#smug bastard i love him sm
lotus-sunn · 1 month
Guilty as Sin - imagine + headcanons. tw; slightly suggestive, but nothing explicit! (maybe someday, lmao.)
"you're very pretty, you know that?" you said, sitting beside leo on the roof of a city building hidden from the public's eye, a finished little caesars pizza box tossed over to the side near you. orange neon lights reflecting and refracting, beckoning in spite of being half dead. 
the last of the evening rays were completely diminished, covering the sky with ebony hues, the wind mumbling incoherent whispers into your ear.
"yeah? you think so, sweetheart?" he murmured, his fingers deliberately skimming over the back of your hand, his thumb sliding underneath, touching your palm. 
his eyes didn't dare waver from yours, he held your gaze close and slowly lifted up your limp hand between the space of your faces. 
the anticipation was so searingly excruciating, you swallowed back the shaking breaths that felt heavy on your lungs, and leo noticed.
while still holding your hand in his, and what felt like your entire being with his gaze, he lightly pressed his lips to your knuckles, watching your reaction intently. soon closing his eyes, increasing the pressure of his kisses, he moved his lips over your skin, forever leaving the burning memory of his touch in his wake.
"you're very pretty, too, hermosa." his words rolled off his tongue, slurred slightly like he was drunk off wine and the feverishly heat of the moment. no doubt reading your thoughts, you could feel the bastardly smug smirk against your skin.
he trailed his lips up to your wrist, his other hand settling on your waist like he was on a mission to praise every crevice of beauty you held. and soon he made it up to your collarbone, neck and jaw. 
"can i?" leo breathed out, mere inches away from your lips. of course, he didn't even have to ask, he knew your answer. in response your hands brushed past over his plastron, settling on his shoulders. he didn't waste a single moment at that, his lips capturing yours in a swift movement.
his kisses were teasing, frustratingly so, and he nipped your bottom lip in a playful manner which won him a whine from you. he chuckled softly into the kiss, pulling away to admire you. he gazed upon you, lovingly, oh so lovingly, and he could not help but smile like a fool in love. 
he really was nothing short of one. feelings he hasn't fully articulated yet tugging his soul every moment he's with you. sweetly delirious in the presence of you, you tasted like a drug, felt like the sweetest sin yet brought him to heaven. oh, love, what are you doing to him?
"i love you, pretty girl." he whispered tenderly to you before his fingers entwined into your hair, the heat of his palm against the back of your neck as he pulled you into another kiss. 
── leo can be not all that surprisingly romantic. he runs his fingers through your hair and presses your hands together, your hands are smaller than his, warmer, softer... he whispers a lot to make sure you're okay even if you're just kissing. cracks a few jokes every once in a while to keep it comfortable.
── lowkey loves making out w/ you to chase atlantic, the weeknd and make up sex by somo with the led lights on in his room
── absolutely loves whenever you tug on his bandana, never fails to draw out a deep churr from him. he'll hold onto you, hands sliding down your backside pulling you against his plastron tightly. reciprocating every bit of glittering passion you give to him.
── he tells you how divine you are to him, how much he loves you in every possible way, how you practically live in his mind. while doing this, he's caressing you all over, drinking in your flustered expression. tracing the marks on your body with his thumb. he takes every chance to show you how much you mean to him.
── leo is unfair at times, heavy with his teasing. the opportunity is too tempting not to take, and the ego boost he gets from flustering you is almost obscene. "hm, what's that, pretty girl? i can't hear you."
── if you ever want to get him back though, leo's most sensitive spot is an old wound along his side! it has long healed, but if you ever brush your fingertips past that specific spot, he'll shudder, breath in shakingly, his fingers curling into your sides on instinct. a very satisfying reaction to watch. 
── he's extra weak for soft, gentle strokes and loving caresses. he'll look at you with hearts in his eyes while you run your thumb over his jaw when praising him. he'll melt if you cradle his face while kissing him. and he's a sucker for neck kisses (receiving and giving), tilting his head back when your lips trace over that one sensitive spot he has on the right side of his neck.
── leo loves to nuzzle into your hair, breathing in the scent of your shampoo. burying his beak into the crook of your neck, leaving love bites if you'll allow him to. it gives him a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that he was the one to leave those marks on you, looking back on them later on.
── he loves kissing, in general but he also loves to kiss you like gomez addams. leaning you back, passionately, holding on to you like if he let go he’d never get to hold you again. calls you lots of sweet pet names too. like sweetheart, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, hermosa, pretty girl, cara mia, querida, mi vida, and mi amor.
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aureatchi · 7 months
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⛇₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ SANTA TELL ME IF HE REALLY CARES ft. dazai, chuuya, ranpo, fyodor, nikolai, sigma
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the pm is hosting a christmas party for yokohama! everyone is encouraged to bring a gift for the people they love…so what do the bsd men get you?
info. fem!reader. sm fluff. profanities from chuuya ofc LOL, them trying to outdo each other for you. pm hq has a rooftop floor here. implied reader is in the ada. wc. 3.1k
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You walked inside the lavish lobby of the port mafia headquarters to be greeted by DAZAI, who immediately embraced you in his arms.
“Bella! You made it!” he exclaimed, pulling you in. You could feel the heat of his body warming you up, relieving you of the chilly weather outside.
“Of course, Osamu,” you giggled. “Wouldn’t want to miss something super special as this.”
Still trapping you in his hug, he led you down the hallway, one hand moving to playfully pat your head. Security guards parted to let the two of you through, entering the room where everyone was.
“So many people!” you exclaimed when you entered the headquarters’ formal dining hall decorated in Christmas festivities. Everyone was either chatting about or gathering by a table to get sweet desserts or hot chocolate.
“Want some hot chocolate to warm up, angel?” Dazai asked, looking towards the line.
“No thanks,” you replied. “You’ve warmed my heart up already.”
He gave you a smug smile in response, but you didn’t miss the light pink that also flushed his cheeks.
“Come over here.”
You followed Dazai as he made his way to a different table filled with wrapped presents and bags alike.
Dazai took one of them—the gift bag in your favorite color and handed it to you.
“For the gift exchange,” he smiled. “Merry Christmas, bella. I hope you like it.”
Your eyes lit up in joy, grateful and excited to see what he had gotten you. “Thank you!”
The first thing you pulled out of the bag was a custom heart pendant in your preferred metal—Dazai knew whether you liked silver or gold better. When you unclasped the locket, you saw matching pictures of you and Dazai inside, both bundled up in the snow. It was a good memory to look back at.
“This is so cute, Osamu.” You closed the locket and let the brunette place the jewelry around your neck.
“It looks even better on you.”
The second thing inside the bag was a box. Pulling it out, you saw that it was a Lego flower set.
“As much as you love flowers, they don’t last forever. However, these do!” You grinned widely at the thought and matching gift—Dazai always easily recalled your favorite things.
“We can build them together, too,” he continued, and you gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I love them. You’re amazing at getting gifts.”
“I wouldn’t expect that at all.” Your attention was brought to the ginger-haired who had his arms crossed beside the both of you, a cheeky grin on his face. CHUUYA had a mug of eggnog in his hand, though you knew for sure he’d rather have a glass of red wine reserved for the evening party instead.
“What’s up, doll?” he smiled, a different, sweeter tone entirely, as he strode towards you.
“What do you mean by that?” Dazai asked, referring to Chuuya’s earlier comment.
“Thought your taste in gifts would be shitty, just like you,” he chuckled as you greeted him with a hug.
“Hey, that’s a bit rude,” you whispered.
“Oh really?” Dazai responded with his own sarcastic laugh. “I’m not sure you could do any better.”
“You really underestimate me! Come with me, baby…we’re going to prove to the-thing-that-comes-with-the-discounted-bandages who really knows what to get a lady for Christmas!”
Dazai stood, jaw dropped, dramatically offended as Chuuya pulled you away.
You two walked to the other side of the room, where there were even more gifts under one of the many Christmas trees in the hall.
“Bastard,” Chuuya sulked under a scowl, picking up a box wrapped in crimson red, his statement color.
You chuckled in amusement. He riled up so easily, over something so trivial. “Don’t worry about him, Chuu. I already know I’m going to like what you got.”
“Ya better,” he replied, but cheered up from your words. “Are you able to hold it?”
He handed you the box, hovering his arms below for support in case you dropped it. Though it was a larger package, it was still a bit heavier than you expected.
“Yeah, I got it.” You then raised an eyebrow. What could be inside this gift?
You set it down on the nearest table, undoing the pretty bow of ribbon and wrapping paper that kept the mystery intact.
Inside, you were received with a record player.
“Oh, wow!”
You loved music, and you’d always wanted to start collecting vinyls as it looked cool, but everyone knew it was an expensive hobby.
Not only had Chuuya gotten that—a very nice one, too—he also got the records of your top ten favorite albums.
You looked through the covers, smiling with each new one you saw.
Chuuya explained a few things—how he was setting you up for good because he made sure you got a turntable player instead of a suitcase one, how you should replace the black slip mat with the white one he bought instead so your vinyls look prettier, how to not damage the records…you could hardly pay attention to him though because you were overjoyed at how thoughtful he was for that.
“You seem passionate. Do you collect them too?” you asked.
“No, I just wanted to research to find something good enough for you.”
You could feel your heart melt. He had really spent time picking this out after you’d only mentioned you finding record players vintage and cool twice, and you’d never even pointed out you’d want it as a gift.
“Thank you, Chuuya,” you said, leaning towards him, burying your face in his neck. “I love it…especially how you recall my favorite albums, too.”
“Of course doll,” he replied, running his hands through your hair. “Merry Christmas.”
You could’ve stayed like that, but your little moment with the port mafia executive was ruined when Chuuya glanced over at one of the snack tables to find all the food had just disappeared.
“Now what the fuck?”
You followed, looking at what he was looking at. Then, you realized the man standing by the table with a piece of cake—the last piece of cake.
RANPO caught your gaze and jumped, hyper from all the sugar he consumed. “There you are!” He ran towards you and shoved you on the ground, away from Chuuya.
“Hey man, what the hell is wrong with you?!” he shouted in annoyance.
Ranpo acknowledged the ginger-haired only then, looking up from where he had you suffocating in his arms. “Huh? Oh, sorry, didn’t see ya there.”
Chuuya grew even more infuriated at the provoke.
“You tryna pick a fight?”
“You still want to after knowing how last time turned out?”
Ranpo was referring to their last encounter, where Chuuya had embarrassingly lost against him from a single blow. But you didn’t need to know that.
So, Chuuya used all his willpower to keep silent under an outraged glare as he watched Ranpo drag you away to make sure he didn’t bring up any details about it.
“I got you a gift too!” Ranpo exclaimed as you walked back towards where the other agency members were hanging out. “Wanna guess what it is?”
“Hm…some sort of treat, that’s for sure,” you replied.
“Partly correct!” he replied. “That’s not all that I got you though.”
“Oh? How generous!”
“No!” his response was stern. “A princess like you deserves more…as the world’s greatest detective, noone would know that better than me.”
You smiled. “You’re right, Ranpo.”
With that, he handed you one of the cutest gift baskets you’ve seen. The actual basket was snowman-themed, and inside was everything you wanted that could fit in it—that pajama set you had in your online shopping cart, the new skincare products you’ve wanted to try, your favorite candle—you hadn’t even ever mentioned it to him before. And, of course, a lot of chocolate. Of course, Ranpo would also be the best gift-buyer, using his knowledge to his advantage.
The one thing that really stood out to you, though, was a jar of Hershey kisses, with a note on it that said:
It even had a chibi-fied face of the cute brunette on it.
“This is my favorite thing in this gift,” you said.
“Of course, because I know you always miss me when I’m not there to kiss,” Ranpo confidently stated. “Which is why I came up with a solution! They’ll never be as sweet as me, but it works.”
You laughed in delight. It was a very creative idea. “This is amazing; thank you, Ranpo!”
Never knowing how to respond to thankfulness directly, he answered it with something else. “Hey, there’s something on your nose.”
“Really?” You moved a hand to feel what was on there, but Ranpo grabbed your wrist to prevent you. Instead, he bopped your nose with his lips.
“There was frosting,” he said, probably from when he excitedly greeted you earlier.
“You enjoyed those desserts, huh?” you asked, glancing at the depleted table once again.
“Yup! It was just lying there, and noone said anything about how much you could take, so…!” He paused, trying to remember something.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
You chatted with agency and port mafia members alike a while after. Everyone was having a good time, even when Chuuya started bickering with Dazai and challenged him to a duel.
“How about you talk once you grow another two inches?”
As everyone was being entertained by Chuuya breaking an entire wall by throwing Dazai through it, your eyes were distracted by an elaborate bouquet of roses and baby breaths that you hadn’t noticed before.
Curious because it wasn’t by any other gifts, you left the crowd to inspect it.
You were surprised when you picked the arrangement up and saw that it was addressed to your name on a note. However, there was no name to say who it was from.
You looked around to see if anyone was nearby that could’ve placed the flowers there. But everyone else was watching the fight.
You flipped the note over, seeing a sketch of an elevator and a four-number code on the back.
An elevator?
You scanned the hall once again. The only elevator there was the one at the corner, restricted to the port mafia. The guests weren’t allowed to use it, and a security pad was guarding it.
You hesitated but then decided to approach the door. If someone gave you the code they wanted and were permitting you to use it, right?
Once again, no one protested because they were all distracted watching Chuuya on the ceiling, making sure Dazai couldn’t touch him. You pressed the four numbers into the pinpad and were congratulated with a correct ding! sound and the elevator sliding open.
You stepped inside and realized there was only one button—to go up. You pressed it, and the doors closed, moving you up.
Luxurious as always, the elevator had a glass window, the entire city of Yokohama coming into view as you went higher. A few seconds in, you realized that the elevator wasn’t going to stop until you reached the top.
You still weren’t sure who had mysteriously invited you to meet them. You hoped it wasn’t the boss—the doctor in charge creeped you out, if you were being honest. But you figured it couldn’t be him because he was also downstairs, chilling with the agency’s president.
Your heartbeat raced as the elevator stopped and the doors slid open, adrenaline surging in anticipation of the surprise, coupling with the chilly breeze outside. You had reached the rooftop.
“You’re so easy to tempt; those flowers drew you in faster than a blind mouse to a piece of cheese laid in a trap.”
You smiled as you heard the foreign accent of the person near the edge riddle you while admiring the entire city below. “Hi, Fedya.”
FYODOR turned around, violet eyes meeting yours.
“I should’ve known.” Of course, the enigma was him—conundra was the Russian’s signature.
“How in the world did you even get here?” you asked, though you already knew the answer. He always had his ways to infiltrate anywhere—through deception, through hacking, anything goes.
“I invited ourselves,” he smirked, and only then did you notice his two subordinates on the other side, one in fear as the other tried to trip him over the ledge. “Didn’t want to miss out on the gift-giving either.”
Fyodor took out a jewelry box. “I hardly get to see you. So I thought to get you something that you could wear everyday.
“And this one is special, to remind you of my presence even more.” He opened it, revealing a bracelet, and like Dazai, he also knew what color jewelry suited you best. It was nothing too showy—it was simple, but it was classy, timeless, just like him.
And you noticed what made it special. There was no clasp. It was made to be welded on the person’s wrist—a forever bracelet.
“Choose wisely,” Fyodor said as you looked in awe. “Which wrist, milaya?”
You quickly contemplated and held out one of your wrists towards him as he took out tweezers and a small laser. You watched as he delicately fastened the bracelet around your arm, making sure it sat on your wrist perfectly.
“Finished, fine with it?” he asked when he was done, and you lifted your hand toward the horizon.
“It’s perfect, thank you,” you responded candidly. Then, Fyodor lifted up his own sleeve under his coat, revealing a matching one. You were almost stunned, because you didn’t think he would be the type to wear anything other than a necklace.
“Merry Christmas, dorogaya,” he softly said, pressing you against his chest in a hug.
“WAIT, WAIT! Dove, there’s still me! Don’t seal away your heart just yet!”
“Huh?” You both turned towards NIKOLAI, who kindly but quickly moved Fyodor away from you.
The next thing you knew, there were foil snowman and reindeer balloons in your hand, white confetti popped over you, acting as snow, and the jester standing in front of you presenting a large gift.
“To be honest, I’m scared,” you admitted, knowing his chaotic, playful nature.
“Why?” he giggled. “Think I’m going to scare ya, baby? You can take my word, there’s no jumpscares in this one.”
“You better not be lying,” you said and removed the lid of the black box that reminded you of a magician’s top hat.
And he was being truthful because you were greeted with the exact opposite of remarkable. He had gifted you plain, white socks.
“Wow, Kolya. I never even knew you were capable of being mundane.”
He laughed once again as he just set the box in front of you, not saying anything more as you stared at him in confusion.
You took the socks out. Surely, there was a catch. He was acting too suspicious. And the entire gift was odd. You found nothing tampered with on the socks, though. And there was nothing else in the box. So why was it so big? And why did it look deeper than where the bottom stopped?
You nervously looked at Nikolai before sticking both hands in. You felt your way around the level until you realized the entire package floor felt like paper machete, something used in piñatas and things like that.
By instinct, you lifted a fist and punched through the box. You immediately punctured through the false bottom, uncovering your true gift.
He celebrated. “Smart girl!”
There was an assortment of plushies—many of them. You always asked Nikolai to help you get some whenever you found claw machines at amusement parks, so he knew you loved stuffed animals.
Then, there was a large, fluffy throw blanket, perfect for winter.
“I got that because I know you’re probably so cold when I’m not hugging you.” True. Nikolai encapsulated you like a blanket whenever he came over.
“The thought of having this didn’t even cross my mind,” you said. “Well, that goes for everything you do,” you chuckled.
“That was really creative; I love it, thank you!”
Nikolai popped more confetti, this time in pink hearts. “She loves it! Happy, happy Christmas!”
He swung you off the ground, spinning you with ease until your own head started spinning the opposite way.
“Gogol! I think she’s dizzy!”
The two-tone-haired casino owner had a concerned look on his face, and you couldn’t tell if it was because your eyes were unfocusing or because Nikolai was throwing you around so easily. Strong guy.
Nikolai stopped, realizing he had gotten too excited. “Sorry, dove! Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah,” you responded, unable to keep your balance as you tripped over yourself. You landed on SIGMA’s torso, and he helped guide you to stand up properly again.
“Thanks, Sigma,” you replied. “How are you?”
“Good, now that I get to see you again.” He lightly blushed, breaking eye contact as you smiled. “I’m glad to see you too.”
“I got you something as well,” he replied, showing his own present. “I’m not sure what the people downstairs got you, and mine isn’t as fancy as Dostoevsky’s nor as extraordinary as Gogol’s, but I hope you like it.”
You felt warm, even in the icy weather. “Awh, just hearing that you got something for me is more than enough,” you replied. “I am so grateful no matter what.”
You took the present and opened it, first greeted by a new set of poker cards. However, this one was different because when you sifted through them, you realized it was the Decay of Angel’s custom set. You had been wowed by Nikolai’s Joker and Fyodor’s Jack when you first saw them, always using the set when you played a game with others.
But there was also a new addition to this stack. You were on it, taking your place as the queen.
“What? Sigma, this is so cool!”
There was one more thing inside. Your favorite lipstick in your favorite shade.
Sigma loved the color and even more how it looked on you. He loved how his cheeks would stain whenever you kissed him there—the pigmented contrast to his paler skin. You hardly needed restocking as you loved the lipstick yourself, but it was always good to have another extra.
“Merry Christmas,” Sigma said as you opened the container and swatched it on your face. You looked as beautiful as ever.
“Merry Christmas, Sigma,” you responded, kissing his forehead. Then, you pulled a cookie wrapped in a napkin from inside your coat and placed it in his mouth.
“Saved it for you,” you giggled. “There’s a lot downstairs. Maybe they’ll let you guys in if I say I invited you. Well, at least you.”
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i heard if u rb, u will receive x2 gifts this xmas from ur favs! reblogs are appreciated; they are your christmas gift to me! <3
tags : @kissesmellow21
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© AUREATCHI 2023. no reposts or translations. do not steal. support banner + heart lights divider by benkeibear.
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luvkuvi · 1 year
ok scaramouche would 100% be a teasing boyfriend but he just has the biggest soft spot for you. like you fell first but he fell HARDER!! he just loves you sm but doesn't want to admit it🙄 but that's what I think personally
Definitely!!! he's like such tsundere tbh and i love that about him
mordern au! scara, sorta tsundere scaramouche, soft scaramouche bcs im convinced this man just needs love and is needy. not proofread!
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Scaramouche is the type of boyfriend that will tease you but get so easily flustered when you do it back. Scaramouche being the teasing bastard has decided to keep stealing your food every so often when hanging out. This particular time you want to get revenge, you notice him eating pocky as he typed on his laptop probably working on a project you thought. He began to notice your suspicious behavior as you just went back and forth beside him as he worked thinking it was just one of your weird stuff. And when you thought he was distracted you immediately grabbed the box of pocky thinking you'd won but you were met by an empty box.
"Too bad this is the last one" You turned to face him and he had this smug smile that said "I've won" but you're not gonna give up yet! He chuckled to himself seeing your pout as your brows furrow probably due to frustration and his attention went back to his laptop not a moment has passed he felt a hand turn on his chin to face another direction before he could even utter a word you bit the other end of the pocky stick that was till in the corners of his mouth. You gave him a teasing grin as you bit down more of the delicious snack until your lips were only meters apart, eyeing scara you could see the visible tint of red on his cheeks which only motivated you further to just kiss him as the stick broke when your lips touched.
You pull away with a satisfied hum seeing your boyfriend still processing the past moments you only giggle in response "Thanks for the snack scara! We should do that again sometime". Scara didn't get any work done and now he's giving you the silent treatment for that stunt you pulled but don't worry he just does this when he's embarrassed and actually enjoys the teasing but he would rather die than admit to that.
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angelfic · 11 months
first of all congrats on 2k !! my request would be dick grayson in a forbidden romance with "you're a horrible liar" TYSM I LOVE YOUR WRITING
thank u sm ur so sweet!! i’m so excited to be writing for dick grayson u have no ideawhsjwkdiekf here u go anon! 💌
dick grayson x reader + forbidden romance + “you’re a horrible liar”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
“Hey, doc,” you hear Dick call from the doorway where he leans against the wall and watches you. Clad in his Nightwing suit, he smiles at you, very clearly tired from wherever he’s come from. You almost turn away, but you quickly realise that he’s leaning on the wall for support and the hand not holding his mask, is clutching his side. “You got time for another patient?”
“You’re hurt,” you mumble pointlessly, rushing over to help the vigilante off the wall and towards a chair. Trying to ignore the way your stomach twists at his wincing, you help him into a sitting position. “Take off your shirt.”
“Woah, you’ve never said that where other people can hear you before,” he chuckles, the movement making his laugh turn to wheezing. You hide your worry with a glare at his words and check the door to see if anyone overheard. Just to be safe, you go and shut it.
You’re pretty sure everyone is in their rooms or out, but working in a house full of vigilantes means you can never be too sure with security. The less you work at the hospital and the more you’ve started staying at Wayne Manor, the chances of your relationship with Dick have increased immensely.
You’re almost certain that Tim knows about you two. Either that, or he knows some other secret based on the weird, knowing smiles he keeps sending your way. You dread to think.
“How’d this happen?” you ask quietly, already getting to work on the stitches.
Dick looks at you, slightly conflicted with something before he speaks. “I, uh… there was this-” he cuts himself off, sighing and then taking a deep breath. “I tripped over a stray kitten trying not to step on its tail and one of the guys got me before I had the chance to recover.”
You really do try not to laugh, but the second you accidentally catch Dick’s eye when you go to reach for a bandage, you can’t help cracking a smile.
“And I assume the cat came out of there completely fine,” you tease, smoothing the bandage over the stitches.
“I swear I saw the smug bastard shake its head at me,” he says, completely serious until you dip your head and start laughing again, to which he responds with his own smile.
You turn your head to get the disinfectant to begin on the smaller scratches and cuts and when you turn back to Dick, he catches your lips with his own in a gentle kiss, hand coming up to cup your face. You melt into him for a minute, letting his warmth envelope you before reluctantly pulling away.
“Dick…” you sigh, avoiding his eyes to fiddle with the lid of the disinfectant bottle. All you want to do is continue kissing him, but the sneaking around has had you thinking recently. You’re here for your job and you know you’re in a position of trust and responsibility to Bruce and the others, including Dick. “I keep telling you we need to end this. And I mean it.”
Dick stays silent and after a couple beats, you look up, thinking that he’s upset with you. You find him smirking. “You’re a horrible liar, you know.”
“I’m serious, Grayson,” you say, trying to sound as firm as possible when he looks at you in the way that gets you all mushy inside. “I can’t do that to Bruce. He’s my employer, yeah. But more than anything he trusts me and I can’t mess this up.”
“Hm.” Dick doesn’t change his expression, continuing to look at you, eyes moving from your eyes to your lips and back and you wonder if he’s even listening to you. Tutting, you snap your fingers in his face, causing him to smirk even more. “Yeah… Bruce knows.”
You freeze, staring at Dick in utter shock. “He knows?”
“Since yesterday,” he nods, taking the disinfectant out of your hands to place it on the table. Holding your hands, he guides you forward so you’re standing snug between his legs, still unable to say much. “He doesn’t care, by the way. Just like I said he wouldn’t.”
“Really?” you ask in a whisper, not daring to sigh in relief just yet.
Dick just rolls his eyes and takes your face in his hands. “Yes. He still trusts you and still wants you working here, just like I said.”
You relax your shoulders, nodding. Then you punch him in the arm, making him groan. “Why didn’t you tell me straight away, you ass!”
“I was injured!” he exclaims, but his stupid grin is unwavering. “I still am, actually. That was a damn good punch, what the hell?”
“Jason showed me the other day,” you grumble, still frowning at Dick.
He shakes his head at you, completely unaffected by your glare as he swoops in for another quick kiss, knowing it’ll appease you, even momentarily. You don’t hesitate to respond, hands beginning to roam up his strong chest and into his hair. He pulls away with a contented smile. “I half-expected you to punch me again for kissing you.”
“Yeah, well. There’s more where that came from.”
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altocat · 7 days
so I haven't played crisis core yet but what's sephiroth and genesis' relationship? I just saw the cutscene of them fighting. They're friends right? Or are they rivals
Serious answer: They're best friends/rivals. Genesis admires Sephiroth and wants to be his equal. But he's also kind of jealous and the sickness that claims him across the plot of CC warps said jealousy even more to the point where they have a lot of nasty encounters. Sephiroth, meanwhile, doesn't care about their rivalry and just wants Genesis (And Angeal) to come home, to the point where he becomes actively depressed over it.
In a nutshell:
Genesis: "FUCK THAT GUY I HATE HIM but also he's super cool and we should hang out this weekend BUT ALSO FUCK HIM THAT SMUG ASSHOLE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HIM but also we need to share some apples together because he's my hero and I love him sm and I want him to be proud of me 🥺BUT ALSO FUCK THAT RAT BASTARD I HOPE HE DROPS DEAD SADFGHJGFDSADFGHGFDS"
Sephiroth: "Genesis left my field of vision for five seconds so I've decided to end it all 🙃"
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hi hi! i love ur works sm!! i found u when i was searching for a malleus x reader fic and i LOVEE the lipstic stains fic!! but then i went into ur blog AND I FOUND OUT U WRITE FOR OBEY ME TOO??? URE AMAZING!! so i got an idea after reading the malleus fic, can i request the demon brothers doing the "stay with me, i dont want you to leave" trend with gn!mc?? you can ignore this if you want!! thank you so much nd i love ur works! <3
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stay with me, don’t want you to leave
.obey me (older brothers) x gn! reader
a/n: so glad you enjoy my works >< also this is such a big brain idea anon, i want to look into your head– also i’m rly sorry this took so long >﹏< but hope you enjoy! 
cw: making out, hickeys, slightly suggestive, ft. flirty bastard mc
he’s never been one for social media in general other than the occasional devilgram post that diavolo asked for, so he doesn’t really know what you’re talking about until you show him a video.
becomes intrigued and a tad smug once he finds out. 
you want to do this with him? he hopes you know what you’re signing up for here.
he doesn’t participate in trends but he can make an exception for this (and for you).
“you should wear lipstick in the house more often, my dear. you look beautiful.”
“flatterer,” you giggle, gently placing your hand under his chin and tilting his head upwards– your thumb slowly dragging against his bottom lip. oh, you know how weak that makes him, evident in the way he squeezes your waist ever-so-slightly at the action. the response is subtle but it’s there.
“ready?” you ask, but he doesn’t get a chance to answer before you kiss his lips, more gently than he was expecting. he’s about to quickly recover and reciprocate– but you’ve already moved on to the rest of his face.
he feels your lips on his cheeks, on his forehead, his jaw, his throat, the sensitive spot on his neck only you know– and he doesn’t have to look into a mirror to learn that he’s absolutely covered in lipstick. it’ll be an absolute pain to take off but that’s just more time spent with his beloved human master. and what else could he ask for?
all too soon, you’ve pulled away and he bashfully looks down in an effort to save face.
“look at me, luci,” he obeys without hesitation, you’re the only one he’ll permit to call him that (among other things).
“you should wear lipstick in the house more often,” you tease, repeating his words. he narrows his eyes to look intimidating– like the demon he really is but it’s a fruitless effort. you’ve never been as scared as you should be when it comes to him.
you smile and give him one last peck on his nose. “going to set it up now, i won’t be long.” their phone is on his desk but he knows that you’re referring to how clingy the demons in this house can be, including himself.
he doesn’t take his eyes off you as reapply the lipstick in front of the camera and he watches you purposely mess it up. he takes your chin in his hand as you did with him just like in the rest of those videos, and gently rubs off the smudged colour. there isn’t a trace of his previously flustered state and everything is perfect and done in one try. as expected from someone like him.
you end the recording within a few seconds and turn to him– but before you can escape his hold he asks, “someone needs to be held responsible for all of this.”
“all of what?” you reply cheekily. “i don’t see anything wrong.”
he doesn’t have time to give a response before you kiss him once again. he all but sighs into it, and your teeth nip the soft skin of his mouth in the way you’ve learned he adores. by the end of it all, his lips are swollen and your lipstick is just as messy as his.
he honestly saw this trend before you brought the topic up.
and when he watched the video, he immediately pictured the two of you doing it. safe to say the rest of that night was spent in embarrassment.
is so glad you’re the one who suggested it because as much as he tries, he could not get his mind off of this.
“you should take a picture, mams. it’ll last longer,” blood rushes to his cheeks at being caught, despite not being very subtle in the first place.
“don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grumbles, looking away in an attempt to hide his flustered state. suddenly, he feels your hand on his jaw gently turning his head to look at you. when did you get here so fast?! he doesn’t have a chance to truly think about it before he feels your lips on his.
it’s only a chaste kiss, but his eyes and the slight rise ‘n’ fall of his chest make it look like you’ve just stolen his breath away. he breaks out of his reverie when you raise your eyebrows, challenging him to say something.
“o-oi! give a guy a warning before you pull a stunt like that!” he’s not truly angry, of course. evident with the flush on his cheeks and the fact that he hasn’t let go of you.
“that kiss was the warning, mammon. there’s a lot more where that came from– unless you want to stop?”
“i never said that–” he’s cut off once again by another kiss. this time, he makes sure to shut up, just in case you do stop. 
and it’s nice, letting himself get pampered. you’ve always been affectionate with him, much more than you are with his brothers (take that lucifer, and the rest of you punks), but it never ceases to make his hearts skip a beat. his arms are wrapped around you as he continues to feel your lips all over his face but eventually, you reach elsewhere. you gently nibble and suck on the sensitive parts of his neck– and he quickly gulps, trying to hide how much this is really affecting him. and it’s stupid really, you’ve given hickeys before, why is he so affected every time? but you soon pull away and he has to stop himself from leaning in.
“whoops, i think i got too carried away.” whoops? whoops?!
“this isn’t part of the trend…” he says, acting like he didn’t immensely enjoy everything.
“think of it as an added bonus,” you give him one last peck under his eye before taking out your phone and setting up the video.
as he impatiently waits for you to hurry up and finish so you could continue where you left off, he sees his reflection in a nearby mirror. and good god, he was a sight. already, the hickeys were starting to form (he swears it’s not his fault, you must’ve put a spell so they would appear for the trend), and he was absolutely covered in lipstick stains. some bright, some faded, some clear and some smudged. and his neck was more of a mess than his face was.
he doesn’t know why he’s surprised at the sight, but he is. imagining it in his head and truly seeing what he looked like was completely different.
“ready, treasure?”
“u-uhh– yeah, yeah i’m ready,” is he really going to show this to the world? …yes, without a doubt. he’ll prove to everyone that you wanted to do this with him and him alone. you wanted to cover him in kisses and show the realms that he’s yours– no one else.
he sucks in a breath just before you start recording and puts on his model/actor face. if he was going to do this, he was going to do it right. he stares as you apply the lipstick and purposefully mess it up– and he reaches over, gently rubbing off the smudge and turns your head to face him with his index finger.
the process is quick and it’s over before he knows it. the recording stops and suddenly, he feels himself being pushed onto the bed by a gust of wind, followed quickly by the human who probably caused it.
“you look cute like this, mind if i give you more?”
it’s just some stupid normie trend that he doesn’t care about at all.
no he did not think of you when he first saw it. no he did not scroll through dozens of videos as he imagines you doing something like this to him.
but he wouldn’t say no if you asked… 
“ack– umm.. i mean, i wasn’t staring!”
the look on your face makes levi hide behind his fist once again– refusing to make eye contact with you. it’s been like this ever since you asked him to do this trend with you. after a few minutes of telling him that ‘yes, you do want to do this with him’, he finally agreed (as though he didn’t have a bunch of those types of videos liked and saved on his ddd).
he hears footsteps nearing his bathtub and he’s suddenly met with a kiss on his cheek. it’s light and quick but he scrambles his words like a high school boy seeing his first crush.
“y-you can’t do that! i have to prepare for the battle first, give me time to equip a few weapons so i can handle this boss fight–”
he’s cut off by yet another kiss, but your lips linger just a second longer than truly necessary. you let go and he’s about to let out the most pathetic wobbly whine known to demon and man before he feels a gentle pressure on his forehead, then his nose– and all over the rest of his face.
he swears he’s about to faint, this is so sudden! a surprise attack to render him defenceless against your onslaught of everlasting affection that makes sure to leave a permanent mark on his heart.
levi feels light-headed once you’re done and he almost doesn’t hear your voice calling out to him.
“levi? leeevviiiiii, you okay?”
he’s so obviously not and you know this, yet you still choose to ask. still, he gives a nod as best as he can with his head on the edge of his bathtub– hoping the cold of the glass will help him regain thought.
and thankfully it works (for the most part, he’s still in a bit of a daze and he thinks he’ll never be able to get rid of the pink dusting his cheeks). he watches you set up your phone near him, press record and reapply your lipstick. you smudge it and he quickly gathers his thoughts the best he can and wipes the mark off for you. …you really are beautiful, especially with the blue light of his room gently hitting your face and that teasing smile.
you turn away as soon as the audio finishes (he pats himself on the back for getting it in one try) and quickly turn to him.
“soo… you wanna cuddle in your bathtub? you look like you need it.”
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lcs-library · 1 year
I SAW THE REQUEST GAME AND CAME RUNNING. mmm im thinking rosehip & pomegranate for banri (my stinky beloved), tsuzu, and kazu if you haven't done those prompts for them already? thanks a bunch and pls be sure to hydrate lots and lots 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
FRIEND???? IN THE ASKBOX?? More likely than you’d think<3333. I haven’t done these prompts for them, and I’m sorry it took a while, but this was really fun to write! Thanks sm for the request hehe<3333333
Request game
Rosehip: How romantic are they? How do they show affection?
Pomegranate: At what point did they know they loved their s/o?
🍂He is romantic, yeah, and he loves you, but grand gestures or declarations aren’t really his thing. If you get one, you just KNOW it’s to see you blush, he doesn’t mean it.
🍂Or does he????🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
🍂“Hey.” You turn around at the sound of Banri’s voice to find him leaning over the kitchen counter, that iconic foxy look in his eyes. You have to sigh, almost entirely sure of what was going to happen next.
🍂“What?” You ask, knowing his next move.
🍂“Oh, there’s my dear. I love you~.” He croons, making a kissy motion. You couldn’t say you didn’t feel at least a little flustered, but that didn’t change the fact that this was Banri Settsu you were talking to.
🍂You stepped up to him, shoving your palm against his mouth.
🍂“Yeah, nice try.”
🍂“What? You used to like it when I was all flirty.” He pouted.
🍂“Mhm, not before I caught on to your stupid schemes.” You replied flatly, going back to the task at hand.
🍂“But it def helped ya fall in love with me a little more, didn’t it?”
🍂You had to cringe at the accusation, but you couldn’t deny it.
🍂“Shut up.”
🍂“That’s what I thought.” He replied with a sly grin.
🍂Even though he tends to mask his affection in cheesy lines and smug smirks, when he’s in a really romantic mood it’s like he’s a completely different person.
🍂He’s practically attached to you, his face in your shoulder mumbling things like “I love you” over and over again.
🍂Of course, this is something you only get to see in private, as he can’t let anybody know that Mr. Super Ultra Easy Mode has a weak spot.
🍂He’s also super affectionate, placing little kisses all over you as the soft mumbling continues.
🍂He’s more giggly with you as well. He has such a bubbly laugh that it’s a shame you don’t hear it more often.
🍂In conclusion, Banri + gap moe = cute
🍂The moment he knew he loved you was on a day out, when the two of you stopped by a coffee shop.
🍂The second your drinks arrived, he whipped out his phone.
🍂“C’mere, we gotta take a pic for the ‘blam.” He says, pulling you closer to him as he flips his phone to the selfie camera.
🍂“Do we have to?” You whine.
🍂“To keep the fans happy.”
🍂And so, holding your drinks up, you pose as the camera shutters. Immediately after, you turn away to start sipping at your drink.
🍂You may not have been aware of the expression on your face, but Banri was. He was very aware.
🍂It had been a long day, and the way your eyes went from having such a dull look to them to positively lighting up at the first sip; it was such a subtle change, and yet he couldn’t help but find it cute. Not that he’d ever say it, of course.
🍂Despite that, he felt something bubble up inside him. A sort of voice that screamed at him that he needs to be the one to make that happen more often.
🍂Was it love? Would he know?
🍂The feeling turned from a gurgling to a flood of questions and emotions as he continued to stare at you, unaware of his own expression, a soft, caring one.
🍂You turned around to face him at his sudden silence.
🍂“Banri? You okay?”
🍂It was as if your voice had snapped him out of some sort of hypnosis.
🍂“Huh? Wha-? Yeah, ‘m fine. You like what ya got?” He replied, a little flustered.
🍂“Yeah.” You said, a smile finally gracing your features.
🍂“Good.” Banri rubbed your head fondly. Maybe he’d figure out the funny feeling later and enjoy his time with you.
🍂He never ended up posting the pic to Instablam btw. He ended up cherishing it.
🖋️He has so much love to give, but it’s never in the most obvious way
🖋️It’s always the little things with him, like allowing himself to let loose and complain a little or taking time out of a busy schedule to take you for a meal.
🖋️And you can’t seem to get enough.
🖋️There’s just something about the way he stumbles over, exhausted, and asks to go out with you to lunch that day that is somehow so endearing.
🖋️Of course, he could have easily gone on his own, but he’d rather go with you, and that just makes every time ten times more special.
���️As for affection, that also lies in the little things.
🖋️Holding your hand as he proofreads a script, covering you with a blanket it you fall asleep on the couch, and small forehead kisses at random points are pretty common with him.
🖋️His love is always in small doses, but remains a constant, finding its way into your everyday life and seeping through the cracks of the mundane.
🖋️His love is like going on a walk and finding little dandelions popping up in the cracks of the sidewalk. A small thing, but so bright and constantly surrounding you.
🖋️He connected the dots about a few months after he met you, when he finally finished a particularly difficult script.
🖋️He had fallen asleep at his laptop this time, where Masumi had messily thrown a blanket over him. Empty packages of instant ramen and mugs surrounded him, each one having been stained with the absurd amount of coffee he had been drinking.
🖋️You knock on the door, jolting him awake.
🖋️“Hrmngh?” He sputters as you walk in.
🖋️“Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?”
🖋️“Nah, you’re fine. I’ve been awake for hours.”
🖋️You knew he was(terribly) lying, noting the blanket around his shoulders and dark circles around his eyes, but didn’t say anything.
🖋️“Well, I’m just checking in. Sakuya said you collapsed earlier, so I wanted to make sure you’re okay. I also brought some curry from Izumi. It’s probably better than the instant ramen Masumi’s been hopping you up on. And I brought a water bottle since I figured you have’t had anything other than coffee, and you know how Azami is about hydration— you good?”
🖋️Tsuzuru was staring at you like you’d grown a second head. A strange feeling washed over him and it was…nice? It felt good to know someone cared so much about him, it just made him want to return the favor. He blinked dumbly before finally snapping out of his trance.
🖋️“Uh, yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for all this. Just set it on the desk.” He replied as calmly as he could.
🖋️“Alright, I trust you to actually eat it.”
🖋️Tsuzuru chuckled. “I will, I will. Thanks again.” He grinned as he ruffled your hair. You blushed a little at the affection, but he could hardly guess as to why(he just thinks of the affection as the Older Brother Instinct).
🖋️“You’re welcome. See ya, then.”
🖋️“Mhm, see ya.”
🖋️The door shut behind you with a click.
🖋️FUUUUUUUUCK. Tsuzuru sank into his chair, his hands combing through his hair.
🖋️This can’t be…can it?
🌺He’s surprisingly traditional when it comes to romance.
🌺He goes on a few dates before declaring you official, doesn’t go too far without your consent, and says a lot of “I love you”s
🌺You know that post that’s like “‘Saying “I love you” too many times makes it lose its meaning’ to YOU. Not to me tho. It actually makes it stronger. I’m building a house out of ‘I love you’s.” Yeah that’s Kazu.
🌺Casual intimacy is a very common thing with him. He’s always touching you in some way.
🌺Whether it’s an arm around you, holding you hand, resting his chin on your shoulder, whatever, he’s attached to you at the hip.
🌺Except for in public, unless he has your consent or is trying to protect you.
🌺“Heya babes! How’s the most perfect being in the world doing?” He’ll typically greet, kissing your cheek.
🌺“Fine, fine. You?” You reply with a giggle.
🌺“Better now that you’re here!” He exclaims with a wink and some finger guns.
🌺You can’t help but laugh harder at his antics. “Love you too.”
🌺He’s the type to use his words to show his love, always coupling with his actions.
🌺I said this in another request, but he’s got about a thousand pet names for you.
🌺He’s a very lovey and silly boy :)
🌺It was on one of you dates before you two became official, a thrift shopping date to be precise.
🌺Kazunari had wanted to try the thingy where you both create outfits for each other then wear them to dinner.
🌺You each had taken your outfits to the dressing rooms and changed before you showed them off.
🌺“Okay, we’ll show ‘em to each other on three! One, two…three!”
🌺You turned around after his command, a delighted smile on your face.
🌺Kazu gasped.
🌺“Dude, you look adorbs!!!” He squealed, taking about a million photos of you.
🌺“You think so?”
🌺“I know so! I was the one who picked it out, ya ding dong!”
🌺“Well, it looks great! I love it!”
🌺“I’m glad!”
🌺It was in that giddy moment that Kazunari realized something. He wanted to see you that excited because of him all the time. It was decided. He’d ask you to be his partner that day. It was time.
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dwightsbellyslvt · 3 months
(Shout out to my bestie, ily sm for giving me idea and I hope you enjoy!!)
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It didn’t take much to realize where his lover went. He quickly got up, grabbing his trench coat and running out his room. Red was well aware of his partner’s “gremlin” habits and he probably would get in trouble with Johann. He made his way to the living room area and saw him, his lover. He was arguing with some mutant and it looked like to would be a cat fight in a minute. The demon then walked up to them both, pulling his boyfriend to him and just holding him back. “Baby, please! It ain’t worth it!” He was trying not to have another fight erupt, it was the second one today. “THE MOTHERFUCKER SLAPPED MY ASS, OF COURSE IT IS!” He yelled. That’s when Red’s mood shifted. “…He what ?” He slowly turned around to the male mutant who was looking smug. He was gonna wipe that smirk off that bastard’s face. Once letting go of his boyfriend and telling him to just go back to his room, he turned to the other mutant and tackled him when his boyfriend stormed off.
Red’s boyfriend was just sitting on the bed’s edge and looking around before hearing the door open, he just looked down at the floor, looking at one of Red’s cats. Red entered, sounding quiet as he looked at his boyfriend. “Sorry I took so long.” He said, seeming to be hiding something as he was covering his stomach with his trench coat. “…It’s not your fault.” His boyfriend didn’t look up from the ground yet and mostly focused on the cat, gently petting it. That’s what he loved about his lover, he was gentle and kind to cats. Red sat beside him on the bed’s edge, the bed creaking slowly as he did. “…Y’know I love you, right?” Red looked at him, smiling softly. His boyfriend gave a soft chuckle, not looking up. “I love you too, babe.”
Red sighed, knowing that his boyfriend might need some time. “I just…hate being like this…I hate how I am…” His boyfriend finally looked up at Red, looking sad. He hated seeing his lover like this. Especially when they did nothing wrong. “…Babe, it’s not your fault…” Red said, having his normal left hand on his boyfriend’s lap. “It was that dumbass who laid a hand on you. Yer not at fault.”
The boyfriend just shrugged. “It’s whatever.” He then leaned into Red before feeling something move around. “…Red…tell me you didn’t.”
“What?” Red tilted his head, sounding confused. “…You ate him, didn’t you.” His boyfriend had a blank expression on his face. “…Maybeeeee?” Red chucked nervously.
“…Okay, whatever.” His boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully and just continuing to be close to his demon lover. Red’s tail began to wag, making a loud thud on the bed a lot as he began to blush. As he digested his prey, the two were just cuddling. No longer was Red hiding his squirming belly like he used to. He did it for his lover after all.
Today was a good day.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
🐉❤Old man Shang Tsung appreciation post❤🐉
God i love this shang tsung. Look most of the time shang is shang. But there is something about tagawas old man shang tsung in mk11 that hits different.
Like shang tsung is sexy no matter what form. Young or old. Elder or rejuvenated youth.
But old man shang tsung gilf is underrated af!
But also he's just badass too. Like i love this particular version of him sm! Fr!
I mean look at him!
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Like foxy grandpa can get it!
(Smug bastard i love him sm 😤💕💖🥺💋)
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
🤭🤭 4 and 22 with Wesker? You’re the only person I know that writes for Wesker and I love it 😭😭 I’ll be commissioning soon 👀I just have to think up some ideas
Thank you sm for the appreciation! Also, I can confirm I’m not the only one who writes for him, and there are soo many writers out there who do write for him, and they are amazing! 
I hope you like this!
4- Fingering || 22- Thigh riding
You've waited so long for him. Your body yearned and yearned for his touch, but all you could do was pleasure yourself while you waited for his return. From what you understand, Tricell is experimenting with a new virus, and his presence is required, leaving him no time to play with his sweetheart.
Before he left in the morning, he made sure to show you how much he yearned for you too. His hands caressed your waist and belly while his mouth was gently kissing your lips, all while you were laying on the bed and he was on top of you, on the edge. It was a long and intense one, enough to get you warmed up. You moaned in anticipation, pulling him closer to you, hoping he'd get in between your legs, but he didn't give you the long-awaited pleasure. Instead, he got up and headed to work.
You've fantasized about him all day.
Later at night, he came back. From the look on his face, you realized he had something in mind. He sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap, starting to kiss your lips passionately while gripping your waist.
"Do you want to pick up where we left off in the morning?" You said it between giggles.
"Pretty much. Did you miss me, doll?" he asked between kisses.
"Yes, all the time, Al."
"Hmm. Show me."
You paused and looked at him. He had his usual smug expression on his face. Seeing that you were confused, he caressed your cheek with his fingers while repeating himself.
"Show me"
"I-What do you want me to do?"
"Surprise me"
His hand still caressed your face as a comforting gesture, telling you not to get anxious or unsure.
You gazed into his eyes one more time before spreading his legs. You could drop down on your knees and blow him, but you wanted to tease him just as he teased you today.
You lowered your weight on one of his legs and began to move forward and backward slowly, trying to get used to the motion. You were wearing some shorts that were made of thin fabric without underwear, so all that friction stimulated your cunt directly.
It didn't take long for the first wave of pleasure to hit you. You could feel the familiar warmth down there, which kept increasing with every rub.
You kept looking at Wesker, who still had that smug look on his face, but he seemed to be breathing a little harder. His hands were on your hips, and yours were clenched on his thigh.
"I'm very intrigued by what you're doing, but it doesn't really show how much you want me."
That bastard.
You picked up the pace, giving your clit the attention it deserves, and Wesker's the confirmation he needed. 
Wesker spread his legs even further. It could be because he wanted to give you more space or because there wasn't room in his briefs for his growing cock.
You added some circle motions to your rhythm, along with some occasional humpings, to please your sensitive clit. Your shorts must've been soaked by now. One twirl of your hips, two, three—the pleasure was so intense that you ignored the burning feeling in your tired leg muscles. Instead of supporting yourself on his thigh, you were holding yourself on the very arms that guided your hips. Your torso was fully exposed to him. The sight of those hardened nipples, visible through the shirt, drove Wesker crazy. He wanted to rip it off, to stick his cock inside you, and to fuck you raw until your throat would be dry from moaning his name. But, he decided to let you do your act. 
Your moans slowly began to fill the room as you kept rubbing yourself. His expensive pants were probably stained from you leaking all over them. There is to be seen if he would get upset or not. 
"You're such a good girl," he said. "I think you deserve more."
He flipped you and tossed you on the couch. The wet spot between your legs was visible.
"Look at the mess you made." He pointed to the spot where you rode him, that had a shiny, transparent stain. "You are such a filthy girl."
You didn't know if he was messing with you or if he was really angry, so you remained silent. Your head was still in the clouds. However, his intention became clear when you felt a finger slowly sliding inside you.
"Albert..." you said in a brittle voice.
"What love?"
The finger quickly filled you up. It wasn't enough, you wanted more.
"I-can you please add another one?"
"Well, if you ask so nicely," he replied, and soon another finger filled your throbbing cunt.
You gasped and grabbed the fabric beneath you, while resting your leg on the back of the couch so he could go deeper.
"Yes!" You whined as you felt him pick up the pace. His big thumb found your clit and he started to circle over it.
Your moans filled the room again, but this time they were accompanied by wet sounds as Wesker's fingers drew in and out mercilessly.
The more he rubbed your spot with his fingers, the more you felt that familiar pressure in your lower belly. In and out, in and out, then he added a third finger that drove you over the edge.
It felt so good. He filled you perfectly, and he didn't insert his cock inside you yet. You moved your hips along with his movements, chasing your release.
It didn't require much effort after that, and you let all that pressure hit you, finally reaching your orgasm and coming all over Wesker's hand.
"Good girl." Wesker said before twirling his tongue around his coated fingers, to taste you. "Very good."
"I-I'm glad I pleased you." You said it between heavy breaths.
"I hope you're not tired, love."
"No, not at all. Why?" Your heart began to beat rapidly again as you anticipated his next move.
"Because I want to fill you again, but using my dick. I also want you to clench around it and milk it like you did with my fingers."
You let out a soft moan before shouting "yes" with your remaining strength, and then he began to undress and start the next round.
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katsumiiii · 1 year
sadly I'm not British so I can't confirm for the slang but I love the way you characterize hobie EEEEEEK, he has me giggling and my cheeks burning cause he's so UGH-can't even describe it but it's like a teasing boyfriend and I mean a TEASE. like you have playful boyfriend and then you have…hobie
1 feel like he's the type to just wake up in the morning and choose to mess with you just cause he's bored or misplace something of yours just to see you in a frenzy 💀
also I really appreciate that you value my opinion, it means soooooooo much 🥹🫶🏽 and YESSSSSSS I miss the character brainrot we used to have ☹️
AWWW THANK U SMMM, yesss bro like I love writing hobie as like a smug asshole bc I feel like he knowsss his s/o loves him sm so he has this confidence when handling them, which he rlly has the same approach to like everything but especiallyyy his s/o
LMFAOOOO HE LITERALLY WOULD, I feel like he finds it so cute when you’re annoyed with him, also bc he knows he can always make it up to u, he’s such a cocky bastard but I love it sm
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casualhedonists · 5 months
Hellooooo 💖 I wanted to pose a question I’ve been curious about. Had reader gone down to breakfast in the start of chapter three a) how did Snow intend/think it was going to play out and b) how would it have actually played out.
You’ve heard my praise before on how well the tension between them is balanced, how it ebbs and flows, but that just makes me all the more curious on alternate flows of events :3
aaaah hello lovely!! 🤍🤍
i think Snow being the pushy used-getting-what-he-wants person he is (esp post tbosas) wanted to have a confrontation where he held all of the cards, the way i always visualised it was he had lined things up and gotten the reaction he wanted from his display with the other woman that was of course for reader’s benefit/to mess with her, in my head if she complied with what he asked for he would’ve been a smug bastard and rubbed it in her face as much as humanly possible (even more so than how he was in the way the chapter did play out in the end, i imagine the dialogue from his end would’ve been similar, he’d been setting that up for a while and wanting his moment) before making her break/give into him.
i always considered her refusing to go down and play by his rules was the first move in her letting him now he'd underestimated her. i think he was expecting she’d fold.
as for what would’ve actually played out, i think there would’ve been a similar pushback from reader, but not nearly with as much self-assuredness as there ended up being. i also think she would’ve made more threats against the girl had she not taken care of that beforehand. it was her way of balancing the playing field which eventually turned into a sort of messy power play jenga pile. she probably wouldn’t have given in to him either if it had played out that way/if for whatever reason she bumped into him before leaving. she would’ve gone down fighting, but less punchy for sure.
(also thank you sm for asking! you know i love talking about this kind of stuff and it really did make me think which is so fun 🤍🤍🤍)
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zhongrin · 1 year
Okay I'm back from getting dinner (very late wwww) to see your answer to my ask and ;v; you made me melt on my seat haidbsishsis I can't I have to genuinely compose myself before thinking of a reply and failing WWWW
Actually, on the topic of f/os, I've had a few! I honestly don't talk abt them a lot because I'm still shy abt admitting who they are but one of the is Kazu, and I'm... Stupidly still pining over him wwww, he's so cute but some part of my brain just goes "lol absolutely not!" when I think of talking to him in private 😭 it's insane
Absolute horrendous karma because I have gotten more characters on my roster, and sometimes I just feel some of them (coughAlhaithamandYelan) just staring at my back as I admire him and they keep telling me I'm a simp :") it's not my fault he's so... So charming and sjhdidjdkd (< mentally rebooting)
... anyway, that aside I also like Heizou (hes such a smug bastard but the way he phrases things make me swoon I want to slug him sm /aff) and Albedo! I hadn't gone around to confessing to Albedo because I genuinely have no idea how to approach him ahaha ;; social anxiety is a bitch and I sometimes want to stop myself before I expose my own shamelessness, but some of my friends told me I kin him with my attitude.
Ah, I'm gonna stop rambling from here before I go on yet another tangent wwww, I just want to share a few of my f/os because I really love them a lot, even if I... Don't get to confess to some of them haha ^^;;
— 🌸🍒
pls i feel like kazu would adore the way you're so obviously pining over him. he thinks you're so precious when you get all flustered from him just calling your name. you make his more mischievous side awaken and he has to urge himself to not tease you too much lest you run away... >:)
same goes with heizou! and though it might take you some time to warm up to albedo (bc we all know how awkward it is for two introverts/strangers-shy people to be thrown in a room together) i think he'll find you relatable in many aspects, so he'll get comfortable sooner than usual!!
you and your army of soft short boys are adorable. let me adopt yall
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seaside-lovers · 6 months
🎉🌸😳 for whoever you want!
I'll do this for multiple f/os bc I have several on the mind ^^
🎉 Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re smiling/laughing/having a good time.
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oughhhhhh. i love this screenshot sm
🌸 Post a screenshot of your f/o looking cute.
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his outfit floating up in the water and him getting so confused over it is really cute to me.
😳 Post a screenshot of your f/o that flusters you.
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don't give me that look. smug bastard
...i love that face of his, though. he only makes it after he destroys your power supply and forces u to switch to the backup power.
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donnyanne · 2 years
Heya so first of I'm so excited we got a casual name drop for Idar, so what better occasion to ask about... Agnus and Nitesh. lol. we need more lore!!! I do want to ask abt all the lambs, I'm just trying to pace myself lol
funny that you ask abt those two specifically!!! they’re the two who “gave up” their old lives in exchange to become a lamb. the others didn’t really have anything to call theirs beforehand (loneliness will make u do crazy shit) 
Agnus had a whole ass family, a wife, a son, and most def did not go abt training to become a lamb like the rest normally did. Long story short, he was at the VERY wrong place at the VERY wrong time, got “imprinted” on / lost his arm, and instead of just letting his Guardian, Gren, get disposed of, just said “aw fuck it” and went along w everything so the croc could see the light of day, and sure enough it worked. too well lol. kind of became the staple “see!! ANYONE can be a Guardian!!!” poster pfft 
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as for Nitesh, he was part of one of the VERY few families with high influence, wealth, land, you name it (not many ppl got to keep all that after the breach that happened 13 years before the story). therefore he was very sheltered and surrounded by lotsa ppl w ulterior motives and hated it, so he cut ties and ran to go into general training (everyone has to go through mandatory training at the age of 18, but he Would have been the exception thanks to his family). he basically decided he would rather be in an arranged relationship with a giant snake monster than an arranged marriage at home lol
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princekirijo · 3 years
Yusuke's awakening is still the best in the game imo
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