#snacks packaging equipment
puff food packaging machine for sale|snacks packaging equipment| potato chips packing machine
Snacks packaging machine is used for packing food quickly. It adopts high quality SUS304 material. Wechat/whatsapp:+86 13213203466.
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ultronmachine · 1 year
puff food packaging machine for sale|snacks packaging equipment|potato chips packaging machine 
Snacks packaging machine is used for packing food quickly. It adopts high quality SUS304 material. Wechat/whatsapp:+86 13213203466.
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Being Their Pregnant Partner Featuring
Kita, Suna and Akaashi
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Kita Shinsuke x Pregnant Reader; Suna Rintaro x Pregnant Reader; Akaashi Keiji x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: fluff
AN: and again : D
The beautiful sight of his fields at sunset were nothing compared to your gorgeous, full figure walking towards him with a basket full of food. He stopped his work, gathering up his equipment before making his way to you at the edge of the field.
“I thought you were suppose to be resting dear,” he asked you, smirk across his face as you scowled back at him.
“Well, you’ve barred me from field work so I guess the only thing I can do now is make you food and laze about the house, which I might add, is boring!”
Kita knew you’d have a hard time with the end of your pregnancy and with getting the required rest the doctor had ordered for you. At first, he tried everything to get you to just take one nap a day to rest and relax. Eventually he gave up on his quest and let nature take its course. Now that you were 8 months, your body essentially forced you to take a break which you absolutely hated.
“Why don’t you work on your knitting? You always complain you never had time for that when you worked the rice fields with me,” Kita suggested as you sighed.
“Well now that I have time I don’t want to do that, I want to work!”
You’re pout drove Kita insane but he knew there was little he could do to help you at this point. You absolutely were not allowed to help him in the fields but maybe there was something else you could do.
“Hey what about helping with packaging? You know that’s something you can sit and do,” he declared, waiting your response.
“I guess,” you groaned, admitting defeat, “I guess it’s better than nothing.”
Kita smiled, kissing your forehead and you both sat down to enjoy your food.
Suna couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before him. There you were, on the floor covered in paint as you tried to maneuver the piece of baby furniture you were painting.
“Hey Rin!” You spoke, face and hands completely covered in green paint as you continued to happily paint ground edges with great detail.
Suna wasn’t sure how you managed to be so careful with painting the dress or yet so messy with yourself
“Babe, I told you I’d help you tonight when I got home from practice,” Suna laughed, coming over to you to help you get off the floor in your extremely pregnant state.
He held out his hands as you gripped them, pulling yourself up and into his arms. You giggled as your painted body touched his and his EJP hoodie, making the colors now yellow, black, white and green.
“Good thing I got like 50 more of these in my closet,” he joked as you smiled
“You mean in my closet, I borrowed at least 10.”
Suna just chuckled, thinking how lucky he was to have such an amazing and wonderful partner.
“You’ve been working on that article all night babe, don’t you think it’s time you take a break?” You interrupted, bringing in a cup of tea and some late night snacks for your husband who had been working all day.
“It’s not an article love, it’s a letter your baby,” Akaashi answered as you stopped, eyes shifting to him as you set the tea down.
“A letter to the baby? May I ask what it’s about?”
Akaashi shrugged, “well it’s kind of about how you and I met and how our lives were before baby.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at your husbands thoughtful gesture. Akaashi noticed the tears, getting up and hugging you tightly as you sobbed in his arms.
“T-that’s got-got to be the cu-cutest thing I’ve e-ever heard Keiji,” you bellowed as Keiji just chuckled, consoling you, one hand on your back and one on your belly.
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muntitled · 7 months
Campus Culture | L.DH
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Pairings: Himbo!Haechan x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Haechan turns into a completely loveable but mindless replica of himself when inebriated and only Drunk Haechan might be able to seduce his uptight roomate... it only counts as a drunken mistake if it happens once, right?
Sfw Warnings: Roomates AU, Fwb to Lovers, Forbbidden Relationship, Confessions, Fluff, Alcohol consumption, Angst, CollegeAU, Himbo!Haechan
Nsfw Warnings: Smut (+18, Minors DNI) Fwb to lovers Roomate!Haechan, Perv! Haechan, Dub/CON, Grinding, Choking, Premature Ejaculation, Handjob, Needy!Haechan, Rough sex, Oral Fixation, Nipple play, Unprotected Sex (don't be dumb), Cervix Fucking, Breeding Kink, Cum Play.
A/n: This is more of an enemies to lovers if you squint. If you feel triggered by very slight depictions of bullying, please be wary. I also had no idea where I was going with this. It all just kinda spewed out. ANYWAY, I love Himbos
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Usually, you're better equipped for an evening with Haechan's juvenile friends coming over and doing whatever it is that boy's seem to do once they're inebriated in each other's company.
"The bear emerges from hibernation,"
Haechan's voice is like that of a nature documentary narrator, and his head is in his hands as he leans over the armrest with a smile on his face.
“Rested, and in search of something to sink her teeth into.” You remain stoic faced as you breeze past the group of boys on your way to the kitchen adjacent to the living room.
With only a shallow counter to separate the two spaces, you're still roused by the sight of Haechan in your periphery, legs spread and head thrown back as he watches you with a dopey smile.
Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun and Jisung murmur their greetings dismissively, still vividly engrossed in their game while Chenle types away at the screen of his phone, his mind all together trapped in cyberspace. You breathe out airly as a vague sort of peace befalls you. This has become your norm.
They are so incredibly loud, Haechan's friend's are, that their cacophony bled through every thin wall in your shared apartment. So loud, in fact, that you were made privy to every degenerate, delinquent, and downright disgusting little detail that swam about in their conversation.
Whenever they were over, there was a vibrancy permeating throughout the apartment, which was either attributed to Haechan's need to speak at a higher octave than the rest of the group or Chenle’s obnoxious, though admittedly contagious laughter.
Not everything was daisies and sunshine, however.
You were made subject to Haechan's incessant teasing and petulance that only seemed to double in the presence of his friends. You ignored him, viewing his behavior as a package of a roommate system (more accurately: needing his money to keep yourself and your academic pursuits afloat.)
Even more harrowing is the fact that Haechan is completely accommodating, dare you say, even hospitable (when he's sober). It was very difficult to hate him. No matter how badly you wished to let your vexation infect the inner crevices of your mind... he always made sure to let you know in advance.
He'd knock softly on the door (a by-product of a covenant you both had forged upon deciding to live together. Knocking is something akin to treading carefully through a graveyard. Sacred) letting his usually loud voice simmer to a whisper because he almost always caught you studying at your tiny, disastrous desk and he'd say, "Hey, just a heads up, they're coming over tonight,"
You did not need clarification on the ambiguity of who 'they' were but your heart would plummet all the same.
His warning would allow you, not only to stuff your headphones around your neck, for easier access whenever the noise became too oppressive, but it also allowed you to grab the snacks and food necessary before locking yourself in your room.
Not attributed to any social anxiety, but Haechan's friends had proven to be... difficult to bear in their own ways. There was Chenle, Renjun, and Mark, who held a sort of distinguished naughtiness that you fancied way more than Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung, and Haechan's borderline flirting.
It had proven very difficult not to be included in their antics, especially given the very annoying fact that their energy was so freaking infectious.
As you proceed to turn on the kettle, Haechan speaks up once again. “Since you're already there… a coke, please, Madame.” He knew that you knew that he did not actually want a coke. He just wanted to see you vexed.
“Your legs are in perfect working condition, last I checked," your face remained stoic as you said, “Get your own coke.”
Jaemin immediately cackles to Haechan's right, prompting a light snicker from Chenle and the rest. Haechan sends a worried gaze towards them before bringing his eyes back to yours. Now he's on a mission to piss you off even more.
“C’mon...” he whines in an over indulgent American accent. “Be a doll and hand me a coke-I mean a beer." He stretches his neck from side to side, now deep into his theatrics, "I'm a man-”
The knife clanks on the counter as you scoff, “Since when?" You ask, "And what is with this ‘I'm a man’ stuff?”
Haechan only swats animetedly at the air, “It's cus I'm a man, Jagi. You don't get it cus you're not a ma-”
“Yeah,” you say, turning to prepare your noodles, “I don't wanna know actually.”
There's a sudden influx of celebratory hollering from Jaemin and Jeno, while Renjun and Jisung groan in defeat, signaling the end of their game.
Jaemin turns to you as he says “You seriously don't remember?”
You let the silence speak for you.
“He’s been like this ever since the asexual comment.”
The laughter escapes your throat as you shift your eyes to a now moody and grumbling Haechan. His arms are crossed as he avoids eye contact.
“Seriously?! That's why you've been on such a toxic gym bro kick?”
The flamboyant accent is still present as Haechan says, “Hey man, if you're not gonna get me a coke, just say that, I've got places to be people to see-”
The snort leaves your lips before you can stop it, “You've got a psych textbook to see and you're not even seeing that.”
“Stop with the celibacy jokes before he becomes worse!” begs Renjun.
Your mouth is open in false accusation, with the hints of a smile present, “It's quite literally not my fault Haechan's a virgin.”
“I'm not a virgin!” Haechan whines, letting his previously infuriating accent dissolve into his perfectly infuriating normal voice. “I have sex, all the time, tell her Jaemin. Tell her I have sex.” Your eye shifts easily to Jaemin, who only shakes his head.
“Ah, I told my therapist I'm trying to be more honest in my day to day,"
Now your laughter bubbles up to the ceiling, and you're throwing your head back, eyes shut.
“You all make me wanna kill myself.” Says Haechan, pushing himself up from the couch. The sight of him approaching sobers you ineffably from your laughter. He's not particularly tall, but there's a quality about him that asserts itself as height. A silent substitute.
“I’m being falsely accused of being a virgin, I have to get my own cokes?! What is this life of mine?!" A snicker escaped the confines of your lips as you empty your noodles into your bowl. Your albeit small little laugh was a sound so pretty, Haechan could not help but perk his ears up at the sound.
He inched his way slowly into the kitchen as you took one giant unladylike bite from your noodles. Unbeknownst to you, Haechan shares a glance with Chenle over in the living room. One that prompts Chenle into stabbing Renjun in the ribs with his elbow. They were all watching as you tried to shuffle past Haechan.
Haechan, who wouldn't let you pass until heard him say,
"Not a virgin." The words were veneered in a quiet whisper and in those few seconds, you were convinced the globe had stopped spinning on its imaginary axis. You became hyperaware of yourself, the noodles still very much inside your mouth and the soup dribbling out the corners. You clumsily wipe at your lip as you gaze up at him, smiling away like the Cheshire Cat.
While your heart proceeded its cataclysmic aself destruction, Chenle released the first snort. A snort that prompted an entire wave of laughter from his gaggle of friends. They were all laughing now. Haechan's face melted into a spout of his own laughter until he was doubled over.
"Mm," your nostiled flared , "I'll be in my room," You had disappeared in a hurry, hellbent on returning to your room. Hellbent on calming your runaway heart.
While you were nursing wave after wave of embarrassment, Haechan's eyes were sparkling with mischief.
"Don't even try," Jaemin snickered, noticing that look in Haechan's eye as he stared after you. "She's locked up tighter than a prison. You'll only get your wittle heart broken."
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Your eyes were practically glued on the endless enriching notes written by Achebe, Lamming, and various other authors you revered religiously. Your studying had been going swimmingly until the arrival of a drunk, slightly dazed Haechan, indicated by the heaviness of his bloodshot eyes and the slight sway in his form by the door. Haechan was a very different person when he was drunk. He got sloppy, as if he was at constant war with reality.
The following Friday had arrived with the small promise that you were to stay in your room for the foreseeable evening. You had chosen to occupy yourself from Haechan's 'get together' by sitting at your desk, like most of your nights: Completely absorbed in perfecting your English Lit notes on Post colonialism.
You both pause, in a vague liminal space until he breaks the silence with a breathy slight slur, “Well, this isn't the bathroom,”
He lived here. He should know where the bathroom is, inebriated or not.
Your eyes narrow. You can't help but snap in a manner that makes you forget all your civility.
“Evidently,” you say with an unimpressed drawl.
There is a tone in your voice that was specifically crafted to have him cringing away from you, like most men on campus tended to do. You were too much of a straight arrow for them, too narrow-minded with not enough complexities and not enough strings that needed detangling. Most men saw that you could smell the bullshit from a mile away, and you were very much aware of what they referred to you as…
Instead of shrinking away like you initially expected, a small, almost thrilled smile curls at the ends of his purt, heart-shaped lips. He only steps closer into your space.
“Don't you need the bathroom-”
“No, don't do that,” You're scowling at him but still, the bear refuses to retreat.
Your messy desk where you remain seated in a chair seems to catch his attention until soon, he's leaning back against the desk in front of you.
“You don't want me here?” He asked, genuinely confused as if everyone was just dying to be in his presence, “I'm not sure what you're busy with over here, but I could help,” He says, swiping a large hand over at the piles of notes scattered on the desk.
“I shouldn't have to tell you not to invade my personal space, Haechan. If this is some stupid dare-"
“I'm going to fucking kill you when you're sober-”
“Only strangers can invade each other's space, Jagiya," he whispers, snortingbas if you were the one acting silly here. “We're not strangers. I'm your dumb virgin roomate, right?"
Your eyes widen imperceptibly as you push yourself up from your chair.
“I'm not even that drunk.” He deadpans. It's as if this boy is unable to mask whatever emotion that seems to pass through him at that very moment.
“Are all these notes yours?” He asks, picking up one of your discarded notes. You strive to grab at the flimsy pieces of notepad paper in his hands, but he swipes it swiftly out of reach every time.
“I just wanted to check on you.” He beams as he pushes himself further along your desk.
“Haechan, you're messing up my system-”
“You must be really smart,” he whispers, and you immediately chastise yourself for letting his words erupt a sudden electrical storm through your once steady heartbeat. “Your handwriting is so pretty too… woah,” he admires before you see his eyes quickly peek about from the paper, “I really like smart girls,”
You find your voice, hidden somewhere in the depths of being flustered. He interrupts you, all the same, “It's okay to say you're smart… I think that's really, like, hot-”
It's impossible to account for the events that followed in a somewhat episodic format because nothing like it had ever happened to you before.
One moment, Haechan is gazing down at you like he wants to eat you and the next, his hand is wrapped around your throat, pulling you up from your chair until your lips are crashing onto his… You had not perceived just how touched starved you were, until you found your inhibitions melting, and you were kissing him back just as fiercely. He was impatient and sloppy, pushing his tongue in too quickly while his hand marked up every inch of your body. “Pretty,” he mumbled in between wet kisses, “You so pretty… y'just feel so pretty.” Once Haechan's lust was involved, the rest of his brain, it seemed, shut down like the finishing hours of a toy factory. He was switching your positions, pushing you onto the desk as he trailed kisses down your neck.
“Your friends,” you murmured before throwing your head back, offering him better access, “We can't.”
“We can,” he nodded, while pushing himself in between your legs, “We can because I want to,” He punctuated his sentence by thrusting his sweatpants-clad hips right against your core. He seemed to have quickly caught a liking to this form of intimacy because soon, Haechan is breaking apart fromcthe kiss to gaze down at his hips pushing against your core.
His breath is peppered with a soft and dazed, “Woah…”
He nodded very slowly, “I like this very much.” Haechan said with grave finality, which evidently was the calm before the storm. You locked your hand around your mouth as Haechan sank his fingers into the sides of your hips, grinding his bulge against your core like there was nothing else that mattered. He brought your hips to meet each of his stuttering but hard thrusts and your head fell back in the stuttering… constant… impact.
“See?” He says, “See how good it feels?” he mumbles incoherently, now in a violent pursuit of his own orgasm. “F-Fuck,” he whimpered, feeling his cock twitching in his sweats. A feeling that usually let him know the end was near. He quickly clamped his hands on the underside of your ass before lifting you slightly off the desk, just enough to move impossibly closer between your legs.
He hugged you, wanting to feel your soft tits pushing up against him as he was grinding you both to a quick orgasm.
“You're close aren't you?” His voice cracks when he says, “Please be close, because I'm so fucking close-”
But all you're able to do is fight to keep your eyes open as you watch the slightly cracked open door. “H-Haechan-”
“Look at me, Cupcake,” he practically whined before forcefully bringing your eyes back to him with a flick of your chin.
The eye contact sent him down a rampage of lust and his hips stuttered as his mouth hung open,“F-Fuck, just like that- you're so good-” he lifted his baggy shirt, to watch himself thrust one more time before his rhythm crumbled and his hips stuttered as he came in his sweats.
You did not have the energy to tell him you didn't cum, only sprouting a brand new vexation as he swayed his way in search of the bathroom.
That had been your first and last devious encounter, before you avoided him like the plague. It had not taken much, because Haechan was vastly more sensible when he was sober. Emerging from his room like a bear out of his den and rubbing his messy head of black hair as he grumbled, “Did I do something weird last night? Or stupid?” He groans, “I have this feeling that I did something extra stupid and weird last night.” Although your heart plummeted minutely, you saw this as a lifeline and you took it.
“You were drunk, Haechan, so you probably most certainly did.”
You allowed yourself to live in the peace of sober Haechan until things once again only got dangerous on Friday nights, when his enablers would all congregate in the living room, tossing back cans of beer.
Your quick trip to the bathroom had ended with Haechan looming in the doorway, once again. With a near constant pout he exclaimed, “I missed you!”
“You see me everyday,” you grumbled before making your way to the sink to wash your hands. There was a bubbling in your stomach, that you would only dissect later. Whether it was excitement or frustration at seeing him this way.
“Still missed you-”
“I think you missed my body,” you said, before drying your hands, “Not me.”
“Both. I missed both,” he says, before beaming the sunniest, brightest smile you had ever seen on a face. You had to look away as you stepped towards him, for your sanity.
“Please move, Hyuck-”
“I wanna play,” he says, “We had so much fun the last time,”
“You fucking seduced me the last time and I fell for it like an idiot." You sighed deeply, "I studied myself to exhaustion. Im such a fucking idiot.”
He looks deep into your eyes as he very seriously says, “Don't say that-”
“What do you like about me? I mean what could you actually like and appreciate about me-” For all of 5 seconds the boy is trapped in a worrying daze. As the seconds tick on, your blood pressure rises and you're pushing roughly at his chest, which once again proves to be futile. “Fucking move, Haechan. I'm not doing this with you.”
His whines soar higher, “But why?! I didn't even really get to see your boobs, please let me see your boobs?” you stop his hand on its way to cup your breasts in mid air. He slumps
“You make me wanna kill myself.” He grumbles before stomping away to rejoin his friends. As Haechan sat down he breathed out heavily before whining, kicking and punching at the air. His friends, seeing nothing new with his tantrum, did not entertain it as they played their games.
Haechan just couldn't understand. He wanted you and, based on everything that transpired, you wanted him. So why not just let it happen?
You were making things too complicated and complicated is not something he enjoyed very much.
Haechan did not grasp onto much but you make it exceptionally clear that you did not want the interaction to be made public knowledge, and he, surprisingly obeyed your wishes. Your only enemy, it seems, were these hangouts Haechan scheduled with his friends. You liked to avoid unnecessary juvenile squabbling when necessary. You had to study instead, until you built the proper revenue to buy an apartment of your own, free from Haechan's provocation.
But you had fallen asleep.
The dusk bleeding into darkness until you were peeling your face off of your Classical lit textbook and nursing a grumbling stomach...
Your ears perked and your stomach sank as you heard boyish laughter bleed in through the cracks of the doorway. They had already arrived and you had zero rations to combat this venomous hunger.
It was guaranteed to be a short and curt journey past the small apartment living room, into the kitchen. A journey whereby you would pray you evade the group of boys invading your shared living room. Or at least one boy in particular...
Had Haechan been a non factor, your anxieties would have been perfectly nullified, but tin the wake of a troublesome post-study hunger, you had no other choice but to venture out into the living room.
You had hope your trip would be a curt one, entertaining not a single, word, jab, or comment as you were on your way to fly to the kitchen. Your feet stopped you before you could make it. Arrested in stark realisation that there is no noise at all. You round the short corner to find Haechan seated patiently on his couch with his hoodie up, tapping away at a mobile game while humming angelically. You immediately noted that he was sober and that set your mild frustrations at ease.
“Oh, hey,” you murmured, before swaying over to the adjoining Kitchen, separated only by a shallow counter. As you stare down at your yoghurt, you miss the way in which Haechan's face snaps up at tye sound of your voice. His feet fly off the coffee table and he rights himself infinitesimally.
“You guys aren't hanging out today?”
“There's a party somewhere on campus,” he switches his phone off and stuffs it into the pocket of his goodies as he shrugs, “Didn't feel like going.”
You walk back into the living room, and Haechan watches as you nod silently before planting yourself on the couch next to him. He's very perceptive and plants a couch cushion behind your back in the process. You realise then that you much preferred him this way.
“I'm having a hard time guaging the fact that you didn't wanna get drunk,” although a short chuckle escapes your lips, Haechan is not laughing. “I don't always think about getting drunk, you know.” The smile disappears from your face automatically as you bring a spoon of yoghurt to your lips.
“Of course… sorry-”
“You have nothing to be sorry about.” Haechan watches your tongue lightly poke out and nip at the yoghurt before lazily bringing his eyes back to you. “If anything, I should be sorry.” An immediate wave of discomfort washed over you when the words left his mouth. So he was aware.
“Drunk Haechan sucks,” he says, “You don't have to make excuses for him.” You're caught in a wave of silence, your yoghourt forgotten on your lap. He wants to pull back but he has your attention now and it's fueling him with all the confidence he needs before he's scooting closer on the couch, until your thigh is directly against his.
“Earlier in the week you asked me what I like about you-”
“Haechan, you don't have to-”
The discomfort bled into embarrassment now and you fought to get up but he placed his hand on yours.
“I don't remember what I said,'' his lips pout lightly as his eyebrows furrow, “I don't know if I said anything at all. I just… want you to know that I wasn't quiet because nothing came to mind. I was speechless because it was like trying to list the stars. Tiring and fucking endless.” He breathed out, before looking away abashedly, “You're a good cook,” he says, “you always make us something to eat for Friday nights. You're so driven, in a way that is equal parts obsessive but also really fucking hot.” Your mouth parts slightly and Haechan's eyes once again lazily drops down to watch them. His voice is airy and loght as he says, “Fuck, and you're so pretty and smart.” He's speaking purely from a place of lust and admiration, which only has you melting further. You much preferred this Haechan.
“You make me feel safe because I know you always have the answers…” You let his words hang stagnant in the air for a while, letting yourself marinate in the pleasure of it, while his own thumb rubs circles around the back of your hand.
“I mean…” The Insecurities were steadily sinking in because by the laws of campus culture, you both were not supposed to be together. Your names were met with different responses and different emotions attached to them. You'd hate his popularity to diminish because of you. Instead of spewing out these words, you only whispered, “Are you sure? I mean, think of what people-”
In a series of swift movements, Haechan's hand cradling your own had gripped down tighter before dragging your hand until it was flush against his bulge. He releases a heavy breath as his eyes fall momentarily shut. Gritting his teeth together as he throws his head back in momentary euphoria as if he had been waiting to do this.
He brushes your hand up and down as he says, “Don't you dare ask me if I'm sure.” He says, unable to stop himself rutting against your hand. A wave of confidence soon falls until you're taking control and crawling your hand up to the waistband of his sweats. He whines in anticipation as you stuff your hand inside until you are cupping his underwear-clad bulge in your open palm. Haechan's eyes are heavy when he swings his head lazily to you, watching you watch his hips lift to graze himself against your hand.
“I need you,” he whispers, before raising a hand, immediately cupping your breasts, “I need you so fucking bad.” He can feel the presume wet the tight constraints of his boxers and he locks his jaw tighter. “I wanna fuck you, Cupcake,” your stomach warms at the reiterating of the nickname he had given you when he was drunk and equally ravenous, “Please let me,” He juts his hips up with every whine that escapes his throat, “Please-”
“I need you too-” before the words even leave your mouth he's lunging at you in a wild kiss. “Fuck, your lips are so soft,” he mumbles before forcing his his thumb into your mouth and watching with heavy eyelids as he lowers you onto the couch. Your jaw goes limp as Haechan, seemingly entranced with swiping his thumb along your wet tongue.
“So warm,” he murmurs as he hovers above you. Haechan lowers himself between your open legs, “Your mouth I'd so fucking pretty, so fucking warm-”
He sounded exactly like he sounded when he was drunk. Sloppy, incoherent and not making much sense. But you could not discount the pool of wetness that glistened your underwear as Haechan continued to play with your tongue.
“Fuck-” He whispers, watching the saliva coat his finger as he unconsciously thrusts his bulge once again into your core. He seems too realise that he hadn't, in fact, pulled his cock out and he curses lightly before hurriedly moving to do just that.
“Your boobs-” He whispers as he pulls his aching cock out, “Please let me see-”
Before the words even leave his mouth you're pulling your shorts and top off swiftly. Haechan immediately doubles over, thrusting into the air once before he's fisting the base of his cock, as if he was on the cusp of cumming.
“F-Fuck, I think I need to fuck you now-” He said, already sinking deep into you. Your moans fight valiantly to drown out his perpetual whines before he buries his face in between your neck and shoulders. He's breathing heavily as he begins to fuck steadily up into you, releasing little melodic ‘hah, hah, hah's as he peels back to look down at you with heavy pussy-drunk eyes.
“Fuck it feels so good, Haechan,” he thrusts harder at that before lowering his lips to your nipple and sucking without ever breaking eye contact. The stimulation from your nipple and the head of his cock bumping into your cervix has your mind spinning with euphoria. You haven't even cum yet but this feels like you're trapped in that same state of pleasure.
“Fuck, baby you're so tight around my cock,’ his breath blows down against your wet nipple and you buck your hips up to meet his thrusts. “If you carry on like this you're gonna make me spill inside you,” you throw your head back, mouth parting even wider as a chorus of moans leave your throat after his sentence.
“F-Fuck you want that? You want me to cum inside you?”
You cannot speak, completely fargone at this point but your cunt still clenching around him is all the answer he needs before he's ramming into you with urgency. “Fuck, you,make me feel so good Cupcake-” He's once again pressing his fingers into your mouth, as of needing to feel the warm wetness just to get off.
He's looking down at you as of you hung the moon, “F-Fuck I'm cumming-” He fights to keep his eyes open and watch you whine around his fingers as your own orgasm crashes in violent succession. You're both fighting to press your hips together, he's fighting to stay inside as an endless string of cum flights to push him out. You're both breathing heavily, both staring into each other's eyes as Haechan pulls his middle and index finger out of your mouth. You're absolutely speechless as he cleans his fingers with his own mouth, all without breaking eye contact.
“I… can't believe I came like that-” You say, eyes caught in a daze.
“Shit- I was supposed to rub your clit, wasn't I?” He's already slipping out of you and craning open your legs.
“N-No, Haechan I came, I promise I came. Fuck-” He's rubbing small circles against your puffy clit, using his cum as lube. “You have no idea how badly I needed you cumminh around my cock like that,” he says before spraying a gentle kiss against your knee. He's playing with your cunt, not to bring you to orgasm, you realise, but unconsciously. “We're boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?”
You snicker lightly before nodding with finality. Thus, as the beginning of a new but interesting dynamic, in which you drove Haechan to study more while he, in the same breath, got you to open up more. He dropped your inhibitions and coaxed you out of your comfort zone…
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mathmodder · 2 months
🎈🍔 Introducing Street Food Spectacle mod for The Sims 3! 🍟🎉 Watch the trailer here
Looking to add a dash of excitement to your Sims' dining experiences? Look no further! With the Street Food Spectacle mod, your Sims can now enjoy a whole new level of culinary delight with food trucks that come equipped with a unique twist!
🚚 Food Truck Fun: When your Sim purchases a delicious treat from one of the bustling food trucks around town, they won't just walk away with a tasty meal. Instead, they'll be handed a whimsical balloon to accompany their snack!
🎈 Balloon Bonanza: As your Sim indulges in their delectable dish, watch as the balloon floats merrily above, adding a touch of festivity to their dining experience. But the fun doesn't end there!
💥 Explosive Finale: When your Sim finishes their meal, the balloon will soar into the sky, dancing gracefully among the clouds before bursting into a spectacular display of fireworks!
🌟 Experience the Joy: Treat your Sims to an unforgettable culinary adventure with Street Food Spectacle. Whether they're savoring, every meal becomes a celebration with this exciting mod!
Download Street Food Spectacle today available for FREE on my Patreon and elevate your Sims' dining experiences to new heights! 🌭✨ Packs that you need: Ambitions, Late Night and University Life.
Instructions: Put the package in your mods folder and run your game!
Mods that I recommend using:
FoodTruck Enabled: to allow you to place the food truck parking location in the lots you want https://modthesims.info/d/424758/foodtruck-enabled-updated-15-11-10.html
Nrass Trafic: to allow food trucks to appear outside of Bridgeport. Open the menu in the city hall >> click in Nrass Traffic >> Food Truck >> Need Parking Space ON https://www.nraas.net/community/Traffic
Don't forget that on my Patreon we also have the download of the testing phase of GetWildMod and OceanLifeMod, just purchase the Math Pass and you will have access to many other mods to come!
Every mod that is 100% complete will be available to the public.
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nomelwelloy · 4 months
Neuvilette & Wriothesley | fluff ideadump
a/n: wishing all a late happy valentine’s day!!
Neuvilette in his dragon form, getting much needed rest in his abode when Wriothesley’s sudden appearance at his door him catches him off guard. To say Neuvilette is a bit embarrassed is an understatement- no one has seen him like this since the early centuries, let alone the Melusines.
He scoots closer to the wall of the cavern and away from his comfortable spot under the sun, attempting to put some distance between them.
Wriothesley splays his hands in the air, explaining he’s there at Sigewinne’s and Clorinde’s request to deliver a care package, and a welfare check, given his rare leave of absence after a particular stressful period of work.
“I’ll just leave it here and go,” he says, picking up on Neuvilette’s discomfort. The usually confident Index averts his gaze, head turned away and his tail coiled around himself.
Wriothesley tries to leave, but he can’t really; the sound of Neuvilette’s laboured breathing and the sight of his discoloured scales make him hesitate. He doesn’t know what dragon scales should look like, but surely it can’t be the dull grey sheen dusting over Neuvilette’s body.
Wriothesley ends up staying, much to the dragon’s dismay. He hasn’t moved from his spot near the wall, but his eyes betray his desire to move back to the sunny spot in the middle of the cavern.
“It’s just me, Neuvilette.” Wriothesley reassures with a hearty laugh. “Nothing to be embarrassed about.” He tosses his coat to a corner and folds his sleeves, getting to work at tidying the place, sweeping the stairs that lead out of the cavern and whistling absentmindedly as he does. It takes a while, but Neuvilette eventually grows comfortable enough and moves back to his original position, laying his head over his body like a dog blissfully soaking up the sun.
Wriothesley begins brewing medicinal teas and offers Neuvilette the nutritional snacks the head nurse has packed, as well as supplements Clorinde contributed. Neuvilette obediently takes them, bowing his head in gratitude. When Wriothesley runs a hand over his snout, the judge huffs, a puff of warm air rushing around him.
Wriothesley brushes his fur, smoothing through the tangles and later sets up a burner with essential oils to aid him in decompressing. He also, for reasons unknown even to himself, decides to toss a blanket over him. It’s comedically small compared to his giant body, but Wriothesley dusts his hands with a proud beam. Neuvilette has dozed off, his breathing more steadied and relaxed.
The exhaustion is catching up to him too, and Wriothesley lays next to him, eventually falling asleep.
When he wakes, Neuvilette has returned to his human form, naked and curled under the blanket, huddled near him for warmth. Wriothesley pulls the blanket over Neuvilette’s bare shoulder and secures an arm around his waist to hold him closer. His body is warm from the sun, but the air is cool. He can’t have the Index falling sick, not after he’s spent a whole day nursing him back to health, can he?
He lazes a bit more on the mossy ground before helping Neuvilette to his chambers, laying him onto the soft mattress. Wriothesley contemplates staying a little longer, smoothing the creases of Neuvilette’s frown.
It won’t be long before he’s back at the Palais, back to his demanding schedule, to his little residence in the city. Wriothesley wonders if the apartment is too cramped for a dragon, if its kitchen is equipped with whatever health supplements he’s fed him today. He ought to make a trip there one day.
Wriothesley decides he’s in no hurry to leave.
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inoreuct · 6 months
okay okay yes chef sanji is wonderful but baker sanji. confectioner sanji. think about it.
sanji kneading dough on a saturday morning with his shirtsleeves rolled up to the elbow. he has flour on his cheeks and one of those cute canvas aprons the colour of a brown paper bag with a million pockets and he keeps getting pissed off because strands of his bangs are constantly falling into his face. he makes sourdough and cheesecake and strawberry pavlova and tangerine tarts and dried mango nougat and carrot cupcakes that everybody eyed suspiciously before they actually tried them and now they're a friend group favourite.
he makes monthly batches of those agar-agar edible crystals for vivi's entire family and ships them by the crate to alabasta. he bakes robin and franky's blue raspberry black forest wedding cake. all of the straw hats have multiple packets of his dark chocolate dried fruit and nut and oat yoghurt brittle in their bags at any one time because they're the perfect snack and they're delicious. he makes red bean matcha mochi for zoro because the mosshead can't tolerate anything too sweet.
he has jar upon jar of aromatic infusions on the shelf: vanilla, black pepper, florals, all steeped in liquor to make high-quality extracts that he has gotten MULTIPLE offers to start a business out of, but he always declines because hello. he's busy cooking for straw hats and co.. luffy and fam. he has no time he is a busy busy man and would you look at that chopper's upside-down apple crumble is ready.
usopp makes him all sorts of contraptions, a high-speed blender, a state-of-the-art stand mixer, an ice-cream machine; sometimes if he's feeling lazy he'll go equipment shopping with sanji and just modify whatever they buy. sanji has a toffee hook on the wall of the galley and a very formidable collection of cookie cutters and piping tips. he's managed to make fondant that doesn't taste like utter trash and it's legendary. his salted caramel cashew macadamia popcorn has and will continue to make grown men cry.
but sometimes, he just chucks some charcoal in a pot and plops it in the middle of the dining table with a bowl of chocolate on top and brings out the fruit skewers, or the marshmallows and graham crackers. sometimes they eat rice krispy treats out of the packaging as they huddle together on the lawn and stargaze just because they can. sometimes the almond and dried cranberry combo just can't be beat and sometimes plain toast with butter makes you see god. but you'd best believe the next day he's up and at it again; his sourdough starter's looking more and more like a sentient life form by the hour and he has seven different things going on at once with two more bowls cooling off in the fridge and the oven preheating. i love baker confectioner sanji.
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lizzietoons · 2 months
“It’s like a steel barbecue grill under that shirt.”
“So you noticed that too, huh?”
The counselors bring the kids to the water park. Since one full moon would happen over the course of camp, Chris accounts for this by including a “water park getaway” in the package when parents sign their kids up for summer camp. This way, the counselors and kids would all be safely away from camp.
Nick comes equip with a bunch of snacks and towels and everything the kids would need. Nobody’s focused on his attentiveness to his role as a counselor, though. This is where Dylan and Ryan would get the “steel barbecue grill” thing from. Jacob is having an awakening. Abi’s stunned.
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"it's so sad that kids these days don't just go to the arcade and go roller skating they don't know what real fun is" oh honey this is just the tip of the iceberg i'm sorry, kids are being poisoned physically, mentally, and spiritually every single day. 1 in 2 people in gen z is expected to get cancer. there's a reason every family you know has a kid with asthma or food allergies or obesity or digestive issues or skin conditions or learning disabilities or mental health disorders. kids' environments are sanitized to prevent them from getting sick, which is just making them more sick by not letting them develop their immune systems. and that's just one of the evils that was done to them during COVID-19. their toys, their food packaging, even their clothing is full of plastic. their snacks are full of inflammatory seed oils, behavior-altering toxic dyes, and refined sugar. even their non-processed food is typically grown or raised in poor soil with pesticides, meaning they don't even get the nutrition they would have gotten from the same food 100 years ago. their water and toothpaste is full of a neurotoxin that lowers IQ to "prevent cavities" lmfao. the internet and social media steals their attention spans and exposes them to things their brains aren't equipped to handle. dangerous medications are pushed on them when their bodies can't deal with all the poison and vitamin deficiency. they're not even getting enough sunlight, which is one of the biggest and most freely available nutrients out there, both because they're being crammed inside to "learn" (lmao) and to do a million different activities to make them scholarship-eligible and to play video games and sit on their phones and iPads and because their parents are taught to fear the sun and slather them with goop (which is often toxic itself!) instead. their education is shit, they've been taught to read the wrong way and they're being spoonfed pseudoscientific race and gender garbage under the guise of "social-emotional learning" when they're not being told they're going to die from glaciers melting.
being a kid right now is just awful, if we don't turn things around right now gen alpha is gonna be depressed, infertile, unable to consume food groups people routinely consumed for thousands of years, and unable to function independently in society if they don't all have diabetes and cancer.
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cutelittleriot · 5 months
Somewhere in the rock troll kingdom
There was a tree that was bearing black fruit that rock trolls usually enjoyed snacking on every once in a while but all of a sudden a fruit begins to seemingly twitch i seemingly sems to morph as itt changes color from black to bright pink and covered in glitter. It's stem went from grey to green and little petals seem to pop up around the fruit and the ends of them are in different colors. It also grew in size a bit. Before it was about the size of a apple now it's the size of a cantaloupe it's amazing its still connected to the tree.
Riff was heading out to go to a concert that was being hosted by queen Barb herself at volcano rock city. He was riding on his motorcycle when he spots something highly unusua hanging on a tree. He had time to take a quick stop and look as he left a little early.
He stops his bike and walks over to the tree. It was a fruit tree but the weird thing is that the fruits are usually black grey or even red but this fruit it was bright pink with small sections of other colors and was it coveted in glitter?!
Why would that be here? It looks like something a pop troll would eat. Maybe Barb can send it to the pop trolls as a gift. Shrugging his shoulders be plucks the fruit from the tree and puts it in a compartment on his bike and heads off.
In an hour he arrives at volcano rock city a bit earlier than expected it wasn't even time for rehearsal yet. He grabs his equipment and the fruit and heads backstage. Barb who was tuning her guitar hears him come in "Yo Riff ya got here earlier than you usually do" She acknowledges before she sees the fruit tucked under his arm. "What.is.that" She stares at the fruit in utter disbelief.
"Don't know found it hanging on a tree on my way here" Riff explains getting a closer look at the fruit. Barb takes it from him and keeps staring at it. Why is something so bright,colorful and glittery in rock troll territory?
As she continues to examine said fruit her dad King Thrasher arrives to check on his daughter. He takes one look at the fruit and his eyes widen "Oh my I never thought I would ever see one of those" He says with a chuckle. Barb looks at her dad in surprise "Wait dad you know what this is?" She says shocked. "Yep sure do hehe let's just say it's a exotic fruit and let's just say something interesting will happen to the troll that eats it" He says with a smile before rolling off on his mobility scooter.
"Something interesting huh?" Barb ponders to herself. She thinks about eating but she does not want to eat something so bright color and ugh glittery it can't taste good no way. But still it is a exotic fruit and it shouldn't go to waste so she has a idea and a solution to get rid of said fruit. She whistles for Debbie and she looks around for a box to put the fruit in. "Uh what are you doing Barb?" Riff asks tilting his head.
"Well I'm sure not gonna eat this glitter bomb of a fruit but I know a certain group of trolls who would~" She sings with a grin as she puts the fruit in a box and manages to staple it shut as Debbie flies in. "Hi my cute wittle Debbie I need ya to deliver this package to Poppy"She says in a cutesy voice to Debbie as she writes down a little note and staples it to the side of the box.
Debbie happily takes the box and flies off to pop village. "Heh wonder how this is gonna go down. Welp back to practice this concert is gonna be KILLER!" She yells as she grabs her guitar ready to rock out.
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Here is the fruit in question (yes its glittery just xoom in)
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granule packaging machine|granule packing machine price|snacks packaging machine
Granule packaging machine is used for packing granule easily and quickly. It adapts SUS304 material we can use for longer. Capacity:50-500kg/h, 50g/bag, 100g/bag, 500g/bag Wechat/whatsapp:8613213203466
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sublieu · 1 year
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synopsis: "Redson, forced into allowing his friends to sleepover runs into a threesome, how will things work?"
references: ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
word count: 2.0k words
author's note: Something else is gonna get uploaded soon
cont. warning: Feminization, cross dressing, pegging, threesome, fellatio, [semi] hair pulling, marking, voyeurism, teasing, afab Redson except he has genitalia of a man, [mentioned] overstim
mutuals/friends: @zuzuthesnake @chimemori @mortal-mayhem @yellowaxol
𝘚𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"
𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...
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Redson lies on his couch, texting his group chat of friends when a sudden group call appears on his phone. Pressing accept to hear both Mei and Mk's voices in unison to get an answer as to why they chose to call this late at night, knowing fully well that he was at his girlfriend tonight.
"Well, we were wondering if maybe we could come over for a sleepover?"
"Yea! Since you're spending the night there it'd be fun for all of us if we came, we'll carry snacks~"
Mk purrs the last sentence as Mei nods in agreement, thinking that it wouldn't be a problem as they did make a valid point before shrugging and allowing them to come over. "Thanks! Mei pack our bags for the weekend I'll pack the snacks!" Redson hung up on them and goes upstairs to your room to change into bed clothes, wearing a loose oversized T-shirt with the caption 'Choke on it' when he hears the bell. Already surprised at how fast they came since Mk decided to stop using his abilities for mundane tasks.
He opens the door for his suspicions to be right, seeing them both stand at the doorway with pajamas and camping bags. Guiding them inside the house and putting up the bags of snacks and drinks they brought for the weekend. "Woa, your girlfriend's got a cool crib red!" Mk pipes up and sits on the sofa, stretching his legs from how comfortable it was whilst Mei puts away their things.
"Just don't touch anything you're not supposed to and you'll be fine" He replies nonchalantly when he hears the doorbell ring for a second time, bewildered as he goes to the peephole and spots a delivery man with two boxes and opens the door.
"I have a package for y/n l/n?" "Oh she's not here but I can sign it" He is handed the boxes and paperwork to sign as Mei peeks outside before greeting the man. "Looks like you're in for a fun time tonight" The guy presumes, making the redhead look at him in confusion and inquire about what he meant before he walks back to his car and drives off as he held the packages in his hands.
"What're those?" Mk knocks on the box to hear what the sound could be when Redson places them down on the table and reads the boxes' information, one having a brand he knows all too well, Candied I's.
He opens the box with a bright color scheme and spots what exactly you bought, A 12-inch, ribbed dildo alongside optional equipment. That being of the strap, vibrator button, and charger before hearing Mei's giggle "Gee Redson, you can take up that size? Impressive~" "No this is not for me!" He yells as his hair grows hot to the touch, Mk goes behind him and rests his head on the angry demon's neck to tease him as well "Didn't know these were the kind of things you and y/n were into" he kisses his neck as he whispers in his ear, leaving him stuttering and whiney when he felt the apprentice's leg press against his cock.
"Th-that's not true..." "Oh stop lying to yourself Redson" Mei stands in front, kissing him on the nose and trailing her fingers down his chest "Why don't you open the next gift for us hm?" Mk inquires and stands away from the blushing man, his boner evident through his T-shirt when he opens the second box; An almost transparent, lacey kimono robe with matching lingerie is revealed from the box as they laugh at his embarrassed stuttering.
"It's not mine I swear!" "Then look at the size number then, if it's not your size number then it must be her's" Mk folds his arms and sits on the couch as he watches the stuttering man look at the size; Size 66, medium. His exact size. "You ok there bud? Lookin' a little worried over there" He cocks a grin, basking in his reaction as he walks over to Redson and guides him upstairs to a bathroom to change.
"B-but what if it's y/n's?! It could be hers you don't even know!" He rebuts and tries not to enter, sweat dripping from his face before being pushed inside and locked. "You're not getting out unless you wear it and don't try to run away!" Mei holds onto the door as he tries to open it before stopping and looking in the mirror.
'Why would she ship me this?' He looks at himself in the mirror, staring himself down with the lingerie pressed at his chest, already loving how the color matches his hair perfectly.
He sighs and proceeds to take off his clothes, gently pulling the lingerie to his chest and removing any wrinkles found. Hugging his hips and showing his plump thighs perfectly before putting on the (almost) transparent kimono robe and taking out the elastic that held his hair, letting it fall to his shoulders and back before brushing it out whilst looking at himself in the mirror. Shocked at how feminine he looks.
It was no hidden fact from his family and peers he had the body of a woman, the only difference is that he had a cock between his legs. Not that he doesn't mind as it had its perks when ready. He sighs before responding to Mk that he was done changing as they open the door, their jaws dropping to the floor at the sight.
Thick, feminine thighs and hips, feminine facial features, and the hair alongside the lacey lingerie made him look like an actual woman. "See? Was that so hard?" Mei snaps a picture and walks over to him, gently holding onto his waist and playing with his hips before being guided to your shared bedroom; The room is dark with a few fairy lights sprawling here and there, they've seen your room during the day so it's understandable both you and Redson did not like lights hitting your face.
He sits down on the bed before backing up onto the headboard, Mk and mei following suit and going to either side of the bed before trying to make him comfortable (which he already was). "Now are you sure you wanna do this?" Mk looks at him with a skeptical look when he nods as Mei pipes up "What's your safeword?" "Stop." He gives them a neutral face before laughing along with them, receiving a kiss from Mei as Mk kisses his neck. Forcing him to let out a gasp when his hands reached down to stroke his cock as Mei takes off her shorts to put on the strap.
Mk turns the smaller male around and proceeds to have a slow make out with him as he takes the kimono off, groping his chest as he moans in the kiss before attacking his neck again to leave hickeys. Redson whimpers as he sits in the boy's lap, holding onto his shoulders as he allows the apprentice to mark him before feeling the weight of the bed get slightly heavier as Mei goes behind him to kiss him on the cheek; pushing down the lingerie to kiss his back.
As their hands roam the redhead's body, they lie him down on pillows before Mei crawls between his legs and help him out of the skin-tight fabric, his cock leaking pre as she strokes him off. Kissing from his chest to his abdomen as she grabs the bottle of lube on the bedside table, spreading an even amount of lube on her fingers before lifting his lower half and lubing his entrance. Staffing two fingers in to loosen him up as he whines expectantly.
Mk sits at the head of the bed and rests his friend's head on his lap, gently holding onto his cock and pumping it as he moans and whimpers; Cock throbbing and eager for a release already as Mei lines up to his hole and pressing the tip at his entrance, teasing the poor sub as she laughs at his eagerness.
"NGH!" He hisses through his teeth and holds onto Mei's arms the more she pushes, half of her already making a bulge in his stomach as he adjusts to the tight fit whilst getting hushed by Mk as he tries to comfort the boy. Mei already starting a slow, rough pace to knock the wind out him as he watches the tummy bulge.
Mk pushes his hand on the bulge before pushing it down the more Redson wails, wrapping his legs around Mei's waist; Moving from Redson to the side of the bed as he watches Mei do her work.
"How ya holdin up there bud?" He wears a cocky grin as Reason digs his manicured nails into the girl's back the deeper she thrusts, soaked with sweat, drool and tears as he screams in bliss before getting a gentle kiss from Mk as he palms himself through his underwear whilst watching Redson's facial expressions.
Redson's vision fades from black to white the longer he watches the strap go in and out of him, the ribs rubbing against his prostate as he tried not to cum so suddenly. Only whining when he felt Mei pull out and take a quick break; Getting turned around to lie on his stomach as Mk sits in front of him once more, gently slapping the tip against his cheek to give hints as to what he wants.
He gives the apprentice a lovestruck look as he sucks on the tip whilst stroking it, wrapping his tongue around the pulsing dick before sucking him down. Most of Mk's cock pressing at the back of his throat as Mk lifts the sub's hair out his face; Mei standing behind Redson's and rubbing the strap against his ass before pushing it in and continuing her original pace.
Mk gently holds the boy by his stomach as he stands up in the bed, leaving Redson on all fours as they continued. To caught up to even realize that someone was watching them through the shadows; "Fuck, Red~" They'd moan in unison as he tries not to pass out from oversensitivity, Taking Mk down the hilt and catching him off guard as his cock leaks precum.
Mei was too distracted by Redson's body to even pay any attention to her friend as she watches every mark and scar. Soaking in the sight of seeing her bite marks and hickeys as he pussy drips in ecstasy by the sight alone alongside the vibrator stuffed inside her; Mk on the brink of cumming the longer he thrusts down the gagging boy's throat, holding onto his head for dear life as he cums inside. Redson's swallowed most as some leaks from his throat and onto his chest and the sheets whilst Mk thrusts down his throat. Pulling out to cum on his face before sitting back on the headboard. Leaving Mei and him to cum as Mk was out for the count.
She grabs onto his hips and thrusts harshly into the sobbing male, soaking in the sight of seeing him whimper and cry as she milks herself of her pride by stroking his cock. Feeling it throbbing in ecstasy as he (desperately) hurries to cum, his begs finally coming to fruition as his sight fades through white spots before making a mess of the bed. Mei cumming shortly after and squirting all over the vibrator stuffed inside her puffy walls before pulling out and lying on the bed; The trio laughs when Redson tries to get up only to fall onto the fluffy pillows.
"H-how was that y/n?"
Redson huffs as he wipes a sheen of sweat from his face, Both friends look down at him before responding "Y/n isn't here, she left for a business trip and asked for us to take care of ya" "Yea!"
"I beg to differ"
They look at your glowing eyes in the dark before lighting a cigarette and puffing smoke through your nose, resting your face in your hand before responding.
"Do it again."
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑; 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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erinmar13 · 7 months
I have to tell you about the dream I had last night.
The underlying premise was that orcs were invading. The undercurrent of tension for this played throughout the dream, like a mix between helm’s deep and those scenes with pipping before the battle of the pelennor fields.
Anyway. Because of the impending invasion, everyone had been conscripted. So we everyone of acceptable age locally was gathered in, what I knew to be, my high school auditorium. (I haven’t been in HS in over 20 years and I live about 1200 miles away from my hometown)
Now the fun part…
Marisha Ray and Laura Bailey were there, and I spend the entirety of the events trying to make sure that the 3 of us stayed together in the same groups, to make sure we were assigned to the same battalion and deployed together, cuz we were all like besties.
Full on, it was “Laura” and “Marisha” not Laudna and Imogen or Beau and Jester or anything. EXCEPT. We were sitting in the auditorium waiting for the people to give out instructions and briefing and all that, and Marisha sneezes and blows her nose. The seating was me, Laura, a couple other people, and maybe an empty seat, then Marisha. We here her sneeze and blow her nose, and then the people between us react with horror and disgust. So Laura and I turn to look and Marisha has black ichor mucus like Laudna. Laura and I fall out laughing at these people’s reaction because this is apparently 100% normal to us, and almost a running joke.
Then we go through the schpiel and are moved to the next section where we are getting assigned ration packs and shit. We were all handed these packs that were packaged like MREs, but in a very Japanese snack food way in white plastic and minimal wording with lots of colorful pictures. Ashley Johnson was handing these out. She couldn’t fight like the rest of us cuz of her spine issues, so they gave her a clerical desk job. These ration packs were the size of MREs or bento boxes or whatever, but were supposed to hold the same kind of shit you get in D&D starting equipment packs.
We were instructed to keep a couple rations in our pockets in case we lost our packs, we’d at least have something. So I pull out these tiny little like, spam cans that were the size of like, a 4 pack now and later. Each was supposed to have a serving of meat in it. I shoved a chicken, a beef, and a pork one in my pockets.
Then someone realized that these ration packs were class based. Like, they were labelled “ranger” and “barbarian” and each was a little different based on class. They were supposed to be handed out according to your class, but Ashley had just been giving everyone whichever one was on top. So there was a whole thing with that and people trying to decide if they needed to collect and reassign packs and shit.
Meanwhile, I’m still trying to keep eyes on Laura and Marisha and to make sure the three of us sit close enough in each administrative step to stay assigned to the same group together. But during the kerfluffle with the ration packs, I realize that I need to go to my locker to collect something I had hidden/stashed there. I manage to do that, find some hidden compartment or something behind my locker and bring back…I think it was a jacket, like a duster or something. One my way back though, I realize that I can’t get through the hallways anymore because they have had construction crews trying to fortify the building by bolting in these huge steel girder buttresses in the halls, so now they are blocking my path.
I started to try to work my way through a maze of halls and tunnels, but then the alarm went off, so…I have no idea how that was gonna go.
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oddlittlestories · 8 months
Trick or treat! Prompt 3 looks amazing :)
:-D I get to write a genuine creepypasta! This is turning out longer than I expected, so I’ll post it in parts as I write.
Part 1 of prompt 3 below the cut!
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The Warping Ward, Part I
Kutner rubbed his eyes. He loved coffee—he loved caffeine of any kind—but it didn’t keep him up. Sugar helped, but he’d just eaten the last of the Halloween candy he had here. Time for a snack break. He smacked the spacebar to pause the show on his laptop and shrugged, shaking out his shoulders and getting up from his seat.
Down the hall in the break room, he’d stashed a jumbo sized bag of cheese puffs. House wasn’t going to like him getting cheese puff orange all over the equipment, but, well, Kutner didn’t want to be here. Lose-lose? House had forced him to stay after hours. Maybe he should pay for it.
He stumbled into the break room, the low light casting shadows on the walls. It was a little eerie, maybe, but he liked being mostly alone in the hospital. Sometimes it was spooky but it was mostly just relaxing. Plus, he could take a quick walk to almost any other hallway if he needed people for some reason. And no one could tell him not to eat his snacks.
He knelt down to open the bottom cabinet, moving aside the cardboard box of serving silverware that covered his cheese puff hideout.
Kutner frowned, blinking. Either he ate it already, or someone found his snack stash. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d forgotten he already ate one of his snacks, but if someone on the team wad screwing with him, he’d really like to know. In the meantime, he scooted the silverware box back into his line of sight, taking out most of the giant spoons and forks with a clatter and rummaging around underneath the rest. C’mon… gummies… he had to have at least one more package, right?
Kutner sighed, glancing at the microwave. A little past 1 am. Too late for the Speedway across the road. And the twenty-four seven Wawa was too far if he wanted to finish this by the morning. He bit his lip. He hated stealing food, but he couldn’t do this without snacks. Kutner threw open the cabinets.
Most of the shelves were bare. There were no bags of chips, microwave popcorn… there were no snacks at all. There wasn’t even the fake creamer or packets of sugar for the tea.
The cabinets weren’t totally empty. On the top shelf were the big bowls, and on the bottom, all the usual mugs. But there was something off about the mugs. He squinted at them until it hit him. They were tucked in perfectly uniformly, all of the their handles turned forty-five degrees to the left. Weird.
Maybe they’d done a deep clean of the break room. Kutner yanked the fridge open, blinking in the bright light. Empty. Hmm.
Kutner rummaged in his pocket and opened his wallet. Okay, cool, had some cash, so desperate times called for desperate measures: the first floor vending machine.
The elevator always seemed to take longer at night, like it was coming from the top floor or something. Kutner pulled his yo-yo out of his pocket, swinging it around so it kept a comfortable tension on the string as he waited. The only light was from House’s office and, further down the hall, the lab and break room. Kutner shuffled impatiently, and tried a few real tricks. When the elevator doors slid open, the light very bright and cool in the warmly dim hallway, he didn’t want to stop, so he kept playing, sending the yo-yo down the string as he stepped into the elevator. It flew further than he meant, hitting the mirror with a resounding crack. Oh crap—he grabbed it frantically with both hands, wincing. He squinted at the mirror. Was it broken? No. Okay, good.
When he got to the first floor, it was unusually quiet, so hopefully no one would interrupt him. Kutner liked to chat but tonight he was a man on a mission. He turned right and slipped around the corner to the vending machine nook. It stood there in yellow light, humming softly, and had absolutely nothing in it, the silver springs painfully empty.
This was weird right? Well, he had one more move if he wanted to finish this all by morning. He needed those snacks. Kutner pulled out his phone and dialed Thirteen’s number.
She answered right away, laughing. The soundtrack of a movie was playing in the background. “Hey, what’s up? We’re doing a movie marathon.”
“Who’s we?”
“Me and Chase.”
“What, are you dating or something?”
“Ew, gross,” she answered.
Kutner could barely hear Chase protesting, “I’m not gross.”
“I’m on the phone,” Thirteen whispered, mock sanctimoniously. “What’s up?” she asked again.
“Can you bring snacks down to the hospital for me?”
“House wants you to do the labs alone. Why should I come all the way down there?” It was an almost-genuine question, even if it was sarcastic.
“Uh… because it’s fun?”
“Snacks are fun. But we already have snacks.” She was half teasing him, half daring him to come up with a reason that was actually good. “Cutting into our horror movie marathon to run an errand to a place we already spend too much time at? Not so fun.”
Crap. She wanted him to make it worth her while, but how? He’d traded in his last favor with Thirteen to get out of Saturday clinic duty. The comic book signing had been totally worth it, but now what? She didn’t owe him a favor. He didn’t have any dirt he could trade. There was only one way.
He sighed. “I’ll owe you one.”
Kutner could hear her wolfish grin through the phone, and he could already tell he was going to pay for it. “We’ll be there in fifteen.”
Muffled, he heard Chase add, “Make that twenty.” The line went dead.
Kutner wandered back up to the lab and hit the spacebar. He could watch nearly a whole episode before they got here, so he might as well try to get some more lab work done.
Kutner adjusted the microscope and leaned forward, looking down at the next slide. He’d barely had a chance to adjust the magnification when his phone buzzed. It was a text from Thirteen. “We’re here, but the door is locked. Come break us in?”
Kutner blinked. No way they could’ve gotten here that fast. He looked back to his computer. Sure enough, it was at the end of the episode. Twenty minutes had passed. He shook his head, trying to wrap his brain around what had happened. He didn’t think he’d dissociated—he felt pretty good, actually. Maybe he’d just fallen asleep? Hmm. Nothing he could do about it. He got a move on and was downstairs as quick as he could, pushing open the front door to catch the tail end of a long conversation.
“—Witch Project was the most boring horror movie I’ve ever seen.” Thirteen smiled at Kutner, striding through the door. She held out a giant sized cheese puff bag like she was triumphantly rescuing him—which she was.
“It was artistic!” Chase protested, following her. His arms were wrapped around a huge, crappy grocery store bag full to bursting with snacks, but he managed a small emphatic gesture with one hand.
Thirteen shook off the cold as the door shut behind them. “Run Lola Run is artistic. In Bruges is artistic.”
“I’ve never even heard of those.” Chase protested.
“I liked Blair Witch Project,” Kutner said. “It was creepy. Besides, without Blair Witch Project, you never get…” he trailed off as he saw concern cross Thirteen’s face. “What?”
“Where is everyone?” she asked.
“Everyone, who?” Kutner wasn’t totally sure what she meant.
“Everyone who runs the hospital?”
Chase frowned, looking around. “It is really empty in here.”
“No,” Thirteen corrected, “it’s completely empty in here.”
“There were cars in the parking lot,” Chase pointed out.
“Isn’t there usually a night person here at the front desk?”
Kutner shrugged. “I have no idea.”
Thirteen frowned, wheels turning in her head. “ER‘s not that close to here, and the clinic is closed this late. But… are you sure you didn’t miss something?”
“Like what?”
Thirteen hesitated. “An evacuation?”
Kutner thought about it. The diagnostics office was pretty out of the way. And he’d obviously been out of it to somehow miss an entire episode of his show. “I guess it’s possible.”
Thirteen shook her head. “I’m jumping to conclusions. It’s probably nothing. So what if the hospital’s a little quiet? We should just go up to the diagnostics ward and not worry about it.”
Chase hefted the bag of snacks protectively. “Nah, let’s go check out the surgical ICU. There’s patients they couldn’t have evacuated.”
“Or evidence that they did,” Kutner added. It was a good idea.
“If we don’t find anyone, we should get out of here,” Chase said.
“Yeah, screw House’s tests,” Kutner agreed.
Chase pushed the elevator button.
“Shouldn’t we take the stairs?” Kutner asked.
Thirteen nodded, pushing open the stairwell door.
Chase sighed. “Thirteen,” he groaned, “Can’t you carry a few more things?”
Thirteen playfully dropped the door on him. “Hey!” he protested, using his shoulder to catch the door. “You’re gonna smash the snacks.”
“I’ll help you carry them,” Kutner offered, grabbing a few packages out of the the bag.
“Thanks!” Chase’s eyes lit up with a smile before he turned to race Thirteen up the stairs.
Thirteen stepped neatly ahead of Chase so that he couldn’t get ahead of her. Kutner trailed ahead, wheels turning, and then it clicked.
They weren’t a couple at all. “Oh, I’m an idiot!”
“Yes,” Thirteen agreed firmly.
Chase paused to look at him. “Why?”
“You’re not dating. You’re basically siblings!”
“Um, yeah,” Chase deadpanned.
“C’mon, let’s go find the ICU team.” Thirteen pushed open the third floor door.
Kutner instantly knew something was wrong. The hall was semi-lit and silent, and the trio settled down as they walked. As they pushed open the doors to the ICU, Kutner began to worry. It was too quiet. Even if everyone was quieted down for the night, there should be monitors beeping, ventilators puffing, and the quiet hum of machinery.
He was right. The surgical ICU was completely empty. No one was at the nurse’s station. No one was in any of the rooms. The lights were on here, but it only highlighted how wrong this all was.
Every computer was off, the chairs neatly pushed in against the desks, stacks of paper organized neatly beside them. Every ICU bed was made, the equipment more perfectly set up than Kutner thought a hospital ward had ever been.
“This is too perfect. It’s creepy.”
“Even if they’d evacuated,” Chase whispered, “there should be signs. You’d expect a messy ICU, not a pristine one.”
“We should leave,” Thirteen said, her voice shaky.
They went back down the staircase without talking. Every step was too loud in the echoey stairwell, and Kutner kept glancing over his shoulder even though he didn’t think there was anything there.
Chase pushed at the front door only to find it locked from the inside. “That shouldn’t even be possible.”
Cold dread squirmed in Kutner’s chest. He glanced back at the lobby, scanning the upstairs overlook. It really didn’t feel like anyone was watching him, but he had the overwhelming sense that if he was too loud, it might get unwanted attention.
But was it intuition? Or just anxiety?
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tiredjust1 · 6 months
fun history fact, ninjas often carried little pre-packaged balls of food called hyorogan designed to be eaten during missions when they couldn't carry cooking equipment. They could be made with plums, sweet potatoes, but usually had rice as a base.
all this to say, Roxy is the type to constantly carry snacks.
YEAHH!!! Thank you for the history fun fact!
Roxie canonically getting hungry after fighting fuels my belief and love for this hc even stronger
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onceuponmmy · 1 month
Mother Day Ideas
Whether your mother is someone who likes the outdoors, or someone that enjoys doing things inside. You can't go wrong with anything bought or homemade...
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Write her a Story
Homemade Bookmarks
Homemade Puzzles/Crosswords
Write a Poem/Haiku/Family Quote
Her Fave Books (Date with a Book) with Bookmarks
Personalised or Cute Stationery (Pens)
A new Journal/Scrapbook (With Stickers)
Book of Puzzles/Crosswords/Pattern Colouring
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Make her Breakfast in Bed
Bake her something
Cook her something
Make or Personalise Apron or Utensils
Cooking Utensils/Equipment or Apron
Get her Fave Treats/Snacks
A selection of her Beverages (Hot or Cold)
Make up a Foodie Kit (Ice Cream Kit, Movie Munchies Kit, etc)
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Plan a Day Out (Park, Beach, Gardens, Museum/Gallery, etc)
Grow A Plant/Tree
Make something from wood/glass (Jewellery/Trinket box, etc)
Take care of the Animals for the Day.
Choose a Cap/Hat/Sweatbands/an article of Active Wear
New or Personalised Water bottle/Exercise Equipment
Plant/Flowers/Gardening Tools
Handy Tools (Hammer, tool bag, etc)
Pet Accessories or Mementos (Mugs/Shirts/etc)
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Photography Projects (Digital Slideshow) Scrapbook
Make Cards/Paintings
Make Candles/Soaps/Bath Salts/Sugar Scrubs
Sewing/Knitting/Crochet (Scarf, Beanie, Slippers, Blanket)
Art Mediums (Paints & Brushes, Pencils, Clay, etc...)
Print Photography Portraits
Scrap-booking Supplies and Book
Sewing/Knitting/Crochet Equipment
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Give her a Home Spa Day (Massage, Facial, Pedi-Mani)
Homemade Jewellery (Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings)
Paint her nail, Create Hairstyles
Have a Fashion Show Runway
Design a Fashion Line with things at Home
Self-Care/Skin Care Kits
Gift Cards/Vouchers
Fashion Accessories (Wallets, Purses, keychains, etc)
Shopping Trip; Choose a new Outfit
Beauty Supplies (Lip balm, Perfume, Make Up, etc)
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Compose a Song
Perform a Play
Create Dance Routine
Make a Playlist/Mixed Tape or CD
Homemade Music Memorabilia Crafts
Music Memorabilia
Go to a Show/Orchestra/Play
Attend a Concert of Music Festival
Find Personalised Packaging
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Play a Game with Her
Design a Game Together
Create something from old Tech Equipment
Laptop Decals/Stickers to Decorate
Sewn Laptop Case
Choose Accessories (Earphones, Speakers, Charger, Bags, Chargers, etc)
Personalised items (Mouse pads, Pictures, etc)
Desk Decorations (LED Lights, etc)
Portable Chargers & Desk Lamps
Smart Devices (Watches, Lights, Alexa)
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Do her Jobs for the Day
Give her a shoulder robe
Movie/TV Series Day in
Junk Food Day
Fluffy or Soft Blanket/Robe
Sleeping Mask
Massage Tools
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Any Mother
(What to get if you're unsure) :
PLAN FOR THE DAY (Doesn't have to be everything, choose what you feel she would love to do)
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BOUGHT (Can never go wrong with a custom gift basket)
Build a Gift Basket -
Basket/Gift Box
Self Care/Relaxation
Scented Goodie
"Mom" Goodie (Jewellery, Mug, Cozy things, Bookish...)
Fresh Flowers (Preferably Her Favourite)
MOTHERS DAY COUPONS (Just some options, or you can make them yourself in to a small booklet)
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