#slomo guys
a-bensler-blog · 1 year
Benson and Stabler Reunite | Law & Order: SVU | NBC
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the-tubort · 1 year
I need smth very LGBT to happen to me during shin kamen rider please please please pleaaseeeeeeeeee
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augerer · 1 year
i’m watching the imperial coroner rn and there are some frustrating aspects like they play up the naivete of the female lead to have her express blatant but unconscious attraction to the male lead in ways i can’t stand HOWEVER i can’t drop it bc the autism levels of the two main characters is so off the charts...
the female lead is a coroner and she’s so not normal about it she’s just like obsessed with bones and is like “i feel like dead bodies have something to say to me its my responsibility to put the clues together to understand what it was that these people died before they had the chance to say” and like embroiders a rib bone on the ML’s handkerchief bc it’s the closest to the heart and you can feel the heard pounding when you press it so its her favorite bone..
the male lead is not slacking either i just watched him get in trouble bc the emperor requested he make tea for everyone and he frothed his tea while spinning it in a funky little device (which was really satisfying btw also this montage was overlaid over a simultaneous montage of the FL autopsying a body) and then afterwards everyones like Wow i've never seen this gadget before and he's like
haha yeah this actually isn't for latte art at all this is actually my centrifuge for dirty water at crime scenes that i've repurposed  and then stares blankly while everyone gets mad at him
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mintaikk · 2 months
Shadowpeach Things I think about A Lot
Note: My knowledge of season 5 is very limited (only seen first 2 eps, and some spoilers). Do not say any spoilers in comments or reblogs. If you want to avoid spoilers completely, I suggest you don't read this
-Peng said it themselves. "Could Wukong do anything that could break his hold over you?" or something like that. But Macaque's entire world was Wukong
-Macaque's dream was spending a peaceful forever with Wukong
-"You were a villain like 5 minutes ago!" Nothing there, but this was when they were having that screaming match and I burst out laughing when I realized that's what Wukong said. He was tho. From s4 to s5, bro went from trying to kill him to living on his mountain again
-Oh, that. "This room(?) has been my home just as long as yours." That's true, but my guy, don't you have like a dojo or smthn? Can't you just live there? Or do you just secretly miss Wukong and want to live on FFM to be closer with him?
-OH YEAH THAT. Macaque sleeps on the same GOD DAMN tree that he and Wukong used to sit at. There are so, so, so many trees on FFM, yet he chose that specific one
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-Wukong wanted to spend the remainder of his life holding hands with Macaque
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but in old China, a man giving another man a peach was a sign that they felt romantic love for them. Wukong and Macaque's hole thing is peaches
-"Yeah, because you always eush to my rescue." Wukong believed that Macaque never saved him, but from what we seen in s5, he does. Maybe he always has and Wukong's just never noticed, or maybe Macaque took that to heart and is trying to make up for it
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-Macaque calling Wukong "cute" in the s4 special
-When we first see the ink demons of Wukong's past, one of them was Macaque chained up while struggling and crying. Whatever happened there, it still haunts Wukong
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-"I don't trust anyone that isn't standing here right now." WUKONG STILL TRUSTS MACAQUE AFTER EVERYTHING, MACAQUE EVEN PERKS UP AT THAT. And right after this scene, Macaque sacrifices himself to save Wukong. I think Wukong saying that really stuck with him. Maybe that's why he was a lot more helpful this season; Wukong still trusted him, and he didn't want to lose that
-When Wukong was getting the circlet put on him for a second time, Macaque didn't even hesitate when he saw that Wukong was in pain and immediately sprung to help
-Ik it's been talked about before, but the fact that Macaque thinks Wukong killed (and that he was about to again in season 3 when he was literally choking him) him but he still helps him when he can and smiles softly at him and goes out of his way to see him and stares in awe when he sees him coming to help MK and still accepts his peach offer (symbolism for rekindling friendship) and smiles when Wukong says "we" instead of "I" and gets sad when he sees the memory and realizes he wants to rekindle their relationship and crashes a beach party just so he could be with him (Copy and pasted from old post
-This specific art piece that Alejandro Saab commissioned and used for autograph signings
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-Macaque literally looking away and smiling in this shot bro looks like a schoolgirl with a crush 💀
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-Wukong was shown to help Macaque tie his scarf when they were still friends and in the shots of their past, Macaque's scarf is always tied. But now that they're not friends, his scarf is never tied. I just find this detail neat
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-As much as Macaque tried to kill Wukong between s1 and s3, the moment Wukong was genuinely mad at him, Macaque's first instinct was to run. Even when Wukong was holding him, he was still shaking Yes, he probably couldn't breathe bcuz choking, but these guys are immortal and with the whole thing underwater, I don't think they actually need to breathe. So this means that he was probably terrified the entire time, and thinking that Wukong would kill him again (I fucking hate doomed yaoi)
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-Now that I think about it, the only time we see Macaque scared was with LBD, Sun Wukong attacking him, Sun Wukong getting attacked or being endanger, MK being endangered, Bai He being endangered, or actually having to deal with the idea of staying with Wukong to help him (s4, MK going on that whole "I gotta help my friends" speech while Mei is being consumed by the Samahdi fire). Most of those things are Wukong and Monkey fam related
-Alejandro Saab doing a cover of peaches. Istg, he KNEW what he was doing when he pulled that one
-Correct me if I'm wrong again, but apparently, some gay men in ancient China would become sworn brothers so they could be together legally. Other than Shadowpeach, I was never much a brotherhood shipper, but do what you will with this info
-"Forever is a long time, bud." "Me and you just living here get on fat on fruit forever!" Bro was definetly thinking of Macaque
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sinclairstarz · 6 months
will: youre never going to win, vecna!! I will defeat you, once and for all…
vecna: HA HA HA! You and what army..? 😈
*distant yelling getting louder, the ground shaking a little*
will:.. this army.
*the rest of the gang rides in on demodogs, which dustin has befriended and trained, in slomo. while theyre doing the cool slomo walk towards the camera, robin trips on a vine*
robin: sorry!!
vecna: o_o
*the party stands strong by will’s side*
lucas *cracking his knuckles*: okay, vecna… we can do this the easy way… or the hard way.
*the demodogs growl angrily*
vecna: heheh… nice… puppy….
*big final battle scene*
vecna, defeated: but.. but you’re just a group of kids..
mike: that may be, but we’re stronger, because we have something you’ll never have.. the power of true friendship.
*they all exchange happy smiles*
robin, tearing up! aw i love you guys.. so much!! *blows her nose in steve’s shirt*
nancy: maybe… the real light was the friends we’ve made along the way.
el: that’s right. were a team.. a party.
steve: UMMMM did I hear PARTY?
robin: i think i feel a song coming on… hit it, dustin!!
*cuts to a big party in the woods, with everyone dancing. Party Rock Anthem starts playing over the scene. murray is dancing with karen and there are demo-creatures all dancing with the party.*
will: omg!! this is my jam!! PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT
mike: its actually party rock IS…
*tender emotional music playing*
*ted approaches dustin, who stops dancing.*
dustin: ted.
ted: dustin.. i’d like to apologize. can you ever forgive me?
dustin, smiling:.. i already have, man. now lets party!
*vecna is sitting in a chair in the corner with his arms crossed, scowling.*
will: aw, get in here!
vecna: absolutely not.
will: … then why is your foot tapping to the rhythm?
vecna: it isn’t.
will: friends dont lie!
vecna: …drats.
*will pulls vecna’s arm and vecna starts dancing with them. steve watched then turns to look at the camera.*
stve, shrugging with a smile: well. we’ve all seen stranger things.
*fade to black*
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dangermousie · 21 days
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I love his slomo intro where he walks in like an alien from another world, def vvvvv out of place.
Also, I can tell he's gonna be by the book one.
His horror at the mess speaks deep to my soul:
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What I really want to know is who on earth did he offend to be transferred to this hole of a town?
ETA: I find Dong Sik's reaction to finding out the new guy's dad is a super mucky muck in cop world interesting. Is it because he doesn't like nepo babies or something to do with that specific dude?
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
could you do what kind of pets/animals the ghostbusters would get with you please
yeah sure!! ; I apologize if this is super short bc idrk what to put lmfaoooo ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!! ; someone tell me when gbfe will be on digital bc I need new banners already...
GHOSTBUSTERS ; pet palooza
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast & lucky
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I wrote this with them being older, like living in an apartment together, like long after frozen empire for context lol
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an orange cat & a tuxedo cat
first was the orange cat, he's super cuddly and attached to you at the hip
you guys wanted him to have a friend cause like, he probably gets lonely cause you're either doing shit with your life or ghostbusting when you aren't home with him
then came the tuxedo.
absolute menace holy shit
she tears up EVERYTHING, she's constantly got the zoomies too, and is always fighting with the orange cat 💀💀 (playfully)
trevor thinks it's hilarious
"y/n the cats are fighting again!"
"go buddy! kick her ass!"
literally just WWE with cats in that apartment
a whole aquarium of little fish
she's in love with skeleton fish (the ones thatre transparent and you can see their bones and stuff)
it's a lot to maintain the tank and not accidently sucking a stray fish into the sink, but it's worth it
then you got some snails as well
lots of egg crushing...
and lots of jokes about egg crushing tiktoks and recording her smashing the eggs
you made an awful decision to put them in a blender, which trevor joked about trying to drink 💀💀💀
a dog
to be fair, she's adorable
she's a german sheppard 🫶🫶
but podcast 100% named her something stupid, and you agreed to it
you go on long walks together anyways, so adding a dog to it was no biggie
it's giving one of those adopt a dog commercials
like soft kind of blurry lighting and slomo clips of people happy with a dog LMFAO
that dog can tackle and he didn't really know until he was tackled to the floor 😭 learned his lesson not to fuck around with treats
she seems like a critter rescuer
like you've got all sorts of toys and stuff around your apartment and little tunnels too
(idk shit about hamsters so I apologize if any of this is just straight up wrong, do not take animal advice (if it's not cats) from me LMAO)
she's got a problem with buying hamster toys (and clothes) istg
you've got like 4 hamsters
you guys made them a tiktok page and they have like 10k followers 💀
from stupid skits to soap operas 😭🙏 it's mostly a drama page for hamsters by hamsters
they act like you're just living in their house idtg
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kurtcobainindresses · 5 months
my take on challengers
1. not about the movie itself but i'm so excited for what seems to be the first occurrence of monoculture in a while it's so fun to all be talking about the same thing and it not being t swizzle related
2. i'm so sorry for this but i don't think zendaya has enough gravitas to carry the movie. like she's very good as the alluring figure you're attracted to right away but as soon as she starts speaking i can see the wheels turning in her head and it's clear to me she's not embodying the character as a person with a past and memories as much as emulating whatever emotion tashi's supposed to feel in a given scene. this is even worse in the "present timeline" scenes like i just did not get 30yo mom who is bitter and dissatisfied and weary at all her body language was the exact same in every timeline when she's supposed to be at very different stages in her life
3. continuation of the preceding point but there's no triangle if all three relationships aren't equally as entrancing!!!! and to me the scenes between art and patrick were a 100% more interesting than any of the scenes they had with tashi individually unfortunately. i just didn't get anything from zendaya
4. i like that the attraction between art and patrick was implied BUT it could have been taken further imo. we see patrick swiping (left or right i don't remember) on a guy on tinder so we know there's something going on there but what about art???? are we just supposed to think tashi repressed him so bad he just forgot about it??? (and yeah the final scene yada yada. i know. but still it felt like it still went unacknowledged for quite a while)
5. some of the editing choices were bad ie. the timestamps which were unnecessary after the first time (we could tell by the length of their hair!!!) and the slomo at certain points (when tashi was walking down the alleyway like it was a runway with her fuckass bob 😭😭😭)
6. the score fucks trent reznor and atticus finch you will always be famous
7. josh o'connor. how do you do it
8. blood orange during the almost threesome was so good. i need to know who is responsible for this
9. the non-chronological storytelling got kind of cheap for me at the end. it kinda did a disservice to the movie because it made it hinge on a bunch of big reveals we all had guessed a while ago so quite unnecessary in my opinion (and yes i know the back and forth is supposed to mirror a tennis match but to me this is style over substance and not in an interesting or original way)
10. all in all this is a fun movie but not quite all it's made out to be.....i think it could've been stellar if we'd had a real trio and a real presence at the center of the movie which i don't think zendaya can be quite yet!!! but ykw. we let keanu do it twenty years ago and we're letting john david washington do it now so zendaya should be allowed to as well!
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yesloulou · 1 year
Do u have any tips/tutorial how to make gifs so smooth if there's movement? Mine are always choppy and weird :(
Hi anon, ty for sending this ask. I'm sooo honored!! (and plz don't call your gifs choppy or weird i have a feeling they're very lovely 😌)
✨ Gif Tutorial: making movements in ur gifs as smooth as possible✨ (updated)
↳ aka: speed management in gif making
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Remember to always source your content responsibly!! Process in this tutorial is simply what works best for me. Every creator has their own preferences and imo there is no right or wrong. We should always make content in the way we enjoy 🤍 Outline: 1. Remove duplicate frames 2. Repair missing frames 3. Speed management in Photoshop 4. Smoother slomo using Video Frame Interpolation
1. Remove duplicate frames
Obviously, if there're duplicate frames in a video, our gifs will end up with lil lags here and there (since some frames get more screen time than others). Although the dup frames are likely barely observable once compiled into gifs, imo this is what makes the difference between smooth and butter smooth. the two daniel gifs above (guy with big brown eyes, if ur not from our fandom 🤍) can hopefully showcase this difference**.
**technical explanation for this that you can totally skip: the persistence of human vision is approx. 0.1s, ie everything we see stay on our retina for this amount of time. since gifs refresh faster than this (eg. 0.04s on every frame for a 25 fps gif), we usually can't pinpoint exactly which frame is a duplicate just by looking at a gif. however. by definition, a duplicate frame will slow down a gif, by making it pause longer than it should. as a result, a movement during this lil chunk of time will move less pixels than your brain would've expected. and this is where we perceive the not-so-smoothness.
ok, now that we've established that we don't like duplicate frames -- I know it's common practice to handle this by looking for an optimal output frame rate to offset the dupes. to me this feels chancy. bc it's a process where you don't have control over exactly which frames to keep or discard. Personally, I prefer making sure my videos are dupe free before everything else. (Again, this is just what works for me. Everybody has their own process and imo there is no right or wrong :)
To remove duplicate frames, the first thing I do with a clip is to play the first few seconds frame by frame to see which one of the following scenarios it falls into:
a. no duplicate frames ↳ best case scenario! congrats!! plz proceed directly to step 2 b. there is a duplicated frame once in a while ↳ This happens most often with (but not limited to) videos from social medias ↳ Reason behind this is frame rate conversion. For instance, instagram/tiktok has a default frame rate of 30 fps. However, many media sources (eg. no brakes, sharl's vlogs) produce at 25 fps. When these videos are uploaded, instagram/tiktok convert them from 25 to 30 fps by duplicating 1 frame every 5 frames, hence twitchiness in gifs when slowed down. ↳ Solution: in photoshop, go through the clip frame by frame, delete dupes manually (recommended) ↳ Alternative solution: use duplicate frames remover softwares (see next bullet point) c. almost every frame has duplicates ↳ This will almost always** be the case with screen record. ↳ What not to do: When there are many duplicates, we may be tempted to use photoshop's 'import 1 out of every n frames' function. this is not ideal bc, the dupes are rarely uniformly distributed. you could end up losing frames you don't want to lose (resulting in choppy gifs) or end up with dup frames still in the mix (resulting in laggy gifs) or, most likely: both. ↳ A better way: is to import all frames into photoshop, adjust the output frame rate to offset the dupes (here is a good tutorial on this) Pros: efficiency; yields decent results in most cases. Cons: again, in my experience this is a process where you don't have precise control over the frames. Therefore runs the same (albeit smaller) risks as the method above. It can also limit how much you can slow down a gif, and generally doesn't work well if the target frame rate (of the clip you're trying to gif) exceeds your computer's recording rate**. **More on this statement: when target rate is comfortably lower than recording rate (~ 55 fps for many), chances are most to all frames will be captured. It is therefore more tolerating towards skipping a unique frame from time to time. However, when target rate (i.e. anything 60 fps) nears or exceeds recording rate, you will be dealing with dup frames as well as missing ones. Using the method above can therefore subject you to the possibility of losing two unique frames in a row, making the gifs noticeably choppy. ↳ Solution: we always have the option to trim dupes by hand in photoshop. But in this case, it can be time consuming, even with keyboard shortcuts. as a result, here is where we can really use a: ↳ Dup remover software: google search 'dup frame remover software' will give you several options and tutorials (here a plug-in for after effects). i've heard good things about some of these but unfortunately can't give recommendations (they do cost money sooo i wrote my own)
This is a frame-by-frame animation of an ad Charles did for apm. It was produced at 25 fps & uploaded to socmed where the default is 30 fps. You can see that: i. With screen recording, every frame has an unpredictable amount of duplicates. ii. Original clip from instagram has 1 dup frame every 5 frames. iii. After deduplication, the movement becomes lag free and continuous.
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2. Repair missing frames
At this point, our video clip is (hopefully) free of duplicate frames, which makes our gifs lag-free (yayy!!). At the same time, we don't want choppiness in our gifs either. Choppiness in a gif is usually caused by missing key (unique) frames. To check if there is any, replay the clip, look out for the sudden jumps/fast forwards in movements. Three possible scenarios:
a. no missing frames ↳ best case scenario! congrats!! plz proceed directly to step 3 b. a lot of missing frames ↳ This is usually the case if the target frame rate (of the clip you want to gif) exceeds the screen recording frame rate. ↳ Solution, imo: (surprise!) is to leave things be. Reason is that something like this would be quite tedious to fix, but not that noticeable if made into a gif that's fast enough ↳ Alternative solution: Record at 120 fps c. occasional missing frames If a video clip misses frames, but not a lot, chances are it's only gonna happen very occasionally, i.e. 1 or 2 occurrences in total. A frame-miss in this case is usually due to either the screen recording skipping a frame by mistake, or that the original video misses frames/contains bad frames to begin with. ↳ Solution (for screen recordings): record again, find missing frame (chances are it will be captured on a second try), insert frame back into original timeline in PS ↳ Solution (if video misses frames or contains bad frames to begin with): Let's talk about ✨ VFI ✨. VFI (Video Frame Interpolation) is the process of synthesizing in-between images from a given set of images. It can increase videos' frame rates (i.e. 30 fps to 60 fps), achieve smoother slomos, and by definition, also help with missing/bad frames. There are many software products that let you use VFI by simply dragging videos into the app and clicking 'export'. Afterwards, all we need to do is to find the missing frame generated by the app & insert it back into the original timeline in PS (ahh technology). For more info on VFI, see "4. Smoother slomo". ↳ Note that VFI processed footages will likely differ slightly from the originals in terms of colors & lightings. This may be tuned out using clipping masks (allow a group of adjustment layers to only apply to one frame/layer, keyboard shortcut: Command+Opt+G)
3. Speed Management in Photoshop (✨ updated ✨)
At this point, our clip is without dupe or missing frames (or at least as close as can be). Whether you dodged the first 2 steps like a breeze or freshly emerged victorious from photoshop covered in blood to get here, good news is, things will be very straightforward for this point on. congrats!!!
As mentioned before, in terms of smoothness, our clip is now in ideal shape. The important thing is to keep it this way throughout the rest of the process. My workflow looks something like this:
Open file, crop, resize, sharpen, color, export gif, reopen gif in photoshop (which won't compromise quality), assign frame delay, export finalized gif
If you're used to finding a comfortable frame delay or speed/duration combo at the beginning, this process might feel unnatural. But it's so so so so important to leave the speed related settings alone until right before exporting. Here's why:
By not converting frames with modified delays into timelines with fps, we avoid having to give our finished product a frame rate (which photoshop timelines have to specify). This is crucial bc, there is no such a thing as frame rates in gifs. According to the syntax of GIF89a (the current '.gif' format, screenshot below), gifs control their speeds through (and only through) how much time to wait in between frames, aka delay time. Our process above does exactly that. It compiles frames directly into gifs, and avoids expressing frame delays (a gif concept) through frame rates (a photoshop concept), a conversion where dupe frames and missing frames come from**. In other words, using frame delays to control speed is simply more natural to a gif's syntax. **Why would this conversion cause dupe frames? ↳ On paper, frame delays should translate into frame rates seamlessly (i.e. 1 second ÷ 0.06s per frame = 16.67 fps). In reality, photoshop does not support direct translations like this. When converting frame animations into timelines, PS defaults outputs to 30 fps, regardless of frame delays. This disagreement between frame rates is where dupe frames come from. ↳ Some examples: i. Consider a frame animation where frame delay = 0.04s (25 fps), to convert it into a timeline defaulted at 30 fps, 5 out of every 25 frames will be 'duplicated' by photoshop (30-25=5) ii. Now, consider a frame delay = 0.06s (16.67 fps roughly 17 fps), to convert it into a timeline defaulted at 30 fps, 13 out of every 17 frames will be 'duplicated' by photoshop (30-17=13) ↳ (the 'duplicated' was in quotes bc photoshop achieves this thru assigning a frame roughly twice it's original screen time instead of actually adding another) ↳ (afaik, currently there's no way of changing the default 30 fps as long as u start with frame animations. If anyone does know how please let me know 😳) **Why would this conversion cause missing frames? ↳ This happens when one tries to reverse the harm done by photoshop in prev step by changing the 30 fps frame rate back to what it's supposed to be (using function 'Set Timeline Frame Rate') ↳ Let's use the last example again. As mentioned, to go from 16.67 fps to 30 fps, 13 out of every 17 frames will receive roughly twice its original screen time (0.033s * 2 ≈ 0.07s). On the other hand, 4 out of every 17 frames' screen time will remain the same (0.03s). to go from 30 fps back to 16.67 fps, photoshop resamples frames from its 30 fps timeline in 0.06s intervals. As a result, any frame with screen time less than 0.06s runs the risk of 'slipping through the cracks', namely ones whose screen time remained 0.03s ↳ (gifs require frame delays to be rounded to the nearest hundredth of a second) ** What if I open the file as video object, instead of importing as frames? ↳ Indeed, when opening as video object (i.e. command+o instead of command+i), photoshop inherits its frame rate as is. We would then have the option to manipulate it's speed by right-click ➡️ adjusting the percentage (of how much to speed up or slow down). ↳ Here, if we slow down a gif without changing its frame rate, we risk introducing duplicate frames into the result (since frame rate is now higher than needed). If we slow down a gif and lowered the frame rate, but the math didn't check out, we also risk losing unique frames (frame rate not high enough). The same (opposite) goes for speeding things up. Therefore the best and easiest approach is, again, leaving speed related settings alone until right before exporting.
(the block of GIF89a syntax responsible for graphic control:)
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Ok in hindsight this probably isn't exactly like. the most straightforward thing ever but the execution part is very much so 😳 here goes:
1. Open file in PS via Command + O note the (25 fps) on bottom left
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without changing speed, duration, or frame rate: 2. Trim ✂️ 3. Crop 4. Resize 5. Sharpen 6. Color
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(Updated!!!) 6. Export gif, and then reopen it in Photoshop **Compare to the original method (timeline into smart object, smart object back into frames), the updated method has the following benefits: i. Avoid lowering gif quality by converting into smart objects ii. Reopening gif into frames and reassign frame delay saves time (bc less steps) and won't hurt the quality at all (bc no image processing required)
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7. Assign Frame Delay (i usually go with original frame delay + 0.01s) 8. Export ✨
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Tada!! Speed = managed!!
This ad actually came out last December where I was aware of like, maybe 5% of what's in this post. Here is what my original gif looks like. I'd say what we have rn is a big improvement :)
Now, imo there are situations where it simply makes more sense to start with frame animations (imported using command + i). For instance: when we need to remove duplicate frames by hand, when there is a missing frame/bad frame that needs to be repaired, etc. My workflow would then look like this:
1. Command + i 2. (do things to frames) 3. Set frame delay to 0.03s 4. Convert to video timeline 5. (the rest will look exactly like the workflow above)
This works bc when frame delay is set to 0.03s, photoshop will treat your video timeline as a "natural" 30 fps timeline and leave your frames alone. Therefore maintains its uniform speed.
4. Smoother Slomo using Video Frame Interpolation
As mentioned above, VFI (Video Frame Interpolation) is the process of synthesizing in-between images from a given set of images. It can increase videos' frame rates (i.e. 30 fps to 60 fps), hence smoother slomos. There are many software products that let you use interpolation by simply dragging videos into the app and clicking 'export'. I've had very good experiences with Topaz and After Effects.
Let's talk about After Effects first. If you have Photoshop, chances are you have AE as well. To use AE's Keyframe Interpolation:
i. Import ii. Set speed to half iii. Click square twice until you see lil arrow iv. Export
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Topaz is a production grade video enhancing software. It's capable of enhancing frame rates (i.e. 30 fps to 60 fps), increasing resolutions (i.e. 540p to 4K/2160p) and more. Unlike AE who uses only the two neighboring key frames to generate an in-between frame, Topaz takes the whole sequence into account, hence better reliability. It's also more user friendly than AE imo.
Here is a before-and-after interpolation using Topaz.
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That's all 🎉🎉🎉
To sum up: remove dupe frames (if any), repair missing frames (if any), use and only use frame delay to control speed, and software enhance frame rate if needed.
This post got way longer and more technical than I had planned and I honestly have no idea where all this stuff came from lol. But it was really fun and I hope you'll find it helpful. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Have fun moving-picture making!!
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respectthepetty · 8 months
I always knew you would come back and be a good guy. I never had any doubt in you.
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I had a lot of doubts. All the doubt. Several doubts.
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Glad you're on the right side . . . this time.
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Now tell me Dr. SloMo brainwashed you while you were at training camp!
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l0vema · 6 days
Svt x OGG: in the soop series
In which svt and OGG do a collab "in the soop" but it doesn't go as planned.
ogg- original girl group
You felt their gaze fall on you as you sat down to eat. You doubt they will ask- expecting them to not even notice you'd been wholed up inside all day as the rest of them played in the water and soaked in the sun. In the soop was meant for you to relax, and that's exactly what you did.
You were handed a plate of ramyeon by mingyu and quietly ate the delicious food. Despite resting the whole day you didn't manage to find something to eat- too lazy to even get up and pause your show. Once done with your plate you got up in the midst of conversation that surrounded you as both your members and seventeen were filled with the contentment of playing around all day. You headed over to the grill and watched as dk and mingyu flipped the meat. "Two more minutes please~~" dk whispered as he kept flipping. "Grab a plate though," mingyu chimed in.
Once you got done eating the grilled meat you were sated. Slumped on your chair sipping a coke is when you were directly asked a question. "Muna where were you all day?" Seungkwan asked. You looked up only to see almost everyone quieting down to hear you.
"Oh I stayed in bed. I was pretty tired right before this little holiday. How was the water sports though?" You replied simply, kind of shocked by the fact that the entire table went quiet (it was almost 20 people around).
"You totally should've joined. It was awesome ," Jiyoon added as she smiled at the memories of that afternoon. You mirrored her smile thinking tomorrow you'd join. "Maybe we can go for a night swin if I really did miss that much ," you requested to know one in particular. That led to a string of hums and nods before the conversation shifted to hoshi and Lisa already tripping form drunkeness.
Almost an entire 2 hours later you were finally done with the dishes. It was like the military you thought as you walked out of the dark kitchen only to see mingyu, dk, yoona, amare, vernon and seungkwan sitting around the verandah in swimsuits. "Muna! We were just thinking of going to help you finish so we can go," Amare lightly said. It hit me that they were actually going for a swim...
"Get changed and meet us here quick, dk wants to see the fish before they all fall asleep" you laughed slightly before turning to change into one of the many bikinis you brought with you.
At the lake you all moved into the water despite the coldness and got comfortable. It was an oddly nice feeling, the chill and the slomo feel from the water. You held hushed conversations with your members and svt as you swam around exerting your muscles that spent the day sleeping.
It was somewhat of an intimate thing- swimming in the dark with these people- you forgot completely of the cameras filming.
That was one of the reason you were so comfortable with seungkwan as he swam much closer to you whispering "are you happy?" In a tone you'd never heard from him- unsure. You smiled and touched his shoulder before nodding "it's hard to be sad when surrounded by such amazing people."
The rest of the night faded into the heavy look from the guys every now and then and the giggles when you and yoona were trying to drown one another- heightened when amare and sengkwan pushed both of us down together.
When you got out of the water it was unbelievably cold and painful to walk. You forgot where you out your shoes. The ouch and ah was heard as you clumsily looked around. "I can't find it anywhere" you said to no one in particular.
"Lemme carry you" was heard from behind you. Turning you were shocked to see dk looking down at you. A laugh found it's way out of you before shaking your head- you weren't a small girl, the internet never failed to remind you of the beauty standards you never reached. Dk was a big guy but still- you couldn't subject him to such. "No it's fine I'll just run as fast as I can and take big strides, if that doesn't work I'll wallow in my pain before the earth akes pity and idk turns me to dust" you said half joking before turning. "I can carry you though..." he said before grabbing your arm "C'mon my mother wouldn't approve of me leaving you here, the rest are almost at the house" that's when you realization the rest had completely gone. Well who were you to refuse at this point. You just prayed your rolls and squishiness didn't disgust him or get too heavy for him.
He casually draped you over his shoulder and got to walking. In the slightly awkward silence you blurted, "if you start shaking you can put me down- I don't want to punish you" before you chuckled, self degradation was funny at times.
"Muna, you're small and plus your soft- I'm used to the hard dumbells in the gym. This is definitely fine with me" he replied already setting me down. Looking up at him you noticed the flex of his arms and realised this man was in fact hella strong. "Thanks," you smiled while looking up at him and his large shoulders and thick biceps. Thank God you were half black or else you'd be red asf. Checking out the guy you're stuck in a house with for 2 weeks is crazy- especially on day one. You turned and got to walking to your room, the chill not forgotten as your nipples hardened. Little did you know that behind you Dk was watching you with his own hardened thing....it was not his fault you were soft and smelled good and small and just so pretty in the moonlight. He sighed, he was gonna have to get himself together before seeing you again. Two more weeks of this was gonna be impossible.
A/n: not proof read. Feel free to give requests on scenarios that could occur and girl group names. I'm open to SFW and NSFW. Also I'm a new fanfic writer so please go easy on me. Love, M.A
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ssturniolo92 · 1 year
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Matt Sturniolo-Simps
pairing-matt sturniolo x reader
warnings-cursing, chris being chris
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“Y/N!” chris yelled out, from i assumed his room.
i got up from my place beside matt on the couch, and made my way to his room. he was lying on his bed, giggling.
i sat down beside him and he tilted his phone towards me. i watched contentedly as matt sneezed in slomo.
“holy shit!” i exclaimed, as his muscles flexed.
“i know right!” chris giggled. “anyways i was reading a matt fanfic earlier and read this.”
“chris, we told you to stop-” i stopped talking when i read the first sentence.
“awwww,” i said and began kicking my feet.
“what’s going on in here?!” i heard nicks voice say.
chris and i looked at each other, and started giggling again.
“again?!” nick yelled out.
“what’s happening over there?” matt yelled from the living room.
“nothing!” we all yelled.
“i told you guys to stop simping over matt.” nick sighed, putting a hand on his face in distress.
“hi guys,” matt said walking in. chris immediately jumped off the bed and pushed him out, closing the door in his face.
“this wouldn’t happen if you guys would stop being such simps over matt,” nick groaned.
“what?!” matt yelled through the door. matt somehow pushed the door open and tackled chris, grabbing his phone.
“what the fuck is this?” matt asked, looking at the edit of the sneeze.
“what can we say?” chris shrugged.
“we’re simps.”
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-honestly you should’ve left her there
-kiss each other right now
-best apology ever
-love hunter x ally
-aww sapphics ♥️
-Ally and Jake getting along miracle is back
-no pick Tom ☹️
-Tom you’re so in love with Jake kiss him propose to him
-“you can have your yaoi moment later” LMAOOO
-ok ally purr
-why does Alec love tackling people and holding them hostage what is this
-aw what a cute kitty 😆😍” KITTY!?!?!?
-Ellie what is that going to do
-Riya stop throwing rocks at people please
-I forgot about the armor upgrade and I though Riya won I freaked out for a minute
-I love how everyone is quitting on Rita she deserves it
-i love how they kiss when there’s a fucking tiger
-“yes sir” he’s so gay
-Emily kinda deserved that
-Riya you can’t do that that’s illegal
hey we got Tomjake tho
but what about aleconnor?
Just a kiss?
when is season 4???
I’ll die help me please
I’ll miss the old cast tho
I’m gonna stop yapping now happy DCAS finale day !!!
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khiphop-discussions · 4 months
Halfway through SLOMO. So far these are Hongwon's best instrumentals. Some of them have latin influences (like reggaeton a little bit? IDK but I just know it sounds similar to something Anitta, Daddy Yankee, or Peso Pluma might use. I don't think they are all considered reggaeton but you guys get my point I hope).
It's not common in Khiphop so he's definitely bringing that influence in.
Edit: Done! It has a synthpop (?) type of instrumental too, also one with electronic influences. Overall, I like it! He gave us music we can dance to while still preserving his own personal style.
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mimaroon · 1 year
welcome to a post of ffak propoganda where gush about the amazing comic @kosmicdream did to convince you to read it (please, I need someone to talk about this with its so good)
1. look at this fucking art. It only gets better the more you read it.
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2. 7000+ pages. Perfect to binge.
3. So much trans. All the trans. I love the stabby guy. I love the talking about robotic lifeforms not "passing". I love all of this:
(seriously there's a conversation that goes "wait are those boobs? :00000 You are literally the perfect man" and like fuck yeah)
4. The art. I'm sorry. It's so good. Some scenes feel like I'm watching a slomo animation because of how well everything is done. Especially as the story progresses, you can see the author put more and more details and shit into the characters it is so good.
5. The story?? is so interesting? fucking hekatonkeries that I can never spell. WoRMS. Flashbacks in flashbacks in flashforwards in flashbacks. Guys if you liked homestuck you'll also like this. And if you didn't like homestuck because it was too many words and difficult for you to read through you'll still like this.
6. explosions.
7. space.
8. Worm fucking.
10. it's very good.
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Okay, I'm finally done with the annual quick reviews. Overall opinion: it's 2020 all over again but the lows are not so low (and the highs are not as high either). The competition is very open, which is refreshing after last year's one-horse race disguised as a two-horse race. There are no songs I would listen to after the contest but as a Eurovision lineup it's pretty entertaining and varied. Also, the girl-bopocalypse of 2021 was much better. Albania The decision of translating the song into English is already questionable but did we really need a fucking dance beat in the last chorus?
Armenia I love how fun it is, but I wish there were, you know, lyrics in the chorus
Australia You couldn't have made a more unsettling music video if you've tried.
Austria I don't know why they've decided to go with bloody eurodance this year. It does not feel updated for the modern times, it's not a cheeky pastiche either. We Will Rave feels like it's been lying around in a vault for the past 20+ years and then the Austrian delegation accidentally stumbled upon it and decided that yes, it will be a perfect Eurovision pick. I still don't hate it though? It might become my guilty pleasure of the year even.
Azerbaijan Why would you bring a guy with such a charismatic moustache just to do a little 10-second chant near the end? He deserves better!
Belgium I should love it. It should've been my number 1, it's Belgium going back to Dark and Moody™, it's what I always want from them. And yet I only like it. The last minute or so is great, but the lead up to that is whatever and doesn't do anything for me.
Croatia The chorus is weak and kinda generic, but the verses are so good they make up for it. The "please meow back" line receives the award for the best lyric of the year.
Cyprus For a twice (or possibly thrice) recycled song it's surprisingly okay. Nothing groundbreaking, it's still a dance-pop song from Kontopoulos, but it's fine.
Czechia I have a complex love-hate relationship with this one. The melody is great, it's exactly the kind of music I listen to outside of ESC. But good lord, do I hate the repetitive self-empowerment lyrics in the chorus.
Denmark Ehhh... She's a good singer I guess.
Estonia I think it's my favorite song of the year? Similarly to Trenulețul it just activates some primal dance spirit in me. Suit jackets on the naked body are still a crime against humanity tho.
Finland Yeah, I'm sorry, but if you hate No Rules, then you hate fun.
France France keeps trying to hide from us what's actually popular in their country.
Georgia It's another generic girl-bop ESC song, we've got half-a-dozen of these this year, but goddamn Nutsa is a fucking powerhouse.
Germany Imagine Dragons-ass production aside, the elephant sounds are such a bizarre choice.
Greece ... I'm sorry but Zari sounds like a bunch of noises with no melody to me, I'm very much not the target audience for this one and I don't get why everyone seems to love it so much.
Iceland Yeah, it's dated and kinda lame but in a very charming way.
Ireland Doomsday Blues is great, but because of all the layering and vocal distortions the live version will always be very different from the studio one. What I'm trying to say is that the live version sounds like an off-off-Broadway villain song.
Israel It's boring as fuck.
Italy It's nice but similarly to Greece I have no idea why is it so beloved by the fandom.
Latvia The song is so boring, that the most talked about part of Latvia's entry is Dons' lack of hair.
Lithuania After I've reassured myself that no, Luktelk does NOT sound like a Ruki Vverkh song it became pretty good.
Luxembourg So much potential in Luxembourg's comeback and yet they went with the most mid(tempo) song ever.
Malta Another generic girl-bop, and the closest we've gotten to an actual SloMo copycat, but it's okay I guess.
Moldova I almost forgot to write anything about Moldova before posting it, which is all you need to know about my opinion on In The Middle.
Netherlands I hate to say it, but I kinda love it? Yeah, Joost has the most punchable face in the history of humanity and I've made several references to my comedically exaggerated hatred of 90s dance music, but Europapa just keeps getting better the more I listen to it.
Norway I like it, but can't really say anything about it other than that.
Poland Very "topped at number 37 in Billboard hot 100 in 2019 and then was featured in a couple ads"-coded
Portugal One of the Portuguese entries of all time (i still like it tho)
San Marino Not as good as Arcadia but I'm happy Megara have made it to Eurovision anyway :)
Serbia It's fine.
Slovenia Similarly to Belgium, I wish I loved it more than I do.
Spain Really fun entry, iconic journey to ESC, but the weak vocals will be the reason the juries will murder Zorra in the Grand Final.
Sweden Not as forgettable as everyone says it is but it's still polished Swedish pop entry #569328
Switzerland From testing the limits of my attention span two years ago to making the most ADHD song of the year, huh. The Code is so many things at once and yet it works without feeling like a disjointed mess.
Ukraine I miss the times when Jerry was making funny meme songs, now we're stuck with her religious awakening era. Alyona's verse is the highlight of the song, everything else is good if you don't think about the lyrics too much.
United Kingdom I don't know how, but the UK has managed to make a decent song that I kind of hate yet again. The production in Dizzy annoys me to no end, I fucking hate the bells and the synths in the chorus, why are they so fucking annoying.
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