awesamkiller · 9 months
@eggmojis let’s people edit their emojis so… SANDERSMOJIS TIME.
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Now you can tell people you’re sitting by using your favourite blorbo.
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SURPRISE ATTACK: BONUS VIRGIL. I did a sleepy edit because @sleepyvirgilprompts posts keep me going.
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Comfort At It’s Finest
Prompt: Virgil has a special blanket that sits carefully folded in the closet and only comes out after really bad days, when he needs it the most. It’s the blanket for huddling up and hiding under the bed, it’s the blanket for taking an almost-involuntary nap after the third panic attack of the day, it’s the blanket for pretending the world is less than sixty-four cubic feet in its entirety and has borders of fabric. It’s the blanket for retreating from a dumpster fire to cry himself to sleep.
It’s a blanket he got from Thomas, before he was accepted.
(Credit to @sleepyvirgilprompts for this idea which you can find here<3)
Ship: none? Unless you count this as platonic Thomxiety but I’m not sure, I don’t really see it that way.
CW/TW: panic attacks, swearing, unsympathetic Roman, unsympathetic Janus, sympathetic Logan.
Summary: Virgil locks himself in his room after the sides start fighting again, something about how almost all of them were holding Thomas back? He didn’t know, he didn’t care, he just wanted to feel okay again.
(Halloween has brought up some…odd and negative feelings, to put it lightly, so this is my way of dealing with that<3)
Virgil couldn’t take it anymore; The shouting, the insults. He slumped against his door and covered his ears, breathing as if he had just run a marathon, trying desperately to remember the breathing techniques Logan had taught him. What was it? In for four out for…five? Fuck. He couldn’t remember, nothing he was thinking made sense, nothing in general, made sense. Everything was so loud and he couldn’t stop trembling no matter how hard he tried. He held his legs down with his palms and they seemed to stop shaking until he let go, all the built up energy making his attack worse than before. It was no use.
This was the third time they’d fought this week.
It was Thursday.
His hands didn’t muffle all the sound, however; he heard every single thing the others were saying in the commons; it was as if a megaphone had been held up to his door.
“well maybe if you weren’t such an asshole I would have t-“ Roman was cut off by..Janus?
“I’m the asshole?! I’m not the one who’s so deeply insecure that they have to project their shit onto others” he screamed.
The house fell deadly silent apart from Virgil’s heavy breathing. He could hear his heart in his ears. He wanted to go home, he was home, but this didn’t feel like what you would call a home.
“Fuck you, Janus. There’s a reason Thomas didn’t accept you for years.” Roman finally said, from the sound of it, through gritted teeth.
He heard someone stomp a few feet near his room, open a door, and slam it. Virgil froze, the sudden noise sending shock waves through his body.
he wanted everything to stop; the loudness, the insults, the fights, the slamming of doors, the stomping, the yelling, the anxiety, he wanted to be held and told he was safe, he wanted to go home, he wanted-
His tearful eyes drifted over to his closet to see a weighted blanket neatly folded and shoved into the back where no one but him could find it.
His blanket.
He pushed himself up off of the ground, a hand against the wall so he wouldn’t fall due to tremors in his legs. He reached up and grabbed it, letting it fall onto him, nearly causing him to fall to the floor.
The blanket was soft; light, but heavy enough to weigh on you a little. It was checkered black and white with little ghosts on every other patch. He eased up just the smallest bit at the sight of it. Thomas had given him this after the ‘My NEGATIVE Thinking’ video.
He quickly fell on to his bed, holding the blanket to his chest. it smelled of cinnamon and honey. Virgil had forgotten how in the worst of moments, if he pulled out his blanket, it would immediately default to any scent of his choice; subconsciously, he had chosen cinnamon. It reminded him of better times, happier times. How he and Patton had baked cinnamon rolls a few months after he was accepted, the smell of sugary sweetness wafting through the air.
The slight hint of honey reminded him of his first panic attack in front of the light sides, how he had curled into himself on the couch, silent tears escaping his eyes, face hot and red, unable to breathe, to speak, to move. Logan had helped him through it.
“Breathe in for four seconds,” he had said, inhaling, crouched down in front of him. “Hold it for seven seconds” he paused and waited for Virgil to follow his lead, and once he did he continued, “out for eight seconds.” He exhaled.
Virgil was so embarrassed that Logan had seen him like that that he proceeded to apologize profusely. “God, that was— I’m so, so sorry, I don’t know what that was, well I do, I think? It’s never been that bad I just—“
“That was what is known as a severe panic attack, Virgil. I take it you’ve never had one to that extent before?” His eyes were kind, caring, behind his glasses.
Virgil just shook his head, he didn’t know what to say, he felt that if he tried to talk the only words he would be able to say would be “I’m sorry” over and over again.
“I see. Say, do you like honey? Maybe lemon?” He had asked
Virgil nodded, and before he could stop him, Logan had begun making Honey and Lemon tea. Something about how “it’s very calming and quite good as well” he had said.
Virgil hadn’t noticed his eyes drift closed but he didn’t feel the need to force them back open. The sharpness of the house felt dimmer, quieter; as if they were sizzling into a low hum, something waiting to pounce again. He was too fatigued to worry about it, even though something in his gut told him to stay alert, something was bound to happen again, he didn’t listen, just readjusted positions under the warmth of the blanket.
He needed to say thank you to Thomas later.
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Goodnight, Virgil
Have another prompt by @sleepyvirgilprompts
I did write this with being platonic in mind, but interpretation is always in the readers hand. Enjoy.
Roman stumbled, bleary-eyed down the stairs toward the kitchen. His hand shook slightly as he gripped the banister, the last of the nightmare still fading away. He paused at a dark lump at the base of the stairs, right where Virgil typically stood for their discussions and videos.
It took a second to process, squinting in the half light as he came closer, that the lump was Virgil, nearly face first on the floor and curled into a ball.
Roman hesitated. He was pretty sure Virgil was asleep.
"Virgil?" he whispered. No reaction. He tried again, a little louder, "Virgil?" Still nothing.
He was slightly more sure Virgil was asleep.
He knelt next to the Embodiment of Anxiety, reached out and put a hand on Virgil's shoulder, and when there was still no response, he carefully maneuvered the other Side into a more comfortable position. Virgil must have been exhausted, to fall asleep like that.
Virgil made a noise of complaint as Roman gently pulled him onto his side, his face tightening as he did so.
"It's alright, Virge, it's just me," Roman soothed, debating if he should let Virgil remain on the floor or risk moving him to the couch.
Virgil began to stretch and for a moment, Roman thought he might be waking up. Instead, Virgil made another noise and curled into a tight ball.
"Virge? You alright?" Roman asked the still sleeping Embodiment of Anxiety. He rested a hand on Virgil's chest, intending on pulling him onto his back so he could get a better look at Virgil's face.
Virgil grabbed his hand and pulled Roman's arm close as if it were a plushie he'd lost in the night and curled himself around it.
Roman choked back a yelp of surprise and stared at the wall, contemplating his new conundrum with a deadpan expression.
Finally Roman sighed and decided to use his arm tucked around Virgil’s chest to his advantage. He gently wiggled his arm slightly more under Virgil and tucked his free hand under Virgil's shoulder ans carefully pulled him upright and against his chest.
Shockingly, Virgil remained asleep the whole time. He must have been very exhausted indeed. Roman paused this way, Virgil sitting up against his chest, hugging his arm tightly, before deciding his next move. The answer to that seemed obvious enough, but still Roman hesitated. It felt like an invasion of privacy to sneak into Virgil's room in the dead of night, even if it was to carry the exhausted Side to bed. Virgil had made specific requests about the others not popping into his room whenever they pleased and Roman, being the honorable prince he was- he tried to be, wanted to respect that request.
Which really left one other option.
Roman hugged Virgil close and slowly as he could sank them both from the living room, concentrating on his bed.
Once more Virgil remained completely asleep, and if he was being honest, it was starting to worry Roman a little and if it wasn't so painfully clear that Virgil needed the rest, Roman might have more seriously considered waking him up, just to make sure he could.
But Virgil was still breathing and still clinging to Roman's arm with enough determination to assure Roman, he was indeed conscious, because when he started to pull away to shift them both into a slightly more comfortable position, Virgil's grip tightened.
Roman smiled fondly at him and let him have his way, simply lying down behind him, as Virgil once more curled up into a ball. Roman pulled the blanket up around Virgil’s chin then curled around him.
"I've gotcha, Emo," he whispered into the dim light cast by his nightlight. "You're gonna hate me for this in the morning, but that's okay. For now, I've got you and you can rest. G'night, Virgil. I love you."
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that-sweet-almond · 1 year
The Monster Under Virgil’s Bed
Word Count: 2896                                            (Check it out on ao3)
Characters: Virgil, Roman, Patton, Janus and Remus
Pairing: None
Rating: Gen
Warnings: None
Based off of this prompt by @sleepyvirgilprompts
It was the middle of the afternoon and Virgil was wide awake.
Not of his own will, no, but after the week Thomas was having, he had to question just how much that was actually his own fault. A lot of things were coming up all at once and unfortunately, most of them involved getting up pretty early when the main idiot would rather stay up until 3 am, playing Kingdom Hearts Whatever Number that game was currently on. Virgil never paid much attention to it unless he could use it to his benefit, but since most of the story lines were the equivalent to listening Logan’s manic rambles after Thomas had his fifth coffee of the day, the emo had put that idea to rest pretty quickly. Unlike what Thomas was doing.
Now that he thought about it, he actually hadn’t been doing his job much. Probably because he was just so tired.
He couldn’t even remember all the stupid things Thomas had put himself through throughout this week. There was that weirdly flirty interaction with a barista the other day, but that might have been a couple of weeks ago, and then some new acquaintance of his had tried to hang out but Thomas had gotten lost on his way to their house, so they never ended up hanging out. Considering how he usually reacted, Virgil would like to think he had actually been constructive for once. That was to say he had just stared at the unfolding mess and had decided to pass out on the couch instead of whispering in Thomas’s ear about all of the ways he could die out on the road without ever seeing his friends and family ever again. Stellar progress, 10 out 10.
All of that being said, there was definitely a monster under his bed.
Well, not definitely, but what does Virgil know at this point.
Patton had caught him outside of his room one too many times to seem “normal” by Virgil’s standards, and in true Patton fashion, the moral side had come to sit down next to him on the couch and had showed just how suspicious he was being by asking if they could have a talk. A talk. The idea had put him in so much immediate distress that he almost sinked out once the words finally registered, but by then, the look in Patton’s eyes and his quick clarifications served to temporarily deter some of those instincts, if only for a few seconds.
Most of the conversation was one blurry mess of words and puppy dog eyes, because he didn’t need to listen further once he realized Patton’s concern for him essentially boiled down to the reason why he was avoiding his room in the first place.
Virgil felt like he was being watched.
It was probably an anxiety thing, or so he had thought at first, but it had been a while since that had last happened, so it wasn’t completely unreasonable if he turned out to be right in his delusions. It had been almost too long, now that he thought about it. He must be doing something wrong for it to start back up again, he should have seen it coming—
No, there was no point in beating himself over it at this point. Especially because he didn’t have the energy to actually think about the consequences all that much.
Which was why he had decided to sleep on the Common Room instead of dealing with the problem. Dealing with the problem involved a sharp mind, and talking, and millions of other things that Virgil was just too exhausted to really remember, and it’s not like he couldn’t sense when he was in actual danger, even when he was asleep. No one dared to try to wake him up ever since he accidentally hauled Princey into the Tv stand at one of their first sleepovers.
This presence, this thing... it made his skin crawl in the exact same way.
Still, he had tried it. He tried going into his room after avoiding it for the last few days, if only to get Patton off his back. For an air head, the father figure was surprisingly observant, and Virgil always seemed to forget about that trait of his when he sweetened their conversations with just enough kindness to make him think he was actually a fun person to be around.
Virgil glared at the bed from the distance, trying to see if there was something wrong with it. Goosebumps broke across his skin as soon as he had popped up in the center of the room - too groggy to trust himself to climb up stairs - and that sense of uneasiness that had started on Monday was still there. It grew more intense with each step forward, the churning in his stomach turning more violent, the chills rushing down his arms growing colder, and the need to hiss at it left his throat feeling all the more dried out when the shadows under his bed were uncharacteristically still.
There was something under there, for sure.
His teeth gnawed and chewed on his thumb until the first layers of skin had been picked out, raw flesh peering through. It didn’t hurt just yet, adrenaline keeping his veins electrified until he solved the problem, but for once, his sense of self preservation was working and it was telling him that he should not try to mess with whatever that thing was.
Virgil dropped his hand, moving onto nibbling at his chapped lips. He desperately needed a nap before he made a mistake that he might not be able to cover up, but to get to that, first he’d need backup, someone stupid enough to believe him and just too self-centered to ask too many questions.
He knew just the right guy.
- Alright, where’s the Boogeyman?
- No-- There’s just something under there – Virgil corrected, gesturing towards the small space between his bed and the floor. – I’m already on edge, don’t tip me off.
- Okaaay, no need to tell me twice – Roman huffed, raising his dramatic hands defensively.
It was weird to see him in his room, and even weirder that he had believed him. There was doubt in Princey’s eyes when the anxious side told him about his suspicions, a joke on the tip of his tongue as his lips stretched into a mocking grin, but something made him hesitate, specks of worry dancing in his pupils as his expressions mellowed out into something more somber.
- My ideas do flee from me sometimes – he had said instead, overperforming his supposed embarrassment related to that notion. – Let’s hope this is not one of Remus’s.
Still, something was off. Roman was acting like he always did, talking his ears out about some metaphor that Virgil was not really following, and then he pulled out his sword, which to the sleep deprived emo seemed to have just appeared out of thin air. Maybe it did. It glimmed glamorously as the prince raised it in the air, the blade glistening perfectly against the gloominess of the room, and Virgil watched dumbfoundedly as Roman all but dropped to his knees in front of the bed, placing his hands on the carpet before bending forward, peering into the shadows.
- Princey, wait—!!
His high pitched scream reverberated across the entire Mind Scape, sharp like the blade of his sword as it stabbed right through Virgil’s ears, and as he was recovering from the dizzying attack to his senses, Anxiety found himself with an armful of a cowardly prince, his urgent grip on his clothes breaking through his fear until it turned into irritation.
- That’s no monster!! – he declared, clawing at Virgil when he tried to set himself free. – It’s much, much worse!
Roman’s exaggerated cries fell on deaf ears as the anxious side stared at the darkness from which he had fled, the newfound ringing in his eardrums drowning out any other sound.
There, amidst the shadows, two beady eyes fixed him, a row of sharp teeth gleaming menacingly.
Suddenly, he couldn’t care less that Princey was still holding onto him for dear life, because this might actually justify it.
There was an actual monster under his bed.
And Roman had been inches away from getting his face ripped out.
It tried to retreat back, escape from their gazes as Virgil forced himself to not punch the threat right then and there, but a subtle rumble picked out in the distance before he could move, shaking up the floorboards under his feet as his ears slowly adjusted. Patton’s face appeared in front of his open door, concern wrinkling his features.
- Virge? – he addressed him first, his eyes only then noticing the prince clinging to his side. – I heard screaming. Is--
- Do not come any closer! – Roman shouted, extending an arm out to stop him. – There’s, There’s...
Rapid breathing fanned at the side of Virgil’s face, forcing him to turn to look at the fanciful side, and to his disbelief, a smudge of black eyeshadow smeared underneath his eyelashes, only seeming to get darker with the pacing of his breaths. Fuck, he wasn’t actually joking.
- Roman, what is it? – Patton encouraged softly, ever so impatient as he came into the room. – You’re scaring Virgil. I need you to breathe with me, okay?
The prince refused to let go of Anxiety even as his despair grew palpable, shaking them back and forth with his frantic head movements. At this point, he seemed to have gotten mostly non verbal in his attempts to get Patton out of the room, resourcing to pointing under the bed in the hopes that would get the message across, but that only got Morality to frown at him, his eyebrows disappearing behind his glasses. His eyes searched for Virgil’s, for an explanation that wouldn’t come, but the prince had his arms pinned to his sides, and there was only so much he could do when another person’s anxiety was so overwhelming present.
- Guys, you’re scaring me. – a nervous smile tugged at the corners of Patton’s mouth, his hands coming up to fiddle with the sleeves of his cardigan. – I don’t like to be in here much, so unless you found a cute puppy you want me to pet or need me to deal with a monster under your bed, I’ll leave you guys to it.
Oh, the irony.
Roman seemed to regain whisps of his voice at the mention of their problem, pointing an offended finger at the space under Virgil’s bed immediately. The eyes were still there, as were the teeth, still as visible as before despite having been found, and a chill started from the bottom of Virgil’s spine, quickly crawling upwards as the word blurred around the edges.
Patton turned around, and yelped.
His scream was different than Roman’s, more surprised than startled, but the monster didn’t even flinch, only showing more of his teeth as Morality rushed to their side.
- What is that?! – he screeched, doing Virgil the favor of covering his right ear before speaking right next to it. – I’m too old for these pranks, kiddos!
- It’s not a prank! – Roman whined, his voice breaking as he caught sight of the monster again. – It’s a breathing, living thing, just like you and I, and it’s the most hideous—
Someone cleared their throat just as Roman’s voice started to get louder, directing them all to the open door again. Now, where Patton had stood before, Janus’s figure replaced his spot, wearing his usual caplet and his signature outfit. He was missing his hat and his gloves, but considering that the room was spinning and Roman’s strength wasn’t actually an exaggeration on his part, you could say Virgil had more important things to focus on at the moment.
- Would you mind keeping it down? I was totally not in the middle of something.
- Get lost, snake face! – Roman shrieked in response, only squeezing Virgil harder.
- ... Snake face? Really?
- It feels like there’s millions of spiders running in my blood, I can’t think about nicknames right now!
Deceit took a step forward before chaos could break out again, hands clasped behind his back as he assessed the situation. The left corner of his mouth pulled his scales with it as he gave them all a lopsided smile, following their eyes to the sparkling orbs floating in the darkness, and as if he knew something they didn’t, Janus positioned himself right in front of the bed, quietly staring at the monster. Next to them on both ends, Virgil felt Roman tense up, heard Patton gasp, but neither tried to come forward and stop him before he crouched next to the creature, all but shoving his hand under the bed.
A wounded whine echoed throughout the room, and then Janus stumbled backwards, almost falling on his ass.
- What do you think you’re—?!
- Oh, calm down, will you? – he snapped, his words almost like an order. – Never expected you to be this afraid of your brother, but if that’s the case... It’s not like I’ve been searching for him.
All three sides stared as Janus pulled his arm back, revealing the beastly man dangling from his sleeve. His sharp teeth pierced through the fabric as Remus growled at him, just barely missing his forearm as his eyebrows showing off his discontent over being found, but he was quick to let go once Deceit shook his arm for long enough, dropping on all fours against the ground.
Questions were left unanswered as they watched Remus try to return to the comforting darkness of Virgil’s bed, arms and legs moving at an unnatural speed to try to escape Janus, but the snake side clearly did not intend to let him get away with that hiding spot twice, summoning the rest of his arms before promptly getting to work. Two hands grabbed at Remus’s ankles, dragging him across the carpet, and a third hand quickly ceased him by the back of his neck before he could try to bite him again, unmoving even as the duke struggled against his grasp.
From an outsider’s perspective, the capture seemed to take no effort at all given how quickly Janus had done it, but Virgil knew these two just well enough to know neither was truly fighting to win. At least, not just yet.
- You’re absolutely filthy. Are you proud of yourself? – Janus said, acting as if he didn’t have an audience listening to his every word.
- Depends. Will you punish me if I say yes?
There was undeniable anger under the flirtatious pretense, his shoulders trashing against the floor as he desperately tried to set himself free, but Janus barely paid him any mind, only tightening his grip on his wrists. Remus purposefully moaned.
- You’d actually appreciate that – he grumbled, rolling out his eyes as the rest of his arms disappeared under the bed. – No, I might let you live if you actually behave.
- Oh, we both know that’s not going to happen.
Janus hummed in response, fingers digging into the back of his neck. From under the bed, his arms returned with the missing pair of gloves and his hat, which he would have immediately put on if it wasn’t for the dust covering it, and without further ado, the snake hoisted himself to his feet, not bothering with giving Remus the same treatment before starting to walk out of the room. Face down against the carpet, Virgil couldn’t help but wince with sympathy for the duke as Janus let go of his neck, dragging him backwards by his feet, and no matter how much he kicked and screamed, Deceit was set on not listening to him, not looking back even as Remus stabbed his nails into the carpet, only pulling him harder until he let go.
The newfound silence sounded foreign to his ears as Virgil stood in the middle of the room, unsure if he wanted answers for what had just happened. Roman still refused to unhand of him by the time Patton slowly started to pull away, quiet chuckles falling from his lips as he apologized, but to his growing confusion, the anxious side found himself missing his touch, exposed to invisible attacks without Morality there to stop them.
- You guys should leave now – he said a little too softly, his eyes dropping to the ground. – Princey will have a heart attack if he stays in here for much longer.
Roman might have complained about the comment, and Patton might have agreed, but despite how ridiculous this whole thing was, it was still incredibly draining for someone that hadn’t slept much in the last three days, and it only served to make his eyes feel all the more tired as Virgil’s blinks turned longer and harder to complete.
The warmth pressed to his side slipped away as Patton convinced Roman to hold onto his hand instead, to which the prince responded by clinging to his entire arm, and they walked out of the room without much further prompting, their voices echoing inside of Virgil’s mind as he rushed to close the door behind them with a click of his fingers.
The covers draped over his body didn’t serve to replace the cooling presence of another person, but he wouldn’t need to think about that if he fell asleep fast enough.
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virglsweb · 1 year
(Kinda inspired by @sleepyvirgilprompts, follow 'em if you kin Virgil!)
Virgil can only sleep with his teddy bear. He just finds it comforting to hold and cuddle. Now, let's just say Remus took it:
Virgil is frantically opening drawers, looking under beds, and throwing clothes from the closets onto the ground. Roman pops up behind him. "Everything Gucci, Mr.High blood pressure?" he asks, looking around the room. "I can't find—" Virgil began. "Well obviously you can't find something. But what can't you find?" Roman said, slightly raising an eyebrow. Not wanting to be laughed at, Virgil told him it was just something important to him. "Well, if it's important, let me help! Sir Sing-A-Lot is a great finder!" Roman spoke with confidence, which made Virgil look at him strangely. "No thanks, I'm good." Virgil thanked, still frantically looking for his bear. Roman sinked out.
Virgil thought for a moment. "Ah." he realized, sinking down to the buff. "Remus, give him back." Virgil told Remus with a look of hate in his eyes. "I'm not sure what you mean, Virge!" Remus replied, twirling his mustache. "I mean my stuffed bear, now give him back!" Virgil snarled, holding up a bar of soap. "AHH, GOD! FINE!" Remus threw the bear. Virgil picked up his bear, throwing the bar of soap and leaving it in Remus' room before sinking out.
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emoprincey · 1 year
Drabble/ficlet masterpost
Here’s the masterpost of my ficlets and drabbles!! Most of these are short fics under 1000 words, and most aren’t posted on ao3 
Fortunately, Unfortunately
Relationships: Romantic dukeceit
Summary: Canonverse. Janus reassures Remus that he really does love him.
"You own my heart"
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Janus is a prince, and a lot of suitors are after his hand in marriage. His boyfriend, Virgil, isn't too happy about this.
The Truth Hurts
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Canonverse. Angst. Janus tries to stop Virgil leaving. Then he doesn't.
"How do you get accidentally married?"
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Patton has some wonderful news (at least, he thinks so). Virgil takes it about as well as you'd expect.
A shoulder to cry on
Relationships: Romantic loceit
Summary: Canonverse. Logan is feeling a bit overwhelmed. Fortunately, Janus is there to comfort him.
Where Loyalties Lie
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Janus finds out his best friend is a traitor to the crown.
Feels Like Forever
Relationships: Romantic analogical
Summary: Virgil goes to visit his boyfriend. This would be easier if his boyfriend wasn't the prince, and if he didn't have to scale a tower to see him.
Race Against Time
Relationships: Romantic dukeceit
Summary: Perhaps the middle of a heist isn't the best time to Define The Relationship.
Of Flying and Flowers
Relationships: Pre-romantic logince
Summary: Roman and Logan are both pilots, dedicated to their jobs with no time for a relationship. Why then, is Roman gripped by the desire to do something romantic every time he sees Logan?
The Curious Case of the Missing Jacket
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Based on this prompt by @/sleepyvirgilprompts: Virgil can't sleep without his hoodie. When it disappears one day and ignores his attempts to summon it, this becomes a problem.
Stay With Me
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Janus doesn't know what happened, or even where he is. All he knows is that he doesn't want Patton to leave his side.
Moceit parents au
Relationships: Romantic moceit
Summary: Janus and Patton are both busy parents, but maybe they can make time for each other.
Falling for you
Relationships: Pre-romantic analogical
Summary: Logan is a little nervous about talking to his crush. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) Roman is there to help out.
Two can play at that game
Relationships: Romantic loceit
Summary: Logan thinks Janus should get out of bed. Janus disagrees.
Steal a hat, or a kiss
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Virgil tries to pull a prank, and it goes better than he could have expected.
Stimming and sparkles
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: When Virgil gets excited, his eyeshadow turns into purple glitter. Janus thinks it's beautiful.
Relationships: Platonic anxceit
Summary: Virgil isn't doing so well, but there's one Side who will always be there for him.
Relationships: Romantic anxceit
Summary: Based on a headcanon by @/princeanxious. Janus has cold hands, and delights in using this to prank the other sides. That is, until he tries to prank Virgil.
The World is Ugly
Relationships: Romantic intrulogical
Summary: Remus is a newly turned werewolf, and unfortunately he has to deal with the prejudices that come with that.
Dukexiety high school au
Relationships: Romantic dukexiety, platonic LAMP.
Summary: Remus bumps into his crush. Literally.
Anaroceit cuddles
Relationships: Romantic anaroceit
Summary: Virgil is rudely awoken from his nap, but somehow he doesn't mind too much.
Relationships: Romantic analosleep
Summary: Virgil and Remy make sure Logan gets some sleep.
What's In The Box?
Relationships: Romantic logicality
Summary: Patton brings home a surprise.
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alex-demon-wolf · 1 year
why thanks for the ask! all of it will be under the cut!
my most recent fan fics have been based on prompts from @/sleepyvirgilprompts, so obviously they're mostly containing sleepy virgil and what he causes for the others!
for non-fan fic writing, i have a rewrite of high guardian spice (remember when that was a thing?) in this one i kinda take what the show gives us, and mix it up a bit, add flaws to the characters that were there from the start, and give them development. i have the opening scene be the village rosemary and sage live in throwing a feast for the whole town, in honor of lavender, rosemary's mother, before she heads off on another journey. after the feast is the incident that causes rose to lose her mother, and sage to love an arm and a leg, though obviously they each have a different person they blame for it. then it cuts to years later when they're heading off to the high guardian academy! in the rewrite, the high guardians are general protectors of the land and people, the rot being the biggest issue they have to face since the war a thousand years ago. most people don't know about the rot yet, because the people in power do not want to cause panic, or give false hope. rosemary and sage meet parsley when they have to get either rosemary's sword fixed, or sage's limbs checked out. this is going to be a couple days before they go to the academy, to give them time to breathe before jumping into the magical school stuff. they run into thyme on their way out, rose trying to make yet another friend by thyme pushes past them to get into the shop. the rest of the time is a cut of what they do in.. the place is call lyngarth right? something like that at least! in this rewrite thyme is nonbinary, and elves, which they are, are less tolkien elves and have more fae-ish features, like some have antlers, and things like that. i haven't got the full story planned out yet, but the magic system is much more defined, old magic, golden magic, requires you to take from yourself, the environment around you, and/or the people near you to cast spells, with some having like, batteries of magic to be used! new magic, silver magic, seems to have nearly no restraints, the user is the only restraint, you have to be confident in your magic usage, but those in witch country have something to do with it, and the rot,
a monster high rewrite, that one more so cause i love it and the idea! all i have for it is frankie is enby, and they're all in college!
a fnaf.. au? rewrite? i don't know what to call it really- it's hard to call a rewrite when it's got no true story,
i do have a couple original stories i'm working on!
the first is one called lost mail! it's about a faun (aka a less sexual satyr) named toroh waver, who has always wanted to be the hero of a story someday, like in all the legends and stories he reads! he works as, essentially, a postman delivering letters and packages. after being sent to send a special secret package to the isles for a festival coming up, something his best friend and crush wren barnes hates, he falls overboard his ship, due to being a fainting go. he meets a character, who i think i'm going to make a halfling/hlinn, called nameless, when he washes up on the shores of a country he was not supposed to go to. nameless' cult/community is hated by the elven kingdom that controls most of the continent, due to them being fire magic users, and in the past there having been trials due to them being considered "dangerous"
in this world you're born with your magic ability, and can learn others but they'll never be as strong as your first one
when they get caught by the guards toroh and nameless see the eyeless prince, a name known everywhere but a person no one knows, while the king is seeing what their business is. nameless ends up getting them thrown into the dungeon for it couldn't keep its mouth shut. ep breaks them out, believing if the kingdom just made peace with these fucks then everything could be fine, and the king could let up! he gets them onto a small ship, and starts steering them to the next country they can go to, due to the isles and the kingdom not having.. the best connection, the king and the president of the isles having a lot they butt heads about, so if an unauthorized ship from there comes in they probably wouldn't make it. along the ride there toroh lightens the tension between them a bit, getting the two to open up a little and see how they aren't that different, typical main character stuff!
that's as far as i have planned for the story, the rest of it just concepts for now. one idea for it i'm playing with is wren coming to find toroh, believing him to not be dead like everyone claims. then shenanigans ensue when he finds toroh with two strangers who bicker all the time,
the second thing i'm working on is with my partner, the name for now i've been thinking of is pumpkin pickers! they all have pumpkins for their heads, and hunt ghosts/monsters together! the blue pumpkin, ajax, is the main character who is mute and the one most passionate about this. orange is his older half brother who has taken on a dadly role for him! red, quinn, is a hot head who is very emotional and dates around. sunny is the yellow one, who is emotional in a different way, and the younger sister to quinn. white, jessica, is a typical mean girl, and bestfriends with sunny and green. green is extremely chill, could not care any less about most things,
the third thing i've been working on is more of a world building project! it's about a government that has past a thing called the endowment act, which puts laws on people born with magic, magic called endowment and those who have it called the endowed! the circles are the legally recognized and allowed endowment, with enforces called the jury of endowed,
those who don't abide by the act face punishment of imprisonment, death, or arguably the worst one, having their endowment ripped from them. some endowed have asked for the third, it's rare, but life for the endowed can sometimes be a whole hell of a lot rougher than those not
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Nightmare Room
Authors note: Inspired by @sleepyvirgilprompts this post
Warning(s): Nightmares, cursing/language, slight unsympathetic Patton, Logan, and Roman in flashbacks (before Virgil was accepted), some angst
Ship(s): Platonic/romantic prinxiety (you decide)
Authors note: The flashbacks (italics) take place right after Virgil moved in with the light sides, so no one knows his name and he goes by 'Anxiety.' Present time (normal text) takes place after he's been accepted and told them his name.
- 3/17/21
*Virgil/Anxiety's pov*
I hate my fucking room. Well, I actually love it up until I have to sleep, then I hate it. See the thing is, my room just happens to have this really amazing feature that causes horrible nightmares. Every. Single. Night. You can't escape it. I mean, you can just not sleep ever but that's pretty much impossible.
See, my room back with the dark sides didn't do this, but it did some other really bad things that I'm thankful I don't have to experience anymore. I would rather just have nightmares than all that other stuff. Ugh, it gives me shivers just thinking about it.
Now, after I first moved in I believed that my room had changed. Once I started getting nightmares every night I brushed it off as them just occurring because I'm Anxiety, but that changed when I fell asleep in the commons one night.
I'd gotten woken up by Patton at around 7:30 am. "Hey kiddo, don't you think it would be better if you slept in your room?" He questioned, sitting beside me as I sat up and started to wake up.
"U-uh yeah I g-guess so," I stuttered out, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment that I'd accidentally fallen asleep on the couch. "It was an accident, I swear I didn't mean to. I was on my phone and I must've fallen asleep, sorry. I'll go up to my room," I stood up, grabbing my phone from the floor where it must've fallen, and walked over to the stairs.
"It's alright kiddo!" Patton flashed a smile at me that wasn't completely honest, but I sent him a small one back in return so he didn't get angry or sad or anything. I can tell they all don't like it when I'm down there so of course, they wouldn't like me sleeping down there.
Once in my room, I realized that I hadn't had a nightmare, making me very confused. Every other night I had one so why didn't I last night? Then I connected the dots. Every time I fell asleep in my room I get a nightmare. I fell asleep on the couch last night and didn't have one, meaning, my room makes you have nightmares. Great.
-Present time-
Since I figured out about my room I've attempted to fall asleep in the commons multiple times. Sometimes I was successful about sleeping down there the whole night until someone woke me up and gave me shit about being down there.
-Yet another flashback around the same time period as the other-
One night I decided that I'd try to sleep in the common room. I'd carefully waited until I was sure that everyone else had gone to their rooms and fallen asleep. After I was sure of that I grabbed a blanket from my bed and quietly snuck downstairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. I laid down on the couch, snuggling up in the blanket, and fell asleep shortly thereafter.
I was rudely woken up by Roman standing over me and shaking me back and forth. I slapped his hands away and stretched.
"What?" I asked, morning delusion clear.
Roman scoffed, "What do you mean what? You were asleep on the couch when we came down this morning!" I looked at him, confusion clear on my face, not quite picking up on the memo that he didn't want me downstairs.
"So what?" I asked, wanting to know what his issue was. He scoffed yet again, putting his hand on his hip dramatically.
"You sleep in your room. That's why it's there. You don't sleep down here on the couch! Plus, I'm sure your room is way more comfortable than this couch," Roman motioned to the couch and he wasn't even trying to cover up the annoyance in his voice. If only he knew.
Logan looked up from his book where he was sat on one of the chairs and stated, "Roman's right. Your room would be a much more comfortable resting place than the couch. Sleeping in your room would also decrease the amount that you influence Thomas."
Ouch, that last part stung. My eyes widened slightly in the realization of what they were trying to tell me. 'Go away Anxiety, we don't want you around.'
I hesitated on telling them about my room but I knew it wouldn't do any good as they didn't care one bit. I switched my eyes between Roman, Logan, and then Patton who was in the kitchen, looking out and obviously hearing our conversation.
Sighing, I stretched once more before saying, "Sorry, I'll leave," I got up and grabbed my blanket, and made my way to the stairs. All three of them watched me in silence as I trudged up the stairs to my room, holding my head down and the blanket close to my chest the whole time.
-Present time-
*Roman's pov*
I walk downstairs and see the emo sat on the couch, scrolling through something on his phone. Looking around I see that no one else is down here.
"Good evening, Virgil," I say before walking into the kitchen. I hear a muffled reply and I see him flop down on his side, attention still attached to his phone. I get a snack and open it, starting to eat when I get an idea.
Walking back into the living room I state my suggestion, "Hey, V?" He looks up from his phone and shoots me a questioning eyebrow. "Do you wanna watch some Disney movies with me?"
Virgil thinks about it for a second, turning off his phone and sit up, placing his elbows on his knees and resting his head in his hands. "Only if we can watch Tim Burton movies too." I let out a sigh, although giving away that I don't actually care what movie we watch with my smile.
I walk towards Virgil until I'm standing exactly in front of him before pulling him off the couch, and he lets out a squeak in surprise. "W-what are you doing, Princey?" He asks as I drag him upstairs, practically carrying him. I don't answer but instead, open the door to his room and close it with my foot before walking over to where all of his movies are.
Virgil just stands there for a second before going to sit on his bed. "What do we start with?" I ask, turning to face him from where I'm crouched by his shelves holding his movies. He had propped up some pillows behind him, leaning back against them with one leg up and the other lying down. He just shrugs so I decide myself, "Corpse Bride it is then," I state as I grab the movie, put it in the blue-ray player, grab the remote, and lay down next to Virgil on his bed.
We get comfortable, pillows behind us and only one of his bedside lamps on. The movie plays through, and I have to admit, it's really cute watching him get all excited and happy. He's adorable. Virgil lets me pick the next movie, I can only assume because he gave me another shrug as an answer. I picked Brave and didn't hesitate to sing along to some of the songs dramatically, causing Virgil to giggle and I could tell he was trying to hide his blush with his hands.
Next thing I know we've watched four movies and it's inching towards midnight. I can tell that Virgil's getting sleepy by his eyes drooping, and I can't blame him, I'm quite tired myself. I didn't notice that he fell asleep until Cinderella was almost over. He had gone lax against his black comforter, and he just looks so cute when he's sleeping I couldn't help myself from staring with a small smile on my face.
The movie ends a few minutes later and I don't notice until I hear the end credits rolling. I walk back over to his movies and put Cinderella away, turning off his tv and returning his remote in the process. I hesitate as I walk towards the door, turning around to see Virgil still fast asleep on his bed. I sigh, out of tiredness or happiness I couldn't tell you, and I make my way over to his bed.
I delicately pick him up bridal style, pulling back his comforter and purple sheets, arranging the pillow so he's comfortable before lying him down and pulling the covers back over him. I walk over to the other side of his bed, reaching to turn off his bedside lamp before I get an idea. Surely he won't mind if I sleep with him for one night, right?
Snapping my fingers I change into gray sweatpants and a plain red shirt before carefully pulling back the covers and sliding in. I reach over and turn off the lamp, leaving the room in complete darkness. Damn, it sure is creepy in here. I guess it suits him as he is "dark and edgy."
I curl up next to him, slowly wrapping my arms around his waist, encasing him in a hug. I come to a stop when he starts to shift, but he only hugs me back, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I would be so embarrassed right now if the room wasn't pitch black because I'm sure my face is as red as the apple Snow White ate. Gradually, I drift off to sleep with Virgil in my arms.
I jolt awake, fear rushing through my body. Wait, I thought Virgil was the anxious trait? Oh right! I slept in his room last night. Turning in the bed as I hear shuffling only to find Virgil slowly waking up himself.
Maybe I should tell him. Or not, it might freak him out and I would never want to do that.
The strange thing is, I had horrible nightmares last night. And when I say horrible, I mean horrible. They were nothing like I'd ever experienced before. Yes, I've had my fair share of nightmares over the years but they've never been this bad! They were so disturbing and gory it makes me want to cry and puke at the same time just thinking about them.
Virgil turns his body so he's laying on his side facing me before slowly opening his eyes and mumbling out, "Morning, Princey."
"Good morning, princess. How did you sleep?" I asked, trying to see if our dilemmas were the same.
He yawned before answering, "Oh, same as usual." He rubbed his eyes, closing them again and snuggling into the blanket. Holy shit he's adorable!
I nodded my head, not knowing how to respond. I might as well ask him. What harm will it do? "Hey, V?" I ask, getting a hum in response. "Um, I uh had some pretty horrific nightmares last night and I have no clue as to why I did."
Virgil's eyes shot open, looking at me in fear. "Are you okay?" He asked, panicked.
I laughed, "Oh yes I'm quite alright just it was unusual that's all."
He sighed, "Yeah I'm really sorry about that." I shot him a confused look, quirking my eyebrow.
"Why would you be sorry? It isn't your fault, it happens to everyone." I assure him.
"No, Princey, you don't understand," Virgil looked me in the eyes before continuing, "It is my fault. My room does this all the time. You literally could not sleep in here without having nightmares. It's impossible, I've tried. Trust me on this, I've been sleeping in here for a few years."
My eyes widen in realization. Do you mean that all these years he's had to suffer? He's had to deal with nightmares every night and none of us knew? Oh my goodness, my poor baby. That's probably why he refuses to sleep or gets very little of it and why he's always tired! Or- holy shit.
This is why he was always trying to sleep downstairs in the commons. I already feel so guilty about being mean to him for the longest time but now I feel even worse knowing what he had to go through. And we drove him out! Virgil tried sleeping down there multiple times but we always told him not to and to go away and he did. He went back to his room to have nightmares. Oh my god, what have I done?
I look him in the eyes and apologize, "Virgil I'm so sorry! I had no idea and I kept driving you out for years! I always told you to leave and not sleep downstairs not knowing that you'd have to go to your room and suffer if you tried to sleep! I'm so sorry!" Virgil was making hard eye contact with me and I could tell he was searching my face for a lie or sarcasm. "I'm serious, Virge. I truly am sorry. You don't need to forgive me, I understand."
I reach my arms out to give him a hug. He hesitates for a second before giving in and I wrap my arms around him tight. He slides his arms around my chest and squeezes me. "It's alright Ro, you didn't know and you didn't really like me back then. Plus, I should've told you so it's my fault," He said, muffled by my chest.
I pull back from the hug, looking down at him as he looks up at me. "Oh no sweetie, you don't need to be sorry. This isn't your fault at all," I bring him back into the hug and he mumbles out an 'okay.'
We snuggle for a bit before I get an idea and suggest it. "Hey, do you want to talk to Logan about this? I'm sure he can find a way to fix it for you."
Virgil thinks for a minute before nodding, "Yeah, but only if you do it with me."
I let out a light laugh, "Of course, my emo." We snuggle for a while before getting breakfast and continuing on with our day.
Virgil and I talk to Logan and he fixes Virgil's room for him so there are no more nightmares. After both he and Patton find out they both apologize immensely for what they did in the past. Virgil forgives us all, Patton bringing us all into a group hug.
I make sure to drill into Virgil's brain that if he ever feels scared or doesn't want to sleep in his room, he's always welcome to sleep in mine. I also just offer my room to him at any other point in the day, making sure he feels loved and safe.
God, if only I knew.
(2463 words) I posted this on my wattpad too (@/virgilstarantula) on my Sanders Sides oneshot book but wanted to post it here so that @sleepyvirgilprompts could see it. I hope you like it! rawr xD
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gt-fluffy-vore · 3 years
Tired and Touch-Starved Chapter One is now up!
On my Ao3(FandomsUnite17)!
The inspiration for this fanfic came entirely from a super awesome blog I follow, @sleepyvirgilprompts!! Thanks so much for the awesome, awesome prompts! (The inspiration came from a whole handful of prompts, so if you’d like to know which ones in particular inspired me most, PM me or comment here and I will let you know)
Virgil is living with the Light Sides now, which is great. He really does like it there, he likes being around them. But... he doesn't like having to sleep in his room every night, riddled with terrifying nightmares, in order to keep his secret hidden. It wasn't necessarily a bad secret. Not really... But he didn't have any idea how to tell them, and now it was just too late to tell them without making it awkward. And he couldn't get a full night's rest now for fear of them seeing him in Deep Sleep. Deep Sleep didn't ever hurt anyone, but he wasn't sure if, since they probably assumed he slept like any of them do, if seeing him in Deep Sleep for the first time would scare them. Or worse, make them afraid of him.
You see, when Virgil went into Deep Sleep, his body reacted to the state in many ways. The most obvious way was that his entire body glows like a thousand light bulbs have settled under his skin, sending the entire room he was in at the time in a bright purple light. And that wasn't all...
He's doing fine. He hasn't slept properly for almost two months, but hey! They hadn't seen his Deep Sleep and he hasn't started causing them any problems. So it's fine... right? He didn't need sleep, anyway. He's fine.
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purplecrayonismine · 3 years
A sleepy virgil doodle because IM sleepy and @sleepyvirgilprompts is carrying me through this storm
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writingsoftheghost · 3 years
cw:sleep deprivation, stress
Based on this prompt by @sleepyvirgilprompts
Patton felt guilty, they were all stressed with everything going on, but he didn’t think about how Virgil was probably taking it. Like he knew he was stressed, but he never thought it could be this bad. Roman and Logan were feeling similarly, both regretting the amount of pressure they’d no doubt been putting the anxious trait under.
They all logically knew he would take the brunt of Thomas’s stress, but they had a tendency to forget sometimes. Usually it was fine, they’d finish a project and Virgil would take a couple days to himself in his room, however, most of these projects were worked on gradually over a few months before the deadline got to be serious and the intensely stressful period started.
However this project had gone differently...
This time, Thomas had procrastinated a little, and so they were cramming months of work into one week. It was rather hectic and Virgil was working overtime. Everyone assumed he’d be fine once they finished.
On the day of their deadline, he was currently reminding everyone that they only had a few hours left for the fourth time when Roman turned around to face him.
“Shut up already! We know! If you could cool it with the doomsday clock that would be fuckin’ great!”
Virgil flinches slightly before recovering and switching his demeanor, “Well, I’m sorry,” he growls, “but this has to get done.”
“You could help a little,” Roman spits back.
“I’m providing the adrenaline,” Virgil grumbles before stalking off to where Logan and Thomas are editing the video.
It goes on like this up until the last hour, Virgil running around and Roman shouting at him to chill. Patton briefly attempts to calm the two, but Virgil makes it clear that he doesn’t have time to waste on things like tea or cookies.
The work is done and they all breathe out a sigh of relief when Thomas starts the upload process.
“We did it, kiddos!” Patton smiles at all of them.
Virgil wipes at his eyes tiredly, “Yay...”
He looks at his hands covered in black eyeshadow. He laughs a little, the laughter quickly turns into sharp, hiccuping sobs.
“Oh, kiddo,” Patton approaches him slowly with open arms.
Virgil takes a step forward into the parental side’s arms, he gives one last shaky sob before collapsing into Patton’s embrace.
“Woah,” Patton scrambles to catch Virgil before he falls to the floor, he pulls the other side back up against his chest protectively. “Virgil?” he asks softly.
A soft snore is the only response he gets.
Patton makes a sympathetic noise, “Oh, Virge.”
“What’s wrong with him?” Roman demands, his eyes wide and glued to the sleeping trait. Thomas and Logan are also having a hard time keeping the concern from their faces.
Patton shushes the creative side, “He’s exhausted,” he whispers, rubbing a hand up the hoodie clad side’s back.
Logan sighs, but nods. Thomas says he’s feeling tired too and heads to bed for a nap.
They all sink out together, Patton scooping Virgil into a secure hold before reentering the mindscape.
Patton lays down on the couch with a soft sigh, Virgil whines softly as he’s readjusted to a more comfortable position. The fatherly side lays the sleeping trait’s head onto his chest, placing a protective hand onto Virgil’s back and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
The anxious side’s hands come up from their place at his sides to fist themselves in Patton’s shirt.
Patton chuckles, “Sweet dreams, kiddo.”
Eventually Patton has to get up, he slips out from beneath the other side without disturbing him, so he goes off to use the restroom and take a shower.
Virgil wakes up alone on the couch, he doesn’t remember how he got there. He sits up and stretches, he checks the time, it’s mid evening.
Roman enters the living room then, Virgil jumps slightly. The prince looks shocked to see him.
“I thought you’d sleep longer.”
Virgil shrugs, “Why?”
Roman rolls his eyes, “Because you collapsed, you dork, Lo said we shouldn’t expect you awake until tomorrow morning at the earliest.”
“Collapsed?” Virgil asks dumbly.
“Yes, collapsed.” Roman repeats, “You scared Patton half to death, Logan thought you fainted.”
“Oh, sorry.”
Roman sighs, he sits down on the couch next to the emo, “How do you feel?”
Virgil shrugs, “Fine, where’s Pat?”
Roman points to the hall, “Shower. When was the last time you slept?”
Virgil looks at him for a minute, “I just woke up?”
The prince groans, “Before that, Virge.”
Virgil blinks slowly, he was still so tired, “I don’t know...”
Roman nods, “That’s about as good as we expected, I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday.”
“Yesterdaaaa—oh no! The project! Did you guys—”
“God, calm down, Hot Topic. It was finished before you even fell asleep. Don’t you remember?”
Virgil blinks at him slowly, he takes a moment before shaking his head.
Roman sighs for like the fifth time and Virgil’s starting to get rather annoyed by it, if he’s so frustrated why doesnt he just leave?
“Roman, I told you not to wake him up,” Logan grumbles angrily from the staircase.
“I didn’t, he was already awake!” Roman cries indignantly.
Logan glares at him for another second before turning back to Virgil, “How are you feeling?”
“Why does everyone keep asking that? I’m fine! I took a nap! I’m sorry for freaking everyone out, okay?!”
“Virgil,” and Logan sits down between him and Roman on the couch, “We aren’t upset with you, we’re worried. You don’t need to feel guilty about that, but we need to know what caused you to collapse like that.”
Virgil turns away feeling embarrassed, “I didn’t mean to...”
“We know,” Logan reaches out a hand and gives the other side’s a comforting squeeze. “How long have you been going without sleep.”
Virgil shrugs, “Most of the week,” he mumbles.
Logan nods, “We need to have a talk about how you deal with stress.”
Patton comes back from the bathroom, he also looks shocked to see that Virgil is awake.
“Hey, kiddo. How ya feelin’?”
Virgil shakes his head, “I’m tired.”
Logan nods, “That’s to be expected, before we let you go back to sleep, however, i advise you to eat something small.”
Virgil nods, he was rather hungry. 
“I’ll make you a sandwich,Vee.” Patton turns to Logan, “Sit with him, please?”
Logan nods.
“I don’t need to be babysat,” Virgil protests weakly.
Logan nods, “I know, but Patton and I think you may benefit from the presence of others. Studies have shown that physical contact,” he gestures at his hand that’s still wrapped around Virgil’s, “Helps alleviate stress.”
Virgil nods, “Okay. Makes sense I guess.”
They sit in silence until Virgil finishes eating, Patton wordlessly offers himself as a pillow again and Virgil is back to sleep in seconds. Roman smiles when Virgil puts his feet in his lap, he assumes that means he’s been forgiven.
Logan smiles as he begins preparing a presentation on healthy sleep habits and coping with stress to show Virgil in the morning.
@idont-freaking-know @aceawkwardunicorn @cute-and-angsty-princess @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @katlikethesword @tranquil-space-ninja @book-limerence
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Plushie Trouble
Based on this prompt by @sleepyvirgilprompts
Roman frowned when he saw that the light in the kitchen was already on. It was the middle of the night; the whole house should have been dark. Had someone else gotten up for a glass of water too, or...?
His frown deepened when he entered the kitchen and found Virgil sitting on the table, staring blankly into space. He was wearing pajamas, but judging by how exhausted he looked, he hadn't slept. Roman wasn't sure Virgil had even noticed him-- he hadn't reacted at all.
"Uh, Virgil?" he said. "You okay?"
"I can't find it," Virgil said. "I can't find it, and I'm so tired."
Roman slid onto to the table next Virgil, gently wrapping an arm around him. Virgil slumped tiredly against his side with a small sniffle.
"Can't find what, stormcloud?" He asked gently and lightly thumbed Virgil's arm.
Virgil laughed tearfully. "You're gonna laugh at me."
"I won't," Roman promised. "Maybe I can help you find it."
"Promise you won't get mad either?"
Roman frowned. "I'm not sure why I'd be mad over something you lost."
"'Cause Remus gave it to me."
The Prince nodded with a sigh. That made sense. "I promise I'm not mad at you. I've kept things he gave me too. Can you tell me what it looks like so I can help you find it?"
Virgil sniffed again and wiped his cheek with the sleeve of his hoodie. "My Shelob plushie," he croaked.
Roman went still. "The...giant man-eating spider from Lord of the Rings?"
Virgil nodded. "Remus made me a weighted one that's almost as big as me to lie on my chest so I won't move around as much, especially on bad nights. Actually get some restful sleep."
"Tonight's been a bad night, hasn't it?" He asked gently.
"I don't know, I can't sleep!" Virgil laughed bitterly. "Last night was though."
Roman squeezed Virgil a little tighter. "You know if you ever need-"
Virgil shook his head. "I don't wanna be a bother. I'm already doing that!"
"You're not. My door is always open to you, Virgil. Now. Let's find your Shelob, hm? Do you remember where you last saw her?"
"My room? But I looked, Ro, she's not there," Virgil’s voice edged on a whine.
"You're also very tired. So how about this. Since we're down stairs we'll look around here first-"
"I already did. What if she's gone, Ro?"
"Take a deep breath, Virge. You're really tired and you might have missed her-"
"She's huge-"
"And imaginary. Rules of physics don't apply to her, especially if Remus made her. Considering Remus made her, she's probably designed to respawn in random places that she shouldn't fit or would be funny if one us found her randomly and would be startled by it. Like...I dunno, the microwave!"
Roman hoped off the table and moved to the microwave. He pressed the button and the door swung open faster than he expected and a massive black shape shot out at him.
If he hadn't been so caught off guard he might have given a most undignified scream indeed.
"It worked!" Virgil cried out in delight. He hoisted the giant plushie off Roman, who sat pale and startled on the floor, and hugged it closely. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "Princey?"
The Prince of Creativity, sat still stunned on the floor. Virgil snickered and set his beloved plush on the table and offered a hand to Roman. "C'mon, Princey."
Roman took the proffered hand and was once more caught off guard when Virgil pulled him to his feet and directly into his arms.
"Thank you."
Roman finally recovered and gave a soft smile, returning the embrace and resting his cheek against Virgil's head. "You're welcome, Virgil. Think you can sleep now?"
Virgil nodded with a smile. "Yeah."
"Good. Cause I won't!" He teased. "Let's get to bed."
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Sanders Sides Content Creators Appreciation Post!!
@nachosforfree (If you're sensitive to the occasional Patton hate, from a Patton lover, you shouldn't let someone's opinion effect your opinion/enjoyment of them and their blog this might not be a blog for you)
@voidsides (thank you commenter!)
@sleepy-starling (dont ask me how i forgot them i couldnt tell you)
@katlikethesword / @swordladywritesthings
@snowdice (thank you commenter!)
@cute-and-angsty-princess (thank you commenter!)
@logan-got-yoinked (Fandom Greeter!)
@impatentpending (A Cool Person!)
If you want someone added, just leave their blog name (without an @) and what category they fall in, and I'll add them as soon as possible!
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sirskinwalker · 3 years
Title: Shhhh...
Original Prompt:
Romam: Virgil, what the -
Virgil: Shh, 'm sleeping.
Roman: That can't be comfortable.
Virgil: fuck you.
Roman: ...Just, you're sleeping there? Really?
Virgil: shhhh.
Prompt Credit:
After having a long day of defending the Mind Palace from Dragon-Witches and creepy crawlies, all Roman wanted was to relax. So, after a shower and outfit change, he stopped by the kitchen for a smoothie.
Although it would have been easier and faster to just create one from thin air, Roman always preferred to actually make the smoothies.
And, Patton had brought exotic fruits from his recently created garden, and Roman was dying to try them. He was always interested in trying new things, especially when it was related to food.
Taking out the tray of fruits from the fridge, Roman began slicing and dicing like he has done it a million times. While Patton was the best cook hands-down, Roman came in a close second. Whenever Patton was sick or dealing with something, Roman would be the one to take over, and would always make something extravagant. Though, while the presentation was beautiful, the food itself was often mediocre.
Still, it was better than what the others could make. Logan's food always came out burnt or bland, Virgil only knew how to make sandwiches and microwave Pizza Rolls.
While Roman was off in his own world, he had subconsciously finished making the smoothie. Pouring it into a wine glass, because, extra, he went to sit down on the couch.
"Virgil, what the?"
"Shh, I'm sleeping."
"That can't be comfortable."
"Fuck you."
"You're just sleeping there? Really?"
Roman had entered the living room to find Virgil laying on the back of the couch, like a dog or cat would if they wanted to look out the window.
It wasn't unusual to see Virgil sleeping in strange places. The sides have gotten used to it, and was always careful to look before doing something. One time Roman was going for a late night snack and was attacked by an awaken Virgil as he fell from the fridge.
Not in the mood to change plans, Roman plopped down on the couch, and began scrolling through Disney+.
"Hey, I was sleeping here!"
"And I just got back from a battle. I'm tired, hungry, and want to watch Beauty and the Beast," Roman growled, "so suck it up or leave."
Virgil blinked slowly, before sighing and closing his eyes. A couple minutes into the movie, though, he was awake again and curled around the prince, occasionally giving his commentary on the movie.
Long after the movie was over, Logan found the two cuddling, fast asleep.
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The Four Times Virgil Was Sleepy Around The Other Sides and The One Time He Fell Asleep
Link to AO3 version
Post the inspired the concept
Post that helped me with scene 4
Virgil doesn't have a good sleep schedule. That fact absolutely affects him in his everyday life. Just a bunch of Virgil being sleepy and defensive about it.
This is honestly just very self-indulgent because I just absolutely love Virgil Sanders and can't exist without thinking about the Sides for five seconds
It had been a long… day? Week? Month? Interval of time. I had been a long interval of time for the resident mindscape emo who just couldn’t seem to catch a break.
Letting out a long, drawn-out groan of agony, Virgil flopped down onto the couch, fully planning on just being a general nuisance by hogging it. Though, as soon as he stilled, hands resting on his stomach, he noticed just how good laying down felt. Arching his back off the couch, he heard those satisfying clicks before dropping back down with a sigh.
He could almost sleep here. There wasn’t exactly anything stopping him. The other Sides are off doing their own thing and Thomas probably wouldn’t miss a wanna-be vampire hollering in his ears. Besides, he needed the rest. So, slowly he allows his muscles to relax further as his eyes slide shut.
Then he hears footsteps.
Virgil shoots upright, scooting to lean on the arm of the couch his head was previously next to, trying to look natural. His gaze goes to the doorway just as Patton enters the room.
He startles when he notices Virgil’s presence, legs sprawled out, still taking up the couch. “Anxiety! Hi, I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” Patton’s shocked expression quickly changes to show his typical cheerful smile, confusion about Virgil being there present none the less.
“I could say the same, but we live in the same mindscape and are bound to see each other most of the time, so I can’t.” Virgil’s sass is prominent no matter how deadpan he sounds and Patton’s smile almost wavers.
“Of course, kiddo! I didn’t mean anything bad by you being here, just got a bit surprised. Well I’ve got something to do, I’ll see you around, Anxiety!” he called as he went back down the hall he just entered from.
It was about a week later; Virgil had managed to get one (1) almost full night of sleep – he got maybe two hours – and was once again extremely tired and considering just saying fuck it and going back to bed for the rest of forever. So how exactly did he end up dragged into a movie night with the rest of the Sides? Pure dumb lack of luck.
He was placed on the couch, sandwiched between Patton and Logan – Patton who just wants to give the newest member of their little group the most love he can and Logan who would probably implode if he had to sit on the ground – Roman sitting at Patton’s feet on the bean bag he dragged over. Virgil could already feel himself fading, with the lights off and all the warmth and the shockingly comfortable surface that is Patton’s chest he was being pulled into. Honestly, it’s as if the guy was made to be as huggable as possible.
Virgil soon reached the point of having to force his eyes to stay open barely halfway through the first movie. He couldn’t fall asleep. He’s tough and dangerous and they can’t know he sleeps and becomes defenseless sometimes, it’s far too dangerous. Who knows what could happen to him, what they could do–
His own internal ramblings were cut of as he let out a wide yawn, half burying his face into Patton’s chest. Patton released a small sound that definitely caught the other two’s attention if the yawn didn’t. “Are you tired, kiddo?” Patton quietly asked, hand soothing through Virgil’s hair.
Virgil quickly pushed himself off Patton’s chest. “No. I’m just getting bored of sitting here, watching a bunch of singing animals.” He stood from the couch and made his way quickly to the doorway, ignoring the disappointed expression on Patton’s face and relishing in Roman’s offended one. “See you tomorrow maybe.” Then he disappears up the stairs.
It’s a quiet day. Not the odd kind of quiet.
Rather, the kind of quiet that is achieved when everyone is relaxing in the common room doing their own thing. It’s not as if a vacuum sealed chamber, there’s still the sounds of Logan flipping pages in his book, of Roman’s pencil scribbling away in his notebook, and of whatever show Patton decided to watch. A good quiet that everyone could enjoy. Everyone that was fully awake that is.
Virgil sits on the couch, between Logan on the armchair and Roman on the middle cushion, staring blankly at his phone's home screen. He considered finding another app to entertain himself on but as soon as he hit the home button the fatigue of a poor sleep schedule hit like a bus. At this point, he might as well be sleeping with his eyes open due to his complete lack of responsiveness to anything around him.
Logan glances at the seemingly spacing Side. Eyelids slightly drooping, the lack of spare eyeshadow particles to suggest usage of makeup – which was concerning on it’s own as it almost looks like he is wearing makeup, the heavy lean on the armrest. Anxiety is not doing okay is the conclusion he comes to.
As most should know, Logan is not one to sugar coat or delay, so it’s easy for him to decide to get the current predicament dealt with as soon as possible. “Anxiety,” he starts, closing his book and causing everyone’s attention to move to him, including, just barely, Virgil’s, “from what I have observed, you seem tired. Have you been having issues sleeping?” Right to the point.
Everyone’s attention is now on Virgil, even as he still seems to be processing what Logan said, a confused expression on his face and half-asleep glaze to his eyes. “Wha’?” He says after a few more moments, blinking dazedly at Logan.
“Alright, that is everything I need to know.” Logan stands and moves towards the closet they keep spare blankets and pillows, A.K.A the Pillow Fort Closet™. He pulls out a soft blanket and pillow and carries them back into the common room, setting them down on the armchair. He quickly shoos Roman and Patton off the couch while Virgil watches, barely processing anything. “Anxiety, can you lay down for me?”
Virgil barely registers when he complies, lifting his head when he’s told to as Logan slips the pillow under it and drapes the blanket over the rest of him. It’s only after Logan sits back down that Virgil realizes what just happened and is sitting, standing, and sinking out in quick succession.
Months later, a few days after Virgil revealed his name and everyone got a dandy style change, things had returned to relative normativity except Virgil was marginally more included in many things the other Sides choose to do than before.
It’s currently night, a particular night in which Roman has been up even into the morning so late he decides there’s no point in sleeping. Roman decides to head downstairs and get a cup of coffee with the promise he’ll actually sleep tomorrow. What he finds isn’t not normal, but definitely not expected.
When he rounds the doorway into the kitchen, he catches sight of a large mass around counter level. He’s immediately flicks on the light, earning a startled hiss from the mass, now revealed to be Virgil sitting in the sink, the Side seemingly just woken up by Roman’s entrance.
“Virgil?” Roman asks. “What are you doing in the sink?”
“Sleeping. What are you doing up?” He rubs harshly at his eyes with a wide yawn.
“I got… busy and came to get some coffee. Why are you sleeping in the sink?”
Virgil only responds with a shrug, slumping further into the sink though his gaze doesn’t leave Roman.
Roman only nods and gets to work on making his coffee. “Well, it’s not my back that’s gonna feel like a dragon hit me with a tail whip later.”
“Whatever.” Virgil, still annoyed and tired from being so abruptly woken, continues to watch Roman with a slightly dazed stare until he finally leaves the room, turning the lights off as he went.
As soon as he's gone up the stairs, Virgil falls right back to sleep.
It was yet another, apparently mandatory now, movie night, and Virgil isn’t complaining. He is, once again, being cuddled by Patton and is happy to cuddle back with the easy bribe of hair petting being offered. Logan sits on his other side holding one of his hands as it had soon after his acceptance been revealed that Logan was actually very lenient about – if not openly welcoming – of physical contact. Roman sitting at their feet as per usual in regard to movie nights.
Virgil’s relationship with the other Sides had quickly developed into one of relative familial comfort.
Leading to a very similar predicament to earlier that year.
Sitting for more than an hour in a dark room, surrounded by warm bodies, with plenty of comfortable pillows and blankets surrounding them – a requirement set by Roman and Patton – the perfect movie night and napping environment. So, it’s simple to say that, while Virgil had been getting better sleep as of late, he is pretty sleepy.
There is one difference though. Instead of running out of the room the second his eyes start closing, he relaxes more against Patton’s chest. With a sigh he tries to bury his face further into the body, causing Patton to let out a low, small laugh.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart. You’re safe.” He whispers to Virgil.
Virgil hums in contentedness as Logan slowly rubs the back of his hand and Roman wordlessly lowers the volume of the movie. As he slowly drifts into sleep, he can’t help but think one final conscious thought.
Man, I love my family.
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xandriagreat · 3 years
Remy's Night
Author's note: this is from @sleepyvirgilprompts (This post)
Summary: Remy babysit his teacher's six year old son. Everything goes a long smoothly until bedtime.
Warnings (please tell me if I missed anything): shouting, hard past, food mention
"Are you sure you can watch him?" Patton asked to Remy as he finished adjusted his tie in the hallway mirror. "Because I know that you have a very hard week. With finishing everything for the end of the semester. "
"Yeah, I can watch him, Mr. Foster." said Remy, looking at his teacher in a near by picture and the different outfit that his teacher was wearing. His teacher was wearing a fancy gray and light blue suit instead of his normal dad-like outfit. "Plus, it's spring break now. And you and your husband needed this, Mr. Foster."
"How many times do I have to tell you. You can call me Patton when we're not at the school." sighed Patton with a smile as turned to look at Remy.
Remy shrugged. "Habit, I guess."
Logan came in with little Virgil, in purple pajamas, in his arms. "Are we ready, Patton?" asked Logan, setting Virgil down.
"Yes, Logan." replied Patton, getting his wallet into his pocket. He offer his hand to Logan and Logan took it.
And if Virgil planned it just right, Virgil quickly ran to his parents and hugged their legs. "I'm going to miss you." said Virgil looking up. The both of them chuckled as they hugged their son back.
"We'll be back." said Patton, kissing the top of Virgil's head.
Before they left, Logan reminded Remy that Virgil is to be in bed by 8:00 pm and they'll be back about 11:00 pm.
After waving good bye as they left, Virgil looked up at Remy as Remy looked down at him. "So, what do you want dinner?" Remy asked, kneeling down to be about the same level as Virgil. "Baties nuggeties!" said the six year old, jumping up and down excitedly.
They ate dinner, watched a disney movie, and read a story to him. 
For most of the night, it went well, until bedtime.
Remy checked the clock and it was 7:55. “Oh! Look at the time!” exclaimed Remy. “It’s almost bedtime.” Virgil looked up at him when he said that. 
“Yep!” said Remy, nodding and picking Virgil up to help him to go to bed.
“I'm not tired!” cired the six year old loudly but not loud enough that it would feel like your ears are ringing. “I want to stay up to see my dads!”
‘Oh really?’ thought Remy with a smirk. ‘Well, that’s going to change.’
Bedtime had been an hour ago. 
An hour.
Sixty minutes.
Remy didn’t know what to do at this point. “What do you want?” he asked.
"Daddy and Dad," said Virgil stubbornly.
“Daddy and Dad aren’t here right now,” said Remy, running a hand through his hair in frustration at the fact that they were going over this again. “You’ve got me instead. What would get you to go to bed? A story? A song?”
Virgil pouted. "No!"
“Come on, kid. Work with me here. Give me something I can do to make you sleep.”
Virgil just pouted while he looked at him. “You don’t know me and my parents' life!” shouted the six year old. 
Remy wanted to yell at him about his problems in his personal life but he didn’t.
Virgil was young and he didn’t devser to know too much that the world wasn’t colorful as it is when you see it as a child.
Remy sighed while he got Kitty, a black, white, and gray stuffed toy cat with some lavender oil on it, out from his bag and petted it. 
“What’s that?” 
Remy looked at Virgil and said, “This?” while showing Kitty to him. Virgil nodded. “This is Kitty.”
“Like what Boo calls the big blue Kitty from Monsters Inc?”
‘Sully’ thought Remy as he said, “Yes.”
He sat on the bed with Virgil. “He’s my buddy,” he said, “he protected and helped me in hard times. Like nightmares.”
Virgil slid over to him and petted the toy.
Remy looked down at him and Virgil smiled. 
Remy knew that what he was going to do was a sacrifice. “Here,” Remy said, handing Kitty to Virgil. Virgil stared at him in surprise. “But isn’t he your favorite thing?” Virgil asked, holding Kitty. “He’s going to miss you!”
Remy chuckled. “Yes, but you need her now.”
After getting Virgil under the covers with Kitty, Remy was about to leave but then he felt a tiny hand grabbing his hand. He looked to see Virgil.
“Kitty wants to sleep with you tonight, one last time.”
Remy smiled with tears peeking at his eyes. “Let me text your parents. But when your parents come home, I’m going to go.”
After texting Patton that he was going to be in Virgil's room, he got on the bed with a blanket that he had. 
Then both of them slept.
When Remy woke up, he looked at his phone (he had the light of his phone turned down so that it didn’t wake Virgil).
It was 10:58. 
‘It’s almost time.’ he thought, getting up. Then he felt something soft touch his hand. 
He looked down. 
Kitty was on his hand. 
He probably grabbed Kitty by accident.  
He looked at Virgil. The six year old’s hand was trying to find Kitty with his eyes closed
Remy sighed as he picked the stuffed toy kitten to eye level. “Hey Kitty,” Remy said quietly to Kitty. “It’s going to be okay, I can visit when I can, just promise me this,” shows Kitty to the sleeping six year old. “Protect and help him like you did with me, please.”
He hugged the doll and gave a little kiss on top, and then put Kitty under Virgil’s hand. Virgil smiled as he pulled the doll close to him. 
Then Remy got his bag and exited the room.
When Patton and Logan came back, Remy was on the couch. “Hi!” he said, looking up at them.
Both parents looked at him in surprise then relaxed when they saw that it was just Remy.
“Oh, hi!” Patton said back while Logan did a wave. “How was he? Was it good?”
Remy shrugged. “Yeah, he was good. Until bedtime.” he said, standing up and walking over to them. “It took an hour to get him in bed, but he’s asleep now and not hurt.”
Logan nodded then bolted to Virgil’s door. Patton and Remy run behind him to stop him. When Logan got to the door, Patton ran into him before Logan could open the door. Both of them fell onto the floor. 
Remy flinched when they both crashed.
“KITTY, PROTECT!” cried Virgil, behind the closed door. The crash must have woken him.
Remy opened the door to see Virgil holding Kitty like a weapon.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Remy reashered, walking over to him. Virgil lowered Kitty down. “What happened?” Virgil asked, looking up at him. 
“Your parents are home.”
Virgil looked at his clock in his room. “Dad and Daddy! You’re both grounded!” he shouted. “You’re two minutes late!”
“That doesn’t make sense!” Logan said, walking into the room with Patton.
After getting Virgil back to sleep and being given the amount of money, Patton was walking with Remy to the door. 
“Thanks for watching him, Remy.” Patton said smiling. "You're welcome, Patton." Remy replied. "I mean-"
Patton puts a reassuring hand on Remy's shoulder. "It's okay. It really is."
Remy smiled back. Before he left, he said, "Tell me when you need me to babysit him."
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