Vicente Valtieri, kicking an invisible Lucien Lachance out of the Sanctuary: Why are you lurking around? Don’t you have very important things to do?
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phoenixiancrystallist · 11 months
Title: Wiegenlied
Fandom: Forspoken
Rating: G
On the edge of consciousness, a soft, gentle hum filled Frey's mind. Soothing and melodic, with a warm, rich timbre that tickled her consciousness with familiarity. A comforting familiarity; Frey drifted off to sleep on that song. It wove itself into her dreams, turned them from nightmares and pain to soft skies, gentle winds, and the warmth and safety of home.
Shoutout to @sleepyprompts for Prompt #1059 :)
Happy (late) birthday, @cruelfeline! 💜
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
Throwing this at your main, but I saw the latest sleepyprompt and YES YOU SHOULD. D: D: D: Oh gods, I can't attach pics in this kind of ask, but oh man, Sleepy, it looks like sunset out there, and it is two in the afternoon. :') :') Tree and I have decided to hole ourselves in our apartment. (He can do that because he works from home; I can do that because lmao freelancer.) But as for you, please take care of yourself, and stay safe out there!
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The sky is yellow and I can smell the smoke even though my windows are closed. It's a good thing I don't need to go anywhere today.
Be safe, my love.
P.s. that prompt wasn't even about the current situation but it could definitely apply.
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tvreadsandsleep · 1 year
@tvreadsandsleep Sorry to be nosy, could you tell me which blog you follow? Please 😅
​@yucamortal I follow a few different prompt blogs. The blog I visit the most is @dailytextprompt then @ghostly-prompts and maybe @soprompt. I've also liked prompts from (in no particular order) @promptlyprompting, @sleepyprompts, @daily-dose-of-writing, @creativepromptsforwriting, @writinghoursopen, @prompts-in-a-barrel and @1prompteveryday, and I have prompts in my drafts from @my-wordy-brain, @seaside-writings, @pettyprompts, @promptsforthestrugglingauthor, @writing-challenges-and-prompts and @dropkickwritersblock.
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apocryphalwriting · 11 months
Prompt credit goes to @sleepyprompts !
“I’m not lazy, food just tastes better when somebody feeds me.” The ruby red grapes seemed to burst in his mouth, Rosemary gulped audibly, somehow craving the most tantalizing cluster of fruit she had laid eyes on.
"You're going to eat alllll that by yourself?" She pointed, gesturing around the ridiculously large fruit that was actually the same size as his head.
She twitched, her fingers itched to pop at least one delectable morsel in her mouth. "I thought you had a small stomach."
He looked over at her, staring into her eyes as if he had just spotted a stray raccoon rummaging through his trash when he stepped outside to enjoy a late night snack.
"Bigger than yours."
She twitched again, her indignation rising with her fist, preparing to snatch away just one grape.
"Ah-ah-ah. Mine." Ed chuckled and languidly dispatched another ruby into his mouth.
"That's not fair," Rosemary crossed her arms. "I helped you earn the money you used to buy those grapes. You should at least share one."
Ed paused at that. And then, with no expression on his face at all, held out a large grape that seemed to shine in the sun. Which then led to it shining in her eye. Great, now there's a spot in her eye. It's time to be mildly distracted for the next 10 to 25 minutes with this thing that keeps getting in the way of her sight.
"Are you okay?"
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
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There’s no escape.
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writinghood · 3 years
Hey! I borrowed a prompt from @sleepyprompts​​​ and decided to write this terrible fic.
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Mulaney x Reader 
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Genre: Fluff AF
Summary: You’ve been friends since college, always afraid to own up to the feelings you’ve had for him. After spending two years with who you thought was the man of your dreams, a bad break up leads you to a private vacation with your supportive best friend. 
Rating: totally safe for work and shit
    I’m done, you’ve convinced yourself. I can’t do this anymore. 
    A broken heart really is the absolute worst thing. Having both legs severed? No big deal. Cancer? Common. A hang nail? Okay, that’s pretty annoying. But your fiance leaving you after you tried so fucking hard to please him, that’s bottom of the barrel shit.
    “You’ll never find anyone else like me,” was his last goodbye. “Good luck, darling.”
     And you were manipulated just enough to believe him. John saw the signs of abuse. Wise enough to recognize a red flag, yet disconnected enough not to call it to your attention, he believes, honestly has thoughts that you would never be interested in a guy like him.
     “I have an idea,” he says with a playful smirk. “Let’s go to the Poconos this weekend. It’ll give you time to get your thoughts together and I’ll have time to focus on not being a complete idiot.” That last audition was murder. He’s still half dead inside and seeking validation from anyone willing to give it. “We can go skiing, or attempt something less life threatening.”
    Your mind drifts back to your college days when he was someone else; someone slightly dangerous and undesirable. John was always cute, tall and lanky with a sweet smile, yet obviously troubled. 
    “Why not?” you muse, a shoulder slightly rising. It isn’t as if you don’t believe your life is over. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to crash into sumac and die right away. “You’ll drive?”
    He looks at you like you’ve grown a second head. He’s a nightmare of a driver, but if you have confidence in him, he can manage that much...hopefully.
    “Of course, I will.” The bridge of his nose curls, eyes focused on yours. “Pack your bags and I’ll rent a car.” 
     Suddenly, you wonder what in the hell is happening. Good thing you’re delusional enough to buy what John is selling. He vanishes beyond the door to your bedroom and you’re picking which outfits would best suit the late eighties film this shit storm is turning out to be. 
    Heartbroken but comforted by spending time with your old friend, reliable John, you relax next to him in the shitty honda rental. Mind filled with all the reasons you weren’t good enough for the perfect fiance, the Boys II Men song on channel 101.5 isn’t boosting your confidence. He can tell, glancing in your direction once or twice while navigating.
     “Almost there,” he begins, voice soft. “We’re going to have a good time.” 
     You flash a half smile, knowing he’s probably right.
     “You look beautiful by the way.” The tips of his fingers punch the radio dial, bringing forward a song much, much worse until he settles on a Latino station, which is neither depressing nor uplifting. “Te ves hermosa,” he adds, looking extremely awkward. Both hands, all fingers tightening on the wheel, he drives on.
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      The first thing you notice about the cabin is that it’s fucking freezing. Palms gliding up and down your arms, Mulaney reassures you. “We have plenty of firewood. I ordered ahead of time.” He waves an arm toward the corner where a pile of five hundred year old bark rests. Did a caveman own this bitch? you wonder. Is there a saber toothed tiger under those logs?
    Resting before the fireplace, your eyes fix on the flames, a tear or two welling in the corners. You’re thinking about him, the ex, when you are certain that you shouldn’t be.
     “Hey,” that familiar voice pipes up.
    Glancing in his direction, you manage to work up a pleasant smile.
    “He was just another guy,” John says softly. “We’ve been through this before.”
    Your eyes narrow. We? As if he’s had to endure some sort of pain due to your past choices. “What do you mean?” you ask, concerned with his tone.
    “Oh, come on.” Tone playful, he lays a hand on your shoulder, shifting closer. “Ever since freshman year, you’ve been dating these kinds of guys.” Oh god. Is he playing the nice guy card? “Guys who treat you like less than you are.” His expression turns serious. “When you know you’re better than that.”. 
     Watching his face spin from concern to shame, you see he realizes he may be offending you. Turning away, hands falling into his lap, John stares into the flames. Mouth tight, jaw twitching, he asks, “Are you hungry?” He brought a tightly wrapped tuna fish sandwich if you are. “It’s in the mini-fridge.” It’s too much.
    Standing, he looks down at you. Head tilting, your eyes connect with his, heart hammering the way it shouldn’t be. Impulsively, you grab his trembling hand, eyes rounding. 
     “I didn’t mean...” Swallowing roughly, you stand, gaze staying firm. “...to make you feel judged, John.” You realize there may be a thousand different ways you’d like to phrase this. Settling on the truth, your shoulders relax. “Oh god, John, I’ve been in love with you ever since I was nineteen years old.” He tries to read your terrified expression as you confess. “But I know you’d never...” Want me, remains in your thoughts. And in his eyes, you suddenly know he feels the same.
     There you both are. This is real. This is happening. His long fingers locking with yours, reliable John’s mouth is slowly moving toward yours until the connection forces your eyes shut. Loose grasp tightening, palms coming flat together, you’ve found heaven in one innocent kiss. 
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
meant to be — chapter 1: are you mine?
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features: kate sharma!atsumu miya x anthony bridgerton!f!reader (also featuring edwina sharma!osamu miya)
trope: enemies to lovers, forbidden love, possible love triangle | type of writing: oneshot | final dish for: @romiyaro (a very belated birthday present for you) <3 | setting: royal au, bridgerton!au
warnings: implications of arranged marriage, fem! reader, reader wears corset, possible anxiety attack in the beginning of the fic, implications of political relations, mentions of infidelity, mentions of gambling, gossip. please lmk if i miss any tags <3
song: r u mine? - arctic monkeys | wc: 4462
submission for: @bokutosmochi’s 9 years of AM collab (thank you so much for organizing this collab :') )
beta reading: @lou-struck @portfolio-of-dreams @izukunii (y'all have no idea how y'all make my day, thank you so so much <33)
networks: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork @downtown-roponggi
prompt: “If you don't put the kitchen utensils where they go, then you're not allowed to complain about it later.” - @sleepyprompts
a/n: finally! the first chapter is here!! so so exciting!! i especially thank you two, @ceo-of-daichi and @mrskenmakozume for agreeing with me to include you two in my fic. 💕 i hope everyone of you enjoy reading this chapter as i enjoyed writing this. if you're unable to understand any term, the glossary should give you an idea <33 i have more than 100 followers lol, but i thought it best to write these requests whenever possible <333.
also, likes, comments and especially reblogs are appreciated <33
Made with Love: 100 Followers Event (closed) | MWL Masterlist
masterlist | glossary | chapter two
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Blank. Your mind had gone blank, as you couldn't hear the voices of your surroundings. All you could hear was your heart beating and your heavy breathing. Maybe you hear the occasional screams and sneers in your head. Your heart was thumping to the point where it felt like it was going to pop out of your rib cage. You were having trouble breathing, and you felt something snap on your back as you quietly yelled, “Ow!” as you forcefully came out of your panic reverie. 
“(Y/N), are you okay?” Your sister-in-law, Lady Kiyoko, the Countess of Karasuno, inquired calmly, sensing that you were sweating and your hands were getting clammy. All of you were at The SatTen Thread, with the Modiste, Satori Tendou, trying to fit you into the corset he’d prepared just for you, and had just yanked the laces of the corset. The corset was stitched well enough to tighten you in the right places, elevating your bust. The fact that this was causing you slight discomfort caused your eyebrows to be pulled down, your nose to be wrinkled, the lips to be loose, with the upper one being pulled up, and the eyes narrowing. “Is the corset too tight, ma cherie?” Satori inquired as you shook your head in denial, breathing heavily. “It’s not about that, monsieur, it’s just,” you continue, sighing, “I just don’t see the point of this really.” You were not exactly lying. 
It was not about the corset at all, but the ordeal that was bothering you. You really did not see the point of dressing up, promenading with different suitors, being an active part of the season to impress the eyes of the ton, especially when you’re at the age of six and twenty. However, what was more daunting for you (and you did not want to show that on your face,) was the idea of meeting a potential suitor at this season’s inaugural event, the Inarizaki Beautillion Ball.
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It is said that for the past two years, the King, Keishin Ukai, wanted to shake up the season by inviting the gentlemen from the ton and declaring a beautillion ball to see who would be the season’s “Blue Sapphire,” the highest prestige bestowed upon the concerned nobleman by the King, and the most eligible bachelor for this season, in addition to having the season’s “Diamond,” the same applying to women.
One day, the King was walking along the corridors with Lord Ojiro, the Prince of Inarizaki, who was organizing the said Beautillion Ball, when he remarked, “I yearn for someone fresh, someone unexpected, to turn the season on its head. That is what we need. There is no room for indifference. Apathy is a blight the monarchy simply cannot endure, especially when it comes to choosing this year’s ‘Blue Sapphire’. ” 
Ojiro nodded  and replied, “True, Your Majesty, but a young gentleman cannot be a Blue Sapphire unless you anoint him as such. When you started the tradition of choosing the ‘Blue Sapphire’ along with the ‘Diamond,’  the ton obviously did not take it too kindly. But in the last two seasons, they’ve noticed that while we do look into the most eligible suitor, our “Diamond,” from the noblewomen, we’re establishing equal opportunity and doing so for the men as well, keeping a more watchful eye over them. So if for any reason you do not find one among the candidates today—”
King Keishin rolled his eyes and continued, “—then Lord Whistledown would surely cause a stir in his pieces of paper. We have heard nary a peep from him since last season ended. In retrospect, the writer may have realized that taking on his king was a bad idea, and he made the decision never to publish again. Or,” the King continued as he shrugged, “He simply went to the country, as the rest of us did in the off-season, bored by the lack of any real gossip. Do you know what that would make him?” Both of them scowl when they realize it, and remark at the same time, “One of us.”
This year, the Beautillion Ball was being organized by Prince Ojiro, who had earned a good reputation amongst the ladies after he came back from Tokyo after a couple of successful business ventures. He was a man of good repute, and his connections could propel opportunities for the Kingdom to advance into the waves of modern society. 
You realized that you had to use this opportunity to look your prettiest, should you find a suitor there. However, no one knew that you had a secret side of you that only lurked in the early mornings, within the pages of books, and when you played pall-mall and cricket. The modern era would call you a “tomboy” in the truest sense, and you would agree, but it was surely safe to say that you were not for this era. Besides, you didn’t see the point of the corsets other than to make you feel, well, uncomfortable about yourself. 
“You know,” your other sister-in-law, Lady Lydia interjected as she was looking at herself in the mirror as she was wearing the new yellow empire waistline dress that the modiste made especially for her, “It isn’t really that bad. I mean, since your brothers were last year’s Blue Sapphires and—” You interrupted her by saying, “—they’re doing just fine.” You nodded, responding, “I know. I mean, my eldest brother Daichi got to marry you, and that’s surprising in the eyes of the ton indeed,” with Lydia giggling, and a tint of blush hitting her rosy cheeks. 
You’d met Lydia, the now Duchess of Karasuno, at one of your closest friends', Lady Ella’s Ball, years ago. Ella had just become the Duchess of Nekoma, having married Lord Kenma, the Duke of Nekoma. You were Ella’s maid of honor, and Lydia was one of the bridesmaids. At first, something about her hairstyle confused you. She decided to have her hair be short and curly, and was even conjuring up plans to make a mullet.
However, you then get to know her free-spirited yet caring and empathetic nature. You also learned that when she took the leap of faith to change the way she looked, she was initially scared of what people would say about her haircut because her parents, who were not royalty, scolded her in terms of who would marry her, but then later she shrugged it off. 
You were so adoring of Lydia that you invited her to the first ever Beautillion Ball, where your eldest brother, Lord Daichi, the newly appointed Duke of Karasuno, was crowned that year’s “Blue Sapphire.” As her hazel eyes lay upon Daichi’s  dark brown irises, he was taken aback by her unconventional looks and eventually warmed up to her personality. While many people were against this union, you and Daichi fought for it to happen. 
Similarly, the following year, when Lord Ryuunosuke, the Earl of Karasuno, was named the Blue Sapphire, he already had his eyes set on his future wife: Lady Kiyoko of House Shimizu. However, it took his multiple attempts to be rejected by Kiyoko and a proposal from Lady Kanoka for her to see that he would never give up on her no matter what, and that’s how they got married. 
This year, as you, being the third eldest in the family, and also, this season’s “Diamond,” were now in line to get married, most of your family were excited to hopefully find your new suitor at the ball. However, there were some things holding you back from being truly excited about the regalia. As you were then trying on the new dress in the mirror, and how your coiffed hair complimented everything else, you thanked the modiste nevertheless for the outfit, and walked back to your carriage with Lydia and Kiyoko.
As you were being driven back home via the carriage, numerous thoughts drowned out the conversation your sisters-in-law were having with each other. You start to remember exactly why you went blank at the modiste. Your thoughts go back to the last season, at Ella’s Ball, where Lord Whistledown’s gossip sheet was spread around and it read: Dearest gentle reader, 
As the social season draws to a close, I personally would like to congratulate Lord Kenma, the Duke of Nekoma, and Lady Ella, the newly appointed Duchess of Nekoma, on their nuptials.  Even the most illustrious noblemen and noblewomen, however, are humbled by the one thing that humbles even the most illustrious members of the ton...scandals! A man with charm is entertaining, and a man with looks is, of course, a sight to behold, but a man with honor—ah, he is the one to whom the young ladies should flock, dear reader. This is not so true for the suitor betrothed to Karasuno’s eldest princess, Lady (L/N). How unfortunate it is that her husband-to-be, a nobleman himself, is a rake, because my sources tell me that he was caught sullying another woman, an Alisa Haiba, at his bachelorette party while he was engaged to the Princess. You didn’t think it would go unnoticed by me, did you? I assure you that this is a gentle reminder to not mess with me, because I have also learned that….”
Even as people were absorbing what was being written on the gossip sheet, everyone’s eyes turned to you. Despite showering you with love in the past, your future husband has always appeared shallow, self-centered, closed-off, and without regard for consequences. In fact, you were present that night when you witnessed your future husband, the Prince of Nekoma, being sullied by the aforementioned opera singer. When he turned to face you, he widened his eyes, as if he had been completely misunderstood. Perhaps it wasn't the truth, but it was what was reported, and you believed it. However, you were not the only one who was aware.  Lady Ella was with you when that happened. However, it occurred to you that you might want to speak with him privately and find out what really happened, because the word of men was favored over the word of women at the time. On the other hand, Lord Whistledown got wind of it, and the news spread like wildfire the next day. It especially hurt you that your family wouldn't let you marry him, let alone court him, so you closed your heart to any future romantic advances. 
You felt someone shake your shoulders as Lydia and Kiyoko got you out of your train of thought. As you three walked into the Karasuno Hall, you were able to hear the housekeeper scold the lady’s maids from a distance, “If you don't put the kitchen utensils where they go, then you're not allowed to complain about it later.” You looked at Lydia and Kiyoko and remarked, with a deep sigh, “Sorry girls, it’s just... After what happened last year, I’m certain that I’ll never find love, at least among the royalty. In this world we live in, in this timeline we live in, everyone is selfish, ruthless, cutthroat, and inconsiderate. So, let’s see if I find a suitor this week.”
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“Yer got to be kidding me! ‘Samu!!”  Around the same time, a gruntled voice echoed down the corridors of the Inarizaki Hall, as a 6’2” tall, brown-eyed man with dark-brown hair, the top of which was dyed blonde, paced hurriedly to his twin brother’s room. “Osamu!” He entered the door to find his twin brother freaking out about the Beautillion Ball. Draped in black trousers, a white shirt, a silver waistcoat, and a black tailcoat with dark brown knee length boots, he stood in front of the mirror with a ragged breath. “ ‘Tsumu, I am scared. It’s happening here. The Ball is happening here. What if—” 
The elder twin sighed and placed his hand on Osamu’s shoulder. “ ‘Samu, breathe deeply. Please,” the elder twin, Atsumu requested, to which Osamu tried calming down, and he replied, “It would have been better if I was in Hyogo, ‘Tsumu. The business there was booming and—” Atsumu nodded in agreement, speaking in Kansai. “Yer right, ‘Samu, but think of Lord Kita for once. He had to acquire the throne at a young age, and we’re doing this to uphold our end of the word we made with him.” Osamu nodded, then turned to Atsumu, “I still find it surprising that you’re not the one being presented at the hall today, but I am. You’re clearly marriage material, ‘Tsumu.” 
Shaking his head in denial, Atsumu places his hands on Osamu’s shoulders, kissing his teeth and replying, “No, ‘Samu, ya are. I may be more handsome than you,” Atsumu then smirks, with Osamu rolling his eyes and both of them chuckling, “But, you are better than me, brother, in more ways than one. Besides, this gives me an opportunity to look out for you in a way.” 
Osamu then sighed, replying, “Okay, fine, I’ll be okay at the ball, as long as you’re here. As much as I like Rin, I don’t want to hear gossip about the ton all day long.” Atsumu then nods, chuckling. Both of them were adopted by the late King of Inarizaki before Lord Shinsuke of House Kita had to take over the incumbent throne. 
Atsumu, being unable to cope with the pain of losing the man that gave them a second chance at life, later gained a reputation for himself that made him less desirable in the eyes of the ton. Involving himself in promiscuous ways, gambling, and even playing cricket professionally, Atsumu never really cared too much for the throne. 
Through Lord Whistledown, Atsumu was being viewed as incompetent by everyone else, and so he didn't want his reputation to ruin his brother's chances in the marriage market. Despite them arguing with each other on pretty much everything, Atsumu was certain about one thing. He loved his brother very much and wanted what was best for him. 
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The next morning of the beautillion ball, as you were riding a horse at dawn, with a quiet atmosphere around you. You couldn’t hear anything except for some ducks quacking, the leaves rustling, and the wind gushing, when a man whizzed past you, and you looked in his direction. Curious, you trot behind him, searching for those distant horse neighs. “Sir, are you in trouble?” You cried out as you searched for him, and as you rode along, that’s where you found him in the distance, riding ahead of you. He then turns to you, winks at you, and gallops away. You were all of a sudden taken back by how his face and his golden-dyed hair glistened in the sunlight, so you looked for him, only to find him in the distance, having exerted a bit too much energy.
“Enjoying your victory lap, is it?” You cry out, thus startling this man, causing him to utter something in Kansai. “You'll not be afforded such an ample head-start this time,” He snickered and responded, “Apologies, ma’am. It was not my intention to cause concern.” Humming, you inquire, “Does anyone know you are riding astride?” Chuckling, he responds, “Funnily enough, I was going to ask you the same thing. Besides, it’s rare that men’s reputations are questioned, unless—” You interject, “Unless you’re written by Lord Whistledown,” causing the both of you to chuckle. “Perhaps,” the fake blonde man continues, “What if we pretend this encounter never happened? Ya allow me to go my way, and ya go yers. Besides, I'm on my way back to Mayfair, where the Beautillion Ball is happening, and my presence is requested soon.”
You reply, “Ah, you worry about being seen,” and he responds, “I worry about meeting strange women in parks at dawn who refuse to leave me alone with their questions.” Keeping a finger on your lips, you continue, “Your secret is safe. I will not tell a soul.” He smiles and replies, “I am grateful to you. Additionally, losing races to strangers in such parks at dawn, I can only imagine the questions yer would be asked.” After a while, both of you spotted a group of guards on horseback. The man then turns the other way, screams, “Good day, ma’am,” and gallops back home, when you cry out, “Sir, I don’t think we’ve yet been introduced.” The man responds, “I am afraid that is not possible. Not when I have a victory lap to celebrate,” causing you to be particularly intrigued about this man as you cantered back home too.
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It was finally time. The Day of the Inarizaki Beautillion Ball. An announcement was made as you entered the Ball, “Accompanied by the Prince of Karasuno, Lord Ittetsu of House Takeda, the Duchess of Karasuno, Lady Lydia of House Sawamura, and the Countess of Karasuno, Lady Kiyoko of House Tanaka, please welcome this season’s Diamond, the Princess of Karasuno, Lady (Y/N) (L/N)!” As you walked into the hall in your baby pink empire waistline dress from the modiste with a garnet studded headband and white gloves, you kept smiling as many men approached you and danced with you, King Keishin, King Shinsuke, and Prince Ojiro, observing every move.
As you were being kept on your toes and turned around by different noblemen, the music stopped and everyone came to a halt as another announcement was made. “Accompanied by His Highness, Prince Ojiro of House Aran, and Earl Rintaro Suna, please welcome The Miya Twins; the Duke of Inarizaki, Lord Atsumu Miya, and the Viscount of Inarizaki, Lord Osamu Miya.” Your gaze found Atsumu’s dark-brown irises as he saw you dancing with different noblemen. Tired, you excused yourself to get out of the hall to breathe in some fresh air.
Suddenly, you heard someone call your last name out. You turn to find a group of women approaching you. One of them remarks, “With you as the Diamond of the season, the rest of us shall receive a respite from the marriage-minded mamas this season, indeed,” causing all of you to chuckle. You then calm down, and smile, “Enjoy your freedom while it lasts. You, too, will soon submit to this ridiculous rigmarole of courtship, being squired by every eligible mister around town until you're barely able to see straight.”
To which another lady giggles, “Is one gentleman unlike any other? Let someone woo you into marriage, and be devoted to you for the rest of your life.” As you chuckle, you respond, “You may be cavalier, but if I must leg-shackle myself in marriage, the man in question should have more to recommend him.”
The other lady looks at you in confusion. “Do not tell us you are hoping for a love match?” To which you respond, “Love is the last thing I desire. If my children are to be provided for, if the family’s reputation is to be upheld and kept intact, then their father must be of impeccable quality. I don’t just need a pleasing face for a Prince Consort. I need an acceptable wit, genteel manners, and someone who’s affluent enough to be worthy of that position. Though it should not be hard to find, since the King will finally name a Blue Sapphire, saving me some trouble, at least of choosing him.”
As the other ladies chuckle and leave, you hear a rustling sound from the bushes, inquiring, “Is someone there? I can hear... you.” That is when you see the blond-haired man stand before you, bowing and apologizing, “Pardon me, Your Highness.” Approaching him, you respond, “I never got your name, until now at least, Duke Miya. I was wondering if we'd meet again.” Atsumu responded, scowling, “So you might discern if my wit is acceptable, my manners genteel?” With widened eyes, you inquire, “Were you eavesdropping, my lord? Also, do you take any issue with my requirements for a husband?” 
Laughing, Atsumu retorts, “It was hardly an effort, seeing as you were proclaiming your many requirements for a husband loud enough for the entire party to hear. Also, yes, I take issue with any woman who views men merely as banks to withdraw funds at will.” Before you could utter anything, he approached you, “Princess (L/N), yes? What makes you think he'll accept your suit if you manage to find this paragon of virtue? Are young gentlemen truly that easily won by a pleasing smile and nothing else?” “So, you find my smile pleasing, is it?” you ask, smiling. Smirking, he continued, “I find your opinion of yourself entirely too high, Your Highness. Your character is as deficient as your horsemanship. I shall bid you good night.” 
As Atsumu walked back into the hall, leaving you alone and dumbfounded in the garden, you were handed over a note that read, “Lord Whistledown’s Gossip Sheet.” As your breath became ragged, you rolled your eyes and responded, “Creating a menace again, are you now?” as you read the contents while everyone received the copy of the sheet: Dearest gentle reader,
Did you miss me? While our esteemed ton lazed in their rustic retreats, this author was doing just one thing. Honing my skills, or perhaps hatching my plans? Nay, even better, I was sharpening my knives for all of ya. The identity and means of this author remain a mystery. Trying to find those answers will prove fruitless, indeed. There is, of course, another unknown identity at the moment. It will, however, be possible for you to uncover this one. I speak of the season's Blue Sapphire, wherever he may be. This author hopes ya have fun at the Beautillion Ball, where hopefully we’ll get to hear some wonderful news tonight. Your move, Your Majesty. 
Always yours, 
Lord Whistledown.
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Atsumu then walks to Prince Ojiro, who’s conversing with Prince Ittetsu, demanding, “We need to leave. We will see you at home.” Being dumbfounded, Ojiro asks, “But whatever for? People are watching, brother, and something’s clearly upsetting you. We just–” Atsumu interrupted him, remarking, “It’s clear we are woefully unprepared to navigate this chaos. I am sure Osamu's absence will only make him that much more desirable.” Osamu then turned to Prince Ittetsu, calmly responding, “It truly was a magnificent soiree, Your Highness. We are most grateful.” Ittetsu then responds, “Well, it would seem both of us may have our hands full this year.” Ojiro then smiles, continuing, “Not if I have something to say about it. And as you very well know, I always have something to say.” As both of them chuckle, silence lingers in the Inarizaki Hall as even the Miya twins halt for a moment. King Keishin found himself reading Whistledown’s words, and as he got irked, he stood up and announced while looking at everyone. “Your presence is noted, and your king is most appreciative. Allow it to now be my honor to present to you the season's Blue Sapphire.”
He then looked at the Miya twins, who were standing near the door, and announced, “Viscount Osamu Miya.” 
The world stood still for both of them, as Osamu walked towards the king and bowed before him, with a number of ladies swarming before them. While you were lost in thought, your sister-in-law, Lydia, remarked, with her husband standing by her side, “You look at him the way I look at my hair in the mirror, Sister,” with Daichi then whispering to both of you, “Truly, I cannot say I will long for any of this. Good luck, sister. This season, you will undoubtedly require it.”
As you walked towards the King, you bowed before him, as he greeted you with a smile, “Princess (Y/N) (L/N), my Diamond. Have you met my new incomparable?” Turning to Osamu, you were taken aback by his beautiful blue eyes and his grey hair. You continue, “I appreciate the introduction, Your Majesty. I only hope to be able to enjoy the pleasure of a dance.” With this, Osamu puts his hand out before you, and you put your hand in his, and you two walk to the dance floor, as you two dance to the classical rendition of “R U Mine?”
“Forgive my directness,” you interject as the two incomparables of the season keep dancing, “Do you have any thoughts about children?” He nods, responding, “Other than the fact that I desire them so? However many I have, my lady, I shall feel most fortunate. Together with my wife, we will chart the best course.” 
Being taken back by his response, you remark, “How very sensible. Do you have any successful business ventures?” Chuckling, Osamu responds, “Most certainly, Your Highness. It needs to be brought to your notice that I, like my brother, am half-Japanese. So, I would need to travel to Tokyo from time to time. I have a restaurant there, which is booming, and I’m looking to bring the business here. Should you want to invest in it?” You felt a fluttering sensation in your stomach as you were enjoying the camaraderie with Osamu, and after a couple of questions, you concluded, “You do not seem decomposed by my line of questioning.” Osamu responded with a smile, “Why would I ever be? A woman who knows exactly what she wants is truly admirable. If I may say so, it's as rare as a diamond.”
Osamu then broke the comfortable silence that lingered between the two of you, by responding, “I think we should go ahead and speak with my brothers. It is their blessing you shall need if we are… Oh! Here he is now. ‘Tsumu!” ‘Tsumu? You think to yourself, as your eyes land on Atsumu. “Ah, Princess (L/N)!” Prince Ojiro spoke, with Prince Ittetsu standing by. “I see you've met Viscount Osamu. This is—”  
You completed the sentence with, “His brother. Viscount Osamu is an excellent dancer. Perhaps, I may learn a thing or two from him,” and bowing at Osamu, with your eyes at Atsumu. Somehow, you felt an inexplicable connection that drew you to Atsumu. At this very moment, Osamu felt like sitting beside a fireplace and drinking tea, while Atsumu felt like a whetstone, sharpening your mettle with every gaze. 
Taking a long drawn sigh, he retorts, “It’s Duke Atsumu, my lady. Would you join me in the retiring room, brother?,” while Atsumu pulls Osamu away. Osamu inquired, “Is something wrong, ‘Tsumu?” As they were walking away from you, Atsumu retorted, “ ‘Samu, you are not to go near that woman. Do you understand?” 
As your gaze never left Atsumu’s figure, Prince Ittetsu remarked, “He is a precious sapphire, dearest.” Mindlessly, you responded, “Indeed. He is who I shall marry.” You were clueless about the confusion that was about to ensue amongst the ton this season. 
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© Shyna 2022 - reposting on any other platform or even tumblr is not allowed. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated.
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wakasa-wifey · 2 years
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First of all, HOLY SHIT WE REACHED 100 MILESTONES?!?! I started Tumblr way back in 2016 lmfaoo this same account is loyal to me since then but I never properly use this account until November last year where I started to interact with writers I love and lost many of them too. And I started writing on this account since March 2022 and I am so so so grateful for everyone that had stayed with me along my journey.
To appreciate each and everyone of you here, I decided to make 2 events. A short 300-500 drabbles prompt list event and night date matchup event. For my mutuals, you guys are not only allowed, but ENCOURAGED to join both events <33 Details are as below!
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You must be following me. Blank and ageless blog + MINORS won't be entertained, but rather blocked by me instead.
Choose a prompt from the list of prompts given below.
State whether you want gender neutral/afab/amab reader. I will be using the pronouns accordingly.
Pick a character from this list of fandoms: Tokyo Revengers, Haikyuu!, Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen.
YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE ON ANON to request. Since this is a followers and mutuals only event, I would really love to interact with you all.
Give me time to finish the drabbles!
There will only be some slots open! I decided to open only 10 slots for the prompt event to avoid me getting overwhelmed and dropped the whole stuffs out.
The prompt cannot be repeated. I will inform you if the prompt you picked was chosen by somebody else. I will also crossed out each prompts that had been picked out.
Send your request in this format!
eg: The prompt list event please! Kenma Kozume (Haikyuu!) x afab! reader with prompt #1 "wish you were here"
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Prompt List:
#1 “Have you just been sleeping this entire time?”
#2 "Don't worry, you can be our kid, too."
#3 “I don’t like happiness. But I will cry.”
#4 “There are worse things than burned grilled cheese, I suppose, even if I can’t think of any right now.”
#5 “If you bring that up again I am going to bite you.”
#6 “No lollipops for you. You eat too many and leave the sticks lying around the house.”
#7 “I should’ve known you couldn’t die when you fell from that window and walked away without a scratch.”
#8 “Are you alright with me carrying you?”
#9 “I should’ve stopped them, but they’re too tall.”
#10 "Maybe I won't be the troublesome one anymore. You'll attract all the trouble instead."
#11 "If we fall, I'm making sure I fall on top of you."
#12 "It's too dangerous to go alone, take this with you."
#13 “Maybe we can still be friends?”
#14 “This was doomed from the beginning.”
#15 “and after all of this… i still love you.”
#16 “You’re not gonna die, it’s gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
#17 “I'm only with you because I feel sorry for you. No sane person would want anything to do with you.”
#18 “I think I broke them more than I helped.”
#19 “And the worst part, I wasn’t even the one to start it all. They got to be the one to say hello and goodbye.”
#20 “Can’t you see? I didn’t care about all the details. I just wanted you!”
Prompts by: @itsasatirething @alyxovert @writinghoursopen @sleepyprompts
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Uh oh, here comes the hotties. It's your chance to get a night date out with your fave! To know more details about it, please read the rules throughly and send in an application!
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You must be following me. Blank and ageless blog + MINORS won't be entertained, but rather blocked by me instead.
To mutuals who's joining both events, please send in the ask SEPARATELY.
DO NOT send in the ask on ANON. You won't be entertained.
The characters are from these fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Revengers, Attack on Titan and Haikyuu!
This event will be on a limited time only, I will inform you once the event is closed!
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What You Should Send Me:
Tell me in the ask that this is for the matchup event.
Please send me your picture or a picrew (if you like drawings, that's acceptable too) of yourself. It will be deleted and won't be posted along with the matchup.
Tell me your preferred pronouns (so I don't accidentally misgendered you)
Tell me your favourite artist and the genre of song you like listening to.
Your favourite season.
Tell me your favourite romance trope (eg: childhood friends to lovers).
Tell me the specified fandom you want to be matched up with, and the preferred gender of the character if you wanted to.
Give me the list of the characters you don't want to be matched up with if you has any.
The format is as below!
eg: Hello! this is for the matchup event! I use she/they pronouns, my favourite artist is Taylor Swift and I'm in love with indie song! My favourite season gotta be winter and my favourite trope is soulmate! I would like to be matched up with a male character from Tokyo Revengers and I don't have any list of characters I don't want to be matched up with. *insert your picture/picrew here.
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What You'll Get:
A matchup with a character.
A song I think fits your relationship.
Where the character will take you / What you guys will be doing during the date.
Event Status: CLOSED
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psa: I will be using #[🐨sei.100 milestone: matchup!] as the hashtag for the matchup, so you can block it out if you don't want it to clog your dashboard!
#[🐨sei.100 milestone: prompts!] will be used for the drabble event so it's easier for you guys to filter it out!
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twosomeofcuteness · 3 years
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Buffy x @sleepyprompts 1/?
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avrablake · 2 years
Happy WBW Avra. What have you been working on recently? How is the western AU going? @writingonesdreams
Thank you for the ask 😊
I actually stopped working on the AU few weeks ago. I didn't end up getting very far into it, but I did have fun. It was a nice break from my revisions, but it's ultimately not the story I really want to tell. So I'm back to revisions on Beyond the Darkness.
While I was still working on it I had decided to have different types of magic be weak or strong against specific magic types. Shadow would be weak against light and fire. Fire would be weak against water and wind. That kind of thing.
I finalized the Syndicate's tattoo design and came up with some neat worldbuilding ideas in the process.
Aside from that I'm going to work on writing a few scenes depicting some past shenanigans of Gram's. There a scene in my wip where he's telling Thea about some of the trouble he got into when he was younger, but I have no idea what stories he would tell her. I figured I'd write a few scenes so I have something for him to reference. Fortunately @sleepyprompts has so many great ideas for shenanigans. I'll probably post them as side stories when I write them so if there's any shenanigan scenes you'd like to see involving Gram, Aly, Lucan, and Iris let me know 😊
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dame-nervy · 3 years
“Look, you can answer my questions or I can break your nose, take your pick.” (Teen Wolf x Reader)
Prompt by: Sleepyprompts ( @sleepyprompts )
“Who are you people and why are you in my house?!” It was fair for the girl to be freak-out at the sight of two teenager in her room when the house should have been empty. “Hi, I’m Scott.” The young werewolf said as he gave a little wave. Stile just looking at him in disbelief before asking “did you just say ‘hi I’m Scott’?” “She asked who we are.” Y/n just looked between the two of them, coming to the quick conclusion that two idiots had broken into her house. “Yeah, and now she can put it in a police report.” Stiles flailed his arms about as he spoke to his best friend.
“Hello!” Y/n yelled, reminding the two that she was still there. “Just tell her.” Stile told Scott, to which he replied “You tell her.” “One of you tell me!” The girl’s fear had completely subsided for irritation. “It’s your thing and was your idea to tell her in the first place. You tell her.” Stiles said causing Scott to look at the girl and gap a little, only managing to sputter out some incoherent sounds, causing Stiles to put his hand over his face as he mumbled “oh my god”. “Look, you can answer my questions or I can break your nose, take your pick.” Y/n told them. “That’s not really an effective method against me.” Scott muttered out as he avoided eye contact. “Will it hurt?” Y/n asked, realising that these two weren’t just stupid. “Well, yes-” “Then it’s effective.” Y/n said, cutting Scott off. A daunting silence fell the room, broken by Stiles “I’m very susceptible to broken noses.” Y/n turned her attention to him, looking him up and down before saying “Good to know.” “You’re a werewolf.” Scott blurted out, causing Stiles to facepalm as Y/n just looked at him, confirming that had no tact along with being stupid. “Get out or I’m calling the cops.” Y/n told them as she stepped to the side of her doorway and pointed in the direction of the front door. “Yep, that’s fair.” Stiles said as he and Scott immediately made their way out of the girl’s room and towards the front door, the girl following just to make sure they did leave. “We are telling the truth.” Scott said as he turned back to the girl only for her to slam the door in his face. “Good chat. Let’s return to this topic at a later date.” Stiles slightly yelled so that the girl inside could hear clearly as he started waking, Scott faltering for a moment before following his friend. Once Y/n was sure the two boys were gone she looked down at her hand and watched as her nails become longer and pointer. “You boys have no idea.”
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16. audacity for Forspoken if you don't mind!!!
The problem with me reblogging ten billion things at once is I often forget what I reblogged. I totally forgot I reblogged this one-word prompt list, for example! XD
Thanks for the prompt, and thanks @sleepyprompts for making the list!
This worked out well as a little character/relationship study for the AU I've been working on where Cinta entrusted Jennesh with raising Frey instead of yeeting her to New York :D Not sure yet if I'll post it to AO3 as a stand-alone fic or if I'll be incorporating it into the AU itself.
Fic is below the cut 💜
"I can't believe you've the audacity to lie to me," Jennesh scolded even as he dabbed at the bleeding cut on his ward's face. Alfre dodged his every attempt to nurse her, features twisted into a thunderous scowl.
"I wouldn't have to if you'd just trust me," she snapped. All of fourteen years, and she had ten times her mother's spirit with none of her mother's poise. Where had he failed in raising her? Cinta would surely laugh at him.
"Trust you?" Jennesh gave up on cleaning her wound himself and tossed the wetted cloth to her instead. She caught it and glared at him as if he had attacked her. "You are still a child, Alfre. 'Trust' will come with wisdom and experience—both of which you lack."
"Because you treat me like glass!" Alfre wrung the cloth so tight in her rebellious frustration she'd nearly dried it. "How am I supposed to get wisdom and experience if all I ever do is stay cooped up inside all the time? You won't let me do anything."
Jennesh sighed, reluctant to admit that she may have a point. Cinta had charged him with raising her to be the greatest Tanta to ever live—
No, Jennesh chided himself, she had not. That was merely his own expectations that he'd placed upon himself. All Cinta had tasked him with was raising her to adulthood, to keep her safe and healthy until she came of age. Or until such time as her powers as a Tanta awakened, whichever came first. Which was why he kept such a strict watch on her; he needed to be aware immediately if her magic showed itself at any point.
As heir to the Tanta of Love, Alfre would surely be powerful. Jennesh had lofty expectations for her—expectations he knew were too much for a fourteen-year-old to live up to, and so he did his best to tailor those expectations to her current experience and limitations. Still, perhaps he had been too protective of her. Nothing terrified him more than the thought of some ill befalling Alfre. With her precociousness, and worse the Corruption's ever encroaching presence outside the walls of Cipal, Jennesh's imagination ran away with him far too often.
He knew many children enjoyed the challenge of sneaking outside of the city, risking their lives for the sake of a thrill or a dare. He knew Alfre's pride and stubbornness, and felt no surprise on catching her return from one such foray.
It was the bald-faced lie she gave that stunned and infuriated him.
"You're glaring," Alfre accused, holding the folded cloth to her cut.
"I am doing no such thing," Jennesh countered. But he softened, because that sulk of hers held just enough of Cinta's gentle tease that he could not help himself. He knew that Alfre's attempt at that tease was her way of apologizing as well. What is it about teenagers that make them so reluctant to be open and honest with their emotions? "I'm considering. You are right about one thing: to gain wisdom, one must first gain experience. And how can one experience life and the world around them when kept swaddled and protected at all hours, hmm?"
The hope rising in her eyes nearly made him smile.
"I will make a bargain with you," he said, and that hope flared all the brighter. "On the condition that you do not ever leave the city walls, I will allow you unsupervised access to the lower city."
"Really?" Alfre asked, the smile on her face so much like Cinta that Jennesh nearly forgot who sat before him. He smiled in return, softening further at Alfre's delight and joy.
"Yes, really," he promised. "They shall be your people as well, some day. You would do well to learn their needs and wants, and establish yourself among them so they may grow to trust you. For now, your task is to learn all you can. Learn how to help them live rich and full lives."
Alfre could no longer contain herself and threw her arms around Jennesh's neck, hugging him tight and all but singing her thanks. He returned her hug, of course, and part of him lamented that she had grown so tall. How he missed holding her in his arms, tossing her into the air and hearing her giggle. Is this a regret every parent held, or only him? He was not her parent, of course, but he loved her all the same.
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
hey. it's me, Sleepy.
hello writeblr.
name: I go by Sleepy, penname is set at M.J. Valentine
age and pronouns: 30, she/her
status: perpetually tired, enthusiastically affectionate.
abouts: Christian. ADHD, anxiety, and insomnia. I love to love people. I turn conversations into poetry and give people nicknames. I will adopt you, probably.
Chairlady of OCPS - original character protection services, for saving characters from their creators, founded in 2021
Write Stuff:
Youth: The Ephemeral Infinite [YA] - a slice-of-surreal-life novel with ten teenagers who have emotions and sometimes talk about them (tag is #wip: youth story)
Dirt in the Doing [NA] - a novel about fighty boy Jet who tries to deal with his emotions by punching them. (tag is #wip: city story)
Whichever new wip I have stuck in my brain today. see the full list later in this post.
many collections of (prose) poetry (tag is #w: sleepy poetry)
I also write fanfic, here is my Ao3
Assume all my ocs are asexual
Other Stuff:
@sleepyprompts - quote prompts and I reblog my lists there too
@sparks-moods-worlds - literally just for reblogging helpful posts
@sleepylovesyou - where I reblog YOUR writing
@sleepyowlsleeps - where I stick stuff I like and post random things
@sleepyandthefriendcollective - writeblr shenanigans
I make many ask games
Here's a list of the tag games I invented (I'll edit when I invent more)
writeblr tag and ask game directory: page 1 | page 2
here's a list of all my ocs
here's a list of all my wips and ideas
here's a free wip intro format
here's a list of all my writeblr friends nicknames
here's my spotify for all my vibe playlists
playlist counter: 241
active-ish wip counter: 17
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frogbearwhatever · 3 years
Daily Drabble 71- Mortalitea
“Something’s wrong. I don’t know what. I just feel it.”
Hilda looked at Trix, the warlock looked worried, her brows furrowed.
“Something’s off about this place.” 
“It’s the animals.”
“What animals?”
“Exactly.” Hilda held up a finger. “There aren’t any.”
The woods around them were utterly still and lifeless. Midsummer, but the trees were bare.
“It’s a place of Death.” Hilda said.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because he’s over there, making tea.”
Trix turned, a small fire had appeared, a kettle over it. A cloaked figure tended it, a scythe lying at his feet in the now dead grass.
From a prompt by @sleepyprompts 
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babymilkawa · 4 years
500 members event [closed]
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To thank everyone who’s helped me reach 500, I've prepared an event for you guys!
interested? Take a look at the steps!
Step 1: Pick a character from
-> Boku No Hero Academia
-> Haikyu!!
-> Saiki K
-> Attack on Titan
-> Hunter x Hunter
-> Jujutsu Kaisen
Step 2: Pick a prompt (1 character & prompt per ask)
the blanket octopus
-> “I don’t know how to fix a broken heart, but we could learn together.”
the cuttlefish
-> “I see you every single day on the subway and I still haven’t talked to you.”
the dragon moray eel
-> “I’m guessing you have an excellent explanation for why you’re sleeping in front of my door.” 
the elkhom coral
-> “It’s okay to cry, you know. And my shoulder isn’t doing anything right now.”
the immortal jellyfish
-> “I’m not lazy, food just tastes better when somebody feeds me.”
the lionfish
-> “Why did you run all the way here in the rain, you idiot.”
the ochre starfish
-> “I wish you would tell me why you’re sad. I don’t want to fix you, I just want to hold you up.”
I will write a short drabble based on what you choose!
and a big thank you to @sleepyprompts for these amazing quotes!!
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