#smartass cat
hyper-cryptic · 1 year
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tiny comic i'm probably not gonna finish but wanted to show anyways pft. @crumb-crumblet-s-crumbington
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reagan700 · 2 months
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some silly meme stuff featuring Honest John and Gideon from Disney Pinocchio (1940) and Smartass (smarty) from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
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lighthouseas · 1 year
some of you have internalized mikephob-*GUNSHOTS*
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drrandombear · 9 months
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ THE BITCH IS BACK ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡  (A moment of appreciation for the drip of Riddler's goons- they look awesome)
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GORDON!!!! HES HERE!!! Love that they're bringing in characters that they were blocked from using before. Also a pretty smooth introduction all things considered.
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Riddler being Batman's "Guardian Angel" very nice. I do really like it when Riddler seems to have full control / partial control over the city. Guy in the chair Riddler is where hes at his best. (Also him calling Batman and Yin "Detectives" love that he still remembers her being a huge thorn in his side even if he most likely cant remember her name the narcissistic bitch♡)
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This is horrifying. I love all the good shots we get of people being Joker gassed but this one really stood out to me of this goon collapsing Infront of the "camera". (also another moment of appreciation for the kickass Riddler goon look- why doesn't the man himself look more like these guys)
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Yin being the one to fuck up the Riddlers plans yet again. Yes queen get his ass.
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Gordon looks so cool. Its the coat but like still. Also love how this episode lights him.
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viriborne · 4 months
Has there been any NRC beastmen seen that haven’t been from the Savannaclaw dorm?
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theimpossiblescheme · 2 years
Concept that just occurred to me: I want these two...
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to have this dynamic:
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Smartass can loaf
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Kitty being asked which animated girl she feels like most and is like "Umm...Alice I guess, walking through Wonderland." And Smartass quips she's more like the Ugly Duckling and when she gets mad at him he's like "Heeeey, he becomes a swan in the end don't he?"
Eddie Valiant won't say it to her face but the girl's definetly more of "a hard ass Mary Poppins."
Aw, Smartass, you're getting better at complimenting people! ^^
I agree with Eddie and Kitty though. She's both Alice wandering through the crazy world of Toontown, and she's also a tough but caring person like Mary Poppins ^^
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eloctodecay · 1 year
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Art-trade with Heartsissopure on Deviantart!
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Mini Kiddo being such a perfect Average Toddler is such a funny experience because I basically have to re-learn everything I thought I knew from scratch.
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dragonfox-in-a-teacup · 9 months
I would just like to maintain. Da Qing is still my favorite character. Reading the book is solidifying that fact.
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littlesaigai · 1 year
I volunteered to take my friend's cat for the week. I've never had a cat. And I naively thought that it would be a piece of cake. Animals like me and I like them mostly. (Horses terrify me, okay)
Turns out I'm little more allergic than I was aware... mostly just sneezing and crying my eyes out. It didn't even start immediately. It started half a day after I got her.
Yeah, that's fine. No biggie. But that gremlin didn't let me to sleep! She banged every goddamn door she could find and open. Just enough noise to be irritating. At 6 AM she finally settled. Apparently now would be perfect time for her beauty sleep.
Now I truly understand that you don't own a cat, cat owns you. My entire being is dedicated for that cat this week.
I found out I could be allergic to the cat litter. It would explain a lot.
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starfoxfantasy · 2 years
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Pepper is a cute male calico, he owns a library with a cafe attached
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c00pswhore · 2 years
theres a power outage.
update: sirens are going crazy rn, heard a car crash in front of my intersection wooo! (night before my midterm 😎)
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abysskeeper · 2 years
👃 I'm curious, because I think about this too much with my characters
You know, I usually try to come up with answers to the prompts I reblog because I rarely get asked anything but it's fun to think about...and just in case.
Naturally...this is the one question I did not.
I'll do multiple, why not?
Trick- Petrichor, generally speaking, or whatever else the woods may smell like during any given season. If she's actually trying, either a light floral like cherry blossom or a faint vanilla. All true no matter the verse, girl spends too much time in the woods.
Chris- Soap, leather, and faint, burnt metal in SWTOR. Disinfectant and whatever scent of hand soap she has in all other verses.
Hayden- Charred metal, ash, and a little bit of fuel in SWTOR. In most other verses he doesn't really smell like anything other than a bland deodorant.
Raz- Lightning, aka the slight acrid smell of electricity and a little bit of burning, in SWTOR. Most other verses, also petrichor or what the woods otherwise smell like.
From here
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2024skin · 2 years
He talks exactly like me fr lolol
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