#smart reider
caernys · 1 year
i only dream (when i'm lying down)
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relationship: spencer reid x reader, romantic pairing (part one)
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summary: you're an agent of the violent crimes division of the fbi and you’ve fallen in love with spencer reid.
notes: part two! also posted on my AO3 account, kitkat_katsuki
warnings: vague mention of dead body (the shooter) and mild use of firearms
part one -> part two
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you don’t shake hands. it’s a thing you’ve had since childhood— an aversion to touch and skin to skin contact. it’s stupid, you know, but everytime you go to peel off your gloves another statistic goes clicking through your head (a study conducted by researches at the institute of biological, environmental and rural sciences at aberystwyth university showed that a handshake passed about 124 million colony forming units of e-coli) and you’re pulling back your palm to wipe nervously on the hem of your shirt.
it’s been interpreted a lot of ways. a sense of superiority, some propose. others spit about a god complex, or just a plain old lack of basic etiquette. it doesn’t help that immediately after you’re proudly introduced as a “genius” by your ssa, left to stand there awkwardly while stevens brags about your iq (192), how fast you can read (30,000 words per minute), or your photographic memory (eidetic, you’re always itching to correct).
but you’re used to it. before your mother passed, she used to pull you tight at night and work her hands into your neck, whispering about how you were perfect just the way you were. it wasn’t your fault people got threatened when confronted with someone they perceived to be above them. it didn’t stop the harsh, barbed words that would always be hurled at you, but it did soften the blow.
your mother had always said you were meant for greater things than your dinged up apartment in la and your run down elementary school. she’d urged you time and time again to go where your brilliant mind was taking you, but you always turned her down. just because you could memorize a dictionary in seven minutes didn’t mean you couldn’t enjoy the fifth grade.
when she got stabbed for refusing to give over her purse in a mugging (and subsequently bled out over the dirty pavement, screaming and alone) you cried for the first time in years. you’d never been one to cry— your father had beat it into you long ago before your mother had managed to whisk you away half across the country. you gave yourself forty eight hours. then you dried your cheeks and took a placement test.
the administrator had been shocked, at first. you knew you had aced it. it hadn’t been that hard. when she had told you with slightly shaking hands that she recommended skipping you all the way to highschool (college was on the table too, she said, but you just shook your head. that was a bit too far of a jump). she enrolled you into your senior year of highschool, and you had rocked back on your heels with a satisfied grin. it was a tribute to your mother, you told yourself. one day you were going to stand at the top of the world and you were going to be able to tell her that you had let your brilliant mind take you all the places she had told you about. (of course, she hadn’t mentioned some things.)
you got thrown into a locker the first day of school. they were seventeen, going on eighteen— you were eleven. as smart as you were, it wasn’t hard to put together the conclusion that harassment like this was always going to be inevitable. unavoidable.
you’d swing by the drug store on the way back from school, buy a tiny tube of concealer to dab on in the denny’s bathroom before heading back to the “flavor of the month” foster home. you got bounced around a lot. couldn’t blame them.
you were three months into your senior year when you met austin. she was pretty. long, auburn hair and natural make up. high cheekbones and sharp, angular lines that made up her face. she told you she had lost her parents young, and she fostered to give other kids the childhood she never had. you didn’t trust her. you never trusted anyone.
she was, surprisingly, the first one who finally got a clue. it doesn’t match your skin tone, she’d told you, rubbing the concealer off your face with a wet rag. you didn’t flinch away from her touch and she smiled all soft at you. she was alright, you guess.
austin offered to step in. she might not be your actual parent, she had vowed, but she could make hell in the school system until those kids were reprimanded. you had laughed, assured her it was fine. it wasn’t, but this was one of those things you had to deal with yourself.
she’d been frustrated, but understood. after a couple more days of you coming back a little rough around the edges, though, she had snapped— and offered to teach you how to fight. you had accepted. seemed like a valuable skill to have, didn't it?
austin owned a gym a twenty minute drive from your house. the mats in there quickly became a safe space for you, a shelter of training and quiet and peace. you took to taekwondo immediately, transitioning from there into hapkido and jiu-jitsu, muay thai and just about anything else you could get your hands on. your frame began to fill in with wiry muscle and you began to catch the punches before they hit you.
after you beat harry summers into a bloody pulp by the water fountain after he tried to reach a hand up your skirt, people began to back off. you’d been suspended for five weeks but austin had squeezed your shoulder proudly on the way to the car. you’d let her. she would adopt you five months, three days, four hours and thirty two seconds later. (an eidetic memory did have its perks.)
the fbi recruited you when you were fifteen and at mit, hacking their servers on a drunk dare. you had done it after eight shots, and they had never been more delighted to their code so mercilessly destroyed.
they couldn’t take you on as an agent until you were of age, so you stayed a shadowed consultant for the three years, sorting through case files between lectures and research papers.
you signed away your life to them when you were eighteen and got a badge and a gun in exchange. it was an even trade, you mused. (the first time you would fire that gun you were quivering and bloody, beaten and scratched, but your hands were steady when you pulled the trigger. grayson davids, a serial murderer, died that day. when you got to hug a mother and tell her the man who had taken her daughter would never hurt anyone again, you found that you didn’t regret it.)
austin would always force you home on weekends. she’d moved to dc to be closer to you, and you would spar for old times sake in the living room, tackling each other over pillows and chasing around the kitchen counter. you found that you loved her, one rainy saturday when you were 19. you called her mom for the first time a week later, and you both cried.
you met penelope garcia at a party and you were instantly enraptured. technology seemed to bow to her will and you’d spent the entire night together, drinking and laughing and dancing. you kissed her in the bathroom and she’d sighed all pretty, leaning forward to snake a hand around your neck. 
you’d left the party happy and floating for the first time in years. (though you loved penelope to pieces, you two had parted as friends that night.)
she’d often call you with questions or invite you over with movie nights, though you’d always end up bent over a computer with her, nudging each other and laughing as your fingers flew over the keys. she never asked about your job. you never asked about hers. it was widely understood that penelope garcia’s house was a serial-killer free space. 
at least, it had been until she’d gotten shot on the steps of her apartment. you’d gotten a call from her late the next day, and you had flown into a nervous panic. you couldn’t lose her– couldn’t bare to lose anyone ever again. at the hospital, she’d held your hands and cried into your arms, and assured you that there would be police outside of her house. you had dismissed that, offered to stay over, but apparently a member of the fbi had already beat you to it.
you’d asked her if she trusted him. she’d responded, “with my life.”
so you had relented. gone home, took your phone off of silent, set it right next to your bed. she didn’t call, so you assumed everything was alright. (it wasn’t).
the next day you swung by her office with a jar of peanut butter cookies to leave on her desk. she loved them, and you’d figured it was a nice thing to come back to.
instead you found a police officer with a gun pressed to the temple of an fbi agent, and two men from penelope’s team standing in front of him, hands raised. you recognized him from a sketch an artist had made penelope complete the other day at the hospital. you shot him in the back of the head, bullet shattering the glass.
the room was silent. the man was dead. your hands, as always, were steady.
(you would meet spencer reid exactly twenty five minutes and thirteen seconds later.)
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
Spencer and reider (get it..?) have an arguement about how she found flirty messages between him and jj (🤢) and she throws small hits to his chest saying how he doenst love her anymore
omg i really need to cry ‼️‼️
reider!!! we’re all reiders fr ! now get ready to cry.
You didn’t mean to look through his phone. It was a violation of privacy, and you knew that. But after seeing how he looked at her, you just needed to know.
Your heart dropped when you saw the texts. Little flirty messages between him and her. Jennifer Jareau. She was beautiful, kind, smart, god. How did you ever think you could compete.
Tears pricked in your eyes as you threw his phone down on the bed, unable to face anymore. You felt sick to your stomach. How could Spencer do this to you. Did he not love you anymore? What had you done wrong?
You decided to confront him.
“Spencer.” You said coldly, your hands trembling slightly as you gripped his phone with the incriminating messages on it.
He smiled at you, that soft, beautiful smile. You couldn’t bear to look at it anymore.
You held the phone up, the texts that you had found up on the screen.
His smile dropped as he took the phone out of your hand, reading over what you had found.
“… It’s not what you think..” He started.
You cut him off, desperately fighting off tears.
“Isn’t it?”
“It isn’t. Look, I just. Me and JJ- We-“
“Save it Spencer. I read them all. God, I cant believe this.” You scoffed, tears pricking in the corners of your eyes.
You took a deep breath, calming yourself down.
You looked up at him, a tear dripping down your cheek as you saw the resigned look on his face. He knew this was coming. And he had accepted it.
“Just… When did you stop loving me Spencer? When did i stop being enough?” You asked quietly, tears dripping down your cheeks.
“I- I do love you!” He said.
You cried, punching his chest lightly.
“Don’t lie to me Spencer! God, I really can’t believe this.” You cried, stepping away from him. You buried your head in your hands for a few seconds. He didn’t even reach out to comfort you.
You knew it was over.
You just had to accept it.
“I’m leaving Spencer. I hope you have a lovely life with JJ.” You sniffed softly.
He didn’t say anything.
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mcrtimersmith · 5 years
fill out with muse info.
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Name: Mortimer Eric Smith. Alias(nicknames): Evil Morty Age: 18. Date of Birth: October 31st. Spoken languages: He mostly speaks English, but there are some alien dialects that he knows. Most languages Mortimer DOES know are all thanks to the microchip in his brain, but he does appreciate how easy it makes for him. Romantic preference: Pikachu face. Sexual preference: Pikachu face x2. Occupation: Current president of the Citadel of Ricks and Mortys. Current acting DICTATOR of a galaxy.  Criminal record: Mortimer doesn’t have an EARTH-BASED criminal record but his GALACTIC-BASED criminal record falls under many different categories:        🔥Grand Theft of super weapons from the Andromeda Galaxy, Supplying a revolution with weaponry in order to FINISH a war ending with the government of said planet’s surrender, mass slaughter of many Ricks that had existed once in his past, and much more.
Eye color: His eyes are normally brown, but the prosthetic eye is a lot more hazel than his other one, occasionally flickering to red when he’s annoyed/angry. Hair color: A  fluffy, curly brown. Height: 5′11″. Scars: He has way more than any normal teenager/young adult SHOULD have. Worst case are the massive claw-marks from an alien’s guard dog after stealing some weaponry that he DEFINITELY needed. Underneath his hair, you CAN see the messy surgery scars that his Evil Rick left behind. They’re ugly and Mortimer is personally happy that his hair grew over it. Otherwise, Mortimer has much smaller scars and burns scattered about but all of them can easily be hidden. Overweight: Nope! He’s gaining some weight, but it’s all healthy and moving towards the right places: shoulders, arms, etc. He’s broadening a bit. Underweight: Nope. He USED to be, as he didn’t nearly eat as much before becoming the president. Rico makes sure Mortimer eats. He CONSTANTLY reminds Mortimer to, as does Mori.
Color: Purple. Hair color: He doesn’t think hair color really matters. Eye color: For eyes, it’s the first thing Mortimer sees, and he absolutely loves green eyes; someone he once met had yellow/gold eyes and he was so MYSTIFIED by them. Song: "How Much is That Doggy in the Window” by Patti Page, “Dream a Little Dream of Me” Doris Day, “Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin, “Only You” by The Platters and more. He’s very partial towards the older songs. He has a record player IN his office at the Citadel. No one is allowed to touch it. He’s KILLED a man over it. Movie: Definitely old-school horror. He adores the old Friday the 13th movies.  T.V. Show: He doesn’t!! Actually have a favorite t.v. show. Sure, he likes to watch movies, but it’s only movies that he  normally watches. The closest he’s gotten to liking a show was because of Mori and she LOVES the Walking Dead.  Food: He would NEVER admit it to Rico, but he really likes it when Diane, Rico’s ex wife, sends Rico with food: Braised Short Ribs. His secret service had to start bringing MORE because Mortimer always steals half. ALWAYS. Drink: He really likes a cold glass of whiskey. Rico is working on cutting him off from alcohol. Video Game: Minecraft (THANKS @jeezricks​) Candy: N/A Ice cream flavor: N/A
Have you…
Graduated high school: No. Mortimer was pulled from the school relatively quickly by his Evil Rick. Since getting the microchip in his brain, he basically knows everything already and if he doesn’t, he could easily look it up in his head.   Had sex: Yep Had sex in public: No Gotten pregnant: N/A Kissed a boy: Yes. Kissed a girl: Yes. Gotten tattoos: Mortimer doesn’t currently have any tattoos but there’s this little place he’s been looking at that markets off the fact their tattoos can MOVE. So he’s been thinking about spending money to get one done on his shoulder. Just some drifting planets is really all it is.  Gotten piercings: One ear had been pierced once (still is!) back when he was going through his younger years after his Rick was killed. Smoked/drank/done drugs: Unfortunately yes to the drinking. He’s smart enough to not do drugs or smoke, but he does drink. Guess it really does run in the family. Had a broken heart: No. Been in love: No (verse dependent) Needed surgery: He didn’t actually NEED his first surgery but it was forced upon him regardless. Afterwards, there was one he needed that absolutely had to be done: the removal of the killswitch that had been embedded into his head. It has since been removed thankfully. Stayed up for more than 24 hours: He definitely has.
Are you…
A virgin: No. A cuddler: Yes? Kinda? He’s very touch-starved. A kisser: No. Scared easily: It really does take a lot to scare him. He’s had a gun pressed to his forehead and he didn’t even flinch. Mortimer is one tough cookie.  Jealous easily: Yes!!! If he likes a person, whether as a friend or partner, he’ll be incredibly clingy and jealous when others talk to them. But he doesn’t SHOW it. Just be a GRUMP. Trustworthy: I want to say no. But if he cares deeply, he will DIE for your muse. In love: No. (verse dependent) Single: Yes (verse dependent) In a relationship: No (verse dependent)
Random questions.
Have you harmed yourself: He has.  Thought of suicide: Yes Attempted suicide: Yes. Wanted to kill someone: stares into the camera like in the office. Driven a car: Car? No. But he’s definitely flown a space ship! Have/had a job: Check “Occupation” Have any fears: Only fear is losing Sylvie, Reider, Rico, or Mori currently.
Sibling(s): The Summer of his original dimension are still alive. The Summer of his Evil Rick’s dimension is dead. Parents: Beth and Jerry Smith of his original dimension (both alive.) Beth and Jerry Smith of his Rick’s dimension (both deceased). Children: N/A Pet(s): He has two, but he’s being a nasty fuckin gremlin and is planning on EXPANDING his collection of endangered animals/aliens. Current are two Kujiro Alien Hyenas. One is full grown and reaching about to 15ft tall currently. Her name is Sylvie. The other is Reider, who is only a few months old and can barely stand up. Can most often be found lazing about happily in Mortimer’s arms. 
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lavendermenaceart · 7 years
Do You Remember?
Summary: Married with Spencer Reid after being high-school sweethearts, you loved recalling old times, especially your first kiss.
Pairing(s): Spencer ReidxReader, Reider.
Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety, otherwise super fluff~!
A/N: This was a request from anonymous, wanting a piece about Spencer and Reader sharing a first kiss at the movies. I decided to put my own spin on it, I hope you enjoy <3 Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are welcomed and appreciated!
     You stood in the orange glow of the fireplace, the blaze the only light in the room currently. You were unable to sleep this night, so you decided to hang out in front of the fireplace, the warmth and calming sounds of fire crackling always soothed you and made you sleepy. The mantle was decorated with pictures of you and your husband, Spencer. Pictures dating back to your high-school days, and his college days. You couldn't help but smile.
      You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a pair of lean arms wrap themselves around your waist from behind, a small yelp escaping your lips. Spencer's body shook with a chuckle against your back and you relaxed into his hold, giggling yourself.
      “I can't believe how quite you can be.” you shook your head, rocking side to side in place.
      “It comes with the job, but also it's really easy once you figure out how to place your weight when you walk to achieve almost complete silence in your steps.” He rambled into your hair before placing a kiss on the top of your head before you turning you in his arms so that you were face to face, or more like face to chest. “What are you doing up?”
      “I just can't sleep.” you sighed softly, placing your hands on his chest as you both continued your dance-like motions.
      “We have melatonin gummies in the kitchen somewhere.” The flickering glow from the flames shadowed and highlighted his face beautifully, not like he needed it. You didn't care what anyone has said ever, he was absolutely model material.
      “I know, I'll go munch on one in a little bit. Do you remember our first kiss?” It was a dumb question, you both knew you were asking just because you loved hearing him tell the story.
      You met each other when you were both 16. You were nowhere near as smart as he was, so you weren't in college like him, but your dad was a professor and after your own school hours you would hang out with him and be somewhat of a teachers aide, grading and helping him relate better to his students when you could. Spencer stayed after class a lot, partially because he loved having conversations about the subject with your dad and partially because he was enamored with you, he told you. You were both the loner type, your intelligence setting you apart from the other kids. You were a senior in high-school at the age of 16, having skipped a few grades yourself so you were subject to a lot of bullying. You and Spencer found solace in each other. While everyone was having their first kisses and first times, You and Spencer hadn't even held hands with someone of the opposite sex.
      “Of course I do, love.” He kissed your forehead, your nose, and then finally your lips. A short, delicate kiss.
      “I know, Can you tell me about it? I seem to be having trouble remembering.” Your lips turned up in a slight smirk.
      For a second Spencer tensed up, worry crossing features before it dawned on him that you were just playing coy with him. His smile reached his warm eyes as he took your hands and led you to sit with him on the couch. “Of course, my love.” His soft voice soothed you as he started the retelling you never got tired of.
      You could feel your palms sweating as you sat in your seat next to Spencer, the only thing in between you two was a plastic arm rest. You were here to watch some obscure french film, you weren't really sure. You just jumped immediately to a 'Yes' when Spencer had stumbled his way through asking you out on a date. You tried to breath steadily as the movie started. You had a basic grasp of french, nothing like what Spencer knew. He whispered translations in your ear, causing shivers to shake your body every few moments and a heat to rise in your face.
      “Y/N, are you okay? You look kind of flushed and you're shaking.” Spencer's features showed concern, his brow furrowing as he looked over your features.
      “Y-yeah, I'm just...You know...Like, Uhm...” You sounded like an absolute idiot and it only made things worse. You felt on the verge of tears or cardiac arrest, you weren't sure which. Spencer's worry only got worse, you were usually the one to carry the conversations.
      “We can leave if you aren't feeling well?” His head tilted so he could meet your gaze which was on your own lap.
      “Uhm...Yeah I-I think I could...could use the fresh air.” You nodded, your heart racing faster and faster, you felt like you couldn't get enough air in your lungs.
      Spencer wrapped his jacket around you and led you out of the theater, excusing the both of you as you made your ways down the isles. When the chilly night air hit you, cooling your burning cheeks and sweating skin you felt a little better, your heart calming down. Spencer led you a little ways down the sidewalk before stopping and facing you. You gaze didn't leave his chest.
      “What's wrong? Do you need to go to the hospital?” He was fidgeting with his hands, his eyes raking over you, no doubt trying to figure out your symptoms.
      “Spencer, I want to kiss you.” You blurted out, finally meeting his shocked gaze, the whites of his eyes prominent as his eyebrows shot up.
      “Is-Is that whats bothering you, Y/N?”
      “Yes! I can't...I can't stop thinking about it. Spence, Will you...Can we-” Before you could finish your sentence, his lips were on yours. His large hand cupped your jaw, when you started to reciprocate the kiss, his other hand held your waist and pulled you a little closer. You couldn't help but smile, at first the kiss was questioning, a little awkward when your teeth clashed but you both soon found your rhythm. You would say it was nice, but it so much more than that. It was beautiful, amazing, soulful as the kiss deepened. Your skin tingled pleasantly, heat rising to your cheeks once again. These sensations felt so much more enjoyable than the anxiety and nerves that overtook you in the theater.
      When you finally pulled away from each other, the look in Spencer's eyes took your breath away. His dark hazel eyes were full of adoration, something you'd never seen in another person when they looked at you. He leaned down to press his forehead to yours, grins spreading across both of your faces.
      “And from that day onward, we were pretty much inseparable.” Spencer finally finished, you'd both taken to snuggling as the story progressed.
      “Some things never change.” you commented, looking up at him, sharing a loving smile. He still looked at you the same way he had that day of your first kiss. Your heart swelled, you felt so lucky, so in love with him still. By the way he looked at you, his face exaggerated by the warm blaze, you could tell he felt the same way.
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normanevansmusic · 3 years
.@DrJasonJohnson: "They fear a smart public." #TheReidOut #reiders
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reidimagines · 7 years
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Prompt: “Request: Reider is a new member of the BAU and she's younger than Reid. Reider is shy but really smart and Reid started hate her. And then Reid do some research on her and finds out her difficult past (like her dad was rude with her, so this is why she had to study a lot - i hope it makes sense) and he started fall in love with her. You can end it how you prefer! Kisses from France and thank you!”
Requested?: Yes, by anon! Also, kisses from Belgium back at ya;)
Word count: 1 099
(A/N): BOII! I have 300 followers! Thank you so much, y’all! I appreciate every one of you<3
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When Y/n joined the BAU, she thought she would be the youngest, she thought she would either be loved or hated. She never thought that there would be a boy, a boy who was only a few years older then her. She never thought he out of all people would hate her. She knew she was smart, but she also knew he was smarter. It did, however not matter how smart he was because he seemed to hate her. She was clueless as for why he did, because she had been nothing but kind and gentle with everyone, even though she was shy. 
Spencer Reid may be slightly mean to Y/n, that hasn’t always been like that. At first, the two of them were good friends, actually. At least, that is what she thought. Spencer just... Started hating her after a case. It wasn’t a weird case, or a case that had something to do with her or him. She didn’t know what she had done, but she had tried to make it work again, but she couldn’t. So she gave up. She didn’t try to talk to him, and that quite hurt. But she was a big girl and knew how to handle being hurt. No, she didn’t. She just shut everyone out and bottled everything up. it was like she was back in high school. 
Her father never really understood or loved her. At least not the way most parents loved their children. Her father never abused her, but sometimes it was close. He pressured her, and she grew very insecure about herself. Because of him she lost weight, because of him, she needed to go to a therapist. Something she needed to do without him knowing. because of him, she became smart. Maybe that was the only thing he had done good to her. She loved him, still. She vanished from home after she was done with collage. She flew, didn’t care where. She liked it here and tried for the BAU, where she actually got the job. She thought she would be happy. She would be happy. Only Spencer made it slightly harder for her. But she didn’t plan on letting him ruin her happiness. She was strong, and she didn’t want to be weak again. Never again. 
So that is what she did. She ignored Spencer like he had ignored her. Sometimes she felt bad, but she wouldn’t be weak again. Her tears, the ones that wanted to break through, she didn’t let them pass, she would never let them pass again. Slowly, she started to built a wall around her heart. 
But when the wall was being built, Spencer decided to talk to her again. Y/n was still mad, and maybe scared. Spencer saw a side of her that she tried to conceal. Y/n never wanted her hard, cold bitch-side to show, but it happened. She could shut him up with one look, one glance was enough to make him flinch. And that without words. Y/n didn’t know why Spencer decided to talk to her again, but it didn’t matter. She wasn’t a bridge for people to walk over. She had feelings. 
If she wanted it or not, the wall she was building started to fade. Brick by brick the wall became smaller, shorter. With every glance, with every attempt to talk to her. She didn’t want that. She wanted him to ‘fuck off’. She was really good in not talking to people, but Spencer pulled her aside one day, surprising her. 
“Y/n. Please, why won’t you talk to me?” He asked. Y/n laughed. What else was she supposed to do. 
“Okay, so you can make me feel like shit, but I need to talk to you? To the person who stopped talking to me for no reason at all?” She paused. “And I thought you were smart.” She smiled at him, a smile that was cold like ice, eyes hard as stone. Spencer knew she wouldn’t forgive him. At least not like that. 
“Y/n, there is a reason. but I don’t think you would like that reason.” He sighted. 
“Well if you truly want me to talk to you again, then you better tell me that reason or I’ll leave.” And that was how he began to tell it. 
“Fine. At first I really liked you, I really did. you were sweet and shy and just so uncomfortable. But then you let something slip. And I didn’t trust you after that.”
“What did I tell then?” She muttered. 
“You told me about your dad. I thought he was a criminal. Maybe you were a spy.” Y/n couldn’t help but snort.
“This is getting ridicules.”
“So I told Hotch. He thought I was paranoia but said I could ask Garcia to do some digging.” 
“Oh, God. Don’t tell me you did.” Y/n groaned. 
“I found out about the therapist. And about that you went to the police. I knew you had trouble with your dad, but he wasn’t a criminal.” Y/n was angry. That boy had found out things she didn’t want them to know. Hotch probably knew as well. She didn’t want to be treated like a hit dog, but she also didn’t want them to think she was exaggerating. 
“Oh yeah. Just ‘trouble.” She spat. “He told me I was fat, everyday. that is how I got an eating disorder. Then he told me I was dumb. Only tens were good. I needed to ask my grandma to sent me money for my therapy!” She exclaimed. “I got out as soon as I could. I was here for a new start, but I guess that is wiped out.” She gave him again a cold smile. “So thank you, Spencer.” She spat his name out and wanted to walk away. 
“No, Y/n.” He grabbed her wrist. “I didn’t know. And I won’t tell anyone.” He whispered. 
“I understand that you need a new beginning, and I’m sorry I’ve made it hard. But maybe I was just confused. You came into my life, and I never thought I could lose you again. And then I realized I could, very easy. And I missed you. And I like you. And I am just so stupid. I am sorry.” He said. 
The last brick fell, the wall around her heart was gone. “You are sorry?” Her voice broke. She smiled, softly. An apology was all she truly wanted. “And you like me?” She asked. That was when she leaned in to kiss him. 
“I think I like you too.” She whispered with a smile. 
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beautiful-bau-beau · 8 years
Here’s The Situation
I LOVE THIS BLOG okay? I know it seems like I don't because of how my uploading schedule has been but I do. I hate doing this but....I’m deleting some requests. I'm so sorry but my muse has deserted me. I’m hoping that some new requests might spark up my interests. Please don't hate me. Here are the requests I’m working on (some of them are combined):
Hey so could you do a oneshot where the gang goes over to garcias to celerbrate valentines day and after a few too many drinks they decide to play truth or dare and eventually morgan dares spencer and reader to go into a closet for 7 minutes, just like 7 minutes in heaven? Spencer is really awkward because they both like each other just never admitted it? and finally the reader decides to kiss him? please make spencer really awkward and shy. and you decide if he kisses back or not. ty!               Could you do a 7 minutes in heaven imagine where the gang goes to Garcias at valentines and after they get a little tipsy they decide to play? Spencer picks the reader and when they go in the closest it's extremely awkward, especially with Spencer even though she likes him. Eventually she says screw it and kisses him. You can choose if he kisses back. Thank you so much and Happy Valentines day! pleaseeeee make spencer all shy and awkward.
can you please do a reid x reader where reid takes y/n to meet his friends at a casual house party, he introduces her n they talk for a bit but then y/n stars to have a really bad panic attack and makes a signal to reid (squeezing his hand twice) so Reid takes her outside and calms her down n tells her that he's proud of her for trying n meeting his friends ,, they go home cause y/n still doesn't feel well and he just cuddles her all night and its just CUTE AHH (n pls have reid be the SWEETEST)
Could you do a Reid x reader where the reader was abused sexually when a child and has a fear of people touching her and spencer wants to give her time to trust him, but one he gets a little to drunk and tries to touch her and she freaks out Could you do a Spencer × reader fic, where the reader is super jumpy around the males in the bull pen and she always leavea if they start to drink? And they think that she's pregnant/an unsub, so they force her to a party to see which one. And the reader kinda has a breakdown/panic attack because their dad was an abusive alcoholic but they never told anyone? 
Hi, First of all I love tour fics!! And I esse wondering If You could please do one for me, in wich the reader is brazillian and is New to the team ( Idk If foriners até alowed lol) and Spencer startups saying a lot of facts about Brazil to her and to the team and everyone sees that He alredy has a crush on her. Sorry for the bad english ( not a Native speaker), idk If ir helps but i'm 5 feet 2, brunette, Brown eyes and curv ( lots of boobs Like Kat dennings lol ) thak You, love You page!
Hey! Love your work my lovely! Can you do a British x Reider? Like the team lovesssss her accent? Your friends across the pond send their love! TTFN! X Hey! I adore your stories! Can you do a story where the reader is Garcia's friend from England and she moves to Virginia to start a new life as a comedian. I'm sure you could have a lot of fun with this story. Imagine the cheesy jokes and cute pick up lines haha! Much love from your European friend *kisses*  
Hi, can you do a spencer x reader where he chooses maeve over you and you're best friends with morgan and he comforts you but then Spencer comes back, knowing he made a mistake? Just lots of fluff please! Thanks, love your writing! Can you do one were Spencer and Morgan are fighting over you because they both like you Hey could you do spencer x reader where spencer broke up with her after he called her "not smart enough like maeve" and one time they meet again maybe at music festival where she date a dj and spencer like jealous and admit his feeling? Thanks                                                                                        ��         Can I request an imagine based on the songs Relapse and Chaser by Carrie Underwood? Where the reader is like Reid's lover (I don't want to call it a booty call cuz that sounds impersonal and yucky), but he stops responding to her because he found Maeve, and it turns out the reader is in love with Reid and vice versa
Hi! Could you do a married Reid x Reader where he comes home and crawls into bed next to his wife and tells her all of his favorite memories/things about her and reasons why he's thankful for her. And she wakes up and kisses him and tells him that she's thankful for him too and the cuddle and fall asleep together? Thank you!                                   I was writing some original prompts the other day and thought these two would be interesting in a Spencer/Reader one shot. “I challenge you to a game of chess.” and “I’m kinda of in love with you right now.” in all one story. Can be used in any context. 
Hey! Btw, your work is amazing!! So, I've got a request. Could you do one with the reader helping out the team and developing a crush on Spencer. While the reader is helping out one of the team members with a case, the house catches on fire so it's Spencer to the rescue
Can you do a story where the whole team tries to prank Spencer and the reader and the reader jumps into Spencer's arm and the teams just laughing bout it?    Maybe you can do a sibling rivalry and/or Prank war with Goob? 
Can I please have a oneshot where Spencer unknowingly dates the Unsub AKA the Reader but instead of turning her in he runs away with her.
Hii! So I have a request: Spencer wants to impress his crush the reader and takes her ,even though he doesn't like big crowds, to a concert (the 1975 maybe?) where he confesses his feelings 😁
hey sweetie, do you can write about spencer as a silly husband? but in a funny way, i think it will be nice, thank you 😁
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strathshepard · 7 years
Tumblr media
Alpine Shelter in the Slovenian Alps, conceived by a group of Harvard Graduate School of Design students in collaboration with Reider Smart Elements and OFIS Arhitekti, and built in 2016. To avoid any damage to the unspoiled ecosystem in which it resides, the structure was prefabricated and brought in by helicopter.
The New York Times
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sherlocklexa · 7 years
Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos
This post is sponsored by Houzz. As always, all opinions, ideas, and bad jokes are 100% my own. 
One of the biggest frustrations we hear from our readers is not knowing where to start with a remodeling or redecorating project. Most people asking for help on our Facebook page aren't as worried about learning the techniques and mastering the tools for the projects as they are about planning the project so that it finishes well and looks great.
Planning and envisioning an “after” while standing in the middle of your “before” can be a daunting task, so it's important to take some time and establish a good foundation for what you want from the room — how you want the room to feel, how you need the room to function, and what elements (both functional and aesthetic) you like. And finding what you like in decorating is a lot like Julia Roberts' character and eggs in Runaway Bride — it takes some time and eating a lot of different egg preparations to find out that you only like eggs Benedict. When decorating a home, that process of finding who you are and what you like involves less eating and more browsing — for inspiration! 
Photo by Jamie Keskin Design – More entryway photos
  I've been into homes and decorating since I first decorated and re-decorated my childhood dollhouse. I don't recall exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was decorated in the style of “Full House.” Since then, as my style has grown up and evolved, and as I studied interior design in college, I've realize more and more the importance of having good design inspiration for any project — something beyond whatever is on the latest sitcom (no matter how fashionable the Tanners might have been, then or now). One of our very favorite Remodelaholic tricks for getting inspired is going to our local Parade of Homes.
Photo by Convex Development – Search exterior home design ideas
  Lucky girl that I am, Justin likes touring homes, too, so during the weeks of the home show we go on lots to check out the homes in our area and soak in the inspiration, from the classically beautifully styled with space-saving built-ins (swoon!) to the newer trending features like really interesting tile. We're always on the lookout for interesting wall treatments and painting ideas, and I have a soft spot for gorgeous laundry rooms and organized mudrooms. The Remodelaholics that parade homes together, stay together… or something like that! 
Photo by Rabaut Design Associates, Inc. – Look for laundry room design inspiration
  We share lots of the inspiration we find there in posts like this and in our Get This Look series because there is just so much that you can learn from looking at professionally designed spaces. Really important features that make the room look *just right* — like scale and spacing and balance. Some people have a natural knack for those things, but the rest of us have to work and practice at it, and immersing yourself in really well-designed rooms is the start of training your design eye to notice those things and be able to implement them in your own home. 
Photo by Rasmussen Construction – More home office ideas
  Professional designers and architects also often have budgets that allow them to do something non-conventional but amazing in a space, especially in smaller spaces that can be so inspiring for those of us without soaring ceilings and spacious butler's pantries. I love finding ways to make spaces function better, and it's hard to get more space-smart ideas than looking at higher end small homes — and of course, tiny houses are a favorite of mine, too. 
Photo by Starline Cabinets – Look for kitchen pictures
  Not everyone has a great local Parade of Homes like we do, or the free time to visit all the homes, so that's where today's post comes in. Today we're partnering with Houzz to show you how their massive database of home photos can be the same kind of fount of inspiration as attending a home show — and you can “tour” from the comfort of your couch, while in your pajamas, while binge-watching your favorite home improvement show (and now you all know how I'll be spending my weekend, to take my mind off the mess of our in-progress bathroom renovations). 
Photo by Marty Rhein, CKD, CBD – BAC Design Group – More kitchen ideas
  Houzz has the world's largest home design photo and ideas database with more that 15 million photos! That's pretty houses for days and days, and that means that no matter what your style or budget, you can find inspiration and ideas on Houzz, either on their website or by using their app on your phone or tablet. And one of the best parts of their database is that their photos are all sorted and tagged based on rooms, styles, colors, features, and even by size and budget (plus so many other features, like wall color and floor color) — use the categories provided, type your own keyword if you're looking for a specific color, or just start scrolling and browsing the photos. 
For example, if you're looking for ideas for a small living room but you're not totally sure what your style is yet, set your parameters and start drooling. 
When you see a setup that you really like, just tap (or click) the photo to see more info about the room, save it to your Houzz ideabook, and, for most photos, to see more photos from the same room and home, as well as similar photos. You can also see the professional behind the project should you be looking for a pro to help. (In the app, tap more or swipe up to see more photos and info.)
As you save photos to your ideabook, you can review them and refine what it is you like about each space as you define (or re-define) your style. Is it the accent colors you like? The furniture style? The wall color or flooring? You can add notes to each photo you save to your Houzz ideabook to note what you like about each space. If you see a specific product that you love, Houzz also has a tool called Visual Match which lets you identify the same or similar products in the Houzz Shop and makes it easy to shop the look of your favorite rooms. 
As you browse and save your favorites, you can watch for patterns and learn what you like and what you don't — maybe you're a genuine rustic farmhouse kinda gal, with neutrals and weathered wood and antique “junk” as your design-love language:
Photo by Angela Otten – Inspire Kitchen Design Studio – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  or, maybe, even though your friends are all about Joanna Gaines and you like their homes… maybe you're more of a colorful mid-century modern momma:
Photo by Blake Civiello Architecture – More dining room ideas
  Don't feel locked in to one particular style — remember, it's your home, and it's most important that you're happy there and that it functions for you and your family, while reflecting your likes and passions. You can select multiple styles on Houzz while you're browsing, too, so don't shy away from mixing styles to create your own eclectic mash-up style of what you love most.
Photo by Rachel Reider Interiors – Look for family room design inspiration
  Once you've assembled a small portfolio of your favorite looks, then you'll be ready to follow our favorite process for turning inspiration photos into real-world design in your own home and making your own mood board to guide your decorating. You can do this on Houzz using the Sketch tool, which also lets you add text and stickers to photos. And in a few months or years when you're ready for a room refresher or for a full makeover, hit up your Houzz ideabooks again to find a new paint color… or to decide that yes, you really DO want to take out that wall (guilty!) to open up the kitchen. 
Photo by Higham Furniture – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  So now I want to know — what kind of inspiration are you looking for? Are you working on your kitchen? Master bedroom? I love hearing and seeing what inspires you, so leave me a comment below!
Photo by red: modern lines. vintage finds – More bedroom photos
      The post Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from car2 http://ift.tt/2hGQHYk via as shown a lot
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chocdono · 7 years
Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos
This post is sponsored by Houzz. As always, all opinions, ideas, and bad jokes are 100% my own. 
One of the biggest frustrations we hear from our readers is not knowing where to start with a remodeling or redecorating project. Most people asking for help on our Facebook page aren't as worried about learning the techniques and mastering the tools for the projects as they are about planning the project so that it finishes well and looks great.
Planning and envisioning an “after” while standing in the middle of your “before” can be a daunting task, so it's important to take some time and establish a good foundation for what you want from the room — how you want the room to feel, how you need the room to function, and what elements (both functional and aesthetic) you like. And finding what you like in decorating is a lot like Julia Roberts' character and eggs in Runaway Bride — it takes some time and eating a lot of different egg preparations to find out that you only like eggs Benedict. When decorating a home, that process of finding who you are and what you like involves less eating and more browsing — for inspiration! 
Photo by Jamie Keskin Design – More entryway photos
  I've been into homes and decorating since I first decorated and re-decorated my childhood dollhouse. I don't recall exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was decorated in the style of “Full House.” Since then, as my style has grown up and evolved, and as I studied interior design in college, I've realize more and more the importance of having good design inspiration for any project — something beyond whatever is on the latest sitcom (no matter how fashionable the Tanners might have been, then or now). One of our very favorite Remodelaholic tricks for getting inspired is going to our local Parade of Homes.
Photo by Convex Development – Search exterior home design ideas
  Lucky girl that I am, Justin likes touring homes, too, so during the weeks of the home show we go on lots to check out the homes in our area and soak in the inspiration, from the classically beautifully styled with space-saving built-ins (swoon!) to the newer trending features like really interesting tile. We're always on the lookout for interesting wall treatments and painting ideas, and I have a soft spot for gorgeous laundry rooms and organized mudrooms. The Remodelaholics that parade homes together, stay together… or something like that! 
Photo by Rabaut Design Associates, Inc. – Look for laundry room design inspiration
  We share lots of the inspiration we find there in posts like this and in our Get This Look series because there is just so much that you can learn from looking at professionally designed spaces. Really important features that make the room look *just right* — like scale and spacing and balance. Some people have a natural knack for those things, but the rest of us have to work and practice at it, and immersing yourself in really well-designed rooms is the start of training your design eye to notice those things and be able to implement them in your own home. 
Photo by Rasmussen Construction – More home office ideas
  Professional designers and architects also often have budgets that allow them to do something non-conventional but amazing in a space, especially in smaller spaces that can be so inspiring for those of us without soaring ceilings and spacious butler's pantries. I love finding ways to make spaces function better, and it's hard to get more space-smart ideas than looking at higher end small homes — and of course, tiny houses are a favorite of mine, too. 
Photo by Starline Cabinets – Look for kitchen pictures
  Not everyone has a great local Parade of Homes like we do, or the free time to visit all the homes, so that's where today's post comes in. Today we're partnering with Houzz to show you how their massive database of home photos can be the same kind of fount of inspiration as attending a home show — and you can “tour” from the comfort of your couch, while in your pajamas, while binge-watching your favorite home improvement show (and now you all know how I'll be spending my weekend, to take my mind off the mess of our in-progress bathroom renovations). 
Photo by Marty Rhein, CKD, CBD – BAC Design Group – More kitchen ideas
  Houzz has the world's largest home design photo and ideas database with more that 15 million photos! That's pretty houses for days and days, and that means that no matter what your style or budget, you can find inspiration and ideas on Houzz, either on their website or by using their app on your phone or tablet. And one of the best parts of their database is that their photos are all sorted and tagged based on rooms, styles, colors, features, and even by size and budget (plus so many other features, like wall color and floor color) — use the categories provided, type your own keyword if you're looking for a specific color, or just start scrolling and browsing the photos. 
For example, if you're looking for ideas for a small living room but you're not totally sure what your style is yet, set your parameters and start drooling. 
When you see a setup that you really like, just tap (or click) the photo to see more info about the room, save it to your Houzz ideabook, and, for most photos, to see more photos from the same room and home, as well as similar photos. You can also see the professional behind the project should you be looking for a pro to help. (In the app, tap more or swipe up to see more photos and info.)
As you save photos to your ideabook, you can review them and refine what it is you like about each space as you define (or re-define) your style. Is it the accent colors you like? The furniture style? The wall color or flooring? You can add notes to each photo you save to your Houzz ideabook to note what you like about each space. If you see a specific product that you love, Houzz also has a tool called Visual Match which lets you identify the same or similar products in the Houzz Shop and makes it easy to shop the look of your favorite rooms. 
As you browse and save your favorites, you can watch for patterns and learn what you like and what you don't — maybe you're a genuine rustic farmhouse kinda gal, with neutrals and weathered wood and antique “junk” as your design-love language:
Photo by Angela Otten – Inspire Kitchen Design Studio – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  or, maybe, even though your friends are all about Joanna Gaines and you like their homes… maybe you're more of a colorful mid-century modern momma:
Photo by Blake Civiello Architecture – More dining room ideas
  Don't feel locked in to one particular style — remember, it's your home, and it's most important that you're happy there and that it functions for you and your family, while reflecting your likes and passions. You can select multiple styles on Houzz while you're browsing, too, so don't shy away from mixing styles to create your own eclectic mash-up style of what you love most.
Photo by Rachel Reider Interiors – Look for family room design inspiration
  Once you've assembled a small portfolio of your favorite looks, then you'll be ready to follow our favorite process for turning inspiration photos into real-world design in your own home and making your own mood board to guide your decorating. You can do this on Houzz using the Sketch tool, which also lets you add text and stickers to photos. And in a few months or years when you're ready for a room refresher or for a full makeover, hit up your Houzz ideabooks again to find a new paint color… or to decide that yes, you really DO want to take out that wall (guilty!) to open up the kitchen. 
Photo by Higham Furniture – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  So now I want to know — what kind of inspiration are you looking for? Are you working on your kitchen? Master bedroom? I love hearing and seeing what inspires you, so leave me a comment below!
Photo by red: modern lines. vintage finds – More bedroom photos
      The post Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from mix1 http://ift.tt/2hGQHYk via with this info
0 notes
andrewmawby · 7 years
Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos
This post is sponsored by Houzz. As always, all opinions, ideas, and bad jokes are 100% my own. 
One of the biggest frustrations we hear from our readers is not knowing where to start with a remodeling or redecorating project. Most people asking for help on our Facebook page aren't as worried about learning the techniques and mastering the tools for the projects as they are about planning the project so that it finishes well and looks great.
Planning and envisioning an “after” while standing in the middle of your “before” can be a daunting task, so it's important to take some time and establish a good foundation for what you want from the room — how you want the room to feel, how you need the room to function, and what elements (both functional and aesthetic) you like. And finding what you like in decorating is a lot like Julia Roberts' character and eggs in Runaway Bride — it takes some time and eating a lot of different egg preparations to find out that you only like eggs Benedict. When decorating a home, that process of finding who you are and what you like involves less eating and more browsing — for inspiration! 
Photo by Jamie Keskin Design – More entryway photos
  I've been into homes and decorating since I first decorated and re-decorated my childhood dollhouse. I don't recall exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was decorated in the style of “Full House.” Since then, as my style has grown up and evolved, and as I studied interior design in college, I've realize more and more the importance of having good design inspiration for any project — something beyond whatever is on the latest sitcom (no matter how fashionable the Tanners might have been, then or now). One of our very favorite Remodelaholic tricks for getting inspired is going to our local Parade of Homes.
Photo by Convex Development – Search exterior home design ideas
  Lucky girl that I am, Justin likes touring homes, too, so during the weeks of the home show we go on lots to check out the homes in our area and soak in the inspiration, from the classically beautifully styled with space-saving built-ins (swoon!) to the newer trending features like really interesting tile. We're always on the lookout for interesting wall treatments and painting ideas, and I have a soft spot for gorgeous laundry rooms and organized mudrooms. The Remodelaholics that parade homes together, stay together… or something like that! 
Photo by Rabaut Design Associates, Inc. – Look for laundry room design inspiration
  We share lots of the inspiration we find there in posts like this and in our Get This Look series because there is just so much that you can learn from looking at professionally designed spaces. Really important features that make the room look *just right* — like scale and spacing and balance. Some people have a natural knack for those things, but the rest of us have to work and practice at it, and immersing yourself in really well-designed rooms is the start of training your design eye to notice those things and be able to implement them in your own home. 
Photo by Rasmussen Construction – More home office ideas
  Professional designers and architects also often have budgets that allow them to do something non-conventional but amazing in a space, especially in smaller spaces that can be so inspiring for those of us without soaring ceilings and spacious butler's pantries. I love finding ways to make spaces function better, and it's hard to get more space-smart ideas than looking at higher end small homes — and of course, tiny houses are a favorite of mine, too. 
Photo by Starline Cabinets – Look for kitchen pictures
  Not everyone has a great local Parade of Homes like we do, or the free time to visit all the homes, so that's where today's post comes in. Today we're partnering with Houzz to show you how their massive database of home photos can be the same kind of fount of inspiration as attending a home show — and you can “tour” from the comfort of your couch, while in your pajamas, while binge-watching your favorite home improvement show (and now you all know how I'll be spending my weekend, to take my mind off the mess of our in-progress bathroom renovations). 
Photo by Marty Rhein, CKD, CBD – BAC Design Group – More kitchen ideas
  Houzz has the world's largest home design photo and ideas database with more that 15 million photos! That's pretty houses for days and days, and that means that no matter what your style or budget, you can find inspiration and ideas on Houzz, either on their website or by using their app on your phone or tablet. And one of the best parts of their database is that their photos are all sorted and tagged based on rooms, styles, colors, features, and even by size and budget (plus so many other features, like wall color and floor color) — use the categories provided, type your own keyword if you're looking for a specific color, or just start scrolling and browsing the photos. 
For example, if you're looking for ideas for a small living room but you're not totally sure what your style is yet, set your parameters and start drooling. 
When you see a setup that you really like, just tap (or click) the photo to see more info about the room, save it to your Houzz ideabook, and, for most photos, to see more photos from the same room and home, as well as similar photos. You can also see the professional behind the project should you be looking for a pro to help. (In the app, tap more or swipe up to see more photos and info.)
As you save photos to your ideabook, you can review them and refine what it is you like about each space as you define (or re-define) your style. Is it the accent colors you like? The furniture style? The wall color or flooring? You can add notes to each photo you save to your Houzz ideabook to note what you like about each space. If you see a specific product that you love, Houzz also has a tool called Visual Match which lets you identify the same or similar products in the Houzz Shop and makes it easy to shop the look of your favorite rooms. 
As you browse and save your favorites, you can watch for patterns and learn what you like and what you don't — maybe you're a genuine rustic farmhouse kinda gal, with neutrals and weathered wood and antique “junk” as your design-love language:
Photo by Angela Otten – Inspire Kitchen Design Studio – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  or, maybe, even though your friends are all about Joanna Gaines and you like their homes… maybe you're more of a colorful mid-century modern momma:
Photo by Blake Civiello Architecture – More dining room ideas
  Don't feel locked in to one particular style — remember, it's your home, and it's most important that you're happy there and that it functions for you and your family, while reflecting your likes and passions. You can select multiple styles on Houzz while you're browsing, too, so don't shy away from mixing styles to create your own eclectic mash-up style of what you love most.
Photo by Rachel Reider Interiors – Look for family room design inspiration
  Once you've assembled a small portfolio of your favorite looks, then you'll be ready to follow our favorite process for turning inspiration photos into real-world design in your own home and making your own mood board to guide your decorating. You can do this on Houzz using the Sketch tool, which also lets you add text and stickers to photos. And in a few months or years when you're ready for a room refresher or for a full makeover, hit up your Houzz ideabooks again to find a new paint color… or to decide that yes, you really DO want to take out that wall (guilty!) to open up the kitchen. 
Photo by Higham Furniture – Look for kitchen design inspiration
  So now I want to know — what kind of inspiration are you looking for? Are you working on your kitchen? Master bedroom? I love hearing and seeing what inspires you, so leave me a comment below!
Photo by red: modern lines. vintage finds – More bedroom photos
      The post Finding (and Using) Beautiful Home Decorating Inspiration Photos appeared first on Remodelaholic.
from builders feed https://www.remodelaholic.com/beautiful-home-decorating-inspiration-photos/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
perfectblendmedia · 7 years
101 Social Media Marketing Resources
Here is a monster record of social media marketing tools to help expand your understanding of this inherent ecosystem. These tools are helpful for social and novices media mavens alike, trying to hone their business skills and to find out about the area.
This list is broken into segments, to make it more easy to utilize. There are more offerings centered on topic or a particular platform as well as networking tools covering social networking.
Now without further ado, here are 101 Social Media Marketing Resources, the 2012 Edition. From the spirit of helping the media advertising community, please share the link to this page and to connect to it.
Social Media Top 5 Resources
Listed below are the very best media concentrated tools that are online. These entities provide quality material on a regular basis.
Social Media Examiner.  A leading Ad Age 150 website that offers actionable social media strategies. A from the media area that is social. (Disclaimer: I write for SME and this site was chosen as a Best Social Media Blog of 2012.)
Mashable.  The brand name from the social media space. It is helpful for staying on top of trends however, can be elementary for social media users.
Smart Brief for Social Media.   That is an excellent digest of social media content. At the very least, its newsletter provides a rounded up the day’s top social media reports. Andy Sernovitz is boasted by its editorial staff.   (Disclaimer: I write for SBFSM.)
Hubspot. As an Internet advertising company, Hubspot’s blog, webinars and ebooks provide a plethora of information and social networking data. Understand that their schedule is to sell their software. Hubspot is the house of networking statistics scientist Dan Zarrella.
Who’s Blogging What.  This weekly email  curates some of the best on what’s happening from the blogsphere. It is a fantastic overview of current networking content.
Social Media Bookshelf.  For People Who still believe in publications, here’s a Brief list of a Few of the gems presently available.     These books use to social media generally.
Bodnar, Kipp and Jeffrey L. Cohen (no connection)  The B2B Social Media Book. This for B2B marketers that believe that they can not do social media. Two guys who have learned from inside of two important companies delivering technologies for media written it.
Dietrich, Gini and Geoff Livingston  Marketing From The Round. Both of these writers provide an actionable plan for integrating media that is social along with functions.
Dragon, Ric  Social Marketology. Among the books that are very smart of 2012. Ric provides tips and graphs to a combination of strategy and tactics.
Kerpen, Dave  Likeable Business and Likeable Social Media. Dave demonstrates how to use media to transform your company from the interior. Dave, his spouse and co-partner Carrie, live media and word of mouth advertising.
Odden, Lee  Optimize.   Lee provides a strategic view of how social networking, content and search advertising work together. This publication provides you how-tos that are actionable according to Lee’s 9 years old blogging in Online Marketing Blog.
Scott, David Meerman  The New Rules of Marketing and PR  Among the early books on social media. My NYU graduate students find this book too elementary or it is loved by them. Check out e-books and David Meerman Scott’s site.
Singh, Shiv  Social Media Marketing For Dummies. Do not let the name fool you. Shiv is just one very intelligent marketer!
Smith, Mari  The New Relationship Marketing. This novel from one of the media stone stars provides a road map for stepping into the media ecosphere and building a following.
Social Media Theory
These publications should be on every social media bookshelf. They provide underpinnings behind media and the backdrop and it works.
Aaker, Jennifer  The Dragonfly Impact. This books shows how to work with social media with unusual situation studies.
Anderson, Chris  The Long Tail  along with Free.   As a lower cost alternative, you can read the original articles on Wired’s site.
Brogan, Chris along with Julien Smith  Trust Agents.
Evans, Dave  Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day. Dave provides a plan for your media attempts that are social.
Gladwell, Malcolm  The Tipping Point  and   Blink.
Godin, Seth  Tribes  and   Linchpin. Seth is a successful writer and has been cranking out advertising books for decades. My personal favorite is Permission advertising.
Keller, Ed and Jon Berry  The Influentials.  This publication offers explanation for underpinnings of word of mouth marketing and the role of influence.
Li, Charlene along with Josh Bernoff  Groundswell.   Great read about how social media marketing works by 2 Forrester Researchers. Some may find it historic.
Locke, Christopher, Rick Levine, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger  Cluetrain Manifesto. Written in 1998, this book is wonderful in its own foresight. It is a classic treatise that offers the idea behind media.
McConnell, Ben and Jackie Huba  Citizen Marketing: When Individuals are the Message.
Sernovitz, Andy  Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get Folks Speaking  Easy-to-read publication by the former CEO of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association.
Shirky, Clay  Here Comes Everyone.   Very readable book by NYU professor Clay Shirky that approaches social media from a sociological perspective.
Solis, Brian  The End of Business as Usual along with Engage.   Brian Solis’ blog is essential read for marketers.
Surowiecki, James  The Wisdom of Crowds. Interesting research that provides insights as to why media works.
Other social media sources.
That is a choice of social media tools worth checking out.
30 Social Media Definitions.  Need help defining social networking for your boss? Here’s the resource for you.
47 Social Media Facts. Nothing but the truth. Charts included.
Social Media Glossary. 100 Social media conditions.
How to Make the Company Case for Social Media.   Here’s an easy-to-follow guide.
2012 Social Media Marketing and Advertising Industry Report. Research by Social Media Examiner.
360i,  Social Media Handbook.  Great free manual for marketers. Download it and find out for yourself.
Marekto’s The Definitive Guide to Social Marketing. A company composed e-book that is well worth downloading.
The 7 Step Social Media Strategy Every Marketer Needs. Short and to the stage Program.
50 Questions to Determine Social Media Success. Useful checklist for marketers.
Networking platforms’ 800 pound guerilla.
Facebook. The corporate spin in.
InsideFacebook.   Here’s the unofficial manual to Facebook for marketers and programmers. Include this on your feed (aka RSS) reader.
AllFacebook. Another unofficial guide that will assist you keep up with Facebook.
Porterfield, Amy, Phyllis Khare and Andrea Vahl  Facebook for Dummies All in One. Amy is one of the top Facebook gurus.
Treadway, Chris and Mari Smith  Facebook Marketing.  Mari is one of the Facebook pros. You can follow her on Twitter.
9 Surefire Facebook Tips. Examples included.
Facebook versus Twitter. Chart included.
Both the largest online video platform as well as also the second search engine so that you can not overlook this powerhouse plans as it’s a mixture of social media, content marketing and search optimization.
Greg Jarboe and Suzie Reider  YouTube and Video Marketing Great how-to book to get you started.
8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Outcomes. Includes examples.
31 Online Video Branding Questions. Useful checklist to help evaluate your own video campaign’s strength.
Blogs ought to be in the heart of any media marketing plan that is social that is incorporated. They act as a CMS (Content Management System) and assist search optimization and disperse content advertising.
Copyblogger.  Considered the concept of blogging, especially for company objectives. That you’re on top of the hottest trends, make this RSS feed. Try out the Blogging Challenge as a downloading e-book or.
Problogger.   Another must read for bloggers.
The Way To Plan Your Blog. Details what you have to get your site on track.
Blogging: 3 Secrets to Being An A-List Blogger.
31 Blog Design Mistakes (& How to Fix Them)
11 Tips to Optimize your site
29 Reasons Why You Are Not Getting Blog Traffic.
65 Blog Metrics to Track Success.
#BlogChat. Meets on Twitter every Sunday night at 9:00pm east coast time. Run by Mack Collier. It is essential for every new blogger. (See notes under Twitter talks.)
Bites. It is particularly helpful for marketing purposes.  
Twitter Blog.   Twitter’s official blog.
Schaefer, Mark W.  The Tao of Twitter. Words of wisdom from Mark.
Thomases, Hollis  Twitter Marketing.  Fellow ClickZ columnist Hollis’ book covers the topic in depth. At least follow her on Twitter!
24 Twitter Etiquette Guidelines. Miss Manners for Twitter.
How to Create a Twitter Strategy. Fundamental guide for marketers.
15 Steps to Build Your Twitter Following. Another manual that is basic.
Twitter Chat Program. For.
How to be a Twitter Chat Champion. How to jump into the fray on almost any Twitter Chat.
LinkedIn is your professionally concentrated media platform.
LinkedIn Blog.   This is the official blog of LinkedIn.
27 LinkedIn Social Media Strategies.  Strong list with screenshots from fellow ClickZ columnist Harry Gold. Lewis, A former college football player is one of the experts on LinkedIn.
7 Steps to your LinkedIn Strategy. Here’s a useful case study through Social Media Examiner.
Neal Schaffer — Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn.  
Pinterest is your networking darling of 2012.
Hayden, Beth Pinfluence.
Pinterest Etiquette — 13 Ideas to Slim By.   Here’s the inside scoop on Pinterest.
19 motives to Insert Pinterest to Your Social Media Strategy.
56 Ways to Advertise Your Business on Pinterest.   This report makes it difficult to say you do not know what to do to your company with Pinterest.
7 Surprising Pinterest Insights Every Marketer Needs.
Brogan, Chris  Google+ For Company.
Ignore Google+ in Your Risk. Listed below are 8 graphs That Produce the situation for utilizing Google+
Why Every Company Requires A Google+ Strategy. Strong believing from SEOmoz’s Rand Fishkin.
Additional Social Media Options
Instagram Research You Want Now. 7 graphs that supply you with the rationale for utilizing this media program.
Wheatland, Todd  Slideshare.  Here’s the bible about how best to use this B2B advertising instrument.
10 Strategies for Using Slideshare. Slideshare is a B2B marketer’s heaven.
22 Point Checklist for Slideshare.  Useful list to print out.
The Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr. A manual that teaches you how you can use this platform.
How to (Properly) Use Tumblr to Successfully Market Your New.
Online photos
Do not overlook the ability of online photos as it’s the second most popular use of a smartphone following texting.
250+ Free Stock Photograph Sites.  If you want to have more options than Flickr, appear no more.
Flickr. That is my favorite source of pictures. Use Advanced Search to locate photos you may use commercially.
How to Optimize Images for Better Search Positions. Neil Patel’s record is essential read.
Images & Photos: How to Raise Social Media Effectiveness.
Social Media Guidelines
Every company (B2B, B2C or Not-For-Profit) needs to provide guidelines for how its workers must represent the company, how workers must signify themselves, how clients should be handled, and establish acceptable behaviour on company sites and social media entities. This is essential if your company isn’t busy on media.
17 Social Media Guidelines Every Business Needs. Checklist from that to create your company’ guidelines.
7 Guidelines for Things to Do During a Social Media Crisis.   The way to be prepared for each and every executive’s nightmare.
Social Media’s Social Responsibility.   10 points to think about in order to produce your social networking advertising efforts more accountable.
57 Social Media Policy Sources. Dave Fleet provides a very long list that will assist you create a set of social media policies.
Army’s Social Media Handbook. Think that your company can not take part in media? Think again. If the Army can, so can you.
Ford Company’s Social Media Policies. Great succinct version of a single company’s guidelines which incorporate visuals that are terrific with the help of Scott Monty.
Cisco’s Social Media Playbook.  Another business’s more in-depth approach to social media guidelines.
Social Media PR
Use PR to enhance your social media efforts.
Social Media Press Release.  Here’s the original social media press release prototype.
HARO (aka Help a Reporter Out).   This free service provides PR opportunities directly to your emailbox three times every day. Use it to get your story in the media   but play by the rules.
How to Prevent a Social Media Disaster.  Something which each and every marketer should know, even when you’re not performing any social media marketing!
Social Media Metrics
ROI and Social media metrics continue to marketers. Here is a list of tools that will assist you.
Blanchard, Olivier  Social Media ROI. Manual for showing media’s worth to your company.
Paine, K.D.  Measure What Matters. Katie brings intelligence to an topic that is elusive.
Schaefer, Mark W.  Return on Influence.     Mark provides a guide to knowing how to assess and build influence.
Socialbakers. Social media related data. Part of a bigger analytics company.
Sponder, Marshall  Social Media Analytics.
Sterne, Jim  Social Media Metrics.  Jim Sterne has been in the center of electronic marketing metrics for several years. He conducts the conferences.
As social media continues to grow and evolve, new and much more current resources will continue to be generated and released. For this end, please help contribute to our collective understanding by adding your ideas below.
Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen
Social Media Marketing World 2017
Join fellow entrepreneurs in the mega-conference designed to inspire and empower you–Social Media Success World 2007, brought to you by Social Media Examiner.
Discover the ways to market Your Company on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat.
The event takes place March 22-24, 2017. Actionable Marketing readers get a special, early registration discount.  Act Now And Save!
Free Social Media Career Guide —
10 Ways Social Media Could Boost Your Career
The Foundation for Intelligent Customer Engagement
So many individuals think that social media is simply for time-wasting.   It is not.
Social media can be an invaluable tool when trying to enhance your skills, or even when looking for a new task. Try out these suggestions and find out how you can.
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Photo credit: http://skytechgeek.com/2012/01/12-beautiful-social-media-vector-icon-sets-free-download/
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101 Social Media Marketing Resources
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cstesttaken · 7 years
101 Social Media Marketing Resources
Here’s a monster list of social media marketing resources to help expand your knowledge of this ever-changing ecosystem. These resources are useful for newbies and social media mavens alike, looking to learn about the field as well as to hone their business skills.
To make it easier to use, this list is broken into sections. There are broad-based social media resources covering social media as a whole as well as more specialized offerings focused on a specific platform or topic.
Now without further ado, here are 101 Social Media Marketing Resources, the 2012 Edition. In the spirit of helping the social media marketing community, please share the link to this page as well as to link to it.
Social Media Top 5 Resources
Here are the top social media focused online resources. These entities provide quality content on a regular basis.
Social Media Examiner. A top Ad Age 150 blog that provides actionable social media tactics. A must-have for anyone in the social media field. (Disclaimer: I write for SME and this blog was chosen as a Top Social Media Blog of 2012.)
Mashable. The brand name in the social media space. It’s useful for staying on top of trends but can be fairly elementary for regular social media users.
Smart Brief for Social Media. This is a great digest of social media content. At a minimum, its daily newsletter gives a round up the day’s top social media stories. Its editorial team boasts Andy Sernovitz, former CEO of WOMMA. (Disclaimer: I write for SBFSM.)
Hubspot. As an Internet marketing firm, Hubspot’s blog, ebooks and webinars provide a wealth of information and social media data. Understand that their agenda is to sell their software. Hubspot is the home of social media data scientist Dan Zarrella.
Who’s Blogging What. This weekly email  curates some of the best on what’s happening from the blogsphere. It’s a good overview of current social media content.
Social Media Bookshelf. For those who still believe in books, here’s a short list of some of the gems currently available.  These books apply to social media in general.
Bodnar, Kipp and Jeffrey L. Cohen (no relation)  The B2B Social Media Book. This for B2B marketers who think that they can’t do social media. It’s written by two guys  who’ve learned from inside of two important firms delivering technology for social media.
Dietrich, Gini and Geoff Livingston  Marketing In The Round. These two authors provide an actionable plan for integrating social media with other more traditional communications functions.
Dragon, Ric  Social Marketology. One of the really smart books of 2012. Ric provides a combination of strategy and tactics with actionable tips and charts.
Kerpen, Dave  Likeable Business and Likeable Social Media. Dave shows how to use social media to transform your business from the inside out. Dave, his wife and co-partner Carrie, live social media and word of mouth marketing.
Odden, Lee  Optimize. Lee provides a strategic view of how social media, search and content marketing work together. This book gives you bite-size actionable how-tos based on Lee’s 9+ years of blogging at Online Marketing Blog.
Scott, David Meerman  The New Rules of Marketing and PR One of the early books on social media. My NYU graduate students either find this book too elementary or they love it. Check out David Meerman Scott’s blog and e-books.
Singh, Shiv  Social Media Marketing For Dummies. Don’t let the title fool you. Shiv is one very smart marketer!
Smith, Mari  The New Relationship Marketing. This book by one of the social media rock stars provides a road map for stepping into the social media ecosphere and building a following.
Social Media Theory
These books should be on every social media bookshelf. They provide the background and underpinnings behind social media and why it works.
Aaker, Jennifer  The Dragonfly Effect. This books shows how to use social media with unusual case studies.
Anderson, Chris  The Long Tail and Free. As a lower cost alternative, you can read the original articles on Wired’s site.
Brogan, Chris and Julien Smith  Trust Agents.
Evans, Dave  Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day. Dave offers a logical plan for your social media efforts.
Gladwell, Malcolm  The Tipping Point and Blink.
Godin, Seth  Tribes and Linchpin. Seth is a prolific writer and has been cranking out marketing books for years. My personal favorite is Permission Marketing.
Keller, Ed and Jon Berry  The Influentials. This book provides explanation for underpinnings of word of mouth marketing and the role of influence.
Li, Charlene and Josh Bernoff  Groundswell. Good read about how social media marketing works by two Forrester Researchers. Some may find it more historical now.
Locke, Christopher, Rick Levine, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger  Cluetrain Manifesto. Written in 1998, this book is amazing in its foresight. It’s a classic treatise that provides the theory behind social media.
McConnell, Ben and Jackie Huba  Citizen Marketing: When People are the Message.
Sernovitz, Andy  Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking  Easy-to-read book by the former CEO of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association.
Shirky, Clay  Here Comes Everyone. Very readable book by NYU professor Clay Shirky that approaches social media from a sociological perspective.
Solis, Brian  The End of Business as Usual and Engage. Brian Solis’ blog is a must read for marketers.
Surowiecki, James  The Wisdom of Crowds. Interesting research that provides insights as to why social media works.
Other social media resources.
This is a selection of digital social media resources worth checking out.
30 Social Media Definitions. Need help defining social media for your boss? Here’s the resource for you.
47 Social Media Facts. Nothing but the facts. Charts included.
Social Media Glossary. 100 Social media terms.
How to Make the Business Case for Social Media. Here’s an easy-to-follow guide to help you make your case.
2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Research by Social Media Examiner.
360i,  Social Media Handbook. Great free guide for marketers. Download it and see for yourself.
Marekto’s The Definitive Guide to Social Marketing. A corporate written e-book that’s worth downloading.
The 7 Step Social Media Strategy Every Marketer Needs. Short and to the point plan.
50 Questions to Determine Social Media Success. Useful checklist for marketers.
The current 800 pound guerilla of social media platforms.
Facebook. The corporate spin from inside the social media giant that’s worth monitoring.
InsideFacebook. Here’s the unofficial guide to Facebook for marketers and programmers. Include this in your feed (aka RSS) reader.
AllFacebook. Another unofficial guide to help you keep up with Facebook.
Porterfield, Amy, Phyllis Khare and Andrea Vahl  Facebook for Dummies All in One. Amy is one of the top Facebook gurus.
Treadway, Chris and Mari Smith  Facebook Marketing. Mari is one of the Facebook experts. You can also follow her on Twitter.
9 Surefire Facebook Tips. Examples included.
Facebook versus Twitter. Chart included.
Both the largest online video platform and the second biggest search engine so that you can’t overlook this video powerhouse in your marketing plans since it’s a combination of content marketing, social media and search optimization.
Greg Jarboe and Suzie Reider  YouTube and Video Marketing Great how-to book to get you started.
8 Ways to Maximize Your YouTube Results. Includes examples.
31 Online Video Branding Questions. Useful checklist to help evaluate the strength of your video campaign.
Blogs should be at the heart of any integrated social media marketing plan. They act as a CMS (Content Management System) and help search optimization and distribute content marketing.
Copyblogger. Considered the bible of blogging, especially for business goals. Get this RSS feed so that you’re on top of the latest trends. Try the 31-day Blogging Challenge either as a paid download e-book or in its original blog post format, which takes searching to find.
Problogger.  Another must read for bloggers.
How to Plan Your Blog. Details what you need to get your blog on track.
Blogging: 3 Secrets to Being An A-List Blogger.
31 Blog Design Mistakes (& How to Fix Them)
11 Tips to Optimize your blog
29 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Blog Traffic.
65 Blog Metrics to Track Success.
#BlogChat. Meets on Twitter every Sunday night at 9:00pm east coast time. Run by Mack Collier. It’s a must for every new blogger. (See notes below about Twitter chats.)
Provides the ability to communicate in 140 character bites. It’s particularly useful for marketing purposes. 
Twitter Blog.  Twitter’s official blog.
Schaefer, Mark W.  The Tao of Twitter. Words of wisdom from Mark.
Thomases, Hollis  Twitter Marketing. Fellow ClickZ columnist Hollis’ book covers the subject in depth. At least follow her on Twitter!
24 Twitter Etiquette Guidelines. Miss Manners for Twitter.
How to Create a Twitter Strategy. Basic guide for marketers.
15 Steps to Build Your Twitter Following. Another basic guide.
Twitter Chat Schedule. For those who want to participate in chats.
How to be a Twitter Chat Champion. How to jump into the fray on any Twitter Chat.
LinkedIn is the professionally focused social media platform.
LinkedIn Blog. This is the official blog of LinkedIn.
27 LinkedIn Social Media Strategies. Strong list with screenshots from fellow ClickZ columnist Harry Gold. A former college football player, Lewis is one of the experts on LinkedIn.
7 Steps to a LinkedIn Strategy. Here’s a useful case study via Social Media Examiner.
Neal Schaffer – Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging & Maximizing LinkedIn. 
Pinterest is the social media darling of 2012.
Hayden, Beth Pinfluence.
Pinterest Etiquette – 13 Tips to Pin By. Here’s the inside scoop on Pinterest.
19 Reasons to Add Pinterest to Your Social Media Strategy.
56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest. This article makes it hard to say you don’t know what to do for your business with Pinterest.
7 Surprising Pinterest Insights Every Marketer Needs.
Brogan, Chris  Google+ For Business.
Ignore Google+ at Your Risk. Here are 8 charts that make the case for using Google+
Why Every Business Needs A Google+ Strategy. Strong thinking from SEOmoz’s Rand Fishkin.
Other Social Media Options
Instagram Research You Need Now. 7 charts that provide you with the rationale for using this social media application.
Wheatland, Todd  Slideshare. Here’s the bible on how to use this B2B marketing tool.
10 Tips for Using Slideshare. Slideshare is a B2B marketer’s heaven.
22 Point Checklist for Slideshare. Useful list to print out.
The Marketer’s Guide to Tumblr. A step-by-step guide that shows you how to use this microblogging platform.
How to (Properly) Use Tumblr to Successfully Market Your Brand.
Online photos
Don’t overlook the power of online photographs in your marketing mix since it’s the second most popular use of a smartphone after texting.
250+ Free Stock Photograph Sites. If you want more options than Flickr, look no more.
Flickr. This is my favorite source of images. Use Advanced Search to find photos you can use commercially.
How to Optimize Images for Better Search Rankings. Neil Patel’s list is a must read.
Images & Photos: How to Increase Social Media Effectiveness.
Social Media Guidelines
Every business (B2B, B2C or Not-For-Profit) must provide guidelines for how its employees should represent the company, how employees should represent themselves, how customers should be treated, and define acceptable behavior on company websites and social media entities. This is necessary even if your firm isn’t active on social media.
17 Social Media Guidelines Every Firm Needs. Checklist from which to create your business’ guidelines.
7 Guidelines for What to Do During a Social Media Crisis. How to be prepared for every executive’s nightmare.
Social Media’s Social Responsibility. 10 points to consider in order to make your social media marketing efforts more accountable.
57 Social Media Policy Sources. Dave Fleet provides a long list to help you develop a set of social media policies.
Army’s Social Media Handbook. Think that your firm can’t engage in social media? Think again. If the Army can, so can you.
Ford Company’s Social Media Policies. Great concise version of one company’s guidelines that incorporate great visuals with the help of Scott Monty.
Cisco’s Social Media Playbook. Another company’s more in-depth approach to social media guidelines.
Social Media PR
Use PR to enhance your social media efforts.
Social Media Press Release. Here’s the original social media press release prototype.
HARO (aka Help a Reporter Out). This free service delivers PR opportunities straight to your emailbox three times a day. Use it to get your story in the media but play by the rules.
How to Prevent a Social Media Disaster. Something that every marketer needs to know, even if you’re not doing any social media marketing!
Social Media Metrics
Social media metrics and ROI continue to confound marketers. Here’s a list of resources to help you.
Blanchard, Olivier  Social Media ROI. Useful guide for showing social media’s value to your organization.
Paine, K.D.  Measure What Matters. Katie brings intelligence to an often elusive topic.
Schaefer, Mark W.  Return on Influence.  Mark provides a guide to understanding how to assess and build influence.
Socialbakers. Useful social media related data. Part of a larger analytics firm.
Sponder, Marshall  Social Media Analytics.
Sterne, Jim  Social Media Metrics. Jim Sterne has been at the center of digital marketing metrics for years. He runs the eMetrics conferences.
As social media continues to grow and evolve, new and more current resources will continue to be created and published. To this end, please help contribute to our collective knowledge by adding your suggestions in the comments section below.
Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen
Social Media Marketing World 2017
Join fellow marketers at the mega-conference designed to inspire and empower you—Social Media Success World 2007, brought to you by Social Media Examiner.
Discover the best and newest ways to market your business on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat.
The event takes place March 22-24, 2017, in San Diego. Actionable Marketing readers get a special, early registration discount. Act Now And Save!
Free Social Media Career Guide —
10 Ways Social Media Can Boost Your Career
The Foundation for Intelligent Customer Engagement
So many people think that social media is just for time-wasting. It's not.
Social media can be an invaluable tool when looking for a new job, or even when trying to boost your skills for your current role. Try these ideas and see how you do.
See More Free Offers
  Photo credit: http://skytechgeek.com/2012/01/12-beautiful-social-media-vector-icon-sets-free-download/
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reidimagines · 7 years
Request: Reider is a new member of the BAU and she's younger than Reid. Reider is shy but really smart and Reid started hate her. And then Reid do some research on her and finds out her difficult past (like her dad was rude with her, so this is why she had to study a lot - i hope it makes sense) and he started fall in love with her. You can end it how you prefer! Kisses from France and thank you!
It’s up! I hope you like it because it was such a cute idea!
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