#so I hope that explains why...yknow it came out the way it did
sunberry-strawflower · 11 months
Well, guess who decided to participate in @blue-fanlady's curtisson week??
I stg this first day was sending me to hell and back😭😭I was almost considering not posting it but I might as well haha
It's a meeting in a dream type beat bcz I feel like we don't have enough of those
(Bit of a TW for derealization? They ask the other if they're real a few times so I'm just being safe)
Word count: 1.1k
Curtisson Week Day 1: First Meet
Sven found himself inside of a small, pretty garden. It was night time and the moon was out, high in the sky with stars twinkling above. Flowers of all kinds were surrounding him and a path made of cobblestone led its way to a nice wood bench. Sven looked around and saw all the different kinds of flowers as he walked down the pathway. Tall sunflowers that towered over him and small daisies and poppies he'd have to crouch down to see properly.
The garden was fairly quiet, nothing but the sound of his own footsteps and the night air. Once he got to the bench, he took a seat on it and looked around a bit more. This felt relaxing. Almost freeing. 
One thing he noticed while looking around was a wood shed, not too far away from the bench. It looked like it was fairly old, but it was still in decent shape as long as you were careful to not lean on anything and get a splinter. 
Another thing he noticed was that, outside of the gate leading to the garden and the fence surrounding it, it was just a black void. No lights, no trees, no grass, not even the night sky to be found out there. Just pitch black. It felt like this garden was the only thing present. He was the only person present here. 
He was so lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice another person approach him and take a seat on the bench next to him. He instinctively turned into this person's direction and jumped a little bit. Guess he wasn't the only person here after all… 
This person looked like a guy around his age, he had a tophat on with headphones that seemed to be an orange-ish sesame color ripping through it. 
Sven found himself staring at him in wonder. How did he get here? Is he even human? Is this some kind of figment of his imagination? 
The other turned to look in his direction. He seemed to have caught Sven staring. "Uhm…"
Sven jumped again and tried to stutter out something. "Oh! Uh, I wasn't..well, I didn't mean to uhh, stare. Sorry."
The other just shrugged. "It's fine."
Well, seems like the pretty atmosphere was a little ruined because all of Sven's thoughts shifted to the guy next to him. He had just about a million questions jogging through his head. 
Who is this guy? Is he a figment of his imagination? Can figments of your imagination talk? Is this a dream? Is he dreaming? Has he seen this person before? 
Sven started to wonder if he should talk to this person or not. He didn't want the silence to become awkward (or at least, more awkward than it's already become) and it feels like the longer he stays quiet, the more confused he feels. 
Sven glanced back at the person next to him and decided to ask him the question he's been wondering about the most. 
"Who are you?"
The other turned to look at him. "Hm? Oh, I'm Burt," he replied. "You are?"
"Sven." he answers, still looking at the other curiously. He was about to drop another question before Burt started to speak again. 
"Well, nice to meet you?" He said, awkwardly. 
"Why'd you end that like it was a question?" Sven asked. 
"I dunno. I'm confused, I guess."
Sven tilted his head. "About what?"
"You ask a lot of questions." Burt deadpanned. 
"Hey!" Sven looked almost offended. "I only asked three! I'm just trying to make an effort to understand what's going on here."
Burt shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry." 
Sven couldn't tell whether that apology was genuine or not, but he decided not to question it this time and sighed. 
They both sat in a silence that was a little less awkward than before. Still though, Sven couldn't help but continue to wonder about this Burt guy. 
Sven leaned closer to the other and started to lightly poke his arm. 'My finger isn't going through him.' 
He poked a little more before Burt glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" 
Sven looked up at him. "Are you real?" He asked suddenly. 
Burt seemed a little confused by the question. "Are you?"
"What kind of question is that?? Of course I am."
"Really?" Burt wondered and started to poke Sven teasingly.
Sven pushed his hand away. "Hey, stop! Yes I am."
Burt obliged and stopped with the poking, leaving them sitting in silence once more. 
"I guess I'm not dreaming then?" Burt mumbled to himself. 
Sven heard it and tilted his head. "Dreaming? You?"
Burt nodded. "It feels like I'm dreaming, but since we can touch each other, maybe I'm not."
Sven hummed. "I can touch things in my dreams, though. Wasn't it pinching that woke you up not poking?"
"Hm…maybe it was. I can't remember."
Sven started to think about what Burt said. Dreaming…well that explains the dreamy setting and the random dude he doesn't know at all yet looks familiar. He does feel a bit like he's dreaming. 
"Now I'm tempted to pinch myself." Sven said. "I feel like I'm dreaming too."
Burt glanced at Sven. "Do you think we're sharing dreams?"
Sven shook his head. "No way! I'm convinced you're a figment of my imagination."
"Well I feel the same about you then." Burt said. 
"Fine." Sven crossed his arms and looked outside of the garden. Silence befall them for a few minutes more. 
"What if we pinched ourselves at the same time?" Burt suggested. 
"Then we'd both wake up at the same time?" Sven questioned. 
Burt nodded. 
Sven was quiet for a few seconds. 
"Alright, fine."
Burt nodded and held two fingers over his arm, hovering over his skin ever so slightly. Sven did the same. 
"Alright, on the count of three." Burt said. 
"One." Burt initiated the countdown. 
"Two." He continued
"Wait!" Sven interrupted him. 
"What?" Burt glanced up at Sven. 
"On three or after?"
Burt hummed in thought. "After."
Sven nodded. "Alright, sorry. Let's restart."
Burt nodded back in response. 
Sven pinched his skin and everything went black. 
Sven's eyelids fluttered open, the sun blinding him for a second. Once he adjusted his eyes to the light, he sat up. He was still in his bed, under the covers and in his pajamas. Once his mind woke up a little more, he started to recall the dream he just had. 
He was in a garden…and it was dark out. It was quiet and nice, save for one thing. What was it? A person? Some guy and…was it a tophat he had on or headphones? 
The dream was fairly vivid for someone who doesn't usually remember their dreams well. That was probably the most he's ever remembered from a dream.
He felt a small but noticeable stinging type pain in his left arm. He instinctively moved his hand over to rub over it, hoping to soothe the pain a little. 
What was that about? 
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
If you had to choose between...
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Which would it be?
tw: kidnapping, emotional manipulation (kinda), general madness
In case you´re worried about any drawbacks when it comes to the extend of madness, worry not. For both are as bonkers (about you) as they come, each in their own unique way.
Had a bad day? Say no more - Momma(s) will be there to cheer you up. Strong arms coming to wrap around you, scooping you up, squeezing just a tad bit too tight and cooing at you oh so sweetly as you whine and lament, because-
...Not her fault you´re such a delicate little thing.
(She wouldn´t have it any other way.)
...What was that?
Some random fool is responsible for putting her sweet girl in such a sour mood?
Well, consider it done.
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*Human!Momma sharpening the soon to be murder weapon.*
(And yes, she will be wearing those glasses later, too. Momma wants to witness every little twitch, after all.)
How about something not quite as extreme, though? Some everyday stuff? Something sane? Surely things aren´t gonna escalate this time. Right?
Something on your way to that hellhole the apartment spiked your interest, and you mentioned it kinda off-handed. Just trying to make pleasant conversation. Yknow, normal things.
Waking up from a rather refreshing nap, you did not expect to be met with not just one (1) redhead, but two (2) - your roommate wearing a grin rivaling Cheshire's, while the much smaller version, clutched tightly by big hands, trembled like a leaf. The poor thing-
Come to think of it, the kid seemed familiar. And not just because she was the spitting image of your fiery roommate (minus the blood and guts, if we´re dealing with Maggot Momma). You swear you´d seen her before-
Watching your companion's face fall as you patiently explained to her why kidnapping someone wasn't exactly in either of your best interests shouldn't have been nearly as gut-wrenching.
"-you can´t just go out there and snatch someone up like they´re a stray cat! Especially not a child!"
Oh...so it´s her fault, now?
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"You were the one gushing about my mini-me earlier!", Momma no longer understood the world. This was what you wanted, wasn´t it?? "You looked so happy, imagining what it would be like..."
Strong hands wrapped around your upper arms then, slowly stroking up and down. "Don´t you think this would be absolutely perfect? You were right...look at her, she was meant for us!"
Oh boy. Here we go again.
"What if her parents come looking for her? Someone will notice if she won't show up at school anymore-"
"We're her parents now", said with a most serene look. If you hadn't been living with that exact attitude for well over a year now, you'd have felt chilled to the bone.
"You can´t just-", you stop yourself there, realizing you sounded like a broken record by now. This was not a battle won by logic.
Deep breaths.
"...She´s not the one." you concluded, trying your best to look the part. It was something that came rather easy to you by now, as you had been given plenty of opportunities to master your poker face.
Your roommate was looking at you like you were the one who´s lost it.
"But...earlier you said-"
"I lied", you silently applauded yourself for remaining steadfest at the sheer disappointment slowly spreading across your partner´s face.
You didn´t particularly enjoy being the "party pooper", but more often than not, you felt like this was the only thing keeping the redhead´s tendencies somewhat in check. So you took that role very seriously.
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"I guess I was just...blinded by this idea of another you, so perfect. How could it not be when you´re so...you?", you couldn´t have sounded more sappy, and you knew it. But that was the point.
It always worked.
So you continue, tears starting to form in your eyes-
"I´m sorry for getting your hopes up...so stupid! I should´ve known better - I was looking for an excuse to justify making her ours, but I knew she wasn´t the one, all along. I could feel it!", you started lightly hitting your head then, turning things up a notch and adding to the dramatics of it all.
And then-
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You had her.
"Stop, stop...stop!", your hands were grasped, preventing you from further doing your head in. Good. That shit started to actually hurt. "Stop hurting yourself...and stop worrying that pretty head of yours. I understand."
"...You do?"
You were pulled into a smothering hug, her cheek coming to rest on your head, swaying the two of you slowly from side to side. "I know what it feels like...to be overcome by your thoughts and feelings. Like a deep-rooted instinct, overshadowing everything else. You get this tunnel vision where nothing else matters...nothing except yourself and that moment. I know it because...it´s what I feel every time I look at you."
And, just like that, you were reminded why you put up with all of this in the first place.
You reciprocated the hug just as fiercely, finally allowing yourself to relax, now that the crisis had been averted. Nobody was dying or getting dismembered, the apartment was still standing, you had no authorities nearly kicking your door in, demanding you to-
"LAPD, open this door!"
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Momma, reconsidering some of her life choices (she´s really not) as you throw her a look that clearly says "Told you so".
What do you think? Who will be your unhinged partner in crime, now and forever more because you belong together, were meant for each other-
Make your choice.
In fact-
Can´t wait to see those results...
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
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cw ; gn!reader, injuries, conversations about mortality, age gap (reader is a little older than aki)
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"Fuck, Hayakawa - did I piss you off in a past life? Relax a little."
"Shut up," He says, exasperated. Mad really, the first time you've ever seen him so angry "You're such an idiot."
"How is this my fault? I'm just doing my job.''
The lights in Aki's kitchen are low and dark. Power and Denji are asleep in another room, something that you're thankful for. You've got your shirt off, back exposed entirely with hardly anything covering your chest.
Aki is currently nursing a wound on your back, a harsh gash that might need stitches. It's too early to tell, and you hate hospitals. That sterilized scent makes your head spin and you hate the fluorescent light. You weren't expecting to see Aki. You were on the way to where Kishibe and Quanxi were because you knew they wouldn't ask any questions.
And truthfully, you didn't really want Aki to see you like this. He found you though, passed out under a streetlight, and you were half-conscious as you leaned on him. Now you're sitting on a wood stool in his kitchen, a single overhead light making a glow on your back.
And he's pissed about it, because of course he is. You and Aki don't get along like you should. Of the hunters, you only casually hangout around Kishibe and Quanxi and some of the other soft-hearted folks. He's softened too, since Denji and Power came into the mix, but it's hard for you to not shrink back upon seeing him. Once upon a time, you used to be close though. A long time ago, it feels like.
So it's not weird sitting like this, but it is awkward. You suck some air between your teeth as alcohol stings your skin and Aki scoffs at you.
"You get a knife in your back but you can't handle some stinging?"
"Adrenaline is a good friend of mine, Aki."
""It's like you have a death wish." He says, and this time he sounds upset forreal. You don't know what to say to that.
"Once upon a time, you did too, yknow? I know it's different now, which is great but," You sigh, glancing over at him with a sigh "Don't act like you don't get it."
"I don't get you," He admits, and you can't tell if he's being gentle or sarcastic. Maybe both "Everyone knows why I'm here. But what reason do you have to be in public safety?"
You laugh a little.
"You know the way you're talking makes it seem like you care."
"...I just want to know why."
For a minute you remember that Aki is soft-hearted. That he's kind by nature, that he's warm. You feel a little bad for putting him on the spot. You tilt your head back to get a good look at his face, and you're taken back to the minutes you kissed each other on new years. Young and different.
He looks good still. Brighter.
"I wanted to do good. Everybody dies. Not everyone gets a choice. So, if I'm going to die inevitably, I hope it's for something good." You explain, laughing a bit on your own philosophy "I went out doing something that protected someone. To me, that's a good life.'
"You're a saint." He bites, sarcastic. There's a little sincerity laced in it. And you think to yourself that's right, he's always been a little like this. It's the big brother in him, the caretaker. Even when he's annoyed, he's probably trying to look out for you.
You're not the type who can accept it readily. Maybe that's why things never worked out.
"Thanks, Hayakawa. I'll cherish that."
"I'm being sarcastic." He deadpans, placing pressure on the wound. You don't laugh that time.
"Not completely though, right?"
He's silent that. You feel a little bad for making fun of him.
"No. Not completely," He replies, tiredness in his tone "You're not the kind of person who should be working here. That's what I mean."
Oh, there he goes again. Stirring your feelings up. You smile.
"You make me want to kiss you, Aki," You say with a loopy grin. You blame it on the blood loss "And for what its worth, I think you're a good person anyway."
"That so."
"Teenage angst aside," You say. He makes an annoyed expression "I don't think you're a bad kid. It's been a tough life. You didn't know what to do."
"I always knew I was probably too angry."
"Holding onto your feelings in this line of work is tough. It's a miracle you've stayed mostly the same, even though you're soft as a marshmallow now."
"Shut up." You hear him laugh, genuine and barely there.
"I'm saying you're a good person and that you've got more to take care of. Worry about me a little less and about yourself a little more."
"As if I could worry about you any less. You're worse than Power and Denji combined."
"That's harsh, man."
"I'm saying," He breathes out steady, leaning over you so the light is covered by his shadow "You're reckless. And I hate people seeing die. So don't die. At least not in front of me."
"What a funny way of saying I love you, Hayakawa."
"What happened to Aki?"
You grin.
"Sorry, Aki." You grab the hand that's on your back, trembling - locking your fingers to his nervous ones and squeezing tight "I'll try not to die instead. Okay?"
"I'm gonna hold you to it."
"I know. That's so like you."
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winterarmyy · 1 month
Yinn, my lovely😭😭
am shooting one back:⭐
Please - I hearing your thoughts on Bucky and how you write him
give me - am all ears😌
Taraaaa bby 🥺🤍 thank you for shooting one back! you literally didn't have to, but i am grateful regardless.
My thoughts on bucky? i simply love him. i think he deserves the world, he deserves his own show that revolves around him adjusting to modern days and fall in love and get married and have his own happy ever after; like a show with 0 fighting scenes. just sweet baby bucky finding life, love and alpine. but ultimately, i want him to be happy and honestly talking about 'happy', i think steve was sooooo wrong to leave bucky behind in end game. like bruh-- don't get me started. so we're moving on to the next topic.
hmmm 🤔 if you notice the way i write bucky, it is different for every fic , but there were also some similarities because i'd say i have a fundamental traits for every bucky that i write but each will have additional traits based on the plot/what type of bucky he is.
the base traits of most bucky i wrote is in a way... he is reserved?? i want to say he grumpy but not to the extend that he'd be rude yknow what i mean? there are times that he can 'sound' rude but usually it was not his intention to be. then from there i'd add up other traits like l:
1. in "and you're mine", bucky is very insecure due to him believing that he is not a worthy alpha due to his lost of limb and 'undesired' body, but since he is an alpha, there are times that he can be dominating and take control of a situation. like the way he saved her at the park from that drunk alpha.
2. in "plot twist" he tends to be a bit more charismatic?? a bit of a devil too tbh cause i mean how can we forget the scene at the balcony at the party. the man was literally on his knees, kissing his wife's thigh, worshipping her like he is not the most fearsome mafia in town?? that cheeky little devil.
3. in "welcome home soldat" well, bucky is exactly as his base trait but a bit more extreme, he is more hard on himself, and tend to bottle his true feelings instead of communicating them. thats why their relationship pre-relapsed was good. like he would came to her for help, he may seem like he is not interested in some of her jokes and all but he never really blatantly ignore her and then when he returned to his body, he distant himself, he blamed himself, he sound spiteful even if he was not trying to be and he did not seek help from anyone including steve. and as for winter, since the plot is written to 'flip the script', but still holding on to the base trait of the soldat. winter is ruthless to anyone he deems as enemies but he is a lovesick puppy to his darling. i also make it that he learns "how to feel" through bucky. especially from bucky's hidden feelingd; and winter was acting out as how he feels. which explains why he is written the way he is, very clingy, very people pleasing (at least he wants to please his darling if you know what i mean *wink wink), but still... he have his own consciousness as well, and you can see it on the part where they say goodbye. the whole speech that winter did. it is a glimpse of his own traits too.
and gosh i could go on and on but i'll be too long of a ramble. since you're curious of how i wrote bucky, that is basically it. i have some sort of a base traits for him, and i add more based on plot.
hope this answers your question! again thank you for shooting a star to me!! love you lots 🥺🤍
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glasswingowl · 1 year
spoilers under cut!
the VHS effect on the intro already caught me off guard, off to a good start
ok soo if a solver infected drone isn't properly disassembled then they'll zombify? that tracks i guess
whoops someone didn't follow disassembly protocol
good call n, ignore your frozen coworkers and just read about dogs
n would survive a horror movie (well he's already technically in one but you get what i mean)
i love the new drone already what-
everyone is so expressive now i love it! the new drone's a great example but everyone's so much more lively than the first few episodes!
i adore tessa already she's so full of life and excitement!
and j's the favorite, as predicted
"basement time out"???
tessa james elliot? neat
ok so both your parents suck got it
noo tessa :( they're not broken they're her friends leave them alone!!
n buddy no
oh jeez- there's gotta be a more efficient way of getting rid of them this isn't medieval times
... that's some interesting decor you've got there tessa. i mean she could just be goth but i'm not so sure
so her name IS Cyn!
oh she's going
ah so these are memories! that explains a few things
"i am a ghost witch! and i'm tall!' LMAO YOU WISH
that is such a cool shot omg
"we just hang out" yeah and you tried to murder me that one time but that's less important
oh she moved-
i love having my headcanon that not all disassembly drones are Like That and j's just a fucking weirdo proven right
she just spat blood-
a part of me was hoping that there'd be some sort of Cliffside reference with the gun. no such luck
now we know why tessa insists on wielding a SWORD instead of a more practical weapon. sentiment i guess.
"i kill you :3"
"why are you talking like that?" because he's a weirdo that's why
N being forced to say DarkXwolf17 with a straight face lmao
everyone is dead??
button eyepatch, fitting
wait- IS THAT THE "uzi give brayden back his sentience" THING? that's great i love that
tessa is so over dramatic love it
stop interrupting her >:(
"solver of the absolute fabric"???? that's new
noo leave the bug alone
"this is the only clue as to what's wrong with me" :(
"despite me, maybe" cmon khan give yourself a LITTLE credit (not TOO much but, yknow, a little)
now i'm wondering how this whole thing actually played out without uzi's interference/ memory weirdness. because this most likely didn't actually happen.
"i got you" aww he can't help but be nice even when she's possessed
"don't freaking dox me" this one got a laugh out of me. buddy dox you to who??
aaand there's v, hostile as usual. she'll get there eventually. maybe hopefully.
doll's working with tessa and j??
"just checking". bruh
i kinda like this ending, means they can just get right into the action instead of fucking around next episode
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behold! A collection of smaller Not Doc Worthy writings for the Order au! (Ft. Friend’s ocs, AU exclusive ocs and Subsanity)
Two demons made thier way through the underbrush of the Playground canopies, drained of their green and brown hues in favor of blacks, whites and grays of this new reality they are living in. It’s… eerily quiet for what Playground is- well- WAS. So to break the silence, Citric started up some small talk. “JUSTICE, WHAT DID YOU HEAR IN THERE? WHILE YOU WERE UNDERCOVER?” “Hm? Oh! Well… you remember when they said they were shutting out the Biograft operation?” “YES?” “And you remember when they promised to dismantle the Biografts?” Citric gave a small wince at that, deep down, they still care. Even when the other biografts didn’t, at the end of the day they are still a Biograft themselves… “… WHAT… WHAT ABOUT IT?” “Well turns out they wanted to use them for themselves. To enforce thier idea of “Justice” and “Order” “NO WAY.” “Yes way!! That also explains why the tech in those.. things- we’ve been fighting seems so familiar!” “THAT… DOES EXPLAIN A FEW THINGS…” “Yeah….” “… CREATOR WHOULD HAVE NEVER AGREED TO THIS…” “… I know….” “….. if… if he find him.. I’m sure w-we can find the others…” “BANLAND WARDEN BAN HAMMER HAS BEEN TAKEN TOO, YES?” “Yeah…” “I AM SURE WE WILL FIND HIM AS WELL.” “… thanks Citric..”
Citric and Justice banter! As they walk around Playground!
Citric and Justice carefully walked across the room they found themselves in, a whole lot of sneaking is what it took to break into this lab like facility- it almost reminds Citric of Blackrock… almost. Thier claws carefully grazed across one of the large containers in the room, on the fronts and the sides they are numbered. They also seem to have a window on all of them but it’s hard to see what is in them due to what appears to be liquid inside.. they all seem to have a color too. They were all glowing, making them the only splash of color the room had. “L-let’s not stay long… this place gives me the heebiejeebies… plus we might get caught if we linger…” “HM.” Justice looks over at thier robotic companion. “Something’s up?” “THESE… LOOK LIKE TEST TUBES. THE ONES BACK IN BLACKROCK. BUT FAR MORE CLOSED OFF THEN THE ALL GLASS ONES THERE.” “….. wait.” They came over to actually see what Citric was pointing out about these containers, giving it a small squint. “Oh… oh my swords your right…” “THEY DIDNT GET USED OFTEN, BUT THEY HAD THEM JUST IN CASE.” “Let’s… let’s just hope there’s nothing in them….” “I CAN NOT SEE MUCH IN IT. THE LIQUID INSIDE IS TOO THICK.” “Yknow.. I just realized something-“ “WHAT IS YOUR RELIZATION?” “Don’t some of these match the colors of some of those giant monster things we fought?” Citric seems to pause… and then take a look at the tubes around them. “YOU SEEM TO BE CORRECT.” “Do… you think this has anything to do with them?…” “THERE IS ALWAYS A CHANCE.” “… right… o-ok.. we should come back here later then, when we can! That is-“ “SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN.”
The two have found the phighters… but they don’t know it…. Yet. (NOTE: the deities are in the same area their beasts are in instead of being with the phighters)
…. You wanted to say something. ANYTHING. Tell them to run, tell them to leave you-
But you cant. Even if you could that’s just a waste of what little energy you have, and you are already using it up just to keep this thing from attacking Citric and their friend. To buy them enough time to fight him or run, you can only hold onto it for so long before Order’s design becomes absolute once again.
For the third time in your life… You wanted to cry. But that’s another thing you can’t do, you can’t even feel what was supposed to be your body. Is it even still there? Has it rotten away yet? You don’t know the answers to these questions, and you can’t find out anyways.
As your grasp slips from the beast, so does your vision. Slowly blurring once agian as you let go of the damned thing…. You just hope those two can fight back or make a run for it… Citric…. im… sorry….
a look at what it’s like for the phighters (and deities) in this situation
More on this: The Phighter can only hold onto it for so long till it becomes tiring, then it’s back to being a patrolling killing machine
“Congratulations, y’did what that warden couldn’t and caught me. What do y’have to say?” “Ma’am you are a wanted for being a murderer before The Era of Order, a participant of the Phighting Tournaments and a member of The Church Of The True Eye.” “I WAS a member. Y’got rid of almost all of us and got rid of the only life i have.. got nothin left.” “… hm. From what we knew we expected a bit more bite.” “Got no reason to put up much ova fight. Y’broke me, hope yer happy.” “Save it for Ivory.” “Got nothin left to say anyways.”
scythe isn’t doing well in this au AT ALL. I will elaborate more when I share her design
“And you’re also harboring a traitor…” “W-we put that past us!!” “really now?…” “The higher ups are gone and there’s no need for any of that anymore!!” “And you aren’t even going to TRY to build blackrock back up to full glory???” “There was nothing “Glorious” about it in the first place other then the fact we are the most technologically advanced faction! And that’s fine by me!” “…… so your both traitors?…” “N-NO!! T-that’s not-“ “Because that’s exactly what I’m hearing….”
Subsanity at it again with bullying other versions of himself
More on this: Subspace and Medkit pretty much chill tf out Because of au events (NO SUBKIT, they are just.. friends agian ig??)
They were also forced to work together which contributed to that (they now look at other versions of themselves like they are feral animals)
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Postal OC (Beachtime Dude) x Postal 2 Dude
The worst
Hiiii :) I made a postal oc a while back called Beachtime Dude but never made a fic with him until now! Like his name suggests he’s a beach themed Dude! He’s a stereotypical surfer Dude basically. The idea for him kinda came from just Ken from Barbie and doll swimsuit lines being called stuff like “Beachtime fun 🤪”. His nickname is Ken bc of that :D uhhhhHHH YEA I HOPE U ALL LIKE THIS 👍
“Yknow, you’re probably the worst version of myself I’ve ever came across.” Dude said matter-of-factly from across the table as he took another scoop out of the ice cream the other Dude had bought for him. Yes the same one who he was currently bad mouthing. The blonde raised a eyebrow but didn’t look too fazed as he tossed the frisbee Champ and his own dog, Pal, had brought back to him. “Is that so? Would love to know why.” Was all he replied with as he watched Champ and his golden retriever kick up sand as they carelessly chased after the toy.
‘Would love to know why’ Dude repeated in his head with a scowl. There are so many reasons why he was the worst but they all pretty much equated to this version of Dude being too perfect. He was too sane to be a Postal Dude..and just too different in general. The man had blonde hair and a sculpted body for Christ sakes. He honestly looked sculpted by the Gods while most Postal Dudes Dude knew were ginger and on the skinny side or like in his own case, flabby. It pissed him off. Not to mention that the blonde, in the three days Dude had been stranded and stuck with him, hadn’t shown a single moment of his mask of sanity slipping. He hasn’t seen one instance of the other seeming pissed off by the world or pissed at himself. It just didn’t make sense. He wasn’t even annoying sly like the Postal Dude with the brown trench coat was. He was just some ‘ordinary’ Dude by the looks of it…it wasn’t fair and oh god did he hope there wasn’t more like him. He couldn’t take another version of himself that was basically a ‘what could have been’ being rubbed in his face.
Of course he didn’t need to really know that right now however. Dude just sighed and watched the blonde for a moment longer. “Ken?” He asked. The blonde looked over and took his sunglasses off before he began to rub the lens against his the bottom of his tight shirt, probably to get the sand off or something. “Hm?”
“Do you really spend all your time just chilling at the beach? Like.. you aren’t always running around.. living the busy life?” Dude asked before again, taking another bite of his ice cream, trying to ignore the fact this other Dude had insanely mesmerizing light blue eyes (another thing he hated him for). “Mhm. Well- occasionally I help organize events for the beach or beaches near by.. or help bring awareness to keeping them clean by having people sign petitions. Other than that I mostly just take it easy.. and get up to things I wanna get up to.” Ken explained as he continued to rub away at his sunglasses and once he was happy with them, he slid them back on.
Dude felt like if he scowled anymore at the other he’d get stuck that way. Really? This guy was one of those ‘keep the earth green’ hippie guys too? He was more like a young Unlce Dave if anything else. Ok not that Dude was against the message but y’know…again he wasn’t like any other Postal Dude he’d met.. he seemed like too much of a goodie two shoes. Dude decided to yet again basically repeat himself from earlier “You suck.” Ken rolled his eyes with a grin before taking the spoon Dude was using from his hand and taking his own scoop of Dudes frozen treat. “For what? Caring about something important? I’m so sor-”
“Has anything shitty happened to you before? Ever?” Dude blurted out without really thinking about it.. and by Kens expression, he could tell that he was maybe catching on to Dudes jealousy.. or at least train of thoughts. Ken only looked at him a moment longer before bringing the spoon up to his mouth and yep, put it in his mouth even though it had just been in Dudes. “Yeah? I guess… Had a bit of a uh..traumatic at home life with my parents. But I don’t exactly wanna get into it.” Oh.. well Dude of course wasn’t going to celebrate that but at least Ken seemed a little more relatable with this now known fact. “Oh… sorry.” was all Dude offered in return.
They sat in silence for a bit in the sunset as Ken took a couple more bites. The silence had been alright for them both for awhile but Dude could tell there was something on Kens mind. It only just now occurred to him that maybe just randomly asking someone you didn’t exactly have the closest bond to yet about their possible troubled past wasnt the best idea. He was about to try to get some sort of apology out until Ken held up a finger as though he was about to speak before he swallowed his spoonful of ice cream.
“If you don’t have the best uh.. mental health or if you wanna change your mind set, have you tried exercising? It-” Dude interrupted Kens thoughts with a scoff before propping his elbow on the bench table and resting the side of his head on his hand. “What’s next? You’re gonna sell me crystals?” Dude joked with a roll of his eyes. Everyone always said the same thing when it comes to this kinda shit. Do people think it’s honestly that easy t- “if you’d let me finish…” Ken continued, now interrupting Dudes thoughts “I was going to say, I know it’s not for everyone but it helped me. I don’t even think of surfing and swimming as exercise half the time. It’s more of a hobby. I was going to say you could try finding a hobby too asshole…” he said with a tease as he just twirled the spoon a bit in his hands, still watching Dude in front of him, even ignoring when the dogs came back with the frisbee and dropped it by his feet.
“Don’t have time for ‘em. It’s always something or another going on with me. I haven’t quite figured out the way to be a beach bum and relax all day in a little travel camper thing like you yet so..” Dude trailed off with a grin. Ken ignored the ‘bum’ part for now as he sighed and looked over to the ocean to the left of him. The waves had calmed down quite a bit and not many people were still hanging around.. not many people stayed very late on weekdays anyways. The few people who were still on the beach were just relaxing near the shore line while others were swimming in the water.. and that’s when Ken got a idea.
He turned back to Dude and was suddenly grinning but before Dude could say anything, Ken took another scoop and held it up to Dudes mouth. “Here. Hurry up ‘busy boy’. I got a idea”
Dude felt his cheeks heat up a bit at the nickname as he roughly pulled the plastic spoon out of Kens hand and into his own, making the scoop of ice cream fall onto his own pants. “Whatever…I can feed myself you weirdo. Just give me a second.” Dude grumbled. Ken didn’t seem to mind though as he suddenly got up and tossed his own trash away in the nearby garbage can and made his way over to his little camper parked right on the sand not far away.
Dude watched with a frown as he quickly finished before tossing the empty cup out and catching up to the blonde who had opened the back doors of his camper and was rummaging in what looked like a pile of clothes for something or another. “What the hell are you doing?” Dude asked as he leaned against the back of the truck. Ken shuffled a couple things around a moment longer before he held up a pair of swimming trunks. “You said you didn’t have a swimsuit yesterday right? Well you’re going to try swimming now.”
It took a bit of convincing to make Dude actually try them on. Ken had to tell him that yes they were washed (even though he knew Dude really wasn’t one to give a shit about wearing clean clothes), and also yes, they’d fit and he wouldn’t look stupid. There weren’t even many people around anyways even if he did. He obviously could tell that despite the tough, rugged persona Dude put on he was pretty easily embarrassed and self conscious.. but it wasn’t anything some positive reinforcement and praise couldn’t fix. And eventually, Dude did emerge from a nearby changing stall in the ‘stupid’ trunks Ken had picked out that were just black with flames on them.
“Here. Happy? I hope you don’t expect me to go very deep by the w-”
“See!?” Ken cut him off. “Look at you! You look fine! You can even keep those if you want. I barely wear them anyways. I get so many from companies and brands that I don’t even wear the same ones more than once anymore.. anyways cmon, let’s go.” Ken said with a grin before taking Dudes wrist before Dude could go on just standing there, complaining further. Dude followed him though confused as he did so. “Companies send you shit? Why?” He asked. Ken however didn’t answer and instead slipped his hand into Dudes as they approached the shore line. Dude felt his face get a little warm again but didn’t really make move to take his hand away..he just didn’t hold Kens hand back.
“Ok. So..there isn’t anything to be afraid of okay? I don’t know what horror movies you’ve seen but it’s really not that dangerous until you swim wayyyy out.. wait do you even know how to swim?” Ken asked. Now Dude took his hand out of Kens grasp. Of course he knew how to swim. He was 26. He wasnt a child… Dude huffed. “I’m not stupid Ken. Just shut up already would ya?” He asked as he finally took a couple steps in. He was fine. The only thing bothering him was he was pretty sure he already stepped on a sea shell but it didn’t matter. Ken watched him with a grin before shrugging. “Whatever man. I’m still making you actually swim a bit.”
And the whole thing.. turned out less annoying than Dude thought it would. The water felt really refreshing against Dudes already ‘old’ and warn our body.. especially when Ken wasnt making actually swim out some (with his help.. Dude had gotten a little rusty and forgot how to really swim so some help was needed. Which Ken actually kindly gave) and allowed him to relax. The time together actually made Dude a lot less pissy with him earlier as they shared some laughs, stupid life stories, and some nice moments together. They barely had noticed when the sky had gotten darker until the last other person on the beach had gotten out to get dried off some.
At least Dude had watched that person leave anyways. Ken was being stupid and was under the water for some reason or another until he popped up beside Dude and flipped his wet hair back out his face and grinned. Dude wouldn’t admit it but.. damn did Ken look nice with his hair all messy with that stupid grin. “Necklace.” He randomly said. “Huh?” Ken lifted a arm out of the water and presented some necklace he definitely hadn’t had on earlier. This one had a nice, pretty sliver butterfly charm on it “Someone lost it I guess. It’s mine now.” He grinned as he moved to put it on Dude, only rolling his eyes and chuckling as Dude swam back away from him a bit at the action.
“If it’s yours why the hell are you putting it on me?!” Dude asked as he went to grab a hold of it. “Because? I wanna. Chill out. If it’s mine I can give it to whoever I want.” Ken replied with a shrug, still grinning. Dude was quiet a minute before letting go and leaving it on. “Hm.. I guess you are a little bit of shitty person then. Stealing some poor girls necklace to give to a guy you barely know.” Dude finally grinned back. “Eh, if someone loses something while swimming here they rarely have hope they’ll be able to find it again. I’ve seen like maybe.. one or two people try though and I actually helped them thank you very much.. and it’s not like I pawn the stuff I find off anyways.”
“Oh so you give them to whoever lucky girl.. or uh guy.. I guess.. you’re with for the day?” Dude teased, now slicking his own messy wet hair back too. Ken smirked and moved a bit closer to him. “Mm.. nah. I might give some away but I actually use most accessories I find in my photos online! Well the ones someone can’t be like .. totally sure it’s theirs anyways.” Ken explained. “Ah.. you post a lot of pictures online? What? You got a ‘onlysurfers’ or something?”
Ken chuckled and shook his head. “Nah. Remember how I told you I get people sending me things? I got a good social media following.. I guess you can kinda say I’m a model. It’s usually like beach life brands sending me shit. I get paid to promote their crap.” Ken explained before he glanced over to their two pups who were now just laying about on the sand. “Ugh… you’re a social media influencer? I think me and Champ are going to have to leave you soon now.” Dude teased, shoving him playfully. Truth be told, it really didn’t surprise him that Ken was a bit of a model though. Hell, if he looked like him he probably would post pictures everywhere of himself too. “Aww don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Ken joked as he looked back to Dude. Okay now he really was sounding like that one other ‘Postal Dude’ with the brown jacket.. maybe he was a more sane version of that specific Dude.. though he honestly didn’t give a shit about thinking about all that anymore at the moment.
They swam for a bit more, just talking until something felt.. really wrong and painful. Dudes face twisted into a pained look as he hissed and lunged forward onto Ken since the pain was in his foot and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep himself up right with the painful muscle spasms. “AGH! Shit!” Dude cursed only just now realizing he’d thrown himself against Ken when Kens arms wrapped around him.. oh god. “Are you alright?” Ken asked in concern as Dude still gripped on. “Ah- sorry yeah. Got a fucking cramp from all this swimming though. Didn’t mean to grab you though let me just-..” Dude tried to shimmy away to maybe swim back to shore himself as quickly as he could but it seemed like Ken had other plans as he held onto him as he started swimming back to shore.. Dude was pretty sure he’d never been more embarrassed in his life. This shit was something out of some girls diary where she wrote about some blonde hot life guard man coming in and saving her. Dude couldn’t help but to groan and cover his face once Ken got out of the water but still held onto him, now bridal style. Ken only grinned though as he happily walked Dude over to his camper. “Poor thing.. see this is why you need to keep swimming! You can build up your tolerance and-”
“Or I could just not go swimming in the first place” Dude spat glaring at him but for some reason.. still not telling him to put him down. “Pfft. But where’s the fun in that?”
Eventually Ken had gotten both dogs back in the camper and shut the doors as he had Dude sit on the bed as he digged for some kinda medicine to help Dude with his pain. Dude hated how bright it was in his little camper but it was somehow better than his own trailer home.. even though it was much smaller. It was nicely decorated and not cluttered somehow and he’d somehow managed to fit a sofa in there which is what Dude had slept on the past two nights.. hell there was even a little spot inside the camper for Kens dog. How he managed it, he didn’t know.
“Sorry you’re feeling bad.. I shoulda realized you probably couldn’t swim as long as I can.” Ken said as he finally found the medication he was looking for and grabbed a water bottle before handing both to Dude. Dude shrugged and took the meds before speaking. “Not the worst pain I’ve been in. At least I had a idea that it was coming…”
Ken wasn’t exactly sure what Dude meant by that but as he looked over his body… he could probably piece it together. The other man had many odd shaped scars all over his body and with the way he was talking earlier, it wouldn’t surprise him if Dude really did get up to more.. dangerous things around town all day. It wasn’t a ugly look though, more interesting than anything else really. He’d have to ask about it eventually but as he looked up to Dude, he noticed he’d probably been checking his body out too long because his face had gone red.. it was so easy to see it too since he was your typical pale ginger. “W-what?” Dude asked, only now just remembering to turn and grab his shirt he’d left on the bed and toss it on.
Ken shook his head. “Nothing. Just.. you can take the bed tonight. I kinda accidentally pushed ya too hard. I’ll take the couch.” He said as he began to shut the blinds to some windows. It had gotten pretty late and Ken really seemed to have a much better sleep schedule down than Dude.. Dude watched for a bit, thinking to himself… The couch wasn’t terrible but, god would he be pissed if he had to let some basically ‘homeless’ guy take his bed while he slept on his couch.. that’s what Dude told himself his thought process was at least before he awkwardly coughed before speaking up.
“Uhm… you don’t- I wouldn’t mind…” Of course Dude couldn’t actually get what he wanted to say out, it was too fucking weird and embarrassing. He scratched the back of his head and looked away from Ken as he tried to think of how to continue. “Hmm?” Ken asked as he turned a light off. “Get on the damn bed.” Dude spat out awkwardly.
Ken rolled his eyes and just thought Dude was being hardheaded. So he tuned off one other light before grumbling a “fine.” And climbed onto the bed, thinking Dude would stand up but he never did. It was only when Ken laid down and Dude followed his action until he got what Dude wanted. “Oh…” He smirked, now flipping to lay on his side toward Dude. “If you wanted to cuddle you could have just asked” he teased. Dude grumbled before taking his sunglasses off and rubbing his eyes. “I can get up if you’re just going to be a ass.” Dude huffed. “No~ I’m sorry. You’re just trying to be nice. I know it’s hard for you.” Dude ignored that and just moved to actually get under the covers, which Ken did as well. Once they were both comfortable, Ken spoke up again. “Hey Dude?”
“I get a.. little lonely at night. Can I hold you?” Ken asked barely holding in the laugh at the end though he was serious. Dude opened his eyes to give a mean glare at him. “Whatever. This is already gay enough as it is.”
“ I don’t know why you’re acting like it was my idea for this mr moody.” Ken said before snaking his arms around the other. Dude didn’t dignify that with a response.. well more like he didn’t know how to respond to that. He was just so tired and it did feel nice to have someone hold him like that so he just stayed quiet. And it stayed like that until they both fell asleep, gayly in the same bed.
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minimoefoe · 7 months
the star beast next day rewatch thoughts
noted down thoughts as I was watching rather than figuring out my thoughts at the end like I did when it was on live
- the new theme kinda has disney vibes idk how to explain it. also the sequence feels kinda fast like it's cut weird but also I love that moment where it's far away and zooms in fast to the tardis
- donna missing stuff again and her just rambling on was so good
- fourteen hearing the wilf mention <3
- nerys mention, luv her
- have seen ppl say they don't like the deadnaming scene and I can defo see wh like that's probs not nice to watch and also some ppl are deadnaming rose which is like okay gross but also it's a real experience that ppl go through and it's important to show it and also rose isn't real so yknow
- obsessed with how protective donna is over rose !!!
- sylvia and donna talking about rose being trans and not being sure what to say, great scene
- donna spending 15yrs thinking there's something missing from her life actually kills me so much like ahhhhhhh
- the doctor saying he loves donnna and being shocked that he said it omg 14 >>> 10
- idk why the doctor questions if donna is happy, I dont think he's so far been given a reason to think she isn't? maybe he's just assuming from what he knew of her life before but I mean, he's just met her clearly very nice and happy kid and husband
- obsessed with the meep's little pre-evil voice it's so cute
- ctate is very good at playing funny and sad and everything in between except angry/shouting. her shouting isn't it for me
- all the different names donna gave the meep and it grabbing her leg 😭😭
- sylvia losing her mind and her initial 'you' is my fave thing ever
- I like shaun more than I thought I would, not that had any expectations going into this when it came to him tbh, I wasn't really bothered about him either way
- I didn't for a second thing they were confirming wilf as being dead lmao, it was very obvious it was gonna be a misunderstanding. love sylvia calling the doctor an idiot and love that kate is looking after wilf
- rose being like 'you're assuming he pronouns' was so cringe like, yes, it is good and important to have easy discussions like that but I don't think there's harm in asking for it to be written non annoyingly like it made rose seem kinda snotty idk and it didn't feel natural. also THE DOCTOR, known to not care about gender etc, having to be asked/reminded about pronouns is a bit ??
- sonic is overpowered as hell
- court scene was a bit meh idk how I feel about it. kinda just five minutes of exposition in a car park like okay? meep turning evil was cool tho
- I hope the 'we all have weapons in our wheelchairs' includes my guy wilf
- donna saying the doctor's name.. cinema kinda
- donna being fuming that she gave her money away actually kills me
- donna led there dying made me feel nothing partly bc she clearly wasn't gonna die but also idk it didn't feel as grand as donna dying should be (presumably bc it obviously wasn't gonna happen but if you wanna trick me into thinking she's gonna die then at least do it well idk)
- I think I like rose having some of the meta crisis-ness being passed down to her, that makes sense I think. Idk about it seemingly making rose nonbinary though like that's dumb as fuck I fear
also I kinda wish she wasn't called rose even if it makes sense why she chose that name and if we're being fr her being called martha wouldn't have been quite as 😱😱 so. her being called rose is veryyyy rtd not being able to move on from her coded tho
- excited to see who the boss is and I said in my prev review that it was maybe the toymaker but I feel like it isn't like the toymaker is presumably something to do with why the doctor has that face and ended up near donna and I don't think the meep has any relevance to that
- 'we've got all that power and a way to get rid of it, something a male time lord will never understand. just let it go' is truly the stupidest shite I've ever heard like HUH? like I'm all for a men suck, women rule moment (like when 13 and missy said they were upgrades) but this moment was so odd like what are you even on about 😭😭 also them just.. letting the energy or whatever go is like... oh is that it? okay????
- I think I like the tardis interior actually idk. it's kinda a bit empty and massive and I do wish there was more Stuff about the place but I love all the circles on the walls and the light changing and the paths are very cool. as long as we never have to see it in full bright white mode like a lot of the stills we've seen of it are then I'll be happy
- donna saying the doctor should visit, him saying her leaving killed him AHHHHHHH. also this must mean something Bad happens in the giggle bc she's right, there is no reason for them to leave each other now that she's not gonna die from the meta crisis
- that coffee spilling thing was kinda stupid and I hated donna's shout but anyways
- the weird noises in the theme at the end genuinely made me feel like I was gonna have some kind of panic attack like it sounded like weird breathing and it was fucking with me bad woah I fucking hate that
- still think some of the dialogue was basic and not what I was expecting from rtd but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it being and there's A LOT of funny as fuck moments throughout the ep fr. some of the resolution was also silly/nonsensical but overall its like, okay I guess that's what we're doing let's move on
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sta7z · 2 years
“Me Too” Will Byers and Adopted Sibling! Reader 
:・゚✧:・゚ Warnings :・゚✧:・゚ ✩࿐80’s era homophobia ✩࿐Coming Out ✩࿐Slight Angst? ✩࿐Angela existing ✩࿐ Cursing ✩࿐ Slight Y/N x Max ✩࿐Byler Byler BYLER
You weren’t exactly one of the Byers, but after the many supernatural incidents in Hawkins left you without a father Joyce took care of you. You missed Hawkins, California was nice and all but you missed Mike, Nancy, Dustin, Lucas. And most of all you missed Max. Ever since that day you, Max, and El, all went to the mall and dumped your boyfriends you felt something. Something… wrong.
·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. At School ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·.
“HEY QUEER!” One of Angela’s cronies shouted at you whilst you slammed your locker shut. Will was standing beside you, he was thought it was aimed at him, and honestly I thought so too. Back in Hawkins that’s all everyone would call will, that and that horrid word. One, you realized, Joyce and Jonathan never said. ”Fuck Off, Yknow you probably wished you were Queer. David Bowie, Queen, both way hotter than you. Honestly, I hope you slip on your fucking face.” You retorted. You always dressed rather boyishly. You didn’t really think it was a problem. But apparently that blonde bimbo did. You huffed and walked into your next class. You noticed a girl brushing up against Will. he seemed pretty uncomfortable so you stood in the middle of the two and started a fake conversation with Will to save him.
·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. At Night ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·.
You decided to go and check on Will, he usually leaves his door locked but not this time. You creep in and notice he’s drawing something… “Mike” you whispered under your breath, making Will jump up. “Oh-Oh! Y/N! Hey! I didn’t- I didn’t notice you there.” He was practically hyperventilating at this point, absolutely panicking to put up his art supplies in time. “Hey, I’m sorry for not knocking, I-I’ll just pretend I didn’t see anything.” You said heading for the door. “Wait.” You stopped in your tracks and turned around. He gestured for you to sit next to him on his bed and he gently held the drawing in both hands. “Mike is the heart,” he explains pointing at the drawing. “He’s always been the one to hold the team together. The most important part.” You stayed silent, you couldn’t help but see this pain in Will’s eyes. One you were far too familiar with. “Mike… he… He always said his life began the day he met El. But… my life started the day I met him.” He teared up “He never judged me for anything. He always let me be me. I-“ He paused turning and crying. You gently patted his back. “No no I get it. It’s like… that person in your life that makes you feel truly alive no matter what. The person that’s always there for you.” He wiped his tears and looked at you. “Really? What’s his name?” You held your breath and let out a sigh. “It’s… Max, Max Mayfield. I get it Will.” You hugged him for what felt like forever. Will was your brother. Your best friend. He always had been. “I’m. Yknow.” Will said flailing his arms. “Me too Will. Me too.” You said, understanding. “You know, this one time Mike told me he has every single one of your drawings. It was recently too, in one of his letters.” Will perked up, excitement and love in his eyes “Really?? Where’s the letter? Let me see!” You chuckled and pulled it out. “Has max been writing you letters or calling at all?” You shrugged, Max was usually busy. And anyways why would she. She has Lucas. “Well,” Will said standing up “Tomorrow is my birthday and Mike and Max are coming over. Maybe we can all play a round of D&D to make up for lost time!” You perked up absolutely obsessed with the idea. “Who’s gonna be in our party??? We haven’t exactly made that many friends here…” ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. He Knows ·:¨༺ ★ ༻¨:·. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to play.” Jonathan came into the room, your Big Brother. It’s surprising he’s not stoned out of his mind tonight. The two of you though, we’re dumbstruck. You hadn’t realized you left the door open. “Don’t worry I was the only one who heard,” Jonathan came over and hugged the both of you, you felt tears stream down your face. He didn’t let go. “Listen, I’ve told Will this a thousand times and I’ll tell you both until you get it through your thick skulls. But I’m your brother, there’s nothing either of you could do or say or be that would make me stop loving you. I’m here for you.”
I got lazy, should I finish?
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shiningclown69 · 2 years
Also replying to @winxdclub about that post
Its v fun to read and reply but also IM SO SORRY that this has led to so much spam 💀😭 Hopefully you don't feel obligated to respond to everything. Ok, now i can respond
Yeah, I am begging for the writers to let Riven NOT be the cause of every single problem. Helia is totally prone to make mistakes on his own, pushing most of the blame to Riven is such a cop-out. Esp when the lesson should be that mistakes don't define Helia's worth as a person at all. If Riven does screw up, let him be apologetic!!! He has shown he has the capability to apologise!!!
Also yessss it would make more sense that the rumour be that Helia was a prodigy who screwed up and left RF. It adds to that layer of mystery Helia has and makes it more rewarding when the rest of the guys grow to trust him
Helia: Maybe Brandon should be leader since he's the ONLY one who hasn't tried to put Riven in a chokehold at least once.
Timmy: But I haven't?
Helia: You would if you could.
I'm sorry to make you hopeful for S6, it WILL be disappointing. But hey, new characters mean new reworks from Rus haha wink wink
Oooo the idea that Brandon's struggle is not rly seen bc of the subtlety of is interesting, tho I wonder abt the logistics of it working in a episodic setting. Istg all these sound v prime for a specialists fanfic or rewrite haha
Yeah Brandon is probably an outlier when it comes to reacting to fuck ups. Tho, I don't think there's much opportunities we see that if i rmb correctly. Only times I can think abt is S4 when mitzi kissed him and he just awkwardly walked away from the argument, some moments from S6 when he confronts Stella, and him apologising solemnly when he breaks up w stella in the comics. And maybe the funniest moment: Him washing dishes when he hasn't resolved things with Stella yet, and there is an unecessary amt of awkward tension. For DISHES.
Brandon bias <3 <3 How he ends up being sexy haha funny man with this kind of backstory + the most serious way of dealing with conflict is a mystery to me.
Hmm I did consider that Erendor prob wouldn't like Sky being friends with Brandon. The only justification I came up with is that (if this info i saw from the magazine canon) Brandon's parents are close to Erendor/Samara, as their advisor/handmaiden respectively. I don't think they respect their courtesans much, but that connection might have given Brandon some leeway to be friends with Sky.
My hc before I knew his family info was q similar to your idea I think? That Brandon was the son of Erendor's longtime bodyguard. The fact that his father could easily train him + similar age + accessible and "acceptable" to let near Sky would prob make Brandon a good candidate
ALSO YES we need to acknowledge more than Nabu was prob left alone with his servants and guards!!! I feel he defo snuck out alot, which is why he learnt invisibility spells and changed his name. Might also explain why he has a tendency to babble sometimes abt things he's interested in (getting trapped in a cage is NOT a good time to talk abt music my man), mans prob happy to be around ppl his age who are willing to hold a conversation with him.
Ok i should have elaborated more. Brandon IS a child soldier, but I was imagining the duration that he's been put under this job. 15 is a good range but I hc he might have started younger at around 10-12? Idk maybe this has smth to do with the S6 thing i mentioned Brandon keeps mentioning "since we were kids" as if it feels rly long ago
Also I didn't know where to put this but I looked back at the S2E14. Brandon going "I've been here before" when the gang are inside Yoshinoya's prison cell?? Brandon what??? Are you ok????? I don't like that implication!!
I think Sky should defend Brandon more. Yknow, as a treat, for both of them.
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
I agree with prev anon that reader was a bit frustrating because she said some out of pocket stuff (though it wasn’t intentional or said out of maliciousness) but Atsumu making an effort and trying for 3 weeks is the bare bareeeee minimum come on!!! 😭We gotta stop giving credit to men who do the bare minimum in terms of being a nice respectful person. Like if someone was into me I’d HOPE they would be nice and “try” while they were making an effort to date me???
Especially cause all it took was one comment for him to revoke it and throw it in her face. What does that say about him 😭 reader’s mess up was due to nerves and not stopping to think before she spoke, Atsumu’s mess up was due to him knowingly choosing to perform an action that he was aware would hurt her on some level since he knew she was into him as well. Their convo outside their rooms could’ve been solved with an honest follow up conversation, but he decided to revenge fuck a stranger and make her a witness to it so he could punish her for making a petty comment towards him.
What she said wasn’t even false either because he did have a track record of bringing home multiple girls every weekend lmao if he doesnt like people pointing out his past behaviour then I dunno maybe demonstrate that you don’t engage in that behaviour anymore?! Not go out and immediately prove y/n right!!
okay yes. no okay yes I UNDERSTAND i understand. and i'm not saying we like praise him for the effort that's he's putting into it and the change in patterns that he's exhibiting, but more like aw man no yea this is actually the longest change in pattern that he's displayed.
(omg look another read more because i have so much to say/try to explain) but also it'll all be explained better in the next chapter lmao lmao. i will probably stop long explaining a lot of these and just let you guys read the next chapter and either like it or not HAHAHHA.
i feel like no one is -IN ANY WAY- skipping over the fact that the bs he pulled was shitty and he is an asshole because like yea no ur 100% right he's an asshole.
i just think that the layers that i built into twrt are kinda a lot and complex because it's not just "oh reader is super super into atsumu so why doesn't atsumu just date her instead of having sex with other people" its much more like "reader is keeping atsumu at arms length while still engaging with and flirting and practically fucking him while they're drunk" like reader specifically is not trying to be in a relationship with him while still doing relationshipy things because she's terrified of the effect that it'll have on a lot of aspects in her life and the hesitancy that she's feeling is super evident and real frustrating for someone who has, many times, tried to breech this line of oh let's actually date.
NOW IS ALL OF THIS AN EXCUSE FOR THE WAY THAT ATSUMU ACTED? yea no of course not but i just mean that it doesn't boil down to oh yea no reader has done NOTHING BUT want to be with atsumu she literally wanted to fuck maki like,,,, a few weeks prior to this conversation. and it wasn't as vindictive or shitty as atsumu's because of cOURSE IT WASNT but we don't really get to see atsumu's side or feelings in any of this the entire time bc its from reader pov. so it's hard to like,, understand the other side of it.
and i will say the comment that she makes outside of his door serves less as a reminder of his past and more of sudden change in tendencies. i don't know if that distinction makes SENSE but it does in my mind hehe.
also when i came up with the idea for this fic, this is always the way that i wanted the conflict to go. which became a bit difficult as it moved from being a oneshot to a chaptered fic and all of the feelings that came along with it. this shit is much less ouch when yknow- you dont have as much background as you do in the chaptered versions but i hope that chapter7 gives some insight? some better like oh yea ok yea tori you explained that really well, nice.
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earl-grey-love · 1 year
Its kinda funny your journeys total opposite, i figured out my sexuallty at 15 but took soo long with gender and youre vice versa! Ive only seen genderfluid "shift" between man woman and nonbinary but mines more woman and nothing?? Wack. Hows your gender since its bi? Is it both at same time or do you shift sometimes?
Right? My sexuality discovery was thrown off by a few factors tho. Being ace was the biggest cus I had no frame of reference for attraction outside of sxual (which I didn't experience), then I found nobody interesting enough to date & I had f/os already to fill my desire for romantic love. Then when I did fall in love for the first time I thought I was a lesbian & that's why I wasn't interested in boys.
But then my partner came out as a transgender man a week into our relationship. Which I was 100% accepting of and supported him wholly, but it did confuse me a bit in the sexuality department. But my partner after that was agender, and the one after came out to me as a transgender woman too. So after all that accidental t4t I realised I am panromantic and demipansexual. Gender just doesn't matter to me when it comes to who I fall for. Whoever fits, just fits and I love them for who they are.
As for my gender though I primarily identify with being masc. I see myself more as a guy than I do a girl, but I am definitely both. Which one I vibe with more does shift around, sometimes even in the same day tho it tends to be more consistent over weeks/months. And it's hard to really explain what it feels like because tho I identify with both, I'm also neither because I was never really a woman and never really a man. It's different.
I experience gender envy/dysphoria for both genders. Which one it is depends on which one I currently identify with more. Like when I feel fem, and I see women who look/dresses the way I'd like to, I feel a strong sense of discomfort/inadequacy. But if I feel masc and see that exact same woman I just think she's beautiful. Vice versa for men who are gender envy. This does cause problems in my relationships.
So basically sometimes it's both, sometimes it's more one than the other, and sometimes it's kinda neither. I don't identify with they/them or any neopronouns though. I'm just a blend of masc/fem presentations of self that shifts from one side of the spectrum to the other. But at the same time, I think gender is just made up so I don't even know what masc/fem even is. Its just a vibe and a feeling lol. Ig if I had to sum up my ultimate "thats my gender" vibe then it'd be like a man who loves to present "girly". Yknow like cute clothes + makeup + hair, etc.
That being said tho, not being seen as a woman too fills me with deep discomfort so therefore, I am both. I hope that made sense. I experimented this year with being fully transmasc but after doing that I realise that definitely isn't me. So 🤷‍♂️ I'm a man but also a woman but also not but also both but also neither I am ever changing.
I ask people to call me he/him and she/her interchangeably cus just one isn't good enough, even if I do feel exclusively one at the time. I can just say "hey don't call me he/him today" if I don't feel that way and my friends/husband respect it.
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dreamhot · 2 years
okay this might be slightly random but I don’t really have someone to talk to about this and I just need to rant but it genuinely upsets me that people are pretending that sapnap punching a wall means he has anger issues because for a lot of people there’s more to it than what is essentially “white male rage”. my mental illnesses have essentially numbed my emotions so that now anger is one of the few things I actually can feel (when you don’t let yourself feel anything it will essentially all come out all at once and mostly as anger) and having these outbursts feels absolutely horrible and they are draining and exhausting and you are in danger of hurting yourself (and others if they are around) and idk where I’m going with this but I just feel like it’s very telling that this is coming from people who claim they care about destigmatising mental illness but then completely ignore the ugly sides of it that they can’t personally relate to
i was offline for most of the hole in the wall discourse (so to speak) so i wasn't around to see people's takes, but . i certainly saw ... some polarising opinions when i came back. i thought the original comment was a joke Anyway so when i saw sapnap's priv tweets having to explain himself, it was like seeing a shark fin on the horizon like oh boy i wonder what i'm missing rn
under a cut bc this is kinda long and mildly aimless
in any case, i think anger is an emotion that people will inevitably have Very different stances on, particularly bc it's one of the toughest emotions to manage (imo). it's so often repressed or ignored, and people aren't taught to deal with it in a healthy manner. sometimes it's the result of mental illness, as you mentioned, and sometimes it's just ... There. and i think it's not wholly unreasonable for people to be wary about violent outbursts (for what i hope are obvious reasons), but that wariness can coexist with understanding for /why/ the anger might be there, ykwim? suffice to say you can't just project a narrative onto someone else's emotions & demand they control their feelings in xyz way (assuming they're not hurting themselves or others ofc, not that 'control' is the answer there anyway, but yknow)
like. there's a dent in my wall from someone who kicked it when they were angry at me. that person was very mentally ill, and the kick was the result of a collection of stressors that got set off by something (innocuous but pissy) i did, but it was still scary. i'm not a remotely physically aggressive person, so that isn't how my anger manifests, and it can be frightening to see it happen around me. so like ... i get why they did it, and i'm sympathetic to the reasoning, but i'm still uncomfortable with it. i'm not certain if that falls under stigmatising, but i don't think it's necessarily ... an issue, as long as it doesn't become a demonising outlook, i suppose
it's also why the shit i saw like 'i would let him punch holes in my walls' made me feel so unnerved like man this isn't something cute to be joking about, no matter the reasoning behind it. but idk
sorry this was mostly just me rambling, but like. tl;dr anger is a tough emotion to grapple with, whether you're experiencing it or watching someone else express it, and i think we can be compassionate about its causes while still being mindful of our own comfort levels
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frosnpls · 2 years
cw vent,, doin bad tonite lads
idk if i have PMDD or if it's the SAD or if it's the work stress or if it's the state of this country and the fact that I'm slowly losing hope of both living independently/being able to afford such as well as ever being able to ever begin to transition properly or just whatever the fuck but man im not having a good time
i keep thinking lately about how ive never been able to catch a break and like sometimes i feel like im blowing it out of proportion and that its not fair because i do actually lead a fairly privileged life but also like. i was literally bullied at the age of THREE by my nursery teacher because she mistook the clear signs of my neurodivergence as misbehaviour. i struggled through school because nobody noticed i was neurodivergent and the people who did didnt want to admit it. i developed body dysmorphia by the age of like 8 iirc. i was bullied throughout all of my childhood and struggled so badly because i didnt have any support in place because somehow nobody noticed the very clear signs of adhd and autism. i lost my teenage years to severe bullying which caused permanent trauma and then lost the four years of my life after finishing school to essentially becoming a carer for an abusive suicidal boyfriend and then spent months after his death blaming myself for "not doing enough" when i had literally become a recluse because i was afraid that if i went out he might need me and i wouldnt be available. this year was the first year i think ive ever actually felt Right because i felt like i had myself figured out and i was doing what i wanted and i felt free and i just. i think theres an element of grieving for probably like a good sixteen or so years of my life where i was consistently traumatised by something and had no chance to find myself as a person
i feel consistently selfish for it but i just want someone to see how much im struggling and acknowledge it yknow like. offer some help or take care of me for a bit. i dont understand why but im in this role of a protector and caretaker for others and whilst i want to look after people and i care so so deeply about the people i do look after id also like to be looked after occasionally, you know? like. the day my cat died my partner was there and i got out of bed and my mum gave me the news and i went downstairs and i held her and i went back to my room and got in bed and started crying and. my partner put their arm around me and said he was sorry and i just curled up into them and cried and i genuinely think its the most ive ever felt cared for in at least my working memory
when i was younger sometimes my dad would try to comfort me when i cried and when i tried to explain why i was crying he would say "oh, [deadname]" in this really sympathetic tone and i remember always hoping he would do it when i cried because it made me feel like someone was actually acknowledging how much i was hurting and there came a point where he stopped saying it and idr if it was just because i was getting older and it sounded condescending or if it was at the point where i started hiding from my parents when i was upset because i didnt want them to worry but there was a period of time where i would actually miss that exclamation every time i cried even though i wasnt coming to my dad for comfort
i want to ask for help and seek help and comfort and be vulnerable enough to let people know i need it but also theres people who rely on me and i worry that if i dont seem positive or up to it they might think they cant come to me and i want them to be able to come to me i really do. then also i feel like if i bring my hurt to others all im going to do is upset or inconvenience them and i dont want to do that
im just trapped because i dont want anyone to worry about me but also i kind of do and it makes me feel so selfish like why would anyone ever want people to worry about them but its just in that way that like. iwould maybe just like to be asked if im alright before ive expressed that im not. i would like someone to notice that im quieter than usual or that i dont seem as enthusiastic or upbeat as i do most of the time and ask how im feeling. even that makes me feel selfish though and i hate it because i know realistically that isnt selfish but equally any normal person would just seek out the comfort they need right?? but i cant because if i initiate it then it means im annoying someone or upsetting someone or taking up someone's valuable time
i dont understand how i can be both looking after others, taking time to check on them and make sure theyre alright, give advice and welcome people in if they need me, and then also at the same time feel like the world biggest dickhead if i even dare to think about asking for the same from someone. or refusing to take my own advice. i need a mental health break from work desperately and my partner keeps telling me this as well but i keep refusing because we had 4 staff members off sick this week and if i went off as well it would make things hard for them. i just cant,, prioritise myself
im tired of england and im tired of the world and im tired of having to figure out how im going to manage to exist in the way i want to one day and im tired of feeling selfish for desiring human contact and im tired of waking up before the sun's up and im tired of feeling sad and not understanding why and im just. im just tired
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flwrkisses · 3 years
txt getting jealous of their partner's plush.
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ahh!! i feel like each time i open my inbox it gets so full that i'm closing requests the next day... >.< thank you guys for loving my work so much it makes me so happy.
request: "i love your works so much hello ?!?! can i request txt reacting to coming home to their s/o cuddling a stuffed toy and they get jealous because ‘theyre supposed to be the one theyre hugging!’ no rush!! i hope you have a fantastic day!!"
genre: fluff, established relationship.
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this boy would come home tired and just wanting you to love on him after a hot shower, but of course... when he walks into your scared bed room there you were. cuddling up to a fox plush you had gotten because it reminded you of your boyfriend. dropping his bads on the floor, yeonjun would jump on the bed and playfully hover over you, "who is this little imposter and why is he taking my place?!" he'd ask his eves furrowed in fake anger. of course you'd chuckle and shake your head at the male being extremely silly. "he's little junnie, he keeps me company while you're gone." you explain showing him the bright orange soft stuffed animal. he gave the little fox a little glare before saying. "well! im here now! throw him out!" only making the both of you chuckle before you set the fox aside and opened your arms to your big fox-like boyfriend.
you and soobin always cuddled up to watch movies in the same way. he'd sit and lay back and you'd use him as your pillow while watching movies. so, when getting set up to watch a movie, soobin notices a grey plush bunny on his side of the couch. he just kinda looks at it. "hey, babe what is this?" he asks as he holds up the squishy bunny looking plush by it's ears. "YAH! don't hold him like that! and i use him as a pillow so leave it there!" you answer while waiting for the popcorn to pop. soobin scoffed as he looked down at it, his face looking at the plush in semi-fake disgust. "but, im your pillow— WHY DO YOU HAVE THIS BUNNY?!" he'd ask, the last part in a louder, slightly whiny tone. he obviously wasn't entirely serious so you laughed and made your way to the couch, leaving his usual spot empty so you both could cuddle like normal.
you would literally be taking a nap and be awoken by your boyfriend literally screaming something like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" when he sees you curled up with a cute stuffed bear. he didn't mean to say it so loud but it came out more of a scream rather than regular indoor voice. jolting from your place in bed, you'd look at him in surprise. you were definitely fast asleep before he did that, but okay great wake up call yknow? "what the fuck is what?" you'd grumble under your breath and pout, only for beomgyu to laugh softly and apologize for waking you. "you were all up on this dude." he'd sigh and shake his head as he just swung the brown bear from it's arm. "heyy! hey gentle he's you when you're not here." you sigh and throw yourself back on the bed to which he follows. "you don't need a second me when i'm right here." he shakes his head as he speaks and nuzzles into your neck just how the teddy bear had been before.
taehyun gets out of the bathroom fresh from a nice hot shower ready to get in bed and spend some time with you when he sees a squirrel plush on his side of the bed. "excuse me?" he'd say with a small chuckle, poking the stuffed fuzzy animal. "what's this? why is he taking my space?" he'd add as he got in bed next to you. part of you was a but confused until you looked over which caused you to burst out in laughter. you had completely forgot you had put that little plush animal on his side of the bed while you made space for yourself. "don't you like him? little terry?" you held in your laughter as your boyfriend tilted his head. "little... terry...? interesting name." he'd squint at you while analyzing the adorable toy. "he's kinda cute actually, i'm keeping him." taehyun would chuckle and lay back with the plush in his arms. you didn't fight it considering the longer it was with him the longer his smell would linger on it when he was away so you could cuddle it and think of him.
we all know huening loves his plush dolls almost as much as he loves you. so when he comes home to you hanging out with some plushies it's not out of the ordinary. but, it was this specific plush that caught his attention, a cute little chubby penguin plush. "baby you brought out sir huening?" kai asked as he made his way over to you. you nodded and hugged the stuffed penguin with a pout. "no waitttt! im here now have real me!" he'd pout and whine before shaking you lightly. "love meeeeeee, the real me not fake meee." he'd add which his cuteness would cause you to break character and laugh only to pull him into a big hug and kiss his forehead. "im just joking baby~." you'd say gently to a pouty kai.
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❁ requests are currently closed! ⤞ i am working on your beautiful requests !
for more of my work: masterlist.
- mari x
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rek1s-headband · 3 years
Oh oh! Can we get some hedcanons about cherry adopting a girl who is around miya's age. Like how close would they be and how would others feel about her being his daughter now. Bonus points if uncel Joe and little missy mess with daddy blossom
Xoxo love your work so far, keep it up💙
➯ A/N: This was such an amazing request, I had so much fun writing it! Hope you enjoy :)
Also, i started watching Your Lie in April today, and its AMAZING! So much more than what I was expecting
➯ With a daughter
➯ Characters: Kaoru Sakurayashiki with a young daughter. Reki, Langa and co. are mentioned throughout!
➯ Warnings: none:)
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Having a child had never crossed Kaoru’s mind before, but when Joe had teased him about how “you treat Carla better than you would a child!”, the idea kind of stuck with him. And so, he’d spent countless nights awake, wondering to himself if it was something he truly wanted?
He’d pass parks, seeing parents with spewing babies and toddlers throwing tantrums, wondering if he could actually put up with that? But as he passed the shops, he came across a mother and her daughter, who looked around 12. He watched them pass, a grin on the child’s face as she looked into her shopping bag, examining her haul for that day. And so it was settled
He wanted a baby girl he could spoil absolutely rotten
And the search for a child carried on, and this time instead of baby shops and websites, he was browsing the shelves of Claires and other tween clothing stores. It had only occurred to him over a bottle of wine with Joe, as they were discussing if Kaoru was truly ready for something like this. Instead of a crying baby or a messy toddler, he could simply adopt someone a bit older!
It made sense too. For a single parent, an older child seemed much more doable. Of course, he wouldn’t be alone. Joe was always telling him how he’d help out, yknow, if he actually went through with the damn thing.
Not to mention, the older you get, the more difficult it is to get adopted. Babies and young children will get adopted left right and centre, whereas the child he will take home will have been there for a while. Finally, they will have a place to call a home
He spent months trying to get the approval for adoption, and one fateful day he finally got the letter that yes he could go ahead and take one home. He was ecstatic, spending the next few days finding out the location of every orphanage around his area of Japan. He messaged every single one, asking when their next visiting day was
And so it was set: Kaoru would not rest until he had found his perfect little girl
He went through orphanage after orphanage, searching for someone he could call his own. However, none of the children were lighting that paternal flame inside him. It wasn’t their fault of course, they just didn’t click with him, staring at him any time he tried to talk to them. Visit after visit, he’d go to Joe’s, ready to tell him about his recent fail.
It wasn’t until Joe came up to him with a phone number, asking if he’d been to this particular orphanage yet. Apparently they had a few children aged 12 and up, and were available for visit that Saturday. And so there he was, packing a bag and getting ready to travel to the house. This time felt different, somehow. He could feel his palms sweat, as if he could sense he would take one of them home
When he finally made it to the house, he was a nervous wreck. The lady of the house let him in with a smile, telling him the children were in the backyard playing while she bounced a baby on her hip. Cherry winced as the baby gurgled at him, glad he opted for an older child
She led him outside, gesturing at the children who were sprinting around in the vast field, hiding behind trees and bushes. It was clear they were playing a game of hide and seek. He smiled as he scanned over them, but it quickly disappeared when he noticed one little girl sitting on the step, head in her lap while her shoulders gently shook with tears
He walked over to her, bending down with a soft smile. He didn’t know where this sudden calmness came from, but that was his last priority right now. A little gash sat on the girls knee, caked with blood as it trickled down her shin. He frowned, pulling out a tissue to gently wipe it. She jumped, wincing with shock from the fresh wave of pain, and surprise. Kaoru gently wiped at her knee once more before looking up at her to attempt a conversation
“Hello, is your knee alright?” She shook her head frantically, wiping a tear away from her face. A small breathy laugh escaped him as he watched the child stand, gesturing to her leg
“Nope, not at all. I think its broken, if you ask me. All cause of that stupid thing!” She threw her arm out, gesturing to a pink board Kaoru hadn’t noticed before. A skateboard.
That’s when Kaoru realised it: I want this one
Suddenly he felt a new sense of importance, like he had to make a good impression. He walked over to the board, tutting as he looked down at it. “This is what hurt you?” He looked at it with disdain as the little girl nodded her head violently. Kaoru could see how she hurt herself, the thing was massive, especially for someone her age. It looked around the size of a board he would use.
Grinning, he picked up the board. “Well, want to see something cool?” She watched in wonder as kaoru stood on it, pushing off and turning quickly, popping an ollie over a stray toy. The little girl jumped, throwing her arms up as she cheered Kaoru on. He finished with a flourish, coming back to stand beside her. “What did you think?” She was speechless, simply moving her hands, saying scattered “wows” and making various sound effects. Kaoru smiled, certain that he could teach her more.
When he realized visiting time was coming to a close, he proposed the idea to the girl, who’s name he had come to know was Lily: he’d come back next week, and he’d bring his board. He even promised to find her a smaller boar perfect for her to learn on, saying he knew a friend who could make her one. From there he would teach her the basics of skateboarding, even a couple of tricks once she got that down. She was delighted, bouncing up and down and declaring she couldn’t wait, all the energy of someone much younger than her. Kaoru found he couldn’t stop smiling himself either
He made his way back through the house, Lily skipping alongside him. He explained the plan to the Lady, that he would come back next week for another visit. Just as he was about to leave, he turned to the lady to request one final thing from her
“Make sure no one snatches her up from me while I’m gone, yeah?”
Needless to say a bottle of wine was opened at Joe’s that night in celebration of Lily, the potential daughter
And so the weeks turned into months, and Kaoru returned each week with his board and some sweets for her and the other children, teaching her everything she needed to know about skateboarding. After a month or so she could confidently ollie without bailing, and next time he visited she displayed it with delight, watching Kaoru’s face light up with pride.
She had taken a real liking to Kaoru, according to the Lady. She refused to pay any other visitors any notice, declaring they “simply weren’t Kaoru.” This is what finally made him realise that maybe it was time to ask if she’d like to live with him from now on, where she could practice with him every day.
When he asked her, Kaoru could’ve sworn he actually saw stars in her eyes. She simply lit up, throwing herself at Kaoru, tears streaming down her face as she shouted yes, of course she would. she wasn’t the only one crying, Kaoru could barely see from the tears in his own eyes, the lady dabbing at hers with a tissue
Once the paperwork was complete and Lily was his, he felt a weight had been taken off his shoulders. He had packed her a new change of clothes the day he went to collect her, bringing Joe along with him for emotional support. Lily came flying at him the second he got out of his car, wrinkling her nose at Joe
“You never told me you had a boyfriend, Kaoru” she stuck her tongue out at him from over his shoulder while they both tried to convince her that no, they weren’t a couple, before she ran upstairs to get changed. Joe turned to Kaoru, an almost offended look on his face
“Why were you so adamant that we weren’t together??” “I dont need her worrying she’s going home to a Gorrila” “HEY”
Once they all got home, they threw a little party at Joe’s who had closed a little early specially for it. Kaoru didn’t let her out of his sight, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable with all the new people. Of course, it was only Joe, Shadow, Reki, Langa and Miya, all of whom she would meet eventually, but he still worried in case she got overwhelmed.
She made quick friends with Reki, who was ecstatic from the moment he realised she could skate. The two bonded over it, talking about tricks they’d learned, Reki shouting over at Kaoru because why hadn’t he taught him anything??
Miya was a bit standoffish at first, but when she saw the switch in his hand, the two were instantly bonding over who had better villagers in Animal Crossing, and who had passed more levels in Mario with three stars
As the months went on, Lily really settled into her new life in Okinawa, starting at school in Miyas class. The two were joined at the hip, Miya often coming home to Kaoru’s so they could practice together, or simply study and watch some movies. Reki constantly teased the shit out of the two, talking about how he heard “wedding bells”. This comment earned him a swift whack into the skull from Kaoru, warning him not to tease his little girl
Soon enough Kaoru was making her own skateboard with built-in Carla, who helped her skating improve insanely. As Kaoru said, she was definitely a chip off the old block. Langa and Reki would take her to the skate park with them, helping her land new tricks and would take videos of her to send to Kaoru
Shadow was like a chill uncle to her, bringing her flowers for her room and taking her out to get some clothes and ice cream. Joe was like an uncle too, but a much more untrustworthy one. Would he take her to the park, or would he take her to parts of downtown she definitely shouldn’t have been? Who knows, certainly not Kaoru...
Poor Kaoru can never get a minutes peace. Every second of the day she’s plotting something, waiting for him to let his guard down so she can pounce, scaring the shit out of him. When the others are around its 10x worse, all of them ganging up on him to pull pranks
As well as skateboarding, Kaoru tried to teach her how to do calligraphy. She ended up being awful, blotting the ink and smearing it with her hand. But hey, it was a fun art project that made it onto the fridge
At S, she was watched like a hawk. When Kaoru was competing,the others would be like her bodyguard, making sure no one got within 5 feet of her. She’d watch her dad with wonder, the look of awe never leaving her face since the first day she saw him skate. She can’t wait for the day she can compete, maybe even beating her own dad
The first time Lily called Kaoru “dad” was when he won a race, showing off some amazing skills and winning the insanely close match by a hair. He picked up his board, looking around for Lily. He saw her in the crowd, throwing her arms up and cheering “THATS MY DAD!! LOOK, RIGHT THERE, THATS MY DAD!” When she spotted him, a large grin spread across her face. “Nice job out there dad! You did amazing!! D’you think I can do that one day?”
Everyone was staring at her, she hadn’t even realised she had said anything out of the ordinary. Soon enough Kaoru was lunging at her, picking her up in a hug so she didn’t see the tears quickly forming on his face. With a smile he pulled away, his voice dripping with pride
“Of course you could. You’re my daughter, aren’t you?”
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