#slovak girl
natalus-photography · 2 years
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Model: Kristína Location: The Baroque Gardens, Bratislava Castle, Slovakia 27/07/2019  
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jorgadystymik · 6 months
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 9 months
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Welcome to my blog!
I'm Mika from Slovakia currently living in Japan. I already joined the 30s club, I'm married and have a little boy. As you can see English isn't my first language, so there are some mistakes 😅
What you can find here:
I'm going to post my little creations in my clumsy English here (list is below👇) and maybe even links to my newest YouTube videos (not really decided about this yet). As you can see I'm big acotar fan, especially Azriel's 👀, but I like also other characters and other series like HP etc., so I hope to write for that, too. If you'd like to get more in touch, you can visit my main blog that is written in Slovak, but you can use translation option on the right to translate it into your language. I post there my own original stories as well as Japan travel and life content.
I hope you will like it and enjoy my little world. Please, feel free to like, comment, reblog, follow and write messages. Also if you have some questions, don't be shy, I promise I won't bite and try to answer as fast as possible. I don't have tag list at the moment, but if you want to be tagged in some series or character, let me know.
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ACOTAR: With the Last Breath (Azriel x reader)| Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII - completed
ACOTAR: Love in the Shadows (Azriel x OC) - completed (SK)
ACOTAR: Chicken soup (Azriel x sick!reader)
ACOTAR: Dream of Modron (Eris x OC)
ACOTAR: Mirror, mirror (Azriel x female!reader)
ACOTAR: Halloween reading game
ACOTAR: Azriel's appreciation week 2023: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
ACOTAR: Heal me (Tamlin x reader) -ongoing
ACOTAR: Not my cup of tea (Azriel x reader)
ACOTAR: Game (Azriel x reader) | Game over
ACOTAR: Wingspan (Azriel x reader)
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ACOTAR: Batboys' morning drink
ACOTAR: Christmas with batboys
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beatrack92 · 2 months
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Stanislava Škvarková 🇸🇰
2024 World Indoor Championships (Glasgow)
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Sheng Peng getting down to business trying to create goalie situations already....
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Happy goalie...happy to BE here goalie... He will do what he can 🥺🥺
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solcattus · 7 months
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Summer in Važec
By Jan Hála
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I wanna be jokingly pissed off at my own language for a while actually because what the fuck, why do some animals get both masculine and feminine version for their respective words (usually the difference is in the suffix "-ica" or just "-a" because the male word is the default basic examples be "lev"(lion masc.) -> "levica"(lion fem.) others were taken by inanimate objects. most often the feminine version too which, side eyeing you here codifiers of our language, can make for great pun material see; "krab"(crab) -> "krabica"(box) or the aforementioned "had"(snake) -> "hadica"(hose)
Other times the main word is inherently feminine such as fox "líška" -> "lišiak"(male fox) this might or might not have contributed to little me thinking that Tails was a girl lmao. Or "kačka"(duck fem.) -> "káčer"(duck masc.)
Sometimes you get whatever the fuck is going on in the cow department because sometimes "býk"(bull) and "krava"(cow) are talked about as two separate species which like, with how broad the names are one could assume but like, on one side I was taught that a bull was the male to the cow and other times not, what the fuck is it than
I could keep going but you get the gist
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srdcovka · 4 days
not dad lore but my grandma randomly shared that great grandpa was on the run in the us and escaped to argentina ?? and then we never heard abt it again
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higherentity · 1 year
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tortured-poetries · 8 months
7 classes going consecutively since 8am i’m so dead
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jorgadystymik · 8 months
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20Nov22// love this season 🍂🍁🤍😋
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akuyaku-reijou · 2 years
Our politics be like
Men are arguing like children in a kindergarten. (You can't play with finances when I am playing with finances! Mrs. President tell him to leave me aloooone)
Women are having a bar fight.
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svkhky · 26 days
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svk - slo, iihf ww IB 4:0 (sulíková, halušková, blichová, ištocyová)
or, wait, they’re not the same country?
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teplomilka · 8 months
28 augusti 2023
(this text is a short story in Slovak language and was written sometime in 2015)
Dievča (z) hviezd
Na lúke panovala noc, steblá tráv osvetľoval iba Mesiac a hviezdy. Sedela v Tvojom lone, zovretá v objatí. Bola krajšia než kedykoľvek predtým. Bola jemnejšia, zraniteľnejšia, nevinnejšia... než kedykoľvek predtým. Všetko čo mala, odniesla temnota. Všetko čo si mal, sedelo sklbčené, obalené Tvojím telom. Hľadel si na ňu uprene, spomínal na dávne časy. Časy, ktoré už nie je možné priniesť späť, prežiť ich ešte raz. Ba čo raz. Aj desaťkrát, stokrát, miliardy krát. Prežívať ich znova a znova, donekonečna. Od zoznámenia, prvé objatie, prvý tanec (aj keď bol vtedy tak trápny), cez horúce bozky, nežné dotyky, hlboké pohľady. Lásku čistú, i dravú.
Miloval si ju. Tak veľmi, tak šialene, až sám si sa stal šialencom. Znášal si obety a utrpenie len kvôli nej a len vďaka nej. Iba s ňou si sa cítil plný života a radosti.
Dnes Ti ostal už len malinký kúsok z nej. Vratký plamienok, ktorým ešte bola prítomná tu na Zemi. No aj ten pomaly vyhasol a napokon úplne zmizol.
Objímal si ju, a zároveň bola vzdialená svetelné roky. Bozkával si ju, avšak to, čo zvlhčovalo Tvoje ústa, bola len krv prasknutej pery. Dotýkal si sa jej, no to, čo si cítil, bola už len samota. A jediné, čo Ti ostalo, bolo ticho a prázdnota. Jej zvonivý smiech odvial vietor, jej stopy zarástli ružami, a jej duša, sťa holubica odletela do ďalekých diaľav, tam, kde sa končí nekonečno. Vrátila sa domov. Domov, ku hviezdam.
~ tori☆* /dieťa (z) hviezd/
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 10 months
Po rokoch som si splnila svoj stredoškolský sen a založila si blog, kde si môžem bláboliť o čom len chcem
After years I finally fulfilled my dream and made an own blog. It's written in Slovak, so please use a translation option on the right to translate to other languages(WARNING: Google translation quality)
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