#slight vent art I suppose
0xochitlsketches0 · 2 years
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Missing them hours :,)
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mt-oe · 4 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡—modern mizu
Hey dears!
So sorry for not doing requests much! I'll be deployed into a hospital known for being super busy ;; I'd like to get my ideas out before I become buried with work again.
This one's inspired by my favorite artist. They recently followed me back here and I melted ///// Every time I see their art, I always get so giddy and happy. They honestly make my day <3
I'll link them here: @winnie-illustrator / ig: winnie_illustrator / twt: babydollproject
Specific art that inspired me is linked here: link <3
Also, I feel excited because I want to try incorporating my field into my writing too. It won't be completely accurate to give it a sense of readability and because that would be hell to write www
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, reader is older than mizu, autopsy, slight violence, reader thinks mizu is a man (pronouns used will be mostly he/him), implied afab reader
note: I am more than willing to take this down if the artist wants me to, especially if they are not comfy with reader inserts. I respect your decision, which ever it may be. I will still love your art regardless <3
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Nothing but the soft sound of metal being placed on metal and the vent fans spinning resonated among the cold tiled walls. An occasional cracking sound from a rib being opened or the soft, slimy 'thud' sounds of organs being placed aside could be heard. The air smelled like decay, formalin, or xylene depending on which area you stood. An eerie atmosphere lingered with an unsettling feeling, enough to be suffocating. Even the lights flickered, making the grayish tiles appear colder. Scalpels, forceps, and saws lined up neatly on the counter, shiny and sterilized as opposed to mess of organs and body fluids you had on your tray.
This place looked gloomy, empty, lonely.
It doesn't matter. That was how a morgue was supposed to be.
You sighed as you removed your dirty gloves, the latex producing a loud crispy snap. It was bloody and probably covered with something else like bile or whatever was left of the decedent's last meal. Stains weren't allowed on your reports anymore. Don't know why. It wasn't like what you were writing was legal anyway. The head's son must have touched a shit stain while handing it to his daddy.
Removing your mask, you placed a cigarette between your red-painted lips before lighting it. The smell of burning tobacco filling up the room as you rolled the cigarette to get an even burn. Your hand picked up the pen and started writing out the autopsy report for the recent corpse, taking hits from your cigarette in between. You hated writing autopsy reports. It was a waste of time considering the lawlessness of this goddamn place.
No one cared if you died. They'd step over and desecrate your corpse.
Name: unknown Age: est. between 30-40 years old Length: 175cm Weight: 73.3kg General appearance: fair skin color, appears of good nutritional status Other findings: Livor: appearance of postmortem lividity most prominent on left side of the frontal region of the head, left hypochondriac region, and the epigastric region; decedent exhibiting tache noir Rigor: whole body exhibiting rigor mortis, rigor still easily resisted. -blood vessel dilation found on upper and lower mucosa of the eyelids -nails and fingertips exhibit cyanosis -irregular-shaped bruising found on the left occipital region measuring 6cm x 3cm -laceration measuring 3cm x 0..2cm located on the right infraorbital region -linear fracture on right parietal bone -depressed fracture on left occipital bone, depression measuring 4.7cm x 2.6cm -several linear abrasions located on the upper palate (palatine raphe) measuring between 1-3cm x 0.2cm -crush laceration resulting in rupture located on the right lobe of the liver -traumatic fracture of left ribs (7-10) and xiphoid process resulting in partial decimation of xiphoid process
'Poor man,' you thought as you drew out the location of the fractures and lacerations on the poorly printed out piece of paper.
No, you weren't taking pity on him. He was a fool that probably had mouths to feed and was tricked by the enemy into thinking that he could handle the life-threatening, high-risk-high-reward job of being a spy for the enemy organization. They must've gotten him so drunk on fantasies of amassing a fortune, getting high on drugs he can't even pronounce, and women hotter than his wife. This fucking idiot probably thought sneaking in and poisoning your subordinates was an easy job.
Now his wife would have to live wondering where her husband went off to.
With a few more words and one click of your pen, you finally finished writing the report. You'd have to culture and assay the samples from his body later for any substance or biological weapons that he might have left. Your back rested on the cushion of your seat, a hand over your eyes as you closed them. "Fuck.. finally," you groaned out before sitting back up again to grab another cigarette and lighting it up, allowing the sound of the vents to take over the room.
It was quiet here.
No one ever went to your morgue...laboratory..whatever. Dead bodies lined this place up, a new face everyday. If you're lucky, maybe a new one will roll in every hour. A gut-retching, unnerving feeling never left this place. A feeling that someone or something was always watching you would linger; and somehow, to you, it was the most peaceful feeling. Like a tiny cove hidden amongst the mess where all you had to do was open people up like a treasure box, get a bunch of samples to perform tests on, then sew them shut.
It was your haven. Your little territory. No one wanted to go here.
"Impressive. I take it you're done?"
Well except for this little shit.
It was that blue eyed demon that had somehow made a name for himself allover the scene. An assassin who steps into the scene wielding only a blue katana. The only person who was crazy enough to bring a knife to a gun fight. His eyes striking terror to who anyone who saw them. Even your allies had chills running down their spines whenever they saw him.
Rumors quickly spread about how he took down a whole unit on his own. Stepping straight into enemy territory alone only with pure seething rage behind his sharp eyes, coming out covered in the blood of his own enemies. They say he only joined to kill the don of four particular groups. His presence screamed anger and bloodlust.
An onryo.
That's what they called him.
Despite only having graduated from training, he currently possesses the highest body count in the whole organization—and we're not talking about sex.
And luckily or unluckily, you had the privilege of instructing him when he was still a trainee. You had no intention of teaching anyone, your plate was full as it was. But one faithful day, he appeared in front of your morgue. His presence undetectable until he was right in front of you, sending chills down your spine.
Your eyes met blue, staring at it with a deadeye stare, not even bothering to hide the irritation you held. The blood in your veins was running cold, the tips of your fingers tingling from how nervous you had become. You accidentally left your revolver in your laboratory which was now blocked by this stranger.
'How the hell?' you asked yourself in thought, eyes breaking contact to glance around the hallway.
It was a simple hallway with only two doors on either side, one leading to your office and the other back to the lobby. There were no windows, no cubbies, no anything. Absolutely nowhere to hide. And yet somehow, you couldn't even detect his presence.
Sound always echoed around the gray tiles, capturing any sound no matter how quiet. Even the soft pitter-patter of water dripping from the ceiling echoed like a drum within this hall. However, no sound nor sign of footsteps could be heard. He was like the wind, suddenly appearing before you.
Your eyes went back to him, stare turning into a glare. Every part of your body was silently screaming at you to run, telling you that this person was dangerous. That one wrong move would kill you. "What the hell do you want?" you seethed out, eyes watching for any sign of aggression. Even with your vigilance, you couldn't win this without a gun.
Even with a gun, something in your gut was telling you that you wouldn't win.
His cold emotionless eyes continued to watch over you before his hands reached into his pocket, pulling out a picture taken using a polaroid camera. It was a picture of a recent autopsy you performed, corpse laying on the cold metal table, all stitched up. "How did you obtain this..?"
The decedent was an instructor known for being cruel to trainees. Everyone knew of his behavior but he was too influential within the organization to get rid off. Until one day, his body was rolled into your laboratory, multiple lacerations over the body, a few missing teeth, signs of struggle evident. No one knew who killed him. Too many people held a grudge with him to be traceable. It didn't matter, it wasn't your job to find out anyway.
"This..cut," he started, voice husky as his finger pointed to the picture, clearly referring to the cut you had made on the corpse. "Its clean. Exquisite. Clearly made by someone skilled." He looked up at you, eyes narrowing slightly in suspicion. "Its you."
A clear look of confusion painted over your face. This boy sneaked up on you because of a cut?
You took a look at the picture again and rolled your eyes. "A y-shaped cut. Every examiner and coroner in this world knows how to do one. So what?" you groaned. The blue eyed man seems intrigued by your answer, eyes glancing around in thought. As you moved over to the side to head towards your laboratory, the man stepped back and blocked your way again, making you let out an exasperated sigh.
"Teach me," he said, handing you the picture. "Or at least show me how you made that cut."
Another exasperated sigh escaped your lips as you glared at him, hands shoving the picture back to him. "No. Get out," you scowled. No matter how oddly unnerving this man's presence was, there was no way you'd waste your time taking in a trainee. Your hands shoved him away from the door before going to the handle.
Before you could twist the doorknob, his hand immediately gripped your wrist. "I'm not leaving until you agree," he said, pulling your wrist to keep yours hands off of the knob. The look in his eyes told you that he was serious. God, this man was stubborn.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance as you pulled your wrist away from his grip, crossing your arms. "Then make it worth my time. What do I get for teaching you?" you asked, raising a brow at him inquisitively.
His gaze shifted around the hall in thought before landing on you. "I'll tell you who killed this man," he replied, showing you the picture yet again. Your eyes softened for a moment before glaring at him again. "As if I care. My job is to provide evidence, not convict someone."
No, maybe you did care...or was it because you already knew who.
The man let out an audible huff before looking around again. Now his vision was focused on you. Looking over your features, observing every detail of your clothes and body. Anything to convince you, to force you. "You're missing a gun, aren't you?"
Your eyes widened slightly, the unsettling feeling returning to your throat. "And why would I tell you?" you said cautiously. He chuckled darkly before looking over you once more. "A model 57, am I right?" he asked, slowly approaching you with soundless footsteps.
As he approached you, you took a cautious step back, following his steps. Something was telling you that he was not so keen on negotiating anymore. Soon enough, your back collided with the wall, effectively trapping you between the tiles and his body. There was no use struggling. Both were equally immovable.
Rough calloused hands lifted your chin up, forcing you to stare at his face. His thumb running across your lips, smudging the red lipstick against your chin, staring at it before his gaze went back to your eyes.
He was reading you, observing the fear as it ran through your body. Once again, he took out the polaroid picture and showed it to you, now with a sense of satisfaction as he felt your breath. "You're not an idiot. You probably know who killed him," he said in a low tone. The look in his eyes hungry as if he was a predator hunting and you were the prey.
You gulped and turned your head away the best you could with his hand still holding your chin. Your actions neither confirming nor denying his statement. Numerous large lacerations, clearly made by a sharp object. The cuts were clean too. It wasn't hard to figure it out. At least not to you.
He chuckled at your stubbornness, knowing full well that he had trapped you. "Now," he proceeded, pressing your body further against his as he loomed over you. "Teach me." His hand slowly slid the picture into the breast pocket of your lab coat, fingers tracing the stitches carefully and tenderly. The threat sent chills down your spine. Your body was telling you to run, to scream at least. You were trapped between a wall and a killer.
"Fucking shit...Fine!" Your eyebrows scrunching together at the feeling of being defenseless. The threat of losing your life wasn't what bothered you the most. It was the fact that this cocky trainee waltzed into your spaces, wasting your time and disturbing your peace; and yet, you felt utterly helpless under him.
It was unnerving. It pissed you off.
Finally, he lets you go, face emotionless but his blue eyes told you that he was more than satisfied. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you opened the door to your morgue before craning your head to glare at him. "Oh and never touch me again."
But this bastard never got lost. In fact, he came back every single day. At first he had the decency to wait for you to get back whenever you went out to submit your reports, standing in front of the door like a good little boy. Now he just waltzes in like he owned the place.
Sometimes he'd just sit around and watch, the blue in his eyes shining particularly whenever you cut up a corpse that died from something peculiar. Sometimes he'd dirty up the place, walking in after a mission, covered in blood and smearing it allover the chairs and tables. Most of the time, he'd walk in just to annoy the shit out of you, moving around the reagents and inspecting them. Like what he was doing right now.
"Didn't I just replace the lock?" you asked, raising an eyebrow and taking a long drag out of your cigarette. His hand reached into his pocket before presenting to you a bent up hairpin. This little shit picked the lock again. "You did," he affirmed, voice sounding a bit smug.
His footsteps echoed around the room as he approached you, sitting down right next to you on the smooth varnished wood of your desk. "You should consider having cameras in this place," he commented, tilting his head to look around as if he hadn't for the past years.
You rolled your eyes at his suggestion, exhaling the smoke through your nostrils in a deep huff. "Oh please, as if you won't find a way to break them and sneak in. You'd carve a hole on the ceiling if you had to."
He hummed in agreement, eyes closing while he nodded. For a moment, silence once again enveloped the place. His eyes looked over to the cigarette you were holding, blue orbs eyeing the red lipstick on the filter, gaze lingering on it in particular. "Did you like the corpse I gave you?" he asked, taking the autopsy report from your desk and reading it.
"You could've gone easier on the man," you replied, tapping your cigarette on the ash tray and snatching the report back from him. "Really. Blunt force trauma? What did you use? The back of a gun?" you chuckled, scanning over the report as well. "Just when they've handed us a new batch of rifles, you just had to use it like a machete."
The shrug he gave you was more than enough to affirm your suspicions. Raising an eyebrow at him, you put your half-finished cigarette out on the ash tray before walking over to the corpse, putting on a new pair of gloves, and zipping up the body bag. "A ruptured liver too," you sighed, bringing the tissue samples you took to another table and placing them in formalin.
"He deserves it," he replied nonchalantly, taking the lighter from your desk and standing up, striding over to where you were. Snaking his arms around your hips, he peered over your shoulder. Your body went rigid as you tensed up from the contact. Suddenly, the feeling of something firm being pressed against his shoulder made him step back a bit. His eyes trailed down to see the barrel of a revolver pointed at his shoulder.
Your eyes narrowed at him, warning him to back off. A clicking sound could be heard as you turned to face him, jaw clenched. "Touch me again and I will shoot," you warned, vexed expression evident. His gaze switched over to your gun then to his shoulder before he took another step towards you. It seems that your threat was ineffective towards him.
"Go ahead," he replied, pressing the barrel of the revolver against his shoulder before placing his hands on both your sides, resting it on the cool metal. "At least aim at a vital organ. A hit on the shoulder is easy to fix." Sharp blue eyes staring at your lips once again. The red on your lips fascinating him. It was like he was hypnotized.
You rolled your eyes at him, eyebrows knitting together as you realized that your threat was not working at all. "Oh and maybe I should remind you that I'm the only doctor here," you snarled sarcastically. He laughed softly, tilting his head down to look at you. "Aren't you a pathologist?"
"Exactly. So back off unless you want to be the next thing I cut open," you threatened but it was no use. The man in front of you stayed unmoving with his eyes fixated on your lips.
The more he stared, the more he pressed his body against you. Yet somehow, you couldn't bring yourself to pull the trigger. Instead, you raised a knee up before swinging it towards his crotch. However, upon impact, your eyes widened in realization. You stared at him dumbfounded, lips parting as you finally spoke...
"You're a woman."
At your statement, her gaze hardened, jaw clenching in sudden aggravation. Suddenly, her hands grasped your wrist, pinning you down on the table as she loomed over you. Your revolver now on the floor with loud clack, a heavy foot over it. Her eyebrows scrunching together in an irked expression. "Speak of this to anyone. I'll kill you," she threatened, face moving closer towards yours.
You couldn't believe it. All this time, the blue eyed demon was a woman all along. He who brought fear into his enemies, leaving them either dead or permanently incapacitated, was not a he. The little shit bothering you and messing around with the stuff in your laboratory was a woman.
The lack of reply irked her even more, her glare now directed towards your lips. Fuck. Maybe if she wasn't so distracted by your lipstick, she would have seen this coming. The longer she stared, the more her body grew hot either from infuriation or from something else.
Suddenly, her hand entangled itself within the locks of hair at the back of your head, pulling on it and smashing her lips against yours. Your lips opened slightly from surprise and she took the opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth. Her tongue explored the cavern of your mouth, not caring if you returned the kiss or not.
Your body trembled under hers, breathing becoming shakier as the kiss continued. A small groan escaped your lips at the feeling of her hand pulling on your hair tighter. Eventually, you allowed your tongue to move with her's, dancing together with your groans and soft mewls as the melody.
A thin string of saliva connecting your lips together upon pulling away. Your red lipstick smudged over your cheek and allover her lips. You could see her chest rising and falling as she panted through her nose.
"Fine...I won't," you breathed out, looking away to hide the warmth crawling up to your cheeks. The heat of the atmosphere taking all the snarky remarks out of your mouth. Her gaze softened before she leaned down, placing a trail of kisses from your lips down to your collarbone. She lifted her head up once again and let your wrists go, helping you up.
Before you could speak, she slipped her hand into your breast pocket and took out the carton of cigarettes, taking one out and placing it between your lipstick-smudged lips. Reaching into her pocket, she took the lighter she picked up from your desk out and flipped it open, lighting the cigarette for you.
Her blue eyes scanned over your figure before chuckling, all the anger she had earlier completely gone. "I know you won't" she whispered with a sense of sincerity. "I'll leave."
You watched as she headed towards the door, footsteps quiet and quick. Upon reaching the door way, she turned towards you with a slight smirk.
"Mizu," she said suddenly.
"That's my name, so don't forget." She turned back around and left. The sound of the door closing echoing around the morgue. Your eyes stared at the door, stupefied from the turn of events. Your fingers slowly touched your lips, tracing where she had placed hers.
There was no way you'd forget it.
She'd come back every day to remind you of it.
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venelona · 1 year
Hey! Big fan of your art!
I have a question:
You’re a big shipper of frans which gets a lot of hate online from people who claim it to be “problematic” or “pedophilia” and I’m curious: How do you deal with these people?
A lot of the time these people have the intelligence of a paint can, and the personality of a rusty pipe. They come in many forms: sometimes they just follow mob mentality, sometimes they think they’re the “good guys” and are fighting against “problematic” stuff, sometimes they’re just uninformed and too stubborn to listen, and sometimes they just hate to hate. These things all mean that they can’t really be reasoned with.
So I’m curious as to how you deal with them and what the best strategy is (I’m planning on getting into ut writing, so I wanna be prepared).
(Thank you!)
Hello, thank you!
Your observations are very on point - a lot of people who send frans hate (honestly, its not even just frans issue - it can apply to any not-canon ship) are quite narrow minded, stubborn, like to play a morally superior 'hero' and do not like to listen to any reasoning
I deal with it by simply not being that person. I keep open mind and respect even ships that I dislike with all my soul, because at the end of the day this is fiction, hobby, for fun. And that's what I tell people who try and sling hate at me - you really have a problem with a person's choice of fictional character romance? Even if its problematic (when it comes to frans, as long as Frisk is an adult I do not even consider it problematic), exploring a problematic ship does not make a person awful, as long as they are and the audience is aware that it's supposed to be problematic. Like, yunno, people who write murder stories are not killers
When engaging with the hate comments (which I usually do when I receive any - when I was still in the toxic pit that is Instagram when I wasn't in the best mental space I'd just delete hateful comments, only for those people to come back and point fingers at me for it, which means they were monitoring a post they actively dislike... honestly, those kinds of people just have too much time in their life) I usually try to respectively describe my point of view, and sometimes even engage in conversation when I try to talk with them through their points in an effort to show them that there doesn't need to be hate like this, and how usually it's hypocritical in comparison to other ships, maybe world in general, or just that it's kind of a waste of time to talk about this because this is for entertainment purposes of a person you do not know but choose to hurt and can hurt
I do not owe this to those people - I probably don't even owe them politeness I try to extend, but I choose to act this way because usually those people are young, and if my words have even a slight chance to change how they choose to act and view things, it's worth it in my eyes to try. Though, I do this if I'm in a good mental space, which I usually am, but I get wore down also. If I'm too tired, I just ignore it, or leave a shorter comment
Honestly I've been very fortunate not to receive a lot of hate over the years - I was too unpopular/not worth it at first and later too big and intimidating to attack later lol I'd never want for people to attack someone on my behalf, even if they attacked me, but having friends you can vent to if something did get to you is very nice.
Most of the time people don't really change their point of view, but sometimes they do. I got a couple call out posts on twitter last months, and commenting on them and talking to people who made them made them delete them, because they were made by teens who got scared that the person they ragged on saw this, asked them why they were gossiping, and explaining how their 'heroic unmasking' posts could lead to a person receiving threats and having their mental state crumbling (I was in good enough mental space so I didn't think of it much, but I worry for those who may receive same type of treatment and handle it worse). Those teens said they won't make posts like this again, which doesn't mean they changed as people or changed their perspective, but hopefully means in the future there will be less people hated, and less people will embarrass themselves by targeting people in hopes of being a 'hero who brought awareness to this person being bad' when the person didn't do anything to deserve this
In conclusion... Do not listen to hateful comments - there's no shame in deleting them or blocking the people outright. I always leave blocking as last resort, but it's a personal choice. Sometimes for your mental health and mood it's really better just to yeet that out of your sight tho, complain to your friends and move on to have a nice day
Good luck with writing! If you start getting any ship hate you're always welcome to dm/tag me, and I'll try to help you ✨From personal experience, Tumblr doesn't have much haters though - even if you catch their attention, you can always turn off anon asks
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churrothezanyrabbit · 7 months
holy shii it’s beta churro
tw for second one with missing eye and slight bl00d and revolver on the floor (it’s supposed to be them as wi[wednesday’s infidelity]. oswald)
should i make them an oc btw
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i made this a long time ago too cuz i made vent art one time and i just got the idea for a rabbit persona outta nowhere so
here is the vent art HSHDHSH i actually like the hair here still it’s really good for it being older
tw for eyes
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coastxlwaters · 4 months
My brain: Draw the DCA fandom eclipse being silly or cute it will make you feel betterrrrr
Me burnt out, wants ppl to see my actual art, going through a lot of stress irl, getting ghosted by all my friends, and can’t show my art to my family: Yessn’t
Tw: Venting, bad mental health, burnout, severe stress, (slight) mental abuse, getting ghosted, sickness, severe mental exhaustion, eye strain
Coffee? Tried it
Tea? I have none
Sleep? I have to much and to little to do
Taking a break? To much yet to little to do, not to mention my adhd brain doesn’t fucking allow me to unless I have meds which are out for 2 days
Art I enjoy? Has been ruined to me by my friends and family
Looking at the people who like my art and follow me? 70% of them are from the crackposts I did, not my actual art
Water? I will probably get sick if I drink anymore
Spending time with family? If I try I will only get stuck in an argument I don’t want to be in, and my brother is out of town
Try to figure out why my friends are ghosting me? Their ghosting me how am I supposed to figure it out-
Make new friends? I will mentally die if I try to go socialize with all the summer work I have
Go do things I enjoy? That’s horse riding but that’s also one of the things stressing me out
I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE, please if someone has tips or anything at all I would really appreciate it a lot!
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sigyn-foxyposts · 4 months
"Vent art dump" Tw: Eye strain, heavy themes of child loss & death, Surgery, body scars, slight body horror, non explicit nudity, mental health problems. ‼️
Minors DNI, stay safe okay? <3
Don't worry everyone, I am mentally well these days! 😭
i wasn't originally planning on sharing these but I feel like someone out there could relate and maybe find comfort in what I express through my art, I'll even explain the meanings behind them for more context so i dont leave people guessing.
Nothing here is to gain sympathy, just sharing experiences. That's what I'm after! <3
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Fenrir being bound by the chains and him holding around me is supposed to be a metaphor for my build up emotions and anger towards the people that have failed me, it resembles how I can't properly express my emotions without lashing out because I had no choice then to supress them. Like fenrir, they silenced my pain, they abandoned me. Many adults in my life, including my teachers and my parents that were supposed to protect me, teach me things, that I could trust! They all failed me.
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This is supposed to be me and my twin sister, who only lasted a few months after our birth. Ever since I was little I always expressed I felt like something was missing, that I was half of something that was supposed to be whole. It made sense to my parents on what I meant back then and it does to me too now.
It left me feeling so empty all these years. Even if I never got to know her, I still miss her. We were both aware of each others existence at some point! After all we were identical twins. The reason her face is melted and attached to mine is because we could have been so similar in appearance, but no one knows that for certain with how things turned out. I'm more at peace with her passing these days, since I had my whole childhood to process it. But keeping her memory alive is something i wont let go off.
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The moment I entered this world, everyone was certain that Hel was going to take me into her sweet embrace because of the way I looked compared to my sister, I was the smallest and thinnest. It was like my fate had already been decided, but I proved them wrong by fighting on. Before I knew what fighting even was. While luck was on my side back then I ended up being frail, always so sick and truly I never grew out of it. Not only did life's circumstances almost take me, but my health complications were there to add more into the stress. Despite all these issues, I kept going!
All the way back in 2017 when I first learnt I had scoliosis, which is a condition where your spine curves sideways, that affects many things in your body! I was terrified for my life. I've always avoided those "dangers" like breaking an arm because I knew I probably couldn't handle it and I knew already back then if the treatments I got wasn't working, it was going to get life threatening. Which it did, I was doomed for surgery no matter the efforts.
While you can't die from surgery these days, with my weak condition and this HUGE surgery I had a feeling I wasn't going to make it. But I did and i have gone through this twice now! The scar on my back will remain forever, but it's not there to remind me how horrible life is and how scared I was, instead rather how strong I've been through it all!
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writteninscarlet · 11 months
"Merry crisis." [Steven] ;; @silverjetsystm
iconic vines prompts ;; accepting
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People would always surprise her - it's why she loved people. The more she saw, the more she tended to like humanity. Though she knew it was rather the opposite for most of her fellow heroes and vigilantes.
She couldn't say she knew them well, but you could always pick up on things couldn't you? And Wanda bit her bottom lip slightly, trying to refrain the amused smile from spreading across her features before he spoke. Because no one could do stressed - happy, excited, annoyed, angered - as well as Steven. That much was something she had learned.
"You know what? That's rather a good greeting from you," she responded, arms folding across her chest before one arm reached up and she tapped her chin as though thoughtful. A little hum as she mused before sending him a warm smile. "What's a crisis to one is adventure to another. Or gain. Is this a crisis you would like a SOLUTION for? Or just to VENT? For you, I'm here for either." ...Though she supposed she'd hardly turn anyone away when they had a crisis.
"You should start doing yoga with me. Your blood pressure must be through the roof. You need a relaxing exercise." She was joking, truly, though she tried to keep her expression deadpan or firm as she spoke - though the smile at the end maybe gave it away. "Merry crisis, Steven. I'm sure whatever it is, you can handle it. So come on. Is this a crisis that coffee will help, or magic?"
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"Though, I hope it's not something that will drag on? I was hoping to ask if you'd like to be my gossip partner again. Another gala. I do not plan on attending this one if it's by myself. What a bore-fest...." A slight scrunching of her nose, shake of her head. Not that she wouldn't give to charities or towards the arts. But she could do without being dragged into the weird world of big parties she knew nothing about.
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rosehipsister · 8 days
damn, i kinda wish my commission work didn't go like this lately. (slight vent with a positive spin under cut)
previous commission round? when my grandma was dying and i needed money. speedrun to getting depressed and the war going full scale half a year later. results: commission absolutely lost after making several sketches, allowed to keep money as a donation (shout out to you, you know who you are)
this commission round? just started to get it together and all my tech died. good luck having savings for replacements, these were supposed to get me on track to even HAVE savings. results are better. i did 2 out of 4 (the rest are blissfully not urgent, but i'm working on them) i got donations to fix some things up. i want to draw again even though it's hard to do in current state.
i just want one of these to go normally? like, normally?? when the mental and physical ability to make art isn't torn from my hands on every step. i believe i will have a good run again, but it's hard to envision rn
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creaturesnatchers · 2 months
Did any of you know the game was a horror game? Who was that weird sprite near the end?
This was gonna be answered by a few screenshots I was supposed to post but completely FORGOT since I didn't ask everyone for permission yet but.
Yes; everyone but our let's player knew about the horror elements... mostly? The estate was not supposed to be entered nor did we finish it at all?? but it's only slight horror vibes.
We assume they were easter eggs by the devs, sort of like how animators tend to vent out their frustrations through VERY out of character drawings and art that aren't ever supposed to be seen. But we assure you, it's not all horror at all, every upload from now on will be just the normal game.
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pro-skater-roxas · 9 months
vent? im just really frustrated and i need to scream (slight mention of self-harm..??)
Okay, so like... I struggle so, so badly with making art. I've been obsessed with drawing for quite literally as long as I can remember, and if I don't draw for even one day I just... miss it. Problem is, I get so unbelievably frustrated trying to make ANYTHING that it just sends me into depressive spirals nearly every time I work on a piece. I'm so exhausted. I can't practice because I get frustrated. Or I can't focus because it's not stimulating enough for me to try and learn. I don't know how to draw for fun anymore. Even things that are supposed to be catered to me, that I'd like to make for myself, are drawn with someone else in mind. I literally just don't KNOW how to make things without having the goal of "this needs to look perfect, exactly how I envisioned it." And it's like... worse than just that? These depressive spirals I fall into have led to me scratching my skin open, or even digging my pen into my arm, or literally driving me to have suicidal thoughts. But I can't just stop drawing because it feels just as bad. I try so hard to power through it but I'm just... not getting better. I feel like I'm getting worse. (mentally, not my drawing skills, although they feel incredibly stagnant right now) I can't even tell if I LIKE drawing anymore which is even more upsetting to me. I want to draw so badly it fucking HURTS. But is there even a point if I just erase everything I'm trying to do over and over until I end up unplugging my tablet and sobbing at my desk.
I dunno I just feel like I'm reaching some sort of big breaking point and I don't know what to do anymore.
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valynxia · 2 years
Life update
Since Wednesday I have lowered my antidepressants because of the heavy side effects I've had for a couple of years, shortly will I continue without them (Still have some different meds to use if having emotional spike). Currently I've got more emotions than before which result in more art (Still sketching/working on lines, I'm getting better with staying focused) but I'll most likely receive a setback later.. maybe.
I'm not "cured" from depression, only reached the point were meds do more damage than good. Not being able to express myself and only building up more and more emotions I can never vent out wears me out. With some luck I've learned to cope with issues differently which will make me less vulnerable. Surely the past years been extremely rough for me but I'd never make it without getting forced into healthcare and put on meds. I see my state more.. dormant.
Apart from this have I found a goal I'm working on (where to live) which I will keep moving forward towards, while the other challenge falls in; That I need to accept that I'll always be alone. It's not something to "hope you'll find someone" because the way I live my life, doesn't make it possible. I never been the type who rely on others, there's been too many issues or failed expectations, therefore I forced myself forward in life. Its nothing to pity for, its just how its supposed to be for me.
Spent some hours today removing heavier vents from the past to prevent getting constantly hammered by memories plus some of the past pictures were.. a slight too much.
Work wise its less exhausting since we had quite a swap out of people which means less unfair workload plus more people I get along with.
Art wise, as already mentioned; More emotions from me means more art, I'm holding strongly on to focus my art on emotions and expressions. Bumping my CM:s a last time here because next year will my prices increase
tumblr specific update: I'll use this blog for my main posts/reblogs/own art A-charr-can-draw-too will mainly be my gw2 art (and to share my favourite art pieces) Battlewhiskers will be my gw2-only content
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nightseeye · 6 years
I was kinda angry so i drew this earlier. Not angry anymore, but it's still a neat picture
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mod-jazzy · 2 years
For your blogs, where do you draw inspiration from other than the Pokemon franchise? I know with the crossover blogs like Wasteland labs its fairly obvious, but what about the others?
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Not doing GIFs of this to avoid a SUPER long post haha
AskTideTheGastrodon: My first askblog ever(now rebooted) It is based off of the Seven Deadly Sins! A cliche genre I know, but as a kid who was always surrounded by religion without consent.. I've always had a soft spot for the genre! More specifically, the blog is actually based on a webcomic I tried to start when I was young... but turned it into Pokemon! Draws a lot of inspiration from biblical theories and themes and some Greek God nonsense. As well as some Slice of Life aspects for comfort!
Tales-from-kirkland: My second askblog ever haha. Obviously takes a lot of inspiration from the Pirates of the Caribbean series.. but pirate lore and legends in general!! Pirate and general ocean lore is SO FULL of myths and legends and stories!! I adore the horror and mystical aspects that the ocean can give to us. Plus I just... genuinely love the ocean and all it can hold and tell.... I'm a simp for the ocean don't @ me.
Ask-Eden: Listen. I've been in the community since 2016. I am not immune to Mew blogs (also looking at you Skins lol). So I suppose PokeAsk as a whole was inspiration for it?? But also more greek god nonsense as a whole. But I guess the true "inspiration behind it"... I watched a scene of a show with Michael Cera being awkward and I went... what if god was like that. Hence, Eden. Also the series Bee and Puppycat! It's entire aesthetic and dimension travel and just... art style and sparkles mmmmm..,, With slight DeviantArtSparkleDog stuff mixed in as well Ask-Scrafty: Horror. Just horror as a whole. This blog is strictly me pushing every horror trope and myth into one place. Like this is purely me going BRRRR on horror and curses and myths. Granted it's not a ENTIRE horror fest... I wanted to implement a story that excuses me for slamming so many horror genres together!
Ask-Wasteland-Labs: Obvious! SCP's and such. But has a story attached that isn't based on the game. It was also me trying to step my feet more into the Anthro Pokemon scene. Everyone knows I draw scrafty anthro a lot, but other pokemon? I was more iffy on. So this blog is really helping me expand into more anthro pokemon designs. If you asked me in 2016 to draw a anthro pikachu I probably would have disintegrated.
Flake-N-Rudy: Okay so this one is a bit more serious a bit. Obviously is general it's based on PMD series. I also wanted to make a PMD blog that was about building a ruined relationship. Idk, im just edgy that way? Also me venting and displaying my old toxic habits. Because I've been both Flake and Rudy as I've mentioned. Just showing more toxic habits other than like... HEEHOO MURDER y'know? Not sure. It's just edgy venting all around haha. As well as me recycling old PMD story themes that I tried to use in the past but failed.
AskDruddigon: Originally had no concept. Just me chilling and drawing a pokemon I normally didn't. But due to a old askblog of mine being NERFED after my accidental deletion.. Rylee is based on Subnautica lore!! So the blog will have some of those elements.. But otherwise is just me having fun!! AskTauros: This blog is actually based on a song! Shelter by Porter Robinson to be specific. Not so much the music video itself which got really popular... But just? The song comforts me. It makes me think of going through troubles and coming out okay. It just comforts me and makes me think of those cliche stories of found family and coming out better in the end. Nothing more than that really. Poke-Magica: Another obvious inspiration. Madoka Magica! The art style and general story of the anime doesn't inspire me... More of the Witches and their Labyrinths and just the lore itself is what inspires me? Again it's more of a dark/horror type theme inspiring me, but mixed with cute magical girls! Ask-Skitty: There is no outside influence here. It is strictly PMD storyline. Almost directly a PMD:Explorers of Darkness kinda storyline. I made this as a comic when i was younger! It means a lot to me.. so I rebooted it as a askblog! These characters mean the world to me.
AskDuskull: Another excuse for me to mix horror in any way I can. I used to play those RPG games like TheWitchesHouse or MadFather or Ao Oni... Although I know some of the creators of those have um.. bad pasts not good people I don't support them anymore don't worry. But needless to say the style and just things about them inspired me as a kid and still kind of to this day. Although it's in a askblog format and not a RPG haha.
BUT HONESTLY I draw inspiration through SO MANY things. Also random things. I've literally designed OCs based off of pair of socks I saw once. My inspiration is random. I could talk more but aaaaa I've talked so much already I do apologize!
There is SO MUCH MORE I could discuss in more detail.. but I've talked too much aaaaaaa
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failed-apple · 3 years
about me
im ari/apple and this is my vent/mental illness/ed tumblr
disclaimer: im currently not active since im recovered :)
im very much pro recovery, dni if you post pro ana content on here, dont have an ed or if youre younger than 14.
don’t report, just block me if you get triggerd/uncomfortable. this blog is not meant to promote eds/unhealhy behaviours. i just made it to have a place to vent, talk about my ed and feel less alone
if you wanna be friends just dm me just know that im really bad at keeping in contact through just texting so if you want just ask for my discord so we can talk in a vc. also if youre on 🥞 dm me please:]
im transmasc and ace. pronouns: he/it and neos, for example xey/xem, ze/zer, etc:]
TW: eating disorders, self harm, substance abuse, talk/jokes about suiside, derealization, other mental health releated topics (plus swearing and occasional nsfw stuff)
ive got autism, ✨cronic depression✨, anxiety disorder (gad), adhd?, an ed (undiagnosed tho), tourettes and chronic pain
and also im dyslexic so dont fucking correct my spelling i dont care how youre supposed to spell shit :]
dni if you dont have an ed, if youre a terf, transmedicalist, rasist, homophobic, transphobic, abelist, map/pedo, support/post thinspo, fatspo, meanspo or any kind or "ana motivation", (this is not the place, there are forums for that), or if youre in any way mean or creepy on here
Dont reblog my posts with ed tags
remember that its never too late or too early to recover, if youre considering to start recovery please do it and aks for help, i belive in you(:
and please send me asks(:
my carrd just incase i get t-worded:https://failed-apple.carrd.co/
my backup: @failed-rat
my tags:
#apple rants: my posts
#apple asks: answered asks
#apples gender stuff: trans posts
#apples so called art: what it says
#i hate it here: basically a /neg for my life shit (slight tw for abuse and transphobia and stuff)
#apples autism is showing: autism stuff
i try to not post too triggering stuff and i put tws for unreality, sui, sh (and other shit that might be triggering, eg substance abuse) but not for ed thoughts cause this is and ed account so dont follow if that triggers you. i dont post numbers, bodychecks or any -spo.
[active on and off]
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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