#sixth college
student userboxes! 📖
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(good luck to anyone studying/doing their exams right now!🍀)
feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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asexual-juliet · 7 months
when will god let me stop caring about keeper of the lost cities
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readingforaneternity · 8 months
Been thinking about writing a oneshot of Katniss going feral when she thinks people are trying to harm Peeta.
I saw a post weeks ago that said that Finnick and the rest of the rebels were trying so hard to keep Peeta alive (not bc of Haymitch’s promise to Katniss) but bc they knew she would go absolutely crazy and take out as many people before she got killed.
I want to write an au where Peeta is in D13 with Katniss and the others, but Coin is being a weirdo and Katniss just looses it. Or she has a nightmare and Peeta isn’t with her and no one can calm her down but him. Idk, it’s been floating around my mind.
I need to write it so it’ll stop haunting me. 😭
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Manifesting a good year of school/ sixth form / college , academically, socially , creativley, health ,extra curricularly and ACADEMICALLY
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Study: 16/09/2024
- Maths: Practice paper to see what topics to focus on for my test next month
- Biology: Chapter 5 review and practice questions
- Worked on my personal statement!
Hope everyone had a productive start to their week! 📖
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scleracentipede · 1 year
1st day session of my scarecrow sleeve was complete yesterday but the lovely CurlyHorns at GhostShip Tattoos
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So tired to today but so worth it! It was first day session (6 hours of tattooing with like a 20 mins break) and I’m sore af but so hyped about the tattoo and about continuing with the sleeve
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trans-cuchulainn · 5 months
todays haircut was not as fun as the last one. the barber was weirdly rough and my sensitive scalp didn't really enjoy it. also fascinatingly he didn't know what a masters or a phd is, seemed not to have heard of them at all, which, like, wouldn't be as remarkable if he didn't work in a city that probably has one of the highest concentrations of people with postgrad qualifications in the country. maybe none of them get haircuts
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the-lincyclopedia · 7 months
Sometimes getting back in touch with people you admire but have lost contact with falls in the category of "this is why you shouldn't meet your heroes," and other times it's more along the lines of "I remembered loving you but I'd forgotten how MUCH."
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yourstrulyarrow · 3 months
i'm gonna get no responses to this but if anyone reads this and likes giving advice PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
so i just finished my GCSEs, and i can't decide which school i want to do A-levels at (for non-brits: did qualifications after turning 16, U minimum grade, 4 pass grade, 9 max grade. i can't decide what school to go to for my pre-uni qualifications). doing psychology, biology, maths, and further maths.
OPTION A: my current school. i'm pretty out about being trans, and although i went around asking teachers to use different pronouns for me 2-3 years ago, most don't because they keep forgetting (i don't pass, and the picture of me on the school register they see every day is when i was 11 and very fem-presenting). i have 1 teacher that uses they/them for me (i only use he/him pronouns, they/them is ok because it's not she/her, but i don't like it much). they were okay with my name change, but my school email has my deadname's initial since you can't change an email. i haven't gotten a response yet about whether i can have a new email for sixth form (i'll update when i do). they have zero clue what a trans person even is, they "officially" think i'm non-binary (i'm not, i'm a binary trans guy) but zero teachers were informed of this hence the issue with pronouns. my head of year didn't know i'm trans, and he was awkwardly trying to not offend me by "not assuming" i'm trans. i've been there 5 years and i generally have not had a very nice time, BUT they did let me use the disabled changing room rather than forcing me to go with the girls or the guys back when PE was mandatory (in year 11 they let everyone change in the toilets/whenever during lunch, so no issues there). they're understanding and sympathetic i think, just a bit ignorant. they refused to let teachers sign my deed poll to avoid "getting between [me] and [my mum]", despite using my preferred name in all correspondence anyways (so if there was a problem they would know... ironically all correspondence misgenders me). they give year 12s/13s detentions (which i disagree with... if a sixth former is late or doesn't do their homework that is THEIR PROBLEM and they should be left to deal with the consequences. if they're not responsible enough...), don't let sixth formers attend only for lessons (i.e. 8:30am start even if you don't have lessons until 9:50am or 11:30am, can't leave if you don't have a lesson. can leave for lunch but not break, and only once you gain permission). their school counsellor found about about my mother's abuse of me, and decided to get a social worker called to my house, creating huge problems for me, and when the social worker decided the situation was "resolved", she decided to send the document with EVERYTHING I SAID ABOUT MY ABUSIVE MOTHER... *TO MY MOTHER*. it was hideous. i really really like the maths teacher here, the way he explains things is top-tier, but i'm not guaranteed to get him. i'm attached to the psychology teacher (and she's very lovely, i've had issues with splitting where i swap between "she's my mother" (positive, as in "i wish i was her kid") and "she's the worst teacher and a backstabber i hate her". but after some careful analysis i was greatly overreacting, she's amazing). i like my biology teacher (also not guaranteed to get him, he's very nice though and he likes me and is supportive of me being trans!!). they also have 1 trans teacher (i think he does maths) who could be helpful to me when i do my EPQ, as i'm definitely going to do it on some kind of transgender topic. i'd also have already-established friends, i'm okay with most of the girls with my year but a lot of the guys don't like me much (trans and i was very annoying when i was 11 and they never forgave me). the guys who are chill with me are mostly going to option c school :(
OPTION B: school near-ish me with same sort of grades as current school. they're about the same grades-wise and in terms of oxbridge offers (i want to go to cambridge). their psychology spec is the same as my gcse psychology spec, which you'd think is a net positive but oh dear lord it is so boring. i don't want to re-learn some gcse content. we had our induction day and i don't like the psychology teacher :(. also i got called out for being autistic as fuck (not diagnosed, but peer-reviewed) in our induction day session because she made us do a thing about recognising facial expressions and i got it completely wrong. it made me feel really shit and stupid because i'm not diagnosed or anything ://. i also don't really vibe with the biology teacher, the maths teacher seems chill though. this school is a LOT bigger than my current, and they have a whole separate building/cafeteria/etc. for sixth formers. good because it means i dont have to see the little kids but also there's wayyy more people, kinda scary :/. also i have 1 friend who says she'll go to either option a or b depending on where i go so we can be together (if i choose option c, she'll go to a as one of our other friends is going to a). they have really good lab facilities for the sciences though so i'm not sure?? also public transport is better to there, but distance is similar to option a. big thing for me driving me to consider this school is they have a "transition policy" for trans kids, they know what transgender means, they have a whole system, they understand having the wrong name on exams and stuff can be distressing, etc etc.
option c: amazing school, slightly far. ok so omg i REALLYREALLY want to go to c but the problem is my first mock grades weren't good enough :(( 999988876 + L2D (btec is in business). in last mock, i got 999999996 + L2D. also a distinction in english speaking. so clearly i'm academically capable enough to go there, right?? the 6 is in art, i recently got my raw mark back and it's an 8 (1 mark off a 9). my coursework for business i got 107/120, that's not amazing but i think i can maybe maybe get a L2D* in it anyways? they don't have a very casual atmosphere, it's very much study study study, but i don't mind because the school gets such amazing grades. really good maths department, but they make kids learn all of maths a-level in year12 and then all of fm a-level in y13 (if doing both), treating it as 1 combined a-level. routinely 20+ oxbridge offers every year. a few of my friends are going to option c as well, including a guy who got about the same grades as me in the first mock but lives closer so he got n offer :(. no policies on trans kids so i don't know how they are in this regard. i don't have an offer for this school, i'm on the waitlist, but ppl who got rejected were told if they email on results day with much higher outcome grades than their application, they can get in (subject to spaces left). so there's a small chance if i get all 9s and an 8 or something maybe i can go there??? i'd have to basically get on my knees and beg though.
so anyways, option a, b, or c, and why??
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lazy-toad · 5 months
I think my worst essay habit is that I absolutely write them like I'm writing an analysis post on Tumblr about some little detail or parallel that I really like in my latest podcast obsession
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adelaidebeorna · 6 days
Today in my health and social class we were covering the effects of pregnancy on health and well-being and I actually participated for once (raised my hand at least seven times) which is ironic considering I’ll probably never get pregnant (mixture of health reasons and just being gay asf and also scared of pregnancy)
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i will be feeling lovely
and then remember that four years ago i used to infodump about fucking Danganronpa IN MY CLASSMATES' DMs (note. CLASSMATES. not FRIENDS) when they clearly did not give ANY shits. and were already hating me behind my back (which i didn't know until like a couple years later)
what was i fucking thinking (i was not)
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cleaned my bedroom & i feel so at peace now 🤍
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applesandcecilia · 1 year
Still think it’s utterly hysterical that a) Wanderer/Shiruetto (which is what I named him) accidentally got himself enrolled in the Akademiya due to his natural need to be right about everything b) Nahida somehow convinced him to enroll under the name Hat Guy and c) the Spanish translation of said name being
Don Sombrero
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I'm going to sixth form next year and have made a new friend (?) Whilst registering for classes over the most niche intrest ever.
A joint love and respect for Colin Firth
Like we are teenagers in 2024 ,
And we both bonded over COLIN FIRTH
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puffins-studio · 2 years
Gallifrey One!
I was just going to do a post about me giving my dolls to the different actors who were there but the whole experience at Gally was just something in it own. Warning I can and will ramble so this is long
I think this kinda set up my weekend. But one of the first things I got to do at Gally was meet Katiegangel. It just special as she is the first well know person online I meet and the first person I have meet in person who I’ve mailed a doll too. I did that thing were you see someone you recognized online and I didn’t know if I should go up to them or not. I just got there after like like a 7 hours in the car I had literally just gotten my tag and walked into the met room. And it was funny as, as I was waiting these two people came by like ‘ribbon?’ And I was just shaking ’yes!’ And they give me a Jo themed ribbon(I love Jo, I feel if I was in doctor who I would be a bit like her and I have a special place for 3 as he remind of my grandpa) but I was just like ‘I love Jo’ as I had nothing else in my brain.
But when I went up to Katie I very much not knowing what I should say was just ‘am the one who made the dolls’ and with the mask and the noise I had to say it two times but I think just the little noise she made at realization and the and crushing hug she give. it made everything feel like it will all go okay. the hugs were just very sweet and just us both trying to compliment each others works
And I had to get a picture
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I also got to met my friend @picnokinesis! and for a moment I was reunited with my master doll ahah
I had a blast with them and their friends! when I wasn't running around the con and I was hanging with them, and I actually felt apart of a group of friends for once! there were all amazing and I hope I can see them all in person again! we even had a proper fam goodbye hug and I will remember that
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Frazer Hines / Jamie McCrimmon
He was the first one I did the pictures with and the first one I give the dolls too. I kinda made it that why as he was the reason why I decide to go to a con(it also went how you expected and his dolls were the last ones I finished). I went into the pictures and he was like “oh did you make this?” and I was just “yes!” He thought it was lovely. And when I give them to, he immediately showed his handler and was looking at the details and when I asked to take a picture of him with the dolls he asked if I wanted to be in the photo too and he popped up and rushed to came to the other side of the table.
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Also just them being held up by a box of Girl Scout cookies, is just really funny (and now I also must share the idea of if the dolls your alive, imagine mini Jamie and 2nd doctor just siting on the table both trying to eat a normal size cookies as people walked by. )
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Bonnie Langford / Mal Bush
I took a picture with Bonnie and the dolls and she said the doll was perfect with the right colors. And she called me sweetheart. When I went to give her the doll I was chatting with her handle a little bit as Bonnie was in the middle of story and the handler noticed the doll I was holding and silently asked if I was giving it to Bonnie and I nodded and then I talked about how I made my river book, my coat, and scarf and she thought it was cool. I said I was thinking of set and costumes design and she was like “it all make sense now” And when I mentioned that I crocheted my scarf, the handler was like yeah! And held up her crochet she bought and said I did mine really well (lol I had some practice crocheting a tiny 4 and 13 scarf) and she was also amazed I got the puffy sleeves. But even Bonnie was like you should sell them,
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Katy Manning / Jo Grant
Katy Mannibg! Jo!! So Jo is one of my favorites! I love her to death. And when I went to take a picture before I could even say anything, it was just HUG like an octopus
When I want to get her signature/ give the dolls, without even doing anything she leaned across the table and give me another hug. And when I handed her my river book she did a little doodle in my book as she felt like it and then she grab the grey pan and was like ‘oh now she gray’ to give Jo/herself greyed hair. and when I give her the dolls an she thought they were so nice, she said I was very clever for making them and got up and to come around to give me a big hug. I was just really happy to see her. I was very happy I got to tell her she does some of my favorite audios and I love all version of Jo as she said talking about how some people like the old Jo and some like the new Jo. she was just sweet and keep talking, she even mentioned how her grandkids would look at a Jo doll and say she their grandma. it was just so love to have meet her. and there's also just something about Katy calling you darling that make you feel special.
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Colin Baker / 6th doctor
Colin was like “bye little me” when I was leaving the photo and I thought that was great (I got scared for a bit as I sat on a panel and was remind he have said he didn’t like the 6th doctor’s coat before) but he seem very excited, when I give him the doll he was like “it just like me, he has the perfect facial expression” And then he give me a ribbon! (it was one of his quote from the show, but I left it in my pocket it in the coat I left in the car and I been stuck on campus since the con so I can't go get and write what it says right now)
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Sophie Aldred / Ace Mcshane
I was dying, when I was going down the elevator in the morning, the doors opened on one floor and it was Sophie!! And she came into my elevator. My mom was there with me and I knew she was confused as someone in the elevator was just like ‘yes of course we have room for you!’ and my mom could tell she was important by just the name tags so I leaned over and whisper she is ace. And in the car my mom said I looked like I was going to cry in that moment (it also was funny as my mom knows am asexual and I always say ace when talking about it, so when I was like ace this and ace that at the con she was confused for a bit.)
But I think she love the doll, it had all the embroidery on it. And she immediately showed her handler. and I think she was one of the ones who had the doll on display. She also liked she could pick any page in the river book I made, as she closed her eyes and opened it to a random page and I thought that was sweet.
Ace is one of my favorites and if you like her you should read Sophies's books she wrote for Ace. in her talk Sophie said she wrote the origin story one all on her own (and if you have read it, you know a little special thing she did in it that makes that she wrote it very sweet) and she said she originally wanted to have he master be the villein in that story, and I was there like !!! my brain started running with ideas of the mater with the doctor she wrote in the story (am like it would be funny if it was Ainley!master or any other master). the scripted with her was so fun! she hid behind a curtain at one point. and did lines for the 7th doctor. at the end there were also singing as the script was of the story Ghost Light. I felt very proud as I was probably the young person of the 20 who were there and I was able to raise my hand when they asked if we all seen that episode.
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Jodie Whittaker / 13th doctor
When I did a picture with her I brought my master doll too as I had to (I also had him photobomb the 13 going picture and I've wondered if anyone have spotted him in the photo yet, as some spotted him when we were doing the last picture at the 13 meet up)
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Am pretty sure she said they were nice when I want up there, my brain was and is all fuzzy, but a few said that. The lines for her autoghic were really line and really fast so I felt wried if I held it up since they had a box for gifts but I wanted to see her reaction. But she called my dolls brilliant 💕and she was happy to see I did Anna too from adult life skills. I was all shaky because of my anxiety. but just her calling them brilliant is everything.
Wendy Padbury / Zoe Heriot
For Wendy am sorry but she was one my brain was mush for as I was starting to get drain I had just give Jodie dolls so I was all jelly and can't really remember everything she said. But am pretty sure she liked them. I have picture of her looking a bit shock when she saw them, so that makes me happy. I think she liked the 2nd doctor one too.
For the dolls I was trying to make he character in doctor who and I made their doctor for the old companions who the doctor has passed, I though of it as I especially wanted to do that for Frazer as he voiced 2 in some audios and Katy as she just did a little story about always remembering her doctor. And I had to give Wendy a 2 as I wanted to and am a twin so I had to make it fair. I made two of Jodie as I kinda wanted to make more then one but I didn't want to play favorites with the fam.
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Janet Fielding / Tegan Jovanka
My anxiety was kicking my butt at the time as the weekend was starting to get to me. For Janet she liked it and then I think she thought it was nice/ funny as I was in the 13 script read and I got to go up and read lines for Tegan and I totally forget I had a little Tegan in my pocket I was so excited to be up there. but I had to told her the little Tegan was my good luck chem. no picture of her with the dolls as I didn't want to hold up the line even more. and again I don't have the photo I took with her on my phone and can't take a picture of it right now.
It was really funny as when they were trying to pick someone for the script read. A guy yelled out he was Australian to get the part but they said no they wanted someone with a bad Australian accent and so I took my chance and randomly yelled out “people thick am Australian” As I have lost count of the number of people who have asked because of my screech impairment and the fact I can talk fast, if am Australian(I keep track of all the places people think am from as I find it fun). And then Jodie picked me! and this was a funny picture is from of just me being over excited, all the others are of me grinning like an idiot. I didn't think she actually picked me for a moment and I thought it was someone behind me, but I ran up and forgot my script and then I had to run back to get it.
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there also this (https://twitter.com/trulyafiasco/status/1627374277946384384) just happy jumps as the Master! it also funny that am dressed like 13 as like yes the one dressed as 13 is reacting just like how the actually actor is. And I don't know if you can see, it might just be because I know he is there, and this isn't the best picture for it. but I have a mini O doll on my tag. and if anyone have a video of Jodie doing the master's lines can you send it me please!, I couldn't enjoy it as I was there shaking. Also just how people stater to give her a hug at the end, I was just like oh yes me too. and just how when we were getting off the stage the host like 'were my hug?' and I joined Katie in teasing him. that was me in my truly in my happy silly mood.
When I was in the last line before I had to leave Gally. I was talking with someone and they mention how they saw the actors had the dolls on display and they had asked where they gotten them and they all just said someone came and give them the dolls. after hearing that I just felt a bit proud from. Over they had them on display and people were asking about them. it also made me happy I was able to get all the main ones, as at one point I thought I missed Janet and I was like noooo. And when I got to Gally and I given the first doll, I had the thought of "what if the actors talked among themselves and mentioned the dolls popping up" as I told Bonnie I just give one to Colin and I bet Frazer showed people.
Gally was just a very nice place. like we all know we are weird so why not we all be happy about it. like the first day I walked into a elevator with strangers and one was "good morning" and so we all said good morning back. Just how everyone gushed about each others costumes and props, feel to nice. and the ribbons were so nice I was worried about not having any to trade as this was my first time but some people just started handing them out. towards the end I was in another elevator and one person pulled some ribbons out and then another person did the same and then we all started trying to pass them all around before the doors close.
I think it great that the people who were in the classics still want to be apart of doctor who and come to these cons. as like think of all the people who just got into the classics, they wouldn't get to experience it. haha and you can tell my brain is stuck on classic, as I did a little quiz when I was there and one of the questions was list 5 male companion and I was just “Adric!” as you have to yell his name, and then my partner listed all the guys from new who.
I think if I go next year am definitely going to get ribbons and with my dolls I want to do more funny pictures with other people in costumes like I want to find someone dressed as the master and take a picture with a mini dolls or bring my tiny Dalek. I did get this picture and it a bit funny to me. also the idea that I was like "oh can I get a picture... with my dolls?"
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if I seem shy, just know I can be like this and I will talk your ear off if you let me.
For Gallifrey I made a 13 scarf, a 13 coat, I re bounded my river book, and made 12 big dolls and 3 mini dolls. and with classes I did a lot of it last minute/during winter break, I even leaned how to cable stitch for a little hat. I will post all the new ones soon, I just need to type up posts. I also have more pictures from Gally I just had to limit myself
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