#snottie the troll
snottiethetroll · 8 months
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my main Snottie 💖 commissioned from Lyonaeth on instagram! Check him out his work is so amazing
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laceladybug · 2 years
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snotties first two weeks in the dragon isles
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sophsicle · 7 months
idk if this will make sense. but 4 obvious reasons i have been getting a lot of dramione fanfic writers on my fyp (don't buy or sell fanfiction jesus christ) AND like, idk if it's just me, but dramione writers feel like. ..real human people, y'know? whereas we, the marauders fandom, feel a bit like tiny sock drawer gremlins or like bridge trolls or something. Not meant for the light of day is what I mean (*affectionately*). like they have very polished profile pictures, and some of them have their whole names out there, and all of them feel like they already have book deals and a house and a car and maybe a juicer or something. like they are the type A put-together big sister to the marauders fandom snotty nosed emo lil brother. YOU KNOW??? i'm like wow, i bet they have day planners and shit. and like. colour coordinated bookshelves. is it just me????? maybe it's just me. they're just sparkly over there that's all im saying.
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i can't stand to see you cry
pairing: chan x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
wc: 1.3k
warnings: crying, reader has issues with self love, pet names
you sniffled, pulling the blanket higher up your body, your tears soaking into the fabric. it had been like this all day, and you felt stupid. what did you have to cry about? you didn't even really know why you were crying to begin with. but once it started, you couldn't stop it.
"baby!" he called from the entryway. "baby, i'm home!" you could hear him traipsing around the apartment, looking for you. you weren't in your usual spots. not at your desk playing games, not on the couch cuddling with the cat, not in the shower. "where are you?" you heard him say. but you stayed silent, unable to answer him and knowing he would find you soon anyway, though part of you wished he wouldn't. you didn't want him to see you like this, a snotty blubbering mess. you also knew that he would ask questions. and you knew talking about it would help, but at the same time you didn't want to. you were unsure how to even answer the questions you knew that he was going to ask. of course, when you first started crying (the first time) you wanted to text him. that was the only thing you wanted to do. but he's so busy, all of the time, and his work is so important. you didn't want to bother him with whatever you had going on. and what would he have done anyway? you were at work and he was at the company.
the door creaked open silently. "baby?" he whispered. "baby, are you sleeping?"
"no." you answered him, voice still a little watery.
"what are you doing in bed, angel?" he walked around the bed so he could see your face. but before you could answer him, he saw your bloodshot eyes and puffy cheeks. "baby?" he immediately knelt next to the bed, his face level with yours. "whats wrong? why are you crying?"
and there it was. the question you knew was coming but were unaware of how to answer. why were you crying? you shrugged.
"you don't know?" his voice was soft, like velvet. dripping with sweetness and worry. "can i help?"
you pulled the blanket back a little and reached out for him, making grabby hands. you just wanted to be held and told that everything would be alright. you just wanted to be sheltered by his body, enveloped in his scent, massaged by his fingertips until you forgot anything you could ever possibly be sad about.
"oh princess.." he said, his own voice sounding sad. he stood up and took off his jeans, leaving him in his tshirt and his boxers. he crawled in next to you, the mattress sinking slightly under his weight and he pulled you close, your head on his chest. you took a deep breath, inhaling him into your lungs, tears brimming your waterline at the relief. you immediately felt your muscles relax, you body molding with his. his strong arms wrapped around you protectively, squeezing gently. "whenever you want to talk about it, i'm here. okay?" you nodded against his chest, your tears soaking his shirt, but he didn't complain.
you lay like that for a few minutes, in comfortable silence, your brain still racing much like it had been doing all day. you couldn't seem to get it to shut up. you let out a slow exhale. his fingertips slowly ran up and down your arm, giving you goosebumps. "you okay, angel?”
you looked up at him, your eyes puffy but no longer leaking tears down your cheeks. he returned your gaze, his beautiful soft brown eyes clouded with worry. his full lips were in a pout, his curly hair tickling his eyebrows. he was devastatingly handsome, so much so you could hardly look at him, feeling unworthy to do so, but unable to look away.
what is a god like him doing with a troll like you?
he reached out and placed the tip of his index finger against your forehead. "whats going on in there?"
"mm. i was just thinking how handsome you are." not the full truth, but not a lie.
he smiled a small smile, "i'm not nearly as good looking as you are, my love." he reached his hand out to stroke your cheek with the back of his hand. his calloused knuckles grazing across your skin. you leaned into his touch.
"im not though. you deserve so much better." you said quietly.
"what?" he looked at you, confused. "baby, there's no such thing as better than you." you shook your head in disagreement. "is this whats got you so upset?" he asked, his palm now cupping your cheek, his thumb rubbing soft strokes back and forth.
"partly." you confessed.
"and the other part?"
you shrugged. "i don't know. its just been a long day."
"any particular reason?" he prodded.
"no, i guess not. i was just feeling disgusting all day, still am. i feel like the scum of the earth. i never want anyone to have to look at me ever again. and then my boss told me that i can't have my day off this week because she doesn't have anyone to cover and that was just kind of my last straw, you know?" you were rambling now, getting it all out, afraid that if you stopped, you would never get going again. "you were also taking that day off and we were going to spend it together, and now we can't and when i told her i already had plans she basically said she didn't care, so i just cried at my desk. havent really stopped crying since." you looked down at the fabric of his tshirt clinging to his pecs and were reminded again how godly he is and how lowly you are.
"sweetheart.." he cooed softly. "firstly, it is an honor, a downright fucking privilege to look at you. you are the most beautiful girl i have ever laid my eyes on. you're the cutest, sweetest, sexiest, little thing and i could never imagine my life without you. you know, i catch other guys looking at you all the time. when we're out together, they don't even care if we're holding hands, they will still look you up and down." he looks to the ceiling now, an agitated look crosses his features. "fills me with rage, quite honestly. makes me want to show them who you belong to. but that's beside the point." he looks at you again, his eyes soft. "the point is, i love looking at you. it's one of my favorite things in the entire world."
"really?" you ask, your heart fluttering in your chest.
"really." he answers. "im so sorry that your brain tells you otherwise. but i promise you angel, you're perfect in my eyes." he places a soft kiss on your forehead. "as for your day off, im sorry that your boss was being that way, but how about i take off on saturday and we spend the whole day together? hmm?" he smiles. "we could catch up on that kdrama you're loving, or we could rewatch harry potter. cuddle on the couch and spend all day kissing?" he smirks at you. "how does that sound, princess?"
your lower lips juts out in a pout, the tears returning to your eyes, but for a completely different reason. you truly didn't deserve him. "that sounds amazing, channie." a single tear escapes and rolls down your cheek, but he catches it with his thumb before it could reach your chin.
"no more tears, baby. i cant stand to see you cry." he whispers.
you throw your arms around him and bury your head in his chest. you squeeze him as tightly as you can (which isn't very tight but still). "i love you. i love you so much." you say into his shirt, the material muffling your voice.
he kisses the top of your head. "i love you too, princess." he squeezes you gently, pulling you tighter against his body. " my sweet, perfect, beautiful baby." he places multiple kisses against your scalp in rapid succession.
"mine." he says against your hair.
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🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 6 months
Part 10 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
This may be my last headcanons list, my friends. Will still do art and stuff but I am fresh outta ideas.
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9
Enjoy 💕
Sub Tribes - KPop/Reggaeton/Yodelers/Chaz etc. there's not many of them around because they came from overseas.
King Peppy - Didn't tell Poppy about Viva because he was in the early stages of dementia. (Canon?) For a while he thought Poppy WAS Viva. By the time he realised his 'mistake', Poppy was already grown.
Vacay Island - the brothers sometimes help Bruce at his restaurant. They have name tags with funny 'work names'. Flood, Big Fish, Classy, and Big Brunch. Viva and Poppy have done the odd shift as well, as Pinky and Vista. 😝
Brozone - they became world famous, argued and left BEFORE the cage went around the Pop Troll Tree. (Canon?)
Brozone - there was a rumoured 'unfinished' Brozone song that was supposed to be released after that tour. John finally finishes it and the brothers offer to sing it for Poppy's bridal entrance song. Poppy immediately faints. In my head the song is 'Helpless When She Smiles' by The Backstreet Boys
Brozone - whatever the Trolls equivalent of the Superbowl is, I feel like Bruce and JD would be very into it. Jerseys and face paint and everything.
Bruce - cameras make him self-conscious. If he is in a group he can tolerate it but hates being the only one in the photo.
Bruce - has caught his kids trying to do the Brozone dance routines. He tries to stay out of it best he can and let them have their fun but then they ask him to teach them and doesn't he just melt.
Bruce - has a wedding ring but it is Vacationer sized. He keeps it in his hair mostly but will braid it into his hair like an accessory for special occasions.
Bruce - 100% certain Poppy and Branch's first born would be a boy. "We're a family of five brothers! It took Brandy and I thirteen tries to have a daughter. Trust me, I have no doubt your first egg will absolutely be a boy." *They have a girl* Bruce 😑
Floyd - can only sleep comfortably near an open window. Sometimes can only sleep sitting up.
Floyd - will randomly stare off into space or mutter to himself.
Floyd - *clears throat* I ship Floom! 💕🏳️‍🌈
Floyd - can't stick to new hobbies for very long, he hyperfixates for a week or two then gets bored. Macrame, candle making, soap making, jewelry making, photography are some examples.
Clay - his brothers collectively tried to convince him that he was the adopted brother.
Clay - is quite squeamish. The sight of vomit, open wounds and bodily fluids; Clay will absolutely pass out. Snotty babies make him very uncomfortable.
Clay - gets Viva to braid his hair out of his face only when something really serious is happening *cracks neck* "Viva?" "Yah?" "Braid me" "Yes, Sir." Shwoooop
Clay - Found out the Classical Trolls have a library larger the Pop Village. "Viva, they have a whole wing dedicated to tragedies! Tragedies, Viva!"
Clay - okay, so he and Viva have never been a couple, even if he ever considered it, their work came first and he didn't want to jeopardize what they had. Buuuuuuuttt the thought that another Troll could one day be Viva's person, that she would go to them instead of him for comfort or ideas or laughs or safety or hugs... it makes Clay feel... weird.
Clay - at some point is named some kinda Troll magazines most eligible bachelor. Bro was in a boyband, co-runs a society of survivors, runs a business, is close friends with royalty, has been knighted, has a license to practice accounting and was part of the only known Perfect Family Harmony. He's apparently a hot commodity now.
John Dory - takes night classes to finally get his highschool diploma. Is too embarrassed to tell anyone until he graduates.
John Dory - doesn't get sick often. But when he does, he keeps going to the point of exhaustion.
John Dory - has indeed crossed paths with Delta Dawn before. Both of them have very different versions of the story. "I serenaded her." "The fool was whining something from the inside of a jail cell."
John Dory - has been known to sleep with his eyes open. Freaks people out.
John Dory - will drink milk straight from the carton and put it back in the fridge.
John Dory - teaches Bruce's kids all the swear words and does in fact tell them his rendition of where eggs come from.
Viva - tries to hide sadder feelings from Poppy. Worried that Poppy won't want to hang out with her if she isn't fun.
Poppy - sometimes feels guilty, if things had been different, Viva would have been Queen. Viva tries to reassure Poppy that she is "The right Troll for the role." 👍🏻 Also Viva tries to argue that they both technically get be Queens now anyway.
Guy Diamond - Trolls have eggs when they have powerful feelings of love. Guy Diamond was able to have Tiny because he loves himself so much.
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Aarini Dhar’s journals, which will act as a segway into my fanfiction!
Text under readmore:
Dear Journal,
It was a success!!! I can’t believe that it actually worked, and I can’t even begin to describe the world I’m seeing now!
Stacy and I had been waiting for several days now, but the monster finally showed up again at 0302 like clockwork. The creature’s been doing this for weeks now, but no one else in the household believed Stacy. At least, not until I arrived at the foster family’s house, of course. I must have tricked the monster into assuming that only Stacy was in the room because it only ever approached her bed—and then did nothing! It roared, sure, but left immediately after Stacy screamed. I slept in my usual sleeping place (under the desk) until the second time the monster arrived to scare her. I could’ve sworn I saw indoor lighting coming from the closet, even though I know the bulb blew days ago and the Snyder’s still hadn’t bothered to fix it.
I needed to know what was behind that door. Worst case scenario, I would get eaten by what other ungodly creatures were also in that closet-world. Best-case scenario, I could skip a few weeks from this hellhole. Anything to get away from the Snyder’s. So, Stacy and I kept up the usual rhythm: the monster entered the room, Stacy screamed, and from underneath my desk, I checked out glimpses of whatever world was inside the closet. After weeks of preparation, I made a monster disguise and a plan. I waited underneath a blanket next to the closet door every night, all night until the monster arrived again. And as soon as that door cracked open and the monster moved aside, I slid past them—dressed in my best monster disguise, a hard hat, and a vest! Jeremy from next door said that “nobody ever stops to question anybody in a hard hat and construction vest”, so it helped explain my appearance! After that, I just followed the Exit signs.
I can’t write for too long, but this world looks so similar to ours that I’m wondering if it’s almost like a mirror dimension. Like our world but with monsters instead of people. I fished out a few coins from a water fountain for bus fare, and I’m on my way to a Monsters University. Hopefully, I’ll be able to blend in a little better with a backpack there.
-Aarini Dhar
Dear Journal,
I managed to get on campus during freshmen orientation week, so it looks like luck is on my side! No one would bother a lost-looking freshman wandering around and exploring the campus. I snagged someone’s visitor pass for an added measure, but it looks like visitors are only allowed to sleep on campus with permission from the teachers. Looks like I’ll have to act the part of ‘student’, instead. I think I found where a good hideout might be—there’s a place called the Troll Bridge and a bunch of tunnels next to it! It might make for a good temporary stay while I do some research.
On the plus side, I don’t think I have to worry about getting eaten. Even though it seems monsters make careers out of scaring kids, they’re actually AFRAID of us! Apparently, we’re toxic and dangerous. And I’m not talking just snotty kindergarteners—everyone! All humans are, apparently, toxic or poisonous to monsters and everyone thinks they’ll DIE if a human touches them! They even make movies where human kids are villains—it’s crazy!
I can definitely say for a fact that humans are NOT toxic to monsters, though. I’ve been on campus for about a week now, and no one’s gotten sick. I’ve shaken hands—and claws, tentacles, and talons (!) —with a bunch of monsters and no one has shown any effects! I wonder why they keep telling themselves this… Maybe to protect their world? Not all humans are friendly, after all…
-Aarini Dhar
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hero-israel · 11 months
The lies and mistruths that Jews "invaded" and "colonized" Palestine, coupled with the lies and mistruths that everyone lived together in harmony with no violence, combine to say that therefore any Jewish anxiety about a post Zionist landscape where there's a very real possibility of Jews being a minority is illegitimate. It is indistinguishable from white Boers fearing retribution, or Americans discomfort with the idea of indigenous sovereignty.
But when you whitewash your own history and gaslight Jews from dawn till dusk, of course you can make them look like whiny entitled brats who just don't want accountability and are fearing "war crime tribunals" (ok girl). But Jews are unique. This would be the one time where the "colonizer" actually has a basis to fear being the minority. There's historical precedent for it, not just from Europe. It's undeniable.
And yes, Israel's Arab neighbors probably have no intentions of wiping it off the map (Iran is a different story), and Hamas is not powerful enough to massacre all Jewish people in Israel no matter how hard they try. The West Bank is not nearly as violent as it used to be. The situation is not hopeless, and regardless Israel can mobilize millions of well trained well armed reservists with state of the art weapons the backing of most Western powers and of course nukes.
Israel is safe... but even with the knowledge that Israel is safe it doesn't matter if we're talking about a peaceful negotiated Right of Return for Palestinians and they are the majority without a single bullet being fired. And also, think of the Jewish People like abuse survivors. Someone can be physically safe, but they still do not feel safe. They need constant outside assurance that what they're experiencing is real and that they have support. Trauma takes time to heal, a long ass time on an individual scale and who knows how long on a societal scale.
It's not "centering ourselves" or being whiny or duplicitous or crying antisemitism when Jews request over and over and over again that Palestinians and their allies do the simplest fucking task of calling the murder of Jewish civilians the atrocity that it is. They can't even do that, let alone say they embrace having Jewish neighbors, that they see Jews as equals, that they would protect Jews, that they view the Jewish People as their cousins who should share the land and all its abundance with them.
They never stop and think about why these are not really concerns for 8 millionth generation German Americans, and why they are for Jewish people of all colors and backgrounds. If they're not putting in that barest baseline of work then at a certain point we can say we tried and we're going to prioritize our safety at all costs.
Excellent comment. Thank you.
I would just say that it absolutely is about centering ourselves, that centering ourselves is a wonderful thing and we should do it more, there's a reason why "The Giving Tree" is sad and disturbing.
Probably the most tragic element of this awful October is that it was all based purely on psychology, not on politics. Hamas is not actually going to destroy Israel. It was meant to trigger Israeli Jews (and I deliberately use a word that has been eroded to snotty meaninglessness by Internet trolls, since that is the mentality of these ISIS-style groups; the cruelty is the point) and shatter their sense of safety, and then put them into a position where they had to respond with overwhelming force so as not to look weak in a rough neighborhood. It will gain nothing real, nothing tangible, for Hamas, for Palestinians, for anti-Israel dead-enders; it was an act of pure spite. And the West's Useful Idiots for death and racism sign onto it eagerly, because of their psychological need to see Jews get taken down a notch (via lots and lots of dead Arabs).
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mysticcabinboy · 1 year
Shitposting on comms
[Got a job for you 621, this one comes from Carla at RaD.] I have an interesting plan tourist. Were going to go into the Balam Redgun radio chatter and have a little fun. 10k for every minute you successfully troll them. Do whatever you like, make a little noise and give me a little distraction while I hack their database.
Red vignette fades in. Ayre: Hmm… this is a strange request. Im not sure what you will be able to do on your own, however… some things in your files that might help you out… maybe we can use them?
Meanwhile in the redgun comms Alright everyone, shape up and listen! Todays gonna be one hell of a job for everyone involved and it aint gonna let up anytime soon. Arquebus pulled a fast one on us before but were sure as hell gonna get them back by getting one step - Carameldansen 200% bass boosted starts playing in the background. What the- who the hell- GET THAT NOISE OUT OF MY HEAD! Iguasu you couldnt handle a bug in your ear! I think i know whats going on- Lemmie get a hold of someone.
[Getting a message from the Redguns 621.] This is G1 Michigan! I personally make a request for you to cease this comms disturbance immediately! I would normally not tolerate this kind of behavior from my own squad, but I think we can make a better deal. How about this? 3 times what youre getting to mess around with the Vespers instead! What do ya say G13?
[Well, thats certainly an interesting proposition, up to you 621.]
Vesper Comms:
V.IV, your job is to go down into the survey area and hunt down a rogue mercenary-
Step! starts to fade in slowly, before getting bassboosted.
I didnt know you had such good taste, buddy. How about i join in?
Fortunate Son starts to play at max volume.
Looks like the party started without me, im done with my work Tourist. But id be remissed if i didnt join in on the fun.
Cowboy bebop opening starts blaring max volume.
Hey there ya snotty cheatin bastard. You won the war but i got this sick ass solo.
Michigan starts playing the free bird solo himself.
[This is a mess... let me know when youre done 621, keep in mind theres still a job to do.]
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verdart · 1 year
So far i have watched httyd in 6 languages (3 that i can speak fluently and understand w/o subtitles)
And its always funny how the change the names
Funny cuz so far Astrid always stays Astrid.
Turkish is one of the few that decided to change Stoick’s name
While French is just being French and even they kept Stoick!
But nope toothless is asking too much ig
So here are some of my personal favorites
Balıkayak (Fishlegs) it is turkish for fishFEET budget fishlegs
Snotlout is okay he gets the name Südüklü südük means snot -lü as suffix is someone or something with the main word so he is snotty but just changing the pronunciation a tinny tiny bit it becomes Sidikli which is pissy and i love that for him anyways because Südük is not as commonly used bc usually we use sümük for snot as a kid my mind constantly went to sidik which is urine and is used much more in the form sidikli (for kids who wet themselves after a certain age its a shitty nickname so its used much more)
Tersceviz and Sertceviz (Ruff and Tuff respectively) ceviz is basically nut more specifically walnut Tuff has the luxury to keep some meaning cuz Sert means Tough/durable while Ters means upsidedown. Cudos to the translaters tho cuz sert and ters basically are just 4 letters rearranged twice so it rimes nicely
Now my favorite
Zebella even I had to check the spelling cuz omg its ridiculous but it makes sense. Yeah so Zebella is Stoick :) Zebella is a word play on Zebellah which means someone with grand stature to a point its intimidating. I watched this movie when i was 6 i understood this at age 12 lmaoo i saw it in a book and was like wtf isnt that hiccups dad so i continue and its guven in context and i go damn my life was a lie i thought it was a name!
To ease the curiosity i may have build up
Hiccup is Hıçkıdık which is a slightly altered version (i think for easier pronunciation for kids in the books and the movies) hıçkırık meaning hiccup
Toothless stays Toothless in turkish no fun there Dişsiz diş is tooth and suffix -siz is like none/lacking of the main word so yeah basically can be -less but not exactly the same.
Now French being well french kills the fun like omgg
Harold HAROLD ! Vraiment un nome effrayant ill give him that the line about scaring trolls and gnomes is still there so yeah apparently Harold is a hideous name
Stoick is lucky he gets to be Stoïk so that o is pronounced separately from the i so yeah sounds same written different (still not even close to being Snapes name being changed completely in hp books for pronunciations sake so ill give them that)(also side note Gibber in french is amazing not the name its not too bad the meaning is the somewhat same i mean his voice acting i just love it)
Time for true offenders the dragonriders
Fishlegs > Varek
Snotlout> Rustik
Tuff> Kranedur
Ruff> Kognedur
Actually writing it down the word play on twins is kinda nice so lemme explain
I think Varek is a play on Varech which is basically algues/seaweed by the shore.
Rustik is a play on rustique rustic in french as you may have guessed. As well as being a real pretty architectural style it also a synonym for simple resistant and strong in french so i think it adds up for
Krandur is a play on crâne and dur basically thick skull
Krognedur was harder for me to actually understand and im sill not that sure but a little research on the french forums for the fandom i had a victory it comes from the verb cogner and dur, kick some ass ungently, my queens name is kicking someones ass real hard i love that for her
Toothless was also a cuite nice discovery for me honestly Krokmou kinda sounded stupid on my first watch (also my french wasnt that good back then) but it makes so much sens its a play on words croc (meaning fang or tooth usually fang tho) and mou (meaning soft)
His name is soft fangs thats so precious im sorry but i mean sans-dents would be fun to bc sans and dents is pronounced almost the same idk how to explain it just put it in translate or pronounce and it would mean without teeth but at least his name is not édenté which gives much less toothless and more like rendered toothless bc of the é at the end. Like toothlessed does that make sense?
Anyways sorry for the rant its one am i need to sleep
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Prince Fern Faye
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"Alright everyone! And five, six, seven, eight-!"
Parents: Princess Viva Faye and Clay Heath
Siblings: Conifer (Younger Brother), Basil (Younger Sister)
Age: 23
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Genre: Synth-Pop/Funk/Electronic/Disco
Voice Claim: Adam Young (Owl City)
The eldest son of Princess Viva and Clay. Upbeat, easy-going, and a bit of a party animal, Fern is a sassy dancer often found hanging out at cafes people watching and gossiping.
Fern works as a dance instructor for young trolls, teaching them the joys of all forms of dance. Ever since he found and watched old tapes of his dad busting moves in Brozone, Fern has dreamed of dancing as well as his father. When he started dancing, Clay and Viva gave him a headband and some leg warmers for work-out purposes, and he turned it into a whole style.
When not teaching classes, Fern loves to hang out with his friends and cousins, gossiping over coffee or hitting local bars in the evening. Fern has always been a bit of a social butterfly, and feels the need to socialize often. Fern does suffer from a bit of existential dread, so he doesn't like being alone.
If he is alone, Fern loves reading. As a child, he would always carry a book of some kind around. He loves buying books from different kingdoms and seeing the difference in fiction. He even got a tattoo of his favorite book series logo after it utterly wrecked him emotionally.
Music wise, Fern is a sort of free spirit. He enjoys upbeat music that he can dance along to, or more abstract music that makes one think. He unironically loves Disco and will fight anyone who gives him shit for it.
Fern currently resides in Trollstopia, and lives in large apartment towards the center of the city.
Fun Facts!
- Fern has a FUCK TON of hair. Like it's almost unmanageable kind of amounts. If not pulled back, his hair will explode out in all directions. Not matter how much product he uses, nothing can tame it.
- Fern was the first of his cousins to move out of his family's home, as he grew up in the Mini Golf course. There were a lot of tears.
- Fern traveled around for a bit after he first moved out, learning different dance styles from different cultures, as he wanted to include all kinds of Trolls in his dance classes.
- Yes, Fern can golf. He was raised in a giant mini golf course, that shit was hotwired I to his DNA.
And that's the first of my Cliva kids, Fern!! I made him an 80s nut cuz I thought it was funny lol.
Fern went through some minor design changes but BIG persona changes. At first he was more of a snotty book worm, but I wasn't really feeling it. So I still made him a bookworm, now he's just a gossipy bookworm lol.
Also since Viva is a princess, Fern and his siblings are "technically" royalty in the Pop Kingdom, tho they don't really use the titles much.
Also I decided I will be giving Trolls surnames for this AU. Viva (And Poppy's) last name is Faye, and Clay along with Brozone's last name is Heath.
Cookie for u if u know the logo of that book series nxbxjxbndd
Voice Example: Shooting Star (Owl City)
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snottiethetroll · 8 months
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Snottie having a beach day 💖🌴🌺 commissioned from Skeetcakes on instagram! Her work is so cute check her out!!
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marvus-xoloto · 2 years
Some Sweet Nasty Intimacy I've been thinking about. Some of these are rewritten from a post in my drafts (that I've apparantly posted before?? But I liked them so. Rewrite time).
-You are the only one at the party who recognizes that Marvus has abused one too many substances that night. He’s looking a little queasy but he refuses to either admit it or give up. Cue his delighted face when you tell him hey 😏 you’ve never been there before 😏, and “where’s the bathroom 😏?” He’s sick pretty immediately and you get the pleasure of holding his hair back and rubbing a cool wash cloth against his sweaty neck. He’s so dizzy he’s gripping onto that bowl for dear life, but you occasionally catch him looking at you with the softest gaze you’ve ever seen from him. You also get to see how completely indesctructable alternian face paint is. How is he leaving this bathroom with a full face?? You may never know.
-DATE NIGHT You and Marvus dancing and goofing in the kitchen, singing along to Britney Spears and freestyle rapping some of her verses. He’s wearing basketball shorts and socks and fluffy slippers. You're both drinking faygo out of champagne flutes.
-Marvus asking you to help him pull his hair back but, instead of turning around, he just gets really into your space and hands you a pink ribbon. You rake his hair back and run your fingers through his bangs (which flop forwaed again) as you tie his hair back, facing him. Bonus headcanon: prolongued eye contact with purple bloods makes you see shrimp colors and the world gets all wavy outside of the view of their face.
-Continuation of the above: Marvus asking for your help tying his bowtie. You don’t know how to do it, so he wraps it around your arm a few times and shows you how to tie the bow over your wrist. Or, if you do know how to do it, he takes a moment to pull your hands by the wrists around his neck to that secret space behind his hair, winding the ribbon around his neck. He shivers.
-Marvus pacing around the room, ranting and raving about literally whatever set him off, or just gossiping, or just venting about something that bothered him. And then the second he's done he's pushing his face into your belly, arms around your waist and purring loudly as he nuzzles his face into you. Because expressing his "negative" emotions with someone is High Forms Of Intimacy for him.
-Marvus leaves his dirty clothes "for you" while he leaves to go on tour, and is hurt when he gets home and you've either washed them or, more likely, quarantined them in his closet bc they're stinky. So you weren't sniffing his panties while he was gone?? You weren't wrapping yourself in his sweat soaked shirt and crying while eating ice cream from the tub, awaiting his return?? Bonus headcanon: trolls are pretty terrortorial (lol), and leaving behind their scent in your territory is a way of a. testing the waters of a quadrant and b. trying to sneak their way into some sort of nesting thing with another.
-TAKING CARE OF MARV WHEN HE GETS SICK 🥺🥺🥺 I've said this before, but you know he's PERFORMING for those pity points. He will paint a sadder, more pathetic look on his face. He will rub his snotty nose on your shirt. He will try to make out with you with his nasty sick breath. He will whine and complain and goad you into spoiling him, and he loves that he gets to act like that. He doesn't like when adoration comes to easy.
-Marvus appearing in your nightmares and shifting them into dreams once you tell him you've been having a hard time sleeping lately. Marvus leaving happy jujus (such as: fond memories you've shared, or perhaps a little marvus plush) in your dreamscape to keep your dreams sweet. Marvus showing up sometimes in your dreams just because he misses you. I'm imaginine the music video to daft punk's "something about us" here lol.
I'd love to write some more but my inspo is drained, so perhaps later?
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loominggaia · 1 year
What are some matazun subcultures?
Here's a handful of concepts I've been thinking about...
Leloma - The Leloma spend most of their time in and around water, but they are not always Aquarians. While some people are obsessed with dragons or horses, the Leloma's obsession is with dolphins. This subculture is huge in Matuzu Capital City, where river dolphins are common. At one point in time, these dolphins were almost hunted to extinction. The Leloma are credited with bringing their numbers back, for there is no one else more passionate about these animals.
A stereotypical Leloma works part-time or not at all, spends all day at the lake, ocean, or river, and wears a swimsuit more often than regular clothes. They tame wild dolphins and sometimes train them for races or competitions to show off tricks. They are very common around Central Lake in particular. Other lake-goers find them annoying, but tourists are dazzled by their way with dolphins. The Leloma are known to take tips for putting on a show with their trained aquatic companion. Some can make a living this way, but many are just retired hobbyists.
Miliko's Mannequins: Miliko's fandom is enormous, but only a select few make it into his exclusive "Vanity Club". Members of this club are called Mannequins, and in order to keep their membership, they must carefully maintain their appearance every day. Their membership can be revoked if another Mannequin catches them looking sloppy and reports them to Miliko's agents. Mannequins receive new outfits from Miliko, and they are tasked with modeling these outfits for X hours a week.
Mannequins spend these hours hanging out at trendy places in the city, like cafes and nightclubs, or anywhere with a lot of eyes around. They travel in groups and are known for acting catty and snotty. They don't get paid for their modeling, it's an act of sheer passion for them. You'll never catch a Mannequin in a rural town or hanging out with anyone who looks frumpy. Miliko has a very narrow standard of beauty and only picks certain species to model his designs, so you'll never see ogres, trolls, gorgons, cecaelia, minotaurs, or goblins in the Vanity Club. Sirenes, elves, and humans are most common.
Wannaquins: These are Miliko fans who couldn't make it into the Vanity Club, but act like they're in it anyway. They dress in cheap bootleg versions of Miliko's fashions, desperately trying to get the attention of his agents. They also spend a lot of time trying to impress Mannequins, following them around and sucking up to them. Mannequins find them terribly annoying and pathetic, and frankly, so does the rest of society.
Gator Boys - Despite their name, people of any sex can be a Gator Boy. This subculture is exclusive to the Emerald Wetlands region of Serkel. This swampy place is home to many wild alligators, which have spawned a whole subculture around them. The stereotypical Gator Boy is a young, rural man with little income and even less education. He spends a lot of time outdoors and loves nothing more than fishing, hunting, and getting drunk on rice wine. Gator Boys got their name because the sport of gator-wrestling is popular in their home region. However, not all Gator Boys wrestle gators or even interact with gators at all. Those that do may hunt these animals for food or keep them as pets. Many Matuzans look down on Gator Boys as uneducated, backwater yokels.
Gymmi - The Gymmi are Matuzu's version of "gym bros", but these guys take things a step further. They are obsessed with being the biggest, strongest guys around. The stereotypical Gymmi is a heavyweight species such as a centaur, ogre, or minotaur, who spends a lot of time lifting weights in public. It's not enough to lift really heavy stuff all day, they want everyone to watch them doing it and marvel at how strong they are! Gymmi like to walk around shirtless to show off their muscles, even when it's cold, and are carrying something heavy more often than not--just because they can. They are competitive with eachother, and this obsession with being the biggest often leads to self-destruction. Many Gymmi turn to performance-enhancing drugs and potions, or even cosmetic surgery to achieve the muscles they desire. Abusing these drugs can cause anything from fits of rage to heart attacks.
This is the Gymmi's darkest side, but there is also a lighter side to this subculture which promotes working out and being healthy. While some Gymmi can be bullies, there are plenty who are passionate about fitness and are eager to help anyone just getting started on their journey to health.
Here's some less developed ideas...
Wine is huge in this kingdom, so I imagine there is a big wine snob culture to go with it.
Something centered around Feztavi. I'm thinking of people who never stop partying, they just drink, dance, and screw all day, every day.
Bigoted anti-gaian yokels who dress like they're tough and travel in gangs to harass gaians, but if you catch them alone they're suddenly pathetic wimps. They're obsessed with a dark period in Matuzu's history when gaians were enslaved and try to emulate that old lifestyle. I think most of them would be fae, but maybe some commoners too.
That's all I have right now!
Lore Masterpost
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peaterookie · 2 years
Lupin III Chapter 64 Review
this cover is a cooler one, but i wish the paint texture didnt look so weird on it...
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ok ok so now lupin's in the university since they practically have no choice but to let him inn
he is trying to promote his new club, the Master Thief Club! but he bumps into zenigata along the way obviously they dont like each other and zeni makes it out VERY CLEAR to him that he isn't going get away with doing anything in here he also makes a comment about the heiji zenigata family line so yeah thats cool (why is his first name heitaro now)
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lupin plasters posters advertising his club all over the university, zenigata and fujiko try to stop him but they get trolled instead. lupin is such a bastard already...
then we skip some time a bit to see lupin trying to extort someone into paying 50 million yen or else he has to leave this school?? what on earth is he planning???
turns out he ain't only extorting from one person, he has multiples of them hanging around outside the university!
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"The Master Thief Donors Club" Lupin shows a billboard that lists the other debts he forced onto other people- all ranging into the million...
he even goes out of his way to extort fujiko out of 100k yen! zenigata sees this, and clearly doesnt accept what lupin is doing. a professor in the school by the name of jippo also doesn't accept it either... and lupin also extorts him.
"We, the members of the Master Thief Club, hereby demand the resignation of Professor Jippo. The denial of this request will be met with a 10 million yen fine and 42 cases of beer."
what is the meaning of all hes doing...?
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lupin and zenigata get into an all-out brawl, and lupin gets called in by the chancellor to have a little meeting... lupin tells zenigata to wait at the donor wall, and "everything will make perfect sense."
lupin then meets with the chancellor, along with the parents of the kids that got extorted (they are all very rich and snotty, according to lupin.) lupin then tells the chancellor the reason why he's doing this. after some research, he's found out that the parents had bribed professor jitto to let their kids pass! thus, he fake-extorted the kids back in order to expose the parents how does he expose them you ask? with some simple steps!
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lupin tells the parents to look in this curtain, and goes out to zenigata outside the donor board
he rips out the sign that originally says "The Master Thief Donors Club" to reveal...
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the curtain was all just a trick for the parents to reveal themselves on the board, and the price was simply to show how much they payed jitto to get their kids to pass...
good on you lupin! it wasnt the best of ways but you did something good.
the end.
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zepenthia · 1 year
D-Day Tour
I still have not recovered from seeing Yoongi perform... Literally - I got Covid from the concert. While I have been huddled in the dark like a snotty troll swathed in sweats, at least it has been doing wonders for writing. The first few days I was too tired to do much, but I’ve written a good few pages in the last few days. Only four more pages to go until I reach the minimum I am comfortable with. Let’s be real though, I will probably write a few extra pages anyway. LOLrip me.
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: More about trolls
Category: Scandinavian folklore
Freely translated from Edouard Brasey’s The Great Encyclopedia of the Marvelous
Trolls. Also called ryse, rise, jotul, gyger, tusse.
The trolls are Scandinavian ogres and giants, with a dirty and hairy body, long yellow fangs covered in saliva, a long snotty nose, and a shaggy, lice-infested hair. A variety of Scandinavian trolls, the bergrisars, are so tall that they are often confused for mountains, and they move so slowly that entire forests can grow on their bodies. In Denmark the sea trolls, also called havtrolds, live at the bottom of the water, sitting on thrones made out of scales or mother-of-pearl. Trolls can have ten, fifteen, a hundred or six hundred heads, which grow back after being cut off (unless you cut all the heads at once). Trolls keep making all sorts of noises: they snore, they growl, they cough, they scream, they burp, they fart… The female troll is just as ugly as the male.
Wild and hostile to humankind, these repulsive and bloodthirsty beings have a highly developed sense of smell that allows them to sniff out their victims (they then scream “It smells like Christian blood here!”). Trolls are man eaters, who devour all humans they can encounter. Trolls also have magical powers: they can turn invisible, or transform themselves into an object or an animal – some can even become the wind or a storm. They sometimes offer mortals magical artefacts that will turn against them: necklaces that will drag them into the sky if they wear them, boxes that cause fire wherever they are placed, or grains that only grow into plants shaped like trolls’ heads. Trolls also guard underground treasures, and often live in communities in unpleasant places (arid, or infested with snakes) – but on the Night of Kings (the Twelfth Night), they leave their lairs to gather in empty or abandoned houses to party (and if they do not find an empty house, they will invade an inhabited house).
Like most giants, trolls are naïve and stupid, but they adore enigmas, charades and guessing games. Many characters in stories escape the cruelty of a troll by offering them a riddle, and while the troll thinks about it the victim can escape. Trolls also cannot stand sunlight: if they are touched by one ray of the sun, they will turn into stone. They can also be harmed by the sound of church bells, the crow’s chant, prayers, holy water or the sign of the cross. With time, the stories shrunk the trolls, who went from giants to gnome-like beings – in modern days, “trolls” started to designate a form of dirty dwarfs. An extreme example of this “degeneration” of the trolls are a popular character of children literature in Finland, the Moomins (also known as “Mumintrolls”), who despite being “trolls” are nice and cute little beings, only keeping from the ancient trolls a form of naivety.
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