#slappy speaks
slapphapp1 · 14 days
Season 1 Episode 3: Across the Street
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It cut off the last two texts (I didn’t want to make a whole other post for just two texts)
@fairy-writes :
“I’d hope you’d know”
Anyways, sorry this took so long, school is actually the worst and both fairy and I are full-time students so we do this whenever we have time which is not very often
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halpdevon · 2 years
Remember big slappy
Every day I remember big slappy....it's been my discord handle forEVER now...never forget
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lcpmon · 8 days
Most skilled weapon in the whole game
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Slappy's dialogue (SPOILERS)
I just watched episode 6 today, and I just love how Slappy can speak in the sort of dialogue/language that people of that era can understand. For example, in the 1920s, whilst Ephraim was doing a show, someone in the audience called Ephraim "A bum", to which Slappy responded (and this was probably the most British thing I have heard him say so far): "I agree. This man is a true muttonhead! A simpleton, a ninny! An ignorant flum-diddly coot!" You wouldn't hear words like that being used much nowadays, but back then they were used often. Later on, in the 1990s, when Harold was doing a sort of talent show audition at school with Slappy, another student called out "You suck" to which Slappy responded:
"That's what your mum said!" Then when Harold exclaimed that his hand was stuck and that he couldn't pull it from Slappy's back, Slappy said: "Try having it up your arse!" His dialogue/language changed again to suit the era. I just love that he can do that, he can fit into ANY time frame, even though he's likely hundreds of years old.
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Something Something Animaniacs Headcanons
--Yakko is omnilingual, although he's better at speaking some languages than others (for example his Japanese is better than his Spanish).
--Whatever species the Warners are can breathe both underwater and in space. Any segment where they are shown in scuba gear or space helmets or anything like that is done for show, for S&P, or just because the Warners are goofing around.
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--Clearly Jürgen was not feeding the Warner Clones well, but if he did I think Ditto's favourite food would be strawberries and cream (given that she's already confirmed to like strawberries), Ratto's would be leafy salads, and Saffo's would be sushi.
--Dot's favourite type of flowers are buttercups.
--The Warners consider Scratchansniff, Slappy, and Skippy the closest thing to an extended family they have (their father yes Scratchy being their dad should mean he's part of the nuclear family, but...shut up, aunt, and cousin respectively):
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I was gonna save this for the tags, but nah, you CANNOT convince me they didn't choose to have these three specific characters play the Warners out for what was (for all the staff knew) their final full segment ever for a reason. This is the last shot of the original show (unless you count The Animaniacs Suite, but...come on. That's a clip show.)
The Warners went from only having each other to the size of their family doubling! I won't interpret this shot any other way 😤
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spongebob-connoisseur · 2 months
So what is Slappy exactly? Is he undead? I’m so confused lol
He's undead without question. When I first saw him in birthday blowout, I knew instantly he was something that crawled out of a coffin somewhere. Something about those cute soft-boiled egg eyes..
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Now the details of it, well I'm glad you asked because I have yapped about this to my sister many nights prior. Finally! Someone who will listen <3333
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I'm sure Slappy is some sort of zombie fish but not in a stereotypical sense since he doesn't seem to rot and he prefers bugs over brains. The fact that he has an actual burial plot and headstone implies he was dead for a period of time before being ressurected (it also implies that his family must've been well off, do you know how EXPENSIVE dying is?? Let alone a headstone with his face carved on it).
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Who knows why or how but the gag where he decapitates himself makes me think it's a hint of how he died. Perhaps he was executed by guillotine or he ended up at a fish market, or maybe Nosferatu was the one who killed him by ripping his head off and drinking his juice.
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I really hope they revealed just HOW he died and how he got ressurected and started worked for Nosferatu. I really want to see 👉👈
Speaking of Nosferatu, Slappy also works for the vampyre, Nosferatu (His name is actually Count Orlok but that's not important) and he basically fulfills the role of Renfield (or what Renfield is named in Nosferatu, Knock). He's basically a vampire's familiar which can be counted as it's own species of undead. There is an srticle he wrote in the unused art for the Bleeder's Digest magazine for Squidferatu. He wrote for the Bikini Bottom Familiar. It's in the name duh.
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Slappy has all of the traits of a Renfield; Insane fits of laughter, penchant for eating bugs, calling his vampire "master", ect. Renfield himself is usually mortal according to the book but I'm sure Dracula cooked his brain cells hence why he's like that. Though some pieces of Vampire media sometimes makes him sort of undead like the 1979 Nosferatu.
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How sad would it be if Slappy was actually a normal person once but Nosferatu scrambled his brain and that's why he's like that? Sometimes I think about it. I also think of the possibility that he was dead but he came back wrong. But I also prefer if he was always naturally a freak. I think he probably always had morbid tendencies, he is a licensed mortician after all. Being a mortician automatically makes you hotter a freak.
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Tbh for the longest time I assumed Slappy was undead because of Nosferatu, however because of the most recent Patrick show episode, I think he was undead before he met Nosferatu and his obsession for Nos grew over time. He had his slumber party in the cemetary in his own burial plot which is set up like a home with a mail box and a framed picture of Nosferatu. He still works for Nosferatu but clearly not full time yet in The Patrick Star Show. He has work as a mortician and seemed to have money for his own things like a boat and a phone. I think Nosferatu slowly consumed his unlife. Probably because it's nice to have a friend who gets how it feels to he undead. Slappy is prone to obsessive tendencies so it just consumed him and that's why he seems much more dependent on Nosferatu in Spongebob Squarepants. Idk that's just my thoughts. I could just be over thinking it. Nosferatu probably refused to allow the slumber party to happen anywhere near the castle, so Slappy had to improvise lol
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Now the real question is how OLD is Slappy. Is he just a regular middle aged dude from the current time or was he from centuries prior. How long has he been dead? How long has he been undead for? Does he have any surviving family members? I'm begging on my knees to know😭😭😭🙏
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lucyav13 · 6 months
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His past: He was a general in the army of a country. He was a respected warrior who crossed the lines of the enemy with a thousand men. But he was betrayed by one of his advisers. All his men were taken prisoner and he fell into the plush hands of the count. He recruited him when she was in the grip of despair and disgrace and brainwashed her with the help of Natasia. Carson claimed that Bleck made O'Chunks feel gradually worse until he finally pledged allegiance to Count Bleck, though he legitimately appreciates his loyalty.
 In the events of Spm: He is fought a total of four times in the game, making him the most encountered boss in the game. He speaks with an exaggerated Scottish accent and his bushy ginger beard and eagerness to brawl are both Scottish stereotypes. However, the fact that his name begins with "O'" is an Irish tradition. Other translations use the Scottish patronym "Mc" instead. In the Italian version, he has a stereotypical Roman accent, and in the Spanish version, he speaks with a strong Andalusian accent.
O'Chunks is rather dimwitted and also has an eagerness to fight. He is very loyal to Count Bleck and will do anything to prove himself. He is shown to love Nastasia, but while she does not spurn his affection, she is in love with her boss instead. He is also shown to have a sense of honor, shown when he holds up the falling ceiling in Castle Bleck to save the heroes. O'Chunks is sometimes slow to comprehend things, such as when it took him a bit to realize that the Hero of Light was Count Bleck's enemy. When brainwashed by Dimentio, he becomes very zombie-like and can only shout out the names of vegetables. Whenever Mario is thrown by O'Chunks, he makes one of several boasting gestures towards him, surrounded by a red and black burst, suggesting that he is a show-off.
If the player decides to face O'Chunks as Peach during his second fight, then he will not treat her as roughly, suggesting that he has a more chivalrous side.
Additional information:
Catch Card: 190
HP Max: 100
Attack: 4
Score: 8000
Card description It's O'Chunks, the count's hulking, wide-eyed henchman! Word is, the count saved his life. Now he owes him big.
Tattle: That's O'Chunks. He's even bigger and stronger now... How is that even possible? Max HP is 100 and Attack is 4. He can now perform aerial attacks... When you see him in the air, take evasive action... Just keep moving to avoid him. Well, Bowser, now is your chance to settle it with O'Chunks...
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'So yer the lad stickin' his 'stachy in me boss's business!"
"Maria, 'ey? 'Tis an odd name, yeh, but yeh can bet yer bebby I'll remember that!"
"JUNIOR?! C'mere un' I'll introduce yeh to Fist Jr. an' his wee pal, Slappie!"
"Whut?! That makes as much sense as a beef an' broccoli sandwich!"
"Warrior rule # 1: 'Never fight on an empty stomach! 'Tis Madness!'"
"This world be pretty nice, what with all the peace an' whatnot... I like it!"
(A/N): And I have nothing more to say about it :)
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cipheramnesia · 7 months
The fursona that speaks from my heart is a bedraggled chainsaw weilding lesbian alley cat with an attitude like Slappy the Squirel. However the fursona that speaks of my real truth is an aged manatee of indeterminate gender, who keeps eyeing up the outboard motors heading through shallow waters.
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4rainynite · 9 months
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Scooby Doo x Goosebumps
This better be some universal foreshadowing that we're getting a Scooby and Goosebumps crossover or I'll be so mad!
This week while I was in Barnes & Nobles I came across this and almost cried from joy. I'm a huge fan of Scooby- Doo and Goosebumps so this was just perfection. I know this was most likely a setup from leftover Halloween stuff, but I love it (also give the person a raise for the idea)!
Headcanon Time/ Scooby Doo x Goosebumps AU:
The Mystery INC is called by an anonymous benefactor to help find some missing people (mainly children) in a small town.
The gang jump to it since they love mysterious, but they love helping people more.
Once they arrive in the small town they begin investigating and hear strange stories around town for example: an evil dummy coming to life, a witch who grants terrible wishes, haunted mask that attach to people and turn them evil, cameras that predict omens, and so on.
At first the gang thinks it's another hoax and real estate plot, but the stories sound eerily familiar like something out of a 1980's -90's children horror book series.
The townsfolk don't trust Scooby - Doo due to his abilities to do things a normal dog can't possible do: speak human language, cook, dance, the works. This hurts Scooby and makes him start doubting himself (how dare you townspeople!).
The gang then investigate a writer who half the town think is responsible due to the kidnappings are similar to the horror novels he writes. When they meet the writer it's none other than *drumroll* R.L. Stine (who plays himself in the movie fanfic).
Mystery Inc: It's famous children's horror writer, R.L. Stine!
At first Velma is excited to meet the famous R.L.Stine, but after her encounter with Ben Ravencroft, she fears he'll be the same as Ben. Until -
R.L. Stine: So, you've met Mr. Ravencroft. How was he?
Velma: (Gloomy) I was excited to finally meet one of my favorite writers. Only to be disappointed when he turned out to be evil.
R.L. Stine: Yep! I met him before, he's a huge jerk! You should've met Stephen King aka the 'Adult horror writer of Goosebumps'.
Velma: *Perks up*
R.L. Stine reveals that he called them, and he is the cause of what is going on due to bunch of works he never finished/ can't find the ending for a current story from his old typewriter he had since he was nine, and if he can't come up with an ending soon things will get worse. The gang don't believe him and think all the rumors around town about him being the kidnapper are getting to him. The gang stays with R.L. Stine's place during the investigation and Scooby and Shaggy come across certain items from the Goosebumps, Fear Street, The Nightmare Room, and The Haunting Hour franchise. Scooby and Shaggy come across Slappy in his inactive state and unknowingly read his spell.
The next day Stine's home is trashed with a message in blood (or ketchup) reading: SLAPPY'S BACK!
Slappy (played by Jack Black or Cal Dodd) plans to possess Stein to bring a new era of horror to the world. He's been bringing all the monster/villains to life and the real world and framing Stine for the crimes.
Slappy: Hello papa, I'm back!
R.L. Stine: Slappy!
Slappy: That's right. Ooh! I see you got some friends and their dog.
Scooby: Rog rhere?
Shaggy: Check it out Scoob, the puppet really is haunted.
Daphne: Yeah, I guess we were due an evil dummy sooner or later.
Slappy: (Flabbergasted) W-what? You're not scared of me?
Fred: No offense Mr. Slappy, but we've dealt with real monsters before.
Velma: Zombies, cat-people cultist, witch's ghost, aliens, virus monsters, the list goes on and on.
Shaggy: Me and Scooby here even taught at a monster school once.
Scooby: Reah!
Slappy: Wow! I just met you people and I hate you already.
The gang and Stine recruit now adults Carly Beth, Danny Anderson, Hannah Fairchild (ghost child), and a few others to help end Slappy's reign.
There's an epic battle and the find a way to defeat Slappy and return everything to normal. R.L. Stein and the gang are cleared of all charges and are now heroes to the town!
It wouldn't be Goosebumps without a twist - Slappy survives and with his own typewriter he begins writing his own series. His first book is of the original Goosebumps series with an image of Mystery Inc. and R.L. Stine in the Mystery Machine with looks of terror on their faces.
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Hey can you talk a little about Dolli Dimples animatronic?
Sure! So Dolli Dimples was a cabaret character at Pizza Time Theatre. Her original VA, Donna Miller, was an actual piano bar performer that the PTT execs found and asked to be a VA for them. Donna Miller then performed the Dolli I showtape, which is my personal favorite of the two. Dolli II was performed by Lady Bianca, who also voiced Sally Sashay. (Please don't try to contact Lady Bianca; she wants nothing to do with the fandom anymore.) Their voices are very similar, but Donna Miller's voice has a deeper richness to it, in my opinion. Fun fact, Donna Miller was only 19 when she performed Dolli I!
Dolli was first installed at Kooser Road, which was the second PTT to open. She was a latex character at first, much like the portrait bots, but there was only ever one latex Dolli produced (to my knowledge), and all the other Dollis were the cyberamic version we know and love today.
Dolli was a bit different from other CEC characters in that she was made exclusively for adult consumption. (Artie Antlers was much the same, but B.B. Bubbles was much more child-friendly than either of them.) She was big, boisterous, raunchy, and incredibly flirtatious. If a hippo could ever possibly have any sort of sex appeal, that would be Dolli. She flirted with the audience, she talked about her numerous ex-husbands, she had pretty significant breasts... as Dolli put it herself, "there's a lot of Dolli to see!"
Speaking of Dolli's breasts, I want to address something that's a bit of a controversy in the fandom. Yes, Dolli Dimples had a breast movement, but it's not what you think. It wasn't like she had jiggle physics or whatever. Her breast movement was a breathing movement, much like the birds in the Tiki Room have. Since she's so busty, it makes sense that you would be able to see her chest rise and fall with her breathing. It's not anything lewd, I promise.
The only Dolli Dimples that's intact today (the Dolli owned by Captain Slappy) actually doesn't have her breast movement working. The piece that moved the breasts was a lever that pressed up the particle board the breasts were mounted to in order to create the movement, but the particle board on Slappy's Dolli has pretty much disintegrated, so the lever pushing up doesn't really do anything anymore. He's decided not to restore the particle board because the movement's repetition ends up tearing Dolli's dress, and since this is the only working Dolli in existence, he wants to keep her dress intact.
If you want to see a Dolli in action during her heyday, [here's] some footage from Charlie Cheese in Australia. You can see her breast movement in action in this footage!
-- Mod Possum
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slapphapp1 · 21 days
Part one right here
Here’s part two of Season 1 Episode 2! :3 @fairy-writes
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Hello! Welcome to the Wainlock guide! I’m Nikolai Jakobslock, your host and number one scholar in the ways of Borderlands old man bara. Today I will be presenting you with my Knowledge of these two silly peepaws, and how to write them; and trust me, I am qualified to speak on this topic. They do not call me the CEO of Wainlock for nothing.
DISCLAIMER 1: Certain aspects of this, especially the symbols sections, are subjective. Like all fictional characters, these two are ultimately up to interpretation. Here, I am just laying down the way I personally interpret these two, and what I can extrapolate from canon.
DISCLAIMER 2: This text assumes you have played BL3 and BL2, and have at least basic familiarity with these two. I am not going to explain the entire Borderlands lore here. Go watch EruptionFang’s timeline for that, or whatever. I tried to be comprehensive, but even I have my limits.
DISCLAIMER 3: This might be a little bit incoherent because I have ADHD, which means I have a crippling addiction to writing walls of text. Also, English is not my first language. Sorry.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Usual Borderlands fare (gore, animal and human death, guns), alcohol, drugs, mentions of sexual assault, abuse, parental neglect.
Sir Alistair Hammerlock(-Jakobs)
Hammerlock is from the planet Hermes. Not much is known, but it apparently has a thin, helium-rich atmosphere, and forests. It is ultimately up to you how you interpret this information, as we haven’t visited the place yet.
It’s unclear when he left home, but what is somewhat clear is that he left early and has no intentions of returning. His family is, or at least styles themselves, like a noble house; getting rich off of questionable ventures (they have what he calls “blood money”) and genuinely being shady as all fuck. Additionally, his father was needlessly harsh (sending him to Pandora as a punishment for swearing in a formal environment), and his mother doesn’t seem to be a good person either, considering how even Aurelia is waiting for her to die.
While he is by no means poor, he seems to live (or have lived, until he literally married into a multi trillion dollar megacorporation) in relative squalor compared to his turbo-mansion owning sister, so it’s safe to say he inherited none of his family’s fortune. (Not to mention how rusty and scrappy his prosthetics look.) He represents the trope of the impoverished blue-blood, as well as someone who defected from what we might consider decadence.
Hammerlock is a hunter, adventurer and gentleman. He is described as such in his very intro cards, and this has echoed through his entire character.
He has been all over the Borderlands, perhaps even all over the Six Galaxies, and seems to have a “this reminds me of…” for every situation. He worked in corporate advertising, he’s seen wonders beyond imagining, he’s written at least one book on the myriad creatures of the galaxy. He’s befriended pretty much every Vault Hunter of note. Both Eista (a fellow hunter) and the lore book admit he has a legendary reputation.
That being said, of course, a life of adventure isn’t so glamorous as it seems. He admits to having a large collection of scars from being shot, bitten and mauled so much, and there’s even a line that implies he was once sexually assaulted. And of course, then there’s Old Slappy.
Despite the trauma mentioned above, Alistair doesn’t seem to budge from his shiny, chipper demeanor. He’s probably the nicest guy on Pandora, in fact.
He’s honest, kind, doesn’t get angry when the player messes up a sidequest and kindly explains what you need to do.
However, he also doesn’t often show explicit (negative OR positive, though mostly negative) emotion. Rarely does his steely gentleman persona - or perhaps, armor - break. The closest it gets is in either his Parting Words echolog, when he seems on the verge of crying as he says what he thinks is his last “farewell”, or in the ending of Guns, Love and Tentacles, where his voice cracks TWICE as his concern for his beloved reaches its apex.
Also in that ending, he admits he “was so afraid”. This is one of the only 2 times he genuinely admits fear (outside of the immensely gentlemanly and polite expression “I’m afraid I…”), and this is understandable. He’s a fearless adventurer! He’s not afraid of anything!
Except he is. He very much is. He just does not admit it to anyone willy nilly.
In fact, he doesn’t admit much of his emotions in general. He is a stoic, the archetypal gentleman with a stiff upper lip. (This is far more pronounced in BL2 than in BL3: I choose to interpret it as Wainwright helping his beloved open up a little.) But it is a facade, and underneath is a tangled bundle of repressed emotions.
What is NOT a facade, however, is his sheer hope. Regardless of the things he’s seen, he does seem to genuinely believe in the inherent goodness and kindness of people. He was willing to give Aurelia one last chance, even after all she’s done.
Keep in mind to not mistake this for naivety or harmlessness, of course. Alistair is intelligent, and as bloodthirsty as you’d expect a seasoned explorer of the Borderlands to be. In fact, his thrill-seeking tendencies sometimes even teeter on the masochistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if his (human) killcount was in the early triple digits.
His passion for and dedication to his life’s work as a zoologist is equally admirable, and personally reminds me of the way an autistic is passionate for their special interest (because I am autistic). This is a man with a zest for life, and enough energy to power a large city for a week.
Alistair speaks with that typical, quintessential Received Pronunciation accent. His voice is crisp, clear, melodic.
His vocabulary is very sizable. Often will he use complex, sophisticated words, and that often ends up with his lines being overly verbose. Like, really long. I recommend picking up a thesaurus to find the fanciest synonyms you can find.
If he does swear, it’s usually something light like “bloody”, or a verbose/fancy version of a preexisting swear, like “fecal matter!” instead of “shit!”.
Despite him talking like the Victorian English gentleman directly stolen from a steampunk novel that he is, he is not above peppering in the occasional hard swear or funny word. “I’m standing right here, dude.” comes to mind. Also, I just think he should be allowed to say fuck in sufficiently emotionally charged situations.
Speaking of those, we don’t really ever see him having a proper breakdown, but if he would, I think he’d just vomit a tide of half-formed word salad.
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Air, weather, wind (something something Hermes is the god of messengers)
Lightning, energy
The Sun
Snow (NOT ice, that’s his sister’s thing)
Nature, fauna (obviously), but also human naturalism; awareness of man as an animal with biological functions or as a persistence predator
Animal death: bones, teeth, fossils, leather-bound books, fur coats, taxidermy
Precision, finesse (it’s weapon based characterization: sniper rifles are his preference after all)
The ideal of a medieval knight: chivalry and nobility but also armor and weapons
Swords, rapiers, knives; scissors, needles, razors
Mechanisms, specifically clockwork (steampunk comes to mind again)
Glass & earthenware in general, especially cracked (scarred)
Travel, motion
Metals: silver, copper, brass and bronze; anything molten, polished or scratched
Sugar, particularly sugary baked goods (biscuits), with the exception of certain savory flavors like meat
What NOT to do
DO NOT give out first name privileges to too many characters.
The only people in the series who ever call Alistair by his first name are his sister and his husband. Everyone else calls him Hammerlock. If someone calls him by his first name, it better fucking be someone important to him, like a long-time close friend.
DO NOT fall into racist cliches holy fuck man.
If I have to see one more work where a character of color is described as having chocolate colored skin I will go insane. There’s, like, a 100000 descriptors you can use and you choose the racist cliche.
DO NOT ignore the fact he’s disabled.
Do some research on phantom pains, how prostheses can be both useful and cumbersome (often the latter).
Wainwright Del Frisco Jakobs(-Hammerlock)
Wainwright’s homeworld is Eden-6, which is thankfully a location we can visit in game. In fact, we can even visit his ancestral home, the Jakobs Estate.
As far as we know, he has never been offworld until Alistair sort of dragged him out of his house and into the great beyond. He knows the nooks and crannies of the manor like the back of his own hand, and uses that knowledge to outrun and misdirect Troy, among other things. In a way, he is that place, - explicitly being described as a homebody.
We do not know much about his mother Margaret, but he seems to miss her dearly. His father Montgomery however… well. Ol’ monty was quite neglectful. He refused to spend money to maintain certain parts of the estate, or to ensure his son had a good life. When Winny opened up about not feeling strongly about running the family business, Monty seems to have pinned the blame on his son’s boyfriend, and not on his own shitty parenting.
That being said of course, it’s not like Wainwright didn’t go out of the house at all. ECHO logs describe him as going to bars around the basin, mingling with the “common folks”, things like that. For an heir to a megacorporation, he sure is surprisingly down to earth (in stark contrast with Katagawa Jr., another corpo higher-up we meet in BL3).
Additionally, before the CoV killed everyone, the manor was full of staff and relatives and visitors. It was alive, its own microcosm of the world, and young Wainwright definitely made friends with a great many of them.
Now, they’re all gone, and the manor’s empty and largely unused. Decrepit, even. But he could restore it to glory.
Not to mention the mistakes his corporate predecessors have made are waiting for him there, in his office, to be unfortunately discovered…
Wainwright is a fairly simple, good ol’ boy. Humble, insecure, even anxious - but also painfully stubborn (that last one is a Jakobs family trait, if a certain line is to be believed).
He is far more open about his emotions, and not just when he’s drunk. Sometimes he curses like a witch, yet joyfully exclaims just how much he’s glad that the Vault Hunter saved his life (thank you David Wald, you really put your whole pussy into this performance).
Speaking of drunkenness, this is a crucial part of him, and not just because he drinks whiskey a lot. At best, he’s a social drinker and at worst he’s drowning his sorrows.
He’s somewhat grumpy, with some of that old man crankiness in him, but also not really. Preferring peace and quiet, he himself is fairly peaceful, but heavens fucking help you if you disturb him. In essence, the guy’s a period piece white suit wearin’ southern gentleman: charming, fine, but also fairly “stiff” or “slow”. Except without the shitty parts (i.e. racism), thank god.
Wainwright is fiercely protective of his own, being prepared to sacrifice anything for them - including himself, even (back to that humbleness and insecurity, but with a selfless bent). He’s also not above using underhanded tactics to get what he wants (back to that stubbornness again) from people he doesn’t trust or like. He’s the Wisdom to Alistair’s Intelligence, if that makes any sense; he can be a little bit clueless sometimes (you’re supposed to run AWAY from the glowing pit cultists are sacrificing people to, not towards it!).
For people he does trust, though - he definitely believes in fairness and kindness. Reliance, civility, honor, all that, are qualities he absolutely has even if he doesn’t think so.
He’s not particularly out for blood unless it’s revenge related or self defense, but this being Borderlands his killcount is absolutely above 0.
Personally, I think he also has a slight epicurean or perhaps even hedonist streak, enjoying and savoring life’s pleasures as they come and go, but understanding that suffering is a painful, inevitable part of life.
Wainwright speaks in a typical southern accent, even though Eden-6 being the Space Louisiana that it is, you’d expect a specifically Cajun accent (and to me, this man is 100% Cajun as fuck). If TvTropes is to be believed, then this is something that happens often, but y’know. His voice is warm, soft, flowin’.
Somehow, his speech strikes a perfect balance between crass and classy. He often uses wacky, flowery country metaphors and idioms, but also perfectly enunciates words like “perforate”, knowing what they mean. His vocabulary is as rich as Alistair’s if not more (reading a ton of books will do that, but also Monty says shit like morose ruminations, so.), he just doesn’t use big words as often.
He also swears much, much more frequently. When he’s drunk, or emotionally riled up, he swears up a storm. Unfortunately he never says the f word because Gearbox was too afraid to give him such power, lest his homosexuality evaporate the CoV in 5 seconds (joke).
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Earth, soil, mud
Gunpowder, smoke, ash, oil
The Moon
Gardens (something something Eden is garden of paradise, something something the untended gardens of the Jakobs Estate)
Fire: specifically in the context of the hearth, the fireplace, or guns
Guns and gun parts (obviously)
Wood (including woody smells like sandalwood, pine sap and cedar), paper
Cloth, silk, treated leather. Also sewing
Metals: iron, lead, gold (including in the context of gold = money, riches)
Force, strength (again, think of it as weapon-based characterization: he uses a shotgun)
The comforts of home, stillness
Doors and doorways, curtains, hallways, furniture
Time and its passing: people and alcohol aging, rotting wood, heritage and inheritance
The archetype of a king or heir to the throne
Blood, bandages
Repair, mending and maintenance, whether literal or metaphorical
Salt, with the exception of “old fashioned” sweets like syrup or honey
What NOT to do
DO NOT assume he’s uneducated just because he’s got a southern accent.
This guy was born into a rich ass corporate family. He can perfectly say “fatal testicular devastation” without falling over his words. He’s a bookworm on levels heretofore unseen. He probably had an expensive university, or perhaps personally tutored education. This man is wise, just in different situations than Alistair is.
DO NOT type out the accent too much.
But also, DO NOT not type it out at all. Typing out those in’s and an’s can actually assist the reader with imagining his voice, recognize when he speaks, AND it’s canon accurate because the in-game subtitles also do that!
Then how much should you DO type it out? See above: around as much as the in-game subtitles would. I personally like to type it out more strongly when Wainwright is tired, and weakly when he’s pissed, but to each their own.
DO NOT ignore the fact that he’s disabled.
Yes I am saying this again. He’s half blind, and it affects him greatly. And it doesn’t look like it can be replaced with an artificial one - though if it could, I doubt he’d want it at this point.
Also he’s old. He’s probably got them creaky joints.
Putting Them Together
General Feel
They’re in love. They’re so painfully, and deeply, and sweetly in love.
They met on a hunting expedition which Monty arranged (and then it bit him in the ass a little LMAO), and it kinda went from there.
Their relationship is already long-term by BL3, based on trust and communication. They are comfortable with one another, willing to be vulnerable. Opening each other up, seeing both the good and the bad, and accepting all of it.
Their loyalty towards one another is unquestionable. If one ordered the other to kill, the other would most likely not hesitate. Speaking of violence, their fighting styles are directly opposite to one another, but would actually synergize really well together.
Of course, they bicker, like any old married couple does. But it’s all in good fun. If they have genuine disagreements, they talk them out like actual fucking adults, and either try to compromise or concede to the other temporarily. There’s no “power dynamic” bullshit involved here (outside of a sexual context, which is not something I will cover here), just two equals.
They’re very different - and both have their insecurities about this, which are explored in GL&T. But in the end, they love each other just as they are.
While the only things we canonically know they find attractive in one another are their accents and facial hair, I think a major point is the other’s personality, mind, outlook on existence. They both appreciate the world and affirm life, but in different ways: Alistair with his zest and energy, Wainwright with his calmness and slow enjoyment. In my friend’s words, they’re each other’s bitches who they pulled by being autistic. (And they definitely find each other hot and badass, let’s be real here.)
Their relationship has genuinely improved their lives, from what we can see: Wainwright gained the courage to stand up to his father, Alistair started being more expressive with their emotions. Doubtlessly this extends to other areas of their lives: Alistair being provided a place to rest from his adventures, Wainwright being dragged out from his home and experiencing the wonders of the world. They even hyphenated eachother’s surnames.
And, of course, Wainwright definitely uses some of his vast wealth to spoil his husband to bits. It’s what he deserves, really.
They say nobody’s funnier than queers, and they also say nobody’s funnier than disabled people. Well these two are both of those, and they crack jokes a lot! Not like your average Borderlands character, no - their domain is actually somewhat funny (in an old person way) dry one liners and silly quips.
Dynamics and Such
Wainwright as a sort of “dame (or rather, gentleman) of the heart”, a source of strength for Alistair, his meaning, which shelters him from fear. (“Give me strength, Winny. All I do, I do for you.”)
Alistair searching for something all his life, Wainwright waiting for something all his life. Obviously, this something is love.
Mutual admiration, almost worshipful reverence towards one another.
Silly little old men sitting on their silly little porch. Together. Gayly perhaps.
Culture shock. They come from two very different environments, and have very different tastes.
Generally just. Opposites attract. That is the core of their dynamic and one should keep that in mind.
Associations, Symbols, Motifs, Etc.
This section is subjective.
Juxtapositions of any kind, stark contrasts
Eclipses, stars
Things that should be complete opposites but actually strengthen one another: salted caramel, alloys of various metals, etc.
“Light” drugs: coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol. As well as different ways of enjoying them
Suits and other finery
GUNS (again)
Nature, the world, seasons, flora AND fauna
Swordfighting, dueling, consensual & safe sparring
Domesticity in general: literally sleeping together, cooking, tidying the house
Burials, graveyards, memory
Hygiene, care; hair washing and cutting, shaving, bathing; wound mending
Old timey homosexual symbols: green carnations and lavender, outdated terms (even reclaimed slurs), aspects of kink, etc.
What NOT to do
DO NOT apply heteronormative dynamics to them.
No, Alistair is not feminine just because he’s nice or bottoms or whatever the fuck else. He’s not feminine at all, actually.
Speaking of which, I promised not to be too sexual here, but I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS - the top/bottom dichotomy seen in fandom is unrealistic. In general, but especially in this case. Not only does one’s sexual position indicate nothing about personality - position switching is actually an important part of a long term established relationship. So, avoid that shit like wildfire.
They’re both masculine, in the sense a fine gentleman is. Just because that masculinity is “dated” to our modern eyes doesn’t make it any less masculine. Fuck off.
DO NOT tag them if they’re a 5 second cameo. Or if they don’t even appear in the work yet.
Look, I get it. And if you’re reading this guide, you’re probably not the kind of person that would do that. But also, I am not in the Sir Hammerlock (Borderlands) tag to see your perpetually unfinished rewrite fic. Or to see your random ass ship fic that has jack shit to do with them.
“But what else do I use?!” MINOR OR BACKGROUND CHARACTER(S).
It’s fine if you have their wedding or the estate as the setting somehow. But if that’s the case, I hope they’re a BIT more than a 5 second cameo. They’re the hosts for fucks sake.
Sorry if I sound mad about this. It’s because I am.
Additional Resources
Onelook Thesaurus: my online thesaurus of choice. It also searches for synonyms, phrases, and words you can explain but don’t actually remember.
old men yaoi.zip: A .zip file of EVERY BL3 line of these two’s I could find that is not tied to a main quest, sidequest, or ECHO log in convenient .wav form. Ripped straight from the game. VERY useful, as “idle lines” often contain great trivia, but fishing for them in-game is a pain in the ass.
locres14.txt: The BL3 subtitle file, also directly ripped from the game. Incredibly large and not particularly helpful in of itself, but if you open it in Notepad++ for instance and use the search function you can find some good stuff. Particularly useful for writing dialogue, obviously.
Thank you for reading this! I hope this will help at least one person write these two a little bit better. They’re my favorite characters in the entire series, and it saddens me to see they get barely any fancontent outside of what I make. (My fics constitute 31% of their AO3 tag, for fucks sake!)
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fanficwriter284 · 9 months
How do the boys know when one of them is being serious?
OH! Good question!!!!
Well! Jigs always serious but when he's really serious and at his breaking point he will get louder or yell and it sure as hell gets everyone's attention.
Billy's always happy-go-lucky and is always smiling. Even when he's upset he still smiles....Kinda scary if ya think about it. So when he's serious that smile vanishes in an instant.
Chucky's a bit harder since being pissed off and on edge is kinda how he is. It's when he's calm in an eerie way is when he's serious. His face appears sunken and frozen. He doesn't cuss or yell but speaks very monotonely.
Slappy's the hardest to tell when he's serious because he usually doesn't take himself seriously. He just likes joking around...To the point where it became a way to protect himself, so he won't ever be emotionally hurt. That's his way to diffuse a stressful situation or one that makes him uncomfortable, for him to laugh it off even at his own expense. It became a way of coping for him. So when he's serious you don't find an ounce of comedy or any sarcastic witty humor. He'll have a blank expression, or he'll get really mad to the point where a room goes silent
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knavewoods · 1 year
draw whaddle from the other fire isle please!!
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Charlene is very happy to talk about the friends she used to have way back when....too bad Cabige and Slappy don't speak a lick of volcano runes
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the-dalseum-duet · 2 months
silly non-canon stuff
no prompt again today! :)
@svwhssftr fuck you. you get tagged. silly kohls content for today. also soft-launching a few concepts I’ve had floating around
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Kai rubbed his short nails against the iridescent sequins of his fish tie. The eyeliner on his waterline had begun to stick to his eyelashes as he blinked, and his metallic dress shoes were just barely too small for him. His crystal glass of Prosecco was the only thing keeping him awake. 
His fellow new Council inductees seemed to share the same sentiment. Sonnet’s wide-legged dress pants fluttered against their heeled shoes as they took small steps, their head half-resting on Adam’s shoulder beside them. Adam rubbed his eye, the golden eyeshadow surrounding it rubbing off on his fingers. He swore under his breath as he wiped his hand on the sheer sleeve of his collared shirt. 
However, Sara and Noeul were perfectly awake. Sara rambled about all of the minuscule details that weren’t perfect at the initiation ceremony. She confirmed that she “had the best time, don’t get me wrong” after every sentence, but Noeul had evidently learned how to ignore her. He blankly stared at the endless, bleak sky outside the Palace. Gale trailed behind them, chiming in with an unrelated comment every few minutes. His words were not acknowledged by Sara nor Noeul. 
Sara snapped her fingers, her golden rings jingling. “We should meet up in a few minutes on the balcony of the top floor.” 
“We should what?” Sonnet murmured, linking arms with Adam. 
“Hot tub,” Noeul shortly explained. 
“Are you fucking serious?” Adam groaned. “I want to go to bed.”
“It’ll be relaxing,” Sara promised. “And it’s cold outside. I feel like we didn’t get enough one-on-one time tonight.” 
“We had plenty,” Sonnet said. 
“Maybe you and your touchy-feely little boyfriend did,” Kai spat. “Porter and I just rubbed elbows with random snooty-ass people all night.” 
“It’s fine,” Gale said. “I rubbed elbows with hundreds of ‘snooty-ass’ people to get here. I can stand a little more.”
“I’m with Belle,” Kai said. “I want to sleep.”
“But you could sit with me in the hot tub,” Noeul flatly said. 
“Damn,” Kai sighed. “That’s a hard argument to beat.” 
“I want to talk to you guys,” Sara said, fidgeting with the charm at the end of her necklace. “I’m going to spend the next few years with you. We might as well start getting comfortable tonight.” 
“Yeah, you guys should come,” Noeul said. 
“Do you ever give two shits about anything?” Adam said, pausing to turn and face Noeul. “I swear, every time you speak, you never say anything with substance.” 
“Adam, stop it,” Sonnet softly said, grabbing his hand. 
“I’m just tired,” Adam sighed. 
“I know you are.” Sonnet kissed his cheek. 
“Maybe you’d hear me say something with substance if you came out to the balcony tonight.” Noeul pursed his lips into a half-grin. 
“He got you there!” Gale said. The Council collectively side-eyed him, an awkward tension polluting the Palace halls. 
“His accent gives me a headache,” Adam whispered. Sonnet giggled. Adam wasn’t kidding. 
“I’m going up to the balcony,” Noeul said, grabbing the silver railing of the staircase with his gloved hands. Unlike the rest of the Council, Noeul’s room was in the royal quarters of the Palace. The rest of the Council stayed in the rooms beneath him. 
“I’ll be there,” Sara said, removing a few pieces of her fine golden jewelry. “I expect to see everyone else, too.” 
She shot a glittering, low-lidded glare to the rest of the Council before disappearing into her room. 
“Why is she such a bitch?” Kai asked, shaking his head. 
“Because she’s friends with Noeul,” Adam said, pressing his hand to his temples. “Everyone on this island is a bitch.”
“You can say that again,” Kai mumbled, carelessly kicking his door open and removing his various silver accessories. He hated how he looked with makeup, even when it was professionally done. He didn’t look like himself. He soaked a nearby towel in cold water before slapping it on his face. He couldn’t fall asleep yet. He had a chance at getting some good dick, at least. 
In a sense, he envied Adam and Sonnet. They always casually held each other and gave each other fleeting kisses. It was gross, but at least they were happy. Kai would rather get shot point-blank in the forehead than give Noeul a dainty little kiss on the cheek, but he wished Noeul at least recognized the tension between them. Sure, they were a drunken one-night-stand. But Kai was in Dalseum now. He deserved more than the groupie treatment. 
He changed into a stray pair of black swim trunks. He looked an utter mess. He needed to get his bangs redone. At least he was hot when he looked messy. His roommate, Gale, wasn’t hot no matter what he did. Kai smiled. It was a blessing not to be a 5’5” British man. 
He left his room to explore the halls of the Palace, the crystal tile freezing cold beneath his bare feet. As he traversed up the stairs, Sonnet’s door opened. 
“Are you seriously going?” Adam complained. 
“I want to go talk to everyone,” Sonnet said. They wore a pink floral pair of short swim-trunks and a green crocheted bikini-esque top.
“Give me a minute to get ready, then,” Adam said. Sonnet shut the door. 
As Kai continued up the stairs, he heard Sara laugh alongside echoes of The Smiths. A glass door to an expansive balcony stood in front of him, and Gale, Sara, and Noeul sat together in a blue-lit hot tub. The balcony was multiple stories above the Cocktail Quarters, which was frankly terrifying. Kai joined them anyway. 
“Shirogane!” Sara exclaimed, waving him over. Her long braids were tied into a bun behind her head, and her deep red bikini revealed a snake tattoo crawling along her back. Kai blinked. Shirogane?
Shirogane. That was the name he said he had. Right? Shit, he didn’t remember. He awkwardly smiled as he sat beside Noeul. Noeul wrapped one of his arms around Kai’s shoulders entirely unprompted. Was he flustered, or was it just the heat from the hot tub rising to his face? 
“Noeul told me you were from Kyoto,” Sara said, mixing some sort of drink with a straw. “It’s a beautiful place. You know, I went a few years ago to visit the Shinto shrines. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live there.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Kai lied. “It’s really something.” 
“Your last name is really unique,” she said, tilting her head. “I’ve never heard of anyone with that name before. Do you know any of the history behind it?” 
Shit, shit, shit. “Ah, not really.” Kai shrugged. “I’ve never been told anything about it.” 
“I assumed so,” Sara said, stretching her arms over the edge of the tub. “It’s cool, either way.”
“Thanks,” Kai whispered. Noeul barely pulled him closer. God, was the hot tub supposed to be thatwarm?
“Do you see the cherry blossoms in Kyoto?” Gale asked. “I don’t know which parts of Japan they’re in, but I’ve heard that they’re beautiful.” 
“Yeah, there are some cherry blossoms in Kyoto,” Kai slowly said. “I guess I don’t think about them because I see them so often.” 
“That’s so cool,” Gale huffed. “There’s nothing interesting in Kent. Moving to London was the best decision I ever made.” 
“Do you really eat beans on toast?” Kai blurted. Sara sharply laughed.
“What?” Gale blinked. 
“I’m sorry,” Kai said. “I was just curious. I’ve heard about the beans on toast.”
“I’m not going to answer that question.” Gale shamefully looked into the neon-studded distance.
The glass door slid open, and Sonnet and Adam stepped out into the balcony. 
“It’s cold as balls out here,” Adam said, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“That’s why we’re in the hot tub,” Noeul responded. 
Sonnet took a short puff of the blunt between their fingers as they scanned the crowd. They pointed at Kai. “Your scars!” they gasped. They pointed at their own chest, then to his. 
“Oh, shit,” Kai said. “Yeah. I never really brought that up, did I?” 
“That’s badass,” Sonnet said. “I never would have guessed you were trans. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that I’ve got some sort of fucked gender, but you? You’re set.” 
Sonnet cautiously stepped into the hot tub, being careful as to not wet their blunt. Adam followed.  
“What’s your deal, exactly?” Kai asked, squinting through the steam. “I know you’re a they or whatever the fuck, but what are the specifics? It’s always interesting to hear about fucked genders.” 
“Oh, I have no clue,” Sonnet laughed. “I’m too high to even think about that right now. I can barely do it sober. You can call me whatever you want, honestly. Adam can probably explain it to you. He’s heard me ramble.” 
“You’re, like, entirely unlabeled, right?” Adam said. “That’s what I’ve concluded from your late-night rambles.” 
“Probably.” Sonnet took another hit. 
“To me, at least, Sonnet’s gender is like an angel. Do you know much about the Bible?” Adam asked. 
“Great question for the hot tub tonight,” Sara said, chuckling to herself. 
“Not really, no,” Kai admitted. 
“I was raised Christian and lived to tell the story. Let me have my moment,” Adam said, flipping his wrist at Sara. “Most people think angels are gendered, but they’re really not. I mean, archangels are, but that’s because they have to communicate with humans. Most of them are just divine beings. That’s what Sonnet is to me, y’know? Just some divine being who speaks to me sometimes. That’s their gender.”
“That was beautiful, man,” Kai said, nodding.
“Yeah, Adam, that was really nice,” Sonnet said, leaning to kiss Adam’s forehead. 
“You know, you two make me believe in love,” Gale said. “You’re so different, but you’re so similar. And every time I see you two, you’re always looking at each other all smitten. I hope someone loves me like that someday.” 
Gale hopefully looked at Noeul. Noeul rolled his eyes.
“That’s so sweet-“ Adam started. 
“You might need to lose some weight first,” Noeul whispered, mainly to Kai. Kai was unsure how to respond to this, so he didn’t. Maybe Gale was a little pudgy, but there was no reason to make a comment about it in a group setting.
“Man, what the fuck?” Sara said, narrowing her eyes. “Noeul, was that necessary?”
“I was kidding.” Noeul blinked. He clearly wasn’t.
“What happened?” Gale whispered, quickly glancing between the two. 
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it, Porter.” Sara sipped her drink. 
“There’s no way you’re still drinking, Sara,” Noeul said, crossing his arms.
“This is a raspberry lemonade from my fridge. I didn’t want my hangover to be as bad,” Sara explained. “Mind your damn business.” 
Something tugged at the waist of Kai’s swim trunks. His face flushed. The awkward silence of the Council only made him more uncomfortable as the sensation crept further down. One of Noeul’s arms rested on the ledge of the hot tub, but the other was beneath the water. Kai could connect the dots. 
“Are we good with The Smiths?” Noeul casually asked. “I can change if we want.” 
“No, I like this one,” Sonnet answered, nodding. 
“Noeul, is this really the right time?” Kai whispered, leaning closer to Noeul. 
“For The Smiths? When is it not-“
Noeul used both of his hands to slick back his bangs. Kai’s eyes widened.
“What the fuck?” he gasped, frantically sticking his hand down his swim trunks. Adam’s face dropped. Sara covered her mouth with her hand. Kai pulled a beetle a good inch and a half long from his waistband. Kai heard Noeul laugh for the first time. 
“What the fuck?” Kai repeated, throwing the beetle over the edge of the balcony as he heavily breathed. 
“What was that?” Gale asked, his hands crossed over his heart.
“Fuckin’ bug!” Kai responded, shivering. 
“You thought that was me?” Noeul laughed. 
“Yeah, I did!” Kai exclaimed. 
“I mean, I could do that if you wanted,” Noeul said.
Kai’s face flushed yet again. “What?”
“The beetle rizz,” Sonnet whispered. Adam curled over laughing. 
“Never say that word again,” Gale said, shaking his head.
“Are you, like, genuinely offering? Right now?” Kai asked. 
“I mean, I’d be willing to fuck you after this. Not in the hot tub though.” 
Kai stared at the rest of the Council, wide-eyed. “Am I allowed to accept this offer in front of you guys?” 
“Noeul can fuck whoever he wants. We don’t care,” Sara said. 
“Then sure. Yeah, that sounds good.” Kai awkwardly gave Noeul a thumbs-up.
“A thumbs-up is crazy,” Adam laughed. 
“What else am I supposed to do?” Kai exclaimed. “I just got molested by a damn beetle. I’m already off-kilter.” 
“Should we all go to bed before someone gets hurt?” Gale offered. The Council collectively murmured in agreement. Noeul reached over to turn off his speaker. Morrissey’s crooning was replaced by the distant lapping of ocean waves and the whirring of cars beneath them.
“Meet you in your room?” Kai asked. 
“No, my dad will hear us. I’ll meet you in yours,” Noeul said. 
“Then the rest of us have to hear you,” Adam groaned. 
“Who are you to be complaining?” Noeul said. “Your tongue is down the throat of your precious angel bitch twenty-four seven.”
“Damn,” Sara said, shaking her head. Adam had no response. 
“I’ll be extra loud just for you, Belle,” Kai promised. 
“Yeah, two can play that game, Shirogane,” Adam said, reaching for Sonnet’s hand. 
“What if all of us acted like the civil leaders we are and went to fucking sleep?” Sara proposed. 
“I can get behind that,” Gale agreed. 
“I’ll see you all in the morning,” Sara sighed, shutting off the lights of the hot tub. “Be responsible.”
“Trust me,” Noeul slid open the glass door. “We won’t.”
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Headcanons Time!
--Civilian toons (like Flaxseed, Pa Bear, Josh Polar, etc) are all rejected pitches.
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--Pinky thinks Slappy is Skippy's mum.
--Speaking of Skippy, ever since Slappy retired he's moved back in with his parents, who finally returned after their "trip".
--Pinky and The Brain are 2-3 years old physically, but because of their spliced genes they age at a slower rate than other mice, meaning they'll both live for far longer than the average mouse.
--I know the Warners don't age, but if they did I imagine that, in terms of their careers, Yakko would stay an actor but would mainly appear in musical theatre productions rather than TV. He'd also be a stand up comedian on the side.
--Wakko would quit acting. He never hated it, he just found that he was more passionate for other things and wanted to spend his time doing something else. He becomes a food critic (because duh) and is also a mechanic (all that time making gizmos turned out to be pretty useful), which is now what he usually uses his gag bag and mallet for after quitting acting.
--Dot would stay an actress but she'd mostly star in movies rather than TV. She'd also become a model and social activist who fights for women's (and toons') rights.
--When toons are coloured in with digital ink and paint rather than traditional ink and paint, they become part computer program. Although digital ink and paint is more convenient for the human artists, it puts toons in danger of being hacked or even deleted.
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