#smell the flowers and blow the candles
its-my-life-is-it · 2 years
Seven 'Ps' to 'Terminator' anger. - Part Four.
When angry, engaging in breathing exercises before the person concerned may freak them out and diffuse the situation. But it is better to do it when alone. #mentalhealth
PLEASE BREATHE. Previously: Part One – Seven Ps to cope; Part Two – Four Ps to prepare; Part Three – Pause   We may have distanced ourselves from the situation triggering our anger, or we may still be face-to-face with the stimulus. No matter what, we must now breathe and relax.  Credit Emerson Peters on Unsplash It is common for children sometimes to hold their breath and tense their bodies…
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
And if my wishes came true, it would’ve been you
Pairing: Cassian x reader | WC: 1.7k | warnings: none
Summary: after spending your birthday forgotten by your best friend, you try to grapple with the fact that his affections definitely lie outside of you
Author’s note: happy (early) birthday @sarawritestories 🥳🥳 this was fun and I hope you have a great birthday, try not to get overloaded with fics!!
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You closed your eyes, wanting to drown out the noise of the clock that kept ticking, every chime from it another punch to the gut. It was a quiet evening, the only noise was the wind howling outside. You looked down at the lone cupcake on your coffee table, the unlit candle nestled within the frosting.
You sighed, looking from the clock to the door once more, the clock reading that it was a new day. Your birthday was over and your best friend blew you off. You sighed, lighting the candle by yourself, looking into the flame before blowing it out, a wish in your thoughts.
You had been contemplating the wish since last week when Cassian had brought it up. Every year, you make some variation of the same wish - that Cassian would fall in love with you, that he was your mate, that he would declare his undying love for you.
This year had to be different. You had to be different. You blink back your tears, inhaling a breath, letting your thoughts go somewhere before exhaling, the breath extinguishing the flame.
I wish Cassian would see what he’s missing.
You woke the next day, sluggishly preparing for work before opening your door to find a bouquet and a white box on your welcome mat. You brought the bouquet in, smelling them as you plucked the card from the top of them.
Sorry I missed your birthday, hope you had fun anyway. Azriel.
You brought the flowers and the box of pastries inside, opening the lid to find your favorite doughnuts and turnovers. Cassian may have sucked, but his brothers were incredibly thoughtful. You knew Azriel had been away on a mission all week, and a part of you wished your heart yearned for the shadowsinger instead of Cassian.
At least Azriel wouldn’t ditch you for Cauldron knows what.
You sighed out of your nose. You were three hundred and fifty two, for Mother’s sake. Cassian was a stupid male. A beautiful one, but a stupid one. If he forgot your plans, you can respond maturely by forgetting him.
An easier said than done plan when the next time you saw him later that afternoon, he made an immediate beeline towards you, a massive smile on his face as he maneuvered through the crowded streets of Velaris.
“Hey, doll.”
You kept walking, determined to make it through the streets of Velaris without paying him any heed, except Cassian doesn’t quite get what you’re not saying.
“How are ya, buttercup? Haven’t seen you for a few days, you okay?”
He had to be joking. Was he really this obtuse?
His smile faltered at your clipped tone, and he rushed to keep up with you as you slipped through the crowd.
His massive body kept bumping into random patrons, his wings nearly toppling over an entire table in his attempts at keeping up with you.
“Yesterday, Nes and I found this-“
“You were with Nesta yesterday?”
You stopped in your tracks and whipped your head around so quickly Cassian backsteps. You felt your eye twitch at Cassian’s revelation, but he seemed unfazed, albeit a bit confused.
“Uh, yeah. Is something wrong?”
You took a deep breath, trying to keep in your tears. You started counting your breaths, checking your bags, ensuring you have everything you came with. “It’s fine, Cass. I have to- I gotta go. I’m late.”
You spat your words out before looking down at the ground, missing the way his face softened at your words.
“Sweetheart, wait-“
Despite Cassian’s protests, you slipped through the crowd and you could hear his heavy steps follow after you, but once you were far enough from the crowd, you winnow away, leaving Cassian alone and confused on the streets of Velaris.
You landed in your apartment, your knees hitting the floor as you fell apart completely. You could handle a half assed excuse, but the fact he had no idea he blew you off for Nesta?
You were indifferent about Nesta - she was a force to be reckoned with, she stood up for herself, and she took shit from no one. You would even like her if it weren’t for Cassian.
You could understand why Cassian would be obsessed with her, why his eyes have hardly left her since she showed up into your lives months ago.
But it didn’t lessen the punch to the gut you felt every time you had to be subjected to it.
You decided to avoid Cassian and everyone else for several days, opting instead to stay home and try to figure out just how to move on, preferring some space to sort out your feelings.
Four days after your birthday, around midnight, loud incessant knocking woke you in the middle of the night. The soft pitter patter of rain had lulled you to sleep a few hours prior, but now a raging storm was going on outside, the harsh rain colliding with your window.
The knocking started again and you crossed your house trying to figure out who would be at your door at this hour.
Cassian’s voice stopped you cold in your tracks a few feet away from the door.
“Sweetheart, open the damn door before I kick it in.”
You knew he would too, which was exactly why you decided to open the door with no warning, causing him to stare as he saw you.
He was drenched. It was raining so hard outside, the water poured down his face, soaking his clothes entirely, his hair undone around his shoulders. He was breathing hard, and he likely took a hard and turbulent flight to get here.
The rain bounced off his wings, his hair was limp from the water, the trellises of hair curling at the ends. He looked devastatingly handsome on your doorstep.
He looked like a marble statue of a long forgotten god.
“Sweetheart I- can I come in?”
“No.” You shouted over the rain, and you were not sure why you’re being so petty. Does he really deserve this treatment for what - falling in love with someone who wasn’t you?
Yes, you decided, he does. Because you weren’t being petty about him being in love with Nesta, you were upset about him forgetting your birthday and blowing you off, not even a half assed apology from him.
“No. Whatever you have to say, you can say it from there.”
You pointed at the doorstep. He rubbed a hand down his face, trying to clear the water from it but the action did very little to help. His smile was blinding as he laughed, but you saw a mixture of sorrow, annoyance, and amusement all dance across his face.
“I’m sorry I forgot your birthday.”
You wanted to slam the door in his face, wanted to lock him outside in the rain forever. But you couldn’t.
He was your Cassian.
And his foot was in the doorway, a precaution he took the moment you opened your door.
“Ever since I got back from the continent I haven’t been keeping track of my days well. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t- nothing would be more important.”
You scoff, “are you sure about that? Not even fucking Nesta is more important?”
He took a step back, shocked at your words, and you take the moment to try to shut the door, but his hand stops you.
“Nesta? What does she have to do with this?”
“What do you mean what does she have to do with this? Don’t be an idiot, Cass.”
He barked back at you, “I’m not being an idiot, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
The two of you were now shouting to be heard over the rain, and you opened your door wide, moving towards him. The rain started falling on you, your doorstep not having an awning to protect you from the weather.
The rain soaked your nightgown, making it cling to you like a second skin, but your anger was making you so hot that you didn't even notice.
“You are being an idiot! Because I’m in love with you! And you’re in love with her! And you forgot me on my birthday!”
You pushed his shoulders, annoyance seeping from every pore. His face quirks in confusion, but he squared his shoulders, puffing out his chest to you.
“No, you’re the one being an idiot because I’m in love with you!”
Your heart stopped, but you weren’t sure if you heard him right. You stood up taller, getting in his face. “Oh yeah? Well, if you’re in love with me, why were you fucking Nesta on my birthday?”
He towered over you, his dark brown eyes looking into yours, his thick eyebrows drawn together.
“Fucking Nesta? Nesta was helping me plan things for your birthday. I knew I couldn’t ask Rhysand because he can’t keep secrets from you, Azriel’s been hard to catch the past few weeks, so I asked Nesta to help me pick out some jewelry for you!”
Your chest heaved, throat burning from yelling.
“So you love me?”
A crackle of thunder could be heard, causing you to flinch slightly. Cassian’s hands reached your arms, and it’s then that the chill of the rain started to seep into your bones.
“Of course I do! You’re the nicest, most beautiful, most caring female I’ve ever met!”
His words were lovely, but he was still shouting at you, a juxtaposition if you’ve ever seen one.
You scoffed, and you watched as it made him angrier. “Of course I fucking love you, why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know, because Nesta’s hot?”
He threw his hands up in the air, running his hands down his face. “I thought you’d never want me. Nesta was helping me get the courage to tell you how I felt! She kept threatening me that she would do it if I didn’t and I suck with words, but gods damnit-“
His words cut off there as his hands roughly grabbed your face, pulling you into him. The kiss was magical, and your hands grabbed his shoulders to pull him in closer.
Despite the rain, he was so warm. The water cascaded down both of your faces, making it a little hard to breathe, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
He was the perfect mix of rough and gentle, the feeling of his hands and lips was so Cassian you wanted to laugh and scream. He was both so familiar and so new all at once, it was everything you ever thought he would be.
Your lungs eventually pulled you back, desperately clawing for air. The two of you looked at each other, Cassian’s thumb swiping across your jaw, tucking some hair behind your ear.
“Can I come in now?”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites
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heartlilith · 8 months
🩷Oddly specific things I think about when I hear ______ venus
Aries Venus: Summer, rubies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, rollercoasters, fast cars, the color red, vampire fangs, Saturday nights, liquor stores and gas stations, fireworks, sour candy, cool bic lighters, “you’re mine”, Mario Kart, boys who wear nail polish, fuck it energy, oversized sweatshirts, middle finger emoji, cherries
Taurus Venus: Satin pillowcases, white candles, pearls, mirrors, hand holding, walking someone home at night, vinyls, red lipstick, full lips, fancy dinner dates, the wine and dine, old romantic movies, wallets and purses, hotels, French manicures, old money, “I won’t get on my knees for no man”
Gemini Venus: Driving around at night listening to music, reading to someone, comedy shows, mimosas, Samantha from Sex and the City, libraries, nerd kink, hot teachers/student kink, emerald green, laughter, swing sets, looking out of the window and just watching, untied shoelaces, dogs and puppies, dad jokes
Cancer Venus: Soft feather pillows, a bowl of warm soup, a bubble bath, tears and running mascara, babies and how babies laugh, poetry, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be”, hot tubs, hot coffee, teddy bears, heartbeats, soft hands & skin, lotion, bagels and cream cheese, doodling in your journal
Leo Venus: Lip gloss, mojitos, getting drunk at brunch, diamond tennis bracelets, drunk texts you regret sending later, the block button, lonely nights, shooting stars, blowing bubbles, piggy back rides, art museums, glittery eyeshadow, jumparoos, birthday parties
Virgo Venus: Taking a shower, Dove soap, smooth skin, symmetry, butterflies, the smell of books, getting a facial or going to the spa, chicken caesar salads, the good tasting water, chunky headphones, acoustic guitar, running errands, getting your eyebrows done, neat handwriting, neutral colors, sushi
Libra Venus: Blush, dimples, Y2K fashion, Hello Kitty, makeup skills, those little hand mirrors, princes and princesses, cupcakes, pedicures, Margaritas, taking pictures, art, castles, Disney movies, daisies, spin the bottle, cartwheels, soft hair, bubblegum, skincare, watermelon and pineapple
Scorpio Venus: Psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, Kings & Queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, Avril Lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
Sagittarius Venus: Clouds, rock climbing, rappers, Hip Hop and R&B, going on vacation, açaí bowls and fresh fruit, sun kissed/radiant skin, the color yellow, retreats, history, yoga and Pilates, spicy food, “it is what it is”, curly hair, the smell of weed, casinos, the last day of school, Las Vegas
Capricorn Venus: Leather, red wine, the cow pattern, cowgirl boots, the color brown, espresso, dark chocolate, briefcase of money like in the movies, the movie Scarface, whiskey on the rocks, bosses, owls, turtle necks, caramel, wearing suits, lingerie, business, New York City
Aquarius Venus: Lightbulbs, telescopes and microscopes, LED lights, hamsters, college parties, glitter, peace signs, 70s concerts, food trucks, skipping school, “fuck it”, diving in the pool, the beach at night, disco balls, getting detentions in school
Pisces Venus: Mermaids, kittens, cartoons and Disney princesses, champagne, Webkinz, little kid stories like Goldilocks, 3 Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, clear glittery lip gloss, holographic, snowmen and icicles, swimming in the pool, flower gardens, glow sticks , picnics, bumblebees, sand castles, elementary art class, 3D movies
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Based on this amazing ask.
Dark Thraller - Part 1
Azriel x HewnCity!Reader, Arranged Marriage
Something darker than the night itself lurks within the Hewn City. Something dark and lovely and his. Azriel suddenly finds himself with a bride that he never wanted but when their marriage may be the one thing that saves their world as they know it, duty trumps all.
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The female watched from shadows behind the archway connecting a granite corridor to the throne room of the Hewn City, peering into the busy room. She could smell the fear simmering within the room, it stoked at her own power, building as it fueled her senses. She shouldn’t be here, to be caught could mean death, perhaps worse, but this was her only chance to find the Seer.
Azriel stood cross-armed, hazel eyes honed in on Elain Archeron as she gracefully meandered through the throne room of the Hewn City. Its lecherous denizens ogling her as if she were nothing more than a whore in a pleasure house. Her dress was modest, a whispy train of tulle falling from her shoulders and trailing behind her, the perfect decoy for hiding his shadows as they listened in for tonight’s intended target. The gown hugged her slim figure just enough to give a tease of the lithe female form beneath.
He rolled his eyes as he took her in, reminded of Cassian’s insistence that black wasn’t her color but he was wrong - she was the ethereal moon to the Night Court’s midnight skies.
Elain knew she did not belong here. Not within the stone walls of this forsaken city. Not because she was too fragile. No, despite the fact that her sisters coddled her and the rest of the Inner Circle treated her like a delicate flower that would wither at the slightest touch, it was often overlooked that she had slain the King of Hybern. Sure, Nesta received credit for the final blow, but it was Elain who had been vital that day.
She didn’t belong here because of its own inherent darkness that mingled so well with the darkness within her own soul. She’d always tried to make the best of life, but years of poverty, being forced into the cauldron, losing Graysen, an unrequited mating bond, their fathers death, being held captive in Hybern’s camp, nearly losing Feyre during Nyx’s birth, the strife didn’t hold a candle to the pain she felt from being granted the so-called “gift” of sight and having no way to decipher it. Her visions were not light and airy, they were dark and inky, ominous at best.
The few times she’d visited this sect of the Night Court, her visions plagued her. Glimpses of gods and shadows, sacrificed maidens, life and death. And then, there was last time. The collision of an outside force greeting her own power, something fearsome and yet- gentle.
Azriel’s shadows gave a tug on the cape of Elain’s gown, working of their own accord. To Azriel’s chagrin, the last time they’d been here his shadows pushed boundaries, ignoring commands to stand down as they searched the space. They’d trailed Elain who had a particularly concerning vision of shadows upon water and whispers of death.
With the concerns of Koschei following the events with the Queens on the continent, it was enough to garner another visit. So, here they were. Azriel watching Elain like a hawk as she and his shadows searched the place.
Eyes diverted away from Elain as the main act arrived, Rhys and Feyre loosening the grip on their power as the doors flew open- their steps echoing throughout the now silent chamber as the High Lord and High Lady approached the dais. The crowd, having learned from previous reprimand, fell to their knees before their rulers.
It was then that Azriel’s shadows completely shrouded Elain, granting her cover as she dipped down a corridor that Azriel had very clearly lectured them NOT to go down. He wasn’t about to risk Elain’s safety, even if it meant failing the mission at hand of garnering more sight into these possible Koschei visions.
Elain took no more than ten steps down the corridor when a voice startled her from the shadows. “You.”
Elain gasped as Azriel’s shadows created a wall of shadow before her.
Not to protect her - but to conceal the source of the voice.
How very strange.
A lump formed in Elain’s throat as she mustered her courage for a moment, composing herself before squaring her shoulders and holding her head high.
“Yes?” She asked.
“You’re the Seer.” The voice spoke again. Feminine. Young, likely twenty or thirty but it was hard to tell with the fae.
“I am.” Elain spoke firmly. “And you are?”
The voice started before turning into a strangled gasp. The shadows cleared for Elain to find Azriel, holding the female from behind with Truth-Teller against her throat.
“I know what you are.” His deep voice spoke into her ear, his heated breath sending chills through the female.
“Azriel.” Elain spoke. “She was only curious. She didn’t harm me.”
Azriel didn’t move a muscle, only lifting his hazel eyes from behind the female to meet Elain’s gaze. “You don’t know what she is. The danger you were in.”
The cool blade pressed against the female’s throat and if it wasn’t for the obvious threat she posed, Azriel would have had a hard time missing the way her body fit so enticingly against his, the way her ass-
He growled. “Quit it.”
“Quit what?” The female puzzled.
Through gritted teeth, Azriel warned, “Your powers will not affect me, Dark Thraller.”
Elain kept quiet but she didn’t miss the smirk that rose on the female’s face at that. There was something about this female that resonated with her. She had a gentle presence, soft in all the right places to enhance her feminine appearance in a way that would leave most underestimating her, yet Elain knew there was more to this female, something deeper, something darker than her bright eyes let on.
Someone who could understand her.
Keir burst through the dungeon door first, followed by the general of his Dark Bringer forces and his second in command, Lord Thanatos.
“Keir, how nice of you to join us.” Rhys mused. Arrogant smirk plastered on his face.
Rhys and Azriel had spent the past two hours with the female, named Y/N, in the dungeons of the Hewn City. She was a Dark Thraller. An incredibly rare power of ancient fae, until today, it had been thought of as myth. She could not only wield darkness and shadow on her own accord but she could steal it, borrowing directly from the source, hence Azriel‘s shadows obscuring her from Elain. It was fortunate that he’d taken her by surprise when he’d snuck up on her, able to pull his shadows from her thrall and regain them as his own. Though they weren’t particularly eager to return to his side. He was still pissed about that.
The fact that Keir had kept this female a secret was enough to chap Azriel’s ass too. Mor’s father should have reported the female the moment her powers manifested, yet, he’d hoarded her. And much like with Mor, Keir and Lord Thanatos planned to breed her, using her as a bargaining chip in an arranged marriage to some noble on the continent that she had never laid eyes on.
“Release my daughter, immediately.” Lord Thanatos boomed.
The female remained silent, still, but Azriel didn’t miss the way her skin paled at his command. Rhys let out a dangerous laugh, not the warm laugh of the brother Azriel knew so well, but the bitter laugh of a High Lord about to put a subordinate into his place, or the ground, depending on how generous he was feeling.
Both males froze in place, faces turning cherry red as they fought against invisible restraints. Rhys placed an errant hand into his left pocket, a cruel smirk plastered across his face. “It seems I have not given enough attention to the seat of my court in recent years if this is how its people choose to greet their High Lord.”
His violet eyes narrowed as he took a tone befitting of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian’s history. “Kneel”
And before they had a chance to do so on their own accord, Rhys forced them into a submission. A gentle - considering the force he was capable of - reminder that they were indeed the lesser males in the room.
Rhys released his hold on the males as they gasped for air, remaining knelt until their High Lord dismissed the formal stance.
“It seems, Keir, that you and Lord Thanatos have been keeping this little gem a secret.” Nodding his head toward the restrained female, who easily could have broken the shadows to her submission. A test, then. To see how impulsive she was with her power, what manner of control she practiced over it.
Azriel didn’t trust her. Thralling? Yes, a Dark Thraller typically attracted darkness and shadow with their thralling abilities but how far did her capabilities go? Could she work on the minds of those wielding darkness as well?
Azriel broke from his inner thoughts to find the female staring at him with wide eyes. She was nervous. He stepped closer to her, keeping his gaze firm and narrowed but to his surprise, the nervous energy surrounding her did not increase. In fact, she seemed to relax slightly.
That was certainly a first for him in these dungeons.
Azriel had been so focused on her that he missed the last bit of groveling from Keir and Lord Thanatos. His attention once again fixed on the males and his High Lord as Rhys summoned a large table and five chairs.
Keir scoffed. “This is a conversation for males, she-“ he spoke the pronoun with venom, “has no business in these affairs.”
Rhys waved a dismissive hand at the male. “I always forget what antiquated views you harbor. At this table, she has a place. In fact, she has more of a place here than you do, since you so rudely interrupted our-” interrogation “conversation.”
“Azriel.” Rhys nodded toward the bound female.
Begrudgingly, Azriel released his restraints on the female. She stood, slowly, maintaining eye contact with him as she smoothed her satin gown, the fabric clung deliciously to her curves but Azriel was most taken by those mesmerizing eyes of hers as they held his cold stare. No malice, or hatred lay in her own eyes, the emotion was something that made his heart lurch. The same look a snared creature would give a hunter that held its fate in their hands, the same look a young boy once gave his cruel half-brothers as fuel soaked his hands while they held the flaming match.
Y/N broke her eye contact and approached the table, holding her head high. To her- and everyone in the room not named Rhysand’s - shock, he pulled the chair at the table’s head out and motioned for her to sit. He kept the arrogant mask plastered on and waited until she accepted that he was serious, shifting uncomfortably for a moment, before seating herself. That nervousness once again returning as she looked to the two Court of Nightmares males to her right.
Truly, Azriel didn’t trust her but he couldn’t bear to see that look on her face. He’d met her two hours ago and already knew she was too good to be intimidated by these pricks.
Azriel stepped to Keir, seated directly to next to her, Rhys seated to her left - and flatly commanded “move.”
Keir huffed an insidious laugh. “I don’t take orders from dogs.”
Azriel remained stoic, refusing to deign the pompous male with even a breath of irritation. He’d been called far worse
Rhys didn’t bat an eye at the command from his Spymaster, knowing Mor’s history, of course he would feel inclined to keep him distanced from a female stuck in a nearly identical situation as the one she was faced with all those centuries ago. “Keir, you truly are going out of your way to play the fool today. Keep it up and maybe we can reenact what happened to your arm the last time you disregarded the station of one of my Inner Circle?”
Keir bristled slightly before tucking his shoulders in a show of submission, pushing himself up, and swapping places with the Shadowsinger.
Azriel didn’t miss the slight ease of tension in Y/N’s jaw as he sat, though her heartbeat remained racing as indicated by the visible thrumming of her pulse in her neck and quickened breathing. His shadows gravitated toward her, intertwining with her ankles and then scurried away when she looked to them in a reprimanding manner.
By the rather adorable scowl furrowing across her brow, he had a feeling she hadn’t used her thralling abilities on them either. Interesting.
For all that they were excellent for spying, the things were incurably nosey to a fault.
Clearing his throat, Rhys began “It has been brought to my attention that lady Y/N is to be married to a male on the continent, not as a marriage of love but as one of title. Given her unique powers I propose that we arrange a marriage within our own court that will be both advantageous to the Night Court and to her in terms of power. Do you wish to elaborate on who you intend to marry her off to?”
Azriel noted the bead of sweat on Lord Thanatos’ brow as he glanced to Keir, vaguely-concealed concern flitting between the two.
Keir cleared his throat. “The male is simply a lesser-noble from a wealthy family on the continent. She is not worth the attention, your grace. Her power will be of no use to your court. They’re nothing more than an amusing party trick.”
Leaning back in his chair, Rhys held his chin between his thumb and forefinger in a show of consideration, before giving a grin. “I do enjoy parties. And it seems as if I could find a suitor that would be far more advantageous considering this unnamed lesser-noble is not even worth noting. Don’t you agree?”
Y/N seemed to shrink in her seat but what Azriel read on her face looked almost like “hope.”
What had she been put through for her future to be discussed as if she were nothing more than loose marks to be spent frivolously and still feel hope? He grit his teeth at the way Rhys carried on with the act, though he knew it was simply that- an act.
Silence filled the space and Azriel didn’t miss the way his High Lord’s gaze went vacant, communicating with someone. A small hitch in the breath of Y/N clued him in to exactly who he was communicating with.
“I’ve decided.” Rhys purred. “Lord Thanatos, your lovely daughter will wed my Shadowsinger.”
Outrage filled the room as the males let out shouts of disapproval before Rhys let his darkness fill the room. “Am I not High Lord? Do I not have final say in the affairs of my denizens?”
The males were silent. Rhys loosened his power further, a rumble sending loose dirt falling from the ceiling of the room onto the table before them. “I expect an answer.”
Lowering their gazes in submission, it was Keir who spoke first, “Yes, High Lord.”
Lord Thanatos let out a growl, shooting a violent glare in Keir’s direction.
“I expect an answer, Lord Thanatos.” Rhysand challenged.
After another moment, he finally caved in to the show of power. “Yes, High Lord.” The male growled.
The darkness faded as Rhys clapped his hands together. “Excellent. This evening just became far more interesting. We shall wed the two tonight!”
To his credit, Azriel said nothing, not one single show of disapproval or questioning.
“You two may be dismissed. We will coordinate the details of the wedding.”
As the two males, completely dumbfounded, exited the cell. The female looked to the floor, avoiding Azriel’s stony gaze- the gaze of her soon-to-be husband. Which was for the best as Azriel sent her a glare reserved for the worst of traitors. He did not want this, he wanted nothing to do with the female. His heart was destined to belong to the middle Archeron sister. He was to share his life with HER, not this strange enigma from the Hewn City.
Moments later, Elain and Feyre entered the room. Elain’s expression unreadable as they retrieved the female, Cassian and Nesta flanking them protectively as they led her off to prepare for the ceremony.
Rhysand knew he was a bastard. He took the corresponding show of rage from Azriel in stride, unable to disagree with the cold words and show of opposition to his order to marry the female.
What Azriel hadn’t seen was the terror Rhysand had gleaned in her mind. Her power was not a party trick, in fact she’d been hidden away beneath the Hewn City and put through rigorous training from the first moment her powers emerged. This female was trained to be used as a weapon and treated as such, there was nothing humane or loving about the environment she’d grown up in. But far more concerning than even the abhorrent conditions she had been brought up in was the undiluted panic regarding her impending nuptials. She indeed did not know who she was to be married to but she had suspicions.
Not to be wed to an unknown lord from the continent, not even to the highest ranking of nobility, but to a supreme being of death and decay, to Koschei himself.
And if her suspicions were correct, a power like hers in his hands would bring immeasurable suffering, an end to the world as they knew it. She was the token Keir needed to barter for his own rise to power. Ruling just the Court of Nightmares was never enough for a greedy bastard like him.
“The only way we can get her out of here is by wedding her to you tonight. If she’s wed, they have no contest to-” Rhys bristled as he spoke of the female as anything less than her own entity “They cannot claim ownership of her if she is wed. We cannot risk another moment of her being in their hands, Az. This marriage does not have to last forever, just long enough to ensure she is out of their hands and that we are in her good graces. Your duty is to keep her happy and protect her, if she ends up in the wrong hands, Azriel- more than just our own rule is at stake, Prythian, the world, could be doomed.
Guilt pressed in on the High Lord. If there were any other way, he would take it, but for now this was the most humane route.
And as Rhys shared the female’s suspicions of Koschei with Azriel, he understood. He hated every moment of this but he understood. He didn’t have to love her, he didn’t have to like her even, but he could stomach her as he did with any other undesirable duty.
Azriel stood on the dais before a crowd of sneering Hewn City denizens. For this, his leathers would do. He was to send a message of power to the Court of Nightmares and removing his siphons would not do. Rhys and Feyre remained seated on their thrones appearing bored as they took in the quickly thrown together wedding, little more than wine and night-blooming jasmine marked the occasion. Though Rhys would have loved watching Lord Thanatos have to hand his daughter over to the Shadowsinger, he didn’t want him anywhere near her. She had dealt with enough coldness from the male in her twenty-five years of life, never again would she have to suffer through her father’s unkind hands upon her.
So, Azriel waited, his eyes focused solely on Elain as the doors opened and music began to play. Cassian would escort her to the dais. Azriel spared no glance to his bride as the audience turned in her direction. Even Elain who had caught his gaze briefly, and Lord Thanatos and his equally hateful wife who stood behind her, turned to marvel at the bride striding up the aisle. Azriel’s heart raced. He wanted Elain. His shadows pulled on him. Coaxing him to divert his gaze from the Archeron sister. No. He wanted Elain. His heart beat wildly as a tug pulled at him. He would not look. This female was not who his heart belonged to. He belonged to Elain. Azriel’s shadows hissed in his ears to look as his heart urged him to spare a glance in her direction.
Finally, he shifted his gaze and time stood still. Before him was the most beautiful female he’d ever seen. No longer did she appear meek, or nervous- she stood taller with her head held high. A cobalt blue gown hugged her curves, dipping down to reveal her ample cleavage, the fabric clung to the curve of her hips, caressing her upper thighs before flaring out toward the bottom. Her knuckles tightly gripped a bouquet of morningstar flowers and delphinium. Where the dress had been conjured from, Azriel had no idea. The flowers were likely Elain’s doing. He tried to turn his head back to Elain but he couldn’t bring himself to avert his gaze away from the beauty before him.
His shadows left his side, flowing down the aisle and swirling around the bottom of her gown, giving the appearance that they were carrying her to him. The crowd gasped at the illusion and Azriel noticed the surprise on her face. Either she was an excellent actress or she truly didn’t have the control over her powers.
But Rhys had said that she’d been trained from the time they manifested. Surely they weren’t going to her on their own accord. Was her thrall that powerful?
Azriel nearly felt his shoulders slump in disappointment as her gaze shifted to Elain who awaited at the foot of the dais to retrieve the bouquet.
As Elain stepped forward, a tear was heard followed by a gasp. Azriel looked to see that the bottom half of Elain’s dress had torn. Her cheeks flushed, eyes wide with shock. Before Azriel could react, he felt loss of control over his shadows as Y/N flung her arms out commanding them in Elain’s direction. Azriel’s heart lurched, fury clouding him at this attack on Elain, he stepped forward only to halt in his tracks as two shadows darted out to restrain Y/N’s mother, and the remaining shadows shrouded Elain completely.
Y/N hurried toward Elain, stepping into the confines of the shadows, now shrouding the both of them. Azriel almost smirked as Y/N’s voice loudly echoed from the shadows “Don’t mind her. She’s even uglier inside than that sneer she wears on her face, which says a lot.” A soft giggle from Elain reached Azriel’s ears. “Come on, let’s get you something else to wear. Can your sister bring some wine?”
The crowd parted as the shadowed females made their way out of the crowd, Nesta and Cassian following suit.
This female stopped her own wedding to come to the aid of a female she didn’t even know. Azriel didn’t know what to think of that but he did know that he couldn’t let himself fall for her. He wouldn’t let himself fall for her.
A/N: this will be a 2 or 3 part series! I am too tired to proofread so if there were a bunch of typos, no there weren’t.
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria @thecollegecowgirl @mochibabycakes @nickishadow139
Requested tags based on previous excerpt posted: @erikan809 @thalia-as-blog
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undyingoracle · 8 months
hai omg can you do alastor reacting to the person he's courting giving him flowers instead of the other way around
Alastor reacting to you giving him flowers.
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warnings: gn!reader. romantic scenario. might be ooc. sorry about that.
A/N: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IDEA. At first, I wanted to write something like him just getting flattered by it? but I think he would be more upset and disappointed that he wasn't the one who was giving you flowers. after all, "he's a gentleman and should spoil his beloved with that kind of gifts every time he got the chance to." (that's what he thinks, at least). Hope you can enjoy it anon! ;; thanks for your request. ♡
English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes. feel free to correct me as long as you're polite about it.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝅭ㅤ𝅭ㅤ⎯⎯ㅤㅤִㅤㅤ୨ ♡ ୧ㅤㅤִ ⎯⎯ ㅤ𝅭ㅤ𝅭
February 14th. a date everyone knew the meaning of. a date where everyone did their best to show off to their loved ones, to spoil them or even fall into the deepest of the lustful desires.
however, for the radio demon it was a pretty irrelevant date. he didn't really saw the meaning of it, and therefore, he didn't get as excited as other people did, and it wasn't exactly because he didn't got gifts or attention during it, in fact he did get lots of gift, specially from people of the cannibal town (who seemed to like him quite a lot). however, all those gift were meaningless to him, and he even hate most of them, since they're usually some kind of sweets, and he isn't really a fan of them, so they ended up in the trash or someone else's hands. he just didn't cared about it, nor the people who gave it to him.
nevertheless, this time it was a little different. he had someone in mind he wanted to give a gift to, and since a few weeks ago that thought has been running around his mind. but being quite unused to being on the giving end on this dates, he was conflicted on what to get to his special someone. flowers? he already got them flowers before, a lot of times and a lot of different types and colors. chocolates? he couldn't even stand the sweet smell of them. other kind of desserts had the same effect. and just like that, he keep discarding ideas that wasn't good enough for him. he wanted to blow you mind, he couldn't just do the simplest things!
soon enough, he asked for advice to the best person: Rosie, who, after giving some other ideas that were also discarded, ended up suggesting that he invited you to have dinner together, but instead of going out to a fancy restaurant, both of you just stayed at the hotel and HE cooked the most mind blowing meal himself. that way not only was he able to show off his cooking skills, but he also was able to make sure that everything was perfect. to the decoration, to the lighting, to the ambience music, to the flavors. he was simply in control of everything. he agreed to this, he thought it was a perfect idea!
so the next day, he went to ask Charlie for help at having a space for you and him alone. she agreed excitedly, of course, and promised him that absolutely no one was going to interrupt their perfect date. so, with her help, he got the kitchen, dining room, and a balcony all for himself.
when the day itself arrived, he immediately started decorating the dining room and balcony, with just a little magic it was a quick process. the table had a pretty dark red tablecloth, in the middle of it were some light up candles. it was just what you expect to see at a table on a romantic dinner really, kind of the cliché stuff. the balcony, however, had some lights wrapped around the railing, you could find some flower petals from the table leading the way to the entrance of the balcony. he wanted it to be the most unforgivable night of your life! that way, even if you ever (tried to because hes not letting thay happen) leave him, you would remember him whenever this date came around.
he also cooked some fancy dishes, some simpler meals that he knew you liked, and Rosie got him some sweets (against his will) that she knew you would love. everything was made for you to love.
soon enough, the time for the date came around, and you showed up. as you were standing before him, he tilted his head, confused as to why you kept you arms behind your back.
— Darling, are you perhaps hiding something from me?
he asked as you giggled. then, you pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind you back and extended it to him, holding it with both hands as you said "happy valentine's day!" excitedly. he looked at you in shock. you got him flowers. and he didn't. you prepared such a beautiful bouquet for him, and he didn't? he felt disappointed in himself for not getting you something as basic as a bouquet of flowers. how could he not get something like that for you? how could he even think of not getting such a beautiful gift to you? he could have made it the best and biggest bouquet ever and he didn't! how could he-
— Hey, Al? Are you ok?
he came back to his senses when you spoke to him. he looked at your worried expression and just chuckled.
— You just took me by surprise, my dear! I wasn't expecting to get such a beautiful and heartfelt gift from you. I am truly flattered by such a cute gesture!
— You're sure? You seem a little... down.
— Well, I am a bit disappointed in myself. After all, such a beautiful person gave me such beautiful flowers, but I didn't get them flowers! How could a gentlemen forget to bring flowers to his date? For shame.
he replied in a joking tone, making you laugh. your laugh was absolutely worth everything to him, he adored it and he loved seeing you so happy.
— Don't worry silly! you already planned all this, didn't you? that's more than enough for me.
after you were done talking he extended his hand to you, taking the bouquet in his other hand as he lead your way to the table. he wanted that night to be something that you wouldn't forget, but he didn't planned for it to be a night that he also wouldn't forget because of a little surprise. not that he was complaining though.
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
Do you mind doing an NSFW alphabet for jock werewolf? :^
Aftercare(what they’re like after sex)
He's bad, if he bit you or hit you too hard he'll clean up any bad injuries but if you're not bleeding, or bruised, he's leaving basically as soon as his knot goes down. if he's had a long game he'll lie down with you for a little while and cuddle for a little bit. he's sweeter when he's tired.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
he loves your eyes, he likes how wide they get when you're surprised or how pretty you look when you cry. on him he likes his arms and hands, they're big and veiny, he knows you like how they look and he's more than happy to flex for you, or wrap those big arms around your neck.
Cum (anything to do with cum…basically, I’m a disgusting person)
He either cums inside of you, knotting you and blowing his load deep in you, or he's cumming on your face and hair, the bigger mess he makes the better, he likes humiliating you.
Dirty secret  (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Panty Fetish. He steals your dirty underwear to smell as he jerks off, or cum in your underwear and makes you wear them all day with his wet cum pressing against you all day long, sticky and uncomfortable. Once he stuffed your underwear in your mouth as a makeshift gag and he whispers in your ear asking you if you like tasting yourself while he fucks you.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's hot! He's popular! he's got a big dick! he gets around. He's got plenty of experience.
Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Doggy or collapsed doggy. he likes being in control and shoving your head down as he fucks you from behind and spanks you. Sometimes he gets lazy and makes you ride him but he gets impatient pretty quick and rolls you over so he can fuck you at a faster pace. He also likes fucking you against a wall, holding you up with your legs over his arms while he drops you down on his cock over and over again.
Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He loves to tease you and will laugh if you do anything silly. A little humor doesn't kill the mood for him.
Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Look me in the eye. He's a werewolf. every inch of him is covered in thick dark hair. his "bush" is a full jungle, he's not going to shave and no one on earth can make him. He showers a lot though, so at least all that hair is clean.
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
 Again, I think we all know my thoughts on how romantic he is. He might make you say "I love you" but that's only to make fun of you. He loves to kiss with tongue so that's kind of romantic, I guess. If you're looking for flowers and candles, he is not your man.
Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He jacks off pretty often. He's got a high sex drive and sometimes it's just easier to take care of it himself. He almost always takes a video of him stroking himself to send to you, You can always tell when he's horny and jerking himself off because your phone is blowing up. Not just videos and pictures but texts detailing what he wants to do with your pretty body and begging for pictures or at least a few dirty texts he can use to get off.
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He's a huge Sadist, who loves to degrade, humiliate, and hurt. He doesn't like floggers or whips, he usually only hits you with the palm of his hand.
Marking, obviously, he likes to bite you and leave hickeys. but writing too, he'll write "whore" or "bitch" across your face or chest with makeup or markers. Just to claim you as his a little more
Breeding/ creampies, again werewolf, what do you want from me
Dacraphilia, like I said earlier, he loves to make you cry whether it be from pain or pleasure.
Slight corruption/innocence kink. for him it's not so much about taking your innocence as it is, other people think you're demure and pure while you slut yourself out for him and show him how dirty you really are.
Exobisinism and public sex, tied back to the innocence thing, he likes stopping away your public image as a shy little nerd and revealing how depraved you're willing to be for him. and he knows he's hot, he likes showing off his big cock and how well he can make you cum.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
The school locker room or the back of his car
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Whenever he's had a good game or a solid workout when the adrenaline is running high. it also gets him hot seeing you sweating, even if it's just a hot day out. Also, well, he's a werewolf, he does go into Ruts, when he's in heat like that breathing in the wrong way will get him hard.
NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He's pretty open to experiment, but he doesn't like toys. He like deep, raw, primal sex. Not cheap vibrators or fuzzy pink handcuffs. God help you if he catches you with a dildo, what? his cock isn't good enough for you? You need some silicone bullshit? he's going to murder you in the bedroom tonight.
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Receiving. almost exclusively receiving. He loves the way you suck his cock. He will eat you out if you aren't wet enough for his liking, or if he really fucked up and needs to make it up you. Or really, if you're too tempting for him to resist getting a taste of you. So... really it's like 50/50
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and hard. he's fast, chasing his orgasm eagerly and openly from the second he sinks into you. the only time he really slows down is if he's teasing you and edging you.
Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Loves a quickie. He'll pull you into a semi-private space to fuck you in between classes or when you have a free moment. something fast and rough, just how he likes it.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's mostly willing to try anything you're into and he's typically the kind of guy who would try anything once. However, asking is the hardest part. He will never give in right away, instead teasing you and mocking you for wanting to try out something so gross and kinky, even if you're just telling him you have a praise kink. Eventually, though he gives in and starts experimenting with whatever it is you wanted to try. If he's not into it, he'll just tell you it's not his thing, and you're a freak for wanting to try it out. If he likes it, all mockery stops and he just acts like nothing happened as he integrates this new kink into playtime.
Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
 His stamina isn't bad but it's nothing superhuman or anything. With his knot, you sort of have a forced break in between rounds but he can usually go two or three rounds before he gets tired. and he lasts a good while, at least long enough to make you cum. if you want to try out "stamina practice" he'd be down.
Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
like I said toys are not for him. he doesn't like to use them on you or himself really. if you convince him to try bondage he might get some ropes or restraints but that's the closest he gets.
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
:) if you are interested in how much the werewolf jock bully likes to tease please check out other entries in this series. No, but seriously, he lives to mock and deride you. He loves to deny you orgasms and make you beg like a bitch in heat for his fingers or his dick.
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's not loud but he's mouthy. Always muttering something dirty in your ear while he fucks you. He snarls and growls too especially when he's close to cumming.
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He claims to sleep around a lot and have a bunch of people on his roster but usually, if he finds a good fuck who can tolerate his annoying personality and high sex drive he stays with them for a long time and only sleeps with them. So he might tell you that you're lucky he called you up this time, or that he's busy fucking some other chick. he's lying, he's only sleeping with you right now.
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Red and veiny with a pointed tip he presses right against your cervix. He's around 10-11.5 inches when he's hard his knot takes up the lower 1/4th of his cock, huge hairy balls that are always full of hot werewolf cum for you to take,
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
very high. he likes to have sex at least once a day but prefers more than that. if he has it his way he'll be fucking you 4 or 5 times a day but you have "responsibilities" or whatever. when he's in heat if he's not dead asleep he's thinking about sex and craving it, even then he might have a wet dream and wake up needy and desperate.
ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
a good orgasm makes him sleepy, especially if he's already tired from something else, but usually he doesn't fall asleep right after sex, especially because he usually likes to fuck in locker rooms and secluded parts of the woods. not ideal napping spots.
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bluejutdae · 8 months
• Stray Kids as very specific vibes | OT8
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Chan: brushing your teeth side by side, making sure the other sleeps enough, late night city dates, plaids, dimples, racing each other on the street, spraying perfume on pillow cases, trying new stuff, 3 am runs at the grocery store, trust, last minute flights, glass clinking, lightnings, early morning fog.
Minho: reading books to each other, cat cafés, cooking together, the crackling of the fireplace, the first snow of the season, camping and fishing, quiet acts of service, giving each others silly gifts, cats stickers all over the house, warm blankets and cups of tea.
Changbin: vanilla scented candles, gym dates, sharing food, laughing carelessly, meeting the families, kissing on the shoreline, summer days, sea salt on your skin, warm hands, blowing on birthday candles, quality time, feeling safe, warm bathrobes, the smell of fresh laundry.
Hyunjin: paint stains, oversized shirts, matching nail polish, staring into each other's eyes, waking up in the middle of the night, heart wrenching movies, holding hands, whispers at night, talking about true love, soulmates, words of affirmations, sharing a blanket, museum dates.
Jisung: hysteric laughing, iced americanos, playing catch, fixing hair behind the ear, sharing earrings, falling asleep on the floor, neon lights, chapped lips and bitten nails, sharing earbuds, calming tones, shaking hands, goodnight pecks, dreaming of flying, Icarus poems, silver jewelry.
Felix: late night train rides, sitting on a car roof to watch the sun rise, the fresh water of a pool, the relaxing presence of your best friend, videogames, arcades games, golden hour, pretty smiles, silly tattoos, sharing playlists, trying new food, learning to braid hair.
Seungmin: study dates, white and baby blue flowers, coffee stained pages, journals and diaries, house keys, silly key chains, good morning videocalls, matching outfits, the warm wind on a summer night, the smell of oranges in the air, the feeling of belonging, tight hugs.
Jeongin: the glint of the snow, cold hands around warm chocolate, daily outfit pics, playgrounds, pranks, sharing secrets, watching reality shows, watching the full moon, counting stars, no fear of being judged, first love, setting goals, singing out loud into fake microphones.
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unluckilyimnot · 2 months
How they comfort you – yoichi, chigiri, sae, reo, karasu, rin, hiori
after a bad day
m.list rules 1k
note: sorry I moved in with my colocs and I just started criminals minds and got lost. I’m barely coming back to write.
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he takes you on a date when he notices how bad your day seemed
doesn’t matter the hour or if he’s exhausted
he takes you out, walking around the street
then to eat, it doesn’t have to be a big things
usually 7/11 date
you two brought your favorite ramens, desert and drinks and eat there
letting you rant if you need or talking about totally something else to change your mind
in any case, he’s emphatic and really listen to you
he might be a little blinded and he’s always on your side but he’s sweet
he doesn’t try to solve your problem and you’re thankful for that
he takes care of you, your skin, your hair : you name it all
he takes his time to gently exfoliate your skin while a mask sit on your hair
your eyes shut and the sweet smell of the big candle he lights up for you to relax
he doesn’t ask about it unless you talk about it first, but then he might be a bit mean to the people who ruined your day
he’s part of the girl yk
he washes and blow dry your hair for you before watching a movie or a tv show
but in the end you don’t even watch it and just talk together, about everything and nothing
he talks about his day as well, mention it if something bothered him and you two can rant together
or he can just let you sit between his legs and listen to you while stroking your hair
anything to make you feel better
when you mentioned it over the phone or through text that your day was awful, he makes sure to pass by a flower shop
and if he knows he won’t have time, he call over for the bouquet to be delivered at your place or your work
he’s really into talking at first, he prefers to let you come to him further if you need it
yet, it's still the first thing he asks when he gets home – just to let you know that he cares
if you decided to talk about it, all his focus is on you
but don’t expect much answer from him, he knows he’s not the best at this anymore
but he’ll order your favorite food
and let you lay on him, playing with your hair or stroke your arm
if he feels you being overwhelmed you can be sure that his arms will tight up around you in a warm embrace
He expects you to fall asleep in there to be honest, but he'll always leave a kiss on your temple before taking you to bed
He hates seeing you like this so if it can bring a smile back to your face, he’s down for anything
so he drops everything and takes you to a fancy restaurant !
For him it’s the best thing possible and he always enjoy taking you out to clear your head
but if you’re too tired for that, he let you tell the chef what you want to eat and spent a chill night
he asks about it, he wants to know what happened and how he can help
he physically can’t leave you like this – and if he can’t help it right now, he’ll do the same tomorrow
until you feel better
he honestly would do anything for you to feel better
Do you want to order something ? He doesn’t really like it but anything for you
wanna stay inside and do nothing, rot in bed ? He’ll stay with you
best boy
he can tell you’re on edge even if you don’t mention anything
you’re snapping at him too easily or in contrary not talking to him at all and he hates that it getting into him
so he’ll run you a bath or tell you to take a hot shower, that he’s handling what’s needed to be done
he reassure you that you’re free for the night, it doesn’t matter what there’s to do – he’ll do it
after that, he’ll take his time to massage your shoulders and back while asking you what’s going on
he insist on you telling him what's going on, he doesn’t accept a shrug or a simple ‘hum’/’nothing’
your his partner, he needs to know what’s going on to help you
he’ll fight every time if it’s needed for you to tell him
take you for a walk, to clear your head
he hates it when you rot in bed for too long so he tries to avoid it in the first place
but he doesn’t force you to talk about it if you don’t feel the need to do so
he waits for you to open up, even if he has to fill the silence if it makes you uncomfortable
But it rarely happens, you two really enjoy a quiet walk around the city
There's also time when you talk about it
He's a bit annoyed about it if it's about someone ruining your day, but he dies his best to be there for you
The type to run his thumb a the top of your hands
He can be shy about pda but doesn't hesitate if it can make you feel better
Hide you in his chest if you cry on the way
He can be deeply emphatic so he'd rather spend the night hearing you talk about it
Even cry in his shoulders
Than to leave you alone
He tries to make you feel better, stroking your hand and hair, your cheeks
Looking deep into your eyes and kissing you all the time
He wants to find a solution if he can, and if you want it
He has a hard time letting you alone if you need space
But he will if he can check in you regularly, you have to stay available
But he much rather have you sitting in his lap, warmly in his embrace, not talking if you don't want to
Just, stay near please
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Let me know if you liked it ♡
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
I saw your requests were closed But I really couldn't help sharing one. I hope you do like the idea :)
So what about a Charles × Wolff/Hamilton reader where she is working in Health care but has a new boss recently and he passes inappropriate comments/threats etc about her and acts out of line, which keeps on escalating (As dramatic and much as you want it to) and she doesn't tell him or anyone and starts behaving irratically and is scared, but one day it was too much or he finds out about it on accident and is angry at first at her for not sharing and then is all protective and possessive and does something about it.
One shot/ Series. Honey anything to read any version of this would be just 🤌🏻
Thank you ❤️🥹
Your Safe Place || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!Wolff!reader Warnings: 18+ only, injuries, bullying, panic attack WC: 3.3k F1 Masterlist
Translations: ma (petite) louve - my (little) wolf || chérie - sweetheart || putain - fuck || je t’aime (aussi) - I love you (too) || Quel salopard - what an asshole
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The second you closed the front door you could finally breathe again. Taking a moment to just settle after the day you had endured, you pressed your back to the door and closed your eyes. It was like you told your younger patients when they were feeling stressed: smell the flower, blow out the candle. Inhale through your nose, exhale out your mouth.
Peace calmed your mind as you smelt the dinner Charles had made, your plate kept warm in the oven like he did whenever your shift ran overtime. That was an almost daily occurrence, especially with the new boss. You took another breath to clear your mind before it could return to the man who was single handedly making you regret your entire career choice.
"Hey-oh," Charles caught himself before he could hug you, spotting the blood on your scrubs. "You, uh, have a little something-" You looked down where he gestured, his nose wrinkling at the sight.
"It's fine," you said as you dropped your bag to the floor and pulled the shirt off. "It's mine, not a patient."
He nodded with relief as he took it from you to put in the washing machine but then it dropped as he realised what you had said and took a closer look at you. "Ma louve, what happened?" his fingers were gentle as they guided your face up to the light and he saw the bruising around your nose. "Putain, you're hurt."
"It was an accident," you said softly as you took his hands from your face and stepped into his embrace. "Cassia just had an episode, you know how it is, she didn't know what she was doing."
He wasn't appeased by the answer as he led you to the kitchen where he sat you down before checking your dinner was still warm enough to eat. "Where was security?"
You were grateful his back was to you as he reheated the pasta, something he hated having to do since it was never as good as when it was fresh. You had grimaced, wondering the very same thing at the time. They should have been close in the ward but with the new boss, expenditure was more important than safety and the budget had been cut in half the moment he started.
"They got there as fast as they could." It wasn't a lie. They had run all the way from the maternity ward on the floor above but you had already reset your broken nose by the time they arrived. She had quickly calmed after a dose of haloperidol and been apologetic when she realised her actions while delirious. “I’m fine, Char.”
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Diana sighed as she bandaged your wrist, a look of pity in her eyes as she shook her head. “Why do you stay? It’s not like you need the money, hun.”
You tested the range of movement and winced at the sharp pain, just another incident to add to the growing list. “What good does quitting do? You guys would just be another nurse down and it would put more pressure on an already crumbling system.” 
The older nurse patted your hand before standing up and putting the left over roll of gauze away. “You’re too kind, but sometimes you have to put yourself first.”
You should have taken the rest of the day off but there were rounds to finish and call bells ringing left, right and centre. It was only when you couldn’t ignore your rumbling stomach any longer that you really took a proper look at your watch and saw your shift had finished over an hour ago.
“Katrina called in sick, I need you to stay on,” Tommy said without a simple hello when he caught you alone in the staff room. 
“I can’t,” you replied as you grabbed your bag with your good hand, “it’s my dad’s birthday - we’re going out to dinner.”
“I don’t give a shit if you’re having dinner with the Crown Prince himself, we need you here.”
“Albert may actually be there,” you mused as you started to leave, but an arm blocked the doorway.
“Your yearly review is due next week, and I would hate to have to make a note of insolence, poor attitude and lack of empathy for others. We are short on staff and it’s not like you have children at home.”
That had been the only reason you took some extra shifts when you could manage it, because there were nurses like Katrina who had two young ones and they often fell ill with colds and flus from their daycare. It meant you had to become the automatic fall guy when any other member of staff couldn’t make it - but that was what the on-call nurses were for, except…
“Maybe we wouldn’t be short staffed if you didn’t get rid of the on-call contractors, or if you hired more nurses like we were promised two years ago,” you snapped without thinking, your hunger and exhaustion removing the filter that stopped you from having the temper your father did. Or, passion, as he liked to call it - a Wolff trait. 
“So this is my fault?” he scoffed. “Nurses cost money. You might not know this, but money doesn’t grow on trees.”
You rolled your eyes at the reminder that you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth, but that didn’t mean you were the spoiled daughter everyone who didn’t know you thought you were. You had studied hard and put in the effort to become a nurse because you wanted to help people. Tommy only cared about the profit.
“Healthcare shouldn’t be about money,” you muttered as you rolled your eyes. “It should be about helping the people who need it.”
“Then ask daddy dearest to make a donation, sweetcheeks,” he mocked as he pinched your cheek like a child. “That’s the only way you’ll get your precious nurses.”
You slapped his hand away from your face and ducked out the door before he could stop you but his voice echoed along the cold sterile corridor, “I hope you like night shifts, you’re going to be on them for a very long time.”
“You wouldn't,” you turned with a gasp. Charles' timetable was erratic but unless he was out of the country for a race he would always make the effort to be home by the time your shift ended. 
“I would.” He chuckled and left in the opposite direction, pointing back to the staff room as he went. “You can leave at the midnight swap.”
Sighing with defeat and tears stinging your eyes, you grabbed your phone from the bag and sent an apologetic text to your father for missing his dinner party. 
By the time midnight arrived your feet were aching and you had nearly emptied the vending machine of snacks to stave off your hunger. It wasn’t far from the hospital to the apartment you shared with Charles but it felt like a million miles when you stepped out into the cold night.
You pulled your jacket tighter around your body and shivered as you started off, your head down and hood up. You were so focused on just putting one foot in front of the other you didn’t see the shadow join you until a hand grabbed you and you screamed with terror as you were pulled into their chest.
“Ma louve, it’s me,” Charles soothed as he pulled your hoodie back and saw the tears in your eyes. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I, I,” you stammered as you tried to unscramble the thoughts in your head.
“Shh, I’m sorry, I called out to you like three times. I shouldn’t have grabbed you, that was stupid,” he chided himself.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I was in a world of my own.” You finally took notice of your surroundings and saw the car park was almost empty and none of the cars were his Pista.  “What are you doing here? Did you walk?”
“I didn’t want you walking alone at this hour,” he said with a kiss on your forehead. “You’re shaking, ma chérie.”
“It was a long day,” you murmured as you yawned, resting your head on his shoulder as he gently rocked you. “I think I have more coffee in my system than blood right now.”
“You can’t keep this up, my love, you are going to burn out.”
You pulled out of his embrace and started down the footpath so he didn’t see the tears begin to escape. “I’m fine, Char. I can handle it.”
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It was Charles' home race and you had promised him you would join him in Ferrari this year. It was one of the few races you could always attend, managing your shifts around it so you never missed it, and all week you had seen the city setting up for the pride and joy of Monaco. 
Dawn was breaking on the big day and it looked like it was going to be a stunner as the sky turned blue and you left the hospital after yet another night shift. Tommy had found a way to make your life miserable and your shifts were constantly changing just to upset your mentality and circadian rhythm. You could barely tell morning from night when it always looked the same blue hues, same cool temperatures, the only indication was which side of the city was glowing, east or west.
“Good morning, baby,” you greeted as you wrapped your arms around Charles and kissed his shoulder as you found him at the bench making breakfast, already wearing his bright red Ferrari uniform. “How did you sleep?”
“Not bad. Would have been better with you,” he said as he turned to face you, his head dipping down to indulge in a kiss. You giggled as you saw a few crumbs of toast caught in the short hairs of his beard and brushed them away. “Thank you.”
“Now you can kiss me.”
The doorbell rang and he reluctantly released you from his arms to go answer it, his finger pointing to the second plate you hadn’t noticed. “Eat, amour.”
You hummed happily as you grabbed the toast and took a bite, casting a wave to Andrea as he walked in with Charles. 
“You look half dead, Wolff,” his trainer said with a worried look.
“She just got in from a shift, and will be going to bed as soon as she has eaten, right?” Charles said pointedly while you rolled your eyes.
“Does he boss you around this much?” you asked Andrea, making him chuckle as he shook his head.
“No, but he doesn’t love me the same way.”
“Who said I love you at all?” 
“You do, every time you get a podium,” Andrea pointed out seriously.
You nearly choked on the mouthful as you tried not to laugh at the truth. Charles was very affectionate when he was celebrating, and you hoped he would have an entire night of it after today's race. Unfortunately you wouldn’t be able to share it with him since you were due back at the hospital at 7pm for another 12 hour night shift. You had tried to find someone to swap with but Tommy had made it clear there would be consequences - all because you questioned his qualifications.
You hadn’t been able to quiet any more, not when you had the imprint of a patient's dental records on your forearm from when they bit you. You started dreading going to work, somewhere that should have been a safe place, a refuge for those needing help had become the opposite for you. It was bordering on dangerous and you had to say something.
In hindsight, you shouldn’t have said it in the morning meeting in front of dozens of staff, but you had serious doubts about his ‘people skills’ and wanted to know where he got his management degree from. Suggesting it was from Hogwarts, because it must be a thing of fantasy, may have been a step too far.
You were now paying for those words.
You still stood by them.
You still hadn’t told Charles.
He would only worry, or suggest taking a sabbatical. Yes, you longed to travel with him to his races and show your support, but you didn’t feel there was any way to contribute to society with that life. Nursing gave you a sense of purpose and fulfilment that you were certain you couldn’t feel just being the driver’s girlfriend, or the principal’s daughter.
“Hey,” Charles roused you softly and you realised you were starting to fall asleep while eating. “Let’s get you to bed, ma petite louve.”
You were already closing your eyes before your head hit the pillow but you felt his lips warm your forehead. “I love you. I’ll see you in the garage,” you mumbled as sleep took over.
“Je t’aime aussi.”
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you swore as you scrambled out of the bed and pulled on the first outfit you could find, a pair of comfortable jeans and a Ferrari shirt with Leclerc across the back with the number 16. There were dozens of missed calls and even more text messages but do not disturb had automatically turned on and you had forgotten to stop the setting. Today of all days you wanted to be disturbed.
Out on the street you could already hear the high keening of the cars racing around the city and you dashed through the thick crowds to get to the paddock. You hadn’t even remembered to grab your pass as you left in a rush but for once you were thankful someone recognised you and let you through.
“Arthur, how is he doing?” you panted as you reached the Ferrari garage and grabbed the headset he held out.
“Not the best start, he was a little distracted I think. You should probably let him know you are here.”
You agreed and went to the desk at the back rather than the main set up on the pit wall, quietly asking them to connect your headset to Charles. They were hesitant but there was no need for a pit stop any time soon since he had fresh tires so they made the adjustments to the channels.
“Hey baby, sorry I’m late.”
“You had me worried, little wolf.”
“That sounds so strange to hear in English,” you giggled, knowing the rules of the comms meant he couldn’t speak French on them. “I just wanted to let you know I made it so you can stop worrying.”
“I’ll always worry about you,” he said and you didn’t need to see his face to know he was smiling. “I’ll see you soon.”
The final 12 laps went almost as quickly as your nails, the nervous habit ruining them under the stress of the tight street circuit and close calls. Every time his car went flying through the sharp corners around the pool you were sure you were going to see him crash and your heart could barely take it. You ripped the headset off and rushed out of the garage as a wave of nausea crashed over you.
“Are you alright?” Arthur asked when he caught up to you in Charles’ driver room, a bottle from his fridge pressed to your clammy forehead. Your hands could barely keep it steady as the shook uncontrollably and you ended up letting it fall to the floor with a thud as you wrapped your arms around yourself. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You couldn’t answer him as you struggled to pull air into your lungs, the screams of the crowd outside doing little to calm the panic gripping you. Dropping your head between your knees, you tried to keep from fainting but you could feel your heartbeat in your head, the throb sounding in time to the darkening pulse invading your vision until it all faded to black.
“You’re not listening, mate, she cannot come to work. She fucking passed out from exhaustion.”
“Then she should have been sleeping and not wasting her time watching some cars go around in circles. If she doesn't show up tonight, tell her not to bother showing up ever again.”
“She won’t,” Charles ended the call and slammed your phone down. “Quel salopard!”
The anger on Charles' face softened when he saw your eyes opening and he rushed across the room, his race suit still tied around his waist. “Don’t move, just lay down, ma louve. You need to rest,” he whispered as he knelt on the floor beside the couch you were lying on, his fingers brushing your cheek bone. “Arthur’s gone to get Toto.”
You couldn’t tell if minutes or days had passed and trying to think felt like trekking through a swamp of sludge in your mind. “The race?”
“4th.” He pressed his palm to your head and ran it over your hair feeling the damp heat on his skin. “You’ve sweat almost as much as me, mamour. You should have stayed home if you weren’t feeling well.”
You shook your head and it cleared some of the haze that hindered your cognitive ability. “I’m not sick, I just had…a moment. But I’m fine now.”
“A moment?” he asked with a frown. “What type of moment? And don’t tell me you are fine, you are clearly not and you haven’t been fine for months. Talk to me, please.”
The pleading, the puppy eyes, the way he dropped his head to your shoulder like he was defeated, it crested into a tsunami of emotion that broke the wall you had built between your personal life and your work life. The two worlds crashed together and the sob broke his heart as you crumbled apart in front of him.
The wave of truth crashed upon him and everything you had tried to keep from him for the past six months was lifted from your conscience as you confessed it all. You told him about the stress you were under, the bullying you had faced and the danger you were in each night with nearly no support or security.
You had been in a long sleeve when you went to bed but now you were in his shirt and he could see the latest wound marring your flesh, the impression of teeth setting to bruises.
Horror painted his features as he absorbed it all, then it turned to anger, hot rage as his clenched fists turned his knuckles white. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked with quiet restraint. “Pourquoi?”
You swallowed and shrank back into the couch as you felt that anger aimed at you. The shaking started again, a fine tremor coursing through your body until it reached your teeth and they chattered as a cold sweat broke out.
“Fuck, no, bébé, please,” Charles cursed as he unclenched his fists and reached for you only to freeze as you flinched. “Please, I would never hurt you. I’m not angry at you.”
“Yes, you are,” you whispered.
“Okay, I’m a little bit angry you didn’t tell me sooner. We are meant to share everything, no?” You nodded meekly. “But I would never hurt you, ma louve. I’m angry at myself, I should have noticed, I should have, I don’t know…I failed you.”
“I was scared. You would make me quit if you knew.”
His head lifted and confusion swum in those green eyes of his. “Why would you want to work for that asshole?”
“I like my job, I like what I do, Charles.” You looked away from the intensity of his stare. “I don’t know who I am without it.”
“Oh, chérie, you would still be the same selfless, kind, beautiful woman you are right now. That is who you are, and that will never change.” When he reached for you this time you let him take your hands and he kissed your knuckles before holding them to his chest. “I think it’s time to prove it to you.”
You sighed and gave him a small nod. “I think you might be right.”
The sound of relief he made brought a smile to your face and he returned it with a guilty one. “That’s a relief,” he admitted with a nervous chuckle, “because I think I got you fired.”
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alexa-fika · 2 months
yooo! What’s up?? Anyways I wanted to request a whitebeard pirates and child reader ff, so basically reader is very prone to Injuries and is quite clumsy, and one day when everyone was having lunch at mass, and then they accidentally stab themself with a fork or knife and end up causing a very deep and bloody injury, and everything after that is left to you :) it’s just so amusing for me to imagine the whitebeard pirates all worried and scared, and maybe at the end pops ends up comforting redder? Anyways love your works!
Forks and Dorks (Whitebeard pirates x gn!reader)
A/N I Dedicate this to you Holo and the anon who believed in me and my Adhd ass to finish my homework ✊🏽. I did it guys! And as you have wished it Anon here we have more Whitebeard pirates!
reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japaness
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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“There There,” Ace sighed, picking up the crying child in his arms.
“Did you run too fast?”
“I -I “
“Hey, Hey, breath for okay? Can you remind me how you take deep breaths?”
“Y-you smell the flowers,” they sniffled, taking a deep inhale from their nose.
“And you blow the candles,” they finished as they blew out the air harshly.
“Good, that’s good. Now, how about you do it again gently? You blow any harder, and I’m gonna fly away,” he spoke as he walked out of the Deck and towards the mess hall.
“No!” They let out a teary giggle at his words
“You did! Almost went flying off the ship!”
“No, you didn’t,” they laughed, their previous incident long forgotten in their brother’s playful teasing.
“Oh? Are you being Mean to your big brother, Dokucha?” Another voice piped in
“They are! Almost blew me off the Deck. I asked them to blow the candles, and the little rascal looked like they were trying to blow out a bonfire.”
“How mean, Dokucha!” Thatch gasped, joining in on the teasing of the small child
“You’re mean!” Dokucha accused instead
“Well, I guess I must live up to the title then,” Thatch laughed with a mischievous tone as Ace passed them to him and began tickling the child.
“No!!! Aceee-niii save me”
“Nope, you’re on your own,” he called with a grin as he promptly backed away and made his way to serve himself, ignoring the shrieking and laughs leaving the pair.
“Do ya give up pumpkin?”
“I’m Sorry, Thatch-nii, you’re not mean; you’re the best brother ever!!”
“There ya go, I always knew I was your favorite,” he exclaimed with a grin as he placed the small child down, grinning as they turned around to stick their tongue at him.
“Go have a sit, ya rascal; I have to make sure those idiots don’t destroy my kitchen.”
“Okay, Big Brother,” They happily call, climbing their way into a nearby chair as he walked closer to where the rest of his brothers were
“So what was it this time?” He called to Ace as he served him
“Ran over a loose board on the Deck,” He replied, gulping down the food.
“No, last time there was a loose board in the storage room,” Izou piped in.
“Any scratches this time?”
“No, they just got a go-
Ace’s words were quickly cut off as the sound of a familiar scream reverberated across the mess hall, springing all of the brothers into action as they ran toward the source of the scream; Thatch letting out a cry of his own as he spotted what was wrong.
Somehow, the young child had managed to impale themselves with one of the many forks that lined the long tables, blood already pooling beneath them as droplets of blood fell down to their elbows and falling to the floor in a terrifying but rhythmic fashion.
“Somebody get Marco!” Izou called, his commanding voice causing his crewmates to spring into action shortly after returning with a worried Marco in tow
“Here, let me have a look at the,” Marco hurriedly called to Thatch, who by now had taken the child and kneeled on the ground with them, attempting to stop the bleeding and whispering comforting words to Dokucha.
“Hey, I need to take this out; I will be really quick.”
“Is-I -is it g-go-gonna -hurt?” they hiccuped, words close to incomprehensible among their cries
“Yes, but just for a second. I just need to take it out so I can heal it,” he assured them as he took hold of the handle and prepared his flames.
He threw a smile their way as he quickly pulled the fork from their hand and replaced it with his own hand, flames spreading to the small child’s hand.
“And all done, see good as new,” he calls, waving their hand around to prove their statement.
“Ah! It’s gone!” they exclaimed, marveling at their brother’s powers, only to frown as they looked down.
“Wah, Thatch-nii, I’m sorry I made a mess again,” they cried.
“Don’t worry about that muchkin, accidents happen; what I do want to know is how in tarnation you managed to get a fork in your hand,” he questioned
“I was just trying to play Saber-nii’s game.”
Ace tilts his head at this, a confused look growing on his face.
“What kind of game is it that would end up with a fork in your hand?”
“Ah, I saw Saber-nii do it with a knife, but I only had a fork; you have to put the fork in between your fingers and then go really fast!” they exclaimed, gesturing to the movement they were supposed to be doing and ending their explanation with a smile
“I got to do it really fast! Ah, Ace-nii? Why does your face look scary?”
“Don’t worry about it, fire-cracker; I just remembered I have to do something real quick,” he replied with a tight smile and took his leave.
They turned towards Thatch and Marco, who had similar annoyed looks on their faces.
“Where is Ace-nii going? Is he going on the striker? I want to go!” they exclaimed, jumping down from Marco’s hold and running toward the second commander.
“Not so fast,” Marco calls, easily taking hold of them again.
“Ace just needs to talk to Saber about something; he will be back soon, and I’m sure afterward he can give you a ride in the striker,” Thatch assured them.
“I don’t see why not; we can ask him when he comes back, okay? How about you go find Pops and tell him what you were up to? We also need to talk to Saber.”
“And then I came here!” they exclaimed, finishing their story with a smile.
“I bet you cried like a baby, didn’t you?”
“I did not! I was really brave!”
“Don’t laugh, Papaw!” they exclaimed with a pout.
“Fine, Fine; listen, Dokucha,” he called, causing their pout to fall as they looked at him with a slight tilt of their head.
“Don’t repeat what your brothers are doing, alright?”
“Why? My brothers are so cool! I want to be like them!”
“Because they are a bunch of idiots who don’t think before they do something,” he grumbled, downing his drink.
“You’re mean, Papaw; they aren’t idiots! I’m gonna tell Miss Tate you’re drinking again!” they exclaimed, jumping down from him and running toward the clinic.
“You damn brat!”
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Get exposed Whitebeard 🤭
I believe up next I have a Wriothesley one, and then Shanks and I also have a Luffy/strawhats oc request in the making
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roostersbby69 · 3 months
Birthday boy
Summary: Today is Bradley’s 40th birthday and you show him just how much he means to you.
Warnings: light smut
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When Bradley texted you that he was on his way home you immediately started to get ready, you door dashed his favorite food from outback and desserts. You went to the store and got some balloons and handmade a sign.
Today was his 40th birthday and you thought it was the most special day out of the whole year. And you were going to show him just how special it is.
You had went to the store last week and bought a new matching set in his favorite color, you cleaned the house and shaved every part of your body.
You would celebrate with the dagger crew but you made plans to meet up this weekend to go eat and bring cake.
The house was clean, you took an everything shower and blow dried your hair, you didn’t bother to put makeup on because Bradley seemed to be all over you when you didn’t have it on, you put on your perfume that he loved.
You coated the bed in flower petals and bought a new vase of flowers for the kitchen, everything had to be perfect.
The bathtub was filled with water and bubbles, rose petals scattered all over the bathroom floor and in the bathtub.
He should be getting home in ten minutes, you slipped on your night gown that he loved and made sure the house was perfect.
Bradley pulled into the driveway and sighed, he was so ready to get inside and see his beautiful wife that he missed all day.
He got out of the car and locked the bronco doors, he walked to the door and opened it, “Honey! I’m home!” He walked inside and noticed how good the house smelled. He looked around and saw the various candles that were lit and the new flowers that were in a pink vase on the counter.
He looked around and admired how clean the house was, you always kept the house neat, but something was different this time.
“Hi, babe.” You walked in the kitchen and his skin shivered at your voice. He turned around and sighed at the sight of you, you were wearing his favorite night gown, the cheetah print one that showed your thighs deliciously and hugged your ass.
“Hi, hon.” He almost whispered as his eyes looked you up and down, your hair was down and your toes were freshly painted and a gold anklet hung on your ankle.
“Jesus.” He whispered as you walked towards him and stood on your tippy toes to kiss his chin.
“How was work?” Your small hands came up to unzip his flight suit as he stuttered.
“Good, yeah it was good.” He nodded and swallowed as your fingers pushed his flight suit off of his shoulders.
“Good, I’m glad you’re home.” You sweetly looked up at him and he swore right there he was the luckiest guy on earth.
“Me too, hon. What’s going on?” He asked as he looked around and your hands came to his chest and up his shoulders, you rubbed them and pecked his lips.
“Don’t you remember it’s your birthday?” You smiled and brought your hands up to his head and played with his hair.
“Yeah, but-” he started but you shushed him softly.
“I’ve got supper for you. Your favorite.”
“Outback?” He immediately questioned and when you nodded your head and took your bottom lip between your teeth his dick twitched.
You took your hand in his big one and led him down the hallway, he followed you like a lost puppy and watched as your ass shook with each step you took.
Your shared bed was made and a cup was on each of your nightstands. Four to go plates were lined on the foot of your bed and a towel was neatly spread over the covers.
Your helped him get out of his flight suit until he was standing in his shorts and under shirt.
“Shit, honey.” He walked in and watched as you sat down on your side of the bed and opened your plate. You looked to him who was still admiring you and patted the spot next to you, “Come eat.”
After eating and watching your favorite show you cleaned up the bed and sipped your coke as you watched Bradley take off his watch.
You walked to him and rubbed his shoulders, “Come with me.” He turned around and you took his hand to lead him to your bathroom.
His jaw dropped as he took in the sight, the tub was filled and steaming with petals and bubbles, the floor was covered in dark red rose petals, candles were lit and his favorite bottle of whiskey and your favorite bottle of wine sat on a stool by the tub with two glasses.
He was speechless, truly, you had done all of this for him, just because it was his birthday.
He watched as you bent over right in front of him and tied your hair into a bun, he caught sight of your slit and ass cheeks as your dress rode up slightly.
When your hair was up, you stood straight and brought your hands down by your sides, seductively, and slipped the gown over your head. He watched as your breasts bounced out and you tossed the gown to the side. You walked over to him and ran your hands under his shirt and looked into his eyes.
Bradley always loved your height difference. It was perfect. The perfect height to kiss you on top of your head, perfect to scoop you into his arms and rest his chin on your head.
He tugged his shirt over his head and you pulled his shorts and boxers down. His dick sprung out as it was already hard and you dipped down to your knees to kitten lick his tip. He hissed and threw his head back, “Fuck.”
You took only his tip in your mouth and sucked as hard as you could.
He moaned and grabbed your hair tightly.
You stood back up and led him into the tub, he got in and sighed as the warm water relaxed his muscles. You got in behind him and he flipped over to rest his face on your boobs.
“God, this is perfect.” He closed his eyes and his hands rubbed your sides.
You hummed and your hands played with his hair and ran over his face as warm water tickled his face.
They slipped over his back and lightly scratched as he relaxed in your embrace.
“So, what’s all of this about?” He sat up and kissed your lips softly.
“It’s your birthday, I’ve got to treat you right.” Your nails scratched his scalp.
His eyes fluttered closed and he laid his head back down on your chest, “Thank you, honey.”
You kissed his forehead and rubbed his shoulders, the bubbles danced around you as the petals floated all around the place.
He peeked an eye open to look at the liquor on the stood and sat up to grab a glass, “You know me so well.” He smiled to himself as your thoughtfulness.
He poured him a glass and looked back to you, you had your arms over your head and your boobs were soapy. “You want a glass, hon?”
You nodded and brought your hand up to rub his back, “Please.”
He smiled and poured you a glass and brought it to you. “Here you go, princess.”
You thanked him and sipped the liquid, your eyes rolled back when it hit your tongue and ran down your throat.
“You’re too sweet, baby.” He came down and kissed your lips when you were done sipping your drink, “You’re too good to me.”
“No, you’re too good to me. I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me.” You shrugged and set your wine glass down on the side of the tub.
“And you always do a great job at showing me.” He smiled and kissed your shoulder.
You smiled and watched as he finished his glass and set it down beside yours, he laid down back on your chest and let you rub his back and scratch his head until he thought that he was in heaven.
Bradley sat on the bed scrolling through his phone as he thought the night was over, he really enjoyed today and what you did for him. And he would be forever grateful for everything you’ve done for him. For marrying him, for carrying your future babies, for loving him even on his ugly days, and for making him a better man.
He’ll never forget the time when he met you, you were wearing a long, pink, sundress that you bought from an older woman in her thrift store. Your hair was up in a clip and you had taken your heels off to dance. He watched you the whole night, just mesmerized at your beauty and how you had no care in the world if anyone was watching you.
There was just something so unique about you where you stood out from every other girl in the world that moment.
When you were sipping your mixed drink and covering your mouth when you laughed at something someone said to you.
You two matched perfectly, you had the same interests, the same personality, the same music taste. You were perfect for him, he was a lost man when he found you. And you mended his broken parts and pieced him back every day. You taught him that it’s okay to have bad days and showed him that you loved him.
He never talked about his parents to any girl until he met you, and he was in love the moment you asked more about them and wanted to visit their graves.
He gave you his mom’s wedding ring and he took his dads, just like they wanted. His mom left them for Bradley before she passed and left a note saying how she wanted him to find the girl she always prayed for him to find and give it to her.
And he did.
You fixed the matching set on your body, sprayed perfume on, and walked out of the bathroom. You were a little nervous to be this confident. You were known to be shy, not that it bothered Bradley, he thought it was rather cute. But right now he loved this side of you.
He got in the bed and waited on you to come out, thinking his night was over, you walked out in that deep red set and strutted over to him.
He dropped his phone and opened his mouth, no words came out but, “Holy shit.”
You walked over to him and perched yourself on his lap, his big hands found their place on your ass cheeks, giving them a squeeze.
You set your hands on his shoulders, “Happy birthday, Roo.” You kissed his jaw softly and sucked on his neck.
“Holy shit, honey.” His fingers came up to gently stroke the delicate lace that adorned your body.
“You like it?” You watched as he touched you and admired you.
“Yeah, this is new?” His eyes still glued onto your perfect body.
You hummed and sat back to rest your hands on his big thighs. He leaned forwards and kissed the top of your breast that spilled out of your bra.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He groaned as he took each tit in a hand and gave them a squeeze. He went to turn you over but you stopped him and placed a hand on his chest.
“Nuh uh. Tonight about you.” You placed each hand on his pecs and pushed him to lay back on the pillow.
He smirked and watched as you placed your hands on his stomach and grinned your core onto his semi hard cock. He placed his hands behind his head, “I like this.”
You smiled and laughed, “I’m trying my best here give me a little time.”
“And you’re doing just fantastic, sweetie.” He leaned up and pecked your lips, you pushed him back down and pulled his sleeping shorts down. His hard cock sprang out and hit his belly, you took your lip between your teeth and went face down ass up to suck his dick.
He moaned when you sucked on the head of his cock softly and lightly swayed your ass for him.
He took his hand and swatted your ass softly and watch as it shook for him.
You took him further in your mouth and sucked as hard as you could, he moaned and you could taste a little bit of cum leaking into your mouth.
“Jesus, honey, you suck my dick so well.” He praised as he moved your hair and watched you take his cock into your mouth.
He hissed when you pressed your tongue into the under side of his dick and placed your hand on his balls.
“Fuck.” He groaned and felt his dick twitch in your warm mouth.
You started to drool around his dick as he was so big inside of your mouth. Your spit dripped down to his balls and you began to pump him with your free hand, you released him from your mouth and looked up to him, “You’ve got a big dick, Mr. Bradshaw.”
He smirked, “You’ve got a magic mouth, Mrs. Bradshaw.”
“I learned from you.” You leaned down and pecked his lips, he felt his balls tighten and he was so close to finishing. Until you let go and he groaned.
You climbed up on his lap and slid your panties to the side. You grabbed his thick cock and lined it up with your pussy. He grabbed your hips and helped you ease yourself onto him.
You slid onto him easily and moaned as he filled you up deliciously.
“Fuck, honey, you’re so tight, so wet for me.” He groaned and squeezed your hips. You sat for a second and got used to him stretching you out and started to bounce on him softly.
You whimpered as his dick immediately found your g spot and you threw your head back and moaned, “Fuck.”
“Shit.” He grabbed your tit roughly and reached behind you to unclip your bra.
He watched as your tits fell out perfectly and bounced with his thrusts.
You moaned as he took a nipple in between his fingers and twisted it.
He watched it pebble and did the same treatment to your other one.
You stopped bouncing and sat up to dislocate from him.
“Wait, what are you doing?” He sat up and watched as you turned around.
“Lay down.” You told him and he did. You turned around, reverse cowgirl, and sat back down onto him.
“Fuuuuck.” He groaned and threw his head back.
You whimpered at the new angle and started to bounce, you could hear your skin meeting his.
“Fuck, Bradley!” You started to speed up, he noticed you slowing down and grabbed your hips to help you bounce up and down on his hard cock.
“There you go.” He praised and watched as your ass jiggled when it met his hips and you started to sweat.
“Fuck, Bradley. Your dick is gonna make me cum.” You moaned and grounded your hands to his chest and fucked yourself onto him harder.
“Fuck.” He moaned breathlessly, he slammed you onto him harder and felt his balls tighten.
He watched as your ass jiggled inside the red thong that you wore and his dick slid in and out of you.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He moaned and squeezed his eyes shut. He listened to you whimper and moan as his dick slammed into you repeatedly.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” You chanted as you felt his cock twitching inside of you and your walls tightened around him.
“Fuck, honey. Cum for me like a good girl. I know you are, baby.” He praised and egged you on to cum.
You loved when he was vocal during sex.
“Oh god!” You screamed and you came around him, he watched as a white ring formed around the base of his cock.
He groaned and cursed as his balls tightened and he shot his load deep into you. He kept helping you bounce as you rode out your highs together.
“Fuck!” You whimpered as you snapped back down onto him one last time and sighed.
He helped you slide off of him when his dick started to soften.
“You are the woman of my dreams.” He sighed and pulled you into him.
“And you are the man of mine.” You kissed his chest and snuggled into his arms. He helped slide your panties off and pulled the covers over the two of you.
“Happy birthday, Roo.” You whispered as your eyes fluttered shut.
He kissed your forehead and smiled, “Thank you, honey. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered.
He looked down to admire you while you slept. He really was the luckiest guy in the world.
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jobean12-blog · 6 months
It's Pedro's birthday! So it makes me wonder...how would biker!Joel like to spend his bday?
Just You
Pairing: Biker!Joel Miller x female reader (Biker AU)
Word Count: 783
Summary: It's Joel's birthday and he knows exactly what he wants to do to celebrate.
Author's Note: HIIII my sweet Cia! Thank you so much for sending such a lovely thought my way! I kept it simple but sweet because I feel like that's our Biker!Joel- especially for us he's the sweetest hehe! Hope you're having the best day, love and hugs! ❤️Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: it's super sweet and fluffy and soft but there is some spice for sure! :)
This gorgeous edit below was done by my beautiful friend @mrsmischief209 Thank you so much! ❤️
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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“So,” you start as your fingers comb through his dark curls. “What do you want to do for your birthday?”
“Hmm?” he asks, popping one eye open to look up at you.
He’s sprawled out on the couch, long legs draped over the edge and his head in your lap.
“Your birthday. What do you want to do?” you repeat, smiling down at him.
He closes his eye and smiles.
Now both his dark brown eyes are focused on your face.
“Yeah, you gorgeous. I wanna do you.”
He lifts his hand and curls it around the back of your neck, tugging you down to his lips.
“Just me? You always do me. What about something special.”
His lips softly brush yours.
“Just you,” he murmurs. “You’re my favorite thing to do…and what’s more special than that.”
After a sweet kiss that still manages to curl your toes in your slippers, he releases you with a smirk and a wink.
“Well maybe we could go somewhere for the weekend and you could do me in a special place.”
“That sounds perfect,” he says quietly, closing his eyes again and snuggling into you.
“Any ideas where?”
“You pick angel. As long as you’re there I’m happy.”
Your finger twirls around a soft curl before you give it a good tug to get his attention again.
“What?” he says with a playful pout.
“You’re the sweetest but you’re also a pain in my ass.”
He stares at you for a moment then without warning lunges up from his position and flips over, trapping you under him on the couch, his weight pressing you into the soft cushions.
“Is that so?”
“Mm hm!”
His head dips and he gently grazes his nose along yours, breathing you in before he captures your mouth.
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The blooming flowers blur in a rush of color and their fragrance is carried on the wind blowing against your skin as you travel down the tranquil road toward your weekend destination.
Your arms are circled around Joel’s waist and your cheek rests along his leather clad back. Even with the wind you can smell his distinct scent and his warmth permeates your clothes.
When you feel the bike slow, the engine purring lightly as he makes an easy turn down a secluded road, you peek around his shoulder. At the end, a quaint house awaits, framed by the blossoming trees and a lush area of flat land that stretches out into the woods.
The bike rolls to a stop and he props it up on the kickstand then easily slips off and extends his hand to you.
He helps you off before unhooking and removing your helmet.
“It looks beautiful,” you say excitedly.
“Sure does angel.”
His arm slides around your shoulders and he tucks you into his side as you walk down the path.
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The glow from the flickering candles dance along the shiny tiles that line the walls and the calming smell of lavender wafts up through the air as you chase a bubble.
“Room for one more?”
At the sound of Joel’s deep voice you look up and instantly suck in a gasp.
“For you, always.”
He walks over and drops his towel to the floor, revealing more of his naked and tattooed skin. You take a moment to let your eyes sweep along every inch of him before he steps into the large claw foot bath.
Once he’s settled and the hot, bubbly water surrounds him you move into his waiting arms.
“You’re so soft,” he murmurs as his fingertips lazily trace the curve of your neck.
You smile and gather some bubbles in your hands then place them on top of his head. You continue doing this until he has a tower of wobbly bubbles perched precariously on his hair.
“I wish I had my phone,” you giggle.
He stays still, knowing you’re enjoying yourself. You take some soap and lather it in your hands then start to rub it over his shoulders and chest. You take your time tracing every tattoo and then move to his hair, gently massaging his scalp.
“Mm that feels amazin’ angel,” he whispers.
His hands slide down your body and settle at your waist to pull you flush against him and straddling his lap.
You breathe out his name when you feel him hard between your legs.
“You feel amazing too.”
Every one of his movements are deliberate as he continues his reverent exploration of your skin. His lips kiss your forehead, then your cheeks, the corners of your mouth and finally your lips.
“This is already the best birthday I’ve ever had and I’m not even inside you yet.”
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@hiddles-rose @kmc1989 @lorilane33 @blackwidownat2814
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pursuitseternal · 5 months
“Treat Me:” tender loving aftercare from the Vampire Ascendant in “The Rogue You Were”
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Ascended Astarion x Female Reader | E | 2K
For @starryjuicebox so he can tuck you into bed
Summary: He cradles you after a long session at his pleasure, and now the softness returns. He pampers, soothes, and cares for you, his beloved consort.
CW: soft A!A, mild injury tending, bath snuggles and hair washing, Oral female receiving, comfort, cuddling, and sunbathing.
Previous Ch | ao3 link | Masterlist
“Such a good darling, an obedient pet…” his voice is a distant purr, your eyes barely opening as he lifts you down. The silken rope slithers from your wrists, the broad expanse of his shoulders catching your weight as you drape down his back. “Come on, my love, time to tend your love bites and other… markings,” he snickers quietly to himself.
You murmur something, too quiet for even your mind to register. The thump of his footfalls sounds muffled through the veil of pleasured sensations… too overstimulated from his intoxicating brand of pain and pleasure on these nights he spends with you in his special room… when he lets that edge of danger within him come out to play. You catch your breath, sensation slowly returning to your arms where he had you suspended. As he cradles you over his shoulder, carrying you up to your rooms, his fingers trace his bite marks that pepper the backs of your thighs and dot across the swell of your ass cheeks. And every inch of you is damp… blood, sweat, and cum, that heady mixture that coats your skin.
Closing your eyes, you let his touch caress, chasing away the fleeting flashes of pain from moments ago. You can smell the instant he brings you into your bathing chamber, the sharpness of his scent, of citrus and rosemary and brandy hits your nose and wakes you up. You raise your head to the dimly lit room, two dozen candles flickering in the purple of darkness makes everything shimmer. A snap of his fingers and a couple spells, Astarion fills the elegant marble bathing tub. He sets you cautiously on your feet first before handing you into the steaming water.
Crimson eyes flicker over your naked body as it sinks beneath the water, that bottle of potion shines a bit in the candlelight as he pours it into your tub. “Just a little something extra to provide you some… relief,” he snickers, dipping his elegant hand into the waters to stir it around. A soothing numbness targets your most sore and swollen parts, and you sigh. Your body easing into the water, you barely notice the ripples of Astarion slipping his body beside you. It barely registers, his arm wrapping around you, the warm water pouring down your neck to rinse off the blood… the trickles that run down your face as he wets your hair and washes it clean of sweat and more.
For a starved as you can be for his touch, right now, you have glutted on it, overstimulated and nearly numb to that now-gentle caress.
A far cry from his bruising, marking, claiming touches that pleasured and teased you for hours.
But now, you are his treasure, cradled in the crook of his shoulder, attentive hands washing every offending swipe of grime that discolors your soft skin. The scents of flowers… lavender to relax, roses to pamper… it fills your every breath as your body finally softens and soothes the aches he’s driven into your body to the bone. You begin to hear his velvet purr in your ear, sweet words of praise and gratitude that you did so well tonight, words to affirm his love for you, to soften the literal blows he rained on the fleshy, jiggling curves of your ass.
The pain is intense but brief, and the pleasure is always more than immense… but it’s these moments after that make it all warm and worth it. Little droplets of scented water fall on your cheek as his hand cups your face, his petal-soft lips pressing tenderly against yours.
“Astarion,” you breathe his name, addicted to the way it feels to moan it… after all, it’s been ripped from your lips and screamed and whimpered and sighed countless times night.
“Yes, my treasure?” he croons right into the shell of your ear, a little shimmy of his shoulders, just as he once did during those hazy, nostalgic days in your camp.
You snuggle into his neck, lazily running your tongue over the sensual sinews where his pulse throbs. “Please… I’m feeling oh… so… peckish,” you give a tired laugh, one he matches.
An equally worn out laugh in his throat, he takes his finger, perfectly manicured nail point dragging across his neck to let a trickle of his blood run for you. The scent of it hits your nose in an instant, rich and powerful and complex like the most refined of vintages. You barely lick your lips first before you swipe along the scarlet trail he’s left for you. And then you suck, that thick, heady blood of his so smooth on your tongue and down your throat.
Aches and pains fade away, your belly growing more and more full with every swallow. It hums in your veins and restores your own power to you. Those longer nails rake against your scalp, teasing your wet hair and petting you like the precious little thing you are to him. A contented sigh from your lips, you release from his skin, a listless, pleasured twist of your mouth when you smile at him.
The palm at the back of your head presses your chin to his warm, waiting tongue, and he licks your chin clean. “I do so love to taste you… after you’ve tasted me…” he rasps against your lips, his words flowing into another languorous kiss.
His lips twist against yours… some brilliant idea inside his silver-curled head that he wastes no time acting on. Water sloshes over the side of the tub as he stands, your body already in his arms, your mouth already being consumed by his tongue and lips and teeth. Supernatural, strong, secure… he carries you in his arms to the bedroom to set you down on your wiggly, wobbly legs and dry you off.
The moment you’re dry, you happily crawl into bed, the softness of your sheets cushions you, another layer of balm to your pleasured and battered body. In the muffled distance, you hear him toweling off, the bed frame creaking and the buckling of the mattress follows… the telltale signs he approaches. That warm, sinewy frame of his covers you, slotted between your thighs, and you hiss at the insistent friction.
“Don’t you fret, my dear,” he chuckles, deep and low and wicked in his chest. “Despite the evidence to the contrary…” he grinds his still-hard erection over your mound gently, “you’ve done so well, I have nothing of that sort on my mind, just a little treat for my… treat.”
His voice purrs, his lips kissing and sucking lovingly across your collarbone and then over the pillowy tops of your breasts. He kisses around the angry, red bite marks from before… careful not to tease your nipples hard again. That warm tongue swipes up through the valley of your chest between them, only to have him kissing his way lower… and lower still. Hot breath warms your folds, the only prelude to his fingers and tongue licking into you with perfect precision. He paces his lapping, slow and attentive and thorough. Those same little growls he makes as drinks your blood reverberate through your slickened pussy. Fingers tease inside you, catching and stroking that bundle of nerves hidden in your channel until you hear your own sloppy arousal weeping from around his fingers.
Ravenous, his tongue laps it up. Insistent and strong, he sweeps up every drop of your slick and brings it to swirl around your clit. So tired, your poor brain and dulled senses barely hear the gasps from your own lips, barely controlling the rhythmic buck of your hips to match his fingers and mouth that worship you.
His voice rumbles such pretty words, such saccharine epithets into your folds. “Pretty consort…” followed by the wet suck of his lips, “…little treat…” Growls of his own hunger tickle as he curls that tongue back to your clit, “…mine forever, my love…”.
You feel his hair in your hands, not knowing how or when you fisted it as he eats you, feasting on you… A low sigh from his mouth sends you careening, that warmth and pleasure blooming from your core to swallow any last traces of lancing pain. Limp, breathless, boneless… you feel as if you’re floating in the downy bed beneath you.
You brace yourself for a moment for that fullness and friction of his cock, but it never comes. Only a tender kiss inside your thigh at the joint and the comforting weight of his body to lie beside you. His breathing is relaxed, warm and contented, as he nestles that sharp face and aquiline nose behind your ear and into the mess of your hair. He’s breathing you in… the fragrance of fresh-washed hair, the scent of your skin and fresh arousal. And despite that hardness at your lower back, he just pulls the heavy weight of your comforters over your naked bodies. Arms wrap softly but assuredly around you, one hand holding your arm, the other tucked snugly beneath both your still-drying heads. You feel the slowing thump of his pulse against your back as he pulls you even closer, the rush of his breath in your ear tingles your spine and relaxes you all at once.
Lulled to sleep by the warmth of his skin and the lullaby of his body…
Daylight caresses you, and instantly, as you stir, you know he’s already awake from his trance. The sunlight flooding your room, the curtains blown wide to let the dawn in, those are the dead giveaways. Those are the signals that he has already woken up and taken full advantage of his powers as Ascendant, his favorite—basking in the sun. Not that he would admit it.
He sits against the large window, letting his pale skin soak in the morning sun. Shirtless, just a pair of breeches on his legs, your sunwalking vampire, lets the warmth still thaw the centuries of cold and hurt.
Crimson eyes turn towards you, a knowing grin on his face the instant he hears your breathing change. “Ah, the only thing that sparkles more than the soft light of dawn…” he smirks, that same velvet tone of voice that made you first swoon, “the glint of your own scarlet eyes as you blink the lingering pleasure from your sleep.” You watch his muscles flex as he stretches in that shaft of sunlight from the window. Feline and a tad predacious, he slowly crosses towards you in the bed, a slightly sheepish grin on his full lips, even as his eyes clearly revealed his still lingering desires that had raged in the dark. “I’m… sorry if I was a bit more demanding than usual last night, darling, but you did so well…. My good, sweet consort.”
You give him that look that both provokes and placates, pursing your lips with a hint of a baleful glare from the corner of your eye. He sits beside you, and you keep your distance. Just enough.
“I always know when your negotiations either go horribly wrong or… intoxicating well…” you smirk, rubbing out the lingering soreness in your neck. It aches still, those harder to reach spots down the curve of your shoulder blades the worst from being suspended for so long…
And quickly, his hands replace yours. Those fingers, so strong and deft at picking locks and pleasuring you, knead into the aches and pains you just can’t reach. “So, do you wish to guess if negotiations with the dhampirs in Cormyr went to our advantage?” He purrs, hands still massaging your back as they wander lower. “Be warned, if you guess incorrectly, I'll treat you to more of the same rigorous attentions from last night…”
“And if I guess correctly?” You hum, his hands grasped teasingly around her swells of your ass now.
“Then I’ll treat you to more of the same tender care…”
You cock your brow and smirk, heart pounding for either way, it is always a treat with him.
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danosrosegarden · 2 months
*slides across the floor and strikes a pose with a rose in my mouth*
Ok hi it's meee! Idk if you take requests like this, but I had an idea that I think you could write FLAWLESSLY!
Ahem, I've written about Eddie boy being roomies with y/n before...but I wonder...
What if Edward is a huge creep and has this pervy crush on y/n as his roommate? Would he get jealous if they had friends over? Would he get angry if they went on dates? Oh dear, oh gosh, oh golly! What if he steals articles of their clothing for his own personal use?! Gee wilikers! What if he takes pictures of them when they are sleeping?! And what if he gets caught pleasuring himself to those pictures? *gasps dramatically* WHAT WOULD HAPPEN?!
(you dont have to write this if you don't want to i just thought I'd share this idea with a fellow Nashton lover <3)
if only - edward nashton x gn!reader headcanons (slight NSFW)
{contains: jealousy, creep behavior (laundry sniffing, taking secret pictures), and references to masturbation and sex.}
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♡ Edward couldn't help that a swarm of bright, buzzing butterflies thumped loud and fast in the cage of his heart each time he laid eyes on you. It really wasn't his fault, it was yours.
♡ You were the perfect fill for his gnawing emptiness. You were shockingly beautiful and sharp as a knife and stupidly hilarious and the best roommate a Gothamite could possibly wish on a star for. He'd wait at the front door each time you went out, tail wagging like a needy puppy, pleading eyes filling with glossy tears. Come back soon, I miss you so much. He'd roll over and do tricks for you. He'd eat out of your hand and nuzzle against your neck, if you'd let him.
♡ For the first time in forever, Edward found himself talking to God again. More, he said. Give me more of them.
♡ You were the sparkling beam of hope in his life. The glittering ray of warm sunshine beaming down on the slushy, gray streets. But that was just the problem. Edward fed his heart that steady diet of unbridled obsession. He'd refresh your social medias like it was his job. He always hungered for more. He'd take measly scraps if it had the slightest trace of you in its aftertaste. He was utterly enamored, and you weren't.
♡ You were kind enough. You always helped with the dishes and never forget your share of the bills. You'd occasionally pick up snacks for him on your way home from work and you had no problem indulging in a movie night with him on the weekends. But you had warm, loving family. You had fun, exciting friends. Worst of all--the nightmare that ripped all the wings off the butterflies fluttering in Edward's heart--you got dates.
♡ He wondered, with a crackling storm of rage drenching him to the bone, if you did it on purpose. If you talked with your friends on the phone extra loud when you knew he was home about how lovely your date was, how handsome he is, how you just can't wait to see him again. For fuck's sake. Edward would buy all the colorful, sweet-smelling flower bouquets in the world, take you to all the expensive restaurants in Gotham. He'd blow those little maggots you saw out of the water. He'd sweep you off your feet and never let you go if only you'd let him.
♡ But he knows the depths of his spiraling infatuation, and he sure knows he'd much rather keep you as a friend than have you be scared of him. Just the thought of you finding the pictures he's secretly snapped of you makes his stomach churn. If you knew of the times he snuck into your room and rifled through your laundry basket to huff your clothes like they were candles, he'd probably jump into the sea with weights attached to his ankles. He was in a fucked up position. The passion he felt for you tingled in his blood and sprouted in his body stronger each day, but with each day you seemed to have another new story about your date, another text message from him to giggle and twirl your hair over, another party to go to. Edward mourned the life he could have if only he could be brave.
♡ Maybe this was it. Maybe he was destined to be the freak stroking himself furiously alone in his bedroom to your lingering scent while you went out and probably got fucked with mediocracy by your stupid date. Maybe it was fate that he'd end up here, stuck whining and bucking his hips to the pictures he'd taken when you weren't looking. Pictures of you making breakfast. Pictures of you solving one of his crosswords. Pictures of you smiling at the TV. Pictures of you living.
♡ He wouldn't take his time with you. Edward would. He wouldn't notice and memorize each whimper, each sigh, each wince. Edward would. He couldn't care like Edward does. If their dedication could stand side by side, he wouldn't even be close to competition.
♡ What a different life he'd be living, if only he had a spine. Maybe someday. Maybe someday he'd get to hold your hand and kiss you until he was breathless. Maybe one day he'd get to snake-charm groans of pleasure out of your throat and bottle them up for himself. For now, he could dream. That was something, right?
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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No one makes better tea than Barbatos.
BARBATOS x afab!Reader 0.9k words | NSFW | Yandere | Non-con somnophilia Content warnings: Yandere thoughts/behaviours, non-con somnophilia, drugging, stalking. The Creepy Castle AU [Part 2] PREVIOUS | NEXT
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When you enter the guest room provided for you at the Demon Lord's castle, there’s a steaming cup of tea on the nightstand. It’s not the first time Barbatos surprised you like this during one of your visits, and the kind gesture makes you smile.
You pick up the delicate porcelain cup and inhale the fragrant aroma - it’s sweet and slightly herbal, a blend of Devildom berries and flowers you can’t identify yet by smell.
You purse your lips and blow gently across the top. The murky red liquid ripples gently as you cool your drink. Your first sip is hesitant, but you hum appreciatively at the light, honeyed taste. You take another generous sip before setting the cup back down onto its saucer.
There’s a folded piece of clothing on the bedspread. When you lift it in front of you, you realize it’s a nightgown; the fabric is soft and semi-sheer, dyed a beautiful shade of dark blue. It falls just above your knees. You can tell by the feel of it that it’s luxurious, nothing that you would ever buy for yourself and certainly not to sleep in.
You attended a ball earlier this evening at Diavolo’s castle. Lucifer and his brothers insisted you join them. Diavolo welcomed you tonight with open arms.
The night was a blur of dancing and drinking and jubilant conversation. By the time the last guests departed, it was well past midnight and Lucifer readily accepted Diavolo’s offer to stay at the castle. Walking back to the House of Lamentation was a daunting proposition; more than one of his brothers drank too much tonight. 
Lucifer and his brothers wandered off to their nearby guest rooms to sleep. Barbatos led you further down the hall and showed you to an exquisite room for your own use. He explained he prepared it for you at Diavolo’s request, to ensure your privacy and comfort. He wished you a good evening before he walked away.
You have nothing with you except a small purse and the dress on your back, purchased earlier that day with Asmodeus. If you twist oh so carefully, you can just reach the zipper and tug it down. The dress slides off your shoulders and glides lazily to the floor and pools at your feet. You drape the dress carefully over the back of an armchair so it doesn’t wrinkle too terribly by morning.
The cool castle air chills your skin and you can feel your bare nipples harden. It might not be appropriate to sleep mostly-naked when you’re a guest of the young prince. You feel ill-prepared for a night away from the comforts of home, but then you glance at the gift on your bed.
The nightgown fits perfectly and the material is silky against your skin. You pull back the blankets and slide into bed, sitting against the headboard with a tired sigh. You cradle the teacup in your palm and take more small sips. The warm liquid relaxes you, and soon you’re sleepy and can drink no more. You set the nearly-empty cup back on the nightstand and shimmy down the mattress to get comfortable. Once your head rests on the soft, cloud-like pillow, you close your weary eyes.
When your breathing slows and you descend into deep sleep, the candles that light the room blow out. The shadows come alive when you're bathed in darkness. Sin slips through the cracks of stone, the walls giving way so no more barriers exist between you.
Greedy eyes drink in your sleeping form and the sheets are tugged away, revealing your soft, touchable skin draped in midnight blue. The sheer fabric clings to each dip and groove and curve when you breathe.
He knew you would look lovely in this.
He dares to reach towards your sleeping face - his once-steady hands now shaking with anticipation, the urge to explore too overwhelming to resist. Beneath the supple leather gloves he wears, he can still feel the warmth of your skin that makes the craving he feels for you bloom deep in his belly.
His hand traces the fragile column of your throat and over the slope of your breasts, fingers gliding over the dips and curves of your chest and waist. The swell of your hip fits so perfectly in his hand. He dares to trail his thumb along the top of your thigh and into the warm space between your legs. Wandering fingers skim the lacy underwear you left on. He feels a hint of dampness there, and he wonders what sinful dreams his tea has given you.
He shifts the fabric aside and your light scent is even stronger now, sweet and musky and all his. He teases the edge of your folds and revels in how soft and warm you are. His movements are gentle, smoothed by the barest traces of slick gathering on his gloves. He wonders how greedy he can be tonight–
You squirm in your sleep and he pulls away quickly as though burned by the temptation of getting too close. You unconsciously rub your thighs together and he already misses his place between them. He savors his consolation prize when he slips his fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean until he’s devoured every last drop of you. He barely suppresses the urge to moan.
He needs to go, now, or he never will.
He slips back into the hidden passageway buried within the castle walls and becomes nothing but a shadow once more. He leaves no trace behind, except for the dregs of sleeping herbs in the bottom of your teacup.
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Catching the BG3 Companions Reading the Quarta Sune - Gale Edition
content warnings: 18+, piv, unprotected sex, thermal play, hurt/comfort, softdom Gale, lots of vulnerable crying
pairing: f!reader x Gale, f!Tav x Gale
word count: 3400
A/N: So, it’s like a two-for-one where the first half is very fluffy and the second half is very smutty.  I put a clear break so if smut isn’t your thing, you can exit safely before the movie-rating changes! Either way, enjoy ye merry folk!
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It was a rare day off from adventuring to allow yourself and your companions a day to recover from roughing it through the woods the past few weeks. You’d spent most of the day officiating a chess tournament between your companions and enjoying the spoils of an abandoned outpost with a well-stocked wine rack, together. Now, you stumble to a stand to collect more firewood as your companions roll with laughter, lost in drunken conversation. You smile warmly at your group when a small pang of guilt makes itself known in your chest.  Gale hasn’t been out all day; he said this morning he wanted to study some books you had picked up, but now that you think about it, he hasn’t so much as popped his head out all day.  You quickly walk past the wood pile and nervously continue towards Gale’s tent, and before you know it you’re standing in front of the canvas entryway.
Maybe he wants a break from everyone? From me…
Insecurity worms its way to the front of your mind as you freeze, feeling embarrassed at how anxious you feel after not seeing your wizard for just a few short hours.  You begin to turn around when you hear a familiar voice coming from inside.
“Delicious! Gah, but what flavor would she like?”
The relief you feel from hearing Gale’s voice is immediately infused with jealousy as you hear him pondering over the mystery “she”.  Before you can assess further your hand has already lifted the tent flap as you step inside and huff, loudly announcing your presence.  Gale turns in surprise before his face turns a shade of scarlet that envies the Esmeltar wine you had been enjoying with your friends throughout the day.  An embarrassed smile tugs on his lips as he steps towards you, away from the small worktable behind him full of herbs, flowers, and candles surrounding a boiling cauldron. 
“Sorry Gale, I hope she won’t mind me interrupting,” the bitterness in your voice more pronounced than you meant it to be, the wine somewhat overriding your logic.
Gale’s eyebrows knit together for a moment before he quickly realizes what happened.
“My dearest friend please-”
Before he can finish you cross your arms over your chest and inquire, “What have you been doing all day anyways?”
The wizard extends his hand towards you and you can’t help but soften just enough to accept his offer as he pulls you the few short steps across the tent to his workspace.  He hands you a small, steaming cup that smells like roses and honey, nodding towards the cup, “Do be cautious, it is very hot!”
You hold his gaze as your lips softly part to blow cool air across the surface of the tea, the steam visibly floating towards Gale as he deeply inhales the sweet scent.  You take a small sip and the floral tea immediately calms you.  It is more complex than you anticipated, tasting of rose, raspberry, dandelion, honey, and something…magical. 
“Gale…what is in this?”
His big, brown eyes grow wide with concern as his shoulders involuntarily slump, “You don’t enjoy it?”
The guilt is immediate and intense, it always is when he pulls out those ridiculous puppy eyes on you.  “No! Well yes, I mean- it is good, but why does it taste like magic?”
You scan the table as Gale attempts to stutter out an explanation, but then you notice the book on the stand behind him that he’s been concealing since you stepped in. He follows your line of sight and tries to step back in front of the book once more, but it’s too late.  You are already toe to toe and reaching around him to grab the book. 
“It is for educational purposes!” Gale cries out nervously as you look at the text in your hand; the left page has an assortment of tea ingredients and some suggested ‘aphrodisiac blends’. The right page is far more illustrative with a diagram titled ‘Threading the Weave’ with notes etched all along the side in a familiar hand.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at Gale miserably, jealousy and hurt taking over your wine-soaked brain that is conjuring images of your wizard and every pretty woman you’ve crossed paths with in the last few weeks.  You shove the book back at him with force, and turn to leave as tears threaten your eyes.
“Tav! I am sorry if my crudeness has offended-“
“Next time ask your secret flame to sample your offerings directly, don’t bring me into it.”
Your try to sound threatening, but the hurt in your voice is obvious as you step away from him towards the entrance as Gale sighs loudly, “You still don’t know?”
You turn back around with a glare despite the tears pushing out of your waterline, “What are you talking about?”
Gale sits down on one of the large cushions on the floor and pats the one next to him, an invitation to join.  You move slowly, eyeing him with suspicion as your mind races trying to piece together what he’s doing.
“I never have been good at this; I apologize for my poor communication. It’s just-“
“Gale I’m sorry.  You don’t have to defend your choices to me. It was selfish and stupid of me to pry into your things. You can do as you wish. I hope you enjoy your time with your new flame.” Your apology is sincere, though your heart still shudders in agony at the thought of Gale with someone else. You’ve been so focused on the many tasks at hand that you haven’t truly taken the time to tell him how you feel.  And now, you must suffer for it.
“My dear there is no new flame.”
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise so quickly that it forces a tear out of the corner of your eye as you stare at the wizard, now truly dumbfounded as he gently reaches for your hands.
“It has been on my mind for some time now, yet I was far too foolish to recognize it as quickly as I should have.  I have watched you lead our merry crew through epic adventures and have admired you from the moment I felt your hand pull me out of the portal.  Your courage, your strength, your gentleness…and the more I speak with you the more enraptured I become.  I began to worry that my humble studies have never prepared me for how to woo a creature as fair and noble as yourself-”
Gale’s nervous confession swirls in your mind as you stare at him, astonished that you never allowed yourself to see it.  You had both been so caught up in your insecurities that neither of you had acted on your feelings.  Fuck it.  You cut off the wizard mid-sentence as you lunge from your seat, capturing his mouth in a desperate kiss as your hands cup either side of his face.  He hungrily kisses back as his fingers tangle into your hair at the base of your neck and he lets out a soft groan as you both pull back for air.  Now, straddling his lap, you look at his face and see his eyes are now also damp with tears.  You rest your forehead gently against his and stay like that for what feels like both a moment and a lifetime.  A loud sizzle interrupts the serenity as you both see the tea cauldron boiling over.  Gale leaps to his feet in surprise sending you tumbling backwards onto the floor cushions as he frantically puts out the small flame heating the cauldron.  You can’t help but laugh at his sheepish expression as he glances back at you, the crisis now formally averted. 
You stand and make a few short strides over to him as a mischievous smile spreads across his face.
“Gale, why are you looking at me like that?”
“Well, perhaps now that you know it’s yours anyways, would you like a cup of tea?”
You peer at the cauldron, the intoxicating aroma of rose and honey teasing your nose while the pink liquid swirls around the pot.
“Only if you will have one with me.”
a few hours later...
(also this is where the smutty part begins so if you’re only here for fluff, depart here friend!)
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You lie on your side laughing as Gale animatedly recounts a story from his youth, when he stole a forbidden tome out of his headmaster’s office.
“Gale you didn’t!”
“I did! And he always suspected my classmate!”
You both roll into another fit of laughter but it is soon replaced with a gleeful, breathless quiet.  The two of you cannot take your eyes off each other; a warm smile spreads across Gale’s face and soon, you’re overwhelmed by the intensity of his longing gaze.  You look to your teacup to take a sip, but hum quietly when you realize it is empty.  You stare into the shiny bottom and turn your head inquisitively towards Gale, “I don’t believe you ever answered my question earlier…why is this tea so magical? Hmm?”
Gale’s cheeks flush as his eyebrows tense with thought, but he laughs, “I can’t quite remember honestly.” And he reaches up to the corner of the table above his head, his hand searching for the guidebook.  You roll onto all fours and crawl across the short gap to sit by Gale’s side, flushing with anticipation.  He brings the book down into his lap and you glance around his shoulder, hovering so close to him you can see the chill run up and down his arm.
Sensual Tea Blend:
-8 parts water
-2 parts rose petals
-2 parts fresh honeycomb
-1 part dandelion root
-1 part raspberry leaf
-1 handful of jasmine flowers
Scribbled into the side of the list you read Gale’s handwriting:
Extract of Rogue’s Morsel to promote romantic appetite. Ergo and nutmeg to relax the body and mind!
You giggle, hearing his voice read the note in your own head before you confirm out loud,  “Romantic appetite?”
Gale looks at you wide-eyed, biting back a smile on his lips, “Well, is it working?” He bats his eyelashes playfully, but quickly adds, “For scientific research, of course!”
The tea has certainly made you feel different, and you subconsciously bite your lip and scrunch your nose trying to come up with the right description.  Gale shifts his body to turn towards you, before he gently leans you back into the many cushions before sitting next to you and beginning, “M’lady, we shall begin with a brief physical exam if I may?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you gasp in surprise at the boldness of the wizard next to you, but you concede and nod your head to begin, trying to keep the grin from taking over your face. 
“Excellent!” He smiles before holding his palm up, closing his eyes and focusing until a soft, pink light glows warmly from his hand.  He slowly hovers his hand above your body, working carefully not to actually touch you, but to remain close enough to feel your skin relax in the warmth.  He slowly leads the light up one side of you, around the top of your head, and down the other. A small sound, almost a purr, rolls from the back of your throat at the sensation, causing Gale to give a satisfactory, “I see, yes. One more quick test…”
He retracts his hand and in a moment, Gale whispers a quick spell under his breath and a small ball of swirling ice replaces the flame in his palm.  Your eyes get big as he slowly drags his hand over top of your stomach, and breath loudly catches at the cold.  Gale looks at you, quietly waiting for your approval to move on; you bite your lip and nod, pushing your head against the pillow in anticipation of the sensation. His hand hovers up slowly, as he leans in closer to see your face as the harsh cold hardens your nipple and Gale lets out a soft groan as it pushes against your sheer tunic. His hand is a breath away from touching you, but you hold your breath as he hovers across your sternum and up onto your other breast.  You whimper softly at the cold and Gale tries to stifle another, louder groan.  Your hands jump from your sides; one holding his wrist, the other gently pressed against his chest.  You lock eyes for what feels like an eternity and in an instant, Gale shakes his hand and the cold orb is gone for only a moment before he desperately palms your breast and moves onto his side to kiss you. 
You both moan like beasts, weeks’ worth of tension breaking as your hands roam as far as they will reach.  Gale slips a hand under your shoulder to hold you up just long enough for you to slip your tunic over your head before Gale’s face is immediately at your collarbones planting harsh, wet kisses across your chest.  He lets a hoarse growl from his throat as your fingers tug at his soft brown locks.  Your hands tug gently at the shoulders of his shirt before he sits up to remove his own tunic and you slip off your trousers, his eyes wide as saucers, his mouth salivating at your nude form.  He quickly crawls back on top of you, taking both of your hands and pinning them on either side of your head as he leans in so close you can feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispers, “Do you often forgo your underclothes, or is it a special selection to visit my tent?”
You whimper as he lets go of one of your wrists to tightly grip your hip as he pulled you into him, the hard bulge in his trousers pushing against your bare thigh.  His hand slowly releasing your hip bone as he slowly caresses the softness of your stomach and travels down your hips to follow the curve of your thigh in towards your burning core.  His hand stops just short of the throb between your legs and you whine, louder this time before you cover your mouth, afraid you’ll alert your companions. Gale removes the hand from your mouth and whispers again, “I made sure to create a barrier for the sound in my tent when we began; I find it easier to rest when I cannot hear the snores of our dear Karlach, and thought it could come in handy in the off-chance I would be the noisy neighbor!”
You giggle at him before he gently moves his hand so that his middle and ring finger push firmly against your clit.  You moan loudly at the pressure and gasp as he moves you in soft, slow circles while his head swivels back to your mouth as he captures you with another deep, slow kiss.  You whimper against his mouth as his fingers move slightly faster and your hands fumble out, searching desperately as you palm the large bulge now fighting against the laces of his trousers.  He groans loudly with the contact and it emboldens you to reach for his wrists, as you slowly remove his hands from your body and raise them above his head while you move to straddle his waist.  His eyes grow wide in surprise at first, but then quickly become elated as he eagerly watches you take the lead. You lean forward so your breasts are just out of reach above his arms to turn the guidebook on the floor so you can see it again. One figure sits on the ground while the other figure leans back in their lap, their legs draped over the shoulders of the sitting partner.  Gale turns his head to follow your stare and lets out another groan when he sees the diagram.
He quickly sits up, and reaches out to grab your waist before pausing, sheepishly smiling knowing he has quickly struck down your attempt to lead.  You lean back onto your elbows and spread your legs wide, revealing your core with a smirk as you tease, “It’s okay dear, you can take me however you want this time.” You bite your lip, a bit shocked at your own confidence as Gale practically growls as he stands up to shed his pants and underwear in one motion.  His cock is already damp from your teasing, the sheen noticeable even in the warm candlelight that illuminates the tent.  You practically howl, throwing your head back, desperate to feel him as your thighs involuntarily shudder at the sight of him.  He smiles confidently as he returns to his knees before reaching out to pull you onto his lap by your ankles.  You feel his member brush against your folds as he positions your legs over his shoulder and you gasp out his name. He answers with a grunt as one hand secures your thigh over his shoulder, while the other drags his cock against your entrance again, this time with more pressure. 
“Gale please”, you plead with him, his enthusiasm and charm turning you into a whiny, desperate mess.
“I’m sorry my love, can you be more descriptive?” He just barely pushes the tip of his length into you before removing it again, causing you to moan and wiggle your hips to try and find the friction again. He gives a hearty chuckle before he asks, “Darling, all you need to do is tell me, please.”
His eyes are dark with passion, and he turns to give you a wet, open-mouthed kiss on your thigh before he turns back to look at you, encouraging you to speak with a nod.
“I want to feel you inside of me, now.”
Gale grunts as he pushes himself inside you, the movement is easy with how wet you are from the very drawn-out foreplay.  You rock your hips as Gale clamps his fingers into both of your thighs, thrusting his hips to chase yours as you both whimper and moan.  His thrusts become stronger, a snarl-like sound escaping his mouth as he watches your body jiggle with each impact.  The sensation is overwhelming as you lock eyes with the wizard and hold his stare as you begin to toy with your breasts.  You feel him twitch inside you for a moment as the sound of his hips bouncing off your ass becomes louder and his hands move from your thighs to your hips, pulling you onto him so vigorously that you feel each impact vibrate in your ribs.  The knot in your stomach winding tighter as you hold against him tighter with your legs, one arm propping you up while the other travels down your body to find your clit as you let out a cry of pleasure at the double stimulation.
Your wizard is groaning uncontrollably and you whimper at the sight of him as you feel him beginning to twitch inside you again before he lets out an ecstatic groan and you feel the warm result of your lovemaking filling your core as he continues with tired, sloppy thrusts while you gasp out, “Gale I’m so close!”
He continues to fuck you, tears welling in his eyes from the overstimulation and you let out a scream when you finally feel the tension in your body release in a flood of pure pleasure.  The sensation is so overwhelming you squeeze your eyes shut and ride the feeling as you come undone, Gale still buried deep inside you as you both slow to a still.  You carefully let your legs fall to either side of him while he carefully pulls out of you, causing a small mess between your legs that drips onto your thighs as you groan.  The wizard all but collapses forward, laying on his stomach next to you for only a moment before his arm wraps around your waist, pulling your naked frame into his.  You lay together silently for a long time, until your bodies calm down and you feel sleep trying to settle into your eyes. 
“Gale,” you whisper.
“Yes my dear?”
“Perhaps we should get dressed before we sleep? This is a bit compromising don’t you think?” You look down at your bare bodies tangled together and Gale chuckles softly before waving his hand; a blanket floats from his bedroll and stretches to cover the two of you. You laugh at his solution and cuddle back into his side before floating off to a deep, comfortable sleep in the arms of your wizard.
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I really hope y'all enjoyed this one! If you read the whole thing we're making friendship bracelets. If you like this kind of stuff, feel free to follow/reblog as I have plans for more in the future. Ask box is open if you have any requests, comments, or questions :)
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