#skull: why are you screaming?? i put the head back on. it's all fixed. do you want the eyes back too? please stop screaming.
Could you please give more eldritch au headcannons? 🥺
The eldritch creatures don’t talk to each other much. They don’t need one another the way humans might need one another. Sometimes, they can go decades without speaking.
... Sans wants someone to talk to.
He likes talking to her. He likes it so much. He could talk to her for a thousand years and never tire- and believe him, he isn’t exaggerating. He knows precisely how long a thousand years is.
Occasionally, he reads her mind to have conversation topics he knows she’ll enjoy. He also occasionally reads her mind to find the best words to soothe her gnawing fears. 
Well... okay, ‘occasionally’ is an understatement, he reads her mind all the time. It’s such a pretty mind, he really can’t resist diving into it. All those lovely lights and colours.
He’s desperate to actually be in her head. There’s a difference between reading a mind and touching it, and he’s obsessed with her every thought. But Mc asked him not to mess with her head, and he’s trying to be her friend, so he had no choice but to agree.
His advice about this strange, terrible world she’s found herself in is invaluable to her and her friends. Red would just prefer she let him protect her, but Sans actually gives her important information on how to kill/avoid/escape any number of threats, not to mention gather resources and stay warm. Despite his coldness, her friends quite like him because of this.
His ultimate aim is to figure out a way to ‘save’ her by finding a portal back to her home dimension. He would then follow her right through. This dimension has nothing left for him- he’s eager to see what delights await in her home.
Red has thousands of little tricks that he uses to get her to instinctively like him without realising. When he’s got a ‘humanoid’ form he manually moves his chest fractions of an inch to simulate breathing, he ‘blinks’ his eyelights and ‘hums’ when thinking, he scratches the back of his neck as if he feels anything there. His personal favourite trick is how, if he lets off a little magic at the right temperature, it perfectly mimics body heat- he can see how she can’t help but move closer to him.
Of course, it’s a dangerous tightrope to walk. He puts a lot of effort into his humanoid act... when he does slip up and do something incredibly inhuman the impact is much bigger. Sometimes, big enough to scare her away from him for a decent amount of time.
... He’s gradually getting better at being faux humanoid, though. Reading her thoughts (despite the fact that he promised not to) on his act definitely helps. Sometimes it can be difficult, when her subconscious acts too fast for him to correct his behaviour... but he’s learning.
(He finds it cute how humans consider mind reading as something intruding, an invasion of privacy... as if all their thoughts aren’t just hanging out in the open like that.)
Her friends like him. He’s great at showing them good places to hide, set up camp, etc. He’s eager to show her that he’s the one she should trust and default to.
As much as he’d like to, he can’t stay around her camp forever. Eldritch beings need to feed, too, and he likes to hunt... he’d rather she didn’t see that.
There's a reason he knows the human body well enough to mimic it. Mc and her friends aren't the first humans to end up trapped here... he's killed a few lost souls, eager to know how their tiny, intricate little bodies work.
Of course, he'll never tell her that. No one needs to know.
He knows humans frighten easily. He used to revel in it, a cat revelling in a struggling bug pinned under its paw. But now, he just wishes she would stop hiding... just come out. Look at him. look at me.
... The first time they met, he had just killed a human he caught. She screamed a lot when she saw the mangled, torn up body. He thought maybe she wanted it fixed- but she kept screaming, even when he put the arms back on and offered her the ‘mended’ corpse.
He knows the other entities must be hiding her. There’s no other way she could disappear like that so often... it makes him angry, they get so much time with her, they should share. 
Red and Sans aren’t... afraid of Skull, so to speak. They just know what he’s capable of, and aren’t keen on getting in his way.
At first, every time he found a human that isn’t her, he got angry and crushed it. But the sound of screaming reminded him that humans always get so upset when one of their own is killed. He doesn’t want her to get upset. Now, he just lets them go.
... He knows where the human camps are. He visits them during his searches for her, and his presence shuts everything down as everyone scrambles to hide before the massive red spotlight casts over them. If he knows she’s there, but just hiding from him, he gets noticeably angry when he leaves- one time, after waiting for an hour and seeing no sign of her leaving her hiding spot, he showed his frustration by dropping a dead animal into the middle of the camp. 
It was a very large dead animal. A predator- probably the kind of animal she and her friends would usually have to run from.
... Just stop avoiding him. 
Stop hiding
He only wa̶nts t̵o̵ p̷͔̓̒͝l̶̊a̸̔̌͗y̴̞̆̑̾͑
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macsimagines · 1 year
Could I ask for Kisaki, Rindou, and Draken with partners that are insecure? Like they truly believe that their boyfriend/husband could do so much better than them
I've done this one already for Kisaki and Draken here but I can def do one for Rindou!! this is kind of like a part two to my EX! Ran Haitani headcanon set!! also idk why text colors are being weird i'll try to fix it later on
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Yandere!Rindou Haitani
He loves you, adores you even. You're so soft and kind compared to his hard and mean. Rindou has always taken pride in being who he is. He's a Haitani brother, feared allover Tokyo and a ruler in charge of Roppongi.
But for you? Just you- He's Rin. Your loving boyfriend that is never too busy to spend time with you and never lacking in affection. He'll hold your hand gladly or throw a reassuring arm over your shoulder.
All the love in the world can't stop the thoughts in your head though. He's so much more than you'll ever be. You've seen him in action and his strength and overwhelming capabilities compared to your...to your anything just made you feel so dull in comparison.
Rin is beautiful, he catches the eye of every woman you walk past on the street. Rin is strong, he can beat men without breaking a sweat. Rin is powerful, he has people that flock to him at his beck and call and you are nothing.
"I just... I just think I'm holding you back," you tell him, over the phone because you're too much of coward to say it to his face, "I want... I want what's best for you-!" "What the fuck are you talkin' about, you're what's best for me! Baby-please-!" "I can't! I'm not enough, I'm sorry Rin."
And you hang up the phone, block his number. Its better this way, you're sure by this time next week he'll have moved onto someone else, someone better that could keep up with someone as amazing as him.
But then something unexpected happens. His brother comes looking for you. Rin warned you about him once, said that after a bad breakup with his girlfriend he hadn't been the same.
"I thought they got back together though?" you had asked him confused after he had told you. He never answered you back, just got this weird look on his face before giving you a warning; "Try not to get too close. And try not to piss him off."
Yet here he was, at your doorstep staring you down like you were the scum of the earth. Apparently you hadn't heeded the warning.
"Havin' fun?" he asks, not even blinking while he towers over you, and your voice is caught in your throat, too scared to even make a sound at the older Haitani. "Cause I'm sure fuckin' not."
And suddenly he's grabbing you by the hair so tight you're scared he's going to rip it from your skull, but no, he's dragging you out the door and down the steps of your apartment ignoring your cries and screams for help.
Muttering something the whole way to his car. Something like "...You bitches and the games you like to play. Fuck with our heads, you and my girl always got make fuckin' problems for us-"
Then he's shoving you into the passenger seat making sure you can't get out. One moment you feel like you've found your voice again and then the next it leaves you because Ran has a gun pointed right at you only seconds later.
"Your gonna fix this you ungrateful bitch," he spits, eyes so full of hate it makes you want to curl in on yourself, "Put my baby brother back together and act like you like it. Like you fuckin' love it. Or I'll kill you my damn self and make you regret makin' a fool out of the Haitanis. Do you understand, Y/N?"
You're not sure if you say yes or if you even or in affirmation before he's pulling out of the parking lot and speeding dangeroulsy to some unknown destination.
And you are crying, silently shaking and sobbing because you're so scared of what he's going to do and he's still holding the gun right at your head, muttering to himself yet again.
"I'll make it right- I'll fix him and he'll be ok- fuckin' women making us loose our goddamn minds-,"
Finally you pull into a warehouse, abandoned by the looks of it and new found fear arises in you- Is this where Ran is going to kill you? But no.... This is where Rin is.
You see him first, his eyes are dark and he looks so tired from his usual self, and his expression is so empty, so emotionless that you're worried for a split second but then you see...the man. At least that's what he used to be.
His face is beaten in, and his body is contorted in such a mangled way you're sure his limbs had been broken, and Rin is on top of him. Pummeling away at the already red and mangled face.
You can't help the small gasp that leaves you and you probably would've ran out there screaming had Ran not been holding you by the neck.
But your scream was enough to alert the younger Haitani, and he turns to look at you with eyes wild like an animals. "Y-Y/N?" he whispers standing on shaking legs, "B-baby is that you?"
It didn't matter how hard you tried you couldn't make out a single sound, too shocked by the scenes unfolding around you. Thankfully, Ran wasn't short on words....
"Ya, I brought Y/N here 'cause she has somethin' to say," Ran shoves you forward, making sure that the gun at his side is always within your view. A silent reminder of what he made you promise...
Rin doesn't let you get any words our before he's embracing you with bloodied hands, smearing another persons bodily fluid all over you... "Oh baby, please tell me you're back, please? Its been hell, I can't do this without you, I'm loosin' my fuckin' mind."
Its like your brain suddenly catches up with you. You have to say yes or else... "I-I'm back," you nod, hugging him back with shaking hands, "I'm... I'm sorry Rin."
And suddenly he's sobbing, pulling you away only so he could hold your face in his bloody hands to look into your eyes, "How could you do this to me, I love you so much,"
Ran once again, speaks. "You need to keep her in line," he tells his younger brother, much to your dismay, "Like I keep my girl. Don't worry. I'll teach you."
You could never leave Rin Haitani. Shame on you for even trying.
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Hey girl! I love your writing. Could you do a Niko smut of them all going out to dinner and Niko and the girl are enemies but they’re both attracted to each other and they both end up bumping into each other coming out of the bathroom and they have hate sex 😜😜😜😜
With Him ~ Niko Omilana
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hopefully it’s still alright, they’re isn’t much smut but I set it up so if anyone wants I will write the continuation with more hate smut 🤭🤭
God, you hated how much you loved your friends. They invited you out really sweetly to a dinner at some restaurant or the other. It was already suspicious how long you had gone without Darkest violating you in some way or another but you agreed to come nonetheless. 
You were even more put off when FIlly extended a pinky in your direction and asked you to promise him you were coming. You agreed to that too. 
Stupid. Stupid!
Now here you were at this lovely dinner with your ex staring into your soul from where he was sitting, right in front of you. As soon as you had walked in and seen him sitting at the table you wanted to turn around and sprint your way down the street. It’s not the fact that you guys ended things badly. Well it was that fact. Last time you had seen his face you were yelling at it, there was still some sort of tension between the two of you. 
Then there was that dickhead Sharky who waved at you and yelled out your name so everyone’s attention was on you. You couldn’t even run away now. Great.
You forced a smile and went to the table. And of course. The only empty seat was right across from Niko. Wonderful. Truly delightful. You knew Filly and Darkest knew what they were doing when they tricked you into this dinner. You glanced at them to see them laughing and smiling at you. Traitors. 
You turn your attention back from the back stabbers to him. You notice him already looking at you but he looks away as soon as you turn to him. Weird. 
Most of the dinner isn’t as bad as you thought it would be. You two just avoided each other. You saw a few more weird looks from the direction of your ex-boyfriend but brushed it off as unresolved beef. It got a little weirder when he started really loudly talking about a new girl he smashed. Really loudly, like practically screaming through the restaurant about it. Even the guys were getting a little weirded out with this behaviour. You were getting really uncomfortable the more he announced it.
You knew he was doing all this just to fuck with you. And you weren’t going to have a single second of it. You quickly excused yourself to the bathroom. You had to scuttle past Kenny to get out of the sofa seat and even his thick skull could tell you weren’t ok. You heard a whisper ‘you good?’ as you passed him and nodded in response before rushing as calmly as you could to the privacy of the cubicle. 
You raised your hand to your chest to feel your heart pounding in anger. The heat of the feeling spreads through your veins. Of fucking course, Niko got a new girl. Why wouldn’t he? The two of you were over. But it had never really felt like it, it always felt unfinished.
None of that mattered now because there he was, probably still talking about his new lay at the dinner table. You took a deep breath, which seemed to only anger you more, due to some repressed memory of someone (cough, Sharky, cough) telling you to calm down after you broke up with Niko initially. All your thoughts had been invaded with memories of him, good and bad.
It made you wanna smack the shit out of him but also hold his cheek gently in the palm of your hand and kiss him. Then fuck him out.
You left the cubicle to look at your face in the mirror, your mascara had smudged ever so slightly so you quickly fixed it with your fingers and some water before heading out the bathroom. 
You were still thinking about Niko and other things, but mainly Niko. So it came as a shock when you bumped into a giant wall of flesh that just happened to be him. 
He pushed you away from where you crashed against his body. With barely a glance in your direction he said, “watch where you’re going” 
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion and irritation, and reply back with, “You’re like 6 heads over everyone else in this room you should have seen me coming” 
His face distorted into one of mock pity, “I’m sorry, are you too small and petite to see properly?” 
You matched his fake face, “I’m sorry, were you too busy thinking about your new girl to think straight? Are you too horny?”
“Sounds like someone’s jealous~” he sings as he steps closer to you. 
“Sounds like someone’s hiding bad sex skills by bragging about them~” you shoot back.
“Sounds like someone is targeting my sex skills cus they miss them” he takes a step closer, there is a sort of mischievous look in his eyes as he does.
“Are you making things up about me wanting you because, in secret, you still want me? Haven’t gotten over when I left you all alone in the living room of your house?” That was a little harsh, you winced internally at yourself. You put your hands on your hips as you talk. You’re at a disadvantage as your back is close to the wall and he’s only coming closer and closer still.
His eyes darken at your comments, “you wish I wanted you” he says simply. Another step closer, the two of you are barely a foot apart now.
“Sure keep lying to yourself” you say, an amused smile playing on your lips.
“This isn’t a joke, y/n” he says harshly. Your eyes widen at how serious he is. 
He steps closer, you two are touching feet.
“You left me there, all by myself, I don’t think I’ve ever felt that low before.” He says his hands gesturing as he tries to emphasise how he felt.
You open to speak and his finger goes up to close your lips gently.
“and now you come here, and I thought we could be friends, or at least we could be civil but here we are fighting in the hallway” he claimed, his voice rising.
“We were civil. We are friends.” You stated, speaking slowly and loud to make him hear. You smacked his finger off your lips. “Until you started talking about your new girlfriend so loud that the whole restaurant had turned their heads to listen”
“So you ARE jealous?” He says, completely fucking ignoring anything you’ve just said. 
You try to push him off you but he comes back as quick as you can extend your arms. He places a hand on the wall behind you. The force of his body coming forwards slams yours into the wall. You look up at him and see his eyes looking at you with a fire behind them. You felt the same fire flare in your chest.
“I’m not jealous you fucking weirdo, im trying to tell you that you started this but you don’t listen. You never did.” You stick a finger in his chest as if that would get him to open his ears.
He twisted his face into one of anger, and started to spew more insults mixed with arguments for himself. This isn't something you were going to listen to, you didn’t have the patience to let him waffle about why he was right anymore. You had to shut him up somehow. And there was only one way you know how.
You went up on your tiptoes to kiss him. His chatter stopped. Your eyes were squeezed shut, scared of his response. His eyes were blown wide. You felt his lips kiss you back. You leaned into the familiarity, his hot lips against yours.
You pulled away first. His eyes were more open now, still angry but also confused now.
He took your arm and pulled the two of you into the bathrooms. You led the way to a cubicle once your back had been pushed through the door. It was all very fast and frantic, your heart was beating very quickly in your chest. You locked the door to the cubicle and turned around to Niko immediately putting his lips back on yours.
Neither of you said anything as you kissed, it could start another argument neither of you wanted. You tried to gain an upper hand, putting your hand under his shirt and pulling it up. His hands went around your waist and pulled you in closer.
You pushed him down onto the toilet seat, thankfully the seat was closed but at this point it would be very funny to see Niko fall into the toilet. He landed with a grunt, you sat yourself on his lap, your legs on either side of the seat. This was so unsanitary but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
Niko’s hands trailed their way up your thighs, going under the dress you had on. You could feel his boner under the light fabric of your underwear.
That’s when you heard the door open. The two of you stopped your actions. You sat as still as you could on top of him and his hands gripped at your thighs. The stranger couldn’t see you through where you had locked yourself in the cubicle but your heart had jumped to your throat.
As you heard them enter a cubicle a few stalls away from yours your heart calmed down. That’s when an evil idea floated through your mind. You grind up and down on Niko’s lap, he looked at you with the confusion painted on his face. You continued your actions, he would have loved to reciprocate but he was too busy slamming a hand over his mouth to stay quiet. You increased your movements. He gasped under his hand and his eyes squeezed shut.
Just when you thought he was going to moan out loud you stopped. You got off of him as quickly and quietly and you could and leaned over his shoulder to press the flush. He couldn’t process the actions and you took the opportunity to quickly open the door of the cubicle and go out. 
He opened his mouth to say something before closing it, reminded of the situation. You wink and wave, a gleeful smile on your face before closing the door on his aghast face. You made your way to the sink and washed your hands before heading out into the hall.
You passed another woman on her way to the bathroom and your smile grew bigger. You let out a small giggle once you were out of ear shot. You would love to continue the ‘conversation’ later but, come on! How could you pass up an opportunity like that?
You rejoined your friends at the table. You pretended to be interested in the conversation but you kept checking your phone for the time, getting a bit more excited as the minutes passed.
Finally, after around 10 minutes Niko emerged from the bathrooms. You looked up at him to see him scowling at you, his hands were at his pants, adjusting them slightly.
Chunkz looked up at him then down at his watch, “took you long enough, were you having a wank in there?” 
The table burst into laughter, and yours was clearly the loudest. His eyes never left yours and he muttered a sarcastic “ha ha” and took his spot on the table.
Some time in the midst of the conversation, when everyone was too focused on one thing or the other to see you, he leaned over the table and gestured for you to do the same. You lean in with confusion but a smile is still evident on your face.
“Meet me after this dinner” he says, small and sharp.
Your stomach flutters.
“Ok, professor” you whisper back.
You sit back down, ok maybe, you were still into him. You couldn’t wait for this night to end as he shot daggers into you from his seat and you shot back smug smiles and winks. You hoped nobody had noticed that the tension between you two had changed. But maybe they did because they all left very quickly, leaving you alone. With him.
as always requests are open and please come by and say hi <3
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the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 15
daryl dixon x f!oc
a03 link
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Summary: After the incident at the barn, the group is left in a state of sorrow and disrepair. Iris takes it upon herself to fix it, though not without a little trouble. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; group conflict, grieving family members, car accident, injuries sustained in car accident, no deer were harmed in the making of this chapter, daryl is pissed, alpha male bullshit and it shows
Chapter 15 - Saviour
Carl ran back to the house, Beth sobbing in Jimmy’s arms. She pulled from her boyfriend, collapsing down to her knees at her mother’s side.
“Ma…” She whispered, pushing another body from her mother’s corpse and turning her to face the sky. Beth screamed as the walker snarled, grabbing and yanking at her hair. Iris’s reflexes acted before she could think, and the knife whispered past her fingers and into the walker’s skull. Beth sobbed as she scurried back in the dirt, Jimmy and Patricia pulling her away. Iris stepped forward, pulling the knife from its skull.
The Greene family started the slow walk back to their house, not bothering with any words.
“We’ve been out, combing these woods for how long, and she was in there all along?” Shane asked, walking after them. Rick jogged to catch up, to keep him behind, but Shane was nothing if not a complete pain in the ass. “You knew!”
“Leave us alone!” Maggie yelled.
“Shane, just stop, man.” Glenn called.
“Get your hands off me.” Shane hissed, ripping from Rick’s grip. “You knew and you kept it from us!”
“I— I didn’t know.” Hershel croaked.
“That’s bullshit. I think y’all knew.”
“We didn’t know!” Maggie insisted.
“Why was she there?” Shane asked, following them all the way to the porch. Hershel turned around while the others went inside.
“Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed.” Hershel offered.
“You expect me to believe that? What do I look like, an idiot?” Shane asked. Iris couldn’t handle it, turning around and walking back to the camp. She grabbed a bottle of water, downing the whole thing in one go. She looked down, seeing her knife in her hand, still dripping with brown, rotten blood. She wiped it on the grass before placing it back in it’s sheath.
She just kept thinking about the noise. All those gunshots. They’d have drawn every walker out for miles. Iris glanced over, seeing Andrea covering Sophia’s body with a blanket. She turned back, making for the RV, where Carol was sitting at the table by herself. Iris knocked before she went in, Carol glancing to her before facing out the window again. She took that as permission to come in, sitting herself down across the table, following her gaze. 
After a few hours, Daryl came and knocked on the door, looking up at Iris. She pressed her lips together.
“They’re ready.” He said softly. Carol shook her head just slightly. “C’mon.”
“Why?” She murmured, looking up at Iris.
“‘Cause that’s your little girl.” Daryl replied. She shook her head firmly this time.
“That’s not my little girl. That’s some other… thing.” She hissed. There was a long beat of silence. “My Sophia was alone in the woods. All this time, I thought… she didn’t cry herself to sleep. She didn’t go hungry. She didn’t try to find her way back. Sophia… Sophia died a long time ago.”
Daryl didn’t like that answer. He exhaled sharply through his nose and went back outside. After a few minutes, Iris extended her hand across the table, palm up. And after a few more minutes, what felt like an eternity, Carol took it.
When it was time to say goodbye, after they all had been buried, Carol sat outside in a field, sitting in front of the blooms of a Cherokee Rose. Iris joined the others and said goodbye, even though she and Sophia had never spoken. Daryl was taking it particularly hard.
Dale, Andrea, and T-Dog started to load the other walker’s bodies into the bed of Jimmy’s truck, to be taken to be burned. Daryl had disappeared, but Iris spotted him against the ruins of an old stone building, whittling sticks. But the world moved on, and so must they.
“Iris? Iris?” Lori called, running out of the farmhouse. Iris looked up from cleaning her knives. “Beth’s in some kind of catatonic shock. We need Hershel.”
“He’s gone?” Iris asked, frowning.
“Rick and Glenn went to look for him. I… would you go into town to bring them back? Please?” Lori pleaded. Iris sighed, looking over at Daryl and his angry whittling. It would be stupid to go alone, and most everyone was otherwise occupied. And there was no way she’d venture over to ask Shane.
“Alright.” She breathed. Lori thanked her profusely, running back inside the house to check on Beth. Iris huffed as she pulled herself to her feet, trudging across the field toward Daryl.
“Daryl?” She called. He grunted and she made a face, walking closer. “You sharpening your pitchforks?”
“What?” He asked sharply.
“I’m going into town to get Rick, Glenn and Hershel. Apparently Beth’s in some kind of catatonic state.” She explained. He grunted again. Iris huffed. “Will you come with me?” She asked pointedly.
“The bitch went window shopping. If Lori wants him she should go fetch him herself. We got better things to do.” He grumbled.
“Oh, do we?” Iris scoffed. “I don’t. We’ve been in decision limbo for the past week or so. Nobody’s doing anything about anything, and I’m tired of it.”
“Listen to me, Iris, we were out looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don’t you tell me I’m not doing nothing. You want to kill yourself for someone else, have a nice ride. I’m done looking for people.” He hissed. Iris stuck her tongue in her cheek, trying to keep herself from chewing him out and making him angrier.
“Lori’s pregnant, Daryl. She can’t go looking for him in case something happens.” She explained lowly.
“So that means I should? Olive Oyl should learn to do something for herself once in a while. Just ‘cause she’s pregnant don’t mean her life’s worth more than anyone else’s.” Iris snorted at the nickname.
“Don’t do this, please? We’ve lost enough people, Daryl, we don’t need to lose you—“
“That ain’t my problem neither.” He snapped. “Lookin’ after you ain’t my responsibility.”
“Cute.” She stated simply, spinning on her heel to head back to the camp and gather her things. Dangerous or not, she’d find them. Hell, she’d been living on her own in Atlanta for months. If Daryl didn’t want to help her, that’s fine. She’d do it her damn self.
Iris found a car a little ways down the road and hot-wired it, happy to see enough gas to get her from town and back without trouble. She had a map on her, eyes flicking upward every so often to keep her from doing something stupid. Yet when she was about halfway there, a deer jumped out into the road anyways. She inhaled sharply in surprise, jerking the wheel to the side in order not to hit it. 
The car spun off of the road and flipped, landing upside down with a loud crunch.
Iris awoke again in the dark, to the sound of someone scratching at the car door. She opened one eye, wincing at the throbbing pain in her skull. She was incredibly irritated. At the car wreck, sure, but more-so at the fact that now she’d have to tell Daryl that he was right. And she hated being wrong. She reached up, feeling her head for wounds and bringing her hand away covered in blood. Head wounds were the fucking worst. In the past, she’d just tied on her bandana and that seemed to stop the flow, but that wasn’t much of an option at this point.
“Fuck.” She hissed. The walker in front of her started to press his face through the broken windshield, the edges of the glass catching on his skin and peeling it back from his skull. She recoiled, unbuckling the seat belt and pulling herself into the backseat. She pushed the opposite door open, kicking the door out when it got stuck, and pulled herself through.
Her boots hit the ground and she checked her belt for her knives. All present and accounted for. This situation was exactly why you strapped knives all over you. They wouldn’t move, even in a car accident. A pair of arms wrapped around her and she shrieked in surprise, shoving the walker backward. It peeled her jacket from her shoulders but she slid one arm out, managing to grab a knife and jam it into the walker’s eye. She pulled her jacket from his hands and slipped it back on, the sleeve now ripped.
Daryl watched the members of the group exit Hershel’s farmhouse after they finished dinner. He noted Iris’ absence and walked to her tent, grumbling to himself. He was trying to apologize and she didn’t have the damn courtesy to be there at all?
“Iris?” He asked lowly, standing outside her tent. He waited for a moment, hearing no movement or shuffling from the inside. “‘m comin’ in.” He mumbled, pulling the zipper down. He frowned when he saw that the tent was empty, standing back to his full height.
“Hey, Shane, you seen Iris?” Daryl called as Shane stalked across the campsite.
“Nope.” He called back shortly, shuffling into his own tent without turning back.
“Where could she have gone?” Lori asked, frowning down at her son, who was looking around for her. Daryl then realized that Iris probably decided that she was more than capable of going on her own, even if he had told her to get lost. Especially if Lori had asked her to do it.
“Damn it.” Daryl mumbled. “Dumbass.” He jogged over to his own tent, grabbing his crossbow and hooking it over his shoulder. “Went off looking for Rick.”
“On her own?” Lori asked, horrified. Carl scowled, adjusting his hat on his head as he turned toward the road.
“Yeah, ain’t that what you asked her to do?” Daryl growled in annoyance. He moved over to his bike, starting the engine and revving the motorcycle loudly. The tires skidded across the dirt as he pulled away from the farm, leaving the rest of the camp standing and watching in shock.
He drove faster along the road than he usually would, enjoying the excuse of open roads and no laws. It wasn’t long before he found the flipped car in the ditch, with a few dead walkers laid across the road. He left the bike running but stepped off, pulling out his crossbow as he kicked the walkers, ensuring they were dead. She wasn’t inside the car, and she was nowhere around the road or in the immediate vicinity. She could have ducked into the trees, but it was harder to see in the dark in the forest. More dangerous, too.
“Iris!” He whispered sharply, not wanting to draw any more walkers than he already would. He paused, listening to the cicadas in the hot summer heat. In the distance, he heard the far rumble of gunshots and his frown deepened.
Daryl got back on his bike, continuing down the road. She couldn’t have gotten far on foot, even if she wasn’t injured. The car looked like it had been flipped for a bit, but there was no telling how long she stayed there for. Good thing he was a damn good tracker. It was another five minutes before he noticed a silhouette walking along the side of the road, a ridiculous amount of knives strapped to her legs and hips. He pulled the bike to a stop in front of her, scowling as she stopped, folding her arms.
“You good?” He asked.
“Think so.” She replied simply. 
“You sure? Pretty nasty wreck.” He pulled out a flashlight, shining it in her face, over her limbs. Either than maybe a mild concussion, she seemed okay. There was dried blood on her forehead, but the wound had already clotted. “C’mon. Get you back to camp.”
“No. I told Lori I was gonna find Rick and Hershel, so I’m gonna find them.” Iris refused, pulling away from him. He reached out, taking her elbow in a firm grip.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed out here, doing shit for other people.”
“If we don’t do shit for each other, there’s no difference between us and them.” Iris hissed, gesturing to their greater surroundings. “I know you’re pissed about Sophia, and so am I, but there’s nothing we can do about it now, except make sure nobody else from our group dies.”
“Yet you’re out here, making me come get you—“
“You wouldn’t have had to if you’d come with me in the first place!”
“Sounds like some blackmail bullshit.” He grumbled. Iris scoffed, folding her arms. “Look, I don’t know what’s your problem, I’m out here saving your life!”
“Oh, god, my hero!” Iris cried sarcastically, mimicking… well, Olive Oyl. “I didn’t ask you to come save me! I have been on my own for months. I am perfectly happy being alone.”
“You don’t know what to do with yourself. You said it yourself, you’re just itching for something to happen.” He replied, huffing in frustration. “Well, here it is. Somethin’ happened, and now you’re needin’ my help! You’re not my responsibility!” Iris said nothing, sticking her tongue in her cheek while he yelled. He scoffed, throwing his arms up in the air, but he didn’t miss the way Iris flinched as he raised his hands. Yet, she stared him down fearlessly, the wrath of God behind her eyes, and heard whatever he had to say. Hard as nails, she was.
“I never said I was. Go back, Daryl. If it means that much, you should have left me to rot.” Iris hissed. She made to turn on her heel, to continue on the way to town. Maybe she could hot-wire another car— Daryl stopped her, his hand on her elbow again. 
They stared at one another, one glaring at the other and vice versa, for about five minutes before either of them broke away. Daryl’s gaze shifted as a walker shuffled out from between the trees at the edge of the forest, quick reflexes and a bolt from the crossbow and it was on the ground. He turned back to find her still staring at him.
“C’mon.” He mumbled, jerking his chin at the bike. She stared at him for a moment more before he got onto the bike, shifting forward a little and sat, simply waiting. Wasting gas, making noise, idling in a world facing the threat of— well, global warming wasn’t really an issue anymore, was it? There were barely any humans left to do anything.
For some reason, it felt like Iris was admitting defeat as she succumbed to her headache, getting on the back of Daryl’s bike. She kept as separated from him as she could, holding onto the back of the seat as he pulled off down the road, back to the farm.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Hades and Thor with kianna komori
and they both end up catching feelings for her
But she refuses to give them any emotion believing that they're love for her is just a facade
To get her to be vulnerable with them and thinks they'll do something horrible to her
And that is because she's still dealing with her poor Mental Health and her clear distrust of men
But she does have feelings for them but she decides just to bury them down
And the rest is up to you
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-He had heard laughter up ahead in the direction he was walking, not really recognizing the voices, but it made him curious as to what was going on.
-He rounded the corner and saw a group of younger gods laughing at a young human maiden who was on the ground, her hands covering her head as one was holding her hair.
-He quickly approached and when the gods turned, hearing the footsteps, they had not expected to see (Love) there- stalking towards them as they all screamed, hugging each other in fear.
-The one holding you let you go, letting you fall to the ground with not even a peep of pain, which made him curious as he glared down at them, “Five on one- especially a maiden- is deplorable. And you call yourself gods?”
-Being called out by one of the strongest gods in Valhalla quickly had these vermin scrambling, begging for forgiveness, pleading with him before (Love) pointed a finger at you, glaring down at them that he wasn’t the one they should be begging.
-You were quickly standing, and they quickly tried to fix your now messy appearance, trying to smooth out your frilly dress and giving you your handbag back.
-You glanced at this new god, knowing that he was powerful- but if he was so powerful, why was he bothering withy you of all people? Surely he had better things to do than bother with you.
-Once the gods ran off, terrified of anymore repercussions, (Love) turned to you, which surprised you and spoke, “Are you all right, maiden?”
-Your slight confusion on your otherwise stoic face was a bit unnerving, but it was your words that really surprised him, “Thank you for helping someone like me. You didn’t have to- I’ve dealt with worse my whole life. I was hoping they would kill me- so I could finally be at peace.”
-He surprised you by quickly having you in his arms, holding you like a princess, “Someone like you- you’re a maiden- you’re meant to be protected and worshipped- especially one so lovely like yourself!”
-Your deadpan expression seemed to drill holes into his skull, “Don’t tease me Lord (Love), I’m not worthy of being worshipped and I’m not lovely. So please put me down. I refuse to be used again.”
-You words rang around his head as he looked down at you- someone hurt you, badly and for a long period of time of time- was that person in Valhalla, if they were, (Love) was going to have a ‘word’ with them.
-You were a truly delicate and stunning person, he just had to make you see that- and he was happy to be the one who would do that for you. He would worship you and show you just how stunning you were- and he would keep you all to himself, nobody else was worthy to see the radiance that was you.
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salemssacrilege · 2 years
fine line
jake sully x female avatar reader accidental bonding, overstimulation, first times, unprotected sex, oral, some references to depression thank you @oyasumimosura for requesting
wc. 3,8k
Working alongside Jake had its ups and downs, like right now, as the two of you hid along the forest line while the RDA military men hunted for you guys. You clutched his arms and looked up at him, seeing his form was much more stiff while he listened in on them. A sudden noise almost caused a scream to rip from your throat, if it weren’t for Jake’s large hand silencing you.
"You gotta be quiet for me, sweetheart. They’re almost gone. " He cooes and looks at you , giving you a reassuring nod.
Giving him a nod back, he let his hand slip from your mouth to watch over the men disappearing back throughout the forest. You heaved out a breath and cried for Pandora, seeing how much of the forest was already destroyed within just the few moments you’d been chased.
"My- My Irkan, where is she? " You wailed and looked around, looking for her as Jake watched.
He knew she was gone, but he chose to stay quiet and let you search for her, "(Name). She’s gone. " He muttered, breaking the heavy silence within the dying forest.
"No!", Screaming and looking at him with anguish, “She’s here, I know it. I can still feel her, here. "
Jake shook his head and grabbed at you, pulling you close to his chest as you bawled. All he could do was listen to the cries you let out in the darkness, you could feel your banshee’s soul die within you before you quoted down. You couldn’t remember why you insisted on joining him, you were so hurt and tired.
“She’s gone.. I can’t see her anymore, Jake.", He nodded and rubbed the small of your back, "It hurts, it feels like I’m dying."
“I know, I know. Just breathe with me and calm down, I’ll try to get us out of here by tomorrow. "
You knew you shouldn’t listen to him, his lies, but there was some sort of comfort laced in his words. The darkness soon grew too much and the both of you moved along, looking for some place to rest from such events.
Foolishness is what gets people killed, maybe that’s what was gonna kill you tonight. It was dangerous at night and the only thing you had to protect yourself was a knife.. and Jake, who seemed fine with the atmosphere around.
“Why are we so cruel?”, You croaked and looked at Jake with a dejected face, “We destroy everything and for what.. Just to see it all crumble before us? We promised to learn their ways and here we are, igniting everything with little care. It’s not fair to them, to their homes.”
“I.. I don’t know why either, I don’t understand it. I was sent here because my brother died, with nothing in store for me. It wasn’t fair for us either, we got too attached to something we truly didn’t comprehend. “ Jake sighed with furrowed brows.
“You knew though! You agreed to help Quaritch! Pandora is dying, all because of some idiotic nonsense you didn’t see. They aren’t here to see the ways of their life, they’re here for some stupid rock to fulfill selfish desires! I wanted to help them, to show them we aren’t some evil sky people.. Yet here it is, our proof we’re ‘not all bad’. “ You hiss and glare at him, stepping back to maintain some self awareness.
“You knew too! All of this can’t be pinned against me.”, He sneered and stomped towards you, “Can’t you see this mess is because of all of us? “
You snarled and backed yourself towards a tree, clutching your knife, “I trusted you, Jake. Now here we are, I’ve lost everything all because you think you can fix things by yourself. “
Jake huffed and eyed you, maybe those words were finally prickling through his thick skull. You put your hand down and watched him, full intent to knock him back if he tried anything.
“I’m going to sleep. I’d rather be eaten while I still have some will to live. “ You murmured and sat yourself at the tree you were near.
Jake only gave a nod before setting his stuff near his own tree, the silence mildly uncomfortable but you said nothing. All you wanted and needed was some well awaited sleep, hoping it would soothe the ache in your heart along with your muscles.
You weren’t sure how long you’d both been laying down, the bioluminescent scenery could only distract your mind for so long. The ache in your heart returned and that slight chill was making you go irate.
“Jake? “ You called out quietly, maybe he’s asleep or gone.
Taking a deep breath, you moved your head to see him just staring up at the sky, "I’m sorry, for what I said earlier. I was just.. upset over losing my Irkan and friends. "
“It’s alright, I was upset too. There’s just so much that’s been going on. " He sighs and moves to look at you.
"Yeah", You shift and smile at him, "Grace is gonna whoop our asses once she figures out what the fuck we’ve been doing. "
The little joke drew a laugh from the man, seeing his sorrowful face lighten up with the smile that you grew to love. That’s what you stuck around for, to cherish the little memories the two of you made, and to watch this man grow alongside you within the Na’vi culture.
Now, there was a comfortable silence that grew over the two of you, before you broke it again, “Hey?"
"What, (name)?" Jake looked at you, a brow raised.
You suddenly felt put in the spot, too much for your liking but you quickly calmed down and smiled a bit, "Can I lay with you.. It’s cold as hell right now.." You made a motion to show you were freezing half jokingly.
He laughed a bit and patted the spot next to him, shifting his arm so it would be above his head. Taking that que, you quickly shuffled over to lay next to his side, his arm coming to wrap around your shoulder causing a flush to cover your face. You shied away from him and snuggled into his side, letting yourself calm down to finally fall asleep.
Only sleep could last so long as you awoke to Jake aggressively shaking you, your eyes shooting open while you slapped him out of shock, "Jake! Jesus christ, I thought someone just grabbed me!"
“Damn!’, He held his cheek and looked at you, letting you recuperate, "My bad, but we gotta get going. They’re gonna come back so we better get to the RDA so we don’t get skinned. "
The look of dismay must’ve been visible on your face because he sighed, his hand coming to rub your cheek to which you leaned into his palm. You looked at the forest with a disconsolate view before you stood with him, the two of you making your way back. Maybe you could stay, stay with Neytiri and the Na’vi to continue on learning with them.
"Do we really have to go back..? I really don’t want to go and have my tail skinned by Grace. " You laugh dryly and look at him.
"Well, everyone is gonna skin us so, I would rather us be in trouble now rather than later." He hums.
"Yeah, I guess", The heaviness in your heart lingered as you passed the burning scenery, "I’m gonna miss Neytiri.."
Jake looks at you and moves back a bit to rest his hand. along your spine, rubbing it in a soothing way before leaning down to rest his head upon yours. You smiled and shifted into him with a soft purr, the two of your tails entwining together.
"Maybe.. We can go back tomorrow. I really don’t want to go back either. " He hummed and looked down at you, seeing your beaming face.
‘WOO! Let’s go explore some more then! "
You departed from Jake and ran off into the forest, smiling at the still living ecosystem while he just stayed back to watch you. This is why Pandora felt more like home, almost like you because you felt alive, more alive than you had ever felt in your entire life within old and new. Maybe you could convince them to permanently move you to your avatar body, to be one of them and see the wonders that they still had to show the both of you about.
"Jake, do you think it’s possible to move us to our avatars?," Looking at him, you smiled a tad.
"Maybe, why? Do you wanna ditch yourself and stay like this?"
"Kinda, I actually feel alive for once. I don’t feel like I’m dying and rotting away in my own mind.," You mutter, sighing a bit before turning away, “Sorry, that was a little heavy. "
“Don’t be, I know how you feel. I understand that pain, the feeling as if nothing is in your favour. It's awful. "
You gave him a sincere smile as the two of you ventured off into somewhere for the majority of the day, the two of you sharing little bits of your lives and cracking jokes about your fellow colleagues that you wouldn’t dare say aloud. Soon enough, the sun began to set and you noticed, your eyes tracing over the familiar shapes of the forest.
"We should probably find some place to sleep, I know I said I wanted to be eaten yesterday but not today," You laugh and motion him to follow you, "C'mon Mr.Sully, I have a place in mind. "
Not even bothering to check if he was actually following, you skipped around the forest and sang a soft tune to yourself. You smiled once you reached your destination, the Tree of Souls, as Neytiri called it once when she brought you here to teach you. Turning around to see Jake slowly making his way up, you smiled even more at him.
"Isn’t this place magnificent? I was so awed when Neytiri brought me here, this here is what makes me feel like I’m alive with them. The sole purpose of being alive is to see this place flourish with all of its beauty, its creations, everything. “ You babbled about, looking at the beautiful tree.
Jake could only look at you in awe while gazing at the tree you spoke about, watching you connect your queue to one of the many flowers cascading down.
“Wait-“, Jake interrupted you and grabbed at your wrist, “Isn’t that risky to do alone?”
“No? Neytiri told me I’d be fine if I came here alone.. “
“Oh, sorry.. Just wanted to make sure you’d be okay, you know? “ He gave a smile and let go of your wrist.
“Thanks, Jake, glad to know you still have my back. “ You laugh and give him a soft grin.
The two of you went back to the tree and you motioned him to join you, letting the two of you connect your queues to the tree. The silence that settled between you was almost too comfortable, too.. intimate, maybe.
“Sometimes, this tree makes me wanna die all over again. Reliving some things is DEFINITELY not worth it. “ You joke and Jake rolls his eyes.
“Fair enough, I don’t want to relive things either. “ He sighs and grabs his queue, moving it from the tree.
You do the same and accidentally stumble into him, his hands reaching for you immediately but you gasp. He looks at you like a deer in headlights as your queues connect, all of your feelings mixing with his.
“Oh, Jakeee.. “ You whine, feeling remorseful at the accidental bond, tears welling in your eyes.
"Hey, it’s okay.. Maybe it was bound to happen, and Eywa decided at this moment.. " He smiles and hushes your cries.
You could feel everything, from his heartbeat to the arousal that was stirring deep within the two of you. Maybe he was right, maybe Eywa decided that your feelings were deemed strong to mate with Jake Sully, the man you had feelings for since you met. Before you could speak, you felt plush lips meet yours in a tender but hesitant kiss.
His hands gently rested to grasp at your hips while your hands met his face, caressing his jaw before pressing a kiss back. You shifted a little and kissed him again, letting out a soft sigh as he hoisted you into his lap, letting both your heated skin melt into one another.
"Wait, Jake.", You pull back, looking at him as your heart raced, "This.. This is my first time doing anything intimate with anyone. "
"You don’t have to worry. If we need to stop, we can. I want us both to enjoy this moment, not just one of us. "
“No, no, I want this so bad.. I’m just really fucking nervous, you know? "
The two of you laugh together and he kisses your jaw, his hands running along the plush flesh of your body. You lean against him and nuzzle into his shoulder a tad to let his fingers graze sensitive parts of your ever warming skin.
"Hey, baby, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you sit on my face for a little? That way I can help you ease into anything else you’d like to do tonight. "
You looked at him in bewilderment and fell silent, unsure of how you should respond to what he proposed before you gave him a quick nod. Jake beamed at you and kissed your sternum then slid you off his lap so he could rest himself comfortably.
"So.. What exactly do I do? Just sit on your face? " You murmured and moved yourself over his face.
"Exactly that, I’ll double tap your thigh if I need a break, okay? " To which you gave a curt nod and hesitantly rested yourself over his face.
You almost cried out as Jake’s tongue found your clit, his large tongue enveloping it to give a nice little flick before sucking in rather aggressively. Your hands gripped at his hair and you moaned aloud, almost shameful at how loud you were actually being while Jake toyed with your pussy. Suddenly, a finger gently slipped its way inside you and you almost came from the feeling, a soft whimper falling from your lips.
"Jake, it feels so good.. Keep going just like that please.. " You sob and rut against his mouth a bit, the finger inside you curling a bit.
A hum left his mouth and his tongue flicked against your clit again, eyes looking at your body twitching. You could feel a second finger slip in and you sighed, it was a delicious feeling that was slowly building up within you. The second he curled his fingers and sucked on your clit harshly, you cried out into the emptiness as you came on his face.
"You did so good, sweetheart. " Jake purrs and licks your inner thigh softly before kissing your cunt.
"You didn’t even tap my thigh.. I thought I was going to kill you."
“You? Kill me? I’d like to see you try”, He laughs and helps you sit up, “ You wanna go any further? Or do you want a break? “
“I think I’m ready, I trust you enough not to hurt me..” You smile and look at him,
He smiles back at you and helps you lay down, his hands brushing against your body in a soothing manner to help ease your nerves. You watched as he removed his little loin cloth to reveal his cock, and oh did it make you tense up a bit in doubt.
"Are you sure that’ll fit in me? "
"It should, I’ll have to ease it in because I don’t want to hurt you. " Jake hums and moves between your legs, letting the tip of his cock press into your wet slit.
Your hands bunch at your chest and watch anxiously as your mate's hands come to rest upon your hips, all the while he whispers soft praise to you. Only then does he start pushing in and making sure to be slow to not hurt you more than needed, but you wince and let out a whine.
"It hurts, Jake.." You whimper and look at him.
"I know, I know baby girl, just breathe and relax for me. I’ll sit here and let you adjust. " Jake hushes you and leans down to kiss your cheeks, hands still holding your waist.
You almost forgot he could feel what you were feeling, so he was doing this for the both of you. It brought a bigger sense of comfort to you and you let yourself relax in his hold as you knew he wasn’t trying to hurt you purposely, it hurts for a good reason.
"You can push in a little more, I’ll just let you know if I need you to stop. " You sigh and smile sweetly at him.
He gives you a nod then presses in further, trying his hardest to not just bottom out in your plush cunt and just break you on his cock. You whine out louder this time and angle your hips, feeling the head of his cock nudge against a spongy spot within you, causing you to mewl out softly.
“Hurry and push it in, I can take it. I want us to feel good. " You huff and look at him.
“Alright, alright princess. I’ve warned you enough. " Jake sighs and angles himself back a bit before snapping his hips forward, letting his cock slide right to the hilt.
"Ah-! Jake! ", That white hot pain hit the back of your throat and tears welled up, "You’re so deep.. But it hurts."
“I told you sweetheart, it’s gonna hurt. Now you gotta adjust or it’ll hurt more. " He winces a bit at the fit, but watches over you.
You just nodded and took a few deep breathes, letting go of the pain that clouded your mind. This was the most intimate thing you’ve ever done, and it made your mind go crazy with a newfound love for Jake. The both of you had gone through hell and back because of your people, but now you were mates by heart underneath the Tree of Souls.
“My Jake.. I love you. " Tears rolled down your cheeks as you gave him a grin.
“I love you too, (name). “ Jake whispered and leaned down to rest his forehead upon yours.
The two of you laid there for what seemingly felt like hours, but it was only a few moments, as the both of you basked in on another’s presence.
“You can start moving, I don’t wanna make us hold back. I want everything from you. “ You purr out and nip his jaw.
“Such a feisty little thing you are, I outta tame that little attitude of yours. “ He grins and pulls out a bit before sliding back in.
You arch a bit and moan wantonly out into the night, it turning into a gasp as a thumb connects with your clit. Jake’s thumb rubs fast little strokes against the bundle and pumps his hips quickly, letting himself bottom out every time.
“So pretty.. Taking my cock like the good girl you are. “ He purrs and shifts to slam his cock further within you.
“My Jake-! Feels so good!”, You sob and move with him, aching for that sweet release from earlier, “ I wanna cum again, please please. “
He only chuckles and rubs his thumb in quickened circles before moving it. A noise left your throat and you pouted, bringing your own hand down to get yourself off.
“Ah, ah.”, Jake laughs and snatches your wrist, “You gotta be good for me, and let me do all the work. “
With a roll of your eyes, he let go of your wrist to which you tucked it against your side. He gave you an appreciative nod before slipping his cock out, eyeing your form as he spits on your pussy.
Your tails flicks back and forth wildly when you watch him, his fingers spreading the silva around. A soft whine leaves your lips as he does it again, this time letting the head of his cock gather it.
“Jake”, You press with a hiss, sick of his tortuous teasing, “Fuck me like you mean it. I want it so fucking bad. “
“Whatever the princess wants, the princess gets. “ He hums and nestles himself balls deep in one swift motion.
You call out and throw your head back, twitching a bit as the thumb rejoins itself against your clit once more. All you can do is moan out into the air as Jake works himself, along with you, to the righteous orgasms you deserved.
The head of his cock suddenly slammed into a spot that made your eyes fuzzy, your hands going to grip onto the soil beneath you.
“Right there, pleaseeee. “ You slur out and rut against his quick paced hips.
Jake is quick to comply, his thumb still working at your clit while his cock rams into the little spot within you. Too much, is all that runs in your head.
His pleasure mixing through your own makes your teeth connect with your lip, your tail whipping against the ground before you cant your hips.
“Jake, Jake- Gonna cum, cumming-“ You sob as his thumb presses down on your clit and the tip of his dick kisses that sweet spot inside you.
The ecstasy filled shout that left your throat could probably be heard miles away, but you couldn’t care, you were cumming all over your mates cock.
“That’s it, that’s my girl. I’m gonna cum inside this sweet little pussy of yours, mkay? “ Jakes hisses and pounds into you, his hands working at your body.
Before you could utter anything, your eyes rolled back as you unexpectedly came a third time, tears falling from your cheeks at the overstimulation.
“Jake, Jake- cum in me, c'mon and cum in me!” You chant and grip at the floor, sobbing within your pleas.
Jake grunts and kisses your shoulder before sinking his teeth into flesh, that pain making you twitch against him. Words couldn’t describe the feeling as Jake came deep within you, hot ropes of cum soaking your insides.
Both of your tails flailed wildly, the silence settling between the both. Jake's hands rubbed your sides and you nuzzled against him in silent love.
“I see you, my Jake. “ You whisper.
“I see you, my (Name). “ He whispers back and kisses you.
You manage to press one back, the exhaustion finally kicking in.
The two of you lay together under the tree, living in that peaceful moment for as long as you can. The two of you were going to have to explain to Grace, but it can wait for later.
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miss-tc-nova · 1 year
Empty - TWST Reader/Yuu
Hmm, I think this one could be fixed up, but I think I’m done with it now. It was originally merged with another one that I might work on later, but I pulled out a chunk and built off that for this one. Anyway, have some angst!
Premise: Reader/Yuu finally has power and is using it in kind
Warning: Major character death
Words: 2,453
              Fire rages across the yard. The screams and shouts of the school boys does nothing as the cold, azure flames consume their magic. Against my ear rumbles a pleased purr and I indulge him with a scritch of the chin. His blue eyes glint with glee while his mouth wears that mischievous grin.
              My name reaches through the chaos and I pause.
              Before me stands three familiar faces from long ago. One belongs to an old mentor, the light half of his hair now black with the rest. Still, even so many years later, he cuts an imposing figure like he’s about to punish me as he used to. Two others are those of classmates—people I once stood by. But I have no mercy for those who stand in my way.
              I greet them kindly. “It’s good to see you again, Professor Crewel, Riddle, Trey.”
              “You have no right to stand on the grounds of Night Raven College.” The fiery red-head draws his scepter. “Leave at once.”
              “Yet here I am.” The feline’s face rubs against my own. In the face of my smile, the man frowns. “Oh come now, just because I didn’t graduate doesn’t mean I’m not an alumnus. This school should be proud of my accomplishments.”
              “There’s no pride in senseless destruction,” Riddle argues.
              “Who told you it was senseless?” Their frowns deepen. “No, every drop of blood spilt had its purpose.”
              “Are you telling me you’re hunting our old classmates?” asks Trey.
              “Oh, very good. But not quite right. You see, I had a list.”
              My own staff sparks to life in my grasp. The sleek black pole is topped with a white, metal skull wearing a golden crown. From beneath it hangs a necklace with charms like golden fangs; a curled, violet shell; and a crimson feather paired with a red gem. At the sight of my weapon, the once-imposing Riddle steps back. It widens my smile to see him understand.
              And cower.
              Trey glances between us and I see the understanding click. “You’re after the overblotters.”
              “There you go! Not top of the class but never disappointing, were you Trey.”
              “But why?”
              My grip on the staff tightens and an old ache dances across my chest. “Why? You witnessed the incident first-hand and you’re asking me WHY?!” At the rise of my voice, Trey retreats. “Do you not remember the destruction he wrought?! The pain he caused you?!” My arm outstretches. “The bones he broke?! I suffered at the hands of each and every overblotter. There were no apologies. No thanks for saving them. No, they all went about their happy little lives as if they didn’t try to MURDER ME!” The cat has begun kneading in anticipation. “And I think a little pay back is long overdue.”
              “Enough yapping.” The draw of Crewel’s wand is sharp and he steps in front of the younger man. “Leave this instant.”
              Waving a finger, I tut at my former teacher. “My apologies, Professor, but I won’t be leaving without what I came for.”
              “Yours is a vain task. Malleus Draconia also succumbed to his overblot and there’s no hope that a magicless mortal like you could defeat him.”
              A chuckle starts low, rising into a fit of laughter I can’t contain. It disturbs them.
              “It’s no surprise you haven’t heard yet; the entirety of Briar Valley is still struggling to come to terms with it.”
              “What are you barking about now?”
              “I admit, Silver, Sebek, and Lilia put up a valiant fight to defend him—”
              I reach into my robes. The object I toss towards them clatters across the concrete, coming to a stop before the three men. Color drains from their faces as they come to recognize the twisted black horn.
              “—But even the great King of Briar Valley couldn’t escape his fate.”
              Struck speechless are the younger men. Crewel’s grey eyes are glued to the item at their feet. They now understand what they face.
              “Run,” he says.
              My companion on my shoulder crouches.
              “Abandon Riddle and you may live,” I warn. “Hide him from me and you too will meet the same end.”
              Crewel repeats his order. “RUN!”
              The trio bolts. I expected as much.
              “Grim, devour.”
              The cat leaps, consumed by blue fire. Four massive paws meet the ground, lined with deadly talons. Ebony wrings stretch into the sky while a mane of dark tentacles and cold flame line his neck. Glowing eyes follow the target. A deafening roar is all the warning he gives before taking chase.
              My partner enjoys his game of cat and mouse as I recollect the latest artifact in my collection. It doesn’t take long for me to find the last of his fun. Sprawled along the steps to the Main Building are Trey and Crewel. It seems they didn’t heed my warning.
              That’s on them.
              At the top of the steps is my feline, my prey cornered against the door to the castle.
              “Did the Headmage lock you out?” I call, making my way closer. “That’s not entirely surprising. He always did think of himself first.”
              “J-Just let me go.”
              It’s always fun to see a prodigal mage begin to break. “Now now, Riddle.” I wave my staff towards him. “It’s not fair for you to miss out on the fun.”
              “It was fifteen years ago.”
              “That’s a long time to let a grudge fester.”
              “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I’m sorry. You’re right that I took what you did for granted. I’ll do anything to repay you. Just name it.”
              “It’s a little to late for those now.” Between him and the dire beast, I stand.
              “Please! I was just a kid!”
              My staff forces his gaze to mine. “So was I.”
              The locks to the front door are no match for the beast at my side. I leave him to enjoy himself while I wander inside. In my robes, I tuck away the small crown—my latest prize.
              Very few people are left in the castle to scatter. I let them pass, not interested in the insects in my path. Instead, my feet take me towards the castle’s heart, where all this trauma began.
              The massive mirror floats, serene and mysterious as it always has been. Ire draws me to it. At my approach, the mask inside reveals itself, staring down at me with those empty eyes.
              “It started with you, all those years ago.” My hand glides along the ornate frame. “You told me that the nature of my soul was unclear. No magical power, soundless, colorless, shapeless. Utterly vacant. Well what about now?” Its pensive nature continues while I grin smugly. “Would I be in Ignihyde for my diligence? Or Savanaclaw for my persistence? Or maybe Pomfiore for my tenacity? What is it you see in me now, you wretched mirror?”
              Scrutiny roams my figure, taking in the past fifteen years of work I endured, before it finally speaks.
              “Unfathomable emptiness.”
              I hardly stop to think before drawing my staff back to shatter the thing. Glass shards rain to the floor almost musically. A seething hatred boils beneath my skin.
              “Still lying to yourself, I see.”
              Energy flows into my weapon, reaching out to snatch up the onlooker before flinging him across the room. Rolling across the floor is the very last name on my list.
              Dire Crowley.
              “So you actually decided to come out.” With renewed composure, I stroll towards him. “Not cowering behind some hapless student as I expected you to be.”
              The fact that he can stand and dust himself with such composure irritates me. “With the fall of King Draconia, I see little use in trying to escape. How kind of me to save you the trouble of finding me.”
              “Do not speak to me of kindness!” I snap. “It’s your fault we’re here—you and that damn mirror!”
              “I already told you, you were destined to be here, along with every other villain.”
              “I’m only the villain because that’s what you made me!”
              “You’re a villain because that’s what you chose to be.”
~~~~~ 15 Years Ago ~~~~~
              I rock back and forth on the spot. An hour has gone by since I started waiting, but judging by the voices through the doors, the housewarden meeting is nearly done. I’ve been trying to track down the headmage for weeks now and I’ve begun to think he’s dodging me. Now, though—unless he’s willing to leap out the window—he can’t escape me.
              A jolt of pain shocks my chest. Fingers lightly touch my chest, aware of the tight bandages beneath the clothing. Memories of the massive dragon talon piercing my lungs rattle my heart. Pressing against the wall, I try to stuff down the terror—letting the fear take over will only aggravate my injuries.
              My attention spikes when the door opens. The housewardens, their vice housewardens, and the teachers filter past, ignoring my presence. Just as the headmage begins his escape, I hurry forward to prevent him from leaving.
              “Headmage Crowley, I’m glad I finally caught you.”
              He appears nervous. “Ah, yes, how can I generously lend you my ear this time, prefect?”
              For privacy’s sake, I close the doors behind me. “I wanted to speak to you about going home.”
              His sigh doesn’t bode well. “I see, this subject again.”
              I press on. “It’s been an entire year. Surely you’ve made some progress by now.”
              Usually eccentric and avoidant, Crowley’s seriousness weighs on me. “Unfortunately, still no progress has been made towards finding your home, let alone a way back. I’m sorry.”
              “Yet, in spite of your magical impairment, I see the depths of your potential.”
              Something ominous washes over me, shaking the air as it leaves my chest. “What do you mean?”
              “You’re smart. You know this school isn’t filled with the purest of heart, no matter what secrets you’ve uncovered. This school fosters the black sheep—those with incredible magical ability wielded by hearts filled with strife.” Darkness rolls off him in droves as those glowing, yellow eyes stare me down. “The Dark Mirror chooses every student for a reason.”
              “Are you saying I’m…”
              He shares not even a shred of sympathy. “Every villain has their backstory. Perhaps it’s time to embrace yours.”
              Reality flooding through my veins, I feel I may just collapse. He was right about the sins rampant in this place; every student here had hidden truths ready to cut one another with. They would just as soon stab each other in the back than go to class.
              Still, that I might be more like them than I was first led to believe is rattling.
              “No. No, that’s not true.”
              “Lie to yourself all you like; it will only prove me right.”
              “No, there must be a way home! This has all been one giant mistake! Your stupid mirror can’t even figure out where it got me from so I’m not even supposed to be here! You promised to find me a way back! You—”
              Crowley’s staff strikes the floor, silencing me like a spell. “It can’t be done.” His gloved hand extends to me as if to offer alms, but golden adornments portray the claws he intends to snare me with. “But that’s alright. You have a place here, with friends, peers, and mentors who can help you harness that potential. With my generous guidance, you could become one of the most powerful people in Twisted Wonderland.”
              Having the last shreds of my old life torn from me, my head shakes in disbelief. Suddenly, I’m the one avoiding him as I bolt from the headmage’s office. No one spares a glance in my direction; from the castle all the way to the entrance gate, I’m alone.
              In Twisted Wonderland, I’ve been alone from the beginning.
              “I never chose to be here,” I snarl. “None of this was my choice! You think I wanted to get lost in a world I didn’t know? That I wanted to be attacked by people who could use magic? That I wanted to learn the same magic that almost killed me?!”
              A hand grazes his face. “I am quite fascinated at how a magicless person such as yourself became so powerful. How did you manage that?”
              For once, while face the man I despise most, a grin slips my lips. “Faeries.”
              “Faeries. Just a handful of pesky little faeries and, suddenly, I could tap into the magic that everyone else had access to.”
              “I don’t understand. How were faeries involved?”
              “I killed them.”
              His mouth falls open.
              “It was an interesting little venture that certainly took some time—the flames of a house faerie, an island faerie’s heart, the crystal’s of an ocean faerie, golden hair from a healing faerie, and some good-old fashion pixie dust. Honestly, the ocean fae was probably the most difficult to kill. They were thought to be extinct long ago, but she was very much alive and kicking…Well not so much anymore.”
              “This is beyond the pale. Even villains know not to murder the fae in vain. What have you done?”
              “What I had to do to survive.” My staff points at him. “And to get my revenge.”
              His arms rise in surrender.
              “And after what I did to Malleus, you think a few measly fae are gonna make me back down? Perhaps if you had shown a little more kindness, you wouldn’t be choosing your own coffin. And maybe those precious students of yours would still be alive. You’re the reason I was brought here and suffered. You’re the reason your students are dead. This is your fault.”
              Crowley lowers his hands, staring at me. “You’re right. It’s my fault for bringing a monster into Twisted Wonderland.”
              Strolling down the steps, I see there’s no one left alive to try and extinguish the flames, leaving it barren and cold.
              The dire beast bounds up the stairs to meet me. At my feet, he becomes the cat I’ve known from the beginning. He was the only one at my side and the only one who cared. It’s fitting that he would be the one standing at my side even in the end.
             “Did you have fun, my little Grim?”
             “Yeah! Fresh magic tastes the best!” Claws grab onto my robe as he climbs his way up. “Did you get him?” 
              “Yeah. He’s gone.”
              His face rubs against mine again. “Do you feel better now? Are you happy?”
              I pause my walk, staring out at the burning grounds. People had hurt me here; they chased me, hit me, belittled me, and now they’re all gone. And yet there’s still something missing. I’m not happy. I don’t feel better. Nothing’s changed at all.
              “No. I feel...”
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friendly-books · 7 months
Side Jobs live blog
Side Jobs
A restoration of faith 
“The kid lifted up her Oxford shoes and mule-kicked her leg back in my shin.” pg. 2 Ha I love this kid already 
“I’m up on North Avenue, and it’s after dark. I’m not leaving a nine-year-old girl out here by  herself.” pg. 3 That’s a good way for the kid to be ACTUALLY KIDNAPPED 
“What happened to your car?”
“Broke down this afternoon.” pg. 4 The Blue Beetle mention!
“It belongs on the set of El Dorando,” she snapped” pg. 5 Ha 
“Sucker,” she called back, her voice merry.” pg. 7 Ha I love this kid so much spunk 
Oh no a troll
Poor kid with neglectful parents 
“A ten-year-old girl’s world should be full of music and giggling and notes and dolls and dreams-not harsh, barren, jaded reality.” pg. 13 Did Maggie have this? Before the Red Court Did Harry have this before his dad died? 
“Her eyes were bright with excitement. “That was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. I want to be a wizard when I grow up.” pg. 22 Ha
“Hey thanks a lot of help, Officer”-I squinted down at her badge “Murphy.” pg. 22 Murphy! Holy cow Murphy attacks a troll. So cool
“I have nightmares about Hell, where all I do is add up numbers and try to have conversations with people like you.” pg. 28 Ha 
“Yeah. Advertising is all about lying” pg. 29 Ha and Bob’s not wrong
“You suck at lying, Harry. You really do.” pg. 29 Ha and yeah Harry isn’t great at lying 
“Why do you do it?
I squinted up at the skull. “Because someone has to” pg. 30 Yep
Something Borrowed 
“Oh for crying out loud, Dresden.” Billy said, his tone amused. “He’s just fitting the tux” pg. 32 Ha 
Poor Kirby 
“For one thing, this” she said, flicking a hand at me. Then she gave me a second, more evaluating look” pg. 37 Rude
“Billy put his face in his hands” pg. 39 Ha
“Once my mouth was open and my lips stared moving, it was pretty much inevitable.” pg. 40 Ha
“Don’t get paranoid Harry” pg. 42 Given Harry’s life I feel like he should be more paranoid 
Oh no the apartment 
Oh dear Bob and Murphy meet 
Oh no Faeries 
“A faerie has taken her place” pg. 49 Oh no
“THE WORST THING about being a wizard is all the presumption; people’s expectations.” pg. 51 That’s the worst thing?!? Really? 
“I keep meaning to go back and fix that, but there’s never time
I had a marriage like that” pg. 52 Ha and which one?
“That’s why you have to be careful what you choose to Look at. I don’t like doing it, ever. You never know what it is you’ll See.” pg. 58 Harry knows that well
“I let out a battle cry. Sure, a lot of people might have mistaken it for a sudden yelp of unmanly fear, but trust me: It was a battle cry” pg. 59 Ha 
The trust Murphy has to run into the fire
The pure force bridge is cool
Good thinking with the sprinklers 
“Jenny Greenteeth would kill Murphy too” pg. 81 Oh no wait why am I oh no-ing I know Murph is going to be fine 
“The next thing I knew, I was smashing my blasting rod down into Jenny Greenteeth, screaming incoherently and pounding as hard as I could.” pg. 82 Protective Harry 
“For one second, for one teeny tiny instant, I felt her mouth move. I felt her head tilt, her lips soften, and my oh-so-professional CPR-just for a second, mind you-felt almost, almost like a kiss.” pg. 84 No that’s not how CPR works 
It’s my birthday too
“I mean, you didn’t get my dad one, and you’re friends with him” pg. 91 Harry get your friends birthday gifts 
“I’ve seen you two fight.” She lifted both pale eyebrows. “What? Have you seen how many brother and sisters I have? I know my siblings conflicts?” pg. 91 Ha
Oh no Thomas is in trouble no wait nevermind 
I can’t tell if Harry would like LARP 
“If you weren’t my brother, I’d probably tell you that you have some awfully nerdy hobbies” pg. 104 Ha and pot meet kettle 
Oh no Molly 
“The streetlights just went out” pg. 110 Oh no 
“And then it went dead, along with the lights, the music playing on the speakers, and the constant blowing sigh of the heating system.” pg. 111 Oh no
Oh no Black Court 
I love the Cobbs 
Cool gravity spell
Nice job with the garlic 
“First, anytime I’m not shooting my mouth off to a cliched, two-bit creature of the night like you, it’s because I’m up to something.” pg. 145 Ha
“Right after my dad died, they put me in an orphanage. It was Christmas time. On the television, they had a commercials for Rock’em Sock’em Robots. Two kids playing with them, you know? Two brothers” I shrugged. “That was a year when I really, really wanted to give those stupid plastic robots to my brother.”
“Because it would mean weren’t alone.” Thomas said quietly 
“Yeah” I said “Sorry I forgot them. And happy birthday.” 
He glanced back at the burning mall.
“Well,” my brother said, “I suppose it’s the thought that counts.” pg. 148 Aw my heart 
Gard and Harry bonding moments let’s go!
“Just basking in the glow of your compassion, Officer.” pg. 154 Ha 
Caine is terrible 
“I glowered at him. I’m not sure I could take it if my dog was smarter than me.” pg. 164 Ha
Caine starts a fight let’s see who wins 
It’s just beer Caine needs to chill 
“Marcone is behind this? That son of a bitch is going to be sorry he ever looked at that-“ 
pg. 169 Harry you should know Marcone better than that. 
Also Marcone mention!
“Me and polite have never been on close term.” pg. 179 Ha
“It hunts in the wizard’s territory. The wizard will come to face it. The Erkling will give us great favor when we bring the wizards head.” 
“Gosh. I felt famous” pg. 186 Ha 
“Enough talk” pg. 189 Gard is going into a rage fun 
Gard is a Valkyrie cool
“Then she leaned down and kissed me on the mouth.” pg. 209 Whoa 
Day off
Aw Harry’s playing D&D with the alphas 
“Again with this decision.” Andi sighed “I mean I know he’s the actual wizard and all, but Christ.” pg. 212 Ha
“Sorry about your wraith, there, Darth Wannabe.” pg. 218 Ha
“I’m a-fixin to defend myself” I drawled, Texas-style.” pg. 218 Ha 
“Molly,” I said, trying to be polite, “I can’t stand the sight of you. Go away.” pg. 222 Ha
An explosion happened and Harry didn’t cause it shocking I’m shocked 
Kirby and Andi have fleas ha
“Mister the cat, appeared exactly as he always did” pg. 228 So cool
“Andi. Please don’t tell me that you and Kirby have been getting down while you were fuzzy” pg. 230 Why would they do that?
Molly set the lab on fire she’s taking after Harry 
“At least it couldn’t get any worse.” pg. 233 Harry you know better than to say that 
What a mess Harry shouldn’t take a day off.
Oh Thomas narrating 
“He’s Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull” pg. 241 Ha 
“He’ll spit in the eye of gods and demons alike if he thinks it needs to be done.” pg. 241 Yeah that’s Harry alright 
“My name is Thomas Raith and I’m a monster” pg. 242 No Thomas you’re not a monster :(
So there’s a secret Oblivion war going on 
Lara people aren’t pets 
The Hunger is terrifying 
Oh no Harry’s in trouble
Thomas can do magic!!! 
“He’ll whip out some kind of half-divine, half-insane philosophy cobbled together from the words of saints and comic books about the importance of handling power responsibly.” pg. 258 Yep 
“Harry’s a master of the skill-as in simultaneous doctorates from MIT, Harvard, and Yale and a masters from Oxford.” pg. 258 It’s interesting to see other people’s perspective and opinions on Harry 
“Locks, though, never seemed to pose a much of an obstacle to my brother.” pg. 261 Ha
“Harry had occasionally accused me of being reckless and overconfident-which is, believe me, staggering magnitude.” pg. 267 Ha 
“He’d turned into a neat freak a few years ago, for some reason, though he’d never talked about why.” pg. 269 Ha 
“It’s a little bit creepy, actually. My brother’s got a voodoo doll of the entire town.” pg. 270 Ha
“I think that genuinely speaking, you don’t have secrets from your brother, man.” pg. 272 Yep unless you count the whole I didn’t tell you were brothers for awhile bit. 
“Bob made a whistle sound.
What the hell? How? He doesn’t have lips?” pg. 275 Ha 
The Oblivion War is scary 
Aw Bob is protecting Harry 
“Scratch one ghoul. My brother hates ghouls with a passion so pure it’s almost holy.” pg. 283 Yep it’s we deserved 
“But the bitch had messed with my brother.” pg. 285 Protective Thomas 
Thomas just feed the bad girl to his hunger 
“Sometimes I feel completely unappreciated.”
I found myself smiling 
“Wow” I said “what’s it like?” pg. 291 Ha
The Warrior 
Aw Michael’s a coach 
“I’m pretty sure there won’t ever be a place like that for me.” pg. 297 Aw Harry :( you’ll get a family home soon 
“She had a bruise on her cheek a couple of days old.” pg. 299 Oh no why does the kid have a bruise on her face? 
“Hi” I said, trying to be unthreatening as I could. I had limited success. Tall, severe-looking men in long black coats who need a shave are challenged that way.” pg. 299 Poor Harry
I love Harry interacting with Michael and Charity’s kids 
“Let me poke around and shine a light on things, so we know what’s going on. If it turns out to be nothing, no harm done.”
“And if it isn’t?” Charity asked 
“I kept a surge of quiet anger out of my voice and expression as I looked at her levelly. “No harm gets done to you and yours.” pg. 304 Yes protective Harry 
“It’d take one he-uh, heck of a serious counter measure to stop me from finding it.” pg. 311 Ha 
“I didn’t want to go off and leave…”
“The sword…”
“Here” I finished” pg. 311 Just your friends you’re worried about them Harry 
I don’t think Chuck should be drunk and working especially if he’s a electrician 
“I’ve been in burning buildings, man, and take it from me, this place…” I looked around at the wooden framework. “Fwoosh. I’m just saying Fwoosh.” pg. 321 Ha and you definitely caused those building fires Harry 
“Harry Dresden. Saving the world, one act of random destruction at a time.” pg. 322 Ha
“I don’t blame myself,” I said.” pg. 324 That’s the biggest bold faced lie I’ve ever seen. 
Yes you do Harry 
Oh someone in the church is behind it. A Fundamentalist maybe? 
“Watching life through the window and obsessed with how things might have been”
“Dear God,” she said. “You’ve just made Dickens relevant to my life.” 
“Weird, right?” pg. 341 Ha 
Oh no Alicia 
“The son of a bitch hurt my little girl.” pg. 352 Holy Cow Michael swore! :0 
Yes Michael vs Douglass 
“Michael,” I said, gently, “you can’t. If this is how it has to be, I’ll do it. But you can’t, man.” pg. 366 Is Harry saying he’s willing to murder so long as Micheal doesn’t 
Uriel’s here 
“Very kind,” he said and took a swig from the flask.” pg. 368 Uriel drinking alcohol 
I love how Uriel tells Harry how all the little things he did helped. 
“I nodded slowly. Then I said, “Let’s talk about my bill”
Jake eyebrows shot up “What?” 
“My bill,” I enunciated. “You dragged me into this mess. You can pay me, same as any other client. Where do I send the invoice?” 
“You’re…you’re trying to bill the Lard Almighty?” Jake said, as if he couldn’t quite believe it.
“Hel-uh, heck no,” I said. “I’m billing you.” 
“That isn’t really how we work” 
“It is if you want to work with me,” I told him, thrusting out my jaw. “Cough up. Otherwise, maybe next time I’ll just stand around whistling when you want me to help you out.”
Jake’s face broadened into a wide, merry grin, and laughter filled his voice. “No, you won’t” he said, and, vanished.” pg. 373 Ha and yes Harry won’t not help people 
Last Call 
Oh no Mac is hurt 
Oh no someone’s messed with Mac’s beer
Caine? Again? What is this guys problem?
Caine is the worst 
Caine attacked Murphy critical fail on Caine’s part 
“You put on a good show act, Harry. It would have fooled a lot of people. It looked…”
“Natural on me,” I said “Yeah” pg. 394 Ouch 
“I tried the door, just for the hell of it and-
It opened 
Well, dammit. I much prefer making a dramatic entrance.” pg. 420 Ha and come on let Harry have his dramatic entrance 
Oh Dionysus cool
“Then she smiled, stood on her tiptoes, and kissed my cheek” pg. 419 Aw 
Love hurts 
“They weren’t a married couple. They were brother and sister.” pg. 423 Ick doesn’t even begin to cover the feeling I felt reading that
Oh no mental magic
“We don’t exactly have orbital satellites for detecting black magic.” pg. 426 They don’t? Then what does Gatekeeper do? I thought that was his job. How did the council find out about Harry, Justin, and Molly? Gatekeeper clearly knew black magic was afoot back in Proven Guilty. 
Oh boy is it awkward between Harry and Luccio 
Evil state fair?
Don’t be mad at Will, Harry he’s concerned about you. 
“She stopped before she could say who Kincaid was like.” pg. 436 Was she going to say Harry? 
“Murph tittered again” pg. 443 Oh no they’ve been caught 
Is it the ride itself? The ride operator? The guy trailing them? 
“I bent my head down to her mouth and kissed her gently.” pg. 445 Yay Harry/Murph moment but now isn’t the time 
“It just isn’t fucked-up enough to really be you and me” pg. 447 Ha I love this is how they realize that they’ve been whammied 
“But hey. On the other hand, he had swindled me out of swindle me out of twenty dollars.” pg. 448 Harry you bribed him 
Oh no Red court vampire 
“He’s completely irrational” pg. 452 Ha
“Mortals are like mayflies, Wizard. They live a brief time, and then they are gone.” pg. 455 Scary how some immortals view humans
I’m glad Harry and Murphy burned the belt. 
“I cant believe he’s died.” pg. 463 I’m still not over it. 
“I’d been able to learn a few Martian phrases over time” pg. 466 Ha 
“Lake Michigan is jealous and protective of her dead.” pg. 466 Such a good phrase 
Poor Murphy she’s not a cop anymore and now has to deal with Harry dying 
“He always told us if we ever needed him but couldn’t find him, we were supposed to go to you. That you were the person in this city who could help us better than anyone else.” pg. 475 Aw :) 
“Georgia’s pregnant” he whispered. “Seven months.” pg. 475 Yay Georgia’s pregnant nothing bad is going to happen to her or the baby. I refuse to believe it.
“And, if things got hot when we went after the bad guy, he would have been there, throwing fire and lighting around as if they were his own personal toys, created especially and exclusively for him to play with.” pg. 485 I love how other people describe Harry. It shows how Harry is viewed through mortal eyes. Yeah it would appear like Harry like that when he starts setting things on fire with his mind essentially. 
“Watching Dresden operate was usually one of two things: mildly amusing and positively terrifying.” pg. 485 That’s quite a difference 
“Quirky nerd gone. Terrifying icon, present.” pg. 486 I wonder if Harry knows this is how people view him? I wonder if Harry knows this is how Murphy views him. 
“Seeing Dresden in action filled you with the fear that you had just become a casualty of evolution-that you were watching something far larger and infinitely more dangerous than yourself, and that your only chance of survival  was to kill it, immediately, before you were crushed beneath a power greater than you would ever know.” pg. 487 Scary and such a good quote 
“Dresden was gone. His cheesy jokes and his corny sense of humor were gone. His ability to know the unknowable, to fight the unfightable, to find the unfindable, was gone.
The rest of us were just going to have carry on as best we could without him.” pg. 488 Sobbing 
“On the other hand…maybe I just give John Marcone a call and tell him how you’re helping  some of his street-level guys run some deals behind his back.” pg. 498 Marcone mentioned! 
“I had to go see “Gentleman” John Marcone.” pg. 501 YES! Let’s go Marcone :) 
“He had eyes the color of several-days-old grass clippings.” pg. 509 Interesting with how Murphy describes Marcone’s eyes vs with how Harry describes them 
“Hendricks eyed Gard 
Gard rolled her eyes and withdrew a twenty-dollar bill from her jacket pocket. She passed it to the big man.” pg. 511 Ha
“Don’t confuse yourself with Mr. Dresden, Mr. Borden,” Marcone said, his voice level and cold. His eyes were something frightening, pitiless. “You don’t have the power to threaten  me. The instant you begin to change, Ms. Gard here will fire in Ms. Murphy-and then upon you.” His voice dropped to a barely audible murmur. “The next time you offer me a threat, I will kill you.” pg. 513 Nshslsbshevakbsn I didn’t learn my lesson from last time. I choked on my drink again when I read it. I think I almost hacked up my lung. Ahhh!!! It’s so bi and Harry’s not even there. Will didn’t even threaten Marcone or at least not as much as Harry usually does. And Marcone throws a knife at him. 
“Someone is rounding up those mortals possessed of modest supernatural gifts.”
“Talent search” pg. 516 Oh no
“Someone started picking up on the little guys in town within a few hours of Dresden’s shooting.” pg. 517 Monsters closing in already 
“I’m sorry. About Dresden. He was a brave man.” pg. 518 Glad Gard said that. 
“That was when we had the nightmares.” pg.528  Ah that’s the psych/bad dreams from the end of Changes.
“Dresden hadn’t been muscled as heavily as Will. Harry’d had a runner’s build, all lean, tight, dense muscle that…” pg. 535 Murphy I see that train of thought. Good Harry/Murphy moment and Harry’s not even there. 
“I mean that if Dresden just blew up the Red Court…that means the status quo is gone. There's a power vacuum, and every spook out there is going to try a fill it. The rules have changed. We don’t know how these people are going to react.” pg. 536 Yep things are going to change now. I can’t wait to see the repercussions 
“The man had gills” pg. 552 There’s fish people? What hole in Lake Michigan did these guys crawl out? Why now after Harry’s death? As far as I know there haven’t been any fish people before. 
Such a good fight 
“Dammit, Dresden,” I said into the silence in a choked voice. “Dammit. Here I am doing your job. Dammit, dammit, dammit.” pg. 576 Sobbing some more 
“That’s formor magic,” she said quietly. “One of their lesser sorcerers and his retainers.” pg. 578 Who’s the formor? 
“This is the second time the formor have attempted to move on Chicago-and failed” 578 When was the first time? 
“My boss is always pleased to find those with proper”-she pursed lips-“frame of mind.” pg. 579 Oh Donar Vadderung/Odin is hiring? Well that’s some foreshadowing
“Was she telling the truth, you think? That Marcone’s the one standing in the gap now?” pg. 582 Yes Marcone will help out in for supernatural threats 
“The Justice League of Chicago?” 
“We’ll cover his beat.”
“Until Dresden gets back.”
“It doesn’t seem to be. But…There’s this voice inside me that keeps pointing out that we haven’t seen a body.” pg. 582 Yes can’t wait for the next book. 
Final thoughts 
I love how the story shows Harry at the beginning and how Harry met Murphy. I loved Faith. I love the interaction between Harry and Bob. I loved Billy and Georgia’s wedding. I love that Thomas being Harry’s brother is the worst kept secret. The Cobbs are wonderful. I love the bonding between Thomas and Harry. I love the Gard and Harry bonding on an adventure. No one messes with Mac’s beer. I love that Harry’s D&D character says Gard’s catchphrase. Gard clearly made an impression. I love Harry playing D&D with the alphas. Harry’s day is frankly a comedy of misadventure. I can’t believe Kirby and Andi got fleas. I’m glad Luccio took the scene well. I love how sarcastic Thomas’s narrative is. I can’t believe Thomas has magic. That’s so cool I wonder why he didn’t tell Harry. I love how much Thomas admires Harry and how protective he is of Harry. I love is how much Harry helps people without meaning to. I love that Michael is Alicia's softball coach. I can’t believe Michael swore that’s such a big deal. I can’t believe Harry offered to kill a man so Michael wouldn’t. I love that Uriel tells Harry all the lives he has helped. It’s hilarious that Harry tried to bill Uriel only Harry would try to do that. I love that even Uriel knows Harry won’t stop helping people. Wow Mac gets attacked. Interesting to see other powerful characters from other patrons. So now the Greek and Norse gods are real in this world. I wonder what others? All others? Jim just giving us Harry/Murphy then taking it away. I love how they both realize that we’re hot with the spell. Oh boy still not over Changes. Everyone is in denial about Harry including me. Yay Georgia’s pregnant! I love the different pov and how people view Harry. I love how we got different perspectives on magic and Harry from Thomas and Murphy. I loved all the Marcone stuff all of it. I love how it shows that Marcone views Harry as a worthy opponent. Now the shipper in me thinks this scene is gold. Marcone really does let Harry get away with things that he doesn’t let others like threats and backtalk. I wonder if Marcone would have hurt Will if it was Harry present and not Murphy? And Marcone even warns Harry not to test him back in Death Mask while here he only does so after he’s knifed Will. I love the dichotomy between how Murphy describes Marcone’s eyes as the color of several-days-old grass clippings vs how Harry describes Marcone’s eyes as worn dollar bills. I love how Murphy then describes Marcone’s eyes as something frightening, pitiless. Harry really was a deterrent to the evil side of the Supernatural side and now they’re coming in now that Harry’s gone. I love the Harry/Murphy moments we got in this story. I hope we learn more about the Formor. 
I’ve learned my mistake now. No more eating or drinking while reading the Dresden files. 
Onto Ghost story!
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the-passenger-if · 2 years
Aaa can I request for part 2 of Livvy babysitting MC and Horizon’s baby? Thanks
Part 1 here.
Prompt under the cut.
Livvy’s nibling braids her hair with deft fingers. At short intervals, they entwine the flowers both of them picked along the way to the pond through her brown curly locks.
“Your hair is so pretty,” her nibling mutters, and Livvy is about to reply with a thank you when they add, “but so dry. Domini Horizon’s hair is soft when I braid it. Oh! I will wash your hair with their shampoos, auntie. Can we do that next?”
After a beat, Livvy says, “Sure thing, hon.” She watches the clear surface of the pond for a while as her nibling works in silence. “Say, hon,” she begins slowly, “do you ever call your parents anything other than Domini?”
“Uh? What do you mean?”
“Something like mom, or mommy, or dad, or…?”
“Or lala, yes.”
“Hm-hm,” they reply, “just not Domini Horizon. Domini Horizon is always Domini Horizon.”
“But you call Squirt lala.”
“Uh?” Their cute face appears next to Livvy’s. They rest their neck on her left shoulder. “Who?”
“My sibling. It’s a nickname,” she explains.
They bite their lower lip, a big smile flashing on their face as their eyes shine almost mischievously. It’s like Livvy let them in on some big family secret. “Domini Squirt,” they comment.
“Oh, I don’t think they would find that half as funny as you do,” she says, turning slowly to snatch them. Her nibling yelps in surprise, but they are soon laughing as she tosses them on her lap and kisses them all over the face.
They throw their long twig-like arms around Livvy’s neck and rest their face against it. She embraces them tightly, cradling them in her arms.
They are watching the calm pond when hasty footsteps echo up the stone path behind them. She spins her head to look over her shoulder, adrenaline shooting through her in such a manner, she can’t believe she isn’t half-way on her feet.
Two people all dressed in yellow are standing there.
“Auntie,” her nibling gasps.
She’s holding them too tightly against her. She didn’t realize she was squeezing them. “Sorry,” she mutters, forcing herself to relax her grasp.
Livvy stares at the people in yellow, and they stare at her. One is a guy in his twenties they call Stag, the other is a middle-aged person called Orion.
Stag’s narrowed eyes are bouncing all over the scene, while Orion offers Livvy a shy smile and a nod.
Squirt’s baby peeks over Livvy’s shoulder, and Stag’s face goes from relieved, to aghast in an instant.
“What are y—” he starts, taking a step, but Orion puts a hand on his arm.
“We heard the Consors screaming, so we wanted to make sure everything was ok,” they tell Livvy.
Stag glances at Orion and opens his mouth again only to, this time around, be cut off by Livvy’s nibling.
“I’m thirsty, bring me juice.”
The man stares at them, clearly debating with himself.
“Do you want snacks for you and your aunt too, Consors?” Orion asks, the gentle smile still on their face.
“Yes.” They untangle themself from Livvy’s embrace and fix their clothes. They then, go to stand behind her once again, picking up a couple of flowers between long fingers. When they notice she’s still watching the young man behind them, they let out a vexed huff.
“Auntie, I can’t braid your hair like this. Eyes ahead, please.”
“Oh,” Livvy mutters, turning to do as her nibling asks. “I’m sorry, hon.”
“It’s ok,” they reply, paying absolutely no mind to the people on the stone path.
Livvy can’t help but hear Stag muttering under his breath as they leave, “Nobody can touch the Consors. This is outrageous.”
She wants to believe the shiver that runs down her spine has to do with her nibling’s fingers as they braid a lock of hair at the base of her skull, but once Orion is back with the snacks and a jar of orange juice (and no Stag in sight) she stops trying to convince herself.
Why can’t Squirt like normal things for once?
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
I'm literally coming up with so many ideas that my head keeps flashing me with new images of best friend Ari x reader
This is one of them:
I CAN'T get over the scene where reader slaps on the table to gain twittle brother's attention🤣🤣 (btw they actually give me a little Weasley twin vibe bc of their bickering) so my brain offered me a clip where reader is being furious, possibly towards a handful of people, Ari included. When reader is holding a stern face and says something like: "this is unbearable!" Ari wants to soothe her temper, trying to soft-talk reader. He only finishes the first part of his sentence, when reader shoots him a death-glare: "Uh-uh. Don't even try. You are part of this too MISTER."
and Ari gives the rest of them an expression that reads "sorry, tried my best, you're on your own"
I love this. All of this. P.S. the kitten has claws in this one. Reader lashes out. She is feisty. Warnings for language, arguing, and implied intention of violence, mostly for humor. (Headcanon format because I'm lazy.)
You show up at the house after a long day to find Ari working on painting the 'dining room' (you're not sure if you'll get a whole dining set for in there yet).
He's got headphones on, so you don't bother him. He hasn't noticed you're home.
Then you hear a bang from behind you, from the other end of the house, down the hall with the bedrooms.
Voices--familiarly childish voices--argue with each other.
"Your fault." "No! This is your fucking fault."
What are Dimitri and José doing in your house? What...What have they done to the WALL?
You can peer right through a four-inch hole between the spare bedroom and the hall. A sledgehammer tilts against the hall side presumably because it fell all the way through the hole.
You see Dimitri's wide eyes beyond the crumpled edge of drywall, and he panics.
You had to pass the doorway in order to see the damage, so both men-children get ahead of you racing through the house, shrieking for Ari to save them and you to calm down.
José tries to hide on the other side of Ari but startles your boyfriend so badly that the brush smears paint all the way across José's cheek and into his open mouth.
"The hell is going--"
"These two idiots put a sledgehammer through my wall," you scream, advancing on Dimitri while he too maneuvers to put Ari between you.
Ari swings with the paintbrush again, this time smacking Dimitri in the gut so that his shirt is ruined. "You did what? Honey, I'm sorry. I'll fix--"
"OH NO, MISTER, you brought them into this house--"
"It just happened, honest."
"We were just fooling around."
"Why would you fool around in my house?" Ari booms.
"Shut it, Levinson. This isn't your house yet, and I have half a mind to make you sleep outside. You should have been watching them!"
"We're not kids," Dimitri whines, shifting to the other side of Ari because it's closer to the exit.
You can't even find the words. You barely have oxygen from how hard your whole body clenches in rage.
Ari turns to the boys and just says, "run."
Ari jumps to try and stop you from grabbing one of your friends as they bound out. You get ahold of José's shirt sleeve and yank him back toward you, latching your arms around his neck, attempting to climb onto his back and take him down. Dimitri trips over Ari's toolbox and faceplants into the partial dividing wall to the living room.
Everyone goes silent as Dimitri removes his bracing hand from another hole and then he looks at the dent his skull made right beside it.
"Shit," he whispers softly before the room erupts in shouts again.
"You mother fucker," you howl, shoving yourself off of José, but then Ari has you by the waist. All you can do is flail at Dimitri as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum scurry away.
"I gotcha, kid," Ari keeps repeating as you hurl obscenities at their retreating car. "I'm gonna handle it. I swear. Take a breath, woman."
A full week later, you sit at your usual table at the bar across from two tentative (and scared shitless) men.
"You two are doing all of the yard work at my place this whole summer."
After a quick glance between each other, they nod.
"And you--" you turn to Ari who stops mid-swig of his drink "--are building me a She-Shed. One off-limits to all dudes."
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[Main Masterlist]
Anybody have a name idea for this series? I got nothing so far. Just having a blast writing it.
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aajjks · 2 months
you finally manage to get free of the spider’s web and while mj continues to struggle, you deliver a punch to her (your) face before snatching the bracelet off her wrist and then:
“NOOOOOOOO!!!!!” she screams as she watches the glowing lights emerge from the bracelets before swapping back to their respective vessels. when you wake up, your cheek is sore and you’re attached to the wall. you quickly rip off the spider webs before going over to jungkook who’s in shambles. “what have you done!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!” mj screams as she holds the shattered crystals in her hands before crying out.
“YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!” she then runs over to you and grabs hold of your hair but you put up a good fight.
you flip her onto the floor and deliver punch after punch after punch to her face. she then gets up and tackles you to the ground before wrapping her arms around your throat. “IF I DIE, I’M TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME!!!!” morgan yells before a loud bang is heard from behind her. when she turns around, she sees jungkook standing there with the gun in his bloody hands and unloads another bullet into her skull.
then another
then another
then another
then another
until all that’s heard is the empty clip.
“i just…wanted….to be happy” are the last words to leave morgan’s mouth before she bleeds out.
*knock knock*
“good news, jeon oh-wol survived”
“oh thank GOD” both you and eunwoo let out a sigh of relief. “how’s jungkook?” you ask. “he’s okay. the bullet grazed his side but it’s nothing a simple stitching can’t fix”
you’re thankful that oh-wol managed to survive and that jungkook is okay. nothing will be the same after this and it will forever be ingrained into yours, jungkook’s, and his aunt’s memory. although the good news brings a smile to your face, you wonder if jungkook will remain the vigilante everyone loves. his aunt’s life was in danger because of it; can he continue being the amazing spider-man? so many lives were at stake along with a life that has been lost. the bloodshed doesn’t stop here and it never will.
“you okay?” you ask eunwoo who looks pretty exhausted. “um…yeah. yeah, yeah. are you, uh…you good?” he asks you. “yeah. in a little pain but nothing i can’t handle…you sure you’re okay?”
eunwoo nods his head. “i’ll uh…i’ll be right back actually”
you knock on jungkook’s door before entering. “hey” you say. “you okay? well, obviously you’re not okay but…just wanted to check in on you”
He never wanted any of this to happen.
He didn’t want his aunt to end up in the hospital, fighting for her life, jungkook notices your presence in the room, and he tilts his head away.
He’s ruined your life as well, “I’m okay, huh. What would happen to me, my aunt is okay? Yeah?” He asks, refusing to look at you, he killed a persons but he cannot bring it in himself to regret it.
MJ had it coming. She hurt you, him, his aunt and many others without any reason and any consequences, he hopes that her soul is burning in hell right now, he is so glad that he killed her.
“Yn… I’m sorry for everything.” He feels you approaching him, tears fall from his tired eyes but he just cannot bring himself to look at you, and not feel guilty
He just wanted to love you, he wanted to be loved back, he wanted to live a normal life, but maybe his destiny hates him.
You probably wouldn’t want nothing to do with him now, and he doesn’t blame you, but how is he supposed to live without you? even thought of you not being in his life, makes his skin crawl.
“Yn.. I don’t know why all of this happened-I just wanted to see if people do something good with the power I never deserved.. but.. I hurt you because of it, my auntie is fighting for her life right now because of it..”
“The truth is I never deserved to be Spider-Man.. I deserve to be the loser that I was before my powers.” Tears fall down, “you can break up with me if you want. I will never bother you again.”
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spooksyanderefactory · 11 months
What if the anxious person noticed Ram was getting weirdly gaslighty or felt bad about constantly asking for him to escort them and started trying to find better ways to cope the majority of the time? Possibly slowly doing so without the requests for help, maybe even without telling him depending on whether they spotted the gaslighting or not?
he'd cry. Genuinely, he'd think you didn't want him anymore. Not that it would stop him. He'll be with you even if you don't want him. Or craft a plot...
You had been a little nervous, but you couldn't put off doing your laundry anymore. Your washing machine broke down on Tuesday, and you didn't have the time nor the funds to fix it yet. You knew that you could have asked Ram for a new one, but you wanted to be a little bit more independent.
"I really don't wanna" You sighed as you entered the laundromat. It was quiet since it was eleven p.m. You spent the majority of the afternoon trying to convince yourself that it would be okay. You shoved your dirty laundry into the machine, pouring the detergent at the top, and slipping the quarters into the proper slit.
While waiting for the clothes to wash, you were scrolling through your phone. You got a text about an article from Ram. You quickly skimmed through it. It was about the rise in crime in Slickback City. Which is where you lived. Granted, it was never a safe city, but the rent was cheap. Down at the bottom of the article it made a special mention that laundromats were especially at risk.
'Did you read it?'
Ram's text message brought you back from reading the article.
'yeah' You texted back. You were surprised he was awake. Normally he sleeps pretty early.
'it's good you're home'
You freeze. You really did debate on telling him, however, you needed to learn how to do things on your own.
Right when you hit send, hear a shattering sound, as if a bat hit glass. You look over and that's exactly what happened. Trying to control your breathing, you look up and are face to face with a huge man. He was about 6'5. You looked at the bat, riddled with nails and glass. The bat was no longer structurally sound but was far more intimidating. Yeah... what is breathing? you forgot.
"I'm merciful, just don’t scream and I won't put my bat through your fuckin skull," He muttered near your ear. Honestly, you couldn’t even scream if you wanted to, everything was caught in your throat. You just nodded. He turned away and signaled to the rest of his gang.
'help' was all you texted to the first contact in your messages, which was always Ram. You shoved your phone back into your backpack. You were still struggling to calm down because all you're fears were proven right. You shut your eyes, hoping that everything would just fade away. Suddenly, you were picked up.
"Sorry, I was late," Ram was holding you, "I was getting the police."
You turned to see police arresting the gang. Ram was carrying you back to his car. He placed you gently into the passenger seat.
"That was probably really scary, why don't you stay with me the night. You know my family specializes in security, and my mom misses you... You were always her favorite."
You laugh. His mom did like you but liked your friend Robin more. It was always an ongoing joke between you and Robin. Although, you hadn't seen Robin since high school graduation... Apparently, Robin moved out of Slickback City.
"Yeah, yeah, Maybe I am now" you joked to lighten your own mood. He locked the car.
"I'm going to talk to the police now, before we head to my home real quick, okay?"
"Don't I have to go?" You weren't sure how it even works, but usually don't the police question the people who were there.
"It's okay, They'll probably get your testimony later. Plus it's late, You need sleep so just rest for now"
It was clear that Ram wasn't going to budge. You just got comfortable in his car.
Ram couldn't have been more pleased. He headed back inside the laundromat. The 'police' had uncuffed the 'gang members'. The tall leader of the group grinned.
"How did it go, boss?" his gruff voice was full of amusement. He started working for Ram about three years ago. He found Ram's 'little crush' really fun to watch, plus the pay is really good.
"I think it worked perfectly, Griff," He began slipping a few hundred dollar bills to Griff, "The rest will be transferred into your bank accounts."
They all were employed under the Bright Corporation. Although Ram was the heir, he had to make sure he only used his own branch of workers. His parents didn't care if he used vast amounts of money, the only limit was he had to use it in a smart way. When he was younger, he made PowerPoints to convince his parents of something. Now, he was already running a small branch. And this is a worthwhile investment. Every time you thought of going out without him, you'll remember this time, and be less inclined to go out without him.
Plus you might be scared enough to want to sleep in the same bed with him. A strong bonus.
"Hey, boss, You there?" Griff was waving his hand in front of Ram. Ram coughed and almost choked on his spit,
"You dreaming about your 'little crush', huh?" Griff loved teasing Ram about you, "Thinking about all the different positions? They are cute and small. You thinking about them kneeling and-"
Ram had hit Griff in the thigh with a hammer pretty hard. Ram had calmed down after hitting Griff again,
"One: everyone is small compared to you, Griff. Two: Don't even talk about them in that way ever again."
"yeah, yeah, sorry boss" Griff half apologized, Ram's reaction was still funny to him, "Go to your 'little crush' or they might start thinking something is wrong."
"Bye," Ram excitedly walked back to the car.
"Crazy bastard," Griff muttered while counting the bills. He turns to the rest of the gang, "Let's go get drunk!"
Everyone cheers in excitement.
You were asleep, in his car. It was very comfortable with the seat warmers. Ram sat in the driver's seat. He gently taps you awake once you reach his home.
"huh?!" You weren't even aware of the driving.
"Come on in, we still have your 'unofficial' room" Ram jokes as he ushers you inside. You didn't even change, you just went back to sleep once you reached the bed. You were too exhausted with the day to even stay awake for a moment longer. so you slept.
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dreamoonverse · 2 years
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Unbreakable Vows 💚🐍✨🪄
Chapter 2: plague the dreams
Just imagine you weren’t supposed to fall for him…it was forbidden, after what the dark lord has did to your family…but yet someone seems to change that. Bucky is full of secrets but this one secret he can’t keep hidden forever and you will both pay a price to hide it…
Death eater Bucky x Witch! Reader
NFSW series 18+ no minors!
Mentions: Wet dream, cursing, sexual tension, some fluff 😘
Series master list
"Dreams are road signs along the nighttime highway of sleep," -Astrid Alauda
You step outside to the cold brisk air of the morning, another gloomy day you think to yourself. You mean the weather always matches your mood anyway. Always usually feeling empty, not really any fucks given. Your father would already be at work. You had a shop not far from the Weasley's joke shop. You made medicines, perfumes, facials, even certain potions for meditation. You excelled in school in potions. You could make any potion there was...of course you had a little cheat sheet. There was one beat up book no one wanted it had writing all over it and in the first page center at the bottom did it read “Property of the half-blood prince,” strange you did know or could through many searchings find who that was but it came in handy. Memorizing each spell you put it back in the cabinet where you felt it belonged and that the next person would know what to do.
Carrying on about your day tending to customers when needed nothing really too bad looks like it might rain. You stare out the window of the shop folding your arms letting yourself for a moment get lost in your thoughts. It seems like your always going back to the night before at the club. His breath against your neck, strong arms. Damn…it is ridiculous for you to be like this, you are not a crazy school girl. You shake your head letting the thoughts roll away.
*Screaming* You stop wiping the counter for a moment seeing some people run coming out the shop in the wet rain again. About 3 or 4 blocks down a shop on fire but you know that stop…that olivanders, the wandmaker’s shop. You don’t even have time to register before disapparting and apparting behind corner wall inching slowly ton peek over. “Take him back,” One orders under a sliver skull like mask. Death eaters, you know who they are, “The wands too, don’t let them get out of your reach,” He warns that voice low and husky sounds strangely familiar.
The other one rather more on the lean side just nods. Draco…you think, actually you know it’s him. Even with the mask…you know. You creep back leaning your head against the wall looking over at fred and george’s shop course they had to take a day off today. Before you know it they are gone with poor olivander, he is in his older days this isn’t right. You look around and proceed around to the shop pulling out your wand putting out the fire not much you could do to save it, there is only but so much magic can fix beside the raiding previously done. You really didn't like these dirty games they played…you knew why they were doing it and that this war had just begun. You walked inside the sound of leftover glass, wood whatever was underneath your sneakers crushing. The wands where all gone not one there… what really bothered you was why they were being taken if was raising an army how many were going to his side. The wand always chooses the wizard or witch. I could hear him say so humble…you and your robes walking in with your mother only 12 not knowing what was gonna happened.
You hear a cracking noise not your own stopping you in your tracks turning behind you. The same skull features for sure a ring leader for the group. “I don’t think you need to lurk anymore clearly the job is finished,” You swallow hard for a moment. They lift there wand making you take in a sharp breathe but they hold up their hand in surrender waving the wand over their face unveiling who is it is. “You gotta be shitting me…you really?!” you groan rolling your eyes should’ve known it was Bucky. The long hair almost down to his shoulders, staring at you with those icy blue eyes. He clenches his jaw some seems annoyed by your comment “Ya know maybe I should’ve just let everyone know five minutes ago you were snooping instead of helping I mean aren’t you suppose to be one of us,” He questions.
You folds your arms huffing a little “what my business is with the death eaters is not your concern I have my responsibilities and you have yours,” You go to exit past him before you feel a firm grip to your arm “You think it’s gonna be that easy?” He spins you around to face him holding your arms.
“I’m not entirely sure what you are referring to barnes…” you feel the tight grip it’s no use in trying to wiggle your way out you roll eyes some. “You better watch the attitude kitten and you know damn well what I’m talking about…” he scolds. “You think you can hide these secrets huh…the Weasleys you were at the other night…what did you tell ‘em?”
You freeze for a moment how does he know about that. You do everything to make sure that is confidential classified. “I don’t know what you are talking about…” you say trying to fib your way out then. He chuckles licking his bottom lip. “I will let it slide for now…but don’t think i won’t find out…besides you are coming with me Friday night…the dark lord gave us a job and I won’t take no for an answer.” His words are precise and cold.
“Fine, and Ya know you should try to be more loose then.” You tease the scent of fresh balsam hitting your nose. He leans in closer eyes trailing down your body and back at you. Your breathing becomes slightly uneven watching his eyes like he is thinking no not thinking like he is fantasizing. “Be there…” he states before black smoke forms around you and then he is gone leaving nothing but his scent for you. It makes you breathe out heavily like he takes the air out of you or weak…
As the night approached you found your way to the Weasleys. You never cared about the mansion you resided in. Despite the size and massive rooms. It feels so empty and cold. You liked the warmth and closed space Molly and Arthur’s house was. Yeah they struggled to make ends meet. You persistently offered what you had for them but they refused. Just ask that you always come over not just to deliver the news or information just to getaway and enjoy the company they offered to you. You couldn’t resist it. If anything you would rather live with them then stay with your father. He never was like that till your mother passed. It all changed after that.
Ginny and you were inseparable. You thought of her as a sister. She never judged you. You had a hard time coming down from the other side of you that frankly made you question if you were truly good or evil whatever the hell it meant.
“He has his followers gathering more troops…they even took Oliviander and all his wands.” You explain to everyone in the room.
“Apparently that is why professor Slughorn was hiding when Dumbledore and I visited him. They are recruiting or death I’m sure.” Harry adds. You and Harry also have a close bond. You know what it’s like to not know what side you're gonna get when you make decisions. And if it will hurt the people you love.
“Yeah the ministry is in a frenzy right now…we don’t know what else he has planned. I’m sure this is just the start,” Arthur rubs his head a little.
You all continue to talk for a bit before Molly shoves everyone in the kitchen to eat and worry about all the mess later. Conversation between Harry and them starting school again helps you take your mind off it some but you're too lost in your own thoughts to listen to everything.
George finds his way to you sitting outside on the balcony watching the moonlight. “Hey moony,” he half smiles, putting his arm around you while you rest your head on his shoulder. “Surprised you didn’t pop up next to me jerk,” you tease. “Mm element of surprise y/n…Just wanted to make sure you're okay. I know this whole thing can be overwhelming, don’t put so much pressure on yourself darling,” he says.
“I’m aware…but I have to, if I don’t do this right…everyone could get hurt,” you sigh. “Don’t do bloody sad shit with me, you know I don’t take it seriously…” he teases. You giggle a little while wrestling him a little. “Just tell that clunk of metal to stay away from you. I don't want you getting hurt, I have a weird feeling about him,” George scratches his head.
“George be nice…i can handle it,” you ease his mind getting up ruffling his hair heading to Ginny’s room for the night.
“Look at you babydoll….your doing so well for me like I said,” he taunts you squeezing your wrists your moans and whines can’t be contained. Him inside you feels so fucking good how he fills you up letting him be in control. “James I need to….please,” you cry out not sure how long you hold back from screaming his name needing to be released. “Beg better than that you little slut you wanna cum say what I want you to…what you call me like you're supposed to,” he growls feeling your walls clench around his throbbing cock. “Daddy please!” You whine. “Good girl now cum…make a mess,”
You open your eyes, breathing hard, sitting up scrunching the sheets. It's dark, only part of the moonlight creeping through Ginny still passed out in the twin bed across from you thank god. You rub your eyes why did you even dream that….but damn it felt so real and now you were frustrated groaning softly fuck you can’t be thinking of him like that. You hoped it was just a dream…
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deadweightwritings · 10 months
AS IT WAS. TWD S5. [snippet]
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TWD + Dixon!reader [S5 SPOILERS]
“So, Kit, is it?” Her frame stood awkwardly, bow and arrow holster around her shoulder, still armed to the teeth. Her dirt-covered fingernail tapped on a ceramic sculpture sat on a clean wood side table, refusing to sit on the furniture:
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I understand what you’ve been through has been hard—” She could have laughed.
“Ya got no fuckin’ clue, really…ma’am.” Kit did this often, blame her dad, blame Merle but she had a way of being snappy and then bandaging it with formalities. What Deanna was aiming at could have been her life before the shit went down, or during, Kit couldn’t tell but applied her statement to both lives.
“Why don’t you tell me about it?” She pursed her lips into a thin line. Kit beat her thigh with her fist a few times, walking to stare out the window:
“No, thanks.” Deanna nodded, and followed her. Standing a few feet away from her, Kit’s shoulders tensed, hand itching for a knife.
“Have you always been with Rick’s group? Your dad?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Where were you when this happened?” Kit debated telling her the truth or a group of lies. She frowned slightly, repositioning the bow across her body.
“It was me, my dad n’ uncle. We found Rick’s group.” Deanna squinted her eyes the tiniest bit and Kit wanted to sigh heavily through her nose.
“And what happened to your uncle?” Stone replaced Kit’s features, she hardened her face, going still for a moment. She thought of Merle. She thought of the Governor. She replayed how he murdered her uncle. And how she responded by putting an arrow through his skull.
“Yeah missy, what happened to lil’ ole me?” Merle stood in the corner of the room, though this time for her hallucination, there was a bleeding bullet hole in his chest. Shit.
“All you did was arrive on scene, huh? Never saw what happened?” His smirk was something she missed, although he’s a walking dumpster fire of a person, Kit did miss her uncle. Her eyes narrowed to see the extent of the wound of his chest, wanting to walk over and see it further.
“All you saw was yer daddy sobbin’, and me.” Kit looked at his face and it was that of a walker. Skin grey, stabbed, bloodied and decaying. Eyes clouded with white, and jaw unhinged. A guttural growl came out of his mouth as he took a step forward to his niece, and Kit visibly flinched.
“Kit.” The voice of Deanna made her head snap up.
“Are you alright—?”
“Yes…ma’am.” Inhaling harshly through her nose, she pinched between her eyes and her face twitched.
“Where were you?” Kit shook her head, scratching her neck.
“Not here, fer a second—"
“No dear, where were you after Rick’s group?” Static filled her deaf ear at that question, opening her memory bank.
“Are you fuckin crazy, Don!”
“We don’t have a choice!” A cocking of a rifle fixed upon Kit’s ears, as she switched weapons. Don ran onto the grass in front of the house with said rifle and swiveled, looking right at her crouched position on the roof.
“Dix, light it up!”
Hustling down the ladder and in through the back door, her boots thumped against the wood floor, following the noise of many voices. Kit burst into the room everyone was held in, hollering:
“Everybody out and into the bunker!” The new people jumped at her sudden appearance.
“But the—” Glenn started but was quickly shushed. Lifting up her helmet to expose her face, wide-eyed and scowling, she screamed:
“You deaf, man? Move it! NOW!”
She sighed, rubbing her hand down her oily and dirt crusted face.
“I was separated from ‘em. Didn’t seem ‘em for a while…An’ then I did.”
“Rule number 6, you wanna go anywhere, do anything on this property, you go through Dix. No poking around. She says what goes.” Now that shocked some people. A Dixon being the leader? No shot in hell.
“That’ll be the day…reporting to a Dixon.” Shane muttered and Kit heard him loud and clear.
“But, where were you? Who were you with—”   
“Can I go?” Deanna was a little shocked by her sudden mood shift to leave but felt she had badgered the poor girl enough. Letting her out of the room, Kit’s strides were wide and fast as she heard the camera click off behind her.   
The muddy, bloody boots of Kit echoed, as she practically stormed out of the house they held the interview in. Reaching the front porch, she went to the banister and folded her arms onto it, dropping her forehead onto them.
She banged her head on her forearms a few times before taking a gulp of air, standing straight up and putting both hands onto the banister, exhaling shakily.
She still felt blood on her hands.
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splendidissimus · 11 months
2003 - Break
((Content warning: beating / domestic violence (dream), implied noncon (dream), loss of power control, accidental injuring loved one, hospital, loss of reality, mind invasion (minor) ))
((Promptspiration: @whumptober 2023: day 17: Touch aversion / "Leave me alone." ))
Genre: whump
Romance level: some
Angst level: 4/5
Draco's headspace: fear / guilt / irrational
((words: ~3100))
Draco felt like he had barely fallen asleep when he was jerked awake by hands on his robes. He recognized Theo's face in the darkness and tried to get his brain together to figure out what was going on. "What's wr-"
"Shut the fuck up." Theo slammed him back. His head hit the headboard so hard it slammed into the wall and there was a cracking sound; he made a cut-off noise and felt light-headed, with pain shooting down his spine. "I am so fucking tired of your whining…"
"Get off…" He tried to be commanding, but his voice felt as faint as his head.
"What a surprise, more orders." Theo grabbed him under the chin, thumb and finger digging in behind his jaw, and forced his head back. The pain redoubled and his vision went blurry. Draco grabbing at his wrist did absolutely nothing to pull him off. 
"I try," Theo said. Draco realised he was drunk — drunk and completely honest, for once. "I am patient, and tolerant. But you just can't help being a piece of shit. You know I can't get away from you because of your fucking love potion," he slammed him back into the wall again with all the frustration in his voice, making Draco choke on a cry as pain shot all the way down his spine and clamped his skull, "so of course you're just going to exploit that as much as you can, because why would you do anything else? Order me around like one of your lackeys because you know I'll take it. Whine to me incessantly like a child because you know I'll put up with you when even your own parents won't. I'm tired—" he slammed him back into the wall again, making him choke on a cry and his vision pulse red, "—of listening to you!" 
"Stop…" It felt like a whimper. He weakly pulled at his arm, struggling to breathe, vision blurred by slow blooms of colour, except that he could still horribly clearly see Theo's face and the dark anger controlling it. "I'm sorry — please — I'll stop —" 
"Oh, right, you'll stop being yourself? Guess what, even if you somehow managed it, it wouldn't matter! It won't fix this! I'm trapped! I could have had a good wife! I could have sweet girlfriend who actually cares about me! I could just be picking up skanks in a pub! But no — I'm stuck with you!" 
His hand clenched around Draco's throat, hard crushing pain that made Draco claw desperately at his arm. Then he forced himself to let go and his hand seized into a fist and he punched him in the side of the head, and Draco cowered behind his arms.
"And you fucking know it. You fucking revel in it." He grabbed his arm and ripped it down so his shoulder wrenched. "You know I can't leave, so you fucking tease. A kiss every now and then as a reward? A fuck or two a year on special occasions? Just enough to keep me mollified, right? Just enough to keep me hanging on? And I should be happy with this? I should be honoured you let me have anything?" 
"I can't—" 
"You can." Theo shoved him down into the bed, gripping his throat. "And you will." 
Draco came to with a jerk, choking and gasping, scrambling up in the bed. "Nott!" he croaked, voice hitching in a sob. "Theo!" 
The connecting door between their rooms burst open, and Theo rushed in, face twisted up in concern. "It's all r—"
No no no— Draco slashed his hand out to cut off his words, and a shallow but bloody cut bloomed across Theo's chest after it with a deep gasp. "How could you?" Words tumbled out in a half-sobbed scream. "You can't just… Even if I…" 
"Draco." Theo froze where he was, holding his chest, making an effort to keep his voice calm. "What is it? What did I do?"
"What did—? You just—!" He clutched at his throat where there was a phantom echo of Theo's seizing fingers. 
"It was a dream," Theo assured him in a calm, reasonable voice. He cautiously crept closer while holding his bloody hand out as though to hold him back. "I couldn't hurt you. I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to, because you can do this, right? So I didn't — it was just a dream." 
"It couldn't be a dream… I was…" He grabbed his hair… his head didn't really hurt. He had such clear memories of the pain of having his skull cracked, how it ran all the way down his body and hurt to move, and now it was just gone… like it had never really been there. How could that be right? It was so real, it couldn't be a dream—
He gripped his head tightly and screamed into his knees. Something had to be real!
Theo reached the bed and touched his hands. A half-formed thought bloomed — he was coming to hold him down again — and he reflexively thought a blasting curse that threw him into the wall with a small explosion and a crash of breaking shelves. 
Theo—! He didn't mean to do that! He reached out for a second before he stopped himself; he scrambled off the bed and caught a single glimpse of him lying there. He didn't dare check if he was okay, he'd probably hurt him again. He had to get away. He ran into his mother in the doorway and spun them around and pushed her toward Theo, backing away into the hall to put space between them. "Stay away from me!" He only had an impression of her startled face as he fled down the stairs. 
With a formless surge of fear, he saw his father still up, in the parlour, coming toward the noise, and he threw a binding jinx at him to keep him away. He heard breaking glass. Then he was outside in the fresh air and swiftly Disapparated. 
Lucius recovered his composure quickly and repaired the wineglass he'd dropped when he ducked Draco's spell. The front doors were standing open, but Draco was gone; he closed them with a flick of his wand and took the stairs up. "What is going on?" 
"Did you stop him?" Narcissa asked from down the hall. He found her in Draco's room, with some annoyance. What was the point of Nott if he couldn't handle Draco's outbursts? But the room was a mess, and Nott was bleeding, while she worked to stop it. 
"No, he left. What happened?" he repeated. 
"He had a dream he thought was real," Nott said faintly, holding his chest. Lucius looked at the damage to the room again, how it was all centred around Nott, and the injuries to him, and saw instantly how this would be the perfect opportunity to pass off an actual attack as Draco's erratic behaviour. He looked at Nott swiftly and met his eyes, catching his mind unawares… and for once, he found no sign of a lie there.
Nott didn't realise he'd been read, and tried to take a deep breath. "He didn't snap—" He had to stop and cough, trying to breathe, again. Blasted in the chest, probably. "—snap until he realised it was a dream." 
Then it wasn't the content of the dream that was the problem, it was that he had mistaken a dream for reality in the first place. He thought he understood. "I'll get him," he said, and followed Draco.
When Lucius Apparated to St. Mungo's, he could immediately hear Draco yelling. "You need to do something about it!" He was out of sight around the corner from the Apparition zone, yelling at someone in intake. 
"Sir, calm down—"
"Get away from me!" There was a crash and Lucius came to the door — a Healer was on the floor and the receptionist backing away from the desk, and the only other person there was a patient waiting with a squash for a nose, looking over the top of a Prophet. 
He threw a silent stunning spell at Draco while his back was turned — hardly honourable, but  just to get this situation under control before he did serious damage. 
But Draco threw up a shield spell to intercept it somehow in the instant he shouldn't have even known it was coming, and spun around, fluidly grabbing a half dozen of the floating candles with a gesture and flinging them at him. They bounced off the wall when he stepped back behind the doorway. 
"Draco, stop," he commanded. 
"Get away!"
"Drop your wand!" he heard called from the other side of the room, security coming from the street entrance or from a higher floor, perhaps. And of course that didn't work for a variety of reasons, and he heard Draco engage them while telling them to leave him alone. He came back around the door and found two guards trying to Stun him. He joined them; one of them would be able to take him down before he hurt someone.
In theory. In practise…
Whose brilliant idea was it to teach Draco to duel wandlessly? Oh right, Severus kindly taught him not to use a wand, and he started duelling when Narcissa cut him off from their vaults. Well, they had created a monster. He could cast magic so quickly and seamlessly that he hardly even seemed like a wizard using spells. He easily held off the three of them, performing not just simple defensive magic, but also complex calculations like transfiguring the wall to wrap around one of the guards and hold her. 
When he raised his wand to bind Draco while he was distracted, Draco gestured at him with a sudden glance and his arm fell instantly limp and literally boneless, flopping like a glove filled with water. His wand flew back into the entry room somewhere. Draco's attention was already turned on another threat, flinging the desk into the air between him and a flurry of spells that were no longer merely intended to Stun and bind, as they realised the level of threat he posed.
"Draco!" he snapped in his most commanding voice, because he knew Draco would respond to the sound of authority the way he needed — he looked. Lucius met his eyes and applied Legilimency with all the force instead of finesse possible, to really make him repel the invasion. 
It was extremely unpleasant; it took no effort whatsoever to get into Draco's mind, and it was sheer chaos. He had always been overly emotional, but he had been taught from a young age to control that and compartmentalise it properly. Now that had broken down into a howling maelstrom of impressions and feelings that conveyed almost nothing but layers and layers of different kinds of fear. 
He couldn't withstand that assault for long, but it worked. While they both flinched away from the contact, Draco was too distracted to block the guards' spells. Two stunning spells hit Draco almost at once, and he crumpled. He hoped Draco's heart was strong enough to take it. 
"Master's wand," a small voice behind him said, and he looked down. Sometime in the chaos, Tolly had Apparated in with Nott, whose injuries were apparently beyond home remedy, and who was now leaning heavily on the wall where he could see through the doorway, holding his chest and breathing laboriously. The elf was holding up his wand with deferentially drooping ears. 
A surge of revulsion at the sight of an elf with a wand showed on his face, and he snatched it up without acknowledging it. "Inform Narcissa," he instructed. She cringed a bow and vanished. 
After getting his arm tended to, Lucius waited around in the café on the top floor until morning when he was allowed to visit. The delay gave him an unfortunate amount of time to consider what broken impressions he had taken from Draco's mind, and he didn't like what he saw there.
When it was time, he found Draco in ward 49: long-term patients whose minds had been affected by magic. It was grim. The ward itself tried to be cheerful enough, in clean neutral colours and littered with the residents' personal belongings, but it was still a half dozen helpless people stored in a locked room without an ounce of privacy or dignity. And it was seeming ever more likely that it would eventually be Draco's permanent fate.
They wouldn't leave him here, of course. Even if he needed permanent care, they would bring him home and bring someone in to provide it. But the haunting spirit was the same.
The witch watching the ward was occupied with one of the Longbottoms having a fit, and he went on to find Draco's bed without announcing himself. He sat beside the bed with his arms crossed, staring at him. He wasn't sure if Draco was asleep or unconscious, either sedated or Stunned, but he looked like he was where he belonged, and that itself was unpleasant.
Not long after the beginning of visiting hours, someone else entered the ward. Lucius listened without moving as he approached the ward matron and asked after Draco.
"Is everything all right, Auror? He was brought in unconscious and hasn't woken yet."
"Just following up." 
He finally got up and stepped out to meet them just before they arrived at Draco's bed, pulling the curtains closed to hide him. The matron showed surprise that he was there and greeted him pleasantly, but he focused on the Auror, a portly older man with a grey moustache and a bowler named Janssen. "He's still asleep. I take it this is about the incident last night."
"It is." 
"My son had an… episode. I think you'll find that no one was seriously hurt." 
"Spells were exchanged in the hospital. We obviously have to check on that." He flipped his notebook open. "I see here that you, a Healer, and two responding guards required treatment after this 'episode', as well as a Theodore Nott." 
"That's a private matter." 
"When it sends people to the hospital, domestic matters become our business." 
"I didn't say 'domestic'," he snapped. "Nott is his assistant." 
"Who he injured?" 
That was a question. He was fishing. Just like an Auror, barging in where he didn't belong, when he didn't know anything… He took hold of his anger and pushed it away. "What do you want?"
The Auror looked back at him and saw he wasn't going to play along. "To hear his side of the story. Can you wake him up?" He nodded to the matron. 
Pulling back the curtains to expose the sleeping Draco, she stepped up beside his bed and uncapped what looked like a potion, but instead let out a strong scent of flowers. Lilies, daffodils, grass, and water - it smelled just like their gardens in the summer. Had he really been here so often that they had these tricks on hand to keep him calm?
"All right, Draco, honey," she was saying in a soothing voice as she roused him with a spell. He opened his eyes calmly, and she smiled. "That's it, welcome back…"
Lucius could not have said what he saw that told him everything was about to go horribly wrong, but he trusted his instincts and stepped backward. In the next instant, Draco cast a shield spell so powerful it flashed in a visible violet orb around him, and shoved everything — nurse, Auror, table, curtain dividers, the bed on the other side it — ten feet away from him in every direction. Someone screamed. 
"Stay away!" 
Janssen was thrown to the floor, and he pulled his wand before even getting his feet back under him. Lucius whipped his out and disarmed him before he could use it. 
"What are you doing, Malfoy?" The Auror scrambled back to his feet and snatched his wand off the floor without taking his eyes off him. 
Lucius held up his wand in two fingers, overtly unthreatening. "He is not fighting." 
And it was true. Draco had grabbed his hair and pressed back against the head of the bed, one hand outstretched and shaking, hiding his face. He hadn't cast another spell and wasn't even watching them.
"You attacked an Auror — you'll go back t—"
"I stopped you escalating a volatile situation," he interrupted. Threatening him with Azkaban in range of Draco's hearing and magic was a dangerous idea, he had a feeling. "He is not fighting," he reiterated, and dropped into a low, controlled voice. "He is terrified." 
"Stop this!" the ward matron commanded. If she minded being thrown about by Draco's spell, she didn't show it at all. "The both of you need to leave, you're upsetting them. It's all right, honey." She rubbed Frank Longbottom's shoulder to relax him. Somewhere in his broken mind, he must have remembered being an Auror, because he was standing in front of his wife and a cowering Lockhart with his arm outstretched as though he had a wand, glaring at him and Janssen. 
Lucius took a step back to defuse the situation. For the moment, he would cooperate. "Stay away from Draco," he warned her. "He's not trying to hurt anyone; he's lashing out in panic when people try getting close enough to touch him." 
"That won't be a problem," she said, her tone of voice incongruously soothing and attention still on Longbottom, getting him to lower his arm. Perhaps they responded to tone rather than words. "No one wants to scare anyone, do we?" 
"I'll be relieving him of his wand first," Janssen said firmly, making no move to leave.
"He isn't using a wand," Lucius told him flatly. 
The Auror glanced at Draco swiftly and then looked hard at him. "Accidental magic?" 
He clenched his jaw rather than admit to it. That would have been an embarrassment ten years ago. Even fifteen years ago he'd basically had control of his magic before he even had a wand. Now to admit that the family harboured a full-grown adult guilty of such emotional and magical… incontinence… 
"Out, gentlemen," the matron commanded, sweeping them with a steely stare. 
Lucius put his wand away and pointedly waited for the Auror to precede him out into the corridor. The door audibly locked behind them.
"This is a dangerous situation," Janssen was saying, scribbling himself some notes. "Uncontrolled magic of this magnitude… if it is uncontrolled…"
"Do you see which ward you are in?" he demanded in a low, sharp voice, his anger barely reined in behind it. Lunatics. Every patient in this ward was a lunatic. 
Every last one. 
"Leave. Him. Alone." 
Janssen looked at the Janus Thickey ward plaque for a silent second, then left without another word.
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adamt101904 · 27 days
Episode 3
The crew woke up late that morning. Sebastian thought it was all just a crazy dream until he saw Dimitri and Marky in the kitchen, it was all too real. "Damn" he said out loud.
"Damn what" asked Simon
"Nothing Simon, just damn you know" said Sebastian
"Yeah I hear that" said Simon
"Sebastian, we need to get stuff from our apartment" said JJ, Tabitha nodding her head in the background.
"Ok, just give me a minute to wake up will yeah" he said back.
"Yeah I need to get me some clothes that fit" said Dimitri. "I don't want to be on stage naked tonight."
"Yeah, I could use some new threads myself." said Simon.
"Alright, everyone in the van." Sebastian told them "We'll go do that now."
They all loaded up in the van and headed out. The girls got dropped of first while the boys went shopping.
They pulled into the Salvation Army store and begin hunting around for stuff. Simon found everything he need plus a kick ass leather jacket. Dimitri found some clothes too. They paid and went back to pick up the girls, hitting the drive thru at the Burger Pit on the way back to grab some eats. Once back at the loft Sebastian told everyone they needed to get tonight figured out. They put together a set list and practiced.
"We go on at 9 after The Flesh and the Fury.
"OMG those guys suck" said Dimitri strumming on his guitar.
"Yeah well remember we were a pubic hair away from opening for them" Sebastian reminded them.
"Hell the way we played today, we should be closing that bitch tonight" Tabitha chimed in
"Hopefully we play as well tonight"said JJ. "After all this shit we have been through we should be our best everytime."
"You will babies. Rock daddy has you, don't worry" the demon was back.
"Crazy cats are going to tear that joint down, I guarantee it" it said.
"I hope your right" said Sebastian
"Like I said babies, trust rock daddy" and just like that he was gone.
Sebastian and the boys loaded up the trailer and were getting ready for the show. The girls were upstairs getting dressed, though Tabitha was having trouble finding anything to go with her bandages. Once everything and everyone was ready they popped a few beers and chilled.
"I've been thinking" said Marky, "maybe I should stay here."
"Bullshit. said Dimitri"Why would you even say that?"
"How are you going to explain a three foot tall red guy" Marky said.
"Easy, we'll tell em your our tech midget." Dimitri said with a huge smile on his face.
"I don't know guys"
"Marky you are on the board or we don't go." said Sebastian, everyone agreeing with him.
"Ok, ok I will go." said Marky
They all loaded into the van and headed to the show. They were ready to rock. They arrived at the show, Rocktober Bash, and began to unload their gear when the venues manager came to see them.
"Nice costumes" he said
"Look, I got a major problem and you guys are going to fix it for me. The Screaming Skulls are a no show, apparently their singer lost his voice or some shit like that. So I'm putting Acid Bath in the 9 o'clock spot and you guys are playing midnight."
"Holy shit, really" said Simon
"Yeah so get back to the dressing room and chill."
They couldn't believe it. They had gone from openers to headliners just like that. They headed back to the dressing room and popped some beers and downed some shots. Time drew near and nerves were on edge.
With Marky in the tech booth, they took the stage. Darkness surrounded them when suddenly the lights went up and they tore into their first song. The place went absolutely nuts. The pit was insane, bodies flying everywhere. The Black Plague were tearing down the house.
Sitting in the rafters was the demon, smoking his cigar. "Told you babies, just trust rock daddy."
The band finished their set and left the stage. The ravenous fans were not done with them yet though. Chants of "More, more" rung out through the building. The band ended up playing 2 encores before finally calling it a night.
"That was completely sick!" said Tabitha as they got back to the dressing room. Waiting there for them was the demon.
"My babies rocked it to the ground" it said
"Now do we trust rock daddy kiddos"
"Absolutely" said Sebastian.
"Good to hear cool cats cause this is just the beginning." it said to them. "Here, you are going to need this." The demon handed Sebastian a business card. It read Viktor VonFranken rock agent.
"You think we are going to need an agent?" asked JJ.
"Hell yeah little momma. Your star is on the rise." it disappeared again.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sebastian answered it. Standing there was a man in a black suit.
"You guys slayed it out there tonight." he said. "My name is Johnny Rock and I am running the Rockfest show in Pittsburgh next month I need you to play it."
"Really, play Rockfest?" Sebastian said. "Like with Coal Chamber, Prong, and Rob Zombie, are you kidding me!"
"I never joke about metal junior" said Mr Rock. "Here's my card have your agent call me ASAP"
"By the way, love the gimmick." he said as he walked out the door.
The band partied all night long. This was it, they were on there way to the heavy metal promised land.
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