#snail buds tag
joeyclaire · 6 months
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14 notes · View notes
snakevillage · 1 year
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pathetically linked <3
22 notes · View notes
fanaticsnail · 6 months
You're The Cure
Masterlist Here, Pollen Masterlist here
Word Count: 4,300+
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Synopsis: Law bought you a pretty flower from a port, wanting to impress you with it, and perhaps use it as a courting gift should you want him. As the Polar Tang's Herbalist, you know there is more to this flower than meets the eye. Trafalgar Law got more than what he bargained for with this little gift.
Themes: Pollen!Law x afab!reader, dubcon, desperate Law, Smut, mdni, NSFW, 18+ content, solo Law, edging, premature ejaculation, creampie, fluff
Notes: This little fic was brought to you by an incredibly recent ask that took control of my laptop. @sweetly-sicken, thank you for your ask - I hope you enjoy. @sordidmusings, @feral-artistry come get your man. He needs help (and thank you both for your help and your ears today while I wrote it).
Tag List: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @feral-artistry @gingernut1314 @vespidphoenix @carrotsunshine @i-am-vita @mfreedomstuff @sexc-snail
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Hunched over the desk in the greenhouse aboard the Polar Tang, Trafalgar D Water-Law scrunched his eyes tightly shut and sucked his bottom lip into his mouth. His body was alight with a foreign passion he had never seen make it's equal. His clothes scratched and ignited his skin, the material of his heavy jacket weighing down his torso under the thick shroud of gray. 
Peeling his hat from his body and tearing at the iron zipper of his coat, his body began moving on instinct alone. His mind was screaming at him for his appalling behavior as his hands scorched hot trails along the glistening skin on his stomach. Sweat poured from his temples, his lips parting and huffing as his hands moved at a will of their own below the waistband of his pants. 
As his right hand gripped his achingly hard cock, he viciously began pistonning it within his fist, writhing and thrusting within it to match his brutal pace. His left hand snaked its way up his chest, pinching and circling the peaked bud of his right nipple as he mewled in desperation. He felt the approach of an impending orgasm stampede him towards release, the relief of the finish line almost within sight as he continued abusing his shiny knob and pummeling his shaft. 
Just as he felt his body begin to tip its way over the edge, it fell away just as hastily. Panic wrote itself over his face: his eyes wide, his mouth agape with a thin trail saliva trickling down his chin in stringy strands. 
“No, no, no, no,” he begged, pleading at his body to respond to the stimuli, picking up the pace and attempted to seek out his impending eruption for the second time, “No-... f-fuck-... Please.” 
Choking his shaft, a momentary clarity sifted in his mind as his eyes snapped to the single, innocent, pale flower poking out of an unsuspecting, ceramic pot. The top of the flowers danced within the aura of the puffs of breath he was panting, the yellow hue of pollen tinting the air with a tang on his tongue and a burn in his nose. 
“It’s that f-fucking flower, isn't i-it?” he chastised himself in a harsh whisper, laying his right hand flat over the desk as he thrust into his vice-like grip, “F-Fuck, it's the f-flower. Fuck.”
The sweetness of his release was once again in sight as he scrunched his eyes tightly shut. He released his nipple from his fingers, gripping the steel rim of the desk as he continued to writhe into his fist. 
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh sh-shit,” he choked on his words, desperately chasing an end that only rewarded him by sprinting away from within his reaching grasp. Again, the panic seared through his mind as he doubled down on his efforts, “No, no, no, no-o!” 
Without any further thoughts about his elusive orgasm, he immediately elevated his left hand and splayed out his fingers. He growled out a desperate roar, his ink-tainted digits shaking as he attempted to activate his devil-fruit ability to expel the pollen like a foul demon from claiming his soul. 
“R-Room- Ah fuck!” he exclaimed, his body immediately flopping over the desk as his body doubled its efforts against his iron-will. The intensity of the spouted dust increased it's crippling hold over his body, burrowing down deeper into every aspect of his body. 
“Sh-Sh-... Sh-...” he arched his back, his brows knit in a tight furrowed concentration. Glancing at the flower once more, a pool of saliva began spilling over his bottom lip as sweat poured from his temple, “Sh-Shambles- AH NO!” 
His cock danced with unresolved release, twitching within his fist as the intensity of his desire amplified. The devil-fruit abilities were doused by the fiery spray of the pollen in his respiratory system and blood stream. His body was not responding to his commands to expel it from himself by the supernatural means, nor the natural. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted, falling back into the chair behind him and gyrating his hips rhythmically upwards to continue to match the pace of his pistoning fist. 
As a final ditch effort to release himself from not only this spell, but to force himself to cum into his fist, he attempted to activate his Haki. Scrunching his eyes shut tightly before opening them once activated, the sparks of energy he intended on seeking fogged his mind with too frantic a stimuli. 
Suddenly, he was aware of every white-hot wave of lust coursing through his veins. Everything ignited into a bright wave of light, his eyes not able to adjust to the flashes of the augmented hue. He shook his head, immediately shaking off the use of Haki from his widening eyes. 
“H-Help,” he choked out a whimpered whisper, “I n-need help.” He mewled out a keening sob, desperately chasing his high within his right palm. He thrust his left hand into his hair, balling the sweat-damp strands into his fist and cried out for his release. 
The bob in his thigh, the lightning bliss within reach again within the coiling band in his abdomen, everything was right there. Right there, until it wasn't. 
“C’mon, Law!” He roared at himself, chasing his high. He focussed his ministrations on his frenulum, pinching and flicking his hand over the tight band of flesh, “You can do this. Gotta keep strong for the team. C-Can’t lettem’ know. You're better than th-this.” 
He whined as his left hand once again chased the channels of his inked art up his chest, swirling his nipples beneath his calloused fingertips. 
“F-fuck, fuck, fuck!” he cried in desperation, his cock refusing to spill over even the smallest amount of precum over the slit, no relief in his release being welcomed into his hand, “Why can't I do this? I-I need-... Shit-... I need-... Mmmfph-... I need help.”
“Anyone seen our captain?” You asked the crew gathered in the communal dining space. Downturned lips, shrugs and soft shakes of the heads from your crewmates unified in their puzzlement. 
“Why? What's going on?” Bepo asked, his pale fur reflecting the buzzing illumines of the artificial light. 
“Oh, he said he had something for me, is all,” you smiled at Bepo, clapping your hand over his shoulder with a polite smile, “Something about a flower he picked up from that strange port earlier today. Wanted me to have a look, see if I could extract anything of it.”
Bepo let out a small squeak of joy, stifling further joy from fleeing from his lips by clapping his paw over his muzzle. He sought out the corners of your face, gauging your emotions responding to a gift from the captain. You shook your head at the large, fuzzy bear with a small smirk. 
“That kinda makes sense,” Penguin smirked up at you, shoveling his food into his lips and chomping down on the crunchy texture, “Seeing as though you're the herbal remedy spooky witch, and all. He's likely in your office, maybe even the greenhouse.”
“Herbalist, Pen,” you corrected him with a soft smirk and the shake of your head, “I didn't go to study permaculture, horticulture, botanical remedies alongside my bloody medical degree for you to refer to me as ‘herbal remedy spooky witch'.” 
Cackles erupted from the table around you, your own chuckle joining with the crew as you rose to your feet. Discarding the contents from your tray, you then placed the empty tray atop the metal shelf for the cleaning crew to easily manage. 
“Alright, family,” you called to your crewmen with a smile, “I'm off to take a look at that flower. I'll see you all for dinner later.”
“Bye, spooky witch,” Penguin chuckled at you, “Don't forget your broom on the way out.”
“Penguin!” Bepo scolded your hat-wearing crewman, prompting you to laugh in response. Shaking your head, you approached Penguin from behind, leaning down to lean into his ear with utter seriousness. 
“Be sure not to test this witch’s patience,” you smirked, purring into his ear in a sultry whisper. Penguin's blood ran cold, feeling the warm heat cascading from your body as your cool breath met with the shell of his ear, “Or I may curse you with something as sinister as impotence.” 
You laughed to yourself, turning and exiting the dining room to make your way towards your office. Noticing a dim light beneath the door, you cocked your head to the side as you narrowed your eyes. 
A small wave of tinted dust swirled beneath the door, your eyes widening at the hue of the pollen particles. You immediately reached into your boiler suit, seeking out your personal mushi-shell and raising it to your lips. 
“Bepo, you there?” You called to your fuzz-covered crewmate, “Important, honey. You there?” your snail jumped, Bepo’s voice expelling from the box with a hasty confirmation of, “I'm here, what's going on?”
“I need you to open the vents in the greenhouse and pump the room with clean air,” you ordered him, reaching for the door of your office and knocking on the cloudy glass of the window. 
Rough panting, cursing and growling echoed from a masculine voice from within the room, your heartbeat increasing the longer you were standing outside the door. You had read about this pollen, recognised the hue immediately beneath the crack in the door, and you knew almost exactly what sight was going to meet with your eyes as soon as you turned the door handle. 
“Bepo, did you flush the room?” You hastily hissed into the shell, a curt, “yes!” was confirmed in response. 
“Good job, sweety,” you praised him, before knitting your brows up in concern with a very cautious question, “Bepo?”
“Yes, Herbalist?” Bepo asked into the shell, “Is there anything else I can do for you? You sound kinda panicked.”
“I just-... I don't know how to put it plainer than this at the moment…” You trailed off, unsure of how to pose this question without further questions being asked of yourself, “...You're the captain's closest confidant, Bepo. Do you know if he's taken a lover aboard the ship? Anyone he fancies that might reciprocate his-... Uhh-... Affections?” 
A lull in the crackle prompted your heart to skip a few beats, patiently waiting for Bepo to answer your question. You were likely certain there were a few, including yourself, that took a shine to the broody and serious captain that manned the Heart-Pirates. You were aware of the cure for this disease he'd likely inflicted on himself, truly desiring to give him the treatment he'd actually consent to adhere to. 
This was pollen from the pale-lust plant, a plant that only the smallest amount of dust could amplify and magnify the sexual experience of the person who inhales it. It was usually manufactured into perfumes and body oils for those who wanted to ‘spice up’ their love lives. And your Captain had likely doused himself in it. 
“I'm not sure if it's my place to say, but from your tone of panic…” the shell muttered in Bepo’s calming cadence after several moments of silence, “...H-He hasn't ever thought about buying anyone aside you a gift at port before. A-And he really thought you'd like that flower he brought back for you.”
“Okay, Bepo,” you managed to choke out a small squeaked order, “I need you to block off all access to the botanical bay for the rest of the day. Captain's orders, okay? You're in charge.”
“Is everything okay? Do you need help-?” He questioned over the shell, you halting his voice by speaking over him. 
“-The captain is likely experiencing some systemic shock at the moment,” you confessed, adjusting your uniform at your neck in an attempt to stifle your blush, “Judging from the hue of the dust, it's likely the plant he brought back had an effect that I doubt he would've prepared himself for.” You bit your lip, truly concerned for Law's wellbeing within your office, “I need you to take charge until either I, or Captain Law, tell you otherwise. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
“Aye, sir,” Bepo’s practiced reply barked into the speaker, you could almost visualize the salute on the other side of the transponder. 
“Good boy,” you praised him, your hand moving down to the door handle and beginning to turn it, “I'm going to be out of contact for a while. I might still make it to dinner, but if I can't - please save me and the captain a plate!”
“Aye, sir!” he uttered again into the speaker, with a final, “Good luck with the captain!” Clicking aside the portable transponder, you thrust it into your pocket and shook aside your nerves. 
Hastily, you flung wide the door, turning immediately upon entering and facing the door as you clicked it locked behind you. As soon as you entered the space, the sounds of rough slapping of hands meeting skin, huffs of exasperated panting, groans and pleads falling from your captain's panicked lips alongside his panting mewls of pleasure flung themselves loudly and carelessly into the air. 
“Captain,” you whispered, your hands holding firm to the cloudy glass of your office door, “I know you're likely out of your own mind right now, but I'm going to tell you this anyway-.”
“-Fuck, what's happening to me? T-Tell me, please. Know I'm h-here. My h-head is here, I-I just-... ngmmh-...” he whined for you, the taste of your name tainting his tongue with desire and lust, “...don't judge me, please. I don't want this to change the image of myself in your head.”
Anticipation and a shameful wave of desire spread itself through your chest and ignited a throbbing need for your captain in your core. You knew this wouldn't be happening without this douse of pollen coursing through his veins, the raw need to chase his ecstacy within his fist behind you. 
“All th-this because I wanted t’get you a-... f-fucking gift t’ court you-...” Law confessed with a whispered hiss, his eyes raking over your body with lust and need, “...M’guessing this's from that f-fucking flower I got for you. Is-s there a cure?” 
A gasp flew from your lips at his confession, prompting you to almost glance over your shoulder at him. Deciding to give your captain a further shroud of decency, you halted your movement and chose your next words carefully. 
“There's no cure I can manufacture here, Sir,” you whisper over your shoulder, “But there is one that I know of-.”
“-F-Fuck, please get it. Whatever it is. Get the fucking cure before I lose the final bit of control I h-have,” he roared your name, barking his orders as the skid of the iron legs of the chair backwards, raking against the steel floor. You jumped in shock, the shifting of material scattering prompted you to become more aware of his feral urges further.  
Just as you began to turn your body to face your captain, two inked hands slammed against your own on the cloudy glass, prying them apart with a vice-like grip. Fingers laced between yours, his face fell in the crook of your shoulder as he deeply inhaled the scent of your perfume. He groaned at the feeling of his bare cock grinding in between the divet in your ass above your boiler suit, a shocked gasp fell from your lips in response. 
“Fuck you smell good,” he moaned, his lips latching on your pulse as his tongue swirled against you, “Taste even fucking better.” You whined as his teeth sunk into your neck, his rhythmic grinding not easing against your clothed flesh. 
His mind was hazy, his body was reacting to every subtle change in your voice and wavering breaths. As soon as you entered the room, it took all of his strength and will to not enter a state of frenzy and fuck into you with the deep ferocity of a wild beast. He owed you better than that. He wanted you to want him too, and if that meant holding onto his sanity by tooth and nail: so be it. 
“Captain-,” you gasped as his right hand left yours to paw at the front zipper of your jumpsuit. 
“-Law,” he growled his correction at you, “It’s Law, or anything other than my title or ‘sir’. Y-You-... fuck, sweetheart-... I n-need you. Please let me? Let me have you? Please?”
Slotting his hand over your chest, his fingers eagerly sought your left breast beneath the cup of your uniformed lingerie. He hastily rolled the peaked nub within his thumb, index and middle fingers; a cry of pleasure emanating from your throat as you threw your head back onto his shoulder. 
“We can talk about it later,” he whispered into your ear, pinching at your nipple as he bit your earlobe, “Know that I wanted you before all this-... F-fuck-...but I need you now.”
He hastily turned you in his arms, splitting the top part of your boiler suit back and shedding it from your body as he claimed your lips beneath his. Allowing his primal desires to take the reins, he continued breaking you out of your clothes to match his own nudity: pinning you against the door with his rutting hips. 
“What do I need to do? Tell me,” he moaned into your skin, his teeth catching on your own as you reciprocated his touch, “Guide me, my north star. Show me wh-what I gotta do.”
“Law,” you moaned for him, his body immediately pulling to you like iron to a magnet. Shedding the last of your clothes over your ankles, he used his feet to kick off your shoes. Cupping your thighs, he hoisted you into the air and hooked your knees over his hips. 
“My north star,” he moaned into your skin, his lips clinging to every amount of flesh exposed to him, “You're the cure. You're the cure, aren't you? My body is telling me you are.” You moaned for him as he carried you over to your desk, lying you on the cool surface and hovering over your body. 
“Anyone can be the cure for this, Law,” you confessed to him in a whimpering whisper, “It's the joining of bodies together that ends the torment. It's not me-.”
“-It is you,” he growled at you, hovering his lips just above yours and shaking from the amount of stress he placed himself under by holding back, “It's only ever been you. I need you. Better yet…” he lines his cock up with your glistening opening, the tip rubbing against your core prompting a small sob to exit from his lips. 
“...I crave you,” his arms shook beneath his weight, the sheen of sweat pooling from his temple beneath his only hair down to his whiskered chin, “Always wanted you. Let me have you. Please say you'll let me have you.”
“You have me,” you confessed, tracing your arms over his quivering forearms down to his hips, clawing him to draw him nearer. Guiding his cock within your entrance, you angle his hips as his brow sets deep within its furrow. 
“I feel like I'm gonna explode,” he confessed in a strangled whisper, “I-I’m sorry. I'm so, so sorry.” 
“It's okay, it's okay,” you soothed him with your calming voice, your thumbs pressing circular motions against his hip bones as he slid his cock to the hilt within you, “Use me, it's okay.”
As soon as the length of Law's cock slid to the back of your walls, he entered into a bliss he never would've imagined. His vision struck white, electricity sparking the flames of his encumbering lust as he shot you deep with spurts of his sticky cum. 
Barely having time to adjust to his size, he was already crying out for you. He immediately burst with his passionate release painting your gummy walls white, praising you for your gift to him while sobbing in deep pleas of anguish. 
“Fuck, I'm c-cumming. I'm f-fucking cumming. I'm already-...” He mewled your name, huffing as he barely began moving within you, “...I'm s-sorry, I'm so sorry. I-I-... hhah, fuck-... I'm sorry-... nngh- s-so good.”
You pawed at his ass, clutching onto his checks and held him deep within you, hips flush with your own. The twitches of his muscles all rippled with the expulsion of the final waves of his cum deep within you. 
“I'm sorry,” he repeated in a whisper, alongside chanting your name like a prayer, “I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay, love, I know,” you hushed him, his body collapsing atop your own and caging you beneath him on your desk. You drew your hands up to his damp hair, fingers brushing away the strands and cradling him close. 
Finally collecting his breath, his heartbeat slowing to a more forgiving beat, he refused to tear his face away from the crease of your neck and shoulder. Embarrassment at, not only, the hasty release of his cum within you had a red hue illuminating Law’s face. He was also appalled at the fact his surprise gift for you was a toxic aphrodisiac, one he fell within the snare of with no known cure. 
“Law, look at me,” you cooed down at him, prompting him to nuzzle his pouting face deeper into your skin. You tried your best to stifle your giggle to no avail - your laughter aimed at his utter childishness. 
“Law,” you chastised him, angling the heels of your palms down to collect his cheeks, “C’mon, love. Let me see those pretty eyes of yours. Look at me.”
He huffed out a breath of exasperation, finally tearing his face away from your shoulder and bringing his pouty face up to meet yours. His eyebrows were knit in a single point in the middle of his face, his eyes wide and filled with shame. 
“I'm sorry, herbalist,” he acknowledged your formal rank, his cock still deeply held within you, “I am better than this. I-I promise I'm better than this.” You arched a single brow up with your growing smirk. 
“Herbalist?” you parroted back at him, brushing your nose against his, “What happened to my name, or ‘my North Star’? I quite liked that one,” his blush deepened, the dark dusting of vibrant red cascading over his nose, cheeks and tips of his ears. 
“Well, what happened to ‘love’, huh? Where'd that go?” he quipped back at you, gliding his reducing cock out of your walls, releasing the floodgates of his excessive load of cum expelling from your pussy. He shifted himself away, glancing down at the expulsion of his cum dripping onto your office floor. 
“Fuck,” he shuddered out in a small whispered groan, “That was a bit more than I thought there would be. Room…” he extended his left hand upwards, the spatter on the floor and still within you vanishing with a further utterance of, “...Shambles.”
A small splash of water fell onto the floor, and a small spurt against your groin. You shot Law a quizzical look, prompting a smirk to rise on his cheeks. 
“I tried washing my face in your sink as soon as I got a waft of the flower dust in my face,” he shrugged before nodding his head over to your herbalist station, “Water was still in it.”
Smiling, you leant up with your elbows behind your back, looking at the man who was priorly all consumed with feral lust. He looked accusingly at the pale flower in the small pot beside your naturopathic remedial herbs, eyes narrowed and lip snarling. 
“It's the last time I'm buying you a fucking plant,” he muttered, turning to meet his eyes with yours, “Without checking with you first, of course,” he reached down with his right hand, smiling as you accepted his hand, “I want to buy you all the plants you could ever want,” he aided you to rise to your feet, guiding your hands to lace behind his neck. 
“Thank you, love,” you smiled at him, prompting his eyes to crease with his own joy at the return of your name for him. 
“Anything for my north star,” he pressed a gentle kiss atop your head, “My guiding light,” his lips trailed down to brush against the apple of your cheek, “My pretty map spiriting me home to hold you in my arms again,” he snaked his forearms around your waist, his smiling lips collecting yours beneath his. 
Parting your lips, he angled his head to the side and pressed several waves of passionate caresses against your mouth. He sucked in a sharp breath through his nose, dipping his knees to elevate you within the air, his smile widening at the small squeak of surprise you released from your mouth to his. 
He placed you onto the floor again, chasing your retreating lips as you arched your back to press your exposed chest against his. The warmth of your skin spread from your body onto his, the heat radiating from his body engulfing your own with a warm infusion of radiant bliss. 
“You absolute sappy romantic,” you teased him as you broke from the kiss shared with him, “Didn't know you had all that in you. You must really like me.”
Scoffing back his laughter at your taunt, he squeezed your body against his. You laughed at his playful expression, leaning up to press a small kiss against his whiskered chin. 
“Alright. Fuck you, you brat,” he laughed, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous grin, “I was gonna let you top me, use me to get your own release from me, but now- ohhhh, now,” he shuddered a sinister whisper down at you, “Now you're gonna get it.”
“I'm absolutely shaking,” you taunted him further, your teeth nipping at his jaw, “Shaking, quivering and cowering.”
“Not now, you're not,” he growled at you, lifting you within his arms and hooking your knees over his hips once more, “But you fucking will be when I'm done with you.”
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renee561 · 1 year
Oh ho ho! You know I'm always ready to send insane asks!
All of your stuffies come alive at night, a la Night at the Museum style. Which would be your best bud? Which would be stealing spoons out of the silverware? Which is planning a heist?
Ok first of all, I love Echo and her questions.
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And second of all...that isn't too bad considering this has been thought of before by me.
There are a lot of them.
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Three plushies I sleep with on my bed:
Brian (blue chonk), Mr. Swifty (snail), SevBearus Snape (hp bear that was a gift)
Three Keychain plushies:
PIzza Brian (racoon with the pizza)
An Elephant (from @hannigramteacup)
Bunny (from a hs friend or it could have been from the above as well)
On my table:
A Snowy Owl (from @melsanfo)
An Ace Owl (I bought this for me because they didn't have a demi one)
Toothless (because it reminds me of my discord friend)
Christmas Taz (my mother's)
Tigger (Winnie the pooh)
Donkey (from Shrek)
Dog (a gift at some point)
To Give away:
The two flamingos for @hannigramteacup for the next time we meet up <3
I also have a black bear I've had since I was 16 and living with a friend. Her family always treated me like a part of theirs and I love them for it. (Though we no longer speak)
Mr Re-Bear-o Berry
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I'm still waiting for my niece to ship it back to me after i lent it to her for when she had to move out of state.
Anyway to the questions:
Who would be my best bud?
That would be Mr Berry, Mr Swifty, and the owls.
Which would be stealing the silverware?
Toothless, Pizza Brian, and The flamingos.
Which would be planning a heist?
That would be Chonk Brian and the rest of them tbh, because he would want to plan the heist for more silverware and shiny things.
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highladderbed · 7 months
Here's another story that I loved dearly. The title is in the tags. Already made a couple of posts around this.
Was he dead, he hoped not. He was still breathing even though his organs and limbs were sliced in some places. His soul was still inside him, that’s a good sign. No, no wait he left. Sigh. Where is he? If they were still here that means he should be here as well.
Maybe he reincarnated into a different person, maybe he ascended into a higher plane, maybe-
Hmph mph Mph! The muffled sound was coming from the water thermos he keeps in his bag.
“Or he was hiding in a bottle like a genie.” He thought.
Now this wasn’t his first time opening a bottle with one hand. Easily his disembodied left arm twisted open making the voice inside clearer to hear.
“W-w-who are you?” he slurred
Trying his best to make the situation sound normal, he replied confidently “This may be confusing but we’re the same person in multiple places. In the meantime, I want to be called Mundie.” His voice, the voice the bottle is hearing from the body, sounded so much younger compared to how it was this morning as if he was in his 20s. Whilst his voice sounded just as it was currently.
“H-how can that be? H-h-how are we both alive at once?” The bottle vibrates in his hand with each word. Unable to bend to the horrors it’s confronted with.
“I!…. Unfortunately. Don't know either. .” He giggled in nervousness. Even by being awake for much longer, it wasn’t enough time for Mundie to be able to answer a question like that yet.
Somehow the bottle was able to look to the otherside of the small room to see a monster or ghoul sitting on one of the chairs. They looked to be a giant vine coiled up like a snake with each inch covered in marbled eyes masquerading as flowers with his right hand on the end using his phone. Not paying attention to either one of them.
“Mundie, do you know who’s that?” the bottle began panicking feeling like his non-existent heart was beating way too fast.
The none subtle yelling made the creature leave from the chair and move towards them like a snail. They removed the hand it was using, revealing spiky dark green claws underneath. Grabbing the already fearful consciousness and shaking it around in skepticism. They then put it back in Mundie’s left hand, talking to Mundie in high pitched, repetitive “Kee-kees.” Mundie was able to understand it all. Replying to him perfectly, clearly about the new member. After their talk Mundie introduced the bottle to Bud. Another “guy” who woke up here like the two of them.
Thinking this could be a good distraction to their scenario. Since he couldn’t understand Bud, he asked Mundie if Bud told him whose ghost he was.
Mundie's face turned sour again. He turned his head to where he could hear the voice and told him that Bud claims to be Esmond as well.
If the bottle had any doubts Mundie explained to him that while he was not here. He and Bud had a great talk and knew all the things he knew. Which means they’re telling the truth.
Once done they went silent to hear what the bottle had to say who did the same thing. Bud tapped it a couple of times asking Mundie if he was okay? Mundie reassures them that he’s sure he is.
Suddenly his hand was met with sudden retaliation through fast pace shaking. That made his hand let go and the bottle slam through the wall. Then like a bazooka something explodes out of it. Leaving a huge crack on the ceiling. Making Bud and Mundie jump in place as loud groans escaped its container.
The 3rd entity with no name as of yet. Took this time to examine what he looks like. He was so caught up in the confusion. He didn’t even notice how taller he was or was he flying? Wait he couldn’t tell whether he was sitting or standing. He held the reflective bottle firmly to see the thing on the chair but not himself. He didn’t have the intention to let it go but it ended up dropping to the smooth wooden floor.
“What’s wrong?” the disembodied head asked.
“I-I-i h-ha-ha-ha have nobody.”
“Like you're invisible?”
“NO, I HAVE NO BODY!” he said, panicking.
“Wait for real! What the heck are we gonna do?
Despite no tangible form. He was still able to feel a hand rubbing his head to lower the pain. Maybe because he still has a strong memory of having one. Bud made an attempt to calm his brother down by rubbing shoulders. But can’t come in contact with any surface.
Nonetheless, whatever Bud was trying to comfort noticed his effort and hugged him tightly. Lifting him up the ground, startling Bud to emitting loud screams. Just as quickly the invisible force put him down and apologized.
After some time to cool down. As well as, the bottle agreeing to name himself Flask.
Bud sitting on the bed, asked Mundie why he was only thinking about them being stuck in unalterable forms now? He explained he was hoping that one of them could take a perfect form of Esmond but knows otherwise. With him and Bud not having any shape shifting abilities and the bottle while showing signs of size shifting can’t come up with anything visible. Bud jokingly tells him that this means that none of them can take the original identity then. Which in his eyes is a good thing.
Beyond the bed, you nor he can’t see it but Flask was imagining himself pacing left to right in a contemplating gesture. “How do we explain this to Omar?”
“About what?” Bud chimed in.
“About me being 3 different kinds of freaks, people have a hard time just being one.” The head snapped back.
Bud typed something on his phone and made a gesture to Flask take it.
With his non-existent hand, he complied and read aloud the text. “Let’s just leave.”
“No Bud, we’re not like Kyle. We can’t just ghost him.”
This made Bud stand back but not out of intimidation. He held Mundie's shoulders to tell him some words to translate. When he was done listening, his almost human counterpart sincerely asked “Alright, Flask while I side with him. Bud thinks what you’re doing is very noble especially since you’re a being who can just leave here undetected. But will you be ready to see his reaction?”
“It’s the right thing to do.” He tapped the screen and no reaction happened. Then realized he can’t control the phone without fingerprints so he asked Bud to call him. When he pressed accept he gave the phone back to him
“Hi Esmy are you coming home soon?” Omar began. Esmond groaned a bit trying to be natural. “Um yeah about that I accidentally injured myself in the last room I was cleaning.”
“Oh dear, how bad is it?”
“Really bad, like a broken ankle I can’t stand at all. Could you come to room 41 and help me go downstairs?”
“Okay I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Beep. In silence Esmond dropped the phone but Bud catched it. “This is the first time I’m so angry, we work near home.” his body said.
10 minutes later as promised. Omar entered the room to Esmond in one piece. Waiting patiently on the bed and brightening up when he heard him come in. He looked to see how bad his ankle was. He raised his feet to see one of them was red and swollen. “Oof! That looks really bad, we should go home to apply painkillers.”
“I agree, let’s go now?”
“Um Esmond.”
“Yes Darling.”
“Why do you have your hat under your eyes?”
“Why are you worried about that?”
“Because you’ll bump into things if you can’t see anything.”
Esmond put up no fight when his hat was taken off. Revealing his pupiless eyes.
Omar gasped in worry as he put his hands upon his cheeks to examine them better. “Why are they white? Did you accidentally hit something hard?”
“No it’s nothing serious, I just got blind.”
“Esmond, that is serious! Did you accidentally hit something hard?”
“I was just- I was just- I- I” Esmond began to stutter as he wasn’t used to the new pressure yet. Pop! His head went revealing Bud inside, holding him together like a puppet. If Omar hadn’t held his head firmly he would’ve been knocked out by it. Instead he got to see 8 eyes look in different directions then straight at him. In pure instinct he pushed his head down like a Jack in the box leaving only a huge scar. Once reseted Esmond just breathed deeply holding Omar’s arm, upset that the act was already up. His ankle stopped swelling and turned back to light peach.
“Sorry we didn’t plan on revealing it now,” he murmured. His eyes looked dead set in his “Why aren’t you leaving in fear?” Omar was terrified but asked “What will happen to you if I do?” He didn’t respond, his face just stayed dead cold. “How long have you been like this?” He said in a calm yet sad tone. “As far as I know 3 hours.”
“Do you know how this happened?”
Esmond tried to think back through the day but couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary “No, just got a headache, blacked out and fainted on this bed.” In defeat he let his head sink into his hands and hung his on Omar’s forearms.
It was like that for a few minutes. He was terrified of what’s gonna happen next. Then to his surprise he felt a kiss upon his lips. “If you think that extra eyes would stop me from loving you then you’re sadly mistaken.”
The man was confused and had so many things that couldn’t get through. He just blurted out “Why! This isn’t normal at all! I could’ve bitten off your head!”
Omar just told him “Esmy, if you weren’t you, you could’ve bitten off my head the moment I laid into this room.”
He continued “If you didn’t wait for me here and just eloped like that. I would’ve tried my best to move on. Finding someone new would take awhile for me to do so but whether that'll happen I’ll try to find ways to heal. But now I don’t know how I’ll recover knowing that you’re out there forever in hiding because I rejected what could be still a relationship built on many years of love. You’re too good of a husband to run away from and I want to help with whatever it is you’re dealing with.”
Sniff Esmond released his head from his grasp and held them tightly instead kissing them softly upon his lips. He could hear Bud inside of him resisting the urge to cry. “Amor, I feel so lucky to have you as a husband as well. I honestly wanted to leave because I didn’t want you to be repulsed by my new condition. But you accepted it just like that, no need to think it over. Which is nice to hear because there’s one more thing you need to know.”
He gave him the bottle he was hiding behind him. It felt heavy, the content inside didn’t sound like liquid and the cap was sealed tight. He’s still accepting his new situation but that ain’t gonna stop him from being cautious. Slowly he opened it and hoped for the best. He looked inside to see it was empty. “Phew no organs.” he thought. “Then how does it weigh this much then?”
“Hi Sulit.” He heard a voice said shyly. Without hesitation he screamed and threw it at Esmond. “Woah be careful.” The bottle bounced a bit before he was able to get a good hold of it.
“Sorry I didn’t know how strange this was gonna get.”
“No worries like I said, none of this is normal. Just tell him when you’re ready.”
Handing him the bottle again. Omar tried this time to be calmer “Hey Esmond.”
They waited for a response.
Again they waited.
It didn’t answer, just became lighter.
“Did…Did he just leave?” Omar asked, clearly distraught. “Did I just push him away?”
Bud confirmed to Esmond that it was written all over his face.
“No it’s not you. I’m sure he just can’t think of anything right now. He’ll come back in no time” he promised. He took the bottle and put it back in his bag.
They both agreed that the next best thing to do was go home already. All of this was too confusing to resolve in a public space. They thought that just knowing the tropes would make this easier to understand but they were wrong.
It wasn’t hard to sneak out of the building without being detected. It was small and had few visitors. The only person they had to look out for was the one in charge of customer service who was busy on their phone. They got into the car and drove back home. 15 minutes later. They were sitting side by side at the coach with the bottle on the coffee table in front of them. Esmond was able to explain everything more clearly now that they were in a safe space.
“So if both you and Bud are both sentient, does it feel uncomfortable when he’s inside you?”
“No it’s like wearing clothes, you can certainly feel when you put them on, but over time you forget they’re there. Until Bud starts talking to me or when I look in the mirror because he’s the only thing I could see.”
“Why does he look like that?” Omar asked, worrying if it came off as malicious.
Mundie just shrugged it off as a symbolic thing with Bud making a gesture that he agrees.
Falling apart again without someone to hold him together he just lay still on the coach before him. While Bud just does whatever he does. He even made Iced Cocoa. Which tasted good. But Esmond couldn’t have one or it’ll spill. Seeing him like this, he asked
“Are you upset that you’re stuck inside the body?”
“Under his cap he murmured “No, why would I be? On the contrary, I like to think I’m a winner in some sort of game. One of the advantages of being an optimist.”
“Well, you can’t really do anything by yourself.”
“True but someone has to steer this thing, otherwise you wouldn’t know I was okay. I mean imagine walking up to a corpse moving like a puppet. I would’ve slammed myself with the nearest thing at the 1st glance.”
“In your situation, it’s technically not a hypothetical.”
They did all they could to entertain themselves but both men became overcome with a strong sense of fatigue. Staying up in late hours was supposed to come easy. Esmond was the 1st one to give in. Before Omar followed along, he made Bud promise to wake him up when he arrived so he could apologize. Bud responded with an appropriate Kee- Kee. He raised the blanket to their necks and witnessed him succumb to the dark. He took his spot on one of the chairs as before. Deciding to read a book to entertain himself. He was intending to keep that promise, he really was. Until someone arrived to give him the bad news.
A sound of a man taking a huge breath of air after being underwater for so long echoed inside the bottle. It swerved and shaked, crashing to the ground with a huge bang. Whatever was inside was crawling like a snake. Towards the bed, it disregarded the man with his face and levitated Omar into his “arms.” His back was hurting because he was too big for the room. But that didn’t matter to him. He just wanted someone to embrace “Sorry I left so suddenly, it all happened so fast. I-I was so many things then I became bigger than the galaxy. It was painful trying to shrink. But now I’m back… Omar? Omar!” The man in his hands hasn’t responded since he returned. He felt this was some form of karma. He shook him around but it didn’t change his lifeless expression. He nudged the other guy sleeping in hopes he can explain what’s wrong. Mundie sat up, not looking at him.
“I’m afraid neither of them can hear us now.”
He lifted his head off like a mask revealing it was Bud talking in his place.
“Bud? How can I understand what you’re saying”
“I’m stringing Mundie’s vocals like a guitar to make clear sentences.” Bud replied with such a blank expression, focusing on their lifeless companion.
While impressed, he asked “Do you know why they aren’t waking up?”
That was when Bud looked at him sorrowfully.
“Because it’s time to decide how you want to die.”
“What! I just came back! I don’t even know how this happened in the first place.”
“Alcohol poisoning, a friend gave you a foreign brand called Everclear and dared you to drink it in seconds. You won 3000 pesos but blacked out and died in your sleep. That is when Death came. They informed me, we begged Death itself so persistently that it was willing to bring us back but for the price of your choice. They were just so annoyed by the many years of begging that they took it out on us.
Flask couldn’t help but feel flabbergasted for not remembering all of that. The drink must have done such a number on him. “Fine. What are they?”
Bud leaned on the headboard.
“The 1st choice is that you continue to live like this and since we’re both just made to be vessels. We won’t have a purpose and cease to exist. The 2nd choice is you come along with me so we can continue to live our life normally as intended. It doesn’t equal fixing our curse but at least we’ll still have moments to just be one person. I personally go with the 1st one.”
“You just said that you’d stop existing! Why would you want me to do that?”
“I’m thinking of what will benefit you, not me. If you choose to live your normal life then our 2nd death can’t be bargained with. Would it even be a usual one or one specifically made for us? But right now you’re just a thought. A thought that can become something greater. While we will crumble into nothing. You have a chance to become more powerful than you are. Even a new form, free from the thermos. Vital information, that’ll be cruel of me to hide from you. Along with going to places we could never go to because we don’t have the money. I think it’s a good deal.”
“I can’t lie, it does sound that way. But that doesn’t answer why you’re so calm about it.”
“I’m not actually, I'm just trying to numb myself in case you do choose that. I really want to continue existing even if it’s not in this form.” he admitted nervously.
It was a huge decision; they both know that. But it didn’t take long for him to answer.
“No matter what I choose neither of you can stop me right?”
“That’s correct.”
“Then I’m going with you.”
“Are you willing to face the regrets afterwards?”
“The powers are amazing but it’s really hard being someone who can’t predict what they will become. I want to face this hardship with the only two who can understand me and Omar who’ll try to understand us.”
“Very well.” Bud grabbed the bottle, he left a gift behind and closed the gap. Their last words respectively were “Thank you.” and “Don’t mention it.”
2 hours later. The alarm rang. Omar woke up to the dull light peeping through the curtains. He opened one of them to brighten the room a bit. He looked at his husband to see how he was. He only heard faint noises last night, not knowing what went down. He examined his neck to see that his scar was not as red as yesterday. The other scars were there too but his limbs didn’t detach. Failing to take his head off and no sign of the bottle, worried him. On his bedside table was Bud’s hand, in reality was a fingertrap. Impulsively he checked his eyes by opening the lids to see movement. Esmond instantly retaliated by screaming and holding his wrist. He looked at him with fully colored pupils again. Omar was rejoiced by this revelation. However he noticed his eyes trying to squint very hard to get a good view. He asked him “Can you only see black?”
“No, I can still see light and color but it’s all blurry.”
“Here try these on.”
He took off his thick glasses and placed them on him. Now he was the one who couldn’t see anything but he could tell that Esmond was overjoyed. He felt his face being grabbed on and closed in for a kiss.
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hyaffiliate · 1 year
Exploring Popular Skincare Movements: CBD-infused Products and Korean Beauty
The world of skincare has been abuzz with inventive trends in recent times, all promising the allure of flawless, radiant skin. Among the myriad of fads, two trends have emerged as frontrunners: CBD-infused products and the revered Korean Beauty regimen. These trends have managed to capture the fascination of beauty enthusiasts worldwide, offering distinctive approaches to achieving the coveted ideal skin. In this article, we will delve into the merits and demerits of these prevailing skincare trends, unveiling whether they truly live up to their widespread acclaim.
CBD-infused Skincare Products
Kiehls Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Herbal Concentrate Facial Serum
GSC Peel-Off Collagen Jelly Mask Jar Face Care Rubber Mask
Miss Bud’s Anti-Wrinkle Cream
Soothing Properties: CBD, an extract from the cannabis plant, is celebrated for its potent soothing qualities. Incorporating CBD-infused skincare products into your routine is believed to alleviate skin irritations, diminish redness, and even alleviate conditions like acne and eczema.
Hydration and Moisturization: CBD oil boasts a rich composition of essential fatty acids, making it an effective moisturizer. Embracing CBD-infused products can contribute to sustained skin hydration, culminating in a suppler and smoother complexion.
Anti-aging Potential: The antioxidant attributes of CBD may aid in combatting free radicals, notorious for hastening the aging process. Regular use of products enriched with CBD might play a role in reducing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles.
Uncertain Regulations: The legal status of CBD products varies across different regions, potentially leading to perplexity among consumers. Ensuring the authenticity and safety of your chosen CBD product can prove to be a perplexing endeavor.
Research Limitations: While preliminary research exhibits promise, a comprehensive understanding of the long-term benefits and effects of CBD-infused skincare products remains a subject of ongoing investigation.
Financial Investment: Premium CBD-infused products often come with a hefty price tag, attributed to the intricate extraction process and the prevailing trend premium.
The Korean Beauty (K-Beauty) Regimen
I'm from Rice Toner
Medicube Age-R Booster H - a Facial Treatment Device
COSRX Niacinamide 15% Face Serum 
Etude House Soonjung Hydro Barrier Cream
COSRX Snail Mucin 92% Repair Cream
Medicube Zero Pore Pads 2.0
Holistic Approach: K-Beauty transcends the realm of skincare, embodying a comprehensive philosophy of self-care that places emphasis on rituals and mindfulness.
Multi-step Ritual: The multi-faceted K-Beauty routine, encompassing cleansing, toning, serums, masks, and moisturizing, facilitates a thorough skincare experience, ensuring adequate nourishment.
Innovative Frontiers: Renowned for its introduction of novel and advanced ingredients such as snail mucin and fermented extracts, K-Beauty has the potential to yield impressive outcomes.
Radiant Complexion: The K-Beauty routine is meticulously designed to bestow a luminous, glass-like complexion through delicate exfoliation and profound hydration.
Time-intensive: The intricate multi-step process might not align with the pace of everyone's lifestyle, particularly those leading busy lives or preferring a simpler skincare approach.
Risk of Overload: With an abundance of products involved, there is a plausible risk of overwhelming the skin, potentially leading to sensitivities or adverse reactions.
Cultural Disparities: Certain ingredients or methods within the K-Beauty realm might not harmonize with specific skin types or preferences prevalent in diverse cultures.
In Conclusion
The universe of skincare is replete with opportunities and choices, with CBD-infused products and the K-Beauty regimen standing out as prominent contenders. While CBD-infused skincare products exhibit potential in addressing skin woes such as inflammation and dryness, it's imperative to acknowledge the scarcity of comprehensive research and regulatory ambiguities. On the flip side, the K-Beauty regimen's holistic ethos and accentuation on self-care provide a holistic skincare journey; however, the time commitment and potential for skincare overload could deter certain individuals.
Ultimately, the decision to embrace these trends hinges upon individual predilections, skin types, and lifestyles. Thorough research, mindful consideration of your skin's unique needs, and consultation with skincare experts are crucial steps before delving into any novel trend. The pursuit of a vibrant and luminous complexion remains an exciting endeavor, one that necessitates a discerning approach to achieve optimal results.
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heliopixels · 1 year
I do this specifically to be annoying and pedantic; spiders are not insects
Good for you bud ! Wanna look through my insects tag ? It has snails and slugs and worms in it too <3
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arcanehistories · 2 years
The Comprehensive Guide to Our Worlds and Beyond
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Or An Incredibly Comprehensive Guide to Our Star, Our Spheres, and the Planes Beyond
By Algrumior Prukus the Arch-Scrivner
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Greetings, my budding minds! Whether you are a scholar, an explorer, or simply in need of a good tale, I hope you will find great use for this tome. I have spent many lifetimes compiling the information, drafting the illustrations, and weaving the tales you will find herein and it would be an awful pity for it all to go to waste.
The infinite pages of this Omni-nac, as I have taken to calling it privately, shall be of remarkable use to those curious about our worlds, our origins, and the various mechanics by which our daily lives operate.
Enclosed in the back of this grimoire you will find an afterward, as well as a section with which you may write me messages. If I still live, I shall make efforts to answer your questions.
Till then dear readers, I bid you safe travels-- whether you wander by foot or through the tumultuous landscapes of the mind.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! I'm Snail, a 20something trans woman, and this is a fun little worldbuilding exercise for me! I'm going to be generating images and writing little lore blurbs about them. Currently I have no intention to monetize any aspect of this process. I encourage anyone interested to take the images I generate and use them for something! Though I don't really feel justified in saying I made the art really I would love a credit.
The only thing I would prefer you not take wholesale is the writing. Take these pictures and make your own worlds with them! It's fun!
I will try to tag any content in the images I think may be upsetting but if I miss something please let me know!
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whowearsthecatears · 4 years
one of my favorite best friends things is when I'm scrolling through my dash and see something that instantly reminds me of them and think oh!! I should send it to them!!! and then scroll back up and see it was their reblog. amazing
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doebt · 3 years
ALSO earlier kayla messaged me a great pic of a little jumping spider like so high res actually let me show you
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HAHA yeah and I was like omg hes awesome bc he is. and she immediately was like "haley killed it :(" and ik its soooo loser of me but it made me so upset...like I'm really upset just thinking abt it rn
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notyrfinalgirl · 4 years
happy holidays to my mutuals and my mutuals only
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joeyclaire · 6 months
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typo in the group chat
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snakevillage · 1 year
horrible bad alternate reality in which me and my dysfunctional friend group run the medical industry
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aishele · 2 years
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6. Snake with bat's head and wings
This is #cutehybridsdrawingchallenge and you - yes, YOU! - are welcome to join it! Use our hashtag and tag our ig profiles so we could see your work! @holi_klimowicz, @paula_nazar_chuck, @cozazycko, @kolazenska
Snake with bat's head and wings is a very tiny yet extremely dangerous creature! Slithering like a snake, flying like a bat, drinking blood like a vampire and poisonous like a viper. And also cute like a kitten due to its small size (fits into the palms of three-years-old kid's hand) and soft, fluffy fur.
Probably some of mosquitos and ticks worship this being as their bloody deity.
underwater hen
mushroom cloud
star dog
snake with bat’s head and wings
little animal with plant body with little buds
a plant-fish hybrid that is half-cactus and half-blowfish.
plant that performs photosynthesis at night (with the light of stars and planets)
mosquito flower (six legs, agile, drinks blood)
plant-sheep, green, covered with little leaves, flowers, fruits
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americxn · 3 years
Good Boy (Sub!Colin Zabel x Fem!Reader)
Could you write sub Colin?? Please??
i think you should write a subby!colin because he would love to be made to beg for his girl
this is short and pretty messy because I’m very tired but I really wanted to post tonight so here it is <3 I’ll probably be writing more sub colin fics because this one isn’t too intense!
wordcount: 2k warnings: NSFW (minors dni), oral, cunnilingus, masturbation, swearing
taglist: @kitwalker02 @forevercountess @kitwalkerangel @milly-louise @thecountessesglove @undeadcortez @kitwalker64 @samsassinparvismagna @xmaximoffic @divineruler @tatesweaterweather @evanmybeloved @ikkleroniekins @ananad1 @shlutnutt @sanni333 @mossybank @tatesimper @sallyscigarettes @copy-of-a-cheeto @whiiiiplaaaaash @colinsbagel @nerdydoesstuff (can’t tag @three-eyed-snail @tatelangdonsupremecist @fictional-men-that-i-stan) (dm to be added or removed <3)
Colin knelt before you beside your shared bed, his eyes wide as he gazed up at you through thick lashes, one of your legs hooked over his shoulder and both of your clothes discarded in messy piles a few feet away. He trailed a hand up the back of your knee to your upper thigh, his fingers closing around the skin in a tight grip as you ran your hand up the back of his neck to the crown of his head, weaving your fingertips into the hair and forcing his head back with a harsh tug. He swallowed, your eyes following the movement of his throat and lips curving into a smirk as even more wetness gathered between the apex of your thighs. 
“Tell me what you want.” You crooned quietly down at him, yanking his head back even further and watching as his eyes flicked from your face to your dripping cunt mere inches in front of his nose, the smell of your arousal doing unspeakable things to his insides. “I want to taste you.” He groaned, the hand he had braced on the back of your thigh tightening its grip. Your smirk only grew as you used the leverage you had on his hair to bring his face closer to your awaiting cunt, watching as his lips parted and his tongue met the air, reaching for your wetness. You forced his head back, taking pleasure in the small groan that broke free from his throat at your denial. You repeated your action, bringing his face closer to you once more but this time directing his mouth up to your exposed mons and watching as he leaned closer of his own accord to lick a hot stripe up the skin before pressing his lips amidst the wet trail in a lingering kiss. Your cunt throbbed at the sight and your patience shattered, leading you to push his head back down again and giving him the verbal prompt of “then taste me”. 
Your head fell back at the first stroke of his tongue through your wetness, the touch to your swollen folds perfectly soft yet persistent. He licked tentatively up and down your labia, his tongue lingering over your entrance in a ghost’s touch. He moaned softly against you when your fingers tightened their grip in his hair, the sound rumbling through your sex and obeying your silent order, licking up to your clit and sucking it into his mouth. You shuddered, the sudden pleasure that his ministrations instilled into you making your thighs quiver briefly before they stilled, relaxing under the sudden attention of his mouth. You loosened your grip on his hair, running the tips of your fingers up and down the back of his head in encouragement; you watched as goosebumps formed along his skin at your pleasant touch, rising onto his shoulders and spilling down the planes of his bare back. You chased after them with the tips of your fingers, raking them down his shoulder blades with enough pressure to leave red marks in the wake of your nails.
Your eyes drifted closed, all of your focus narrowing in on the tongue and lips paying close attention to your pleasure before tangling your fingers into Colin’s short locks once more and pulling, forcing his mouth to disconnect from your clit. He gazed up at you, eyes glazed with arousal, chin and lips gleaming with your juices in the dim light of the bedroom. Leaning down, you captured his lips with your own, groaning at the taste of yourself of his tongue as he compliantly opened for you, whimpering slightly as you forced his head even further back with a firm yank to his hair. Disconnecting your lips from his, you straightened once more, wordlessing pulling his face back to your wetness, much to Colin’s delight, who resumed his feasting, starving to draw as much pleasure from you as possible. “Such a good boy for me.” You crooned with a shiver of pleasure, savouring the breathy groan of excitement that your words pulled from your boyfriend between your legs who began to lap up your liquid arousal with even more fervour. 
Glancing down, you cocked your head to the side slightly, peering around his bent, kneeling form and settling your gaze upon the erection standing proud at the apex of his thighs, the head stained an angry red as it was forced to wait for its own pleasure. “Colin,” you began, tone wavering as he drew a line from your clit to your opening with his tongue and idly circling your entrance. “I want you to get yourself off.” You insisted, tugging on his roots in emphasis. “I want to watch you fuck yourself with your hand whilst eating my cunt.” He moaned onto you in agreement, not hesitating to reach for his erect cock and immediately fisting it in his grip, jerking himself off steadily. An immediate wave of searing pleasure rolled through you at the sight, Colin’s tongue finally prying open your entrance and delving inside only exacerbating the intense sensation. He whined into you, his grip on his cock tightening as your inner walls clenched around his tongue. He held it within you for several more moments, allowing you to savour the feeling of having something within your wetness before withdrawing it and running it back through your folds to your sweet spot, tracing his tongue lightly across its surface in time to the furious journeys his palm made up and down his length. 
Your knee buckled slightly under the weight of the pleasure Colin was abundantly providing you, his grip on the back of your thigh tightening to keep you upright. You released a shuddering exhale, tipping back your head as the familiar glow of pleasure began to form in your gut, each stroke of Colin’s tongue against your heat ripping away a layer of ecstasy, the budding orgasm hidden at its centre his goal. He moaned, your own blissful groan blending with his and floating up into the air. The inner walls of your cunt clenched around nothing but you weren’t in a generous enough mood to grant Colin the pleasure of fucking you and so you forced your eyes to open, glancing down at where he was desperately fucking his hand, shifting on his knees and whimpering into you as his release neared.
“Stop.” You ordered, watching as Colin paused his movements, his tongue stilling on your clit before he forced his fingers to unwrap from his length, his hand falling away from his cock. “I cum first.” You insisted bluntly, the words somewhat lost to the breathiness of your tone as Colin’s tongue resumed its thorough ministrations through his whine of frustration. “Put your hands behind your back.” You demanded gently, running your fingertips across his scalp as he resumed fucking you with his tongue, shifting on his knees to find a comfortable balance before crossing his arms behind him. You cooed a gentle praise down at him before giving yourself over to the sensation of Colin’s tongue lapping and swirling about your clit, your eyes shuttering and a low groan emanating from the back of your throat. You pushed your hips into his mouth, urging him on as your muscles tensed, pleasurable tension growing and growing before its dam was shattered by Colin’s tongue.
You came with a shuddering groan, gripping onto Colin’s hair to ground yourself as your nerves lit up, passing each atom of pleasure through the entirety of your body in a wave of heat, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Colin licked you eagerly through your orgasm, urging your release to rack your body with more strength, ensuring that every jolt of pleasure was drawn from you before sitting back, gazing up at your through arousal-lidded eyes, your cum gleaming on his lips and chin.
You lifted your head, gazing down at him with a satisfied smile and unhooking your leg from his shoulder. Colin swallowed, never taking his eyes from yours as you knelt before him. Knee to knee, he didn’t dare bring his hands out from behind his back, barely breathing as you reached to run the pad of your thumb along his puffy lower lip, gathering up the sheen of wetness there and bringing it to your own lips, your eyes fluttering closed as you tasted the sweet musk of yourself. Moving your thumb back to his face, you collected more of the cum gathered in the crease of his chin beneath his lower lip and moved it back to his lips. They parted compliantly, allowing you to push your thumb into the warmth of his mouth, his tongue swirling around the pad of your thumb to collect your taste with a contented groan. 
Withdrawing your digit from his mouth, you glanced down at his aching cock, forgotten during the throes of your own pleasure. Colin’s eyes became alight with excitement as you finally deigned to acknowledge his throbbing length, straining to come into contact with anything that would help get him off. ��What do you want?” You murmured, sitting back on your heels and watching in satisfaction as Colin stumbled over his desperation fuelled words. “I want t-to cum, please.” The temptation to leave him kneeling on the floor with his hands rendered useless tucked away behind his back was so very strong. But since he had done such a good job of pleasing you…
You told him as such, watching as a small smile curved the corners of his lips at the knowledge that he had pleasured you so thoroughly. “I want to watch.” You finished, reaching to pull at one of his arms, encouraging Colin to remove it from its hiding place and wrap his hand around his cock once more. He immediately began to shamelessly pump himself, his head falling back and his lips parting. “No.” You scolded. “Look at me.” His head jerked to look at you, his eyes opening and finding yours already boring into his own. His cock twitched beneath his hand as he palmed his tip briefly before running his hand in a tight fist down the length of his shaft. Your eyes flicked to the cock connected to his hand, a small bead of pearly precum leaking from the engorged head and running down the slope of angry red skin before it was collected by Colin’s palm and smeared down the length of his shaft. You allowed Colin to repeat this action several times, his movements getting sloppier and his fingers tightening almost imperceptibly around himself. His hips bucked slightly into his fist of their own accord, notifying you that he was dangerously close. 
“Cum, baby.” You prompted, watching in delight as Colin’s eyes immediately rolled, the whites of his eyes bright in the dim light of the room as he came, his cum spilling onto his lower abdomen and slowly running down his skin, the muscles beneath flexing to clench amidst the intense pleasure of his orgasm. Colin moaned loudly into the silence of the room, the sound sweet to your ears as his hand made several more jerking journeys up and down his length before stilling, clenching tightly around the base of his shaft. Reaching for his face, you closed your fingers around his jaw and pulled his lips to yours, pulling him from the throes orgasm with a satisfied hum.  Pulling away, you glanced down at the hand he had wrapped around his shaft, his fingers loosening to fall away from his softening cock. “What are you doing?” You asked softly, eyes alight with cruel intent. “I didn’t say you could stop.” 
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mintenochian · 4 years
what other people want added to Minecraft: g u n s
what I want added to Minecraft
-For multiple biomes, but mainly for the forests.
-Songbirds would add SO MUCH life to the otherwise quiet areas of the game
-Ravens and crows would be awesome and could use some of the parrot mimicking AI
-Cardinals in the snow biomes would bring a GORGEOUS pop of colour into the white atmosphere
-Seriously we need something to populate the sky, parrots do NOT fly like they should
-nests in trees, can find eggs in them
-doesn't really add a use but fun new feather types would be cool
-technically still a bird but would go really well in covered rooftop forests and snow biomes
-we're already getting larger avians added in the form of vultures so why not more large birds?
•Mice and / or rats
-absolute precious babies
-sadly would go well with owls :(
-with cave update coming we need adorable rodents scurrying around
-lil bastards could make mouseholes inside of blocks
-will they be tameable? idk.
-adds the necessity for cheese
-MOJANG this is a MUST, this is a NEED
-You literally have pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep spawning in forests what the fuck
-Deer with spotty baby fawns??? Yes
-Young bucks with different stages of antler growth? Yes
-Fawns frolicking in flower forests bc they feel safe
-Stripped wood appearing on trees where bucks scrape velvet off their antlers
-Being able to collect sets of antlers when they fall off periodically (would NOT be attainable by killing the deer, you have to wait for them to shed)
•Elk and Moose
-Same vein as deer
-Bigger, much bigger, neutral instead of passive, less shy
-Snowy biomes
-Better additions than fucking llamas tyvm
-Sidenote but savannahs could also really use some endangered deer-like species to help raise awareness for their status
-Mojang plz
-Adds nuts to Minecraft ;)
-Black, grey, red, and mixed colour squirrels and breeding
-Brings life to forests like songbirds and deer
-Mojang bby you literally already have a neutral bear in Minecraft why have you not reskinned it for grizzly/brown/black bears?
-Bear caves
-Hibernating mobs
-Brings more use to the beehives and bees, bears could be attracted to any area that has more than one bee hive with honey
-They NEED the ocelots and cats update
-More wolf types (red, timber, snow, black, etc)
-Actual wolf packs (the AI would be difficult to program but the doges are worth it)
-Please let the howl at the moon, if foxes get to say ringdingding all night long wolves deserve to be allowed to howl
-More dog breeds (I know that there's no reason for domesticated dog breeds in Minecraft but ACTUALLY THERE IS)
-Hunting dogs like springers that can jump and run faster
-Foxhounds :D
-Most Important Goodest Boy: Herding dogs like collies and sheepdogs
-Herding dogs could be found in plains where cows and sheep spawn and create herds
-Instead of having to pen up and enclose your livestock you could form herds of cows and sheep
-Your Goodest Boi herding dog would protect them and move around with them when they graze
-Just soft peaceful minecraft tingz
•Salt licks
-Something SO SMALL but would make SO MUCH HAPPINESS
-Drawing new cows into your herd by putting up a salt lick
-I'm soft
-I guess salt would be a new ore???
•Bird feeders
-idk I think it would be cool
-excess seeds used for SOMETHING
-The coolness of wolves, the chaos of foxes, the cunning of cats
-be gay do crimes
-can open chests (trigger trap chests to catch them?)
-Fantastic little shits
-Not tameable but will trust players like foxes do
-I know it's a lot to ask and it would be hard to make them look good
-But??? Imagine a tiny lil garter snake in your garden
-unlikely but would be so fantastic
-please Mojang we need this so badly
-imagine the ships? The bridges? The bell towers and everything?
-super easy to add, just reskin vines and add a string crafting recipie
•Butterflies and Moths
-Bflies could be a unique mob to flower forests and friends with bees
-if moobloom is added they would all be BEST BUDS
-get it "buds" ahahaha
-help with flower polination but just gives a TON of life to flower forests
-We literally have lanterns in minecraft why do we NOT have moths? Such a cool aesthetic addition.
-helps fill both the daytime and nighttime sky
-fourth member of BEST BUDS
-just soft baby
-i love birbs okay
-the only avian who does not work for the bourgeoisie
-10 million of them please
-they give great hugs
-adds so much atmosphere to the night world
-We have milk
-We have, presumably, goat milk
-Quit being cowards and add butter and cheese
-Butter churn job block for villagers
-V funny bc they have no arms to churn with?? Oh well
-Something decorative and beautiful that could 1) liven up beaches and 2) have snails and crabs inside!
-Mojang plz do not add sand dollars to the game people already don't know how to tell if they're still alive before trying to take them home
-Imagine something as massive as the ender dragon but peaceful. Allows you to stand on them (idk how but make it happen Jeb)
-Being so deep and far out into the ocean, and when the moon is high in the sky and you're sitting in your boat, you just hear the beautiful melancholy sounds of the whales in the distance
-Idk if y'all know this but the glow squid is a bad idea
-Dream buddy you fucked up, please use your influence to get in contact with Mojang and have them redo the vote. People would have so much regained respect for you if you tried to fix your mistake.
-Also why does a speedrunner get to tell millions of people what mob would bring more life to Minecraft? He's only playing the game for 5 minutes smh
-Jellyfish could literally do everything the glow squid is going to and look better for it AND possibly be neutral instead of peaceful
-Not much to say but it would liven up the frozen water biomes a bit
-You already know why
-Imagine giving a new home to all the Club Penguin players? Legendary.
-Gender doesn't exist in Minecraft but we all know penguins would be hella gay
-I think they would be cute
-Never going to happen since passive mobs are generally real life animals but it would be so cool
-they can hold hands
-brings life to the rivers
-super cute
•Frogs and possibly toads
-Swamp gods
-Absolute mad lads
-maybe grow from tadpoles
-wouldn't do much but needed
•Fairy Forests
-NOT Twilight Forests. Not a new dimension.
-Just gentle hidden groves in forests
•Big cats
-Tigers, lions, bobcats, panthers
-Literally anything that could finally add a strong predator possibility to savannahs and jungles
•Zebras and Giraffes
-Shy and skittish
-cannot ride (their skeletal structure is NOT MADE FOR CARRYING HUMANS)
-Super cute tho, brings much needed life to savannahs
-The better llama
-Can honestly just be a reskin
-brings much needed life to the desert
-spits and wears carpet and forms caravans like llamas
-Easier to add to "jungles" than monkeys
-it would be really cool if we could just get a Rainforest biome
-King Julian stans awaken
•Red pandas
-we need them
-cuter than normal pandas and you can @ me
-better idea than sloths or koalas
•More Eldritch Horror Hostile Mobs
-Fun fact time
-The enchanting table language already has Lovecraftian references
-"phnglui mglwnafh cthulhu rlyeh wgahnagl fhtagn" is literally a quote from the enchanting table
-translates to "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."
-Bet you didn't know that fun fact
-aNYWAYS add the Kraken to Minecraft instead of the shitty guardians. Thanks.
-imagine how cool it would be to see lights slowly extinguish as something terrifying and dangerous slowly moves in for the kill
-torches get extinguished and can get relit
-if not relit fast enough Something will be waiting
•Ice statues
-We have giant fossils and ship wrecks and cool stuff like that but please imagine finding a GIANT humanoid ice sculpture in an ice spikes biome
-maybe bones inside to show you that... That wasn't carved or naturally generated.
-Not a mob but a decoration block
-Found in temples, mineshafts, and caves
-implied to be the remains of miners and explorers
-also implies that every skeleton you kill has some backstory since they look the same
-Not real world star maps but completely unique to Minecraft
-chance for LOTS of fun references
-The stars are your only companions in an apocalyptic world where you are the last of your kind
-Space is gay minecraft is gay thus minecraft space is gay
-we have butter in this list
-we have salt in this list
-popcorn. That is all.
And finally
-mostly a joke but would be a cool crop
-100% a reference to Hatsune Miku the creator of Minecraft
DISCLAIMER: I recognize that mobs are added to Minecraft to serve a purpose within the game and that many of these mobs would be better in mods and such, but I also feel like many of these suggestions would really bring so much more life to parts of the game that really need it. Even if they don't serve a huge purpose, they would still be really amazing additions imo.
I would love to see the ideas and suggestions that other people have for what they want added to Minecraft, please TAG ME if you make a post like this, I wanna hear and read it!
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