#snail rambles
snailsrneat · 7 months
Y'all can we just have a honest conversation on the fact that in majority of his cards, Vil doesn't really look happy.
Like for example his birthday groovy,
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He looks amused or pleased, not really happy. Same thing goes for his lab coat groovy, he looks more like amused by the situation than he is happy. His ceremonial robe groovy has him yelling at Jack, his dorm uniform groovy has him once again more amused than anything else, and his Halloween groovy is more sly and devious. I think you get the point none these cards really show him being happy.
I think there are only two that truly show when he is happy one of them being his second birhday card and his new years card.
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I just think it's interesting cause I know in book 6, Vil briefly says something about "just being himself". Specifically during the kiss scene. I know that a lot of other people who played the games could probably tell, but I think the vast majority of times we see or interact with Vil in game he's masking. It makes sense as to why he would, when you're someone as famous and as rich as him I think it would be foolish to just go around trusting people all willy-nilly.
What especially gets me though is the thought that he's probably been doing it since childhood. He probably learned from his dad too. His father probably taught him to mask all the kind and sensitive parts of his personality out of a fear of that his son would get damaged by selfish and unkind people.
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snail-studios · 1 year
when you're trying to suppress your feelings for your best friend, but then you have to pretend to be a couple, eat chocolate statues of eachother and be in a polyamorous relationship with a bird
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snailsreblogmaybe · 2 years
Thinking about the Triassic Cuddle and not so much about the fossil itself, but about what our reaction to it says about us - how a bunch of us spun a story about how they came together in their final moments for company even though that's likely not what happened.
I love that humanity looked at the two fossilised creatures and some people went "there was comfort here". At the end of the day, we look for love and we hope a creature's last moments 200+ million years ago were not spent alone.
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seductive-snail · 10 months
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I get silly sometimes 🤭
no seriously tho, yes when Crowley first asks for the holy water he claims that its for "insurance" just incase the demons ever get him he could have smth to protect himself with. Which we do see him later use right? But Aziraphale first interprets this as Crowley's desire for a "suicide pill." And I mean, the implications are there, say Crowley did mean it like that, it'd all make sense.
"If it all goes pear shaped.." "i want insurance." They're talking about them continuing to "fraternise" and its clear that all Crowley can think about are the dangers, he seems cooler about it than Aziraphale who constantly mentions it, but he clearly is aware of the dangers and instead of wanting to run, Crowley decides if it all goes sideways, say in the event that Aziraphale were killed, he could use the water as a last resort, to escape eternal torment in hell.
Crowley needs reassurance, he clearly has some deeply rooted feelings of self loathing, I mean in s2 episode 2 he literally tells Aziraphale how lonely it is just being on "his side" and now he's alone again.
After everything they've been through, Crowley's on his side once more, not their side, his side. I mean its bloody tragic. And i wouldn't blame him for falling into despair, now wether or not he becomes a Duke of hell is up to interpretation. I personally think not, because despite everything, he does despise the system, and ahh i just i wanna see just how fucked up my little romantic fuck up can get. I love him
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snailto0th · 5 months
I’ve only got one more final exam and then… and then it’ll be Adventure Time.
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snailsdraw · 2 years
i love watching a silly little animatic and then suddenly having my animator brain go stupid mode at camera angles and shots and nerd stuff and immediately going into the comments so i can pour my stupids into a big comment and send it flying at the creator. i hope that creator feels LOVED as HECC.
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dj-snail · 5 months
mfs who are still on twitter will say that tumblr is dry
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snailstrailz · 4 months
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Olimar getting interviewed by Jimmy Fallon
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attyrocious · 1 year
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OPLA watch party!
+ have a no light effect version bc the angle did nami dirty
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++ the messy original ink i stabbed myself twice with the pen while making
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field-guide-to-mud · 10 months
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snailsrneat · 6 months
I just realized what makes MC so special amongst the cast.
Now aside from the usual things people point out like the fact that they are N.R.C.'s unofficial therapist and the only student without magic, there's also one thing that also makes MC unique.
In chapter 6, it repeatedly stated by Leona that N.R.C. has it's own sort of hierarchy. A system that keeps everyone in line and in check. "The strong order around the weak", or something around those lines. In short , the hierarchy is ruled by the strong and lowest on the hierarchy get pushed and pulled by those on the top. But there is one outlier to this hierarchy.
See, MC is technically the weakest student at N.R.C, they have no magic to defend themselves. But they still order around Ace and Deuce, in big battles they are the one telling people what to do, they are ordering around other characters who are much stronger than them.
Part of the reason I think MC is even allowed the privilege of exemption from the hierarchy is because they are friends with everyone at the top of that hierarchy. They are exempt from it all because everyone is too scared to mess with the people backing them up rather MC themselves.
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snailvibes · 29 days
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Redid my Max design!!!! Also enjoy a lil timeline of her and her appearances!!
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snailsreblogmaybe · 4 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but you have to allow yourself to start somewhere.
you will not understand that thing you are trying to learn or unlearn overnight, and that is to be expected.
you will keep working on it, and likely, it will take years at least, alright?
but you have to allow yourself to start, even if you slip up and forget and fall back on your old habits. even if it keeps happening - today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year.
that isn't a sign that it isn't working and that it isn't worth it. the brain can be a stubborn stickler for the ideas it's been brought up with, but it learned those old habits somehow too. that began somewhere.
you will get through this. you will see the old habits everywhere around you everyday, but you will get better at noticing them, and understanding why they exist or existed. you will get better at not relying on them, and looking for options that do help you get to where you want to be.
it will be tough, but you will get through this.
you always have.
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seductive-snail · 1 year
todays potentially niche experience is brought to you by:
writing in english ✨
coming from a non english speaking country and going to a school that use cambridge and american systems (and consuming american, and a bit of british, media most of my childhood) has made me realise that confusing british and american english will become a part of my daily life and my writing will therefore almost always sound like broken english and this keeps me up at night.
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snailto0th · 6 months
Doubt anyone will see this but if someone happens to be scrolling through my blog! New art coming soon! I’m in college so exams are coming up and bio is kicking my ass, so studying is very important rn. But I’m working on rendering Fern in my Finn and Fern drawing! I also have a whole list in my notes app of adventure time animatics and fanart ideas so when April is over and I have free time you will see a lot more from me LMAO
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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