phoenix-flamed · 9 months
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Oh no............
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scionshtola · 3 months
i miss cori already…
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thatcritterthatskitter · 11 months
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i love crafting i love checking little boxes on a large list on things to do i love-
Crafted to my heart's content (BAD IDEA)
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Gather stuff from the Diadem -> approve materials -> craft for skybuilder's scrips -> exchange for Sky Pirate Spoils -> go home -> exchange for deep-green crystals -> craft deep-green enchanted ink -> forget that you don't have the recipe -> craft the thing to get the recipe -> where did my gil go? -> exchange for prerequisite recipes -> craft that thang -> exchange for the recipe book you need -> craft deep-green enchanted ink -> load everything into the fabricator -> THING CRAFTED -> ow my fingers
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wentian · 11 months
it's dooooone 😭 idk why it looks like azerite but it's pretty, i'll take it
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thesproutcul · 3 months
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The first recipe I tried from the FFXIV cookbook: Skybuilder's Stew! It's labelled as an Easy recipe, and it's stew, so I thought it sounded perfect.
I'm slow at ingredient prep, so I spent a little more time on the prep phase than someone else might, but when cooking, it goes fairly fast and is mostly hands off.
I made sure to have all my ingredients prepped, but I did make a novice mistake the first time I made it that I corrected for future attempts: cook onion first, then cook garlic at the end. It isn't specified, and I didn't think about it until I'd tossed them both in together.
Despite that, it came out well, and subsequent attempts have been even better. The daikon radish surprised me with a bitter flavor, as it's the first time I've cooked with it, but it adds something interesting as a result. I also found through searching that they're more bitter towards the tip, so that might help if someone doesn't like bitter flavors.
I've never made a cream base before, but it came together easily, and it's delicious! It reminds me of chowder. Through a happy accident this week, I forgot to get milk and used a half-heavy cream, half-water mixture and it's even MORE creamy!
It's a strong first showing from a book that could have just phoned it in for people who would buy anything related to their fandom, and it made me eager to make more recipes.
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cidnangarlond · 1 year
also I got another two crafters to 70 yayyyy. I'm going thru the extra work to do it as collectables to get more white scripts bc I already did my weekly custom deliveries and have to wait til tuesday but I could do stuff for skybuilders scripts if I wanted. do not know which is more effective or worthwhile in the long run. probably the stuff for white scripts though
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
feels a bit like a scam to sell portraits of aymeric and estinien at giant markups but hey it’s money
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starres-stuff · 1 year
FFXIV Writes 2023 | Day 7 | Noisome
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Arriving in Ishgard, the Sharlayan learns some of the secrets of its people from his Sister.
As life progressed from those days in Garlemald and the loss of his friends, Dimitri found himself called to Eorzea by the most disturbing of things, a missive that invited him to meet his birth family due to the failing health of their matriarch and Baroness, Saphelle Jienuex. It was an odd request, at least he found himself thinking so but every member of his adopted family acted as if Lady Jienuex was so important that they were offering to pack his things for him and push him out the door. He found the entire thing preposterous but went along with the request nonetheless.
It would be three evenings later that he would find himself standing on the airship dock in Ishgard with his bags in his hands, waiting for the Jienuex carriage to arrive to usher him on to the Manor where he would be staying during this extended visit and while he did so he found himself taking in what he could see from that spot of the City that would be his temporary home.
It was far different than Sharlayan or Garlemald for that matter. Its gray skies and constantly falling snow were rather pretty mixed in with the largely gothic architecture that made up the buildings, many of which reached towards the sky in ornate arches and domes. At first thought, he had to admit that it was quite breathtaking, but he could do without the cold nipping at his skin.
There were many things Dimitri had read about the Ishgardian people, some of which were quite strange to him. They seemed to favor open-air bath houses where people would gather as if some valued social activity often in states of undress that boggled his mind as it was the opposite of all he had known in Sharlayan. That tidbit also seemed to clash with things he had been told by travelers that had visited the City, that the people of Ishgard tended to be rather noisome and only an outsider would notice it.
This was something that truly concerned the redhead, as he was known to have a rather delicate nose, sometimes being able to detect scents that other people did not notice around them. So far so good it seemed, however, for a while he did see people swaddled up in numerous layers of clothing as he was told he would he did not smell any particular stench coming from them and thus he relaxed believing it was nothing more than some tale that would turn out to be a scorned person way of deterring others from visiting the City.
It would seem like bells had passed by the time the carriage appeared, and from it stepped the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, she even made him forget how to breathe at first. “Dimitri?” she called out seeing his lone figure standing on the dock “Dimitri Jienuex?” Closer she came, long blonde hair covering her pointed ears and framing her pale skin, striking sapphire standing out from everything else and shining in the darkness. “Are you Dimitri Jienuex?”
The closer she came the more he noticed about her, first was the distinct similarities between their features and the fact that for an adult Elezen, she was extremely short. She was also very well dressed and decked out in jewelry that he had never seen a woman wear before. Thankfully she also did not carry an offensive smell, instead smelling of rose water and vanilla.
“That would be me.” Dimitri finally said, sweeping into a flourishing bow that ended with his head lifted and a grin spread on his face. “And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?” his manners thankfully were intact despite the fact he couldn’t remember a time that he had spoken to a woman who looked like her.
“Seriphina Jienuex,” she stated simply, with a raised eyebrow that Dimitri would come to learn was a family trait. “Your half-sister. Older than you by a handful of years, and only just learned of your existence the other day when Mother requested I send for you. This way please.” She stopped to look at his uncovered nose, then she pointed towards it with a gloved finger. “Do you have a scarf to put over that? Visitors often find certain things unpleasant, and it is not the communal salt licks at the dinner table. I do recommend it until you have built a resilience to it covering your snout. The stench of this Hells forsaken place is known to make people retch and I am hardly in the mood to watch you lose your Archon Loaf.”
Not only was she beautiful, she was sassy and he couldn’t help but smile at how this little bundle of energy was his sister, though there was curious thought Dimitri had as her name was not mentioned in the letter. “Another sister?” he said smoothly as he hauled his bags up from the snowy wood and started after her heading towards the carriage in the distance. “I was told that I would be met by my sister Viviane and that she had red hair. I found that amusing of course since I have it too.”
“That’s me.” She called back “ Lady Viviane Seriphina Jienuex.” She rattled off her full name then cast somewhat of a smile over her shoulder “And yes my natural hair color is the same shade as yours. I had a show last evening and I haven’t removed the glamour from my hair, but I dare say we will look close to twins when I do. You can call me Seri. I tend to avoid using my actual first name. It reminds me that I am the next in line to hold the head of our House when Mother passes and with everything as it is that might be rather soon. I should also make you aware that circumstances have changed since our letter and we, meaning you and I will be leaving in the morning for Gridania where Mother’s medical care is being handled.”
By now they had reached the carriage, and thankfully it was quite big. It had been another thing that Dimitri worried about as they walked, what if he was the only tall member of the family How would he fit, of course he was also startled by the fact that he would have to travel further to meet his Mother, let alone Gridania of all places which he had heard terrible things about for those who appeared to be of Duskwight heritage, which he was full-blood Duskwight himself.
“Did she take a turn for the worse?” He asked as he stowed his bag and climbed in the door to the plush interior nodding to the man holding it open for him to close it after him, Once inside he made himself as comfortable as possible in the strange surroundings.
“It is a long story, longer than I care to get into with ears abound. We can talk about it when we are inside of the Manor.” Seri replied as she unwound her scarf from her neck, took out a small bottle of what had to be perfume, and spritzed a bit on the heavy fabric, holding it out to Dimitri to take. “Please I beg of you hold this to your nose. I never quite noticed how bad the smell is until I spent the last five cycles in Gridania myself. I live out in the Black Shroud, surrounded by trees, earth, and wildflowers. It is a very comforting and clean smell. When I returned here at Mother’s request I was ill for days. These people do not wash.” Her eyes seemed to cross and her lips pursed at her own words and then she added, “The dress in layers to kill the smell and douse themselves in perfume and the Nobles in the Pillars are the absolute worst about it.”
Dimitri found himself staring at her leather-gloved hand for a moment before he finally reached out his own and took the offering, the delicate fabric had to be cashmere or some special form of wool for how soft he perceived it to be even without touching it. “I had heard rumors of such things, but with the bathhouses, I didn’t expect it to be true?” He tried to laugh it off but as the carriage began to move, pulled by two resplendent Chocobo he found himself lifting the scarf to his nose just in case so that he would be prepared for anything.
Dimitri found most of the trip from the Airship Dock to the Jienuex Manor in the Pillars to be rather pleasant. They discussed a great many things on the way from their Mother to Seriphina’s political stance when it came to current events in Ishgard, revealing to the studious man that she had taken quite well to her training as a Noble over the years or at least that she was skilled at bullshitting her way through conversations in a fashion that made her sound smart.
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myrfing · 1 year
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this is having the "oh my god shiny things in my inventory" effect on me
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aliaoftheknives · 10 months
i am a communist but when it comes to an in-game economy i turn into the fucking monopoly man
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aurischolar · 3 months
me on friday, strolling into the firmament less than 30 minutes after 7.0 launched: heyyy any other severely mentally unwell ppl in here?
the firmament: *predictably deserted*
me: just me? excellent, i get the place to myself then!
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emmahada · 5 months
anden and ameliance done what now
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primamchorus · 10 months
i remember why I don't really do expert crafts anymore. i have the ability, i lack the patience capacity. which is ironic, considering i'd rather be crafting than most anything else that requires me to be not in one spot in this game.
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zwei-rhunen · 1 year
ayyyy got to whip out Cover and save the healer as PLD during a prae run
uwu i felt so cool, likeee
-fingerguns- don’t worry bro, i gotchu B-)
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desertleviathan · 2 years
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Behold: the ultimate in culinary technology, the Skybuilders' Frypan!
My frenzy for Relic Weapons and equivalents isn't limited to just Combat classes. While I've completed all available steps of all available relic weapons for Dragoon, Machnist, Red Mage, Gunbreaker, and Sage, and am closing in on completion of the level 70 Relic to add Monk to that list, I'm also trying to get all the fully upgraded master tools for Siege's favorite crafting and gathering jobs.
In this case, that's Culinarian first, featured above, followed by Fisher (which will take me a while even with level 90 stats and gear), followed by Carpenter. I also already completed the Skybuilders' Tool for Botanist, but don't consider it a "canon" job for Siege, and probably won't do whatever the level 90 equivalent is when they add them.
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fleurarmor · 2 years
Skybuilders Sounds: Ambient Noise to Relax, Study and Sleep to
No talk, only soup (for the soup primal), mining and chill. Because legit sometimes I miss the old days of spending every waking moment in either the Firmament or Diadem and want that aesthetic ambient noise.
3 Hours of Diadem Mining Ambient Noise/Music
30 Minutes of Chill Daytime Crafting Ambient Noise/Music
30 Minutes of Chill Nighttime Crafting Ambient Noise/Music
30 Minutes of Bustling Crafting Ambient Noise/Music
Ishgard Restoration Fate Crafting Ambient Noise/Music
Like ambient crafting in Eorzea audio? Feel free to request locations using the Ask feature here on Tumblr. :)
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