theculturedmarxist · 2 years
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thisdayinmetal · 2 years
Interview: Skinflint
Skinflint are a heavy metal band from Botswana, Africa and incorporate elements from African culture in to their music. Their 3rd studio album ‘Hate Spell‘ will be released on the 17th of February 2023 via Into Records and are currently on tour supporting Soulfly in the US. Comprised of vocalist/guitarist Giuseppe Sbrana, bassist Kebonye Nkoloso and drummer Cosmos Modisaemang, the band’s latest…
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
SKINFLINT Return with New Album "Hate Spell", Announce US Tour with SOULFLY
L-R: Cosmos Modisaemang, Giuseppe Sbrana, Kebonye Nkoloso – Photo by IK Laurent African metallists SKINFLINT return on Friday, February 17, 2023 with their sixth release overall, ‘Hate Spell,’ which will be immediately supported by almost a month’s worth of live dates in the US – when the trio tours with Soulfly. Comprised of guitarist/vocalist Giuseppe Sbrana, bassist Kebonye Nkoloso, and…
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One Miku I have yet to see, and bear in mind it may just not have crossed my sphere, is a Botswanan heavy metal Miku (a hell banger)
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braceletofteeth · 13 days
Had a dream where I was attending a fanmeeting at a small town around here.
When I got there, the actor was tasting a local dish (that doesn't exist), but only took one little bite of it, because he didn't like mushrooms and the shrimp in the bowl were unpeeled. It also looked terrible. I was horrified that people would even serve that (we certainly have better dishes than whatever that was!), but before anything good could happen to compensate for that disaster, I passed out/stopped registering what happened, only "waking up" when the FM was over, because I was too tired from not sleeping enough that week + running a few kilometers to get there and increasing the headache I had.
... I think my body is not so subtly trying to tell me something.
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paramaline · 2 years
the thing you've got to understand about me is that i think the greatest crossover event of all time was the episode of the honeymooners where ralph kramden spends the entire run time scheming against his cheapskate landlord and at the very end the landlord shows up and it's jack benny
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
lmao the school manually sent out letters to all the school employees to beg for donations and they used a doubly-wrong prefix/title for her. (she *should* be addressed as dr especially since that's. literally her entire job at the school. but failing that they could at least get the gender right, she updated it long before she started working here.)
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emailburner · 11 months
I love when I’m reading old Spider-Man comics and Spidey says words like whirlybird or skinflint that are just so old you can feel the authenticity
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ladykailitha · 6 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 11
The second one for today. Steve and Eddie have an actual conversation about their wants and needs from the relationship.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6 Pt 7 Pt 8 Pt 9 Pt 10
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @redfreckledwolf @emly03 @itsall-taken
Eddie laughed when Steve explained the reason for the flowers that night over drinks. “Do you really think your parents will leave you alone now?”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. But they’ll fuck off for awhile at least. And honestly you can’t buy that kind of peace.”
He smiled. “Damn straight. My own dear ole dad came out of the woodwork when Corroded Coffin hit it big. Tried to take credit for teaching me to play guitar.”
Steve leaned forward, chin on his fist. “I’m guessing that’s nowhere near what actually happened?”
“Oh hell no,” Eddie scoffed. “He taught me how to hotwire cars, blend into crowds to get away from cops, and how to lie through your teeth so convincingly that no one could tell. But you want to know who did teach me how to play? My Uncle Wayne. The man who took me in when the cops finally caught up with the rat bastard.”
Steve sighed wistfully. “God, what I would have given to have an Uncle Wayne. But sadly, when the test came back as infertile all they could think about was how to ‘recoup the loss of having an omega for a son’.”
Eddie’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “Are you fucking with me?”
“I wish I was,” Steve said mournfully, shaking his head. “Most of the men on my dad’s side of the family were alphas and if they weren’t then they were omegas pumping out babies like a machine.”
Eddie winced and took Steve’s free hand in his. “I’m sorry, baby. That’s got have been so hard.”
Steve squeezed Eddie’s hand with a sigh. “The disappointment was so palpable in that doctor’s office you could cut it with a knife.” He shook his head. “They even refused further testing, even though my great-great grandmother on my mother’s side was a golden omega.”
“Really?” Eddie said, his eyebrows shooting up. “Damn. Those are super rare.”
Steve nodded. “I have two friends with red hair and that’s more common than a golden omega.”
“But if they were so desperate for money why didn’t they test for it?” he asked gently.
Steve shrugged. “My dad is a skinflint. The cost of the test outweighed the gamble on my chance of being ultra-fertile instead.”
“Damn just think you could have had your choice of any alpha in the country,” Eddie teased, “if they had and you turned out to be one.”
Steve shook his head, wrapping Eddie’s hand in both of his. “Nah, I prefer it this way, I have a job I love, a best friend I couldn’t live without and you. If I had been a golden omega, my parents would have made me chose from the crustiest, conservative assholes they could find.”
Eddied ducked his head and blushed to the roots of his hair. “So I’m assuming the label sent you a copy of the interview today?” he asked shyly.
Steve nodded. “Of course. You were so cute.”
“So call me stupid,” he said clearing his throat, “but I didn’t know escorts were allowed partners. I looked it up, a couple even have bonds. Like how the fuck does that work?”
Steve laughed bright and clear and Eddie went to remove his hand from his, but Steve held on tight.
“I wasn’t laughing at you, babe,” Steve soothed. “I was laughing because Robin thought that you weren’t aware and told me to clear it up with you. That was the main reason for drinks tonight.”
Eddie blinked at him owlishly. “Wait, really?”
“Of course,” Steve said. “But to answer your question about how omegas with bondmates can still be escorts, you forget that a lot of what we do isn’t about sex. Everyone associates escorts with sex, but that’s just a common misconception. Sometimes people just want the attention of a kind omega with no strings attached.” He kissed Eddie’s knuckles gently. “And then there are the ones that want a ‘cheating’ scenario without the drama of actually cheating.”
Eddie frowned. “So how does that work?”
“They want to have sex with a bonded omega,” Steve explained. “But without having to worry that there would an actual alpha gunning for them.”
“And their alpha doesn’t care they’re having sex with other alphas?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to the side, his eyes gentle and curious, not judging.
Steve shook his head. “Nope. Things can change, of course. A famous Starcourt escort Mia Sanchez retired last year because her alpha asked her to. But they had been bonded for fifteen years before retirement.”
That filled Eddie with a warmth he didn’t know he was missing until that moment. He licked his bottom lip slowly.
“And if I wanted to properly court you,” he asked easily, “what would you say to that?”
Steve grinned back at him. “I’d say yes.”
Eddie leapt from his seat and came around the table to kiss him firmly on the lips.
Steve laughed, breaking the kiss, but Eddie didn’t mind. He couldn’t be happier.
“So you don’t want me to chose between you and my job, then?” Steve asked, referring to their contract.
Eddie shook his head. “If there was a way that you could be happy with both, darlin’, that was choice I was always going to make.”
“What about the Grammy’s and your rut?” Steve asked, concerned. He felt bad, but he still wanted to get paid for those things. He didn’t want to suddenly have Eddie expect them for free now that they were courting.
“Don’t worry, Stevie,” Eddie murmured into his omega’s ear. “The contract will still be for those things, we just won’t have a fake break up of our fake relationship after my rut.”
Steve’s lip wobbled. “Would it be a real break up of a real relationship?” he asked softly.
Eddie pulled him in for a big hug. “Not for all the gold in all the world. Okay?”
He let out a shuddering breath. “I’m okay with that.”
Eddie kissed him again before going back to sit down in his chair. “So for the Grammy’s I looked over those two outfits you sent me for suggestion on what you should wear.”
Steve smiled, grateful for the change of topic to something safer and more comfortable for him. “Yeah, which one did you prefer? I mean, I have closet full of amazing clothes and if nothing suits your fancy...” he half shrugged, “it gives me chance to go shopping.”
Eddie laughed. “No, no. I loved them both. Though taking you shopping has it’s appeal...” He shook his head. “I’m getting off the track here. I want you to wear the mini to the awards and the pant suit to the Vanity Fair after party.”
Steve’s mouth formed an ‘O’ and he grinned. “That is a fantastic idea. I love it.”
“I thought you’d like that,” Eddie said with a grin. “Do you get to wear much stuff that’s just for you or do you have to be ‘Starcourt Escort’ twenty four seven?”
Steve shrugged. “It’s a bit half and half if I’m honest. I don’t have to be dressed to the nines all the time...”
“But if you don’t,” Eddie said with a growl, “all the tabloids say that you’re ‘letting yourself go’?”
Steve blushed and nodded.
“What would you want to wear if you weren’t ‘escort Steve’?” Eddie asked, motioning to the waiter that they needed another round.
“It’s stupid,” he said, tucking his chin tightly to his chest. “I’m a fashion plate. That’s what I’m supposed to be.”
Eddie clicked his tongue and wagged his finger. “None of that. I won’t let anyone talk shit about my boyfriend, not even himself.”
That surprised a laugh out of him. “I like the polos, Henley’s, and chinos look. Lame I know.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. That was not the answer he had expected at all. He thought it would have been sweat pants and baggy sweaters.
“It’s not lame if it makes you feel good about yourself,” he insisted.
Another couple of bottles of beer arrived and Steve grabbed one. He just held it in his hands. He let out a long sigh.
“You know how we can roleplay situations for clients?”
Eddie nodded. They had done the meet-cute in a bar roleplay just last night.
“There’s one you won’t find on my list,” he continued. “At least not anymore.”
Eddie could feel the tension build between them. Whatever this was about was fucking hard for Steve to talk about.
“Sometimes busy executives and business owners like to have a scenario where they come home to a cute little omega housewife. If it’s a female omega, think the 1950s type. Dresses and high heels.”
And suddenly what Steve was talking about hit Eddie like a fist to the solar plexus. Male omegas would be in the polos and chinos. But the roleplay had tainted Steve’s love for those kinds of clothes and it made Eddie furious.
“And if you’re seen out and about wearing them,” he guessed, “people think you’re doing the roleplay, don’t they?”
Steve flushed in shame. He nodded once.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Are you sure you like this job?”
Steve’s head snapped up. “Yes! The good far out weighs the bad. Like ruts without an omega can actually fuck up an alpha body. Like completely wreck it to hell. So I get to go in and help these alphas that don’t have an omega they can trust and help them through one of the worst weeks of their year and that it happens multiple times, anywhere from three to five depending on their age. Yes, I’m trained to be charming and great in bed, but that? That’s what makes everything worth while.”
He was panting at the end of his rant, eyes wild, hands clutching Eddie’s fiercely.
Eddie chuckled. “All right, darlin’. I didn’t mean to offend.”
Steve ducked his head and Eddie gently lifted it back up with two fingers. “I like that you’re passionate about what you love, honey. It makes you sparkle.”
Steve looked down at his watch and cursed. “I’ve got to go.” He looked back up at him. “But I’ll see you on Friday?”
Eddie grinned. “It’s a date, sweetheart.”
Steve hopped off his seat and walked away.
Eddie shook his head and murmured, “Hate to see you leave, but damn do I love to watch you go.”
Steve ass looked amazing in whatever the guy wore. But now Eddie understood his need for hyper-masculinity. Even when he was wearing that golden dress, it highlighted his flat chest and broad thighs.
People made assumptions about who Steve was based on what he was wearing at all times and if he was even the slightest bit not what people expected he got hell for it.
In a lot of ways, Steve’s every move was even more scrutinized than Eddie’s and he was the frontman of a very famous metal band. He couldn’t imagine living the way Steve did. But despite all the hang ups and downsides, Steve was happy and you really couldn’t buy that.
He paid the tab and walked out onto the pavement. He lit up a cigarette and took a long drag. He let out the smoke slowly and flicked away the ash.
Eddie was content with his lot in life for the first time since he moved in with his uncle, Wayne. Wayne was always supportive of whatever Eddie wanted to do in life and was happy to hear about Steve.
And even happier when Eddie had called him this afternoon to tell him Stevie might agree to date without all the hoopla of the agency. Everything Eddie did, Wayne was sure to hear about it first.
Wayne was home. No matter the distance. Something Eddie never thought he’d find out here in California.
Stevie was quickly becoming home for him. He never thought he would want to mate, not after seeing how horrible his parents acted. But now?
Now he couldn’t wait to start courting the most beautiful omega in the world.
Eddie took another drag of his cigarette and then flicked it away. He hailed a cab and gave directions for home.
He couldn’t wait to show Steve off on live television. And maybe just maybe win a Grammy or two.
Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @y4r3luv @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @eyehartart @mangoinacan13 @demolvr @ellietheasexylibrarian @rememberthatiloveyou @slowandsteddie @r0binscript @alyelf @melodymeddler @mogami13 @annabanannabeth
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apoemaday · 11 months
November Graveyard
by Sylvia Plath
The scene stands stubborn: skinflint trees Hoard last year’s leaves, won’t mourn, wear sackcloth, or turn To elegiac dryads, and dour grass Guards the hard-hearted emerald of its grassiness However the grandiloquent mind may scorn Such poverty. No dead men’s cries
Flower forget-me-nots between the stones Paving this grave ground. Here’s honest rot To unpick the heart, pare bone Free of the fictive vein. When one stark skeleton Bulks real, all saints’ tongues fall quiet: Flies watch no resurrections in the sun.
At the essential landscape stare, stare Till your eyes foist a vision dazzling on the wind: Whatever lost ghosts flare, Damned, howling in their shrouds across the moor Rave on the leash of the starving mind Which peoples the bare room, the blank, untenanted air.
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transmechanicus · 5 months
You call this a Caniac™️??! A meal deserving of a Canes Maniac?!? This is Canes Intrigued. Canes Mildly Enthused at best. This paltry allocation of flesh and bread is of such skinflint portions for such exorbitant prices that one would have to be a maniac to consider it acceptable.
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astrum-medeis · 1 year
Short Astro Notes 🍰
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
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Highlight: Sun Sign, 10H, Virgo Mars, 2H placements, 2H in Virgo, Pluto in 2H, Gemini Rising, Rising Sign.
🍰 Sun shows how our ego wants us to appear and 10th house shows how we really appear.
🍰 Check your Sun sign, house and aspects to know how you should express your creativity.
🍰 People with Virgo Mars and 2H placements or 2H in Virgo are so tight-fisted and skinflint. It can lead them to prospercy and wealth though. Can apply to Pluto in 2nd as well.
🍰 Gemini Risings are very observant, nothing will slip away their notice. My classmate is a Gemini Rising and she makes great and very accurate observations about people. She pays attention to things that slip away from others.
🍰 I have a question. Pick your favourite Rising Sign. So yeah, let’s say you like [Sign] Risings, but do you like [the same Sign] Suns too? Answer in the comments.
I love Sagittarius Risings but I don’t get along well with Sagittarius Suns. I believe that’s because the Sun Sign is our ego (false identity), vitality and who we want to be, it’s just a semblance of real Sign’s traits. Meanwhile Rising Sign represents the real Sign’s traits, it’s our real personality.
If you have Sun conjunct Ascendant, it means your ego is in conformity with your personality.
You may not like people with your Ascendant as their Sun sign or vice versa. You may not like people with your Sun Sign as their Ascendant because they are what you’re trying to be.
Have a nice day! 💗
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granddaughterogg · 8 months
men of Task Force 141 (bonus: König) VS. gift giving
Captain Price: He's used to holding the reins in a relationship, so don't expect him to ask what you'd want. You'll get a set of (stupidly expensive) racy lingerie. We're talking real silk, handwoven lace, but also cutouts in ALL the fun places. He'll want to give it a test run almost immediately after you've unpacked your gift.
Gaz: He's a thoughtful lad, so he will put some thought into this. Dropping sneaky little questions amidst your everyday convos as to gauge your needs and personal taste. He's got great visual memory, too. Remember that pair of absolutely jawdropping high heels that you've gushed over while traversing the mall once? Probably not anymore, but he does - and he knows your correct shoe size, too.
Ghost: He's never been gifted anything as a child. Presents are a pain in the arse to him. He sucks at the art of gift giving and he knows that he sucks at it, which only exacerbates his frustration. Don't expect to be treated to any in the earlier stages of your relationship - apart from his favourite foods and drinks anyway. When things between the two of you get Serious, he'll ask you out front ("What do you want for Christmas?") Just go online and send him a direct link to something practical - like a new laptop or a piece of furniture. Don't worry about the price. He might be clueless when it comes to this, but he's definitely not a skinflint.
Johnny Soap McTavish: This lad loves to give (in all possible meanings of the word.) He's been leaving you little presents since you've become close, in a manner not unlike to a friendly crow. You find lovely wildflowers or a pretty stone or something like that on your windowsill every other day. He's the "babe, I saw this while out shopping and I thought of you" type of guy. He'll rise to any Big Occasion in style. Expect to get something well-thought and custom made. Like a necklace which looks a bit like his dog tags, but is made of sterling silver and has both of your blood groups and names etched into it.
König: You'll get a book of old obscure German poetry (he did miles of research to find the best English translation available.) This lad is a hopeless romantic.
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Might have a couple of different ones to share today. This one is a bit experimental and may forever stay a WIP (especially if I fail to get the discord skin for ao3 to comply with my will 🙃)
Herewith the thought experiment that nobody needed…
Extract of Discord Chat between rocket46boi and Anarchy_Aunt_Est44
So - big news!
You beat the Undead Overlord???!
No, you daft idiot we have a hot date with that guy tonight.
Oh of course. I did not forget that.
You’ve been having a stab at it without me haven’t you?
Well a bit.
I mean we both know it’s impossible as a solo run. Just testing out some options… you know so I don’t let you down in the field, right?
Haha guilty conscience much?
Um, sorry… I just couldn’t resist when everyone was off doing stuff and I just… needed a distraction from all the everything.
Mate, it’s cool. And you do have my number you know, if you need a distraction just text me.
Aww thanks ☺️
Anyway - back here whatever 19:00 GMT is where you are?
Cool. Yeah! Looking forward to it!
Usual caveat for if I’m not there it’s not personal just my part time job thing you know sometimes the hours are a bit random.
Yeah yeah Mr Mysterious.
Sorry!!!! What news, my Queen?
I’m not going to college!
Wait, what?
Don’t tell me they turned down your scholarship?!! Those ignorant bastards!
Calm down hun
(though your rage on my behalf is cute 🥰 )
I did get that, but am not gonna need it.
Has someone said something? Don’t let the losers get in your head.
Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean you have so much potential??
You’d smash college!
Slow doooown.
I’m not just bumming out.
I have a job!
Oh! Uh, ok what kind of job?
Not 100% clear yet but it’s in experimental digital tech field and there’ll be a shedload of training on the job and best bit is…
Drumroll please…
What? What?!!
Oh! You get out of the SH hellscape!!
That must be a relief.
Yeah. Oh you have no idea.
Like, I wish them well and all but… my ‘neighbours’ are just constant drama. College would be cool but how on Earth I’d get that kind of study done with all that going on?
Instead I get a sweet little flat with just a couple of other trainees who will actually be On My Level you know?
The only one I’ll miss is Clarry. Might see if I can put a good word in for him when I get settled.
Well, congrats! When do you start?
Wow that’s fast!
Yeah the guy is keen to start on whatever this new project is so - tomorrow I get on a private jet to somewhere awesome!
Ok. Wow. You weren’t wrong that’s huge news
I’m really pleased for you
Chin up rocketboi, it’s a tech job, gaming has gotta be an unwritten part of the job description! We’ll still hang out ;)
Oh ok :) Good to know!
Should be a decent WiFi connection there as it’s not paid for by the skinflints at SS! I might even kick your ass more easily.
Hahaha like you need any help with that!!!
I really am pleased for you!
Thanks ☺️ I’m pleased for me too.
Ok I gotta run but, see you later for giant-zombie-crushing?
Laters xx
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anamelessfool · 5 months
Where would Copia take Marian for a date? And vice versa?
They're both homebodies and unless someone reminds them to go do something special for the other they won't even think about it. For a long time they didn't have special "dates" they just spent time together out of habit: first clergy up in the morning so they sit in the courtyard with coffee, picking up items from the office supply store, reading silently next to each other. Being in close proximity is enough for them.
They have a reluctance to try new things. Copia and Marian both share this secret fear that they don't deserve nice things.
Cirrus Ghoul became very invested in TV soap operas when she was summoned and therefore she claims she knows a lot about humans and romantic situations. She first encouraged Copia to do something special for Marian, like go to a fancy restaurant. Copia is a natural skinflint and after some aggressive coaxing from Cirrus he took Marian out on a date to a fancy Italian restaurant. Copia spent some time in Italy studying abroad in his youth, and sharing those memories with Marian over good food encouraged him to take Marian out more. He now loves dressing up and going out with her to music events and different exotic restaurants. His favorite date he ever had with Marian is in Las Vegas, where they went to a fancy restaurant where the plates are too big and the food too small, and Copia had her on his arm at the casino. He really does enjoy gambling. Ironic, really, but he is a man who is fascinated by numbers.
A date with Marian is always weird, unplanned and usually involves some light trespassing or misdemeanors. Copia has no idea how she finds out about the little things around town happening in the wee hours. They usually start late, around 10pm or so. At some food truck parked outside a nightclub or bar or music venue. The truck usually has a secret menu that Marian somehow knows. Then they either wander into whoever is playing a gig at the venue, acting stupid if they get caught. Marian also knows about random basement gigs and they end up being the oldest two people there. ("No, we're not here to pick up our kid, fuck off..") If it's still dark there's either some abandoned greenhouse to break into or weird ruin in the woods she's heard about. If Copia doesn't feel like he's seconds away from being murdered or finding a dead body then it's not a very authentic Marian date.
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pennzance · 7 months
"Stand fast, monster!"
"I'm on break."
"... what?"
"Look, I got hired to reset the pit trap in the room you just came out of. Did you spring the trap?"
"Oh... our rogue disarmed it."
"Did he BREAK it or did he just disable the trigger?"
"I... I don't know?"
"Great. Just great. Thanks a bunch, now my next four hours are gonna be spent making sure it works again. Thank you SO much."
"Don't do that. You hero types are all the same. You want the whole dungeon experience but you never think about who has the crappy little jobs that makes the whole thing work. Too many hours,not enough hands, I'll be on Overtime for this, but am I gonna get paid extra? Not with the skinflint Lich in charge of things around here, let me tell you-"
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