#snotlout being iconic
cyraspirit · 2 months
I was re-watching “Riders of Berk” and talking about “Race to the edge” with a friend and here are some highlights:
1. The gang did use dragon nip in “What Flies Beneath”:
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And this happened:
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2. My friend is the person Snotlout is based off of. Also in “What Flies Beneath”, when Hiccup jumps into the Whispering Death’s tunnel:
Fishlegs: I’m so glad I’m not down there with him
My friend: Push him!!
Snotlout (after pushing Fishlegs): Whoops 😂
My friend: 😳😂
3. In Breakneck bog, my friend said one of the funniest things ever:
My friend: How are they excreting this fog? Where’s it coming from?
Me: Just wait.
My friend: I mean, the show’s about dragons, so they’re just dragons with really bad gas?
(This genuinely should’ve been a storyline at this point.)
4. Toothless is the cutest dragon.
5. Hiccup sass is iconic at this point.
6. The future could’ve been avoided had Hiccup let the twins and Snotlout dump Johann back into the sea in “Breakneck bog”
7. Ruff and Tuff are one of the few characters who can break the fourth wall without things seeming obvious:
Tuff: How does he always have the dragon blade?
Ruff: We’ve discussed this, Hiccup Haddock is a magical being. We haven’t seen two perfect of his magic abilities.
8. According to my friend, the twins are from the future:
(Buffalord Soldier) Tuff: I decided to eat some mouldy bread. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know but, bam, instantly cured.
(Defenders of the Wing part 1) Tuff: Only he can find the confidence which he is now lacking. He needs to go to a seminar.
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headfullof-ideas · 1 month
As I start preparing to post the first chapter or two of my HTTYD/The Deep story sometime in the next few days, here’s some stuff to look forward to over the general entirety of the story. Doesn’t necessarily happen in this order, but anyone willing to read this story will be treated to…
- Snotlout slowly growing into the role of mom-friend of the group, but only over the domestic stuff
- Short haired Ruffnut
- Viggo lowkey mentoring/parenting/wine-aunting the Riders while in the literal middle of fighting them
- The Berk cast dealing with Gustav sassing them while Fanghook sits in the background
- Terrible Terror squad
- Fontaine smacking Ant the first time they meet, unaware it’s her own little brother
- Dagur and Mala being a haters-to-lovers romance, with them at each others throats in the beginning, and then being caught snogging in a closet less than a month later, while Heather acts like the step-kid who doesn’t immediately like the stepparent
- Chicken being an icon
- Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs realizing Ant and Kari, being twelve and thirteen respectively at the start of the story, haven’t been given the talk yet
- Pansexual Tuffnut
- Alvin being the dad that didn’t want the dragon at first, but becomes besties with the dragon
- Johann being bullied by teenagers and tweenagers
- Kaiko and Will parenting their children’s friends
- Sheep rivalry
And plenty more as well
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spocks-got-a-glock · 3 months
I know it's not pride month anymore but I don't care
1. Hiccup
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Given that Hiccstrid is canon him being bisexual would be more canon compliant, but personally I could also see him being gay. He also gives such massive trans guy vibes even though I know canonically it isn't that supported. All I know is there's no way this guy is cishet.
2. Astrid
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Her and Heather definitely had a thing going on, but given her relationship with Hiccup her being bisexual would be canon compliant. Also a good opportunity for a battleaxe bi pun.
3. Snotlout
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Bisexual. The most bisexual man ever to exist. We all remember that crush on Thor Bonecrusher (badum tsss). Pretty much has a crush on every girl who kicks ass and particularly manly men. Love that for him.
4. Fishlegs
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He's straight. He hasn't had romantic chemistry with anyone who isn't a woman and I can't imagine anything else for him. He's a cutie though.
5. Tuffnut
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He's never shown any romantic interest in anyone ever and he genuinely couldn't care less about it. Even when talking about Ruffnut getting married he imagines himself just moving in with her and her partner rather than imagining the same for himself. His only loves are his chicken and his mace. He's an icon.
6. Ruffnut
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Just as Snotlout is the most bisexual man ever to exist, Ruffnut is the straightest woman ever to exist. By God does this girl like men. She really really really likes men. Good for her.
7. Heather
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She definitely had a thing going on with Astrid so she's not straight. I know she canonically dates Fishlegs which would make bisexual more canon compliant, but she gives such strong lesbian vibes.
8. Dagur
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A few reasons. Firstly he just gives major chaos pansexual energy. Secondly he eventually married Mala and also seemed to flirt with Hiccup all the time. Thirdly he seems to experience attraction despite gender as his taste in women is exactly the same as his taste in men. He just likes skinny people with short hair and green eyes.
9. Viggo
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He's gay. Trust me on this one, I can tell. My gaydar is never wrong. I will not be taking questions. There's no reason for a straight man to serve cunt that hard.
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Hold me Close
Pairing: Snotlout x Ruffnut
Words: 643
Prompt: being close on a rainy day
Genre: fluff
Time: after 3rd movie
The sound of rain pounding against the roof and the steady burn of the fire were the only things keeping Ruffnut company at the moment. Normally she would be out with her brother doing Thor knows what stupid thing, but he had forced her to stay inside due to her current condition; sometimes she couldn’t tell who was worse him, or her husband. Now she found herself sharpening almost every weapon in the house to keep herself entertained. She had just finished with the Jorgenson Family Axe that she and Snotlout had stolen on their wedding, when who should walk in but a soaking wet and muddy Snotlout?
“What happened to you,” Ruffnut asked though she was pretty sure she already knew.
“You’re stupid brother,” Snotlout grumbled, removing his boots and helmet.
“Looks like you had fun,” the blonde sneered, and if her partner had noticed he made no effort to figure out why she was upset.
“If that’s what you call almost getting crushed by a mudslide.” Ruffnut glanced at her now shirtless husband hoping he would go on to explain what exactly happened. After cleaning off and changing into dry clothes Snotlout sat in the other chair and relayed how the prank he and Tuff had tried to pull on Hiccup backfired and caused a giant mudslide. “You would have loved it.”
Ruffnut could feel her eye twitching as she fought back her initial rage. Instead, she opted for a sarcastic reply, “Yeah it would’ve been awesome.” Finally taking notice of how frustrated she was, Snotlout looked at her with a raised eyebrow, silently asking her what was bugging her. After about thirty seconds of staring at each other Ruffnut caved.
“I just want to be back out causing havoc with Tuff but I can’t for obvious reasons,” the blonde explained, pausing to collect her thoughts and emotions. “I guess knowing that you are out there with my brother and I’m stuck at home is kinda just salt in the wound,” she continued, her usual carefree demeanor hidden under her negative emotions.
“Yeah, I know this sucks but it will all be worth it once our little ‘Lout is born,” Snotlout said, placing his hand on Ruff’s baby bump.
“Who said they’re going to be a ‘Lout?” Ruffnut asked, back to her normal self.
“Well, I sure as hell ain’t naming them Nut.” At that, the wind blew open the door and a crash of lightning and thunder struck a little too close for comfort.
“I’m sorry Thor, the child can be named Nut!” Snotlout screamed in his usual high-pitched girly voice.
“Come here you coward,” Ruffnut sighed after closing the door and sitting back down. Snotlout clung to his wife while she played with his hair slowly being lulled to sleep by the sound of the rain and the warmth of the one man who truly loved her for who she was.
Bonus drabble
“It’s gone!” Driftlout yelled causing a panic to spread amongst the wedding guests. He had gone to retrieve the Jorgenson Ceremonial Battel Axe only to find it was missing from its display. It was a Jorgenson family tradition that a marriage could only commence after the axe was gifted to the couple. A search was soon conducted giving the two culprits the chance to escape. The only thing that gave them away was the barking laughter and the iconic ‘Snotlout!’
“Miss Ruffnut Jorgenson you are a bad example on me,” Snotlout murmured as he and his new wife lay in their bed enjoying this rare moment of peace and freedom from a certain Thorston twin.
“Well, mister Snotlout Jorgenson, you're the one that chose to marry a ‘Nut,” the blonde retorted before catching his lips in a passionate kiss. The rest of the night was spent in pure bliss, the only thing important to them being each other.
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overmorrowpine · 1 year
anyone wanna hear about how snotlout is an npd icon? no? too bad
first of all, the main signposts of npd are typically shame, defensive rage, and low self esteem that is masked by a high opinion of yourself. look at snotlout, and you'll see all of them.
first, npd typically is caused by trauma. and we've seen spitelout be abusive On Screen; key points are in the defenders of berk ("if your sword can't be sharpened anymore, it's time to get a new sword" - him telling snotlout that hookfang, his beloved dragon, should just be thrown away bc hookfang's sick), snotlout near working himself up into a panic attack during the "ceremonial axe" episode in race to the edge only for spitelout to laugh and make it seem like snotlout's overreacting when he sticks up for himself, and countless other interactions where spitelout makes him feel inferior, unsafe, or otherwise upset. like, this fucker DEFINITELY gave snotlout trauma.
edit: here look at this post someone else made it's so much more detailed than this paragraph
then, we have shame. tied into the first part, but; how many times have we seen snotlout desperately try to be good enough? countless times. every mission he wants to do well, he wants to be important, he wants validation of being told he did well, but he fucks up and gets told off instead. we see this happen over and over again, both with the riders and with his dad, where he tries his best and it's not good enough. that episode where spitelout implies that his friends are making him weak and they're just waiting to turn on him, it sends him into a horrible spiral for days. and we don't see him ever show shame, no, but like,, you really think that would fly around spitelout? no way.
then we have defensive rage. i'm not sure we see snotlout show it that much, but there's Definitely been times where it shows up. if i'm not misremembering, there's been a time where he gets mad at hiccup and then flies off angrily. but tbf, i don't really have this symptom either (i overcorrected too hard in the other direction), so whatever.
we also see him deflecting, a lot. i'd bet that all of his annoyingness is a learned "people will be mad at me no matter what i do, so might as well do something for them to be mad about". how many times have we seen him be disrespectful on purpose, make fun of the others, only for them to get mad at him? hell, he finds the wingmaidens because he provoked astrid's ire. it's all a mask, it's all him trying to project "i don't care what you think, i do what i want".
and now, low self esteem. we see him repeatedly struggle with his own importance to others. remember when hookfang was protecting...what was her name, girl hookfang? and snotlout thought he'd been replaced just like that? he was certain that he was less important than a random dragon hookfang just met. we see him push himself harder than anyone else (except maybe astrid) because he thinks he'll never be as good as them, and this is the closest he can get.
and lastly, the high opinion of himself. how many times have we seen him exaggerate his own importance? "that's right, SNOTLOUT got us out of the snow" (glacier island ep, rtte), his constant talking about how everyone must love him. he acts like he's adored because he can't bear to live in the world he does, where he thinks everyone's just waiting for an excuse to get rid of him.
in conclusion snotlout definitely has npd and also deserves better
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aleteia-ff · 5 years
A Decade To Find You - Part 5
Also Read On: AO3 | FF.net
Thank you all for sticking with this story! Here’s the final installment <3
December 31st, 2019 | Part 2
The main conclusion Astrid had drawn in 2019 was that Hiccup still lived underneath a social media-less rock. So while she now had two things to apologise for, she couldn’t get in contact with him, no matter how hard she tried.
She wanted to say sorry for still not having called him. And for making him think she had moved on. Because while she had attempted to, while she had thought that simply having fun with one of her colleagues wouldn’t hurt, it wasn’t true. The moment she had seen Hiccup, she had wanted to run to him and apologise. But he’d cycled away, and by the time she’d convinced Eret to go after him, they couldn’t find him anymore. Eret had been awfully sweet about it, had told her that she had made it clear enough that they weren’t serious. And that he’d gladly help her work out some of her frustration at the gym or the shooting range instead.
Hiccup was the reason she’d taken Eret with her that night in the first place, after all. Because the closer they had gotten to the New Year’s Eve of 2018, the more she had started to dread the thought of seeing Hiccup with his girlfriend again. After all, she hadn’t been able to stalk his Facebook and see if they had broken up in the meantime. Bringing someone else with her was the only insurance she could give herself against being humiliated again. That, or staying home altogether. And she wasn’t going to let herself be that easily defeated.
It had been uncannily desperate, given that ever since she’d lost Hiccup’s number, she hadn’t concerned herself with dating at all. Sure, the police academy kept her busy, although she still had time for it if she wanted to. But she found she simply lacked the interest. She didn’t need it. She’d been feeling good about herself, and now that she had gotten a better idea of the downsides to becoming a police officer, she still didn’t have any regrets. Because while she’d fallen out of love with medicine for exactly those mundane, “this is what you will actually be doing on a daily basis” reasons, she found herself loving this job in spite of those things.
She finally felt like she’d found her place. To the extent a 26-year old could, she supposed. She was, at the very least, no longer worried about whatever came next.
Which is why it was even stranger that she still couldn’t get Hiccup out of her head. And that this year, she had headed to the centre of town with more confidence and purpose than she ever had before.
She was going to find him tonight. And no matter the circumstances, regardless of what would be thrown in her way, she would finally apologise to him.
After all, as practical as she was, she also couldn’t ignore the way in which nearly every blog or Instagram page shoved this year being the last of the decade right in her face. And while she wasn’t superstitious, and she believed in hard work rather than fate, she also couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that if she didn’t go out tonight, on the last day that belonged to the ten years in which she’d experienced so much, growing from a teenager to someone that she would sort-of call an adult… That after this decade, which had started with Hiccup, she wouldn’t get the chance to see him again.
And even if that was her just reading too many self-indulgent Soulmate AU fanfics of The Witcher, she didn’t really care anymore. Because that was also the agreement she’d made with herself. She was allowed to try for one more day, to finish off the decade and go full circle. And if it didn’t result in anything, then that was fine. She would simply let it go, Frozen-style.
But she could still hope, right?
So she’d put on her favourite leggings and skirt, topped off by a warm sweater that was both comfortable and accentuated her figure, the front parts of her hair pulled back into a loose bun while the rest hung loose down her back. No pretence. Just her, the way she wanted to be seen.
A few hours before midnight, she parked her bicycle in the street Hiccup had spotted her in the year before. She ventured into town, intending to start in the centre squares and end up here at the end of the night.
Or perhaps not. She hoped not.
While she’d changed a lot over the past ten years, Berk still felt remarkably similar. The stalls of the winter market hadn’t stopped selling the kind of items no one really used, although there were remarkably more smart phone cases. While some of the bars had changed, their spirit, many of them proud rip-offs of “Viking culture” and serving pints to match those ideas, had remained.
If someone had asked for her opinion on that rigidness when she was 16, she would have called it boring. Would have reassured anyone that she would leave Berk as soon as she could, and that she would never look back. And now she was here, noting to herself that his would likely be one of her last New Year’s Eves as a civilian instead of on duty. She was looking forward to it, to be done with training and start actually serving. But it was also yet another reason for her to track Hiccup down this year.
Now if only he would show himself, that would make her life a lot easier.
She stopped by every place she had seen him at since the moment they’d met. The hot chocolate stand by the river, where people were already trying to secure the best spot to watch the fireworks show. The ice skating rink in the centre, lacking a cute lanky guy stumbling over his fake foot. The street on which Hiccup had charmingly hurled his guts into the snow. The club where she had kissed a random guy for him to see, now embarrassingly empty because it was only just past 10 PM. The corner cafe he’d been sitting at with his friends, perfectly showcasing how handsome he’d become. The bar she’d seen him sitting in behind the window, making her want to hug him because he’d looked so beaten down by the world. Gruffnut’s Grunge Grotto, surprisingly still open, where she had walked away from him after he’d rejected her the year before. The site of their fateful meeting in 2016, when the stars had finally aligned, albeit only temporarily.
Until she finally reached her bike at 11 PM, coming up empty-handed.
But she refused to let that be the end of it. It was very likely that if he was indeed here, and she wanted to believe he was, that she had simply missed him. Berk was still a sizable town, after all. She had to scan the streets better, practice her surveillance and stake-out techniques, go into more bars because it was cold and most people were inside.
She had to try harder.
Because with one hour left on the clock, one hour until everyone else would celebrate the start of the new decade, she didn’t care anymore about what other people thought, or how desperate and downright crazy she’d become. After all, it simply felt like the right thing to do. To find Hiccup. And finally, truly, scratch that itch that had been bugging her for so many years.
And she couldn’t shake the simmering panic caused by the notion that this wasn’t how it was supposed to go. That she should have seen him already, because time was running out. That if she didn’t find him now, before midnight, that the spell would be broken.
So she quickened her pace as she made another round, checking her phone more often than she should.
23:16 and a message from Heather, asking her if she’d gotten lucky yet.
23:21, Heather telling her what bar she and Dagur were at, in case she needed a break.
Then she glanced back up from her phone, and behind the glass window of an Irish pub, she finally caught a glimpse of a familiar face.
It wasn’t Hiccup. But she supposed it qualified as the next best thing.
She rushed inside, pushing herself through the crowd until she reached him, the dark-haired over-dramatic diva who had punched Dagur three years ago, adrenaline and hope coursing through her veins.
She tapped his shoulder a little more urgently than strictly polite, and she wasn’t surprised when he turned around, clearly agitated, only for his eyes to open up in surprise when he took her in.
“You!” he stammered. “I know you!”
“Yes, I’m -”
“No, don’t tell me,” he stopped her, putting up his hand. “I got this.”
“I never introduced myself to you, so it’s -”
“Oh, I’m aware.” Hiccup’s cousin rolled his eyes. “You’re the bitch who never called Hiccup.”
She clenched her jaw, exasperated. “Excuse me?”
“Look, honey -”
“It’s Astrid, actually.”
“Okay fine, “Astrid”,” he sighed, gesturing with his fingers to put her name between quotation marks. “We can keep pretending I don’t know what you did, but I do. You told him you would call, and you didn’t. So obviously you think my cousin’s not good enough for you, which means I -” He gestured to himself despite the fact that he was clearly smaller than her, and that she’d proven she could kick his ass before. “- have nothing more to say to you.”
“My phone broke,” she hissed between her teeth, counting to ten in her head and repeating all anger management techniques they’d taught her at the academy.
“Oh,” Hiccup’s cousin stammered.
“And that’s your fault,” she stressed, pointing at him. “If you hadn’t started a fight with Dagur, I wouldn’t have fallen, I wouldn’t have lost Hiccup’s number, and I actually could’ve called him. And since he doesn’t know what the word ‘social media’ means, I couldn’t exactly contact him in any other way.”
“He has LinkedIn,” Hiccup’s cousin shrugged.
“Where he probably doesn’t use the name ‘Hiccup’. And that’s the only name he gave me,” she clarified.
“So now you’re here talking to me because…?”
“I’d like to explain to him what happened, because I never got the chance to. Is he here too?”
“No.” Hiccup’s cousin shook his head. “He stayed home.”
Her heart dropped.
He’d stayed home.
He’d given up.
But she couldn’t.
“Do you think he’d want to come out after all…?” she tried. “If you text him?”
“I doubt it.”
No, no, no.
“And if I call him? Finally?”
Hiccup’s cousin pulled up his eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t have his number.”
“You could give it to me,” she proposed. “Along with your own name, as a back-up. Because you do look like the type with an Insta profile.”
“Girl, you have no idea how many followers I have. Look for Snotlout Jorgenson -” She cocked her head at him, and he rolled his eyes in response. “No, that’s not a stage name or an alias, it’s my actual godsdamned name. You see, my family, it -” Snotlout paused, put up both of his hands and took a deep breath, shaking his head at no one in particular. “No, this is not about me. It’s already the Snotman-show every other night of the year.”
“So you will give it to me?” she asked, only realising her phrasing-failure when Snotlout gave her an exaggerated wink.
Snotlout put his hand on his chest, gasping. “So rude. I don’t even know if I should help you anymore.”
“Oh, come on,” she groaned, getting her phone out of her shoulder bag and checking the time.
Time’s running out, Cinderella.
“What’s in it for me?” Snotlout dared to ask.
“You’re helping out your cousin?”
“Am I, though?” Snotlout clacked his tongue. “Only thing I know about you is that you stood him up last time. How do I know you won’t do the same again?”
“Because I’m promising you I won’t,” she stressed, hating how begging she sounded. “And you have my name, you can track me down if I don’t keep my word.”
“Not enough.”
“Then what else could you possibly want from me!?”
“I…” Snotlout continued, smirking as if things were finally coming together. “… will give you Hiccup’s number, if you…” He got his phone out of his back pocket at the lowest speed humanly possible. “… send me the contact details of the cute redhead you were with three years ago.”
“Cute redhead?” She frowned, mentally going over her female friends. She hadn’t been with any of them three years ago, not yet at least. It had just been Hiccup, and… “Wait, Dagur?”
“That’s his name?”
“Dagur, the one you punched in the face because he came up to you and called you, I quote, ‘a snack’? That Dagur?”
Snotlout’s eyes lit up. “Yes, that’s the one!”
“Are you sure? The guy who broke your nose?”
Snotlout put his phone to his chest, dreamingly staring out of the window. “I can’t help but think of him every time I sneeze.”
“Then why did you punch him in the first place?” she groaned through gritted teeth, stuck between wanting to leave as soon as possible and getting to the bottom of this because it was just so thoroughly, completely weird.
“I just wasn’t… in that place, at the time,” Snotlout murmured, barely audible above the pub’s crowd. He looked down at his feet, as if he were actually embarrassed. “One hundred percent convinced I was straight, lashing out against anyone who dared to suggest anything else because I happened to be into theatre and musicals, and my Chris Hemsworth posters were hanging next to my favourite characters from Glee.” He rolled his eyes. “My friend Ruffnut sent me a collage of articles on toxic masculinity as a joke birthday present that year. Turns out they were actually quite useful.”
“I know, self-insight is truly indescribable,” Snotlout nodded to himself.
“Okay…” She took a deep breath. “I can’t give you Dagur’s number without his consent, -” Snotlout was visibly about to protest, but she put up her finger. “But I can tell you where he is right now, and you can make it up with him and ask him yourself. Deal?”
Snotlout mulled for a bit, then swiped around on his phone and showed her the screen. “Fine.”
Contact details, belonging to ‘Cousincup’. Accompanied by a series of vaguely familiar numbers.
She quickly copied it, double checking whether she had done it right at least three times before telling an increasingly impatient Snotlout what cafe Dagur was at. They left the pub together and she thanked him, dialling Hiccup’s number as soon as Snotlout walked away, her heart beating in her throat.
It rang once…
Another time…
Until she finally heard a light beep, and rustling on the other side. “Hello?”
It was him. The slightly nasal yet adorable voice was unmistakably, wonderfully his.
“Yes… Who’s this?”
“It’s Astrid.”
“Oh…” Hiccup stammered. “Oh.”
“We talked three years ago, at the market, and you gave me your number,” she rattled, suddenly nervous. “I fell on my phone when trying to break up the fight, and it broke, so I lost it… I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Hiccup mumbled, sounding awfully distant. “But then how did you -”
“I ran into your cousin just now,” she explained. “Snotlout. He gave it to me.”
“I see.”
“He’s quite the spectacle,” she joked, hoping to get a smile, anything.
“Yeah, I suppose my condolences are in order,” Hiccup chuckled, finally.
“They’re very much appreciated,” she smiled.
A silence followed, and she cleared her throat. “Look, Hiccup, I’m really sorry about what happened three years ago… I tried to track you down on social media, but I couldn’t, so I just… I just wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up tonight after all.”
It took a moment for Hiccup to respond. “I can’t.”
She hardly registered his next words, too overwhelmed by her heart being thrown off a cliff and dropping straight into a canyon at least as deep as the Mariana Trench. “I can’t leave my dog alone tonight.”
“Oh…” was all she could give him, because this was not how this was supposed to go. With only twenty minutes left in the decade, her normally quick mind shut down.
Say something, Astrid, anything. Ask him to go get coffee tomorrow, or the day after, or just sometime.
“But you could come over here if you’d like to?”
She was dumbstruck for a moment, wondering if that question had just been a fragment of her imagination. But as soon as she registered it, she didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes!”
“Really?” Hiccup sounded more surprised than she was. “How much time do I have to tidy up?”
“That depends on what your address is.”
“Right. Addresses. Very useful for people who want to… go to places.”
She could hear the voice of Chandler from Friends in her head. Could he be any cuter?
“Chief’s Drive. Number three,” Hiccup completed.
She put him on speaker phone and quickly pulled up Google Maps. She didn’t know the street itself, but recognised the area. Exactly on the other side of town from where she lived. No wonder they’d never run into each other.
“Maps tells me it should be like 10 minutes by bicycle.” She checked the time. 23:42. Her heart jumped. “So I’ll be there before midnight.”
“Be careful, though. They’re pretty sloppy when it comes to salting the roads over here.”
She started walking, her bike only a block or two away. “I’m Berkian, I think I can handle it.”
“Of course you can,” Hiccup laughed.
“So I’ll see you there,” she smiled, not quite believing this was actually happening.
“I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too.”
With that, she hung up, and started sprinting. Because she’d been offered a second chance, and she was holding on as tightly as she could.
“Oh Gods, oh Gods, oh. Gods.”
Hiccup had not been joking entirely when he’d asked Astrid how long he had until she arrived. While he was normally quite happy with the way he maintained the house, the thought of Astrid Hofferson coming over suddenly made the whole place seem like an exploded mess and entirely dog.
Toothless watched him with big, questioning eyes as Hiccup rushed around, stuffing doggy toys and blankets in random cupboards, closets, or simply underneath the couch, but didn’t seem to intend to help Hiccup out in the slightest. Pretending he wasn’t the one who had made the mess in the first place. Instead, Toothless simply laid down on the couch - where he knew he wasn’t allowed without Hiccup explicitly saying yes - giving Hiccup a look that clearly said ‘what are you going to do about it, you desperate mess?’.
Hiccup himself was wondering exactly the same thing. He didn’t know why he’d even popped the question.
You could come over here if you’d like to?
Of course he was lying to himself, because he actually did know. He knew that despite him repeating to himself time and time again that he didn’t need Astrid in his life, that he was over her, that it was all just a coincidence and that they weren’t meant to be, that he had been defeated the moment he’d heard her voice on the other end of the phone. He’d tried to play it cool, to make it seem like he didn’t care, so he wouldn’t get caught up in this again. But it’d only taken a few minutes before he’d completely crumbled.
Toothless was right to judge him for it. But it was 2019. The end of the decade in which every year had started or ended with Astrid. And with only a few minutes left on the clock, he allowed himself to be a little superstitious.
So when at 23:55, he found his living room in an acceptable state, he simply sat down on the couch and waited, ruffling Toothless’ fur, his good foot tapping on the floor while the minutes crept by.
She’d said she’d be here before midnight. She’d also said she’d call him, three years ago. But he believed her excuse, tried not to beat himself up over not contacting her himself. He couldn’t change that anymore. But the least he could do now was believe the new promise she’d made him.
After what seemed like an eternity, Toothless started to whimper as fireworks went off outside, marking the start of the new year.
And Astrid wasn’t there.
Hiccup scoffed and sunk deeper into his seat. Of course she hadn’t come. She’d just been playing with him again.
Gods, he was a fool. He was so easy. One would think that after such a long time, after an entire decade, he’d learnt something. She’d been out of his league when they’d met ten years ago, and that hadn’t changed. Although he knew now that he did have value, unlike his insecure teenage self, he still shouldn’t have deluded himself into thinking Astrid truly liked him.
Some girls were simply heartbreakers, after all. And not worth his time.
“At least I have you, right bud?”
Toothless responded with an affirmative bark, and Hiccup supposed that for once, it wasn’t too bad that he’d have to vacuum the couch tomorrow to get rid of all the long black Labrador hairs. They could use a hug right now.
But nevertheless, they both sat up when barely five minutes, right after another salvo of fireworks, the doorbell rang.
And despite all he’d been telling himself, his heart nearly burst with excitement.
Astrid hardly looked presentable, snow stuck in her hair and on her clothes, when she finally rang the doorbell of Chief’s Drive, 3. She cursed inwardly when she heard another series of fireworks go off in the distance, confirming what she already knew. She was too late.
What if the spell had been broken?
The fireworks were followed by a short bark, and several footsteps approaching the front door of a house that was very different from what she’d expected. She’d been looking for a student apartment, and had had to check Google Maps again when she’d finally skidded into a street with nothing but pairs of suburban family homes. Was Hiccup still living with his parents? But he had been talking about leaving his dog alone… Maybe they were out tonight?
She was snapped out of her thoughts by scratching, followed by a shout. “Toothless, down!”
Her stomach jumped at the sound of Hiccup’s voice, and completely filled with butterflies when the door opened to reveal a sheepishly looking Hiccup, his hair sticking out to the sides of his head, and an excitedly panting black Labrador.
She cleared her throat. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Hiccup mumbled, rubbing the back of his head and smoothing out his hair, making her quickly comb her fingers through her own.
“Sorry I’m late.” She gestured vaguely to her bike, which she’d left at the side of the street. “You weren’t wrong about them not salting the roads. I almost slipped like four times and had to walk for a while.”
“Are you okay?”
“I am.”
“And you’re here now,” Hiccup smiled softly, warming her heart.
The corners of her mouth pulled up at their own volition. “Yeah. Finally.”
“Do you -” Hiccup awkwardly stepped aside. “Do you want to come in?”
She nodded and crossed the doorway, only to instantly be sniffed down by Hiccup’s dog.
“I’m sorry,” Hiccup apologised. “He’s very curious.”
“Don’t worry, dogs don’t scare me. Is he okay with strangers petting him?”
“Oh, yeah,” Hiccup laughed. “A little too much so, I’d argue. He can’t get enough attention.”
She knelt down, giving the Labrador some well-deserved scratches and pets. “Did I hear you call him Toothless?”
She laughed, squinting at Toothless’ jaws. “From what I can see, he does have teeth.”
“I got him from the shelter,” Hiccup explained. “He pretended to be a tough guy, like he didn’t need anyone to take him home. As I suspected, he was all bark, no bite. Hence, Toothless.”
“Why would he end up at a shelter? He’s so cute.”
Hiccup crouched next to her, pointing at where Toothless’ left hind leg was supposed to be. But instead, she only saw a stump.
“He lost it in an accident,” Hiccup elaborated before she could ask. Like Hiccup himself, she realised. “His owners didn’t want him anymore after that. Thought he’d be too much work.”
“No wonder he likes to receive some extra love.” She made a silly kissing face. “Don’t you, Toothless?”
Toothless happily wagged his tail and licked her cheek, clearly saying yes. She rewarded him with a few more scratches underneath his red collar, a dragon-shaped pendant hanging from it.
“Let me get you a tissue for that,” Hiccup chuckled, walking down the hall to what she assumed was the kitchen.
She got back up and followed him through a door into a kitchen that was more well-equipped than someone still in, or just out of college should be able to afford, connected to a horribly old-fashioned living room. Whoever did own this house was massively into timber and an embarrassing amount of tacky Viking decorations, ranging from historically inaccurate helmets to an actual longboat on display in a cabinet. The furniture was a thrown-together mix of old, Scottish-looking couches and chairs, finished off by a Scandinavian touch. From IKEA, to be precise. The seemingly only item from the 21st century was a big flat-screen TV, paused on a particularly cute shot of Baby Yoda.
“So you like Vikings, huh?” she grinned as Hiccup handed her a tissue and she wiped off her cheek.
Hiccup smiled, shrugging at his surroundings. “You should blame my dad for that, not me.”
Ah, so he was indeed still living with his parents, like she’d presumed.
“According to him, if you dive really far back into our family tree, you will find us to be actual descendants from Vikings,” Hiccup chuckled, gesturing to himself. “Which is why I look like such a warrior.”
She cocked her head at him and squinted. “I can kind of see it, actually.”
“Sure,” Hiccup snorted. “You’d probably kick my ass even harder than Snotlout’s.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that,”  she teased, stepping a bit closer so he was forced to look at her. She could faintly smell him, a mixture of typical guy deodorant and something she couldn’t completely place. Which was his.
It made her want to curl her arms around his neck and get even closer. She was still kind of cold and he looked so warm, so like home, so like someone she had had to miss for way too long. How had she done it all these years, been content with only seeing him for a moment instead of every single day?
She hadn’t been. She’d been fine, she’d been good, but he looked like the gateway to great and she just had to kiss him, her eyes inadvertently darting down to his lips.
But she didn’t completely mind it when he awkwardly cleared his throat instead, because he just looked so darn cute doing it, revealing the gap between his teeth.
“Would you like something to drink?”
She didn’t comment on how he sounded slightly hoarse, and how the freckles on his cheeks now contrasted with a colour quite close to pink. She simply smiled to herself, feeling happy and so, so lucky to have gotten here after all.
“Sure. What do you have?”
“Not that much, actually,” Hiccup illustrated by pulling open a relatively empty fridge. “I wasn’t expecting guests.” He rummaged through one of the cabinets, triumphantly pulling out a brown package and waving it at her. “But of course I do have hot chocolate powder.”
“Well, it’s not real hot chocolate…”
“But I think it’ll do.”  
“Oh, it will do,” Hiccup reassured her. “My culinary skills shouldn’t be underestimated.”
He illustrated his point by pulling a pan out of one of the cabinets and twirling it around in his hand, only to almost drop it. She simply chuckled and shook her head as he put it on the stove, awkwardly shrugging at her as if nothing had gone wrong at all.
She let her gaze wander around the room as Hiccup heated up the milk, her eyes following Toothless as he jumped up on the couch, and eventually landing on a side table full of picture frames. Unable to contain her curiosity and since Hiccup didn’t seem to mind, she walked over to them.
It was a collection you’d find in most family homes. They were mostly pictures of Hiccup as a child, looking a lot closer to the boy who’d spilt hot chocolate over her coat than the man currently expertly handling a ladle. Quite a few photographs featured a tall woman she assumed to be Hiccup’s mother, although judging by the clothing style, they were from the 90s at the latest. The least represented family member was a tall man, wearing jeans and a lumberjack shirt in nearly every one of his pictures.
A man whose face she recognised.
“Haddock…” she mumbled.
“Haddock,” she repeated, looking back at Hiccup. “That’s your last name.”
“Yeah, Henrik Haddock, nice to meet you,” Hiccup smiled. “Did Snotlout tell you?”
“No.” She nodded at the photo frames. “I recognise your father’s picture.”
“Oh.” Hiccup frowned and crossed his arms, leaning back against the counter. “How…? I mean, where…?”
“We have a wall of pictures at the police academy,” she explained. “I enrolled in 2017, and his picture is on there…”
Stoick Haddock, fatally stabbed by an everyday mugger when he’d almost reached retirement age. That’s what people had told her when she’d asked for the stories of brave men and women in the photographs.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” she breathed, unsure of what to do with herself when Hiccup almost visibly shrank.
“It’s okay,” Hiccup shrugged. “I got used to having the house to myself.”
To himself…
She glanced back at the photos, realising why there were no recent images of Hiccup’s mother. She didn’t know if she had left, or died, and it didn’t feel like the time to ask. She’d simply been assuming Hiccup was still living with his parents, while instead, this house was simply the only thing he had left of them. The decorations belonging to his father, the old-fashioned style of furniture…
It suddenly all made sense. And gods, she wanted to hug him, hoping to somehow make up for all he’d lost.
“I’m so sorry,” she repeated once again, even though she knew her sympathies couldn’t possibly make it any better.
“So you’re with the police?” Hiccup asked, obviously trying to change the topic, his voice soft. He’d turned his back to her, focusing on the pan in front of him.
“Yeah, although I’m still in training.” And you gave me the idea to begin with.
“Do you like it?”
“I do.”
“That’s great.”
He sounded off, so off. Her voice of reason told her she didn’t know him well enough to know his ‘off’, but she walked over to him regardless, leaning on the countertop so she could look at his face. But he pretended to be preoccupied with stirring.
“Is that okay with you?”
Hiccup scoffed lightly. “Why would it matter if I am okay with it?”
She didn’t know the answer to that question either. “Because it does.”
When Hiccup stayed quiet, she continued: “You gave me the idea, actually… Three years ago, when you joked about me being an undercover cop, I kept thinking about that and it just seemed… perfect. Becoming a doctor wasn’t for me, but I always wanted to help people, and I actually really, really like this job.” She had no idea why she was justifying herself to him, but she kept going anyways. “I wanted to tell you, to thank you, but I’d lost your number, couldn’t find any Hiccups on social media, and then on New Year’s Eve 2018 I didn’t get to talk to you because -”
“Because you saw me with Cami,” Hiccup completed. “I know.”
“Are you still with her?”
He’d asked her here himself, so he couldn’t be, right?
“No. We broke up over a year ago.”
And a year ago she was… “And I’ve never dated Eret to begin with,” she implored, because he still hadn’t met her gaze again and it was killing her.
Hiccup simply nodded, sucking on his lower lip before he spoke up again. “To answer your question; I don’t think I would’ve been okay with it if you had told me you’d joined the police two years ago…”
He sighed deeply, closing his eyes. “But it’s been five years since he died, and it’s getting easier to remember all of the reasons why my dad loved his job. Somewhat. And I’m trying to be proud that he gave his life to save that woman, because I know that if he had been given the choice, even knowing he’d die, he would save her life again.” He finally looked at her, his eyes soft and watery. “And if you’re like him, then you’re simply another person to admire.”
Hiccup wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his green sweater, and she instinctively caught his hand on the way down. His eyes flickered down, and for a brief moment she was worried he’d pull away, but instead he interlaced his fingers with hers, making her heart skip a beat.
“Five years ago…” she murmured, taking another step closer. “You were sitting in that bar, and you just looked so…” She squeezed his hand, biting her lip as another piece of the puzzle fell into place. “I get why you didn’t want me to come over to you.”
“I just couldn’t,” Hiccup told her, his voice almost a whisper. He smiled to himself. “But seeing you, even just briefly, made that absolutely dreadful year a little bit less shit. It meant the world me.” He softly rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand, sending shivers down her spine. “You did, somehow.”
Somehow. “Those weren’t my best years either,” she admitted, wanting to be honest with him, finally. “I didn’t know where my life was going, I was drinking and sleeping my student days away, and then I saw you at Gruffnut��s and I…” I wanted to go drag you into one of the bathroom stalls. “I just realised that I wanted to be better. For guys like you.” She swallowed, suddenly feeling awkward. She wanted to look away, but his green eyes only drew her in, deeper and deeper. “For you.”
Hiccup’s breath hitched. “So you felt it too…? Every year, every time…”
“Of course I did.” Because it was so obvious, right? In hindsight, it always had been. “Especially after I’d spotted you that year on the terrace, and you’d suddenly gotten unfairly cute.”
“After I’d seen you kiss another guy in the club the year before.”
“I remembered seeing you that year, not him,” she confessed, drawing in closer, also taking his other hand, which had stilled on the ladle. “I should have known then.”
“I should have known when you smiled at me, every time, even if I stumbled over my feet or was hurling my guts into the snow…”
“… especially since I still thought you were cute in spite of that,” she chuckled.
Hiccup laughed with her. “I’m such a Prince Charming.” Then, softer again: “I couldn’t believe my luck when you came to talk to me at the market.”
“My heart broke in even more pieces than my phone when I realised I’d lost your number.”
“I’d looked up all your socials, but didn’t contact you because I thought you weren’t interested after all.”
The confessions were just pouring out of her, with no end in sight. And she didn’t want it to end. “When I saw you with that girl the year after, I thought I’d missed my shot.”
“I figured you’d obviously moved on when I saw you on the back of that motorcycle.”
She inched in closer, looking for his warmth. “And then this year, I couldn’t shake the feeling that…”
“With the end of the decade…” Hiccup nodded, leaning his forehead against hers.
“Tonight was the last chance I had to find you.”
Hiccup squeezed her hands. “I’d already given up. I stayed home, thought I didn’t need you, that it was fine, that if it was never right before, why would it be right now? I’m so sorry, Astrid, I -”
“But I made it here,” she whispered, closing her eyes, her nose brushing against his. “I was too late, I only got here past twelve, but it still feels…”
“… right,” Hiccup completed, his breath hot against her lips.
And then he kissed her.
She had missed the fireworks at 12 o’clock, but she was absolutely sure that they could never measure up against the ones currently setting her body ablaze. The feeling of his lips against hers made her skin tingle, down from her toes up to where Hiccup softly cupped her cheek, deepening their kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in even closer.
They separated after a glorious eternity, leaving the both of them panting as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Hiccup’s beautiful eyes, his gorgeously long fingers sliding down to her waist.
“I don’t know what this is,” Hiccup whispered after kissing her again. “I don’t believe in soulmates, or meant to be, fate is a bitch after all, and -”
“Me neither,” she cut him off, chasing after his lips because it never lasted long enough, because she wanted more.
“But - and this is going to sound really sappy -”
“You talk too much?”
Hiccup’s face broke into a wide grin, and she couldn’t help but smile too.
“I’d like to take this next decade to find out.”
She didn’t tell him she wanted that too. She simply kissed him, giving him all the confirmation they had both so sorely needed for too many years.
It was obvious to her, after all.
It had taken her a decade to find him. And she didn’t want to lose him ever again.
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   Guess who’s finally making icons using the .psd she paid for?
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge✨
Dagur and Hiccup working together.. That's crazy but we love to see it
Also Toothless' facial expressions on ep1 are so good
- and the way Hiccup screamed "I hate you" after Dagur abandoned him was so sad 🥺
I love how Hiccup and Fishlegs always reward their dragon
Cavern Crasher - scavenging mystery class, pushes dragon out of their home and takes over, extremely fast, it's mucus becomes flammable when it hits the air, feeds on the other dragon's eggs, collapses it's skeleton and squeezes through cracks.
Dude I remember when I couldn't watch the Crash Course ep(2) bc I thought it was boring but I've come to appreciate it more. IT'S JUST SO FUNNY! We have the twins being... Well the twins and then we have proud, overprotective Snotlout SINGING TO THE BABY FIREWORMS 🤩
No bro but the way Hookfang and the Fireworm Queen combined their firepower
And the lil Hiccup and Snotlout moment at the end🥺🥺🥺
They treated Fishlegs so harshly 🥺 like I get why Hiccup would be mad at him but still like 😞 [ep3 with the night terrors and the lost civilizations ]
- i love how Hiccup felt bad after he treated Fishlegs the way he did
Fishlegs hugs >>>
Snotlout: I'm having Asia Fondue. Something seems oddly familiar
Hiccup: Snotlout, are you trying to say "deja vu"?
Singetail - its first appearance was in ep4, can fire from almost any part of its body -> mouth, tail, & underbelly.
Both Snotlout and Spitelout are trying to prove themselves to Hiccup and Stoick
Even tho ep4 is not one of my favorite eps I really liked how Spitelout and Stoick were ok at the end
- bc of Hiccstrid ofcccc😭🤩
The Scourge of Odin - plague that tore through the Archipelago centuries ago, wiping out entire Viking villages. It moves swiftly, overtaking it's victims in less than 3 moons. Cure: green solution made out of the saliva of a Buffalord
The way both Hiccup and Snotlout seemed so worried🥺
Buffalord - all hunted to extinction during the Scourge's last outbreak, big, has ram- like horns and lives on the plains, extremely strong.
"I can't imagine a world without you in it"
THE WAY HE HOLDS HER🥺 nonono and the way he carries her and lightly touches her shoulder and holds her hand 🥺 I can't -
The way the dragons went crazy was kinda scary
Grimora - rare parasite that attach themselves to dragon and release a toxin that causes them to turn wild.
Stormfly loves bath time
Love how the water looked in this episode 🥺
Not all of them making fun of Fishlegs for having a girlfriend
Heather and Fishlegs 🥺🥰
Why is windshear kinda spoiled..
Hiccup was just kidnapped and Toothless is being forced to fight now
The way Astrid is so smart and gorgeous and beautiful and UGHHHH I love her 🥺
And Hiccup standing up for Toothless even tho he can't really do anything about it :(
I got chills whenever they freed the dragons and whenever they were shooting the ppl that paid for the dragon fights
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Do I love them? Yes. Yes, I do.
Tuff comes up with the craziest names, but Ig Garffiljorg the Deathsong has a certain ring to it 😩😶🤩😂
THE 🔥INFERNOOO🔥 OMG YESS and the way he got so excited to start working on it more 🥺
The Quakens feel the vibrations of the Earth and they're extremely strong
Dagur riding Toothless will never not be funny "why'd you do me like that bud?"
Just found a mistake! In ep11 Hiccup sends Snotlout and Heather out so he can teach Dagur how to ride a dragon without Heather killing him. Then, he has to go to his Hut to get a spare leg and leaves Dagur alone WHERE HE'S FOUND BY THE GANG INCLUDING SNOTLOUT-
Dagur and Fishlegs forming a friendship
Heather crying for Dagur is so heartbreaking dude like she's gone through so much 🥺
Sir Ulgerthorpe is hilarious 🤩
Astrid and Heather being extreme badasses👏🏼 we love to see it 😍
In ep12 whenever they get caught Astrid puts her hand on Hiccup's shoulder and Hiccup responds to this by putting his hand on top of hers AND I JUST CANT WITH THESE LIL MOMENTS! and the change in music too🥺
I love grump (Gobber's new dragon)
Gobber fighting Ryker- iconic
Astrid saving Hiccup and Meatlug saving Toothless🥺 I love them and the way Hiccup looks up at her with his wet hair 😩
Dude it's so like Astrid to not tell whenever she's hurt bro
SHE REALLY WAS LIKE "it just grazed me" when she had to pull the whole arrow out of her leg
Sarcastic Hiccup>>>>>
The fact that the twins can actually be super smart whenever they want to
Astrid is so badass bro like she really caught the darts that were abt to hit her and Hiccup plsss
Mala, Queen Defender of the Wing being voiced by Adelaide Kane reminds me of Reign so much like SHES AMAZING I LOVE HER
Eruptodon - The Great Protector
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harley-style · 4 years
Why do people not like HTTYD 2?
That movie happens to be my favorite out of the three. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the first one is warming up to me and while I originally adored the third one I’m slowly learning why I shouldn’t like it as much, but the second one has always been the special one for me. I was wondering why, to others, this movie didn’t hold a candle. To me, it certainly did.
Reasons why I love the second movie:
Hiccup aged WELL and TECHNICALLY this is the FIRST movie I’d seen out of all THREE. TECHNICALLY. (Because I’m a dumbass and forgot most of HTTYD 1 including faces.)
Toothless has a really great character here. Did you see that protectiveness? And the way the two just bantered back and forth.
Its super easy to expect a villain like Drago, but also wonder if Hiccup was going to win against a madman. After all, there’s no reasoning with one. It was hard for me to believe Hiccup would win. Stakes, to me, were actually quite dire. STOICK DIED.
As a narrative, it made sense to me for Hiccup to struggle accept growing into his responsibility.
From what I remember of the first movie, I’d always wondered if there were people who exploited the used of the dragons they killed since for generations Berk was a ‘dragon slaying’ village. This second movie answered that quite nicely.
I love Hiccup’s mom and how her character was presented. Do I think she made a dick move by leaving her son? Yes. Was it right? No. Do I think she’s a lovely morally grey character whose aspirations and decisions don’t necessarily fall into a ‘good’ category, and still manages to be a complex character nonetheless? Yes.
Two words. Toothless Found. You guys have NO idea how many times I’ve watched this stupid fucking scene and it makes me cry Every Damn Time.
The bond between Hiccup and Toothless as it developed in 5 years, honestly. Look at how their bond just grew. They have conversations with each other!!!! I just!!!! What!!!!
brb still fucking sobbing that their bond was strong enough for Hiccup to get through to Toothless
honestly I could go on and on about the bond between these two dorks but!
Astrid and Eret, fucking comedy gold.
ingenuity of the dragons. Still can’t get over the Zippleback flame wheels, honestly.
okay moving onto deuteragonists: the twins were as great as always; love the touch of Snotlout and Fishlegs fighting for Ruffnut (very subtle nod to courting a wife in Berkian culture I’m guessing); Astrid being a badass, as usual; “Dragon riders coming through” will always be my favorite line, forever; Valka walking on dragons; “ERET SON OF ERET”/Eret Eretson; Toothless’ increasingly catlike behavior tbh; “Stormfly, fetch!”
have I mentioned For the Dancing and the Dreaming? if it were a lullaby I’d listen to it forever
hell, I’d listen to STOICK singing me lullabies forever, holy FUCK
It STILL gets me that Hiccup tossed his sheep in ASTRID’S basket, the fuck
“We have...our DRAGONS” is the most iconic line in my humble opinion
basically I just love HTTYD 2 and its okay if you don’t but I’ve not heard of a simple reason as to why HTTYD 2 was not favored for the others other than the fact that it was leagues behind the first movie.
So like...there you have it. Most of the common reasons why I love the second movie a LOT. It’s still my favorite out of the trilogy, actually. 
It might not surprise you that I also like Race to the Edge. Granted its the only TV series of the franchise that I happened to watch, but I actually enjoy it and consider it canon to my heart nonetheless.
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fabllama02 · 5 years
[ a concept where the dragon riders are a group of elites that are globally known. some are assassins, business people, noteworthy icons of some type. i have decided to make Hiccup the son of a CEO, building his own inventions and stuff that surprised the world. Jackson is a normal city boi with a demanding lifestyle, trying to help his family’s shortage in money. Jackson met them all in college, he is one of their dorm mates. they all grew fond of having him around and already considered him a part of their group. he also happens to have a job working in Hiccup’s father’s company, making it available for them all to see him often. Jack is a smart boi but he in a poor family. blablabla- HERE WE GO!] 
The bell above the door jingled as it was pushed open. The restaurant inside was small - tables cluttered together, the walls damp and the air heavy - and empty, no customers so late into the night. Still, the newcomers crowded the front entrance.
 The waiter before them stared, glasses slipping down his nose, before narrowing his golden amber eyes. “Get the heck out.”
 “’Heck’”, Tuffnut said, eyeing Jackson’s attire with raised brows. “Wow. And look at your little waiter get up! Isn’t he adorable?”
 “The cutest,” Heather agreed.
 “Out,” Jackson repeated, as he tried to bustle his gathered friends out the door with sweeping hand gestures. They were broader and taller than him - Snotlout wearing his discreet lifts - and refused to be budged.
 Snotlout looked at Jackson with raised eyebrows, his smile like a shark’s. “You’re going to throw out paying customers? For shame, Frosty.”
 “Peri?” Jackson tried weakly, turning to the only responsible person among the group.
 “Sorry, Jackson,” Periwinkle said, offering an apologetic smile. She was dressed in a pristine blazer and pencil skirt, her heels towering, an Ipad tucked under her arm. She stood out against the greying walls of the rundown restaurant.
 “Please?” Jackson asked, glancing backward at the kitchen. “ My manager’s going to come back any moment and flip the heck out.”
 “Adorable,” Ruffnut repeated his twin.
 “Who says we’re here for you, you narcissist?” Snotlout said, and pointedly ignored the knowing looks everyone shot him. “Maybe we just want to eat here. Just because we’re you’re friends doesn’t mean you get to throw us out. Don’t discriminate.”
 Jackson gave him a flat look. “This place is a dump, and you lived in an ivory tower with shimmering glasses, Snothat.”
 Snotlout snapped his finger, pointing at Jackson. “See? Discrimination!”
 “We’re here to help,” Hiccup interrupted. “Honestly, Jack. Nothing funny.”
 Jackson’s eyes went a little wide, realisation a punch to the gut. “This is a flipping recruitment drive, isn’t it…?”
 They smiled at him - Snotlout with a promising smirk, Hiccup tight-lipped and apologetic for what was about to happen - but before they could answer, the door to the kitchen swung open, and Jackson’s boss strode out.
 “Jackson,” his manager snapped, scrubbing a hand through his thinning hair. The man always became more irritated in the late hours of the night. “Don’t just fucking stand there looking pretty. If we ain’t got customers, take your pert ass outisde and wash some fucking dishes -”
 “Sorry, Mr. Walter,” Jackson said dully. He was exhausted - this was his second shift of the day, the other at his first job at the daycare - and powerless in this situation. He knew from experience he couldn’t reply to his boss without being threatened with unemployment.
 Walter stopped mid-step, beady eyes blown wide. The very recognizable group of people, crowded in the doorway of their empty, dirty restaurant, stared back at him. Hiccup’s jaw tightened, and Astrid was frowning at Walter. Periwinkle had pulled out her Ipad, and was tapping at it, fingers flying, wearing an expression like cold steel.
 Heather grinned, her smile sharp, and waved at the manager. “Good evening.”
 Walter made a strangled sound.
 “Sorry, sir,” Jackson said again. “They were just leaving-”
 “Come on now Jack,” Hiccup said, stepping forward. Before, he’d stood at the back, and appeared as though he was only there to keep an eye on his friends’ schemes. Now, gaze fixed on Jackson’s boss, Hiccup was stepping into a more active role. “There’s no need for that.” His frown dropped into a  soft and comforting smile when looking at Jackson; an attempt at reassurance. “We’d just like a good sit down meal.”
 Walter seemed to shake himself, before positively beaming.
 “Mr. Haddock, of course, anything for our VIPs,” he simpered. He motioned the group towards the largest table in the restaurant, bodily shoving Jackson out of the way as he went. “I’m sorry about my waiter, he’s a little slow. Very incompetent.”
 Jackson stumbled back, blinking wide eyes. His manager was larger than him, portly with broad shoulders and wide hands. Jackson often had to let the older man push him around. Fishlegs shot him a sympathetic look.
 The group took their seats at the long table. Walter pulled Heather’s seat out for her, and she managed a passable smile as she sat down.
 Walter clapped his hands together, teeth bared in a smile, and continued, “It’s such a privilege to have our note-worthy city icons in my restaurant. We’re all big fans, big fans - aren’t we, Jackson?”
 “Oh,” Jackson said. Tuffnut, perched in the closest seat, tipped his head back and smirked up at him. “Oh y-yeah. I’m a big fan of them. The biggest.”
Tuffnut’s smirk grew wider. Jackson fought to keep his features professional blank. The manager ignored Jackson’s stumbled words, and rushed towards the kitchen to talk to the cook.
 “Hand out the menus,” Walter ordered, pointing a stubby, threatening finger at Jackson, “and take their orders. Whatever they want, they can have, got it?”
 Walter stopped. He retracted his steps, until he was inches away from Jackson’s tense form. “You screw this up, and you’re fucking fired, you hear me?” It was obvious Walter was trying to keep his voice down, but the people sat nearby were trained asassins and business-people trained to hear the whispered threats of those around them. It was obvious they heard Walter by the way their hands balled into taunt fists, lips dipping into frowns.
 Jackson exhaled roughly, and nodded. His cheeks were burning. “Yessir.”
 “Good. I know you’re usually useless, but try for once not to be the colossal fuck-up that you are. Get this fucking right.”
 With that, Walter disappeared into the kitchen. Jackson was left in the middle of the restaurant in faded jeans and canvas shoes full of holes, a faded apron tied around his waist. His friends sat behind him, staring at him. He felt cut open, exposed; his friends only ever saw Jackson in his ever present bright smiles and cheery laughter. They never saw the small, real-life version of Jackson Overland.
 Jackson took a deep, grounding breath. He swallowed down his humiliation and collected the stack of paper menus.
 “Welcome to the J&K’s Grill,” Jackson said. He focused on handing out the menus and keeping his tone flat. His hands sometimes shook when he was anxious. He didn’t need that to happen now; he was humiliated enough as it was. “Tonight’s specials are a pork roast with potatoes, or a pasta-”
 Fishlegs snagged his sleeve as Jackson began to draw back, stilling the younger man. “Jackson,” Fishlegs said.
 Jackson shook out of his friend’s grip, and stepped back, suddenly exhausted. “Why are you guys-” He cut himself off with a frustrated huff, scrubbing a hand through his messy mop of brown hair. “Can you guys just - just please leave?”
 No dice, apparently. Tuffnut and Ruffnut didn’t so much as blink. Astrid folded her arms, face disapproving, a pose often dug out when Astrid was talking with an especially frustrating reporters and members of the public. Snotlout was staring at the kitchen’s closed door with unrepentant disgust.
 “What a complete-” Snotlout began. He made another gesture towards the kitchen, lip curled.
 “Agreed,” Heather said.
 “Fishlegs,” is all Hiccup said, his eyes narrowed.
 “Fired, arrested, or funds depleted?” Fishlegs asked, looking through the Ipad Periwinkle had handed over to him. “ I can have his possessions seized, as well. He seems to enjoy tax evasion-”
 “What if I dropped him off a really, really tall building,” Snotlout said. “The corpse would be unrecognisable. Just a smear on the sidewalk.”
 Astrid made a soft, considering ‘hmm’ sound. At Snotlout’s words, Tuffnut and Ruffnut turned to one another, twin smirks blooming.
 “No,” Jackson said. His voice was firmer than he felt.
 “If he lost his job and all of his funds,” Heather said, “he’d have a motive to jump, police won’t even look twice-”
 “Oh, my GOD,” Jackson said, throwing the remaining paper menus on the table. He frowned at the group. They didn’t even have the grace to look embarrassed. “You aren’t killing my boss. What the heck? Some of you are role models! Your faces are plastered on national TV, can you please stop discussing murder casually around the dinner table?”
 Half of them opened their mouths to rebuke him, but Walter chose that moment to reappear from the kitchens, overly polite smile stretched across his face.
 “How are my favourite customers, huh? Jackson, you taken their orders yet?”
 “Not yet, sir,” Jackson said.
 “Well, you folks are lucky, one of our specials tonight is mushroom pasta. You tell ‘em about the mushroom pasta?” As Walter spoke, he elbowed Jackson in the side several times with especially sharp elbows. “Eh, Jackson?”
 “Not yet, sir.”
 “Well, our mushroom pasta’s the greatest,” Walter told the group. Periwinkle had looked up from her Ipad, and was looking at him with a pinched expression, like he was the most annoying person she’d come across. It was a feeling Jackson could relate to. “Ain’t it, Jackson?”
 Internally, Jackson was screaming. Internally, his arms were flung wide open, his head tipped back, and he was shrieking up at the ceiling.
 Externally, Jackson said, strained, “I love mushroom pasta.”
 That made the group of elites wrestle down knowing grins, hiding laughter behind discreet coughs.
 Movie nights had always been a sacred, bonding ritual for them. The dozen or so of them would ambush a poor restaurant and order food from them till they’re out of business (while leaving an outrageously large tip) or - more commonly - raid the industrial fridge for ingredients and proceeds to help Jackson out in the kitchen when he cooks some of the best food this side of the city. Jackson had spent many nights and even mornings leaning heavily on Hiccup, too full to move, dozing off to a low playing movie and the sound of chatting.
 It’s some of Jackson’s fondest memories.
 However, Jackson was also a young growing teenager with an abnormaly low metabolism and a demanding life style and not enough money. When he was around that much free food, he sometimes overacted. As in, ‘shoveling pizza slices heaped with friend rice and dripping mushroom pasta into his mouth’ overact.
 That had made his friends laugh at the time. Now, they smirk a little, remembering how Jackson had looked, sweaty hair mused and dozing off after another attempt at shoveling another plate despite his already full state.
 “Of course you do!” Walter laughed, one hand on his meaty belly. His other hands rested on the back of Hiccup’s chair, as the manager grinned at the CEO in supposed solidarity, and said, “I reckon, why pay the help in cash when they’re just as happy with greasy leftovers? It’s probably worth more than their paycheques, anyhow!”
 Walter laughed once more, expecting Hiccup - a man firmly within the 1% - to laugh with him. Hiccup managed a forced kind of chuckle. At his side, Astrid was cracking the edge of the table with her white knuckled grip.
 “You folks enjoy the food,” Walter told them, cheeks flushed with mirth. He clapped Hiccup’s chair once for good measure, nudged Jackson with clumsy strenght, and retreated once more to the kitchen. “Ask Jackson for anything you need! Ha, it’s the only thing he’s good for, anywho!”
 In the ensuing silence, all eyes gravitated once more to Jackson.
 “Now can you all leave? Now that you’re gotten your fill of humiliating me.”
 “Jackson,” Periwinkle said softly, “you don’t have to work here.”
 “She’s right, you’ve already worked so many jobs, I already saw you this afternoon working in a cafe,” Hiccup chimed in. Jackson looked away promptly, fighting against the flutter in his chest. This was the man who had taken over his father’s position as the CEO and single-handedly won the world’s attention with his latest inventions. This man is also, currently, his boyfriend and the love of his life. Jackson didn’t want to be a burden and ask Hiccup for some money to help him pay bills that he could probably do so himself. He wanted to be able to help his own family proudly. “You should be going to an ivory league university at the very least. And don’t try and tell me you can’t afford it - I’ve seen your grades. You could win a scholarship easily.”
 Jackson shook his head. “I don’t have the time,” he said, voice unenthusiastic and heavy with fatigue. This was a topic he’d discussed with himself before, mostly in the dark of the night, when he stumbled home to his waiting mom in the living room. Waiting with a tired smile and a cup of hot chocolate, informing that his little sister had waited past her bedtime and is sleeping upstairs. His exhaustion was pressing and he had work in mere hours. When Jackson felt like he was more tiredness than person.
 It was Astrid that leant forward. “You don’t have to spend so much time in my uncle’s vet helping the animals on top of being in the day care, caring for the kids. We’re more than willing to help set out some sort of roster so you don’t have to be in there 24/7-”
 “What?” Jackson said. “Are you crazy? I’m not there 24/7. No one could be. I don’t have time because I work three jobs on top of looking after my family.”
 There was silence along the table. Snotlout’s eyebrows rose. “Why the hell would you-?”
 “Because I’m not a billionaire, and I have my own rent and my mom’s mortgage and her medical bills. Car repairs, electricity, food - it all adds up.”
 Jackson straightened. The cuffs of his jeans ended above his ankles, and the hem of his over-the-thumb sleeves were fraying, but his stance was proud. He’d struggled, had to work himself into an exhausted state, to keep a roof above their heads. Sure, sometimes that meant working until he couldn’t see straight, or use his entire paycheque to pay bills and have to resort to living on buttered bread and too many glasses of water for the rest of the week…
 But, Jackson was proud of his hard work. He doesn’t have to be a member of an elite, globally renown group of people to be proud of the life he’s built up for himself.
 Snotlout opened his mouth to reply, but Heather kicked him under the table. The man yelped, shooting the woman a betrayed look, as Astrid smoothly cut in, “We know, you do what you have to survive. That’s admirable, Jackson.”
 “You don’t have to do all this,” Periwinkle said, gesturing at the grimy restaurant, the grease stained apron tied around Jackson’s waist, the faded paper menus. “As our fellow co-worker and honorary member, you’d be able to spend your time doing something worthwhile.”
 “We have health insurance, too,” Hiccup said. “And dental.”
 Jackson laughed, the sound quiet, a little raw. “I’ve never had dental before.”
 A startlingly familiar mischievous smile unfurled on Hiccup’s lips. “We could set your family up somewhere nice, too,” Hiccup planned. “Better health services and security, ooh, you’d move into the tower, I could build a new room for both of us right at the penthouse-”
 “W-what?” Jackson stuttered, looking around confused. A bit thrown off.
 The others all grinned and rolled their eyes.
 “Geez, what a way to ask someone to marry you.” Snotlout huffed with a disappointed shake of his head.
 Heather gave him a side-eye. “You asked me to marry you after I beat you at Mario Kart.”
 Snotlout nodded, “Valid. And you accepted.”
She gave him a peck on the cheek, “That I did.”
 Astrid had to look away with a shudder. “I still can’t believe they’re together. Even if I called it.”
 Jackson looked back at an approaching Hiccup, wide eyed and a little flustered. “Hiccup?”
 Hiccup gently took Jackson’s hands which was trembling a little bit. He carressed it softly before looking determinedly at livid liquid amber that he had loved so much. “Jackson. I know this isn’t what you expected nor is it probably an appropriate place or timing…”
 He sighed, looking away with a heavy blush staining his cheeks, “but I’ve been thinking about it.”
 Once more, vivid green eyes meet golden amber eyes. “Ever since I first met you in college, when I was stressing out about my dad’s decision to train me into a CEO for his company and you came into our dorm room as a new roommate with a bright smile and didn’t hesitate to help me out, despite not knowing who I was. Giving me the strenght I needed to accept my new position, unknowingly standing beside me as someone who could bear the brunt; as my equal. Someone who had accepted me for all that I am. Someone who has stayed by my side in all the time that I was lost and unsure, you had been there for me. Ever present and ready to catch me if I ever fall. At some point, I realized… that I’ve fallen in love with you.” Hiccup lifted his left hand and carressed the side of Jackson’s face, catching the tears that are falling as he continued. “I fell in love with you and no one else.”
 “So, will you, Jackson Overland, be my forever,” he lifted Jackson’s right hand and kissed it, staring straight at the watery liquid amber with a fond look, “and live the rest of your life with me?”
 Jackson, understandably, looked overwhelmed yet his teary expression gave away his euphoric state of mind. “I-I-!” He began before he was cut off.
 The kitchen door burst open, and Walter bustled in, a jug of water and ice cubes held in meaty hands. “Who’s hungry, ay?”, Jackson swivelled back at Walter, hands still clutched tightly in Hiccup’s grip.
 Walter put the jug aside and busied himself, fiddling with the half melted candles and salt and pepper shakers sat in the middle of the long table. His sweat was beading at his temples, but his too large smile remained as he straightened cutlery at their elbows. Yet, none of them paid the manager any attention.
 “Aw man, what timing!” Snotlout huffed angrily, wiping away stray tears. The others all nodded with barely restrained anger. Some wiping away stray tears and some are left with sniffles.
 “Jackson, cups!” Walter snapped which the others bristle at.
 But Jackson, hands still held tight in Hiccup’s grip, was too stunned to move or process anything. Mind spinning and making him dizzy. The day’s exhaustion starting to eat away his remaining energy and leaving him poofed. Hence, the barely controlled crying.
 Walter looked up when his call wasn’t heeded. Seeing the image before him, he narrowed his eyes, undoubtedly thinking the worst of his waiter.
 “What’s going on?” Walter demanded, squinting suspiciously. “Is my good-for-nothing waiter annoying you? Jackson, I swear to god-”
 Again, they ignored him. Snotlout looked to Jackson, and said, “The tallest building. The biggest. I can lift Fishlegs, it’d be no problem to drag him up there and then just accidentally drop-”
 “No, Snotlout,” Jackson said. Looking fairly exhausted yet his smile is wide. His chest feeling warm.
 “Jackson?” Hiccup prompted.
 “I-” Jackson glanced around at the expectant faces before looking back at intense green eyes. He swallowed, and looked at the floor, embarassed, his smile shy. “I’d like that actually.”
 Astrid fully stood up. Walter stumbled back several paces in surprise. “Is that a yes?” asked the blond haired woman.
 Jackson swallowed again before looking straight at Hiccup. “It’s a yes.”
 A roaring cheer erupted from the group, as they jumped up, swarming around the two. Arms wrapped around him, hands reaching over to ruffle his hair, legs banging into his as Jackson was swallowed up by a nest of excited limbs.
 “Guys, guys! Woah!” Jackson stumbled under his friends’ combined happiness, but he was laughing with them, head tipping back to wipe away his tears. “Hard to breathe under all this!”
 “Welcome to the family, Jackson,” Snotlout said. He was leaning against Heather, wearing his own proud smirk.
 “Finally,” Tuffnut corrected, arm thrown over Jackson’s shoulders. “Finally welcome to the family. Took Hiccup long enough to finally propose.”
 “By the way, Stoick’s been waiting for you to finally call him ‘dad’ officially and legally.” Astrid shakes her head.
 “He’s been waiting to embrace you into his family since you came into the tower after all of Hiccup’s gushing and love-struck state in his own house. When he was properly introduced to you, I swear, he has stars in his eyes.” Heather agreed.
 They all chuckled at that, remembering how Stoick had been. All excited and happy that his son had finally brought someone home. It’s not a secret that Stoick had grown an attachment to the boy ever since he laid his eyes on him.
 They were gathered around him in a loose circle, Jackson cocooned in their shared laughter, their boodies pressed against his. He felt breathless under the combined celebratory high. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
 Subsequent responsibility was important, and would always be a vital part of Jackson’s life, but he had reached a point where he was drowning under it. Life would always be a battle to swim upstream, Jackson knew, but if there was a way to make it a little easier, let people into his life, let them carry him a little further, then it wasn’t a crime to let them.
 And Hiccup was willing to provide him with a lot of care and support, even if Jackson never wanted to burden him.
 A cry interrupted them, “Pursue legal action?! Excuse me? You can’t do that-!”
 Jackson came crashing down from his high. Right, his boss. He’d forgotten.
 Hiccup and Periwinkle stood in front of the sweaty man, twin glares focused on him.
 “For professional misconduct, tax evasion, and the unlawful treatment of your waitstaff, I think I can,” Periwinkle said. Her eyes were like ice.
 Jackson wriggled out of his friends’ grip. Walter frowned when he saw him, gesturing at the two before him. “Jackson, tell them I’m a good boss. Tell them how good I am!”
 Hiccup stood up and blocked Walter’s view of his beloved. “Leave him alone,” Hiccup growled. Jackson hadn’t heard him sound that angry outside of stare-downs with frustrating business people.
 “He’s a good boss,” Jackson agreed. Hiccup’s mouth fell open, surprised, ready to rebuke the younger man, but Jackson just shook his head. “Alright, no, he’s not a good boss, but c’mon, Hiccup. Let’s just -  go. Don’t you wanna discuss our wedding plans?”
 Jackson was in the process of pulling Hiccup back towards their waiting friends, when Walter snarled, “Wedding plans…! You’re one of those freaks, aren’t you, Jackson? A gay marriage- oh, my god, did you trick Mr. Haddock? What did you do to seduce him- wave your pert ass around-”
 Astrid, her eyes like ice, straightened her cream blazer and walked over to Walter. Immediately, she stomped on Walter’s foot with her heel.
 Walter leapt back, howling. Heather, as quiet and deadly as she is, appeared right behind him and grabbed his two arms before flinging him over her shoulders with practiced ease.  
 Walter let out a wail before he was silenced by the two women’s piercing glares.
 Hiccup leant against the lip of the long table, casually crossing his legs and surveying the reddening manager before him with a hard look. Like what his father taught him, he began.
 “If you want to keep you job, Mr. Walter,” Hiccup said easily, handing out threats like tips, “keep your mouth shut. If you want to ever be employed in the country again, you’ll pretend that we never even stepped foot into this restaurant. If you don’t want all of your funds and possessions to be seized, you’ll forget you ever met a Jackson Overland.”
 “You- You can’t just-” Walter spluttered.
 “You’ll find that I can,” Hiccup said, “but I’m a fair man. Periwinkle.”
 Periwinkle was already typing something into her Ipad. “How’s a quarter of a million, donated anonymously into his accounts?”
 Walter’s eyes went wide. Hiccup met his gaze calmly, his eyes like steel, a reminisce to how Stoick dealt with uncooperative business people. “Remember exactly what I just said.”
 “Jackson Overland?” Walter said quickly. “Who?”
 HIccup snorted; the greed of men had ceased to surprise him. “Good man.”
 “I still think we should’ve gone with that tall building,” Tuffnut said, ignoring Jackson’s pointed frown.
 Hiccup walked towards them and pulled Jackson to him before intertwining their fingers together. He looked at Jackson tenderly,“Home?”
 Jackson smiled softly before standing on his tip-toes to give Hiccup a kiss, “Home.”
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How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming - Thoughts/Review!
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22craftgirl · 5 years
HTTYD Homecoming Predictions + What I Want To See
So HTTYD Homecoming is 2 months away (the book I think is 1 I swear to Thor I will cry if I see spoilers) so I thought I could write down my predictions and stuff I'd look forward to seeing in the short before it comes out!
1. The short takes place after the reunion
Based off of the description, the book cover and other information we have this short has to take place after the reunion. It says it takes place 10 years after the events of THW, same year as the reunion and it wouldn't really make sense for it to be before in my opinion. Plus the book cover and playmobil sets which lead me to my next prediction
2. The dragons (or at least Toothless and his family) will visit New Berk
This one seems so obvious to me because the title is Homecoming, the cover of the book shows Toothless, the Light Fury and the Nightlights on New Berk watching the Snoggletog pageant I assume (based on Jays recordings) and the playmobil set shows Zephyr and Nuffink playing with the Night Lights on what looks like New Berk so... safe to assume they stop in for a visit!
3. Someone will be dead
Now I don't want this one to be true AT ALL but since Viking lifespans are usually only into their 40's or 50's I predict somebody will be dead. Probably Valka or Gobber EVEN THOUGH THAT WOULD BREAK ME I DON'T WANT IT TO BE TRUE THEY WOULD BE IN THEIR 50's OR 60's SO I'M JUST PRAYING THEY LEAVE THAT IRL ASPECT OF VIKING OUT OF IT
4. Astrid will make Yaknog because even after 16 years NO ONE has told her it's DISGUSTING
Seriously, I made it. It's nasty. But I feel like she goes to make it and everyone is like "yeah great can't wait haha......" and Zephyr or Nuffink (probably Nuffink) will be like "Ew Mommy's Yaknog is gross why do you drink it?" or something idk I feel like that could totally happen
5. Stoick Flashbacks
Gerard is in the cast so you know what that means! GET THE TISSUES AND BE PREPARED TO CRY!
6. The 2nd reunion will make us CRY
The reunion in the epilogue of THW killed me and if this short has a reunion (and I'm thinking it will bases off of what I've said before) ANYTHING like GOTNF (which still gets me sometimes, especially after THW) then we are all going to C R Y legit I might start sobbing but I kinda want to. Just imagine this:
It's early Snoggletog morning, Hiccup and Astrid are asleep. They're expecting to be woken up by Zephyr and Nuffink excited to see what Odin brought, but instead its by a thump on the roof. That thump is followed by more thumps, bigger thumps that begin shaking the entire house. Hiccups heart stops for a moment before he slowly rises out of bed and makes his way downstairs while Astrid goes to check on the kids. He makes his way outside, all while the thumping continues, looks up onto the roof and sees Toothless smiling down at him.
What I Want To See
1. That reunion scene I just wrote about ^^^
Seriously just thinking about it has me crying I would die if anything CLOSE to that happens. Scratch that the reunion in general will make me cry.
2. Zephyr and Nuffink with Valka
We will never get to see Stoick with his grandbabies *sob* so if we could see Grandma Valka even for just 1 seconds I would be forever greatful
3. Cheif and Cheiftess Hiccstrid
I'm REALLY excited to see Hiccup and Astrid together as leaders we got a little bit in THW but NOW they've been doing it for about 11 years or so I just.... I need it Dean pls
4. Gobber and Eret
Okay so we all saw THW, we all saw those little moments and hints and there is no doubt that Gobber likes Eret but in general I just want to see where they're at in their relationship I feel like they could be really close and good friends (or more owo) but yeah I just want to see that
5. Ruffnut and Fishlegs
Are they together???? Are they married??? (For the 2nd time if you count RTTE lmao) What's up with them I NEED ANSWERS PLEASE I'LL TAKE ANYTHING
6. Snotlout and Tuffnut
I'd love to see them being this iconic duo, being fucking amazing yet troublesome uncles for Zephyr and Nuffink like JUST IMAGINE THAT. Like they'd teach them to do all sorts of bad things and play pranks on Hiccstrid with them but they're also really protective of them and love them to bits. I want this so bad.
7. Toothless being a DAD
So in THW we saw him with the Nightlights but I really want to see him actually being a father towards them. I need more interaction between them it would be adorable PLEASE. Also I headcanon they only listen to the Light Fury. Like Toothless tries to get them to stop doing something and they just don't and the second the Light Fury says anything they're immediately at attention and behaving. Poor Toothless.
8. Momstrid and Dadcup
This one is a given but I just want MORE of them I am weak for Dadcup I will legit start crying just cuz its so precious I KID YOU NOT THAT WAS PART OF THE REASON THE END OF THW MADE ME CRY
9. Any and all Hiccup and Toothless moments
I miss them so damn much please Dean I need Them back so badly I will literally sell my soul to you plEASE THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH THEY NEED TO BE WITH EACH OTHER AGAIN EVEN IF ITS FOR JUST 5 MINUTES P L E A S E
That's all I've got (for now) let me know what you guys want to see/predict I'm really curious!
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tysonrunningfox · 5 years
Hi, I’m tysonrunningfox and I’m a snotstridholic, and it has been...0 days, 0 hours, and 0 minutes since I last ranted about how the Buffalord Soldier is actually an iconic Snotstrid masterpiece, but this time I actually wrote it down, so y’all can watch me self destruct in real time.  
kiss prompts
11. “I almost lost you” kiss 
Snotlout stares.  Astrid knows that Snotlout stares, he’s always stared.  He stared at the toy he wanted to take from her when they were five and he stared at her ‘dragon-esque’ figure when they were in dragon training.  And he stares now, or at least the back of her neck prickles when he thinks he can get away with it.  
Usually, she’d hit him and tell him to knock it off, but the way he’s looking at her when she finally does catch him isn’t usual.  It’s hard-edged and serious and she half thinks if she asked him to do something, he’d listen.  
“What’s your problem?” She barks across the arena, biting her tongue against asking why he isn’t cleaning like he’s supposed to.  If he started back up again just because she said, she’d have to start investigating for other signs of Ragnarok, and she’s not quite ready for the next villain of the week.  
“Uh,” he coughs, voice annoyingly brazen even as he turns red and looks at his feet, broom whisking listlessly across the ground, “you, obviously.”  
“Right on schedule,” she huffs, a little relieved even though she doesn’t want to admit it.  “I figured you were saving up something big to fight with me about.”  
“Was not,” he drops the broom when she stands in front of him and pokes him in the shoulder.  
“Then why are you being weird?”  
“By helping clean the arena, like Hiccup told me to?”  He crosses his arms, smacking her hand away.  No, not a smack.  A push maybe. A flick.  “How is that weird?”  
“You’re Snotlout.”  She pokes him again and he doesn’t shove her back, he just keeps staring, that stupid, perplexed look on his face like he’s capable of thinking about something and not instantly blurting it out. “What?”  
“You almost died,” he snaps, suddenly irritated, but at least it’s an expression she recognizes. “Come on, the Scourge of Odin?  I’m sure you remember, you turned green and looked like shit and I about busted Hookfang’s wings off racing all around the archipelago looking for a cure—”
“You didn’t have to do that,” she rolls her eyes, but the motion is as hollow as his attempts at sweeping.  
“And then I had to escort you to the Buffalord’s island while you could barely stay on your dragon—”
“Thank you, ok?”  She forces the edge onto her voice, planting her feet even though the unfamiliar vulnerability in his eyes makes her want to leave and pretend this never happened.  All of it. Everyone else already is.  The Scourge of Odin, just another weekly shenanigan.  She likes it that way.  She doesn’t like anyone remembering her half dead, vision blurring as Stormfly tried to adjust under her shifting weight.  
“You don’t get it.”  
“No, I don’t!”  She gestures at him, “I don’t get why everyone else is over it and you aren’t, I don’t get why it was ever your problem in the first place.”  
Anyone could have flown back to Berk.  Anyone could have brought her to the Buffalord.  She still doesn’t know why Snotlout helped her onto Stormfly instead of taking the opportunity to throw her over his shoulder or something and drag her along on Hookfang.  
She appreciated it though. That’s what she should thank him for, except she doesn’t know how to say it and mean it at the same time. Especially when he looks so weird and furious.  
“Because you almost died—”
“Hiccup almost died! He lost his leg and I didn’t ever catch you staring at him about it and demanding ‘thank you’s—”
“That’s different.” He cuts her off, too quiet, and she wants to hit him for toeing that line.  
Snotlout stares because he’s Snotlout.  It doesn’t mean anything.  He’s Snotlout.  He’s gross. He’s the kind of guy who throws girls over his shoulder.  He doesn’t help them onto their dragons with only mild complaining.  He doesn’t race around the archipelago, desperate to solve other people’s problems.  
He’s Snotlout and that line is a chasm, a gorge through the center of the earth, and she scowls at him for pointing out how narrow gorges look from the wrong angle.  
“Why?”  She pushes because that’s the only thing that feels normal.  
“Because, if he died, I’m next in line for chief.”  His usual bravado is muted, and she doesn’t move as he awkwardly rises onto tip toes, like he’s trying to look her in the eye or something.  “But if you died, I wouldn’t get anything out of it.”  
He kisses her forehead.
It’s gentle like his hand under her foot, giving her a leg up onto Stormfly when she couldn’t see straight, and she hates the way her face warms up as she takes a step back from him and crosses her arms.  
“Weird.”  She wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, like she can forget that gorges have bridges if someone is willing to build them, just how plagues have cures if someone is willing to find them.  “You just made it really weird,” she says, like he didn’t make it weird the second he did what would make her most comfortable when it could have been the last thing anyone ever did for her.  “Get back to cleaning.”  
“And stop agreeing with me.” She scowls at the sponge in the water bucket, ignoring the almost dutiful sound of the broom.  
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quietpagan · 6 years
this movie hit me like
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- I’m a little iffy on the whole toothless-gets-a-gal thing but the light fury was gorgeous and sparkly
- I love how much personality all the dragons had, even in the background
- Hiccup is the worst wingman ever
- Grimmel making fun of Hiccup’s name??? AHHHHH
- all of this could have been avoided if Hiccup had just killed Grimmel while he was getting himself a cup of mead
- wtf was that guy’s accent though
- i liked that he was clever but he didn’t have the same menace as Drago. Drago had already upped the stakes with the dragon captures and the controlling stuff and Grimmel would have been a lot scarier if Drago hadn’t stolen the stage first
- Toothless and the light fury are clearly royalty
- is it because Toothless is the alpha?? or is it because they’re night/light furies??
- Toothless Is The Best King
- the flashbacks of Stoick actually being a fantastic dad
- crying and telling his son that love hurts but it’s the best thing anyway
- This Is The Stoick We Needed To See
- Hiccup being a Dad™ about the light fury taking Toothless out for a date
- ‘Who died and made you chief’ REALLY
- Ruffnut was a gem
- literally annoying/flirting her way out of jail
- Ruffnut is sexy and she knows it
- apparently she’s in the pants of every available man in Berk and I fully support her
- the ‘beard’
- Tuffnut deciding that he’s a marriage expert and trying to make Hiccup look sexy? Wonderful. Literally grabbed Hiccup’s ass. 
- Eret son of Eret is so?? confused??
- the hidden world was sooooo beautiful
- Valka schooling Astrid on how to be a good chieftess and handle her angsty man
- Snotlout begging validation and approval from the former cheiftess of the village is the most in-character thing he could ever do
- the scaled flight outfits were badass AF
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- but yall aint never gonne get tighter than this shit:
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- Gobber very vocally admiring Eret’s musculature:
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- oh hi bewilderbeast
- they DID IT. they did a parallel of THAT SCENE. HOW DARE - 
- Hiccup and Toothless are sleeping and Toothless is just absently chewing on Hiccup’s leg
- very open about Hiccup having a prosthetic, props for that
- Hiccup and Astrid were adorable
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edge-of-bizarre · 6 years
Why do you think Fishlegs is the strongest? I feel like Snotlout or even Astrid would be? Also i love your buffstrid art
In Fishlegs’s wiki it says he is the strongest, and there is plenty of proof. Gift of the Night Fury he full on decks Meatlug, and Meatlug has not problem putting her weight onto him at the end of httyd2. He simply doesn’t use his strength, this is mostly because he values intellect more and is a bit of a coward so he’s not sparring. I think he could fight, but he wouldn’t be good at it. Astrid and Snotlout are more skilled, they spar, they refine their fighting skills, both are very strong where as Snotlout is very densely muscled.
Now time for body dissection!!
I’m a huge Buffstrid stan, so Astrid being muscular is beautiful and also makes more sense than her being thin. She SHOULD have muscle mass, not just on her thighs. Being as active as she is, it makes most sense for her to have a bit of muscle. Personally, when i think of her i think of Rhonda Rousey or another mma fighter. I see plenty of comparisons to volleyball players, which i understand. More of what Astrid does on the daily would be closer to mma aka sparring, etc so her having a powerful body that knows how to throw a punch is iconic.
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So Volleyball player mixed with Rhonda mixed with maybe a little bit of a gymnast? she is very gymnastic as she does flips and stuff onto dragons
Snotlout is very densely muscular, but also with some fat, aka he doesn’t look like he’s got the air sucked out of him, and he uses his muscle so it’s not just for aesthetic as body building is. I’d say he’s more like a wrestler?
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more compact and maybe a lil bit of a tummy, he claims he has a defined eight pack
Fishlegs is fat, i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again, dreamworks did a wonderful job animating fat physics. He does not work as rigorously or perhaps at all? I’m sure he gets a work out from finding rocks for meatlug and dealing with her, plus i headcanon he’s a fisherman so unless meatlug is doing all the work, he has to use his strength to bring in his haul. For him, i would say weight lifter. Weightlifters/classical strong men (not the defined ones, the actual real like strong men) have fat and use that fat to provide padding for their muscle, i believe it keeps the muscle from tearing when they perform ridiculous feats of strength. Fishlegs would have more fat on him because he doesn’t train as much as these people do
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This is holley mangold^^^ i really love her, she’s amazing and she had a story of how she was in a car accident and actually pushed the wheel away from her, crumpling it and saving her life so that is how strong she is.  just because your fat, doesn’t mean you’re unhealthy, you can be fat and unhealthy, but fat =/= unhealthy.
So. in short. Fishlegs is the strongest, it’s on his wiki, but Snotlout and Astrid are more skilled and actually train
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allywrites360 · 6 years
1. Which movie is your favorite?
Definitely the second one; although that is subject to change after Friday! Though the first one is amazing, you can’t beat the emotional intensity of the second one. I was brought to tears several times throughout the film, and completely blown away by the voice acting. That’s not even mentioning the amazing animation quality and writing.
2. Who is your favorite dragon rider?
Astrid Hofferson, one hundred percent. I completely love how strong she is, both mentally and physically. She’s such an amazing role model for young girls; and everyone to be honest. I also love her witty sense of humour, and I find her the most relatable out of all the dragon riders.
3. Who is your favorite dragon character?
Okay, unpopular opinion but I don’treallycareaboutthedragonsallthatmuch, Don’t get me wrong; they’re adorable, but I watch it for the plot and amazing characters and bonds. If I had to choose though, probably Hookfang. His relationship with Snotlout is hilarious.
4. Which dragon species os your favorite?
Definitely the deadly nadder. I love sharp class dragons, what with their second line of defence and all. I also think that their bird-like qualities are adorable. They’re fast and agile, though not to the extent that strike class is, yet another reason I like them.
5. Which villain is your favorite?
I don’t know, but if I had to pick probably Dagur. He’s one of the only ones to get a redemption arc, though I would have appreciated some more backstory on him. He seems to me like a lonely kid who lost his way, never truly wanting to be evil. I also like his relationship with Heather; which can be summed up in his line “Well, when you only care about yourself, life is simple. Your actions are clear, consequences... (laughs) Who cares? But when that changes...”. He really did have a change of character when Heather showed up, which I guess makes him more of an anti-hero than a villain.
6. Movies or shows?
Ahhh okay, that’s a tough question. Though Httyd 2 is my favourite piece from this franchise, I have to say shows, simply for the fact of character development within the secondary characters. If you haven’t seen Rtte, I highly recommend watching it. It’s such a surreal experience to witness the characters growth over time, not to mention their bond maturing. It adds a whole new layer of depth to the show, which makes it that much more amazing.
Definitely Rtte, after season two that is. Rob and Dob tend to have a very two dimensional view of the characters, having them act one way the entire show. They also don’t tend to strengthen the bond between the characters, or develop it in any way. Yes, I do bring up their bond a lot. It’s definitely aimed at a much younger audience, so I view it as something entertaining to watch as a filler, as opposed to something I can emotionally connect with.
8. Which Jónsi credits song was your favorite?
Omg Together From Afar had me in tears! That is the best one by far. “You are the reason to go on livin'” is my favourite part of the song, it really showcases Hiccup’s fears of being without Toothless. Which I’m assuming will be a main plot line of the third film. Like I said, haven’t seen it yet.
9. Which score was your favorite?
To be honest, I’ve only listened to part of the second and third films’ scores. I will say that I absolutely adore the score from the first film, and it basically got me through exam week. It’s obviously the most iconic one, what with ‘This is Berk’ and ‘Forbidden Friendship’. I have to listen to the others before I can say for sure though.
10. Favorite song from the 1st score?
It’s a tie between ‘Romantic Flight’ and ‘Forbidden Friendship’. Yes, I know I picked the two most popular tracks, but you say basic, I say iconic. Romantic Flight is so surreal to me, I can almost see myself in the sky with Hiccup and Astrid when I listen to it, and experience none of the other songs quite achieved. Forbidden Friendship on the other hand completely sums up the movie. It always makes me fall in love with the franchise all over again.
11. Favorite song from the 2nd score?
The only one I can recall is ‘Dragon Racing’, though I may be biased because of how often I watch Rtte.
12. Favorite song from the 3rd score?
So far, the only one I’ve allowed myself to listen to is ‘Together From Afar’, though I have no doubt that John Powell will top all of his other work in this film.
13. Favorite moment from the 1st movie?
You know that moment, right before they battle the Red Death? The one where all of the future dragon riders are together in the arena, ready to fight by Hiccup’s side; for dragons; for the very first time? It still sends chills down my spine from how amazing it was. I can’t even describe it, but it was the turning point in not only Hiccup’s life, but the entire franchise. They all knew each other growing up, but that was the first moment their bond was truly forged. Can you spell character development? It was a tie between this and ‘For Everything Else’, but you guys probably don’t want to read an essay about that; you already know how amazing it is.
14. Favorite moment from the 2nd movie?
My favourite moment in the entire franchise is at the beginning of this movie. The scene where Hiccup and Astrid are talking and working on the map. Not only was it super romantic, it really highlighted their personalities, and the development that had occurred since the first film. It also set the tone of maturity for the film, as well as foreshadowed some character development which had yet to come. The very character development which I hope will continue into the third film.
15. Favorite moment from the 3rd movie?
Haven’t seen it yet, though I feel like it might be the Hiccstrid wedding.
16. Toothless or Light Fury?
Again, haven’t seen the movie yet, but I doubt they’ll be able to create the same connection to the Light Fury as they have with Toothless. Not to mention that I read she’s the cause of many of the problems in then third movie.
17. Hiccstrid or NightLight?
Okay, not even a question - Hiccstrid. They have such an amazing dynamic, and are one of the most relatable couples I’ve ever seen. I could go on for days about how amazing they are, but I’m sure you already know. They have a history together, something that can’t be created in one movie’s film length.
18. Fly with Toothless or fight alongside Hiccup?
I have to  choose fight alongside Hiccup. After all he’s been through, and with the threat of having to let go of Toothless, he need all the support he can get. He needs to know, more than anything, that people will still stand by him without his dragon. I mean, I probably wouldn’t be much help in a fight, but I’d still try.
19. Own any merch? If so which things?
So far, other than DVD’s, the only piece of mercy I own is a Httyd 3 poster. It’s just the standard one, with Hiccup standing between the Light Fury and Toothless, but I love it nonetheless. I hope to get more though when it all is released after the third movie.
20. Which have you seen/read:
HTTYD 1 -Yes!
HTTYD 2 -Yes!
HTTYD 3 -Not Yet!
Riders/Defenders of Berk -Mostly!
Race to the Edge -Yes!
Live Spectacular -Where Can I Watch It?
Gift of the Night Fury -Yes!
Book of Dragons. -Yes!
Legend of the Boneknapper -Yes!
Dawn of the Dragon Racers -Yes!
ROB Comics -You Mean the Graphic Novels? Yes!
Original books -Working on it!
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