#sleeping beauty prince philip x reader
supercap2319 · 11 months
Prince Phillip (from the animated sleeping beauty) x reader who replaced Aurora in the story. Phillip wakes him up with the kiss of true love after killing Maleficent and reader keeps making remarks about how Phillip is much more handsome in person (they used to dream of each other) and the Phillip whisks him away to their new castle and then juts fluff with reader falling into regular sleep in Phillip’s arms
The final battle against the dark fairy hadn't been an easy one, but Philip had prevailed. Nothing would stop him from awakening the handsome man in a sleep like death. He was the one who Phillip dreamed about in his chambers. The one who was to be his betrothed.
He ascended the stairs to the castle, accompanied by the three good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. He saw his beloved sleeping peacefully, hands over his heart, rose in between his fingers. He was dressed in an elegant blue tailored suit as Phillip crossed the room and sat gently on the bed. He ran a hand over his face and felt how cold he was to the touch. He would fix that.
Philip licked his lips and leaned down gently as he kissed the sleeping prince. For a moment, nothing happened until prince Y/N woke with a gasp as his pale skin returned to normal as he looked up at prince Philip and smiled. The three fairies hugged each other as Y/N brought a hand over Phillip's face. "Thou art more handsome than I ever could have imagined. I used to dream of you."
The older prince chuckled. "And I of you." He kissed him once again.
After bringing him back to his family, Phillip was allowed to marry the young prince who was destined to be his long before either of them were born. It was an elegant wedding and Phillip smiled as Y/N hugged his father, King Hubert.
That night in their newly acquired bed chambers, Y/N looks out at the balcony where the stars were shining so bright. Phillip came up behind him, shirtless as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "What troubles you, Y/N? Why do you stay awake? Are you worried about the evil fairy returning? Because she shall not be."
"No, nothing like that. I guess I'm just happy that I'm alive. That I am here with you and I shall love you for the rest of my days. However long I may have them."
Phillip smiled and turned him around to face him as he leaned down and kissed him. "And I shall forever love you. Till my last breath of life. Come. Let us go to bed."
Y/N blushed. Did his new husband mean... In that way?
Sensing his nervousness, Phillip smiled kindly. "I mean as in sleep. Not as in making love." He laid down and opened his arms as he welcomed Y/N into them. The young prince smiled and wrapped himself up in Phillip's embrace before falling asleep.
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Hiiiii, can I request a Jaemin X Male Reader with a Sleeping Beauty inspire...Like the forest scene where Aurora and Philip first met...The Male READER is Aurora and Jaemin is Philip....
Thank you...
Enchanted Encounter
Pairing: Philip!Jaemin x Sleeping Beauty!Male!reader
Word count: 625
Warnings: none
Author’s note: I’m not very familiar with Disney movies so apologies in advance if this came out wrong or weird! Hope you like it
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In a realm where magic and dreams intertwined, there was a mystical forest known for its enchanting beauty. Within this serene haven, a young man named m/n found himself drawn by an inexplicable force. As he wandered through the ancient trees, a sense of wonder and anticipation filled his heart. Unbeknownst to him, a charming prince named Jaemin was also captivated by the forest's allure. The stories of a legendary sleeping beauty rumored to rest within its depths only added to the intrigue. Determined to explore, Jaemin ventured into the woods with hope in his heart.
It was at twilight when the two paths converged, m/n and Jaemin standing mere meters apart, their eyes locking in astonishment. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the significance of their encounter.
"M/n...?" Jaemin whispered, the name rolling off his tongue like a familiar melody. In response, m/n could only offer a timid nod, for it felt as though his voice had been enchanted away. The beauty of the prince before him left him breathless, and he couldn't help but feel as if he'd been waiting for this moment his entire life. In the magical twilight, time seemed to slow, and Jaemin took a step forward, drawn to m/n like a moth to a flame. The connection between them was undeniable, as if their souls had recognized each other across lifetimes.
"M/n, you are like a dream come true," Jaemin whispered, his gaze tender and filled with admiration. "I have searched for someone like you, someone who would awaken my heart and fill my days with light." Every word Jaemin spoke felt like a gentle caress, and m/n felt his cheeks flush with warmth. It was as if he had been living in a slumber, waiting for his true love to come and wake him from his deep sleep.
"I... I've always felt as though I was waiting for something, someone," (Reader) finally managed to confess, his heart pounding in his chest. "And now that I've found you, it's as if all my dreams have come true." With a soft smile, Jaemin stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently touch m/n's cheek. "Then let me be the one to wake you from your slumber, to break the curse that kept us apart," he said with determination.
As their hands intertwined, the enchantment of the forest seemed to intensify, weaving its magic around them. The air was filled with the scent of flowers, and the trees swayed as if dancing to an otherworldly tune. With the courage of true love, Jaemin leaned in, his lips meeting m/n's in a tender kiss. It was a kiss that held the promise of a new beginning, a union of hearts destined to be together.
In that moment, m/n felt as if he was floating on air, his heart soaring with joy. The curse that had kept him apart from his true love was breaking, and a profound sense of freedom washed over him. When their lips finally parted, Jaemin looked into m/n's eyes, his own filled with adoration. "I promise to protect you, to cherish and love you for all eternity," he vowed, his words like a sacred oath.
"And I promise to stand by your side, to be your light in the darkness, just as you are mine," M/n replied, his voice unwavering. As they basked in the glow of their newfound love, the forest around them seemed to come alive, celebrating their union. The trees rustled with delight, and the stars twinkled with joy in the night sky. In this enchanted forest, Jaemin and m/n had found a love that transcended time and space, a love that would endure for eternity. As they embraced, they knew that they were no longer bound by curses or fate, but rather guided by the magic of true love's kiss.
Their journey together had just begun, and in the heart of the mystical forest, they knew that their love story would forever be etched in the stars, a tale of two souls finding their happily ever after.
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jenchan-writingmultis · 3 months
Btw about your malleus x Reader one, the maleficent malleus, what did you base reader on? Is it the prince?
Also can you explain further what his magic is? I'm genuinely curious👀
Sure Anonnie! I'll be glad to explain it to you! The fic that Anonnie was talking about is this one (Here) To be fair, I was going to use Sleeping Beauty for it, but after rewatching the live-action "Maleficent" was it? they made their dynamic more of mother and daughter or at least auntie daughter. So I decided to use Prince Philip! It would be cool If It were enemies to lovers, but I failed that miserably. I had plenty of ideas for Maleficent Malleus to be fair. One of them was Enemies to lovers, I was going to make it that you were transported in their world but the hatred of the prince(ss) Philip remained and you didn't understand why it irked you to be around Maleficent Malleus. Even if he was your lover in your original timeline, you can't bear to be around him at all. I was going to make it dark where he was obsessive to you to the point that he would force you to love him (You can see that happen in the one I created!) ackk but I really wanted it go for a darker path. For his magic, I was just winging it, I haven't finished Tartarus which I mentioned multiple times, so I don't know the full extent of his magic, but since this is Maleficent + Malleus, I just think he has this type of smoke like tendrils that pop out y'know? It kidnaps a person or species, trapping them inside the subconscious as a prisoner. Think of it as lacing their bodies with sleeping magic! but yeah I Hope this answers your questions Anonnie! Thank you so much for asking! Masterlist
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Once Upon A Dream
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> warnings: none
> note: i based your family [Prince Phillip, King Hubert, etc.] on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
> most characters came from different series related to the Grimm Brothers stories.
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“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream”
“Oh it's so nice watching them find their happy ever afters!” Dovey gushed at you.
Humming, you nodded and stayed silent. It was a known fact that you, the sister of Prince Philip, has not yet found her own happy ever after. And now, it's most likely that your niece is going to find hers before you.
Speaking of the ever, you heard a squeal and then a body collided with yours. “Aunt Y/N!”
“Careful now, Beatrix.” You held her by the arms and smiled at her. “You wouldn't want your aunt to fall over, would you?”
Beatrix laughed and twirled. “Never!”
“But, I'm here to tell you...” Beatrix leaned and whispered. “Neal kissed me!” Dovey gasped, overhearing the conversation and clapped.
“Oh I'm so happy for you, Beatrix!”
Smiling, Beatrix replied. “Thank you Professor. Now I do believe that a certain prince is waiting for me.” Beatrix winked at you and left.
“Have fun!” You called. “But not too much fun!” You laughed as Beatrix tripped because of embarrassment.
“Oh don't be so strict, Y/N.” Professor Emma Anemone poked your side, causing you to flinch.
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. “I can't have a new Bellerose running around before my niece even gets to the middle of her story.”
“Bellerose?” Dovey and Anemone asked simultaneously.
“Our surname.”
Professor Anemone nodded and pursed her lips. “I always forget your last name.”
“Well, don't bother memorizing it. King Hubert's last name isn't that special.” You gave a shrug and took a wine glass from a server's tray.
“Yes it is! Don't you remember? You brother slayed–” As Dovey started to narrate the story of your families life, you tuned her out and looked at the window. It was pitch black outside, yet all of you inside were covered by the brightest lights ever imagined.
You only left your reverie when someone knocked the wine glass out of your hands.
“Oh dear! My apologies! I'm so sorry!” You looked down and saw a man's back, he was picking up the shards of the broken glass. Deciding to help, you crouched down and picked up a piece.
“I am really sorry–” The man was cut off as he saw your face.
“Y/N.” You said with a smile, before snapping your finger and all the shards were gone.
Shaking his head, the man stood up and helped you up. “Well, Y/N. I'm really sorry, it's not normal for a prince to bump into princesses.” He shrugged and scratched his nape. “But hey, not everyone needs to be normal.”
You smiled at him and raised you eyebrow. “What's your name? You keep rambling but you never say your name... Prince?”
“Oh! It's Prince James.”
“Prince Charming's brother?”
Prince James gave a chuckle and glanced behind you. “Well, there's my date. I'll see you later Princess Y/N.”
Dovey and Emma crowded around you as Prince James left.
“Not a catch?”
“Too princey?”
Rolling your eyes, you smirked. “More like too occupied with his date.” You pointed to another teacher and Prince James talking.
Dovey and Emma nodded in understanding and left you, again. ‘They really like leaving me alone and then coming back to pester me for some reason.’
Sighing, you grabbed another wine glass and wandered outside. Walking through the corridors of the school, you suddenly remembered what it was like being a student. What is was like being with her–
Huffing, you shook your head and pushed the castle door open. “No, you will not think of her.”
Welcomed by the gentle yet cold breeze of the night, you shivered and regretted not wearing a sleeved gown. You rubbed your palms together and walked towards the side of the bridge.
Leaning against the concrete, you closed your eyes and exhaled. After 18 years, you finally had a moment in silence. Ever since Beatrix was born, you were always beside her, not even having a time for yourself. Although you loved your niece, it was time for her to distance herself from you to finally start her own story.
“I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
Singing your sister-in-laws song, you started to dance by yourself. Basking yourself in the moonlight, you didn't even notice a figure looking and watching you dance on the other side of the bridge.
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream”
Clapping was all you heard as you finished your song. After a few moments, you opened your eyes and whirled around, only to see the dean of the school for evil, Lady Lesso.
“Such a marvelous performance, dear.”
“What? No thank yous? And I thought Evers were polite.”
“Well spare me from your stereotyping, Lesso.” You huffed and looked away.
Lesso raised her eyebrow and walked towards you, once in front of you, she put her finger under your chin and guided you to look at her. “Look at me when we're talking.”
Narrowing your eyes, you pushed her hands and turned to leave but she caught your wrist and tugged you towards her. “Now now, don't be disrespectful, princess.” she whispered, you felt her presence so close to you that it didn't take you enough strength to lean against her. After all, she was the one tou considered your ‘happy ever after’.
“That's right.” Lesso gripped your waist and put her chin on your shoulder, lightly kissing the bridge between your neck and shoulders.
“This isn't a dream, right?” You whispered, fearing that this was only an illusion made by your own mind.
“Only if you want it to be.”
Lesso brought your hands up and kissed the back of your palms. She closed her eyes and whispered,
“But I have to tell you. For me, this isn't just a once upon a dream.”
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
maybe, baby
i cannot believe i’m doing this. so this is an unfinished fic i started back in august, it was supposed to be aurora’s introduction fic sort of but i never finished it. however, since she has come up again, and an anon asked if i’d post it, here it is.😅 also another shoutout to @spicedchaiandromeda because she has the best ideas about college!klitz and so a lot of the college stuff discussed here stemmed originally from her brain and became a set of wider, more collaborated ideas💕
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(just for the record, this is grown up!klitz x reader, like you two are grown adults with a house and a child in this fic. vv excited for this😊)
warnings: fluff, allusions to smut
ariel klitz’s favorite disney princess isn’t who you’d assume it to be.
ari’s favorite princess was sleeping beauty, aurora, briar rose. to be honest, you weren’t quite sure how this came about. how could your daughter not love the princess she was named after? maybe it was because “the little mermaid” had constantly been playing in your home until ariel was about two years old and requested a different film. though it broke your heart just slightly, who were you to deny your little girl a different movie?
she quickly came to adore the dreaminess of the vintage disney film. her favorite version of aurora’s dress was the blue one, she knew the names of the three fairy godmothers and could recite them as quick as a whip and without hesitation, and she mimicked every move the ethereal princess made; from dancing in the woods to the pricking of her finger. ariel’s favorite activity was to make your husband pretend to be prince philip and rescue you while you were given the honor to play princess aurora. your daughter would force her father to pretend to slay the dragon, run up through the castle (also known as your living room), find you (aurora), and awaken you with a kiss. the kiss was both ariel’s least favorite and favorite part; it was gross watching her parents kiss, but the princess finally awakes when their lips meet. she’d often cover her eyes and giggle, peeking through her tiny fingers when your knight in an old t-shirt would gently press his lips to yours.
“you saved me,” you’d coo quietly to klitz as soon as your eyes opened to meet your husband’s, full of love and admiration as he smiled at you. your daughter would continue to keep her eyes covered as klitz couldn’t help but kiss you again.
as ariel grew, she hit the phase that most only-children go through: she began to ask for a little sibling. a sister, to be exact. it took you aback the first time she had posed the question, and klitz was transported back to being an awkward teenager once again — face red, not able to come up with or even stutter out any coherent words.
“a baby sister?” klitz had asked his daughter nervously. “you really want a baby sister?” he was stunned. ariel had mentioned it so casually whilst watching her favorite movie.
“yeah! i really want one, daddy. we can name her aurora! like the princess!” ari insisted with a little giggle. she climbed up onto her father’s lap and looked up at him with her big green eyes. “please, daddy?” she begged.
and it had been like that for weeks.
ariel constantly brought up the idea of a new sister, and the more she begged, the more you began to fall in love with the idea. you remembered your college days with klitz; him always telling you how the two of you were going to get married, how you were going to buy a house together, and how you were going to have children together. your husband, then-boyfriend, would hold you on his lap, kiss you, and convey those plans to you. it was so dreamy and always had you so captivated, and with his lips on your neck keeping you in ecstasy, you could only ever whimper out your agreements.
ariel sat in your lap as “once upon a dream” played from the speakers and the credits rolled. a blanket covered the bottom half of the two of you as you held ari close. your little girl’s head laid limp against your chest, her eyes closed as her chest raised and lowered with every little breath she took. your living room was dimly lit and, glancing at the clock, it was just past your daughter’s bedtime.
“i can take her,” your husband said lowly as he walked back in from the kitchen. you hummed and glanced down at sleeping ariel, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and gently swiping locks of chestnut hair from her face.
“mmkay,” you replied, giving your sleeping daughter a small squeeze to your chest. klitz walked over and ever so carefully lifted your three and a half year old into his arms. she hummed and klitz kissed her little cheek.
“hi, sweetheart,” he cooed quietly. ariel’s little arms wrapped around her father’s neck as he carried her off to bed. you watched klitz disappear down the hallway and into ari’s room, and your heart fluttered. you remembered how in love klitz had been with his baby daughter. you remembered the way he would hold her so close and press kisses to her soft baby skin. he would brokenly hum “part of your world” to the baby and shower her with love. your daughter was three and a half now, and very little had changed in his behavior towards her. timothy klitz loved and cherished his daughter before she was even born, which begged the question…
you sat up from your spot on the couch and turned the television off. you stretched out your arms and back, allowing your body to stretch back into the ligaments and joints that had been stiff from sitting and holding your daughter. you stalked down the same dimly lit hallway and took a glance outside the window at all the stars lighting up the night sky before turning to look in your daughter’s room. your heart melted as you saw your husband carefully lower your daughter into her bed. ariel curled into the fetal position as klitz pulled her lilac purple bedsheets over her littlr body. ariel’s nightlight and under the sea ceiling light projector casted not only enough light to prevent your daughter from getting scared at night, but also just enough light to see the small smile on your husband’s face. he gently brushed hair out of his daughter’s face before kissing her forehead. as his eyes rose, klitz found you standing in the doorway. your eyes met and lingered for a moment before you held out your hand.
he carefully arose from his spot on the edge of ari’s bed and walked over to meet you, placing his hand in yours. you grinned before taking one last look at your peacefully sleeping daughter, closing her door quietly. without a word between the two of you, you and klitz tiredly made your way to your shared bedroom. upon entering, you pulled klitz into a tight hug. his gangly frame wrapped around you, barely changing from when you were teenagers. you loved it though; it was your klitzy, and you loved that he still felt the same. klitz pressed a kiss to the top of your head, sighing contentedly.
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towriteloveontheirarms · 11 months
Works in progress
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House of the dragon
canon times Aegon x innocent!twin!reader smut
Helaena´s lady in waiting catching canon time!Aegon jerking off
part 2 for I´m so sorry
modern!Reader seducing bodyguard!Criston Cole
drunken love confessions with modern!bff!Helaena
canon times Daemon fucking servant!reader the day after his wedding to Rhea Royce
Canon time!Reader pegging Jace
Fairytale AUs
Snow white!reader X prince!Aegon
Three wishes for Cinderella Daemon X reader
Sleeping beauty!reader X prince Philip!Jace
Fox and the hound Hound!Criston X Fox!reader
Beauty and the beast Cregan X reader
Brother and sister Jace X sister!reader
Snow white and rose red Cregan X Targaryen!reader
The goose girl Aemond X reader
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The last Kingdom
canon time!Finan x wife!reader smut
Running away with Finan
canon time Hate fucking w/ Uthred
giving modern!boss!Uthred head
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Baldurs gate 3
Astarion soulmate au fluff
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Hazbin Hotel
Dub-con/Non-con smut between Valentino and Angel's sister!Reader
Val giving Bunny!reader princess treatment (request by anon)
Hate fucking Adam
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Reader realizing she has to break up with Oliver when his obsession over Felix becomes more apparent
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The legend of Vox machina
Jealous Percy requested by kawaiiangel906
post season two Vax & Percy pining after Alchemist!reader (requested by anon)
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italoniponic · 2 years
okay, okay
can I plz request a short story w/ silver using 2nd POV (using you instead of y/n) about him getting kabedonned OR flustered by the reader
bonus if the reader is like smooth, but like teenager-smooth... as in the reader and silver thinks they're acting cool but then lilia's out here sipping tea being like "...cringe, but it is love."
LMAO the whole DIASOMNIA gang watching us fluster silver HELP
everyday I think of my wife and cry
i spend an hour in my bed doing nothing but thinking of him yesterday until midnight
😊 fun!
many thanks in advance~
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, my fellow Cherry! Christ, this ask… where do I even begin talking about this ask?? I tried to blend some of your suggestions together and it really got into a cringe-worthy but funny situation.  Reader’s smooth antics are kinda inspired by how Maleficent talked to Philip in the og movie (yk the scenes). And I CURSE tumblr and my own mature mind for sensing a tension I never once saw on those scenes. Not on ship lever or anything but, oh God, it’s… cursed tension, simply cursed tension (I also blame Maleficent’s eye movements, they’re so well animated and this is great and cruel at times) And wow, I already made some sort of cheeky reader for a Riddle request but this reader? This one?! The shameless disastrous flirt? The way I managed to combine two languages pick-up lines?? I was dying in ways I never thought was possible, this is a comedy masterpiece! I really hope you like it! (really) Thanks for the request <3 |
Silver x g!n cheeky and flirtatious reader / ft. diasomnia gang as support /scenario / comedy-kun kabedonned fluff-chan~ / 1,4k words / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Flustered Beauty
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You didn't have to wonder or ask how Silver got into that sudden situation because you were the one to blame for it. Let's recap the scene a little.
Once upon a time, a simple and innocent Silver had invited you to spend the afternoon on Diasomnia. You could study, walk around, or just spend time together in his bedroom, eventually sleeping in anticipation of something peculiar happening to you — with the eccentric students there and your own magnet for trouble, that was more normal than it should really be.
But little did he know that in the middle of an empty hallway on the way to his room, you would pin him against a cold gray stone wall. Your strong gaze was lit by the greenish fire of the lamps held by busts of dragons, as if you were one too.
“Silver, Silver, Silver…,” you chuckled, softly. “You shouldn't let your guard down that easily.”
“Well, you really took me by surprise,” Silver commented. Until that moment, unshaken.
“Surprise? Ah, my dear! I’m surprised that I have always set a trap for a peasant and, wow, I catched a prince.”
It was when you lifted Silver's chin with the tip of your index finger that he felt something strange ring in his heart. If it were anyone else, this audacity and manner of speaking to him would be answered with complete indifference or a silent fury in his crystal clear eyes. But with you? His blood boiled, burning with an emotion never seen before.
Although you acted like that with Silver most of the time, he just never quite got it. He knew you were a very open person, able to say anything that came to mind. And despite the confusions that this sometimes caused, the two of you matched very well together.
“Silver, have I already told you how beautiful your eyes are?,” you asked, squinting your own eyes lightly.
Silver's eyes blinked. He felt so inexplicably lost.
“It's a habit, dear. I don't think I can control it. Is that you're so beautiful, Silver…”
“You already said.”
“I said that only about your eyes.”
You grinned. You could feel your hands getting cold from the wall but you were enjoying that so much and Silver was making no effort to escape your hold, something he — as a future knight — knew well how to disarm. Silver was completely focused on you, not a sign of sleep able to distract him.
Perhaps that's why neither of you seemed to notice the presence of a small student nearby, eating a pack of grape-flavored gum bats with silent speed. Lilia was absolutely entertained by that scene and didn't want to interrupt you in any way.
“Silver, is your father a baker?,” he heard you ask.
Silver was going to say something, but you interrupted him.
“It's because you’re quite a bun.”
“That's old even for me,” Lilia almost choked on his gums as he stifled his laughter.
In fact, the story of how Lilia accidentally created this expression on one of his trips out of the Valley of Thorns seventy years ago is quite complicated and interesting, but it is not our focus today. 
In the meantime, Malleus passed by and Lilia fastly pulled him behind the stone column where he was hiding. Between whispers that went unnoticed by both of you, Lilia made a summary of the situation and urged extreme caution not to spoil the sweet experience of two lovebirds disastrously courting each other. 
“This reminded me that Clover-senpai taught me how to make bread these days,” Silver suddenly commented. The mention of food piqued his appetite. “You want to help me do it?”
“Darling, I’ll do anything you ask me…”
You got closer to Silver and even tried to bite his tie to get it out of his vest, but you gave up midway — it was too difficult and the fabric didn't taste good. This made Silver only reinforce his own conclusion that you must be starving. But you wouldn’t leave him until you saw his face turn into some trace of pink or red.
“I think I left the recipe notebook in my room.”
“Oh, Silver, we've barely started dating and you're already calling me to your room?,” you took your hand away for a moment to touch your face, feigning embarrassment.
“Huh, we were already going there anyway, right?,” the confused boy raised one of his gallant thin silver eyebrows.
“What a hasty boy!”
You patted his torso a few times, as if to censor him, and not even that made Silver get out of his position pressed against the wall. You seemed to be having fun somehow and that sight was enough to make him glad too. 
However, far away, Lilia was stealthily biting into the now empty bag of gums, controlling himself not to scold his own son. He knew he should have taught Silver more about those things! You couldn't be the only one to embarrass yourself in that shameless flirtation in the hallway!
Malleus held a sigh, wishing his mentor would somehow keep calm while he himself was covering the mouth of an agitated Sebek. The younger one had appeared a little after the comments about going to the bedroom and he was disgusted that such a scene was happening before the pure eyes of his Young Master. 
Sure enough, Silver would hear from everyone after you set him free.
“Do you like being with me?”
Speaking of him, he had asked this question out of the blue. You stared at him steadily, your arm returning to the place next to him.
“Why? Of course I do, Silver. If I love you, it's because I like to be close to you,” you answered sincerely.
“I... I'm glad to hear that.…”
And there it was what you wanted all along. 
Silver looked away slightly, eyes that aroused envy in sapphires and diamonds were then set in some corner, far away from you. His face, made of the most refined marble, acquired a beautiful rosy tone on the cheekbones, a symbol of pure and honest shyness. The cherry on top was how his lips that looked like delicate white rose petals were closed in a light, contented smile.
But such an expression held a very strong power that you were not yet ready to receive. As if a sword pierced through your heart, you staggered away from Silver and held on to the other part of the wall. You could feel the redness of your defeated face.
Silver didn’t succumb to embarrassment for any of your insistent compliments or your double meaning jokes, but for a mere confirmation that his company was good. Curse him! But also, bless his heart! You really chose a prince as a boyfriend and now you could only suffer the consequences as much as enjoy the good times.
“Are you okay?,” Silver approached you, worried. “Do you feel ill?”
“Yes… yes, I am ill, Silver... and you’re my cure!,” you threw yourself into his arms, being held firmly no matter how much you were melting right there.
“But I'm not a doctor.”
He said that but suddenly an idea came to mind — a dangerous thing if you asked anyone who had known Silver for more than a year. 
Still with you in his arms and feeling his own heart pounding in the uncertainty of you not liking what he was going to do, Silver pulled you closer and planted a small kiss on your forehead. That was unexpected. Very unexpected. 
You stared at him in surprise, touching your forehead sheepishly as Silver held your gaze. Even when the flush of his cheeks remained there, untouched.
“You asked for a cure and a kiss always solves everything in the end,” Silver answered a question that you didn't even ask, his tone softer than silk.
It broke you in such a way that you didn't even know how to act anymore. Luckily, Silver remembered that you were supposed to make bread and that probably would satisfy your malaise, arising from your apparent — and actually non-existing — hunger. 
So, as he carried you in his arms to his bedroom, Lilia and Malleus danced down the hall together while dragging Sebek in their midst like a poor screaming rag doll.
Against all the odds, Silver managed to flirt back. Or something like that.
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heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
Hey hey ~, first of all thank you for writing my first request.I just remembered one of my favorite fairy tales and hope you don’t mind writing it.Can you write Shinobu x yn with a Sleeping Beauty plot where yn will be Princess Aurora while Shinobu will be Prince Philip.😘
Sorry if my request bothers you, it's okay if you don't want to write, I understand.🙏🏻
Sleeping Beauty
Shinobu Kochou x She/ Her Reader AU
A/N: AHH I was just gonna start with them meeting in the forest but then I thought about how perfect Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma would be as the fairies and I had to write morrrreee. This was fun! Hope you like it! Word Count: 6,857
There was a most joyous celebration heard throughout the kingdom the day the Princess was born. Thousands danced, feasted and cheered outside the castle walls, wishing the newborn royalty a full and happy life. A continued era of peace and prosperity for all would be promised, as she was sure to grow as just and kind as she would be beautiful. The common folk had witnessed themselves the fairies flying above them, sure to gift the most lovely of virtues upon the Princess.
But then the sky began to darken and the gentle breeze became a whipping wind. The merriment died and the people parted like the Red Sea for the lone fairy and her scraggly raven circling overhead.
With a curl of her lip and a flick of her staff, the reinforced castle doors flew open, hitting back against the stone wall with a chilling, echoey thud.
“Daki!” The King cried, shielding his wife and newborn child behind him, “Why have you come here?”
“Hmm,” Daki pretended to ponder, tapping a finger to her lips.
Her Raven, once it hand made a swift lap around the grand room to terrorize the guests, took perch on the end of her staff. She stroked his beak and spoke to the bird loud enough for all to hear. Not that she needed to raise her voice terribly high in a ballroom quiet enough to be a tomb.
“Do you think the King is really so daft, Gyutaro? Or is it hubris?”
The bird let out a gravelly shriek and Daki chuckled, turning her eyes back on the King.
“You needn’t look so tense your majesty, I’m so sorry to drop in uninvited,” she gritted the word out, “but I would be remiss if I could not bestow a gift upon the Princess as well.” She glided forward, “Let me see the little thing.”
“Are you not offended, Lady Daki?” The Queen asked with a tremor.
Daki tutted, “Of course not your majesty. I bear no ill will. Consider this an olive branch.”
The King bit his inner lip and looked to his wife to find her eyes large and frightened. He feared Daki as much as she, and he made the hard decision to allow Daki to proceed over risking further enraging her. He took his wife by the hand and made room for Daki to peer over the crib and sneer at the baby laying within.
“She will indeed be beautiful and kind and bring joy and love to all she knows,” Daki confirmed, raising her staff.
Gyutaro took off from the perch and Daki swirled her staff above the crib, a supernatural green light reflected in the baby’s eyes.
“A perfect picture of serenity and a physical representation of all the light and good of this world,” Daki continued, a sinister smile spreading across her face.
The wind whipped and whirled throughout the ballroom with renewed vigor and the glowing green energy bloomed in a powerful burst as Daki stretched her arms out wide and cackled,
“But, before the sun sets on her eighteenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die!”
“No!” The Queen cried, pulling her daughter out of the crib and holding her tight to her chest. Her husband in turn held her to his, a blazing mix of fury and fear fought for control of his features.
“Seize her!” He bellowed.
The guards made their approach, but Daki merely laughed, broadly swingling her staff.
“You idiots!” She shrieked with cruel laughter.
In a bright burst of green light, she vanished, her laughter still echoing on the wind along with her raven’s crowing.
“No, no!” The Queen sobbed into her husband’s chest, their child pressed between them, wailing from the sharp noises and bright lights that had overwhelmed her senses.
Cautiously, one of the good faires approached the royal family.
“Your majesties, don’t despair just yet,” the fairy Hinatsuru encouraged, “Suma still has her gift to give.”
“Then she can undo this awful curse?” The King asked hopefully.
“N-no, your majesty,” Suma shook, “I’m sorry. Her magic is much too strong.”
“You can still help.” Makio left little room for doubt, pushing Suma forward, “Help her.”
“Just do your best dear.” Hinatsuru soothed.
Suma bit her lip, but approached the Queen and looked down at the baby swaddled in her arms.
“Hello sweet Princess,” she greeted softly, her timid voice and soft blue glow easing the baby’s wails to fussy cries and hiccups, “I know it is not exactly the fun gift I wanted to give you, but I hope this will help.
The gift I will be giving to thee should on a spindle your finger prick, is not death, but a deep sleep like. And from this slumber you shall wake! With true love’s kiss the spell will break!” Suma declared, kissing the baby’s forehead before backing away with a nervous smile. She looked to Hinatsuru and Makio, hoping to receive some praise, but instead—
“Are you kidding me?!” Makio shrieked, shaking Suma violently, “There’s no such thing as true love’s kiss! She’ll sleep forever you moron!”
“Wahhh! True love is real, Makio! How could you say that?” Suma cried.
“Makio, stop. You aren’t helping.” Hinatsuru scolded.
“I-it’s something,” the Queen nodded slowly, “there is hope for my sweet (Y/n) yet.”
The King nodded solemnly and then called out to his guards,
“See to it that every spinning wheel in this kingdom is burned to ash! Every. Single. One.”
“What a shit day this turned out to be.” Makio grumbled as she stared out over the kingdom from their room in the castle, watching the smoke and fire billow over the city square as spinning wheel after spinning wheel was tossed into the flames.
“This won’t be enough to stop her.” Hinatsuru peered into her teacup with downcast eyes. “…What else could we do?”
“We could try to reason with Daki maybe?” Suma asked, cringing away from the look Makio shot her over her shoulder.
“Well, that’s the second stupidest thing you’ve said today.” Makio said coldly.
“Makio…” Hinatsuru warned, putting a hand on Suma’s back.
“Sorry, sorry, argh! I’m just so pissed off! If I could just turn Daki into an ugly toad or a weirdly muscular mouse or something!”
“You know our magic doesn’t work like that. We can only spread joy and happiness.” Hinatsuru reminded.
“Well I don’t know about you Hina, but it would certainly make me happy.” Makio snarked.
Hinatsuru sighed and leaned back in her chair.
What to do, what to do? What would Daki never expect?
“That’s it!” Hinatsuru snapped her fingers.
“What?” Makio turned to face her fully, leaning against the window.
“That old cottage in the forest! Three ordinary women taking care of an abandoned child!”
“Oh, that’s very nice of them.” Suma observed. Though she was unsure of the relevance, she smiled happily.
“Back up,” Makio squinted, “what are you talking about? Who?”
“Us!” Hinatsuru exclaimed, pressing a hand to her chest.
A faint purple glow fogged up the room and when it dissipated, gone were the fairies’ wings and usual garb, replaced with modest clothes befitting simple peasants.
“Hey! Put my wings back!” Makio huffed, already readying her wand to do so herself.
But Hinatsuru snatched the wand out of her hand and motioned for Suma to hand over hers as well.
“We will take care of the Princess until the danger has passed. Daki would never suspect it.”
“Are you crazy?” Makio gawked, “Their majesties will never go for it. Not to mention you expect us to live like regular humans for eighteen years? No way, Hina!”
“I think it could be fun.” Suma shyly interjected. “Taking care of a cute little baby.”
“Not without magic it won’t.” Makio said, trying to take her wand back from Hinatsuru’s grasp.
“Our magic will have us sticking out like a sore thumb.” Hinatsuru reasoned, “If we are to save the Princess from her fate, we must take every precaution we can.”
Makio’s next swipe fell short and she sighed, finally giving in. Far be it from her to allow Daki to have it her way. The Princess would be safe with them like this.
“Fine.” She grumbled.
“Come, we must tell the King and Queen our plan.” Hinatsuru took Suma and Makio’s hands in hers, and rushed them to the throne room for an audience with the royal family.
At nightfall, the King and Queen watched from their balcony as three women ran from the castle, and eyed the precious bundle carried in the third one’s arms. Though wrought with sorrow, they knew their Princess would be safe and return to them in time. If it meant their daughter could live a full and happy life, they could wait.
The kingdom suffered years of sorrow without their Princess, but as the eighteenth year drew near, the people became more hopeful. For as long as Daki’s domain thundered, it meant the Princess was still hidden and safe.
They dared not ease their guards however, for they often saw Gyutaro circling the land from the sky above, searching for the beloved Princess. It was not over just yet.
Meanwhile in a cozy little cottage deep in the forest, three fairies disguised as mortals whispered to each other excitedly over a couple of books, getting ready for a day they had long awaited. They shushed each other and hid the books behind their backs, grinning from ear to ear and watching the stairs to greet who they had heard descending them.
“Good morning, Hinatsuru, Makio, Suma,” (Y/n) beamed brightly, “What are you three up to this morning?”
“What are we up to?” Suma squeaked. “We aren’t up to anything. Why would you think we were—“
Makio covered Suma’s mouth with her hand.
“What Suma is trying to say is that it would be very nice if you could gather a basket of berries from the woods.”
“Berries?” (Y/n) blinked.
“Lots of berries.” Hinatsuru nodded.
“But, I just picked berries yesterday.”
“We need more.” Makio said.
“A lot more!” Suma agreed.
The three fairies pushed a basket in (Y/n)’s hands and ushered her towards the door, reminding her not to stray too far or talk to strangers as they did.
“Goodbye dear!” They called in unison, quickly closing the door in (Y/n)’s bewildered face.
“Goodbye, I guess.” (Y/n) laughed good naturedly. She turned her back on the cottage and began walking away, swinging the basket in her hand. “I wonder what had them all in a tizzy.”
She shrugged to herself and started to hum, gradually working up to a full on song that summoned some of the local wildlife. She grinned at the familiar creatures and spun around, getting lost in her music, allowing it to carry far along the sweet summer breeze.
“It’s nice to have a little time to ourselves, don’t you think, Giyuu?” Shinobu asked the horse, taking in the scenery of the enchanting forest.
“No annoying sisters, no royal duties, just peace and… quiet?” Shinobu strained her hearing, trying to focus in on the sweet sound carried on the breeze. “Woah, boy.” She ordered, stilling the horse to a halt.
Shinobu closed her eyes to better focus on what she was hearing and smiled.
“Do you hear that, Giyuu? What a beautiful sound! We simply must find out where it’s coming from.”
She turns Giyuu around, but the horse refuses to go further, Shinobu rolled her eyes.
“Could you be anymore antisocial? Here, what if I snuck some salmon into your feed bag later, you big weirdo.”
That offer seemed to pique the horse’s interest. In fact, one might say too much.
The horse reared back then galloped forward. Shinobu tried her best to stay on, but when Giyuu tried to clear a small creek, Shinobu was clotheslined by a branch and fell into the shallow water.
Giyuu noticed the absence of Shinobu’s weight on his back and sheepishly trotted back to the soaked girl shooting daggers at him.
“This,” Shinobu groaned as she tried to wring out her cape, “is exactly why no one likes you.”
Once (Y/n) had filled the basket to the brim she decided she would rest for a for a spell and stretched out beneath the shade of a grand tree. Her small animal entourage formed a semicircle around her.
“Why must they continue to treat me like a child?” (Y/n) asked no one in particular.
“Who?” The owl hooted, making (Y/n) laugh.
“Why Zenitsu,” she booped the owl on the beak, “Hina, Suma and Makio of course!
They’re always telling me to stay on the trails and to keep away from strangers. But,” she smiled cheekily, “I’ve met someone anyway.”
“Who? Who?” The owl jolted excitedly, the other animals also wriggling with anticipation.
“A Prince, I think. Someone who carries a sword and adorns a flowing cape of some kind. We walked and talked together in a beautiful garden filled with colorful butterflies… and just before we parted, they took me in their arms and then… I woke up.”
The animals voiced their disappointment in the best way that they could and (Y/n) sighed.
“I know, I know it’s just a dream, but it’s one that I’ve had countless times for as long as I can remember. It must mean something. Don’t you think?” (Y/n) closed her eyes and began to hum again.
A rowdy baby boar that (Y/n) had bestowed the name Inosuke upon caught something swaying in the trees and snorted excitedly, shoving Zenitsu in the direction of the billowing cape.
The pair of Rabbits, Tanjirou and Nezuko, hopped along, curious to see what had Inosuke so worked up.
The small ragtag team stopped below the tree and shared a silent conversation before Zenitsu flew into the tree to swipe the butterfly patterned cape while Tanjirou and Nezuko dove into the pair of black boots.
Inosuke squealed delightedly, catching the attention of a certain horse that was standing nearby.
Giyuu had to do a double take before he whinnied to gain Shinobu’s attention from where she laid out in the sun, trying to dry off.
“What is it now— hey!“ Shinobu rose to her feet just in time to watch the thieving creatures take off with her belongings. She took up pursuit, cursing under her breath.
The animals were much faster than Shinobu and made it back to (Y/n) in no time at all. They hovered over (Y/n) and when the girl opened her eyes, she laughed and rose to her feet, bowing to cape adorning owl, the bunny filled boots, and the small boar circling them excitedly.
“Why, if it isn’t the Prince of my dreams,” she happily played along, “care for a dance?”
(Y/n) rose her arms to be about where the Prince’s shoulders would be if he had them, and danced around, careful not to step on any bunny filled boots. As they danced, she sang, alerting the owner of the clothing she was dancing with of her presence.
Shinobu hung back just before the clearing, enchanted by the mystery woman’s voice and seemingly effortless beauty. She took in the scene before her for a few moments more, and when she found an opening, she grinned and cut in between (Y/n) and the menagerie wearing her clothes, swaying along to (Y/n)’s song just behind her.
(Y/n) continued to sing, unaware of her change in dance partner until another voice joined her, soft and low. She felt her back bump into something soft and she startled, turning to face the intruder and taking several steps back.
“I’m sorry,” Shinobu chuckled, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Oh, you didn’t! Not really, it’s just, well, you’re a…” (Y/n) couldn’t seem to collect herself.
“A stranger?” Shinobu supplied.
“Yeah… that’s right.”
“Oh, but I’m no stranger,” Shinobu smirked, stepping closer, “don’t you remember? We’ve met before.”
“We have?” (Y/n) was sure she would have remembered meeting such a beautiful girl before. Especially with such lovely eyes.
“But of course, you said so yourself, once upon a dream.” Shinobu teased.
Shinobu took (Y/n) by the hand and started singing again, waltzing with her around the clearing.
A shy smile worked at (Y/n)’s lips and she slowly eased into the rhythm, joining Shinobu in song and loving how well their voices seemed to mesh.
Eventually, they stopped to rest. Breathing a little heavier from the exertion but smiling like lovedrunk fools. Shinobu slid her hand out to rest over (Y/n)’s then scoffed and shook her head.
“What is it?” (Y/n) asked.
“I only now realized that I don’t even know your name.” Shinobu explained with a sheepish smile. How unlike her it was to forget to ask such a simple thing.
“My name… oh!” (Y/n) blinked rapidly and shot to her feet. She had just spent the afternoon dancing with a stranger! What would her aunties say if they knew she was being so careless?
“I have to go!” She yelled, already running towards home.
“Go? Right now? Where?” Shinobu got to her feet as well, trying to follow after the girl and get some answers. “When will I see you again?”
“Oh I don’t know,” (Y/n) replied with mild agitation, “maybe never!”
“Never?!” Shinobu gawked.
“Well,” (Y/n) battled with herself, “maybe someday?”
“Tomorrow?” Shinobu asked hopefully. She couldn’t imagine never seeing the other girl again. They had an undeniable connection.
“Maybe, maybe… this evening! A cottage, here in the woods, the glen! Please come!” (Y/n) couldn’t help herself. The woman before her was so familiar, she made her whole heart sing.
“I wouldn’t miss it!” Shinobu declared.
She watched (Y/n) run into the forest then backed into Giyuu, pressing a hand to her chest. Shinobu never felt her heart beat so fast.
(Y/n) burst into the cottage and was immediately bombarded by the three women who raised her. They completely missed the scraggly raven perched on the windowsill.
“Happy Birthday (Y/n)!” They cheered in unison, gesturing to the cake and beautiful dress they had created.
“Oh!” (Y/n) placed her hands over her chest, overcome with emotion, “This is all so wonderful! Thank you all so much!
This is positively the best day of my life, I can’t wait to introduce you to who I met today.”
“Hm?” Hinatsuru titled her head.
“You met someone?” Makio shouted.
“A stranger?” Suma cowered.
“Oh no, she’s no stranger. We’ve met before.”
“You have?” Hinatsuru asked.
“When?” Makio threw her hands into the air.
“Once upon a dream!” (Y/n) grinned. Then she began singing and twirling around the room.
“She’s in love!” Suma cooed. It was enough to bring a tear to her eye.
“Oh dear…” Hinatsuru placed a hand over her mouth.
“This is terrible!” Makio groaned.
“Why?” (Y/n) ceased her merriment to fix her aunts with a confused frown. “I’m eighteen now. Surely I’m old enough to make some decisions for myself.”
“It’s not that, (Y/n),” Hinatsuru pursed her lips before finally she revealed,
“You’re already betrothed to be married, dear. Since birth. You are a Princess.”
“That, that can’t be…” (Y/n) shook her head in disbelief, “Why would you tell me this now?”
Hinatsuru took (Y/n)’s hands in her own, “It was for your own protection. We will be taking you back to the castle tonight. All of your questions can be answered then, okay?”
The raven sitting in the windowsill perked up and flew away. Bringing the information he now held home.
“I can’t leave!” (Y/n) was distraught by the notion, “I— the girl I met, she’s coming here tonight.”
“(Y/n),” Makio held firm on Hina’s behalf, “we’re sorry, but you may never see that girl again. You are betrothed to Princess Shinobu and that is that.”
“That’s,” a tear sprung from (Y/n)’s eye, soon joined by others streaking down her face like riverbeds, “I, I can’t believe this! This isn’t fair!” She sobbed, pulling away from Hinatsuru’s grasp, she ran up to her room, thoughts of the woman she met in the woods causing further pain in her heart.
As soon as (Y/n)’s door closed, Suma broke down into tears as well. Makio and Hinatsuru cast each other forlorn looks.
Their Princess was supposed to be happy, but it seemed like the last eighteen years of her life as she knew it had just been pulled out from under her.
They gave her as much time to herself as they could before guiding her to the castle that was to be her home once more.
Meanwhile Shinobu had galloped home to pay her father a curtesy visit before her rendezvous in the forest glen. She rolled her eyes when she saw Kanae would be the first to greet her, but she was determined to keep her good mood.
“And just where has my darling baby sister been all day?” Kanae pondered aloud as Shinobu dismounted her horse.
“You do know father has been looking for you. You are meant to be getting ready to meet your bride to be.”
“Already met her.” Shinobu stuck her nose up and walked passed her sister, but Kanae was quick to match her stride.
“You met Princess (Y/n)? We must tell father, he is entertaining (Y/n)’s parents as we speak!” Kanae spoke excitedly, already trying to pull Shinobu along.
Shinobu strained against the pull, forcing Kanae to stop.
“I never said it was Princess (Y/n) I saw.”
“But you said—“
“I said I met the girl I was going to marry. A peasant girl from the forest.”
Kanae’s mouth fell open in shock. Ever practical and stern Shinobu, talking about marrying some peasant girl she met in the forest just that day?
“Who are you and what have you done to my sister?”
“Haha,” Shinobu snarked.
“But really Shinobu, this is an arrangement eighteen years in the making! You have to marry Princess (Y/n).”
“I’ve never even met her.”
“You only met this peasant girl a few hours ago! Is that really so different?” Kanae tried to reason.
“I thought you of all people would be happy for me!” Shinobu scoffed.
“I want to be,” Kanae confirmed, “but I also want what’s best for you and the kingdoms.”
“Unbelievable! You nag me when I’m too uptight, you nag me when I act on my feelings.” She turned and began to run back to Giyuu, hoisting herself back up on the black horse.
“Shinobu, can we just talk about this please!” Kanae cursed her sister for being such a quick an agile little thing.
“I’m going to her and you can’t stop me, send father my regards.”
Shinobu snapped Giyuu’s reins and took off back in the direction of the forest, hot blooded agitation driving her to ride as fast as she could to the little cottage in the glen.
She smiled as the cottage came into view, just where the mysterious girl said it would be. She dismounted from Giyuu and approached the door. She knocked against the weathered wood, the sound ruffling the butterflies in her stomach.
“Come in!”
Shinobu opened the door—
And was ambushed by a gang of hideous little creatures that pinned her to the ground, not even giving her a chance to fight back.
She struggled to raise her head to the figure standing against the back wall, she bared her teeth, causing the fairy standing by idly to laugh at her sorry state.
“Well, isn’t this something,” Daki sneered, “I come for one Princess only to catch another.”
“Who are you?” Shinobu hissed.
“Take her away, but be gentle. I have plans for this one.”
Daki ignored Shinobu’s shouts and grunts as she fought against her henchmen. Instead she looked to Gyutaro with a sly smile.
“After eighteen long years I feel as though the tides are finally shifting in our favor, Gyutaro.”
Y/n) wrenched the crown that the fairies had given her off of her head and cried into her hands. She had been left in a private room of the castle to wait for the sun to set. Only then she would meet her parents and then she would be married to a woman she had never met. It was ironic, she had dreamed of marrying royalty but now it was the very last thing she wanted.
She wanted the girl she had danced with in the forest who had held her with such gentle warmth (Y/n) felt like she might melt.
Now she just felt cold.
The hair on the back of her neck prickled and she wiped at her eyes. She looked in the direction of the fireplace to find not the low blaze Makio had started for her, but a strange green glow coming from the burnt wood.
Her lips parted slightly and her mind grew fuzzy. She watched the green light form into a ball and drift towards a spiral staircase previously hidden behind a tapestry in the far off corner of the room. She felt as if it was calling for her to follow. Enchanted by the green glow, she got up from her chair and followed the orb up the stairs.
As she climbs, she faintly hears distressed voices, but in her trance she pays them no mind. When she reached the top of the tower, the orb transformed into a spinning wheel. A voice, more present than the ones echoing up the stairwell, called to her and she reached out her hand, pricking her finger against the spindle.
The unnatural green glow vanished from (Y/n)’s eyes and they drooped closed. She collapsed to the ground, unmoving.
“(Y/n), no!” Suma cried, joined quickly by Makio and Hinatsuru looking just as horrified. They had been too late.
A wind whipped up and an all too familiar laughter echoed throughout the chamber. In a burst of green light, Daki stood before them.
“You really thought you could pull one over on me, did you? Fools, all of you!” She smirked down at (Y/n)’s motionless body, prodding her with her staff, “Just look at your Princess now!”
“Get away from her!” Makio cried, struggling against Hinatsuru who held her back.
Daki threw her head back and cackled once more, “I have no further use for her, deal with the little brat as you wish! I have another Princess to entertain.” In another flash of green light, Daki was gone.
The good fairies descended upon the sleeping Princess in tears, cradling her close as the last rays of sun disappeared.
A boom and crackle of distant fireworks lit up the sky in the sun’s place soon after, serving to make the fairies feel even worse.
“The King and Queen will be so heartbroken when they find out!” Suma blubbered.
“No,” Makio shook her head, “this will destroy them.”
“But, we can’t not tell them.”
“Maybe we can.” Hinatsuru murmured as she tucked (Y/n) into the bed they had moved her to.
“We will put everyone in the kingdom to sleep until she wakes.”
The three fairies shrunk down and brought sleep to the entire kingdom and as they did so, the words of one Princess Kanae to her father caught Hinatsuru completely off guard.
“Um, father?” Kanae yawned, “I have something to tell you about Shinobu.”
“Hm? What is it my child?” He answered groggily. “Were you too squabbling again?”
“No, well, yes, but she… she met someone in the forest, a peasant girl. I think she’s serious about her.”
“Serious how?”
“She wishes to marry her.” Kanae murmured, fighting to stay awake.
“Oh my… where is she now?”
“Back in the forest visiting her I suppose.”
“Ah, such a headstrong girl that one…”
They finally succumbed to the spell and Hinatsuru gasped as she made the connection.
The woman (Y/n) had met in the forest, it must have been Princess Shinobu! That must have been what Daki meant. She had captured Princess Shinobu at the cottage!
“Makio, Suma, did you hear that?” Hinatsuru asked.
“Yes, but what are we to do about it?” Makio frowned.
“Daki lives on that scary mountain!” Suma added.
“We have no choice,” Hinatsuru shook her head, “we need to free Princess Shinobu. She’s the best chance our Princess has at true love’s kiss.”
Apprehensive yet determined, the three fairies flew to the dark mountain in search of the kidnapped Princess.
It was not hard to find Daki, surrounded by feasting creatures in her demented ballroom, celebrating her cruelty. The fairies stayed out of sight and crept after the more sinister of their kind who had decided to leave the festivities for whatever reason. When they got to the dungeon, Makio had to hold her hand over Suma’s mouth to keep her from gasping too loudly.
There behind a cell, Princess Shinobu sat, shackled against a gritty wall. Her head resting on her knees.
When she heard Daki’s approach, she rose her head just enough to glare at her over her knees.
Daki snickered.
“Aww, such a grumpy face,” Daki squatted beside the cell, “don’t worry, you have a grand destiny ahead of you. Like a fairy tale come true.”
“What are you talking about?” Shinobu was not in the mood for games.
Daki swirled her staff and manifested a scene for Shinobu to see, narrating the images with a false sweetness.
“In the tallest tower of the castle that neighbors your own, lays Princess (Y/n) in a sleep like death. Dreaming of her true love come to set her free.”
Shinobu gasped, raising her head fully to look closer at the woman projected. Surely that could not be…
“Ah, isn’t that the peasant girl you expected to find in that dingy old cottage? The truth is that they are one in the same. What a coincidence!
In the tower the Princess shall sleep, untouched by time for a hundred years. And on the hundredth year shall I release you to ride off on a noble steed and awaken your Princess you shall with true love’s kiss.”
The projection showed Shinobu old and withered against a harsh landscape devoid of any love and beauty. She kissed (Y/n) only to die in her arms of old age, leaving her alone in a cruel and unforgiving world.
“No!” Shinobu roared, struggling uselessly against her shackles.
Daki howled with laughter, taking great pleasure in watching Shinobu writhe in the moldy cell.
Daki rose back to her full height, motioning for Gyutaro to take perch on her hand.
“Come Gyutaro, let’s leave our noble Princess with these happy thoughts.”
The door closed with a heavy thud, and after a few moments, Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma revealed themselves to Shinobu, quickly sushing her as they got to work on her shackles.
“Princess Shinobu, this will not be an easy journey. We will help you where we can, but our victory will ultimately be up to you,” Hinatsuru explained while Shinobu rubbed her freed wrists, listening intently.
“Take this enchanted shield and this sword of poison and steadfast iron. They shall protect you and help you triumph over evil.”
“Thank you,” Shinobu took the offerings with care, “how can I ever repay you?”
“Just save our little Princess, okay?” Makio beseeched.
“She’s like a child of our own.” Suma sniffed.
“I will.” Shinobu nodded, “I promise.”
The four attempted to descend the mountain without being seen, but Gyutaro, who had been circling nearby, screeched loudly, alerting all of the escaping Princess.
“Go go go!” Makio urged.
“Your horse is hidden just beyond those boulders!” Suma informed.
The three fairies took flight as Shinobu climbed onto her trusty steed and barreled down the mountain, fighting off Daki’s minions along the way.
“Stop her you fools!” Daki bellowed, casting a spell to grow thick, spiny brambles around the castle’s perimeter.
Giyuu reared up on his hind legs and Shinobu fell from his back as he took off running. She quickly rolled to her feet and fought off the creatures with her poisoned blade.
When she had an opening, she began slicing through the brambles, causing Daki roar with rage.
“You are ruining everything!” She shrieked.
Dali rose her staff and aimed a spell at her precious raven, “We must stop her Gyutaro! Come to me!” She commanded with a stomp of her foot and the bird merged with her to create a two headed dragon.
“You have to be joking!” Shinobu griped, hacking through the brambles as fast as she could.
The dragons spewed a sour green fire over the brambles. Shinobu’s shield protected her from the spray, but she needed to gain some higher ground if she was to have a chance at victory.
Shinobu tumbled out of the bramble forest, she barely had enough time to register the heads diving for her. She raised her sword and swiped at their snouts, causing them to rear back and roar angrily.
“Princess! Over here!” Suma yelled, pointing at magical steps carved into the side of a cliff overlooking the castle.
Shinobu wasted no time climbing the steps, blocking the flames with her shield. As she reached the top, a particularly strong blast blew her shield right off of her arm.
The dragons’ heads laughed in harmony even as Shinobu aimed her sword.
“And what are you going to do with that needle, little girl?” The dragons goaded in unison.
Shinobu bared her teeth, but her expression became one of surprise when the blade in her hands began to glow with purple, red and blue energies that gave her feelings of hope, justice, honesty, light, joy, love… it felt like all of the good in the world rested in her hands.
Shinobu chanced a glance behind her to see the good fairies thrusting their magic upon the blade, giving it all they could.
“Aim true, Princess!” Hinatsuru yelled over the whipping winds and cracking fire.
“The evil must perish!” Makio pushed.
“Good will always persevere in the end!” Suma swallowed thickly, decidedly not looking at the fearsome dragon looming over them.
Shinobu eyed the dragon with steadfast determination, took aim, and threw the sword as if it had been a spear. The blade struck the dragons right in their shared heart, pumping it full of poison and enchanted iron.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The dragons’ heads warbled and shrieked, cursing and snapping at each other as if blaming the other for their failure.
Finally, the beast collapsed and stilled, never to terrorize the kingdoms again.
“Ah! We did it!” Suma dropped to her knees and promptly began to bawl. “I can’t believe we did it!”
“Would it kill you to have a little more faith in us?” Makio griped, but smiled nevertheless.
Giyuu trotted sheepishly back to Shinobu’s side and though exhausted the Princess managed to roll her eyes and give the horse an affectionate pat.
“And you wonder why I insist no one likes you. Don’t worry you big oaf, I forgive you.”
Giyuu snorted and nudged the girl’s shoulder with his big snout.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I believe there is still one very important task to do,” Hinatsuru smiled, “go to her.”
“Right!” Shinobu nodded, “Let’s go Giyuu.”
Shinobu mounted the horse and took off back down the cliff while the fairies returned the landscape to its former glory. When she reached the tower, Shinobu dismounted and cautiously climbed the spiral staircase.
It was silly really, Shinobu knew. She had just slayed a two-headed fire breathing dragon, yet here she was nervous about going to kiss the girl of her dreams.
She entered the room and her breath was instantly taken away. Shinobu sat on the bed and took a moment to admire the girl she had met in the forest. They had only been apart for a few hours, but it felt like years had passed in that time.
“Hello stranger,” Shinobu murmured, “well, I suppose we were never really strangers, were we? I think we had some idea from the start.” She reached out to put her hand over (Y/n)’s,
“True love’s kiss... My apologies for being so forward, I don’t even know if you can hear me right now, but I promise that if we were in any other situation I would ask first. I hope you will allow me a second chance to do it right.”
Shinobu leaned in, tucking her hair behind her ear, eyes slowly drifting shut,
“It is time to wake up, Princess (Y/n).”
Shinobu pressed her lips gently to (Y/n)’s and lingered only a moment before pulling back, searching (Y/n)’s face for any sign that she was waking.
She relaxed when (Y/n)’s eyes began to flutter. When her eyes opened fully and she saw Shinobu hovering over her, (Y/n) smiled and rose her hand to cup Shinobu’s cheek. Shinobu placed her hand over (Y/n)’s and grinned down at her.
“I was just dreaming about you.” (Y/n) informed.
“Oh? All good things I hope.”
“All good things.” (Y/n) confirmed.
There was a clattering coming from the stairs and the Princesses turned to observe as three fairies came sprawling through the doorway and descended upon them for a hug pile.
“Sorry, I kept them back as long as I could.” Hinatsuru chuckled.
“I’m happy you’re here aunties.”
“Bwahhh! Such a good girl! My baby! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” Suma cried, squeezing the life out of (Y/n).
“She is not your baby.” Makio shook her head. Though as far as Makio was concerned they were definitely going to remain present in (Y/n)’s life, even with the curse gone. She took on the role of auntie just as seriously as the others had.
The kingdoms awoke with the revival of the Princess and Shinobu couldn’t help but laugh at Kanae’s face when she saw her and (Y/n) walking arm in arm into the ballroom.
Despite their parents wanting to have the wedding right then and there, the girls decided there was no rush. Tonight they would celebrate finding each other and good’s triumph over evil. They had all the time in the world.
Hinatsuru smiled fondly, watching the Princess’ twirl around the ballroom lost in each other’s eyes. It was almost perfect, but… Hinatsuru sighed,
“Make it purple.” She murmured, with a flick of her wand, she changed the color of (Y/n)’s dress.
“Come on, red.” Makio huffed, flicking her own wand.
“Makio, we are not doing this again. Purple is the obvious choice. It matches Shinobu’s eyes and everything.” Gone again was the the red color of the dress.
“This shade of red compliments them both!” Makio argued, switching the color again.
“I just love happy endings!” Suma wailed, blowing her nose violently as she watched the couple dance.
“Any idea what’s going on?” Shinobu chuckled as they danced, motioning to (Y/n)’s color changing dress with a tip of her head.
“Some kind of color theory dispute I suppose. If they regularly use magic this liberally I’m surprised they made it almost eighteen years without it.” (Y/n) peered over Shinobu’s shoulder to give the fairies a disbelieving smile at their antics.
Then (Y/n) seamlessly took the lead from Shinobu and began dancing her over to the open courtyard. Shinobu was all too happy to follow her lead.
Out of sight in the cool, night air, (Y/n)’s dress halted on purple, for which she was sure had Makio displeased. She pulled Shinobu by her hands and together they weaved aimlessly through the sculpture garden until they could hear the music of the ballroom just faintly.
“What are you up to, hm?” Shinobu asked.
“I just wanted to explore a bit, go somewhere a little quieter. I don’t think I’ll ever figure out where everything is. I fear I’ll get lost quite often.” (Y/n) said, only half joking.
“If you do get lost, rest assured I will find you. I’d even get lost with you, if you’d like.” Shinobu grinned.
“That sounds fun,” (Y/n) looked out over the maze like courtyard and grinned in kind, “In fact, I think this could count as our first instance of being lost together.”
“And do we wish to be found?” Shinobu stepped closer, whispering conspiratorially.
“Maybe not right away.” (Y/n) smiled slyly.
They continued to walk and talk together, asking each other about their childhoods, their likes and dislikes, their dreams and ambitions. Eventually they found a nice marble bench to sit on. Their fingers remained entangled and they enjoyed the quiet of the moment.
(Y/n) took in a deep breath, as she exhaled, she rested her head on Shinobu’s shoulder.
“You aren’t becoming cursed again, are you?” Shinobu joked, pushing back (Y/n)’s hair out of her face.
(Y/n) shook her head, nuzzling Shinobu’s shoulder.
“You could check though, if you wanted.”
“Is this your way of asking for a kiss?”
Shinobu leaned back and (Y/n) took the hint, straightening up. Shinobu squeezed her hand,
“May I kiss you, (Y/n)?”
“Yes, please do.”
Shinobu wasted no time slipping her hands up to hold (Y/n)’s face. She tilted her head to the right and her lips found home as another round of fireworks lit the sky.
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tenderlyrenjun · 2 years
Charming Series
where ...
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Amusement Park
Prince Charming Renjun x Cinderella reader
Despite the 21st century, society has labeled you a bad luck charm - born in the fourth season of the year (doesn't follow the Gregorian calendar), killed your mother in child birth, glass cracks when you by. You barely manage to get by, just on pure strength and willpower. Of course, you take advantage of the magical elements when they pop up, but you never thought that your therapist would be your fairy godmother, or that you'd spend the night dancing with the Prince, or that your face would be plastered onto every missing person's ad after his 23rd birthday ball! Renjun makes it his mission to find you, determined to at least take you out on a first date .. until you say no, not wanting to burden him with your bad luck. He relents easily at your declaration and remains your friend, but it's hard to be his friend ... He wasn't given the metaphorical Love at First Sight Award for nothing.
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All I Got
Prince Florian Jeno x Snow White reader
Jeno's kingdom is famous for apples (and other fruits). Occasionally, he hand delivers them to neighboring kingdoms, preferring simpler clothes and anonymity. One day, he hears you singing into a well, while he sneaks around diplomats who know his face. He climbs the stone wall to see you better but accidentally falls in a bush! You hear him, obviously, and rush over to help him. It begins a lovely friendship, constantly bordering more, but you swear him to secrecy, fearing the evil queen, your warden. Months pass by, years drag on, and Jeno sees you less and less. And right before his coronation to crown Prince, he goes to your kingdom to sign a treaty. He looks for you, but you are missing! He thinks you might have fallen in love without him, and he takes a ride into the forest, accidentally taking the path down the dark forest, at night. He runs through the forest, scared and fighting all the animals, until he stumbles on your glass case, illuminated in the middle of a bed of flowers.
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Night Rain
Prince Philip Jaemin x Sleeping Beauty reader
Your parents sent you away with a group of fairies for your protection from the evil fairy Maleficent who cursed you as a baby. You spend years alone, without anyone but the three, doing daily chores, hearing warnings against going beyond the river and that magic doesn't exist. One day, after your 19th birthday, Jaemin appears, accidentally having lost his horse. You find the horse drinking from your side of the river, and Jaemin looks relieved. He crosses the river, to your surprise. And you build up a secret friendship. Your parents, deeming it safe for you to return, tell you about your real life as a princess and the magic, so you tentatively go "home" with them to the castle. Not even one night in, you prick your finger on a spinning wheel that appeared in your bedroom with a note calling it a gift. The entire kingdom falls asleep. Jaemin, a prince of a neighboring kingdom, comes by and fights his way through just to kiss you
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karahalloway · 3 years
(Un)Common Attraction - Author’s Note
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(Un)Common Attraction is a Drake x OC romance based predominantly on the Royal Romance - Book 1 Choices game by Pixelberry Studios (though I have borrowed some content from the other books in the series as well). 
If you have played the original, you will notice that I start off quite canon, but I start to diverge from roughly Lythikos, as I've had to adapt the story to fit the narrative of Drake x OC (rather than Liam x MC that the original story gravitates towards).
If you have not played the game yet, then I highly recommend it if you want a light reading RPG game - not only are the stories well written, but the artists have done a great job creating a visually beautiful game that really brings the story to life!
Obviously, this being a fanfic, I don't own the characters or the story from the game. I used the overall plot and some of the dialogue from the game, but adapted and expand on certain scenes to give it my own spin, as well as delve into the characters a bit more deeply.
Having lived in Europe, I have also taken the opportunity to 'correct' some errors and oversights in the story (see the endnotes in the applicable chapters for details). While I have followed the general outline of the story from the game, I had ended up splitting certain chapters from the game into multiple chapters in my own version, as well as moving some content around to better fit the flow of my story. In addition, I have written a number of new scenes, little 'moments in between', to better develop the relationship between Drake and Harper (my OC) - my favourite of these being Escape Plan and Helluva View (these two chapters pretty much wrote themselves).
Astute readers will also notice that I have changed Drake's characterisation a bit to make him more suave and self-assured. He may have always played second fiddle to Prince Liam (Christian in my version — I decided to change the name because Liam is a very Anglo-Saxon name, which I didn't think worked for the prince of a Mediterranean country), but if you look at his family background and values as presented in the original game, then I see the type of guy that I have tried to present in my version, rather than the glum, slightly mopey guy in the original story.
For instance, in contrast to the game, in my version, Drake dresses up a bit more for social events (because no matter how much he may hate the nobles, I just cannot see him turning up to a fancy ball wearing all denim — I think he's too self-respecting for that).
And I mean... Why would he not? 🙃 I swear to God, when I saw this picture, I thought the guy was holding a tumbler of whiskey!
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(Face claim: Hugo Philip)
In addition, I have given him a bit more of a life outside of the Prince's circle — see later chapters for details. Admittedly, not everyone may agree with my take on the character (and I've read fanfics where the authors have presented Drake different to how I have chosen to do so), so you are very welcome to check those out as well (see the favourited stories in my library).
Furthermore, while I have read fanfics where the MC gets together with both Drake and Liam, or Drake starts sleeping with the MC behind Liam's back, I have been reliably informed by real life guys that those scenarios (while great for a romance novel) are not realistic and that is not how guys who are best friends operate in the real world. So, yes, the bro-code is really a thing (see Chapter 22) and bros do come before hoes. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy the other stories, but for mine, I tried to be as 'realistic' as I could.
Finally, you will see that I start certain chapters (especially the new scenes I added) with references to songs that helped inspire my writing. They are a mishmash of different genres, and may not be so mainstream, but I hope you'll check them out.
Happy reading! Love to see your comments and insights!
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sweetness47 · 4 years
The Sleeping Beauty
Pairing Sam x Reader
@spnfluffbingo square filled: fairy tale AU
Warnings: nothing really, I don’t think anyways. Implied smut at the end? Mild violent scenes. Nothing too descriptive anywhere.
Final word count: 1924
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Sam brought his arm around YN, smiling as she settled into his warm embrace. They were just hanging around, channel flipping, enjoying the quiet evening. Dean was at the bar, and Cas had gone with him, it was almost like a date, but neither would admit such a thing.
YN shivered as Sam traced along her arm, the touch so feathery soft, yet spoke volumes to the thoughts going through his mind. One of the things she liked about Sam was his quiet demeanor, the way   caressed her with a mere look, undressed her with his eyes. The thoughts that danced across his beautiful hazel orbs every time he looked at her, like she was a goddess, and he worshipped the ground she walked on, they made her feel like she could do anything as long as she had him.
They gazed at each other, lost in their silent caresses, too entranced to notice the lights flicker. There was a storm outside, so it would have been shrugged off as coincidence, until the TV went wonky, the picture flitting off and on, landing briefly on the screen of death, then landing on a movie.
“Sam, weren’t we watching Food network? How did we end up on Disney?”
Sam glanced at YN, then at the tv. Frowning, he looked back at his love. “No idea, must be some weird effect from the storm. Anyways, its one of your favorites. We can watch it if you want.”
He knew her well. Sleeping Beauty was indeed one of her all time favorite Disney classics. She was a sucker for romance and brave heroes.
YN snuggled closer to Sam. “Ok. Can you turn it up a bit though? It’s really quiet.”
No sooner did Sam touch the remote, a brilliant white light lit the entire room, and when it had subsided, Sam and YN were no longer there.
YN woke feeling strange, but she couldn’t figure out why. She also had no clue as to why she could hear birds chirping and smell fresh forest air. It was that moment her eyes flew open, noting she wasn’t in her bed, neither was she in her house.
In fact, she was most definitely not in her realm.
She was a cartoon, and not just any cartoon, but she was in fact, Princess Aurora.
But where was Sam? How did they get there? And how on Earth were they ever going to get home?
Sam woke standing in a stable, beside a horse. A cartoon horse. Running over to the fresh bucket of water, he glanced at his reflection and was shocked to see he was a cartoon. He was in Sleeping Beauty. He was Prince Philip, actually.
Maybe, YN was Aurora.
But how did this happen? He remembered when he had been transported with Dean and Cas into Scooby Doo, so maybe this was the same kind of deal. As long as they played out the story, they should be returned to their world at the end.
He just had to make sure he didn’t die, and that YN was unharmed as well. He’d only seen this particular movie a couple of times, but he knew the basics. It looked like they had come into the movie about midway, where Phillip is getting ready to go riding in the forest, and meets Aurora for the first time.
He saddled Samson and easily swung up onto the horse. He paced his ride to a slow trot, enjoying the natural sounds of the forest, but also listening for the musical voice that would lead him to YN/Aurora. He had heard her sing to many of the Disney films they’d watched over the years, and knew she could carry a tune fairly well. His opinion might be somewhat bias but in his heart he knew she was more than capable of playing this role.
YN, having seen this movie many times, played the role of Briar Rose perfectly. She was sent by the fairies to pick berries in the woods. She strolled along the paths, feeling the grass tickle her feet as she walked. For fun, she decided to see if she could really sing like the princess in the film, so she began humming, then quietly singing lines about animals having someone to love, yet she remained single. Her heart hoped the Prince was Sam, because he was who she desired the most.
As expected, the lovebirds finally find each other. Sam practically leaps off the horse and catches YN in his arms as she meets him halfway. They dance along the grassy meadow and sing together, gazing into each other’s eyes lovingly.
They know they can’t stay there, or run away together, if they want to go back to their own world, so Sam and YN reluctantly part ways, promising to finish the story so they can live happily ever after. Together in each other’s arms, forever.
YN returns to the cottage in the glen and finds the surprise dress and birthday cake her guardians have made. They then tell her the truth of her identity, and YN feels her heart break as she pretends to be distraught over the thought of never seeing the young man she met in the forest. Dressed in the beautiful blue gown, and covered in a blue cloak, the three fairies carefully lead the princess to her home and to her parents.
Once there, they lead her to a secluded room so they can keep her safe till the sun has set, thereby foiling the prophecy Maleficent had bestowed upon Aurora when she was a baby. The three of them combined their magic to create a beautiful crown to place upon YN’s head. She looked at the golden tiara and broke down into sobs, her head resting upon her arm on her dresser as she shed tears for her beloved.
When the fairies left her alone for a few minutes, YN knew what would come next, but the trance caused by the green orb took away all her sorrows, but also took away her free will. It was like watching from outside her body. Her mind was being controlled, but she still had her own consciousness. Ever so slowly, she climbed the steps to the top tower, where her fate awaited.
The princess entered the room the orb had coaxed her to, and walked toward the spinning wheel that stood in the middle of the floor. She could hear a menacing voice telling her to touch the spindle of the spinning wheel, but she hesitated briefly, then as the voice in her head grew more demanding, she could no longer resist.
The last thing she remembered was pricking her finger on the sharp point, her body crumpling to the ground as a deep slumber overtook her.
Sam made his way to the cottage he’d been ‘invited to’ by YN, but he couldn’t exactly remember what would happen next. He knew Phillip would get captured by Maleficent, and that it would be soon, but when he knocked on the cottage and stepped in, he wasn’t prepared to be overcome so quickly. The evil hordes quickly tied him up and took him away, his anger rising as the evil witch laughed at him.
Chained to the dungeon wall in Maleficent’s home, he listened to her goad him, telling him she would release him in 100 years to rescue his love, then laughing at him as he struggled to break free and kill her.
Once she left him, the three fairies, who had found Aurora lying on the ground in the tower, snuck inside the forbidden mountain where the evil witch resided, and freed Phillip from the chains. Bestowing upon him the Shield of Faith and the Mighty Sword of Truth, they led him to freedom and, after freeing Samson, they helped him escape.
Maleficent heard the commotion and was beyond angry at the incompetence of her minions. She sent a cursed wall of thorns to stop Sam from getting to the castle, but the sword he’d been gifted with cut the magical weeds with ease. He would take on the world if it meant rescuing his beloved YN.
When the thorns failed to stop him, Maleficent appeared before Phillip and spoke these words, “Now shall you deal with me, O Prince, and all the powers of hell!”
With a maniacal laugh, the witch changed, grew, and there before Sam stood a large black dragon. Sam charged at the dragon, and was met with a fiery blast. The shield easily protected him, and Phillip jumped off his horse to fight the great beast. Maleficent snapped her jaws at him, breathed fire at him, but the prince remained strong and vigilant.
When a rather powerful blast knocked Phillip’s shield away, Maleficent laughed and reveled in her almost victory. He wouldn’t survive now that he had no shield. But while she laughed, the three good fairies enchanted the Sword of truth:
O Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure,
That evil die and good endure!
When they finished the spell, Sam threw the sword at the large dragon, piercing her heart. With a great cry, the evil Maleficent fell to her death, never to darken the kingdom again.
With her death, the thorns and fire disappeared, allowing Sam to enter the castle and seek out YN. He reached the room where the fairies had laid her down on a soft bed, and bent down to capture her lips in a gentle kiss. YN woke, smiling as she gazed into her lover’s eyes.
They made their way to the grand ball room and paid respect to the king and queen, YN rushing to embrace her ‘parents’. Then the prince and princess danced and shared a kiss, and lived happily ever after.
As they kissed, lights flashed, blinding them, and they held on to each other, hoping they were going back home.
Sam and YN opened their eyes and found themselves back in the living room, the tv back on the Food channel and everything back to normal. They remembered everything though. Sam cleared his throat, and looked at YN.
“That was interesting.” He commented.
“It was, definitely, and kinda fun.” She replied.
“It got me thinking YN. I don’t want to waste any more time just dating you. I love you. I want to marry you, have children with you, grow old with you. Say you’ll be mine.”
YN felt her eyes sting with happy tears. “Sam, I can’t imagine any part of my future where you are not in it. You complete me, and you’ve made me the happiest woman in the world. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to marry you, grow old with you, and have children with you.” She giggled as she said the last part. “Speaking of…I was going to tell you tonight anyways, but, um, we’ve already started the having children part.”
Sam’s eyes widened as her words caught up with him. “Really?”
The biggest grin she’d ever seen adorned his face as he joyously swung her around, planting kisses all over her face and neck. Picking her up bridal style, he took her to their room where he spent most of the night showing her how much he loved her.
@legion1993 @drkcnry67 @lyarr24 @idreamofplaid​
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eternalstrigoii · 4 years
Unfettered -- II
Original; I Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) x Forest Dark Fey Reader; General Percival x Shrike; Philip x Aurora; King John is Everyone’s Dad (reprise)
               You were awake when the first rays of dawn broke the peaks.
Night barely brought an end to your collective’s celebration. You’d thrown yourself wholeheartedly into being the bridge between Maleficent and your shared family; you refused to let her sit and watch. Once your marks had been painted – your father’s marks painted upon you, hailing you, somehow, as a warrior of bravery and skill – you brought her into the dance. Your wings could no longer do what they were supposed to, but Ini assisted you in teaching her. Before long, you discovered that your knees were going to be a problem in the future.
That didn’t stop you from trying. It didn’t stop you from partaking until you ached, and as deeply as you longed to stay with them before the fire, you kissed her cheek, clacked your horns with Ini’s, and retreated to your bed.
You were not afraid when you woke. You did not wake violently. You slipped from the edge of a nonsense dream that began with the memory of your sixteenth summer – when you stood at the ledge of where the jungle met the desert and the child version of the man you now loved told you to close your eyes.
You distrusted him. You knew him too well. You thought he’d stick a centipede down your dress just to hear you scream. But you did, with one eye cracked, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he put something in your hair.
You exclaimed in disgust only to reach up and find the damp, sticky pistils of a flower, whose stem-tendrils had begun to weave and curl their way around the braid it landed on. Little, gentle pink cactus flowers bloomed in your hair at the curl of Borra’s fingers.
You didn’t understand, then, though you supposed you did now. That beautiful not-smirk that he wore didn’t match the warmth of his amber eyes. The way he looked at you, as though you were what he imagined when he thought of summer.
How quickly he flew off when you said nothing. How hesitant you were to take the dying flowers from your hair.
He slept against you, now, just as he had the night before. He shifted in his sleep; his face was buried into your shoulder and his breath fanned your neck. His horns were propped on the coil of woven twigs that made up your mutual resting space, and you did everything in your power not to wake him when you shifted – to make sure that he rested comfortably.
But he did, because your intentions didn’t make him any less of the man he was. His arms ensnared you without thinking; a low hum of pleasure left him as he pressed himself closer. Waking was not unkind to either of you, which only fueled your certainty that your day would not extend the same mercy.
You kissed the base of his horns. Rested your cheek against them. You recalled, fondly, without warning, your mother rubbing a floral balm onto yours when you were young. Protection against the change in seasons, she said, though your seasons never changed. Between the lands, maybe. You wished you recalled what she used; you didn’t know if the mild gashes in his were from deflecting weapons or from benign neglect. It gave you some measure of satisfaction to imagine him coming home to you after circling the moors. You imagined he’d kiss you while you tended him since you often did while he preened you. Especially while he preened you. Particularly when his talons found the spot where your wing had initially been pierced through – the spot that made it sag now, because the muscle would never fully repair. You never felt your skin itch beneath your down until he combed that spot, and then you wriggled in his grasp like a child. You made him laugh with your eagerness, and, though he teased you, he never itched hard enough to break the skin.
“I love you,” you said by way of greeting.
You felt him smile. This was how it should be. Your warrior beloved at peace in your arms. “How long have you been up?”
“A while,” you admitted. “May I ask you something?”
He made a low, acknowledging sound.
“Did you mean to kill the flowers you put in my hair?”
He was silent for a moment. He pushed himself up on his hands, resting his weight on either side of you. His brows furrowed, and you smoothed your thumb over the crack-laden crease between his eyes.
“When we were children. You put flowers in my hair. I think I forgot to say anything to you; I didn’t understand why you’d done it. You made them grow, and when you left, they died.”
If you hadn’t already given him your heart, you imagined the way he looked at you then would’ve done it. You fell in love with him anew half a dozen times a day.
He didn’t get to respond, though; one of your fledglings broke free of Udo and ran right into the solace of your nest. One of the little girls from your mother’s jungle flung herself into your nest-down and pretended to sleep, and you laughed as you ran your talons over her bare arm. “And what sort of trouble are you in?”
“None,” she replied, muffled by your bed. “I don’t want a bath.”
“Let your mother tend you.” You scooped her gently with your wing and your teeth gnashed together. It wavered beneath her. Buckled. And Borra gently scooped the girl by the back of her dress, mussed her feathers, and sent her on her way. He didn’t give you time to protest before pressing and prodding gently at the spot where you’d begun to fold.
You grabbed him before he could reach the middle. It was instinct. You felt pain and now you wanted nothing more than to not feel it again.
“I want Ini to see you before we leave.”
You shook your head. “They’re not strong anymore, that’s all.”
He levied the full force of his bright eyes at you.
Gingerly, you guided his hand to press where your wing folded. You half-expected to recoil, but you didn’t. It was a tendon, you realized limply. Likely one of the two that snapped and never fully healed.
Borra exhaled slowly. His jaw remained set.
You ran your thumb over it, hoping to ease some of his tension. You did, but at a price; he let you see the frustration in his eyes. How terribly he wanted to heal your wounds, as though patience and love and time would ever be enough.
“You may have to get used to that,” you teased. “They’re not going to recover.”
“They should,” he replied. The darkness in his voice betrayed him. They should, and he would be optimistic about them, but he knew just as well as you did. He’d been more conscious than you were when they spread your wings across palace chairs to set their bones.
You kissed him, just the once, much too gently and much too briefly. You all but forced him to sit back on his heels when you stood, moving carefully around his folded wings. With yours perpetually spread out as they were, sometimes you felt there was hardly enough space for the both of you.
He stood behind you. When you gathered your shell-button and the leather twine you’d use to bind your dress closed all the way, he gathered your hair as he had the night before, moving it aside so he could kiss the scars between your wings.
You smiled.
He undid the knot at the back of your neck to release the wrap you were already wearing, and his lips found purchase there too. “I will be beside you at every step.”
“I’ll have to walk to the bridge,” you reminded him. “I intended to walk the whole way.”
Even as you changed, his hands brushed your shoulders. You thought he might’ve been shielding you from sight with his wings, which nearly made you laugh. Your dress was the crisp blue-green of a warm sea, and it trailed beautifully from your chest to your calves. You wound your button tightly just below your hip, keeping the seam folded over your side secure. Let them see a few of the scars on your back. On your wrists and your neck. Let them see the way your flesh shone on your calves, even on your knees. They would not see your sides. The sword-point trail over your hip.
“Every step,” he agreed.
           Going to the tribunal was a much more significant process than you anticipated.
Your kinsmen agreed to join you on foot as a show of true solidarity. The moor-folk brought all manner of things to your breakfast, wild fruits and stolen pastries. You all ate well. You felt empty-handed when you left, though a gaggle of sprites and other small fey followed your procession.
They followed the five of you all the way to the river.
The moor-folk were not stupid; the last time they entered Ulstead, countless of them died. Murdered with poison gas in the palace chapel. No bridge made of enchanted, woven branches would erase their fallen kin, just as the sight of the river’s crossing filled you with fear anew.
You could not cling to him. But you did, at least while crossing the bridge. Your heart was in your throat and your talons in his leather gauntlet, gripping him as though for your very life. The rush of water under you had only been background noise to an inciting incident, and yet, by the time you’d crossed to meet the royal cavalry, you couldn’t conjure any pleasant thoughts for combat.
Philip greeted you with a smile. “Cassia, Borra.”
You nodded to him, one after the other. When he held out his hands to clasp yours, you let him. You let go to squeeze the tender hands of Ulstead’s young prince.
“I’ll never be far.” There was a promise in the boy’s voice that reminded you too well of his ambitious young wife.
You nodded again, and released him so he might greet Ini, Udo and Shrike just as personally.
But you did not move forward into the berth the royal guard carved for you through Ulstead’s streets.
Your feet were anchored to the bridge. You breathed – slowly, deliberately – but all you saw was the dim glint of iron.
Borra put his hand on your back. Not to push you forward, not to reassure you, but to ask what he could do to ease the waves of panic rising in your chest.
“Call them off,” you said to Philip with no warning.
He stopped mid-phrase to return his attention to you.
“I can’t go near them. Call them off.”
“Of course.” He left the collective of you on foot. He had no horse; he walked along the street and called out to his men, “Withdraw to sentry.”
The citizens of Ulstead took a collective retreat. With no royal guard to protect them, they were no longer bold enough to see you face to face. Only a few of them remained, staring at the openness of your intended passage as though rooted in place.
You could not move until the path was clear. It was foolish, childish, but only then did you regain enough composure to move forward.
Block stone did not feel like the time-worn smoothness of the meeting cove. It was strange beneath your feet, though the sun warmed it all the same. The lack of green stoked your unease. Gabled shops, elevated houses, storefronts with banners bearing the city’s crest – a great beast with two swords through its chest.
One of the spectators reached out to touch Shrike’s beautiful wings, and she slapped their hand away. The ice in her stare made them withdraw. What manner of novelty you were, that they would be so disrespectful as to not ask for permission first.
It was open, and naked, and you were afraid. Bushes curled in shapes, housed in pots and used like a fence-border for flat, green patches of earth in the stone-whiteness.
You looked to Borra, intending to ask with your eyes how they lived this way, but the gravity of his gaze as he searched the hunkered crowds chased those thoughts away. They lived that way because they were a danger to you, and you were reminded of your exposure with every step you took.
Philip even guided the sentry away from the palace door. He nodded to you – you imagined it was to you, it may have been to Borra – before entering. There were no trumpeters, thank stars; your nerves wouldn’t have been able to handle them.
“Lords and ladies of the gentry and nobility,” you heard him say, much too smooth and much too calm, “I present to you the council of the fey.”
You were careful of your wings as you entered. Their major doorways were larger than the others, much easier to navigate, and yet it was still in your best interest to enter one at a time.
They broke into unrestrained murmurs when they saw you. Their voices overlapped. None of them dressed as you did; their hair was bound and coiled high, dressed with pins and baubles. They wore dark, muted colors, glinted with ornament. Only one of them stood out the way you did, the way your sea-blue dress loved your earth-dark skin. He was white like snow, whiter than Aurora, nearly the shade of Udo’s hair, and his tailored coat fit him like a second skin. It was a shade of blood red deeper than the tomb-bloom flowers, deeper than berries, deeper than any red but another creature’s freshly-drawn blood. His eyes, though dark as Diaval’s, were nowhere near as welcoming.
He looked at you – at your collective, each of you in turn – with as violent and as familiar a disdain as the iron queen’s half-puckered lips.
You could see her in him. You stayed back, in the shadows, because of it. Borra, Shrike, Ini and Udo fanned out alongside you. They went no further than you did.
Aurora sat beside John in her throne of woven branches. There were three thrones on the dais, now; the matching set belonged to Philip and his father, with Philip to John’s right and Aurora to his left, and Aurora’s that emerged from the floor on spindly roots and curved upward along the wall until leaves danced shadows across the sun-mottled stained glass window.
She smiled at you from where she sat. She seemed ill at ease without a rabbit in her lap as you’d often seen her on the moors, but she was dressed in gold brocade and her crown fit to her gilded curls beautifully.
For a heartbeat, you wished her mother would’ve joined you.
For another, you were glad she hadn’t.
And, for one more, you returned her smile as though you were much more at ease than you felt.
John called his assembly to order just as he recalled the tension to your stance. “Bring in the accused.”
You were glad the doors behind you stood open. Shrike and Borra already shifted as though caged, though you remained stark still, the deer in the open grass.
They could not very well lead the entire royal guard into the tribunal hall, but they did lead General Percival. You saw Shrike freeze in your periphery, the ferocity in her eyes when she focused upon him. She knew what he’d done, and yet the reminder was just as painful for her as it was for you. You stifled the impulse to take her hand.
Percival held her eyes, somehow as apologetic as he was grave. He glanced to you quickly before giving you his back. He was not bound in chains, which you attributed to his rank (and, perhaps, his change in alliance). Lickspittle the gnome was not so lucky.
They were bronze rather than iron, but, still, you had to put your hand on Borra’s gauntlet to keep him from moving forward. You knew how he felt, your people had been constrained for so long that even a traitor could stoke your distrust.
Trust them, you wanted to say with your touch. And if you don’t trust them, trust me.
He growled under his breath, but went no further.
The blood-red man never looked away.
“I call the crown’s tribunal to order,” John projected into the chamber. Though you knew it was a formality, it still struck you as foolish. Why else would you all be assembled? “The tribunal is held on this day, the Twenty-Ninth of May, as it pertains to the established legal measure of Ulstead’s law, as well as on the basis of the newly-enacted Treaty of Reparations.”
“Your highness?” the blood-red man spoke before rising. He smoothed down the lower-front of his formal coat and inclined his head to the king. “The people of Ulstead were not aware the treaty had been signed into law.”
“The laws establishing the treaty’s essence were enacted on the Sixteenth of March. The people of Ulstead are aware of them, Lord Azarias.”
The blood-red man had a name, and it was just as strange to you as his manner. Though he reclaimed his seat, allowed John to continue, he watched you with as wary a stare as you did him. It was as though he knew you distrusted him. As though he knew who he reminded you of.
“For those unfamiliar, the Treaty of Reparations seeks to remedy all tensions that remain after the Battle of Ulstead on the Twelfth of March. Despite the official declaration of peace, it has come to my attention that larger issues remain – namely, and foremost, accountability. The crown has made no attempts to conceal the circumstances of Ingrith’s removal from power,” the sound of her name made you bristle, “nor will the crown prevent justice from being dispensed. If we are to have lasting peace, we must first rectify our inaction.”
Flowery words meant to soothe them. If he spoke enough, they’d forget what he proposed. Borra got even more tense at your side; he drew closer to you. You almost thought he would voice his distrust.
“He treads softly,” was what Borra whispered in your ear with no measure of disgust restrained.
You touched his fingers. Tried to guide them behind your side so you could hold his hand even for a moment.
Lord Azarias was still watching you.
“All responsible for the events on the Twelfth of March will be held accountable,” John continued. “Ingrith among them. General Percival, as well as the royal forces,” and you prayed to your ancestors suddenly with a passion that you didn’t think you were capable of: please, for the strength of the phoenix, do not call him a hobgoblin in public, do not set that precedent, “Lickspittle the Gnome, personal servant to the former queen.”
Thank stars.
“There will be several rounds of personal account, as is the usual, and there will be only a tentative limitation to the questions one may ask, as is the usual. I do advise,” and John spoke exclusively to the assembled humans, “that you speak carefully. I expect you will extend the respect you give me to the council.”
He expected opposition. You knew that, and yet, even you who knew the cruelty of men firsthand, allowed your eyes to travel to Aurora.
You were both disappointed. Neither, surprised.
“It is with these measures established that I allow the tribunal to commence.”
There was a weight like a ball of iron in your stomach, helping it sink. You knew what was coming and you squeezed Borra’s fingers harder than you thought you would. You had to steady yourself. Feel the gentle pull of the paint on your skin, the familiar weight of the pendant on your chest, the way its cords stroked the scars on your throat.
“On behalf of the people of Ulstead, as well as the Folk of the Moors and the Folk of the Air,” Philip began, and you prayed you didn’t have to hear Aurora voice any formalities, “the crown bids General Percival to attest.”
Percival bowed to him out of respect, then entered the open space before the dais. He looked every bit the mortal warrior, and yet Philip let his fondness betray him.
“Speak clearly and account for your actions leading up to the Twelfth of March, as well as on that day.”
Percival nodded briefly. Never once did his posture falter, and you chilled at the familiarity of his stance. The cool detachment of his tone.
“Your highness, I’ve served the crown with honor since I was a boy. I am not the first of my family to lead your sentry, and I do so with pride.”
Shrike could’ve killed him. Her fury was palpable. How dare he. He who dined with you, how dare he stand against you.
“I will admit that I was not in favor of integration. Or union of any sort. I believed, as did a great deal of the kingdom, that no good would come from peace. I believed the fey to be killers of men, destroyers of armies.”
That wasn’t untrue. Not in all regards.
“It was of my own volition that I initiated conflict with Queen Maleficent of the Moors on the night of your engagement, the Tenth of March. I was unaware of Queen Ingrith’s plot to dethrone your father and withhold the throne from you until after she eradicated the Folk of the Moors.”
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to you – truly; you’d been there in the lab, you’d been victim to their atrocities – but it was different when you lived with them. Eradicated. Petal sprites and paddle-foot dragonflies? They of the Dandelion Bodies and Them of the Willows? Those sweet, mischievous little amphibians, whether they were pixie or something else you did not yet know? What harm could those creatures ever cause? Even the pixies responsible for drawing Maleficent to Aurora in the first place were benign creatures. Not even the tree-men were cruel and cold. How heartless could she be? How utterly void of love, of humanity?
“It was on her order that I traveled with her late handmaid to reap the tomb bloom fields. It was on mine that men remained.”
You clasped your hand over your mouth before you could stop yourself.
Shrike backed you, as did Borra. Though you fought your tears, you couldn’t stop them. They ran, swift and silent, down your face.
Percival stopped. He knew what he said. He knew what came after – that Maleficent had come because she felt the anguish of her ancestors, that Borra followed her. That their men fired, and your father shielded her when she did not take flight quickly enough. Because she was wounded. Because they already wounded her, and they would’ve killed her, and so they killed him.
You wanted to remain strong and brave in the face of your pain. But you sobbed.
Percival brought sweets from the palace for your fledglings. He brought goods. He sat with you around your fire, ate your food, shared your stories.
He said he loved her. Shrike, your sister in all ways but one.
They let you cry. Percival, with his back to you. Tense. You wished he would’ve turned, you wanted to see apology in his eyes. You wanted him to apologize – to tell you that it wasn’t true. Philip, whose gentle face set into a frown, and Aurora, who blotted tears from her eyes.
“My men shot an unarmed fey. They fired upon three unarmed fey, but only killed one.”
His voice betrayed him to them, that his opinions of you had changed. Pain bled through practiced reservation, but you couldn’t escape how horrifying it was that his acknowledgement that he ended your father’s life was reduced to two sentences.
Nothing else. Two sentences. He didn’t even dare speak his name.
“Cas?” Philip offered to let you speak.
Were you there? your racing mind screamed. When you saw me in that cage, did you ever think that I had family? Did you ever consider us living, breathing things? Could you fathom that we are people?
It was unwise of you to speak, and yet you let them hear you when you addressed Percival yourself. “My father. Your men murdered my father. His name was Conall, and he wanted nothing but peace. Peace with you, Percival. He never would’ve raised his hand to you!”
Never. You’d heard the power of his voice in the meeting hall, but it was only power – never fury.
“Who did you plan to trap, Maleficent?” You dared say it out loud. You dared accuse him openly of treason against the moors – you knew the essence of human law after spending so long trapped in the palace with John; how else did they think your people assisted with the treaty? “Did you plan to fire upon the moor-folk if they came?”
Borra held your arm. Guided you back. You didn’t listen.
“Unarmed fey. Your men fired on one already wounded!” Your voice broke. Your composure crumbled. You cried in earnest in front of them, under their cold, marble eyes. “He stopped you from killing one already wounded, did that ever reach you?!”
Your people retaliated with good reason.
They hunted you. They slaughtered your mother. They poached fey smaller than your palm to torture and kill. They shot her, and they would’ve shot her again while she was already wounded had they not murdered your father instead.
You’re a coward, you wanted to tell him. You’re a spineless, sniveling little worm, how dare you join with my people, how dare you befriend us, how dare you earn my trust.
“You tore open graves. Your men ripped spirits from their unity with the earth. You took the beauty of life and created death.” Your brother, destroyed in a cloud of red mist.
You felt hollow without warning. Distant from yourself. You let Borra ease you back, fold you into his wing. His jaw was set and he brushed the tears from your face without regard for your audience.
Percival drew in a deep breath. “My assistance that night with assemblage of weapons was of my own volition. While Ingrith initiated command on the morning of the Twelfth, I acted of my own volition. Innocent fey were harmed.”
“Did you know of their innocence when you acted?” Lord Azarias asked. He even looked coldly toward Percival, and you thought, perhaps, that may have just been his face. Perhaps the whole ordeal was as unappealing to him as it was to you. (You should never extend doubt to another of them, some part of you whispered.)
Percival was silent for a moment. He chose his words carefully. You thought. Until the only thing that came out was, “Yes.”
Shrike turned on her heel. She stalked out into the street, and the murmuring began again.
“Go,” Borra whispered – to Udo or Ini, you didn’t know. Someone had to go after her.
There was too much movement. Too much everything. Aurora was uncomfortable, and the gentry were in arms, and you couldn’t control yourself.
“The tribunal will resume in twenty minutes,” John finally called over the rising waves of voices.
You practically dragged Borra out into the sun.
“I can’t do this.” Your wings couldn’t carry you, but you went for the open green splotches all the same.
“Cas,” he followed you like you knew he would. Every step, he’d promised, and you intended to trust him on it.
“I can’t do this!” You whirled around, and your traitor wings flared only to buckle when the left one stabbed with pain – right in the joint of your back. “I can’t endure this! I can’t live through it all over again for them!” You couldn’t even endure the secondhand retelling of your father’s murder. “I want to go home.”
You couldn’t see him through your tears, which defeated the purpose. You furiously wiped your eyes even though more immediately welled. Your chest was tight. You ached. You went from horrified to hollow to desperate and you wanted to go home – not to the moors, all the way to the nest. You wanted to run home and hide and be a mouse in the grass for the rest of your miserable, grounded little life.
He pulled you close. Right there in the middle of Ulstead. Right there, in the naked whiteness, where there wasn’t even the shadow of a flower to dance in the sun.
I wish I was dead.
He gripped you harder, talons biting into your hip. He had a handful of your braids and he clutched you like you were dying right there in his arms. “Don’t ever say that,” he half-hissed. But he fought for words after, just like you fought for something. Anything. A tether. Sour kiwi. Floral perfume. A song you couldn’t remember. Cactus flowers dying in your hair. Ancestors, please, give me some reprieve.
“I do,” was what you said. Soft and limp. “I wish she killed me. It would’ve been so kind of her to kill me.”
“Cassia.” The pain that bled into his voice only hurt you worse. Now I do. Now I do, now I wish, I wish for it harder. Please let me go.
Go where? Do what? Why was this all you knew how to do? Why was the only thing you’d ever done run away?
You didn’t even move when you heard crying. It wasn’t your crying, though it was just as raw. You had all ended up there, basking in the sun like lizards. And your sister, the strongest and brightest among you, the most distinguished warrior of her people, the one whose certainty, second to Borra’s, you depended upon the most, cried in terrible, anguished sobs just as you had when she last held you before the fire.
This was a mistake.
But it wasn’t. Your pain, her pain, they were proof that this needed to happen. This needed to happen, and he was right, and you were a fool, and you were weak but you didn’t have to be, just get up, take your face off his shoulder, grow a spine.
You could conjure absolutely nothing to save you. No pleasant memories, not even the distant echo of a voice. You breathed in the warm-leather smell of Borra’s armor and stood there, wrapped in him.
Get up. You rise together. You fight together. You show no mercy.
Why would he want you? He could have anyone else. Someone who could stand by him. Why in stars would he keep you?
He lifted your face before the dueling voices inside of you got any louder. He raised your chin and dried your cheeks with the cloth wrapping over his palm.
“Your life is the best reason I’ve fought for. Do not entertain that idea again.”
You leaned into it. “I’m not strong enough, Borra.”
He was so frustrated you thought he could’ve screamed. He held your face in both of his hands so gently that it made your insides sear, and he lowered his forehead until his horns were touching yours.
“That cold little shrew didn’t know you like I do.”
You thought, at first, that he blamed Ingrith – and, perhaps in part, that was right. You had more certainty when you had mobile wings. But that wasn’t what was in his voice. That wasn’t why he closed his eyes when he leaned against you, like even he was fighting back horrible memories.
Because he was. Just as you remembered being tortured, he remembered the sight of you afterward. He was one of the first to see you; he had known it was you as soon as Philip came from the palace on horseback, riding into the moors as though in search of Maleficent. As soon as the words were said – one of you was held captive – he went to you. They knew he would. They knew he would take justice, and he’d wanted to.
But you had been so weak. Aurora’s healers wouldn’t even touch you. They were afraid to scrub away the blood on your neck lest it reopen your wounds and you bleed to death. They were afraid to remove your dirty, tattered clothes, and the young queen had watched the severity of his face when he did. When he saw your raw burns firsthand, the pockmarks of old punctures against the blister of new. You stunk of your own blood and burning flesh and you had breathed so quietly that it frightened him.
You didn’t know that he hovered there. You didn’t know that he was by your side until your elders came. It took so long to tend you, so long because they were afraid for the same reasons as the mortal staff. You were so weak, your wings so broken, the gold in your hair and your feathers nearly nonexistent.
Aside from your fingers and your jaw, he hadn’t touched you.
You didn’t know that you slept for nearly an entire day before you awoke with John at your bedside. You didn’t know how often he moved to let balms and salves be applied to you; that when the elders dressed you, it was in desert red. You didn’t know that before the mortal king arrived, in between when Aurora stood vigil with him and when she went to get him (and Philip) to tell them that you might yet survive, he had lowered his lips to your ear and whispered, fight for me, Cas. I know you can. He’d paused. There was no use in leaving anything unsaid, lest you die. I need you. C’mon. Open your eyes.
When you had – when you were awake and in pain and damn near scaling his side to get away from the king – his only thought had been to thank the ancestors.
He knew how ferocious you were when you were young. He baited you because of it. He always wanted you to rise to the occasion; to overtake him with too hard of a head-butt, to grit your teeth and growl like he thought you must’ve wanted to.
But you didn’t rally for him until then, and that was as great a gift as freedom.
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fic-for-fic-sake · 5 years
The Ballet, Loki x reader, NSFW
aLoki had always been an appreciator of the Midgardian fine arts. Especially the ballet. So when he found out that you were in the ballet, he was thrilled so to speak. You had been talking about the ballet for months and that this was your first time as a principle dancer. You had told Loki about opening night and how there would be a sort of a soiree afterwards to celebrate the cast and crew and congratulate them on their opening night. It was also a chance for you to make your first public appearance as the newest principle dancer.
Loki took one more look at himself in the full length mirror in his room. He wore his usual all black suit, because you had requested it. His black locks softly tumbled to his shoulders in beautiful waves. He added the gold watch you had given him as a present as his final touch. He ran his fingers through his hair once as a nervous gesture. He wasn’t sure why he was nervous. Maybe the thought of being in public with all those people who he had tried to take over a few years back wasn’t sitting with him rather well. He had hoped, and you had assured him, that everyone had moved past that. You told him there was nothing to worry about. Still, he made sure he had his daggers ready just in case things went south.
Loki made his way to the Lincoln center and to a seat you had reserved for him in the first row. He busied himself with his program as he waited for the show to start. Sleeping Beauty had always been one of his favorite Midgardian fairy tales. Perhaps because he had met the Brothers Grimm in person, or perhaps because he had known the true events that had inspired the story. Either way, he was delighted when you told him you would be playing the part of Aurora. He had wanted to come and see you earlier, during dress rehearsals, but you had made him promise not to see you until opening night. He chuckled at the memory. With a sudden dim of the lights and the hush of the crowd, Loki turned his eyes forward to the stage as the show began.
Loki had never seen you dance before but he gasped as soon as he saw you on the stage. You were the most enchanting creature he had ever laid eyes on. The way you seemed to float on the stage was entrancing. All the beautiful lines your arms and legs made and the way the light perfectly illuminated all of your best features had Loki in a bit of a trance. You looked absolutely perfect and he was mystified. He watched in awe as you executed technically challenging moves perfectly.
As the ballet moved on he recognized the love interest, Prince Philip, immediately. He watched as Philip held you in his embrace and never once let you fall. Loki began to feel the familiar pang of jealousy in his gut. How dare this mortal man think himself worthy of you? How dare he place his hands on you? Loki understood that it was a ballet and that it was merely acting but he couldn’t help himself as the blind rage and jealousy took over. Soon, every time you were in the Prince’s arms, Loki had to wrap his hands around the arms rests of his seat to keep from losing it completely. Every time the prince wrapped his strong arms around your delicate frame Loki saw red.
It didn’t matter that you were acting, every time Loki saw you gaze lovingly at the Prince, he wanted it to be him you were gazing at. He wanted to rip this mortal pretenders arms out of his sockets and prove to you that he was the better match. Loki’s jealousy only subsided when he focused on you. Your warm smile and your beautiful dancing. That was enough to pull Loki back to reality, to the reason he was here, you.
After the performance you quickly changed into your evening soiree attire. The dress was simple yet elegant. It was dark green and floor length with a sweetheart neckline. It had intricately beaded gold lacework that formed the topmost part of the dress, the cap sleeves, and the design that went down to the small of your back. You smiled at yourself in your dressing room mirror. Of course you had chosen the colors for Loki, you hadn’t let him see you in it, you wanted it to be your final surprise of the evening.
You quickly went out to the large reception area and scanned the crowd for your prince. You found him almost immediately, leaning against a granite pillar looking impossibly sexy in his all black suit. The sight made your mouth go dry. In his hands was a pale pink rose bouquet. You smiled to yourself as you made your way over to him. When he saw you his eyes lit up and you could feel your insides melting.
“Hello darling, you were exquisite.” Loki said in that husky voice of his as he handed you your bouquet.
You sniffed the flowers and admired the fresh rose scent that wafted from them. You hugged Loki as you thanked him for the flowers.
“No need to thank met pet, you deserve much more than flowers.” He whispered into your ear as his hand found the small exposed part of your back.
You gasped as you leaned back to look up at him only to see a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye.
“Is that a promise my prince?” You asked in the most seductive voice you could muster.
“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?” He flirted back. You could feel your face begin to flush.
“Y/N!” You heard the director shout from across the room, saved by the bell. If you had stood with Loki a moment longer you don’t think you would’ve lasted the rest of the reception.
“There are some people I’d like you to meet.” You told Loki as you took his hand in yours and weaved him through the crowd of people to where your director and fellow cast mates stood.
“Y/N, you were truly stunning tonight, brava.” Robert, your director, gushed as he gave you a small hug.
You felt the blush on your cheeks strike once again. You weren’t used to all of this attention and it was a lot to take in all at once. Quickly, your hand found Loki’s as you pulled him further into the throng of people with you.
“Robert, I would like you to meet my boyfriend Loki, Loki this is my fearless director Robert.” You said, beaming. Well, he had looked fearless until a moment ago. Now he looked as if he had seen a ghost.
“Loki...as in, the Loki who almost took over the planet?” Your director choked out as his face continued to blanch.
“Yes, well, I’m trying to make amends as I am no longer that person anymore.” Loki said stiffly as he extended his hand for Robert to shake. After a somewhat awkward pause, Robert nodded his head and accepted Loki’s hand.
“Wonderful!” Robert exclaimed, almost a little too quickly. His head seemed to scan the crowd in search of someone until his hand shot up and seemed to wave someone over.
You turned to follow Robert’s eyes and spotted Jack almost immediately.
“Jack, how kind of you to join us.” Robert greeted rather hastily.
“I could hardly miss your frantic waving over the crowd, is everything alright?” Jack inquired as he came closer to your small group.
“Yes, everything’s fine. I was introducing Robert to my boyfriend, Loki. Loki, this is Jack, he played the part of Prince Phillip tonight.” You introduced as you waved the space in between the two men. Thankfully they shook hands.
“Ah! Here’s the man who’s captured our leading lady’s heart.” Jack jested as he took Loki’s hand in his.
“Pleasure.” Loki replied curtly.
“Yes, well, Y/N, Jack, I’m about ready to make the formal announcement. Please follow me.” Robert said as he began to weave his way through the mass of people toward the staircase. You gave Loki one final squeeze of your hand before following Jack to the stairs.
Robert clinked his glass three times before he spoke. “Ladies and gentleman, may I please have your attention. Tonight was a wondrous occasion, the opening of Sleeping Beauty and the introduction of our newest principle dancer, Y/F/N. I am happy to announce that Y/N and Jack Casey will be playing the roles of Aurora and Phillip for the duration of the season. I look forward to seeing their chemistry grow both on and off the stage.”
Loki tried his best to keep his emotions in check. He knew this was all for show, to sell more tickets. He couldn’t be more proud of you but he also couldn’t stop focusing on Jack’s arm wrapped around your waist. The way he seemed to be pulling you into his side and how you did nothing to stop him. Loki was seething. Who did this mortal think he was? Did he know that your heart and body already belonged to Loki?
Over the roaring applause following Robert’s announcement, your eyes scanned the crowd for your true prince. You found him almost immediately, but you could tell something was off. He wasn’t meeting your gaze and his jaw appeared to be impossibly clenched. You could see that his hands were curled into fists at his sides. As soon as you were able, you and Jack made your way back over to Loki.
“Hello my dove.” Loki whispered into your ear as he pulled you in for a hug. You could feel his hand begin to work its way down your back towards the curve of your ass. You quickly pulled him back at arms length and turned around again to face Jack. As the three of you chatted about trivial things you felt Loki’s arm worm its way around your midsection and draw you in close to him.
“Do you have any idea how ravishing you look in this dress my dear?” Loki whispered into your ear as you tried to focus on what Jack was saying. “If only you knew all the sinful thoughts I have in my head. You naughty little minx, you knew what this dress would do to me. I can’t wait to tear it off your body.”
You could feel a familiar sensation pool in between your thighs as you tried and failed to concentrate on what Jack was saying. Something about the second act but your mind was elsewhere. You became acutely aware of Loki’s presence next to you. You felt his body press against yours, the way his delicate fingers kissed the exposed skin of your lower back. You couldn’t concentrate, you needed to leave.
“If you boys will excuse me, I think I left something in my dressing room.” You murmured as you began to quickly exit the gallery. The sound of your heels clicking against the marble as your pace quickened. You found your way to the back of the building to where everyone's dressing rooms were. Your hands found your doorknob and turned it as you pushed the door open, quickly pulling it shut behind you. You leaned against the shut door and took deep breaths to try and calm yourself.
“We both know that won’t work pet.” You heard his silky voice call from the other side of the room. You turned around and saw Loki casually leaning against your wardrobe. He had taken his suit jacket off and rolled his sleeves up to his forearms. His hair was slightly mused and he looked sinful.
You breathed out a sigh as you slowly made your way over to him.
“Loki.” You breathed.
“Yes darling?” He replied innocently, never once taking his eyes off your body.
“You think I don’t know what this is about?” You questioned as you approached him.
“I haven’t the faintest idea of what you’re talking about.” Loki answered with a slight smirk.
As you reached him you looped both of your arms around his neck. You began to gently stroke his onyx locks as your brought his head closer to yours. You could hear the content moans that escaped his lips at the gesture. You brought his head down until his ear was right next to your lips. You could feel his hot breath on your neck, ragged with anticipation. You softly nuzzled into him before whispering into his ear.
“I know you were jealous of Jack.” You whispered into his ear. “I saw you when you thought I wasn’t looking, how tense you were. I thought you might bring down the whole center. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” You questioned as you felt him bring his body closer to yours. Felt his strong chest against your own frame. He wrapped his arms around you before giving his response.
“That mortal thought he could have what doesn’t belong to him.” Loki bit back as you felt his arms tighten around you. “You’re mine Y/N.” He said definitely.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not going anywhere?” You chided as you stepped out of his embrace. “I think someone needs to be taught a lesson.” You challenged, looking at Loki.
“What ever did you have in mind?” He responded mischievously with a glint in his eyes.
You quickly turned away from him as you looked for the current object of your desire. Once you found the sole chair in your room, you dragged it to the center.
“Sit.” You instructed Loki. He did as he was told and sat in the chair with a quizzical look on his face.
“My my, what will you do with me?” He remarked.
“Take off your tie.” You replied somewhat seriously. He again did as he was told and slowly took off his tie. You walked over to him and took the silky material between your hands. You then put Loki’s hands behind his back and bound them to the chair.
“This should be interesting.” Loki jested.
“You seem to think that I would leave you for someone else.” You began as you circled Loki. “That one day, I would decide that you were no longer good enough for me and I would take off. I can see no other reason as to why you would embarrass me with your jealousy at the most important event of my career.” You said as you faced Loki once more.
“Embarrass you? Come on Y/N is that really-”
“Quiet.” You commanded. “That’s enough out of that smart mouth of yours. You will only speak when I wish. Is that clear?” You questioned as you moved your face close to Loki’s. So that your breath and his mingled together.
He nodded his response and you smiled as you slowly backed away from him. You could get used to this. Your obedient boyfriend, tied up and awaiting instruction.
Slowly, you began to undo your hairstyle. Letting your hair fall down in beautiful swafs as you took out intricate braids and beads. Once your hair was free of its confines you shook it out and sighed in relief. Next, you took off your shoes. Loving the feeling of the cold marble beneath your bare feet.
“You’ll have to excuse me my love.” You started, “I was terribly uncomfortable in those things.” You said by means of an explanation as you began to work on the zipper at the back of your dress. You could see Loki’s eyes follow the movement of your hands as you slowly guided the zipper down your back. You could make out his change of breath becoming more erratic with your every movement. He tried to remain calm but you knew your boyfriend and you knew it was only an act. You gently pushed the sleeves down your arms and let the dress pool around your ankles as it fell. You could hear Loki’s breath hitch as you stepped out of your dress, naked before him.
You could see him fight against his restraints and you knew he could easily break out of the knot you tied but he didn’t. Curious to see where you would take your little game. Instead of going towards him, you walked over to the love seat against the wall. You sank down into the chair and raised one of the legs over the armrest, exposing yourself for Loki.
“Your punishment, my prince, is this. You may look but you may not touch. I’m going to pleasure myself Loki. Stick my fingers into my dripping core and pretend their yours.” You teased him as you began to bring two fingers up to your mouth. You sucked on them gently and let go with a loud pop noise, never once breaking your eye contact with Loki. Slowly, you began to train your hand down your body, stopping at your breast to squeeze one and work your nipple.
“The image of you in that suit do things to me I can’t even begin to describe Loki.” You husked as you let your finger wander down to your swollen clit. As you slowly began to rub yourself you continued, “when I saw you leaning against that pillar after the show I almost lost it right there.” You moaned as you continued your assault on your clit. “I wanted you so badly I wasn’t sure I would make it to the end of the gala.” You admitted as you allowed your hand to go lower, teasing your entrance. You moaned in appreciation as you dipped two fingers inside yourself. Loving the feeling of your walls expanding around them. Slowly, you began to pump your fingers in and out.
“And then your voice,” you moaned as you arched your back, “I thought I was a goner.” You whined as you brought your other hand down to continue rubbing your clit as you started to fuck yourself faster.
“Mmmm, Loki, do you see what you do to me?” You gasped as you threw your head back as you continued to work yourself. Your moans and gasps started to build as you felt your high approaching. “Ah, fuck, Loki.” You moaned loudly as you felt yourself grind down onto your fingers. Picking up the pace even more. Your pants and moans became more desperate and your back arched impossibly higher off the chair as you began to see stars. You shouted Loki’s name again, like a prayer, as you worked yourself into oblivion. Your fingers stilled as you felt your walls flutter around them. You sighed as you came down from your high. Your eyes slowly opened and you grinned when you saw him. His breath was ragged and you could see his pants straining to contain himself. He stared at you like a hunter, predatory and determined. You slowly removed your fingers from your pussy and walked over to him. When you got close enough you could see his pupils were dilated so there was only a faint emerald outline in a sea of black.
You rested one arm on his shoulder as you brought your eyes level with his. You slowly brought your other hand up to his mouth so he could see it glistening with your juices.
“Open.” You husked at him and he slightly opened his mouth. You quickly inserted your fingers and were delighted when he closed his lips around them. You felt his tongue work its way around your fingers, lapping up every last drop of your orgasm.
“Do you taste that? Taste me?” You asked, “That was all because of you, nobody else.” You asserted as you took your fingers back from his mouth. “Only you have that effect on me Loki.” You said as you swung your legs around him and sat in his lap. He let out a low moan in approval as you began to grind against his hard member.
“Can you feel how wet I am for you my prince?” You questioned. “How ready I am for you time and time again? Do you want me?”
“Yes.” he breathed as you began to pepper kisses along his neck.
“Good, because I want you too. Only you.” You breathed into the hollow of his neck as you began to bring you hand down between your two bodies. You made quick work of his zipper and slowly released his cock. You pumped it a few times and Loki released a guttural groan in approval. You swiped your thumb over the top of it, collecting the precum that gathered at the tip. You brought your thumb up to your mouth and made a show of sucking on your finger. Loki’s eyes grew impossibly darker at your actions.
“Mm, you taste divine my prince.” You remarked as you brought your hand back down to his member. You pumped him a few more times before you lifted yourself on top of him and slowly guided him inside of you. Loki quickly bucked his hips at the sensation and you gasped as you held onto his shoulders. The feeling hitting you in all the right ways. Neither one of you could take going slow so you started to rise and fall rapidly. His hips met you thrust for thrust as you both let out loud moans and groans.
“Fuck Loki, you feel so good, so good for me.” You said as you bounced on him, gripping onto his shoulders for support. You quickly pressed your lips against his in an attempt to swallow those beautiful noises his mouth was making. As you felt him continue to fill you up, his tongue found its way into your mouth. Your tongues twisted and danced together as you continued to grind on him. His hips stilled as you rocked back and forth, working yourself closer and closer to your release.
You threw your head back as a string of praises for Loki left your mouth. You continued to bounce on him as his pressed his lips to your neck, kissing and sucking the hollow of your throat. You felt your orgasm draw closer and picked up your pace, forcing Loki to finish with you. Suddenly, you let out one final moan as your hips stilled. You felt your walls flutter around Loki’s shaft and that was his undoing as well. He moaned your name as his orgasm followed yours. You felt him come inside of you. You both stayed still for a while. Him still inside of you and you motionless on his lap. After a few minutes you removed him from you as you got up and went to the sink. You brought back a washcloth and began to clean the two of you up, you walked around behind Loki and undid his bonds.
“You could’ve gotten out of those at any time, why didn’t you?” You asked.
“I wanted to see what you would do.” He replied as he wrapped his arms around your naked form and planted a kiss to your head.
“Why?” You questioned.
He turned you around in his arms before he responded, “I’m not opposed to switching it up on occasion. I do enjoy being submissive every once in a while.”
“Then I guess I should take charge more often.” You replied as you wrapped your arms around his neck and planted a gentle kiss on his lips. “I meant what I said by the way, I love you and only you. I never want anyone else.”
“I know dove, I’m sorry.” He remarked quietly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
Tags: @lokixme @drakesfiance @lilith-akemi
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philanddanxreader · 8 years
Park Date
Hello, Love Bugs!
Phil X Reader No warnings just fluff.
Reader and one of the boys at the park? Don’t really care whether it’s Dan or Phil, but… yeah. Hope you’ve had a good day! You’re amazing!!!
 (Stop it I am really not that amazing)
“Did you grab the blanket?” You had been planning this date with Phil forever. The plan was simple… OK simplesih. Get a wonderful lunch made, pack all of the essentials; Blanket, snacks, sweaters, and umbrellas because you never know. The two of you were going on a date. A picnic just like the movies. The Regent’s Park had cherry blossoms at this time of year. How much more magical could that be?
“Yes, we have everything but the kitchen sink. Today is going to be a fun date with lots of fluff and cuddles. I do insist however that we leave soon because I may die from hunger pains.” Phil, always the dramatic one.
“Okay, I get it. I am my mother’s child. I over prepare but you will be thankful when the robots take over and we befriend them because were the only people who have oil to grease them up.” You would never let Phil know but you instantly knew you packed to much crap when the backpack you just tossed over your shoulders felt like a pile of bricks.
“ Ready love?” Phil asks grabbing your hand.
“Absolutely. Also, I hope you’re prepared to be the one in-charge of getting to the park from the tube.”
“If it comes down to it we will get off the tube at a random spot and take a cab the rest of the way. I believe in us.” Phil didn’t fully believe in both of your capabilities. When Dan is around he is the leader of getting the three of you around London. Phil had lived there just as long but his sense of direction was less than excellent.
Luckily the both of you made it to the park just fine. It was honestly more magical then you could have even prepared yourself for. You had been to the London zoo with Phil on a past date and had strolled through a small part of the park but this was different. The trees were filled with beautiful pink flowers.
“When did we step into a Disney movie? I’m walking through a beautiful park with my handsome prince. I honestly didn’t this would be this pretty!” You ad never saw cherry blossom trees before in person.0 “It’s almost sad that they don’t last longer then twos weeks.”
“That’s why you have to enjoy them for as long as possible. I’m sure we could find some poetry on the fleetingness of the cherry blossom and life before death.” Phil gives a squeeze to your hand giving you a cheeky grin.
“I would actually enjoy reading that but for now we should find a place to eat and watch the day pass.” The two of you eventually find a tree that doesn’t have other romantics like yourselves sitting under the shade. Finally, everything is unpacked and you can sit back and relax.
“Phil?” You say resting against his chest. lunch was amazing. The surrounding were soft and beautiful, making everyone forget they were in a booming place like London. The real reason for feeling so at peace was because of the company.
“Yes, pet.” He always saved that nickname for special times. The last time you were his pet was when you had fallen on the sidewalk just outside of the flat.
“Are you ever worried about your age?” You, of course, didn’t mean it in a cruel way.Phil is a young man. It’s just that most people his age were settled down starting their lives.
“Do you mean am I worried about how I’m thirty and not married or have children?”
“Yes, It’s just that you’re older than myself, don’t get me wrong I see myself being with you for the rest of my life. I just feel like maybe you feel behind your peers because of my age. I want to be with you, Philip Lester.”
“Honestly Y/N, I could care less about not being a father or being married yet. I know that when the time is right all of those things will happen with you.” Phil wraps his arms tighter around your waist. How on earth did you find this person?
“Actually I wanted to talk to you about one of those things. I was going to save it for later but, there is never a better time than now.” Phil started to shift under you before making you move to sit in front of him.
“You’re kidding right?” You were absolutely shocked. You had no inclination at all that Phil was planning on asking you to marry him.
“I was going to ask you right before we leave but since you read my mind I suppose I should ask you now.” Your hands were covering your mouth with shock. Phil Lester was about to ask you to marry him.
“Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. You have made me so happy over these few years. When I think about anything involving the future you come to mind. I want to spend my life with you making a family and doing all the stuff grown people are meant to do. If I’m without you I am constantly thinking about what you’re doing. If I sleep without you for some reason I feel like I’m always forgetting something. You make the worst of the day better and the good days great. So will you continue our crazy lives together with me? I’m not sure what out future holds but if it’s with you then it will be a life worth living.
You had tears in your eyes. How could you not, You never expected to be getting engaged today. Phil just placed his whole heart out there for you. How could you possibly not say yes?
“Nothing would make me happier in life than to marry you. If life is even half as good married to you as it is now I may just have the best life ever.” Phil’s lips crashed into yours before you could say anything else. Bliss would be the only word that could come to mind at the moment. Total enjoyable bliss.
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