artristica · 2 years
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#artritisreumatoide #artrosis #artritispsoriásica #artritis #artritisjuvenil #esclerosis #esclerosismúltiple #sjörgen #fibromialgia #fibrofighter #fibrowarrior #fibromyalgia #dolor #dolorcrónico #dolorsevero #dolorneuropatico #fatiga #fatigacrónica #lupus #lupuswarrior #lupussurvivor #hipertiroidismo #hipotiroidismo #enfermedadesraras #salud #autoinmunes #saludmental #enfermedadesautoinmunes #crohn #enfermedaddecrohn https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbUDWtPhWx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jerry-hornes-foot · 1 year
I'm walking down the street my feet feel like dancing
The people that I meet are smiling, romancing
Something in the air that makes it enchanting
This is the place for you and me
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marbleousmachine · 2 years
Kalle och Chokladfabriken (1983):
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Above are some shots from the 1983 TV series Kalle och Chokladfabriken. Narrated by Ernst-Hugo Järegard and produced by SVT and Lars Sjörgen (IMDB). Unfortunately, the majority of this show is lost media and was not archived by TheWayBackMachine and has been removed from SVT and other Swedish streaming/purchasing sites.
Originally a channel called Erikbe99 (I believe it was them, although it could be another that's now deleted) posted the entire series on YouTube, yet it has now been removed, neither archived. Only three video clips remain of the show which is the intro, outro and The Television Chocolate Room scene. There was the inventing room scene available, but this now only remains as screenshots (to my current knowledge).
Despite this, the illustrations are available through buying the book- which is full of Bengt Arne Runnerström's work, albeit in greyscale. This is available on Bokbörsen and other second hand Swedish book shops. The full colour version of Kalle och den Stora Glasshissen is also available! Which could mean a full colour version of the original TV series is out out there somewhere, as a picture book.
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Again, the search continues for the VHS
Credit to: IMDB, Bokbörsen, Tradera and Boktcykeri
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christinziogrimmace · 2 years
Well I know there’s gotta be some people in the disability community on here, just wondering how many that are active that have a rheumatic disease (UCTD, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjörgen, etc)
Hi I have Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD) I found out just before the panini hit, I’m on hydroxycholorquine which helps me manage my symptoms *most* of the time but with the weather getting cold I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain in my leg joints especially my left knee. It sucks. I can only handle doing stuff on my feet for so long before I need to sit or lay down at this point.
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albertalice920 · 3 months
Treating Autoimmune Diseases
Treating Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases encompass a wide range of conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues. With over 80 different autoimmune diseases identified, these conditions can affect various organs and systems, leading to diverse symptoms and complications.
This blog throws light on the best treatment for autoimmune diseases in India.
Understanding Autoimmune Diseases
Our immune system is a collection of cells, proteins, and organs. It protects the body from infection, illness, disease (caused by foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi,). The immune system attacks and destroys these substances before they have a chance to attack the body.
Autoimmune diseases cause a perfectly healthy immune system to attack our body instead of protecting it. It’s like a self-goal in football or hockey. But its repercussions can be quite serious and devastating, affecting several tissue types and nearly every organ in our body.
Types of Autoimmune Diseases and Their Symptoms
Out of the 80 types of autoimmune diseases, below are the most common ones:
Autoimmune Diseases of Joints and Muscles
Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) 
Sjörgen’s syndrome 
Symptoms: Inflammation, aches and pains in muscles, muscle weakness, stiffness, swelling, and pain in joints
Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System
Myasthenia gravis
Multiple sclerosis
Symptoms: Insomnia, headaches and migraines, blurry vision, anxiety and depression, cognitive impairment, dizziness, numbness and tingling, lightheadedness
Autoimmune Diseases of the Skin
Symptoms: Inflammation, dry skin, dry mouth, dry eyes, rashes, hair loss, itching
Autoimmune Diseases of the Digestive Tract
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Celiac disease
Symptoms: Bloody stool (sometimes with mucus), abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, nausea, acid reflux, food sensitivities
Autoimmune Diseases of the Endocrine System
Graves’ disease
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
Addison’s disease
Symptoms: Fatigue, weight changes, changes in skin and hair, muscle weakness, joint pain, irregular menstrual cycles, hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, swelling and inflammation, polyuria, polydipsia, vision troubles
Other Autoimmune Diseases
Type 1 diabetes
Autoimmune vasculitis
Pernicious anemia
Autoimmune Disease Treatment
Traditional treatments for autoimmune diseases involve immunosuppressive medications and anti-inflammatory drugs. While these approaches can help manage symptoms, they come with side effects. However, most traditional treatment methods cannot address the root cause of the diseases. Long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs have also been known to compromise the overall immune system, making the patients more prone to infections.
At Plexus, we believe a combination of medications, certain lifestyle changes, and tailored therapeutic interventions can help manage autoimmune diseases. Let’s take a closer look at these.
Anti-inflammatory drugs: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can reduce inflammation and pain.
Corticosteroids: These are more powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that can help manage severe symptoms.
Immunosuppressants: Drugs like azathioprine, methotrexate, and cyclophosphamide suppress the immune system to prevent it from attacking the body.
Biologics: These are a newer class of drugs that target specific parts of the immune system. These include drugs targeting interleukin-17, interleukin-23, and B-cell pathways.
Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors: These are a class of drugs that interfere with the pathways involved in the inflammatory process. They have shown promise in treating rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.
Lifestyle Changes
Diet: A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can help manage symptoms.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, these have anti-inflammatory properties
Probiotics: Support gut health, which is closely linked to immune function
Herbal Remedies: Herbs like turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory effects
Exercise: Regular, moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and improve overall health.
Stress Management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and counseling can help manage stress, which is known to exacerbate autoimmune conditions.
Read about the importance of stress management with autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis.
Vitamin D Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases
Vitamin D modulates the immune system by promoting regulatory T cells, which help prevent the immune system from attacking the body’s own tissues. It also reduces the production of inflammatory cytokines.
Sunlight exposure, dietary sources like fatty fish, and fortified foods can also help maintain adequate vitamin D levels.
Read more about the connection between Vitamin D levels and Multiple Sclerosis here.
Physical Therapy
Engaging in regular physical activity such as walking, yoga, or swimming can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being. Plexus offers personalized exercise and strength training programs to support the individual’s specific requirements and symptoms.
Stem Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Conditions
At Plexus, we use mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as an innovative approach to manage autoimmune conditions, provide long-term relief, and even address their underlying causes.
Our customized regenerative medicine program for autoimmune conditions provides relief from symptoms, slows down disease progression, and improves quality of life.
MSCs are undifferentiated progenitor cells with the ability to transform into various cell types that can help treat autoimmune conditions. Injected stem cells can transform into cells that make up the immune system. MSCs have the following features that help in managing autoimmune conditions:
Anti-Inflammatory properties that alleviate chronic inflammation, and provide relief from symptoms.
Immunomodulation properties that help reset the immune system, and reduce autoimmune responses.
Additionally, MSCs repair or regenerate damaged tissues, as well as aid in repairing organs and systems affected by the condition.
Besides the above therapies and treatment interventions, specific autoimmune conditions may require other management strategies too. Let’s take a look at these below.
Autoimmune Kidney Disease Treatment
Lupus nephritis, IgA nephropathy and other autoimmune kidney diseases require specialized treatment to prevent kidney damage.
ACE Inhibitors and ARBs: Help control blood pressure and reduce proteinuria.
In severe cases where kidney function is significantly impaired, dialysis or kidney transplantation may be necessary.
Autoimmune Liver Disease Treatment
Autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, and other autoimmune liver diseases require targeted therapies to manage liver inflammation and prevent progression.
Azathioprine: An immunosuppressant often used in combination with corticosteroids.
Ursodeoxycholic Acid: Used in primary biliary cholangitis to improve bile flow.
In cases of severe liver damage, a liver transplant may be necessary.
Autoimmune Lung Disease Treatment
Sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, and other autoimmune lung diseases require specific treatments to manage respiratory symptoms and prevent progression.
Oxygen Therapy: For patients with significant respiratory impairment, supplemental oxygen may be necessary.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Exercise and breathing techniques can improve lung function and quality of life.
Autoimmune Skin Disease Treatment
Psoriasis, vitiligo, pemphigus, and other autoimmune skin diseases require treatments that address skin lesions and underlying inflammation.
Corticosteroids: Commonly used to reduce skin inflammation.
Calcineurin Inhibitors: Such as tacrolimus, used for sensitive areas like the face.
Immunosuppressants: Methotrexate and cyclosporine are often used for severe cases.
Biologics: Drugs targeting TNF-alpha and interleukins are effective for conditions like psoriasis.
Phototherapy: Exposure to specific wavelengths of light can help reduce skin lesions in conditions like psoriasis and vitiligo.
In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or replace damaged tissues or organs. For example, joint replacement surgery may be needed for those with severe rheumatoid arthritis.
Personalized medicine and multidisciplinary care are essential to managing these complex conditions effectively. 
To know more about rehabilitation programs for autoimmune conditions, reach out to our team in Bangalore and/or Hyderabad today.
WhatsApp +91 89048 42087
Call +91 78159 64668 (Hyderabad) | +91 82299 99888 (Bangalore)
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psygoth13 · 1 year
Hello everyone, I am working towards getting a mobility chair and would be very grateful for any assistance. Unfortunately these chairs can be expensive but it would greatly improve my quality of life. To clue you in, I am diagnosed with Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Interstitial Cystitis, and Sjörgens Syndrome. Winters are especially brutal as rheumatological diseases don't respond well to the cold. Please feel free to share and spread the word, it would be much appreciated and thank you!
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magdasabs · 2 years
Sjörgen has the face of a man whose potentially about to lose his job 💀
I'll miss him cause he's such a Maren stan but he should just go back to Linköping or sth
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buch-sonar · 2 years
"Flussaufwärts" von Sabine Buxbaum
Ein kaltblütiger Frauenmörder treibt am Mississippi River sein Unwesen: "Flussaufwärts" von Sabine Buxbaum #thriller #buchsonar #debk
Die junge Journalistin Ally Wyatt reist vom geschäftigen New York ins beschauliche Clinton im Bundesstaat Iowa, um einen Artikel über die Opfer des brutalen Serienkillers Sven Sjörgen zu schreiben. Doch der kaltblütige Frauenmörder treibt am Mississippi River noch immer sein Unwesen und hinterlässt flussaufwärts eine Spur aus Leichen und Fragen. Dann ist da noch der mysteriöse Kopfgeldjäger Hank…
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yoikami · 6 years
To everyone who shamed me for complaining about my chronic pain, the thing I will live through my entire life until the day I die, you will never even understand just a tiny bit of what I'm going through. I'm writing this at 5am with teary eyes from pain beating me up everydays and nights. My eyes are just tearing up literally from Sjörgen because of how dry and flared up they are.
You're a piece of garbage for telling me to stop complaining, stop saying it hurts because it fucking hurts so much I could die. It hurts everydays, it will never stop and I won't put up with this and shut up and die at 30 assassinated by my own silenced depression like your mother did and like you're trying to be. I'm going to be stronger than this and speak for myself. You don't want to hear me talk about it yet you complain my illness is invisible. You complain I look too good to be sick.
And seriously I look so ugly when I'm exhausted and in pain. Just look at my face, it screams exhaustion. I look tired and ugly. I feel like even my soulmate one day will gro tired of this ugly tired face. All my fears make it worst but I won't let YOU feeding onto these. To all of you underestimating my pain, you'd be the most miserable humain being if you spent one day in my body, unable to do whatever you want. You'll feel weakened and agonizing amd I will come up to you and say "oh come on shut up, you complain all the time like this?".
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globalhappenings · 3 years
The Eternals still dominate the box office, then Zlatan
The Eternals still dominate the box office, then Zlatan
(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 15 – Marvel’s Eternals still dominate the weekend box office: the film directed by Oscar winner Chloé Zhao, starring Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie, raised over 1.7 million euro, thus touching a loot of 6.5 million in two weeks, according to Cinetel data. Behind the Eternals debuts Zlatan, a biopic by Jens Sjörgen on Ibrahimovic, which in four days reaches almost 1 million in…
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azveille · 5 years
Novartis prévoit de déposer 80 nouvelles demandes d'AMM d'ici 2022
Novartis a annoncé jeudi à l'occasion d'un R&D Day qu'il prévoit de déposer 80 demandes d'autorisations de mise sur le marché (AMM) "majeures" entre 2020 et 2022 aux Etats-Unis, en Europe, au Japon et en Chine, dont une majorité d'extensions d'indication,
En mai, il tablait sur 60 demandes d'homologations "majeures" d'ici 2021, rappelle-t-on. Le groupe suisse a réaffirmé qu'il comptait dans son pipeline 25 blockbusters potentiels (pouvant dépasser un milliard de dollars de chiffre d'affaires annuel), en ligne avec ce qu'il avait annoncé au printemps.
Parmi les dépôts de demandes d'AMM attendus pour de nouvelles molécules, figurent, en 2020, l'anti-PD-1 spartalizumab (ex-PDR001) en association avec Tafinlar* (dabrafenib) et Mekinist* (trametinib) dans le mélanome métastatique avec mutation BRAF V600, le 177Lu-PSMA-617 dans le cancer de la prostate métastatique résistant à la castration, et le févipiprant dans l'asthme.
Egalement en 2020, Novartis espère obtenir des extensions d'indications pour Piqray* (alpésilib) dans le syndrome d'hypercroissance associé à une mutation du gène PIK3CA, pour Cosentyx* (sécukinumab) dans le psoriasis (relèvement de dose à 300 mg) et dans le rhumatisme psoriasique (résultats d'une étude comparative vs adalimumab), pour Zolgensma* (onasemnogène abeparvovec) dans l'amyotrophie spinale de type 2 et 3 et pour Entresto* (valsartan + sacubitril) dans l'insuffisance cardiaque à fraction d'éjection préservée.
Pour 2021, le laboratoire anticipe les dépôts de demandes d'homologation pour l'asciminib (ex-ABL001) en traitement de troisième ligne dans la leucémie myéloïde chronique (LMC), pour MBG453 dans les syndromes myélodysplasiques à haut risque et pour l'anticorps monoclonal ligélizumab (ex-QGE031) dans l'urticaire chronique.
En termes de nouvelles indications en oncologie, le laboratoire espère décrocher en 2021 des extensions pour le canakinumab (ex-ACZ885, Ilaris*) dans le traitement en deuxième ligne et en première ligne du cancer du poumon non à petites cellules (NAPC), ainsi que pour le crizanlizumab (Adakveo*) dans la drépanocytose grâce à une nouvelle formulation. Il compte également sur des extensions d'indication de Kymriah* (tisagenlecleucel) dans le lymphome diffus à grandes cellules B réfractaire après une première rechute ainsi que dans le lymphome folliculaire réfractaire ou en rechute.
Dans l'ophtalmologie, Novartis vise une extension d'AMM pour Beovu* (brolucizumab) dans l'oedème maculaire diabétique, toujours pour 2021. Pour Entresto*, il ambitionne de décrocher une extension dans le post-infarctus du myocarde.
Pour 2022, Novartis a indiqué espérer cinq extensions d'indication: le canakinumab en traitement adjuvant du cancer du poumon NAPC, Kisqali* (ribociclib) en adjuvant dans le cancer du sein RH+/HER2- et Cosentyx* dans la spondylarthrite ankylosante (version IV), ainsi que dans l'hidrosadénite suppurée et dans la spondylarthrite axiale (résultats d'une étude comparative vs adalimumab).
Au total, le laboratoire anticipe 40 extensions d'indication pour des médicaments déjà sur le marché, dont sept pour Cosentyx*.
37 molécules en phase III
En termes de pipeline, Novartis affirme compter 37 programme en phase III dont 20 en oncologie. 60 projets sont en cours de phase II, dont plus de 10 devraient entrer en phase III ou en essai pivot en 2020 et 2021. 90% d'entre eux pourraient devenir les premiers représentants de leur classe thérapeutique ou premier traitement dans leur indication (first-in-class ou first-in-indication), selon le laboratoire.
Parmi les actifs "émergents" présentés lors de ce R&D day, Novartis a mis en avant l'iscalimab (CFZ533), un anticorps monoclonal visant le récepteur CD40 ayant le potentiel de devenir un standard dans la transplantation et ayant démontré des preuves de concept dans le syndrome de Sjörgen. Des essais débutent dans six indications, a fait savoir le laboratoire dans un communiqué.
Il mise aussi sur LNP03, un inhibiteur oral du facteur B en développement dans trois maladies rénales rares et dans l'hémoglobinurie paroxystique nocturne, avec de premiers résultats attendus pour 2020.
MBG453, un anticorps monoclonal qui cible le marqueur immunologique TIM3 actuellement en phase II dans les syndromes myélodysplasiques, a le potentiel de devenir un traitement de base dans les maladies de la moelle osseuse, affirme Novartis. Enfin, TQJ230, un oligonucléotide antisens acquis auprès de Ionis en février, a montré des résultats prometteurs dans la réduction de la lipoprotéine a (Lp(a)), un facteur de risque connu de maladie cardiovasculaire.
Le groupe suisse a également listé les actifs en développement les plus avancés, c'est-à-dire dont les présentations des résultats des phases III et lancements sont prévus à "un horizon qui mènera à une croissance de proche à moyen terme". C'est le cas de l'ofatumumab (Arzerra*, avec Genmab) dans la sclérose en plaques (SEP) récurrente, du traitement oral de l'asthme févipiprant (QAW03), de la thérapie par radioligand Lu-PSMA-617 dans le cancer de la prostate métastatique résistant à la castration, du ligélizumab et du canakinumab.
La stratégie de réduction des délais commence à porter ses fruits
Le directeur général, Vas Narasimhan, a par ailleurs souligné que les initiatives visant une réduction des coûts et une amélioration de la productivité "commencent à montrer des résultats", notamment dans l'accélération des développements. Fin 2017, quelques mois avant sa prise de fonction officielle, il avait partagé sa volonté de mettre en oeuvre une "révolution de la productivité" et de réduire de 20% à 25% ses coûts d'essais cliniques grâce à l'utilisation du digital, rappelle-t-on.
Il a présenté à la presse en septembre le soutien apporté par l'intelligence artificielle (IA) en matière de développement clinique.
Jeudi dans sa présentation aux investisseurs, Novartis a indiqué que, dans un essai clinique, le temps entre la finalisation du protocole et la visite du premier patient a été réduit de 12% entre 2018 et 2019. Le délai de recrutement a pour sa part diminué de 24% et le temps s'écoulant entre la dernière visite du patient et le verrouillage de la base de données ("database lock") de 32%.
Cela se traduit par une augmentation de 3% du coût de recrutement de patient, mais une baisse de 8% du coût par visite et de 17% de celui lié à l'analyse des données.
La productivité est pour sa part en hausse de 11% en matière de visite de surveillance par attaché de recherche clinique (ARC) et de 6% en production de jeu de données.
Novartis a enfin souligné qu'il prévoit de déposer 50 demandes d'AMM en Chine d'ici 2023, contre 26 entre 2014 et 2018.
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footballnewspapers · 6 years
Why Ada Hegerberg Refuses To Play In Women's World Cup
Why Ada Hegerberg Refuses To Play In Women’s World Cup
The best women’s footballers on the planet will gather in France for the Women’s World Cup this summer. 
Well, the best players minus one.
When the Women’s World Cup kicks off in June, the woman widely recognized as the best in women’s soccer right now will be sitting at home watching on TV. Not because her country didn’t make it, but to make a stand.
Norway coach Martin Sjörgen…
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vicentagarciabernal · 8 years
Enfermedades autoinmunes en niños
El sistema inmunológico nos protege contra enfermedades e infecciones, pero a veces puede volverse contra su propio cuerpo, atacando células sanas por error, el cual es ocasionado por alguna de las llamadas enfermedades autoinmunes.
 Esta clase de enfermedades en niños son, en buena medida, de origen hereditario y suelen ser difíciles de diagnosticar, muchas de ellas se presentan con baja frecuencia y entre sus principales síntomas o características se encuentran la inflamación, dolor muscular, fatiga y fiebre, lo cual complica mucho su diagnóstico y tratamiento.
 TE RECOMENDAMOS: Enfermedades comunes en lactantes
     Si bien existen muchas de ellas que pueden llegar a prevenirse o que tienen un tratamiento sencillo, algunas de ellas tardan años en manifestarse, cuando ya han ocasionado un daño irreversible en los pequeños. En tanto, en otras ocasiones, no existe cura ni tratamiento debido a que no han sido estudiadas o por ser de muy baja prevalencia. 
 Entre las principales enfermedades inmunes que pueden afectar a los niños se encuentran: Alergias (varias), lupus, artritis (varios tipos), espondiloartropatías, dermatomiosis, esclerodermia; Enfermedad de Sjörgen, de Kawasaki, hiperlaxitud, osteoporosis, alteraciones del metabolismo, granulomatosis, Púrpura de Schonlein-Henoch, y síndromes como los de Behcet, Wegener, Churg-Strauss, autoinflamatorios y de dolor muscoloesquelético nocturno.
 Frente a estas enfermedades el diagnóstico temprano es fundamental para tener una mayor esperanza o calidad de vida. Además, es indispensable realizarse todas las pruebas requeridas durante la gestación para detectar cualquier anomalía en la salud de la mamá o el bebé.  
 NO TE PIERDAS: ¿Qué es el test prenatal no invasivo?
   Lee el articulo completo en: Padres e Hijos México via http://www.padresehijos.com.mx
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