#smartphone apps
krissiefox · 6 months
The notepad app I was using on my phone for years recently became pay only and locked me out. Anyone have suggestions for good free notepad apps for writing stuff down in?
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ferdifz · 2 months
It’s Not You.. Communication Is Broken (But We Can Fix It)
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This past week
I have been extremely busy in the past week with work and the assignments I had to do toward the end of the week. My full time job is a funeral director but sometimes that business is not really busy this time of year so I needed something to supplement my income so I do work with this app I told you about in a previous post. The Assignment What I had to do was go to a local grocery store and…
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banglatechpro007 · 1 year
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Free emergency smartphone apps for techy trekkers
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While we should try not to rely strictly on technology (or anything, really, that requires electricity or charging) in survival situations, we can't deny that having certain apps on our phones can definitely prove helpful in some situations. Not all circumstances will be the same, and if you're the kinda person that keeps a full-charge on your phone (because you never know when you'll really need it!) and feel safer out in the wild with technology on your side, then this list of apps is for you.
Androids and iPhones both already come factory with some safety features you may need to manually enable, such as location tracking.
Please feel free to add to this list by posting your suggestion in the comments.
American Red Cross
Emergency [Android / iOS] // This free app is available in English and Spanish, and location-specific alerts can be set so that if (or when) they're under threat of "climate-affected hazards" (such as hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc.), you'll be notified in time so you and your family can take emergency measures. It includes a live map so you can track the hazard in real time as it's happening.
First Aid [Android / iOS] // This helpful app includes preloaded content providing step-by-step instructions for basic first aid needs and life-threatening situations; it also provides a list of the hospitals nearest your location.
Pet First Aid [Android / iOS] // This is a must have for every pet owner! It not only collects your vet's information and keeps it handy for your for emergency situations, it's a database of knowledge for determining what may be affecting your furbaby and when it's time to get them to a hospital. Similar to the First Aid version for humans, this app also provides detailed instructions on how to handle common and basic first aid pet situations.
Compass Steel 3D [Android]
Free AND ad-free, this helpful app serves as a "marine-style compass" that offers two navigational modes, one using True North and the other using Magnetic South. Also provides sun and moon positions, and tells you the times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) app [Android / iOS]
This app tells you how to prepare for emergency situations by preparing bugout bags, having an effective communication plan, etc. It also provides real-time weather and emergency alerts for any five locations you choose, as well as directs you to safety evacuation shelters nearest you. If your area is affected by a disaster, you can apply for assistance directly through the app.
iHunt Calls [Android / iOS]
One of the worst case scenarios I can imagine (aside from death) would being lost in the wilderness with no food and desperately needing something to eat. Of course, you'll need a firearm or some sort of homemade weapon or trap. But let's imagine you've considered this beforehand and now just need a way to attract some wildlife. This app has 600 hunting calls from 47 different animals. Just scroll down the list, pick the animal and then set the delay time between calls and let the rest happen as it will.
Rescu [Android / iOS]
Rescu is perfect for when you need emergency ambulance, fire, and/or police services to arrive and unable to talk for whatever reason. Tapping any of the three options three quick times will send the desired service to any of four addresses you have programmed into the app via GPS. In addition, you can store an unlimited number of personal contacts to be alerted at the same time.
Scanner Radio [Android / iOS]
This app turns your phone into a police scanner with "live audio from over 7,000 fire and police scanners, NOAA weather radio stations, ham radio repeaters, air traffic, and marine radios from around the world."
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haliibugg · 6 days
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when vincent eventually gets his phone i hope they give him one of those coffin shaped cases to go with it
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aayatsabiha · 2 years
This list of smartphone apps will help guide you and ensure a smooth journey - allowing you to make the most of your pilgrimage.
Hajj & Umrah by Darussalaam
It is a pure blessing to arrive in Mecca for the performance of sacred Islamic rituals/events. Don't you need to strive in order to realise the purpose and meaning of the Hajj and Umrah?
Hajj and Umrah by Darussalm is a fantastic app that gives an overview of the essentials you will require during your pilgrimage. It is beautifully illustrated and easy to follow. The information provided by the app will help you prepare prior to departure, and it also as a convenient checklist to ensure you have a comfortable and successful journey.
Zia-e-Hajj and Umrah
If it is your first time visiting the sacred lands, then this app is a must install on your smartphone. It is designed spefically for first-time visitors to Mecca and Medina, and helps pilgrims learn about the guidelines and rules associated with Hajj and Umrah; from putting on the Ihram, all the way to you final leaving Tawaf al-Wida.
This app also lists many historical places that you can visit whilst in Makkah and Madinah.
Medina Explorer Pro Hajj and Umrah
If you own an Apple device and need an e-guide during your Hajj and Umrah trip, then consider this as a must have app.
The Medina Explorer Pro Hajj and Umrah is regarded as one of the best apps for those performing Hajj or Umrah. It is beneficial in almost every scenario whilst residing in the city of Madinah.
The app includes GPS features which allow you to find the best places to visit in Medina. The app also has the complete guide to performing the Hajj and Umrah for pilgrims, whilst also broadcasting prayers from Masjid al-Nabawi.
for complete detail click here
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
EDIT: You can almost definitely slot most apps into one of the above options.
School app? Slot in with work app.
Transportation app, whether plane, train, or car? Rewards or financial, depending on if they have a rewards program.
Media hosting? I'll admit I should have thought of something like Libby before I made the post, but substack or spotify will fall into social media.
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il-ciuchino · 3 months
Grecia: negli stadi solo con lo smartphone
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La Grecia lancia un’app di identificazione digitale per combattere la violenza negli stadi. Come prevede la misura studiata dal Governo, gli appassionati di calcio dovranno utilizzare un’applicazione gestita dallo stato sui loro telefoni cellulari per acquistare i biglietti per le partite. L’app entrerà in funzione a breve, visto che la chiusura degli stadi di calcio durerà fino al 12 febbraio. “Tutte le partite del campionato greco si svolgeranno a porte chiuse per i prossimi due mesi, cioè fino al 12 febbraio”, aveva spiegato il portavoce del governo Pavlos Marinakis dopo che un agente di polizia era rimasto gravemente ferito in alcuni scontri successivi ad un match di volley. “Finora non siamo stati in grado di fare qualcosa di ovvio: identificare le persone che entrano in uno stadio”, ha detto il ministro dello sport, Yiannis Vroutsis. “Con l’aiuto di un telefono cellulare, l’identità di una persona può essere automaticamente confrontata con un biglietto. Chi non ha il cellulare non entrerà allo stadio”, assicura. Fonte: SportFace
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savagechickens · 1 month
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It's A Feature.
And more from the world of design.
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greencheekconure27 · 4 months
Isn't it fucked up how phones come with 20 useless Google apps but no proper music player these days? One that is Just a program that plays the MP3 files on your phone and doesn't try to sell you anything?
And how all the free ones seem come with unskippable ads now?
This is some bullshit.
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spectrometrie · 3 months
i hate how technology makes my mom feel obsolete and lost
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shopwitchvamp · 4 months
Back to the grind tomorrow and lemme tell you what, while I do really enjoy tumblr I sure did like not having to be Online all the time during our break.. And I've been thinking that the amount I'm Online and Available will probably be much lower this year compared to the past. So if I'm not responding to asks as fast or posting as much or w/e, that's why! Thanks for understanding 🙏
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soapdispensersalesman · 2 months
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techniktagebuch · 20 days
15. April 2024
Nicht ganz die gewünschte Zukunft des Zähneputzens
Seit einer Woche nutze ich eine neue elektrische Zahnbürste, eine Oral-B iO 4N. Bei der Auswahl war für mich der runde Bürstenkopf zentral, im Gegensatz zu der vorherigen elektrischen Zahnbürste mit doppelt langem und lediglich vibrierendem Kopf vermittelt dieser mir das Gefühl, wirklich um jeden Zahn herum zu putzen.
Allerdings hatte ich in der Gebrauchsanleitung gelesen (ich bin das, ich lese Gebrauchsanweisungen), dass sie verschiedene Putz-Programme hat; der Knopf zur Auswahl ist leicht zu finden (der eine Knopf, der nicht an- und ausschaltet). Nur kann ich nicht erkennen, welches Programm gerade aktiv ist, anscheinend brauche ich dazu die App auf dem Smartphone, die per Bluetooth mit der Zahnbürste verbunden wird.
Die App installiert habe ich schnell, auch mittelschnell die Zahnbürste damit gekoppelt - doch während ich noch darin rumklicke auf der Suche nach den Putz-Programmen, will die App neue Firmware für die Zahnbürste herunterladen und installieren. Na von mir aus, das kenne ich ja von Apps. Nur dass das nicht funktioniert, drei Versuche werden von der App abgebrochen.
Die vier Programme finde ich schließlich in der App (die vor allem auf Gamification abzielt, Zahnputzziele erreichen lässt, dafür Fleißbildchen verleiht - aus dem Alter, in dem man mir Anreize fürs Zähneputzen bieten muss, fühle ich mich aber seit einigen Jahrzehnten raus), doch keinen Hinweis darauf, welches denn gerade auf meiner Zahnbürste aktiv ist: Ich kann lediglich die Reihenfolge der Anwählbarkeit über den Knopf auf dem Gerät ändern.
Letztendlich nutze ich die Funktion "auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen", denn die Gebrauchsanweisung nannte die Default-Einstellung bei Kauf ("tägliches Putzen").
Das ist nicht ganz die Zukunft des Zähneputzens, die ich bestellt hatte.
(die Kaltmamsell)
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The urge to delete all my social media accounts except for my blogs 💯
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