.
"Mother. You never told me you planned to make me a candidate for the program when you told me about it."
"I thought that might be obvious, dear. Besides, you're talented enough to have gotten a recommendation for U.A. You're a perfect candidate." She tells her daughter with a proud smile.
Hearing that causes Momo to blush while Melissa and Izuku look at her in amazement. David is also astonished since U.A. is known as the best hero school in Japan and isn't easy to get into. Hisashi gives Momo an impressed nod.
"Huh. Well, that is impressive. Alright, I'll add her to the list of candidates. Is that all you came here for?" Hisashi asks her with a raised eyebrow.
"Of course not. I also wanted to inform you that your next shipment of parts has been delayed. Apparently, something came up, and it's caused the shipment to be placed on hold for a little while." Mrs. Yaoyorozu informs him professionally while handing him some documents on the subject.
"Great, just what we need. Luckily, we still have enough to make a couple of Drivers and some other experiments with the technology." Hisashi says with a heavy sigh.
"That wouldn't be a problem if we get permission for me to use my Quirk to give you the materials whenever you need them. Given that this project is sponsored by the people who help regulate Quirk usage. I'm sure we can get a special permit." Mrs. Yaoyorozu tells him with a smile.
"And in return, you'd want your daughter to get a Driver above anyone else. We'll talk about that when we run out of materials." Hisashi says with a sigh as he flips through the documents.
"You know me so well when it comes to business. Let me know if you want to go through with the deal, and I'll see what I can do about the parts coming in faster." Mrs. Yaoyorozu says while turning around to leave.
Before she does, though. She turns to her daughter, next to Izuku and Melissa, and smiles at her.
"You can stay to get to know the program more. Enjoy yourself." She tells Momo before leaving after getting a nod from her daughter.
Once she leaves, Hisashi turns toward Momo with a raised eyebrow.
"So, kid. How do you feel about becoming a Kamen Rider?" Hisashi asks Momo.
"It would be an honor to become a Kamen Rider and help against the Nomus. I dream of becoming a great hero and have studied and trained extensively." Momo quickly explains with a determined and proud expression while putting a hand on her chest.
"Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear that. And you also got a recommendation to U.A. That's impressive given your age." Hisashi says as he smiles at the girl.
"Thank you, sir. I couldn't believe it when Mother told me about it. I'm glad to know all my hard work was recognized." Momo quickly tells him.
"Let me guess your Quirk. The same as your mother? You can create anything if you know its structure and have the lipids to make it?" Hisashi inquires.
"Correct." She nods to Izuku's amazement as his eyes shine.
"That's amazing. That's the most versatile Quirk I've ever heard of! You could make any number of capture tools and counters toward other Quirks as long as you have the proper amount of lipids." Izuku says excitedly as he looks at Momo, causing her to blush in embarrassment.
"Thank you. Our Quirk is something my family is proud of." Momo tells him as she gives him a cheerful smile.
"It's clear why. You're Quirk is so amazing, Yaoyorozu." Izuku tells her with an equally bright smile.
"I agree. It would be a massive help to either the hero or support course. You could make a nearly infinite amount of equipment or parts for either course," Melissa tells her.
"Yes, yes, it would be a big help. It's one of the reasons why so many people are after a contract with Uncountable Enterprises." Hisashi tells them, causing David to elbow him in the side while whispering.
"Be nice. She's just excited to talk about her Quirk, and the kids are excited to learn about it."
Hisashi sighs as the trio continues to talk for a little longer. But he can't help but smile as he watches Izuku make friends. Since becoming a Kamen Rider, he's gained more friends his age. It makes the father in him swell with happiness.
After a few seconds, Hisashi thinks of something, and his eyes narrow.
"Actually, Yaoyorozu, I need you to do something for me. Don't worry. It doesn't have anything to do with abusing your Quirk, but it does involve using it for the Kamen Riders." Hisashi tells her, causing Momo to look at him in confusion, along with Izuku and Melissa.
Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a blank Power Coin, Hisashi throws it to her. Momo instinctively reaches out to catch it, and when it makes contact with her, the blank Power Coin changes color as it absorbs her Quirk. After the transformation, it looks like the Kamen Riders' Power Coins with three gear symbols on the front.
With that done, Hisashi walks over to Momo and takes the Power Coin back before taking it to a scanner specifically made to analyze Power Coins and possible functions. As he does, he thanks Momo.
"Thanks. I only want to check how this type of Quirk will work with the system. Wouldn't do us any good if we didn't know how well this Quirk would mix with the system." He tells her while putting the Power Coin in the scanner.
The scanner does its job for a few minutes before the computer screen next to it shows the data on the Creation Power Coin. Hisashi looks at it before letting out an impressed whistle.
"This really will be useful. Hey, Yaoyorozu, do you think my son can use this Power Coin in the field?" Hisashi asks the girl.
"Of course. If it will help." She nods.
"Thanks. Catch, son." Hisashi says before throwing the Power Coin toward Izuku. Izuku tries to catch it, but it slips through his hands and hits his chest. He blushes at his inability to grab it before picking the Power Coin up and giving Momo an embarrassed smile.
"Thanks, Yaoyorozu." He says while pocketing the Power Coin.
"It's no problem. Midoriya. I hope my Quirk will help you against your future opponents." Momo tells him with a nod.
"I can guarantee it will. That Quirk with our tech can bypass your weakness and do some pretty useful things. Take a look." Hisashi says as he moves the screen into the view of the teens.
The three walk toward the screen curiously, and their eyes widen in astonishment at what the data says.
"This is amazing," Melissa says in surprise.
"To think my Quirk would have such an effect," Momo says as her eyes shine excitedly.
"Amazing. With this kind of ability, it opens so many windows." Izuku doesn't know what to say as he looks at the data.
"Exactly why I want you to have it. It should be a good secret weapon for when you see whatever you saw before. Try not to use it until you see whoever attacked you at the docks. It's always good to have an ace up your sleeve and not reveal it if you don't have to." Hisashi advises, causing Izuku to nod.
"Right. I'll try not to use it." Izuku says before he gets a text. He pulls out his phone to see it's a Nomu alert and panics.
"I've got to go! It's a Nomu alert!" Izuku shouts before running out.
"Be safe!" Hisashi shouts after his son ironically.
"Is he going to be okay?" Momo asks the other occupants of the room worriedly.
"He's dealt with Nomu before. Besides, he'll have backup." Hisashi tells her to ease the girl's worries.
When he sees Melissa is also worried, Hisashi changes the subject.
"On the subject of backup. The fourth Driver is almost done. When that happens, we can test you two and Sero to see which of you might be the best choice for the current situation. Of course, we don't have to. Are you two interested?" Hisashi asks them, surprising David and the girls for different reasons.
"Of course. I'd be honored to take part in an exam for the Hero Driver and help your son and the others." Momo quickly nods in agreement, while Melissa is a little uncertain.
"S-sure." Melissa nods after a few seconds.
"Girls, can you give Hisashi and me a minute to talk about something?" David quickly requests the girls.
They quickly leave, and David gives Hisashi a suspicious and angry glare.
"What are you up to, offering my daughter this without asking me?" David asks Hisashi.
Hisashi isn't intimidated by his friend's gaze.
"You told me how much Melissa wishes to be a hero and how you want to support her. I figured you'd want this offered to her, too." Hisashi shrugs.
That causes David to pause and rub his head while looking at Hisashi worriedly as he thinks.
"I don't know. I want to support Melissa's dream to become a hero despite being Quirkless like you do with Izuku. But I can't help being happy that my daughter is relatively safe acting as a hero by making equipment for them." David tells him honestly as he sighs.
"I know the feeling. I often wished Izuku would follow in my footsteps and be someone who helps heroes over being one himself. But I realized that wasn't what he wanted, and he'd always take the chance to be a hero over helping them." Hisashi tells his friend, who sighs.
"You're right. I know Melissa is the same. She's uncertain now about it because she is getting used to the idea that this is the only way she can be a hero. But I know she'll take the opportunity in time. She takes after Toshinori that way." David acknowledges with a bitter smile.
"How are you feeling about that, by the way? I remember your first reaction when we learned about All Might possibly retiring in a few years." Hisashi asks David.
That causes David to sit down and put a hand to his head.
"It's hard. I've been with him for so long and know his strength better than anyone. I can't believe that he may be retiring or getting weaker. He's the pinnacle of strength and heroism, after all." David says with an expression of slight despair.
"All Might is human too. People forget that because of his god-like strength. But he is. It was only a matter of when he would instead of if he ever would." Hisashi shrugs as David lets out another heavy sigh.
Seeing his friend's reaction, Hisashi takes pity on him and tries to cheer him up.
"Look on the bright side. He was willing to tell you that he may be retiring at some point. Now, we can work on something to ensure the world and Japan don't go to hell because of it." Hisashi tells him as he motions to all the technology around them.
David smiles when he hears that and looks toward Hisashi.
"Yeah. You're right. But I don't think anything we make will ever live up to All Might." He tells Hisashi with a hint of bitterness still in his tone.
"Maybe not right now. You never know what kind of advancements we'll make. Maybe in a few years, it'll be possible." Hisashi tells him with a shrug.
"Maybe." David agrees in an unconfident tone.
With Izuku. He transforms into Deku and rides on the Plus Striker in unicorn mode toward where the Nomu is.
When he arrives on the scene, he witnesses Death Arms and Kamui Woods fighting against a Nomu with preying mantis-like features. Kamui Woods tries to trap the Nomu with his wood manipulation Quirk, but Mantis Nomu swings their bladed arm forward and sends a blade of air toward the hero, cutting through the wood meant to capture him as it does so.
Kamui Woods panics when he sees this and barely manages to dodge the wind blade before it can cut him in half. It still hits the side of his waist and causes him to hit the ground while holding his side in pain.
"Kamui Woods!" Death Arms shouts in worry before having to duck under another blade of wind sent at him by Mantis Nomu.
"You don't have time to worry about him!" Mantis Nomu shouts as he goes for a downward slash to try to cut Death Arms in half.
However, Death Arms jumps to the side in time and charges in without fear. He tackles Mantis Nomu before wrapping his arms around his opponent and using his enhanced strength to throw Mantis Nomu high into the air behind him.
While Mantis Nomu is falling head-first toward the ground, he launches another wind scythe to try and hit Death Arms. Luckily for the hero, the feeling of being upside down without any foundation messes with his aim, and he avoids it easily. Once Mantis Nomu crashes into the ground, he's stunned for a second, causing Death Arms to charge at him again.
He doesn't have time, though, as Mantis Nomu quickly recovers and launches another attack that Death Arms doesn't have time to dodge. Death Arms instinctively raises his guard when he sees the attack and manages to block it before it can hit him in the chest, at the cost of a deep cut to his arms.
"You're dead, you bastard!" Mantis Nomu shouts at Death Arms as he prepares to charge before getting hit by one of Plus Striker's lightning bolts.
He gets sent flying again, and Deku stops before Death Arms.
"Are you okay?" Deku asks worriedly as he looks down at the injured hero.
Death Arms winches as he tries to lift his injured arms while nodding.
"I'll be fine. I'm glad you came when you did, though. I don't know if I could keep fighting for long." He grunts to Deku as he picks himself up.
Kamui Woods is doing the same while holding his side while Mantis Nomu recovers from the shock of the unexpected attack, having skidded backward on his feet instead of getting sent to the ground.
"Finally. One of the main attractions has arrived. Good. I was getting bored testing these abilities out on these dogs of society." Mantis Nomu laughs as he stares at Deku.
"They look like a praying mantis, and it looked like they can fire blades of wind from their claws." Deku analyzes as he summons the Power Blade and prepares to charge at Mantis Nomu.
"Let's see if you're worth all your hype." Mantis Nomu says as he prepares to charge.
"Plus Striker should be able to get me in close to beat him." Deku thinks before pulling out one of his Power Coins.
He looks at the Overdrive Power Coin and inserts it into the Power Blade while thinking.
"Let's see how this Power Coin works with the Power Blade."
"Overdrive Power Finish!" The Hero Driver announces as light blue energy envelops the Power Blade, and Deku rides toward Mantis Nomu to slash him.
At the same time, Mantis Nomu charges toward Deku while constantly launching blades of wind at the hero to at least knock him off the Plus Striker. However, the Plus Striker's reflexes and speed allow them to jump over, move to the side, and intercept them with lightning bolts. Soon, Plus Striker closes in on the Nomu, and Deku goes for a swing with his Power Blade.
It cuts into Mantis Nomu and leaves a light blue cut on his chest before Mantis Nomu crashes to the ground in pain.
"Gah! You damn brat! That hurt!" Mantis Nomu shouts as he tries to pull himself off the ground.
It's difficult for him, though. Deku's finisher did a heavy amount of damage to his body. He's barely able to turn around, let alone chase after the hero. Seeing this, Deku charges at Mantis Nomu again, with the finisher now dissolved.
Mantis Nomu sees the Plus Striker charging at him, and it looks like he can't do much to defend himself. However, Mantis Nomu secretly smirks as the Plus Striker closes in. He quickly falls into a crouching position with one of his palms touching the concrete. Suddenly, blades of earth protrude from the ground and stab into the underside of the Plus Striker as it's about to hit him, causing the Plus Striker to be launched back and for Deku to fall off it.
"Thought I could only make blades of wind, didn't you? Too bad for you, my Quirk lets me sharpen and manipulate anything to make it into blades." Mantis Nomu grins before launching a blade of wind at the prone Deku, hitting him dead on and causing him to roll across the ground.
Deku groans from his place on the ground as he tries to get up while Mantis Nomu keeps firing wind blades. His armor stops any scar-worthy injuries like with Death Arms, but they still take their toll on the young Kamen Rider.
Panicking slightly, Deku summons the Mighty Knuckle in the hand he lost the Power Blade with and throws a sloppy punch at an incoming blade of wind to give him time to stand up. When the shockwave-producing gauntlet makes contact with the sharpened wind, the clash destroys the elemental attack while Deku's arm is forcefully reeled back and slams into the ground. But it still gives Deku time to recover and get back on his feet.
After getting up, Deku sees Mantis Nomu about to launch another attack before getting shot by the Plus Striker. Seeing his chance, Deku inserts the Rabbit Power Coin into the Hero Driver and turns the key for his next finisher.
"RABBIT POWER FINISH!" The Hero Driver announces as green energy builds around Deku while taking a crouching position.
Mantis Nomu sees this and tries to stop him but can't, as Plus Striker keeps him from doing anything.
"Get out of my way!" Mantis Nomu shouts as he launches another set of earth blades at the Plus Striker to stop it from getting in his way.
However, Plus Striker bought their master enough time to build up his finisher.
Deku charges at Mantis Nomu before jumping in the air and launching a flying kick toward the Nomu. Mantis Nomu tries to stop the finisher by firing as many blades of wind as possible, but Deku breaks through any attack Mantis Nomu uses to try and stop him. Finally, Deku crashes into Mantis Nomu's chest and causes him to explode. Deku goes through the explosion and lands behind Mantis Nomu.
"That was awesome!"
"Go, Kamen Riders!"
People shout about Deku's victory and inadvertent showmanship with his finisher. While listening to the cheers, Power Coins fly into Deku's hand with the black outlines of a sword and praying mantis head. He then runs to Death Arms as Kamui Woods helps the other hero move.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Deku asks him worriedly.
"Yeah. Don't worry. I've faced worse than this while being a hero." Death Arms tries to calm him down.
Deku sighs in relief before looking around toward the crowd blocked by police.
"I'm sorry if I keep stealing the attention from you guys. I look up to heroes and think you're amazing." Deku says while bowing toward Death Arms and Kamui Woods.
The heroes are surprised at the sudden genuine apology for getting the attention over them. Most heroes would be happy to have more attention on them, especially young ones like Deku and Kamui Woods.
"It's fine, kid. It's part of being a hero. Sometimes, you get overshadowed. Sometimes you do the overshadowing." Death Arms assures him in his usual grim tone.
"I just feel bad because you two are such great heroes and have done this longer than me," Deku says, rubbing his head.
"Thanks for the compliment, kid. You've got a good heart. Try not to lose that as you rise through the ranks like some pros." Death Arms tells him with a nod.
Deku can only nod as the Plus Striker comes over for him to get on. When he's about to leave, Death Arms says one last thing.
"And kid, try not to let your mistake with the Paper Nomu crush you." Death Arms advises.
"O-okay." Deku stutters that last one from shock before riding off.
As the two watch Deku leave, Kamui Woods looks toward Death Arms with interest.
"You usually get angry with young heroes for making rash actions." He tells Death Arms.
"I know. But that kid seems young. I feel like he went into hero school after graduating and went to being a hero, skipping being a sidekick. If I had to guess, I'd say hearing about someone dying because he tried to stop the other guy from brutalizing the villain was a big shock. I can reprimand him later for such a dangerous mistake. Right now, I still want to give him time to adjust to what happened." Death Arms explains to his fellow hero, who nods in understanding.
Unknown to those on the ground, above them is a drone, with the symbol of an emoticon smiling while giving a thumbs up, recording everything.
A tall, lanky man with long black hair that goes down to his waist with bangs that cover his eyes and strands that go to his chest is watching the drone's camera feed on his laptop. The man has a relatively long nose, although nowhere near as long as Re-Destro's, and a wide mouth.
The man is dressed in all black with a black turtle neck under a black formal jacket, dark pants, and long-toe black shoes.
"How interesting. I had hoped this warrior would be able to handle the Kamen Riders, but it wasn't unexpected given what we know of their abilities. Luckily, this one was merely a scout meant to help us gather more data on the Kamen Riders' abilities and whoever it is taking out our warriors." The tall man mutters as he goes over the recording and backs it up.
With that done, he pulls out his phone to inform Re-Destro about the new data while changing the camera feed on his laptop to Re-Destro's office. However, he pauses his plan to inform Re-Destro when he notices the man meeting with a suspicious individual he almost recognizes from his talks with Curious. 
Suspicious, the tall man has his laptop recording while putting his phone away.
"May I ask who you are and how you got in my office despite security?" Re-Destro asks cordially as he stares at Giran while silently preparing to attack if things get dangerous.
"You already know who I am. Well, we've met several times. However, I constantly have to erase all data of my being here due to how secretive our operation runs." Giran jokes while taking out the inhaler-like device he grabbed when Kimura was defeated.
"I'm just here to return this. You must be more careful with them. Unlike the Nomu Coins, these have the chance to help others discover more about us even if we have them self-destruct. They're not as easy to hide, you see." Giran says in a friendly tone as he gives Re-Destro a relaxed smile.
"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." Re-Destro calmly states as he de-activates his Quirk due to remembering parts of their previous meeting, like how ineffective his last attack was.
"I'm glad to hear it. This will be the only time I retrieve these for you. Next time, we'll be having them self-destruct. Don't ask me why we didn't before; I can only assume it's as a show of power." Giran says with a shrug before standing up.
He quickly erases Re-Destro's memories before leaving the room to erase the security footage. Not realizing it's too late. The tall man is already making a backup of what's been recorded.
The tall man looks at the laptop furiously because of what he witnessed. His leader was blatantly threatened and attacked in his office, of all places. From the sounds of it, it seems this person has been taking out his security camera data. That's something that angers the man more.
He quickly realizes what Giran plans to do and saves what he's witnessed on his laptop. There will be no way for Giran to figure out this since the tall man understands how to cover his technological footprints.
After saving the data, he glares underneath his bangs at the man.
"I need to inform the other executives about this. We finally have hard data on the person attacking the Grand Commander." The man slightly grins as he imagines what they can do with this data.
With that thought, he makes preparations for the executives to secretly meet up so he can share this data with them. While doing that, he's also preparing to send the video of Deku's fight against Mantis Nomu to Re-Destro so they can work on possible strategies to take down the Kamen Riders with it and what they already have.
"The next meeting will prove to be interesting. We'll have a lot to talk about with our situation and the condition of our warriors." The man says to himself as he prepares everything.
At Uncountable Industries, the group analyzes the new Power Coins Izuku got after his fight with Mantis Nomu.
"They're not the best but will at least be useful. Especially this Razor Edge Power Coin. It'll add a bit of a sharpness to your attacks." Hisashi jokes with a grin as he looks at the data of the Power Coins.
"Nice job defeating the Nomu by yourself, Izuku." David compliments the boy, getting nods of agreement from his daughter and Momo.
"Yes. It was an amazing feat." Momo tells him while nodding.
"T-thank you. But it felt weird. The Nomu didn't seem as strong as a few of the other ones." Izuku tells the group with a slight blush and an uncertain expression.
"They can't all be winners. Don't forget, while they're strong villains, they're still people and will come in different shapes and sizes. Not all of them will be as big a threat as the other." Hisashi tries to ease his son's worries.
"I'm still worried since all the Nomu have been after us. It feels weird that this one was so easy." Izuku tells him while looking toward the ground in thought.
Hisashi decides to pause and think about his son's words with the others in the room. Melissa and Momo aren't sure either, but the adults think they might know what's going on from experience.
"So, you're saying they might have sent someone only to get more data on you?" Hisashi finally asks his son.
Izuku thinks about his words before nodding.
"They might be. It would make sense if they want to beat us, right?" Deku asks curiously.
"He's not wrong, Hisashi. It would make sense that the creators of the Nomu would want to see the weakness of the devices meant to defeat them. Plus, you guys were attacked at your apartment complex along with Hikage." David tells him.
Hisashi puts a hand to his chin before agreeing.
"You're not wrong, but I'm hoping you are." Hisashi scowls in worry.
Katsuki scowls at Slidin' Go as he sits behind him in the hero's van while Slidin' Go drives Katsuki home. He's angry that Deku got to the Nomu before him because Slidin' Go didn't realize he got a Nomu alert.
"I'm sorry Bakugou. You get so many calls and texts from people as a hero that I sometimes put my phone on silent while trying to do something. It's become a habit at this point." Slidin' Go apologizes in his usual cheery tone for what feels like the fifth time in the past hour.
"Because of you're damn habit, Deku got to the fucking Nomu before me! And what's with that damn tone!? It doesn't make you sound sorry at all!" Katsuki shouts at the hero in anger.
"Sorry. I'm just a naturally cheery person." Slidin' Go laughs, angering Katsuki even more.
"Tell you what, I'll look into how I can make it up to you. I have quite a few connections from my hero work, and I'm sure I can come up with something." Slidin' Go tells him, not changing his tone from before.
"Whatever," Katsuki growls before turning to scowl out the window, not noticing the mischievous and cunning turn Slidin' Go's smile takes after he says that.
Power Coins Deku Rabbit, Draco-Breath, Charge, Marsh, Solidification, Unicorn, Overdrive, Wheels, Division, Bull, Barrier, Creation, Razor Edge, Mantis
Chamber Rifle, Fierce Wings, Shadow Stalk, Gatling, Chameleon, Dragonfly, Sonar, Burrowing Drill, Sprouting
King Explosion Murder Explosion
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some-little-infamy · 4 months
Want to Need
(Read on AO3) Femslash February prompt: Ritual
Brooke paces back and forth in the living room, looking out the window every 30 seconds or so. She tries not to - she goes into the kitchen to find something to eat, but nothing looks appetizing. She tries to read one of the many textbooks she’s falling behind on already this year, but her eyes glaze over the words without comprehending a single one.
She checks her phone again - no notifications. She messaged Haley half an hour ago, which was half an hour after she was due back from her shift at the cafe.
Brooke isn’t used to this. She never had anyone around consistently enough that she knew when she would see them next, let alone someone she cared enough about to worry when that time passed. She isn’t entirely sure she likes it - how do people worry like this all of the time?!
Another peek out the window and she spots Haley walking up towards the door. Brooke nearly throws herself onto the sofa, picking up her textbook to make it look like she wasn’t just waiting for Haley to show up.
Haley opens the door, takes one look at Brooke, and raises her eyebrow.
“I saw you at the window a second ago,” Haley accuses.
“No you didn’t. I’ve been studying,” Brooke tries to lie.
“Oh yeah?” Haley asks with a smirk. “Your textbook is upside down.”
Brooke looks down at the book in her hands, frowning at the upside down text in front of her. “Oops.” She sighs, putting the book down onto the table in front of her with a huff. “Fine. I wasn’t studying. And I was at the window - because you’re late.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. We were swamped at the diner, then Lucas stopped by and we got caught up talking, and…” Haley pauses, narrowing her eyes at Brooke. “Wait, were you worried about me?”
“No,” Brooke denies immediately.
Haley says nothing, only eyeing Brooke expectantly.
“And if I was, so what?” Brooke continues. “You’ve never been late before, and you weren’t answering your phone!”
“Yeah, I didn’t charge it before I left so it died before I got home. I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d mind if I was late.”
“Neither did I,” Brooke admits. “But apparently I’m so used to our nightly ritual that I don’t know what to do with myself without it.”
Their nightly routine consists of dinner, pieced together from whatever scraps they have stuffed in the back of the fridge and what Haley gets to bring home from the cafe that they’d otherwise throw out. It’s coupled with Haley helping Brooke with whatever class assignments she’s currently struggling her way through, followed by Brooke filling Haley in on all of the juciest gossip that Haley pretends not to care about despite hanging on Brooke’s every word. Then, finally, Brooke helps Haley with whatever the day’s self-care is: hair, face, nails, etc. It didn’t take much convincing for Haley to agree to let Brooke teach her the finer art of some general upkeep routines beyond splashing water on your face.
“I tried to eat, or to go ahead and do my deep conditioner without you, but none of it felt right,” Brooke sighs. “I mean, what’s that about? I’ve been on my own for… well, for as long as I can remember, really. One month of living with you and suddenly I’m, what? Needy?”
Haley gives Brooke a smile that’s mostly kind but a little bit sad. “Brooke, it isn’t being needy to want something for yourself, especially something you didn’t have for such a long time. You aren’t alone anymore,” she points out, walking over to sit next to Brooke on the sofa. “So it makes sense that you don’t want to lose it, even for a night.”
It makes sense, not that Brooke will ever admit it out loud. Her subconscious can suck it up and deal, because she’s Brooke Davis, and she’s never needed anybody.
Or maybe it’s that she never wanted to. It’s always been a choice, to keep people at a distance. But Haley… she doesn’t want to keep Haley out. She wants her here, by her side, as often as possible.
It isn't just that Brooke needs her… she wants to need her. And she wants Haley to need her as well, at least enough to send a text if she's going to be late.
“Am I too late for that curl treatment?” Haley asks hopefully, holding up a paper bag full of small takeout containers from the cafe. “And sandwiches for dinner?”
Just like that, any insecurities or doubts Brooke has melts away as everything falls back into its usual place.
“Never too late,” Brooke promises, but she doesn't get up right away. She's a bit lost in her thoughts, musing over how quickly Haley's presence turned her entire mood around. It's as impressive as it is scary, but the good kind of scary. The kind you're afraid to lose.
“Everything okay?” Haley asks.
“Yeah, everything's perfect,” Brooke grins, because in this moment, it is.
She has everything she needs right here.
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surftheorca · 6 months
atone -- episode 1 (part I): fluf'd up drug ring
tw: drug mentions
Tone Avant’s House | Wednesday, 2nd August 10:27am
Tone wakes up to a rather rough knocking at his door. Wearing his usual outside-ready outfit of a white hoodie, a checkered crop-top and black jeans he answers, rubbing his eyes and grumbling about the time of morning (despite his sleep-in).
The person at the door huffed, as if they were annoyed to be here as well. They were wearing a royal purple blazer, a tie-dyed singlet and ripped, bleached jeans. ’Tone, you’re a great friend. But if you’re going to call me over to your house, you should probably be awake to answer the fucking door.’ The person spoke, as Tone groaned and let them in with no apology. ’Look, Hue. I tried this coffee I ain’t had before last night, and turns out it was weak as hell. And besides, I swear I gave ya house keys anyway.’ ’I left them at home, because I thought that calling me over meant that you would answer the door without me waiting half an hour.’ Hue growled, pulling an iced coffee out of their colourful custom-made tote bag and handing it to Tone. ‘By the way, this brand actually keeps ya up for ages. If you needed recommendations, you should’ve asked.’
The white-haired detective grumbled, taking the coffee and sitting back in a beanbag. The colourful visitor sat in another beanbag across from him, sipping a bubble tea. ‘So, what’d ya call me over for anyway?’
Tone took a long swig of his drink, getting right to the point. ’Well, you heard about the Fluf cafe, right? How there’s massive rumours about some sorta drug ring going on?’ ’Sure do. I love that place, they have the best food.’ ’Apparently the one that was behind it all, Panc Fluf, died mysteriously. He was running the cafe until a while ago, when his only child Souffle started running it. Souf’s my favourite, we just vibe a lot.’ Hue laughed. ‘Same. It’s because all three of us take no shit. But if Panc’s out of the business, that’d put Souffle in charge of the biggest drug supplies in all of Arcadium… But how did the old guy die? I don’t think there were any health issues. Allegedly.’ Tone gave Hue a bit of a look. ‘You best not be getting involved in drugs. Without me. And honestly, I think someone’s tried going for the king to take over.’ ’You tryna say Souffle killed their own dad? It’d lead to plenty of money, but that’s pretty fuckin cold.’ ’Not necessarily Souffle, but it was definitely some foul play in my eyes.’
The pair considered for a moment. In their relatively short detective careers (roughly three months so far), they had mostly solved basic murder cases. A killing like this would be much more than advanced for the pair, but considering Tone calling Hue to his house, clearly he was confident they could do it.
After a while of thinking (and finishing their drinks) Hue looked to Tone with a smile. ‘I think we gotta head to the Fluf Cafe if we’re gonna start somewhere. Chat with the first suspect, y’know?’ And with a nod Tone grabbed a notepad he had sitting on a nearby table, his phone and his keys, and the amateur crime solving pair were on their way to a lovely sweet treat and the most interesting case of their lives.
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