#slowly turning into a trolls 3 fan page
kitkatdoodlez · 7 months
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Gotta work hard to make it look easy
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1010lilfoot · 1 month
On a whim I rewatched all the homestuck flashes (nothing to see here folks...) and now I'm unhinged. Anyway the comic ended in 2016 and that's when TDL is set so here's what all my OCs think about it!
Max: Also Unhinged. One of those kids who picked it up around 2011-2013 and was so into the tumblr fandom. (Homestuck turned him trans. /j) He was a bit young to be reading it at the time so many of the jokes and nuances flew over his head but BOY did he have character opinions. Tracked updates till the very end. (HATED Vriska.)
Cathy: Max begged her to read it so she did (not a huge fan but she enjoys his rants). Skipped the first intermission to Max's fury, so she went back and skimmed it. Likes Act 6 for the relationship drama; it's like reality TV. Likes the dancestors for the same reason.
Sam: Also read it bc Max begged her to (in 2016). Skims every long block of text and doesn't get much of the plot because of it. Saw that Vriska was spider themed and likes that; bc she skimmed she doesn't know any of the horrors so Vriska is her fav and Max has never been so mad.
Cameron: Read it bc Max asked him to (in 2016), actually tries to be invested. Not a huge fan but he understands enough. Didn't know how to watch the flash pages so he missed every [S] in the first 3-4 acts (watch how hard I can project) and had to go back and watch them later. Got less invested in Act 6 bc of the relationship drama, but he finishes the whole thing eventually.
Abby: Was told not to read it yet bc she's too young. She started reading anyway on her own (intending to catch up for the finale), but got distracted enjoying the early acts and now she's reading slowly but VERY in-depth.
Ben: Was reading in 2011 at 14 y/o, PRIME TIME! Read it with his sister (the middle child, 10 at the time, too young) and had a lot of fun. Not a super fan but was invested. They both went to one con in cosplay and enjoyed it, to Max's incredible envy. Fell off the wagon during the hiatuses, but both caught back up in 2016 for the ending.
Murmur and Salvo: Both were on board in 2011; when they met in 2013 it was one of the things they bonded over. When it goes on hiatus at the end of the year they get SO involved with theorizing together and have lots of fun for years. Read every update as it came out together and both enjoyed the ending.
Amily: Tried to read it bc Murmur and Salvo liked it but stopped after Act 1. Knows stuff from later on through osmosis.
Sarah: Invested from the beginning in 2009 (computer science nerd, 20 y/o). Stayed interested once it got more character-focused/less CS-jokey. Wrote some big legendary fanfic in 2011-2012 (poured liters of personal emotional upheaval into this thing, yes it was a blackrom, you will see why) that went unfinished. Fell off the train at the megapause due to said emotional upheaval and just skimmed to catch up for the finale in 2016.
Penwood: Has never read it because he thinks it's too long and childish. He would like it SO MUCH if he read it.
Ambre: Doesn't know what it is. Has heard the name before but forgot. Don't even try to recommend it to her, she'd be an even worse reader than Sam.
Jupiter: Due to Max's prompting, has read a bit (also watched parts of the Let's Read on youtube). Knows she'd get hyperfixated if she read it in full so she stopped. Too busy to be that invested.
Aidyn: Stopped before finishing Act 1. Not interested.
Eight: Has read/skimmed up to Act 5. Thinks it's entertaining but is not that invested. Likes the trolls. Says they like Vriska purely to mess with Max.
Fae: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
Big 3
Kilo (Blizzard): Hasn't read it. Heard of it super briefly from Yuma. Thinks she has weird taste.
Yuma (Firestorm): Heard of it briefly thanks to [spoiler]. Knows character/plot details that [spoiler] told her, but has never read it. Likes every red flag character... :(
Coda: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Been Through
For my fellow Aeris family, this piece is written for you. I finally let go the great thanks I want to tell to every EXO-L out there 💕💕
For non-aeris.. feel free to read too! I am just spilling my bottled emotion about this wonderful fandom.
BEEN THROUGH (lyrics are translated to english, feel free to listen to it as you read through my piece) (/▽\)
here we go <3
I’ll get used to it, like catching a cold again The ash gray light pushes through and endlessly passes by But still
You sigh in heavy relief as your body finally descend on the thin mattress in your small shared room. Resting your head for a moment, closing your eyes and letting go all the burden today has given to you, you try your best to find the small peaceful moment you missed. Life has never been easy after leaving your motherland to travel through pacific oceans to land on the land of opportunity. School was fine, but the culture shock and home sick were challenging.
I must get through it Cuz it’ll pass, it’ll pass Just need a moment Cuz it’ll pass, it’ll pass Cuz it’ll pass, already
Your phone buzzed, the notification flashes with a short message
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” this time from your closest family member.
You typed a quick “yes”, while holding back the grumbling sound from your stomach. Your meal plan was still loaded, you’re just tired to bring your body for a meal.
In the grey sky, there is a brighter light
Behind the dark clouds, there is a dazzling light
You glance to the bedside beside yours, your room mate has not come back yet. Night class or maybe in the library, that’s what you thought.
Your eyes close one more time, letting go off the pain, grief, and stress away. Next month will be your mid term weeks. Your brain tries its best to not think of any responsibilities not to mention tasks and home works. You’re dying to have a good rest.
Your phone lights up one more time, this time along with the annoying buzz of an alarm. You bring your phone to your face and turn the reminder off.
“Greet your friends on Instagram and update your tumblr. Check along wattpad for any requests.”
A small smile appears from your lips. The bulking notifications from your fandom families, are waiting for you impatiently. You recollect yourself, energy, and mood. Chugging down a bottle of water, your fingers slowly scroll through today’s waiting replies.
You shine like the stars You light up my heart At the end of today’s hardships Brightly shine on me
You started off a blog and an account for fun, for your fandom purposes, and for an escape. Since then, you slowly make new friends, listen to their stories, and you even pour your imagination over fanfictions where you don’t mind if anyone read it. From light conversations, to deep talks, you learn how diverse and wonderful your new friends are. Soon friends turn into families, and families help you cope up with life.
Aside your parents and siblings, your fandom friends you made over the internet are the sources of energies you needed. They are your mood boosters; they are the reason you keep going on.
In a blink of an eye, your hands are dancing over the comment sections, replying and trolling people. You find back the fire in your soul and the laugh in your lips. Though everyone came from different part of the globe, with awful time difference, and various culture, you relate with them and vice versa.
Snap out of it, get up and brush it off Pain is just a passing storm to me I must get through it all Cuz it’ll pass, it’ll pass Just need a moment Cuz it’ll pass, it’ll pass Cuz it’ll pass, already
One talk about hurdles of taking pre-med, another casual talk to comfort a friend losing a bet, another deep quick talk to those afraid coming out in their true colors. Within one hour, you’ve felt your life change. You realize everyone has their battle; everyone has their own challenges.
The alarm went off one more time, and you sadly have to stop the social media time and stick your nose to some pages or review a module and two.
In the grey sky, there is a brighter light Behind the dark clouds, there is a dazzling light You shine like the stars You light up my heart At the end of today’s hardships Brightly shine on me This isn’t the end Better days will come At the end of that day You’ll shine on me like this
Your wallpaper flash the picture of nine men standing over a big stage, surrounding them are thousands of silver lights. The silver ocean, the one ocean you want to be a part of and drown yourself in. You cheer yourself up. Til the day you can be a part of that silver ocean, chanting fan chants in unison, seeing your role models eye to eye, and hugging those families standing on your side with the light sticks, you won’t give up.
The sun is behind the clouds that cover the light Without change, you shine on me forever The quiet air, the warm wind They’re all there, always in the same place In the gray sky, there is a brighter light Behind the dark clouds, there is a dazzling light
Those nine men had a rough journey to climb the mountain where they’re now standing on. If they can do it, you have no reason to stop your steps. They took one step at a time, looking into our eyes when they think of stopping. And with that one glance, they saw the silver ocean, and they fight back the urge to quit.
If they do that for you, why can’t you do that for them?
You shine like the stars You light up my heart At the end of today’s hardships Brightly shine on me
EXO keep climbing the painful mountain climb, with Aeris supporting them from behind. Now why don’t you do the same?
You always motivate yourself by picturing a similar scene. You’re climbing your own mountain, and if you take a small look over your shoulder, you can see the lights in their nine pairs of eyes holding back tears as they feel very proud to have a fan… a baby… a child… or a friend like you. They are proud for every milestone their supporters achieve, even more than proud when they discover you can keep going on… thanks to their effort to stick together for Aeris.
Until the day we can stand side by side with our idols, heads held up high, smiling through the worth it blood and scars, and hands over one another shoulders: congratulating each other for not stopping for making it to the top… let us all stay and support each other forever. Even when we reach that highest point of our life one day, please remember the smiles and chants this fandom and EXO had given to you. Please remember the tears, the laugh, and the smile.
If one day we lost our way, look around and follow the silver ocean. If Peter Pan guides you back with the second star to the right, then EXO and Aeris will guide you back with our one and only silver ocean.
Brightly shine on me
To you, reading this… keep on going. I know you can finish it and I believe in you. All that’s left is to believe in yourself the same way EXO believes in us. We’re family here, brothers and sisters, together in this one big family called Aeris, let me tell you I am always here to discuss or listen to your pains or love story or any dry jokes. I am here, if you need a motivation, a listener, and a friend. I am here and I am staying til the end.
The end
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xolotoofficial · 4 years
Recorded in Advance
> “Alright, babe,” Marvus’ manager starts, making sure the bandages around his chest are well visible under his jacket, but not as visible as the layers of gold chains sitting on top. He smirks and pats him on the shoulders, eying the golden diamond-shaped studs in his ears. “You’re looking pitiful enough. Go out there and make me and your clown buddies proud.”
Marvus feels way better now that he’s had a couple of days to heal. If he was, oh, Jade, let’s say, it would probably take much longer for him to heal, but he slowly swaggers into the interview, feeling like a million but walking like he’s still injured, but healing. The stab wounds on his body were closed up at this point, and the scarring was already looking pretty minimal, but he looked like he was being held together by cotton and stitches under all the wrappings.
The day he woke up, he let them photograph his chest, and it was emblazoned across every magazine - a clown, martyred at his own show, bloody and pitiful, tore the fuck up and still devastatingly hot. Gore was barely a kink on Alternia.
The cerulean woman in her pencil skirt and killer heels splattered with warm blood sits with a notepad in her lap and a winning smile. She was a familiar site. They had done interviews before, and she was very efficient. “Are you ready? Do you remember all the questions and answers we’re going through today, Mr. Xoloto?”
He smiles and nods, feeling the cameras on him again. It’s familiar, and he can honestly say he missed it. “Yes, I remember. It’s a steel trap up here, even if it’s been knocked around a lil’ bit.”
She feigns concern and they both cackle with each other. She was easy to win over, as easy as anyone else, but at least she had fun with it.
“You’re such a messy bitch.” She croons, recrossing her legs, one set of eyes looking at her notes and the other staring into him with glee. “Alright, everyone shut up and start rolling!...” She herself smiles into the camera. “Hello and welcome to all of you at hive watching, this is Krayvt Terrox, of course. Today I’m joined by one of the most masterful jesters this side of Alternia in an exclusive interview. Known for the size of his crowds, the size of the bloodshed, and the size of him… well. Marvus Xoloto, it’s so good to have you here, and so soon after this grizzly attempt on your life.”
He smiles and nods lazily, moving very little. “Only by motherfuckin’ grace, sister. It’s great to be here, Kravyt.”
“Let’s start with the obvious - your attacker isn’t a stranger to the disciplinary system, and according to multiple sources, he’s been on the cull list for some time for abandoning his duties and past violence on trolls of higher blood. It’s rather stupid of him to brazenly walk on stage when common knowledge among us who actually use our pans that you like to keep a certain amount of attention and cameras on you. I have to ask, did you know Lanque Bombyx personally?”
Marvus shakes his head. “No. We had some mutual acquaintances once upon a time, but I didn’t know him, or about him, or get any warnin’s on his violent ass nature. We’ve attended some same parties, but other than that? Nada.”
“Oh, interesting. Let’s start with those acquaintances. Did you have any altercations or issues with those mutual acquaintances?”
He shakes his head again. “Oh, no. It’s funny, the only people we both knew seemed to either not want much to do with him, or just didn’t have nice things to say. I take care of my friends, ya know? And that includes listenin’ to em, so I did my best.”
“Of course, Marvus the Great wouldn’t be associating with such base criminals. I’m sure the people who lost him to the cull list were very disappointed.”
Marvus laughs. Thinking of Daraya being disappointed in Lanque’s crimes tickled him. “Can’t say fer sure since he came up so rarely, but I’m sure they were pretty g-d bummed.”
Kravyt’s eyes narrow and she leans in. “Now, about the parties? What’s the secret there?”
“Oh, god, ain’t no secret. They was jus’ meetin’ ups I was havin’ with some of my siblin’s. He was there at the same time, in my ass and all that. The only secret I might think was there was that he was followin’ me. Ain’t uncommon, but ain’t impressive on me.”
His interrorgator simply laughed, flipped a page in her paper. “Gosh, this is a funnier story than I expected. Here we all were, thinking he was some sort of hired hand or a wronged quad, but he’s really a jealous nobody. So, what happened that night? Why does Marvus Xoloto lose to an overly desperate fan like that? It’s not every day that someone attempts on a clown’s life, let alone escapes from the scene, and a Jade blood on top of that. A well-trained subjugglator would be expected to win that match up, easy.”
“Well, I ain’t subjug trained, I’m laughsassin trained. We more like a clown utility knife, less of a club to the face, ya dig?” One hand plays with a chain around his neck, the other hand waving away the last statement. “Not disparagin’ of course, I love the heavy hitters in my family, but I ain’t made to maintain that kinda rage all long term and shit. After a bumpin’ ass night of performin’, ya could guess that I was tired a-f. Ain’t help that on top of tired I was all cocky and shit - I’ve always been the type for spectacle, and I ain’t thought that through much at the time. I was jus’ tryin’ ta stop him, wound him all for-life-like, put on a show, and I got blood in my eyes for just a second and, well, I got the beatin’ I well up and deserved for bein’ a show-off, durin’ the fight and durin’ that long-ass slam session.”
Marvus takes a pause. He stops his fidgeting and his eyes cut to the ground. Clowns don’t show shame, but he does it regularly on global television. Even Kravyt, who knew what the questions and answers were ahead of time leans in while the camera does the same on his face.
“But I wanted to make my fans all happy, you know? Shit, they show was gettin’ ruined, and I wanted to give em another to make up for it... That was my b. If I knew he was such a criminal I woulda been more on toppa dat shit, but I ain’t sure it mattered much. Like I said, I’d been performin’ for a long time at that point - like, i-d-k, almost 3 hours?” He pauses though, stage whispering to the woman across from him. “And don’t tell nobody, but I mighta been a lil’ slack on my training. Gotta get that fixed now, don’t I?”
Kravyt nods in understanding, swinging her foot. “Thank you for that, Marvus. I’m sure that was difficult to talk about. Let’s move onto something a little less clinical - how are you feeling?”
Marvus beams for the camera. “Aww, thanks sis. I’m doin’ pretty okay. I should be all healed up sooner than later. Then I can get back to all that good” - and sometimes illegal, you know how it is - “work I’m motherfuckin’ known for.”
He winks through Kravyt and she blushes, but it wasn’t really for her. That one was for the cameras - the rebels he had been helping for the past two sweeps. The clubs he bought out. The performers he had been recruiting. He wasn’t out of the game, and he wanted them to know that.
“And what about the church? How are they feeling about all of this? What about your friends?”
Marvus nods sagely at her question. “Well, my family ain’t to happy. Last I heard they were makin’ their own moves about this. Somethin’ about uppin’ security every-motherfuckin-where, and they hired some kickass to the case? Wild a-f. I ain’t all involved or nothin’ cuz, ya know, I’m a motherfuckin’ loud mouth and alla dat, but they’ve been supportive of me. And as for friends...”
He smiles a little, face as neutral as usual. “Well, they’re goin’ a lil’ SHITHIVE. I get it though. Somethin’ terrible happened to one of their friends, all because of Lanque. He’s gettin’ all sorts of people hurt with these weird motherfuckin’ antics. Who knows who’s gonna be all in the path next? Can’t imagine how hurted his cloister must be - they be their own sorta family, and I kinda feel some kinship about that. I know most trolls ain’t gettin’ what clowns got, but I know, if I up and imagine, it would suck if I fucked up and got a sister of mine hurt, you know?”
And that one was for Lanque.
“How kind of you to empathize with the associates and friends of a criminal. But that almost sounds just as juicy as this -”
“None of that, sis. This is just me havin’ my own fun. I mean, the church got him covered - I get somethin’ of my own, I think. I just wish his family the best.”
“You really have a gilded heart, don’t you?”
“Aww, I don’t know about that…”
“And so humble.” She giggles. “One last question, then.” Kravyt nods and finishes her scrawling. “It’s really good to see that you’re alive and well. Is there anything else you’d like to tell the good people at home?” Marvus turns to the camera to his left and gives another best winning smile. “I’ll be going on a whole new tour in three nights from now to celebrate my good health! Tickets are available now, and locations are listed up on my website. While you’re there, if you’re feelin’ up to it and know anything at all about the location of my attacker, there’s a text form you can submit, only available to people who’re signed up to my Fanclub.”
“It was lovely to have you on tonight,” the smiley four-eyed woman chirps pleasantly, offering her hand. He leans forward with an exaggerated wince, reciprocating the action. She looks at him with her own over-acted pity. “Thank you again, Marvus.
“...aaaand cut it! Start shutting this down. Good job, Marvus. We’ll get these all edited up and it should be going up as soon as it’s done. A day or so. You were wonderful as usual - only took three takes to get all the footage we need.”
Marvus stands and stretches, clapping his hands together once. “Glad we could do this, f-r. Hey, don’t be a stranger, sis - maybe we’ll get to talk without me actin’ like I ain’t ever been stabbed before, lmaooo.”
She shrugs. “I suppose it might be good for ratings - people really are obsessed with you. Who knew that a person could capitalize on their powers like this? Like, shit, I don’t get it, but clearly huffing your voodoo-vibes or whatever is better than coke.”
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day--six · 5 years
From Luck // Pt. 3
Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3 // Pt. 4 // Pt. 5 Word Count: 2.3k Genre: Hogwarts au, fluff Member: Jae Summary: The Triwizard Tournament really only seems to be making your life harder, but in the best way possible.
                                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The days leading up to Halloween seemed to fly by yet drag at the same time. Brian, Jae and Sungjin were clearly excited and impatiently waiting for Halloween to arrive so the champions could finally be announced. As much as you were looking forward to the grand Halloween feast Hogwarts always had, there was a heavy weight on you. A small, yet constant thought in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe one of your beloved friends would be chosen as Hogwarts champion. You spent so many nights lying awake in bed trying to convince yourself if the goblet chooses them, then obviously it knows they can handle the tournament, and what happened with Diggory the years before was unrelated to that actual tournament.
It was now the 30th and you were trying your best to study with Dowoon for your upcoming exam for your Care of Magical Creatures class, but you really couldn’t find the motivation to remember exactly why fire crabs were endangered.
“Hey, (y/n)! You there?” Dowoon questioned, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Oh, yah, sorry Dowoon.” you said, looking back down at your rather beat up textbook.
“Maybe we should have taken Muggle Studies like Sungjin said. It probably would have been so much easier.” Dowoon sighed, flipping through the pages of the XXX classified creatures.
“Dowoon, are you worried about one of the three getting into the tournament?” you ask after a moment of silence.
“I mean, a little. But I know if they get chosen they can handle it, right? Plus, we’ll be here to help them if they do.”
“Out of the three who do you think has the highest chance of being picked?”
“Hm,” Dowoon thought for a moment, “I can see Brian making it. He’s really smart and knows a lot of spells. But at the same time, I can see Jae getting picked; he’s got a decent amount of talent in all areas. Sungjin seems like too much of a worrier to get chosen.” Dowoon said with a chuckle.
“Yah, you’re probably right about Sungjin!” You laugh.
“We’ll just have to see who gets picked tomorrow. For now, we need to study or we’re totally going to fail.” Dowoon reminded you. Thankfully after talking about the tournament with Dowoon a bit, some of your worries were but at ease, and you were able to focus on studying a little more than before.
After a couple hours of studying, you finally parted ways with Dowoon and headed up towards Gryffindor tower, feeling rather prepared for your exam the next day. The two of you had somehow managed to stay out and hour past curfew so you were doing your best to sneak back without running into anyone. You had walked about half way down the dimly lit hallway when someone suddenly rounded the corner, causing you to freeze up instantly.
“(Y/n)! What are you doing up!” Jae whisper-shouted from the other end of the hallway before quietly rushing over to you.
“Oh Jae! It’s just you, you scared me!” you whispered, letting out a shaky breath, stilling trying to calm your thumping heart after that rush of adrenaline. “I was studying with Dowoon for our exam tomorrow. What about you? Why are you wandering around the castle?”
“Oh, I just couldn’t sleep so I decided to go for a walk.” Jae answered, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Nervous about tomorrow?”
“Something like that.” Jae laughed, which was then followed by silence. Apart from the owls the two of you had sent over the summer, you were rarely alone together. Someone else was always with you, so to suddenly be alone together like this left for some weird tension to bubble up. You were immediately flustered by the one on one time with your crush, and with Jae acting as awkward as he was, it wasn’t helping in the slightest.
“I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” Jae suddenly declared, breaking the silence.
“Okay!” you said with a smile.
The two of you had walked about halfway to the Gryffindor common room before you finally spoke up.
“Whatever happens tomorrow I’m sure will end with good results.” You said, shoving your hands in your robe pockets. Jae laughed.
“I sure hope so.”
“I was talking with Dowoon earlier tonight and we both think you could easily be chosen! Have you thought about what it would be like if you do get chosen?” you asked.
“Not really…I didn’t want to get my hopes up. There are a lot of really talents witches and wizards at Hogwarts, I seriously doubt I’ll be the one chosen.” Jae said, pushing up his glasses.
“Don’t doubt yourself Jae, you’re a very talented wizard. And if you do get chosen you better remember the title of number one fan and support is reserved for me after you get all famous.” You stated.
“I wouldn’t dream of calling anyone else my number one fan but you, no matter how famous I got.” Jae answered, coming to a stop in front of the portrait of the fat lady and faced you. You smiled at him.
“Well, thank you for walking me back then! Sleep well, Jae.” You said before muttering the password to the fat lady, the door slowly swinging open.
“You too, (y/n). I’ll see you in the morning at breakfast?” Jae questioned.
“Yup! I’ll try not to be late like usual.” You answered, smiling back at him from in the doorframe, holding the gaze between the two of you for just a second to long before disappearing behind the painting.
Jae ran his fingered through his hair and let out a long breath of air. He had meant to clear his mind during this walk, but after running into you, his heart was fluttering all over the place and his mind was racing. The more time he spends with you the more dangerous and out of control his feelings were getting.
As promised the next morning you were at breakfast on time, partly because of the promise you had made with Jae, but mostly out of nervousness for this evening. The school was much more abuzz than usual, making classes all that much harder to sit through. During lunch you and Dowoon had one more quick cram session for your exam, Brian and Sungjin sitting in to help with any questioned the two of you had before you raced off to Hagrid’s hut to take the exam.
Once the exam was over, you could finally turn your full attention to this night’s event. Finally, dinner rolled around, and you crammed into the long dining hall tables, squished between Sungjin and other Gryffindors for the long-anticipated Halloween feast. You had to admit, with the other two schools taking up a table, even if it was only sixth and seventh years, it sure made the meals very cramped. Even though this was your third Halloween feast at Hogwarts, the decorations never stopped impressing you. The live bats flew about the hall, and a troupe of skeletons danced about at the front of the great hall, apparently hired by the headmistress. The ghosts were much livelier than usual, floating from table to table chatting with various students. All the food was Halloween related, and carved pumpkin were all about the great hall, casting their warm orange light over all the students. Older students told younger students all the different crazy events that had happened during pervious Halloween feasts before. How once, during Headmaster Dumbledore’s time a troll had gotten into the dungeons, or how the feast came about originally. You tried your best to enjoy the delicious desserts that had appeared on golden plates in front of you, but you couldn’t take your mind off the event that was meant to happen after the feast. It didn’t take long for Sungjin to pick up on this either, and he made it his mission to get your mind off it. The two of you talked about all sorts of things. He made you laugh so hard at one of his stories about something stupid he, jae and Brian had done before you were old enough to go to school that pumpkin juice almost came out your nose. Thanks to Sungjin your evening was much more enjoyable then you had thought would be possible.
Finally, all the plates had been cleared. The skeletons had stopped dancing, the bats had taken to hanging from the ceiling rather than flying about, and the ghosts all collected in a corner towards the back of the great hall. McGonagall stepped forward and the hall went silent. The goblet was soon placed beside her, its blue flames silently flickering about. The representative from the Ministry of Magic stepped up and said a few things, followed by McGonagall giving a little speech but your mind was in another place the whole time, you barely heard a word they said. Suddenly the lights were dimmed and the fire started to grow bigger. McGonagall took a step closer, then the goblet suddenly turned a deep red and shot out a piece of paper. The paper fluttered down into her hand and she read out the first champion, a student from Durmstrang named Do Kyungsoo. The Durmstrang table erupt into cheering and screaming. A group of guys got up and surrounded him, slapping him on the back and cheering the loudest. Finally, everyone settled down and the Durmstrang pick made his way up to the stage. After a couple minutes of silence, the goblet turned the deep red again and spit out another piece of paper. Next was a girl from Beauxbatons by the name of Kim Hyunah. Again, there was a loud eruption of cheering from the Beauxbatons table while their champion made their way to the front of the stage.
You couldn’t help but hold your breath as you waited for the last slip of paper to shot from the goblet. The slip of paper that would announce who the champion from Hogwarts was. The goblet turned a deep red for the third and final time before sending a small slip of paper into McGonagall’s hand. McGonagall opened the slip of paper, smiled, then called out “Park Jaehyung!” The world seemed to slow down as every student from Hogwarts began to cheer. You could feel yourself getting to your feet alongside Sungjin and the rest of the students to clap for Jae.
“A Slytherin!” you heard someone to your right exclaim.
“I had a class with him last year! He was super good but he was always really late to class.” Someone else said with a chuckle. You couldn’t believe it. Jae was actually chosen. You had really thought someone else was going to be chosen. That all this stressing you had been doing was going to be over nothing and someone you had never really spoken to before was going to be picked as the champion. Not one of your closest friends. Not someone you may or may not have the biggest crush on. You stared over at Jae in slight disbelief as you watched people pat him on the back and give him high fives. Through all the chaos you somehow managed to make eye-contact with him and gave him two big thumbs up. He was grinning from ear to ear, looking ecstatic. So ecstatic actually it almost made you forget about how nervous you were for his future.
McGonagall gave him a smile as he walked up on stage to take the place next to the other champions. You could tell jae was trying his best to subdue his smile but he was failing pretty miserably, making you chuckle a little. Seeing him so happy was really starting to make you forget about all your worries. You couldn’t wait to congratulate him in person when you could finally see him. Another speech was made and then the three trainees were taken away for a short interview and pictures while everyone else headed back to their dorm or to do some last late-night studying. You and Sungjin first ran into Wonpil and decided to wait just outside the great hall in hopes of spotting Brian and Dowoon, and sure enough you were able to find them. The five of you decided to wait near one of the court yards, knowing Jae would pass it on the way back to the dungeons.
“I can’t believe Jae actually got picked!” Wonpil exclaimed.
“It’s going to be so exciting to have a Slytherin in the tournament! It’s been a while since a Slytherin represented Hogwarts.” Dowoon declared.
“Maybe this will finally clear up that whole ‘Slytherin is evil’ issue up…” Brian mused.
“It might,” you said. “I feel like there are a lot more people than before who agree Slytherin isn’t full of as many terrible people as it’s made out to be.”
You all chatted for a couple more minutes before your champion finally emerged, causing the five of you to start clapping again.
“Congrats Jae!” you all echoed. Jae started to turn a deep red and fidget a bit. You all surrounded him. Sungjin gave him a hard slap on the back like a proud dad would, causing Jae to wince a bit and you to laugh.
“We’ll be celebrating at the three broomsticks for sure this weekend!” Brian declared, earning more cheers from everyone. The six of you crowded onto some benches and talked excitedly about the night’s events for a bit before Sungjin stood up and declared he had to go start his rounds as a prefect. Dowoon shortly followed saying he had an upcoming exam that he really needed to study for, and slowly but surely everyone began to split up until it was just you and Jae left.
“You’re worried, aren’t you?” Jae asked after a moment of silence.
“A bit yes, but I think you can handle it. Right?” you answered, only slightly not believing yourself.
“As long as I have you guys around, I’m positive I can handle anything that comes my way.” He answered with a big smile.
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icecubelotr44 · 6 years
Trouble with a Capital ‘T‘ (1/3?)
So, a little bit of background.  I have had a major case of writer’s block since finishing Clear and Present Danger for the captainswanbigbang.  I just can’t seem to wrap my head around putting words on a page anymore - it’s why my attempt at whumptober this year fizzled so badly.  But!  I started writing this back at the start of Season 7 when we didn’t know anything about... well, anything.  So it’s not going to make sense in that context.  The basic idea was that we didn’t want Liam to be dead, and what if he was in Hyperion Heights.  What if he was Killian’s captain at the precinct?  What if...
So Liam is alive and well (I mean, before I got my hands on him anyway).  Gothel is, well, Gothel.  Alice and Killian and Liam and all the rest haven’t broken the curse yet, don’t really know what the curse is (or in some cases, that there is a curse).  It breaks off from canon pretty early on, so if you’re not a fan of Season 7 or didn’t watch it at all, you can still read it as long as you understand that Alice is Killian’s daughter.
It’s basically just another excuse to whump the Jones brothers, after all.
Chapter One:
They'd been on the road for what felt like hours.  Rogers seemed far more frantic than an officer should be over a missing informant, but Jewell had found him, just about to break the window to one of the only remaining patrol cars in order to 'borrow' it to go looking for the girl.   Tilly.   She'd been Weaver's once upon a time, which made Jewell wary of her, but since the slick little man had been shot by her, she'd seemed to latch onto Rogers. 
And Rogers onto her.  
So William had led Rogers to his own SUV, far more suited to the snow than the lonely old car that had clearly been left behind for a reason.  If it would make the younger detective feel better to be out looking for her, well, Jewell didn't have anything better to do with his night anyway.
"Where is she?" Killian kept mumbling, looking over his shoulder as if his older bro...  as if his captain, his captain not his brother - not yet - would answer him.
Gothel's threat echoed in his ears.  Liam was safe as long as he was still cursed, as long as he had no idea that the man sitting in the passenger seat was his brother rather than just his subordinate.  As long as he had no idea that the stubborn young woman they were combing the streets for was his niece.  Was Killian's little girl, long grown up while they were separated, but still the little one he'd held so carefully the day he'd found her in her tower.
He'd tried to bring Alice back to his flat, back under his watchful eye and under a bloody roof and with him, where they could hopefully make up for some of the lost time they'd suffered.  But his little girl...  his young woman now...  was stubborn (clearly she came by it honestly) and she'd refused, skipping off with a riddle and a toothy grin that had never failed to get her what she wanted from him.  Killian longed for the days when she wanted marmalade for every meal and to stay up late to see the stars and to sleep in her Papa's bed because it was cozier (which was only so once he'd been summarily squashed to one side and then to the floor.  His Alice was an unrepentant bed hog).
Most days, he almost didn't mind granting her her freedom.  She'd been trapped in that tower for so long, after all, he couldn't deny her the desire to sleep under the stars, in the freedom of wherever she wanted to be whenever she wanted to be.  But there was a huge storm coming.  The worst the city had seen in years, if the bloody weathermen were to be believed.  He couldn't countenance seeing her spend the night shivering in the troll's lap or in the park or down by the water.  Not when he had a breath left in his body to argue with her to come home - just for a few nights.  Surely, she wouldn't deny him that.
Night was falling, and with it the temperatures.  It had been unseasonably warm just last week, and Killian had thought he'd have more time to convince Alice to move into the apartment with him - just for the winter.  She'd refused several times already, and he'd responded with a backpack full of blankets and hand warmers to show that he understood, but now...  now he was too worried about what the night would bring and where she'd hunker down and if he'd find an Alice-popsicle once the storm had blown over.  
“Where is she?" he mumbled again.  
"We'll find her, Detective, don't worry," his brother...  his captain reassured, turning down another side street towards one of the homeless camps that he knew had popped up recently.  Gods, he just wanted Liam...  William to wake up, to understand his worry, to...  to... 
He wanted his captain to never wake up if it meant that he'd be-
The screech of tires and the crunch of metal were the last things Killian heard before everything went black.
Gods, it all hurt.  His legs were screaming, his face was burning, his arms were shooting pain, his chest felt like a dragon was sitting on it.  Everything hurt.  The world swam around him sickeningly and he could only imagine what would happen if he tried to open his eyes.  He wasn't sure what had happened, not entirely, memories of driving around in the car looking for a girl...  the girl...  and then bright lights and darkness.  He needed to open his eyes, he needed to make sure the car was off, he needed to check on... 
A moan flitted through the car and he turned his head instinctively towards it.  He wasn’t alone in the car, he needed to make sure that his...  that the owner of that moan was okay.  But first, he needed to open his eyes and see what had happened, why he hurt, why that moan sounded even worse than everything he felt.  They were in trouble and he needed to get help.
Killian's eyes finally fluttered open, the limb of a tree cutting across his field of vision and, thankfully, not cutting across anything else of his, the tips of the branches scratching across his face but not doing any real damage.  The blood dripping down from his hairline was warm and was gluing his eye shut, the hot feel of swelling finishing the job and making everything seem closer than it really was.  
All except Liam.  
Liam, sitting in the seat next to him, his face buried in the airbag and frighteningly still, was so, so very far away from him, though Killian could have reached a few inches and touched his older brother's thigh.  It hurt so very much to even think about moving, but he did it anyway, trying his best to bite back a moan as he reached out with his prosthetic until he could feel the echo of feeling vibrating along his arm.  If he pretended, Killian could almost make himself think that he could feel the warmth of Liam's leg through his jeans.
"Li-" he bit off his plea.  Try again, Jones, he thought bitterly, Gothel's threat again in his ears.  "Captain?" Nothing.  Silence filled the air in the rapidly cooling car.
Killian turned slowly, igniting a hundred different insults and injuries as he did so, needing to reach out with his right hand, needing to touch his brother's skin, to feel for warmth, to check for a pulse.  He'd heard the moan, knew that his brother was alive, but it didn't help the fear, didn't change the fact that he needed to feel his brother's life beat under his fingers. 
He couldn't reach across the damned car for the bloody tree between them.  
Growling angrily, Killian worked at snapping at the branches, piling the wood uselessly on the console between them, trying to ignore the twinges and the blood and the fire that each movement caused.  
He needed...  he needed Liam.  
He needed his big brother.
Trying to reach through the branches made his breaths come short and sweat beaded on his upper lip.  If he hadn't broken ribs in the crash, then he would buy a lottery ticket and give it to Alice when they got out of this.  She'd be a bloody millionaire.  The branches scratched at his arm, at his face, but he persisted, trying to worm his right arm awkwardly through to get to Liam's throat.  If he could just... 
A stab of pain shot through his back and shoulder, forcing him to instinctively pull his hand back and cradle his arm to his chest.   Damn, that hurts, he thought, biting his lip until the sharp pains died down.  
Frustration came next, burning deep in his gut and mixing with the anger that came from realizing that they'd been run off the road - whether by accident or by design, he wasn't sure - and that no one was coming to their aid.  Grabbing the tree limb with both hands, Killian shook it angrily, taking out his frustration and-
Gods, he never wanted to hear that noise come from his brother's throat again.
"Please...  detect...  ive.  Don- don't do that...  again."
Killian's hand froze on the tree branches, his frustration fading out like the ebb of a retreating tide and replaced with the hot, bubbling feeling of guilt.  He'd just hurt Liam.
"I'm...  I'm sorry," he whispered, shaking a little.  "Are you all right? Captain?"
There was a few moments of silence save for the whistling of the wind as it picked up.  Killian tried not to hold his breath, tried not to count the number of times Liam inhaled shakily before he found his voice.  
"Aye." It was a little bit choked, but it was music to Killian's ears.  "Just...  don't do that again, please?"
Killian nodded jerkily, though Liam wasn't looking at him to see.  "Of course.  I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine, Detective," Liam paused, and Killian found himself wishing that Liam would just turn his head and look at him.  "Are you all right?"
Killian hadn't really taken stock.  Everything hurt, yes, but it was his ribs giving him the most trouble.  That and whatever white-hot pain that was still attacking his back and shoulder.  His legs hurt, but it seemed to be more the abrupt stop caused by the trunk of the tree rather than actual injury as he could move them well eno-
Nope.  Check that, he could move his left leg without too much difficulty, but he was in no hurry to try moving the right one again any time soon.  Not unless Liam needed-
"Detective?" There was a note of worry - nearly masked by the pain - in Liam's voice.  
"I'll be all right," Killian allowed.  "What happened?"
Liam scoffed, rolling his head to finally, finally look at Killian.  There was blood dripping down the side of his face and his eyes were glassy.  "I was hoping you could tell me that."
"I don't know," Killian admitted.  He hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings, worried far more for Alice than for himself and his broth- the man sitting next to him in the godsdamned car and bleeding from at least one place that Killian could see.  He didn't know if it was an accident or on purpose, if it had been bloody Gold, Gothel or even Rapunzel, Tremaine, whatever her bloody name was.  Had it merely been the gnarled hands of the Fates, making the roads slick and sending some innocent passerby into their thread?
Whatever the reason, they were stuck in the woods in a car that didn't work and very little left of a windshield that might have helped to conserve some of their body heat.  
"Do you have blankets in here? An emergency kit?"
Liam grunted sadly.  "Of course.  In the trunk."
Killian's head slammed back against the headrest, making him see stars and making his stomach roll.  Might as well be in the bloody station for all the good it did them there.  He tried to move his leg again, fiery pain working its way from his calf all the way up into his hip and shooting up his spine, leaving him gasping.  
"Rogers?"  There was enough alarm in Liam's voice to cut through the pain.  He'd sounded so much like the brother Killian remembered now, the one who had looked after him as a child and who he thought he'd lost for good.  Gods, Killian just wanted to hear Liam call him by name.  By his real name.  
He wouldn't even complain if Liam called him 'little' brother.  
Well, not much anyway.  
"Detective.  Answer me, that's an order!" Liam demanded.
Oh.  He'd drifted off there for a moment.  
"I'm here," was all he could manage through clenched teeth.  
He heard movement next to him, tried to open his eyes to see what Liam was doing.  He felt the branch moving next to his head, heard Liam's sharp grunts of pain.  Needing to stop his brother from injuring himself, Killian wrenched his arm away from his leg and reached across the console to lay his prosthetic on Liam's thigh again.  
"I'm here."
Killian heard the pointed whoosh of relief that escaped from Liam even as he felt the muscles of his brother's thigh relax.  
"Don't do that again," Liam whispered.  It clenched at Killian in a way he wished it wouldn't.  Liam would, of course, be that worried about him - at all times in all situations, even when he'd only gotten a (in his opinion, anyway) rather large splinter in his foot as a boy and was clearly in minimal danger - but Captain Jewell, while he had always shown a bit of preferential treatment towards Rogers (Killian thought it was a hint of his true nature peeking through the curse) he didn't have the same familial attachment.  
But damn if it didn't sound like he did.  
"I'm sorry," Killian whispered through the silence, unsure if he was apologizing for frightening his captain or for getting his brother into this in the first place.  They were out here because of him.  They were in trouble, again, because of him.  They were always in dire straits of some sort because of him.  Liam's life had always been fraught with peril because of him.  
"What happened?" Liam asked again.  "Where are we?"
"Li- Captain?"
Liam shifted, bit back a gasp, and reached down to snag Killian's prosthetic hand.  "What's wrong with you? You're hurt?"
"Aye," Killian felt shaky with the depth of his relief.  He'd thought for a moment that-
"What are we doing out here?"
Bloody hell.  
"We were in an accident.  We were looking for Al- for Tilly.  Do you remember that?"
It seemed like an eternity passed (and he'd spent centuries in Neverland for gods' sake) before Liam responded with an unsure, "Aye."
Killian shivered, and it wasn't entirely from the cold.  "Are you all r-"
"You didn't answer my question."
Killian hadn't cried in a long time.  Not since the day he'd had to leave Alice behind, his heart cursed and shattering under their shared grief.  He wanted to break down and sob now. 
"Are.  You.  All.  Right?" Liam spoke slowly, as if to a child.  
"Aye, my leg's trapped, I think.  I'm all right, br- sir."
There was shuffling next to him and Killian could feel Liam's leg moving as he tried to...  to what? What was his brother doing? The branch shook and Killian grabbed it out of instinct, trying to keep it still so that it wouldn't injure Liam further.  "What are you doing?" he asked hotly, defensive when anyone was hurting his brother.
Even if it was his brother hurting himself.  
"Checking on you," Liam responded as if Killian had asked him what time it was.  He shifted again, and this time bit back a cry. 
"Stay still, damn it.  You're going to start bleeding worse."
Liam stopped moving and Killian breathed out a sigh of relief.  
Killian's head whipped around to face his brother, biting back a cry of his own when that made everything hurt.  He started carefully breaking the branches again, this time far more careful not to shake the main limb as he did so.  He had to see how badly Liam was hurt.  He had to know if...  if... 
If he was going to lose his brother before he really got him back.
"Hurts," Liam whispered, his face coming more and more into view as the damned pine branches finally started to cooperate.
 Killian grimaced.  "I know, b...  but I've got to...  do you have a knife?"
There was some more shifting and grunting, but Killian held the tree limb steady until the sound of metal dropping into the console startled him.  He grabbed the tactical blade and made short work of the rest of the small branches, finally able to see his brother, see where the tree limb led, see the grotesque scene that Liam was either ignoring or shockingly unaware of.  
He'd been lucky - if you could call being stuck on the end of a tree limb like a lollipop lucky.  But it hadn't impaled his chest, lodging in the muscle of his upper arm instead.  There would be damage there, yes, and he was still bleeding, far too pale for Killian's liking, and his eyes were glassy - seemingly unaware of his predicament - but he could survive that.  
Provided, of course, that they got out of the bloody car and to medical aid before they froze to death.  
"One more, brother, can you hold on for me?"
Liam nodded, clenching his teeth and bringing his left hand up to clutch at his arm.  He cried out as Killian sliced through the end of the limb, leaving a fairly sizeable piece protruding from his arm, but no longer attached to the rest of the godsdamned tree.  Killian shoved it back a little, using it as the best he could to block the wind while still giving him some room to move. 
"Damn it, Liam.  This is still bleeding."
Liam turned his head, staring at the wood in his arm as if he hadn't known it was there before.  
Killian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment.  They were in trouble.
"Det...  Detective, please."
It felt like ice water had been dumped over his head.  He'd forgotten, for a moment, just who he was in the car with.  He'd forgotten... 
"I just... I need a moment," Liam practically begged when Killian tried to push against the puckered skin around the stake of wood.
Killian grimaced, but kept up the pressure.  "I have to stop the bleeding.  Just a little more, all right?  I promise," he lied. 
Liam had lied to him like that, once upon a time (several once upon a time's ago) when the gashes on his back had been just a little too deep, just a little too ragged.  It was all fair in love and war, and...  and it didn't make Killian feel any better to lie about what he was doing. 
"Just a moment... please? Please, just let... let me catch my... breath.  Hurts."
Killian shivered.  Liam was the strong one, the one who never let on like this.  Killian tried; he'd always tried to be as strong as Liam, but never quite measured up.  He'd long ago put his brother up on a pedestal and Liam set the bar so high that Killian knew that, with all his screw ups, he'd never get there.
"It's all right, Ca-Captain.  I've almost got it."
"Please," he begged again.  
There was so much godsdamned blood, dripping from the wound, staining the shirt underneath, soaking into his jeans.  It was trickling, and Killian sent up a plea and a prayer of thanks that that's all it was doing, but Liam couldn't afford for this not to stop.  
"I need to get the..." he trailed off, looking over his shoulder as best he could.  The trunk seemed to be miles away, but with the tree branch out of the way, he could - maybe - climb through the backseat and get to the-
"Right here, I'm right here.  Are you all right?"
"'m cold.  Why's it so cold?"
Gods, he needed that kit, those blankets.
"Where in the trunk are the blankets?" Killian asked, more to keep Liam talking than to figure anything out.  "In the wheel well? Or just thrown in the back?"
He knew better.  There were plenty of things that had changed in Liam under the curse - namely that one cold case that Killian couldn't tell him wasn't really real.  It was, in a sense.  But Liam's lit... younger brother was sitting right next to him.  But even curses and centuries couldn't drum one thing out of William Jewell, Liam Jones, whoever he was today.
He was a regimented neat freak.  
"Left side of the trunk, behind the tactical vests."
"All right, do you have-"
"Why did you call me that?"
Bloody hell, what now?
"Call you what?"
Liam reached out and snagged Killian's arm, garnering his full attention.  "Liam.  No one's called me Liam in years.  Not since… not since my little brother… since we were..."
Bloody buggering hell.  
"I won't do it again, if it-"
"No!" Liam interrupted, then seemed almost to shrink in on himself.  "No.  I… I don't mind.  Not with you."
Killian's breath caught in his throat.  "All right.  L-Liam.  I'm going to try and get into the backseat.  Keep talking to me, all right? Tell me about..." he trailed off.  He didn't want Liam to talk about the little brother he thought he had raised.  
Gothel's threat rang in his ears again.  Liam was only safe as long as he didn't remember Killian.  
"How about I tell you about my first case?" Liam asked when Killian was silent for too long.  
He nodded absently, working his hand down towards his seatbelt and trying to make the prosthetic work.  "Aye, I haven't heard that one." He had.  But Liam didn't seem to remember that.
Liam droned on as Killian finally freed himself from the belt and shoved the airbag out of the way.  He shivered as a gust of wind rattled the car, reminding him of the urgency. 
And then he twisted, trying to contort his body so that he could slither through to the backseat.  
He didn't realize he was screaming in agony until everything went black, Liam's shouts fading into the darkness.
The scream echoed through the SUV until Jewell wanted to clap his hands over his ears to shut it out.  It was terrifying.  It was the kind of shout that haunted your nightmares and your waking moments if you let down your defenses for a split second.  It rattled him from the inside out, make him shake with fear and call out, begging Rogers to stop.  To please, just be quiet and tell him what was wrong.  
It roiled his stomach, that shout, making him nauseated and weak.  If he thought he could have managed it, if just the idea of moving his arm didn't make him nearly pass out from the pain emanating from that bloody stake in his arm, he'd have turned and shook Rogers, clapped a hand over his mouth, anything to make him just please, please stop.  
Anything to get a word in edgewise and figure out what was making him scream like that.  
And then it was silent.  Deadly silent like they'd been sucked into a vacuum and any words between them would have withered away before they could even be formed.  
"R-Rogers?" he ventured, his voice shaky from more than just the loss of blood.  
There was nothing.  No movement, no words, nothing but the stuttered breathing from his detective that eventually evened out.  Not into the sound of sleep, but easy enough to make out in the silence of the car. 
"Rogers, please," he begged, not knowing what he needed from the man.  
Just a word.  Just one word, a grunt, anything.  Some sign that the man in the car next to him would be all right.
"Bloody hell," he murmured to himself, reaching shakily through what Rogers had left of the branches until he could lay his hand on the other man's arm.  White hot agony shot out from the gash in his own arm, the wood embedded there shaking with his effort to move.
Rogers was cold.  
Not the bone chilling cold of death, not the way his little brother had felt in his arms that day, cold and stiff and so, so alone - even wrapped up in William's arms and coat even though it wasn't enough, he hadn't been enough to protect his only flesh and blood from...  from that.  
No, Rogers wasn't cold like that, but he was cold, trembling slightly even in unconsciousness.  
Bloody hell, the goddamned blankets were in the trunk and he needed to get them.  He needed to get Rogers warm, to find a way to get them help, to... 
To keep his little brother safe from...  
No! No, Rogers wasn't his brother.  He'd failed his little brother and he couldn't help him now, but he could help Rogers.  He could still keep this man, this man who trusted him and followed him.
He could help Rogers.  If he could get the blankets, get him warm, then maybe get back up to the road and...  and what?
What was he doing?
The blankets, right.  He needed to get to the blankets.  Get Kil- he shook his head, get Rogers warm, see what had made him scream, see if he could find their cell phones and hope that the storm wouldn't have picked up before he could get a call or a text out.  
But first, he needed to get to the back of the car, to the left of the trunk, near where he stored the tactical vests.  
Jewell twisted towards his right, trying to slither between the seats like he was sure Rogers had meant to do.  
That was a stupendously awful idea.  
He'd have to go out the door.  Into the cold. 
The wind wrapped around him as he stumbled out into the cold, the first flakes of snow pelting him and stinging his cheeks.  
Where was he going?
The cold seeped in first, laying carefully over him like a wet blanket and making him shiver.  The sound filtered in next, wind whipping around the car but strangely muted as if there was a tarp over the vehicle.  Then the pain stabbed through him, radiating out from his leg and wrapping around his ribs then shooting up into his head.  He wanted to curl up in a ball and let the darkness take him, but something was just out of reach.  Something pressing and important, something that he needed to take care of before he could fade back into unconsciousness.  
Something important.  More important than escaping the pain.  More important than him. 
There were only two people in all the realms that fell into that category, and last he checked, his lost and found Alice wasn't here with them.  He couldn't help her right now, but Liam-
Killian's eyes shot open, his head whipping over to the driver's seat where Liam would be...  should be... 
Where the bloody buggering hell was his brother?
"Liam?" he called, his voice shaky now that he was consciously calling his brother by... he shouldn't, shouldn't tempt the Fates by treating his brother so familiarly, but Jewell... Liam had asked him to call him by name and Killian couldn't deny him that.
Not if it was all he'd get to have of his brother.
The godsdamned door was open.  Had someone come? Weaver? Or Gothel? Or someone to help? Had they left him for dead, thinking that he'd been finished off by whatever had caused him to pass out before?
No, don't be silly, Jones.  Liam wouldn't leave you behind.  
So where was he?  Had he gone for help?  His arm... gods, his arm was still bleeding and it was downright frigid with the wind and the snow and the...  
"Godsdamnit, brother, where are you?"
And then he saw it.  His brother's boot - hopefully his booted foot and not just his boot - was just visible in the snow.  
Oh gods.  No, please.  No. 
"Liam! Liam!"
Killian reached for the seatbelt, forgetting that it was already undone, scrabbling at the empty clasp until his freedom filtered through.  He slammed his shoulder against the passenger's side door, eyes on the red part of the locking mechanism that told him he should be able to get out of the bloody, godsdamned car.  
"Liam! Brother, answer me!"
The door didn't budge.  
Liam didn't move.
"ARGHH!" Killian snarled, nearly breaking off the handle in its stubborn, good-for-nothing need to stay firmly closed.  He needed to get out of the bloody car and help his brother.   He'd have to go over the console, work his way around the gearshift, and get out Liam's door.  
Killian shoved at the pine branches that littered the space between the seats, worked the main limb as far out of the windshield as he dared, as careful as he could manage to keep the snow outside and what remained of the glass intact.  He may need the insulation for Liam once he figured out what the bloody ponce had done. 
Don't you know? He did it for you, the thought crept up unbidden, but he knew it was true.  Whatever it was that Liam was doing, and the blankets and medical kit in the trunk were a pretty good guess, he'd done it for Killian.  
The path clear, Killian took a deep breath and levered himself up out of the seat.  
And started screaming again.  
Don't pass out, can't pass out, he kept repeating, sinking back into the seat and gasping, trying to bat away the stars and the darkness that started to close in on him.  Gulping back the nausea, Killian reached down the length of his pant leg, holding his breath as he got closer and closer to his knee, and just beyond to where the pain was igniting his leg.  
Oh, gods, he bit back the bile, closing his eyes against the sickening feeling beneath his fingers.
The plastic of the door was jagged and broken, the metal of the frame bent inwards and sharp.  But that wasn't what turned Killian's stomach, what made him pass out before and nearly again now.  
No, it was the smooth, cold feel of bone, sticking out from the bloody mess of his skin and caught behind the metal of the door.
Killian let his head drop back against the headrest, panting with exertion and sick with pain.  It was no use.  His foot was wedged in so he couldn't move his leg even if each attempt hadn't made his vision go white and his stomach roll.  He had to get out of the car, he had to get to Liam, he had to save his brother. 
"Liam!" he shouted for what felt like the millionth time, frustration and worry bubbling up into anger as he tried to wrench his leg free again.  
Damn, that hurts.  
Shaking now, Killian grasped just over his knee, squeezing tightly and once again cursing the prosthetic that adorned his left arm.  He missed his hook, not entirely sure he wanted to think about what he'd do with it to get to Liam, but far more used to that after centuries than used to the five semi-mobile fingers that never seemed to do just what he wanted.  
And Liam still hadn't moved.  
He wasn't sure if it had been minutes or hours since he'd first woken to Liam insensate in the snow, but it was enough time that his boot was covered in white and if he hadn't woken when he had, he might never have realized his brother was right there.  
"Liam!" he yelled again, a trace of fear leaking into his brother's name.  They needed help, and they needed it now. 
No one was coming.  
Killian slammed his head back again, ignoring the stars that erupted in his vision and trying to focus.  If he could just... 
Killian clenched his teeth and reached down towards his calf again.  Liam would do it for him, Liam would be strong enough for him.  He bit back a scream when his fingers touched his own bone again, but he ignored it as best he could and reached around the metal trapping the bone.  He wrapped the prosthetic around his leg, the feel of the leather glove sliding over bone sickening.  With both hands wrapped around his calf, Killian started to pull.
Bone screeched against metal, bile rose in his throat, fire licked at his leg.  It didn't matter, he kept pulling, kept straining, kept trying to slide his foot out.  
It hurt.  Gods it hurt so bloody much, but he wouldn't stop.  Not until he was free. 
"BROTHER!" He screamed, loud and long into the silence.
tagging: @gusenitsaa @pirate-owl @killianmesmalls @killian-whump @gilliangrissom @cocohook38
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lavendermenaceart · 6 years
Broken Pieces||Chapter 7||
Tag list:  @stilinskis-banshee , @captainreid , @ultrarebelheart , @cynbx
General TW for this chapter: Omitted threats of violence, stalking.
Chapter 1||Chapter 2||Chapter 3||Chapter 4||Chapter 5|| Chapter 6||
Voices woke you. You could tell they were trying to be hush but whatever they were talking about was agitating as their voices rose. As you rubbed your eyes and tip-toed to the door of your room, trying to get an understanding of the conversation.
“I’m sorry I just don’t think it’s healthy for you to be here, and to continue being with her. I mean we didn’t even know you were still together for-”
“Emily, I’m sorry but you don’t really know what you’re talking about, do you?” The venom in Spencer’s voice made even you recoil.
Emily scoffed and you could imagine the offended look on her face. You felt like you were going to vomit. You were doing your best to support and take care of Spencer and somehow that wasn’t enough to show your devotion?
“I’m just trying to look out for you, Spencer.” Her voice lowered, taking a sympathetic tone.
“Emily, I really think you need to leave.” You couldn’t stop yourself as you stepped out of your room, into view.
Spencer nodded, taking hold of the door, ready to close it. “I appreciate your concern, but Y/N and I are fine. We are more than fine, we are great and I don’t know where I would be right now if it weren’t for them.” With that, he shut the door in her face.
You looked at each other for a moment before you met him with an embrace. You couldn’t even fathom leaving him now, of all times. You couldn’t imagine what Emily was thinking. Of course, she saw the accident. She didn’t see you taking care of Spencer, She didn’t see the kisses you shared or the way you found yourself looking at him in your idle time.
“I love you so much.” You mumbled into his neck, giving sweet little pecks in the curve of it.
He hummed softly, leaning into your kisses. “I love you, too. Forget about that, okay? We’re fine. You are, uhm, absolutely the best thing in my life right now.”
You felt yourself smile, looking up to see his eyes darting around as a blush bloomed across his cheeks.
“Like-wise.” You giggled, kissing his nose playfully, earning a smile from Spencer.
The next few days were easy going, for the most part. Your days were spent finding new distractions, new coping mechanisms. You both spent time on the floor of the living room, books splayed all around your bodies as you took turns reading to each other. You usually picked fiction and technical books on ecology or zoology. Spencer liked to read poetry and biographies to you. Nights were spent holding each-other and even making love a few times.
You had brought up the idea of Spencer just talking to you, venting, telling you why he felt the need to use and what started it all, but he brushed the suggestion off. It was frustrating and things came to a head as you were preparing dinner one night. He had been moody all day, refusing to take part in the usual readings you both did and going so far as to tell you to read to yourself when you tried reading his favorite poem back to him.
You watched him sulking on the couch as you tried to figure something out. You don’t really know why but you found yourself staring at a glass plate that sat drying on the counter. You were waiting for the water to boil on the stove so you could make pasta so you thought you had some time to kill.
“Here goes nothing…” You muttered to yourself, lifting the plate before smashing it on the ground. You picked up a mug when Spencer rushed to take it from you.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?” He cried out, gingerly putting the mug back on the counter. He carefully started to lift the glass pieces off the ground.
You growled, taking another glass plate and smashing it on the ground, safely away from where Spencer was crouched.
“Oh my god, what is…?” He stood, looking into your eyes.
“You’ve been sulking all fucking day, Spencer.” You balled your fist at your side, leaning towards him. “It’s frustrating!! You won’t even try to talk to me!”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. “I just- I don’t want to, okay?”
“You’re going to have to for this relationship to work, Spencer! How can I help if I know nothing about your situation? You basically spent months ignoring my existence and I don’t deserve to know why?” You were surprised to find your rage actually building. This was originally supposed to fake, something to pry words from Spencer. It felt good. The pressure that had been placed on your shoulders to be perfectly empathetic only to Spencer’s emotions and not your own lifting slightly.
“I was kidnapped and he shot me up with Dilaudid to keep me complicit, okay!? Is that what you wanted?” His voice rose, his eyes full of a new fire as he looked into yours.
You recoiled, looking down at your feet before furrowing your brows and glaring back at his face. “Yes! That’s such an important fucking thing and you didn’t even think to tell me?! You know how worried I am every time you leave for a case. I deserved to know that! I could have helped you...I wouldn’t have had to be in the hospital before if you had just told me.”
It was Spencer’s turn to recoil, his face softening. You had expected him to continue yelling but instead, he just wrapped his arms around you. You were so stunned you couldn’t manage to return the gesture.
“I know...and...and you did deserve to know. I was just so ashamed...I was so scared you would leave me so I tried to leave first...but I couldn’t bring myself to. I thought it would be better if I just stopped talking to you so you could make the decision yourself.” He pressed a kiss into your hair. “The last thing I expected was for you to stay. I’ll work to make it up to you, even if it means talking about my feelings.” He sighed softly.
You were still in a sort of state of shock. You’d become used to caring for him and you didn’t realize how badly you needed to hear these words. You wanted him to tell you that you deserved better, that he truly cared. You didn’t need him to make up for it, you just needed him to love you like he used to.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling into his chest. “So, what’s bothering you today?”
You felt his shoulder lift and fall in a shrug. “I just...I’m craving and it’s frustrating. It’s been fine for the past few days, the distractions and everything working. Today I guess I just...wanted to...wallow.” He looked away, shame in his features.
You understood. Some days you let your depression and anxiety rule you so much you wouldn’t leave the bed. You knew what you needed to do to get better but just refused to do it. You nodded, reaching up to play with a lock of his hair.
“I know how that can be...There will be days like that, but know I will be there by your side to push you through them, okay?”
He studied your face before smiling lovingly down at you. The way he looked in that moment made butterflies stir in the pit of your stomach. You had to remember to breathe as he pressed his lips to yours. As he pressed your body against the counter behind you, you heard the sizzling of water hitting the hot stove as it boiled over.
You both blushed, chuckling while righting yourselves. “Oh, yeah. Dinner…” You mumbled, carrying on the preparations.
You chatted idly while eating, and you even chose to snap a picture of the pasta aglio e olio and posting it to your private Instagram. You had a business Instagram for your art strictly, and a private insta for friends and family. Of course, you took the picture when Spencer wasn’t looking. He would probably judge you for doing it.
That night you made love before drifting off into a peaceful sleep. You had plans with Penelope yesterday and while you were sleeping, Emily sent a text to apologize for her actions. Everything felt like it was going to be okay for the first time in a while. You were ignorant to think that. While you slept peacefully, seemingly safely in Spencer’s arms, something you should have feared was underway.
It had been a month since the night you broke the glass on the kitchen floor. A month after Emily apologized, which turned into a close friendship. Spencer had gone back to work and was without incident. He talked about his feelings more and made sure to tell you when he was craving. It was roughest after he had to go back to living in his apartment. Things were now looking up, though. He hadn’t mentioned craving in 5 days and had stayed the night since the team had a few days off(Hopefully.)
“Oh, You got mail. I put it on the kitchen table.” Spencer let you know, sitting down amongst the piles of books on your living room floor.
“Thanks, babe.” You loved getting mail, usually from an elderly person hoping to commission you or an artistic fan who felt like a letter would grab your attention.
As your eyes scanned the writing and the other contents of the letter, you felt ice cold fear wrap it’s snake-like body around your heart and slink up your spine. The words were sick and violent, pictures of you included in the envelope. You stood frozen, unsure what to do in this moment. Spencer was going through a huge transition in his life and he seemed to be doing so well. Did the team need something like this? Surely this was just a harmless troll.
Spencer was absorbed in a book but after a few moments of peeking back forth between you and the pages, he decided to speak up “Love, are you okay?”
You jumped slightly but nodded your head, turning towards him. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just someone asking for a commission. Elderly people like to send letters rather than email usually.” You shrugged, stuffing the pictures and letter back in the envelope. You scurried back to your room, stuffing the envelope into your the top drawer of your dresser. You checked your phone, finally deciding to check your email.
You felt your stomach lurch and your hands start to shake with anxiety when you saw at least 15 emails, all violent and disgusting like the letter. All sent from different emails, which you blocked. From what you read they all seemed to be written by the same person. Within a few seconds, you crashed into your bathroom, hunching over the toilet to wretch the contents of your stomach up.
Spencer was by your side in a moment, but you were far gone from your body. You felt detached, trying to calm yourself. They couldn’t be real. This couldn’t be happening to you of all people.
After you felt more within your body you waved Spencer off, following him into the living room where he ordered pizza and grabbed his favorite poetry book to read to you. You laid your head in his lap, watching his Adam's apple bob and the expressions he made while he read.
This was how it was supposed to be, and no one was going to ruin it. You were safe. It’s just a troll. You were safe. Were safe. Were.
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Star vs. the Forces of Evil episodes in One Sentence (Season 3 edition)
Star Comes to Earth: Princess Cinnamon Roll that Could Kill you comes to earth and meets Misunderstood safe kid.
Party With a Pony: Spoopy Wardens hunt for the glitter pony while Star gets ice for Marco���s sweaty back.
Matchmaker: In which we learn it was probably a bad idea to give Star the wand in the first place.
School Spirit: Star misunderstands football and Marco tries to get Ferguson to blow his whistle not in that way.
Monster Arm: “Not my bowels! I love my bowels!”
The Other Exchange Student: Star is jealous of the meatball man from Bakersfieldville.
Cheer Up Star: “It’s supposed to be ironic!”
Quest Buy: Very accurate depiction of what it is like to work in retail.
Diaz Family Vacation: Both Marco and Star see new sides of their dads but that’s not necessarily a good thing
Brittney’s Party: Star and Marco party with someone who hates them while Ludo hijacks a bus
Mewberty: Star gets horny and snares boys in her web but not in that way
Pixtopia: Marco messed up and Alfonso marries Ferguson’s rebound
Lobster Claws: “… You can’t eat children.” “Really? Not even the annoying ones?”
Sleep Spell: “Camera Phooone!”
Blood Moon Ball: We’re suppose to ship them now, right?
Fortune Cookies: Love is never the answer kids
Freeze Day: Father Time offers Star and Marco some mud before riding away on his wheel-mobile pulled by giant time-hamsters I am not making this up.
Royal Pain: King Santa Claus destroy mini-golf
St. Olga’s Reform School for Wayward Princesses: Princess Prison sure is a nightma–OH MY GOD ARE THOSE CLUBS?!
Mewnipendence Day: No wonder monsters hate Mewmans so much.
The Banagic Wand: Star still doesn’t get Earth and like all of us, Marco is always hungry.
Interdemensional Field Trip: Miss Skullnick fears the “Big Change” while Marco sends Jackie cat memes
Marco Grows a Beard: Ludo is out, Toffee is in, and Marco will probbaly be terrified of beards forever
Storm the Castle: “SURPRISE!”
My New Wand!: DIP DOOOWN
Ludo in the Wild: Wait, since when did Ludo become badass?
Mr. Candle Cares: “Star and I have recently become smooch buddies… On the lips.”
Red Belt: Marco searches for a meaning in life and Star searches for hammer.
Star on Wheels: *epic remix of Marco saying Star is in trouble*
Fetch: Marco can’t open juice and Star runs away from her problems and sending thank you cards
Star vs. Echo Creek: Star gets high and destroys a police car
Wand to Wand: Both Ludo and Star are terrible at magic also major ship tease
Starstruck: Star and her idol Sailor Super Saiyan destroy a park and Marco is 100002% done with this shit
Camping Trip: King Butterfly has a mid-life crisis and tries to control an eagle
Starsitting: They’re gonna be great parents some day.
On the Job: Buff Dad is best dad and buff babies are adorable
Goblin Dogs: “You might think this line is long, but listen to my goblin song!~”
By the Book: Ludo and Star still suck at magic and Glossaryck is a bigger troll than Alex Hirsch
Game of Flags: Queen has no patience and legs.
Girls’ Day Out: Janna is back and is still awesome btw
Sleepover: “TRUTH! STAR HAS A CRUSH ON MA–” *cube gets crushed*
Gift of the Card: R.I.P.  Rasticore Chaosus Disastorvayne… He couldn’ get his fucking chainsaw to work
Friendenemies: Star becomes one with Christmas tree while Tom and Marco go on a date and sing a romantic pop ballad.
Is Mystery: Meatfork is apparently a family name and Ludo is really starting to freak me out tbh
Hungry Larry: “He’s still hungry…”
Spider with a Top Hat: He tries and he is awesome and that’s all that matters
Into the Wand: SPAAAAADESS!!!
Pizza Thing: Marco is OCD about mushroom and Pony Head buys skinny jeans
Page Turner: Glossaryck is awesome and how did Moon miss Lizard-Loki in the orb?!
Naysaya: Tomco friendship confirmed and Marco finally asks out Jackie while Star the supportive noodle armed friend cheers on
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown: Starco fans cry, Jarco fans rejoice, and Ludo now has the book god dammit Nefcy
Raid the Cave: Glossaryck is the true neutral asshole.
Trickstar: Weird Al is a treasure and I’ll mes up anyone who makes Marco cry!
Baby: *glances around nervously* So… Star is similar to Eclipsa, huh? *Nervous laughter* Great…
Running With Scissors: Marco gets a new edition to his shipping harem and she is so cute!!!!!!
Mathmagic: Don’t worry Star, I can’t math either.
The Bounce Lounge: Marco is definitely the mom friend.
Crystal Clear: The Chancellor guy is amazing and Rhombulus just needs a hug and wAS THAT ECLIPSA IN THE BACKGROUND?
The Hard Way: “SURPRISE!” 2.0
Heinous: Oh, so that’s how Marco got all that money.
All Belts Are Off: “Jermey is the biggest dick…. around!~”
Collateral Damage: Marco how do you not know what a possum is?
Just Friends: I’m fine! *blows up sign to prove just how fine I am*
Face the Music: Moon=Badass, Star=Why?, River=Loving Husband, Marco=Shocked, and we got to meet Ludo’s family so pretty cool episode overall.
Return to Mewni: This is… just an exposition filler. Not much else to say….
Moon the Undaunted: B4! B4! B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4!
Book Be Gone: “I hate that fucking book!” -Ludo, at some point probably.
Marco and the King: *Party music intensifies… and then slowly dies down*
Puddle Defender: They’re bonding and getting so big and I am so proud–Star you idiot don’t go alone!!!!!!
King Ludo: The mime stole the show.
Toffee: I can’t…. I just… how do you want me to react?! To much happened and I mean…. what do you want me to say? I’m still processing just…. What do I say? *slowlys ponders how I will survive until November*
Scent of Hoodie: Huh, so Ponyhead can be written as likeable, who would’ve thought?
Rest in Pudding: Ish da Glossaryck! And he’s Globgoring all over da place!
Club Snubbed: I literally yelled “Phrasing!” whenever they dropped the title
Demoncism: Tom is a wonderful baby boy and Ponyhead is written as likeable, part 2!
Sophmore Slump: *sobbing* Jackie deserved better, dang it!
Lint Catcher: Introducing a Lavaboe! He’s pure and wonderful and deserves a raise and did I mention I love him?
Trial by Squire: I think the writers were all like” You think these guys will ship anyone with Marco?” and decided to test that theory.
Princess Turdina: I got more lore out of this episode than I thought I would.
Starfari: Welp, she makes me uncomfortable.
Sweet Dreams: *Sailor Moon-ing intensifies*
Lava Lake Beack: Proof that this fandom will ship anyone with Marco at the slightest inclanation
Death Peck: Rich Pigeon is my new favorite birb and Ponyhead is written as likeable for the third time
Ponymonium: Well, it was nice while it lasted.
Night Life: The writers made so many new ships they had to get rid of an old one!
Deep Dive: “Chicken butt”
Monster Bash: ........ Well, that explains the cheekmarks. 
Stump Day: I think they just made an episode based around a picture from that bookcover, not that it was bad.
Holiday Special: *insert every cheesy Christmas/Holiday episode trope here*
The Bog Beast of Boggabah: The title is fun to say and the episode is average at best.
Total Eclipsa the Moon: Seriously, I’m supposed to think she’s an ultimate villain.
Butterfly Trap: In which we are all Sean, don’t lie we were all him at the end
Ludo, Where Art Thou?: Dennis is best brother, hands down.
Is Another Mystery: *sniff* I got more emotional over this episode than anyone else did and I’m not sure how I feel about that
Marco Jr.: I... I just... Why? What’s the point?
Skooled!: Epic advertisment fakeout combined with wonderful character development and lore with a shock ending makes a 10/10 episode.
Booth Buddies: Old Man McGucket ships Starco, proceed to react accordingly
Bam Ui Pati!: Ponyhead is kinda likeable in this episod--nevermind she’s back.
Tough Love: Oh man, it’s happening! It’s happening guys here we go!
Divide: We are going to war everybody--And they’re all dead. That was quick.
Conquer: So Glossaryck has upped his trolling antity and turns out Eclipsa’s probably evil, Meteora’s a baby again, and Globgor is her husband and imprisoned in crystal... Idk about you guys but I’m going to go scream into the void...
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mantra4ia · 7 years
The Last Jedi: Hopes / Reactions / Afterthoughts / IX
spoilers lie ahead
What I hoped for:
I didn’t come in with a ton of expectation because I didn’t want to ruin the film for myself with inner monologue ficlets. That said, the things I wanted…
A snapshot of Young-Young Ben Solo - more than just the near death flashback with Kylo and Luke where we get a one-sided tale, then another, and somewhere in the middle we find the truth - to balance out the Force Vision in TFA of Young Rey being pawned on Jakku. I’m not too broken up about this not being fulfilled because I appreciate the cut of this film. The reason I think it shoulda-woulda-coulda been important is because what I’ve been reading from Adam Driver’s acting choices opposite Daisy Ridley and his dare-I-say-empathy for her isolation is that even though Kylo is going after power unabashedly now, I don’t think that’s how it always was. I feel like maybe Ben felt somehow abandoned by Leia and Han to his uncle Luke’s training, and therefore young Ben would have been gratifying to see for a minute, just to see whether or not he wanted to be trained or went with reluctance and insecurity and therefore shares another layer with Rey.
Knowing Rey’s parentage - I’m actually really satisfied that Rey’s acceptance played out a) culminating with Kylo and b) that her parents are just a pair of grifters who traded her for a portion or other (granted SW has a long-standing precedent of cloak and dagger lineage herrings). In this instance regardless of speculation, I don’t think Kylo lied to Rey because of this moment has really been simmering slowly from the start of TFA based on what Rey already feels (kind of like she’s known all along) and what Maz Kenyata told her in TFA to the effect of there’s nothing left for you looking back, they’re not coming back, and poetically from Rey’s own introduction. Her first interaction is trading scrap for rations, and in her Force vision it sounds like the voice of the same scrap merchant that she barters with is restraining her, like she has indeed been indentured to him.
Force Ghosts - game, set, light it up Yoda! This one was really an intuitive ace, but it was better than I anticipated.
Rey undergoing some formal training whether from Luke or elsewhere, and begin to form opinions on the Force. Here’s where I’m kind of salty. I don’t think Luke’s 3 lessons for Rey were enough (I could have blinked and missed them) to test her/ push her hard / sweat her physically, which is what I wanted and what I still hope for in IX - although VIII did a good job putting Rey through the ropes mentally/psychologically. I want to really see her Force acuity and find insight into how deep it goes and why, but that said I like that Last Jedi put Rey through a lot more informal life lesson training hand in hand with and by Kylo.
I would have liked a bit more time spent on Luke reflecting on his friendship with Han Solo (the first question out of his mouth was “where’s Han?” for goodness sake), but those dice were really a great touch…
Stakes set high - holy Kenobi did TLJ deliver. There were a couple weird pace moments with the space retreat, at times it felt urgent and other times it felt like watching the longest deep space car chase in slo-mo. But what I will say is the Paige Tiko scene wins at setting the bar for how VERY not good things are going for the rebels.
More of General Organa - We did get this in a big way and I dig it to the depths. Yoda, can you imagine all the opportunities you might have had schooling Leia in the Force?!
The tag team up:  I really loved the fight in the throne room and the ‘light’ reveal that turned out to really be the ‘dark’ reveal, not only because of the Rey / Kylo dynamic but also because of the strong emotional similarities between Kylo and Luke that came to fruition for me as an audience member while watching the Guard getting leveled. 
What I got that I didn’t even know I wanted!
Sassy Yoda: oh my God he’s such a salty troll, I love that Star Wars is really weird and strange in this film and I loved when Yoda blew up the temple tree. “Page turners they were not” is perfection.
Curmudgeon/Sass master Luke: “Laser sword” and “Everything you said was wrong” is smart, breaking the 4th wall ish commentary. His shtick with ‘reach out’ and the reed of grass while training Rey was awesome. Also, I kind of like him throwing the lightsaber when Rey first gives it to him. Yes it is precious to fans. Yes it was once precious to him, through its connection with Ben Kenobi and his father Darth Vader. But Luke’s been through decades of failure and heartbrek and loss - he’s allowed to be less precious and more jaded. However “see you around kid” was a nice touch, along with his interaction with C3PO and R2 to round out his softer, youthful nature.
Speaking of - R2 not fighting fair with the originally Leia/Obiwan message - expertly done, very character driven.
Failure: I never thought I could see so many plans go sideways (Finn and Rose in the casino, Poe’s almost mutiny, Rey’s #SaveBenSolo plan) or almost sideways (bombing the Dreadnaught, the resistance escape PlanetSide) in a Star Wars movie just like real life.
The evolution of force powers. More on this further down,
Meh - Things that I didn’t like as much:
The beginning Poe humor, on hold for Hux, only because he’s not Harrison Ford/Han Solo, and the execution takes me out of ‘a long time ago in a galaxy far far away’ and smacks me with the present. Good humor attempts, though not all of them were necessary or stuck the landing.
Useless Hux: make this dude more menacing or at least more troublesome to Kylo. He had the potential to be an interesting character and now I feel like he’s just the butt of jokes.
The Porgs: I liked them, but used in such a way to sell toys they were.
Canto Bight: I see the purpose this planet-side excursion served to introduce us to the young, oppressed, and force attuned, and to galvanize Finn truly finding a place of belonging as “Rebel scum!” and I find the war profiteering angle very interesting. However, there’s a two-fold problem in the Casino arc apart from the fact that the lapel pin on the code breaker felt Bond, not Star Wars: we didn’t really spend enough time there to explore the corruption, creatures, etc, and I didn’t really want to given the pace of the rest of the film. So it just became a rushed side story which didn’t do the film or Canto any favors.. It might make a good short story, but I would much rather have had Rose, who’s very savvy, try to be a could breaker herself than her and Finn seeking one out.
Benicio Del Toro’s character: I liked his lines (they get you today, you get him tomorrow) and his concept as a neutral profiteer, I just don’t think they integrated him into the story well. I don’t care for him as a codebreaker, I think he should have just been a weapon’s dealer Maz connected them to just smuggle Rose and Finn onto the ship, and it would still set up the double cross
Rose’s crush on Finn: I like the line that accompanies the crush, “it’s not destroying what you hate but saving what you love” however the fact that these feelings pop up in the last act so abruptly mid battle is jarring and out of place.
Back to the throne room: Despite the fact that I adored this moment, it made me realize a couple things. 1) I wish the guard had roughed Kylo and Rey up just a little more, being that they are an elite anti-Jedi force. 2) I think that if the Force could manifest, it really would smack / have had it with both Ben and Rey the moment they split Luke/Anakin’s lightsaber. I mean together they could be in / reflect the Force balance but after all this time we’re always still stuck in human constructed light and dark mentalities like nah, forget balance when we could be right. Aggggh, the Force must be so done. 3) There are strong emotional similarities between Kylo and Luke at the very end of the scene when Kylo implores Rey to join him that I wish the film would have played on more in the final dual between the two Skywalkers. For about half the film they think more or less identically: let the past die, kill it if you have to (Luke essentially saying let me die, let the Jedi religion die, let the hubris die, Kylo saying let the emotional tethers be severed, the mistakes buried, and archaic rules be destroyed because I was only ever taught that they must be obeyed but not why, however both arguments are sides of the same coin). Luke turns out of that spiral only through the help of his friends, and I wish Luke had managed to spell out the connection to his former pupil, instead of just being a target of ire for Kylo and paraphrasing to Leia “I’m here to confront him, not bring him home.” Because for me there’s a moment at the end of the fight with the Guard where I hesitated because it did not seem like Kylo was automatically going to stay with the Dark. He ended Snoke, and I subjectively thought Kylo wants to wash his hands of both the old hierarchies - again let the past die - and strike out new with Rey (albeit still power-seeking, but not necessarily aligned with a side) when he said “please” as beseechingly as he did. Because during that fight Kylo was so in tune with Rey he seemed for once smooth and in balance, and only when she says “no" did I sense him make a decision to switch tracks to “Rey killed Snoke and I’m Supreme Leader now.” But at that pivotal moment, I don’t think being a sole leader is what Kylo wanted, even if that meant he was supreme. I’m probably wrong, but that’s what I took from Adam Driver’s choice with the character, and I wanted Luke to take one last psychological crack at Ben through that shared mentality.
Things I hope IX will address and questions I had from TLJ:
Will we time jump ahead a few years? Will we deal with Carrie Fisher’s untimely passing by showing Leia’s funeral? When I think of a Star Wars processional I have got to say one of the things the prequels did well was Padme’s funeral, and I imagine it would be a touching, iconic visual to have an onscreen parallel with General Organa, but depending on the state of the Resistance and whether or not they’re still in tatters when the curtain rises on the next episode, I don’t think we’re going to see it on screen. That said, if there is a formal funeral assembly, I’d like it to serve the dual purpose of marking her passing as well as the response to the distress signal at the end of TLJ by introducing us to some of the new generation of force sensitive people in attendance. I think it would be poetic, if executed well, for her funeral to also be that focal point where the galaxy answers the call. 
Luke Skywalker, force ghost? - Well he did say “See you around kid.” I think it would be interesting if Luke ‘haunts’ the hell out of Ben in IX in some way, like the weeds of a conscience. I think it is almost necessary to have Luke more involved since Carrie Fisher passed. I would also love to see the Force Ghost of Ben Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, because Obi is Ben’s namesake I should think, and Anakin was for so long his idol, and it’s about time to give these two actors (Ewan and Hayden) a shot outside the prequels i.m.h.o.
Rey and the training of new Jedi - I would like to see Rey create a new text of lessons for the Jedi order to accompany the old artifacts she stole as she gathers, maybe not necessarily formally trains, a new generation of the Force attune. And, apart from broom kid, I would love to see a range in age and walks of life for those Jedi, plucked from their daily routine with “non-traditional” arcs to their training in the same vein as Luke, if we see the training aspect at all. 
Give me the Knights of Ren - pleeeeeease!
Will Kylo take an Apprentice as the new Supreme Leader like precedence has set before him? I hesitate to give a solid yes for three reasons: a) based on his pitch to Rey, Kylo really pushes back on the old ways on principle alone, so I think the idea of an apprentice is somewhat repugnant to him, and it would be hard for him to have an apprentice until he is fully in control of himself and his Young-Anakin-esque rage. Based on the end of VIII, some time needs to pass for Kylo to become controlled, calculated leader, willing to share without deep mistrust of others, and rightly so given the journey that has made him Kylo Ren. b) I think he’s also a bit Rey-or-bust at this point because when he felt that tether to her at the end of VIII and she rebuked him it may have soured him to a future pupil. c) I think Kylo will be impacted by Luke in this aspect above all others, by which I mean determined to be a better ‘master’ than Luke was to him. However I think one or more of three things will undermine Kylo should he take on a pupil. Either he will have frustrations with the traditions of mentorship and/or the recollection of Rey’s refusal that will come out misdirected at his apprentice and create tension between them, and/or Hux will be a poisonous whisper in his apprentice’s ear, and/or my favorite imagined scenario is that Kylo senses the pull of light in his apprentice and he is trapped in the internal struggle that’s not “do I kill him” because that’s too easy to answer, but rather of “do I snuff out the light, even if that puts me eye to eye with uncle Luke, the man I say I hate, the man I don’t want to be Or do I risk the alternative.” I think Kylo might* take an apprentice (55/45), but if he does it will be his undoing. 
Will there be redemption by deed, by consequence, or by death for Kylo? Is there no redemption possible? Your guess is as good as mine, but I think Adam Driver said it best - and at the core of it this is why I have always loved antagonistic characters. Paraphrasing: Evil for it’s own sake is very flat. At the risk of sounding cliche, I don’t think Kylo sees himself as evil, and when I play him I don’t see myself that way but rather but as right. In the same sense, I think that stories without the hope of redemption are boring by comparison to the alternative. And I think that if Kylo doesn’t think in terms of good and evil, but right and wrong, then he already thinks like Rey. It’s only a matter of getting him to consider for a moment the possibility that he is wrong which could set tide of the Force into motion to rock him.
Who, if any, will reinforce the small 10-ish man Resistance that are left? Are there other factions against the First Order that will back them? I’m firmly in the #LandoforIX camp, and what other non-Rebel  civilian aid might evolve the Resistance that’s now presumably under Poe’s leadership.
State of the Galaxy in IX? Divisions / factions starting to form in the First Order maybe, courtesy of Hux. I don’t know, there are so many rich options.
Also, side note, I hope they revisit Maz Kenata’s line from TFA in the next Episode where she says “same eyes…different people” because I think there’s more to play with and more full circle yet to come, and I was surprised how little that character was featured and how her line didn’t come up in some form in The Last Jedi.
Lastly, I love broom kid, because that’s the spark catching. For as many times as they said spark in the film, the spark is only good if it takes hold onto something. Yes it was Disney, but it served a purpose. I hope we see him again.
The new force projection/visitation power: was it always there and Jedi masters never used it (that would make for a few plot holes), or because the Force is referred to as a religion and, to the best of my knowledge, is living/organic/natural (lots of pastors will speak similarly of the Bible), is this a natural development that the Force recently evolved as a product of time? Also, have force ghosts always been able to blow stuff up, because if so than ghosts of many Jedi should have had a field day.
I’m a little worried about IX having a new set of writers because I want continuity and most important when it comes to Star Wars I want story and spectacle to live in balance (yes, I am directing that concern toward JJ). I want poetry that gives me the feeling of SW without repeating old stories word for word. In short I want more Rian Johnson, but I’ll cross my heart and my lightsaber laser swords for Abrams, Trevorrow and Connolly.
Okay, now I’ve got to go read all the books so that I can actually converse informatively.
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sseamudd · 7 years
Janstar - My Best Friend's Hot Part 1
Summary - "My best friend's hot, my best friend's hot. No matter what I do you love me not." Author's Note - So @maddzroks made a picture that was based off a song called My Best Friend's Hot by The Dollyrots and I decided to make a fan fiction, based off art, based off a song. I hope this doesn't suck. Word Count - 1378 _____/-----\_____ "All I'm saying is that all those nursery songs have dark messages." "Janna, Baby Baluga does not have secretive undertones of illuminati affiliation and the key to end global warming." Jackie sighed. "Alright, alright I get, no more conspiracies. Exhibit number B." Janna pulled a note book from out of her bag and flipped through the pages before reading. "In the song Baby Baluga, it discusses the matters of whales. The Baluga whale. In ancient Aztec scriptures-" "Okay, I'm done." Jackie stopped in her tracks and walked in the opposite direction of Janna "And go back to detention!" She called to the bluenette. "You go back to detention." Janna muttered. She took out her phone and checked the time. She sneaks out of D-10 all the time. Skullnick wouldn't be checking back for a while now. When Janna's phone flashed on she nearly fainted. "Crap, crap, crap!" Her phone read 12:56. She had four minutes to get back to detention. Luckily, with Janna's tendency to be reckless, she had been in this situation many times and knew the exact steps that needed to be taken. To get to detention, that is. First step, run like hell. Janna ran like hell. The second step, avoid obstacles. The Phillopina proceeded to embrace her true form, a ninja. She parkoured over benches, kids, and a random dog. 'Almost there.' Janna thought. She could smell the Wrestlemania already. 'Left turn in one, two, thr-' her thinking was cut off when she slid into a unsuspecting passerby. Newton's Third Law of Motion states that, for every action there is an eqaul, and opposite reaction. Thus the ususpecting passerby grabbed onto Janna, causing the teen to crack her nose against this person's forehead. With her arms being outstretched Janna's hands landed on the ground, holding her above the stranger. Janna, opened her eyes and a blush slowly crept onto her face when they revealed who she probably murdered in this incident. Star Butterfly. Not sure about what to do, Janna opened her mouth slightly, trying to say something. "I, uh..." Janna tried to say something only to be followed by train of thought going off tracks. She couldn't help but stare. "I, erm, S-Sorry. Sorry Star!" The bluenette finally got her mouth to make the words her brain were saying. She attempted to pull herself up but was stopped by a rope of some sort. Oh, no, it was just Star's arms wrapped around her back. Janna went even reder in the face. "Uh...Star." Janna cleared her throat. Star blinked and looked back at Janna, not staring anymore. "Yeah?" "Your arms." Janna told her. Star's face tinted red. "Oh! Sorry." Star let go and smiled sheepishly at her friend. "It's fine." Janna replied. Janna stood up and offered her hand to Star. She took the hand and pulled herself up. "Oh my gosh! Janna! Your nose." Star's eyebrows lifted in suprise. The beanie-wearing bandit raised her hand to her nose, yeah, she was definitely bleeding. "It's cool Star, I'm good." Janna flashed her friend a smile. Star returned her own. They both looked away from each other awkwardly. Janna's nose bleed more and Star got redder by the second. "WELP." Janna shouted, clapping her hands together, earning a jump from Star. "I need to, um, go to detention before Skullnick gets there. So, uh." "Oh, yeah. You should totally go to detention and I'll just goooo, this way." Star said, forcing a laugh. "Yeaah, it was nice falling on you but I don't need a month of detention." "Ha, yeah. We should do that more often." Star slipped out of view, but Janna was sure she winked before she left. Janna stood there for a moment, not entirely sure what had happened. She turned around to walk and stepped right into a big walk of, how do you describe it? Squish. A big wall of squish. Janna took a step back and looked at the squish wall. Ms. Skullnick. "Ordonia." The troll growled. "Great." _____/-----\_____ '3.....2.....1.' The detention bell rang. She was finally free. Janna grabbed her bag and rushed out the door. As she walked through the halls of the school she thought back to her encounter with Star. 'What is wrong with me.' Janna thought walking down the hallways. 'I'm finally going crazy.' She concluded. While exiting the school, Janna missed one of the steps (due to her daydreaming about Star) and tumbled all the way down. "Ow, ow, ow." Janna lifted her face off the concrete. Bloody concrete I might add. Janna felt her face, her nose was bleeding again and she had two small cuts on her forehead and on the bridge of her nose. "Ha, nice." Janna reached into her back pocket and pulled out neon band-aids. The teen leapt off the ground, her phone rang causing her to almost fall again. She pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. It read: ☆ B-Fly She answered it the call, her voice higher than she liked. "Hi, uh. Hey Star." "Hey Bananaaa." Star's voice said through the phone. "What's up?" "Do you wanna go on a mall date with me and Jackie?" "Date?" Janna choked. "Yeah! We're leaving right now actually." "Oh, yeah, totally! See you later...pal!" Janna quickly hung up. "Did I just call Star pal?" The bluenette asked herself, looking at the ground. Janna started for the direction of the mall that actually wasn't to far from the school. When Janna got to the mall she saw her two friends waiting outside the entrance for her. "Hey, dudes." Janna called, getting their attention. Both of the girls turned their heads in her direction and walked over. Janna met them halfway, exchanging greetings and hugs with both. "What're we gonna do?" Janna asked her two friends, entering the mall. "The usual. Look for outfits. Buy stuff. Steal a car." Jackie responded. "Nice." Both Janna and Star said in unison. The trio entered the first store they saw. Star and Jackie looked through the racks, Janna didn't like anything other than a leather jacket and a fedora. She searched for more items that would match the clothes she selected. Eventually she found dark jeans, boots, a leather belt and a white t-shirt. Janna smiled with content, finally she could be a greaser. All she needed was a motorcycle. "I'm gonna go to the changing rooms real quick." Janna told the two, her king her thumb in the direction of her destination. Jackie nodded, Janna took it as a sign to leave. The teen walked through the Teen Section until she found the rooms. She slipped into one of the stalls and put on her outfit, slipping on a pair of sunglasses she found when she made her way to the changing rooms. Janna walked out of her stall and looked into the mirror. A whistle sounded from behind her and Janna whirled around to see her two friends smiling from behind her. "Lookin' good, Janna." Star said, winking when she finished her sentence. Janna blushed, sweated, and coughed when she saw the blonde wink at her. She slid her glasses up her face and leaned against the wall, attempting to regain her cool facade. "Ha, yeah. I know." Janna coughed out, she managed to look calm but when she spoke it was as if she threw up between each word. Star smiled and raised an eyebrow, making Janna scream even harder inside. This was a smile that knew things. "Weeell, we're going to go put these on now." Star said, as if everything was fine when it was indeed, not fine. The blonde walked into the stalls, Jackie behind her. Janna was about to release the sweatiness , that she was trying not to let go when Star was in front of her, until Jackie turned around and looked at the stall Star entered and back at Janna and smiled. After her action she walked into the stall next to Star's. Janna breathed out, letting herself blush. Janna hid her face in her hands thinking one thing only. Jackie knows. Author's Note - That took a long time. Originally I was going to release this as one big chapter but I decided to split it up because I just needed to get it out and I was having a brain fart. Anyways I hope this didn't suck.
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starrnobella · 7 years
Forever and Always - Chapter 17 - Revelations
Catch up here:  Fanfiction | AO3 | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 | Ch. 15 | Ch. 16
A/N: Hey loves! I’m back with an update for this story, finally! I know it seems like forever since I posted the teaser. When you give your students a test and then have to grade a bunch of failing papers, you lose the desire to do much of anything. 
With this chapter, we get to see a little of what the Evil Queen is up to with the band of villains she gathered at the end of last chapter. We also get to see how the whole group finds out about the Evil Queen being back in town. 
Song Recommendations:  Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift; Make it Out Alive - Jennifer Hall; The Mess I Made - Parachute;
If you are interested in checking out my other works or keeping up with me in general, I have an author’s page on Facebook that you can check out (starrnobella Fanfiction) as well as a group (starrnobella Fanfiction Friends & Fans) that I am very active in on a daily basis. I’m also on tumblr (starrnobella) that you can follow along with me as well. 
If you enjoyed the chapter, please be sure to leave a review! Can’t wait to hear what you think! 
Love always,  ~starr
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Landing roughly on the ground, the powerhouse of villains dusted off their clothes quickly before heading inside to discuss the next step of the plan. Gold was the first person inside, followed quickly by Hyde and the Evil Queen. Zelena was the last person to enter her own home.
"You could have at least waited for me to unlock the door," Zelena huffed, closing the door behind her quietly. "You could have woken Robyn up from her nap or the sitter could have attacked you for breaking and entering, which would result in Emma and her posse being called and interrupting our little meeting."
"Had she tried attacking me, I would have killed her," Gold replied coldly.
Zelena rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak again, but was silenced when the Evil Queen put her arm in front of the infuriating green witch.
"Would you just shut up?" the Evil Queen snarled. "I know you don't have a sitter and I also know Robyn isn't here, so what Gold did wouldn't have woken her. She's with Neal and the Blue Fairy."
Zelena huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It still doesn't make it okay to go barging into someone else's house. How would you like it if I did that to you?"
"I'd probably kill you too," Gold told her. "I do not appreciate having my personal space invaded. However, I don't care about yours, so I will do as I damn well please."
Zelen rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Dark One."
"Now that the pointless bickering has stopped, may I ask where the hell we are?" Hyde interrupted, curiously as he walked around the kitchen table in the middle of the room.
"As I'm assuming you've guessed, this is my house," Zelena began, waving her hands around to present the room. "I live on the outskirts of Storybrooke on this farm. For the most part, the Sheriff and her cohorts leave me alone. That is unless they need something from me, which doesn't happen often."
"Besides, they don't know for certain where you have hidden yourself Mr. Hyde," the Evil Queen added, pulling a chair out from the table to sit down.
"Would someone please tell me why the bloody hell we are here?" Gold hissed, smacking his hand against the table. "I have better things to do rather than waiting around here listening to you all discuss how to hide him."
The Evil Queen turned her attention to Gold, narrowing her gaze. As frustrating as the man could be, he was starting to get on her last possible nerve. "Like what?" she snapped, "Finding your wife who wants nothing to do with you? Attempting to make your unborn son like you again? Or are you looking for a new way to prove your power since no one what you do anymore?" The smirk on her face was enough to push Gold over the edge.
"Listen here, dearie," Gold snarled, teeth bared reaching his arm out, using his magic to lift the Evil Queen out of her chair by the throat. "Whatever you think you may know about my life is only a thought and I personally think it would be best for those thoughts to stay inside your head, so that they aren't heard by the wrong people. You never know what deals you may accidentally walk into with your commentary on the way other people live their lives. You, better than anyone, should know that I'm the last person you want to make a deal with."
Before setting her back down, he tightened his grip for a few moments. Watching her struggle for her breath brought glee to his face. He wanted to make sure that his point had been stressed accordingly and that for once she would keep her vast knowledge of the lives of the others in this town to herself. Unfortunately from prior experience, he knew that expecting that from her would be a stretch. After all, he taught her how to harness that power.
He dropped his grip on her quickly, causing her to fall back into the chair roughly. The Evil Queen rubbed her neck with her hand where he had held her. She furrowed her brow at him as she shook her head. "Wee bit testy today, aren't we Gold?" she hissed as a wicked smile graced her face. Gold narrowed his gaze in her general direction and slowly lifted his hand yet again, but The Evil Queen put up her hands, signalling surrender.
"I'll stop. Besides we have more important things to discuss," she said, ushering Zelena to join the rest of them so that this little meeting could begin. The sooner she could get Gold out of her hair, the happier she would be. There may have been a time in her life that she had romantic thoughts about her mentor, but those thoughts have been buried for a long time. The more she looked at him now, the less she saw of the man that had taught her everything she knew.
"Yes, like what the hell we are all doing here," Gold mumbled under his breath. The Evil Queen snapped her head and glared at him. When he met her gaze, he chuckled, folding his arms across his chest and leaned back in the chair.
Hyde leaned forward, placing his crossed arms on the table and nodded. "I too would like to know what exactly we are doing here and why I should consider joining alliances with that of the Evil Queen."
Zelen laughed quietly to herself as she listened to the argument brewing in front of her. She couldn't help thinking about how nice it was not being the source of tension in the room. Usually when she would walk into a room, particularly one full of her fellow Storybrooke inhabitants, an argument would most likely ensue for no reason other than she was there.
The Evil Queen caught Zelena laughing out of the corner of her eye and growled under her breath before snapping her head in the direction of her roommate. "What are you laughing at? Do you feel left out? Should we start insulting your life too? You're just lucky my better half hasn't taken your daughter away from you. My guess is she has been a bit distracted lately."
"Distracted by what?" Zelena asked, furrowing her brow. She might have noticed something off with Regina had she spent more time talking to her darling sister. However since Robin's death, Regina had been less than inclined to talk to her. Not that Zelena could really blame her for the lack of communication.
"Nothing you need to be distracted by right this second. Can we focus on the matter at hand?" the Evil Queen huffed, slamming her hand down on the table causing the knickknacks in the middle to shake.
"It would help if we knew what the matter at hand was, dearie," Gold replied, rolling his eyes.
With one last deep breath to restrain her anger, the Evil Queen finally began to divulge her intentions for the inhabitants of Storybrooke, including Gold's beloved wife and unborn child as well as the people that Zelena had been slowly starting to consider family.
. . . . . . . .
Meanwhile Emma was wandering aimlessly through the woods with Dr. Jekyll. He seemed to be leading her nowhere, but at the same time he seemed to know exactly where he was headed. There was something off about the man she was following, but at least if she kept an eye on him for the time being then she would know a few places he liked to go if they needed to talk to him again. From what she could tell, Dr. Jekyll was a kind man who just wanted to help them find and destroy Mr. Hyde so that he could not hurt anyone else.
"Jekyll, am I allowed to ask where we are going?" Emma finally asked after spending the last five or six minutes of their trek trying to get her bearings on their surroundings. Unfortunately, she was not as familiar with this section of the woods as she probably should have been being the town sheriff after all. It was just something she could add to her to do list once they had this crazy man caught.
Jekyll mumbled something inaudible under his breath before responding. "We're headed just up ahead here a ways. Don't fret. We'll be there soon."
He continued mumbling something under his breath that Emma couldn't understand. Emma grumbled under her breath, but continued walking and even managed to catch up to where Jekyll was so that she could see more of what was ahead of them.
After walking for a little while longer, Emma was able to her the rushing waters of the river that ran through the woods around town. As she looked around a little more, Emma recognized the Troll Bridge off in the distance to her right. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she finally realized that she did know where she was. This was where they had found Charming after he woke up from his coma when she had become the Sheriff of Storybrooke.
Jekyll stopped quickly in front of her and turned to face her. A nervous smile appeared on his face. "Now we can talk. No unwanted listeners can listen in on what I have to say."
Emma furrowed her brow. "What do you mean no one unwanted? I thought we were alone at your blimp…"
"That's why we had to come here. I'm never alone. He's always lurking in the shadows behind me," Jekyll said nervously.
"Who is always lurking?" Emma had her guess, but there was always the possibility of someone else lurking around Storybrooke causing trouble. It would be far too convenient for the Sheriff's office to be aware of all the possible lurkers spending time in Storybrooke before they started causing trouble.
Jekyll looked around nervously before he answered her question. It was as though he was convinced that they were not alone and someone had followed them from the blimp. As far as Emma was aware it was just the two of them, but maybe Jekyll was able to see someone that she couldn't. One could never be too careful in Storybrooke.
Jekyll stepped closer to Emma. "Mr. Hyde. He's been living in the blimp with me ever since he made his appearance in town. Someone else came to visit him. Someone feminine and she wasn't alone. I heard voices coming from the back room when we left."
"We killed the Evil Queen in New York…" Emma mumbled, but her voice soon trailed off as she started thinking about the events that transpired in New York. She remembered watching Regina crush the Evil Queen's heart and seeing it crumble to dust landing on the roof. After that they all just left. They didn't think to do anything with the dust because they thought that had been the end. "I have to warn everyone."
"Warn them about what?" Jekyll asked puzzled. He had watched a storm of emotions flood over Emma's face in a few short moments. Something bigger must be at stake.
"The Evil Queen is not exactly welcomed here and if she's back then all hell is about to break loose," Emma replied. She paused for a few moments before looking at Jekyll. "You should probably come with me. I don't know that it is safe for you to go back to your blimp right now. Especially if Hyde isn't there alone and if my guess is correct about his guest then you really aren't safe by yourself."
Jekyll and Emma began walking away from the Troll Bridge and back into town at a brisk pace. Jekyll asked Emma all sorts of questions as they made the trek. Emma answered them to the best of her ability, but some of his questions she just didn't have the answers for. She was sure that there would be more questions when they got back to the station and everyone was able to gather. She quickly sent a text message to Regina, Charming, and Killian asking them to meet her. They were going to need a plan of action.
. . . . . . . .
"So explain this to me once more," Charming said as he and Killian continued on towards the docks. "Did she explain what happened to her or why she went under the curse in the first place?"
Internally Killian rolled his eyes as he sighed. It seemed as though Charming thought he had all the answers, when in reality he had the same questions. "I don't know much about what happened because I didn't spend a lot of time with Belle. I talked to her long enough to tell her to seek out Emma and then I walked up to your door. Emma filled me in on a few pieces when I got home, but other than that I'm just as out of the loop as you are, mate."
Charming ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He wasn't sure why he was hoping to get more details out of Killian. The pirate's mind was a bit more preoccupied with other more important things than being concerned with what was going on with Belle.
After walking a little bit further, the two arrived at the docks and were standing in front of Killian's ship. Charming turned to Killian with a puzzled look on his face. "How is this the most safe place for Bell to hide? Can't Gold just show up here and take her away?"
"According to Emma, the protection spells that she and Regina put on my ship make it appear as though the ship isn't here, Emma," Killian said, shrugging his shoulders.
"But we can see it?" Charming asked confused.
Killian sighed and shrugged his shoulders again. "Apparently the spell only lets certain people know that it is here. So us, Emma, Regina, Snow, and Henry, I believe can see it. Gold cannot see that it's here. Also he won't be able to see people walking on the docks near the ship. I don't understand how it all works, but if it helps to protect Belle, then I'm cool with it."
"I won't claim to understand it either," Charming laughed.
"Shall we?" Killian asked, motioning towards the ships. Charming nodded and the two boarded.
"Belle, we've come to check in on you," Killian said, knocking on the door to the Captain's quarters and smiled when Belle opened the door with a smile of her own.
"Hello, Killian," she replied, turning to Charming. "Charming, it's so good to see you too. Won't you both come in?"
She ushered the two inside quickly and offered them a seat at the small table just a few steps from the door. Once seated, Belle set to work making a pot of tea and gathering some biscuits from the cupboards.
"You've made quick work of the place, Belle. It looks wonderful," Killian said, thanking her for the tea. His eyes wandered around his old room with a sense of nostalgia and realization that the place certainly did look better with a little bit of color.
"I have Emma and Regina to thank for that," Belle replied after placing a cup of tea in front of Charming and pouring one for herself before taking a seat at the table with the two men. "Actually I have all of you to thank for everything. I know it wasn't exactly fair of me to just show up and hope that you all would help me, but I'm eternally grateful for it all."
"If there is anything I have learned from being a part of Charming's family, it's that they help people without thinking twice. When you asked for my help, I knew I needed to do something," Killian replied.
Charming nodded. "All that matters now is that you and the baby are safe. How far along are you?"
"About two months, I think. I called the hospital to make an appointment this morning to find out all of the details," Belle replied, placing a gentle hand on her stomach. "It's a bit nerve-wracking if I'm being completely honest."
"You should come by later and talk to Snow. I'm sure she'd love to talk to someone else about the joys of pregnancy. She might even offer to go with you to the hospital," Charming suggested with a shrug.
Belle smiled and nodded her head. "I wouldn't mind getting some sound advice from someone who has done this before," she replied quietly.
"Then it's settled, you'll come for dinner tonight," Charming told her. The pair continued chatting back and forth about the joys of parenthood.
Killian had been partially listening as his thoughts began to drift towards his future with Emma and the possibility of their own beautiful blond haired children with sparkling blue eyes. He could hear the pitter patter of small feet taking their first steps across the living room floor. When he closed his eyes he could picture himself coming downstairs in the morning and walking into the kitchen to find Emma pretending to fly an airplane towards an eager mouth waiting for food, giggling at the sounds she was making.
The buzzing of his phone drew him back out of his thoughts, slipping his hand into his pocket to remove the device. Emma's name flashed across his screen. He looked at the phone curiously and slid the message open.
Emma: New development in Hyde case. Meet at station.
"Interesting," Killian mumbled, staring at his phone.
"What's interesting?" Charming asked, turning his attention from Belle over towards Killian.
"New development in the hunt for Hyde. Emma wants us to meet her at the station," Killian replied. "Belle, you are more than welcome to come with us."
Belle looked around the room momentarily. "I wouldn't mind getting out of here for a little while," she said with a smile.
"Well then, let's go!" Charming said happily as he rose from his chair and slid it back in towards the table. Belle and Killian followed suit soon after and the three were off.
. . . . . . .
Regina had been staring at her computer screen for the last two hours. The longer she searched, the more repetitive the information she found became. Everything she was finding she already knew from spending time with Emma and watching her use her magic. There was a small part of her that wondered whether or not she had pushed Emma too hard when she started teaching her how to control her magic. It is possible that the pushing was forcing some of Emma's abilities to remain hidden.
Regina: Let's start with roots for incantations. Emma: Are you kidding me right now? What language is this? Spanish? Regina: We're not making tapas. We're making magic. It's elvish. Well, half elvish. Emma: I'm never gonna get this. Is this how Rumple taught you? Just think about your training. What other methods did he use? Regina: Rumple was a bully. He didn't suffer fools and he certainly didn't coddle his students. And if he tried to teach you how to swim and you couldn't, you drowned. Emma: Drowned? Regina: That's it. Emma: That's what? What the hell are you doing? Regina: Teaching you to swim.
The more Regina thought back on that moment, the prouder she was of Emma for showing her strength and surviving the test. Admittedly, she probably could have gone a little easier on Emma since it was her first time using magic with some sense of control.
The buzzing of her phone pulled her thoughts away from her memories and back to the present moment. She read the message quickly and typed a reply. Regina turned off her computer and gathered the rest of her things. Before too much more time had passed, she was on her way to the station to find out what exactly was going on. It seemed as though the villains in this town never slept.
. . . . . . . .
On their to the station, Killian, Charming, and Belle bumped into Snow and Henry leaving the school. The five of them hurried off to the station. Whatever information Emma had found out was important to all of them placing the fate of Storybrooke in their hands.
Emma and Jekyll were the first people to arrive at the station. While Emma busied herself with paperwork, Jekyll wandered around aimlessly looking at all of the unique technology Emma had brought to Storybrooke that he had never seen before.
He pressed a button on one of the computers causing the screen to light up. The CPU started humming as the disc drive spun. Jekyll jumped away, afraid that it was going to explode. When Emma saw what was happening, she giggled quietly to herself before letting him know that nothing was going to happen to him.
"Dr. Jekyll, why don't you take a seat on the couch? There are a couple books on the shelf you might be interested in while we wait for the others to get here," she said with a smile.
He nodded his head and moved quickly over to the couch. He picked up one of Henry's comic books and began reading. Emma laughed to herself and turned her focus back to the work in front of her on the screen.
Shortly after she had gotten into a rhythm of typing up the case files on her desk, Killian and the others walked inside the station.
"Hello, love," he said, placing a kiss a top her head.
She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Hey you," she replied, squeezing him tight before addressing the others. "Hey, everyone."
They all replied in turn and Charming looked over at Jekyll, sitting on the couch and quirked his brow at the man's choice of reading material. "Why is there a comic book here?"
"That would be one of mine," Henry said with a laugh. Charming nodded in understanding before turning his focus back to Emma.
"So what's the new information?" he asked.
"We are waiting for one more person," Emma replied with a shrug before turning her attention over to Belle, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing alright. I think I finally have everything the way I want it at home. Thanks again for all your help," Belle said. "You have no idea how much it means to me."
"Any time," Emma replied with a smile before turning to Snow. "Mom, I'm sure we can fill you in on all this later."
Snow nodded with a laugh, "That would be nice. It's so weird being out of the loop for once. Usually it's David who has no idea."
"Hey," Charming whined, turning to Snow as he furrowed his brow and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's not my fault no one tells me anything."
Snow placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and rubbed his back for a few minutes. Everyone else laughed at Charming's pouting fit and had no idea that Regina had entered the station.
"What's so funny?" she asked curiously. "Sorry, I'm late. I got sucked into a research vortex at my office."
"It's okay. We haven't talked about it yet, so you're not late at all," Emma replied, rising out of her chair and stepping her around her desk. "So you all know Dr. Jekyll correct?"
They all nodded, so Emma walked over to where he was seated. "Dr. Jekyll, do you mind telling them what you told me earlier at the Troll Bridge?"
Jekyll's head popped up from behind the comic and he closed it quickly, rising from the couch as well. He interlaced his fingers behind his back as he spoke. "Yes, well most of you, except Emma, you and the young lad came to visit me in the Land of Untold Stories," he began, pointing at Emma, Regina, and Henry as he mentioned each of them.
"You also had the unfortunate luck to meet Mr. Hyde, my other personality. You also know that we became separated and then came here. Well, he has been living in the blimp with me and when you all came to visit the other day I had to send you away because he was in a grumpy mood and was convinced that the Evil Queen was with you.
"That was until today," Jekyll said, pausing momentarily. "When Emma came to see me, he stayed hidden in the back. While I talked to Emma, I heard him start talking to a woman that appeared out of nowhere."
At this point, Emma stepped in. "Now, unless Regina left her office at some point today to come visit Jekyll, which I doubt was the case, there are only two other magically inclined females living in Storybrooke. Zelena and myself, but Jekyll met Zelena when he met the rest of you…"
"Oh no," Regina mumbled.
Everyone turned to look at at her as her expression saddened. She hadn't thought anything more about it when she ran into the Evil Queen the other night walking home from Snow and Charming's because her worser half had gone quiet. Regina worried her lip as she met the gaze of everyone else in the room.
"There's something I probably should have told you all a lot sooner than right now..." Regina began. She took a deep breath and held it for a few moments before exhaling as she spoke. "The Evil Queen is back in Storybrooke."
"When did she? How did she? Where did you? Why didn't you tell us?" Snow exclaimed, tossing her hands up in the air. "Don't you think we should have known that she was running loose? I thought you killed her in New York!"
"I thought I killed her too!" Regina shouted back before sighing again. "Sorry. I didn't mean to shout. I don't know why I didn't tell you that she was back in Storybrooke."
"When did she come back?" Emma asked calmly, stepping between Snow and Regina who were sharing very heated glances. The tension around the room was rising and something needed to be done to diffuse it before someone else said something they were going to regret in a matter of minutes.
Regina turned to look at Emma as she replied, "I'm not sure when she came back. The first time I was made aware of her return was the last night when Henry and I were walking home from dinner."
"You knew?" Killian whispered to Henry, smacking him in the arm with the back of his hand. Henry dropped his head momentarily and nodded before stepping forward placing a hand on Emma's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I should have told you," he said with a frown upon his face. "I just hadn't seen you since it happened and it all happened so fast."
Emma turned to him, placing a comforting arm around his shoulder, "It's okay, kid. We know now."
"So," Killian said, walking around Emma's desk and turning his attention to Regina, "What are we going to do now that we know she's here? Obviously she's been hiding herself, but that doesn't mean she is going to stay hidden forever."
They all nodded in agreement. It was particularly odd that she had only revealed herself to Regina once, and now the second revelation she chose to make was to Mr. Hyde. There was something about this whole situation that didn't quite add up. There were so many unanswered questions hanging in the air around and no one knew which one to ask first.
"We need to talk to Zelena," Regina said after a few minutes of complete silence. Everyone had been lost in their own thoughts about how to handle their current situation until she spoke. "We either need to warn her that the Evil Queen's back or we need to find out what she knows. Because if I were still the Evil Queen, then I'm sure I'd go to the one person who consider to be family for some place to stay."
"Since when has Zelena been willing to talk to us?" Charming asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He had kept his opinions on the situation to himself for the most part. His concern was that of safety for his family. His family and the Evil Queen did not have the best history, so he couldn't help thinking that the Evil Queen may have been planning something that would affect them all.
"All of us?" Regina questioned. "Never. However, she might be willing to talk to me."
"Mom," Henry began, but stopped when Regina placed a gentle hand on his arm.
"I have to do this. It's my fault that we are even thinking about her being around, so I need to do something about it. I'm going to go talk to her now. I'll let you all know what I find out," Regina said, turning on her heels exiting the station without another word.
The remaining group exchanged a concerned look between themselves before finding a place to sit down and determine a plan for how to handle the situation. Henry opted to sit with Dr. Jekyll and the two of them began discussing the comic book the Jekyll had been reading when they all came in.
Snow and Belle were sitting on the bench near Charming's desk talking about the joys of pregnancy and just catching up on life in general. Snow was still in shock that Belle was awake let alone finding out that the young girl was pregnant.
This town was certain to have it's handful with The Evil Queen lurking around in the shadows and Rumplestiltskin soon becoming a father.
"Wait, what do you mean you've met your baby as a full grown person?" Snow asked, furrowing her brow as she listened to Belle's story. Her reaction made Belle laugh momentarily before she continued to explain how her own feelings were reflected in Snow's reaction to the news.
Emma smiled to herself as she watched Snow and Belle talk. Someday she hoped to be able to sit with her mom and talk about the joys of pregnancy. They already talked about some of the joys of being a parent, but there was something different about the joys of pregnancy.
She glanced back to look at Killian.
Someday, she thought to herself.
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sunken-standard · 7 years
New Drabble meme with fantastic options? How about: 41, 81 and 145? Separately is fine ( I say far too casually to be believed) or together (I shrug) ya know. Whatever works for you...
Take notes, sweetheart./ Excuse me forfalling in love with you./ What’s the biggest lie you ever told?
(This fell out of the badfic tree andhit just about every trope on the way down.  In the same ‘verse as Chapter 35 of Ficlet Cemetery)
Win a Mystery Date with SherlockHolmes! the splash page to John’s blog read.  The wholebackground was a high-res picture of Sherlock (John had changed theformat again, making it more like one of those trendy think-piecemagazine blogs that you had to scroll forever just to get past thedamn header), deerstalker tugged down low and coat lapels held closedover his face, leaving just his eyes visible, electric blue andintense as always.  He must have been in the sun a bit before thepicture was taken, she could just make out a few errant freckles (theexistence of which he vehemently denied) dusting his cheekbones.
Would not mind waking up to thatevery morning, she thought, then remembered that she did, infact, wake up next to that three or four mornings out of seven. Except the one she woke up to usually had his face smashed into thepillow with drool crusted in the corner of his mouth and Tim Burtonhair.
“I’m telling you, you need to doposters,” Molly said, shifting the phone against her ear so shecould type.  "How did you get him to agree to it?“
Mary laughed on the other end.  "Youreally think we told him?  Seriously though, it was his idea.  Seemslike he’s got a stalker.”
“Oh, that’s just Anderson,”Molly dismissed, typing a reply to one of the new comments on herlatest video.
“No, a real one,” Sherlocksaid from directly behind her.  She jumped, shouting as her phoneclattered onto the keyboard.
“Where did you even come from?”she accused, picking her phone up.  "Sorry,“ she apologizedto Mary.
"They have these new things calleddoors.  Rather frivolous, I doubt they’ll catch on,” Sherlocksaid, dragging ‘his’ chair over and flopping into it, nudging her outof the way of the keyboard.
“Well, I believe that’s my cue. Damien will be up from her nap soon, anyway,” Mary rung off.
Molly set her phone down and turned toSherlock, who was, as always, too close for comfort.  "So youhave a stalker,“ she said.  She wasn’t going to get her computerback anytime soon.
"Actually, you have astalker.  I started getting threats after that stupid YouTube video.”
“That was two months ago!  You’rejust telling me now?”
“I do get quite a lot of threats. Didn’t notice at first.  You’re perfectly safe.  Well, for now, atleast, but that’s why we’re nipping this in the bud.”
“So how is a fan going on a datewith you going to catch my stalker?”
Sherlock looked at her askance,obviously waiting for her to catch up.
Oh.  Of course.  "I’m going to winthe contest, aren’t I?“
Sherlock tipped his head and went backto typing.  In her comments, while logged into heraccount.  That tit. "We’re filming it and live-tweeting it, too. Mary said something about cross-promotion or advertising or…  Idon’t know, I stopped listening after 'scavenger hunt.’”
“So… this wasn’t your idea?”
“Using you as bait was.  The restwas all Mary.  She’s better at this sort of thing than I am.”
“Because she’s a woman?”  Itwas nicer than saying 'because she’d actually been on a date.’
“Because she’s an assassin. She’s got more experience with ambushes.”
“Oh for—would you stop lookingaround like that?  This is a date.  We are on a date. Not a stakeout,” Sherlock hissed from behind his menu.
“But it is a stakeout,”Molly said, tone measured.  
“Mary, God’s sake stop laughing,by the time you’re done editing there’ll be fifteen seconds of usablecontent.”
Mary coughed and forced her face intosomething serious.  "Just read the consolation prize card.“
Sherlock sighed and looked heavenward,pulling a card from inside his jacket.
"I swear his suits are like aTardis.  He carries all this stuff around and you can never tell. He’s got like a cricket bat, an espresso machine, and a badger inthere, it’s ridiculous,” Molly said quietly to Mary.  "Prettysure he’s got like half a pipe band and an entire double-decker busin his coat.“
"If you’re quite finished?”Sherlock said.  He plastered on a fake smile.  "And ourthird-prize winner in the 'Win a Mystery Date with Sherlock Holmes’contest is MarkOfTheBeast420—"
“…isn’t that Mrs. Hudson?”Molly whispered to Mary.
“No, she’s 221BlazeIt,” Marycorrected.
“Ah, right.”
Sherlock raised his voice a little toshow his displeasure with being interrupted (git; served him right)“—who gets dinner for two at Angelo’s in central London andyour choice of pink phone case or pocket-magnifier from theScienceOfDeduction store.”
“Where there’s always a candle onthe table,” Angelo said, leaning into the frame in front ofSherlock to place a candle conspicuously on the table while smilingnervously into the camera.
“Yes, thank you, do remember toorder off-menu, no request too exotic,” Sherlock said as Angelostepped back.  He stuck the corner of the card into the lit candle,flames quickly crawling up the edge to consume half of it before hedropped it off to the side (which happened to be onto the plate ofone of the diners at the next table over).
It was going to be a long day, Mollythought.
“—passes for two and a copy ofThe Man Who Made Vermeers.  I might actually like to readthis,” Molly said, flipping the book around and looking at theback cover.
“I have it at home, you can borrowit,” Sherlock said.
“Is it any good?”
Sherlock bobbed his head and did alittle wiggle that indicated 'not bad.’
Molly shrugged and set the book down,then tried to act natural as she walked to her mark.  "Oh look,our next clue,“ she said.  It was a typographic poster on aneasel; Mary didn’t really go all out.  Budget constraints.  
”'What’s the biggest lie youever told?’  Really?“  Sherlock scowled at Mary.
"Size doesn’t matter,” Mollyanswered quickly, wanting to beat him to the punch on just one of theclues.
“The question, aren’t we doing thething?  So, ah, something small like Vienna sausages?”
“No,” Sherlock said slowly,“I think you need to go a bit deeper than that.”
Molly opened her mouth, then closed itand shook her head.  She shared a look with Mary; too easy.
Sherlock closed his eyes and clenchedhis jaw.
“So you really think it’s a goodidea to bring my stalker to the place I work,” Molly said asthey went through the main doors of the hospital.
“We’ll spot him from the roof. And Mary says it’ll make a great texture shot.”
“How long do we have to be uphere?” Molly asked, fists balled in her cardigan.  It had been anice day, but the weather had turned overcast and a fine mist of rainhad begun to fall.
“Until the stalker shows.  Nextbus is in five.  Probably on it,” Sherlock said.
Mary had turned the camera off to savebattery, moving to the far end of the roof to call John to check in.
“Honestly, I don’t know why weneeded this plan in the first place.  There have to be easier ways ofcatching a stalker in the act.  And getting blog traffic.  I mean, wecould have just turned it over to the police, let them handle it.”
“Yes, because we both know howcompetent they are.”
She was cold, she was tired, and shewas feeling a bit bitchy.  "Did everything have to be soelaborate, though?  I mean, maybe he had to work today or somethingand wasn’t even following us.  Or, I dunno, maybe it’s just sometroll.  Maybe you’re overreacting to the whole thing.  You don’t haveto be so… protective of everyone all the time.“
"Excuse me for falling in lovewith you,” he muttered.
There’s no way she heard thatright.  "You wha—?“
"I said 'Excuse me for failing tofind the clue.’  If I’d been able to find the stalker through moreconventional means, I would have,” he sniffed, turning away tolook over the side of the roof again.
Yeah, that’s really notwhat he said, Molly thought, but wasn’t about to press the issue. At least, 1.) not on a rooftop, 2.) in the rain, and 3.) with Marythere.
Of course, that was when the door tothe roof banged open and eleven stone of weedy,surprisingly-otherwise-normal-if-a-bit-young stalker came lopingthrough brandishing a knife and babbling something about 'don’t knowhow to treat a goddess, Mistress Molly deserves respect, phony blahblah, tosser blah blah.’  Sherlock moved in front of her because hereally was that protective, hands up and trying to placate ratherthan provoke.
That is, until Mary jumped the stalkerfrom behind and locked an arm around his neck, digging a thumb intohis wrist so he dropped the knife.
“Take notes, sweetheart,” shegrunted.  "This is how you do a choke-hold, not those weaklittle lady-hugs that you give.“
Molly peeked out from behind Sherlockto watch the struggle, briefly glancing at Sherlock, who still lookedaffronted.
"Lady-hugs,” he grumbled. Then, glancing down at her, “Might want to get hospital securityon the phone.”
“—and if you click the linkbelow, you’ll find a discount coupon for 10% off any sarnie combofrom Speedy’s!  And, ah, that’s the end of my Mystery Date withSherlock Holmes.  Bye!”  Molly waved at the camera; Sherlockclamped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.
“Aww, that was cute,” Marysaid, turning off the camera and capping the lens.  She promised toget a copy of the raw footage to Molly the next day and there werehugs and cheek kisses goodbye and then Molly was left standing aloneoutside of Speedy’s.  Well, alone with Sherlock, who was looking abit shifty.
“So would you, uh, like to come upfor coffee?” he asked.
She narrowed her eyes at him.  "Wejust had coffee.  Are you trying to trick me into washing your dishesagain?“
"No,” he said.  "I’vejust heard it’s the done thing when a date goes particularly well.“
"So you think our fake date wentwell?” she asked.  She might have been flirting, just a little,little bit.
“We did catch a violentstalker.”
“And I did get to go to aplanetarium.”
“So exciting you fell asleep,”he remarked, but there was no real bite to it.
She smiled at him and he smiled at her;it was definitely a moment.
“You know, I think I will havethat cup of coffee,” she said.
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waldowski89-blog · 7 years
Two Lazy Weeks in the Making… (somewhere at the beginning of August 2017)
(Edit: Okay, the title sounds more dramatic than the actual bulk of this post but lets get into the ramblings of a madman who talks about nothing whilst trying to make it sound interesting. I’m also going to have to do a lot of writing as I want to catch up with all the post I’ve missed… which is a lot. Off we go into the post then)
(After Edit: Scroll to the credits music at the bottom and you can also listen to some albums/music that I listened to while writing this)
Hello again, I’m back! Not that I really left. I’ve been over on Twitch and Twitter mainly. So I’ve got lots of plans for social media stuff and am keeping myself busy. I know this shouldn’t be a diary type thing. Those can be boring. Especially mine seen as nothing much really happens in my life… honest!
I will be starting an Instagram account this week… yay! Please feel free to follow me on all my different accounts. It sounds like it’s all me me me (meme, har har) but I promise you it will all be entertaining… like a train wreck is entertaining. Tune in to watch a fully grown man go slowly insane. (Edit: That’s a laugh)
I’ve said before that: “Waldowski” is a character of mine and he is. However, my own personality seems to be… “shining” through in his work… or my work I suppose.
(12/8/17 (Edit: English style date)):
Right, so I wrote the top part a few days ago (Thurs 10/8/17 I think) and now I’m coming back to this. I’m going back to my old schedule and goals and adding a few things. When I do Twitch streams, which should be everyday. TWITCH STREAM ERRYDAY *AIRHORNS* I may do longer than an hour. I just bought Assassin’s Creed Origins too so stay tuned for that, exciting stuff! (Edit: I literally just bought it because I forgot to enter the discount code. What a mess!)
I was watching a vid earlier about Michael Jackson’s involvement in creating the music for Sonic 3. It was very interesting and I have heard about this before. The whole thing is pretty much confirmed now but it’s interesting to follow all the theories and research that’s been done into this. I won’t reiterate what’s already been said but I will link the recent vid on the subject. There are links in there too so hopefully I haven’t sent you into a research, insomniac inducing frenzy of a pit of information where you’re just holding a steaming cup of coffee with straggly hair and bloodshot eyes just looking for your next fix on that Michael Jackson/Sega music conspiracy… and breathe. Sorry for that long sentence, I got carried away.
Okay I’m back writing this again on 13/8/17. I’m going to finish this post tonight! I’m watching Key and Peele again. Those guys are funny, anyway, what I’m doing is writing out four pages by hand with my brilliant Parker fountain pen… okay… I think I’ve really lost it. I’m coming back out of retirement (secret link of more Key and Peele I didn’t post on twitter) (Edit: I put it in the Research section below too. Also, thanks to Philip DeFranco for the idea of a secret link. What fun!)
More plans are a: “Let’s Read” YouTube channel called: “Waldowski Reads”. I still have to get a few things to set that up first. It will be much like a let’s play channel but with me trying to read a book… funny, eh?
This kinda reminds me of when I’d do work at University. I’d have to set goals, plan things, etc… I have been doing this but falling behind lately. In any case none of that matters now. I’ve gotta move on and get on with actually doing stuff.
So, everything’s planned out for a little while for me. Anything happening out there? (apart from all the bad news of course. I already know about that stuff) I genuinely mean it too with following me on social media. I try to talk to as many people as I can nowadays.
Blergh, how did I do this before? A few months ago I’d bang out 1,000 words like it was nothing.
Oh my God, I totally forgot, Na Wri Mo (Edit: Almost, but it’s Na NO Wri Mo because it happens in November) is happening soon. Ugh, I’d always wanted to try it for years. What I’m worried about is one whether what I write will be any good, if I stick to it (quitting will feel like a massive failure for me) and if I’ll take it seriously (nothing should, I suppose) (Edit: Kinda gave up on the numbering of reasons, didn’t I ?) but I’ve had a tendency to let things travel into the realm of ridiculousness before… hmn, maybe that’s a good thing? It might turn out silly and fun for once. I’m not putting “The Vague Chronicles” in there either. Maybe the characters can crossover, I dunno.
It’s pretty much 12:00am as I write this. I’m gonna get it finished before I sleep anyway. So it’s four sides of handwritten A4 pages… did I already write that?
In any case, I keep liking vids on YouTube but they don’t stay liked (random I know but what else can I write… look at this shit. How the fuck is my Na Wri Mo (Edit: Pleb) project going to look? I don’t even have a plan Jesus Christ. Also yes I’m swearing… I’ve been drinking a little bit too. I’m not an example of how life should be lived… this is just an account of how I’m living mine)
Shit, I’m supposed to disappear. Well, at least in novel writing I am. Writing is about the characters not me, at least that what I’ve been told. I’ve also been told: “Write what you know”.
Back again. Been distracted by life. In… anyway what I was saying was ugh… it doesn’t matter I’m not supposed to be in the story, my characters are… but why do I become them sometimes? I have to… that’s the point.
So, this is the last page (handwritten anyway)
Damn, look at this, I’m letting myself get distracted at every turn. It’s 4:04 in the morning and I haven’t finished. I’ll have to type all this up tomorrow. Hello me! Weird right? You’re typing this up and I’m talking to you. (Edit: … yes very… I hope I get back to the point, whatever it was)
So, seriously. I dunno. This pen is kinda cool, right? Tired AndwewsiesTM. This will go up on Tumblr. I know I’m irrelevant at the moment. So drunk WHO CARES ABOUT THAT!? Nevermobf.
So, Assassin’s Creed Origins is coming soon… in October. Hopefully I’ll be ready to do a let’s play/stream hey I might even do an unboxing. It’s a collector’s edition with a figure and other stuff too. I’ll do it like the vid I’m showing someone now. Wink wink. (Edit: It was just me reading the handwritten version out… HUSHIES) She gets to see the handwritten stuff. This is her day after all! The best fan/troll anyone could ever hope for.
Gosh my writing is getting bad, so drunk. I’m okay of course. Oh! So there’s like four things I think I have to link in this “blog”. Um, the Michael Jackson Sonic 3 vid, the music from the Jetzons associated with that, the Key and Peele vid, oh and finally the AC Origins pic.
I’m back but for now… goodbye and I will see… MAY see you tomorrow. My name’s Waldowski and thank you to everyone who read this or listened.
Research Links:
A Brief History of Michael Jackson's Sonic the Hedgehog 3
The Jetzons - Hard Times(Sonic 3 Ice Cap Zone Act 1 & 2 Remix)
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Sega Genesis - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 63
I’m Coming out of Retirement One Last Time...
Credits Music:
Thought Beings - Italo Nights
Tommy '86 - Disco Machine - [FULL EP]
Nightcrawler - Strange Shadows - [FULL EP]
VHS Glitch - Halloween Strangers [FULL ALBUM]
Off we go...
Into uncharted lands...
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jessicakehoe · 6 years
32 Times Chrissy Teigen Made Headlines in Her 32nd Year
Chrissy Teigen is winning the Internet. Everything she does — whether it’s steaming her vagina, playing with a bug or wearing a headband — becomes some kind of must-read, communal experience that’s shared across the web in celebration of its “realness.” And it’s not just women’s magazines, TMZ and Comments by Celebs documenting her every move in a Meghan Markle-like click baiting manner: CNN, Business Insider and the Wall Street Journal are all using her name to drive page views to their sites.
A comprehensive content analysis of Chrissy Teigen’s social media-driven stories would provide a fascinating look at her impact on the news cycle. Since I don’t exactly have the resources, time or patience to do that, I instead opted to round up 32 headlines in honour of her 32nd lap around the sun. There were hundreds of buzzy (and not so buzzy) stories to work with, which serves as a testament to the power and influence of Chrissy Teigen, a model turned clap back icon “who is also known for her cooking abilities.”
1. Chrissy Teigen Calls Out ‘Sh-tty’ Friends Who Sell Stories About Her
You guys should do a service to all the celebs who give you hourly content and say who your sources are so we can get rid of the shitty “friends” in our lives who sell you stories. https://t.co/3tb7fWtYyv
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) December 5, 2017
“Damn, Chrissy, go off.” – Glamour, December 5, 2017
2. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Donate to #TimesUp in Honor of USA Gymnasts
“This isn’t the first time Teigen has showed support to the gymnasts and other survivors speaking out against [former USA Gymnastics doctor Larry] Nassar.” – W Magazine, January 29, 2018
3. Chrissy Teigen Reveals How she Embarrassed Herself in Front of Beyoncé at the Grammys When she Said Goodbye
“Teigen says that Jay-Z had his own bottle of wine at his seat.”- Business Insider, January 31, 2018
4. Chrissy Teigen Jokingly Flew With an ‘Emotional Support Casserole’ and Made a Point About How Bizarre the Debate Over Support Animals on Planes has Become
“After checking with the Twitter accounts for American and the Transportation Security Administration, she received permission.” – Business Insider, February 26, 2018
5. Chrissy Teigen Did a Salt Bae Impression at Dinner and We Are Living
“The meal included bacon-wrapped figs and mashed potatoes, and more importantly Chrissy’s Salt Bae (AKA Nusret Gökçe) impression.” – Marie Claire, February 28, 2018
6. Chrissy Teigen Causes Snapchat to Lose $100M With One Single Tweet
I stopped using snap. The update, the constant complaints of people not being able to find me, plus the Rihanna poll…no bueno
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) March 24, 2018
“On Saturday, Tiegen shared with her almost 10 million Twitter followers in the tweet below that she was fed up with the messaging app due to its latest redesign and insensitive ad about Rihanna.” – Elle, March 17, 2018
7. A Stranger Saved Chrissy Teigen From Being Run Over by a Cyclist
“Paparazzi captured the entire thing.” – Elle, March 28, 2018
8. Cardi B Rapped That she Wants a Threesome with Chrissy Teigen and Rihanna — and Teigen had the Only Appropriate Response
“Wrote Teigen, ‘Gasp! *drops biscuits.*'”– Business Insider, April 9, 2018
9. Chrissy Teigen Dragged Bill O’Reilly After He Tried to Come for Jesus Christ Superstar
Yes the shop specializes in coverups that aren’t 32 million dollars https://t.co/2hklA6Ix4P
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) April 2, 2018
“SMH, Bill O’Reilly. Thinking you could come for Chrissy Teigen and John Legend on Twitter, where they have the home field advantage? Nah.” – Cosmopolitan, April 2, 2018
10. So it Turns Out Chrissy Teigen is a Huge Neopets Fan
“Chrissy Teigen found something new to do during her pregnancy: playing with her Neopets.” – Business Insider, April 19, 2018
11. Chrissy Teigen Trolling the Met Gala Is the Most Relatable Thing on the Internet This Morning
“Chrissy Teigen skipped the Met Gala this year to relax at home with Vanderpump Rules, and naturally spent the evening trolling everyone.” Cosmopolitan, May 8, 2018
12. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend Got Trump a Super Generous Birthday Gift
“She truly went above and beyond, gifting Trump with hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of donations to the ACLU from her family.” – Marie Claire, June 14, 2018
13. Happy Tuesday, Chrissy Teigen Just Shared a Photo of Herself Steaming Her Vagina
“The supermodel took it to Instagram to share a photo of her vaginal steam, going ahead and writing the iconic words *vagina dissolves* in the process.” – Cosmopolitan, June 19, 2018
14. Chrissy Teigen Accurately Predicted LeBron James Joining the Lakers, Is a Legend
Ok got him leaving the basketball jersey embroidery shop. This is downtown LA pic.twitter.com/fMhrjFJKgz
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 1, 2018
“A quick moment for Chrissy Teigen, who accurately predicted that LeBron would be joining the Lakers before everyone else.” – Cosmopolitan, July 2, 2018
15. Chrissy Teigen Breastfeeds Daughter’s Doll Baby: ‘I guess I have twins now’
“Teigen, 32, who is also known for her cooking abilities, isn’t shy about the sometimes harsh realities of motherhood.” – Page Six, July 8, 2018
16. Moms Are Living for These Videos of Chrissy Teigen Saving Her Spilled Breast Milk
“‘Spilled my breast milk, and this is how important it is in this house,’ Teigen says in one of the videos. ‘I am so jealous of people with plentiful boobies,’ she captioned one clip on Twitter, writing alongside the other, “‘EVERY DROP COUNTS IN THIS HOUSE.'” – Glamour, July 19
Photography via Instagram/@chrissyteigen
17. Chrissy Teigen Plays With Dangerous Tarantula Hawk Wasp
“Chrissy Teigen and Luna unknowingly play with dangerous Tarantula Hawk Wasp. Chrissy let the bug craw on her arm with Luna looking on.”- Daily Mail, July 27, 2018
18. Chrissy Teigen’s Vacation Is a Guide to Rest, Relaxation, and the Freshest Food in Bali
“This morning, she and husband John Legend had some avocado toast with a poached egg on top. Later for lunch, they had tuna sambal salad.”- Vogue, July 27, 2018
19. Chrissy Teigen Calls Out Meghan Markle’s Dad: “Let Your Daughter Be Happy, Please.”
“Enter Chrissy Teigen, Queen of Twitter, telling it how it is. Her opinion? ‘This guy sucks.'” – Fashion, July 30, 2018
20. Chrissy Teigen Reveals Stretch Marks and Says She’s “Still Super Insecure” About Her Post-Baby Body
mom bod alert! pic.twitter.com/Qi0BZvLmhV
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 31, 2018
“There’s a ton of pressure for women—and specifically women in Hollywood—to quickly “bounce back” (whatever that means) from pregnancy, which is why it’s so refreshing that Chrissy’s opened up about her own experience.” – Harper’s Bazaar, July 31, 2018
21. Chrissy Teigen Mocks Melania Trump Over Gardening Photo Meme
“These look exactly like my workout soles. because i work out as much as this chick gardens.”- Daily Mail, August 1, 2018
22. Chrissy Teigen, Relatable Human, Also Stares at Her Pore Strips
“I like to pull these off, slowly, and then tilt them towards the light so I can see each little mountain, each tiny mountain. And then I like to take my finger and brush the blackheads to the side so I can see their length.” – Glamour, August 8, 2018
23. Chrissy Teigen’s Headbands Aren’t Cheap
“But lest you think Teigen is picking up her bands in bulk from the hotel gift shop, guess again.” – Page Six, August 13, 2018
24. Chrissy Teigen Is the Latest Celebrity to Become Best Friends With the Queer Eye Guys
“Plenty of your favourite celebrities are also hooked [on Netflix’s Queer Eye reboot], though there’s one major difference: They can actually become friends with them. First there was Gigi Hadid, then Justin Theroux, and now Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.” – W Magazine, September 15, 2018
25. FYI We’ve All Been Saying Chrissy Teigen’s Name Wrong
I know. I even correct people when they say it correctly. it’s all v effed up https://t.co/aJkweIiL7H
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) September 17, 2018
“Fans, rocked to the very core, were quick to point out the fact that Teigen herself has pronounced her surname as TEE-gen in interviews.” – Elle, September 17, 2018
26. Watch Chrissy Teigen Downs a Handful of Ice Cubes
“My hands are shaking.” –  Mashable, Oct 04, 2018
27. Chrissy Teigen Lets Slip That David Chang’s Wife is Pregnant
“Teigen told a starry crowd at MoMA that Chang’s set to welcome, “his own lucky peach.” – Page Six, November 8, 2018
28. John Legend Explains How Chrissy Teigen Became “Mayor of the Internet”
“‘I think the world may have missed out on Chrissy’s full awesomeness if it weren’t for social media,’ Legend stated.” – W Magazine, November 13, 2018
29. Chrissy Teigen Dished About Being on Deal Or No Deal with Meghan Markle
“She’s gorgeous.” – Harper’s Bazaar, November 19, 2018
30. Chrissy Teigen’s Contracts State Her Feet MUST Be Retouched or Hidden
“‘I used to have it in my Sports Illustrated contract: no feet,’ she explained. ‘I would bury them in the sand.'” – Cosmopolitan, November 20, 2018
31. Chrissy Teigen and Daughter Luna Pick Up Some Supplies Together on Los Angeles Shopping Trip
“The mom of two rocked furry black slides with jeans, a low cut black top and long cardigan, with a snazzy black Panama hat.” – Daily Mail, November 25, 2018
32. John Legend and Chrissy Teigen’s Holiday Special has Us Craving a Sitcom
“You love them on Twitter and now that they have brought their awesomeness to the small screen.” – CNN, November 29, 2018
The post 32 Times Chrissy Teigen Made Headlines in Her 32nd Year appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
32 Times Chrissy Teigen Made Headlines in Her 32nd Year published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1219
Monday, July 2, 2018
 It's stinking hot out. I wanted to jump in the lake with the fishies yesterday. We drove downtown on Canada Day to spend time with friends and I lucked out on a parking space right in front of their house. The car in front of us pulled out shortly afterwards so I plunked myself down in that spot to hold it for another friend who was driving in from out of town. People were expecting issues with other drivers trolling for a parking space but in typically Canadian fashion, cars just slowly passed by as I was sitting there under my umbrella to shade myself from the hot sun. Only one car stopped, rolled down their window and asked if I was saving the parking space. I said "yep" and they drove off. I probably would have been shot if I did this in the capital city of another country on the fourth of July.
 Hunt for Wolverine: Mystery in Madripoor #2 - Jim Zub (writer) Thony Silas (art) Filipe Sobreiro (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I like this story. Kitty and her team skulking around Madripoor trying to find Wolverine while being hunted by Viper and her very, very bad girls is right in my wheelhouse. Unfortunately the art turns me right off. Unless Psylocke is a midget, how the heck is Logan taller than she is on page 2? All the women's faces are drawn the same with angular features and almond eyes. Even the different hair styles and clothes didn't help to distinguish them. There is a surprise appearance on the last page that's an attempt to keep readers invested in the story but it is not enough for me to read the rest of this mini.
 Old Man Hawkeye #6 - Ethan Sacks (writer) Marco Checchetto (art) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Clint is like the flu. Whenever he shows up things go from bad to worse. I love this dangerous future Earth where the super villains are in control. Old Man Hawkeye seeking redemption is a great story but President Red Skull trying to kill Bullseye makes this book that much better.
 Multiple Man #1 - Matthew Rosenberg (writer) Andy MacDonald (art) Tamra Bonvillain (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Yeah, I thought he was dead too. That's why I pulled this off the rack to read. Jamie died during the Terrigen mists killing all the mutants crisis but they have found a way for one of his dupes to survive that made sense. Then they go and ruin it by having this surviving Jamie steal a time traveling device. I loved Jamie when he was leading X-Factor and was sad when they killed him off. This one is younger and they've tweaked his powers with a big twist on the last page. It just might be enough to get you to keep reading this 5-issue mini.
 Batman: Harley Quinn vs. the Joker #1 - Tim Seeley (writer) Sami Basri (art) Otto Schmidt (epilogue art) Jessica Kholinne (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Prelude to the Wedding part 5. Way to screw up the timing DC. This should have hit the racks before Batman #48 and #49 because what happened in those issues involved what happens with the Joker in this one. I had a sense of disassociation when I saw the Joker in the church while reading Batman #48 three weeks ago and now I know why. This screw up will be forgiven if Batman #50 proves to be a good read when it hits the racks July 4. I loved how Harley is drawn in this, even though my least favourite version of her is the Joker infatuated court jester. SOILER ALERT: DO NOT READ the New York Times article about Batman #50 posted July 1.
 Saga #53 - Fiona Staples (art) Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Fonografiks (letters). Holy crap in a hat. This is a must read issue if you're a Saga fan. There are major deaths in this issue and that's not including what Brian's doing with all the letters the book receives. If he thinks thoughts of mortality invade in your forties, wait until you get to your sixties.
 Sentry #1 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Kim Jacinto (art) Rain Beredo (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Sentry World part 1. I remember thinking that this super hero was just Marvel's version of Superman when he first hit the racks in 2000 and that his arch enemy the Void was your basic generic super villain. Turns out it's more complicated than that. The Sentry's alter ego sacrificed a lot to save the world from the Void but now Robert Reynolds finds himself in a dangerous situation. Jeff Lemire has taken a character that I didn't much care for and given him a story that I very much want to read now in this 5-issue arc.
 Detective Comics #983 - Bryan Hill (writer) Miguel Mendonca (pencils) Diana Egea (inks) Adriano Lucas (colours) Sal Cipriano (letters). There's a new writer and he's starting off boldly by introducing a new Bat-villain and a new super hero to join Batman's team of Gotham City crime fighters. This new bad guy has no qualms about killing so things are going to get intense.
 Amazing Spider-Man: Wakanda Forever #1 - Nnedi Okorafor (writer) Alberto Alburquerque (art) Erick Arciniega (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). This new book stars the fierce warrior women of Wakanda, the Dora Milaje. One of their member has turned super villain, calling herself Malice. When she threatens a neighbourhood in Brooklyn guess who just happens to be swinging by? So it's team up time and they fight with a classic Spider-Man super villain under water. When Malice surfaces again she's going after the Black Panthers ex-wife. If Storm's a target then you know that the X-Men will be involved. Look for X-Men: Wakanda Forever #1 to hit the racks July 25.
 Silencer #6 - Dan Abnett (writer) Viktor Bogdanovic (art) Mike Spicer (colours) Tom Napolitano (letters). Exit Strategy part 3 or death in a diner. Talia al Ghul and Hope fight through a horde of Leviathan killers during lunch. It was disappointing that Deathstroke wasn't in there. The two new super villains are cool. I am looking forward to seeing what Cradle and Grave are capable of.
 Moon Knight #196 - Max Bemis (writer) Paul Davidson (art) Mat Lopes (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Kudos to Paul Davidson for the mad art for this psychedelic story. Now that Maurice and his crazy collective have been straight jacketed we can see where Marc and his many personalities take us next.
 Man of Steel #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Adam Hughes (art) Jason Fabok (art pages 8 -11) Adam Hughes (colours) Alex Sinclair (colours pages 8 - 11) Josh Reed (letters). Superman's fight with the big bad Rogol Zaar does not go well. He's taken to the brink of doomsday. By the end of this issue we find out how Rogol Zaar is going to destroy the Earth. Meanwhile, more clues are given about what Lois and Jon have been up to. You might want to review recent Superman stories to understand what's happening.
 Marvel 2-In-One #7 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Ramon K. Perez (art) Frederico Blee (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The truth about Doctor Rachna's duplicitousness comes out at last. Plus Johnny finally learns the truth about Sue and Reed. What a revolting development this is. I'm still enjoying this book very much as Chip has come up with interesting ways to keep Ben and Johnny scrambling.
 Thor #2/708 - Jason Aaron (writer) Mike del Mundo (art) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I'm growing to appreciate the new art style and can see subtle expressions in the faces. Mike's use of colour really enhances the action on the page. Thor and Loki join up with some allies in Hel to fight Sindr and her fire hordes. I had forgotten that Hela was no longer the Queen of Hel (was that in the movie too?) and Balder the Brave was King of Hel now. The surprise appearance on the last page will make the throne room in Hel pretty crowded.
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morganhazelwood · 6 years
A Starter's Guide For Fiction Writers Trying To "Establish A Social Media Presence" Part 1/3(??)
Part 1: Becoming A Good Internet Citizen - As A Writer
If you want to be a writer, the ubiquitous "they" tell you that you need to "Establish a Social Media Presence", but so much of the advice out there is aimed at Non-fiction writers. Non-fiction writers sell books based on establishing their expertise in a particular area. Fiction writers? We sell books based on the story, the writing, and word-of-mouth. So how do we make social media work for us?
Morgan's Approach To Social Media
Once upon a time, I finished drafting my first novel, editing it, and sending it off to beta-readers. While I awaited for their feedback, I started researching "the next step", and everywhere I looked said I needed an author page. At the bare minimum, I should have a website landing strip to get my name out there.
Morgan Gets Herself a Website
I bought my own domain name for Branding (you're gonna hear that word a lot in this essay) and set up a Wordpress site. I might be a coder by day, but I'm not about to spend my limited writing time coding.
But, an empty website with just my name on it seemed a bit barebones and half-um...tushed. So, I figured I'd put up three to five posts so there would be some content there.
That was in April of 2015.
I followed the suggested "slow blogging" approach, starting off posting at least twice a month, until the second-half of February 2016. And I haven't missed a week since then. (Although, I *did* do one rerun when I was out of the country).
Somewhere around May of 2016, I was reading a blog, I can't remember if it was Kristen Lamb's or Anne R. Allen with Ruth Harris's that suggested it, but. The blog suggested, even if I'm not planning on using a social media, I might want to reserve my name.
Why Reserve Your Name on ALL the Platforms?
Trends may change, my friends/followers might move to a different platform
jerks might try to reserve your name
Using the same ID is helpful for Brand Consistency
Suddenly, I had a Twitter, a Tumblr, a Goodreads, a Reddit, an Instagram, a Pinterest, a Facebook Author Page, and I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh right, a you-tube channel, like where you can watch me ramble on this very topic...
The article on reserving your brand said I didn't need to do anything with them, just pick my favorite one or two and ignore the rest. Well...I can't leave well-enough alone. I couldn't just leave them empty. *facepalm*
The problem is, none of these social media networks work the same way, and figuring them out is tricksy!
[I'll cover Blogging in Part 2, and the other social media's in Part 3. Probably. Unless Part 2 gets too long...]
Where Is Morgan Now?
My personal stats aren't amazing, but they're solid and steadily growing.
I've been blogging regularly for 3 years and am relieved when my new posts get over 25 views on the first day, pleased when they get over 50, and THRILLED when they get more than 75 views.
I saw most of my other social media as supporting the blog and that's how I've been treating them. But just because I like blogs and RSS feeds doesn't mean that's where my future audience is hanging out. And that doesn't mean that's what they're looking for in social media interaction.
Especially since I write YA. So, I'm trying to go where the teens are.
But, before we can talk about how to actually get started with social media, you need to know what sort of behavior is respected online.
CAVEAT: If you don't care if Agents, Readers, and my mom respect you, feel free to stop reading now.
Morgan's Guiding Philosophy For Interacting With Others On The Internet
You are still yourself, you have a personality, opinions, and preferences. And that's okay! You're allowed to do all that. BUT. You're also creating a brand, (yep, there's that word again).
I like to think I'm pretty WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), but I have a filter. And what I post online is stuff I'm okay with my future agent, my future fans, and my mother seeing (hi Mom!). Both today and in ten years when Google unearths my archives.
Nothing about what I post or write is inauthentic, I'm just channeling what I feel is my best self, focused on writing in general as a theme, and in a professional manner.
How To Interact Online
Even if someone is being a complete jerk. If you're struggling, just contemplate how smug and good it will feel to be able to claim the moral high ground.
P.S. Don't be afraid to walk away. Your job is not to argue on the internet
You see aspiring writers who have yet to finish a chapter asking for feedback on their first page, social media newbies who don't know how threaded comments work or missed the directions for the site/twitter contest/whatever. Remember that you were new once, too. Be patient, or direct them to someone else who has the patience for that.
It's a good thing when other writers succeed. Most of us are here because we love to read. And with the heavy competition, hopefully, that means better writers are rising to the top, which means better books to read! Plus, the more writers you encourage and are supportive of, the more people out there who are also rooting for YOU.
You don't know what they're going through
You don't know how hard they've worked to get where they are now
if someone crosses a boundary, but it seems accidental and is minimally damaging? Tell them. In person, in an email, whatever makes you feel the most comfortable. It's okay to bring a friend.
if someone crosses a boundary, but you know it's on purpose or it's very damaging? Escalate as you deem appropriate, but gather a support network for yourself. Too often we see dismissal or excuses. Find people you trust to help you through whatever actions you decide to take. (Preferably ones that aren't actually felonies...)
THIS IS A BIG ONE. The publishing industry, especially the traditional publishing industry moves SLOWLY. But the publishing industry, as a whole, is very small. It can be aggravating when you're wracking up form rejections, or personalized ones that totally didn't get your story. It can be frustrating, when manuscripts you've scoffed at, turn into best sellers, while yours still sits on your computer and flies in your dream. Or when agents either keep asking for niche books you can't write, or stories that look just like yours, after rejecting your manuscript. We all need to vent sometime. But be aware of who you're venting to. Many writing groups have people who intern with agencies. Many writing groups have people who have agents or will get agents, in the near future. Many writers have friends in publishing and editing. People talk. Be careful where and to whom you choose to vent.
Bonus? By avoiding politics on my public social media? Most of my feed is about books, writing, and cute pets.
Warning: You need to be prepared for a potential backlash. One misspeak, or unpopular opinion and you might find yourself facing trolls, doxing, or even death threats. Only you can decide if your beliefs are worth the time and emotional energy.
Now I've addressed my approach to social media and shared the philosophy that guides my online interactions. Tune in next week while I get into my methodology behind my blogging.
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