#skele chan
chansfan · 9 months
Actually posting here, sorry for the wait
I've been currently working on the soul tether comic
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Ignore the artstyle change
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melonteee · 2 months
its those same kinda dude-bro fans that downplay the crews friendship with eachother, acting like the crew is together just because they like luffy. *especially* zoro and sanjis (like theyve never had piss-offs with their bffs where you're yelling stupid shit cuz its fun to be all riled up sometimes). robin and nami are ok to be affectionate, but we cant be acknowledging genuine affection between dudes strawhats oh no. the strawhats dont just love luffy, they love each other too, regardless of their gender!
the entire early strawhats loved bon-chan and were sad to see him go, and lord knows our resident speedo wearer and our skele-gramps are beyond giving a fuck about differences. the strawhats, all of them, would be furious if someone tried to say they stand for hate or dont love freely!
it is genuinely weird there's this concept some Zoro dudebros have of Zoro that he just 'puts up' with Sanji or others in the crew cause Luffy likes them ?? Zoro is his own human being, I know we joke about Zoro being Luffy's lapdog but he's actively stood against Luffy and threatened to leave the crew more than once. If Zoro didn't like anyone on the crew he'd make it well known, like he did with Robin at first because he didn't trust her.
God forbid the most 'masculine' guy on the crew have human feelings of love and care and affection for his crew that isn't just for Luffy dick sucking purposes LMAO
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ryqoshay · 8 months
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Spooky Scary Skele... ninjas?
Primary Pairing: AiRina Also Starring: Yuu Words: 463 Rating: G AU: Theater, Monsters Time Frame: Sometime after the main story Prompt: Broke Content Warning: Skeleton fun
Author's Note: Primary entry for the 15th
Summary: Yuu has another idea for doppelgänger Ai
“Ne, Ai-chan!” Yuu hurried up to the blonde woman. “Setsuna-chan and Ayumu and me were watching a ninja show last night and it got me thinking. Instead of a knight, could your skeleton form be a ninja?”
It had been a few days since Ai’s shapeshifting pun-fest at the Kousaka Café, but it had been well received. As a result, several employees, Yuu in particular, started requesting Ai to take various forms. And if there was one thing Ai enjoyed as much as puns, it was showing off her skills as a doppelgänger.
“Ai think Ai can do that.” Ai confirmed, as her body began to change.
“That’s. So. Cool!” Yuu practically squealed.
Rina had to agree as she looked over the girlfriend. Ai had gone all out with the stereotypical hood, mask, tunic and trousers of a ninja. But the state of the outfit she had created was in tatters, exposing the skeletal form below, which really sold the idea.
“Although don’t ninjas usually have cool swords?” Yuu inquired.
“Ai got that covered.”
Ai reached through one of the larger holes in her tunic and broke off a rib. As she drew the bone out, it shifted in size and shape to roughly resemble a ninjato. For dramatic effect, Ai swung the sword in several swift swipes.
“Miyashita-san?” A young woman asked, rounding the corner. Rina recognized her as one of the new members of the corps de ballet but couldn’t readily recall her name. “Director Konoe is looking for you.”
“Oh, I guess break’s over.” Ai said, shifting back to her human form. “Catch you next break, Rinari.” She said, leaning down to peck a quick kiss. “See ya later, Yuyu!” She waved as she practically ran down the hall toward the stage.
“Thank you, Yuu-san.” Rina spoke.
“Mm?” Yuu tilted her head with curiosity.
“Ai-san has really been enjoying being challenged with your suggestions of forms to take.”
Yuu smiled. “I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one having fun.”
“Mm.” Rina nodded. “She has even been asking me to make more suggestions at home so she can practice new techniques, anticipate some of Yuu-san’s suggestions, as well as boost her endurance.”
“Shapeshifting takes a lot of energy.”
“Oh, I hope I’m not…”
Rina shook her head. “Ai-san sees it as a fun way to increase her skills, which will allow her to perform more parts in future productions. She and I would both like you to continue.”
“Alright, I can do that.” Yuu went back to smiling. “Oh, I’ll bet Setsuna-chan would have some cool ideas as well. I’ll ask her on her next break.”
Rina nodded in approval and the two young women went back to their duties to await the next break in rehearsals.
Author's Note Continued: I've written several of the girls in this AU as being neutral about their monster type, disliking it, and some actively hating it. It's nice to take a break and write someone like Ai who I think would love being a doppelgänger. Especially when she can compliment it with her puns, as she did in the prior chapter on this topic.
Also, Bone was the '21 prompt, and Ninja was from '22.
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3nergy-spirit · 1 year
Just curious, does Chan do any sport? Or activity she's really passionate about? Does she prefer to do things alone or in company? (I kinda- wanna draw Chan and some other skele and I am looking into this idea jsjsk)
no she doesn't do any sports, she has many activities she enjoys doing but i cant list them- there are many. she prefers both !
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deadlysweetmaidcafe · 5 years
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💜Only 45 days left til our event!💜
💀Spaces are limited get your tickets today💀
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
Let's give you a more familiar one: Fortune dropping in into an Undertale world. YOUR Undertale world. How would they react/feel?
I kinda answered an ask along these lines a while back. You can find it here. Overall, I think Fortune would get along with everyone especially the babybones haha
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peasofgreeniguess · 2 years
Ask box rules ~
Any race, culture, gender, sexuality, is welcome and always will be.
Polly asks are allowed (example: “what if ___ and ___ and yn dated”).
PLEASE SPECIFY WHO YOU WANT, I have a hard time with “just do whoever” cause my favs may not be who you like’! At this point I may ignore the ask if you don’t :(
NSFW (or suggestive) content is now a option... hehe
NO PROSHIPING. This includes sanscest, fontcest, Fran’s, chans, or anything else. Ew ew ew ew :/ if you mention these you will be blocked.
Edit- NO SANS X SANS OR PAPYRUS X PAPURUS AU SHIPS, this falls under pro shipping… anything with cest in the name is not allowed. It makes our undertale ficitives uncomfortable.
Please no SH or ED asks- thankss
Edit- 3/2/2024 * only six skeles at a time please! Thank you.
General blog rules
Fanart is welcome *cough cough*
Reblogs are ok! No reposts
Ask box is open to more than headcannons! Ask me for anything!
More may be added
Quick edit/note 5/28/2022
So. This blog doesn’t have a secure posting Schedule. I may post once a week or once in four months, this i have no excuse other than that’s how I just like to post. I’m mainly a digital cartoonist and that’s my job! And it takes up a lot of my time. I choose to write purely because I don’t do it enough. My punctuation is awful and I use this as a way of practice! Long story short I have realized that it’s ok to not be able to post often and I hope you can understand! This blog isn’t dead- the author is just busy lol. Thanks for reading
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fffaa3 · 7 years
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My new gals!
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Uh this can go to any skeles whats your favorite memory of last year?
Sans - I can’t pick.  I’m gonna go with all the time I spent with Snow (@snowflakeimagines) this year. 
Papyrus - Meeting @alsovioletwolfe1121 was definitely a highlight of my year! 
Blue - Getting engaged to Ray (@pureangleda) has to top my list!  I love you, Ray! 
Stretch - There was a certain letter I got near the end of the year... @queen-lethargy, that made my whole year.
Red - Uh...flyin’ with Skulls (@skulls-and-cypresses) for the first time, and that moment Kezi (@keziha-chan) and I had on the balcony at the gala...Good times...
Boss - I’ll say the fairy tale adventures I had with @trashybonecan and @babblegumdrops.  Those were both quite enjoyable.
Black - I enjoyed spending time with Leaf Anon and @ajaejay-san.  I haven’t seen either of you around for a while, but know that I am thinking fondly of you.  I also enjoyed my time at the gala with @novetteus. 
Mutt - Meeting Laurel ( @aizawasluckylady) had to be the best part of my year.  Or, anything with her.  Laurel is my best memory.  ... Does that count?
Sansy - My memory ain’t so hot right now.  I know there was good stuff in there this year, but I just can’t recall any of it...Anybody wanna help me out? (Was @mylesjayalltheway here this year?) *he scratches his skull*
Sweets - Any Time I Spent With My Dearest Heart ( @deadwitch156) Was The Highlight Of My Year!  I Love You, My Heart! 
Bones - Uh...did I do stuff this year? (Pretty sure he was part of the RP we did way back in March, but that was set in his old universe, so I’m not sure it counts...darn all these timelines! I know he also answered a few questions and was in a few drabbles...)
Lucky - Er...You know. I’m not sure what I did this year either.  *frowns* Oh!  I dressed up for Halloween.  That was fun! 
Smiley -  I don’t know why youse guys can’t remember what ya did this year. I know I had at least one date with @awkward-ark!  I miss ya, dollface!  Hope you’re doin’ okay. 
Grim - I had a very good time taking @bluejayebirdie out for their birthday. 
G - I’m gonna say the fairy tale stuff with @isnt-that-something and @meowct. Those were both a lot of fun! Actually, anything with those two is fun.  
Aster - I enjoyed watching my brother’s playthroughs of the fairy tale game.  I think that was the most exciting thing I did...*he frowns* Yes.  I think so...
Comet - *blushing already* I had a lot of fun with you, Bow (@rainbowut) this year...I, uh, I can’t really pick just one...
Captain - I enjoyed pretending to be a pirate in the fairy tale game!  Arr!  Yo ho ho!  Avast me hearties!  That was quite fun!
Break - Uh...coming here?  I guess? 
Tango - Definitely coming here, and meeting all of you lovely people!  I am quite glad we chose to settle down here for a while! 
As for me, my favorite part of the whole year was all the new friends I made, and all the old friends I got to spend time with.  Seriously, if I hadn’t had you guys, I don’t know what I would have done from March to August.  I was jobless for all that time (thanks Covid!) and having this blog helped to give me things to do.  At times it was my only reason to get out of bed in the morning.  I don’t know what I would have done without you, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.  I love every single one of you!  
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ask-moonclan · 3 years
Welcome To Moonclan!
This is a new non-serious Warriors ask blog, featuring cats from the fanmade clan, Moonclan!
Members include: Ren @renjaminnifer​ Sketch @tinysketchii Skele @art-of-the-dead Kevin @alien--chan Asks are open!
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elleapdraws · 4 years
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@mamajuliet​​ i’m glad! ;3; i wish i have more time and energy to draw >~<;
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@universallyfuryheart​​ thank you so much! i’m glad you love it! x3
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@trishasaddictions​​ hi! thank you!! ^0^
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@gedomeidokokuoshujinko​​ thank you so much! i’m glad you find my works inspiring! i just love drawing the skele u//w//u
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@janielism​​ welcome back then! xD glad you enjoyed! 
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@keziha-chan​​ thank you! owo  i’m eager to animate smth else >w<
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ryqoshay · 8 months
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Spooky Scary Skele-puns
Primary Pairing: N/A Starring: Ai, Yuu Also Starring: Kanata Secondary Pairing: AiRina Words: 492 Rating: G? AU: Theater, Monsters
Author's Note: Bonus 2nd entry for the 14th
Summary: Ai has some Halloween themed puns to share
“Want to hear some skeleton puns?” Ai asked. “They’re very humerus!”
As if Yuu wasn’t already laughing hard enough, she nearly collapsed when Ai used her doppelgänger abilities to make herself look like a skeleton.
“I am the Pun-kin Queen of Halloween!” Ai proclaimed, changing her head to resemble a jack-o-lantern. “Just having gourd time pumpkin’ out some Halloween puns!”
The cast and crew of the Sonoda Kurosawa Theater was gathered in a private party room in the back of the Kousaka Café after another day of rehearsal and related work. It was another place they could truly be themselves outside of their homes and the theater itself. And with Halloween looming at the end of the calendar page, everyone seemed to be getting into the holiday spirit.
Heh… holiday spirit. Rina thought to herself. Ai-san would like that one.
She would have said something aloud, but her girlfriend was on a roll, and she did not wish to interrupt. She loved watching Ai amuse herself, and others like Yuu, with simple and silly puns. Honestly, anything that let her see that wonderful smile was good, but puns in particular pleased Ai greatly and brought out some of her best smiles, surpassed only by those she wore when spoiling Rina.
“Ne, Yuyu, did you know that it’s easy to fix a broken jack-o-lantern?”
“Of course! You just use a pumpkin patch!”
Yuu guffawed, and in doing so, bumped into one of her girlfriends beside her.
“Oops, sorry Ayumu.” Yuu managed to stop herself from laughing enough to get out. “Oh, and Hoppy Halloween!”
Now it was Ai’s turn to burst out with laughter. “I get it! ‘Cause Ayu-pyon’s a moon rabbit! Oh! Speaking of animals!” Her form grew and she leaned forward to drop her hands to the floor as she took the shape of a large quadruped. Or at least the skeletal frame of one. “Look! I’m a nightmare!”
“Mmm… I usually consider a good nightmare to be a delicacy.” Kanata drawled, moving around the couch to pat one of Ai’s larger rib bones. “But I’m not sure about this one.”
“No bone apple tea for you?” Ai asked, earning a new bout from Yuu.
“Sorry, no.” Kanata shook her head. “But I do have a bone to pick with you, Ai-chan.”
Both Yuu and Ai laughed.
“You didn’t tell me you could take larger forms like this.” Kanata continued, unperturbed by the interruption.
“Ai-san can take any form Ai want!” She paused. “Well, maybe not a whale. I think something that big might be a bit over-whale-ming for me.”
“A horse is fine.” Kanata said. “Let me talk with Chika-chan about possibilities for our production and I’ll get back to you.” She patted a rib again and moved off to find the playwright.
“Ne, Ai-san, Ai-san!” Yuu spoke up. “If we got you a sword and some armor, would that make you a knight mare?”
And the pun-fest resumed.
Author's Note Continued: If I hadn't been trying to write and post this quick before the deadline, I may have squeezed in some more skele-puns. But the ones I did include were fun, imho.
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rsushiiihome · 4 years
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Skele Request 
for @kia-cannot-draw​ @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawings @kisachi-chan @rock-n-roll-artist
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deadlysweetmaidcafe · 6 years
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✨🎃Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!🎃✨
Skele-chan is very excited to hand out candy to trick or treaters tonight!💀✨
What will you be for Halloween this year?
Let skele-chan know!
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thelazyhermits · 6 years
400 Followers Fic Raffle
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I never thought in a million years when I created this blog that I’d actually reach this milestone. I’m totally blown away. Thank y’all so much!!! You don’t know how grateful I am for your support. ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
To celebrate this milestone, I decided to host a fic raffle with three prizes. Here are the rules for the raffle:
You must be following me to enter. New followers are welcome!  (≧∀≦)b
You must like and reblog this post to enter. Doing both will count as one entry. Only one entry per blog!
I have the right to refuse a request if I feel that I can’t accurately write it.
Right now, I only feel like I can accurately write certain skeletons, so you can request a fic involving any of the skeletons that have appeared so far in my fic, The Glitch.
While I’m the most comfortable writing self-inserts, I will accept requests for brotherly fluff. However, I will not write any form of fontcest.  
I also won’t accept any NSFW requests.
Deadline: July 27th
I’ll tag the winners on a post once they’ve been decided. You need to contact me within a week after the results are revealed, or I’ll pick another winner.
The lovely illustration was made by my wonderful friend @hope87210. Thank you so much!! (●♡∀♡))ヾ☆*。
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tales-of-two · 4 years
*a small glass doll like skele kid that looked like kawaii but with a light purple eye and with a soul in its unblinking eyes with blue butterflylike antennas was clinging onto zero's leg*
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"Woaaah they're adorable, nice too meet ya' buddy." Zero crouched down to pet 'em smiling.
Smol Chan snapped her fingers "Zero you have to go now I'll watch the house while you're away."
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Zero nodded and smiled "oh heh right alrighty buddy I'll be back soon, see ya." Zero stepped into a portal.
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"Be safe."
With that Zero headed into the RemVoid to reunite with his soul and remove the corrupted piece.
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