#sketching some interations lately
dravikso · 10 months
Iterator puppet design trends headcanons
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[Image ID: A drawing with Looks to the Moon standing on the left and Five Pebbles on the right; LTTM is labelled as an early generation iterator and Five Pebbles as a late generation iterator. Neither are wearing clothes. The text to the left of LTTM describing early generation iterators reads: "More realistically proportioned, but still doll-like. Tend to be taller. Often have static (or limited motion), single antennae pairs. Feet privileges." The text to the right of FP describing late generation iterators reads: "Exaggarated, unrealistic proportions, usually with proportionally longer lower arms and legs when compared to their upper counterparts. Tend to be shorter; about the height of an adult slugcat (not including antennae). Often have articulated, double antennae pairs. Tend to have exposed mechanical parts, particularly at the neck. Feet privileges: revoked." End Description.]
I finally got around to finishing that headcanon sketch of what I imagine the differences between Early and Late gen iterators are.
This is obviously not a set rule for every iterator even within the headcanon, there's a lot of variability intra-generationally and it just happens to be more noticeable inter-generationally given the sheer amount of gradual change over a long time involved. A bit like fashion, a lot of iterator puppets were built in line with the stylistic trends at the time but didn't always stick to them.
I like to imagine that mid-generation iterators in particular tended to have a huge amount of variability; late gen iterators I feel came at the point where there was growing disillusionment with the whole iterator concept and tend to be more uniform in design, and early gen iterators came a bit too early for pushing the envelope on designs.
Anyways I'll probably clean these up and whack some clothing on them and put them into my general canon iterator design work at some point, especially now that I have a better grip on how I want to draw iterators from different generations. Speaking of, Is there in game dialogue suggesting around when SRS, NSH, and GW are from? Because I don't. Remember.
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utilitycaster · 6 days
On the heels of your critique of C3's pacing and the sludginess of it all—something I have been contemplating lately is how the perceived need (certainly ICly and seemingly OOCly) for BH to move at a breakneck speed from event to event has had an effect on inter-party discussions and bonding that I find really pretty tragic. I can't help but wonder, would we be dealing with the indecision and rehashed circular debates we're seeing now if the party had been able to take the downtime they needed to really get to know themselves and each other, and to better define what's important to them? I often see people expressing frustration about how badly certain characters "need to TALK to each other!!!" but to date, I just don't know if the pace of the campaign has created many opportunities for that. And that's the thing I miss the most about the previous campaigns, just having more breathing room to let the characters and their relationships develop organically. I dunno. Increasingly I feel like these are interconnected issues.
I think I've talked about this before so I don't want to get too in the weeds but: yes. I think at this point Matt is like...making space deliberately for them to talk in-game, but at this point the party has spent so long not really talking and we're so late in the game that no one really takes him up on it or when they do it's the old Gods Debate again.
I really think the problem is once again what I've been saying for like, well over a year now. I don't think the cast was given as much direction as they were for campaign 2, nor was the campaign deliberately tailored to this party, so it has always been ill-fitting. Even some of the pre-planned elements have fallen flat (I have innumerable reservations about the Laudna book, but I do want to read it if only because I still could tell you basically nothing about her and Imogen's time together pre-campaign - it's one incident in Gelvaan, helping Zhudanna one time in Jrusar which wasn't even pre-planned but rather their "session zero", and apparently they saw someone with boob tassels one time). Things like Ashton and Imogen's relationships with the gods feel tacked on after Taliesin and Laura realized that having some sort of pre-existing opinion on the gods was in fact deeply relevant to this campaign; I do genuinely want an answer from both of them of whether "I had prayed to the gods and they never answered" existed in their backstories more than 5 minutes before it came up in game because I'd bet good money it was "no, I threw that in on the fly." So you have characters that are a little more broadly sketched, which would normally be fine (I mean, I don't think most of Vox Machina in the original birthday party one-shot had a terribly deep backstory to start), except for the fact that they never had to take watch, they had a patron giving them jobs and a generous stipend from the start of episode 2 until his demise in episode 38, and both Imogen and Laudna; and FCG and Ashton already had apartments in the city so no one needed to bunk up with anyone they didn't already know. The party did not need to take watches; they did not need to decide on a direction; and they didn't have to learn to resolve conflicts and make choices as a collective group. And yes, the pace has been pretty breakneck throughout, so there wasn't space early on for the cast to feel out their characters and what motivated them and how they'd act. I think the first time I saw a large number of people in the fandom going "MAKE A FUCKING DECISION ALREADY I DON'T CARE WHICH ONE" was with the party doing a similar endless handwringing about Dusk in episode 29, and I don't think they've really gotten better. Like, I do think episode 29 is already on the late side anyway, even for a long-running campaign with a lot of wiggle-room; for a long-running campaign with some very specific plot beats planned, this really needed to be done in character creation.
So now that there is more room to debrief and talk, because in-character they're still on a deadline and the world's been ending all campaign, and because that groundwork wasn't laid, they don't talk about anything except the task at hand. Like...I think a defense I've seen of this campaign is that it's about a group of people who really aren't suited for what has been laid before them, but the problem is that's kind of every D&D campaign that starts from a low level and this is a particularly weak example thereof. Vox Machina didn't show up ready to kill dragons nor Vecna, and the Mighty Nein are still Wildemount's best kept secret; both of them grew into their current hypercompetence. Bells Hells don't really belong to their story, nor does it to them, so yeah, hard to talk within that framework.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Anonymous asked:
Are there any rare pairs you find yourself enjoying? Or ships you hadn't considered before? I think Ace and Malleus would be funny to entertain if he could get passed the intimidation. Just normal boy and etheral prince (giving Connecticut Clerk and Malfina vibes, lol)
It’s difficult to say, Anon, apparently the majority of our ships are considered rare ships…
Ace and Malleus does have potential, the contrast between a normal boy and ethereal prince is always fun + I still think about that one time when Ace called Malleus out during the Halloween event. The boy is ballsy, and with Malleus this is both a plus and a hazard lol
We actually did this chart not that ago, so might as well post it here! It must have some rare ships lol
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Anonymous asked:
Does this mean he’ll kiss inanimate objects too? 🤨
(related to this post (I think))
He might! Rook doesn’t discriminate, and Tettere doesn’t discriminate either, so combined they are unstoppable lol
Anonymous asked:
I’m surprised Ace didn’t just hire Ruggie for the hickeys. He seems to have more experience than Epel who seems to vacuum skin up like french fries
(this is about this sketch from ko-fi)
Ruggie is indeed much more experienced than Epel-the-vacuum-sucker, but Ruggie would take money for that, and Epel was kind enough to help just like that! Plus, Ruggie is a senpai with whom Ace doesn’t talk too often, so it’s probably very awkward for him to ask for something like this…
Anonymous asked:
This is a long ask and about dumb takes so feel free to ignore it, but most made me laugh at how absurd they are so I wanted to share.
Tumblr does have some odd takes but I think Pinterest/Reddit has more...not bright people.  NSFW ship art of the 1st and 2nd years always has some people upset that there's kids in sexual situations cause they think you can't have or know about sex till you're 18.  SFW ships between 3rd years and not 3rd years have people saying it's illegal cause adults dating minors is always wrong (people seriously think the only stages of life are legal adult and legal minor.  I never thought saying someone younger than 10 is different than someone going through puberty was mindblowing...  So happy I found an adblocker that hides comments).  Reddit had someone freaking out that Yuu stayed in Leona's room even though Leona's 20 and Yuu could be 16 (existing in the same space as someone a different age than you is wrong now I guess), people taking Malleus' age literally and thinking this non-human fantasy species ages the same as humans so since he's older than 18 he's an adult like the staff are (which had gems such as people saying thinking he's a teen/not an adult is infantizing him and that he may be not an adult in fae years but he's a tax-paying adult in human years), and my favorite, people seriously debating who's on the inter-school spelldrive team and how could they lose with Malleus cause even though he's not in the club there's still a chance to be on the team since one person from every dorm has to join it... (I...I guess they don't know what a sports club is...)
But my top favorite take is from Tumblr:
Someone said they like that TWST's fanservice is always tasteful and NEVER suggestive. (???)
Anonymous asked:
An amendment to my ask about dumb Pinterest/Reddit takes.  People think 18 years old dating 16 and 17 years olds is illegal cause the 18 years old is a legal adult and the others aren't
Anon, I am super late with my reply, sorry for that, but honestly this topic is unfortunately evergreen… I wanted to add both of these ask to our replies from yesterday since the topic is similar, but unfortunately ran out of time. I’ll reply to you properly now though~ Thank you so much for your ask!
I am trying my hardest not to start yelling about forced purity again and how it ruins everything for everyone lol At this point it just makes me sound like a broken record, so I’ll try to word it in a slightly different way this time: people (the type that you’ve talked about) reeeeally love using the “this is inappropriate” excuse to police others, and it always freaks me out just how similar it is to a certain other category of people. You know, the type to boils everything down to “I don’t like it, therefore it’s illegal or at least immoral”. I don’t like them using illegal and immoral interchangeably in general because ultimately it’s just them going “this shouldn’t exist because I say so”.
I genuinely think that all those people don’t give a shit about sexy art of the 1st and 2nd years’ characters, they don’t actually give a shit about the 17 y.o. characters being shipped with 18 y.o. characters either, this is just such a convenient excuse to use when attacking someone. It isn’t consistent at all, they ship whoever they want if they really want to, or try to find a way around their own logic.
You mentioned Malleus (that poor thing), and he is actually a great example of that: is he too old to be shipped with other characters? Is he too young to be shipped with Lilia or too old (or too young because “mentally!” he’s 17 or whatever the fuck that means) to be with Yuusona of someone who is over 20? Who knows and who cares, but with these folk you have to care, and don’t you dare to assume that maybe fae’s maturity (mental + sexual) doesn’t relate to their age in a way that human’s does. Or maybe it actually does, so it makes him a 170+ year old senior citizen in our eyes, and us literal 50 year old children in his eyes. God forbid we treat anything with a fun and fantasy approach, god forbid we use TWST as a dollhouse it was intended to be lol No one should give a fuck about any of this.
I don’t think minors should date 18 year olds if that makes them uncomfortable, I don’t think anyone should date anyone if they’re uncomfortable, but those of us who were dating as teenagers once know how weird this whole thing is and how for a lot of people this isn’t a big deal. This transition from minor to non-minor feels very “on paper”, that’s why a lot of teenagers joke around as they turn 18: yesterday I was a kid and today I am an adult. Does it make sense legally? Yes, it is a very important distinction, and a very important turning point. But mental maturity doesn’t work like that: if all of your friends are 17 and you turn 18, you are still of the same age group. Even if they are one school class younger. Katsu and I have a little less than 2 years of difference, but since I started going to school when I was 6, there was a period of time when Katsu was still in middle school and I was already a university student. We made tons of jokes about it back then, and this was exactly what it was: jokes. Because we knew that both of us are kids, and we were even younger kids when we first met and started dating. And this is just one example, tons of people have examples like that.
There are some aspects of life where putting a hard “NO” in terms of allowing people of certain age to interact with people of younger age is a good and very necessary thing, we have this minor/adult differentiation for a good reason. But character shipping just isn’t this kind of aspect: it doesn’t exist. All shipping is fiction. And I refuse to believe that the type of people that you mentioned don’t think so, the more I look at them, the more I genuinely think that they are intentionally lying to cause trouble. People can’t be this dumb (although after reading what you said about the Spelldrive thing I started to doubt that lol they really don’t know how sports clubs work huh).
Some of them also love to use made-up stuff in an argument lol Like people who think that Ortho is 8… or was it 6? Honestly, he ages down every single time the antis try to bring up how wrong it is to ship him with anyone.
Well, at least I can’t say anything about twst fanservice. Can’t argue with that, it is indeed very pure and almost nonexistent… especially this Riddle card <3
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ruizuferipe · 2 years
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This is a sketch for a drawing colab that i was going to do with a friend, that unfortunately is not happening anymore. Theme was steampunk, and i don't know much works with steampunk theme, so i made the clockwork set from Monster Hunter World. And since lately, i don't like to throw drawings in the bin, i'll see what i'll turn this drawing into...
Edit: Wow, i have never seen a post of mine have some much interations! I’m happy to see that some many people enjoyed this sketch! Thank you! Hope you guys will be able to see when i make a “final” version.
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luxuriousmalfoy · 2 years
HP Saffics Femslash February Bingo Masterlist- zeddmarker/luxuriousmalfoy
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Click here for my full Femslash February Masterlist Spreadsheet.
It was so fun participating in all the February daily challenges that I did! Thank you to @hpsaffics for hosting this bingo in particular, some of the prompts really challenged me!!
In the beginning, my goal was to keep each ficlet under 500 words. As you can probably tell, some of them (I'm looking at you, MILF) developed brains of their own. I hope you've enjoyed these daily postings!
Without further ado, my bingo masterlist:
B1: First or Second Person POV
You Meet the One | Katie Bell/Alicia Spinnet | 200
Planning a field trip for your class, you are enamored with the woman who works at the museum.
B2: Post-Hogwarts
MILF | Astoria Greengrass/Narcissa Malfoy | Explicit | 2,717
Astoria is faced with past hurt and temptation when she agrees to go on a family vacation with her best friend—and his mother.
B3: Part-Creature Character
She's a Butterfly | Cho Chang/Fleur Delacour | 200
When she met Fleur, she had met her butterfly—flitting from person to person but never resting, not really.
B4: Next Gen Character
Lily Luna in Lights | Lily Luna Potter/Genderbent!Lysander Scamander | 121
Lysandra gives Lily a pep talk before her first sold out show.
B5: Fluff/HEA
Starting Over | Marietta Edgecombe/Hermione Granger | 959
At her first guitar lesson, Hermione runs into someone who reminds her of past mistakes.
I1: Outsider POV
Meddling Sister | Millicent Bulstrode/Astoria Greengrass | 465
Daphne knows what has to be done in order for her sister and her best friend to get together.
I2: Microfic or Drabble
Cloud Watching | Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes | 100
Dorcas takes Marlene cloud watching.
I3: Established Relationship
Jet Lag | Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley | 100
Wide awake from jet lag, Luna pesters her sleepy girlfriend.
I4: At Least One Archive Warning
Only One Way | Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley | Mature | wc
They say there is only one way out of a place like this.
I5: Marauders Era Character
All My Life | Lily Evans/Hermione Granger | 115
Hermione confronts the girl who’s been present on every birthday, but has never aged.
N1: Inter-House Relationship
Camping in the Garden | Astoria Greengrass/Ginny Weasley | 100
Astoria and Ginny enjoy a night camping in Ginny’s backyard.
N2: Lightning Gen Character
Hit Me With Your Best Shot | Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson | 884
Hermione forges an unexpected bond with her biggest competition at the quiz bowl tournament.
N3: Free Space
Keeping Company | Andromeda Tonks/Molly Weasley | 897
With their husbands drafted to war, Molly and Andromeda decide to live together.
N4: POC Character
Preserved in Amber | Lily Evans/Dorcas Meadowes | 272
Lily accidentally reveals the sketch she drew of her lab partner.
N5: M/E-Rated Fic
unshackle me | Genderbent!Lucius Malfoy/Genderbent!James Potter | Mature | 609
Jay Potter has a mission to accomplish, but the sight of her former lover changes her plans.
G1: Angst/Dark/UHEA
Too Good For Me | Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson | 200
A one-night-stand leads to a difficult goodbye.
G2: Hogwarts Era
French Daydream | Katie Bell/Fleur Delacour | 382
Katie doesn't think she will ever get another chance to talk to Fleur, until a lost shawl re-ignites her hope.
G3: Muggle AU
So We Meet Again | Daphne Greengrass/Luna Lovegood | 413
When Daphne starts going to a new cafe, she is taken with the barista.
G4: Canon Divergence
just forget the world | Astoria Greengrass/Ginny Weasley | 440
Astoria finds herself comforted by the person she's always admired.
G5: Inspired by Another Work
twin flames | The Great Gatsby | Mature | Astoria Greengrass/Pansy Parkinson | 1,574
When Ron moved next door to the biggest party spot in Godric's Hollow, he never expected it to turn his worldview on its head.
O1: G/T-Rated Fic
Cake Heist | Cho Chang/Fleur Delacour | 200
A late night mission for cakes is derailed.
O2: Poly Ship
I Love You | Katie Bell/Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet | 380
Three different girls with three different journeys to love.
O3: Canon Compliant
I Misjudged You | Lavender Brown/Padma Patil | 300
Padma spent her adolescence hating her twin's best friend for stealing her away, but maybe Lavender wasn't so bad after all.
O4: Founders Gen/Golden Gen
The Things I'll Do | Poppy Pomfrey/Pomona Sprout | wc
Pomona attempts one of Poppy’s favorite pastimes.
O5: First Time
Cliff Jumping | Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley | wc
Ginny convinces Pansy to go cliff jumping.
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So lately I've been INCREDIBLY uninspired art and writing wise so to try to spark up my inspiration and interest into drawing again, I decided to pick up yet another ambitious project which is doing another "System Group Photo" art which I really havent done in a while and I'm including parts that are recently relevant (ie has fronted and I have known / talked to) and confirmed parts that do present distinctly and so that is like 16 +/- 2 depending on if I put them in and good god
Got 4 of them done in the sketch and it's fun cause like.... compared to my last two interations my art quality has DEFINITELY gone WAY up, but also cause I'm kind of drawing parts in both with visual / compositional balance and also system balance (ie parts that balance the others out are also balancing each other out compositionally, not going to keep this a hard rule but generally speaking)
Also just trying some more dynamic posing
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vapehk1 · 4 months
The Curious Case of Annie Donovan Baby Vape
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In a world where bizarre trends come and go, few have managed to capture the collective imagination quite like Annie Donovan Baby Vape. It’s a tale that blends absurdity, humor, and a touch of the surreal, making it a prime candidate for internet virality. But what exactly is the Baby Vape, and how did Annie Donovan become a household name for something so delightfully ridiculous? Buckle up as we dive into the whimsical world of Annie Donovan and her unexpected invention. The Origin Story: From Diapers to Vapors Annie Donovan wasn’t always known for her quirky invention. She was an ordinary mother, juggling the challenges of raising a toddler and maintaining some semblance of sanity. The idea for the Baby Vape came to her in a moment of pure, sleep-deprived inspiration. Late one night, as Annie rocked her baby to sleep, she found herself daydreaming about a device that could simultaneously soothe her baby and give her a much-needed break. Little did she know, this whimsical idea would snowball into something much larger. What started as a tongue-in-cheek sketch on the back of a diaper coupon quickly turned into a full-blown project. Annie shared her concept on social media, expecting a few chuckles from friends. Instead, she sparked a frenzy of interest and curiosity. The Baby Vape, as she dubbed it, was born. The Viral Sensation: How the Internet Embraced the Absurd The internet is a strange place, where the line between reality and satire often blurs. Annie Donovan’s Baby Vape hit the sweet spot, becoming an instant viral sensation. Memes, parodies, and debates erupted across social media platforms, with everyone from parenting blogs to tech reviewers weighing in on the invention. Annie’s sense of humor shone through in her responses to the frenzy. She embraced the absurdity, posting playful updates about the Baby Vape’s “development” and engaging with her growing fan base. Her tongue-in-cheek posts, combined with the sheer ridiculousness of the concept, kept the momentum going. Before long, mainstream media caught wind of the Baby Vape, propelling Annie into the spotlight. The Science (Or Lack Thereof): Debunking the Myths Amidst the laughter and memes, some people took the Baby Vape a bit too seriously. Questions about its safety, functionality, and ethical implications began to surface. Annie, always the comedian, addressed these concerns with a blend of humor and clarity. She clarified that the Baby Vape was never meant to be a real product, but a satirical commentary on the lengths to which parents might go to soothe their children. In interviews and social media posts, Annie debunked the myths surrounding her invention. She explained that the Baby Vape was a parody, a fictional gadget meant to poke fun at the absurdity of modern parenting trends. By addressing the misconceptions with a light-hearted tone, Annie managed to diffuse the seriousness while keeping the conversation engaging. The Legacy: A Lasting Impact on Parenting Humor While the Baby Vape itself might never see the light of day (thankfully!), its impact on the world of parenting humor is undeniable. Annie Donovan has become a beloved figure in the online parenting community, known for her wit and ability to find humor in the everyday challenges of raising children. Her story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the best way to cope with the chaos of parenting is to laugh at it. The Baby Vape has also sparked conversations about the pressures modern parents face and the sometimes ridiculous products marketed to them. Annie’s playful critique encourages parents to question the necessity of certain gadgets and embrace a more relaxed approach to parenting. In a world where perfection is often the goal, Annie Donovan’s Baby Vape reminds us that it’s okay to laugh at ourselves and the sometimes ludicrous world of parenting. Conclusion Annie Donovan's Baby Vape is a humorous and absurd invention that captured the internet's imagination, turning Annie into an overnight sensation. Originating from a sleep-deprived joke, the Baby Vape became a viral hit, thanks to Annie's engaging social media presence and witty responses. While some took the concept seriously, Annie clarified its satirical nature, debunking myths with humor and charm. The Baby Vape sparked conversations about modern parenting pressures and the often ridiculous gadgets marketed to parents. Annie's story highlights the importance of laughter and not taking parenting too seriously, making the Baby Vape a memorable cultural phenomenon. This article delves into the whimsical journey of Annie Donovan and her unexpected invention. FAQs 1. What is the Baby Vape invented by Annie Donovan? The Baby Vape, created by Annie Donovan, is a satirical invention that started as a humorous take on the lengths parents might go to soothe their children. It was never intended to be a real product but rather a parody that captured the internet's attention due to its absurdity and Annie's engaging social media presence. 2. How did Annie Donovan's Baby Vape become viral? Annie Donovan's Baby Vape went viral after she shared her whimsical idea on social media. What began as a tongue-in-cheek sketch quickly gained traction, with memes, parodies, and debates erupting across various platforms. Annie's humorous updates and playful interactions with her growing fan base helped maintain the momentum, eventually catching the attention of mainstream media. 3. Is the Baby Vape a real product? No, the Baby Vape is not a real product. Annie Donovan clarified that it was a satirical concept meant to poke fun at modern parenting trends. It was designed to be a fictional gadget, serving as a humorous commentary on the sometimes ridiculous lengths to which parents might go to soothe their children. 4. What impact did the Baby Vape have on parenting discussions? The Baby Vape sparked significant conversations about the pressures modern parents face and the often absurd products marketed to them. Annie Donovan's playful critique encouraged parents to question the necessity of certain gadgets and embrace a more relaxed approach to parenting. Her story highlights the importance of laughter and not taking oneself too seriously in the chaotic world of parenting. 5. Who is Annie Donovan, and what is her legacy? Annie Donovan is a mother who became a beloved figure in the online parenting community due to her creation of the Baby Vape. Known for her wit and ability to find humor in everyday parenting challenges, Annie's legacy lies in her reminder that laughter is crucial in coping with Read the full article
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xscorpioxmoon · 3 years
Here's something I'd like to say.
As an Italian girl, I'm deeply ashamed of what has been going on for the last few days and I really have no words to express how outraged I feel.
For those who don't know, it all started when the satirical tv program "Striscia la notizia" broadcasted that awful racial sketch about an actress who portrayed an Italian minister saying a racial slur, resulting into fair controversies around the world.
As if it wasn't enough, after another sketch that mocked Chinese people, last night on the very same tv channel belonging to the Italian mass media company Mediaset, two white, cis males, etherosexual ""comedians"" were allowed to say insulting words like the n-word or other racial and homphobic slurs, declaring that they felt authorised to use such words because they are sick and tired of the "politically correct". Also, they declared that in 2021, gay parades are not that important and if some people are being called "f4ggots" they should laugh because it's not that bad when literally many and many people have been killed, punched, assaulted and banished from their homes because of who they love.
At the same time, luckily there are people who use their privileges to stand up for what's right and give voice to whom can't be listened. Fedez, an Italian rapper who raised thousands and thousands euros during the pandemic to build new mini hospitals and buy medical supplies with his wife Chiara Ferragni, did that. Yesterday night, during an annual concert (with no audience, it was live) he went against a requested censorship by Rai, and expressed his support to the draft law soon to be (hopefully) approved that helps those people who are victims of homophobic acts. He also reported some awful quotes that Lega's advisors (you might know Lega from its political leader mr Matteo Salvini) who said for example -and I quote- "If I had a gay child, I would burn him in the oven" "gay people must start to act normal" and other quotes I don't wanna report.
Today, in Piazza Duomo (Milan) there was a huge gathering of people who were celebrating Inter's championship win. Why didn't the cops stop them? There are still many covid-19 cases here, vaccines aren't enough and we're still giving them to the elderly people.
What's wrong with people lately?
Italy might be a beautiful country full of history and culture, but some people are really ruining its reputation.
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Suicide Sunday and The Pleasures of Imagination
Suicide Sunday is a phenomenon that one experiences the day after a bender. It manifests either in the form of a wicked hangover that makes you pray for death, or sketching out after coming down from a drug trip.
I recently noticed an appalling parallel between episodes of psychosis and tripping on drugs. Unfortunately I’m pretty well-acquainted with both.
The thing a lot of neurotypical people don’t realize is that psychosis doesn’t always present as extreme agitation, emotional instability, paranoia, and erratic behaviour. Sometimes it can be really pleasant; a little bit like tripping on ecstasy or doing shrooms.
I’ve been in a constant state of psychosis for years now, but it comes in waves. Most of the time the waves are slow and gentle enough that I can ignore the symptoms and present as “normal.” But lately the waves are a lot more sharp and frequent. There have been times over the past few months where I thought I was speaking to demons, angels, gods, deceased relatives, inter dimensional beings, and at times I was convinced I was communicating telepathically with other people. Some of these experiences have been absolutely terrifying, but many others were beautiful and profound. It was like I was speaking with old friends who I have known through every life I’ve lived. It felt so good to connect with them that sometimes I found myself crying tears of joy; but sooner or later the meaner voices I’m contending with always snatch my magic carpet out from under me and I plummet back down into reality. And it fucking hurts.
I’m left feeling like a fool again and again. A fool for believing I have the power to connect with people in any other way than the mundane ones, like this blog post. A fool for falling for the cruel tricks these voices play.
It’s just like coming down after spending the weekend tripping. While you’re flying high, everything and everyone is wonderful. You feel special. You’re full of so much love. But then Sunday rolls around, you’re coming down, you’re nauseous, you are irritable and paranoid, everything hurts and everything sucks even more than it did before. You remember all your wild thoughts and flights of fancy, all the silly things you did while you were flying and you feel so ashamed. Sometimes you also feel really disappointed, because reality is painful for a lot of us.
Even when the episode of psychosis (or the trip) is a bad one, once you come down you still feel ashamed. Often even more so, because there is a definite possibility that you have caused trouble for the people around you while you were lost in the fog.
I’ve had a lot of Suicide Sundays recently. But part of me hopes I really did connect with people, because they were all people who felt like kindred spirits. People who feel like they don’t belong in this world. People who are kind, caring, sensitive souls, but who are profoundly lonely.
One of them shared a beautiful poem with me, called The Pleasures of Imagination. It is unequivocally the most beautiful piece of written work I’ve ever read. They were the loneliest one of the bunch, living in a bubble due to being immune compromised.
Another person I connected with was even more into herbalism than I am. They gave me suggestions on some supplements I should look into to help manage my Hashimoto’s Disease and my anxiety (a massive trigger for my auditory hallucinations).
Yet another was a 15 year old child who was heading down a bad path…I’m not going to go into details on that one because it was a situation that made my blood run cold, but I did my best to steer them in the right direction. If I really did connect to that kid I hope to god they listened.
The one who really broke my heart was a man who felt like he was unworthy of being loved, because despite being large in stature he was a sensitive soul. His previous partner left him because he “wasn’t man enough” for her. I tried to tell him that being sensitive and romantic doesn’t make him any less of a man. In fact it makes him one of the best.
And last of all was a man going through a nasty divorce, with a baby on the way and an abusive partner who was bound and determined to make his life miserable if he didn’t jump when she said jump. I gave him all the advice I could to help him get through it. Unfortunately abusive partners are another subject I’m intimately familiar with. We connected over a love of music, and shared songs together. He said if we ever managed to meet, he would teach me how to play the guitar.
In reality though, they were probably all just imaginary friends. My voices played on my deep desire to be a source of love and support in the lives of others, and I took the bait. I’m trapped in a body and mind that I can’t trust. I want to help people. I want to save the world. But how can I do any of that when I can’t even plan my future six months in advance without risking my body or my mind deciding to break down on me again at the worst possible moment? Case in point having to go on medical leave exactly one week after getting a massive raise at my job. I will still treasure those experiences though, because I just might be lucky enough meet people like them once the pandemic is over. And if I do, maybe for once I won’t choke because I’ll already know what to say to bring them a bit of comfort.
It’s Suicide Sunday again. But I’m not going anywhere. This warrior will keep on fighting to the bitter (or maybe beautiful?) end.
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justmattycakes · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thanks for tagging @i-lovethatforme​, @brightlybound​, and @whiffingbooks​! (BB & WB - sorry it took me so long LOL)
Name: Matty
Fandoms I write for: Spidey stuff (Peter/MJ, some Peter/Felicia, & Cindy Moon aka Silk) and Harry Potter (Harry/Ginny)
Favorite One-shot: this one was listed as two-shot, which I assume is a 2-chapter, but I don’t have any of those so I just chose my faves: A Welcome Interruption (for H/G) and Did You Forget Our Anniversary? (for P/F)
Most popular multichapter: right now it is Ginny Weasley & The Chamber of Secrets, but the moment I finish With The Click Of A Button that will take the top slot!
Actual worst part of writing: that phase of writing where you know what you need to wrap up a scene or convo, but you’ve looked at the section so many times that you can’t even tell if it is good or not anymore.
How you choose your titles: sometimes I have an idea of what I want the fic to be titled ahead of time, sometimes I figure it out as I’m writing it, but I usually have a vibe I’m trying to get at. Ideally something descriptive enough for a reader to remember once they’ve read the fic!
Do you outline: I love outlining and brainstorming! I go ham over an outline, it is probably one of my fav parts of the whole process because it feels like infinite potential. No deadlines, no editing or scrutinizing word choice, just pure vibes!
Ideas I probably won’t get to but it would be nice: I guess never say never but let’s be real: Miles/Gwen Inter-dimensional Detectives (I love the concept but by the time I would turn to this there will be like 4 Spider-verse movies that will be way better), HP Jumanji AU (Harry/Ginny & Ron/Hermione playing an HP version of the game with their characters as the founders, etc), HP Scott Pilgrim AU (Harry having to prove his worth to each Weasley bro, I have lots of ideas but no motivation), Spideychelle Princess Mononoke AU (it is just ripe for an adaptation and I’ve put thought into it, but I will make it way too big of a project if I ever start). Honestly, that’s just the tip of the iceberg here...
Best writing habits:
Outlining - see above
3 Draft Rule - I’m not always good at this, but remembering that: 1st draft is to just write it down, 2nd draft if to make it work, 3rd draft is to make it good (although my ‘3rd draft’ is just me editing a million times and screaming at the document until I give up)
Taking Notes - this probably goes with the outlining bit but I love just getting into an idea and sketching everything out, jotting down all my thoughts until I’m ready to make it into something, and adding anything I think of no matter where I am or what time it is
Spicy opinions: I don’t know if I have any spicy opinions so I will go with pet peeves. I hate when I pull up a fic search and there are fics with like a hundred tags. What am I supposed to do with this information? Like a character shows up twice and has 1 line but they’re tagged? They don’t need to be tagged! If your tags take up my entire phone screen I will not read the fic, I won’t even read the description. My rule of thumb when I’m tagging: if someone found my fic by that tag, would they feel like it was what they were looking for? Or would they feel like they got baited into reading it?
Tagging: I think I’m late to the game here, so anyone who wants to join! Message if you’d like me to tag you!
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cats-artbag · 4 years
.:From story to thumbnail (SwapOut):.
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@eaudecrow​ @chatxkilluaxnoir​
I’m so sorry I’m getting to these so late, my brain wanted to organize the thoughts regarding to this topic first, but I decided to start typing it out and will try my best to explain my process to you!
I had an idea one day which was something like “US!Pap dressing up as UT!Pap” that became “A skelebro impersonating the other”, which resulted in this phone doodle in April 2016 (and then later considered a sans version)
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Then I wanted to make it into a story, so I began to think of some sort of a beginning, and an end, which are kinda easier to think of than the middle part. In fact I’m probably still thinking of how to make the middle better haha
I knew from the start that I wanted to do a crossover between Underswap and Undertale, and have a skelebro from one universe impersonate the other. And for trippy, inter-universal travel to happen, I had to think of a reason for Swap to activate his time machine, which is usually a last resort.
So here I figured out and established a setting that I wanted to start off in:
Starts in Genocide route in UnderSwap/Undertale where Frisk/Chara doesn’t return. US!Papyrus lost his US!Sans to Frisk. He killed them but now he's moping around, waiting for them to RESET... but nobody came. (Well... he did say if Frisk truly was their friend, they wouldn't come back.) There's no RESET. US!Sans never comes back home. No one does.
Which left me with this summary for the story:
“US!Papyrus snaps in his timeline and accidentally travels to UT where he ______.”
At this point I didn’t know how I’d end it, but I knew I’d loosely follow a route in Undertale where he’d end up [REDACTED], so it wasn’t like I was working completely from scratch in the first place for this story. I was never good at making things up from scratch, so working off of something that already exists i.e. doing fanart makes it easier. At the same time, I didn’t want to be unoriginal, which is hard haha ;;
Since he was going to the classic UT universe, I knew he’d have to interact with the characters there along the way before he finally reached the end.
So while keeping all that in mind, I finished typing a first draft of the entire story.
Yes, I typed the ENTIRE script for the comic before I started drawing anything.
Which, honestly? ...I think you’re supposed to do??
But when you’re young and just starting off comics, it’s easy to be impatient and to want to just work off the top of your head as you draw your comic...
I literally can’t do that though, as proven by my old comics that I never got around to drawing more than 2 pages of before I didn’t know where I was going. It’s also why I’m terrified of attempting the kinds of tumblr comics that swerve based on asks from people haha! I really admire the people who are able to do so.
I actually typed all these early thoughts here when I posted the first SwapOut page
Anyway after typing the first draft of the script, I finally let myself start the thumbnails. My script was divided into how much I thought would fit in a comic page as I typed, so I drew a thumbnail based on each divided section.
For example :
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(these thumbnails are usually posted in the $2 tier on my patreon!)
The way I type my scripts is not standard at all, so if I know how I’ll draw them, I type their actions with their dialogue mashed together x’D But usually I’ll just type the dialogue by itself and keep going, spacing them out for each page. Also it’s good to arrange them so it helps the page flow naturally reading from left to right. (same with drawing as well!)
After that, I kinda use the thumbnail directly as a sketch nowadays (cos i’m a lazybones) and go straight into doing lines (or a more detailed sketch if the thumbnail is too rough/vague)
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And that’s pretty much it! It took me a while to choose a page for an example haha but I think this is one of my favourites
As for Chapter 5, all the new pages were actually the scenes with Swap blasting his blaster! They weren’t originally planned in the script but I wanted to add more to the comic rather than him just enter the void and get out haha
I think a page probably takes me two days if I already have the thumbnail ready and I’m working on it straight without breaks, but I’ve been doing more of those which honestly makes my life on this a little easier (less grumpy and more relaxed yes please)
Again sorry this took so long to reply to! I’m also thinking of doing a more detailed tutorial thing for my Patreon but I feel like I already explained most of it here haha ;; Maybe more red flow line examples of my pages? idk
Asks are always welcome! I just suck at replying to them aha ;;
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mutedsilence · 4 years
I decided to create a post with links to all my work. They include summaries and the tag list. It’s under the split. I’ll update as I write more. 
Or, here’s a link to my dashboard MutedSilence 
The Towel  Johnlock Domestic Fluff Domestic Pride Gay Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Towels Flags Words: 2,002 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: John and Sherlock have been living together for just about a year in this. Sherlock is given a towel from Mycroft for his birthday.
Ianto Sings Janto Dancing and Singing Singing Fluff Domestic Fluff Tooth-Rotting Fluff Words: 844 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Ianto is alone in the hub. He decides to start singing, he doesn't know he's not alone. 
Soldier and his Detective Series Johnlock Mystrade New Meeting Fluff AU Kissing papa lestrade Worry Sherlock is a Brat Established Mystrade Protectiveness Protective Sibling Rivalry Texting Mycroft is really protective but a bit of a dick too Feelings almost break up First Dates John Watson in Afghanistan Homophobic Language Phone Calls email BAMF John Background Case Mycroft Being a Good Brother Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings Jealousy Words:45,738 Works:3 Complete:Yes
Summary: Sherlock is on a case. Just as he's about to be taken down by the suspect, a stranger takes down the suspect and Sherlock begins to fall for the blond stranger. (This is a story set in with a different meeting, John is on leave from the army and Sherlock has started his career with the met.)
Trying to Forget Ianto Janto The 456 Aftermath Grief/Mourning Drinking Jack Needs a Hug Hurt Jack  Words: 438 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: So, in the doctor who episode - End of Time part 2 - the Doctor tips off Jack to Alonso. It takes place in a bar and I decided to carry it on.
Mission to Flirt Johnlock Pining John Fluff Angst with a Happy Ending Slow Burn Flirting Jealous Sherlock Oblivious John Mutual Pining First Kiss Hospitals Background Case Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson John Watson Loves Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Gay Sherlock Holmes Proud Greg Lestrade Words: 9,064 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Turns out John has been staring at Sherlock like a love sick teen. Greg decides that John just needs to flirt. So, he does. Sort of. He certainly tried to at least.
Fine. I admit, I love him. Johnlock Pining Texting Mycroft's Meddling Pining Sherlock Holmes AU Fluff References to Oscar Wilde Language of Flowers Background Case Distracted Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Being a Good Brother No Reichenbach Secret Admirer Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson Oblivious John Words: 9,237 Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Mycroft has had enough of Sherlock's pining and decides to make him do something about it. Starting with Sherlock figuring out his feelings for John. ((Set before the Reichenbach fall))
Christmas at Holmes Manor Johnlock Mystrade Christmas Party Developing Johnlock AU Different First Meeting Mentions of drugs Depressed John Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism John has been discharged Developing Relationship First Kiss Developing Mystrade Mycroft is good with Children Words: 4,838 Chapters: 6/6 Collections: 1
Summary: Mummy is known for her Christmas parties at Holmes Manor. Sherlock hates the parties and tries to avoid them. This year he can't get out of it. He hates every second. But will he hate it after meeting an army captain?
Hannibal Montannibal Alternate Universe - Hannah Montana Fusion Pure and utter crack beggar's clay chicken inspired by a shitpost Will is a fanboy Hannibal in a dress and wig?? just go with it Ambiguous/Open Ending Words: 613 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Hannah Montana/Hannibal fusion. No one knows that Hannibal is Montannibal, that is until he invites Will Graham for dinner.
The Soul Patch IronStrange Soulmate AU Tumblr Prompt Heart Attacks First Kiss CPR Post-Doctor Strange (2016) Stephen saves Tony it's a little cheesy Words: 1,411 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a black section of skin where their soulmate touches them skin-on-skin for the first time. When this happens, the mark changes to said soulmate’s eye color. Tony Stark and Stephen Strange both hate it because they’ve had to live with the stigma of having black lips all their lives. Tony goes into cardiac arrest at a gala, and Stephen ends up giving him CPR.The prompt I based this off. Set after the events of Doctor Strange (2016)
Who is Victor Trevor? Johnlock Teenlock Unilock Jealous John POV Sherlock Holmes victor is made up practice date First Dates Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots Words: 3,256 Chapters: 1/1
Sherlock is in love with his best friend, John Watson. When confronted, Sherlock makes up Victor Trevor - a person that Sherlock wants to ask on a date. John offers to help by taking Sherlock on a practice date. The one thing Sherlock wants more than anything.
I Feel Like I Don’t Even Know Him! Johnlock Fake/Pretend Relationship Developing Relationship and Friendships Implied/Referenced Suicide AU Different First Meeting couples counselling It's For a Case Parental Greg Lestrade Protective Mycroft Holmes Slow Burn idiots to lovers Implied/Referenced Drug Use Miscommunication Eventual Happy Ending Did I Mention They Were Idiots? It's Sad Seriously It's Sad You Have Been Warned  Words: 26,108 Chapters: 25/25
Summary: John is leaving therapy. Sherlock needs to get into the office of a couples counselor. A frantic Sherlock bumps into John as he's making his way out. John - with nothing better to do - agrees to pretend to be a stranger's boyfriend for the afternoon. Beats going home.
Let Me Share Your Pain IronStrange Hurt Stephen Strange Hurt Tony Stark Protective Stephen Strange Friends to Lovers Arguing First Kiss Hurt/Comfort Words: 3957 Chapter 1/1
Tony begins to feel stronger and better than ever. He doesn’t question it, not when his movements are quicker and his mind is sharper. His anxieties and pain appear to have diminished altogether. And the next time he’s facing a villain he finds there’s barely a scratch on him. Funnily enough Doctor Strange looks ten times worse himself after battles lately, even in ones he hardly has a hand in. Tony slowly discovers that Stephen cast a spell to absorb all of Tony’s injuries as his own.
I'll Tell You Until You Believe Me IronStrange Jealous Tony Stark Pining Pining Tony Stark Oblivious Stephen Strange First Kiss Love Confessions Insecurity Insecure Stephen Strange author projecting their insecurities onto the character check Words: 2231 Chapter 1/1
Stephen is quite popular, what with his status as sorcerer supreme, good looks and compassion. Stephen is oblivious to it all, chalking it up as just weird alien customs. One day, an interdimensional being aids Stephen and Tony in battle, flirting with Stephen the whole time. Tony feels protective of Stephen but lets it go for now (pre-relationship, Tony’s kinda jealous yes). Only this keeps happening and it builds up, Tony can’t take anymore and confronts Stephen about why he never shoots down nor reciprocates the advances of the inter-dimensional beings. Light angst where Stephen accidentally reveals that his obliviousness stems from his insecurities. He thinks Tony is pulling his leg. 
Eastern Seaboard Ironstrange Established Relationship Bottom Tony Stark Established Tony/Stephen Is this crack?? Humour Tony's nicknames for the team Words: 717 Chapter 1/1
The only time Tony sees a hint of Stephen’s full power, without his moral limitations, is when they make love and Stephen’s magic accidentally causes an earthquake that knocks out the power of the whole eastern seaboard. Tony decides it's an achievement worthy of a nickname.
Super Fucking Long Sherlock Fic, Stop Being a Bitch and Finish It. Johnlock Slow Burn really really slow Angst Smut Fluff Eventual Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Unrequited Love mutual unrequited love Mutual Pining Violence Murder Case Fic Homophobia Homophobic Language POV Sherlock Holmes Idiots in Love they're really stupid and can't see past their noses but we love them Masturbation Oblivious Hate Crimes Hate Speech Hurt/Comfort Copping Off Coming Out Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Whump Words: 31,275 Chapter 48/? 
Sherlock is bored out of his mind - luckily Lestrade has a string of murders. Even luckier - Sherlock and John have to go undercover in a gay bar, and John's in tight clothes. But what if going back into that scene reminds Sherlock of his uni days? And what if he reverts back to shameless pleasure behind clubs? What if John never returns his affections? A series of life-threatening problems could both bring them together, and drive them apart.
Our Journal Mystrade Developing Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Lestrade Can Draw switching POV Slow Burn Fluff mystrade Mystrade is art Mycroft is a Softie Even if just in his head Words: 3,798 Chapter 6/?
When the sketch artist is off, Greg is asked to step in. Like any artist - he thinks he's no good and hates his work. Mycroft just so happens to be around to lend some paper. After becoming enraptured in Greg's drawing, Mycroft's once-dormant feelings begin to fester again.
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weavingthetapestry · 4 years
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Places to Go: Tullibardine Chapel
A small kirk sheltered by Scots pines, Tullibardine Chapel has an air of tranquility and simple elegance. Formerly the private chapel of the Murrays of Tullibardine, it is one of the few buildings of its kind in Scotland to have survived with many of its medieval details intact.
The Murrays acquired the lands of Tullibardine in the late thirteenth century, when William ‘de Moravia’ married a daughter of the steward of Strathearn. Later, through judicious marriages and court connections, they first became earls of Tullibardine and then Dukes of Atholl. But even as lairds the Murrays were a significant power in late mediaeval Perthshire. In those days Tullibardine Castle was one of their main strongholds, and the close proximity of royal residences like Stirling meant that the Castle also hosted several notable guests. Mary, Queen of Scots, stayed there in December of 1566 (allegedly in the company of the earl of Bothwell). One laird of Tullibardine became Master of Household to the young James VI, while his aunt Annabella Murray, Countess of Mar, oversaw the king’s upbringing. Thus James VI was also a frequent visitor and it was he who created the earldom of Tullibardine in 1606. The king is known to have attended the wedding of the laird of Tullibardine’s daughter Lilias Murray, though it is unclear whether this took place at Tullibardine itself. The castle grounds were probably an impressive sight too: the sixteenth century writer Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie claimed that a group of hawthorns at the “zeit of Tilliebairne”* had been planted in the shape of the Great Michael by some of the wrights who worked on the famous ship.
Thus the tower at Tullibardine, though presumably on a small-scale, was apparently comfortable and imposing enough for the lairds to host royalty and fashion an impressive self-image. But the spiritual needs of a late mediaeval noble family were just as important as their political prestige, and a chapel could both shape the family’s public image and secure their private wellbeing. The current chapel at Tullibardine, which originally stood at a small distance from the castle, was allegedly founded by David Murray in 1446, “in honour of our blessed Saviour”. At least this was the story according to the eighteenth century writer John Spottiswoode, and his assertion is partly supported by the chapel’s internal evidence, though no surviving contemporary document explicitly confirms the tale. A chapel certainly existed by 1455, when a charter in favour of David’s son William Murray of Tullibardine mentions it as an existing structure. In this charter, King James II stated that his “familiar shieldbearer” William Murray has “intended to endow and infeft certain chaplains in the chapel of Tullibardine”. Since the earls of Strathearn had previously endowed a chaplain in the kirk of Muthill, but duties pertaining to the chaplaincy had not been undertaken for some time, James transferred the chaplaincy to Tullibardine. He also granted his patronage and gift of the chaplaincy to William Murray and his heirs.
The charter indicates that Tullibardine Chapel was an important project for the Murrays. Interestingly though, no official references to the chapel in the fifteenth, sixteenth, or seventeenth centuries describe Tullibardine chapel as a collegiate church, even though later writers have frequently claimed this. Collegiate foundations were increasingly popular with the Scottish nobility during the late Middle Ages, but, although such a foundation might have been planned for Tullibardine, there is no evidence that this ever took place.
The 1455 charter serves as an early indication of the chapel’s purpose and significance. Judging by its architecture the current chapel does appear to have been constructed in the mid-fifteenth century. However it was also substantially remodelled and enlarged around 1500, when the western tower was added. One remnant of the original design is the late Gothic ‘uncusped’ loop tracery on the windows. Despite the apparent simplicity of the chapel, features such as this window tracery have been taken as evidence that its builder was acutely aware of contemporary European architectural fashions. Another interesting feature is the survival of the chapel’s original timber collarbeam roof, a rare thing in Scotland. Several coats of arms belonging to members of the Murray family adorn the walls and roof corbels, although some of these armorial panels were probably moved when the chapel was reconstructed. They include the arms of the chapel’s alleged founder David Murray and his wife Margaret Colquhoun, as well as those of his parents, another David Murray and Isabel Stewart. A later member of the family, Andrew Murray, married a lady named Margaret Barclay c.1499, around the same time that the chapel was renovated, and although they were buried elsewhere, their coats of arms can also be seen there. Aside from such details- carved in stone and thus less perishable than books and vestments- the chapel’s interior seems quite sparse and bare today. Originally though the mediaeval building probably housed several richly furnished altars and some of the piscinas (hand-washing stations for priests) can still be seen in the walls. But the sumptuous display favoured in even the smallest mediaeval chapels was soon to be swept away entirely by the Reformation of 1560, when Scotland broke with the Catholic Church and Protestantism became the established faith of the realm.
Tullibardine was used chiefly as a private burial place after the Reformation, but there are signs that the transition from one faith to another was not entirely smooth. Four years after the “official” Reformation, a priest named Sir Patrick Fergy was summoned before the “Superintendent” of Fife, Fothriff, and Strathearn to answer the charge that he had taken it upon himself “to prech and minister the sacramentis wythowtyn lawfull admission, and for drawing of the pepill to the chapel of Tulebarne fra thar parroche kyrk”. Fergy did not obey the summons and so it was decided that he should be summoned for a second admonition. It is not known whether Fergy compeared on that occasion, nor what kind of punishment he might have received for his defiance. We are also in the dark as to the laird of Tullibardine’s views on the situation, even though it was going on right under his family’s nose. Nonetheless the case does provide a glimpse into what must have been a complex religious situation in sixteenth century Perthshire, no less for the ordinary parishioner than for the nobility. It also raises the possibility that private worship continued in the chapel after the Reformation, albeit unofficially.
Even as Tullibardine chapel’s public role diminished, the castle was still of some importance. Royal visits must have been considerably rarer after James VI succeeded to the English throne in 1603, and the Murrays of Tullibardine themselves acquired greater titles and estates, but the tower at Tullibardine still witnessed some notable events. During the first half of the eighteenth century, the castle was the home of Lord George Murray, a kinsman of the Duke of Atholl and famous for his participation in the Jacobite Risings of 1715, 1719, and 1745. During the last of these, Tullibardine Castle played host to a Jacobite garrison and was visited by Charles Edward Stuart. In less warlike times, Lord Murray often resided with his family at Tullibardine, and one of his daughters, who sadly died in infancy, seems to have been buried in the chapel. Lord George himself expressed a wish to be buried there as well but he was forced to flee into exile on the continent after the failure of the ’45, and so his body was interred “over the water” at Medemblick, in the Netherlands.
After Lord George’s exile Tullibardine castle entered a period of slow decline. Much of the fabric of the building was removed in 1747. Some years earlier plans had been made for the old tower to be replaced by a fashionable new house designed by William Adam, but these never materialised. A sketch of the mediaeval chapel made in 1789 shows the castle in the background- a roofless, tumbledown ruin. Tullibardine castle was finally demolished in 1833, and the family chapel, whose very existence had for centuries been defined by its proximity to the laird’s house, now stands alone. We are thus all the more fortunate for its survival, and both its attractive situation and interesting mediaeval features make Tullibardine chapel well worth a visit.
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(Tullibardine Chapel, with the castle ruins in the background, as sketched in 1789. Reproduced with permission of the National Libraries of Scotland, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License)
Sources and notes may be found under the ‘read more’ button.
* “zeit” is presumaby “yett”, the old Scots word for gate.
Selected Bibliography:
- “Account of All the Religious Houses That Were in Scotland at the Time of the Reformation”, by John Spottiswood, in “An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops Down to the Year 1688″, by Reverend Robert Keith.
- Seventh Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Part 2 (Duke of Atholl papers)
- “Register of the Ministers, Elders, and Deacons of the Congregation of St Andrews”, volume 4, Part 1 (St Andrews Kirk Session Register), edited by David Hay Fleming
- “Statement of Significance: Tullibardine Chapel”, Historic Environment Scotland
- “The Historie and Croniclis of Scotland From the Slauchter of King James the First to the Ane Thousande Five Hundreith Thrie Scoir Fiftein Zeir”, by Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie, volume 1 edited Aeneas J. G. Mackay. 
- “Late Gothic Architecture in Scotland: Considerations on the Influence of the Low Countries”, by Richard Fawcett in ‘Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries Scotland’, 112 (1982) 
- “Aspects of Timber in Renaissance and Post-Renaissance Scotland: The Case of Stirling Palace”, Thorsten Hanke
- “Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland”, Vol. 5, ed. M. Livingstone
- “The Household and Court of King James VI”, Amy L. Juhala
- “Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland”, by David Moysie, ed. James Dennistoun for the Bannatyne Club
- “Calendar of State Papers, Scotland”, Volume 10, 1589-93, ed. William K. Boyd and Henry W. Meikle
- “The Indictment of Mary Queen of Scots, as Derived from a Manuscript in the University Library at Cambridge, Hitherto Unpublished”, by George Buchanan, edited by R.H. Mahon
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promptsausandshit · 5 years
Picture this; #368
A Month of Quote Prompts;
(Note; While the goal is to do one a day, please go at your own pace, this is for fun after all!)
1. “Pet on my chest, rain outside, new book and sword hidden behind the sofa: what more could I ask for?”
2. “I am starting to think that you are uncomfortable with me removing my casing in your presence.”
3. “Hell yeah! Didn’t I tell you you’d be awesome? Well I was wrong ‘cos that was ten times better than awesome! High five!”
4. “Everything about this situation is out of my zone of expertise, I don’t have a response to this.”
5. “My dearest, my darling, my light, my everlasting joy, please tell me that’s not what I think it is.”
6. “To be king is to stand strong and unyielding before the enemy, to be queen is to kill said enemy while their distracted by the king.”
7. “…So the one who just tackled the mascot was who I wanted to introduce you to.”
8. “It seems that I underestimated how much havoc a human child can cause when only given a ball. This has been an educational experience.”
9. “Hello love, I understand that you’ve been on quite the adventure.”
10. “Your dog is using a relic that could be my last chance at fixing this mess as a chew toy, and I’m being unreasonable?”
11. “Look, I’m about to do something that is technically illegal but believe me when I say the alternative is worse. Roll with it?”
12. “Some of you may have noticed that a certain professor is not here with us. That is because we have locked him out for being late.”
13. “Hey, which hair colour screams ‘not straight and into boats’ the most?”
14. “For the last time, I am not deconstructing my printer so that you can create an inter-dimensional portal!”
15. “Can someone please tell me why the map is talking?!”
16. “I’m just saying that it was an absurd divergence from the established plot-line and the characters reacted to it in ways that didn’t make sense to their individual arcs at the time! I’ll have a lemon tea please.”
17. “Yes, I am wearing this, and no, we are not going in separate cars.”
18. “I swear if you sing Living on a Prayer one more time, you will be!”
19. “Sorry, no gold in here, only diamonds the size of melons.”
20. “Please don’t make me say all this rubbish when my managers not here to force me to.”
21. “Who mishears ‘Ray’ so badly they add an X in?”
22. “Saying that you had never thought of doing it before is not confirmation that you don’t intend to.”
23. “Ok. Which one of you jokers hired fifty different clowns to this party?”
24. “I’ve never bothered with moons, their always over-hyped.”
25. “…Um, do you know what the words on your shirt translate to?”
26. “Coffee is for those who intend to pay attention, knowing who’s speaking today, I don’t think it will be necessary.”
27. “So, turns out the guy we were chasing the entire time was a shapeshifter hired to impersonate the target with no clue what was going on. We now owe them a new fang.”
28. “Get in the trolly. It’s time to show these punks who’s boss around here.”
29. “I think the water nymph at the restaurant was flirting with me, what do I do?”
30. “Dancing’s easy as long as you pretend no one else can hear the music.”
31. “See, three explosions was more than enough.”
Completion Bonus!; Do a one shot or a sketch for something you love that you haven’t had the chance to do for a while! Or read one chapter of an unfinished story! Or watch one episode or movie of that thing you like! Satisfy whatever urge you have right now, you have all the time in the world for this so relax and treat yourself, you did great!
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handeaux · 5 years
The Story Behind C.T. Webber’s Iconic Painting  ‘The Underground Railroad’
It is among the most iconic paintings in the collection of the Cincinnati Art Museum, and among the most reproduced. Charles T. Webber’s “The Underground Railroad” has illustrated books, magazines and encyclopedias by the score. And yet it took decades for the museum to accept the painting. One might say that this painting justifies the location of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in our city.
Although Webber was born in New York, he spent most of his artistic career in Cincinnati. His first job involved tinting photographs in a local studio. He helped organize a number of arts organizations and clubs in the Queen City and consequently was very well connected in the local arts scene.
It is obvious that Webber possessed some talent. A painting of his was accepted in the 1881 Paris Salon and local newspapers reported that it was the first painting by an American artist, painted on American soil, accepted by the Salon. (Other American artists had provided work that they painted in Europe.)
Although Webber painted in a variety of genres – landscape, mythology, still life, etc. – he made his living painting portraits and through his studio got to know many significant residents of the Queen City.
Levi Coffin, known as the “President of the Underground Railroad,” met Webber after relocating from Indiana to Cincinnati in 1847. Webber painted Coffin’s portrait and also a companion portrait of Coffin’s wife, Catherine.
When the 1893 World’s Columbian Exhibition was announced – the Chicago World’s Fair scheduled to celebrate Columbus’ arrival in the New World – Webber set about painting his tribute to the Coffins and other “conductors” of the Underground Railroad. It took five years from initial sketches to final canvas. Webber’s painting was accepted for exhibition in Chicago along with some still-renowned artists like Frank Duveneck, T.C. Steele, Douglas Volk, Henry Farny and others.
Among this august assemblage, Webber’s painting stood out. The Daily Inter Ocean, a Chicago newspaper, published a lengthy article on “The Underground Railroad” in its issue of 8 July 1893:
“The peculiar strength of the picture, and which undoubtedly calls a halt to the footsteps and signals this out as interesting among the many, is the expression on the different faces.”
Those faces, unlike many other artistic representations of abolitionist activity, were painted from life. As noted, Webber had painted portraits of the Coffins and also painted a portrait of abolitionist Hannah Haydock who, although pictured in this image actually lived in Warren County, the next stop of the Underground Railroad.
It is likely that Webber expected this painting to fetch a good price when the Columbian Exposition ended, but it was not to be. Nearly 20 years later, as Webber lay dying in his home along the Ohio River near Sedamsville, the canvas was still in his possession.
At the close of the Chicago World’s Fair, Webber was nearly 70 years old. His sales declined as younger artists emerged on the scene. Webber’s wife died in 1891 while he was still working on his masterpiece and he moved in with one of his students, artist Mary Spencer, who eventually became his executrix.
In the years before Webber died, some of his colleagues, led by artist John Rettig, endeavored to collect a fund to purchase “The Underground Railroad” and present it to the Cincinnati Art Museum. Rettig, according to the Cincinnati Post [5 April 1911], had visited Webber as he lay dying:
“Even with the hand of death on him, Webber recognized his friend. Then his mind wandered. He grasped an imaginary brush in his gaunt hand and pointed to the easel he thought was before him, asking his friend’s advice as to the picture there.”
For a couple of years, Rettig’s fund-raising group had exhibited Webber’s “The Underground Railroad” at galleries and men’s clubs around Cincinnati in an effort to raise the $10,000 purchase price. With Webber’s death, the canvas was finally hung at the Cincinnati Art Museum, though only on loan while fund-raising continued.
It is a mystery, given the names associated with Rettig’s committee, why the painting could not have been purchased with the pocket change of half the organization. Among the subscribers were James N. Gamble, of Procter & Gamble; jeweler Loring Andrews; drug store magnate Cora Dow; artist Henry Farny; Judge Alfred K. Nippert; best-selling author William H. Venable; kindergarten pioneer Annie Laws and other names from the highest echelons of Cincinnati society.
According to Anita Ellis, former curator of decorative arts at the Cincinnati Art Museum, the purchase price was not fully collected until 1927. That year, the painting was officially donated to the Cincinnati Art Museum. By then, Webber had been in his grave at Spring Grove Cemetery for 16 years. Mary Spencer, Webber’s executor, died in 1923 at the age of 87.
Having acquired “The Underground Railroad,” the Art Museum almost immediately got rid of it. According to Anita Ellis [Cincinnati Historical Society Bulletin, Summer 1979]:
“On June 27, 1930, the painting was lent to Woodward High School, Cincinnati. It was returned on April 10, 1961, and has remained at the Museum since.”
Ellis, in her analysis of this painting, determined that Webber must have actually visited Levi Coffin’s suburban “farm” between Avondale and Walnut Hills to portray that location as the scene depicted in the painting.
Restoration of the painting in the late 1970s emphasized the historic aspects of the painting rather than its somewhat confusing artistic qualities. Still, “The Underground Railroad” stakes Cincinnati’s claim as a beacon of hope  – however dim – in a very dark time.
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seddm · 6 years
Well all know that Star's follies right and since you have red the book of spells, can you tell each queen from Skywynne to Moon. At least you have a different question this time from Star and Marco personality question and getting annoyed that some fandom cannot accept the facts in the series and book.
“You mean just a list of queens or a short summary about them? Well, assuming it’s the latter:
Skywynne The Queen Of Hours, rebuilt the current royal castle after it burned down, started the expansion of the Butterfly kingdom by conquering more of the monsters’ lands and giving Mewmans fields to grow crop. Specialized in time spells, but she also pushed the raw potential of magic to their likely limit - she exploded a whole dimension. Married a man whom she had a crush on for years and whose shirts she smelled. Also he had recently divorced.No parallels with Star here at all.
Jushtin The Uncalculated, only man in the bunch. Useless. Flamboyant, went around trying to look cool with his crew. Was super good at math because his teacher was hot. Kinda cared about making Mewni look cooler though so I guess he could have done something good to develop the reign had he kept the crown? Skywynne ripped the wand from his hand once Solaria was born.
Solaria The Monster Carver, hated monsters, a lot. Wanted to kill them all, steal all their lands, and thought they were a menace to all Mewmankind. Her spells mostly involved cutting herself with her sword shaped wand and using blood as a catalyst. Recreated a lost magic warriors spell from the past (possibly the one mentioned in Star’s book in Mewnipendence Day) to create super soldiers, Mina was the first of them and her most trusted general. She loved her daughter Eclipsa to bits, but she never married (the father was the sea captain seen in the picture in Blood Moon Ball, Alphonse the Worthy, ambassador among monsters and her trusted adviser). When the kingdom was besieged by monsters she sent Hekapoo, Alphonse and her brother Jushtin (not completely useless in his adulthood) to ask the Pony Heads and Lucitors for help, and they managed to ward off the enemies. She was killed during an ambush in her camp before she could perfect a mass-destruction spell that could have erased all the monsters from the map.
Eclipsa The Queen Of Darkness, we already know about her. Dated a lot of monsters, fell in love with Globgor when she met him while they were still young (Solaria thought he kidnapped her), married Shastacan (prince of the Spiderbites) against her will because her mother pushed for it before her untimely death. Fled the kingdom when it became clear she had to do more to help monsters and Mewmans. 
Festivia The Fun, first “fake” queen. She mostly partied and was loved by Mewmans, but she also sent Mina’s armies to fight the monsters who tried once more to to take back their old lands, and refused to try to make peace with them. She believed that Eclipsa and Shastacan had been eaten by monsters, and was essentially raised by the Magic High Commission (did they off Shastie to have full control over Mewni? Suspicious, he was still alive in the flashbacks seen in the show). 
Dirhhennia The Heaped, didn’t feel like being princess, didn’t feel like being queen, didn’t feel like doing anything. She was essentially going through an emo teen phase “nothing matters effort is useless I’m gonna run away with this hot guy” when her mother decided to pass the wand to her younger but more promising sister Crescenta.
Crescenta The Eager, one of the most psychologically explored queens in the book. Extremely efficient, at the same time she thought herself infallible & had crippling self esteem issues, valuing her self worth on how many things she managed to achieve, while constantly feeling like an unappreciated failure. She communicated since a young age with all the royal heirs from other kingdoms on Mewni (like Star did during S3A), she continued to conquer monsters’ lands and committed electoral fraud by making sure that the Avarius (Ludo’s family) could win the elections monsters were having to decide their rulers, becoming nothing more than puppets in the hands of the Butterfly to keep the monsters at bay - especially since at that time Seth, a septarian who was already around during Eclipsa’s time and always strongly opposed any chance of peace with the Mewmans, was gaining a lot of influence over the monsters. She found some peace later in life thanks to her “”friend”” Emily, a mermaid who then became her Chief advisor and partner in ruling. How did she manage to have a daughter? Magic I guess. She mentions that "she spent her life being great, but only Emily truly appreciates it”. Poor Crescenta.Invented Levitato and the Monster Arm spells, among about 5000 others.
Rhina The Riddled, fan of enigmas and puzzles - she and Glossaryck went along well. Her spells required intricate movements on her Rubik cube like wand. Never interested in love, when her mother pushed her to find a kind and conceive a heir she cast a love spell on herself, and married a demon, second cousin to the Lucitors. Some times later she realized that he was a “cruel husband” and tried to create a counter-effect spell to break his heart, but it worked a bit too well and she killed him. Her chapter seems to hint that she was killed by the Lucitors, years later, during a meeting to talk about what happened.
Celena The Shy, more hair than body, experienced in potion making, curses and charms, and tarot reading. You standard witch, but so shy she apologized to furniture when the accidentally bumped in them. Glossaryck was fond of her, and she liked talking to him (and barely to anyone else). She also wrote songs.Such as an ode to a pumpkin she grew.
Estrella The Drafted, more than in ruling she was interested in drawing (despite not being THAT great about it), and sketched just about everything. During her kingdom Seth the Septarian began organizing a small group of rebels, most likely the ones who are later going to be lead by Toffee and who are going to murder Comet, opposing the first true attempt at peace with Mewmans. She married a songstrel and she discovered Mewni’s equivalent to salt (a little bit late in their culinary history...) and tomatoes.
Comet The Chef, teen pregnant and first princess to have a daughter before taking on the crown (she blames it on her mother being an artist, rude), she divorced her husband - Lazlo Marmalade, a famous inter-dimensional chef - soon after Moon’s birth. She never believed in war -as a kid she made pies to the generals and soldiers during a war meeting to make them fall asleep from digestion induced coma so that they’d miss the battle with the monsters, who simply left with no lives lost. She discussed peace with Archduke Batwin, the current king of monsters (seen in Moon The Undaunted), and wanted to have a banquet with Mewmans and Monsters to sign the peace, serving the traditional Mewnipendence Day pie and wanting to rename it “Peace Day Pie”. She said she wasn’t worried about Seth because by then he was just a ‘crusty old gecko’, but apparently his ideals were inherited by Toffee, who promptly stabbed her in the face throwing her years of diplomatic works to the piggoats.
Moon The Undaunted, we already know most about her life from the show. The book expands on her grief for her mother’s death (she was 17 at the time), and her relationship with River: she opens the chapter with a dedication to him, saying that his optimism and support are what made her life and early reign survivable. She also cast a spell that unknowingly forces him to remake the bed each morningShe regrets her actions regarding Toffee, especially her deal with Eclipsa, and blames it in part on her grief and inexperience.
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