#so I decided to push myself and at least finish this drabble
hyunverse · 2 years
midnight existential crisis ꔫ seungmin
best friend!seungmin && reader.
genre — fluff, drabble.
warnings — vomit.
about — you and your best friend have a talk about the future.
note — hi!!! first request for skz, kinda nervous. hope u enjoy this bubba ^_^
part two here.
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"oh my god i feel disgusting," you cry out, placing down half a slice of pizza.
several boxes of pizza are stacked on the table, some empty and some not. you managed to finish most of them, leaving only two boxes full.
seungmin merely watches — partially amused. out of boredom and greed, you decided to buy every topping of pizza available in domino's. he had told you that it's impossible to finish them all, but you insisted — said that it's possible if it's personal-sized. after three hours, he's currently basking in the glory of being able to say "i told you so."
the couch dips at your weight as you sink down, whining, "it's not fair. you barely ate any."
he shrugs, "i ate like three boxes."
"you have no ambition!"
"are you seriously insulting me for knowing the capacity of my own stomach?"
you loathe how seungmin always seems to have a rebuttal. he always has witty comebacks, yet so composed — it's his role in your shared apartment. amidst the calamity among you, hyunjin, and felix — he's always been the smartest one despite his own chaotic shenanigans. it's the very reason why you get along with him best.
"my god, minnie," you whimper, hand gently rubbing your bloated stomach, "one push on my stomach and my insides will immediately burst out."
a complete mistake on your part. it's not seungmin if he isn't constantly searching for ways to annoy you. before you know it, his hands are attempting to push your stomach. as you try to avoid his attacks, the two of you laugh, and laugh — until it slowly turns to silence. a homely type of silence.
“feet,” seungmin breaks the silence.
you’re laying on the armrest of the sofa, him as well but on the opposite. legs stretching out — his feet are now on top of yours. menacingly, he pinches your foot with his toes. you yelp out, kicking him in the shin in process.
“annoying ass!”
“at least i have an ass,” his response has you fuming in the inside.
“fuck you, i can’t wait ’til hyunnie and lix comes back.”
seungmin glances at the clock, eyebrows furrowed, “it’s midnight and they’re not here yet. . . they’ve literally been out since morning.”
a heavy sigh slips past your lips, and you sink yourself even more into the sofa. you wish the whole earth could swallow you alive. you, and the pathetic feeling harboring in your chest.
“it’s valentine’s day, hyunjin and felix both have dates,” you say, “why are we staying in?”
“‘cause we’re bitchless.”
“why are we bitchless? like, i don’t get it,” you add — seungmin could tell it’s the beginning of a long midnight talk, “felix has so many friends that he could go out with a different friend every other night. hyunjin gets both dudes and chicks, he gets asked out every week. why am i alone? like, what’s wrong with me, minnie?”
your best friend props up his body with his elbows to get a better look at you. he doesn’t answer your question — knows you well enough to know that you don’t actually want an answer — you just want to ramble. and he’s there to listen.
“i feel so lonely, seungmo, so lonely. i feel like i’m going to die alone. i can’t pinpoint what’s unlikeable about me, really. you, however. . . so many people like you, y’know that? have you ever considered, i don’t know. . . freeing your schedule to date? not be too stressed over college?”
the question causes seungmin to plop back down onto the leather sofa. he buzzes his lips together. it isn’t the first time he’s heard the statement, truly. the people he has casually dated has told him that he’s too driven by college, that he’s too determined.
“i don’t want to change that part of myself just so someone would date me, y/n,” he exhales the breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding, “i want to be loved without feeling like i’m begging for it. and we’re almost done with our degree, too. so, what’s the point anyway?”
you shoot up in your seat. a nauseous sensation starts to creep up your system — your legs move before you could think — suddenly you’re bent over the toilet, vomitting out all the food you’ve eaten. seungmin isn’t too far behind you. by the time you’re hunched over the toilet, you could feel his larger hands massaging your shoulders and rubbing your back.
“let it out,” he says, voice hushed.
once you’re done, the raven head helps you. he turns on the sink for you, even grabbed a couple tissues for you.
“we’re almost done with college,” you cry out, sitting on the bathroom floor with teary, red eyes and a snotty nose.
seriously, the dominos workers must’ve drugged the pizzas with something to make you so emotional.
“it’s our last semester, seungmo,” you add, sniffling.
obediently, seungmin sits beside you. he gently pushes your head down onto his shoulder, letting you cry out all your emotions.
“it’s so scary, seungmo, too scary.”
“of course it is scary, it’ll only get scarier as days pass by.”
“i feel like i’m the only one with no life plan. i know felix wants to work at a bakery once we graduate, and hyunjin’s going for interior design. i know you have plans too, no way you don’t,” you ramble in one breath, “i genuinely don’t know where i’m going after college. it’s so pathetic.”
seungmin shrugs, “i don’t know what i’m going to do either.”
“i’m having second thoughts about my major.”
your lips purse into an ‘o’. a part of you feels bad for seungmin, considering you know how hard he studies, but a part of you feels relieved that you’re not the only one.
“that’s a huge yikes.”
“it is,” seungmin huffs as he rests his head against the blue tiled walls, “but i guess that’s that. sometimes the plan you initially plotted just doesn’t suit you.”
you nod at his words, “wow. we’re bitchless and jobless.”
it’s all pathetic — crying and vomitting at the thought of the future but someway, somehow, having seungmin by your side makes it less lonely. less scary, even by just a little.
“you ever thought about how your burdens are truly only yours and cannot truly be shared?” seungmin asks in a matter-of-factly tone.
your stomach churns at the statement.
“yeah. . . all the time. i feel like you could share your feelings but it’s only to get it out of your system. at the end of the day, all the burden is only yours.”
seungmin shuffles in his spot, hugging both his legs to his chin.
you sigh, “i’m always here for you though.”
a soft smile paints seungmin’s visage. his hand reaches out to pat your head.
“me too. you’re stuck with me until we’re both wrinkly on our death beds,” he jokes, “i don’t think i’m moving out once we graduate. i think i’m staying, i’ll find something to do in this area.”
you nod again, looking up at him. your eyes meet his — he sends you a reassuring smile. as if to say — “i’m with you, we don’t have to rush.”
for the first time in months, you genuinely feel reassured.
“me too, then. i’m staying.”
the night goes on — the clock constantly moving but neither of you does. you talk about nothing but everything, about how you used to be passionate about many things, how seungmin actually wanted to get serious with his last date but was ghosted, how hyunjin’s probably getting laid while the two of you wail and complain. it’s fun, and sad at the same time.
when the clock strikes four, two bodies are entangled on the bathroom floor, slightly snoring. the sight leaves hyunjin utterly confused when he walks in.
“what in the world. . .” the long-haired boy mumbles, tilting his head as he watches, “yongbok! you need to see this!”
the pitter-patter of footsteps could be heard as felix approaches, arms still busy taking off his jacket.
“what? oh wow— bestie goals.”
hyunjin chokes back his laughter, not wanting to wake any of you up, “i’ll carry seungmin to bed, you carry y/n?”
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tmpestuous · 2 years
I Always Got You
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summary: Bucky gives you the reassurance you need after a tough mission leaves you doubting yourself. 
pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader 
word count: 1.6k
warnings: just some Bucky fluff, argument with Steve
A/N: this was originally a Stucky fic but here’s a short drabble??? for the series… with soft and sweet Bucky because I love him and also needed this myself; I hope you enjoy!
Making your way back into the field and going on missions with the team again was a longer process than you anticipated—and the hard work paid off—but you felt like everyone was treating you like a fragile toy.
There was always someone by your side, which you appreciated, but not when it came to simple tasks like extracting a file, breaking a lock, or even just making your way back to the jet when your task was finished. 
You told yourself you didn’t want to go back to the field if you still felt like you couldn’t be alone, and you kept that personal promise. Everyone on the team told you that you were ready a long time ago, but you needed to be able to trust yourself first before listening to anyone else’s thoughts.
Nonetheless, their actions seemed to contradict their words, almost as if they were backtracking. They kept an eye on everything you did, stepped in front of you to handle someone you most definitely could’ve dealt with yourself, and constantly checking in on you whether it was physically or through comms. 
It felt a bit suffocating. Coming back from missions, you just needed to get away from everyone and get a moment to yourself. You were grateful for the concern, but not too fond of the constant hovering. It made you doubt yourself and your abilities, and it didn’t help to believe that the rest of the team was also starting to doubt you. 
One person who never doubted you was Bucky. Not when he was on a mission with you or when he heard you complain after coming back to the compound. He always believed in you, whether you personally believed that or not, but it was always nice to be aware that at least one person understood where you were coming from.
He had seen you adapt. He always told you that you reminded him of himself when he first joined the team, and thus he understood you better than anyone else around you. He trusted and believed when you said you were ready, but Bucky could also tell when you were pushing yourself to be “ready” on everyone else’s accord, through peer pressure almost. There wasn’t a moment where Bucky didn’t voice his thoughts about you exerting more energy than you should have. 
You were more than desperately hoping he’d have his usual, comforting reaction when you got back to the compound.
Steve was pissed. He couldn’t even so much look at you throughout the rest of the mission after you decided to “disobey” his orders, though it ended up working out in the end. You’d only hoped he would have kept up the silent treatment on the jet ride home, especially not wanting to cause a scene in front of Nat, Clint, and Sam, but a lecture from Steve was never unfamiliar to you since you first got here. 
“I told you to stay put,” he lectured. “Do you have any idea what danger you could have put those hostages in?”
“They were already in danger, Steve,” you countered. “I wasn’t going to just let them bust the door down and risk any of them getting physically injured. They’re mentally scarred enough.”
Steve ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “It doesn’t matter, Y/n. You went against my orders, you could have jeopardized the entire mission, and someone could have died.”
“I knew you weren’t entirely ready to come back yet. I’m putting you on probation.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. On probation. No missions for two weeks until you learn to get over your insubordination.” You scoffed. “Have anything else to add?”
“Do you even hear yourself? Those hostages lived because of me. They’re alive. I’ve been off the field long enough to know when I am and am not capable of handling myself in a mission, Captain.”
He looked back at you after commanding FRIDAY to take over the jet. Steve knew that he wasn’t trying to be so harsh, knowing the rough start you had on the team along with the struggles of coming back from two brutal injuries in just the last few months. Steve also always had a soft spot for you given how much you meant to Bucky, and the last thing he needed was watching his best friend suffer because he didn’t keep an eye on you. However, he couldn’t give you all the special treatment in the world. 
“You’re staring,” you stated, pulling Steve out of his own thoughts. “If there’s nothing else to lecture me for, we can move on. You already punished me.”
He sighed. “Do you think I like being rough on you?”
“You don’t really have to be,” you snapped, garnering everyone’s attention now. “All you guys do is hover over me like I’m going to break at any second. I’m not. Just trust that I know what I’m doing for once. I made the right call on this mission and not you nor Fury nor anyone else on this God forsaken team is going to tell me otherwise, Steve. You said your piece. You put me on probation. Just drop it.”
Deciding it was best to let it go, Steve turned back in his seat and sighed to himself. The rest of the jet ride was deafening silence. 
Stepping off of the jet, you felt suffocated enough and rushed back to your room. Steve called out for you to head to a debrief session right away, but you ignored him. 
“Just give her time,” Nat suggested to her friend, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “She’ll come around.”
“She’s never gonna like me again at this rate.”
“Who’s never gonna like you?” Bucky said, making Steve regret letting the words slip from his mouth. “Where’s Y/n?”
“She ran right to her room,” Nat said before Steve could interject. “The usual.”
“She’s not too fond of me right now,” Steve admitted. “Could you just get her to debrief quickly? We don’t need to talk much about this mission.”
Bucky simply gave them a nod before making his way to the door of your room, knocking lightly but loud enough for you to hear.
“Honey? It’s Bucky,” he spoke softly, making you wipe the tears off your face quickly before he saw you crying, though you were aware he’d notice anyway. “I’m coming in.”
Opening the door and peeking his head inside, Bucky saw you sitting on the floor in front of your bed, knees to your chest and your arms wrapped around them. You hadn’t taken any of your gear off and your eyes were still red and puffy from crying. He sighed, knowing the kind of mood you were in, closing the door behind him and making his way next to you on the floor. 
Bucky wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest, not immediately breaking you into a sob but welling up a few tears in your eyes and light sniffles every now and then.
“What happened, honey?” Bucky asked after your breathing evened out, knowing you still needed a few moments to calm down.
“I don’t wanna do this anymore, Bucky,” you said, rubbing your eyes with the heels of your hands. “I don’t wanna be on this team anymore. I can’t get anyone’s approval and I just don’t think that I’m meant to do any of it.”
“Hey, why would you say that? Look at me,” he countered right away, moving his hands to cup your face and make you face him. “You are perfect for this team. Hell, you’re even better than me sometimes, doll. What makes you think you shouldn’t be here?”
“Steve put me on probation for something that didn’t change the outcome of the mission,” you said as Bucky wiped the rest of your tears away. “I went against orders but it was what was best at the moment and he made it seem like I was way out of line and I feel like nobody thinks I’m ever going to be capable enough to do things and trust that I know what I’m doing.”
Bucky kissed your forehead. “That’s not the case, honey. Steve’s… tough sometimes, but he only has your best interests at heart. He doesn’t want you to get hurt again.”
“I’’m not,” you said confidently, though your tone was still solemn. “I haven’t been out in months and now it’s like I can’t even step in the wrong direction without someone thinking I’m gonna break. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong, my love,” Bucky reassured you again. “I think everyone’s afraid of both underestimating and overestimating you. That isn’t your fault. I know you’re ready and I trust that you know what you’re doing. Okay?”
You nodded up at him before he pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. He then looked back in your eyes, with you taking notice that the dim lighting in your room made his eyes a little more gray than blue. You were making mental notes of how grateful you were for Bucky, knowing his patience ran a little thin sometimes but he made the grand effort to never take things out on you unnecessarily. 
Sometimes you wished you didn’t need so much reassurance, but Bucky never failed to remind you that he’d always be willing to give it. You just made him promise to also always correct you if you were in the wrong, which he (reluctantly) agreed to. 
You kissed him once more before thanking him softly, and he rubbed his nose a few times against yours.
“No need to thank me, sweetheart, I always got you,” he said in a soft tone. “You feeling okay now?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod. “Can we just stay here for a bit? Before I talk to Steve?”
“Of course, baby,” he agreed.
Bucky pulled you back into his arms and kissing the top of your forehead, making you feel safer and warmer than ever. 
tags: @jessybarnes
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loser-jpg · 1 year
Leona and Dee drabble bc im sore from workouts and felt like writtin this
4 years after Dees graduation from NRC (i dont feel like doing any other world building other than that lol):
The first thing Leona heard waking up from his nap was the sound of keys outside the door. Normally the sound of the door opening would follow, but as usual it took Dee a solid half a minute to actually figure out which way to turn the key to unlock the door. Leona didn't understand why he insisted on locking the door every time he left, but it was funny to hear the same grumbles of annoyance every time Dee came back from wherever he went.
Their shared apartment wasn't that large, neither of them were actually fond of too big a living space, so Leona only had to shift himself slightly on the couch to be able to see Dee closing the door behind him.
"Ughhh." Leona watched as Dee kicked off his shoes and threw his phone and keys onto the table. His face was more red than normal and his hair had curled up around his face from sweat.
"Everything hurts." Dee face-planted into the chair to the side of the couch, his legs dragging onto the floor.
"What happened to you?" Leona laughed to himself as Dee turned his face to look at him with fake misery.
"You know how I said I should start working out?" Dee let out another fake whine as he turned his face back into the cushion, too lazy to finish his sentence.
"Well at least I won't have to hear you complaining about not being strong anymore."
"Yeah but you'll have to deal with me complaining about endless pain."
"The soreness will go away if you keep with it. Go ice, it'll help."
Dee pulled himself up enough to sit in the chair properly only to throw his head back to complain more "But I don't wanna ice! It takes so long and I gotta position myself uncomfortable to make the bag stay."
"Well at least go shower. You smell like shit."
"Thats the smell of muscle baby~" Dee groaned as he lifted himself up and trudged his way through the apartment. Leona also pulled himself off the couch and toward the fridge in the kitchen area. Dee was going to be starving in about ten minutes and a combination of not wanting to hear more complaining and kinda feeling nice today made Leona decide to make lunch for the two of them.
"Leftovers? Really?" Dee stared at the reheated remnants of the previous nights dinner. The dinner he made.
"You should be happy I even made you anything."
"Oh I am so blessed, you stuck a plate in the microwave for fifteen seconds for me." Despite his sarcasm, Leona watched Dee sit down and start shoveling food in his mouth the second he was done talking.
"It actually took thirty seconds."
"Oh now thats effort." Leona laughed as Dee struggled to talk with a mouth full of food.
"Food first. Then talk." Leona sat down across from Dee and also started to eat. Admittedly almost as fast and messy as his partner, but at least he had the decency to not talk with food in his mouth.
"Don tell me wah ta do." Leona looked up at Dee with a disgusted look, which only made Dee snicker at him. To Leona that stupid grin was recognizable in almost every situation. Food related or not.
Dee dumped his plate in the sink to wash later before walking over to the couch and laying down right where Leona had been earlier.
"Hey- no that's my spot." Leona set his plate in the sink as well and also made his way to the couch.
"Move your feet, lose your seat." Dee smiled that stupid grin again, before turning away from Leona.
"Oh, we'll see about that." Before Dee could protest Leona had grabbed him around the stomach and pushed him off the couch, reclaiming his spot with confidence.
"Hey! You tryna put me in more pain?!" Dee's face shot up from the ground into view, but the rest of him stayed sitting on the ground.
"Suffer." Leona yawned before shifting himself on the couch, planning to resume his nap from before Dee got home.
Suddenly Leona felt a weight on his torso and looked down to see Dee shoving his way into the space between Leona and the back of the couch.
"We share rent, we can share the couch."
"I pay more of the rent than you do."
"I still pay some of it." There it was. Stupid grin again.
"...Fine." Dee snickered as Leona readjusted himself so the two of them could lay comfortably on the couch. Though if he knew this was gonna happen he woulda just moved his nap to the bed.
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kodiakwhiskey · 2 years
No Use In Patching Up A Sinking Ship
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I shouldn't ignore my other 69 WIPs to drabble about daddy Hotch, but I did. This fic is based on this song by Set It Off
Taglist: @orangegaytorade
MINORS DNI: SMUT ALCOHOL USE DUBCON(only because of said alcohol use) PIV Unprotected (wrap it up folks)
Pairing: Hotchxfem!Reader
1st/3rd person POV
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I shouldn't. I absolutely shouldn't be feeling this way. He was the one whose job was too important to be with someone. He's the one who left. 
No, there's no denying chemistry this strong
Yes, pretend it's right but we both know it's wrong
Thinking about the storm advancing
Thinking about the lightning dancing in your eyes
But I, can't shake these memories that rain inside
"You never called." 
"I've been busy."
"Why are you even here?"
"Because I love you."
That last conversation replayed in my mind as I downed the rest of the bottle, the last of the tequila burning the back of my throat. I couldn't call Penelope. She'd never pick up at this hour.
Damn, pick up the phone, I know I'm drunk again
And you know my intentions 'cause it's two a.m.
It's fun and games until we both get hurt
We play with fire 'cause we like the way it burns
No use in patching up a sinking ship
This is the last time we do this, baby
This is the last time you taste my lips
"Hey Garcia. It's me. Um, I guess you're asleep." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I know I shouldn't be contacting you because of the whole breakup thing but I just really needed someone." I clear my throat, holding back the tears. "Anyways, that's it. Um I guess text me back later if you want. Bye." I hung up, tossing my phone lightly onto the couch from the opposite wall.
I know, I know how to drive you wild
You know, you know how to make me smile
But I need you to be
My ancient history
I know, I know who you really are
You know, you know how to break my heart
But I need you to be
My ancient history
"Hotch!" Penelope grabbed his arm, yanking him into her office. "When the hell did you break up with her?"
"How do you know about that?" He felt defensive, but for once it's because he didn't have a reasonable explanation. Instead of letting her be there to comfort him, he pushed her away. Told himself that you only wanted him for the sex. Anything to make him feel better once he started to regret that argument. Penelope opened her phone, playing the voicemail left for her. His heart hurt. He could hear your tears past the drunken words.
"It was a couple weeks ago. But I don't owe any of you an explanation."
"Hotch, is that really what you want?" He left without another word, his silence ringing loud and clear.
I hated being at work. The monotony of the day gave me too much to think about. I couldn't think about Aaron all day. It hurt too much. Liz patted me on the shoulder at 6, saying they were heading out for drinks tonight and I was coming, not optional. So I trudged home to get ready.
The men in this bar were sleazy. Unshielded, and unhinged. Liz brought drinks back for everyone, and kept shots going.
Soon I found myself playing some drinking games with them. 
Everyone collectively decided they were finished, and despite having carpooled, they took off while I was in the restroom peeing. 
I stumbled outside. It was two thirty in the morning, and thanks to my excursion tonight, I had no more cash. Which meant no taxi, and my wallet was at home for safekeeping which meant no credit card for Uber. 
I called the only person I knew would be up at this hour. 
"Hey…" His voice dug a knife into my chest, the pain resurfacing through the liquor.
"Aaron… I um. I need a ride. I'm stranded." I started making my way to the diner across the street and he agreed to pick me up. 
I pulled the flask out of my purse, taking another couple of shots worth while I waited outside. The least I can do is numb the pain of being near him. He pulled up in his car, reaching over to open the door for me. I fumbled my way in, having issues with the seatbelt when he reached over to help me. I felt my face heat up, but I just tried to blame it on the alcohol. 
The drive to my apartment was silent, Aaron focusing on driving while I watched the rain fall. 
"We're here." His face was set in stone as he parked just outside my building.
"Aaron.. I…" His hand moved onto my thigh, him turning slightly to face me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shown up without permission…" I was cut off by his lips on mine, the feeling melting me. He pulled away, and pulled away from my building. I didn't say anything as we made the trek across town to his house. "What about Jack-"
"With his aunt for the weekend." His reply was short as he pulled into the driveway. 
I followed him quietly upstairs, and once we reached his room, his lips were on mine again. 
The buzz from the alcohol still lingered and made my brain fuzzy. His hands slipped my blouse down, his thumbs tracing my nipples through my bra.
His tongue was relentless as he kissed me, pulling my head to the side to trail nips and bites down the side. I moaned, feeling his teeth sink in.
Before I knew it he had taken my skirt off, his own shirt coming off and his pants undone. 
"Aaron…" His lips cut me off again, his fingers making their way down to my core, rubbing my clit through the thin lace. He trailed his lips down my body, his breath ghosting over my skin. The cool air hits me as he pulls my panties down, and I'm so touch starved I could melt into the way his hands grip my hips. 
That's all I can focus on as he eats me out, is the feeling of his hands holding me down.  It doesn't take long for him to rip my orgasm from me, my hand covering my mouth. His cock slides in, wasting no time. It's rough. It's desperate. It's lonely. I'd be a fool all over again if it meant I could be his. Just one more time.
Yeah, It's the way you let me throw you cross the bed
Got you running cross my head
When I know I should be sleeping
But I can't escape
You're addicted to the lust
The imaginary trust
That you're begging for it, screaming for it
Here we go, now it's time to cut the cord
And abandon all support
We're through
Maybe it's the alcohol blurring time but before I know it he's brought me back to that high again, releasing inside me. The weight of him left me feeling cold and empty as he walked away, grabbing stuff to clean up with. It hurts when he just drops it by me on the bed. He used to take such good care of me…
I know, I know
You know, you know
(No baby, don't come back, don't come back)
"I'm sorry. This can't happen again." His voice is quiet but the words bounce in my head like a loudspeaker. "I'll take you home."
But I need you to be
My ancient history
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questionguy · 9 months
hi nonnie!! i felt inspired and pretty much drabbled a small thing in notes for yew for my girls ayame/akane 🫶
i don’t know if you need any specific warnings since you’re anon, but ill give a content warning for mentions of drinking/alcohol!! alongside the fact that this fic takes place in an au! not much is very different about the two of them in here personality wise though, so dont worry !! hope you enjoy!!
(ftr, this au is pretty much is taking place in a very self indulgent notesapp chatfic ive been writing for myself for a bit now lol. i could explain more some other time :p)
// note: sorry if my writing isnt the best!! this is a lazy fic so… :3
ayame is a jewelery maker, and akane is a bartender 🫶
ayame sat at the counter of the empty bar quietly. she was waiting. patiently.
her meeting with people online was a completely new concept to her, but she already had high hopes.. being invited to a bar by the owner of said bar..? it was impressive. right before she begun to grow impatient- the door behind the counter opened. “-Hey! You’re real early..!”
the bartender chuckled awkwardly, clearly not exactly prepared to be in the presence of someone else. “I don’t believe i’ve seen your face yet. you are…?”
ayame smiled warmly, crossing her arms. the other girl’s eyes lit up. “really?! You’re so pretty..! i can’t believe I’ve never seen you before..” the bartender flushed, grabbing a few of the older glasses off of the bar.
this other girl was akane. of course, additionally known as t1ara on social media. even if akane didn’t already post countless selfies in their chat, she was the one who invited everyone. not to mention her personality shined through just as much offline than online.. her casual embarrassment over ayame being an early bird..
it could only make her keep her smile on her face… as she admired the bartender from afar. (2 feet)
“..yeah! i’m not the most active. you’d be surprised with how much i read rather than write to the group chat…”
akane held up a finger, quickly moving the empty and used glasses to the back. she returns, a new glass in her hand.
“would you like anything to drink..?”
a drink..? oh right. it wasn’t called a bar for nothing. ayame passed anything alcoholic. it just wasn’t for her.
“…..do you have juice? i dont drink that much.. believe it or not.”
“..mmyes! there’s only orange juice out though. i figured a few people would hold off on it. is that okay..?”
the bartender seemed a little intimidated,, at least from what ayame could see. it was a pretty normal thing for people to end up feeling that way around her.
she wished it wasn’t. she wanted to speak freely with akane. that’s what they did online..
of course, she would end up being a little hypocritical- she wasn’t going to risk saying anything out of line. a social media group chat was a lot different than real life.. and she didn’t want to jeopardize her relationship with akane..
but jeez…
“orange juice is fine!”
ayame lightly chuckled, deciding to act completely unbothered. orange juice is good! she eagerly waited as her glass was poured, unaware of how many times akane had glanced at her.
“you must be quite the professional. i really admire this set up you have here…” akane blushed further at the compliment, handing ayame her glass. she seemed ecstatic…
“thank you!! i really spent a lot of time keeping it clean. some of my regulars are quite the hogs. i wanted everyone to enjoy it here, without worrying about outsiders.”
hopefully akane didn’t burden herself too much. ayame wasn’t exactly confident in the abilities of their soon to arrive friends. having access to a group chat where the biggest alcoholics stay..? you see things. she figured this place was bound to get messed up… she’ll inevitably help clean it.
the two stood in silence as ayame took sips of her drink and akane finished preparing the bar, really pushing it past exceeding standards… once the bartender finished, she looked at ayame again, really unable to trail her eyes away.
“ahah.. i’m sorry. i just. i’m a little out of it, and you really look so…”
akane proceeded to take in ayame’s outfit: a slim maroon dress. a jacket for the wind outside. plenty of golden jewelry. she looked..
really hot. but akane had no idea how she was supposed to admit this in person.
“you’re just really beautiful. hahaha.. i’m so sorry, ayame….”
ayame felt. slightly awkward, but with no one else around… it was really flattering! having someone like akane honestly complimenting her so much..
it was exactly how she acted online… maybe there was no need to worry about them being too tense..
before she’s even able to react to the praise she’d been receiving, the door to the bar itself swings open. the two spare eachother one last smile at each other before the night began, and ayame turns a little red, mouthing something.
“…thank you.”
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diavorchid · 2 years
listen i know it's very absurd but. I'm not immune to 11.11 okay.
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i feel like those socialites sending sponsorship in the hunger games but instead i'm sending a pack of Pocky via the wonderful time-travel method aka drawing lmao. also i didn't mean it but somehow the color turned out like ouran uniform.... [gasp] ouran au?? /j
they're in boarding school age with Art around 2 years younger?? i hope i managed to present their essence in their younger vers
short drabble under cut because ofc i can't help myself. warning for crack lol.
[ao3 link now i guess]
"Hey, John! What you've got there?"
He looked behind to the source of the cheerful voice and sighed internally. That young man again. John held himself back from attributing the adjectives such like "annoying" or "a prick" because he seemed sincere enough so far.
Then again Father had taught him better, that you could never know.
And maybe that kid — Arthur? — does deserve it, at least a little. After all, Arthur had deliberately caught him red-handed trying to break into some restricted school building, and he's still on edge and weary if Arthur would report him.
Albeit this isn't the time to think about it, because literally thirty seconds ago something just abruptly appeared in the sky and fell down right before his feet.
A peach-colored small box with big letters spelling "POCKY" on its front. John didn't know what it is, but it does sound stupid.
"I'm not sure," John said, "It just fell from the sky."
"Neat," Arthur said, intrigued.
John picked up the box and observed it from all its sides. There are some texts he couldn't read but overall, it seemed harmless.
"I think it's edible," he suggested, and began prying it open. Inside, he found a bunch of long biscuit sticks covered in a layer of cream for the most part. He remembered the image of strawberry on the box and concluded it's strawberry flavoured.
John took one out and stared at it for a second, not realising Arthur had bent down to take a closer look.
He shrugged, "Might as well try it," then put it in his mouth.
"Wait, you can't just shove anything you found on the ground into your mouth—" Arthur said frantically, and John just gave him a look. Arthur sighed, "At least, I won't let you do it alone!"
Arthur dove in and unintentionally pushed John to the ground, back against the wall. He put his hands by both of John's sides for support.
Then joined his mouth at the other end of the same stick John was biting.
Huh, pretty sweet, Arthur thought, and decided to take more bites and kept drawing closer to—
John yelped back and hit his head against the wall, biting off the biscuit stick in the process. "W-What are you doing?!"
Arthur looked at John, and only then realised how close he was. He could practically see the face in front of him turning the same colour as the mysterious box. "Just having a snack," he smirked.
John shoved the box in his hand against Arthur's chest, and tried to push Arthur's body in the process. "Help yourself, there's a bunch left!"
Arthur retreated and took a spot on the ground to sit, but John scrambled himself off the ground and started to stand up. He held onto John's wrist, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Away from here — let me go," John almost whined.
"This is yours, you found it."
"I don't care, I just gave it to you."
"You're getting me a present already?" Arthur gasped playfully, "As your friend, I'm touched. Thank you."
John really wanted to put that attribute now on the face in front of him. He thought he deserved it, as a treat.
"Whatever — just let me go."
"I will — after you and I finish eating this," Arthur shook the box in his hand, "My first decree as your friend: we're having a snack together at recess in school ground!"
The grip on his wrist was strong, but John was sure he could tackle himself out of it with some effort. Yet... yet — there's something in the gaze that Arthur was sending him right now, the curved up of the line at the edge of his mouth, full of confidence but John could swear it just twitched for a fraction of second — that made him yearned to let his guard down.
...So he did. Just this once, he assured himself, nothing could come out of this, right?
John sighed. "Fine," he said, lowering himself to the ground to sit at his previous spot, "Let's get this over with."
Arthur picked one out of the box, and put it in his mouth, "Here," he pointed at the stick in his mouth, "Do you want to share this again—"
"—Do it again, and I'm leaving," John cut him short, as he reached into the box and took one out for himself.
Now that he's actually tasting it without some kid trying to eat him, hey, it's pretty sweet.
Staying here together might not be the worst idea, after all.
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sweetbunnykook · 5 years
Invisible Things (M)
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Adopted!JK x Detective!Noona - Oneshot/Drabble 
Warning: taboo and toxic relationship, slight smut, angst (light manipulation)
Word: 1,762 
Inspired by Nude by Radiohead 
Synopsis: Jungkook struggles to control himself around you and he hates himself for it. 
“Don’t get a-ny big ideas, they’re not going to happen…”
Jungkook sings softly, careful not to wake you even though you’re separated by a thin but solid wall. He wraps his oversized black and mustard yellow flannel around himself and curls into his pillows. He presses his headphones further onto his ears by the weight of his head. His deep cacao bangs tickle his lashes and with a small shake of his head, he sweeps the strands to one side.
“You’ll go to hell…for what your dirty mind is thinking…”
Can you hear him call out for you? Can you hear his heart weeping? He half hopes you can, and half hopes that you’re clueless to the turmoil resting inside his belly, warm and probing.
Digging his long fingers underneath his pillow, he tugs the end of a pale pink fabric until he can hold it against his chest. He had never wanted to stoop so low, but somehow he knew it was bound to happen, that it was about time he crossed the line. He holds your brassiere up into the golden light luminating from his Iron Man lamp. The superhero’s yellowed eyes stab into the gentle lace as if it could not stand seeing Jungkook hold it so tenderly between his fingers.
Jungkook unhooked the undergarment and brushed his nails over the tarnished metal hooks sewed in the back. Holding it up by the cups, his other fingers trace over the details of the lace sewed onto the otherwise plain surface. He felt white heat, stirring deep in his abdomen, that keeps him gently writhing in bed. His sweatpants tighten uncomfortably around his pelvis, prompting him to reach down and adjust himself as a blush cascades over his acne scar-kissed cheeks.
He reaches over to the Walkman resting next to his pillow, his most precious gift as you had been using the small device since your teenage years, and turns up the volume a tad bit. He wants to drown in the gentle lull of the bass and drums. He wants to drown in the music, away from his screaming thoughts.
How could you do this to her? Do you know how disgusted she would be if she found out? What is wrong with you, you ungrateful little shithead?
Jungkook squeezes his eyes close and brings his blanket over his shoulders. That’s not you speaking, he tells himself; that’s his other mother, the version of you in his head that he’s terrified of disappointing. It’s something he learned to bury inside him, but sometimes she haunts him, follows his angry footsteps.
But he knows, he absolutely knows, you would never be disappointed in him in reality. Upset, maybe. But disappoint? You’re too kind, too naïve, too caring for that. You would simply walk into his room, tell him not to do it again, take the lace away from his hands, and leave. You wouldn’t bring it up again, not over the dining table or over your morning routine of fetching his sports bag from the storage closet.
And that’s why the guilt, despite the stirring in his groin, feels like his chest is about to cave in.
But it’s so, so, so beautiful. The Chantilly lace, looking almost crème in daylight but peony pink under his bedroom lights – he wishes he can see it on you, trace the edges with his lips, breathe in the scent of your perfume-kissed skin. Jungkook groans, audibly, yanking his headphones out and rolling over to the cooler side of the bed. He brings one leg over his black bolster pillow and presses himself against it, seeking friction for the heat in his abdomen multiplies as the lace presses against his cheek. He closes his eyes and replaces the smell of fabric softener with your perfume instead.
Yes, he can just taste how sweet you are. God you’re so soft and supple, your skin warm under his fingertips. He can hear your breath hitch just before your eyes roll back and – fuck – you’re clawing at his shoulders, chanting his name like a prayer. You’re tight, gripping, pulling his heavy length inside you until you can feel his tip nestle in the opening of your cervix. Your lower lip is caught between your front teeth, your eyebrows scrunch in concentration, sweat drips down your jaw onto your clavicle. His pace quickens when you take a hand and squeeze your breasts together, prompting his hips to snap against you like a rubber band.
Nngh, Jungkook, please…please baby, my Kookie, my-
Two innocent knocks and a muffled voice brings the young boy back into reality as he quickly stuffs the sinful fabric underneath his pillow and sits up on the bed, chest heaving, eyes dilated, and still insanely hard. Jungkook quickly brings a blanket up to his hips as the poster-covered bedroom door opens and you peer in; he can see your reading glasses is resting on the lower bridge of your nose, your hair pinned up with a clip, your nightgown loose around your shoulders. You must’ve been in the middle of your nightly reading routine.
“Y-Yeah, mom?” He breathes, inwardly cursing as his voice betrays the panic settling in his stomach.
“I cut up some fruit, do you want some?”
His eyes catch your free hand holding out a small dish of sliced honeydew melon and strawberries. Shit, he’s starving. It only dawns on him, at such an inconvenient time, that he hasn’t had dinner. But he obviously can’t accept your offer or else you’ll walk in to set the dish on his table and you’ll really see the ends of his bangs soaked with sweat and his cheeks pink with shame.
With a heavy heart, Jungkook shakes his head. “I’m okay. T-Thanks, mom. Can you close the door on your way out?”
His voice is desperate, labored.
You flash him a smile and pull the door close, prompting a relieved sigh from Jungkook as he slouches forward. And then the door opens again, your eyebrows scrunched slightly this time. He perks up immediately, clutching the blanket closer to his hips.
“…Are you okay?”
His fists tighten. “Yeah, why?”
There’s a pregnant pause, an undeniable tightness in the air that makes his back prickle with sweat.
Something was off, but you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. Jungkook looks like he has something to hide, but then again, when did he not look like that?
You let yourself in the room, placing the plate of fruit on top of his PlayStation console. His spine straightens – he’s anxious, squirming further into his bed. He’s rather relieved that he’s softening slowly the closer you get. The fear of being shamed (not that you would do something like that if you found out) was too much for his mind to wrap around; he needs to play the role of the innocent and clueless son until you realize that all those men you’re going on dates with aren’t worth your time.
His mask was so close to falling a into place. He could simply say he’s been feeling a little under the weather and that’s why he lost his appetite today. It would explain why his hair is damp from sweat too. The plan was fool-proof, the words resting on the tip of his tongue, heavy with lies.
At least, it was, until your gentle and hesitant fingertips brush over his jaw and behind his ears, eliciting the softest whine you’ve ever heard. Jungkook wanted to rip his heart from underneath his ribs and reveal that you’ve been inside the whole time. He wanted, so badly, to tell you everything that’s been on his mind since he submitted his college applications.
I want to stay with you, mother. I want nothing more than to be your pillar, like you’ve been to me since you found me. I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. I want to be with you. Together. Forever.
“Kookie…you know you can tell me anything…right?” You inquire, watching his guilty eyes fall on his lap as his head hangs low. The worry that maybe he mistrusts you, that perhaps a bond with someone you adopted, rescued out of pity, is not as solid as you hoped; it hurt you.
And Jungkook doesn’t want to hurt you, ever. It kills him that he’s made you worry. As soon as he hears your voice sounding so small, not like how you usually are as a prestigious detective of a famous precinct, he knows you’re not going to accept anything but the truth from his doll lips.
So he gives you the truth. Partially.
“It’s just…anxiety, mom.”
You wipe your palm across his damp forehead, underneath his bangs, across his acne scars. Oh how many times you’ve told him not to pick at his skin but he doesn’t listen.
“Do you want me to run you a cool bath?”
He shakes his head, leaning forward to rest his head against your bosom. He breathes in your perfume, subtle but pleasant on your skin. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, one hand moving up the nape of his neck to comb his silken tresses. He murmurs something unintelligible, softly, and wrap his arms around your waist.
“Do you ever want something you can’t have?”
You let his hair flow between your fingers. Poor baby, you think, college stress is already getting to him. “Of course. It’s part of being human…but you learn to accept it.”
“What if…what if I can’t accept it? What if I want more and I just keep craving more…and more and more…what happens then?”
You don’t answer him, because even when you have been an adult much longer than he has, there are some questions you can’t answer with complete gentleness. As a mother, it was your duty to bring his hand closer to the fire, let him be a person who is not just your son. But you can’t let him go. You want to hold onto him, just a little bit longer. Just a little bit.
“You’ll know when you get there, darling.”
Jungkook nods, brushing his cheeks up and down your pounding chest.
“But…I have a chance of getting it…don’t I? A true chance?”
You wince slightly when his nails dig into your sides, but you pretend not to notice. You pretend he’s perfect just the way he is.
“Of course, Kookie. Of course you do. Whether you get this…this thing you want, or not, I’ll always be proud of you. I’ll always love you. I hope you remember that.”
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neonacity · 3 years
Shift | NCT 127 x Reader
A/N: hello! I finally broke through 200 followers so I decided to post this quick drabble I wrote out of nowhere. I don't have any idea where I am going with this, but this isn't supposed to be taken seriously anyway. Lol. No summaries, I'm pretty sure y'all will understand the gist of it haha. Also, there is a 95 percent chance that I might delete this tomorrow.
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"Are you sure you're going to be alright with this?" 
My co-worker at the shelter, Kun, looked over as I dragged the last of the cages into my small living room. He had just finished pushing the last of the canned cat food into my already spilling cupboard when I finally straightened up from my crouch with a giddy smile on my face. The expression I had seemed to be enough of an answer for him since he flashed me his dimpled smile paired with a shake of his head. 
"Yes. I mean, why wouldn't I be okay with this?" I waved towards the group waiting patiently over my couch with almost child-like excitement. Kun raised his brow at me as he leaned against  my kitchen counter, arms crossed over his chest.
"I don't know. Having five dogs and four cats stay in a cramped apartment doesn't seem to be the most sane decision if you ask me," his eyes moved over to each of the furry babies sitting on the cheap rug I managed to fish out from a second hand store, a mildly concerned look settling over his handsome features. My gaze followed his, and for the first time, it fully sank to me what I have gotten myself into. 
A golden retriever, a husky, a basenji, a german shepherd, and a beagle stared back at me silently, their eyes looking way too understanding  and smart for five canines who have just been rescued from a dog pound. My eyes then moved to my couch where a white cat had already started snuggling with a ginger one, a tabby joining the pile of floof they've created after giving a demanding meow. Finally, my attention moved to the one that I still haven't released from his cage, a beautiful black cat with striking electric blue eyes. I quickly ducked to open the lock on his carrier, and with graceful poise, the handsome boy jumped to my arms before cuddling against my chest. 
"Taeyong says you're right. This isn't a sane decision. It's a crazy one, which only makes it even more perfect." 
Kun looked at me as if I'd lost my mind.
"Oh, and you've named them now?" 
"I didn't. They already have their names," gently, I pulled Taeyong just a little bit from the crook of my neck to show Kun the silver name tag that was attached to his collar. It gleamed under the fluorescent light of my living room like a small star strapped around his neck. 
"The Golden is Jungwoo, the Husky is Yoonoh, and the Shepherd is Youngho. They're like twins. Then the Basenji is Doie and the Beagle is Minhyung. They all have their names on their collars," I said, pointing at the dogs who are still patiently sitting by my rug, ears perked as if they were listening in to our conversation. Kun frowned and approached the golden to check if I was joking, his slim hand touching the name plate in his collar. Jungwoo leaned over to give him a friendly lick on his cheek which sent the other to give a yelp of amused surprise. Jungwoo bumped his head against Kun's hand then and the latter retaliated by starting to rub him behind his ears with a smile. 
"And how about the cats?" He nodded towards the felines who were still curled on the couch in a pile. I answered easily, almost with pride.
"The white one is Taeil and the ginger is Haechan. Isn't it perfect for him? He looks like a ball of sunshine, too. The tabby is Yuta." 
Kun laughed. "Yuta?" 
"Yes, he's Japanese," I rolled my eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The cat answered with a low purr as if agreeing to what I just said.
Kun finally straightened up from scratching Jungwoo behind the ears with a sigh.  
"Well, you seem to be so set on this so I won't stop you anymore. Just make sure that you start posting about them as soon as possible so we can start looking for their forever homes, okay?" 
I nodded, though there was a part of me that didn't really want to go through that, at least for now. It was out of my own whim to decide to bring this odd group of abandoned pets in my too small apartment, but somehow...it just feels right. The idea of separating them from each other does not sit well with me too. They all just seemed like a package deal despite their differing breeds. 
As if sensing my emotions, a soft tickling kiss on my cheek caught my attention. I looked down to see Taeyong staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes before giving me another kitty lick. I giggled and cuddled him closer. 
"Okay. Thank you again for helping me out. I'll see you at the shelter on Monday?" 
Kun nodded and grabbed his keys from the counter, ready to go. He gave me one last look before closing the door behind him. 
"See you." He gave one last pointed look at the odd group in my living room and sighed. "Good luck to your weekend." 
I beamed as the lock finally clicked, leaving me alone with my new mismatched family. All of them looked back at me, their eyes twinkling.
"He doesn't know what he's missing out on. We're going to have all the fun in the world." 
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dirtyoatmeall · 4 years
Saying I love you (Various x reader)
A/N: here are some cute little drabbles of some of the boys saying I love you. It was originally gonna be I love you for the first time but I started imaging domestic softness and couldn't help myself. If there's anyone else you want to see let me know!
Pairings: Bokuto, Kuroo, Tendo, Osamu, Sakusa, Tsukishima, Ukai, Iwaizumi x reader (separate) established relationships, gn!reader
Warnings: None :)
You were walking home together after practice like every day, swinging your joined hands as you chattered about the day while Bokuto listened intently, giving feedback when needed. You were telling him a stupid joke and when you looked at him, lips lifting into a smirk, and before he could stop himself, he blurted out,
“I love you.”
He stopped as soon as the words tumbled from his lips, he had no idea what overcame him, this isn’t how he wanted to tell you, what if you thought it was too soon? What if you didn’t want to say it back?
Your eyes had widened momentarily, playful smirk melting into a loving smile. You squeezed his hand, returning his attention to you. You stepped closer, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before tugging him along again.
“I love you too Kou.”
It was your weekly date night, electing to stay in and escape the cold. You were lying in bed, on your back while Tendo was in between your legs, head resting on your stomach, reading the new Shonen Jump as you ran your hands through his hair absentmindedly, scrolling through TikTok on your phone. The two of you were silent, occasionally you’d show him a funny video, or he’d tell you his theories on the manga he was reading.
You sat up and scooched back slightly, resting more against the headboard and Tendo slid down to rest between your thighs. He looked up at you and you smiled, groaning softly as you stretched your arms above you.
“I’m in love with you.”
Your eyes opened and you looked down mid-yawn at the red head, surprised. He wiggled his eyebrows in response, and you laughed, letting your arms drop, weaving your fingers back into his hair and tugging lightly as you leaned down to kiss him softly, pulling back slightly, goofy grin replacing your surprise.
“I’m in love with you too dork.”
Graduation ceremony had just finished. You were both still in your cap and gown, taking pictures with your families. He watched you fondly as you talked with his mom and sister, making him take a picture of the three of you, bright grins evident. He pulled you to the side after, kissing you gently, he was so happy you got along with his family, hopefully they’d be your family soon enough.
“I love you (Y/N).”
You smiled wide, eyes becoming a little glossy, and you hugged him tight, exhaling shakily. You pulled back just enough to look up at him, expression full of adoration, mirroring his.
“I love you too Tetsuro.”
You laughed when you heard coos from behind you, your families no doubt already taking pictures of the intimate moment.
You finished closing the restaurant after a busy Saturday, Osamu was leaning against the counter, watching you as you took inventory, planning on placing a supply order tomorrow. He watched as you scanned the rows, chewing your bottom lip in concentration. Your brow furrowed, pencil tapping your chin as you contemplated something. When you decided on an answer you nodded once to yourself, small smile playing on your lips.
You turned to continue onto the next section, glancing at him for a movement before looking at him fully when you catch him staring. You rose an eyebrow, one hand on your hip. “What’cha thinkin’ ‘bout ‘Samu?”
He hummed before pushing away from the counter, waltzing toward you. “Oh nothin’, just thinkin’ ‘bout how much I love ya.” You hummed in response, watching bemused as he approached, snaking his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. “Yeah? Enough to finish inventory?” He seemed to think for a moment, “Hmm, I don’ know ‘bout that…” You laughed and playfully shoved him, though it did little to move him. You lightly tapped the clipboard on his head,
“Well lucky for you, I love you enough.”
He pinched your bottom, chuckling when you yelped, moving to wrap his arms around you again, this time pulling your back to his chest as he read over your shoulder.
You were making dinner when he came home from practice, sizzling of the pan audible from the doorway. He called out a greeting, you turned down the music before you popped your head out of the kitchen. “Hey babe! It’ll be a little bit before I’m done, why don’t you go ahead and shower? Dinner should be done by the time you’re out.” Kiyoomi smiled and nodded, heading towards your shared bedroom.
He stood in the doorway to the kitchen, hair still slightly damp, as he watched you cook. You were in your own little world, humming along to the music, hips swaying slightly as you stirred the contents of the pot in front of you. You caught sight of him when you turned to grab seasoning, jumping slightly in surprise before smiling,
“Gosh you scared me Kiyo! One sec, lemme me wash my hands.” You moved the pot off the heat, moving to the sink to wash up as Kiyoomi walked towards you. You finished drying your hands by the time he reached you, his hands finding their place on your hips. You mumbled a greeting again before reaching up to kiss him softly, fingertips resting on the side of his jaw for balance. He pulled back and kissed your forehead before smiling softly.
“I love you.”
You smiled brightly, “I love you too! C’mon lets dish up, I’m pretty sure I didn’t burn the meat this time.” Kiyoomi snorted, grabbing plates down for the two of you.
The sunlight filtering in through the blinds slowly stirred you awake. You groaned, rubbing your face before stretching, yawn escaping your lips. You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, stiffening when you saw the time.
“ ‘ts Sunday, go back t’ sleep.” Kei yawned next to you, tugging you back into his chest, nuzzling into your hair. You relaxed, turning in his hold, rolling your eyes at his groan of protest. Droopy eyes and a pout greeted you when you turned to face him, you smiled and kissed his pout, snuggling into his chest. He huffed and resumed his position, arms tightening around your waist as your legs tangled together. He mumbled into your hair,
“ ‘m love you” you laughed softly, rubbing his back, Kei was always more needy in the morning. “I love you too baby.” He pinched your hip, and you laughed louder when he rolled the two of you to face to the other way, now facing away from the window. He grumbled and pulled the covers up more,
“If you really love me, you’ll stop bein' loud and g' back t’ sleep.” You muffled your giggle in his chest, kissing his shoulder in apology before shifting slightly to get more comfortable, letting his heartbeat lull you back to sleep.
You settled into the chair behind the counter, sipping your coffee as you flipped through a magazine. You heard cursing and loud footsteps stumbling down the stairs leading to your apartment and you smiled into your mug. Your eyes flickered up to your husband, taking in his disheveled appearance and pout before turning back to your magazine. You raised your head when you heard him come up behind you.
Longs fingers pinched your cheek before grasping your chin to tilt your head back. You smirked at the grumpy frown on his face as he leaned down to kiss you in greeting. He pulled away grumbling. “Damned woman, lucky I love you, always letting me sleep late.” You hummed in agreement and held up his lighter, which he swiped before kissing your forehead, tugging a lock of your hair and stealing a swig of your coffee before he left.
“Love you!” You called after him, laughing loudly as he flipped you off as he walked out of the store.
You waved when the screen loaded, your boyfriend’s sleepy form on the other side of the screen, on the other side of the world. “Hey baby, it’s pretty late, you going to bed?” Iwaizumi nodded, rubbing his eyes. “Wanted t’ talk though.” You smiled softly. Even though there was a 16 hour time difference between the two of you, Iwaizumi never failed to skype you at least once a day, talking about your days or planning for when he’d come home next. Usually you’d talk when he woke up, which was right before you went to bed, but he had an early practice and wanted to move it later.
He was in bed already, and he listened as you talked about your day, humming every so often in response. Though after a few minutes of nothing from the other end, you looked up from your book and smiled warmly. Light from his bedside lamp illuminated his sleeping face, and you could hear the quiet snores escaping his lips. He must’ve been pretty tired. You said his name gently a few times, a little louder to try and wake him. He blinked blearily, furrowing his eyebrows. “Hey, you should go to bed.” He made a noise of protest, shaking his head slightly. “ ‘m awake, keep telling me ‘bout your day.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at his stubbornness. “Haiji, you literally were asleep a few minutes ago. As much as I’d love to watch you sleep, I bet your phone isn’t plugged in, and you should turn off your lamp.” He grumbled but complied, the phone shaking slightly as he fumbled to plug it in, before unplugging the lamp.
“Ok, ‘m gonna go t’ bed. I miss you baby. I’ll call in the mornin’. Love you.” You blinked away the tears forming in your eyes and nodded. “Alright, I’ll talk to you in a few hours, sleep well, I miss you too, love you so much Haji.” You ended the call, taking a deep breath, exhaling shakily. It was hard, living thousands of miles from your boyfriend, but it was worth it, he was worth any distance. You set an alarm for later tonight, grabbing an energy drink from the fridge to return to your studies.
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Small Town Secrets
Warnings: noncon/rape, mentions of cheating, fuck machine, oral, blackmail, no edit.
This is dark!Lee Bodecker and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: The sheriff knows your secret and wants to share it.
Based on these drabble requests:
Lee Bodecker + “I’ve done so much for you, don’t you think you owe me?” + Blackmail + (I hope you can do this) I would like to consider this as a form of continuation of the story that you uploaded a while ago, it does not have to be this way if you do not feel comfortable. Lee continues to blackmail the waitress, when he is in the restaurant talking to her, he sees how her husband arrives to spend time with her and he gets jealous, so when he goes to see her at night he decides to make her his forever so he gives her the gift of having his babies [Sorry I will not be continuing this fic in a drabble if I do a sequel but I am more than happy to write a drabble with your prompts)
Lee Bodecker + “I heard you last night. I hear you every night.” + fuck machine + As always I’m leaving it up to you @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​
Lee Bodecker + “You took the condom off?” + Blackmail + Lee forces himself on the reader one day and she tells him to at least put a condom and he never does and then that line comes on when he says something and she realizes he took it off and will impregnate her.
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You poured another cup for the sheriff and took out your cloth to wipe away a clumsy dribble from the table. You tucked the rag back into your apron as Bodecker reached for the sugar bowl. 
“Anything else?” you asked. The diner was dead, it was almost midnight as the sheriff came off duty.
“How about you sit?” he looked around, “isn’t very busy and you don’t need to be prancing around on my behalf.
“I really shouldn’t--”
“Oh come on, Jethro’s home sleepin’, he won’t know you been sittin’ on the clock,” he coaxed, “and ‘sides, I’d say I outrank him.”
You looked at him and hesitated. You put your hand on the corner of the table and slid onto the seat opposite him. You set down the carafe lightly. He stirred his coffee and watched the cream swirl and pale the brew. His lips twitched as his eyes flicked up.
“I heard you last night…” he said.
“What?” you chuckled.
“I heard you last night. I hear you every night,” his tongue poked out and he sat back smugly, “sneaking into Lawrence Hayes’ Chrysler, just outside the old hole down on Tulsa Avenue.”
You frowned. You gulped as your blood ran cold and you tried not to flinch.
“I don’t know what you mean, sheriff, and I should get back to my work,” you tried to stand and he caught your hand on the table top. He jerked your arm and you sat back down.
“You think Annie Hayes would be interested to know what you’re doin’ with her husband?” he arched a brow, “not hard to guess but considerin’ what I’ve heard, I can be assured my guess is correct.”
You stared at him. You ripped your wrist from his grasp and crossed your arms.
“Why are you bringing this up, then?” you hissed.
“How ‘bout you meet me down on Tulsa tonight,” he smirked, “don’t worry, I treat you better than Larry, I ain’t like fuckin’ in no back seat.”
You looked at the carafe. You glanced over at the kitchen then at the clock above the counter.
“I don’t get off till four a.m.,” you said.
“I can wait,” he gulped down and mouthful and watched you over the cup, “I already been waitin’.”
“Why are you doing this?” you asked.
“I’ve done so much for you, don’t you think you owe me?” he taunted.
“Done what?”
“Kept your secret. You really wanna be known as the town whore?” he tilted his head, “nah, we can keep that ‘tween you and me.”
The sheriff drove in silence. The anticipation and the knowledge of his intent kept you quiet too. His wandering eyes found you in the mirror as he pulled up to a house outside your small town. The sheriff lived out in the fields among the farmhouse, almost at the very centre of his county.
His door closing jarred you from your dread. He opened yours and grabbed your arm. The gravel gritted under your thin soles as he swept his arm around your waist and ushered you up the porch steps. The leather of his jacket squeaked as he pulled back the screen door and pushed open the thicker one.
He nudged you ahead of him and took off his hat. He hung it on a hook by the door and bent to untie his boots.
“Do me a favour, honey,” he said, “you go up and get yourself ready for me. Last door to the right.”
“I…” your voice trailed off, “I don’t…”
“Get naked, relax,” he snipped as he stood and kicked off his boots, “I’ll bring you something ease your nerves.”
You looked away and turned slowly. You went to the stairs and paused as your hand rested on the bannister. He passed by the steps and continued down the lower hallway. You climbed heavily and followed his direction to the last room. You looked around at the flowered canopy and the patched quilt.
You remembered the sheriff’s wife died a few years back. Everyone heard about that, they said he was crueler since then. In that moment, you would agree with them.
You undressed a piece at a time and shivered. You thought of keeping your clothes on and escaping through the window but you’d only hurt yourself in the drop down. You wouldn’t far neither out in the fields.
You sat on the end of the bed, legs crossed and arms hugging your chest. The dawn began to brighten outside the panes and the morning nip made you shiver. Bodecker entered and set down a glass in the dim. He flipped on a lamp and looked you over. He brought you the dark wine in the tall pint glass.
“You drink that down while I get set up,” he said, “you gonna want to drink it all.”
You took it and watched him. He snapped his fingers at you as he went to the closet. You turned away and sipped the acrid wine. It made your nose wrinkle and your throat tighten. You heard a creak and but kept staring at the door, your escape taunting you. You could leave but that meant your reputation and possibly everything else.
You’d come this far, you thought. You knocked back a large mouthful and coughed. You finished the rest and your chest burned darkly. You got up to put the glass aside and shyly spun back to the sheriff as he came up to the side of the bed.
You gaped at the odd machine he wheeled closer. The big wooden box had an arm attached to it and rubber extension in the shape of a man’s member. You covered yourself again and shook your swimming head.
“Go on,” he pointed to the bed, “on your knees there, let me see your ass.” You blinked at the odd machine and he huffed, “you’re makin’ me real tired of repeating myself.”
You got closer and crawled up on the bed, all pretense of modesty gone as you turned and exposed yourself to him. Your arms shook as you turned your ass to face him and his large hand spread across your flesh. He slapped you and groaned as you heard the wheels. He pushed it so that the rubber poked your ass.
“Get on higher,” he grabbed your hip and repositioned you, “that’s it.”
The rubber tip poked at your cunt and he slid a finger between you and the toy. He felt around until he found your clit and stoked with two fingers until you quivered. You bit back your voice as the cool air and the wine mingled with your reluctant arousal.
“Alright,” he pulled back his hand and pushed the machine against you once more. He guided your hips and rolled the machine to the very edge of the bed until it stretched your walls. You squeaked as he sheathed the entire length inside of you. “Now hold still and keep your legs locked,” he tickled your thigh, “we’ll go slow.”
He flicked the switch and the toy moved back. It shot forward again, then back, the forward, a steady but easy motion as you grew wet around it. You looked over your shoulder and he slapped your ass again. You clenched around the toy and he pointed over your head.
“Eyes forward,” he said, “I’ll give you something to focus on.”
He fiddled with the machine until the arm moved faster, a mechanical whir bit through the air. You groaned as your body responded to the constant fucking. Bodecker came around and walked across the bed on his knees. He undid his fly and pulled himself out. He stroked his dick as he grabbed the back of your head.
“I bet you ain’t never had it from both ends,” he purred and pressed his tip to your lips, “don’t even know what it is to be filled up completely.”
He shoved himself into your mouth and you gagged around him. Your throat squeezed around him as he invaded it and he soon matched the pace of the machine. His hips bucked as he moans floated around you. You hummed helplessly as your breath grew laboured and your eyes watered.
Your body tensed as the machine made you cum. You whined and the sheriff caressed your scalp with his fingers as he slowed your head. He slid out of your mouth and watched the strings of spit hang from your lips. He winked and growled as he backed off the bed.
“That wine must make you feel so good,” he said, “makes it easy, don’t it?”
He went around you and stopped the machine. He pulled it out of you and you twitched. He wheeled it back and you pushed your legs together.
“Don’t you worry,” he went to the dresser and turned back with a square in his hand. He peeled open the condom and slid it onto his hard dick as he neared, “we don’t want an accident now.”
He went behind you and pushed your ass down until you were on your stomach. He climbed up and kneaded your ass and thighs before he straddled you completely. He forced his hand between your legs and angled his dick against your opening. He leaned on you heavily, his arm across your shoulder and thrust into you.
You lifted your ass you ached around him. He went even deeper, the wool of his pants and his linen shirt scratching your sweaty skin. He moved his hips evenly, his hot breath against the back of your head, panting hungrily as he fucked you.
“You like that?” he asked, “Tell me Hayes ever make you feel like this?”
You groaned and pushed your face into the quilt. Your fingers curled around the stitches and you arched your back. He pulled back, entirely out of you, and slammed back into his limit. He jerked your body entirely and you cried out. He repeated the motion over and over, each time he seemed to sink further than the last.
“Mmm, any man’d keep this a secret, huh?” he purred.
Your head lolled back and forth, you whined and drooled like an animal as he rutted into you. Your walls tightened around him and your thighs tingled with another orgasm. You barely smothered it against the blanket but he kept going.
“I’m gonna give you a nice little gift,” he snarled, “we’ll see if he still wants you after.”
He slammed into you and you spasmed. He puffed into your neck as his weight made your body ache. He came with a tortured groan and you felt a warmth seep into you. Your eyes snapped open and you turned your head.
You shoved your hand down under you as he pulled out and threw himself off of you. He fell onto his back as his cum dripped down your fingers.
 “You took the condom off?” you rolled over and sat up.
“Mmm, you like keepin’ secrets, don’t you?” he sneered, “that’ll be a tough one.”
👮🏻‍♂️ 👮🏻‍♂️ 👮🏻‍♂️
Reblog and let me know what you think! Please and thank you!
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i have reached 100 followers!!! 
im sooo fucking happy right now i never thought i wouldn't get this far! ever! 
thank you everyone who followed me, the friends I've made, and so much more! ^^  
because this is the case i want to give back to those who have helped me get here ^^ 
so this is what i decided to do.
i am going to write a total of 9 letters from your faves or one of my Muses -if you RP with me- i have seen others do this and this looks like fun so lets do this! 
i do want to mention that these will probably be slow as i only have one day a week where i can write stuff, and even if the letters are short i may only be able to get two or three done a week. but will push these out as fast as i can for everyone ^^ 
NOW there is someone in particular that i want to mention and they are...
your art blog following me back, was what got me to 100 followers so as a special gift for you. i will write something for you. anything for you from a character of your choice. doesn't matter what anime or fandom i will do my damndest to portray them properly. also this does not have to be a letter -but its okay if it is- it could be a drabble, could be headcannons, could be me making a playlist for a certain situation between you and your fave. just hop in my ask box and tell me what you want and i will write it for you. you are an awesome person in general and im so grateful for you giving me that last follower to reach 100 thank you ^^ 
*PSST* also they’re art blog is @simpgaraki go give it a looksy XD they are such a good artist ^_^ 
for those who do not RP 
i will take the first 4 people in my ask box and write a letter from your fave ^^ 
im only doing four because i think it will be less overwhelming and i want to finish these ^^’’’ now there are a few rules to this. 
such as: 
i can only write from animes: my hero acidemia, attack on titan, and yugioh. while i know there are certain characters i can write from other fandoms i think i just want to stick to these animes. 
if your wanting a smutty letter you MUST be 18+ to do so. i WILL be checking. 
you do not have to be following me to do this ^^
also no Anon requests. i apologize for this, i just feel it will be easier on me if this is the case. also easier for me to check age as well. 
Info i need in my ask box to write the letter for you
in order for me to write a letter from your fave there's some info i need. 
such as: 
what kind of letter do you want: in this letter from your fave it could be ANYTHING it can be a break up letter, an apology, a confession letter, love letter, or just a letter to you as a friend. whatever you want ^^ just let me know what you are looking for. also the reason for the letter like scenario or what brought up the reason for the letter would be helpful as well. 
what character do you want me to write as: i will do anyone from  my hero acidemia, attack on titan, or yugioh. even if its someone ive never written for before i will do my best, and hope it comes out good ^^ 
details about you and your fave: just so i can get a better idea on how to write the letter or the situation. if you could send me certain details that you think would be important to the letter that would be great as well ^^ examples like: who usually apologizes first, how you guys met, how long you guys known each other, whos top who bottom, questions like that that i would need to complete the letter. if i dont i will fill in the blanks myself, OR if you would preferer that just to see what i would come up with thats fine too ^^ but if you want specifics i need those details.  
for those who do RP with me
i will offer up what i said above IN ADDITION to these rules and info. i also will take 4 RP letter requests. this either asking for what i mentioned above or below ^_^ 
for the RP letters you can pick one of my muses and have them write a letter to yours, however there will be some rules 
Such as: 
for the RP letters you have to have interacted with me at least once with your muse so that way i can get an idea of how to make my character will interact with yours
once again if you want a smutty letter you MUST be 18+
you do not have to be following me to do this ^^
also no Anon requests. i apologize for this, i just feel it will be easier on me if this is the case. also easier for me to check age as well. 
also for the RP letters there might be additional info that i need
Such as: 
what kind of letter do you want: in this letter from your fave it could be ANYTHING it can be a break up letter, an apology, a confession letter, love letter, or just a letter to you as a friend. whatever you want ^^ just let me know what you are looking for. also the reason for the letter like scenario or what brought up the reason for the letter would be helpful as well.
what character do you want me to write as: tell me which of my muses you want the letter to be from ^^
so in summery: 
@godofvillains gets whatever they want me to write for them from me for giving the last follow i needed. 
follow the rules
i will write 4 letters for non RP folk 
i will write 4 letters for folk that RP with me 
those that RP have a choice of getting a letter from my muse to yours, or just from your fave from AOT, MHA, or YGO. 
just hop in my ask box with the information needed depending on who you are and i will get to work on it! ^^ 
i will be keeping track of how many i have so for now.... 
Non rp Letters available spaces left: 3 rp Letters available spaces left: 3
also if you have any clarification or question please dont hesitate to ask in ask or DM ^^ kay?  
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theycallmebecca · 4 years
Drabble: The Clause in the Will
I never planned to write a Ransom story. And then @eurynome827 posted her 2K Celebration and the opening to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice was one of the prompts. I’m a whore for anything Pride and Prejudice... and my brain automatically connected the quote with Ransom. And would not let go.
To make an already complicated drabble even harder... I decided to write it with each section being exactly 100 words. It was both a blessing (this story could have SNOWBALLED quickly) and a curse (if you’ve written a 100 word drabble, you get it).
But it’s finished and I love how it turned out! And I was quite proud of myself for the very-Eury way I ended it.
So to @eurynome827​ congrats again on 2,000 followers!
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Title: The Clause in the Will
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some language, some minor violence/threats, suggestive
Note: This is AU and it uses the characters from Knives Out but doesn’t follow the story.
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.” Ransom Drysdale muttered as he wadded up another of his late grandfather's marriage-related quote notecards. They were hidden everywhere.
It had been nearly a year since his grandfather, the famed author Harlan Thrombey, had passed away, leaving Ransom as the head of Blood Like Wine Publishing. A role that he had spent the last twenty years being groomed for.
Ransom had worked his way through the ranks of the company following college and had been prepared when the time had come.
Well, prepared for everything except his grandfather's cluttered office.
At least the houses weren't his problem.
-- -- -- --
You’d started at BLW Publishing as an marketing intern after college and you’d climbed your way to the vice president of that department in the twelve years that had followed.
You loved every single part of your job.
Or at least you had until Mr. “Call Me Ransom” Drysdale had taken over the running of the company.
He had spent his years at the company floating between departments, to learn everything he could. Which meant the two of you had worked together multiple times.
But he seemed to enjoy pushing your buttons. And knew exactly what buttons to push when.
-- -- -- --
"You told me months ago that the marriage clause wasn't legally binding," Ransom fumed. "And now you're telling me it is?!"
His lawyers avoided his gaze.
"Get out!" Ransom shouted and they scurried out.
He had seven days to find a wife and marry her.
If he didn't, he lost the company.
It was just like his grandfather to pull a stunt like this. Even from the grave.
He should just let his prick of an uncle have the company. Just to prove a point.
But he knew he couldn't.
His uncle would ruin everything.
Ransom wouldn't let that happen.
-- -- -- --
"You're not the pizza guy," you said, opening your front door to find Ransom standing on the other side with a bouquet of roses and your pizza.
"Met him in the elevator. Can I come in?"
Stepping aside, you let him in. Only noticing as he passed that his normal confident aura was missing.
"What's wrong?"
He explained everything while the two of you ate pizza.
"Walt would destroy everything," you commiserated.
Then he pulled out a ring box.
"Will you marry me and help me save the company we both love from ruin?"
How could you say no?
-- -- -- --
"I got married."
Ransom had chosen a public setting to share his news in hopes that his uncle wouldn't make a scene.
The fact that it was day six of his seven day window was pure coincidence.
Glancing at his wife, he found her staring across the table at his uncle, who, Ransom soon saw, was nearly purple with rage.
"This can't be legal!" his uncle shouted over the congratulations from the others. "It should have been mine! All of it!"
Then Walt pushed his chair back and stormed out of the private dining room, his wife and son following.
-- -- -- --
Logically, you knew marrying Ransom would mean moving into his house, but you'd thought you'd have more time.
But with his uncle looking for any reason to question the legitimacy of the marriage, you and Ransom agreed it had to happen now.
The two of you packed up your apartment and then had everything you were keeping moved to his house.
To his credit, Ransom made as much room for your stuff in the common areas of the house as possible, wanting you to feel at home.
But the only place that truly felt that way was your private bedroom.
-- -- -- --
Ransom sat in the hall with Walt as their lawyers met with a judge behind closed doors following another of Walter's attempts to fight the will.
"I’ve heard rumors," Walt said, his tone was nonchalant, but it was laced with venom. "About how your wife became v-"
Ransom had his hand around his uncle's throat before Walt could make another sound.
"That is my wife," he growled. "You will not say one more fucking thing about her or I will sue you for libel. Do you understand me?"
Walt let out a squeak of acknowledgement and Ransom let him go.
-- -- -- --
You'd known Ransom for years.
But after living with him for a few weeks, you realized you hadn't really known him at all.
Work Ransom demanded the respect and attention owed to the boss.
Home Ransom was softer and wore faded blue jeans instead of three piece suits.
He liked spending Saturday mornings at the market and he loved to cook.
And boy could he cook!
The one on one time with him at home had given you a whole new appreciation for your husband.
He opened up to you about things you were sure he'd never told anyone else.
-- -- -- --
Ball buster.
That's how he'd described her the first time he had worked with her on a project.
It was the reason he had recommended her for the vice president role when it had opened up.
Kind. Funny. Caring. Passionate. 
Those were the words that came to mind now when he thought of her.
She was the type of woman who could tell a dirty joke one minute and then have a serious conversation about his upbringing.
He'd been hesitant to include her at first, but their Saturday morning shopping trips were quickly becoming his favorite activity of the week.
-- -- -- --
You loved Ransom.
It hit you like a ton of bricks as you sat in the middle of a meeting at work, a month later.
You were supposed to be paying attention, but your eyes kept going across the table to where Ransom sat.
You couldn't explain how you knew, you just did.
When had it happened? You didn't know that either.
All you knew was that he was handsome and he was all yours.
At least on paper.
The joy faded from you as you remembered the two of you were roommates. Nothing more.
You wished that could change.
-- -- -- --
Ransom didn't know when it happened, but he realized one Saturday morning, a few months in, that he was in love with his wife.
He hadn't planned to fall in love with her. He'd envisioned them being married for a few years, to solidify his role at the publishing company, and then divorcing as quietly as they had married.
Being in love complicated things.
It made him think about her happiness above his own.
Was she happy with him?
If she wasn't, was he prepared to walk away from her and the company to ensure her happiness?
Yes, he decided.
-- -- -- --
"We need to talk," he said, setting a manilla envelope on the kitchen counter.
"What's that?"
"Annulment papers."
"What?!" you asked in complete disbelief.
"I love you," he confessed. "If you're not happy, I'm -"
"I love you, too," you cut him off, joy filling your heart.
Moving around the island, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a long, slow kiss.
"An annulment would have cost you everything," you said.
"Your happiness means more to me," he said. "Even if it meant giving everything to Walt."
"The company is yours," you told him. "Forever."
-- -- -- --
"Are you coming in?"
She stood in the doorway to what had been his bedroom.
After their declaration of love, he'd properly courted her.
Taking her out on dates. Sending her flowers just because.
They'd kissed a lot and had made it to all the bases, as they say, except home.
That was the plan tonight, she'd told him.
They'd gone out for dinner and then she'd asked him to take her home.
Home to their home.
To their bedroom.
Her eyes met his as she reached behind her back and unzipped her dress. Letting it fall to the floor.
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Can You Give Yourself To Me? - Drabble
How far can you be willing to fall, when you've never fallen before?
Just some soppy mush about Chris maybe or maybe starting to fall for us ^_~
Note: Features kissing and touching, but nothing more serious (though I'm getting dangerously close to one day writing that too!)
Word Count: 1530
“I need you. I need you more than I should, more than it is wise to.”
He said the words softly, so softly that I wasn’t sure I heard them. I looked up, turning to him as he stood by the window; the light from the stars highlighting his skin, making him even more beautiful than he might otherwise have been. He called me bias. I called him perfect. I suppose we would have to find a middle ground sometime, though I was never going to change my view of him. He was perfect, and not just in my eyes.
“I don’t…think it is our place to judge the wisdom of this,” I managed, mainly because I didn’t want to make him think too deeply. If he did I feared he might change his mind and never visit me again. It wasn’t an unreasonable thought, he’d vanished before, though never for too long, and never indefinitely.
“It’s my job to judge the wisdom of this,” Chris pointed out, turning from the view outside. Turning to look at me.
My heart beat faster, seeing him; our eyes meeting, our bodies no doubt calling for one another. He was right, that level of need wasn’t wise, but I was powerless to do anything about it. I couldn’t just turn it off. Believe me, I’d tried, but that wasn’t how it worked. I was attached to him now; I needed him now, and maybe, he’d just admitted he needed me too.
“So, what do you want to do about this unwise situation?” I managed, though I couldn’t help the fear that caught in my throat, threatening to suffocate me.
“I…haven’t yet decided,” Chris admitted, as he finally crossed the room, returning to his place on the bed, though not in the bed; he remained on the side, close but not too close. It was dangerous to get too close, things tended to happen when we were touching.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” It was a genuine offer. I might have needed Chris as much as I needed water and oxygen, but I wasn’t about to hurt him, to overwhelm him with my need. I’d kept it to myself for months before he’d worked it out and admitted that maybe, just maybe, he might share some of the same desire. Still, I wasn’t going to force it on him; if he wanted to be free then I would free him. He wasn’t mine to control, nor would I want him to be.
“I don’t know,” moving further onto the bed, Chris folded his legs underneath him, leaning to the side, his hand on the mattress as he moved closer to me, his eyes on my lips. My breath caught again as I resisted the need to lean closer to him.
“What are you doing?” I demanded, startled by his sudden attention.
“I thought that might be obvious,” he teased, looking up from my lips to meet my eyes, “at least, it was obvious in the past.”
“You hadn’t just implied you might want a break, in the past,” I pointed out, though I found myself moving closer to him anyway, breathing in the scent of his breath, his taste already flooding my senses, even if I hadn’t kissed him yet.
“I suppose I haven’t…usually,” Chris managed, though by then I was close enough and he moved suddenly forward, his lips against mine as we fell backwards onto the bed, his body suddenly over mine, resting there as though it belonged. We worked well as a single person; we’d learned that immediately, but then I was bias. He told me that all the time.
Breaking away from the kiss, Chris looked down at me, his breathing as shallow as mine now, his body no doubt flooded with the same levels of desire as my own. I resisted the urge to check, to confirm what I thought I felt. I had to fight with all my being to do so, but I resisted him, for the moment anyway.
“Did…that help?” I managed, though it was hard to speak. It was hard to do anything that wasn’t pulling him back to me.
“It…might have,” Chris began, before he began to move closer again and I couldn’t keep my hands on the mattress; they moved to him, wrapping around his shoulders, clinging to him. “But I need to double check my findings.”
“Your…findings?” I repeated, though by then his lips had once again touched mine, and I was once again taken to another world, a world where we were a couple and nothing else mattered. My hand moved to his hair, grabbing the strands, holding him against me now. My legs wrapped around his hips, confirming what I’d known all along. He was as excited as I was; he wanted this as much as I did.
His mind might have said he should resist me, but his body didn’t want to resist any more than mine did. We wanted one another…and perhaps that was why it was so dangerous.
Pulling away, I released my hold on him slightly, his eyes immediately meeting mine, sharing with me their hunger.
“Why did you stop?” he asked.
“I…wanted to test something,” I teased, my free hand reaching around, caressing his cheek, moving his fringe to the side slightly. He hadn’t had chance to reapply the gel and I didn’t want him to. I liked it when his hair was able to move, I liked to see this softer, more vulnerable side of him.
“You did?” Chris couldn’t help but chuckle, thinking back to his own words, “if my test was about���desire, is yours about abstinence? I can tell you now; I think that test will be a roaring failure.”
“I can second that,” I bit my lip, looking down at his lips before I met his eyes again, losing myself in their depths. “I couldn’t abstain from you even if I tried, not anymore.”
“I…feel the same,” Chris admitted, before his lips found mine once more, our tongues meeting; seeking out and tasting, our hands exploring, needing to feel one another again. I felt the furious rush of blood as desire took over completely, threatening to drown me. This was why we weren't allowed to get too close, a few simple touches and it became almost impossible to part; to not follow things through to the end.
Still, I wasn’t going to fight it, not anymore. I’d been fighting for months and now, now that he was mine I didn’t have the heart, or the will to push him away, to tell him he should go back to how he had been. I couldn’t do that to him; but more importantly, maybe I couldn’t do it to myself.
It was later, as the dust settled and we came back around that he smiled at me, reaching out his hand to stroke my hair from my forehead. We were both covered in sweat now, and I couldn’t help but laugh. He had an obsession with his hair and so did I, I loved it messy and it was never messier than after we’d finished one of our sessions.
“I fucking love you when you look like this,” I admitted, as I willed my mind to remember the moment, not just the love in his eyes, but also the satisfaction and peace. I loved to see him so at ease; I loved that I was the one that was able to do that to him.
“And I, you,” Chris replied, his breathing starting to stabilise, though his hand was still shaking slightly, moving in time with his rapid heartbeat. "I think I’ve made up my mind.”
“One last fuck and you’re out of here?” I joked, though the heaviness was back; the fear.
“I…am not sure I’d be able to do it; stay away from you. I…wanted to test the theory and I failed, I couldn’t resist you.”
“You don’t have to,” I replied, moving closer to him, laying my body half over his as I kissed him gently. I didn’t want to inspire him again, but I also couldn’t maintain my distance either. “You never have to.”
“I do,” Chris countered, smiling to himself as he spoke, “but when it is just us, maybe I don’t.”
“You certainly don’t,” I confirmed, before I closed my eyes, settling against his chest, feeling his breath against my hair as he relaxed beneath me. I had thought he might leave earlier, but now I wondered if he might not be content to stay the night.
It would be the first time; and it would make a statement, but I was ready. I’d been waiting for this moment for months.
“Thank you,” the words were so quiet I questioned if I’d heard them at all, but when I looked up I could see a soft smile on his lips and I knew I’d heard the truth.
I don’t know what he was thanking me for, but whatever it was I was thanking him for the same thing tenfold.
He’d gained little in giving himself to me, but I’d gained the world by accepting.
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equustenebris · 3 years
New drabble! This kind of just poured out basically all at once, lol. This is for modern Topolino Newton, I've got his first story translated here for the unfamiliar: https://equustenebris.tumblr.com/post/658572502503735296/hello-duck-community-i-come-bearing-a-gift-so
Newton Gearloose has a bully. For Whumptober 2021. Prompt: "Who did this to you?"
Three. Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But...
He gave a final sniffle as he rounded the corner to his uncle's house, trying to pull himself back together before his uncle saw him crying. The punches and kicks had been painful, sure, but it was the humiliation more than anything -- and the overwhelming fear of facing Jax again tomorrow.
He'd always known there was no way he'd win in a fight. He was Newton Gearloose, inventor, not -- like -- Newton Gearloose, boxer, or something. He just wasn't built for it, and besides, he'd always firmly believed brains were better than brawn any day. Still, when Jax snatched him out of the hallway to shake him down for his chemistry project results, he'd made his very best attempt to fight back, but Jax was built like an eighth grader, and all he'd really managed to do was make him angrier. He gingerly touched his fingertips to his swollen eye, hoping it didn't look nearly as bad as it felt.
He didn't have any idea what he'd done to get on Jax's bad side -- they only had one class together, and despite his natural aptitude for it, it wasn't as though Newton was particularly well-liked by their chemistry teacher anyway. (A few too many beakers shattered, chemicals spilled, labs blown up -- frankly, he was amazed they still let him do the hands-on work.)
But for whatever reason, Jax had apparently decided that Newton was his new target -- and he evidently had a lot of free time to spend making Newton's life as miserable as possible. It had started off with little things, stealing his pencils, getting in his way in line at the water fountain, knocking the books out of his hands -- all of that was manageable, and honestly Newton was often so distracted by his own ideas for new inventions that he barely noticed. But when it went from the annoying to the physical -- snatching him from the hallway just after the last bell to rough him up -- well, that he noticed.
He opened up the front door slowly, peeking around in the hopes that his uncle was down in the lab, and he'd have a chance to try to clean himself up before his uncle saw him. Apparently, today was really not his lucky day, because Gyro was at the sink, washing up some dishes.
"Hi, Newton," he chirped brightly, "how was sch -- Newton?" He dropped the dish back into the sink as he caught sight of his nephew's black eye, immediately swiveling around. Newton cringed, hunching his shoulders as if he could make himself small enough to disappear. "Your face! What happened?"
"Nothing, Uncle, I'm fine," he tried, attempting to slip away to the bathroom.
"You certainly are not! Who did this to you?"
Little Helper was already at his side with an ice pack, holding it up above his tiny head for Newton to take. Embarrassed, he only looked away instead.
"Nobody, Uncle, it's -- it's fine," he tried again, cheeks flushed and burning. But Gyro wasn't so quick to give up, quickly kneeling in front of him.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere else? Your arms? Your tail?" he asked, lifting Newton's shirt to check his belly, gently snatching his wrists to examine his arms, and just generally not helping the utter humiliation burning in the pit of his stomach.
"I'm fine," Newton snapped again, pulling his arms away.
"Newton." Gyro took him by the shoulders, gazing into his eyes. Reluctantly, the boy looked back to him, biting his lip to try to hold the persistent tears at bay. "You can tell me. What happened?"
Despite his best efforts, a single hot tear slipped down his cheek -- and then it was all over, the floodgates wide open as he wrapped his arms around his uncle's neck, trying to choke back sobs as he explained: all the multitude of small things he ignored for months, one after another, and now finally, the big things he couldn't. It came tumbling out at once in a flurry, months of pain and fear he hadn't realized he had been carrying. Gyro just held him, gently rubbing his back, occasionally giving him soft, preening nips, trying to calm him down.
When he was finally finished, Gyro nodded firmly, intent. "We'll go to the principal." Newton immediately shook his head, wincing.
"No, Uncle! It'll just get worse if you tell anyone! Principal Schnauzer doesn't even like me, he doesn't care, and even if he did he can't watch me all the time! It wouldn't be safe."
"Well, we at least have to tell your mom and dad," he mumbled, rubbing Newton's back again.
Again, Newton shook his head. "Oh, please, no, Uncle! This is already humiliating enough, I don't want them to know, too!"
"We have to do something, Newton! I can't send you back to school like this!"
"I can handle it myself," Newton mumbled, gazing vaguely over his shoulder towards his treehouse, and his own secret lab, hidden away from his uncle. He had no idea what, exactly, but surely he could come up with some sort of invention to deal with this on his own. His uncle, however, seemed less than convinced.
"Maybe I could invent something for you? You know, something that could keep you safe, maybe like some sort of...repelling ray, or maybe a robot bodyguard, or --"
"I'll be fine, Uncle," Newton mumbled, cringing. The last thing he needed was his uncle interfering -- whether his inventions worked or didn't, either way, it could only add to his humiliation. Really, showing up the next day with a robot bodyguard? "I can just -- I'll handle it."
Gyro stood, scratching the back of his neck. "Are you sure, Newton?"
The boy said nothing, crossing his arms loosely over his chest. On the living room wall, unnoticed, a large bee -- too large -- softly beat its wings.
The next morning's bike ride to school felt more like a death march. Newton and the triplets walked the last stretch, coming up on the bike rack just outside the school.
"Are you sure you don't want us to help you, Newton?" Huey asked, frowning worriedly.
"Yeah, we're pretty tough -- we can take him on!" Dewey offered. Newton only shook his head, polishing off the last of his breakfast apple.
"No, I don't want to get you guys caught up in this too," he muttered, tossing the core into the garbage can as they locked up their bicycles. "Besides, it's just going to get worse if I can't handle him on my own."
"Huh? What's going on over there?" Louie wondered aloud, finally noticing the large crowd of students on the school's front lawn. Curious, the boys pushed their way forward, slipping through the crowd to approach the large oak tree that everyone seemed to be gathered around.
"--do you mean, you have no idea how he got there? Someone did it! He must have been here since last night! You've got camera footage, don't you?!"
"I can't explain it, Principal Schnauzer, but I already reviewed it and there's just...nothing. It looks like it's all been scrubbed clean somehow."
"Well cut him down from there, and get his parents and the police on the phone! And get these kids out of here, already! Oh, this is going to be such a mess... You! Get to class! There's nothing to see here!"
Newton and the triplets finally pushed their way to the front, stumbling out in front of the oak tree. It took no more than a split second for Principal Schnauzer to spot them in the crowd, and with a fury Newton hadn't seen before (which, frankly, was saying something for the schnauzer), he abruptly whipped around, pointing directly at him. "You!"
The other students immediately backed away, leaving Newton standing on his own, frozen in shock as the principal stomped closer. Snarling, voice low and dangerous, he shoved his snout nearly against Newton's beak. "I don't know how you managed to pull this off, but I know you're behind this somehow. This fell out of his pocket."
He shoved a slip of paper into Newton's grip, but Newton's attention was elsewhere -- slowly, his eyes trailed up to the oak tree, finally seeing what everyone else had been staring at. There, Jax dangled from a branch at the top of the tree, still dressed in pajamas, hogtied, terrified sobs muffled by the thick gag in his mouth.
He just stared for a moment, slack-jawed. A tiny yelp from Dewey, evidently reading over his shoulder, brought him back to reality and he looked down at the piece of paper in his hands. There, scrawled in his uncle's tell-tale handwriting, was a hastily written note.
He won't be bothering you anymore, Newton.
Let me know if I need to pay anyone else a visit.
"This isn't over!" Principal Schnauzer raged, swiping the paper back out of Newton's hands before storming away. The triplets exchanged worried looks, but Newton just stood at the base of the oak tree, too stunned to move, as his (now former, he supposed) bully dangled helplessly above his head.
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
Vampire/vampire hunter au? Sam/bucky or sam/steve/Bucky <333
Omgggggg I know you've been waiting for, like, six hundred years for this. And I know it was supposed to be a drabble.
I like monsters.
I'm putting the first section here, on account of it's 16,000+ words total. The link to AO3 will be in the reblog
Put Your Teeth Into My Beating Heart
“Man, what the hell are these things?” Sam asked as he wrenched another stake out of a decaying ribcage. Moonlight streamed down the stake until it hit the dark blood on the end. Not as gory as a fight between a handful of vampires and two hunters could be. Still unpleasant.
“Ancient,” Steve said while he wiped down the shield with holy water, ground garlic, and silver flakes. “They’re not pure bloods, they were turned. But it looks like they were turned closer to Varnae than Morbius. Much closer.”
Sam pulled another stake free and then started collecting the much smaller silver spear-heads. “So why are they emerging now? Clearly they have no preservation skills. They ran right at us with no attack plan.”
“Could be anything. A decoy. A mind-controlled army. Something that’s been slumbering and has only just been awakened.”
Sam’s lips curled up in distaste and he finished sheathing the stakes. No sense in cleaning them yet. There was always more to do before the sun rose. “Why is it only the ancient ones that slumber? Why can’t they all decide to take a really long nap right now?”
Steve laughed, though it was not as light as Sam had heard it before, and clapped a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Next time we find ourselves in front of the Council, you can suggest that to them.”
Sam kneeled down to break off bone fragments and teeth to take back with them. There were usually answers in vampire bodies, if someone knew how to read the text. Luckily, Sam knew vampire bodies very well.
He and Steve had been hunting vampires for years now. Sam had to admit, a walking World War II icon was not who he expected as an ally in vampire hunting. To be fair, though, he hadn’t ever really thought about vampire hunting in the first place. He’d only been looking for one. He found Steve instead.
Steve seemed to be looking for all of them with a wild sort of vengeance driving him. At first, Sam thought Steve had been bitten, between the strength and the regeneration and the fact he still looked twenty five after almost a century on ice. But that was just the super soldier serum, which was a good thing because Steve hated vampires and Sam was pretty sure Steve wouldn’t still be around if he’d been turned.
The extent of Sam’s knowledge about Steve’s history with vampires was that Dracula had something to do with the battlefields of World War II. They had teamed up to keep armies off of the grounds of Transylvania. Then Dracula and some mad scientist named Ravencroft began experiments on soldiers and that was around the time Steve vowed to stop all vampires. Sam assumed the three gouges that ran down the length of Steve’s face contributed to his hatred as well.
Sam was a soldier. He knew the look of a person who had lost someone important to them. He just couldn’t get Steve to say who it was or what had happened.
Then again, Sam had his own secrets, so he didn’t push too hard.
“Hey, Steve, come look at these hearts,” Sam called and wrenched a punctured one free.
“What about them?” Steve asked from across the room, coming over slowly so he could examine each body between him and Sam, as if he could see hearts through skin and ribcages.
“They’re full of blood. But there’s none in the rest of the bodies. I thought they just hadn’t fed when I first saw them but…” Sam dragged a silver knife down the arm of the vampire in front of him and found only skin and bone and dry muscle. “This just makes them easier to kill. No chance of reanimation when the stake is removed.”
Steve hummed and scratched his neck absently. He did it all the time. Sam thought he was checking for puncture wounds. “I’d say husks, but you don’t have to feed husks.”
“What about mules?” Sam asked suddenly.
“What are mules?”
“I mean, what if they’re just being used to move blood from one place to another.”
“That’s a lot of work in a world where blood banks and the technology for them exists freely,” Steve pointed out.
“Yeah, but think of how often we’ve staked out blood banks to catch a dozen vampires in the act at a time. All hunters know to do that. Ambulances have stakes in them now. The world is evolving. Maybe vampires need to too.”
“If they’re mules, where are their shepherds?” Steve asked gravely. The thought sent a chill down Sam’s spine. “And why use ancient vampires?”
“If they’re reanimated, maybe someone found a mass grave. Besides, the longer something’s dead, the easier it is to control it. Or, like you said, they came up on a sleeping nest and overtook them all at once.”
Steve grunted and kicked a body. It dissolved into ash.
Something flashed behind Steve and by the time Sam really understood what he was seeing, he didn’t even have a chance to cry out. He leapt forward, putting his body between Steve and the vampire melting out of the shadows.
“Sam! No!” Steve shouted as the vampire tackled Sam down onto the ground. He didn’t have time to worry about his head hitting the tile because the next second, the vampire’s teeth were in his neck. It hurt like a bitch every time.
It hurt more when Steve tackled the vampire off of Sam and the vampire took a not insubstantial chunk of Sam’s skin with it. Sam was just about to throw himself into the fight, to protect Steve again, when he realized the vampire was spitting out his blood, staring at Sam wide eyed. The hands on Steve’s shoulders were only pushing him away, disregarded.
Steve also wasn't fighting. His wide eyes were focused on the vampire. It was a beautiful creature. Eyes so blue, Sam felt like he was getting frostbite just looking at them. Long hair that curled against his neck. Pale skin with blue veins snaking down strong features and long, elegant fingers. Lips so red-- Oh, right. That would be blood.
“Bucky?” Steve breathed.
The vampire looked away from Sam long enough to scan Steve’s features. “Who the hell is Bucky?” he asked and finished shoving his way out of Steve’s hold. “And what the fuck are you?” he asked Sam. “You’re not the Daywalker, but you’re not all vampire either. Why does your heart beat?”
“What? Buck-- Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. Don’t you remember who you are?”
Again, the vampire--Bucky, apparently, he was much sexier before Sam knew that--tore his eyes from Sam like it was the last thing he wanted to be bothered to do. “I don’t remember anything,” he said, like he’d said it a million times. “I don’t remember anything from before I was born.”
“Turned,” Steve said and held onto Bucky’s shoulders tightly. “You were turned. You were born a human, in 1917. Your parents’ names were George and Winnifried.”
“This information isn’t important to me,” Bucky said and wrenched Steve’s hands off of him.
“You have a metal arm,” Sam said and Steve jumped like it was the first time he was seeing it too. Sam kept a wary eye on him, trying to remember the stories Steve had told him on long night stakeouts and over painful breakfasts the mornings after brutal hunts. Bucky tickled something at the back of his head, but he couldn’t bring it forward. Mostly he was thinking about the blood seeping between his fingers on his neck.
“Observant. A vampire hybrid and you’ve got eyes. Wonders never cease,” Bucky said drily. “I assume you weren’t moving these things,” he said, and kicked a vampire body the same way Steve had. Again, it collapsed into ash.
“No,” Sam said evenly. “Which I assume means you weren’t either.”
“I was trying to track them down,” Bucky answered. “To kill them,” he added, as if that wasn’t clear.
“A vampire vampire hunter,” Sam said.
“We’re a fine pair.”
“What are you talking about, Buck? Sam’s human. Even more than me.”
Bucky barked out a laugh and Sam saw his fangs retract in the split second. When Bucky stepped towards him, Sam stepped back, which only made him pull an unimpressed face before he reached for Sam’s hand at his neck and pulled it away.
“It doesn’t work that fast,” Sam said, though he knew his skin had stitched together at least a little bit. His neck itched like crazy.
Bucky produced a cloth from one of the half dozen pockets in his jacket and wiped away the blood from Sam’s neck. It did not start bleeding again. Of course it didn’t, why would anything ever go his way?
“Sam, what the hell?” Steve asked and stepped over too, running his fingers over the fine skin where the wound had started to heal.
“Your friend is a hybrid,” Bucky said and shoved the cloth back into a pocket before the blood had finished dripping off of it. “But not one that I’ve ever seen.”
“Sam…” Steve said, looking to his friend for answers that Sam didn’t have. Unlike Bucky, he knew who he was before he was turned. It was the turning he didn’t remember.
“I just know it was the Claws that found me,” he said. “Or, at least, a handful of them. My partner got shot down, I went after him. Landed hard, got disoriented, got picked up by these weird things with total body wraps and orange eyes.”
“On account of the sun,” Bucky pointed out.
“Shut up, vampire. I was delirious by then and I don't remember anything else until I woke up in a pop-up military hospital by myself. Everyone else was dead and there was an icebox of blood bags next to me. That’s all the introduction into this life that I got.”
“What the fuck?” Steve said. “How did you fail to mention that?”
“Well, Steven, if you recall the first time I saw you, you were stabbing a vial of holy water into a vampire’s eye. Forgive me if I didn’t want to come clean immediately.”
“Badass,” Bucky said.
“I’m not done with you yet,” Steve snapped at him and then looked back at Sam. “What are you then? Why--How did you know you weren’t a full vampire?”
Sam shifted from foot to foot. “My heart still beats. And I can drink the blood of other vampires.”
Bucky’s head snapped up and it was his turn to take a step back. “Stay the fuck away from me,” he said.
“You already tried to eat me, asshole,” Sam snapped.
“No, I was trying to kill you. I had no desire to drink from you.”
“ I can touch silver. The sun doesn’t affect me as much,” Sam continued, ignoring the sexy but ultimately very irritating vampire next to him.
“A lot of hybrids take and leave the original characteristics. But I’ve only ever seen a beating heart in the Living Vampire and his creations. And he’s not actually a vampire,” Bucky said. Those light eyes landed on Sam again, thoughtful, studying.
“I’m not like Morbius,” Sam said tightly.
All three of them snapped their gazes to the door and the shadow pacing outside it. “We can continue this conversation later,” Steve said, face hardening for the encroaching battle. Sam turned to hand Bucky a wooden stake, a wordless truce, but the vampire was gone by the time the door burst inwards.
Again, there's more to this story. Much more. Link in the reblog.
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
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Take a Break || Sugawara Kōshi
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Not me being inspired at 2am by @ordinary-ace’s suga drabble from the other week, the comfort oneshot I reblogged by @blushingbaka and the fact that my parents think I’m overworking myself and I was very stressed about my exams 😼 and even with all that work my physics exam the other day didn’t make much sense at least exams enDED YESTERDAY -  so I wrote this and spat it out for you all, enjoy x
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It had been multiple hours since you fled the living room to finish your essay, knowing that if you had stayed in his arms a little longer you’d be asleep. The dusty haired student had started to grow concerned over your recent habits: wake up, go to lectures, come home, work until you ate together, and off to work again. He had noticed growing dark circles around your eyes and a lack of engagement in simple conversations, how you were getting through your lectures in this state was a wonder to him. 
This year had been difficult, almost all students had a plethora of work to get through and he knew you worked hard, but he had never seen you work this hard. Even with exams and normal work, Suga was able to make time for himself and you, so just how much extra work were you doing. 
It was a Friday evening, he knew you liked to get work out of the way before the weekend, but maybe stopping before it hit 1am tonight would be a good idea. Clad in his large sage coloured hoodie and grey sweatpants, he started making his way from the kitchen to the small desk in the corner of the shared bedroom. 
He leaned against the door frame, arms folded across his chest, and opted to just admire you as you worked, eyes concentrated, fingers tapping away and only pausing to jot something down on the notebook laid out next to you. You’d sometimes pause to rub your eyes before returning to your work; it was evident that you were growing more tired as the minutes went by.
“As proud of you as I am, I think you should take a break from studying.” Suga’s pleas went unnoticed as music flowed through the earphones that were snug in your ears and had been for an obscene amount of hours now.
He quickly grew tired of being unheeded by you in your exhausted state and quietly stepped closer to the desk until he was stood behind you. The former setter carefully tugged the earbuds out, placing them on the desk and placed his chin on your shoulder.
“I’ll repeat what I said when you had them in, as proud of you as I am, I think you need to take a break” was whispered into your ear as youd topped typing and stared straight ahead.
“Ko, I have so much to get through” you argued back and began to type again. You could feel your eyes watering, If you stopped for too long they would begin to flow and you were not about to cry in front of him or about this insipid assignment.
A soft pressure from his lips was placed against your temple, the comforting and velvety feeling eased the band of tension running across your head slightly. Moving a calloused hand to your cheek, he carefully pulled your face towards him so that he could look at you and ran his hand under your eyes and across your cheek. Your eyes drifted shut from the familiar and reassuring touch that he provided and once again you could feel the streams of tears waiting to be released.
“You’ve been working very hard, sweetheart, and I just want you to look after yourself” he proceeded to run his thumb across the cheek he held as he awaited a response. Just cherishing how you looked in the combination of moonlight that poured through the window, and the blue light of your computer.
“So much work has been piling up and then there’s exams, I don’t know if I can get through it all” that was the moment that you opened your eyes to look up at his hazel ones. Then, the first tear fell, slowly and steadily, all the way down till his thumb wiped it away.
His eyes widened slightly at the prospect of you being so stressed that it made you cry.
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay. shh,” his words were quiet but impactful as he lightly pushed your face into his chest and he held you as your arms moved to grip onto his hoodie. “I’m right here, you can get through it. I know you can, honey, okay?”
All was quiet apart from the light shushing that fell from his lips and a faint sniffling sound coming from you. He continued to pet your hair to calm you, until the idea of making you comfy and taking you away from your work seemed like a good idea. 
“Let’s get you out of these clothes and I’ll meet you in bed with some tea, hmm how does that sound?” Hearing his soft voice again brought your face out of his chest as you slowly nodded to his proposition. He pulled away from you to grab a large hoodie of his from the other side of the room and placed it on the bed for you. He moved towards the door whilst giving a reassuring smile and stating he’d be back quickly.
Deciding to actually listen to his instruction, you plodded over to your draws getting out comfy clothes and topped it off with his charcoal coloured hoodie. The soft fabric of his fit comfortably and your senses were filled with the smell of fresh laundry and sweet mint.
As you settled into your side of the bed, the door was lightly pushed open, silver locks and pulled up green sleeves peaked round the door with two cups. A smile was on his face. He joined you, handed you a mug of tea and started playing a relaxing playlist quietly in the background.
He pulled your form close, keeping an arm around you as you snuggled into him. Steam rose, helping to clear your head, and a low, steady hum was heard.
Only partially through your tea and head resting on Suga’s shoulder, your eyes started closing as the rhythm of his heart and humming sent you into your slumber. He moved your mug onto the bedside table you to avoid you dropping it and placed a light kiss on your forehead; he decided to follow you in his own tired state but not before uttering the words “I love you.”
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Taglist: @justamultifandomfan16 @shoutamajiki @meliorist-midoriya @goopyartiste @yee-harr @bizzoldmann-08 @katsushimaa @mystic-helena @hannahalanib1 @ordinary-ace @boosyboo9206 @derpeedoo @estridries @spookykiri
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