#so I guess we'll soon see
glassprism · 1 year
HELLO! I've started noticing random lyric changes in bootlegs of Broadway/West End Phantom... is there a timeline to why these changes occurred? Randomly? Is there any rhyme or reason? i.e. "Christine are you alright" in 2023 or the order of Masquerade lyrics switching in 2014 (?) or Bravi vs Brava. Just curious!
That's a pretty tall order, but I'll do my best! But there is definitely a rhyme and reason to it all, you just have to follow the timeline while taking into account that there will also be differences between productions and between actors as well. Keep in mind too that especially in its early days, it's not uncommon for a show to be tinkered with and it's lyrics altered as they get it running.
The first difference (if we don't count the Sydmonton production which was more of a concept production, but you can read about some lyric differences here) come between the original London production when it opened and the original London cast recording. There's already a difference in the 'Think of Me' lyrics, with the production opening with the lines, "Fly away, but when you lie awake" while the cast recording simply repeats, "We never said our love was evergreen", among other things. Furthermore, the London production had an extra line for Raoul in 'Little Lotte', where he says, in response to Christine talking about the Angel of Music, "No one could have sung the way you did tonight without a little help from him." By 1987 this line was cut, I assume because it's a tad redundant.
Many of the initial lyric changes came from 1988 Broadway transfer, such the changes to 'Think of Me', adding more lines for Piangi in 'Notes I', changing 'Wandering Child' from a trio to a duet, altering some lines in 'Point of No Return', flipping a line or two in 'Down Once More', and so on and so on. None of them make massive changes to the story or plot, but they are alterations all the same. You can read about all those changes here.
One more important addition was made in 1989, either for the opening of the Los Angeles sit-down production or the Toronto one, and that was the reprise of the line, "Help me to say goodbye" in 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again', which was added to end the song on a more powerful note. Since this was added in 1989, if you listen to any international productions that began before this period (such as Japan, Vienna, or the original Stockholm production), they will not have that additional lyric.
From here things start to get funky. Starting as early as 1990 in the London production, the production began using alternate lyrics for 'Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again', which began with the line, "Three long years..." There were used up until around mid-2002, when they were changed back to the more common, "Passing bells and sculpted angels". However, one or two productions that based their libretto off of London's would also use it, such as the Dutch production, and it would make a surprise return in the restaged US tour.
One other change I can think of came in 2006 with the Las Vegas production. Most of the changes in Vegas were because the show was cut down to a 90-minute, one act show, so most of them did not apply to other productions, but they did alter two words in 'Think of Me', going from, "Think of August when the trees were green" to "Think of August when the world was green". This is notable mainly because the line started showing up sporadically in other productions, such as the 25th anniversary concert (probably because SIerra Boggess was an original Vegas Christine) and Broadway.
From 2014 onward, another change: the song 'Wandering Child', which had been sung as a duet everywhere in the world except London, some of the UK tours, and some non-replicas, was changed back to the trio, and this was enforced across all productions except non-replicas, which can probably do what they want. That being said, there were still some lyric differences between London and other productions worldwide, which I go over here.
Finally, when the show was revived in London and reopened on Broadway after the COVID shutdown, there were multiple lyrics changed. The most famous is the one for 'Angel of Music', done to accommodate Christines of color but which underwent several changes in the first few months, but there are changes scattered everywhere, though some were reverted a few months later, which was just very funny to me. I go over it a bit here.
All right, got all the major timeline changes down? Great! Because now we're going to add another layer of complexity: production differences! Because as you might have noted, some productions have different lyrics between them, or will omit or add lyrics. The most notable are the differences between London vs. Broadway, and this is where you get things like the different 'Masquerade' lyrics (London has one version, Broadway has another that tends to be used worldwide), the use of "viper" vs. "vixen", Christine's hopes lying "shattered" or "murdered", and many others. I go over quite a bit of it here. Unfortunately, when the London production was revived, most of these differences were lost.
More changes came with the 25th anniversary concert, most of which were to accommodate the changed setting. These were then used in the restaged UK and US tours, but with even more alterations, with some again being done because of differences in the staging or props but others just because. I go over it here, and an additional one here, and I also discuss an old line being brought back to the concert here.
And finally, once you have all the timeline and production differences down, you have to account for the fact that in a few places, actors have a choice in what lyrics they can sing. One of the most famous is whether the Phantom chooses to sing "far-reaching gaze" or "fathering gaze" in 'Wandering Child', something that goes back all the way to the 1990s. Heck, some actors, like Hugh Panaro, will switch the word depending on their run or their mood.
And then when you get into "bravo" vs. "bravi" vs. "brava" (or "bravissima" vs. "bravissimi"), I can only assume it's a whole combination of the above. Keep in mind that both Raoul and the Phantom say variations of those words so it gets pretty complicated pretty fast. Officially, Raoul should say "bravo" and most do, but then in the Canadian production, whether due to direction or tradition, they almost all say "brava". Meanwhile, some librettos, such as the original and the Las Vegas one, state that the Phantom should sing, "Bravi, bravi, bravissimi", but later librettos, the 2004 film, or the RAH concert states it should be, "Brava, brava, bravissima". I wondered if they might be a little more consistent in the Romance-language productions (Brazil, France and the French dub, Italian dub, Mexico, Romania, Spain), but nope, it's all over the place there, which leads me to think that they don't actually care that much - except, naturally, for the Italian dub, which has Raoul congratulating Christine with, "Brava!" and the Phantom congratulating Christine with, "Brava, brava, bravissima".
So we'll see what they do in the actual Italian production! Don't let us down, Bradley Jaden and Ramin Karimloo.
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
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just whiteboard boys doing what whiteboard boys do....
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onthewaytosomewhere · 4 months
the wip-iest of days
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so after a bit of delay - i.e. distraction in the another wip variety i'm back in my southern philanthropy words.
thanks ever so much (dr, alex) @theprinceandagcd & @typicalopposite for the early wednesday tag! 💚
words and lots of tags under the cut
“I have it on good authority that anyone from Texas can be a cowboy with the right attire, though that drawl of yours makes me think you wouldn’t need the clothes for it.”
“I have a friend that used to say that every Texan was one cowboy hat or flannel away from singing ‘Home on the Range.’” Percy cocks his head, and Liam elaborates, “It’s an old song we all had to learn to sing in grade school and all about ‘that cowboy life’”
“Yeah, I’m somewhat familiar with the song …” Percy trails off, and Liam seizes the opportunity to get them back on track; after all, he was promised to be allowed to play the part of the broncing buck. His fingers make quick work of undoing Percy’s fly, and he follows as Percy stands back on the floor at the side of the bed and assists Lian in pushing the not-quite-leather pants to the floor.
Liam is curious about how they can be both leather but also something else he can’t place, and he is about to ask when he realizes Pez is standing in front of him in nothing but a thong. They leave nothing to the imagination, clinging to his uncut cock, and Liam slides his finger along them, sliding one under the waistband and exposing the tip of Percy’s cock. He leans in and licks at the exposed tip, tonguing the foreskin still clinging to the head. He watches as it slides down to rest just under the tip and tongues at the frenulum there on the underside of what might be the prettiest cock he’s ever seen, and he hasn’t even seen it all. He hooks a finger in the silky thong, tugging it down to expose the rest of the cock, he really wants to get his mouth around.
💚💚no-presssure, tag ur it to @adreamareads @agame-writes @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites
@dragonflylady77 @duchessdepolignaca03 @england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @henryspearl @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf
@inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway @jellibuns @jmagnabo92
@junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites
@msmarvleouswinchester @nocoastposts @piratefalls @priincebutt @softboynick
@sophie1973 @sparklepocalypse @stellarm @suseagull04 @tailsbeth-writes
@taste-thewaste @thedramasummer @thesleepyskipper @thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex
@wordsofhoneydew @yrsacdfox @indestructibleheart @everwitch-magicks
@cricketnationrise @orchidscript @cha-melodius
@captainjunglegym @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @oxfordslutphase
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bouneilly · 11 months
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Why not post this ryuzaki doodle here as well !
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thevioletcaptain · 4 months
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me tuning in to watch a new cop show because jensen is the lead
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vivitalks · 5 months
i JUST realized that the reason deputy dewey comes back as a ghost isn't because aubrey's magic goes wrong. it's because he died in the company of aubrey, who is sylvain, and that's what happens when someone perishes in the presence of sylvain's light. it wasn't aubrey's magic going wrong, it was sylvain's magic going exactly right.
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oldbutchdaniel · 4 months
ok guys succession community incoming 😈 if it gets approved that is
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He's late.
It's the big day, and he's already fucking it up. Awesome. Leave it to Gordon to continuously make everything harder for everyone around him.
Under stress, panicking, and annoyed to hell and back, he pushed the cart into the beam. As soon as the crystal touched the laser, it sparked, electricity zapping out across the large chamber. Smoke started to rise from the machine, and the creak of radiation filled the air.
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Gordon took a few steps back, looking up at it in horror. Shit, they did it too fast, didn't they? They could hear their coworkers screaming behind them, but their attention was locked on the giant machine.
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The security guard who'd followed him in suddenly vanished from his peripheral. Gordon looked away for just a moment to try and find him again- there! Standing on top of the platform where the controls were, there was the "non-human" guy who'd been following him all day. The radiation beams were shooting right next to him, ohh fuck he was going to die up there.
"Get off the top of the- you're gonna wanna be on the floor, what if the fuckin' rafters fall?!" they shouted up at him. "You gotta-"
With a flash of light, the test's sample started glowing an intense, neon green color, cutting Gordon off. He threw his hands up over his eyes, catching a glimpse of the chat as he did so. He couldn't make out any of the words, but he could see that people were speaking in all caps now. He yelled a swear at the pain.
He spun around to look at the window, shouting for help, only to watch helplessly as one of the other scientists overseeing the project launched himself down into the chamber. He shouted in fear, running around in panic before seemingly tripping over his own feet and knocking himself out on the floor.
The guard was just fuckin' gone by now. He must have gotten trapped in the beam or something, there was no way to tell and no time to find his body. The crystal started rocking in the cart, and with each shift there came another explosion, with atoms crashing into each other and splitting in ways that should not have been possible with humanity's current tools. Gordon could only look up at it, frozen in fear.
With one final shift of the crystal, it shattered. With it went the whole experiment, lighting the entire room up in harsh green. Gordon threw his hands up in front of him, screaming as his world was changed forever.
Then... nothing.
Gordon blinked a few times, looking around themself at the pitch blackness that had enveloped his world. He couldn't even see himself in it.
...Was he dead?
No, that couldn't have been right. He was still breathing, right? That had to count for something.
He squinted into the dark, trying to see anything. As his eyes adjusted, he swore he could see faint lines of green running lengthwise down his vision. Whether that was caused by the bright light of radiation or if that was actually SOMETHING, he couldn't tell yet.
He opened his mouth to yell, but instead of screaming out into the dark like he'd planned, he let out a simple, friendly greeting.
No one answered him.
As his eyes continued to adjust, he began to make out what the lines were- numbers. They were lines and lines of numbers, wrapping all around him.
...Where was he?
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"Howdy," he continued to call out. "Howdy. Howdy. Howdy. Howdy."
Still, no answer.
The world around him began to flash, green as the radiation from the test gone wrong. Gordon spun around, trying to find the source of it. The numbers lit up under the flashing lights- illuminated by shots of lightning- ones and zeros.
It was the same light from the Resonance Cascade. Aw fuck, was he still in the test chamber? Shit, he had to wake up, he was going to get hit.
He struggled to move, only to realize there was a pull on his arm. Looking towards it, he could see green strings attached, pulling him nowhere and in five different directions at once. It hurt, oh GOD it hurt, but no amount of pulling was freeing him. He pushed against it with his left hand, his free hand, and no avail. Nothing.
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Before he could do much else, the strings yanked, and with this tug went his hand. He screamed in pain and surprise, everything going dark again, but only briefly.
He was in the garbage compactor. His hand was gone.
He wanted to stop, but something compelled him forward. He wanted to lay down and go back to sleep, but something wouldn't let him. He wanted to give up. Something in him made him grit his teeth.
He kept going through Black Mesa, lead on by Tommy this time. He wanted to collapse. Something forced his legs forward.
He kept getting kicked back down when he tried to climb out of the water, the clone's heels relentless. He yelled for Tommy, trying in vain to pull himself out. He only could with Tommy's help.
His friend was caught up in the tide of clones, too, and was quickly shoved away from Gordon. The shots from his gun continued to echo through the room, adding to Gordon's massive headache.
"I've unleashed the power of all 300 clones," Dr Coomer's voice boomed from somewhere. It was near impossible to tell if he was far away or close by with all the noise. Gordon's head swiveled quickly, trying to pinpoint where the hell he was.
"There's an entrance in your suit, Gordon, AND I WANT IN."
There! He was shoving his own clones aside, slowly making his way closer. He had the look of a crazed man about him, eyes too wide, grin too large. He was shaking, too, like he was high on adrenaline.
Green lines were starting to creep along the walls, down down down like a watercolor painting. Gordon squeezed their eyes shut, shouting Tommy's name.
He was backed into a corner, swarmed by clones as the real- main?- Coomer crept closer and closer. "I've been outside Black Mesa, Dr Freeman. There's nothing there. But you..." He shoved his way in front of Gordon, grabbing his stub of an arm. "I KNOW there's a world in your dreams, AND I NEED TO GO THERE."
Gordon screamed.
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Berdey shot up, startled out of xeir nightmare. Fuck... nightmare. At least it wasn't real.
Just to be sure, they pinched themself. Yep. That hurt.
They flopped back down on the bed with a sigh. Gordon could never escape these, either- of COURSE Berdey would inherit them from him. Couldn't catch a break, in this life or the next.
It was still dark under the door, implying the darkness outside, too. Night. Well, they didn't wanna go back to sleep, not after that.
Looking at xeir left hand, they saw no new messages aside from the "goodnight"s that had been there before they drifted off.
They didn't wanna get up, but they also wanted to check on Coomer, just to make sure he was okay. Gordon had never managed to figure out what the fuck he'd meant by the whole "world in your dreams" thing. His dreams were a nightmare. Literally this time around. Why would Coomer want to go there?
It was anxiety talking. Coomer hadn't brought it up in a long time. Maybe he'd finally gotten over it. Besides, he didn't exactly want to see him right now.
With a sigh, he laid back down. It was gonna be a long night.
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vaalthus · 7 months
The Aker'varus (spoilers)
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Ya know this entire time it somehow didn't occur to me that the Aker'varus was just a dragon this entire time, lowkey assumed it was just some terrifying giant bird-like creature based on the Aerozoophobia creature we encountered in the Jungle Adventure quest. A thought that becomes extra dumb when you remember that particular fear monster looks like this:
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So the foreshadowing for what the mythical beast actually is was staring me right in the face and I completely missed that.
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Ooof the trauma.
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Sounds like an opportunity to encounter the actual dragon in the future when concerning the plot of the southern kingdom. On another note, I still find the matter of Kassandra's parent's death much too suspect when we know how the Imperial family operates. I'm still not fully convinced they aren't at fault for the Aker'varus killing Kassandra's parents so to speak. Their demise in this manner just seems too convenient at the moment.
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Yo! A biologically metal themed dragon!?!?! Now I want us to fight the real thing even more now.
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....I'm convinced this man is an anime protagonist.
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Hmm while not stated, I suspect this fire being casted is doing "good" damage, as in the "elemental" good we see in game. Would certainly explain why the fire is pink in contrast to the orange flames Sirius was shown to cast as a child and furthermore it wouldn't be the first time we've seen the fires of other elements take on a completely different colors. In the case of good, its usually been a color motif of either pure white or a pinkish hue. Just an observation though.
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Okaaay didn't think Inanitas was straight up inside the artifact but I certainly won't complain. Might explain why no one else but Sirius has been able to use the artifact's power within the Imperial family's bloodline for a long time. It simply comes down to there being a literal conscience entity to decide who gets to use it or not. Gave Sirius some mad celestial drip though.
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Easy to see why the Imperial family does not want Sirius to be free of the Sword of Inanitas.
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This line feels more ominous than anything. Sounds clear the Celestial has its own machinations it wants to achieve and yet I cannot help but be at unease when reading this.
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In spite of this feeling like a death flag, I suspect what might happen here is that Kassandra will simply be trapped in the Fearscape as opposed to dying in shutting the engine down with minimal damage. Perhaps leading to quests down the line to free her though that is a guess at best. Or her character will simply receive a fate worse than death treatment and she'll be forced to stay in an endless fearscape, for all eternity...or she'll just die. Alternatively, this might be a convenient escape for her from the Arcana. Can't imagine how Sirius will react if she's truly lost forever though.
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crehador · 7 months
screaming crying i'm still going through the story with cn voice pack so i can enjoy the writing but as soon as i saw enigma i was like oh his jp dub voice actor is going to fuck severely, so i looked it up and HE IS UMECHAN 😭😭😭
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elektroyu · 2 months
Omg I just spent like 2 entire days trying to figure out how to access my shop again after it wouldn't let me just re-install it in my webspace because of changed php requirements. My old version store requires an outdated php version which my provider doesn't support anymore. How it even worked up until May is beyond me, but I digress.
So! Made it work finally by installing older versions of everything locally on my pc (also on Linux, I honestly applaud myself for that feat XD).
Now. Since I can't just go back to the older version because of the php problem, the question is how to go about getting all the info from my old shop into the new version. The issue is that the databases aren't compatible anymore either 🙄 So do I transfer everything manually via good ol' copypasta (takes ages, but shouldn't cause any issues) ooor do I try to upgrade the locally installed shop gradually to the new version and then transfer everything to the live shop (could be quicker, but the risk of breaking all sorts of things is pretty high tbh... Prestashop is not for the faint of heart (but it's free so I chose it anyway)). Decisions, decisions...
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twipsai · 8 months
thinking more,,
#i cant help but feel horribly heartbroken every time i hear whats happening in gaza as well as so many other places#it feels like-- like none of this had to happen#i guess ive never even been in the same universe as someone who even sees one death as a solution#let alone thousands#as a jew especially it feels horrible#like this happened to us. and we're just doing it to someone else??? why??????#because if you walk into someones home kindly they will take you in. walk in with a gun and theres gonna be tension#i dont understand at all#and like maybe im naive. maybe im just young and my brain hasnt developed yet#and when im an adult ill understand how people could ever think war solves any problem#but. i just think its literally never fixed anything#sometimes people suck. should NOT kill them over it#and thats not even true in this situation!!! israel fucking sucks and theyre the ones commiting a genocide here!!!!!!!#if you walked in peacefully none of this wouldve happened#pass over is soon. and we'll say prayers and eat matza and have lots of food#and those across the globe will do the same. and yet they are murdering people#and we'll be in our safe warm houses and they will be dying#shouldnt there be some way to help them all???? america is one of the richest countries in the world and we're actively hurting them..#i genuinely cant fathom how people could ever think like that#i dont think evil exists but then i look at the world and i realize weve gotten pretty damn close#and yet i still have to wake up tomorrow#and i still have my own life to live#and the world doesnt stop for me to mourn strangers#i hate all of it. why cant we just be nice to people#anyways. ive just been trying mostly to avoid this topic esp online#this is my little safety zone and ive never really been one for politics; esp things that i dont understand#yknow i dont wanna spread misinfo; and at the same time i dont have the energy or knowledge to fact check#plus the whole emotional toll in a place that i just wanna unwind in#idk. i think im starting to feel like i cant just ignore all these posts anymore. im kinda starting to feel like i wanna scream#all of this really fucking sucks. this shouldnt be happening
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dragonji · 10 months
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breaking out of artblock in thee most complicated way possible♡
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cowcowwow · 1 year
Hey y'all. So, you guys might have noticed that I've been kinda inactive/not responding to messages quickly. I wanted to apologize, but also warn that this might not get better soon?
The main reasons I haven't been responding is because either, my wrists are hurting so bad that I can't type for long (or my other chronic pain is acting up), I'm so tired that I can't think of interacting, I'm helping out my family, or I'm having a bad episode(?) (Not entirely what's going on on those days, to be real)
I'm sorry, but I do have a happier note!! I want to say, thank you all so much if you have messaged me, interacted with me, reblogged from me, anything, recently. It makes these days so much lighter, makes me so much happier, even if I can't respond.
And to my friends who message me frequently: thank you. I love you all so, so much. I really really want to reply soon hopefully, but in the meantime know that you guys are so sweet, so fun, so awesome, and I love you 💙💙
(And to my friends who I haven't talked with in a bit, love you guys too <333)
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eclarinet · 2 months
same soup... different day
#hello it is sarah in the tags again#i feel like i tell myself i'll actually use this as a blog and then i forget and then i remember and then i forget again#venting ahead if that is not ur jam (talking to the 2 followers who actually see my posts)#i like tumblr because it;s so removed from my personal life that it feels really like a place i dont have to be anything for anyone#anyway i've been wondering if i should go back to therapy again but i feel like they might get tired of me because i keep bailing and comin#back like an addict lol like i swear i'll commit this time! sike. ghost be upon ye#anyway this time i'd come in for the big D#i don't like the floor it just feels closer to being six feet under and a bit like where i belong#i feel like a great number of things have happened in the past year and i've met all of it with a very lukewarm sense of dread and anxiety#its not even about feeling happy i dont even think i can feel shaken by anything. i feel like people see my apathy and think it's confidenc#anyway im not going back. they always say the same thing. can't do shit about shit life syndrome. and i don't want pills i'm so sick of the#isn't it something that i'm especially depressed the day before i start my new job? it's a tradition at this point. cheers#isn't it cruel that everyone in my life seem to put me on some kind of bizarre pedestal and no one questions my decisions or authority and#i battle with myself to figure out if i'm doing the right thing (no one will tell me the truth they are all scared of me getting angry)#was talking with a friend about how it'll be if i join their group project in a module we're taking soon.#and she's like well isn't it obvious? everyone will just listen to whatever you say and we'll end up doing well.#no one would challenge you because you're always right. and it's like.. yeah. i guess. okay. (hate that i know she's not wrong)#lol can u tell this is why house is kind of getting to me. learning lots of things about myself watching that man commit medical malpractic#anyway. i didn't ghost my therapist this time i remember now. she left the clinic lol she asked me to connect on linkedin. that was amusing#i always feel like the therapists here never know what to do with me and i kind of have to hold their hand a bit through my psyche#also they seem to be a bit at awe of me which is a bit annoying. and i know that definitely sounds like Issues but it's just like#ugh not you too. please stop i'm sick of it i'm sick with it. i don't want you to be inspired by my awful life and how i handled it#and i have nothing to say for it but... *gestures vaguely* of all of this
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ambersky0319 · 3 months
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