#size and people should be able to discuss both without it being a whole Thing. do not touch.
vioartemis · 1 year
In another life (Sam's version)
(Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: You're Tara's childhood best friend, and years after leaving Woodsboro, you meet her again in New York, making unexpecting feeling emerge. Tara || Sam Warnings: age gap (?) reader is 19 and Sam is 24 a/n: I made another one shot, kinda complementary of this one, with Tara :)) I put the link up there if you're interested (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
She had known you since you were 4, when Tara and you were in the same class for the first time. You were also her neighbor, but she never knew before that.
You were her little sister’s friend. Best friend, even. When Tara wanted to play, it was always you she wanted to play with. And Sam always accompanied her, so she saw you a lot too.
Then, when she was in age to want to have some money, she babysat you and Tara’s other friends. You were always so nice and sweet, always smiling, and opened to hugs.
She liked you a lot. Out of all of her sister’s friends, you were her favorite.
Sadly the time you spent together came to an end when she ran away.
Even if she didn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to see each other a lot more, because your parents had found a new job, and you moved out of Woodsboro a few months after her.
And now, almost 6 years later, you were about to meet again.
Tara and the rest of her friends just left a party , right after Sam barged in and tazzed some dude in the balls. The Carpenter sisters were fighting in the middle of the road, when a random girl threw her soda at Sam.
Half of the group tried to get the girl while the other held them back, trying not to cause too much drama. They didn't see it, but one of the girls was filming the whole thing.
Luckily for everyone, you did see it. You were actually going to that party, and saw the whole scene from afar. You didn't like that kind of attitude at all.
So when the girls walked passed you, you grabbed the phone of the one who was filming, and deleted the video before she could post it.
They all gave you horrified looks, like you did the most horrendous thing.
"That's called karma" you mumbled to yourself while you walked away, in the direction of their victim
She was trying to dry her jumper, when you approached her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, people are so dumb sometimes..." you said as she lifted her head up to look at you
As soon as your eyes met each other’s, both of you knew who the other was.
You chuckled in surprise, while Sam looked at you with wide eyes at how much you had changed.
"Oh my god..." she murmured "What are you doing in New York? It's really far away from Woodsboro"
"Oh yeah, my parents got a job here, a few months after you left... We never really moved again after. What about you?"
"We needed... fresh air. A new start. Away from Woodsboro and Ghostface"
You had heard about the recent Woodsboro murders, but couldn't believed all the rumors about Sam being the real mastermind behind it all.
"Of course, I understand that" you said with a light smile "You should take off your jumper, you're going to catch a cold..." you continued, taking off your hoodie and handing it to her "I don't know if it's the right size, but at least it'll keep you warm"
Sam gave you a thankful look, and put on your hoodie. It smells like her... she thought.
You smiled, and hugged her without thinking about it. You had missed her a lot more than you would ever admit.
"It’s so nice seeing you again…" you said quietly, as she hugged you back
You stayed like that for a minute, silently enjoying the hug, until you got interrupted.
"Sam, what are you doing?"
You broke the hug to look at the person, who appeared to be Tara, your childhood best friend.
"Y/n?" she smiled as she saw you and opened her arms for a hug
You gave it to her happily, holding her extra tight. Then, you discussed a bit, trying to catch up on each other’s life.
“Oh, I wanted to ask you, would you mind giving me your number? So we can talk” Sam suddenly asked you... a little nervously? You weren't sure.
You nodded and took her phone when she handed it to you, before putting your number in it. You gave it back to her with a big smile.
You were more than happy to see the Carpenter sisters again. Especially one of them.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Since you gave Sam your phone number, you hadn’t stopped talking. Every day as soon as you woke up, you started texting. You just had so much to catch up onto!
When you weren’t in class, you made a habit of going to the café where Sam was working. Your excuse was that it was always calm, building a good atmosphere to study there. The actual reason was to see her more.
When she was on a break, she would come to your table and either start catting with you, or just keep you company when you were actually working. She would never say it out loud, but she loved the serious look you had when you were concentrated.
She enjoyed your presence in the café. She was glad you chose to sit there to study, for when she had finished her shift, you could spend more time together. She would often walk you home, to make sure you’re safe.
Sometimes you were with Tara, studying together at the café. Sam loved her sister, but in those moments, when Tara and you were laughing together, so close, while she was behind the counter dealing with rude clients… she couldn’t help but feel her heart ache.
You knew that feeling damn well, every time a client was trying to flirt with Sam. Or at least it looked like they were flirting to you. And every time you had to slap yourself mentally, not understanding why you felt that way.
The answer would come a bit later.
You had planned a movie night with Sam at your apartment. You were alone and bored, and she has nothing better to do as Tara was doing homework with the twins.
You were happy to have that moment with her, but also nervous. The time you had spent together since you met again only brought back feelings you thought were just a stupid baby crush. Turns out it isn't just a baby crush. You had a crush on your best friend's sister.
This whole situation gave you anxiety. What you didn't know was that you weren't the only one.
Sam also had a crush on you. Her sister's best friend. Her sister's crush. She always had known Tara had a crush on you, she even thought you would be together at one point.
You would have made such a cute couple. That's what she had thought for a long time. Now she just can't help but feel an ounce of jealousy thinking about it.
And then the guilt strikes. Tara loved you, she couldn't do that to her... And even if she didn't, you were just so much younger than her... 5 years can be a lot, especially since you were young.
But again, imagining you with someone else made her jealous.
She was lost, and torn between telling you how she felt or just trying to forget her feelings.
"What do you want to watch?"
Your voice made her snap out of her thoughts.
"Oh uh... I don't know... Why don't you pick something?"
"Hmm... Okay! There's this movie on Netflix that I wanted to see..." you said, sitting on the couch next to her -at a reasonable distance- and turning on the tv.
While you looked for the movie on Netflix, Sam couldn't keep her eyes away from you. You were just so pretty...
She had trouble concentrating on the movie, often distracted by your presence next to her.
You could feel her eyes on you as the movie played. It wasn't the first time you caught her looking at you, but every time when you looked at her, she had looked away. You had figured it would be the case this time too.
You were wrong.
When you looked at her, her eyes were still on you. At this moment, you were like frozen in place. She had never looked at you like that before.
She had the look you gave her when she was not looking. In love.
While you were gazing into each other's eyes, you both got closer and closer to each other, to the point you could kiss her if you wanted to. And you wanted to. So bad.
"Can I... can I kiss you? Please..." you asked quietly, almost pleading her to let you kiss her
She looked hesitant, but eventually gave in and kissed you, putting a hand on your cheek to keep you close. Kissing you felt so right... as if your lips were made to be kissed by hers.
But again, Tara loved you... and Sam felt like she was betraying her sister.
She pulled away from the kiss.
"I'm sorry I... we shouldn't have done that..."
You felt your heart sink at her words. You thought she liked you back...
Your pain must have been visible on your face, as Sam was quick to talk again.
"It's not against you Y/n... I... I really like you but..." she sighed "Tara has a crush on you since forever... I can't do that to her..."
"What...? Wait... What?" you started, surprised
You never knew Tara had a crush on you. You only ever saw her as your best friend and thought it was the same for her.
"Sam you can't just- you can't just put her feelings above yours... I mean- I understand it's going to be difficult for her... But it's not like we chose that... I- I love you Sam... And Tara's my best friend, her well being is important to me... But seeing you without being able to tell you how I feel or kiss you... it's torture"
As you spoke, you asked yourself if it wasn't too much. Scare her away was the last thing you wanted. But everything you said was true.
Sam was looking at you, mouth agape, clearly not expecting that. She didn't expect you to like her back, let alone make her a whole love declaration.
She wanted to give in and take you in her arms and kiss you again and tell you how much she loved you. She wanted to be as honest with you as you were with her. She wanted to love you openly.
But there would be consequences. Tara would be hurt. Tara would feel betrayed.
But again... you were right. She couldn't put Tara's feelings above hers all the time. She loved you just so much... She wasn't sure she would be able to recover if she didn't give it a shot.
She cupped your face with both hands and kissed you again, more confidently, more passionately than before. She loved you, she wanted that kiss to happen. She wanted you to happen.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Telling Tara about your relationship was harder than you thought. It never seemed to be the right moment.
Now you saw the hints of her crush on you. You saw the smiles, the looks she gave you, how her tone slightly changed when you were alone.
Both Sam and you were trying to find a good moment to tell her, but it wasn’t easy. And the more you waited, the more difficult it would be to tell her. You had to find a way to tell her quickly.
The whole situation was giving you so much anxiety…
“How are you?” Sam asked as you close your apartment door
“Tired… You?”
You took off your shoes and hung your jacket, before sitting on the couch next to her. She pulled you on her lap and wrapped her arms around you, holding you close. Her warm embrace helped you relax a bit, as you nuzzled your face against her neck.
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other in a comfortable silence.
When you pulled away, it was to kiss her. You’d wanted to do that the whole day and couldn’t even tell anyone about it. About her. About how much you loved her.
By the way she kissed you, you knew she felt the same.
Even if she felt bad for her sister, she couldn’t stop herself anymore. Now that she has had the chance to kiss you, she never wanted to stop. She felt so at ease when she was with you. She could be herself without the fear to be judged.
“I love you so much…” she murmured, her grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly
“Me too Sam… I love you too”
You kissed her again, arms around her neck, before hugging her again. You closed your eyes, relaxing in her arms once again.
You had been so stressed for the past days that you had trouble sleeping. But like that, in her arms, it only took you a minute to fall asleep.
Sam didn't notice right away, and started talking to you while rubbing your back.
"... Y/n?" she eventually asked as you weren't answering her
She moved slightly to get a look at your face, and her lips curled up into a soft smile as she saw you were asleep.
"You really were exhausted, hm?" she murmured, kissing your temple softly
She then hesitated before carrying you in her arms, careful not to wake you up, and made her way to your room. She laid you on your bed, putting your blanket over you.
"Goodnight angel..." she whispered before kissing your forehead
She was about to leave when she felt you grab her shirt.
"Don't go, please..." you pleaded quietly
You needed her right now, needed her arms around you, her oh so comforting warmth as she held you close.
Sam bit her bottom lip, thinking, but it didn't take long until she gave in and slipped under the sheets next to you. She couldn't resist you -and she didn't want to be away from you.
She wrapped her arms around you, letting you snuggle up to her.
"Goodnight Sammie..."
Your voice was barely audible, showing how tired you were. Sam smiled at your words, the nickname provoking her cheeks to turn a bit red.
"Sleep well" she said back, kissing the top of your head, before closing her eyes
Having you in her arms like that was just so relaxing. She felt like she was in heaven. The thought of waking up next to you made a smile creep up to her face, and was the last before she fell asleep as well.
The next morning, you woke up in her arms. It had been the best sleep you had in days. You didn't even want to move, you felt so at peace in her arms...
You eventually opened your eyes to see Sam was already awake, a smile on her face.
"Good morning" she said before kissing you
"'morning" you said back, smiling as she rolled on her back, pulling you on top of her without breaking the kiss
You were both in your own world; nothing else mattered at the moment, to the point none of you checked your phones. If you did check your phones, you would've seen tons of missed calls and texts from Tara.
She was worried for her sister didn't come back at their apartment -naturally because she was with you all night.
After some more kisses, you got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Sam
"What do you have?"
"I have... eggs, bacon... bread... Uhh... yeah that's it" you let out an awkward chuckle
"Eggs and bacon sound nice" she smiled
You nodded, and put the bacon in a pan to cook it.
While you were waiting in front of the stove, you felt Sam's hands snicker to your waist. You turned around, and she took the occasion to kiss you.
What you didn't know was that Tara had decided to come to your apartment -as you weren't answering her calls and texts, and currently had a clear view of the scene through your kitchen's window.
She couldn't see who it was, but the scene let little to the imagination; you were clearly kissing someone. So that's why she wasn't answering... she thought
Clearly enjoying the kiss, Sam lifted you up to sit you on the counter, hands on your hips, her lips still on yours.
If Tara felt her heart sink at the sight of the kiss, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.
Her own sister was making out with the girl she has had a crush on for years.
She was mad for it seemed not to be the first time, considering the way you were holding onto each other. Which meant you lied to her.
But knowing you, maybe you just had a hard time telling her. It had always been that way; every time you had bad news to tell her, it took you weeks because you knew it would upset her.
That thought calmed her down a bit.
When she looked at the window again, she saw you smile at Sam just the way she smiled at you. You were in love, that was certain.
You seemed happy. And deep down, that’s what Tara wanted. Seeing you happy.
So she turned around and walked back to her and Sam’s apartment, thinking ‘maybe, in another life, we’ll be together…’
[Tara's version]
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By lain. It its she they.
It amazes me when It sees this word brought up on the internet. The term Boy Moding is used and often applied to trans women who use Boy clothing and fashion to hide the effects of HRT to be able to pass through safely without being clocked or singled out for being transgender. But it seems, at least to it, that this term often gets applied to women of it's variety without question of what they actually identify as. To it, the term "Boy moding" is rooted and based on passing culture and societal standards of what women should look like, act, think, and express themselves. For instance, I my self personally Identify as a tomboy. Which is a term often applied to cis women who have a preference for Boy clothing. This isn't to say that I don't own dresses or skirts or other articles of clothing how ever, I personally tend to pair these items with over sized hoodies, t shirts, and various crop tops that I've made over the years even before I came out of the closet. To that effect I will say that I believe there is a stark difference between subcultures within the lgbtqia+ and I am here to provide some nuance to this conversation.
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It guess you could say for my own personal identity that there is also a community behind it. There are alot of stereo types that It fits when it comes to generalizing trans women. There are a lot of girls who are actually hyper passing dolls, i.e. a few of it's friends who are in the drag community. The ones who try to blend and pass as what our society has labeled as a woman. And then there are girls like it, who embrace the more counter culture type of aspects of being a woman as well as being gender nonconforming. Girls who are like me reject traditional gender norms as well as challenge the definition of femininity. I remember one conversation that I had with my sister M. I used to be a full service sex worker and I was thinking about taking it up again and she had said, "If you really want to get back into sex work you will have to ask yourself what matters more to you, passing or being your self." That sat with me very much and she kind of got in my head about it. At first i thought, "maybe I can do both I'm pretty attractive." But then I realized that sex work really wasn't for me because I am not willing to compromise characteristics that make me a more complete person as a whole for capital.
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With this being said, It believe that to help with the stigma that goes a long with being A. Labeled as a "boy moder" and B. Being misgendered based solely on the appearance of how you present your own version of being gender nonconforming in internet spaces as well as public spaces. Recently it got misgendered at work. The owner of the restaurant it washes dishes at had used second person pronouns to address it when it uses third person pronouns preferably even in the work place. When the discussion was had, the owner of said restaurant had flat out refused to use its preferred pronouns and had its identity denied. After that it had spent the whole shift crying, contemplating, formulating an escape plan because all it could think about were the times that it had its gender questioned or policed in many hostile work environments. The evidence while clearly anecdotal is a prime example of what transgender women, and trans gender tomboy women have to deal with 9/10 times on any given day of the fucking week.
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To wrap things up, we discussed that The term Boy Moding is used and often applied to trans women who use Boy clothing and fashion to hide the effects of HRT to be able to pass through safely without being clocked or singled out for being transgender. How ever over the course of this post we break down the terms loosely and talk about how very prominent distinctions there are in subcultures between trans and queer people. We also talk about the ways that passing culture can effect the ways we view and perceive subcultures and how these perceptions can make it difficult for gender nonconforming people to navigate in social spaces. Now referring to itself in the first person, to me I think the term Boy moding is gross. Boy moding is a way for people to gender all of us incorrectly and keep more struggling women in the closet. If you are non binary, or any form of gender non conforming person hear this. It is okay to be a woman and still embrace masculinity. Boy clothing does not make it any less of a woman nor does being identifiably trans make it a man pretending to be a woman.
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It feels femme even though it doesn't identify as a regular human. It feels feral when the full moon comes. It likes to bite the ones it loves. It wears jeans sometimes to work or maybe sometimes a skirt. Even though it's a creature that causes alot of messes. It IS NOT BOY MODING. IT IS A TOMBOY AND IT LIKES THE WAY IT DRESSES.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: i woke up totally in themood to write just straight up smut... and that's what i did lmao. there's not much plot in it, just a whole lot of fucking, so enjoy!
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: sexual content, unprotected sex, oral, the good stuff
word count: 3.8k
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The Avengers compound was built almost perfectly with its luxurious suits, several entertainment rooms, fully equipped training areas and millions of hidden snack and drink bars all across the building. But the stress this time is on almost.
Bucky was never sure if the walls were originally built to keep less noise than in any other buildings, or if it was just his super hearing that allowed him to catch conversations and noises that weren’t meant for his ears. He would often hear gossiping agents as he walked down the hallways, or Vision and Wanda talk about recipes and TV shows in her room and there was this one time he heard Nat and Bruce have a discussion that was surely not meant to be heard by anyone but the two of them. He is still trying to get rid of the words he heard.
Having a room next to yours, he often sat on his bed, hearing you shuffling around, humming to yourself. As the latest addition to the Avengers, you felt a little out of place at the compound, like you were a stranger to the team even though they never gave you a reason to think so. This feeling of not belonging is what brought you closer to the century old super soldier on the other side of the wall, who despite being free from the claws of Hydra finally, still felt like an outsider in the superhero filled complex. Bucky always thought he was hard to make friends with, but he had to realize that it was all about who he was trying to make friends with. Because with you, it was an instant, like he had known you his whole life, you’ve definitely become one of the closest people to his heart in a very short time.
With this friendship came some undeniable feelings and tension from Bucky’s part. He couldn’t help but fall for you, how couldn’t he? He would have been surprised if it didn’t happen, after spending so much time with you. He found himself craving your presence, to be with you, talk to you and listen to you at the same time. He was a sucker for your lame jokes that he would laugh at even if they weren’t that funny. He loved your enthusiasm whenever you brought a new book and basically told him the whole plot, spoiling the story, but he never minded, because the way you rambled in excitement made up for everything.
And of course, he has been attracted to you since day one. Even when you weren’t that close, he couldn’t deny how much it affected him when he saw you spar with Steve at the gym in just some tight shorts and a sports bra, or when you linger around in the kitchen early in the morning wearing only an oversized shirt and your underwear hidden under the long fabric. It stirred his fantasies that’ve been sleeping for decades and late at night, when he was lying in his bed restless, his vibranium hand firmly curling around his erection, he thought about you. How you’d taste and feel, what it would be like to have your body pressed against his, his name falling from your lips in a whimper as he pleases you all over and over again. Sometimes he felt dirty after an elaborate fantasy, barely able to look into your eyes, but he just couldn’t help it. You had him in the palm of your hand.
What he doesn’t know is that he is not the only one with fantasies and desires. Because on the other side of the wall, you’ve often found yourself craving the mixture of warm and cold touch from flesh and metal hands, toned muscles flexing under your palms, pink lips whispering into your ears as you arch against his body… Bucky has been living in your mind rent free and you’ve been having a hard time containing your desire for the super soldier.
Having sex dreams is not at all a new thing for you. It happens every once in a while, waking from a heated scene only to find yourself alone in the comfort of your room, a thin layer of sweat coating your skin as you try to bring yourself back to reality. It was never an inconvenience, but in the past few days it’s been getting worse. You’ve had a wet dream for three days in a row, jolting awake right when you were about to climax, a wave of disappointment washing over your body as you fisted the sheets in your sweaty palms. And the worst part? All of them have been about Bucky.
It’s another sleepless night for Bucky, nothing new. He has tried to chase himself into sleep with everything already, TV, ready, music, even counting sheep, but nothing seems to be working, so he is left with lying in his bed, staring at the blank ceiling, the soft bed sheet throw across his naked upper body, only wearing a pair of boxer briefs, because it’s been hot these past week, but he is not a fan of using the air-condition. The dogtags are lying messily on his naked chest, his vibranium finger playing with the wrinkles of the sheets mindlessly.
His eyes slowly flutter closed, a promise of some rest finally nearing the corner, but right just then, he hears some muffled noise coming from the other side of the wall. His eyes snap open as he sits up, trying to make out what it is, but he catches no words, just… grunts and some shallow panting, as if someone was struggling.
What if you’re sick and something is wrong? You’ve been a little worn off the past days, maybe something was lingering in you.
Kicking the sheets off of himself, he pads his way to the door, his bare feet tapping on the hardwood floor as he walks out of his room, heading to yours, stopping at the door. Pressing his flesh hand to the door he takes a moment to listen to the voices so he can make out what’s happening, but it really feels like you’re in a struggle, but he has no idea why. Knocking lightly on the door he hopes to get an answer, but nothing of sort comes and he stays still, debating whether he should go in or just leave. Right when he is about to retreat he hears you gasping, as if you’re at a short of breath and it pushes him to check in on you.
Opening the door he pops his head inside, the darkness fully taking up the room, your king sized bed in the middle, a few strikes of moonlight sneaking through the curtains that are not entirely drawn.
“Y/N?” he calls out softly, not wanting to startle you, but no answer comes once again, however he can see your figure tossing and turning under the sheets, another gasp slipping through your lips.
He walks closer, stopping at your bedside, seeing how your eyebrows are pulled together tensely, chest heaving as you keep moving around. Bucky feels like an intruder, you’re definitely asleep, probably having a nightmare, but he is not sure if he should be in here. Should he wake you? Or just leave? Would you be mad if you found him here upon waking up? After some hesitation he decides it’s better if he leaves, but right as he turns around, taking just one step towards the door, he finally hears a word from you.
“Bucky,” you whine, his name coming out a little slurred, but still clear to him. “Bucky, please!” you continue, his eyes widening as his head snaps around, eyes returning to you. You’re still asleep, but he notices your hand moving down your chest and then disappearing under the sheets, between your legs. That’s when he realizes that it’s not a nightmare. You’re having a sex dream about him.
Clearly trying to chase your release, your lips part as you moan, the voice instantly making Bucky’s cock twitch while hardening. His hands curl into fists as he is fighting himself whether he should do something or leave, but when his name slips through your lips again, he goes feral. He would be damned if he lets you get stuck in your dream when he can please you in real life.
He finds himself striding back to your bed faster like ever, like an elegant lion, hungry for his prey as one of his knees sink into the mattress between your open legs, keeping his weight up on one arm while the other finds your waist. The shirt you always sleep in has ridden up to just below your breasts, the exposed skin watering Bucky’s mouth as he squeezes your waist gently but firmly enough to wake you from your fever dream.
Your eyes snap open and you stare up at him slack-mouthed, your brain barely able to process the sudden change between the Bucky in your dream and the one holding himself up above you in real life.
“Bucky? I—“ you breathe out, the cloud of confusion on your head making it hard to even form a sentence. He leans down, his face just inches away from yours and even though it’s quite dark, his blue eyes are basically piercing. His dogtags fall to your chest, right above your wildly racing heart and you wonder if he can hear the pounding in your ribcage.
“Shh, I’m gonna take care of you,” he whispers and without a warning, his lips crash down onto yours.
It’s so hard and passionate, filled with hunger and longing, the air gets knocked right out of your chest as you eagerly kiss him back while he slowly moves himself until he is fully between your legs, his hips coming down to meet yours and you moan when you feel his erection pressing against your already soaking wet core. Your hands find their way up into his hair, grabbing a fistful of it and he can’t stop himself from growling at your action, grinding himself against your hips, both of you desperate to take it further.
Pushing himself up into a kneeling position, he grabs your panties and tugs them down your bare legs, throwing them across the room before he rids you from your shirt as well, so now you’re lying completely naked in front of his lustful eyes. He could devour you with just his icy blue eyes, he looks glorious, towering above you with his broad, muscular shoulders and toned chest, you’ve never been more desperate for a man before.
Your desire takes action, pushing yourself up your lips meet his chest, kissing the hot skin, your tongue sloppily pressing against him as you make your way up on his body. His vibranium fingers tangle into your hair as he holds the back of your head, pulling you up to kiss you again, both of you in a kneeling position while your hand reaches into his underwear, palming his hard cock, feeling up his size before you push the fabric down and he kicks it off easily, his erection now pressed between the two of you teasing and tempting you, making you buck your hips forward just for the slightest friction.
“Were you dreaming of me, doll? Huh?” he questions, his lips nibbling on your lower lip as he takes it between his teeth and gently tugs on it.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, hands grabbing onto his hips before they move down to his bare ass, pulling him closer to you, earning a moan from him.
“And what was I doing in your dream?” He kisses down your neck, stopping at a soft spot before he starts sucking and biting on it, marking you as his, something he’s been aching to do since the moment he laid eyes on you for the first time. Your brain almost shuts down, one of his hands is on your jaw, keeping your head in place, while the other one is gripping your waist harshly, his fingers digging into your muscles. You fail to answer his question as just a whimper leaves your lips at the sensation.
“Words, sweetheart. Use your words for me, will you?”
“I, uhh—You used your f-fingers,” you croak out, a satisfied grin tugging on Bucky’s lips at your words.
He pushes you back on the bed, making you lie on your back as he gets on top of you once again, but this time he doesn’t stay like that long, after a hard kiss he climbs down until his face aligns with your core, his hands parting your legs widely, baring you to him fully.
“Tell me, where did I use my fingers?” he hums, face so close to your center that you can feel his hot breath on you. He teases you, running his hands up and down your spread thighs, his fingers just grazing your folds before moving away every time.
“Bucky, please!” you cry out, grinding your hips up, but you only reach his chin before he leans back with a pleased grin on his face.
“Just tell me and I’ll do it. Where did I use my fingers?” he repeats.
“On my pussy! You fingered me!” you groan, your cheeks heating up from the blunt comment you just made, but it’s exactly what Bucky wanted to hear.
Two of his fingers find your clit easily, starting off with slowly drawing circles on it, stimulating your nerves and it’s nothing like in your dream. You curse under your breath when his fingers move to your hole and he pushes both of them inside, his lips taking their place on your clit.
“Oh fuck!” you groan in pleasure, your hands immediately snapping to his head, fingers lacing into his chocolate locks as you shamelessly grind against his face.
Bucky is not a man of many words, but god damn, he can use his mouth like a fucking master. It feels like your whole body is on fire, you’re sweating and shaking, his fingers curl inside you every time he thrusts into you and he is stroking that one heavenly spot inside you that makes your eyes roll back into your head. His tongue is slick and sloppy against your wet pussy, but he is drinking it all up as if you were his last meal before death.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum! Bucky!” you gasp as your back arches at the sensation, your orgasm building up rapidly.
“Cum on my tongue and fingers, let me make your dream come true,” he growls against your heat, picking up the pace of his fingers which completely throws you over the edge.
You come with chanting his name over and over again as you ride your high, thighs shaking and tightening on either side of his head until you’re finally able to catch your breath.
Bucky pushes himself up, his lips glistening from your juices and you watch him wipe his mouth with his fingers, licking them afterwards like he just finished eating a chocolate cake, a satisfied grin on his ridiculously handsome face. He crawls up on you until his lips can finally reach yours again, kissing you in a slower pace, but still with a lot of passion to offer.
“Tonight wasn’t my first sex dream about you,” you slyly admit, lips brushing against his as you speak.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mhm, so there’s more to act out.” His still hard cock twitches again and you’re fast to reach down and palm him again, wrapping a hand around him as you give his cock a few lazy stokes, but it surely has an effect on him.
You’re quick to turn him over, pushing him to lie on his back as you straddle him, steading yourself with holding onto his waist, his eyes bore into yours intently and your mouth hangs open when you grind against him, his hard cock sliding between your wet folds.
“The other day, I dreamed about riding you, your cock filled me up so good, but right when I was about to cum I woke up,” you tell him, not sure how this sudden confidence came from, but you just can’t help yourself. Bucky growls at your words as his fingers dig into your thighs.
“Then let’s make up for that, love,” he breathes out and you nod eagerly, lifting yourself up just enough to position him to your hole and then you sink down as far as you can, his dick filling you up inch by inch and your breath hitches when you finally settle, his length fully buried inside you.
“Oh, fuck!” you whine before you start moving yourself up and down his cock, grinding back and forth, the feeling of him inside you so intoxicating, you think for a moment that this might still be your dream. If it is, you hope you don’t wake up this time.
Though your training has strengthened your legs so you are able to ride him in this position longer, it still tires you out. Bucky notices when your movements slow down, his hands running up your torso, kneading your breasts before they end up on the back of your neck, pulling you down so you lie on top of him, his strong arms wrapping around you. His lips kiss the side of your head before he starts thrusting up into you, doing the work for you this time. You can’t stop yourself from moaning and whimpering as your second orgasm is starting to build up, your senses are on the edge.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m so close,” he gasps, his thrusts becoming a little uncoordinated and you feel the same way, only moments away from your climax.
You push yourself up, pulling him with you, wanting to take back control before you both reach your relief, you get into a sitting position that allows you to grind in his lap, moving your hips back and forth as fast as you can. Bucky’s lips find yours again, kissing your sloppily before they travel down your neck and he licks at your collarbone as you hold onto his broad shoulders.
“You feel so fucking good, oh God!” he whines, his head falling backwards as you keep moving, both of you sweating, but neither of you really cares, you’re just relentlessly chasing your high again.
“I want to feel you cum. Please, Bucky!” you beg him, squeezing your walls around him, the action completely maddening the man as he holds you to his chest and flips you over with ease, his body weighing down on you as he starts fucking into you fast and hard. You could throw a fuss about how he took control again, but you don’t mind it, not at all. Because the way he pounds into you, his cock disappearing to the last inch inside you with each thrust, your whole body starts shaking as your orgasm finally reaches you.
Your squeeze your walls again around him and the moment he hears his name fall from your trembling lips he cums inside of you, filling you up entirely, marking you with his pleasure.
He rides his high with a few more sloppy thrusts until he stops, his forehead falling against yours as you both try to catch your breath. He captures your lips in a soft and slow kiss, so different from the ones you shared before. Then he finally rolls off of you and you let out a displeased grunt when you feel him slide out of you.
For a while it’s just the silence in the room mixed with your soft panting, but he is the first one to break it as his head rolls to the side, looking at you with those fucked-out eyes of his.
“How long have you been having these dreams?” he asks, turning to his side so his hand can spread out on your naked stomach, fingers drawing tiny circles on your sweaty skin.
“A while,” you admit.
“I wish I heard you earlier through the wall,” he chuckles, but your eyes widen.
“Wait, what? You heard me through the wall?”
“Yeah. Thought something was wrong so I came over to check on you.”
“God, I must have been really loud,” you laugh, covering your face with your hands, but he is quick to peel them off and leaning closer he kisses your lips gently.
“Don’t blame yourself, these walls are like paper. And besides…” A sly smirk tugs on his lips as his hand comes up to cup your jaw, his thumb running along the line of your bottom lip. “I fucking love it when you’re loud.”
“I wasn’t even screaming yet,” you tease back, your comment definitely catching him off-guard, but he likes it.
“We’ll get there next time.”
You and Bucky walk into the kitchen in the morning, completely oblivious to the rest of the world, still in the bliss of last night. Nat, Tony and Steve are sitting at the kitchen island, sipping on their morning coffee when you emerge from your room, all eyes immediately glued to the pair of you.
“Well, good morning, everyone,” you chuckle a little nervously, not sure what the stares mean.
“Morning,” Nat smirks, shaking her head before she turns back to the newspaper unfolded in front of her.
“Nice of you to make an appearance, I have some news to share with you all,” Tony announces as you pour some coffee for yourself while Bucky grabs everything he needs to make breakfast for the two of you. Nodding you signal to Tony that you’re listening. “I decided to do some remodeling on the compound.”
“Oh, what are you getting done?” you ask, wondering what could possibly need work on the building.
“Nothing major, I’m just gonna make the walls soundproof, so we don’t have to listen to you guys fucking all night long.”
You almost choke on your coffee at Tony’s blunt comment, cheeks heating up right away, you were not expecting that. Though he is looking at you and Bucky, who is now standing behind you with a hand on your waist, with a stern expression, you can see the small smile hiding in his eyes. He finds the situation rather amusing instead of annoying.
“Yeah, next time maybe keep it down a little,” Steve suggests as he stands from his seat, grabbing his mug. Walking past the two of you, he pats Bucky’s shoulder however. “But I’m glad you guys are finally getting it on,” he comments before walking out, Nat and Tony following him right after, leaving just you and Bucky in the kitchen.
You glance up at him with concern in your eyes, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, but he doesn’t seem to be ashamed at all. Instead, he leans down, pecks your lips shortly and then whispers:
“I told you. Paper-thin walls.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
If you’re not busy how bout a headcanon for how the four lords would react to their s/o, a doctor/field medic, somehow healing them of their cadou parasites and returning them to their normal selves
If you can't afford medical treatment just get your doctor S/O to do a quick surgery. It's legal and fun!!
Here's a cut cause this bad boy is long
Alcina Dimitrescu
You two had discussed it and agreed that it needed to be done. The girls would be in constant danger from BSAA/Blue Umbrella if Alcina was still such a strong bio-weapon.
She had worries; would she be weaker? Would she need to worry about her blood disease again? How would she protect her daughters? You assured her that you two would figure it out, that you would never do this if you thought it would do more harm than good.
The girls protested, saying they could handle whatever was thrown at them but Alcina hushed them, explaining that it was for her sake as well. It was only so long until BSAA stopped letting her get away with literal murder, no matter how necessary.
You had explained the most likely and best outcome, that she'd be cured and all the effects reversed, that she'd need regular infusions of blood and may feel weaker. You tried to treat her like a regular patient, the coldness of being a medic, but the worry loomed over you.
It was a quick procedure, the cadou just as it had smoothly integrated with Alcina, had been slipped out, the changes almost just as quick.
Her skin became humanly pale, no longer a porcelain white, wrinkles showing the age she was when infected, her height dwindling. You didn't account for her to wake up as quick as she did and had to dive to catch her as she wobbled of the operating table, not yet used to her smaller size.
"A mirror" "Are you sure, Alcina? Maybe you should-" "I want a mirror now" She was demanding, but you understood how justified that was. You only had a small one for operating on you but it would have to do.
She pulled at her face, a look of disdain as she inspecting the face of a mortal woman instead of an immortal lord. Seeing this you came up behind her, wrapping your arms around her waist like you were never able to fully do before, and planted a kiss on her cheek, now noticing how warm it was compared to her previous form
"I look horrid" "You look beautiful" The comment drew a smile from her, but you could still sense the doubt in her.
She stayed in her room for a while, you being the only one allowed entrance to tend her: Infusions, getting her used to human food rather than humans for food. Alcina insisted she fully recovers before her girls saw her as to not incite panic.
It was tough on her to be distant with her girls, but tougher on them to not see her after such a harrowing surgery.
When the girls first saw her it was as if they were interacting with a valuable and fragile vase, none of them wanted to get close in fear of hurting her, but they desperately wanted to inspect their mother.
"I'm not made of paper, an embrace won't kill me." It was lovely seeing them perk up at their mother's usual sass and even more relieving when they practically dove into her arms, bombarding her with questions on how she felt.
There were many things to still discuss, but for now, everyone was happy.
Donna Beneviento
Donna surprisingly brought it up to you first. You were having tea having a calm conversation with Angie for once. The mood felt off for that alone but for the whole day it felt off, now you knew why.
She wanted a normal life with you, one free of the mold and her dependence on her dolls. It was all a crutch and she wanted to start to walk without it.
You asked if she was sure, the dolls, especially Angie, meant so much to her, you didn't want to do it unless she was positively certain
"We've made our mind up, Y/N. We want this." Angie's serious response and Donna's nod were a startling confirmation. You set a date and prepared the tools for the procedure
Before all of that, you set up a party for Donna and Angie, placing all the dolls for one last goodbye. "Surprise!" You pop out with all the dolls, you suspect she knew as the dolls came to life to yell as well but she was crying tears of joy either way.
She said goodbye to all the dolls individually, thanking them for being there for her as she shut down her cadou in each of them. Donna told you that Angie didn't want to go until she had to. You understood completely.
On the day of the procedure, you knelt down to Angie and hugged her. She was always a little bit of a pain to you and she found you a bit dull but in the end, you cared and you were going to miss her rambunctiousness. You spared yourself the tears of a verbal goodbye as you placed her on the operating table next to Donna, she feigned unconscious to mimic her sedated friend.
It was slow and grueling to remove the cadou carefully from her face and skull, you wanted to leave as little scarring as possible. Donna had just stopped wearing the veil and you had no desire to be the reason it came back on
The procedure was no less easy as every amount removed, you noticed Angie appearing even more lifeless.
When it was done, she woke up, her working eye blinking under the bright lights of your operating chambers. She did not address you but immediately turned to Angie. You had not an idea of how she knew she was lying next to her
"Angie?" There was no response and you could see the tears forming as she slowly reached for her best friend, caressing the inanimate face. You took her other hand and squeezed it, before lifting it to your lips and planting a kiss.
Recovering was less physical than mental. Occasionally she'd ask her dolls a question, you'd catch her staring sorrowfully at them as they stared back unblinking. It was even worse when you heard her call for Angie, knowing it was impossible for her to respond.
Sometimes you'd find her staring out the window, holding Angie as she took in the horizon.
"It's difficult... She was always there for me." She stared at Angie, brushing the veil from her face as the setting sun leaked in. You sat next to her, leaning in close so you could support Angie's slumped head... Donna smiled at the action. "But, I suppose there's a lot else for me too." Donna rested her head on your shoulder, now looking at the broad horizon before you both.
Salvatore Moreau
It hurt you like nothing else to see Salvatore live in constant pain and suffering. You had done wonders for the hurt of loneliness but physically he was still in agony.
He has insisted not to burden yourself with him and that he was used to it, but the more he assured you the less you actually felt comforted. It came to a head one day that all he was doing was vomiting. You were sure you saw red at some point
"Stop saying you're fine!" "I'm used to it, Y/N" "Well I'm not!" You were a medic, it had become an instinct to stop people from being in pain, and Moreau made it flare up.
He refused to be operated on, making up excuses or insisting it was not a big deal to him after all these years. Clearly, you could tell it was something else, something he wasn't telling you but he refused to let it slip. It became a strain on your relationship. It felt bad but you had to threaten to leave if he was not going to be honest. He owed you that.
You felt even worse when you found out. "I'm scared it would get worse!" You realized that the last time Moreau was likely on an operating table, it turned him into what he was now. It was beyond inconsiderate to try and force him through it again.
For a while, you dropped it, letting the waters calm... until another vomiting fit happened and you thought you might lose him.
Luckily you didn't and unluckily for Moreau he had to see you're tear-ridden face the whole time, unable to assure you he would be fine due to the wretching. A day later he agreed to let you try.
You were relieved but now it went on to how you were exactly going to do this. You were unsure if removing the cadou would be enough to rid him of the tumors or if you would be on that too, you had no intention to make things worse like he feared.
A while passed as you collected the tools and set up an area in the reservoir to operate, everytime you made progress Moreau strayed farther from the area.
You finally finished and Moreau was off lurking in the waters, much like a child hiding from getting a shot. "Are you ready?" "Yes." "Are you lying?" "Yes." You were happy he found humor in the situation but you needed confidence.
You practically held his hand the whole way to the table, both to keep him from escaping to the water and a half for comforting, his grip did not slip until you had fully sedated him.
The procedure was more difficult than ever expected, the tumors were gelatinous and blocked the way to his cadou. You had to be careful not to burst one as well as not to accidentally paralyze him due to the proximity to his spine. It was slow and meticulous but eventually, you got it all.
Nothing happened. He laid unconscious on the table, cadou thoroughly gone, you made sure... but nothing happened. Did you fail? Was there another one? You pondered the possibilities but quickly stood up as the tumors began to swell, becoming enflamed before one burst, an acidic substance barely missing you and melting part of the floor. As more popped you took cover as not to get burned.
The grotesque sounds of bursting meat slowly faded, becoming less frequent until they stopped, but you waited, ensuring you did not accidentally get splashed by a straggler.
"Y/N?" The sound of your name from a familiar deep but the somehow less nauseous voice made you peer from around your cover, a man all too foreign and all too familiar sat dazed-looking on the table.
"Salvatore?" {Insert your own description of Moreau, I don't want to intrude on anyone's interpretation.} "Y/N!" He immediately tried to get off the table to come to you before you quickly stopped him, remnants of acid a very real danger. You covered a path and made your way to him, stopping at the edge of the table. "Did it work?"
Something about the question seemed laughable as you assumed the feeling would be completely different, but you still pulled a mirror close and let him marvel at a face he had long forgotten.
"Did I make it worse?" It was a snarky remark at his previous fears, probably a little insensitive but at the moment he smiled, suddenly pulling you into your first full kiss in your relationship. "Not at all."
Karl Heisenberg
You were helping him in the factory one day, decommissioning the more specialized soldats at the request of BSAA. You being less tech-oriented focused on the less mechanical soldiers while Karl took on the scrap heavy ones.
Having used some Cadou in them, you had to carefully remove that too, to ensure they would not resurrect after the metal was removed. It took no time for Karl to piece together who else that skill could be used on.
"Make space for me on your schedules, Y/N" He lit a cigar after the sentence, not explaining further. "Excuse me?" "You heard me, sweetheart." He ripped a core from another soldat before putting it on the belt to bring it towards you. You stared in disbelief.
"You want me to remove your cadou?" "Yep." "But I thought BSAA was." "I don't want those dick heads snooping in my body like I'm some labrat. You do it." The conversation was quick and honestly, it should have been expected.
Karl had joked with you before that you could take away his cadou. Just snip and a rip and it'd be done. You explained it wasn't that simple and he would chuckle out an agreement, but you could tell that the jokes had an air of seriousness around them. It had been his goal for a while to reverse what had been done to him
Picking a date was the biggest issue. Karl wanted to do it as soon as possible, get it out and be rid of it. You had to explain you needed time to prepare as the place was delicate and a risk. You knew it was out of excitement and anticipation.
When you finally made time, Karl was on the table before you had even put on gloves or disinfected it. "An eager beaver I see?" You tried to bring the humor Karl often did to scenarios like this, but you could see a sense of series on his face, even the glint of his glasses seemed steeled. "I want every trace of that bitch gone."
You nodded, pulling out the syringe to sedate him as you laid him down on the table. Removing his glasses you looked directly in his eyes, there was a trust in his that made you that much more determined. "You ready?" You asked as a medic protocol. "Just stick me doc." You rolled your eyes as he smirked before relishing in the slight scared look he gave the needle when you lifted it before him
The silence of it all unnerved you. Karl was always making wisecracks or jokes to alleviate the dreary mood of the factory. Having him laying silently before you, face still somehow serious while completely relaxed, made it all the more discomforting.
You worked diligently, careful to find all traces of the cadou and to remove them into a jar you had set aside. It was long but you did it with dutiful ease, Karl had waited so long for this and you must do it right
When it was all finished you took the jar, disgusted at the somehow living organism inside. How could she put this in someone she considered her child. Bitch, was too kind a word Karl used for her. You took the jar to a furnace, throwing it in and watching the thing wriggle frantically before burning to a crisp.
Coming back to the table you found Karl stirring awake, groggily holding himself up on his forearms. "So, how'd it go?" "You tell me?"
Karl looked around the room, his hammer resting in the corner. Focusing on it he waited for the item to float toward him, yet it remained still. After a minute of nothing he stopped, a slow chuckle emerging from him, melding into a proud laugh.
"Well, I'll be damned, Y/N. You've outdone yourself." He began patting himself in search of a cigar. You pulled one from the side table and offered it, snatching it away before he could get a grasp on it. "No smoking until you're fully healed."
He shook his head, chuckling a little more before sitting up and pulling you close. Tilting your head up he locked your lips together. Pulling apart he smiled, "Whatever you say, doc."
I completely forgot that Moreau was a doctor and honestly I should've added something about medical knowledge but its super late and I have a job interview to get up for.
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sacredsorceress · 3 years
Finders Keepers || Bucky Barnes
Tumblr media
pairing: bucky barnes x avenger!reader
summary: you and bucky have been dating for years and just as he finally finds the courage to pop the question, he loses your engagement ring.
a/n: happy weekend! reblogs and replies are super appreciated!!
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none, pure fluff
masterlist || request || taglist
“Now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I should just wait.” Bucky said, pacing back and forth across the bridge.
Watching his friend nervously fiddle with the tiny velvet box in his hand, Sam chuckled pushing himself off of the railing.
“Buck, stop stressing out, man.” Sam laughed. “She’s going to say yes.”
Making his way over to Sam, leaning over the railing, Bucky sighed staring at the reflection of the streetlamps glowing in the water of the river beneath him.
“You don’t know that.” He said. “She could say no. She deserves better than some bridge, maybe-”
“Buck, if I know Y/n she’s going to think this is ten times better than anything else you could throw together.” Sam assured his friend. “You guys met on this bridge fighting one of the big three... that’s pretty romantic if you ask me.”
“There’s no such thing as the ‘big three’.”
“Of course there is, but because I’m such a good wingman- I’m gonna let it slide for the night.” He said, leaning over the railing beside his friend. “Do you remember the size of that android? If she didn’t find out about her mutation right then and there your ass would be dead right now.”
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh because he knew that he was absolutely right.
The two of you had met two years ago to that exact day in the place where he and Sam were standing right now. Bucky and some of the other Avengers, including Sam, had been fighting a ginormous Android. Just as the fight was heading increasingly south and Bucky had come to terms with the fact that his overextended life would be ending sooner than he thought, he watched as the fist that was about to pound his body into the ground halted in midair.
He was shocked. He was sure he was going to die. He was even ready to welcome it, but when he looked around, trying to find out why the android would stop so suddenly, he glanced to the side only to meet your wide eyes, arms extended outwards toward the android. Despite the fact that he could tell that the android was struggling to move, he watched as you lifted your arms, the android rising into the air until you swung your arms, throwing the it into the river beside the bridge.
Once the initial splash of water had washed over the bridge, Bucky immediately pushed himself off of the ground, running to find you. When he did, he discovered you, soaking wet on the ground, staring back up at him.
“I... I don’t-”
You scrambled to find words to say to him- to explain what had just happened even though you didn’t even understand it yourself- but Bucky didn’t even care. He was in awe.
“You- you saved my life.” Bucky said before realizing that you were still on the ground and he reached his hand out to you. “What’s your name?”
Glancing at his hand for split moment, you grabbed it, pulling yourself to your feet.
“Y/n.” He said testing the sound of your name in his mouth before smiling. “I’m Bucky.”
From that day, you and him had been inseparable, beginning to date not long after. On the day he asked you to be his, he knew that that was the last time he was ever going to be asking anyone that question because you were it for him. He was completely and utterly yours and he didn’t want anyone- or anything- else.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Bucky smiled, snapping himself back into the moment.
Watching the smile on his friend’s face, Sam couldn’t help but smile in return, patting his friend on the back.
“She should be coming by soon, right?” He asked. “Sure you’ve got the ring in there and everything?”
Flipping open the lid of the tiny box, Bucky picked up the ring that was sitting inside, turning it around to watch as it shined under the streetlight.
“You’re the one who helped me pick it out.” Bucky said, glancing over his shoulder at Sam. “If you change your mind now I think I’ll throw you over this bridge.”
“It’s great, Buck-”
“Hey! Buck!” They heard your familiar voice shout.
You were here early.
Afraid you would catch him with the ring in his hand, Bucky scrambled to place it back in the box, but as he did the ring slipped from his fingers. Juggling to catch it, he leaned further over the railing. Just when he was sure that he caught the ring however, it slid off of his vibranium hand and into the water with a tiny pop.
“Shit!” He swore to himself.
“Holy shit!” Sam exclaimed in a hushed voice. “Did you just drop the ring?”
“Yes I just dropped the ring, Sam!” Bucky whisper shouted. “You’re not helping! Shit. Shit. Shit! What do I do?”
Glancing over his shoulder, watching your figure quickly approaching the both of them, Sam grabbed the box from his hands, shoving it in Bucky’s jacket pocket.
“Listen! It’s gonna be fine.” Sam assured him, patting his friend on the chest. “Just ask her, okay?”
Glaring at his friend as Sam began to back up in the opposite direction, Bucky yelled once again in a hushed voice.
“How the fuck am I supposed to do that without a ring?”
But before Sam could answer, you came up behind Bucky, resting your hand on his shoulder. When Bucky glanced back at where Sam had been, he had already taken off into the darkness.
Taking a deep breath, telling himself that everything would be okay, Bucky turned around to face you.
He didn’t have to fake the smile that immediately met his face as soon as he looked at you. 
You always managed to take his breath away.
“Hi doll.” He smiled, resting his hands on your waist.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek.
“Hi baby.” You smiled. “So, what’s the occasion? Why did you ask me to meet you here?”
Admiring the way you looked standing underneath the glow of the streetlamp above him, he tried to relax, remembering the speech he had been practicing in front of mirrors and Sam for weeks.
“Do you remember the last time we were here?” He asked.
Of course you did. How could you forget?
“Of course I do, Buck.” You laughed. “How could I forget saving the love of my life’s life?’
It was crazy how still after everything he had gone through and two years together with you, he could still feel his heart skip a beat when you called him the love of your life.
“Well I- I asked you to come here because I wanted to ask you something.” He said removing his hands from your your waist, instead taking your hands from around his neck and holding them in his.
As soon as he said that he had wanted to ask you something, your heart began to race in your chest. Was he doing it? Was he finally going to propose to you? The two of you had discussed marriage before, so it wouldn’t be a shock, but you never knew when he was going to ask. Or how.
When he backed away from you, your hands still in his, you watched as he kneeled in front of you, his eyes meeting yours.
He was doing it. He was really going to do it.
“Y/n.” He said.
“Yes?” You asked, not being able to help the smile on your face.
“Um,” Bucky began, able to hear the shakiness in his voice before he cleared his throat. “I uh... I know you’re already guessing what I’m doing right now, but I have this whole speech and everything so just bare with me okay?”
You nodded. 
“Of course, Buck.”
“When I had my mind cleared back in Wakanda and came back from the blip, I didn't think I would ever have a normal life again, you know? I thought all this dating stuff was behind me and I was just going to be that guy who fights people with a metal arm.” He chuckled. “When you saved me right here two years ago, I thought I was going to die this miserable 100 year-old guy and I just accepted it, but then you threw that dumb hunk of metal in that water and- this sounds really cheesy but Sam said I should say it anyway- you saved my life, but you also saved me. You gave me another chance at life and I don’t ever want to live it without you, so...”
You felt as his hands dropped yours and watched as he pat his jacket pockets before slipping his hands inside of one of them, pulling out a small velvet box.
“Will you marry me?”
He didn’t even have time to open the box before you nodded, a bright smile gracing your face.
“Yes.” You laughed. “Of course I’ll marry you, Buck. Is that even a question?”
Glancing between the box in his hands and you he chuckled nervously.
“What do you mean?” You asked, laughing.
Pushing himself back onto his feet once again, Bucky pulled you close to him, only the box separating the two of you.
“Save my ass one more time?” He asked.
As he did, he opened the lid of the box to reveal... nothing.
There was no ring in sight, only the empty cushion where you would have expected one to be.
Furrowing your eyebrows you looked up at your fiancé.
“Did you....” You tried to piece the situation together, taking the box in your own hands. “Did you lose it?”
“I dropped it in the water when I heard you coming.” He admitted.
Not being able to help yourself, you laughed thinking about your fiancé being so nervous he dropped your ring into the water moments before proposing to you.
“Where?” You asked.
Rather than answering, he guided you over to the bridge’s railing, pointing at the water below.
“It slipped somewhere over here.”
Rather than teasing him once again for dropping your engagement ring in the river minutes before proposing, you leaned over the ledge of the bridge, stretching your arms out. As you did so, you felt Bucky come up behind you, resting his hands on your waist while he tucked his chin into the crook of your neck, peeking over your shoulder at the water below.
Sensing the piece of metal, you pulled your arms forward, bringing the ring to the surface. When it landed in your hand, you leaned back into your fiancé’s chest, slowly opening your hand to reveal the gorgeous ring resting in your palm.
“Oh Buck.” You cooed. “It’s perfect.”
Taking the ring between your fingers, you slipped it onto your ring finger, stretching your hand out to admire the ring he had chosen for you to symbolize your commitment to one another for the rest of your lives.
“Finders keepers.” You teased him, laughing as you showed off your ring.
Wrapping his arms around your torso, you felt as he pressed a kiss to your cheek from behind.
“That’s fine by me, doll.” He hummed. “As long as I get to keep you.”
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ot3 · 4 years
Wait back up explain how yjk is a trans woman. This isn’t a hostile ask I’m actually very excited about your take
I am happy to explain my take. here’s how trans woman yoo jonghyuk can still win. orv spoilers below, obviously, mostly centered around the murim arc but up through the end of the epilogues as well. 
okay normally in terms of making this kind of post i’d go pull quotes directly from the text and i honestly really want to but i’m supposed to be catching up on homework today and can’t justify taking the time. anyway. i’m just gonna they/them yjh here because i’m never sure what pronouns to use when talking about a character who i think Should Come Out in the Future. 
first things first, everything about being a transcender is very gendery. prominent transcenders in ORV are
- kyrgios, an incredibly beautiful man who is self conscious of his small stature
- breaking the sky sword saint namgung minyoung, who is a woman of an unusually large stature, thought by some to be monstrous, who teaches a discipline of martial arts exclusively for women. 
- jang hayoung, a trans girl, who is the king of transcenders
- yoo jonghyuk. 
when they talk about transcendence in orv there are two very specific things that come up repeatedly: 1. being able to overcome the natural limitations of the body and 2. defying the structure opposed onto them by the star stream system. Specifically an interesting note about that last bit is that there’s this whole thing about how transcendence can only exist because the star stream exist - it exclusively exists in opposition to the rigorous hierarchy of the star stream, which is the dominant social narrative, and has no meaning or power on it’s own.
In a text like orv’s, i don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to see ‘characters who are social outcasts attempt to gain power by forging a sense of self outside of the dominant order and overcoming the limitations of their physical body’ and read it as a metaphor for being transgender. but then, on top of that, there’s all the stuff with the punisher
everything that’s in orv is there for a reason. there is an insanely little amount of wasted space in this novel. despite how much shit that happens it’s an incredibly tight narrative. SO WHY DO WE INTRODUCE THE CONCEPT THAT YOO JONGHYUK IS STRONGEST WHEN TRANSFORMED INTO A WOMAN? obviously it’s just incredibly fun hijinks in and of itself to have yoo jonghyuk’s gender get transed, but literally all of this begs the question of “why write it so that yoo jonghyuk’s primary martial art form is something that’s supposed to only be learned by women.” 
the narrative doesn’t ever really address the in-universe reasoning behind why they can actually learn it. kim dokja gives us what boils down to ‘he manage to overcome that’ without no real elaboration. jang hayoung learns breaking the sky swordsmanship as well. whatever gender-based qualification is used to allow people to learn the skill, it’s not a biological gender-essentialist one.
the punisher introduction pays off when YJH uses that appearance to win the martial arts festival, but to me that mechanical, narratively-oriented reason for its inclusion doesn’t justify it’s presence in the story in and of itself. 
What really stuck out to me on the read through later was this line, from the demon king selection arc, when yjh takes the punisher’s form to combat the constellations after kim dokja has passed out. 
A dazzling aura burst from Yoo Jonghyuk’s body. Soft hair poured down like a waterfall while his large size became a smaller and sleeker body. He took the form that allowed him to practice the ultimate Breaking the Sky Swordsmanship. Yoo Sangah stared at the scene from behind and couldn’t help opening her mouth. “…Yoo Jonghyuk-ssi?” 
 Yoo Jonghyuk slowly turned back, his long hair cut off by the Black Demon Sword. The ines of the face had changed but it was clearly Yoo Jonghyuk. No, it was even more than before. 
basically, after appearing to their companions as a woman, the narrative tells us yoo jonghyuk looks more like yoo jonghyuk than before. 
this reading also makes even more sense when you interpret it through the lens of how power hierarchy actually works in orv’s narrative. incarnation, constellation, and transcenders alike all gain their truest power from their stories. the Story of yoo jonghyuk as a woman is one that is, quite literally, empowering. 
although we know it’s not actually true, yjh themself and kdj’s understanding and interpretation of yjh, present yjh as a person whose only goal in life is to, by any means including the sacrificing of countless human lives, some of whom he is very personally close to, gain the power to overcome the star stream. but here we have a significant power boost yjh seems to actively avoid taking advantage of. which really suggests there’s some deeper emotional issues at play here.
which brings me to my last point: i think it would just be a very fitting end for the character.
We never see yjh’s ◼️◼️ in canon. Yjh’s entire arc is about attempting to claim agency and personhood after that has been denied to them just by virtue of his very existence, and we don’t ever see this come to completion. Which i love, don’t get me wrong. I think yjh’s  ◼️◼️ is something that could never be in canon, because it’d have to be something that happened to them outside of the context of the story, for meta reasons. but that’s an entirely other discussion. Anyway. 
but point being this means that yjh’s sense of self is, at canon’s end, unresolved. Over the course of the epilogues we see yjh become, for the first time, a reader, and i think this is really critical. it’s kim dokja’s status as a ‘reader’ that allows him to have the greatest influence on the story. back before kim dokja seems to come to grips with jang hayoung’s gender identity, what people keep telling him is that there is ‘more than one interpretation of a story’. on a physical level, constellations and high level incarnations are composed of their stories. in orv canon the Self and the Story are for all intents and purposes, synonymous. hence the entire ending.
yjh’s story has been told and read by quite literally anyone but themself up to this point. but now, for the first time, yjh has both the space and means to self-reflect. coming out as a trans woman would be a radical reclamation of his own story, both re-reading their past and re-writing their future, and i think it’s a reading the text explicitly goes out of its way to give some support to. 
also. not to mention. yjh as a woman is canonically the hottest character in all of orv. just SO sexy, guys. so extremely sexy. 
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
Heyyyy. So i was thinking a out mafia au fic like where kuroo is a mafia leader and youre his gf. Somehow, while his group were in a war, u got kidnapped which made him furious ofc and whiel saving u and trying to escape, u saw someone trying to shoot hima nd u go ahead and sheild him which made u got shoot. Its a angst but a hppy ending. Ill let u do what kind of ending u want 😁 anyway congrats and hv a great day!
Beginnings of a War
Kuroo x reader
Word Count: 3.5K
TRIGGER WARNING: violence, gun mentioned, blood
A/N: I had so much fun writing this piece and I literally couldn't wait to start this one! I thought of this Bokuto when writing this piece because I can't get enough of him
Happy reading and I'd love to know your thoughts!
The tension in the room was uneasy as the two leaders from opposite gangs stared each other down, neither saying a word. There was no easy conclusion to their mess but the longer they sat there, the more impatient both parties got. Yet, Kuroo was never one to give up easily. He was persistent and determined. Meanwhile, the two-toned haired man who goes by Bokuto was notorious for always getting his way. Right now, they were both stuck in the middle. Kuroo leans back on the black, leather couch, resting both arms behind the back.
“That’s my final bet. Take it or leave it. You either release him and take the money, or we’re gonna have some trouble,” Kuroo finally spoke up. Bokuto slants his eyes at him, clearly not persuaded by his offer.
“You’re a good comedian if you think I’m going to release one of your men for that small amount. After what he did to ten of my men?” Bokuto was trying to place the blame on the other leader but that only made Kuroo’s eyebrow twitch in annoyance.
“Your men attacked his family and his girl, leaving her in a hospital. If anything, your men deserved everything coming to them,” Kuroo set him straight. Even though Bokuto knew that, he knew that his men were in the wrong, he still had to protect them. So his comment visibly upset him as he slammed his fists down on the glass table in front of him, almost causing it to break if he hit any harder.
“I don’t give a shit what my boys did. All I care about is what your men did to mine,” he stated clearly. By now, Kuroo was getting a headache.
“Then what do you want? You don’t want the money, you don’t want anything else I offered. Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you want!” he grew impatient and raised his voice. Before Bokuto had a chance to open his mouth, the double doors behind him flew wide open and in you came, eyes only on your boyfriend as you walk towards him. Sexy and sultry-like, you come to greet your boyfriend after a long day of shopping, not paying attention to his special guest. But he was paying close attention to you.
The click of your heels meeting the floor caught the attention of all the men in the room. You loved it when all the attention was on you because you knew. You knew you were attractive. You had the confidence, the walk, the clothes, the attitude. Everything a girl boss should have. Even though eyes were on you at all times of the day, only one man caught your attention and you would do anything for him.
Striding towards the mafia boss who was clearly in the middle of an important meeting, you made your way into his lap. You made yourself comfortable, touching the back of his hair before pulling him in for a steamy kiss. The kiss was slow and deliberate. You made sure to taste every part of him, your tongue gliding against his, purposely biting his lips ever so slightly. You kissed him like there was no one else in the room. But little did you know, Bokuto was looking you up and down, clear interest written all over his face.
You pulled away with a soft hum, satisfied to be with your boyfriend again. Kuroo, who was annoyed, is now smitten with you. He has, and always will have, a soft spot for you and isn’t afraid to show it.
“I’m a little busy, sweetheart,” Kuroo mumbled against your lips, lost in your eyes, your taste, your smell, your everything.
“I just missed you, daddy,” you cooed with a pout.
“Alright, I’m almost done,” he promises. He puts a protective hand over your waist and you wait in his lap like the good girl you were until he was done with his meeting. Kuroo focuses his attention back to his guest, acting like that whole interaction didn’t happen.
“What do you want?” Kuroo asks again. This time, Bokuto locks eyes with you and you just give him an innocent look that makes Bokuto obsessed.
“Her.” He points to you. That shocks both you and your boyfriend. You didn’t know what was going on, maybe because you just forced your way into their conversation, but you could tell that Kuroo wasn’t very fond of his answer. His hand tightens on your waist.
“She’s off limits,” he almost growls. Now that’s a voice you haven’t heard in a hot minute.
“Then the deals off,” Bokuto says simply, leaning back while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Kuroo slants his eyes and gives you a few soft taps to your butt.
“Go upstairs,” he demands. You know by the tone of his voice that he was upset and you knew not to talk back. Last time you did that, you couldn’t walk for two weeks. And that was… so long ago that you can’t even remember. So you immediately got up and walked out of there, but Bokuto still had his eyes on you.
When you left the room and completely out of sight, Kuroo sits back and crosses his legs. He lets out a deep sigh and glides his tongue across the inside of his cheek in annoyance. He didn’t understand why Bokuto wanted you all of a sudden, out of all people, but there was no way in hell he was giving you away.
“I’ll give you anything you want. Tell me and I’ll give it to you. You want the money? Fine. Take it. You want a woman? I’ll find you one who can’t resist you. Name your price, but she’s my woman,” Kuroo made things clear with the man across from him.
“I’m not leaving until I get her,” Bokuto was set on having you, taking you and making you his. Kuroo uncrosses his legs and leans forward on his knees.
“Oi. Can you fucking hear? I said she was off limits.” Bokuto copies his movements.
“Does it look like I give two fucks? If you want one of your men back, give me the girl,” he compromises. Kuroo clenches his jaw and leans back.
“Then there’s nothing to discuss. Leave.” Kuroo glares at him. And that was asking him nicely. But Bokuto lets out a loud chuckle.
“You’re gonna let a bitch get in the way of your men?” the mafia boss taunted. And boy, did it work.
“Do you want to die?” Kuroo asked through gritted teeth, a vein clearly visible on his forehead from how much anger he was trying to hold in.
“Is that a threat?” Bokuto turned serious, all jokes out the window.
“No. but this is,” he says, standing up and pulling a gun out of the inside of his jacket pocket and points in straight in his opponent’s face. With his fast reflexes, Bokuto saw it coming and also took his gun out. So now both men had guns pointed in their faces, neither of them moving. Just glares being exchanged.
“Tsk, tsk. Now is that how you persuade an old friend?” Bokuto shook his head in disappointment.
“Friend? More like business partner,” Kuroo corrected him. They had a silent face off. Pointing dangerous weapons at each other but neither wanting to pull the trigger first. Bokuto thought this was exciting. He laughs, spins his gun with his finger and places it back in his pocket. He turns around, looking unfazed by the whole situation and simply leaves. Somewhat relieved, Kuroo also puts away his gun and cautiously watches the other boss leave. Bokuto stops right as he’s about to step through the door to give Kuroo a wary warning.
“You better be careful. I always get what I want,” he said before making his disappearance.
You were waiting patiently in your shared bedroom, swinging your feet around with a pout on your face. You didn’t know what you walked in to, but it didn’t seem good from the looks of it. Kuroo looked so serious down there, you thought to yourself. But your mind wandered to naughty thoughts because you loved seeing him like that, even though the situation doesn’t call for it. He just looks so sexy what he’s serious.
Kuroo opens the door to the bedroom and before you could say anything to him or greet him, he smashes your lips together without any explanation. You were surprised by his actions but you kiss him back nonetheless. From the way his lips move against yours, you could tell that he was in a bad mood. Your lips were too smushed and teeth were rubbing against each other, so much that he was starting to hurt you. Kuroo moves on to attack your neck and then you were finally able to breath.
“Kuroo,” you whined, still short of breath. He ignores you and instead starts to suck on your supple skin, creating bruises of all kinds of sizes on your neck. He grabs your face again, smashing your lips together and he pushes you back so that the back of your knees hit the bed, causing you to fall backwards, Kuroo falling on top of you. His legs were on either side of you as he dominated the kiss.
“You’re mine. All mine,” he growls, hands wandering to grope your body harshly. He licks from the top of your breasts all the way up your neck and captures your lips again. Your hands go to tangle his raven locks and wrap your legs around him.
“I’m all yours,” you whisper against his lips. Kuroo smirks, quickly removing his jacket then undoing his tie before he goes to unbuckle his belt. Excitement started to rise in you. Angry sex? Fuck yes. You were in for a hell of a night and let’s be honest, one hell of a week.
You were kept inside for a time being because Kuroo was wary of what Bokuto said to him at that meeting. He wasn’t going to take any chances, but you understood where he was coming from. It was boring not being able to leave the fancy mansion you lived in, but you made your boyfriend make it up by letting him by you all sorts of gifts to apologize.
But after a while of nothing happening, your boyfriend lets you go on a shopping spree to make up for your boredom and loss of time. But you couldn’t leave until you brought extra bodyguards to look out for you. Annoying as it was, you obliged. There was no use in arguing because if you did, he probably wouldn’t have let you out. The whole threatening fiasco didn’t bother you one bit. You couldn’t count how many times people have said that to him and nothing has ever happened to you. You believed that nothing was going to happen this time around.
You were walking down the empty street after a successful day of shopping, having every single one of your bodyguards hold bags of clothes, accessories, shoes, food, things that you couldn’t resist buying. You skipped along the sidewalk, feeling happy and free, the warmth of the setting sun and the blow of the oncoming evening wind was making you feel content with life. You wonder if your bodyguards were feeling the same. Speaking of bodyguards, they were being awfully quiet. Spinning around, you realized that you were alone.
You paused, stunned frozen.
Where were your bodyguards? All of a sudden, several men appeared out of the shadows of the alleys. You sighed in relief, realizing that it was just your bodyguards pulling a prank on you.
“You scared me! How could you leave me alone like that!” you jokingly scolded them. But they were indeed not your bodyguards. The smile that was on your face was quick to drop upon realization. You took a few steps back, trying to get away from these men who were getting closer and closer to you. But you were stopped, running into someone’s chest. You looked up to see who it was and all of a sudden, everything turned black.
When you woke up, you found yourself sitting on a chair, arms wrapped together and duct tape covered your mouth. It didn’t take long to realize that you’ve been kidnapped. The classic empty warehouse and burning fire in a can was proof of that. You checked your surroundings and was surprised to see that your legs weren’t tied together. You weren’t blindfolded either, but you were tied down to the chair. It wasn’t long after you woke up that Bokuto makes his appearance, sitting backwards in a chair right in front of you. He looked happy to see you but you couldn’t say the same. You slanted your eyes at him, disinterested in whatever he wants to say or do. You tried to keep your composure by being still and keeping a poker face, because if you didn’t, you don’t know what he’ll do to you.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Bokuto greeted you. “You’re probably wondering why you’re not tied up.” He starts, then rips the duct tape off your mouth and cuts the ropes around your arms. Then he leans down to your level and smirks.
“Because I know you’re not going to run away. Look at you shaking,” he says and looks you up and down then going back to his chair. It was true. You were shaking. You’ve never been in this situation before. You’ve always imagined it: being nonchalant and bored of all the empty threats and your savior of a boyfriend would come save you from all the madness. But now you were second guessing yourself, now being caught in this situation. You were shaking, but you were still going to stand up for yourself. That’s what Kuroo taught you to do.
“You’re not going to get away with this. Kuroo is going to save me and you’ll regret ever doing this to me,” you ran your mouth. But Bokuto doesn’t respond. So you go on. “Kuroo is the strongest fighter I know. He could kick your ass in his sleep. You don’t even look like a fighter. I bet you’d do down so easy!” You said that anything that came to mind. Yet, Bokuto continued to stare at you with a bored expression. And that made you nervous.
“I would never date you. You’re ugly, mean, and-and… you suck!” you couldn’t come up with any good comebacks. But for some reason, that set him off. He stands up so fast that it knocks the chair over and that shuts you up real quick. He walks over to you, duct taping your mouth again.
“Noisy bitch. Maybe this’ll shut you up,” he says and tightly seals your lips shut with the silver tape. He then grabs your chin to look up at him. You glare up at him, already tired of how rough he was handling you. He tilts your face from side to side, getting a good look at you.
“See, you’re prettier when your silent,” he comments. He looks down at the tape and frowns. He tapped the tape that was over your mouth over and over again, like there was something missing. Bokuto opens the palm of his hand and one of his guys puts a bright red lipstick in his hand. With a swift action, he pulls the cap off with his teeth and applies the lipstick on the duct tape that outlines your lips. He spits the lid on the floor and smirks.
“There, that’s better,” he says. He grabs your chin again and pulls you in for a kiss. You struggle to get out of his grip but he was stronger than he looked. When Bokuto pulled away, the lipstick was smeared across his lips, but didn’t seem to care. He was about to say something until he heard screaming and grunts of pain. He turns around just in time to see your boyfriend getting thrown on the floor, all bloodied and beaten up. You gasp, tears beginning to form at the sight.
This was wrong. That couldn’t be your boyfriend. There was no way. Your boyfriend was strong. He beat up and sometimes even killed when anybody got in his way. How could this have happened?
Kuroo was thrown on the floor and a handful of men continued to beat him up, kicking him in all places. You shook your head in denial, not even wanting to watch but couldn’t look away. Bokuto was loving everything. Your expression. Kuroo’s sounds of pain. He was getting a kick that things were turning out how he had planned.
“Look who decided to show up,” Bokuto kneels down to his level, grabbing a handful of hair and picking him up to show his face. Blood was dripped down the sides of his face, from his nose and mouth, his cheeks were bruised and he looked like he was about to pass out.
“Let her go,” Kuroo barely manages to let out. Bokuto clicks his tongue and shakes his head.
“I told you, didn’t I? I want her. Anything you want to say to your little girlfriend for the last time?” Bokuto allows him to say some final words. But Kuroo was too out of it to comprehend what he was saying.
“What about girlfriend over here!” he exclaims, presenting you perfectly fine and free from any scratches. Bokuto rips the duct tape off and cries ripped from your throat.
“Kuroo Tetsurou! You better get up! Stand up please! Fight back!” you cry but that just causes Kuroo to get more kick and punches to his body. Large tears escaped your eyes and you couldn’t stop the sounds of agony coming from your mouth.
“You’re the best fighter around, right? Fight back please!” you begged him. Getting beat up, okay. But not even trying to fight back? That’s not the Kuroo you know. What was wrong with him? Why was he allowing them to do this to him? Kuroo looks up and faces you with a smile.
“I can’t let you get hurt, baby girl,” he professes. And that just breaks your heart. More sobs escaped your mouth but the sounds of skin hitting skin was louder. Kuroo was being tossed around, kicked, punched, spit at. Blood was stained everywhere, and you didn’t know what to do. Even though he was getting beat up so badly, he was still standing. And that seemed to annoy Bokuto. Time was ticking and he was getting impatient. If he was doing to die like that, then he was going to have to do it himself. Bokuto pulls the gun out of his pocket, aiming for Kuroo. You see it just in time and as if your feet were moving on it’s own, you run to shield him before he gets shot. The moment you touched him, you heard the gun shot and everything went black
The feeling of soft sheets under your fingers woke you up. You jolted awake, sitting up in the bed that was all too familiar to you. You were at home, but how did you get here? You checked your body all over but there were no signs of pain or even wound marks. There was no bullet, no bruises, no scarring. So, what the hell happened? Then your mind went to your boyfriend. Getting right out of bed, you ran to his room and he was resting in bed, bandages covering his shoulder.
“Kuroo,” you called out to him, running to his side and grabbing his hand. He shifts in his position, sighing deeply. Then he brings your hand to his lips, placing a small but meaningful kiss on your knuckles.
“You’re up, my dear,” he says as a fact, eyes barely open. Concern washed over you and so many questions came to mind. You didn’t know what to ask first.
“How-what-but I… I took the gun shot for you,” you tried to recall what happened. Kuroo knocks your forehead and you pout.
“You think you’re so slick. I saw what you were trying to do. I flipped you over just in time. Now I have this to remember,” and then points to his shoulder with the bandage. He took the bullet for you. You pout again, feeling bad. Not only did he get beaten up pretty badly, but he also got shot that night? That was supposed to be your job.
“If I didn’t get shot, then why did I pass out?” you questioned, more to yourself.
“I think you passed out from the shock, baby,” he comforted you. It made sense… but when you looked at your boyfriend in this condition, it made you upset. You started to burst into tears and hit him in the chest.
“You idiot!” you yell, accidentally hitting the place he got shot and he jumps up in pain. But you cuddle right up to him to make up for it. But you thought he deserved it.
“What about Bokuto?” you shot up and looked at Kuroo was worry written all over your face. He softly smiles at you and pets your hair.
“We all retreated. For now. But it’s not over,” he tells you. Oh, it is far from over. This is actually just the beginning.
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
A Blinded Kiss
I haven’t posted anything recently so I dug around in my WIPs to see if anything was even worth posting and I found this that I made a while ago. It certainly isn’t the best but it isn’t the worst out of all my other WIPs.
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"Is this really necessary?" The bluenette asked, eyeing a blindfold given by her brotherly figure.
"Of course it is Pixie!" An older man with two-toned hair replied, way too over enthusiastic about the whole situation. "It's a great way to find your way around the manor”
"And it's a great family bonding experience too!" Another man in the room replied, even more enthusiastic than the first.
"Fine, I'll do it Jay" the blue-eyed girl huffed, twirling the blindfold between her fingers. "What are the rules again, Dick?"
Dick beamed at the girl before answering. "Well Mari, it's simple. Put the blindfold on, count to fifty, spin around and try to steal a hug from anyone in the manor"
"So I have to walk around the manor blindfolded and try to sneak up on you? You know that's impossible!" Marinette exclaimed, she would not go around the house looking like a touch-starved fool.
"That's exactly why we're doing it" Jason replied, shrugging his shoulders. "It'll last a long time."
After a few seconds, the blue-eyed girl sighed, giving in to both Jason and Dick. "Fine, if that's what makes you happy" Marinette wrapped the matte-black fabric tightly around her eyes, already struggling within the first few seconds. She began counting and she heard the two scuffling away, smiling while being able to tell which direction they went in. In the mean time, Marinette debated her options.
'Both Jason and Dick would be the ideal choices but they'll be able to hear me from a mile away. Tim would be the most logical one since he's half asleep, but where does he even go in this maze? God knows where Alfred is, Mr Wayne is scary. Damian-' She paused her train of thoughts, granted Marinette had only met him a few days ago but that didn't stop the crush she had heavily try to cease. 'He'd probably hear me from a mile away as well. This game is so unfair'
Soon enough, Marinette reached fifty and spun herself around, she used a bit too much force than needed so now not only was she blinded but she lost her sense of direction. Giving herself a minute to recover, the bluenette began to walk. Using her improved senses, thanks to the miraculous, Mari was slowly able to create a theoretical map in her mind, though it did take much more energy than she desired.
"Fighting an akuma is easier than this" The bluenette muttered as she hit her thigh along the corner of a wall.
Even though she was using her enhanced abilities, she'd pump into a corner or a wall every now and again, the amount of times increased when her energy was being used. After wondering a hall for what seemed like hours, the bluenette came to a staircase, one that she ever so carefully used to get to a higher floor. Once she did, she kept a hand on one of the walls, using it as a guide. Soon enough, her hand came to what felt like a doorframe. The door was closed she could tell but it was recent used due to the fact that the doorknob was warm. Making sure not to intrude, she knocked on said door, she almost missed the muffled 'come in' had she not been paying attention. Marinette opened the door, went in and quickly shut it behind her, taking a deep breath.
"Okay I hope you don't mind but which room is this and whose in the room? Dick and Jason thought it would be a good idea to walk around the manor blindfolded while trying to sneak up on them" The bluenette huffed, only to freeze when she heard a familiar chuckle.
"I've heard, you're in my room, It's Damian just to clarify" 'Sh-' "So, what task must be fulfilled to give you permission to take the blindfold off? I doubt you want to keep it on any longer" Marinette giggled.
"You're right, I would probably get lost of I continue. Um, I have to 'steal a hug' apparently"
"So you have to hug someone without them inspecting it" Damian came to that conclusion to which the bluenette nodded her head.
"Yeah that's basically it, hey do you have anywhere I could sit down? I'm getting tired..."
"Of course, my bed is five steps to your front and two steps to your right, make yourself comfortable" She wasn't sure how red she had gotten but she obliged anyway. Had she not been wearing the blindfold, she would've seen Damian smiling at her flustered state. Giving herself a moment to regain her energy, Marinette turned to where she presumed Damian was working at his desk. "Can I hug you? Jay never said I couldn't ask the person first. I-I won't if you don't want me to! I just wanted to ask so..."
She heard the boy thoughtfully hum before he made his way over to her. From what she could tell, Damian was now in front of Marinette, looming over her.
"Did Todd or Grayson say it had to be a hug?" Marinette tilted her head in confusion and thoughtfulness, that had never crossed her mind before.
"What happens if I kiss you instead?"
The bluenette didn’t reply with words as she knew how terrible her words would be in her flustered state. But she wanted this, her heart longed for it in a way it never did for anyone else. Instead, she nodded, giving the green-eyed boy permission to do as he wished.
She felt his hand lightly tilt her chin up towards, where she presumed, his face was. Then he pressed his lips onto hers, his other had behind her head, tugging at the fabric around her eyes. Marinette felt bliss, she was glad that no one else would interrupt this moment. Shivers went down her spine as she felt Damian’s hands travel up from behind her neck and to wear the blindfold was knotted, gently tugging at the binding. She was glad that when her face was free from the fabric that comprised her vision, the first thing in her line of eyesight were Damian's deep emerald eyes, the shimmered the same way they had when she first laid eyes on him, she'd been enraptured ever since. The boy, however, was smirking as he noticed the pink that dusted her face. Without a moment passing, she threw herself the green-eyed boy, delivering a hug. As she pulled away, her hands cupped his face and she returned his embrace with one of her own. When she pulled away once more, she smiled in satisfaction at his flustered expression.
"When did you realise you had feelings for me?" Marinette asked softly, her forehead pressed against his trying to regain her breath.
"That's a very easy question" Damian stared lovingly into her eyes. "I fell the moment I saw you take down that Akuma three times your size" Her eyes widened.
"You know about me being Ladybug?"
"The same way you know I'm Robin"
They both smiled, creating a truce to not reveal anything.
"Well I better get going, see you later." She got up from the bed and opened the door, only to turn around and say "Je t'aime mon cœur" before exiting the room, leaving a blushing Damian.
Marinette walked back down the stairs, the piece of cloth in hand and small love-struck smile on her face. When she entered the main living room, she came face to face with the owner of the manor.
"Oh hello Mr Wayne"
"Hello Marinette, I see you managed to get the blindfold off" The older man gestured towards the piece of fabric in her hand. "And please, do call me Bruce. Who did you end up surprising with a hug then?"
She smiled brightly before replying. "Damian"
His usual formal demeanor broke for a moment but Bruce quickly picked the pieces back up. "He didn't attack you or injure you in any shape or form?"
Marinette decided to play the oblivious little girl. "No..? Why, does he do it often?" Her head titled in confusion.
"Nothing it doesn't matter" Bruce simply sighed and shook his head. "Also, there's something I'd like to discuss with you at dinner, if you don't mind"
"No not at all, I'll see you at dinner then?" Bruce nodded and left, leaving Marinette alone in the room, waiting for her honorary older brother and his brother to come in. Which they did but only after some time, it was hilarious to see them crouched down, talking to each other in hushed voices. They flinched as she cleared her throat, both slowly turning towards the sound to find a smug looking Marinette and a blindfold whipped around her finger.
"I win"
Most of the occupants at the table were either in an all out war or were about to be, except for Marinette and an exasperated Bruce Wayne.
"So Marinette" The eldest Wayne began, silencing the rest of the table. "I hope you don't mind me asking but when you were off searching for Jason, you mentioned attacks that have been occurring in Paris, is this true?"
No one failed to notice the girl flinch. "Yeah it's true"
"...how bad are the attacks? In your opinion"
"Well it depends on how strong the person's emotions are really. If their emotions are strong, then the Akuma is strong too"
"What's the strongest akuma that Paris has seen?" It was Tim who asked and memories of the event began swimming through her mind, she got rid of them with a shake of her head.
"The deadliest akuma Paris has experienced was an akuma called 'Syren'. She's a regular person but, as an akuma, she managed to kill around 2 million people. But don't worry! Ladybug's cure managed to bring them back to life"
"D-did... did you die, Pixie?" Jason asked, his anger mixed with worry was boiling over and luckily simmered after seeing her shake her head.
"Do you think the heroes of Paris would let heroes from the Justice League come over to help?"
Marinette contemplated for a moment, should she really risk the heroes getting akumatized? "I think they would but I wouldn't know"
Bruce nodded while Jason leaned over the table to talk closer to his honorary little-sister. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I didn't want to bother you"
"You're not a bother, Pixie" Jason smiled at the bluenette on the other side of the table. "You never are and you never will be"
Marinette returned to Paris a few days later, in the mean time, Bruce and the rest of the batfam were planning their visit to the City of Love. Soon enough, the vigilantes were boarded on the plane. Their flight to Paris was relatively silent. After a few hours, they landed and the vigilantes waited on the Eiffel Tower, only to find out there was a battle going on. Before they could engage in the fight, they were engulfed with magical ladybugs that seemed to fix anything destroyed. As they were mesmerized by the cure, a certain spotted-heroine wobbly landed on the platform. Batman was first to notice.
"Ladybug" His voice caused the others to turn around. "Thank you for allowing us into your city"
Ladybug nodded, not uttering a single word.
"We were hoping, with your permission of course, that we could help you be rid of Hawkmoth once and for good" Again, Ladybug didn't reply. "Ladybug?"
When the heroine didn't respond, Batman glanced at Nightwing and the rest of his sons, clearly something was wrong. Unexpectedly, Robin took his glove off, approached the Ladybug-themed hero and placed his hand onto her forehead.
"You have a fever" he stated, his hand trailing down her face to cup her cheek. His family all shot him weird looks. She tiredly blinked at the vigilante, recognising him as Robin and allowed herself to fall into his arms, detransforming while doing so, leaving a burning hot Marinette.
"Dami?" He hummed. "Take me home, please..." She drifted off to sleep, comforted in her lover's arms. He glanced at his family, holding the bluenette close.
"Pixie...is Ladybug?" Red Hood's voice was first.
"You didn't know?" Robin's voice mocking confusion, enraging Red Hood that his youngest brother knew something about his sister that he didn't. Even more so that his demon brother was holding said sister,
"We should take her back home" Dick went over to feel the girl's forehead. "She's burning"
"Tikki?" Robin asked and a red creature flew out from one of Mari's pockets, startling most of the people there.
"I'll try to heal her on the way, follow me"
The floating red creature flew down from the Eiffel Tower, Robin and Marinette close behind. After some hesitation, the others followed, they ended up on top of a bakery. One by one, they entered through the trapdoor on the balcony, finding both Damian with his mask off and a weak looking Marinette. Despite her enfeebled state, the bluenette greeted each vigilante, her gaze landed on Jason.
"It's just a fever, I'll be fine"
Jason removed his helmet and ran a hand through his hair before both settled on his hips. "You don't look fine"
"I promise I am" She wasn't convincing, not at all.
"Fine" Jason huffed, he could never truly say no to the girl he viewed as his little sister. "But since when were you two a thing" He pointed at the two, his gaze resting maliciously on Damian.
"It's all thanks to you, you know" Marinette smirked at Jason's confusion. Tim snickered as he seemed to catch on to what she was saying.
"Had you not organized that 'blindfolded game', I doubt we would be together at this moment" Damian supplied the information, clearly unfazed by the burning rage in the eyes of his older brother.
"Baby Bird's all grown up" The eldest Wayne son overdramatized wiping a fake tear, Batman sighed at his two eldest sons while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Get your fucking hands off her, Demon Brat!" Jason tried to lunge at Damian, only to be stopped by both Dick and Tim. Though his fury only grew when Marinette snuggled closer to the green-eyed boy, both smirked in victory over Jason's horrified appearance.
Marinette was now part of the family in more ways than one. Though they wish they had found out in better circumstances, they would be able to take down Hawkmoth once and for all, side by side, all together. And to think this all happened because of a silly blindfold game.
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seodami · 3 years
Gym surprises | KTH
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Genre: Fluff, simping, (((suggestive???no?)))
Warning: thirsting over muscles, being awkward, mentioning of sweat
Word count: 1376
Pairing: Kang Taehyun x reader (gn)
Note: so so I just imagined going to the same gym as Taehyun after watching talk x today and he would honestly be a great gym buddy fr love his determination! Go go Taehyun!✨ anyways please don’t sexualise him I just think he has been working great on himself and has great physics! He is really working hard!
Main Masterlist
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Sweat was dripping down your forehead, over the bridge of your nose onto your fitted red sport shirt. You quickly let go of the handles, belonging to the hanging leg raise workout equipment of your local gym. You tried standing.
Your feet were still wobbly from the previous exercise, now having to mainly focus on the intense pain in your abdominal muscles. With a quick movement you grabbed your small towel and dabbed away the fresh sweat on your face. A long sip of water closely followed.
Still with heavy breathing, trying to calm yourself down, you took a glance around the almost vacant gym. There were not many people around at this hour. Most people decided to come near the afternoon.
There was an older woman running on the track mill, humming softly to the tunes played from her headphones you believed. She obviously tried to block out the fast energizing sounds from the gyms speakers. You never minded them, being too occupied with your own thoughts anyway.
Further on the side, there was a very muscular man, working further on his biceps and triceps, even though they probably already had the size of your head. There were some actual gym monsters here. You and your noodle arms couldn’t even dare to compare. But you still wanted to keep fit and sporty, not being the next bodybuilder.
Your eyes moved towards the fully mirrored wall. Your eyes froze upon a head full of reddish hair. And an extremely attractive backside of a young man, probably around your age. Instead of being the decent human being, you should probably be, your eyes watched attentively how his muscles tensed at the impact of the weightlifting. His arms were smaller than the guy before but they looked just right on him. You already admired his hard working spirit.
To put it into words: this guy was absolutely goddamn attractive in your eyes. He had a determined look on his face, his dyed sweaty hair was sticking to his forehead. Besides that, his facial features were just heavenly. Eyes as big as coins and a defined jawline, sharp nose.
When your eyes met his suddenly in the mirror, it struck to you how long you must’ve stared at the stranger. You immediately averted your gaze, anywhere else. Oh look, what a nice water dispenser and wow, nice sweat stain on your shirt. The incoming blush on your face didn’t make it any easier.
Suddenly remembering you still haven’t finished your set, you moved up your recently used machine, propping your back up against the backside and started moving your legs upwards. You just prayed that he didn’t just catch you staring at him so obviously and that wasn’t looking at you now. Why was your life so humiliating sometimes?
When you finished your set, you quickly moved machines, just thinking about moving out of his eye sight radius. To your disadvantage, you didn’t think clearly about where to go next, resulting in you awkwardly trying to find out how to work this machine in particular, you never happened to use before. Really humiliating Y/N, actually!
No matter how hard you tried to move it, it didn’t budge by the impact. Not even an inch. This was just your lucky day. You were on the verge of quitting this unexplainable weird machine and moving on, when you suddenly heard a voice next to you.
“Do you maybe need help with this?” Your head whipped in lightning speed towards the source of the soft voice, to your shock swing the blond haired attractive guy in front of you. He now had a grey towel hanging from his shoulder and a water bottle in his hand. The strands of his hair were still sticking on his damp forehead. You nearly choked from pure air, being in such close proximity to him. From up close, he looked even more handsome.
Your eyes went wide, struggling to say anything. Your head was like cotton candy, nothing wise seemed to come out. You remembered faintly croaking out a strained and way too high ‘yes please’, when he started to explain you what you did wrong. You subconsciously held your breath, having him bend over to the front of the machine to adjust the settings more fitting to you.
“It’s a tricky machine, honestly. I wouldn’t have understood it either without a coaches help.” He explained, his hand now resting on his hip bone. You noticed the thick veins along his strong muscular arm, making you literally wanna hold onto them.
You looked up to him again. He had a gentle smile on his face. “Is it now better? You need to move this up in order to begin- yes just like that - perfect” he watched you finally being able to move on your own. You sighted in relieve, giggling slightly in embarrassment.
“Thank you, oh god I must’ve looked so embarrassing.” He looked down swiftly on the ground before shaking his head laughing lightly. “No it’s all good. Not many people use this machine in the first place. I’m glad to help.”
“You didn’t say it wasn’t embarrassing.” You chuckled, nervously trying to avert your gaze onto his shoes. He giggled childlike, not fitting to his first impression exactly, but still making you feel giddy. “Well, it looked a bit funny but it was cute.” He grinned cheekily. You flushed even harder, trying to persuade yourself that it was only looking like you just had finished a heavy workout.
“Hey, if you have any more questions about equipment or else wise, I’m right over there. Don’t feel shy to ask.” He pointed pack to the place in front of the mirror, he was standing before. His other hand reached for his neck as he send you a last smile, seeing as you nod and thank him again.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, feeling the typical symptoms of an incoming crush. In the corner of your eye you saw him get into position again. Your eyes met again for a swift moment before you both looked away. Were you really that easy to be swooned? Yes you were.
Half an hour and three more exercises machines later, you finally figured out a plan inside your tiny head. You couldn’t just let this chance slip away like the other ones. You were a goddamn strong woman who can pursue her own desires. And you were feeling surprisingly bold after this small encounter, so why not giving it a shot? The worst thing could happen was that you need to change gyms. You could live with that.
So after finally collecting all your courage you possibly could have, you went to the counter, asking for a piece of paper and a pen, quickly writing your phone number and name in large letters.
With a last deep breath, your feet carried you over to the other end of the gym, where the attractive boy was now working hard on the lat pulldown machine. Standing in front of him, you suddenly felt shy again, twiddling with your fingers.
He stopped to greet you again with a bright smile. Without much overthinking, you pressed the small piece of paper in his sweaty hand. He looked up to you with big sparkling eyes as if you should elaborate.
“Just...just you know, if I need anymore advices.” You managed to say, feeling your cheeks warm up once again. Before he could reply anything, you already muttered out a high pitched ‘bye’ and turned around to head towards the changing cabins. You gathered your belongings and left without making a scene or embarrassing you even further. Your whole car ride home was filled with doubtful discussions with yourself.
What you didn’t saw, was his relieved gentle smile after he opened the folded piece of paper, finding your phone number and name on it. Y/N...
So instead of having a shower on top of his priority to do list after going to the gym today, it changed to texting your number with the best feeling of confidence in his system.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 06 part two
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Bathing Boy Beauties
So, now we and Wei Wuxian get to see Lan Wangji with his shirt off. Eventually Lan Wangji will realize that his brother set this up, and will think of some way to get back at him, possibly by spending three years being stubborn in a cave or maybe by chopping an arm off of someone his brother cares about. 
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This is A+ Yibo fanservice but it's also a male-male version of a trope that's ubiquitous in c-drama, in which the male lead takes a bath and the female lead sees him. The purpose of the scene is almost always so a woman can look a man’s body over and decide, not to put too fine a point on it, whether she wants to fuck him. 
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The Pillow Book - “Which part of Shen Ye is better than me?”
Women’s sexual agency is not often at the forefront in c-dramas, but the bathtub scenes are an acknowledgement of the female gaze, and of male objects of desire being subject to evaluation & approval.
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Tientsin Mystic is a show with a lot of muscley swimming in it, In case you’re looking for your next Netflix show. 
As a CGI artist I have to mention that water does not reflect or refract 100% of light. If you look at a naked dingle-having person in a bathtub full of clear water you will definitely be able to see their dingle. But C-drama water is magic and nothing is visible below the waterline, to the point that Bai Yu is modestly covering his thoracic surgery scar chest in Detective L while leaving his lower half uncovered.
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Note: that caption isn’t fake; she is really saying this on her way out the door, after having a long chat with him in the bathroom. You can find the whole series on YouTube.
Seen in this context, The Untamed’s two bathing scenes are saying quite a lot. Wei Wuxian, being a boy, doesn’t display any female-encoded shyness or modesty, but he and his sword pause for a moment of admiration.
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(more after the cut!)
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16 years later, Lan Wangji will sit quietly in this pool and let Wei Wuxian examine his wet body thoroughly from multiple angles, in a more prolonged invocation of this C-drama mating ritual.
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Carrying on - was Xiao Zhan supposed to kick his boot in the water like that? Because if not, he rolls with it like a champ.
Wei Wuxian starts trying to be direct with Lan Wangji, giving him the worst, most neg-filled compliment ever, bless his heart.  
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Then he says that there are benefits to being his friend, and starts taking off his clothes.
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Wei Wuxian here takes his first step into the bold new world of respecting Lan Wangji’s boundaries, asking Lan Wangji to stay and saying he will keep his clothes on. 
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Lan Wangji actually does stay, so he's apparently not too angry with Wei Wuxian about the drinking. Wei Wuxian invites him to visit Lotus Pier sometime (see my gifset here), but the promise of lotus pods doesn’t impress him. Then Wei Wuxian tries to tell him that the Yunmeng chicks really knock me out, they leave the rest behind. This also doesn’t impress him. 
You could read this macking-on-ladies talk as a sign that Wei Wuxian is oblivious to LWJ's feelings for him. But I read it as a bisexual boy being horny on main with a boy he likes, not  understanding yet that some boys don’t share all of his turn-ons.
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Lan Wangji is sort of mildly startled when Wei Wuxian disappears under the water. His eye makeup is good here, isn’t it?.
Ice Cave
They end up in an ice cave and both spend the rest of the episode showing how good they look with wet hair. 
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When the guqin starts attacking, Lan Wangji is only mildly perturbed about Wei Wuxian getting his shit rocked over and over.
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Eventually he sends Bichen to protect his very bedraggled date. Lan Wangji’s sword is faster than the speed of a very slow sound wave.
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Beauty's where you find it not just where you bump and grind it 
Gusuship Down
I feel like there are a couple of things in this show that are so problematic the fandom has silently agreed to never discuss them. Well, I’m here to talk about this one:
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There are rabbits in this ice cave and they are wearing headbands. HEADbands. On RABBits.  
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*deep breath*
Are these rabbits lineal Lan descendants? Who makes the headbands? How do they stay on because “headband” here means “glowing cloud on forehead” without any actual band.  When rabbit babies are born, how do they stay safe while they’re waiting for someone to make them baby-sized headbands? Do these rabbits adhere to the other 3499 Lan Clan principles or just the headband one? Is any ol' rabbit allowed to touch a rabbit’s headband or is it limited to parents and significant others and is that even relevant when presumably these bunnies are all fucking each other like...bunnies?
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The characters are like “oh, the rabbits are wearing headbands; killer guqin problem solved.” And then they move right the fuck along with their lives and the rabbit headbands are never seen or discussed again and I just want a hit of whatever the author or creative team was smoking when they came up with this whole idea.
Headband Sharing
When Wei Wuxian tells Lan Wangji to hand over his headband, Lan Wangji understands his entire rabbit-based thought process without asking
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Gen-X Joke Alert
Wei Wuxian is awfully impressed by this sword-recall trick, considering that he did it himself when they went to the lake.
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I see you know your way around a sheath
Killer Guqin
When they approach the guqin I hope that the subtitles are mistranslated, because Wei Wuxian keeps promising not to touch it and then says he can't look at it without touching it. I'm not going to touch it, I just need to touch it. 
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Lan Wangji is going to teach Wei Wuxian some goddamn boundaries no matter how many times he has to make him fondle his sword.
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Nothing suggestive here
Lan Wangji sits down to play the guqin and immediately goes off into the ether where there are seagull noises and plenty of fans. This is either a state of pure bliss, or he just really likes seagulls.
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Did Lan Wangji just have a stealth orgasm?
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Speaking of getting off, get your ass off of my desk
The Yin Iron
Lan Wangji does some spirit whispering, and suddenly the cave starts yelling at them. A bunch of clans are chanting in unison about a plan, which is the cultivator version of a battle cry.
Lancestor Lan Yi shows up. She is elegant and has a combination of sweetness and gravity that is similar to Lan Xichen’s. And none of Lan Qiren’s douchiness.
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Search Party
Lan Qiren is worried and Lan Xichen is worried and they have sent people to look for the boys. It's really too bad nobody around here knows magic.
All these powerful cultivators search for missing people by running around outdoors yelling for them. 
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Yanli is excused from PE class because she’s not feeling well, so she sits on a rock in the woods instead of, you know, staying home in the first place. She gets bored sitting down and unwisely decides to walk two or three steps. Xuan Lu, seen here competing in a gymnastics event, gamely pretends she can’t climb a small rock. 
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Yanli falls into Jin Zixuan's arms and they gaze at each other for a long heterosexual moment. 
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No homosexual explanation possible
This means two things: 1. he isn't looking very hard for her brother if he's hanging out here catching wobbly girls 2. soulful longing looks from him ain't shit, because he's going to dump her in the next episode.
Lanny Granny
Lan Wangji intros himself to Lan Yi and does a full prostrate bow. Wei Wuxian does a standing bow since he's not a descendant, just a future in-law.
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No I mean come on, HEADBANDS
Lan Gran explains the entire history of the yin iron. It's bad, it's full of resentful energy, no-one should use it. She’s going to dump it on a couple of 16 year old boys, one of whom has a woody for using resentful energy, because it’s destiny and her battery is about to run out. 
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Props to the Prop Department; this thing does look pretty cool
Xue Chonghai was the most problematic cultivator back in the old days. He killed a lot of dudes and fed their resentment to...a turtle? To the disk? I don’t know; I literally am unable to pay attention when anyone is explaining the intricacies of the unobtanium Yin Iron. 
Anyway there’s a disk and it’s soaked up a lot of resentment.  
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Using it makes people evil. Well except..clearly this dude started off evil, yeah? If he was feeding people to his turtle.
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Side effects may include: being fucking crazy
Here Wei Wuxian brings out his "resentful energy is awesome" theory and has an experienced grown-up grand master tell him that she also thought this, and has spent 100 years locked in a cave with headband-wearing rabbits because she was super fucking wrong. Does this deter him? ...nope
Baoshan Sanren
Now she name checks Baoshan Sanren, and Wei Wuxian has a big reaction and Lan Wangji has a big noticing of Wei Wuxian’s reaction. He’s very attuned to Wei Wuxian’s emotional state, in the moments where WWX lets his actual feelings show through the sass and swagger.  
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Lan Gran talks about her search for the Yin iron, and Lan Wangji wisely says, if you can't neutralize it, why look for it? And she says, I was filled with hubris just like ya boi Wei Wuxian.  Lan Wangji points out the exact same shit he will later point out to Wei Wuxian.
So now we have a parallel in which Lan Yi is just like Wei Wuxian and Baoshan Sanren is just like Lan Wangji, yeah? Which is kind of sweet; it shows how these types are drawn together and how your clan doesn't determine your personality. Also it shows how the Lan clan has room for an unorthodox clan leader. Also it shows how the Yin Iron causes some really bad breakups. 
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These boys are standing on snow barefoot which has got to take a pretty high cultivation level. Look how short Lan Wangji is without his stilettos, aww.
Flashback to Baoshan Sanren, just long enough to appreciate how beautiful she is.
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Did OP give up on recoloring that flashback-blue-hazed image and just start fucking around with random filters? Yes she did. 
We also get to see that Lan Yi and Lan Wangji have more common than just guqin, because they both like to solve problems by kicking them.  
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So after breaking up with her girlfriend, Lan Gran became invisible in this cave for 100 years while trying to contain the Yin iron and put headbands on rabbits. 
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Soundtrack: Vogue by Madonna Writing prompt: Watership Down rabbits meet Lan rabbits
Bonus extended bath clip:
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Bai Yu, Detective L
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lizbotw · 4 years
How about same characters but instead you have an SO who’s in love with thunderstorms? Like the louder the thunder, the more amazed you’ll be. Also definitely the type to dance in the rain 🌧 (Todoroki, Hawks, and I believe it was Bakugo?)
Todoroki, Hawks, and Bakugou With a S/O That Loves Thunderstorms
that dancing in the rain idea was AMAZING and then that got me thinking about what other cute things they would do in the rain! ahhh i loved this idea! ♡ i hope you enjoy it and once again i went a little overboard in some areas so this is more like another headcanon and scenario hybrid lmao :’)
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Todoroki Shouto
Shouto had been doing a lot of research lately about how to be the best boyfriend for you. People often told him he didn’t come off as the most caring type, or that his responses to certain things could be interpreted as chilly and disinterested.
And he was very much interested in you, so he was trying his best make sure you knew that.
The day it started raining not long after you two had started dating he felt so prepared. He had read all about this.
Step One: Make sure he had an umbrella that was large enough for the two of you to fit under. Nothing was more romantic than holding hands in the rain while remaining dry.
Step Two: Carry you over large puddles. Soggy socks were not fun, but being in the strong arms of your boyfriend apparently was.
Step Three: Perfect opportunity to invite you over and he would be a fool not to take the chance. Provide warm clothes for you to change out of, a fluffy blanket for you two to cuddle under, and soothe your fears as the storm picked up in ferocity outside.
Seemed simple enough.
After class, he cornered you before you could go outside to head home. “(Y/N), let’s walk together.” It sounded more like a statement than a request, but way he swung an oversized umbrella at his side and moved to undo the tie that kept the fabric in place already told you you didn’t have much say in the matter.
On an unrelated note, the appearance of such an umbrella had you wondering where on earth he had gotten such a thing. It was clearly too big for something he would use regularly.
(The answer was that he had stolen from Endeavor that morning, the coat closet afterwards left with nothing but smaller, more normal sized umbrellas that probably wouldn’t do much for someone as large as his father. Not that he cared. He had even hummed a little tune as he left the house, barely sparing any thoughts for how his dad would be absolutely drenched before he even walked two blocks.)
Shouto’s attempts at serenading you with an umbrella were cute, but just caused you to tilt your head in confusion, a mischievous smile on your face. “We can walk together, but why do you need that?” You gestured to the umbrella.
“Well, don’t you want to stay dr-“ He didn’t get to finish his sentence before you skipped out of the door. He tried to reach out to grab you back but you were too quick, slipping just out of range within seconds. He didn’t even have time to finish opening the umbrella and just ran after you, very much concerned at how he was already failing at Step One.
Luckily he was able to catch up with you when you stopped a few moments later, but the only reason you had even done so was not because you were waiting for him, but because you were busy admiring how the rain ran down the leaves of the trees flanking the pathway to the school. “Isn’t it beautiful, Shouto?” You commented without even turning around. You could tell he was there from his raggedy breaths.
“(Y/N)! Don’t worry, I have an umbrella. No need to worry about the rain.” He was still focused on his plan and was now struggling to open the umbrella all while pushing his dripping bangs out of his eyes.
Hearing that, you did turn around burst out laughing at how he would switch between tugging at the umbrella handle and angrily carding his fingers through his hair while huffing at the strands that refused to stay out of his face. You placed a hand on his arm, but when he still didn’t pay attention to you, you spoke. “Shouto, stop.” Your tone was soothing, even as you still wore a smile and were giggling at his predicament, and he immediately looked over at you, eyes scanning over how drenched you were as well.
That sent him into a whole new frenzy as he got ready to pull off his uniform jacket for you and you had to stop him all over again. You had to explain that you didn’t mind getting a little wet from the storm and in fact you actually liked it. He felt like you were just trying to make him feel better about the whole thing, but eventually he seemed to believe you and gave up on the umbrella idea.
Since you guys had just been standing there, having an entire discussion about whether or not the water falling from the sky was any cause for concern, you were both absolutely soaked. There wasn’t really any point in trying to stay dry now, so you convinced Shouto to allow you to drag him around the city to see the wonder of rain that most people completely missed or just straight up ignored because they were so busy keeping their head down and their feet moving as they shuffled to some place dry.
Sheltering under trees and shop awnings as you walked through the area, you guys avoided becoming chilled to the bone, or getting soaked enough for concern. Your fingers were firmly interlaced with Shouto’s as you dashed around the area, pulling him behind you as the rain blurred the city lights into indistinguishable neons and your heart thumped wildly in your chest as you almost slipped on the slick ground several times (Shouto’s arm always shot out to catch you, but you just laughed at his concern as you regained your footing easily on your own and pulled him around another corner).
The city park was completely empty by the time you guys got there and you wasted no time in heading to the lake in the heart of it to watch how the water fell on the surface before becoming a part of the rest of the body of water.
The whole time during your little adventure, Shouto had been watching you closely. At first it was out of concern to make sure that you weren’t pretending to enjoy this just for his sake, multicolored eyes searching to make sure you didn’t need anything from him, but slowly it morphed into him admiring you as he always did. The way your eyes were as wild as your slicked down hair that flew behind you and the way your laughter was ignited with a fire hotter than any he could ever produce.
Your steps always seemed sure despite your occasional stumbles, and even now when you were still by the lake, you seemed content yet still thinking about the next big thing you wanted to do.
You had crouched down by the water, but all of a sudden you stood up and turned to him. He thought that he had been caught staring at you and embarrassment flooded through him. His cheeks felt hot and he forgot that that was because he had just been running after you.
But you didn’t seem to have noticed the staring or even care. Instead, you stepped closer to him and grabbed a hold of the collar of his shirt, tugging him down while you tilted your face up and suddenly your lips were smashed together and his hands automatically went to your waist. Your shirt was clinging to you before, but now seemed to latch onto his as well as the rain poured down on both of you, pushing you closer and closer together.
You weren’t sure how or when it happened, but the next thing you new, he had pressed you up against the trunk of a park tree as his lips moved against yours as though they had a mind of their own.
It wasn’t until he heard the distant roll of thunder that he pulled back, about to tell you that you should both head home until he saw the newly sparked crazed look in your eye at the sound of the storm worsening. He immediately invited you over to stay with him, deciding that he should probably continue to supervise your rain time pursuits.
You happily agreed because it was Shouto for crying out loud, and managed to pull him back down to continue what you had just been up to.
That is, until another roll of thunder had him completely pulling away and saying that you guys should really start going as he picked up the umbrella he had dropped in the midst of the kiss. You decided that you should be momentarily mad at the rain for ruining your make out session, but eventually you went back to loving it as Shouto slipped his hand back into yours. Thank you, rain.
When you guys came across a giant puddle on the road during the walk to his house, he reached over to hoist you into your arms, but you were already in the middle of a jump, landing in the puddle with a slash that he just barely avoided.
He stared at you open mouthed as you grinned back at him.
“But... but your socks... they’ll get soggy,” he stammered out.
You waved off his concerns. “That’s not important right now, Shouto. We’re almost to your house, aren’t we? I can just change there.” And then you were skipping off again and he was back to trying to catch up. So much for Step Two.
Step Three was also decidedly failed when you did accept the warm clothes he provided you to change into so you didn’t get sick, but did not want to share a blanket with him on the couch because you were glued to his window and getting more exciting with each passing second as the storm raged outside, animatedly calling him over to join you. You also most definitely did not need any soothing words.
Shouto decided he didn’t mind any of that though or how none of the advice online seemed to apply to you. Wrapping the blanket around your shoulders as he slid in next to you on the window seat to watch the rain drops racing down the window panes (ignoring his phone pinging from somewhere in his room—no doubt his father who was surely sorely missing his umbrella now that the rain had turned into an absolute downpour), he pressed a kiss to your temple as you melted into his touch and he used his quirk to warm you. This was perfect for him and he knew that by the time the next rainy day of your relationship rolled around, he would be even more prepared than he was today.
Both of you also may or may not have had to call out from school for the next few days as you two were home bound with coughs and sniffles that racked your body. A pair of agonizing colds in exchange for an afternoon of fun—not a bad exchange you both decided.
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Takami Keigo (Hawks)
You had called him one day after work, asking him if he could pick you up. The sunny morning had turned into a rainy afternoon, and now that you were ready to head home you were faced with the challenges brought from not watching the morning weather forecast for one day and subsequently being sorely under prepared.
Keigo was out on hero duties when you let him know the problem, so he decided to have a little fun when it came to bringing you home. Rather than drive you to your place or call you a taxi, he decided he was going to fly you there. What? You can’t blame him for wanting you to grip tightly to his shoulders as he carries you in his strong arms high above the skyscrapers.
This wasn’t how you planned to spend your time after work, and as you buried your face in his chest as he soared to the skies, you questioned your decisions.
He made sure to use his feathers to keep you dry, and once you were sure you weren’t going to fall to your doom, you allowed yourself to peek out from where your face had been tucked in, in awe at being closer to the rain clouds now.
You wanted to reach your hand out to fee the cool rain, but then you remembered the reason it was so important for you to stay dry. Truth be told, you were fine with getting a little wet and just toughing it out until you could get home and change into warmer clothes, but today you had important documents you needed to get home in one piece and that meant any small drop of water could completely mess them up. Not that Keigo knew that. He just assumed you wanted to be out of the rain like any other person. You two hadn’t spent many rainy days together, and those that you had had only been a light patter—nothing like the loud thunderstorms that truly piqued your interest.
Once he dropped you off at your apartment building, Keigo let you know he had a few more hero related things to finish off but promised to come check on you afterwards since he couldn’t walk you inside right now. A hug, goodbye kiss, and small thank you were all you managed before he had to go, even though it was very clear he wanted to stay longer.
When you walked inside the building, you greeted the woman at the front desk and made small talk about the weather outside to which she replied in amazement that you seemed completely dry. To that you just chuckled, mentally thanking your boyfriend for getting you home safely. After that, you rode the elevator up to your apartment and once you were inside, you made sure to take the precious documents out of the bag you had been cradling to your chest out of fear of anything happening to them and place them in a very safe and dry location that you knew you wouldn’t forget about. Hopefully.
But with those out of your mind, you could finally relax, and set about taking a hot shower and changing into more comfortable clothes. Sure, you hadn’t gotten wet, but this had become a routine for you on rainy days so you felt compelled to still complete it. As you went through the steps, the sound of thunder outside made you feel safe and secure, and your heart leapt with excitement every time you heard a new roll of it in the distance.
You decided to make a cup of tea and sit by the window to watch the storm outside. Nothing better than some alone time on a rainy day for you.
You were so caught up in counting the seconds between each crack of thunder that you barely even heard Keigo when he came in through the door, having quickly wrapped up his hero work, changed into casual clothes, and flew back over to your apartment and let himself in within record time. “Hey, babe, do you have any more of those-,” he started saying, but then you shrieked and whirled around, very much confused at what was going on.
He looked startled for a second before he burst out laughing as you slowly realized it was just your boyfriend, embarrassment creeping across your features as you hid your face in shame.
“You should’ve seen the look on your face, oh my god,” he barley managed to get out as he doubled over in laughter.
You just huffed and crossed your arms. “Shut up. You almost made me spill my scalding hot tea all over me.” You decided to throw a little bit of overdramatic descriptions in there for good measure in exchange for the heart attack he had almost given you.
Keigo was still quietly chuckling as he walked over to you. He shook his head in amusement at your pouting and gave you a kiss on your forehead. “Sorry,” he mumbled, and you could feel his lips curving up into a smile against your temple. He pulled away to sit down next to you, leaning back on the pillows propped against the wall with his hands behind his head. “What were you so busy looking at anyway? You didn’t even reply to my text earlier.”
“You texted? My phone is charging, so I didn’t see it.” You turned back to stare out the window as you two fell into a comfortable back and forth conversation as you always did.
“But I told you I was coming.” His teasing, lighthearted tone was insufferably endearing, and you hid a smile as you took a sip from your cup.
“Yeah, well I told you many times before to knock first.” You did your best to mimic his tone and stole a glance at his face to see his reaction. His offended expression was hilarious, but you decided to put him out of his misery and answer his earlier question, letting him know that you were actually so caught up watching the rain that you hadn’t heard him come in before.
Keigo’s eyes lit up and his mouth quirked into a mischievous smirk. “Babe, if you wanted to see the rain up close, you should’ve just told me.” He got up from the window seat and tugged on your arm to pull you with him.
“Wait, wait, hold on, you’re going to make me spill this all over myself again.” You shook off hand and stood up on your own, walking over to your kitchen counter to place down the cup of tea safely.
He trailed after you and gave you a hug from behind once you finally placed it down. “Now?”
You turned around in his arms and kissed the tip of his nose. “Now.”
He smiled, gave you a proper kiss on your lips, and slipped his hand in yours to pull you along. You realized he was heading towards the door and grabbed a sweater you had draped over a chair as you passed by it.
He released your hand as he moved to open the door and you took that chance to slip the sweater on. He laced your fingers back together soon after.
Any questions you posed about what he was doing or where you were going were just met with a knowing smirk as he looked back at you following him, or he’d simply vaguely say, “You’ll see.” Eventually you gave up and just enjoyed the warmth of his hands in yours.
He took you to the elevator and up to the highest floor of your apartment building, and then you two took the small staircase up to the roof.
When he pushed open the door to the roof, you could clearly see how the rain had picked up from earlier, and you wondered what he was planning.
Keigo expanded his wings and wrapped one around you as he pulled you to his side and moved to take a step outside.
He cut you off. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ve got you.”
You bit your lip and nodded, matching your steps to his long strides as he stepped outside. You flinched, expecting to feel the cool rain pelting down on you, but when you looked up, you remembered that his feathers were protecting the two of you from getting wet.
You tentatively reached a hand out to feel the rain just as you had wanted to do earlier, shivering at the feeling of the water slipping between your fingers.
He led you to the edge of the roof and you two stopped at the edge. He beckoned for you to sit down, and some of his feathers fluttered to the ground so you wouldn’t one have to sit on the wet concrete.
Soon you two were situated, sitting together and sides pressed together, his arm around your shoulder as you balled your hands against his chest, head leaning on him. His wings and feathers kept you two from becoming soaked, allowing you a better view of the storm than you ever could’ve gotten from your tiny apartment window.
The air was crisp and the feeling of the wind blowing light bits of water at you felt refreshing and enthralling. The sound of the thunder was clear whenever it rang out and the lightning was bright as it flashed across the sky. It was all so breathtaking.
You and Keigo fell into a comfortable conversation as you two sat there, legs swinging over the edge. Surrounded on all sides by the harsh weather yet protected by your loving boyfriend made the whole thing seem surreal.
You knew that you two definitely had to do this again and you knew Keigo would have no objections if you asked him. Up close, the storm reignited a fire in you and reminded you why you had fallen in love with such a type of weather in the first place.
Keigo gave you small kisses throughout your time on the roof, and at one point lifted your chin up so he could press a long kiss to your lips, tilting his head towards yours and causing his shaggy hair to tickle your forehead as you ran your tongue over his lips, biting them lightly.
When you two eventually went back inside, he had to shake the water off of his wings, and you stood a little bit away, putting your hands up to protect yourself from the flying water and giggling as he tried to dried them off.
Once he was satisfied enough and his feathers weren’t dripping anymore, he walked over to you, opening his mouth to say something, but before he could you grabbed his hair and tip toed up to kiss him, a silent thank you for such an amazing experience.
Although he was surprised at first, Keigo wasted no time in reciprocating it, pushing you against the the wall as his hands found your hips.
Looks like you two were going to be spending some more time in the rooftop stairwell before you could even get back to your apartment—not that either of you were complaining.
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Bakugou Katsuki
The first time he catches you staring out the window wistfully as rain pelts down outside when you’re staying over at his house, he doesn’t think much of it, but then half an hour passes and you’re still stuck there and he begins to think it’s a little weird how your attention seems so focused on whatever it is you’re looking at, and actually comes up behind you to see what the hell is so interesting outside. Except there’s nothing out of the ordinary besides the rain.
You were so enamored by the lighting flashes that you didn’t even noticed him leaning over your shoulder to peer out of the window. Since it doesn’t seem that he disturbed your trance, Katsuki just gives you a puzzled expression and goes back to slumping down in his bean bag chair, except this time he doesn’t go back to flipping through the comic he was reading, instead choosing to continue to watch you closely.
It turns into him admiring the way the gloomy lighting outside casts shadows on your face, while the bright light of his bedroom shines on your hair. He’s full on resting his chin in the palm of his hand and staring at you happily—allowing himself a moment of vulnerability since you weren’t paying attention anyway—when you suddenly jump up from your seat right after another crack of thunder. The sudden noise and movement catches him off guard, and as you run past him and out his bedroom door, his nearly toppled out of the bean bag chair, having been leaning in a less than stable position as he watched you before.
‘What the fuck?,’ is all he can think to himself as he stares through the bedroom door you left ajar and out into the hallway you had disappeared down. Katsuki just shakes his head in disapproval and picks up the comic book he had discarded on the ground, thumbing through the pages to find his place again. He didn’t have enough energy to deal with whatever the fuck you were up to this time.
That is, until he hears the distant squeak of shoes and the sound of the back door to his house opening and slamming shut. He immediately scrambles to the window overlooking his backyard and catches sight of you just as you exit the house and step out into the rain.
Okay... maybe you had a good reason to? Like maybe you forgot something outside? But no. Instead, he sees you twirling around and holding out your open palms to the water droplets.
Completely sure you had lost your mind, Katsuki tore himself away from the window and bizarre sight below it, and thundered down the steps of his house, skidding to a stop in front of the back door and wrenching it open. The deafening sound of rain hit his ears, hammering against the awning of his back porch.
As you splash around in the puddles outside, he could now make out the rain boots and flimsy raincoat you had tugged on right before heading outside. You seemed perfectly content in that getup alone, no umbrella in sight.
“(Y/N)???” Katsuki called out from the doorway where he still stood. At first he wasn’t sure if you would even hear him over the rain, but then you whirled around, eyes darting about as you tried to place the sound—glancing up at the bedroom window at first since you still thought he was in his room—until they finally landed on him right in front of you and your eyes lit up.
You gave him a small wave with a bright smile and made a gesture for him to come out and join you.
He shook his head no at your request because you had to be crazy to go out in this kind of weather. “Come back inside,” he yelled out again. It was a command that gave you no option to refuse, yet somehow you did, shaking your head no at him, just as he had done to you, and playfully sticking your tongue out at his flabbergasted reaction before you turned back to spinning around under the falling water.
Katsuki could not tolerate you getting sick and then having to deal with your whining as he was forced to nurse you back to health, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He turned back inside and pulled out his own pair of rain boots and an umbrella from the coat closet and steeled himself to step outside.
He immediately wanted to go back in where it was nice and warm, the house cozy compared to the nightmare (to him) of outside, but he pressed onward and walked up to you. Except when he attempted to grab your arm to drag you back in, you took the fact that he was outside as an invitation to include him in your rainy day adventures.
“You know, Kat, now that we’re both out here, don’t you think we should celebrate?”
The teasing tone in your voice already clued him in that you were about to do something questionable, but when you tugged him towards you and he almost tripped over his own two feet, he wondered what in the world you meant. You used the momentum from his stumbling to pulled him closer you, until you were both under the umbrella he was holding, one of your hands gripping his shoulder and your other still on his forearm. You stared up at him with a dopey grin.
He had grabbed onto your hip to catch his balance before and now that you were all but pressed into his chest, his arm automatically snaked around your waist to pull you closer, hand resting on your lower back.
Katsuki shifted the umbrella in his grip and rain droplets bounced off the edges. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asked wearily, eyeing you suspiciously because you were unpredictable and he wasn’t sure if he even wanted you to elaborate on your so called “amazing plan.”
You rolled your eyes. “Can’t you be more romantic for once?”
“What’s romantic about this?”
You looked personally offended that that. “Everything! We’re literally sharing an umbrella outside-”
“Yeah, because you forced me come out here-“
“Stop interrupting me. Anyway, take a look at the position we’re in, Mr. I’m-So-Smart.”
“What the fuck do you-” Katsuki stopped talking as he fully took in the meaning behind your words. The way you two were standing, the way your hands rested on such specific parts of each other, it almost looked like... “What? Are you about to bust out ballroom dancing right now?”
The amused look on his face melted away into one of horror as you enthusiastically nodded, seeming very much serious about this. “We don’t have to ballroom dance if you want—you might step on my toes anyway—but wouldn’t it be fun to dance in the rain together? This is the type of thing movies always show!”
He didn’t even have time to be offended at you insinuating he would be a bad dancing partner and instead scrunched his face up as he tried to imagine how in the world this could be fun.
He also didn’t even have the chance to speak before you were already attacking all possible arguments against this that he could make.
“I know that look on your face and I just wanted to let you know that no you’re not getting out of this.”
He didn’t seem convinced.
“I’ll go back inside if you agree.”
Katsuki’s lips quirked up into an amused smirk again. “What’s stopping me from just carrying you back inside right now?”
You laughed and he suddenly had the feeling that you were one step ahead of him still and had a plan for all of this. Oh no. “That’s a good question. I’d like to see you try though.” You stepped back and pulled him with you. The slick ground had him almost tripping again at the sudden movement and he had to make sure he didn’t crash into you and send you two toppling to the ground—it wouldn’t be very fun to clean up the mud that would surely cake both of your clothes.
The weather worked in your favor though—when had it not since this stupid storm started?—and you managed to get him to do a sloppy version of a couples dance—something you wouldn’t have been able to do normally due to his stronger physique, although now he was powerless—tugging him after you as you twirled around in his backyard, him slipping as he tried not to fall on the ground and holding onto you for dear life. Yes, very romantic.
You accidentally knocked the umbrella out of his hand at some point and while you barely noticed, he sure did. Within seconds his hair was heavy with water and his clothes were sticking to him. The umbrella hadn’t been doing much because your raincoat had already gotten the front of his shirt wet, and the way you were pulling him around had the umbrella shaking water on him anyway. Plus the slight wind in the air had been pelting the rain against him even from under the umbrella. Still, the umbrella was his last resort to keep from becoming totally soaked.
He grumbled and cursed under his breath, and that caught your attention.
You took one look at the hair plastered against his forehead and the umbrella now rolling around on the ground, being blown about by the wind, and burst out laughing—the hood of your oversized jacket keeping your hair safe while the rest of you was nice and cozy, a sharp contrast to his current state. He narrowed his eyes at that. Oh, it’s on.
Since he was soaked to the bone now and had nothing left to lose, he decided it was about time he took the lead here. He pulled you closer to his chest and now you were the one stumbling, your laughter cut off as you looked up to him in confusion. “Kat, what-”
“You said you wanted to dance, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you want to take it back now, babe. I was just getting started.” There was a new twinkle in his eye and as soon as you noticed it you broke out into a smile, meeting his eyes to accept his challenge.
Katsuki was surprisingly (or perhaps unsurprisingly because he was so good at everything) adept at dancing, twirling you around and pulling you back to his chest with ease, and you decided that later you would make fun of him and ask if he had taken dance lessons. And no, he didn’t step on your toes, although you did step on his and he made sure to point it out every time.
He dipped you down at the end of all of it, both of you breathing heavily. You studied his face, grinned, and then leaned up to kiss him. He tightened his grip to make sure he didn’t drop you, thunder sounding in the distance.
You guys splashed in the puddles for a while longer—it took him a little while to agree, but it didn’t take much convincing after just a few moments because he had already given up on resisting at that point, plus you had challenged him to see who could make the biggest splash and he obviously couldn’t turn down that—but eventually you agreed with him that you two should head inside.
He had to stand by the doorway because he was soaked and he didn’t want to get water inside, while you simply stripped off your raincoat, nice and dry underneath, and happily skipped off to grab him a towel to dry off with.
Soon you two were all dry and in warm clothes once again, cuddled up on his bed near the window.
You showed him how to count the seconds in between a lightning strike and the sounding of thunder in order to calculate how many miles away the lightning was. You two ended up argued over the exact number of seconds more than once until you were both petty enough to grab your phones, set a timer, and settle the dispute once and for all.
“So, what was stopping you?” You turned to him to ask later.
He gave you a quizzical looked and pulled you closer to him, adjusting the blanket wrapped around you both. “What do you mean?”
“What was stopping you from just carrying me back inside before? You wouldn’t be shivering right now if you just did that, you know.” You reached up a hand to twirl a strand of his spiky hair around your fingers, turning his earlier words against him.
He tried to bat your hand away, but when you just kept putting it back, he leaned into your touch. “You looked happy,” he mumbled, looking away, “and you’re... kind of cute when you’re like that or whatever.”
“What’s that? I don’t think I heard you clearly, Kat,” you purred, teasing lilt in your voice.
Katsuki gave you a grumpy look. “I’m not repeating myself, fuck off.” And then he kissed your cheek and buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing deeply.
You continued to watch the storm outside as you moved to stroke his back, his lips lightly pressing against your neck at irregular intervals as he kept his head there. It was warm and comfortable in his bed, and having him pressed against you made that rainy day all the better.
Katsuki ended up slightly sick from spending so much time outside wearing barely anything more than a few thin pieces of clothing that were clearly not made to handle the rain, and although he wasn’t in terrible condition, you still had to deal with his whining and agree to his demands for more blankets, pillows, and snacks that he all claimed he couldn’t get himself. Now you were the one who had to nurse him back to health in the days that followed. What a turn of events.
You pretended to be grumpy when you entered his room and tossed the extra pillow he had asked for in his face, but as he floundered as it landed on him—jolting him out of him resting quietly with his eyes closed—you couldn’t help but smile widely, despite you trying to bite it back down.
Once Katsuki got the pillow off his face, he turned to give you an angry glare, he noticed your smile and his resolve immediately melted away. He turned his attention back to the pillow and slipped it under his head, arranging it a bit before laying down on it, hands behind his head and eyes closing again. “...Thank you, babe... I love you,” he said, somewhat mumbling it out because you always liked to tease him whenever he was all lovey dovey. A smile made it’s way to his face again as he thought about that day out in the rain and how happy you had looked. Next time he would be more prepared for your rainy day adventures so you better be ready.
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ombreblossom · 3 years
i am and i am not (what you choose to see)
This is a birthday fic for @rosy-cheekx, but in many ways I wrote it as much for myself as I did for them.
Featuring: a gender-questioning Martin in the safehouse. What better time to explore one’ gender identity than while one is on the run from dangerous eldritch forces?
Content warnings (please let me know if there anything i’ve missed): kissing, very minor internalized transphobia, and a brief discussion of Martin’s mother.
AO3 Link: here~
“There’s no rush, Martin. Take your time,” Jon raises his voice from the other side of their bedroom door, passing time running his fingers across Daisy’s sparse knick-knacks—just enough of them to present a front of homeyness to any errant visitors but not enough of them to clutter her otherwise spartan living space. Several Archers novels and otherwise miscellaneous reading materials line the single squat bookshelf in the entire cottage, an unbroken coating of dust overlaying everything. Jon picks up a porcelain dog (or a wolf?) and rolls it over in his hands.
“The longer I take, the more likely it is I’m never going to leave this room.” Martin almost-yells back, interrupting the muffled frustrations of someone wrangling an unfamiliar article of clothing.
“And what a shame that’d be. I rather hoped we’d trot down to the village today for a late lunch.”
"Gotta take advantage of the warm weather while we have it," Martin adds.
"And I'm sure you have no ulterior motives whatsoever."
"Yes, of cour—wait, what?"
“Don’t worry," Martin says with a worrying lilt. "I know what you’re really after.”
Jon pauses and, after a beat, replies, “Oh? And what would that be?”
“Here, I’ll set the scene for you: enter Fiona’s Used Books.” Jon can see (in his mind’s eye, not his eldritch one) Martin preparing his best mock-theatrical pose before continuing. “In the far-right corner, the side of the establishment that faces the setting sun, is a raised platform. Cushions and pillows of all shapes and colors and sizes are strewn about the platform, some left contorted by their previous users before they left the shop to go about their day. Two wide-pane windows allow a full complement of the sun’s rays to gently warm the area. A lone figure lies nestled among several cozy-looking pillows, completely dead to the world but for a purring cat atop the figure’s chest—”
“Yes, yes, all right. You’ve made your point,” Jon grouses. “I hope you know that I consider spending time with you much more important than sunbathing with the bookshop owner’s cat.”
“I know, Jon; don’t worry.” An audible grin carries through the door.
Jon directs his own smile at the door and says, “Yes, well, now that you mention it, I did want to stop at the bookshop if we had time.”
“I think we can make that work. I’d hate to miss seeing you be adorable with Maggie.”
Jon sputters a bit in futile indignation. Martin has made his opinion of Jon's alleged adorableness abundantly clear, and it's not worth challenging him on it. He'd let Martin have this, even though the idea of anyone thinking he's adorable rankles him almost as much as the word spooky does.
(This is less the case coming from Martin, but he’d sooner shuffle off his mortal coil than tell him that.)
The weight of the porcelain wolf—he’s decided—in his hand grabs his attention. In fidgeting with it, he’s managed to rub all the dust off its coat, revealing a delicate blue glaze swirling around the figure. Wiping the excavated dust on his trousers, a concerning realization creeps into Jon's awareness. "Martin?" He calls out.
Martin yells back something questioning, the exact words lost in their reverberations around the inside of their bedroom.
“I know you’re trying to distract me right now,” Jon says matter-of-factly. “If you don’t want to do this anymore, I completely understand.”
All sounds of movement cease on the other side of the door—worryingly quickly.
“Martin?” Jon ventures.
“No. I…want to do this. I want to be more myself.”
Jon nods. “All right. Let’s have a look at you, then.”
It takes several long seconds, but the door creaks open, leaving just enough room for Martin to poke through the gap and reveal dark, furrowed brows set in a face that belies its owner’s vocal confidence just a moment ago. Tension lends Martin’s grip on the door a strength that looks painful from where Jon stands.
“Just gimme a second, gimme a second. Let me…let me get my bearings.” Martin’s visible shoulder, draped in a sheer dark-blue fabric, lifts and sinks with long, deep breaths.
A wave of concern washes over Jon. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I’m-I’m scared, I think. There’s no reason to be scared, but—"
“Who says you need a reason to be scared of something?” Jon interjects, and he immediately regrets the hard edge he hears in them.
Martin exhales sharply and averts his eyes away from Jon, grip tightening on the door, something Jon wouldn’t have thought possible. “Oh, you know, just the fact that we’re on the run from a body-hopping avatar of the Beholding, who can see us through anything even resembling an eye and almost certainly knows exactly where we are.”
“Yes…I know. I’ve been trying not to think about it, if I’m being honest. But even though there’s this uncertainty looming over us, you’re more than justified in feeling afraid of more…mundane things.”
Martin can’t help but scoff at that. “Yeah. Right."
“Do you…do you want to talk about what’s going on?” Jon asks, softness smothering any nascent trace of compulsion. The Beholding doesn’t get to have this, not if Jon has anything to do with it.
“I don’t….” Martin exhales again. “I’ve never tried to be this before,” he says, staring at the neat rows of hardwood planks to Jon’s left. “So much of my life has been just letting other people see me how they wanted to see me because it…I don’t know, helped me be someone specific to them when they needed it. I’ve been someone who won’t stir up a fuss; someone to project their frustrations onto; someone who cares for others for the sake of it; and, definitely most frequently, someone who presents as a man.
“There never seemed a point in saying, no, there’s more here than what I’m letting you see, you know? Sometimes it’s simpler to reduce myself to a single quality, even if it’s never helped me be close to people.
“But if I leave this cottage now, people are going to try to categorize me, try to match me up with some image they have preconceived in their minds, and they won’t be able to. And I’m not sure I should want that anymore, either. I guess the main thing is….” He pauses, collecting his thoughts. “It’s terrifying to try to be something other than what the world sees you to be.”
Jon can’t let that go unanswered. Jon needs Martin’s attention for this, so he brings his hands to rest on each of his cheeks, not so much holding him in place but gently suggesting that’s his intention. Jon wouldn’t begrudge Martin his space if he needed it.
“You’re right. It is terrifying letting people see past the outward veneer we put up.” Jon says, concern still present but receding. “It’s not really my place to tell you how to work through that terror, but I am here for you—all of you, not just the parts of you you’re used to showing the world—and I’ll support you however I can.”
“God, Jon, how can you just say things like that?”
Jon makes a sound that’s something just shy of a laugh. “Because they’re true, Martin.”
“Yeah. Come on out, Martin; it’s just us, and I want to see all of you, if you’ll let me.”
Still mostly hidden by the door, Martin stares at Jon, Jon with his myriad marks and scars; his long, unbound gray-streaked hair; and an extra ten years perpetually set in his shoulders. He’s pinned by the intensity of the affection in Martin’s eyes.
“Can I kiss you first?” Martin asks, voice terribly quiet.
The request shakes Jon to his core, but he recovers quickly, nodding his assent. “Please do.”
Martin steps out from behind the door and kisses Jon, Jon’s eyes closing on reflex before he can get a good look at him. The romance novels Jon used to pick up when the ache for a happy ending of his own became too painful to ignore any longer would have him feeling light and airy, almost senseless, as if suspended in space and time as he and Martin exchanged breath. Jon has never felt more grounded. He’s never felt more aware of every sensation within and without his body; the sensations of Martin’s hot breath on his face and his chapped lips pressing against his own keep him firmly tethered to the here and now. Jon’s heart hammers in his chest—so much so he’s sure Martin can feel it, too, their chests pressed together as they are.
When they break apart, Jon opens his eyes and says breathlessly, “Let’s get a good look at you. The mirror’s just over here.” Jon takes his hands back to make the journey easier but feels his heart drop when Martin looks back at the door left ajar in their haste to come together. He looks bereft. Bereft of what, Jon’s can’t be entirely sure, but Jon makes a judgment call and grabs one of Martin’s hands and pulls him along toward the far end of the room, their fingers interlaced.
It had seemed a bit odd for Daisy to have such a vanity piece, but Jon's thankful for it and thankful it wasn't as firmly affixed to the wall in their bedroom as it at first seemed. It would have made for cramped space indeed to have them both crowding around it, and Jon doesn’t want Martin to be alone for this.
They stop just in front of the mirror, Jon off to the side and Martin situated front and center. He gives Jon’s hand a grateful squeeze and looks at his reflection.
“What do you see when you look at yourself, love?” Jon prompts, squeezing Martin’s hand right back.
“I see myself wearing this dress we found rather miraculously in this northern Scottish village of three hundred whole people.”
“And it’s…fwooshy.”
Martin nods with all the sage wisdom of a learned poet. “Yes. It’s light and it moves when I move. It feels like it’s barely touching me at all times, which is so different from how my normal trousers and jumpers feel.”
“Ah, I see what you mean.”
“Mm-hmm. And it’s just pretty, don’t you think?
“Indeed.” Jon debates drawing attention to the question Martin is dancing around, but he trusts Martin to get there in time. “I thought so the moment we found it.”
Martin makes a non-committal sound. “You know, this is a lovely color on me.”
“Come to think of it, I’ve never really seen you wear darker colors before now. You always wore jumpers with a lot of bright colors around the Archives.”
“Yeah. It was, um. My mum, she used to say stuff like, ‘Why do you want to look so dreary all the time? Bright colors look so much better on you,’ and I guess that stuck.” Martin’s voice takes on an affect somewhere between disappointed and exhausted as he imitates his mother, and Jon struggles not to form opinions about that until they’ve had time to talk about her more. “I think she liked looking at the brighter colors I’d wear, especially once she couldn’t really leave our flat very often. I want to think they reminded her of the outside. She never said that, though. I don’t know.
“Wearing a color like this makes me happy, though. Wearing delicate clothes like this that don’t hide me away makes me happy. I want to say I feel….” Martin trails off.
“I feel beautiful, Jon. I really, really do.”
Jon tugs Martin’s hand, still joined with his own, up to his lips and places a kiss on his knuckles, at once affirming you’re beautiful, love and urging Martin to continue.
Visibly reorienting himself, Martin continues: “I see a Martin I’ve never let myself be before. A Martin not at odds with himself. With the rest of the world, maybe, but not with himself. I want to be him, Jon.”
“Then be him.”
“What, just like that?”
“Well, not ‘just like that.’ It’ll take time to feel comfortable presenting your whole self to other people, and that’s okay. The time and effort will be worth it; the world is better for having you, all of you, in it.”
Martin nods shakily, looking for all the world like he’s adrift in the middle of the ocean with sliver of land visible in any direction.
Jon waits for Martin to gather his thoughts. It's the least he can do, lend Martin his patience, patience he's long deserved and nary gotten from Jon for most of their relationship. Plus, it gives Jon some time to look, to really look at this beloved person standing next to him.
Jon's never given much weight to a person's looks as a part of his attraction to them. More often than not, Jon would start to find someone pleasing to look at only after becoming attracted to them in other ways. Otherwise, people were people and what they looked like mattered little in the face of their ideas, their arguments, and their kindnesses (or lack thereof).
Things progressed much the same way with Martin, and now? Well, Jon would like to never stop looking at Martin, thank you very much, and the universe would do well to cooperate with him on that.
Jon looks and looks and looks as Martin twists from side to side, watching as the dress billows out around him. The dress is elegant, made more so by the person wearing it. It's long, the navy chiffon wrap falling down around Martin’s ankles in gentle fluttering waves. A more opaque under-layer provides him some coverage from his chest to his mid-thighs but by no means diminishes his silhouette: soft and sturdy in equal measures. The dress cinches together an inch or so below his pecs, highlighting the generous curve of his hips. Shoulders Jon knows teem with freckles are enveloped in wide navy chiffon sleeves. The wrap-around style of the dress creates a deep V-shaped neckline, revealing more lovely freckles spread across his ample chest.
Martin is gorgeous—full stop. He fills out the dress beautifully, fabric flush with his skin in all the right places. Jon has to keep himself from flying apart with fondness for the man. The dress suits him; there was no way Jon could have anticipated how much it would after observing its shape uninhabited.
Martin cuts through Jon’s musing with a whisper: “Thank you, Jon.”
“For what?”
“For…for being here with me. Throughout all this.”
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be, Martin,” Jon says in a tone that brooks no argument.
“Right. Cool,” he says airily, earning a light chuckle from Jon. He’s not at all surprised when he finds himself at the receiving end of a playful nudge.
“If you’re up to it, I’d still love to go into the village and share a meal with you, show you off to our lovely neighbors.” Jon stops for a moment before continuing, gesturing wildly with his free hand, “That is to say, I’m not trying to imply you’re my possession or that I get to parade you around as I please. I just mean that….” Jon looks deep into earthy brown eyes and presses on. “I just mean that I want everyone to know and see how much of a privilege it is to be with you, to be able to bear witness to you putting more of yourself out into the world—if you’re ready.”
“We’re already the novel English couple from out of town staying in the infamous nigh-abandoned cottage on a mysterious holiday—what’s another oddity for the list, eh?”
“Hey! I won’t have anyone talking about my—oh.” Jon makes a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat. “It occurs to me that you might prefer different terminology for yourself. Is it still all right for me to refer to you as my boyfriend’? Or would you prefer something without a gender connotation like ‘partner’?”
“Jon, I spent the last two and a half years wanting to be your boyfriend, and that hasn’t changed. Having you call me that doesn’t bother me and is, in fact, one of my dreams come true.” Martin lets go of Jon’s hand and wraps him up in his arms; Jon’s follow suit. “Thanks for asking, though. I’ll let you know if anything doesn’t feel quite right.”
Jon buries his face in the crook of Martin’s neck, savoring the warmth and gentle scent of something vaguely herbal permeating through the chiffon dress. They’ll return to Martin’s comment later, he’s sure. “All right. I like ‘boyfriend,’ too, just for the record.”
“I’m glad,” he says, leaning his head on Jon’s.
“So,” Jon starts, pouring all the comfort he can manage into his embrace, “how about it? A late lunch at the pub, and then we can go see Maggie if there's time?”
Martin pulls away from Jon and smiles. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I’m good. Let’s get going,” he says.
“Yes, let’s.” Jon moves toward their makeshift mudroom, which is nothing more than a sorry shoe rack leaned against the wall next to the front door and a couple of wooden pegs designed to hang heavy coats.
“And, Jon?”
Jon turns part of the way back around, cocking his head to the side in mild confusion. “Yes?”
There’s a subtle tension in Martin’s stance when Jon looks back at him, but he’s standing up noticeably straight and puffing himself up. This is familiar to him; he imagines he looks the same way when he’s about to go into a situation that involves delicate social interactions.
However, this is unfamiliar to him as something Martin does in the face of imminent discomfort. Martin isn’t a lip-worrier. Nor is he a fidgeter. Too much practice maintaining a guise of false cheer. No, what Martin does is shrink. He hunches over imperceptibly and draws his arms into himself, and makes the space he’s in feel that little bit bigger, that little bit lonelier, for his diminished presence in it.
Resolve blooms on Martin’s face. It’s a fragile thing, Jon can tell, but it’s there. Jon hopes this is just one instance of many of Martin deciding to take up his due space and filling the world with his presence. “Would you start also using ‘they’ and ‘them’ for me sometimes?” Martin starts, in a rush. He continues, slower and more hesitant, “I just want to try them out; see how they feel and all that. Might not be a permanent thing.”
“It would be my utmost honor and pleasure to use whatever language my boyfriend feels most comfortable with me using for them.” Jon says primly, bent slightly at the waist and arms swept to one side.
In a second, Martin closes the distance between them, hooking one arm under Jon’s legs and behind his back and twirling him around, both of them giggling all the while. Jon gets the impression Martin’s taking it easy (in consideration of the abundance of fabric flowing free around their ankles, if he had to guess), but it’s perfect anyway.
For his part, Jon is taking this opportunity to admire his boyfriend between giggles: the sepia highlights in their hair, brought out by the (no doubt by now) sinking sun; the double chin Jon likes tucking his head under when he wants to feel at home; the strength in all of Martin’s body but especially their arms, arms that hold him close as they spin around the room, never showing signs of faltering. Mingling with admiration for Martin’s physical form is an enduring respect for Martin’s courage and his life-long compassion. This is a person Jon would trust with his life and his heart.
Eventually, Martin returns Jon to solid ground. Jon would say it was too soon, but they’re both slightly out of breath, and time is moving ever forward. Jon practically falls into Martin, pressing their foreheads together. The smooth chiffon slides against Jon’s skin as they shift into comfortable positions. He closes his eyes and isn’t aware of much else that isn’t Martin.
“Hey there, handsome,” Martin says after more time passes. “What’s someone like me got to do to get someone like you out that front door so we can actually go on our date sometime this century?”
Jon’s eyes crinkle in the corners, deeply amused. “You might have to carry me over the threshold at this point. Just make sure to grab our shoes—wouldn’t want leave without completing your ensemble, after all.”
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not-xpr-art · 3 years
Art Advice #4 - A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art
Hi all!
This weeks entry into my Art Advice tag, where I offer various advice for artists of any skill level, is about digital art! Now, I am by no means an expert at digital (I’ve been doing it for nearly 8 years at this point and that is almost entirely self taught), but I have picked up a few pointers in that time which will hopefully help anyone just starting out!
(this blogpost is a little over 2000 words long btw)
A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art 
I know that the world of digital art has changed drastically in the 8 odd years since I started, but I’d still say that some of the options I started out with will be just as good for anyone who’s starting out now! 
As always, I’ll be splitting this into sections to make it easier for you to navigate this post!
Part 1 - Equipment/Hardware 
There are a lot of drawing tablet options on the market at the moment, and I’m not going to pretend that I know anything about half of them lol. But I think for a beginner, don’t worry about going for the most expensive option, even if the reviews are really good or your favourite artist uses it, especially if it is way above your budget! 
An important thing to know is that there are two types of tablet. One is the plug-in kind. These are essentially a pad which you plug into your laptop or computer and draw on that whilst looking at the screen (they basically work the same way as a plug in mouse works). The other kind is the screen variety, which is a lot more like what most of us know as ‘tablets’ nowadays. And you draw directly onto the screen. 
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(a plug-in vs on screen tablet, both from Wacom)
Now, as for choosing between these, it is honestly a personal choice. But I’d say if you’re just wanting to try digital and you’re on a budget, a plug-in tablet can be really useful since it gets you used to the mechanics of what digital is like, and they are often significantly cheaper than the screen alternatives. I would say that plug-in tablets are a big learning curve, especially if you’re used to doing traditional stuff, but I do know a lot of professional artists who still use this kind of tablet when doing their work, so if it’s something you can get used to I would definitely consider it! Also, they’re often a lot more portable than some screen tablets! The first one I had was a Huion (a model so old that I can’t even find a link to it now lol), and I also know that Wacom are a well known brand that do some decent plug-in tablet. I’d recommend you do your own research on other brands and options, though!
Screen tablets are often a lot more expensive, but if you’re used to traditional art, they are a lot easier to get a handle of! But I know if you already have something like an iPad, or other general use tablets, then they offer apps that you can use to draw on (as well as things like the Apple pen, or other stylus’). The big difference between using these general tablets and ones specifically designed for drawing is pretty much purely a personal choice. I personally prefer the bigger screen of my XP-Pen tablet, along with a special screen protector that removes the shininess of the tablet screen and makes it feel more like ‘paper’ over when I used a general use tablet it draw. But if you already have an iPad, or something similar, then it’s honestly a really great starting point!
I think it’s important for me to mention that you don’t need fancy equipment to be an artist. The incredible Elicia Donze has revealed countless times how she has very basic equipment but still manages to produce the most stunning artworks! All you really need is some kind of drawing apparatus and a lot of patience lol! Getting good at any kind of art takes a lot of time and effort, but I would definitely say it’s worth it when you’re able to look back at your progress!
Part 2 - Software/Drawing Programs 
Much like with the hardware discussion, choosing which program to use is entirely down to personal preference. I personally have never really liked Photoshop purely because it’s really complicated, but I know so many artists swear by it. 
I think the main aspect to consider when you’re starting out is whether you want to pay for a program. Software like Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint and Procreate are some of the popular ones I hear about a lot of people using, but all require you to purchase or subscribe to them. So if you’re young or on a very tight budget, I’d honestly recommend the free alternative versions of these, such as Krita (Krita is quite a large program, but it has a lot of really awesome features and is very similar to Photoshop!), Gimp (this one is similar to Krita, but has slightly less options, I’d honestly recommend Gimp for anyone who does photo editing though!) or FireAlpaca (this is the one I use, by the way and it’s a pretty simple program, but has a lot of fantastic features and is perfect for how I work!). These don’t have as many features as some of the paid alternatives, but I honestly think all you really need to start digital art is some kind of ‘canvas’ and set of brushes!
Another great free program for beginners I’d recommend is MyPaint, which is great for doodling and just getting used to how digital art feels in comparison to traditional! It also has a bunch of ‘traditional style’ brushes, to make it look like charcoal or watercolour (which I’m sure the paid alternatives have too, but it’s always better when it’s free, I find lol...)
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(this is an example of a drawing I did on MyPaint using the ‘charcoal’ effect brush!)
Most of the sites are pretty self explanatory, with sections dedicated to different brushes (I’ll go into the types of brushes later on in this post btw!), adjusting brush size, shape and opacity, a colour wheel, etc. You also have a section dedicated to ‘layers’ (another thing I’ll go into more detail later), and various ‘filters’ and editing options and effects you can add to your work to make it more interesting!
I’d really just recommend playing around with programs until you find your one!
Part 3 - The Pros of Digital Art!
I realise this section should probably earlier in this blog post lol, but I kinda wanted to go into what digital art can achieve in comparison to traditional art, and how beginner artists can utilise this!
I definitely didn’t take advantage of certain aspects of digital art when I first got into it, and they’re things that would have definitely made my life a whole lot easier lol!
Digital art allows you to tweak drawings as you do them. So if you accidentally drew the eye too far to the right, then you can easily move it to the right place. (I usually do this by selecting whichever area is wrong, cutting it out and then pasting it into a new area... And yes, there is probably a better and quick way of doing this but...I haven’t found that way yet lol...). And I honestly think that this has allowed me to look a lot more at a reference image in order to figure out where I’ve gone wrong with a drawing! Whereas with traditional art, I usually spend so long trying to get an eye right, that even if it’s slightly in the wrong place, I don’t want to completely redo that section. Digital allows you to completely rub out sections without leaving indents, which is honestly such a saving grace!
Another pro of digital is the Undo/Ctrl Z function! This means you can easily go back to before you made a major mistake with just a click of Ctrl Z... Though I have to say that this function has honestly ruined traditional art for me... Oh what wouldn’t I give for a real life Ctrl Z... But yeah, this is a great part of digital art and definitely something you will grow to love lol!
Another great thing about digital is that it allows you to flip and turn a canvas as you’re drawing on it. I spent a lot of time trying to turn my tablet around in order to draw certain parts of a piece before I realised you can turn the canvas itself without having to move yourself or your tablet!
Layers are another part of digital that can be super useful, and I have to be honest but I don’t really use them a lot. I know a lot of artists create layers for every section of their artworks (so, one for the linework, one for colouring, a separate one for the background, etc etc...). And there’s something really great about being able to paint without worrying about smudging into a previous section of the painting. This works well for my work since I do a lot of bright backgrounds. I also often create a lot of ‘versions’ of my works, so it’s useful to be able to change the background without affecting the main figure of the piece! (I have to say that I often work in one big layer when I’m doing paintings, just because I like how it feels more like ‘traditional’ art that way, but layers are such a brilliant tool, and definitely something you should play around with!)
The eyedropper tool is another one that is really useful! Although I never colour pick from my reference photos, I know some artists find this useful when they were just starting out (especially if you’re not sure what colour to make shadows or how to mix skin tones, etc etc). The eyedropper basically means you don’t need to mix your colours every time
Part 4 - Just some other things I wish I had known about when I was starting out lol...
This last section is just dedicated to a few things that I would have liked to have known when I was just starting out all those years ago. 
First one is fluffy/textured brushes! 
I spent most of my art life from 2013 until 2016 using ‘round’ brushes which are notoriously hard to blend with, so I’d recommend either downloading some fluffy/textured brushes (DeviantArt was where I got mine from a few years back, but there are probably other places you can get them for free too!) to your program of choice, since most of the programs I’ve used haven’t had fluffy/textured brushes as pre-set. 
I may make another post about how I blend in my artworks if that’s something people would be interested in?
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(this is an example of textured brush blending vs round brush blending... I usually opt for round brushes for rougher blending styles and the textured brushes for more smooth and ‘realistic’ blending... for a lot of pieces, though, I use both brushes (the round brushes are good for details!) in the same way that you use different sized brushes for real paintings!)
The next thing I wish I’d discovered earlier is the Brush Stabiliser option. Some programs may do this automatically, but the one I use (FireAlpaca) requires you to manually change the amount of stabilising you have on your brush. This is particularly useful if you want to draw neat lines or straight lines (the stabiliser essentially slows down the ‘ink’ as you’re drawing). I only recently started using the stabiliser, and although I still like having it mostly turned ‘off’ for doing sketchy work, it does make doing line work a lot easier, and also gives pieces a more polished look!  
Next advice is to explore all the options you can in whatever program you use! 
I feel like with certain programs, you can get overwhelmed by choice and you end up just using a few of the functions. But I’d really recommend just playing around with these programs, trying all the filters and editing options to get used to how the program works. You can often find interesting ways to adjust your artworks this way! In a way I’d recommend this way of working more than finding tutorials made by other people... Unless there’s a specific function you want to learn how to do, just having fun with digital art is a major part of it’s appeal to me! 
There are probably a lot of other options I could go into, but this is already over 2000 words long, so I’ll leave it here for now lol! (I may do a part 2 though so... keep a look out for that!)
As always, if you have any questions to things I’ve said here, or are just looking for more advice, don’t hesitate to message me!
And if you like my work on here (art & blog posts) feel free to support me on my Ko-Fi! <3
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theymetinargentina · 4 years
All the Stars | H.S. Imagine
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Comments and requests are always welcomed:)
Summary: domestic Harry, husband!Harry, all that jazz
Warnings: Smut
Word count: 1.8k
Moonlight continued to cascade on his back. He had a concentrated look on his face as he tried to get the thing i begged for to work. “I can’t get this fuckin’ thing to work.” he scroffed.
“Harry you have to twist it,” I said while looking over the manual.
“I only do this for you my darlin’,” he peered back at me and gave me the cheekiest grin.
“I know you’re only saying that to get in my pants,” I rolled my eyes
“Absolutely not,” he sounded genuinely hurt, “Plus I wouldn’t even need to do that.” he grinned.
“Is that so?” I raised my eyebrow and chuckled.
“You’d come crawling on your knees for my baby.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, hurry and finish I want to see.” I stood up and walked to where Harry continued to work at the telescope.
He stepped back, “It looks like it should work,” yet he sounded unsure.
“Alright I trust you, now shoo.”
“Hey! I built the bloody thing, I would also like to see ‘all the stars’,” he teased with a grin. I merely scoffed at him and peered through the lens, letting out a small gasp.
“It looks beautiful Harry,” I exclaimed.
I moved to allow him a glimpse of the night sky.
“Fuckin’ hell, you can see everything,” he squited and hunched over the telescope while I hugged him from behind.
“We should get inside and get the table set for dinner.” I say into his back.
A few friends were coming over to celebrate a recent promotion I had gotten at work. Harry was estatic and insisted we have a celebration. Which meant we now had to finish cooking and get ready for guests. Something Harry wasn’t particularly fond of when having guest over.
“Just a minute, I wanna stay outside with you for a bit.” He hums. It was dark and there was a slight nip to the air but our warmth combined was enough for us.
He turned around and returned the hug. His warmth enveloping me whole. My check to his chest, I could hear and feel his heart beating. Even after all this years, through every argument, I can’t believe the amount of love I have for this man. Everything he does amazes me, the kindness and gentleness he has never stops surprising me. I truly don’t think he understands how big of a gift he is the world. How in awe we- his family, friends and even fans- constantly are of him. I don’t think he realizes how many people he has, and continues, to save. The fact that he does it all without asking anything in return for himself, somehow makes him so much admirable. ———————————————————— “I’ll take the plate, don’t worry about it,” I say as I grab his plate and take it to the sink. Not before he sneaks a slap to my ass.
When I turn to look at him, he has the cheekiest grin ever and giggles like a teenage boy.
I can’t help the smile that makes it’s way onto my face.
“I couldn’t help myself,” he grins, “especially not when you’re wearing a skirt that short.”
“Don’t slut shame me, you asshole,” I snap back playfully
“Baby I want you to dress slutty in front of me,” he hugs me from behind and slowly push’s his groin into my backside, “it makes my dick rock hard.”
I mhmm in acknowledgment. I decide to tease him back and slowly start to move my hips.
He groans and starts placing sloppy kisses along my neck, “babyyyy, if you keep doing that I’m gonna take you right here.”
“Do it,” I moan when he starts trailing his hand down my stomach.
Just when he’s about to reach the button of my jeans the door bell rings.
“Fuck,” he all but growls.
I laugh, “relax baby we’ll have time later.” I wink as I go to answer the door
“You absolute tease,” I hear him say.
We’re all three drinks in and it’s clear everyone’s starting to feel it. Harry is telling the story of the renovation we recently had done in the guest room, to which Jeff and Glenne listen to intently.
“Seriously, I’ll give you both the number to the company that did our flooring,” I say to them.
They turn their heads and smile at me, “That would be wonderful, thank you,” glenne says with a grateful smile.
Despite our time together, being around Harry’s friends never fails to make me nervous. I think a part of me is worried if they don’t like me, what Harry would do. Surely he’d pick his best friend and manager over a girl, right? My thoughts are interrupted when my close friend Mae asks Harry a question.
“Renovations in a new house, but no ring?” She has a playful tone and everyone laughs but Harry and I both look at each other slightly panicked.
It’s not that we didn’t want people to know that we had gotten married. But the constant questions and pestering became a drag to deal with. Which is why we choose to instead elope with only our familys knowledge. It was beyond lovely being able to experience the first few months of our marriage without the constant unwanted attention from everyone.
It was a secret between the two of us, something that made our love all the more special.
Harry takes a deep breath and looks over the Mae, “it’ll happen soon, don’t worry,” he grins.
“I’ve told you a thousand times Mae, we’ll go to a courthouse and that’s it,” I smile, knowing this is where we constantly lost everyone in our marriage plans.
Harry and I didn’t want the big wedding everyone dreams of. We were content with signing a paper and vowing to love each other.
“I love you both, but you kill me everytime you remind me,” Mae exclaims with a small smile.
Everyone begins chatting about weddings, in what I assume to be an attempt to change our minds.
After a few more drinks and a long discussion about what our next gathering will be focused on, our guests excuse themselves and leave one by one. ————————————— Up stairs, Harry and I began to get ready for bed. He managed to tuck himself into bed already while I wiped all my makeup off.
“I don’t know if I should keep letting my bread grow?” He wondered out loud.
“Yes!” I agreed a little too loudly, Harry’s facial hair was the source of most of our disagreements. While he preferred to stick to shaven or minimal stubble, I preferred his full grown beard.
He knowingly smirked, “I’ll keep it if it means I get to spend all day with my head between your thighs.”
“You won’t hear me complainin’ “ I mumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you?” He jokingly leaned foward in an attempt to look at me.
I turned off the light and walked toward our bed. Before sit at the end of it.
While crawling, “ I said I won’t complain about you spending all day between my thighs.”
He grinned again, “is that so?”
I reached my hand under the covers and began to palm him over his sweatpants. He started placing kisses along my neck and jawline. When I gave a rather hard squeeze he groaned and looked at me, “I’m gonna cum in my pants.”
“And we couldn’t possibly have that hmm?”
“Absolutely not, I want to cum in your tight cunt.”
I moaned at his words and pulled him to get out from under the covers. He pushed me onto my back and began grinding his hips on mine. I reached for the bottom of his shirt and lifted it off him. While he broke away I began to strip off my bottoms and top.
He let out a growl when he saw I wasn’t wearing a bra and immediately began sucking on the area around my nipples.
“Harry..” I moaned
“Tell me baby” he replied, “tell me what you want daddy to do?”
“I want daddy to fuck me.” I boldly said
It’s light a switch flipped in Harry and he practically tore off my lace thong.
I  pulled his underwear off and his erection sprung up immediately.
I almost drooled at the sight of his red tip dripping pre cum. I laid back down while slowly pumping him.
He threw his head back and gave the most angelic moan I have ever heard. The sight of Harry completely subbmissive to my hand was quite possibly the biggest turn on.
He wasted in no time and lined himself up, kissing me roughly and slowly easing in.
“Oh fuck...” I threw my head back in pleasure.
No matter how many times we had sex, Harry’s size never failed to surprise me.
“Shit baby you’re so tight,” he bit his lip and began thrusting roughly.
Our pants and skin slapping was the only noise  in the room. A noise that had become a regular occurrence.
“Harder Harry.....fuck..”
“Yeah baby? You like rough? Like it when daddy fucks you with his cock?” He smirked and picked up his pace. He trailed his hand up from my thighs and wrapped them around my throat lightly.
“Mmmm....” was all I managed to get out.
He pressed his body on top of mine and bottomed out making me moan out loudly. I raked my nails down his back, knowing the marks would be there tomorrow.
He placed a kiss below my ear sending a wave of pleasure throughout me.
“Wanna get on top and ride my cock darlin’ ?” He whispered.
I nodded feverishly and pushed him to lay on his back.
I straddled him and grabbed his length lining him up, slowly sinking down. We both dropped our heads and moaned at the feeling of him being balls deep in me.
“Fuck, baby you’re cunt feels so good.”
“Mmm you like it?” I asked
“I fuckin love it.” I began moving my hips back and forth and then bouncing up and down; trying to find a rhythm that would push us over the edge.
My thighs began to burn so I placed my chest on Harry’s and he took that as his signal to do his part. He began thrusting up into me at a merciless pace. ‘Oh fuck’ was the only words I could seemingly get out, while Harry resorted to merely grunting.
I could feel him twitching inside me and knew he was close.
I began kissing all along his jaw and whispered in his ear, “cum in me, Harry, cum in your cunt.” This was all he needed as he bottomed out and groaned loudly.
I felt his thick ropes of cum coat inside of me. This pushed me over the edge, making me twitch on top of Harry and cry out.
I felt him soften but neither of us made any move. Our breaths were slowly going back to normal.
Finally I slowly eased off of him, whimpering at the feeling of being empty.
“Fuck, y/n, what the hell was that?” He chuckled.
“It was thank you, for everything.” I smiled.
“I love you.” “I love you.”
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januaryedgelordess · 3 years
I'd like to discuss a SnK theory with someone, it's on the possibility of a different (or expanded) AnR theory.
Disclaimer: Perhaps you should read this post with the lyrics for Akatsuki no Requiem by Linked Horizon in mind, but I also don't stand by the original reddit theory a 100%.
One of the questions that lingers around the fandom is: "who would've survived the Rumbling had it been done as originally implied by the themes and foreshadowing of the story?". Some believe only Eren and Historia would have had that chance, but they might be mistaken.
The first proof I have in order to back this claim is AnR's official art as drawn by WIT Studio during the production of season three of the anime:
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(Note: these are originally four different images, the source of this collage is vaguely anitwt).
Just as shown in the original PV by Linked Horizon, each of these characters are standing by a gravestone while holding a bouquet and looking conflicted. Now, to counter the original AnR theorists, I propose that Eren —and by extension, Historia— weren't the only ones to live on with regret in their hearts, instead, Levi and Hanji survived as well.
Why did they survive? Is my conclusion solely based on these pictures? Well, just in part.
I believe Attack on Titan was never meant to be a one-sided story, and that one of the various themes that weren't thoroughly explored in the later chapters, a theme which was instead rushed and swiftly overlooked, is that of the conflict between "Nationalism" and "Internationalism". It's obvious and needless to point out that Yaegerists were the former, but the latter never take a name for themselves. However, we get a rough idea of who they might be, one of them is clearly Hanji Zoe:
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Another internationalist is obviously Onyankopon:
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Another one is Armin and so on, and so on.
Are they the only type on people on Earth? Of course not. Notably you also have those who have egotistical motivations, like Jean, who just wants to get married and live a peaceful life in the inner cities; or the Hizuru ambassador, Kiyomi, whose motivation is monetary gain. The world isn't black and white in AoT so, to clarify, it's unnecessary to classify every character in the dichotomy here presented.
Now, if Yams hadn't downplayed this interaction, we may have had a better thought out plan to stop the Rumbling and, possibly, a less moronically cringy way for "The Alliance" to be presented.
Why is that? It's because of various reasons. First, one of the most observant characters, Hanji, is notable for having spied on some of Eren and Historia's interactions (the "You look happy — that's because I am" scene for example) but by the end of the story the audience never got a reason as to why this observant behavior happened. If Hanji really is as cunning and observant as she is portrayed to be, she should've been the first character to suspect that Eren is the father and, therefore, that Historia's pregnancy's due date was off. Instead of the survey corps discussing this info, we get some random officers discussing irrelevant rumours about it. Isayama I mean, Kawakubo played Hanji Zoe dirty, in my opinion, in this scenario.
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If Hanji had noticed that important information, and if that info had been shared with the Survey Corps, as was natural for her character to do, "the Alliance" may have had been able to act sooner against the AT.
Now, would more prep time save the world from devastation? No, I don't believe so. I believe it would, instead, make them have a slightly more realistic last fight by a) having them recruit actual soldiers and weapons for the final showdown, heck, if they have enough time even other countries would chime in, vs Hallu-chan and the Attach Titan; and, therefore, b) not having them rely on a Deus Ex Machina to defeat Eren.
That way, Hanji would live on with regret, knowing the Alliance did everything in their power to defeat the Attack Titan but failed miserably in the end. Instead of having her smile as her ghost-self at whatever the hell the canon battle achieved, she'd mourn the world that's been lost, and she'd feel regret for not being able to save it.
Now, for Levi I haven't done a thorough analysis yet, but I believe it's not difficult to see why humanity's strongest soldier would survive this ordain. I'd really like to hear someone else's thoughts on that matter.
Also, I'm in no way trying to imply LeviHan was supposed to be part of a kino ending, but I'm not too into that ship so I'd like to hear someone else's thoughts about it and on why they were the only two members of the alliance to survive according to WIT Studio's AnR official art.
Now, onto the second part of "who survived the Rumbling?". The next piece of information contradicts previous statements, and it also contradicts an AnR ending to some extent, but bare with me, please.
Exhibit A, Mikasa and Armin should have survived:
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However, for Kruger's prophecy to succeed, I stand by my previous statement that "the Alliance" should've acted sooner, and that Armin is part of the Internationalist faction ready to "save humanity". Why do I believe that? It's easy, first, let's remember this quote from the moment Erwin died:
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Note how, not only does Eren say Armin will save the humans, he also implies Mikasa will know it'll happen (so she'll be alive by the time the battle ends).
And, piggybacking on that moment as well, Armin would've been able to use his intellect to make a plan to divert the Rumbling titans. I'm adding this here to stress something that can't be stressed enough: Armin shouldn't have had to fistfight Eren twice, and he shouldn't have had to steal someone else's kill. Now onto that kill...
Should Mikasa have been the one to deal Eren's final blow? In the canon version of the story it's shown, in a rather cringy way, how she has to make up a whole different scenario inside her mind to get the mental strength to kill him. To me, Mikasa instead should've used the devastation caused by the Rumbling to completely break away from Eren's character and to be able to see past the "you're being brainwashed" narrative. Now, besides some of Isayama's interviews, there's other proof to back this up: the Historia-Mikasa parallels in Ending 4 and Ending 1:
Ending 1: https://youtu.be/O4wezNlsxB0
Ending 4: https://youtu.be/o05UK9lXtC0
We see some petty similarities in both: how both girls seem to be inside a pond or a lake, a snip of them running when they were young, etc.; but we also see some more important things for this theory: their growth as a person (how they survived whatever the past cast upon them), and them catching up to the people who they look up to and love.
Now, two things we know about Historia are that her beloved Ymir left her and she had to learn to accept it and move on; and that her sister, Frieda, died and she, without initially knowing even that she'd lost her, had to learn how to live on her own when she was young. Would Mikasa and Eren be able to have an end like that? I think it was implied that it was possible, but other than that, as part of any healthy development of her character, it is important for her to move on just as the Eldian Queen did: even if Eren chose to live a life apart from her (like Ymir did to Historia's early knowledge) or even if he were to die (like Frieda did).
Also, I have some doubts about Mikasa being the one who was supposed to kill Eren, since the one who was foreshadowed to be a Helos' parallel, and who'd fit the role just as well is Reiner, but I won't discuss that here.
So, to me, Mikasa was never an Internationalist, but for the sake of her character, a break-away from Eren should've been a good conclusive act.
As to some other parallels between Mikasa and Historia we have this part:
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In which it is implied that they share the same burden by birth, and the same destiny, possibly. Mikasa is shown to be embarrassed about it but Historia seems to be thoroughly delighted.
With this parallel I'd also like to recall two other threads left undone: the Azumabito clan and the Ackerman mystery.
First, the Azumabitos. It's implied that their land is to "the Orient", and we also get a small snip during the Rumbling which implies they have a coast (it's obvious their country is a direct reference to Japan, needless to say). All of which would imply that, as it does in the Real World ™️, Hizuru is almost the Eastern-most Nation of AoT's world as well, and therefore, it may be one of the last countries that the Rumbling would have reached. If you add that they were the first people to send an ambassador to Paradis, you get: Hizuru being the first nation to be included in a possible Internationalist "Alliance" (had it been done in the appropriate time) against the Attack Titan; and you also get that this would increase their possibilities of surviving, at least just in part, the Rumbling.
Why is this important? Because AnR's lyrics do not imply the world will be completely and absolutely obliterated. AnR's lyrics imply the world will live on but the power dynamic of the world will be reversed: Paradis will rule, while the rest will be forced inside the cage.
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Now, the Ackermans. Just as Historia and Zeke posses a special particularity by virtue of birth (they are direct descendants of Ymir), which make them valuable assets to "breed" for whoever is using the Eldians (be it Marley, the Azumabitos, or the First King), I believe the outside world would be interested, at any part of the story, to have an Ackerman in their line of defense against the Eldians. In this case the Mikasa-Historia parallel is strengthened, simply because it would be interesting to see Levi or Mikasa confront that part of their destiny (to make the Ackerman clan continue for the sake of a plan, while acknowledging they're the only survivors). Perhaps Hizuru would've been the country to try and make use of that potential? This parallel was, of course, never used, but it would've been delightful to see it exploited at some point in the AoT timeline. However I acknowledge that continuity is impossible in a world without titans, unless one of the surviving countries on Earth are in serious need of Olympic competitors, of course, so perhaps it should've been mentioned before The Rumbling arc.
Well, this turned out to be more like a vent or a rant than a theory now, and I wish I could've had discussed it quietly with someone instead of just posting it here. There are some other nuances to this analysis that I would like to explore in the future (since this isn't thoroughly thought out) In the meantime what do you all think of a new AnR theory like this one? Does it make a little sense? At least a bit? I hope so. Thank you for reading and sorry about the grammar mistakes.
TLDR: I believe Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Historia, Hanji and Levi should have survived and also it's possible for Hizuru to have survived. Please feel free to point out any flaws.
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paradife-loft · 4 years
three sentences of jiang cheng and jin guangyao's co-parenting adventures :)
(“three sentences”. yeah, well, there sure are three sentences here. and then a bunch more sentences. I guess you could consider the extra sentences like interest for the wait time? :’D I don’t know what I’m doing with myself any more. oh well, I hope the disaster grape pov is enjoyable (’:)
Even though it would’ve been perfectly acceptable to receive Clan Leader Jin at the gates to Lotus Pier proper, Jiang Cheng had decided today to take advantage of the lack of other guests arriving at all hours to meet Lianfang-zun and their nephew down at the docks in the town, instead.
He doesn’t have to wait long; the boat carrying the Jin clan retainers comes into sight on the river within a quarter shichen, and is soon unloading a stream of pale gold out into the lakefront market stalls. Lianfang-zun is one of the last out onto the pier, but Jin Ling rushes past much quicker – the child clambering out through the benches and onto the dock, then turning back to peer in over the railing. He calls an impatient “xiao-shushu!” into the boat, trying to wave him further along without letting go of the ornate, adult-sized sword he held clasped in both hands.
A moment later, he’s apparently given up waiting for his other uncle and flung himself toward Jiang Cheng instead, skidding to a halt and almost overbalancing a few feet in front of him, where he then nods into a perfunctory bow that’s maimed from the start by the way he keeps the sword hugged to his chest. “Uncle Jiang-zongzhu.”
Jiang Cheng feels a small stone at the pit of his stomach, remembering how last time it had simply been jiujiu (when they were in private, he reminds himself, just the three of them that were his remaining family, without all the rest of these disciples and townspeople around) – but he nods anyway, eyeing the sword. Jin Ling scurries around to his side, and Jiang Cheng drops an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in tightly.
It’s a familiar sword, moreso in its spiritual aura than the profile of the hilt and sheath which runs toward the sort of Jin gaudiness whose distinctions he’s never made a particularly intent study of – oh. He understands, abruptly, why Jin Ling must be clinging to it so tightly.
He glances up to where Lianfang-zun is finally emerging from the boat, holding the train of his robe up in one hand and the proffered arm of a Jin disciple in the other. Throughout the elegance of his arrival, he seems to spare a few soft glances at Jin Ling – until he straightens up on flat ground, and the expression melts off his face with a keen fleck of his eyes up toward Jiang Cheng.
“Jiang-zongzhu.” His greeting is effortless and graceful in all the ways Jin Ling’s was not; and afterwards, his mouth quirks in an amused smile for the seven-year-old currently leaning into Jiang Cheng’s side. “I recall you mentioning a desire to show me Lotus Pier’s marketplace in your last message – but it seems a-Ling perhaps has other ideas?”
“I wanna go watch the sword practise,” Jin Ling confirms, burrowing his head and shoulder further in toward Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng looks down at him. His hair is studded with tiny ornaments and tied up into a pale embroidered gold Jin ribbon. He holds Suihua (where had he gotten it from?), and cajoles two uncles in place of a mother and father.
(Had Jiang Cheng ever clung to Yanli like this, when they were children? Of course he had. The recognition tears something unsettling in his throat.)
“You can have one of the senior disciples take you to watch the drills, and then Jin-zongzhu and I will come see how well you’ve learned once we’re done here,” he says – a passable enough recovery of his usual authority, he hopes. He turns and beckons one of his own seniors in Jiang blues with a nod of his chin.
Jin Ling looks back at Jin Guangyao when the Jiang disciple leans down to take his hand. “It’s okay to go ahead?”
Jin Guangyao smiles again, the broad one that crinkles his eyes and dimples his cheeks and always makes Jiang Cheng feel irritatingly patronized, or seen through, or… something. All he knows is it gives him an unsettling clench in his gut half the time he sees it, even if it’s not directed at him.
“While you’re at Lotus Pier, you’re free to do whatever you please within Jiang-zongzhu’s guidance,” he says to Jin Ling, before ending with a glance up, meeting Jiang Cheng’s own gaze with the same smile on his mouth but a different look entirely in his eyes.
That’s a premonition of a conversation to come, Jiang Cheng figures. He’s only been Jin-zongzhu for less than a year by now, but Jiang Cheng’s been met with enough looks amidst discussions with the previous clan leader, followed by Jin Guangyao catching his sleeve after he’s left for running another variation on the topic without his father present, to understand the same one now.
Whatever. He’ll deal with it whenever Lianfang-zun decides to make it his problem and no sooner. If he doesn’t like Jiang Cheng using his own authority with his own nephew in his own sect, he can bring it up on his own time.
Once Jin Ling and most of the disciples have gone ahead to the main complex, though, Jiang Cheng ends up reminding himself of exactly why Jin Guangyao has a tendency to be pleasant company. He asks after the relationships Jiang Cheng has been overseeing with the minor sects in the region, and offers up a couple suggestions for other contacts outside Yunmeng that he might be able to offer them to ease some of their trade problems. He listens to the impromptu tour Jiang Cheng gives of the Lotus Pier market, as he introduces the various familiar faces he’s looked at with a certain pride of responsibility ever since they’d been waving at him as the sect’s young master; as well as the newer faces he’s come to know in the rebuilding process, as they brought in replacements for the pieces of Lotus Pier’s foundation that had been lost during the war.
He asks just the right questions to let Jiang Cheng segue into a topic he can feel genuine pride at, and manages to look genuinely interested in the answers. When they stop to speak with the stall owners, he smiles at all the aunties and uncles and grandfathers oh so charmingly, and compliments their wares as if he’d been shopping in Lotus Pier his whole life.
(“Oh, and here I’d been hoping you might serve some of that delicious wuchang fish you had prepared during the last cultivation conference while I was here again,” he’d exclaimed when they came across one of the fishermen hauling in the day’s catch from a nearby lake. “I remember it being sliced so beautifully as well – but one could hardly expect anything else in Yunmeng, could they?”)
And Jin Guangyao is indeed such a flawless conversationalist, that after another half-shichen in his company, Jiang Cheng has begun to find it almost grating. He’s got a pinched feeling in the base of his stomach that’s only grown as they’ve wound their way back up to the Jiang sect’s compound, vaguely listening to Jin Guangyao update him on recent news from other corners of the cultivation world.
They’re almost to the gates when the sound of sword drills reaches Jiang Cheng’s ears, and he remembers in a sudden rush back of emotion the thing he’d been meaning to get answers on before they rejoined the rest of their sects.
“Lianfang-zun,” he interrupts, unable to help the tension he can feel creasing his brow from taking up its usual home in his face. No use trying to be delicate about it – he’d see through it anyway, and then Jiang Cheng would just feel like a fool again for having tried. He squares his shoulders and refuses to be moved to apology by the questioning surprise in Jin Guangyao’s glance.
“Jin Ling was carrying Jin Zixuan’s sword when you arrived here,” he says. He tries at least to make it sound less like an accusation than it feels. “You gave it to him?”
In return, Jin Guangyao smiles at him briefly. “I did. Not for practicing with, of course – not until he’s older and his core has formed properly.” He’s using a soothing tone of voice, Jiang Cheng can recognise – as if he himself is the yet-coreless child who needs to be reassured that way. He bites the inside of his lip.
“It’s merely… I’ve been intending on installing honors for my elder brother within Golden Scale Tower recently as well, since presumably this position would’ve been his if not for… well. But it seems the renewed discussion of Zixuan-ge has gotten a-Ling missing his father, and I thought giving him something he had so treasured during his lifetime might provide a small comfort for what I can’t replace. And he has been working quite diligently on his sword forms, so it seemed fitting.”
Jin Guangyao is looking up at him, while Jiang Cheng is trying to sort out what his feelings are doing and keep the reflexive scowl off his face, and – it’s almost astounding how a person can manage to look both apologetic and thoroughly unwilling to give any ground away at the same time. He glances down to where Jin Guangyao has clasped his fingers together, almost hidden beneath the sturdy silk of his sleeves, and then breaks away entirely.
“Oh, well. If that’s what it is, then good. He should have something of his father’s to remember him by.”
The people at Golden Scale Tower still tell plenty of stories of Jin Zixuan, Jiang Cheng knows – he’s heard some personally on visit, and also about them, via Jin Ling’s resultant questions and boasts, as reported to him by none other than Jin Guangyao himself. But he wonders how many people still left there knew Jin Zixuan in the way a child ought to know his father, instead of as a distant figure worthy of gossip now and again because he’s the sect leader’s only (acknowledged) child.
He wonders whether anyone at all has seen fit to tell Jin Ling anything meaningful about his mother whatsoever.
Around the hilt of Sandu, his knuckles clench white and painful, as he tries to make himself stop letting that line of thought grow, before it can take over and loom over his head entirely. A stupid waste of effort, usually, but if there’s one thing he doesn’t want, it’s letting his emotions so obviously getting the better of him in front of Jin-zongzhu, Lianfang-zun, ever-accommodating perfect host Jin Guangyao.
Jiang Cheng takes a couple of hopefully-understated breaths to try and steady himself, and then scowls despite it all when it only does about as much good as ever – but he lets the last out audibly through his nose, and then turns back to look at his guest beside him. Waiting patiently, as always.
“Well? Let’s go, then. If he’s been practicing his sword forms as much as you say, he should’ve picked up something passable here by now since we’ve been gone.”
Jin Guangyao only inclined his head politely, and follows Jiang Cheng inside to where the rest of their disciples – along with their shared nephew – are waiting.
As he enters the main courtyard, he hopes for the first time in a while, childishly and without much real conviction, that if his sister is watching over any of them, himself or Jin Ling most of all – that she will grant him the strength missing from his heart these past several years, to make part any of this easier for him. Even just a little bit would help.
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