#as I started writing a few hours before midnight on the 31st
sunberry-strawflower · 11 months
Well, guess who decided to participate in @blue-fanlady's curtisson week??
I stg this first day was sending me to hell and back😭😭I was almost considering not posting it but I might as well haha
It's a meeting in a dream type beat bcz I feel like we don't have enough of those
(Bit of a TW for derealization? They ask the other if they're real a few times so I'm just being safe)
Word count: 1.1k
Curtisson Week Day 1: First Meet
Sven found himself inside of a small, pretty garden. It was night time and the moon was out, high in the sky with stars twinkling above. Flowers of all kinds were surrounding him and a path made of cobblestone led its way to a nice wood bench. Sven looked around and saw all the different kinds of flowers as he walked down the pathway. Tall sunflowers that towered over him and small daisies and poppies he'd have to crouch down to see properly.
The garden was fairly quiet, nothing but the sound of his own footsteps and the night air. Once he got to the bench, he took a seat on it and looked around a bit more. This felt relaxing. Almost freeing. 
One thing he noticed while looking around was a wood shed, not too far away from the bench. It looked like it was fairly old, but it was still in decent shape as long as you were careful to not lean on anything and get a splinter. 
Another thing he noticed was that, outside of the gate leading to the garden and the fence surrounding it, it was just a black void. No lights, no trees, no grass, not even the night sky to be found out there. Just pitch black. It felt like this garden was the only thing present. He was the only person present here. 
He was so lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice another person approach him and take a seat on the bench next to him. He instinctively turned into this person's direction and jumped a little bit. Guess he wasn't the only person here after all… 
This person looked like a guy around his age, he had a tophat on with headphones that seemed to be an orange-ish sesame color ripping through it. 
Sven found himself staring at him in wonder. How did he get here? Is he even human? Is this some kind of figment of his imagination? 
The other turned to look in his direction. He seemed to have caught Sven staring. "Uhm…"
Sven jumped again and tried to stutter out something. "Oh! Uh, I wasn't..well, I didn't mean to uhh, stare. Sorry."
The other just shrugged. "It's fine."
Well, seems like the pretty atmosphere was a little ruined because all of Sven's thoughts shifted to the guy next to him. He had just about a million questions jogging through his head. 
Who is this guy? Is he a figment of his imagination? Can figments of your imagination talk? Is this a dream? Is he dreaming? Has he seen this person before? 
Sven started to wonder if he should talk to this person or not. He didn't want the silence to become awkward (or at least, more awkward than it's already become) and it feels like the longer he stays quiet, the more confused he feels. 
Sven glanced back at the person next to him and decided to ask him the question he's been wondering about the most. 
"Who are you?"
The other turned to look at him. "Hm? Oh, I'm Burt," he replied. "You are?"
"Sven." he answers, still looking at the other curiously. He was about to drop another question before Burt started to speak again. 
"Well, nice to meet you?" He said, awkwardly. 
"Why'd you end that like it was a question?" Sven asked. 
"I dunno. I'm confused, I guess."
Sven tilted his head. "About what?"
"You ask a lot of questions." Burt deadpanned. 
"Hey!" Sven looked almost offended. "I only asked three! I'm just trying to make an effort to understand what's going on here."
Burt shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry." 
Sven couldn't tell whether that apology was genuine or not, but he decided not to question it this time and sighed. 
They both sat in a silence that was a little less awkward than before. Still though, Sven couldn't help but continue to wonder about this Burt guy. 
Sven leaned closer to the other and started to lightly poke his arm. 'My finger isn't going through him.' 
He poked a little more before Burt glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" 
Sven looked up at him. "Are you real?" He asked suddenly. 
Burt seemed a little confused by the question. "Are you?"
"What kind of question is that?? Of course I am."
"Really?" Burt wondered and started to poke Sven teasingly.
Sven pushed his hand away. "Hey, stop! Yes I am."
Burt obliged and stopped with the poking, leaving them sitting in silence once more. 
"I guess I'm not dreaming then?" Burt mumbled to himself. 
Sven heard it and tilted his head. "Dreaming? You?"
Burt nodded. "It feels like I'm dreaming, but since we can touch each other, maybe I'm not."
Sven hummed. "I can touch things in my dreams, though. Wasn't it pinching that woke you up not poking?"
"Hm…maybe it was. I can't remember."
Sven started to think about what Burt said. Dreaming…well that explains the dreamy setting and the random dude he doesn't know at all yet looks familiar. He does feel a bit like he's dreaming. 
"Now I'm tempted to pinch myself." Sven said. "I feel like I'm dreaming too."
Burt glanced at Sven. "Do you think we're sharing dreams?"
Sven shook his head. "No way! I'm convinced you're a figment of my imagination."
"Well I feel the same about you then." Burt said. 
"Fine." Sven crossed his arms and looked outside of the garden. Silence befall them for a few minutes more. 
"What if we pinched ourselves at the same time?" Burt suggested. 
"Then we'd both wake up at the same time?" Sven questioned. 
Burt nodded. 
Sven was quiet for a few seconds. 
"Alright, fine."
Burt nodded and held two fingers over his arm, hovering over his skin ever so slightly. Sven did the same. 
"Alright, on the count of three." Burt said. 
"One." Burt initiated the countdown. 
"Two." He continued
"Wait!" Sven interrupted him. 
"What?" Burt glanced up at Sven. 
"On three or after?"
Burt hummed in thought. "After."
Sven nodded. "Alright, sorry. Let's restart."
Burt nodded back in response. 
Sven pinched his skin and everything went black. 
Sven's eyelids fluttered open, the sun blinding him for a second. Once he adjusted his eyes to the light, he sat up. He was still in his bed, under the covers and in his pajamas. Once his mind woke up a little more, he started to recall the dream he just had. 
He was in a garden…and it was dark out. It was quiet and nice, save for one thing. What was it? A person? Some guy and…was it a tophat he had on or headphones? 
The dream was fairly vivid for someone who doesn't usually remember their dreams well. That was probably the most he's ever remembered from a dream.
He felt a small but noticeable stinging type pain in his left arm. He instinctively moved his hand over to rub over it, hoping to soothe the pain a little. 
What was that about? 
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ladylilithprime · 1 year
Lils's 2022 Fanfic Retrospective
Haven't done one of these in a while because something about Covid just seriously sapped my creative energies right out of me and I ended up not writing nearly as much as I wanted for 2020 and 2021. But something in Autumn of 2022 perked me back up, and here's what was accomplished:
Broken Hallelujah: My beloved non-linear narrative Archangel Samuel with Sastiel fic, with wonderful art by @jazzforthecaptain! Not a new fic by any stretch, but I did get a new chapter polished up enough to post.
Unspoken Rules Can't Be Broken: A deviation back into the Harry Potter fandom, because my fandom interests are ever-cyclical. This one was a writing prompt for Harry/Hermione with a specific prompted time-travel do-over premise. I'm not the only person to do it, but I seem to have done a few things that are unique according to my readers.
Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden: More Supernatural! This one was a belated birthday gift to my beloved mutual enabler @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin, featuring a canon divergence at Swan Song where Lucifer and Michael were pushed into the Cage without their vessels, Gabriel took over Heaven, and the Winchesters were told firmly to take a few months (or years) off from doing anything that might break the world again. Very Samcentric despite being Dean's POV, and with some definite Sastiel undercurrents.
Every Time A Bell Rings: A platonic Destiel psuedo-sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" as a birthday gift for my bae @jupiterjames who deserved to have something sweet to enjoy. Castiel bakes a pie, and Dean has a canon praise kink. XD
Durch du Engel Halleluja: The actual sequel to "Wer zu Lebzeit" with Christmas, family togetherness, expected and unexpected guests, and Sam FINALLY gets to see the photographs Castiel and Dean keep taking. (Only chapter one got finished by midnight of December 31st, but by golly is this thing going to be finished before February!
Living, Learning, Tongue-Tied, Trying: A snippet originally written for Ro as a happy thought piggybacked off one of her fics of Team Free Will 2.0 before Chuck decided to be an assbutt with Jack going off to college. Also heavily Sastiel, because that's how we roll. XD
These Dying Embers: A contemplative Michael in the Cage watching Lucifer taking Sam apart over and over and over. I actually don't remember how long ago I wrote this one for @threshie, though if I took the hours needed to scroll back through my tumblr messaging history with Ro I'm sure I'd find a date range.
Crack Fic Hat Tricks: Also not new, these were born out of a writing challenge issued by @sageclover61 in one of the Discord servers. Despite the series name, they aren't all crack, but they were definitely all fun to write!
Diamonds Falling Down - Bela Talbot/Lisa Braeden
A Vow Unto His Own - Sam Winchester & Garth Fitzgerald IV
And I Feel Fine - Kevin Tran & Balthazar & Chuck Shurley
You Just Gotta Take A Piece Of Me - Gabriel/Donna & Anael
Let's Go Out With A Bang - Tessa the Reaper/Pamela Barnes/Ruby
Burn Your Biographies: Sabriel this time! Possibly unrequited, possibly not, I left it ambiguous because Gabriel was a traumatized little puppy for a while there.
Maybe More Than Enough: What's this? A new installment of the Something Beautiful Sastimmy Soulmate Saga?? In 2022?? Yep, apparently so! Dean gets filled in on the scoop Sam got from Castiel and sets off to get his brother's soulmate and his family some supernatural protection.
Sons of Men, and Angels: WOOOOOO! This is the original start to the Samael series, the very first work that featured Sam time-travelling back to derail the Apocalypse! I started this thing soooooo many years ago, and there's still so much in this universe that I've got written but can't post yet because THIS, this one is where it all started! If you've already read the Sam Squared series, you'll have a ton of spoilers for where this is going. And speaking of that series....
In The End We'll Surely Lose: This baby got two more chapters added to it, and the fourth is almost ready to be put up! Truly this was a good year for working with Samael's stories because...
Margin of Loss: Ouch. This one hurt to write. It was a random little thought of the canon universe that Sam left behind in SoMaA and the seasons of mess that followed and what it meant that Dean said Yes to a Michael from a completely different timeline instead of the one still trapped in the Cage with Adam. (It may also have been the jumping point of another SoMaA spin-off series like Sam Squared; there's a few of them at this point.)
The Dragon's Librarian: Another somewhat random ficlet that spawned in Discord chat with Ro-- literally, I wrote the whole thing in the chat window. Platonic or pre-Sastiel, with Prince Sam and Dragon Castiel as a hefty dose of inspiration from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles because I will probably never stop loving those books.
And last but definitely not least....
Tell It On The Mountain: A fluffy Sastiel story for @mrswhozeewhatsis for the @spnfanficpond Secret Santa exchange, featuring physically manifested wings, truth compulsions, cuddling by the fire, and mutual consideration for consent and bodily autonomy. (With some Accidentally Engaged thrown in for fun. XD)
And there we have it! Everything I wrote, worked on, and posted in the year 2022! Feel free to peruse various prompt lists I have and drop one in my ask box if you've got something you think would be up my alley to write, and let's see if we can't make 2023 even more prolific than 2022!
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breesays · 2 years
This is going to be a brain dump of sorts, because I’ve started writing like three blogs in the last 2 weeks but stress and sick and nothing sticks.
First of all, I know EXACTLY why I always forget about September as a whole (kind of like how I forget about Alabama as a state)--it’s because CULTURE AT LARGE freaks out about FALL at like midnight on August 31st. Honestly, it’s a more jarring shift than it is from new years eve to new years day. One day its summer, the next its chunky sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. I think September needs its OWN identity, the lines are getting too blurred. If we start with pumpkin recipes NOW I am going to be BURNT by October, I’m telling you.
We’re also in a massive scorcher of a heatwave, so visions of popsicles and splash pads are still ripe in my mind.
I'm doing some things because I want to live until I'm 100 years old. One of those things is not drinking like I used to and the other is intermittent fasting. So drinks are not a reward food is not a reward, were looking at the big picture. But the last few weeks have been stressful - Tim has been traveling for work and Desmond is THREE. That's it, that's the sentence. My threenager becomes more clingy in his father's absence; throw in a couple illnesses (not COVID, but mystery fevers?) and he is EXTRA EXTRA clingy. Recently he's had tantrums over the following:
Me going pee before picking him up
The lack of chocolate in the car on a hot afternoon
The cat setting foot in his bathroom
Not being able to tear a perfect square of toilet paper
Four yoga blocks not being a good chair
Me putting on pants
Me not eating the other half of his banana
A block tower he built not staying that way "forever"
The cat looking at him from outside the bathroom while he's in the bath
Drinking water in his bottle not being "medium" enough
He had maybe four tantrums during his not at all terrible twos. On the day of writing this blog, it was four IN ONE DAY, starting at 5AM. You see those mommy reminders on IG being like "taking a shower is not self care" - YES I understand the bar has to be higher, but I would still like to TAKE ONE without my supposedly sleeping kid startling me from the other side of the shower curtain, demanding to "HOLD MY HAND"
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At work there's a project in development whose premise feels... limiting. I'm excited about the MEDIUM but I'm snagging on the topic. I've been given more responsibilities since someone from our team left and it was something I enthusiastically gave AWAY nine years ago. Getting back into it feels clunky. I don’t have the contacts. I had my schmooze turned off. I like to show my work, and sometimes it feels like hours of searching and pitching with nothing to show. I'm grateful to have a few wonderful freelancers, but I fear having a few writers who kind of mindmeld with me makes me a less good editor for the rest. At least one of my shows, Setlist Insider, is off the ground. I LOVE doing the research for the series. 
I sort of forced myself into undue stress trying to change Des to a different, closer preschool. On paper, it was hundreds of dollars cheaper, provided hot lunch and was less than a mile away so better for the environment! I would get 45ish minutes of my day back. They had longer hours, and supposedly used an app to keep parents updated. But on our visit day there was a new kid who cried for the entire hour, asking to go home, without so much as a pat on the back for comfort. I came home and cried for an hour myself, then composed an email asking our current preschool to take us back. 
I started a meditation practice. It always seems fruitless to me. Like I said earlier, I like to show my work. This particular work is about unclenching my jaw.
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uta-no-sin-sama · 2 years
New Post Series Coming Soon: 5 Fun Facts and 5 Headcanons
I hope 2022 has treated you all well so far. I've had this idea for a post series for a couple months now, and wanted to wait until the new year started before I started the series.
This was inspired by a TikTok series by user alli_bugg that she does on her page where she mentions 5 fun facts about various anime characters on their canon birthdays. I figured, why not do that on my blog?
I'm also adding my own little twist to this series by also adding 5 small general headcanons I have for each character. I know most people here just write an imagine as a sort of "special" for character birthdays, but because my life offline is too hectic and energy-draining for that, I figured this would be easier to keep on top of while still celebrating with the rest of the fan base.
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More Info about this series
What can some of these fun facts include?
I'm going to try my best to include things that can be found in material other than the anime (the games, manga, etc), but my main source I'll be using is the Fandom wiki page. Some things I might include are:
- star signs
- likes and dislikes
- Canon information (Warning: might contain spoilers, especially for later seasons)
- info about their VAs and their roles outside of Utapri (important note: because Utapri does not have an official English dub at the time of writing and is likely one of those anime that will probably never get an English dub, assume any and all information regarding VAs is for the Japanese versions of any other anime mentioned)
- original concept ideas/stuff deleted from final product we all know and love (this one will probably be lacking, ngl)
What can headcanons include?
I have already posted a few headcanons on here, but I'm going to try not to repeat any of the ones I've already posted. They'll be more focused on the characters themselves rather than in given scenarios. These can include, but are not limited to:
- fluff (what I write best lmao)
- angst (I'll try not to post too much of this, we're celebrating birthdays here, after all)
- possibly canon-inspired
- smut/semi-smut (some characters, definitely not all in this little series)
When can we expect these posts?
My time zone is about 12 hours behind Japan's time zone, so I plan on posting each of these between the hours of noon and midnight EST the day before the birthday of the character in question, so that would make it available sometime between the hours of midnight and noon in Japanese time.
When's (insert best boy/girl here)'s going to be posted?
Here's the order of when I'll post these. There are 23 total characters that will be in this series, 20 of which I regularly write for and 3 I don't usually write for. You can also find the links to their posts here in case you miss any!
- 7th: Nagi
- 23rd: Camus
- 14th: Ren
- 1st: Ai
- 3rd: Haruka
- 30th: Yamato
- 11th: Otoya
- 5th: Kira
- 15th: Ryuuya (Note: This one might be posted a little bit earlier, maybe by a day or two, because I actually have the same birthday as him lol)
- 9th: Natsuki and Syo (they will each have their own post, and I'll try to space it out so they're not posted at the same time)
- 7th: Tomochika
- 13th: Reiji
- 6th: Tokiya
- 1st: Eiichi
- 15th: Ringo
- 29th: Ranmaru
- 20th: Eiji
- 31st: Cecil
- 4th: Shion
- 22nd: Shining (I'm probably going to regret including him in this list lmfao)
- 12th: Van
- 29th: Masato
I can't wait to start this new series for you all and I hope this will make up for a lack of any kind of imagines as I try to get back into the swing of things.
Up first, our favorite cosmically-cute idol!
- Lizzie Rose
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dailytomlinson · 4 years
A bathroom figures significantly in the origin stories of at least two classic One Direction songs. The first will be familiar to any fan: Songwriter and producer Savan Kotecha was sitting on the toilet in a London hotel room, when he heard his wife say, “I feel so ugly today.” The words that popped into his head would shape the chorus of One Direction’s unforgettable 2011 debut, “What Makes You Beautiful.”
The second takes place a few years later. Another hotel room in England — this one in Manchester — where songwriters and producers Julian Bunetta and John Ryan were throwing back Cucumber Collins cocktails and tinkering with a beat. Liam Payne was there, too. At one point, Liam got up to use the bathroom and when he re-emerged, he was singing a melody. They taped it immediately. Most of it was mumbled — a temporary placeholder — but there was one phrase: “Better than words…” A few hours later, on the bus to another city, another show — Bunetta and Ryan can’t remember where — Payne asked, maybe having a laugh, what if the rest of the song was just lyrics from other songs?
“Songs in general, you’re just sort of waiting for an idea to bonk you on the head,” Ryan says from a Los Angeles studio with Bunetta. “And if you’re sort of winking at it, laughing at it — we were probably joking, what if [the next line was] ‘More than a feeling’? Well, that would actually be tight!”
“Better Than Words,” closed One Direction’s third album, Midnight Memories. It was never a single, but became a fan-favorite live show staple. It’s a mid-tempo headbanger that captures the essence of what One Direction is, and always was: One of the great rock and roll bands of the 21st century.
July 23rd marks One Direction’s 10th anniversary, the day Simon Cowell told Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson that they would progress on The X Factor as a group. Between that date and their last live performance (so far, one can hope) on December 31st, 2015, they released five albums, toured the world four times — twice playing stadiums — and left a trove of Top 10 hits for a devoted global fan base that came to life at the moment social media was re-defining the contours of fandom.
It’d been a decade since the heyday of ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys, and the churn of generations demanded a new boy band. One Direction’s songs were great and their charisma and chemistry undeniable, but what made them stick was a sound unlike anything else in pop — rooted in guitar rock at a time when that couldn’t have been more passé.
Kotecha, who met 1D on The X Factor and shepherded them through their first few years, is a devoted student of boy band history. He first witnessed their power back in the Eighties when New Kids on the Block helped his older sister through her teens. The common thread linking all great boy bands, from New Kids to BSB, he says, is, “When they’d break, they’d come out of nowhere, sounding like nothing that’s on the radio.”
In 2010, Kotecha remembers, “everybody was doing this sort of Rihanna dance pop.” But that just wasn’t a sound One Direction could pull off (the Wanted only did it once); and famously, they didn’t even dance. Instead, the reference points for 1D went all the way back to the source of contemporary boy bands.
“Me and Simon would talk about how [One Direction] was Beatles-esque, Monkees-esque,” Kotecha continues. “They had such big personalities. I felt like a kid again when I was around them. And I felt like the only music you could really do that with is fun, pop-y guitar songs. It would come out of left field and become something owned by the fans.”
“The guitar riff had to be so simple that my friend’s 15-year-old daughter could play it and put a cover to YouTube,” says Carl Falk
To craft that sound on 1D’s first two albums, Up All Night and Take Me Home, Kotecha worked mostly with Swedish songwriters-producers Carl Falk and Rami Yacoub. They’d all studied at the Max Martin/Cheiron Studios school of pop craftsmanship, and Falk says they were confident they could crack the boy band code once more with songs that recalled BSB and ‘N Sync, but replaced the dated synths and pianos with guitars.
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The greatest thing popular music can do is make someone else think, “I can do that,” and One Direction’s music was designed with that intent. “The guitar riff had to be so simple that my friend’s 15-year-old daughter could play it and put a cover to YouTube,” Falk says. “If you listen to ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ or ‘One Thing,’ they have two-finger guitar riffs that everyone who can play a bit of guitar can learn. That was all on purpose.”
One Direction famously finished third on The X Factor, but Cowell immediately signed them to his label, Syco Music. They’d gone through one round of artist development boot camp on the show, and another followed on an X Factor live tour in spring 2011. They’d developed an onstage confidence, but the studio presented a new challenge. “We had to create who should do what in One Direction,” Falk says. To solve the puzzle the band’s five voices presented, they chose the kitchen sink method and everyone tried everything.
“They were searching for themselves,” Falk adds. “It was like, Harry, let’s just record him; he’s not afraid of anything. Liam’s the perfect song starter, and then you put Zayn on top with this high falsetto. Louis found his voice when we did ‘Change Your Mind.’ It was a long trial for everyone to find their strengths and weaknesses, but that was also the fun part.” Falk also gave Niall some of his first real guitar lessons; there’s video of them performing “One Thing” together, still blessedly up on YouTube.
“What Makes You Beautiful” was released September 11th, 2011 in the U.K. and debuted at Number One on the singles chart there — though the video had dropped a month prior. While One Direction’s immediate success in the U.K. and other parts of Europe wasn’t guaranteed, the home field odds were favorable. European markets have historically been kinder to boy bands than the U.S.; ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys found huge success abroad before they conquered home. To that end, neither Kotecha nor Falk were sure 1D would break in the U.S. Falk even says of conceiving the band’s sound, “We didn’t want it to sound too American, because this was not meant — for us, at least — to work in America. This was gonna work in the U.K. and maybe outside the U.K.”
Stoking anticipation for “What Makes You Beautiful” by releasing the video on YouTube before the single dropped, preceded the strategy Columbia Records (the band’s U.S. label) adopted for Up All Night. Between its November 2011 arrival in the U.K. and its U.S. release in March 2012, Columbia eschewed traditional radio strategies and built hype on social media. One Direction had been extremely online since their X Factor days, engaging with fans and spending their downtime making silly videos to share. One goofy tune, made with Kotecha, called “Vas Happenin’ Boys?” was an early viral hit.
“They instinctively had this — and it might just be a generational thing — they just knew how to speak to their fans,” Kotecha says. “And they did that by being themselves. That was a unique thing about these boys: When the cameras turned on, they didn’t change who they were.”
Social media was flooded with One Direction contests and petitions to bring the band to fans’ towns. Radio stations were inundated with calls to play “What Makes You Beautiful” long before it was even available. When it did finally arrive, Kotecha (who was in Sweden at the time) remembers staying up all night to watch it climb the iTunes chart with each refresh.
Take Me Home, was recorded primarily in Stockholm and London during and after their first world tour. The success of Up All Night had attracted an array of top songwriting talent — Ed Sheeran even penned two hopeless romantic sad lad tunes, “Little Things” and “Over Again” — but Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub grabbed the reins, collaborating on six of the album’s 13 tracks. In charting their course, Kotecha returned to his boy band history: “My theory was, you give them a similar sound on album two, and album three is when you start moving on.”
Still, there was the inherent pressure of the second album to contend with. The label wanted a “What Makes You Beautiful, Part 2,” and evidence that the 1D phenomenon wasn’t slowing down appeared outside the window of the Stockholm studio: so many fans, the street had to be shut down. Kotecha even remembers seeing police officers with missing person photos, combing through the girls camped outside, looking for teens to return to their parents.
At this pivotal moment, One Direction made it clear that they wanted a greater say in their artistic future. Kotecha admits he was wary at first, but the band was determined. To help manage the workload, Kotecha had brought in two young songwriters, Kristoffer Fogelmark and Albin Nedler, who’d arrived with a handful of ideas, including a chorus for a booming power ballad called “Last First Kiss.”
“We thought, while we’re busy recording vocals, whoever’s not busy can go write songs with these two guys, and then we’ll help shape them as much as we can,” Kotecha says. “And to our pleasant surprise, the songs were pretty damn good.”
At this pivotal moment, too, songwriters Julian Bunetta and John Ryan also met the band. Friends from the Berklee College of Music, Bunetta and Ryan had moved out to L.A. and cut a few tracks, but still had no hits to their name. They entered the Syco orbit after scoring work on the U.S. version of The X Factor, and were asked if they wanted to try writing a song for Take Me Home. “I was like, yeah definitely,” Bunetta says. “They sold five million albums? Hell yeah, I want to make some money.”
Working with Jamie Scott, who’d written two songs on Up All Night (“More Than This” and “Stole My Heart”), Bunetta and Ryan wrote “C’mon, C’mon” — a blinding hit of young love that rips down a dance pop speedway through a comically oversized wall of Marshall stacks. It earned them a trip to London. Bunetta admits to thinking the whole 1D thing was “a quick little fad” ahead of their first meeting with the band, but their charms were overwhelming. Everyone hit it off immediately.
“Niall showed me his ass,” Bunetta remembers of the day they recorded, “They Don’t Know About Us,” one of five songs they produced for Take Me Home (two are on the deluxe edition). “The first vocal take, he went in to sing, did a take, I was looking down at the computer screen and was like, ‘On this line, can you sing it this way?’ And I looked over and he was mooning me. I was like, ‘I love this guy!’”
Take Me Home dropped November 9th, just nine days short of Up All Night’s first anniversary. With only seven weeks left in 2012, it became the fourth best-selling album of the year globally, moving 4.4 million copies, per the IFPI; it fell short of Adele’s 21, Taylor Swift’s Red and 1D’s own Up All Night, which had several extra months to sell 4.5 million copies.
Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub’s tracks anchored the album. Songs like “Kiss You,” “Heart Attack” and “Live While We’re Young” were pristine pop rock that One Direction delivered with full delirium, vulnerability and possibility — the essence of the teen — in voices increasingly capable of navigating all the little nuances of that spectrum. And the songs 1D helped write (“Last First Kiss,” “Back for You” and “Summer Love”) remain among the LP’s best.
“You saw that they caught the bug and were really good at it,” Kotecha says of their songwriting. “And moving forward, you got the impression that that was the way for them.”
Like clockwork, the wheels began to churn for album three right after Take Me Home dropped. But unlike those first two records, carving out dedicated studio time for LP3 was going to be difficult — on February 23rd, 2013, One Direction would launch a world tour in London, the first of 123 concerts they’d play that year. They’d have to write and record on the road, and for Kotecha and Falk — both of whom had just had kids — that just wasn’t possible.
But it was also time for a creative shift. Even Kotecha knew that from his boy band history: album three is, after all, when you start moving on. One Direction was ready, too. Kotecha credits Louis, the oldest member of the group, for “shepherding them into adulthood, away from the very pop-y stuff of the first two albums. He was leading the charge to make sure that they had a more mature sound. And at the time, being in it, it was a little difficult for me, Rami and Carl to grasp — but hindsight, that was the right thing to do.”
“For three years, this was our schedule,” Bunetta says. “We did X Factor October, November, December. Took off January. February, flew to London. We’d gather ideas with the band, come up with sounds, hang out. Then back to L.A. for March, produce some stuff, then go out on the road with them in April. Get vocals, write a song or two, come back for May, work on the vocals, and produce the songs we wrote on the road. Back to London in June-ish. Back here for July, produce it up. Go back on tour in August, get last bits of vocals, mix in September, back to X Factor in October, album out in November, January off, start it all over again.”
That cycle began in early 2013 when Bunetta and Ryan flew to London for a session that lasted just over a week, but yielded the bulk of Midnight Memories. With songwriters Jamie Scott, Wayne Hector and Ed Drewett they wrote “Best Song Ever” and “You and I,” and, with One Direction, “Diana” and “Midnight Memories.” Bunetta and Ryan’s initial rapport with the band strengthened — they were a few years older, but as Bunetta jokes, “We act like we’re 19 all the time anyway.” Years ago, Bunetta posted an audio clip documenting the creation of “Midnight Memories” — the place-holder chorus was a full-throated, perfectly harmonized, “I love KFC!”
For the most part, Bunetta, Ryan and 1D doubled down on the rock sound their predecessors had forged, but there was one outlier from that week. A stunning bit of post-Mumford festival folk buoyed by a new kind of lyrical and vocal maturity called “Story of My Life.”
“This was a make or break moment for them,” Bunetta says. “They needed to grow up, or they were gonna go away — and they wanted to grow up. To get to the level they got to, you need more than just your fan base. That song extended far beyond their fan base and made people really pay attention.”
Production on Midnight Memories continued on the road, where, like so many bands before them, One Direction unlocked a new dimension to their music. Tour engineer Alex Oriet made it possible, Ryan says, building makeshift vocal booths in hotel rooms by flipping beds up against the walls. Writing and recording was crammed in whenever — 20 minutes before a show, or right after another two-hour performance.
“It preserved the excitement of the moment,” Bunetta says. “We were just there, doing it, marinating in it at all times. You’re capturing moments instead of trying to recreate them. A lot of times we’d write a song, sing it in the hotel, produce it, then fly back out to have them re-sing it — and so many times the demo vocals were better. They hadn’t memorized it yet. They were still in the mood. There was a performance there that you couldn’t recreate.”
Midnight Memories arrived, per usual, in November 2013. And, per usual, it was a smash. The following year, 1D brought their songs to the environment they always deserved — stadiums around the world — and amid the biggest shows of their career, they worked on their aptly-titled fourth album Four. The 123 concerts 1D had played the year before had strengthened their combined vocal prowess in a way that opened up an array of new possibilities.
“We could use their voices on Four to make something sound more exciting and bigger, rather than having to add too many guitars, synths or drums,” Ryan says.
“They were so much more dynamic and subtle, too,” Bunetta adds. “I don’t think they could’ve pulled off a song like ‘Night Changes’ two albums prior; or the nuance to sing soft and emotionally on ‘Fireproof.’ It takes a lot of experience to deliver a restrained vocal that way.”
“A lot of the songs were double,” Bunetta says, “like somebody might be singing about their girlfriend, but there was another meaning that applied to the group as well.”
Musically, Four was 1D’s most expansive album yet — from the sky-high piano rock of “Steal My Girl” to the tender, tasteful groove of “Fireproof” — and it had the emotional range to match. Now in their early twenties, songs like “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” “No Control,” “Fool’s Gold” and “Clouds” redrew the dramas and euphorias of adolescence with the new weight, wit and wanton winks of impending adulthood. One Direction wasn’t growing up normally in any sense of the word, but they were becoming songwriters capable of drawing out the most relatable elements from their extraordinary circumstances — like on “Change Your Ticket,” where the turbulent love affairs of young jet-setters are distilled to the universal pang of a long goodbye. There were real relationships inspiring these stories, but now that One Direction was four years into being the biggest band on the planet, it was natural that the relationships within the band would make it into the music as well.
“I think that on Four,” Bunetta says with a slight pause, “there were some tensions going on. A lot of the songs were double — like somebody might be singing about their girlfriend, but there was another meaning that applied to the group as well.”
He continues: “It’s tough going through that age, having to spread your wings with so many eyeballs on you, so much money and no break. It was tough for them to carve out their individual manhood, space and point of view, while learning how to communicate with each other. Even more than relationship things that were going on, that was the bigger blanket that was in there every day, seeping into the songs.”
Bunetta remembers Zayn playing him “Pillowtalk” and a few other songs for the first time through a three a.m. fog of cigarette smoke in a hotel room in Japan.
“Fucking amazing,” he says. “They were fucking awesome. I know creatively he wasn’t getting what he needed from the way that the albums were being made on the road. He wanted to lock himself in the studio and take his time, be methodical. And that just wasn’t possible.”
A month or so later, and 16 shows into One Direction’s “On the Road Again” tour, Zayn left the band. Bunetta and Ryan agree it wasn’t out of the blue: “He was frustrated and wanted to do things outside of the band,” Bunetta says. “It’s a lot for a young kid, all those shows. We’d been with them for a bunch of years at this point — it was a matter of when. You just hoped that it would wait until the last album.”
Still, Bunetta compares the loss to having a finger lopped off, and he acknowledges that Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis struggled to find their bearings as One Direction continued with their stadium tour and next album, Made in the A.M. Just as band tensions bubbled beneath the songs on Four, Zayn’s departure left an imprint on Made in the A.M. Not with any overt malice, but a song like “Drag Me Down,” Bunetta says, reflects the effort to bounce back. Even Niall pushing his voice to the limits of his range on that song wouldn’t have been necessary if Zayn and his trusty falsetto were available.
But Made in the A.M. wasn’t beholden to this shake-up. Bunetta and Ryan cite “Olivia” as a defining track, one that captures just how far One Direction had come as songwriters: They’d written it in 45 minutes, after wasting a whole day trying to write something far worse.
“When you start as a songwriter, you write a bunch of shitty songs, you get better and you keep getting better,” Ryan says. “But then you can get finicky and you’re like, ‘Maybe I have to get smart with this lyric.’ By Made in the A.M. … they were coming into their own in the sense of picking up a guitar, messing around and feeling something, rather than being like, ‘How do I put this puzzle together?’”
After Zayn’s departure, Bunetta and Ryan said it became clear that Made in the A.M. would be One Direction’s last album before some break of indeterminate length. The album boasts the palpable tug of the end, but to One Direction’s credit, that finality is balanced by a strong sense of forever. It’s literally the last sentiment they leave their fans on album-closer “History,” singing, “Baby don’t you know, baby don’t you know/We can live forever.”
In a way, Made in the A.M. is about One Direction as an entity. Not one that belonged to the group, but to everyone they spent five years making music for. Four years since their hiatus and 10 years since their formation, the fans remain One Direction’s defining legacy. Even as all five members have settled into solo careers, Ryan notes that baseless rumors of any kind of reunion — even a meager Zoom call — can still set the internet on fire. The old songs remain potent, too: Carl Falk says his nine-year-old son has taken to making TikToks to 1D tracks.
“Most of them weren’t necessarily musicians before this happened, but they loved music, and they found a love of creating, writing and playing,” Kotecha says
There are plenty of metrics to quantify One Direction’s reach, success and influence. The hard numbers — album sales and concert stubs — are staggering on their own, but the ineffable is always more fun. One Direction was such a good band that a fan, half-jokingly, but then kinda seriously, started a GoFundMe to buy out their contract and grant them full artistic freedom. One Direction was such a good band that songwriters like Kotecha and Falk — who would go on to make hits with Ariana Grande, the Weeknd and Nicki Minaj — still think about the songs they could’ve made with them. One Direction was such a good band that Mitski covered “Fireproof.”
But maybe it all comes down to the most ineffable thing of all: Chance. Kotecha compares success on talent shows like The X Factor to waking up one morning and being super cut — but now, to keep that figure, you have to work out at a 10, without having done the gradual work to reach that level. That’s the downfall for so many acts, but One Direction was not only able, but willing, to put in the work.
“They’re one of the only acts from those types of shows that managed to do it for such a long time,” Kotecha says. “Five years is a long time for a massive pop star to go nonstop. I know it was tiring, but they were fantastic sports about it. They appreciated and understood the opportunity they had — and, as you can see, they haven’t really stopped since. Most of them weren’t necessarily musicians before this happened, but they loved music, and they found a love of creating, writing and playing. To have these boys — that had been sort of randomly picked — to also have that? It will never be repeated.”
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stylesnews · 4 years
A bathroom figures significantly in the origin stories of at least two classic One Direction songs. The first will be familiar to any fan: Songwriter and producer Savan Kotecha was sitting on the toilet in a London hotel room, when he heard his wife say, “I feel so ugly today.” The words that popped into his head would shape the chorus of One Direction’s unforgettable 2011 debut, “What Makes You Beautiful.”
The second takes place a few years later. Another hotel room in England — this one in Manchester — where songwriters and producers Julian Bunetta and John Ryan were throwing back Cucumber Collins cocktails and tinkering with a beat. Liam Payne was there, too. At one point, Liam got up to use the bathroom and when he re-emerged, he was singing a melody. They taped it immediately. Most of it was mumbled — a temporary placeholder — but there was one phrase: “Better than words…” A few hours later, on the bus to another city, another show — Bunetta and Ryan can’t remember where — Payne asked, maybe having a laugh, what if the rest of the song was just lyrics from other songs?
“Songs in general, you’re just sort of waiting for an idea to bonk you on the head,” Ryan says from a Los Angeles studio with Bunetta. “And if you’re sort of winking at it, laughing at it — we were probably joking, what if [the next line was] ‘More than a feeling’? Well, that would actually be tight!”
“Better Than Words,” closed One Direction’s third album, Midnight Memories. It was never a single, but became a fan-favorite live show staple. It’s a mid-tempo headbanger that captures the essence of what One Direction is, and always was: One of the great rock and roll bands of the 21st century.
July 23rd marks One Direction’s 10th anniversary, the day Simon Cowell told Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson that they would progress on The X Factor as a group. Between that date and their last live performance (so far, one can hope) on December 31st, 2015, they released five albums, toured the world four times — twice playing stadiums — and left a trove of Top 10 hits for a devoted global fan base that came to life at the moment social media was re-defining the contours of fandom.
It’d been a decade since the heyday of ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys, and the churn of generations demanded a new boy band. One Direction’s songs were great and their charisma and chemistry undeniable, but what made them stick was a sound unlike anything else in pop — rooted in guitar rock at a time when that couldn’t have been more passé.
Kotecha, who met 1D on The X Factor and shepherded them through their first few years, is a devoted student of boy band history. He first witnessed their power back in the Eighties when New Kids on the Block helped his older sister through her teens. The common thread linking all great boy bands, from New Kids to BSB, he says, is, “When they’d break, they’d come out of nowhere, sounding like nothing that’s on the radio.”
In 2010, Kotecha remembers, “everybody was doing this sort of Rihanna dance pop.” But that just wasn’t a sound One Direction could pull off (the Wanted only did it once); and famously, they didn’t even dance. Instead, the reference points for 1D went all the way back to the source of contemporary boy bands.
“Me and Simon would talk about how [One Direction] was Beatles-esque, Monkees-esque,” Kotecha continues. “They had such big personalities. I felt like a kid again when I was around them. And I felt like the only music you could really do that with is fun, pop-y guitar songs. It would come out of left field and become something owned by the fans.”
“The guitar riff had to be so simple that my friend’s 15-year-old daughter could play it and put a cover to YouTube,” says Carl Falk
To craft that sound on 1D’s first two albums, Up All Night and Take Me Home, Kotecha worked mostly with Swedish songwriters-producers Carl Falk and Rami Yacoub. They’d all studied at the Max Martin/Cheiron Studios school of pop craftsmanship, and Falk says they were confident they could crack the boy band code once more with songs that recalled BSB and ‘N Sync, but replaced the dated synths and pianos with guitars.
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The greatest thing popular music can do is make someone else think, “I can do that,” and One Direction’s music was designed with that intent. “The guitar riff had to be so simple that my friend’s 15-year-old daughter could play it and put a cover to YouTube,” Falk says. “If you listen to ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ or ‘One Thing,’ they have two-finger guitar riffs that everyone who can play a bit of guitar can learn. That was all on purpose.”
One Direction famously finished third on The X Factor, but Cowell immediately signed them to his label, Syco Music. They’d gone through one round of artist development boot camp on the show, and another followed on an X Factor live tour in spring 2011. They’d developed an onstage confidence, but the studio presented a new challenge. “We had to create who should do what in One Direction,” Falk says. To solve the puzzle the band’s five voices presented, they chose the kitchen sink method and everyone tried everything.
“They were searching for themselves,” Falk adds. “It was like, Harry, let’s just record him; he’s not afraid of anything. Liam’s the perfect song starter, and then you put Zayn on top with this high falsetto. Louis found his voice when we did ‘Change Your Mind.’ It was a long trial for everyone to find their strengths and weaknesses, but that was also the fun part.” Falk also gave Niall some of his first real guitar lessons; there’s video of them performing “One Thing” together, still blessedly up on YouTube.
“What Makes You Beautiful” was released September 11th, 2011 in the U.K. and debuted at Number One on the singles chart there — though the video had dropped a month prior. While One Direction’s immediate success in the U.K. and other parts of Europe wasn’t guaranteed, the home field odds were favorable. European markets have historically been kinder to boy bands than the U.S.; ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys found huge success abroad before they conquered home. To that end, neither Kotecha nor Falk were sure 1D would break in the U.S. Falk even says of conceiving the band’s sound, “We didn’t want it to sound too American, because this was not meant — for us, at least — to work in America. This was gonna work in the U.K. and maybe outside the U.K.”
Stoking anticipation for “What Makes You Beautiful” by releasing the video on YouTube before the single dropped, preceded the strategy Columbia Records (the band’s U.S. label) adopted for Up All Night. Between its November 2011 arrival in the U.K. and its U.S. release in March 2012, Columbia eschewed traditional radio strategies and built hype on social media. One Direction had been extremely online since their X Factor days, engaging with fans and spending their downtime making silly videos to share. One goofy tune, made with Kotecha, called “Vas Happenin’ Boys?” was an early viral hit.
“They instinctively had this — and it might just be a generational thing — they just knew how to speak to their fans,” Kotecha says. “And they did that by being themselves. That was a unique thing about these boys: When the cameras turned on, they didn’t change who they were.”
Social media was flooded with One Direction contests and petitions to bring the band to fans’ towns. Radio stations were inundated with calls to play “What Makes You Beautiful” long before it was even available. When it did finally arrive, Kotecha (who was in Sweden at the time) remembers staying up all night to watch it climb the iTunes chart with each refresh.
Take Me Home, was recorded primarily in Stockholm and London during and after their first world tour. The success of Up All Night had attracted an array of top songwriting talent — Ed Sheeran even penned two hopeless romantic sad lad tunes, “Little Things” and “Over Again” — but Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub grabbed the reins, collaborating on six of the album’s 13 tracks. In charting their course, Kotecha returned to his boy band history: “My theory was, you give them a similar sound on album two, and album three is when you start moving on.”
Still, there was the inherent pressure of the second album to contend with. The label wanted a “What Makes You Beautiful, Part 2,” and evidence that the 1D phenomenon wasn’t slowing down appeared outside the window of the Stockholm studio: so many fans, the street had to be shut down. Kotecha even remembers seeing police officers with missing person photos, combing through the girls camped outside, looking for teens to return to their parents.
At this pivotal moment, One Direction made it clear that they wanted a greater say in their artistic future. Kotecha admits he was wary at first, but the band was determined. To help manage the workload, Kotecha had brought in two young songwriters, Kristoffer Fogelmark and Albin Nedler, who’d arrived with a handful of ideas, including a chorus for a booming power ballad called “Last First Kiss.”
“We thought, while we’re busy recording vocals, whoever’s not busy can go write songs with these two guys, and then we’ll help shape them as much as we can,” Kotecha says. “And to our pleasant surprise, the songs were pretty damn good.”
At this pivotal moment, too, songwriters Julian Bunetta and John Ryan also met the band. Friends from the Berklee College of Music, Bunetta and Ryan had moved out to L.A. and cut a few tracks, but still had no hits to their name. They entered the Syco orbit after scoring work on the U.S. version of The X Factor, and were asked if they wanted to try writing a song for Take Me Home. “I was like, yeah definitely,” Bunetta says. “They sold five million albums? Hell yeah, I want to make some money.”
Working with Jamie Scott, who’d written two songs on Up All Night (“More Than This” and “Stole My Heart”), Bunetta and Ryan wrote “C’mon, C’mon” — a blinding hit of young love that rips down a dance pop speedway through a comically oversized wall of Marshall stacks. It earned them a trip to London. Bunetta admits to thinking the whole 1D thing was “a quick little fad” ahead of their first meeting with the band, but their charms were overwhelming. Everyone hit it off immediately.
“Niall showed me his ass,” Bunetta remembers of the day they recorded, “They Don’t Know About Us,” one of five songs they produced for Take Me Home (two are on the deluxe edition). “The first vocal take, he went in to sing, did a take, I was looking down at the computer screen and was like, ‘On this line, can you sing it this way?’ And I looked over and he was mooning me. I was like, ‘I love this guy!’”
Take Me Home dropped November 9th, just nine days short of Up All Night’s first anniversary. With only seven weeks left in 2012, it became the fourth best-selling album of the year globally, moving 4.4 million copies, per the IFPI; it fell short of Adele’s 21, Taylor Swift’s Red and 1D’s own Up All Night, which had several extra months to sell 4.5 million copies.
Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub’s tracks anchored the album. Songs like “Kiss You,” “Heart Attack” and “Live While We’re Young” were pristine pop rock that One Direction delivered with full delirium, vulnerability and possibility — the essence of the teen — in voices increasingly capable of navigating all the little nuances of that spectrum. And the songs 1D helped write (“Last First Kiss,” “Back for You” and “Summer Love”) remain among the LP’s best.
“You saw that they caught the bug and were really good at it,” Kotecha says of their songwriting. “And moving forward, you got the impression that that was the way for them.”
Like clockwork, the wheels began to churn for album three right after Take Me Home dropped. But unlike those first two records, carving out dedicated studio time for LP3 was going to be difficult — on February 23rd, 2013, One Direction would launch a world tour in London, the first of 123 concerts they’d play that year. They’d have to write and record on the road, and for Kotecha and Falk — both of whom had just had kids — that just wasn’t possible.
But it was also time for a creative shift. Even Kotecha knew that from his boy band history: album three is, after all, when you start moving on. One Direction was ready, too. Kotecha credits Louis, the oldest member of the group, for “shepherding them into adulthood, away from the very pop-y stuff of the first two albums. He was leading the charge to make sure that they had a more mature sound. And at the time, being in it, it was a little difficult for me, Rami and Carl to grasp — but hindsight, that was the right thing to do.”
“For three years, this was our schedule,” Bunetta says. “We did X Factor October, November, December. Took off January. February, flew to London. We’d gather ideas with the band, come up with sounds, hang out. Then back to L.A. for March, produce some stuff, then go out on the road with them in April. Get vocals, write a song or two, come back for May, work on the vocals, and produce the songs we wrote on the road. Back to London in June-ish. Back here for July, produce it up. Go back on tour in August, get last bits of vocals, mix in September, back to X Factor in October, album out in November, January off, start it all over again.”
That cycle began in early 2013 when Bunetta and Ryan flew to London for a session that lasted just over a week, but yielded the bulk of Midnight Memories. With songwriters Jamie Scott, Wayne Hector and Ed Drewett they wrote “Best Song Ever” and “You and I,” and, with One Direction, “Diana” and “Midnight Memories.” Bunetta and Ryan’s initial rapport with the band strengthened — they were a few years older, but as Bunetta jokes, “We act like we’re 19 all the time anyway.” Years ago, Bunetta posted an audio clip documenting the creation of “Midnight Memories” — the place-holder chorus was a full-throated, perfectly harmonized, “I love KFC!”
For the most part, Bunetta, Ryan and 1D doubled down on the rock sound their predecessors had forged, but there was one outlier from that week. A stunning bit of post-Mumford festival folk buoyed by a new kind of lyrical and vocal maturity called “Story of My Life.”
“This was a make or break moment for them,” Bunetta says. “They needed to grow up, or they were gonna go away — and they wanted to grow up. To get to the level they got to, you need more than just your fan base. That song extended far beyond their fan base and made people really pay attention.”
Production on Midnight Memories continued on the road, where, like so many bands before them, One Direction unlocked a new dimension to their music. Tour engineer Alex Oriet made it possible, Ryan says, building makeshift vocal booths in hotel rooms by flipping beds up against the walls. Writing and recording was crammed in whenever — 20 minutes before a show, or right after another two-hour performance.
“It preserved the excitement of the moment,” Bunetta says. “We were just there, doing it, marinating in it at all times. You’re capturing moments instead of trying to recreate them. A lot of times we’d write a song, sing it in the hotel, produce it, then fly back out to have them re-sing it — and so many times the demo vocals were better. They hadn’t memorized it yet. They were still in the mood. There was a performance there that you couldn’t recreate.”
Midnight Memories arrived, per usual, in November 2013. And, per usual, it was a smash. The following year, 1D brought their songs to the environment they always deserved — stadiums around the world — and amid the biggest shows of their career, they worked on their aptly-titled fourth album Four. The 123 concerts 1D had played the year before had strengthened their combined vocal prowess in a way that opened up an array of new possibilities.
“We could use their voices on Four to make something sound more exciting and bigger, rather than having to add too many guitars, synths or drums,” Ryan says.
“They were so much more dynamic and subtle, too,” Bunetta adds. “I don’t think they could’ve pulled off a song like ‘Night Changes’ two albums prior; or the nuance to sing soft and emotionally on ‘Fireproof.’ It takes a lot of experience to deliver a restrained vocal that way.”
“A lot of the songs were double,” Bunetta says, “like somebody might be singing about their girlfriend, but there was another meaning that applied to the group as well.”
Musically, Four was 1D’s most expansive album yet — from the sky-high piano rock of “Steal My Girl” to the tender, tasteful groove of “Fireproof” — and it had the emotional range to match. Now in their early twenties, songs like “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” “No Control,” “Fool’s Gold” and “Clouds” redrew the dramas and euphorias of adolescence with the new weight, wit and wanton winks of impending adulthood. One Direction wasn’t growing up normally in any sense of the word, but they were becoming songwriters capable of drawing out the most relatable elements from their extraordinary circumstances — like on “Change Your Ticket,” where the turbulent love affairs of young jet-setters are distilled to the universal pang of a long goodbye. There were real relationships inspiring these stories, but now that One Direction was four years into being the biggest band on the planet, it was natural that the relationships within the band would make it into the music as well.
“I think that on Four,” Bunetta says with a slight pause, “there were some tensions going on. A lot of the songs were double — like somebody might be singing about their girlfriend, but there was another meaning that applied to the group as well.”
He continues: “It’s tough going through that age, having to spread your wings with so many eyeballs on you, so much money and no break. It was tough for them to carve out their individual manhood, space and point of view, while learning how to communicate with each other. Even more than relationship things that were going on, that was the bigger blanket that was in there every day, seeping into the songs.”
Bunetta remembers Zayn playing him “Pillowtalk” and a few other songs for the first time through a three a.m. fog of cigarette smoke in a hotel room in Japan.
“Fucking amazing,” he says. “They were fucking awesome. I know creatively he wasn’t getting what he needed from the way that the albums were being made on the road. He wanted to lock himself in the studio and take his time, be methodical. And that just wasn’t possible.”
A month or so later, and 16 shows into One Direction’s “On the Road Again” tour, Zayn left the band. Bunetta and Ryan agree it wasn’t out of the blue: “He was frustrated and wanted to do things outside of the band,” Bunetta says. “It’s a lot for a young kid, all those shows. We’d been with them for a bunch of years at this point — it was a matter of when. You just hoped that it would wait until the last album.”
Still, Bunetta compares the loss to having a finger lopped off, and he acknowledges that Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis struggled to find their bearings as One Direction continued with their stadium tour and next album, Made in the A.M. Just as band tensions bubbled beneath the songs on Four, Zayn’s departure left an imprint on Made in the A.M. Not with any overt malice, but a song like “Drag Me Down,” Bunetta says, reflects the effort to bounce back. Even Niall pushing his voice to the limits of his range on that song wouldn’t have been necessary if Zayn and his trusty falsetto were available.
But Made in the A.M. wasn’t beholden to this shake-up. Bunetta and Ryan cite “Olivia” as a defining track, one that captures just how far One Direction had come as songwriters: They’d written it in 45 minutes, after wasting a whole day trying to write something far worse.
“When you start as a songwriter, you write a bunch of shitty songs, you get better and you keep getting better,” Ryan says. “But then you can get finicky and you’re like, ‘Maybe I have to get smart with this lyric.’ By Made in the A.M. … they were coming into their own in the sense of picking up a guitar, messing around and feeling something, rather than being like, ‘How do I put this puzzle together?’”
After Zayn’s departure, Bunetta and Ryan said it became clear that Made in the A.M. would be One Direction’s last album before some break of indeterminate length. The album boasts the palpable tug of the end, but to One Direction’s credit, that finality is balanced by a strong sense of forever. It’s literally the last sentiment they leave their fans on album-closer “History,” singing, “Baby don’t you know, baby don’t you know/We can live forever.”
In a way, Made in the A.M. is about One Direction as an entity. Not one that belonged to the group, but to everyone they spent five years making music for. Four years since their hiatus and 10 years since their formation, the fans remain One Direction’s defining legacy. Even as all five members have settled into solo careers, Ryan notes that baseless rumors of any kind of reunion — even a meager Zoom call — can still set the internet on fire. The old songs remain potent, too: Carl Falk says his nine-year-old son has taken to making TikToks to 1D tracks.
“Most of them weren’t necessarily musicians before this happened, but they loved music, and they found a love of creating, writing and playing,” Kotecha says
There are plenty of metrics to quantify One Direction’s reach, success and influence. The hard numbers — album sales and concert stubs — are staggering on their own, but the ineffable is always more fun. One Direction was such a good band that a fan, half-jokingly, but then kinda seriously, started a GoFundMe to buy out their contract and grant them full artistic freedom. One Direction was such a good band that songwriters like Kotecha and Falk — who would go on to make hits with Ariana Grande, the Weeknd and Nicki Minaj — still think about the songs they could’ve made with them. One Direction was such a good band that Mitski covered “Fireproof.”
But maybe it all comes down to the most ineffable thing of all: Chance. Kotecha compares success on talent shows like The X Factor to waking up one morning and being super cut — but now, to keep that figure, you have to work out at a 10, without having done the gradual work to reach that level. That’s the downfall for so many acts, but One Direction was not only able, but willing, to put in the work.
“They’re one of the only acts from those types of shows that managed to do it for such a long time,” Kotecha says. “Five years is a long time for a massive pop star to go nonstop. I know it was tiring, but they were fantastic sports about it. They appreciated and understood the opportunity they had — and, as you can see, they haven’t really stopped since. Most of them weren’t necessarily musicians before this happened, but they loved music, and they found a love of creating, writing and playing. To have these boys — that had been sort of randomly picked — to also have that? It will never be repeated.”
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mage-ellie · 4 years
The Yearly Halloween Ball
Wrote this really quick while taking a small break from my akechi x fem!reader book yesterday! I wanted to do something Halloween themed since Halloween is approaching :D The 4th chapter of my book with either be posted later tonight or tomorrow :)
Link to original post on AO3: Click me!
Link to the book i’m writing if you’re interested: Click me!
Word count: 2,512
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst because akechi is an edgy boy, slight spoilers
Summary:  Akechi never took an interest when it came to the events held at his school, but this year was a little different.
Every year on October 31st, the high school Akechi attended would hold a Halloween Ball. Each year had a different theme. For example, last year, the theme was 'murder mystery' and the year before that was 'graveyard'. This year, however, the student council president decided to go with a different route. This year's theme was 'masquerade'. The students were encouraged to wear their costume of choice, but you must wear some sort of face covering, whether it be a werewolf head or a simple mask. "Get creative!" The student council president had said when he announced this years theme.
The young detective was never a fan of school events, simply because he would be hounded by the student body and his fangirls, but this piqued his interest. An event where nobody would know who he was? He had been working hard these past few weeks, so he thought it wouldn't hurt to attend and have a bit of fun. He'd have to make sure his mask covered enough of his face though.
Of course, Akechi would dress up like the prince he had always dreamed of being. He picked out his best white suit and a deep blue undershirt. He also draped a white cape, embroidered with a light blue thread, that reached his hips over his shoulders. His dress shoes were a polished white and his gloves were the color of freshly fallen snow. The blue masquerade mask he had chosen was nothing fancy. It covered the upper half of his face, as well as the right side of his face. Perfect. Lastly, he tied his hair up into a ponytail that sat low on his head.
The Prince wasn't expecting much from this dance. Perhaps he would dance with a few girls, maybe he'd even get the chance to dance with you, though, he tried not to get his hopes up. He had overheard you talking about going to a Halloween party with your friends during class the other day. You didn't seem all that interested in the ball, but there's always the chance that you'd change your mind. Akechi never believed that he deserved to be around someone as pure as you. He was afraid that he might taint you, but tonight he was feeling selfish. If he got the chance to dance with you, he'd never indulge in his desires again.
Akechi decided to take a taxi to his school where the ball was being held. He didn't want to chance having his costume ruined by someone on the subways. Despite his identity being hidden, he still wanted to look good.
Upon entering the large building where the dance was to take place, he raked his eyes over the mass of bodies already dancing, silently hoping that he'd spot your form amongst the crowd. Although, he had no idea what you would be wearing, even if you were here.
He descended the flight of stairs that led to the party area. For a moment, he thought he had made a mistake by coming here. Many of the students turned and looked at him, whispering to each other, questioning his identity. He even heard his name said a few times. However, no one approached him, which he was grateful for.
The song currently playing was somewhat fast. The slower songs wouldn't be played until the end of the night. The celebrity had time to prepare himself for the dances that he was bound to be asked to participate in.
Akechi made a slow lap around the building, almost hoping that he'd see you. It seems as though the cruel fate he had been given wouldn't allow him to see you tonight. This was nothing new to him, yet he couldn't stop himself from feeling disappointed.
Or maybe not. A sudden eruption of whispers erupted from the crowd, all of them talking about the mysterious princess in red.
Akechi allowed his eyes to wander to the stairs which led to the entrance. His breath caught in his throat and his cheeks flushed. The beating of his heart increased until it felt like it would burst out of his chest. A strange, yet warm sensation flowed through his body. For a moment, it felt like a soft pair of hands were cradling his shattered, broken heart, holding it together and taking away his pain.
The lovestruck man recognized you immediately. The flowing length of your hair. The graceful way you moved, as if you were floating across the ground. Your soft, slightly flushed skin. The kind and shy smile that sat on your perfect lips. You were wearing a scarlet, off the shoulder dress. Your sleeves were lace and the silky material around your stomach mimicked the look of a corset, which accentuated your beautiful body. The same silky material draped above your knees in the front and reached your ankles in the back in ruffle-like waves. The dress you had chosen had black accents on the corset and ruffles. The mask you had chosen was midnight black and covered the upper half of your face. A single, long iridescent black feather sat on the left side of your mask and flowed like a wave behind you as you walked. The color of your high heels matched the color of your mask. A small, silver tiara sat perfectly on the top of your head.
You looked absolutely enchanting. Akechi was finding it difficult to look away from you, although, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the boy who held your hand. One of the boys in your friend group was your date.
He wouldn't let that get him down though. You were here. Even if he didn't get the chance to dance with you, Akechi thought that maybe, you'd look his way while he danced, or notice him standing by himself by the punch bowl.
You vanished from his view into the sea of people just as quickly as you had appeared. Perhaps he'd make his way around the building one more time, to get a glimpse of you in that dress once more.
The dance was planned to go on for two hours, and an hour and a half had already passed. Akechi hadn't seen you since you came in. He wondered if you had left already. It was about time that he got going as well. People were beginning to recognize him.
As he made his way to the entrance, he noticed your date, who was dancing with another girl. Akechi's blood boiled. The Ace Detective couldn't believe that your date would be stupid enough to dance with another girl, when you were the perfect partner. He made a mental note to find out the name of your date when he had the time.
However, when he made his way outside, the sight before him took his breath away. There you were, only a few yards from the door, rubbing your arms from the cold while looking up at the night sky. If Akechi didn't know any better, he would've thought that you were a Goddess.
Without a second thought, Akechi removed his princely white coat and walked towards you, gently placing it over your shoulders. He watched you flinch, a soft gasp coming from your mouth as you swiftly turned towards him.
"My apologies, Princess. I didn't mean to frighten you, but you looked cold." He spoke in a calm voice, hoping that you wouldn't run away. Akechi was pleasantly surprised as he watched your lips tip upwards as you slid your arms through the sleeves of his coat. It was a bit big on you, yet, he found you absolutely adorable.
"Thank you, dear Prince. I didn't think I would be waiting out here this long for my ride." Your voice was soft and light, as if your date hadn't ditched you for another girl. Akechi's heart fluttered as you called him a prince. The gentle hands that were once cradling his heart, now had a tight grip, like they would never let go. They would hold his heart until it had mended.
"I hope I'm not intruding when I ask this, but are you alright? I noticed your date was dancing with another girl when I was leaving." Akechi did his best to hide the anger he was feeling. He would never do something like that to you. You deserved to be cherished.
What he wasn't expecting was the airy giggle that came from your throat. Your dainty hand hovered over your mouth as you laughed, the sleeve of his coat covering your hand slightly. "Don't worry about that. That's the whole reason I came here in the first place. My friend heard that his crush would be attending the dance and he didn't want to go alone, so I accompanied him. I'm so happy that he got the chance to dance with her. Although, I am a bit disappointed that I didn't get to dance at all. We spent most of the night trying to find her."
Akechi couldn't hide the surprise that colored his face. You were too kind. He definitely didn't deserve to do something as intimate as slow dance with you. One touch and he'd ruin you. However, his selfishness won over when he heard a new slow song begin. The music was muffled by the walls of the school building, yet it was still audible from where the two of you were standing.
"Well, since you're waiting for your ride, may I have this dance?" Akechi extended his arm, holding out his hand for you to take. He relished in the way your face lit up, a bright smile curling its way up your cheeks.
He cursed himself for wearing gloves, but when he felt the warmth of your hand seep through the fabric, his mind went blank. It was like his body was moving on its own. Your right hand was in his left and your left hand was resting on his shoulder. He gently let his right hand take a hold of your waist. Akechi almost melted when you stepped closer to him, the heat of your body pressing against his.
Slowly, the two of you started swaying to the beat of the song. Akechi couldn't hope to match the serene movement of your body as you danced. He was completely and utterly entranced by your beauty in the moon light. He knew he had to savor this moment for as long as possible. Who knew when your friends would show up to take you away from him?
Akechi had been so engrossed in everything that you were doing, that he didn't even notice the song had stopped playing and a new one was starting. Either you didn't notice, or you chose to ignore it. In that moment, it was only him and you, swaying and twirling around the courtyard.
The Prince contemplated what he wanted to do for a moment. There was a chance that you'd pull away from him and yell at him for being a creep, but maybe, just maybe, you'd let him do it. He wanted to take that chance, so he twirled you around, but before you could fully turn back towards him, he pulled you into his chest. Your back was pressed up against his body, his arms wrapped gently around your waist. Akechi's heart nearly stopped when you tensed, but relief washed over him when you relaxed into him.
This time, he didn't stop himself from melting into you as your fingers slid up and down his hands. The fleeting warmth of your touches pulled at his heartstrings. You were so gentle, so delicate. A monster like him would only break you. And yet, the detective couldn't stop himself from leaning his head against yours as you continued your rhythmic swaying. Reveling in the warmth your body brought to his cold, aching soul.
If he could, he would rewind time over and over again, just to reexperience this moment. The young man holding you closed his eyes and focused on the way your body fit with his. It was like you were made for him.
He wondered if you could feel just how fast his heart was beating from this position. He wouldn't be surprised. He could feel his own heartbeat in every part of his body. It echoed in his ears and pulsed in the tips of his toes. If only you knew what you did to him.
Akechi wasn't quite sure how long he had been holding you. It felt like it had only been a few minutes, but also a lifetime. He only began to question the amount of time you had been together when you shifted in his arms slightly.
Disappointment filled his veins as he loosened his grip on you, preparing to let you go, only to be surprised when you turned around in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. He felt the light weight of your head resting against his shoulder. The tip of your black mask pressed into his neck. The detective could feel your warm, even breaths fan across his skin as you relaxed into him
He moved his arms around you slightly. His right arm was hooked around your waist and his left arm held your upper back, keeping you pressed against him in a hug of sorts. Akechi had never felt this kind of affection before. He mentally scolded himself for wanting more. He didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve you.
Sadly, his night had to come to an end. The loud honking of a car caught your attention and you pulled away from him to look at the car that made the sound.
"Ah. That's my ride." Your voice was like a melody to him. He would listen to you speak forever if he could.
The young prince watched as you removed his coat from your body and delicately placed it in his hands. "Thank you so much for the dance Akec- I mean, Prince." You looked away quickly as you caught yourself. A smile crawled onto Akechi's lips as he looked down at you, heart full of an emotion he couldn't quite name. You had known it was him, yet you still danced with him.
"Of course. Until next time, Princess." He spoke as he boldly took a step towards you and kissed the part of your mask that covered your forehead, watching your reaction carefully. The excitement in his body increased as he watched your cheeks flush and a shy smile take over your lips.
"Goodnight." Your voice was so small, it made his stomach squirm.
"Goodnight." He said back as he watched you turn and make your way to your friends, all of who squealed at you for dancing with a boy outside of the ballroom.
Despite the voice in his head barking at him, telling him to never interact with you again, he couldn't stop himself from hoping that you'd let him dance with you like that again.
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hlupdate · 4 years
A bathroom figures significantly in the origin stories of at least two classic One Direction songs. The first will be familiar to any fan: Songwriter and producer Savan Kotecha was sitting on the toilet in a London hotel room, when he heard his wife say, “I feel so ugly today.” The words that popped into his head would shape the chorus of One Direction’s unforgettable 2011 debut, “What Makes You Beautiful.”
The second takes place a few years later: Another hotel room in England — this one in Manchester — where songwriters and producers Julian Bunetta and John Ryan were throwing back Cucumber Collins cocktails and tinkering with a beat. Liam Payne was there, too. At one point, Payne got up to use the bathroom, and when he re-emerged, he was singing a melody. They taped it immediately. Most of it was mumbled — a temporary placeholder — but there was one phrase: “Better than words …” A few hours later, on the bus to another city, another show — Bunetta and Ryan can’t remember where — Payne asked, maybe having a laugh, “What if the rest of the song was just lyrics from other songs?”
“Songs in general, you’re just sort of waiting for an idea to bonk you on the head,” Ryan says from a Los Angeles studio, with Bunetta. “And if you’re sort of winking at it, laughing at it — we were probably joking, ‘What if [the next line was] “More than a feeling”? Well, that would actually be tight!’”
“Better Than Words,” closed One Direction’s third album, Midnight Memories. It was never a single, but became a fan-favorite live-show staple. It’s a midtempo headbanger that captures the essence of what One Direction is, and always was: One of the great rock & roll bands of the 21st century.
July 23rd marks One Direction’s 10th anniversary, the day Simon Cowell told Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson that they would progress on The X Factor as a group. Between that date and their last live performance (so far, one can hope) on December 31st, 2015, they released five albums, toured the world four times — twice playing stadiums — and left a trove of Top 10 hits for a devoted global fan base that came to life at the moment social media was redefining the contours of fandom. 
It’d been a decade since the heyday of ‘NSync and Backstreet Boys, and the churn of generations demanded a new boy band. One Direction’s songs were great and their charisma and chemistry undeniable, but what made them stick was a sound unlike anything else in pop — rooted in guitar rock at a time when that couldn’t have been more passé.
Kotecha, who met 1D on The X Factor and shepherded them through their first few years, is a devoted student of the history of boy bands. He first witnessed their power back in the Eighties, when New Kids on the Block helped his older sister through her teens. The common thread linking all great boy bands, from New Kids to BSB, he says, is, “When they’d break, they’d come out of nowhere, sounding like nothing that’s on the radio.”
In 2010, Kotecha remembers, “everybody was doing this sort of Rihanna dance pop.” But that just wasn’t a sound One Direction could pull off (the Wanted did it only once); and famously, they didn’t even dance. Instead, the reference points for 1D went all the way back to the source of contemporary boy bands.
“Me and Simon would talk about how [One Direction] was Beatlesque, Monkees-esque,” Kotecha continues. “They had such big personalities. I felt like a kid again when I was around them. And I felt like the only music you could really do that with is fun, poppy guitar songs. It would come out of left field and become something owned by the fans.”
To craft that sound on 1D’s first two albums, Up All Night and Take Me Home, Kotecha worked mostly with Swedish songwriters-producers Carl Falk and Rami Yacoub. They’d all studied at the Max Martin/Cheiron Studios school of pop craftsmanship, and Falk says they were confident they could crack the boy-band code once more with songs that recalled BSB and ‘NSync, but replaced the dated synths and pianos with guitars. 
The greatest thing popular music can do is make someone else think, “I can do that,” and One Direction’s music was designed with that intent. “The guitar riff had to be so simple that my friend’s 15-year-old daughter could play it and put a cover to YouTube,” Falk says. “If you listen to ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ or ‘One Thing,’ they have two-finger guitar riffs that everyone who can play a bit of guitar can learn. That was all on purpose.”
One Direction famously finished third on The X Factor, but Cowell immediately signed them to his label, Syco Music. They’d gone through one round of artist development boot camp on the show, and another followed on an X Factor live tour in spring 2011. They’d developed an onstage confidence, but the studio presented a new challenge. “We had to create who should do what in One Direction,” Falk says. To solve the puzzle the band’s five voices presented, they chose the kitchen sink method and everyone tried everything.
“They were searching for themselves,” Falk adds. “It was like, Harry, let’s just record him; he’s not afraid of anything. Liam’s the perfect song starter, and then you put Zayn on top with this high falsetto. Louis found his voice when we did ‘Change Your Mind.’ It was a long trial for everyone to find their strengths and weaknesses, but that was also the fun part.” Falk also gave Niall some of his first real guitar lessons; there’s video of them performing “One Thing” together, still blessedly up on YouTube.
“What Makes You Beautiful” was released September 11th, 2011 in the U.K. and debuted at Number One on the singles chart there — though the video had dropped a month prior. While One Direction’s immediate success in the U.K. and other parts of Europe wasn’t guaranteed, the home field odds were favorable. European markets have historically been kinder to boy bands than the U.S.; ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys found huge success abroad before they conquered home. To that end, neither Kotecha nor Falk were sure 1D would break in the U.S. Falk even says of conceiving the band’s sound, “We didn’t want it to sound too American, because this was not meant — for us, at least — to work in America. This was gonna work in the U.K. and maybe outside the U.K.”
Stoking anticipation for “What Makes You Beautiful” by releasing the video on YouTube before the single dropped, preceded the strategy Columbia Records (the band’s U.S. label) adopted for Up All Night. Between its November 2011 arrival in the U.K. and its U.S. release in March 2012, Columbia eschewed traditional radio strategies and built hype on social media. One Direction had been extremely online since their X Factor days, engaging with fans and spending their downtime making silly videos to share. One goofy tune, made with Kotecha, called “Vas Happenin’ Boys?” was an early viral hit.
“They instinctively had this — and it might just be a generational thing — they just knew how to speak to their fans,” Kotecha says. “And they did that by being themselves. That was a unique thing about these boys: When the cameras turned on, they didn’t change who they were.”
Social media was flooded with One Direction contests and petitions to bring the band to fans’ towns. Radio stations were inundated with calls to play “What Makes You Beautiful” long before it was even available. When it did finally arrive, Kotecha (who was in Sweden at the time) remembers staying up all night to watch it climb the iTunes chart with each refresh.
Take Me Home, was recorded primarily in Stockholm and London during and after their first world tour. The success of Up All Night had attracted an array of top songwriting talent — Ed Sheeran even penned two hopeless romantic sad lad tunes, “Little Things” and “Over Again” — but Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub grabbed the reins, collaborating on six of the album’s 13 tracks. In charting their course, Kotecha returned to his boy band history: “My theory was, you give them a similar sound on album two, and album three is when you start moving on.”
Still, there was the inherent pressure of the second album to contend with. The label wanted a “What Makes You Beautiful, Part 2,” and evidence that the 1D phenomenon wasn’t slowing down appeared outside the window of the Stockholm studio: so many fans, the street had to be shut down. Kotecha even remembers seeing police officers with missing person photos, combing through the girls camped outside, looking for teens to return to their parents.
At this pivotal moment, One Direction made it clear that they wanted a greater say in their artistic future. Kotecha admits he was wary at first, but the band was determined. To help manage the workload, Kotecha had brought in two young songwriters, Kristoffer Fogelmark and Albin Nedler, who’d arrived with a handful of ideas, including a chorus for a booming power ballad called “Last First Kiss.”
“We thought, while we’re busy recording vocals, whoever’s not busy can go write songs with these two guys, and then we’ll help shape them as much as we can,” Kotecha says. “And to our pleasant surprise, the songs were pretty damn good.”
At this pivotal moment, too, songwriters Julian Bunetta and John Ryan also met the band. Friends from the Berklee College of Music, Bunetta and Ryan had moved out to L.A. and cut a few tracks, but still had no hits to their name. They entered the Syco orbit after scoring work on the U.S. version of The X Factor, and were asked if they wanted to try writing a song for Take Me Home. “I was like, yeah definitely,” Bunetta says. “They sold five million albums? Hell yeah, I want to make some money.”
Working with Jamie Scott, who’d written two songs on Up All Night (“More Than This” and “Stole My Heart”), Bunetta and Ryan wrote “C’mon, C’mon” — a blinding hit of young love that rips down a dance pop speedway through a comically oversized wall of Marshall stacks. It earned them a trip to London. Bunetta admits to thinking the whole 1D thing was “a quick little fad” ahead of their first meeting with the band, but their charms were overwhelming. Everyone hit it off immediately.
“Niall showed me his ass,” Bunetta remembers of the day they recorded, “They Don’t Know About Us,” one of five songs they produced for Take Me Home (two are on the deluxe edition). “The first vocal take, he went in to sing, did a take, I was looking down at the computer screen and was like, ‘On this line, can you sing it this way?’ And I looked over and he was mooning me. I was like, ‘I love this guy!’”
Take Me Home dropped November 9th, just nine days short of Up All Night’s first anniversary. With only seven weeks left in 2012, it became the fourth best-selling album of the year globally, moving 4.4 million copies, per the IFPI; it fell short of Adele’s 21, Taylor Swift’s Red and 1D’s own Up All Night, which had several extra months to sell 4.5 million copies.
Kotecha, Falk and Yacoub’s tracks anchored the album. Songs like “Kiss You,” “Heart Attack” and “Live While We’re Young” were pristine pop rock that One Direction delivered with full delirium, vulnerability and possibility — the essence of the teen — in voices increasingly capable of navigating all the little nuances of that spectrum. And the songs 1D helped write (“Last First Kiss,” “Back for You” and “Summer Love”) remain among the LP’s best.
“You saw that they caught the bug and were really good at it,” Kotecha says of their songwriting. “And moving forward, you got the impression that that was the way for them.”
Like clockwork, the wheels began to churn for album three right after Take Me Home dropped. But unlike those first two records, carving out dedicated studio time for LP3 was going to be difficult — on February 23rd, 2013, One Direction would launch a world tour in London, the first of 123 concerts they’d play that year. They’d have to write and record on the road, and for Kotecha and Falk — both of whom had just had kids — that just wasn’t possible. 
But it was also time for a creative shift. Even Kotecha knew that from his boy band history: album three is, after all, when you start moving on. One Direction was ready, too. Kotecha credits Louis, the oldest member of the group, for “shepherding them into adulthood, away from the very pop-y stuff of the first two albums. He was leading the charge to make sure that they had a more mature sound. And at the time, being in it, it was a little difficult for me, Rami and Carl to grasp — but hindsight, that was the right thing to do.” 
“For three years, this was our schedule,” Bunetta says. “We did X Factor October, November, December. Took off January. February, flew to London. We’d gather ideas with the band, come up with sounds, hang out. Then back to L.A. for March, produce some stuff, then go out on the road with them in April. Get vocals, write a song or two, come back for May, work on the vocals, and produce the songs we wrote on the road. Back to London in June-ish. Back here for July, produce it up. Go back on tour in August, get last bits of vocals, mix in September, back to X Factor in October, album out in November, January off, start it all over again.”
That cycle began in early 2013 when Bunetta and Ryan flew to London for a session that lasted just over a week, but yielded the bulk of Midnight Memories. With songwriters Jamie Scott, Wayne Hector and Ed Drewett they wrote “Best Song Ever” and “You and I,” and, with One Direction, “Diana” and “Midnight Memories.” Bunetta and Ryan’s initial rapport with the band strengthened — they were a few years older, but as Bunetta jokes, “We act like we’re 19 all the time anyway.” Years ago, Bunetta posted an audio clip documenting the creation of “Midnight Memories” — the place-holder chorus was a full-throated, perfectly harmonized, “I love KFC!”
For the most part, Bunetta, Ryan and 1D doubled down on the rock sound their predecessors had forged, but there was one outlier from that week. A stunning bit of post-Mumford festival folk buoyed by a new kind of lyrical and vocal maturity called “Story of My Life.”
“This was a make or break moment for them,” Bunetta says. “They needed to grow up, or they were gonna go away — and they wanted to grow up. To get to the level they got to, you need more than just your fan base. That song extended far beyond their fan base and made people really pay attention.”
Production on Midnight Memories continued on the road, where, like so many bands before them, One Direction unlocked a new dimension to their music. Tour engineer Alex Oriet made it possible, Ryan says, building makeshift vocal booths in hotel rooms by flipping beds up against the walls. Writing and recording was crammed in whenever — 20 minutes before a show, or right after another two-hour performance.
“It preserved the excitement of the moment,” Bunetta says. “We were just there, doing it, marinating in it at all times. You’re capturing moments instead of trying to recreate them. A lot of times we’d write a song, sing it in the hotel, produce it, then fly back out to have them re-sing it — and so many times the demo vocals were better. They hadn’t memorized it yet. They were still in the mood. There was a performance there that you couldn’t recreate.” 
Midnight Memories arrived, per usual, in November 2013. And, per usual, it was a smash. The following year, 1D brought their songs to the environment they always deserved — stadiums around the world — and amid the biggest shows of their career, they worked on their aptly-titled fourth album Four. The 123 concerts 1D had played the year before had strengthened their combined vocal prowess in a way that opened up an array of new possibilities.
“We could use their voices on Four to make something sound more exciting and bigger, rather than having to add too many guitars, synths or drums,” Ryan says.
“They were so much more dynamic and subtle, too,” Bunetta adds. “I don’t think they could’ve pulled off a song like ‘Night Changes’ two albums prior; or the nuance to sing soft and emotionally on ‘Fireproof.’ It takes a lot of experience to deliver a restrained vocal that way.”
Musically, Four was 1D’s most expansive album yet — from the sky-high piano rock of “Steal My Girl” to the tender, tasteful groove of “Fireproof” — and it had the emotional range to match. Now in their early twenties, songs like “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” “No Control,” “Fool’s Gold” and “Clouds” redrew the dramas and euphorias of adolescence with the new weight, wit and wanton winks of impending adulthood. One Direction wasn’t growing up normally in any sense of the word, but they were becoming songwriters capable of drawing out the most relatable elements from their extraordinary circumstances — like on “Change Your Ticket,” where the turbulent love affairs of young jet-setters are distilled to the universal pang of a long goodbye. There were real relationships inspiring these stories, but now that One Direction was four years into being the biggest band on the planet, it was natural that the relationships within the band would make it into the music as well.
“I think that on Four,” Bunetta says with a slight pause, “there were some tensions going on. A lot of the songs were double — like somebody might be singing about their girlfriend, but there was another meaning that applied to the group as well.”
He continues: “It’s tough going through that age, having to spread your wings with so many eyeballs on you, so much money and no break. It was tough for them to carve out their individual manhood, space and point of view, while learning how to communicate with each other. Even more than relationship things that were going on, that was the bigger blanket that was in there every day, seeping into the songs.”
Bunetta remembers Zayn playing him “Pillowtalk” and a few other songs for the first time through a three a.m. fog of cigarette smoke in a hotel room in Japan.
“Fucking amazing,” he says. “They were fucking awesome. I know creatively he wasn’t getting what he needed from the way that the albums were being made on the road. He wanted to lock himself in the studio and take his time, be methodical. And that just wasn’t possible.”
A month or so later, and 16 shows into One Direction’s “On the Road Again” tour, Zayn left the band. Bunetta and Ryan agree it wasn’t out of the blue: “He was frustrated and wanted to do things outside of the band,” Bunetta says. “It’s a lot for a young kid, all those shows. We’d been with them for a bunch of years at this point — it was a matter of when. You just hoped that it would wait until the last album.”
Still, Bunetta compares the loss to having a finger lopped off, and he acknowledges that Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis struggled to find their bearings as One Direction continued with their stadium tour and next album, Made in the A.M. Just as band tensions bubbled beneath the songs on Four, Zayn’s departure left an imprint on Made in the A.M. Not with any overt malice, but a song like “Drag Me Down,” Bunetta says, reflects the effort to bounce back. Even Niall pushing his voice to the limits of his range on that song wouldn’t have been necessary if Zayn and his trusty falsetto were available.
But Made in the A.M. wasn’t beholden to this shake-up. Bunetta and Ryan cite “Olivia” as a defining track, one that captures just how far One Direction had come as songwriters: They’d written it in 45 minutes, after wasting a whole day trying to write something far worse.
“When you start as a songwriter, you write a bunch of shitty songs, you get better and you keep getting better,” Ryan says. “But then you can get finicky and you’re like, ‘Maybe I have to get smart with this lyric.’ By Made in the A.M. … they were coming into their own in the sense of picking up a guitar, messing around and feeling something, rather than being like, ‘How do I put this puzzle together?’”
After Zayn’s departure, Bunetta and Ryan said it became clear that Made in the A.M. would be One Direction’s last album before some break of indeterminate length. The album boasts the palpable tug of the end, but to One Direction’s credit, that finality is balanced by a strong sense of forever. It’s literally the last sentiment they leave their fans on album-closer “History,” singing, “Baby don’t you know, baby don’t you know/We can live forever.”
In a way, Made in the A.M. is about One Direction as an entity. Not one that belonged to the group, but to everyone they spent five years making music for. Four years since their hiatus and 10 years since their formation, the fans remain One Direction’s defining legacy. Even as all five members have settled into solo careers, Ryan notes that baseless rumors of any kind of reunion — even a meager Zoom call — can still set the internet on fire. The old songs remain potent, too: Carl Falk says his nine-year-old son has taken to making TikToks to 1D tracks.
There are plenty of metrics to quantify One Direction’s reach, success and influence. The hard numbers — album sales and concert stubs — are staggering on their own, but the ineffable is always more fun. One Direction was such a good band that a fan, half-jokingly, but then kinda seriously, started a GoFundMe to buy out their contract and grant them full artistic freedom. One Direction was such a good band that songwriters like Kotecha and Falk — who would go on to make hits with Ariana Grande, the Weeknd and Nicki Minaj — still think about the songs they could’ve made with them. One Direction was such a good band that Mitski covered “Fireproof.”
But maybe it all comes down to the most ineffable thing of all: Chance. Kotecha compares success on talent shows like The X Factor to waking up one morning and being super cut — but now, to keep that figure, you have to work out at a 10, without having done the gradual work to reach that level. That’s the downfall for so many acts, but One Direction was not only able, but willing, to put in the work.
“They’re one of the only acts from those types of shows that managed to do it for such a long time,” Kotecha says. “Five years is a long time for a massive pop star to go nonstop. I know it was tiring, but they were fantastic sports about it. They appreciated and understood the opportunity they had — and, as you can see, they haven’t really stopped since. Most of them weren’t necessarily musicians before this happened, but they loved music, and they found a love of creating, writing and playing. To have these boys — that had been sort of randomly picked — to also have that? It will never be repeated.”
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firesign23 · 4 years
November 31st please!
Curses, curses, I swore I’d write only a few sentences, and then under 500. Instead there’s almost 600 words. Look, I’m very sorry, but I ended up making this connected to the where you used to be fics, the basic premise of which is some seriously handwavey “Brienne and Jaime are both cops and Brienne has to go undercover in the search for Sansa Stark, and they have to end their never-quite-defined relationship when she does”. It remains as horny as the other rest of the series.
Pining with post breakup
It was well past midnight when Brienne stumbled into her long-term motel room, cigarette smoke and cheap beer clinging to every pore. She should shower, fall into bed, grab a few hours sleep before she had to head out of town for a rendez-vous with her handler. She pulled the rickety chair from the corner instead, prayed it would hold her steady, and reached for the third ceiling tile from the door. Shifting it up, her hand reached into the darkness, grasped the small box she knew was there. She pulled it out and climbed off the chair, moving to sit on the bed instead.
The phone made a soft hum as it came to life in her hands, the tiny screen lighting up green and casting a strange glow. She could call him. Hello, Jaime, I’m so lonely, won’t you talk to me?
His voice would purr down the line, sleep-rough and delicious, Take your shirt off, he’d say, so she did. Good. And your pants. She wiggled out of the jeans, kicked them across the room. I bet you’re blushing. She was, she could feel the heat on her face. Will you talk to me?
No. It was too much, even in her mind. Fuck, the things they’d done, before… She missed it, but the idea of saying it, shaping her mouth to say it--
That’s okay, he’d say. What colour are your underwear?
I said I wasn’t talking.
He’d chuckle. I’ll imagine they’re black then.
With lime green polka dots, she’d reply, just to hear him chuckle again.
The edges of the phone bit into her palm when she clenched her hand, breaking her fantasy. She could call him, but she can’t, and so she’ll have this instead.
Lie back, he’d say. Touch yourself. She headed for the waist of her underwear, but he’d click his tongue, Not like that. It’s not a race.
Fuck you.
Would that I could, Tarth. You��ll have to do it for me. Now, slowly. Your neck, your collarbone. Her hands skimmed over both, stirring her awareness, stoking it. Now lower. His breath would hitch here, Gods, your muscles. You could fight off a godsdamned bear. She bit her lip, laughter and irritation warring even at the Jaime in her mind. Does it feel nice?
A little.
Should be more than a little. Help a guy out here.
What about you? she’d challenge.
Not as good as your cunt, but I’ll make do.
You’re so crude, Jaime.
Remember that trip to the Vale?
It had been for work, shortly after they’d started sleeping together. The rooms had been nothing special, but the showers had been huge and his mouth had been filthy and she thanked the gods that Jaime was rich enough to pay for the damage to the showerhead. (It was his fault anyway, she’d insisted, and had refrained from describing her orgasm as cataclysmic despite Jaime’s adamance.)
He fell silent in her mind, the space that would exist filled with soft sighs and grunts, a muffled shout through the cheap speaker when he came, her fingers working, working, fuckfuckfuck, burning, aching, pleasepleaseJaime, and then he’d whisper her name and she arched, moaned, rode the peak into oblivion.
Sometime later, she looked at the phone still clasped in her hand--the screen had turned off, and she knew she should turn it off again, put it back. She closed her eyes instead, and promised she would do it in the morning.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Road Trip: Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn (oc), Punk!Geralt x Punk! Yennefer, Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 2963 Rating: T Taglist: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats, @nevadawolfe, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @coffee-and-stories a/n: This installment is really oc heavy sorryyyy.  Also I’m really terrible at writing lyrics, so please forgive my shitty attempt lol.  The next part will be supplied by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats :3
{Part I}{Part II}{Part III}{Part IV}
Part V - If You Need Anyone
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Chicago had been fun.  
After her talk with Win, Aevryn felt like a weight had been lifted from her lungs.  She still wasn’t talking with Yennefer, which stung, and Valdo’s request for her to listen to his new album hung over her head, twisting her stomach anxiously, but at least one thing was okay.
I release you.
She’d finished out the rest of the city with a genuine smile on her face, glad that Jaskier had begged for them to stop and have some fun, forgetting her worries for at least a few hours.
Back in Roach Aev sat in the backseat as the others piled in for the night, exhausted, putting her earbuds in as Win’s comforting presence settled next to her.  Leaning against the darkened van window she watched the dark lake shore fly by with the blur of headlights, the city skyline shrinking in the distance, an empty ache settling in her chest.  Valdo’s album was set to drop soon and she didn’t know if she was ready.  
True she’d put on one of his songs the other morning as she’d drove, just to hear his voice, but it had been one she’d heard many times before.  This new album was uncharted territory and she worried it might dredge up more emotions she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face yet; there was still so much to unpack there, things long buried.
Unlocking her phone she opened up her twitter messages, reading them over again when a new message alert popped up.
@valdomarxofficial: Hey, happy birthday, beautiful.  Am I the first to wish you that?  I hope so.
Shit, she swore, eyes flicking up to the top bar of her phone that displayed the time, to see that it was indeed a couple minutes after midnight, July 31st.  Her birthday.
Groaning at the thought of what embarrassing things her bandmates’ were going to attempt to do to celebrate, a slight giddiness filled her chest that Valdo had been the first to remember.
@aeverona: You are, actually.  I’m impressed you remembered.
@valdomarxofficial:  You wound me, love.  How could I forget something so important?  Are you doing anything special to celebrate?
Shaking her head fondly, Aevryn scooted down further in her seat, chewing her lip, fighting back a smile as her fingers flew over the onscreen keyboard.
@aeverona:  you prick, there are a lot of important things you’ve forgotten over the years... but i’m glad you messaged me.  No, we’re just driving right now, everyone’s asleep.
@valdomarxofficial: a shame, you should be the center of attention at a decadent party thrown in your honour.  Perhaps i’ll have to rectify that.  Well, if you have nothing better to do, consider this your birthday gift from me.  x
Attached was a download link from his bandcamp and Aev sighed at the sight.  He really wanted her to listen, didn’t he?
@aeverona: a bit self absorbed, are we?  lol  okay, i give in i’ll listen to it
Taking a deep breath she clicked the link to the download.  While she waited she turned back to the window, pressing her cheek to the cool glass.  She could hear Yennefer’s voice in her head, as if her friend could read her thoughts even now.  Don’t.  How many times are you going to let him hurt you?
She closed her eyes.
Yennefer pulled her cardigan tighter around her shoulders as she shifted in the passenger seat, trying to find a comfortable spot while avoiding glancing at Geralt behind the wheel.  The soft music he had turned on had effectively lulled the rest of the van to sleep, but her thoughts swirled, keeping her awake.  
She could sense Geralt’s eyes flicking to her every so often and sighed, sitting up in the seat, unable to will herself to sleep anyway.  Her change in posture signified that she wanted to talk, but an awkward silence fell over them while Geralt merely waited.
“So… what did you and Jaskier do today when we split up?” she asked without looking at him.
Geralt glanced at her, a ghost of a smile tracing his lips for a moment.
“We climbed a rock wall.”
Yennefer jerked in surprise, her dark eyes peering back at Jaskier, snoring softly.  “But he hates heights.”
“I know,” Geralt replied with a soft snort, wanting to say more, though the words died on his tongue.  Silence fell once more.  
Several miles passed.
“What about you and [Y/N]?”  
Yennefer shrugged.  “We rode the carousel and talked.”
“Yep.”  Yennefer answered simply.  “I got to ride a dragon.”
Geralt snorted in amusement.  “Very you.”
Yen’s answering laugh lifted his spirits, buoying him even as silence fell once more.  At least she was talking to him again.
Aevryn startled awake as the van slowed, turning off the highway into a brightly lit truck stop.  Geralt threw Roach into park and got out.  The others stirred slightly, but no one woke.  Aev looked down at her phone.  Fuck, she thought angrily, Valdo’s album list staring her in the face.  She hadn’t meant to fall asleep.  It had only been an hour and a half, but now that she was awake and filled with nervous energy she didn’t think she could just sit there.  
Carefully extricating herself from the depths of the van she slipped out the sliding door, following Geralt into the rest stop.  The usually stoic drummer gave a start when he turned from the cooler, drink in hand, to find her standing right behind him.
“Jesus Aev,” he growled, frowning, stepping around her to go pay.
“Can I drive for a bit, Gery?”  Aevryn asked, quickly grabbing another Red Bull from the cooler before jogging to catch up to him, flashing him a smarmy smile as he grabbed a box of Little Debbie snack cakes.
“Don’t call me that,” Geralt grunted, setting his purchases on the counter.  After a moment he grabbed the giant can out of her hand to set with his stuff before handing the cashier a worn twenty.
“Please?” Aevryn asked.  “If I don’t keep my hands busy I’ll go crazy.  And I need to keep my mind off some… stuff.”
The cashier handed him his change and Geralt handed Aev her drink.  
“You’re not tired?” he asked, giving her a pointed look, his light hazel eyes studying her sharply, knowingly.
“Hmm.”  After a moment Geralt nodded and shoved the box of cakes at her.  “Here.  This is for you.”
Aevryn ducked her head to hide her grin as she followed Geralt back to the van, noticing the cakes were mini birthday cakes.
Taking the driver’s seat Aevryn buckled in and stuck her headphones in her ears, not wanting to face a repeat of the other morning as she listened to Valdo’s new music.  If Jaskier happened to wake up and heard it he would flip his shit, and on top of everything else going on, that was the last thing Aev wanted to deal with.  She still didn’t know how she was going to break it to him that she was on speaking terms with her ex again, amongst other things. 
Taking a swig of her energy drink and stuffing one of the snack cakes in her mouth she turned on the first song as she pulled back onto the highway.  
This album is a letter, one I should have written long ago.
Valdo’s low voice in her ear sent an involuntary shiver down her spine and her breath caught at his words, fending off the intrusive thought that he was speaking directly to her before the guitar swelled, leading into the next song and Aev nearly barked a surprised laugh at the opening notes -- a cover of one of her favourite songs.
Not usually one to care for covers, she couldn’t help but admit that it was good; Valdo’s voice filling each familiar lyric with new meaning, and again it felt as though he were singing for her and her alone, a private performance that the masses might peer into, but never truly understand.  The next song was an original one, but again with an easter egg she felt was strangely meant for her to uncover.  Valdo’s haunting vocals were joined by another voice, barking and raspy, and instantly recognizable to Aevryn.
That fucking bastard, she thought, shaking her head in disbelief, though a smile stole across her face like a thief.  He’d just had to go and collaborate with her favourite musician -- one so obscure that not even Jaskier knew she listened to.  Now he was just showing off.  
As she continued to listen, each song had something jump out at her, some lyric that tickled her memory or a reference to some in-joke shared between the two of them as teens, and it was becoming more and more difficult to believe that these were just coincidences.  Looking down at her phone she realized she was already on the final song and that’s when it happened.
The opening notes were accompanied by a lonely piano chord and the instant mood change gripped her, holding her hostage as she listened raptly, her hands tightening on the steering wheel.  Valdo’s voice trembled with emotion, weaving poetry that would certainly steal anyone’s breath away -- personal and raw, but the words hit her like a train, her eyes widening and her mouth falling open.
Darling, it was always you, since day one, I knew, I was smitten, I admit, but it was more than that. After all, ‘just friends’ don’t look at each other like that. ‘Just friends’ don’t kiss each other like that.
It nearly took this immature fuckup too long to realize, What you meant when you said I needed you. And by then it was almost too late. How was I to know you’d need me too? I never told you, when you lay in that hospital bed, unsure if you’d ever wake, It nearly killed me, it drove me mad. Not caring what might become of me I went to his house and I went to bat, I lashed out in hate. Please don’t tell me it was all for nothing...
Her throat suddenly dry, Aevryn swallowed as the song continued on.  
It was her.  It was their life. 
Had he really done that, she wondered, her breath shallow as a memory she’d fought hard to bury surfaced hazily.  When she’d woke in the hospital after telling him why she’d done it, he was lying in the bed with her, his cut lip and bruised knuckles standing out in stark relief now.  She’d never really questioned where they came from before. 
“Oh my God,” she whispered; her hand covering her mouth as her lip trembled and a single tear fell. 
This song was about her, for her.  No, not just this song, she realized -- “this album is a letter…”
As Valdo continued to spin their story, the highs and the heartbreaks, his fuck-ups and regrets -- it broke her anew and soon she was wracked with silent sobs, tears flowing freely down her cheeks til she could barely see the road before her.  
Forgive me Aev, I never deserved you in the first place, but I want to be the man that does.  
In the passenger seat Yennefer stretched, a soft sound catching her attention and she opened her eyes slowly.
“Aev?” she asked softly, noticing her friend in the driver’s seat.  Then she noticed she was crying.  “Fuck, Aev!  What’s wrong?” Yennefer sat up quickly, reaching out to touch Aevryn’s arm.
“That fucking bastard,” she managed to choke out, crying harder and Yennefer quickly glanced in the back to make sure it hadn’t woken anyone else.  Her violet eyes swung back to Aevryn and then noticed the wires going to her ears connected to her phone and she snatched it up, her stomach dropping when she saw what her friend was listening to.
“Aevryn, why?” she demanded, disappointment and anguish thick in her voice.  “Why would you do this to yourself?”
“He asked me to listen to it,” she sobbed.  “It was for me.  The whole damned thing!”
“Aev, I think you need to pull over,” Yennefer urged, anxiously eyeing the sign for the next turn off.
Aevryn nodded and did as she was asked, barely able to see through her tears.  As soon as Roach was stopped, she jumped out, walking swiftly away, though not as if she knew where to.  “Aev!” Yennefer called after her, circling the van to chase after her.
At the slam of the van door Geralt sat up abruptly as the others stirred groggily.
“What was that?  Why are we stopped?” Jaskier asked, looking around, the feeling that something wasn’t right gripping him, waking him faster.  “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Geralt answered, worriedly watching Yennefer take off after Aevryn.
“Aevryn!”  Yennefer finally caught up to her friend and grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks.  “Talk to me, please,” she begged.  She’d never seen Aev look so lost.
Wiping her jacket sleeve across her damp face, Aevryn sniffled, trying to calm her breaths.  “I knew you’d tell me not to listen to it, but… but I did.  I couldn’t help it.  I had to know why he wanted me to hear it so badly.  And I know now.  It was for me.  It was his apology.  The whole fucking thing.  He even released it on my fucking birthday.”
Yennefer gaped at her, unsure how to respond.  If what she said was true… well, it certainly sounded exactly like something Valdo would do; he was nothing if not that extra.
“Just… just listen to the last song,” Aevryn exclaimed, holding out her phone.  Wordlessly Yen took it and put the earbuds in her ears.
It felt like an eternity elapsed as Aev waited, Yennefer’s face an unreadable mask as she listened.  When it was done Yennefer took a deep breath and pulled the headphones from her ears.
“I must admit he certainly has gone to lengths to get his point across.”
“I still love him, Yen,” Aevryn said softly.
“I know,” Yennefer replied simply, holding her arms out.
With a soft sob Aev surged forward and Yennefer wrapped her arms around her, letting her cry against her chest, her fingers combing through her friend’s messy hair til she was all cried out.
“I want to make it work,” she said thickly through the remnants of her tears.  “I want to give him a second chance.”
“I know,” Yennefer murmured soothingly, her heart twisting with hope and fear for her friend.  She knew all she could do now was support her in her decision.
“I’m so sorry Yen,” she exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks once more.  “I don’t want us to fight anymore.  I want you to look after me.”
“I will always look after you.  You know that.”  Yen’s voice shook as her arms tightened around Aevryn.  That was how Geralt found them and Yennefer raised her eyes meeting his silent gaze as she gave Aev one last squeeze before stepping back.
“I need to call him,” Aevryn murmured absently, glancing over her shoulder to throw an imploring look at Geralt before directing it at Yennefer, who knew what she was asking of them wordlessly.
“Don’t worry about the others,” Yennefer said, smoothing Aevryn’s hair with her hands.  “We’ll be waiting at the van.”
With a nod Aev watched Yennefer and Geralt head back and she waited for them to pass out of sight before pulling her phone out.  Despite the hour she had a feeling that Valdo was waiting for her call and sure enough the phone only rang once before he answered.
“Hey,” Aev whispered, her voice trembling.  “I listened to it.”
“Yeah?”  Valdo asked, the hope in his tone unmistakable.
“Yeah.  You fucking asshole, you could have warned me,” she exclaimed, though there was no heat in it.  “Did you mean it -- everything you said in there?  You’re being absolutely serious?”
“Serious as a heart attack, babe.”
“Please don’t joke right now, Valdo.”
“I’m not.”  She could hear him breathe, a shaky sound that rattled her own chest.  “Can I see you?”
“Yeah.  I’d like that,” Aev answered, a small smile tugging at her lips.
“Yen, Geralt, what the fuck is going on?  Is Aev okay?”  Jaskier demanded as his bandmates walked side by side back to Roach.  You and Win were both out of the van as well, worry gripping you as Jaskier’s tension bled into you.  
“She’s alright,” Yennefer answered as Geralt clapped a hand to Jaskier’s shoulder as he passed.
“But-but what’s going on?” he asked, the helplessness in his voice twisting your heart.
The sigh that left Yennefer’s lungs was heavy with the secrets she couldn’t yet tell him.  For it truly wasn’t her place to tell Jaskier, though she also didn’t like keeping him in the dark.  Beside Valdo he was Aevryn’s oldest friend.
“She listened to something that made her a little emotional and I didn’t want her to crash the van because she was crying.”  
It technically wasn’t a lie.
“What did she--?” Jaskier cut off before finishing his question, his lips twitching into a frown.  “Aevryn…” he grumbled, something akin to exasperation creeping into his voice as he closed his eyes.
Just then she walked back to the van, stopping next to Yennefer, looking rather small.  “I’m okay now.  I’m sorry for worrying everyone,” she said softly, not quite meeting Jaskier’s gaze before climbing back into the van.
“Jask?” you asked, slipping your hand in his as you looked up at him.
He watched his friend, worrying his lip, clear blue eyes cloudy with worry and hurt.  “If what I think is happening, I’ll kill him.”
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alj4890 · 4 years
New Year's Eve
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A Choices Fan Fiction of The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries,and Perfect Match
@lxaah11​​​ @alleksa16​​​ @penguininapinktuxedo​​​ @blackcoffee85​​​ @stopforamoment​​​  @hopefulmoonobject​​​  @krsnlove​​​   @annekebbphotography​​​  @gibbles82​​​ @cora-nova​​​ @bella-ca​​​ @hopelessromantic1352​​​. @sunflowergirl05​​​ @desiree-0816​​​ @greywitchyshots​​​ @lilyofchoices​​ @moodyvalentinestories​​​ @emceesynonymroll​​ @dr-nancy-house​​ @aworldoffandoms​​ @ab1901​​ @pixieferry​​ @flyawayboo​​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​.
A/N I am so, so sorry for this being so incredibly long. I tried. I really did. I will be posting an epilogue to this, just because I have no self-control with these characters, LOL. I hope you enjoyed your gift @krsnlove, I had so much fun writing it.
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 The Revelation
Dec. 31st, New Year's Eve
Early morning, Thomas Hunt's suite, The Four Seasons...
"What is so important that you can't discuss it over the phone?" Thomas asked, wiping the lingering spots of shaving cream off his face.
"I need your permission to invoke your name." Addison sat down and prepared herself for the battle ahead.
Thomas looked down at her in surprise. "I beg your pardon. Why are you wanting to use my name?"
Addison twisted her purse strap around her fingers nervously. "Let's just say it would be used in helping a lonely man win the heart of the lady he has fallen for."
Thomas took a step back. "What are you going to do to Amanda?"
Addison looked up in shock. "Amanda? Who's--" her eyes widened. "It's her isn't it? The one you were staring at the other night. Wait! Did you spend yesterday with her?" Her brow furrowed in thought. "That's why you both weren't at the tea."
He couldn't think of what to say to make her stop discovering all his secrets.
"Thomas! This is wonderful!" She stood and hugged him. "It is about time you found someone you like!"
He untangled himself from her. "Yes, well, I don't want any interference in this."
Addison waived that notion away. "My plan isn't for you. It's for helping Liam."
Thomas ran a hand down his face. How had he let slip what he wasn't quite ready to share with his friends? "Do whatever you want." He held his door open for her to leave. "And try and forget this conversation."
Addison checked the time. "Right, I'm off." She paused at the door. "Don't think though that I will forget any of this. I expect to hear the entire story when I have a free moment, and I mean everything."
Thomas shut the door and pressed his forehead against it. Perfect, he thought. Just perfect.
Across town in Nadia's apartment...
"We're here!" Kai yelled out as she and Damien walked in. "Nadia!"
"I'm coming!" She came out in her white silk ball gown and mask. She twirled around and waited. "What do you think?"
"You're beautiful!" Kai exclaimed. She slowly walked around her cousin and nodded. "It's perfect."
"Yeah?" Nadia lifted her mask off. “Really?”
"I already told you it was." Damien muttered on his way to the kitchen. "Why you Park women only believe it when the other says so is a mystery."
"Well, you’re the detective." Kai teased. "Maybe that’s what attracted you to us."
He rolled his eyes and started the coffee maker. "I don't know why I got stuck with you two."
Kai walked over and kissed him. "Perhaps that explains it."
His smirk appeared. "Perhaps I need more information to go on."
"I love the two of you together," Nadia interrupted, "but I have an emergency here! How should I style my hair?"
"I thought you invited us over for breakfast." Damien complained.
"I did! Breakfast and help before Kai leaves us for the night." Nadia explained.
"I can't believe you have to work." Damien pulled Kai close and kissed her again.
"Don't worry." She looped her arms around his neck. "I'll come by after to receive the kiss I would have gotten at midnight."
"Now that that's settled," Nadia said in a huff, "can we please focus on me trying to look my best to get Maxwell's attention?"
"You already have it. In fact, I don't have to go to this at all now that you've got him." Damien smiled at the thought.
"Wrong." Kai told him. "You have to go for moral support. Plus she doesn't have him completely, yet."
"Thank you!" Nadia gestured to her cousin. "Listen to her!"
"Why do I even bother disagreeing with you two?" He leaned against the counter and sighed. "What time are we to be there?"
"Seven." Nadia told him. During his grumbling, she ran back to her bedroom to change, promising to start breakfast.
A short time later, Hana's suite, The Four Seasons...
"I'm coming!" Hana tied her robe closed and checked the peep hole. 
She opened it and took the large bouquet of pink roses. "Um--"
"Special delivery." The porter told her with a smile.
"Thank you!" She called out as he left. She lowered her face into the perfect blooms and took a deep breath of their sweet smell before setting them on a table.
She plucked the card and opened it.
"Oh!" She softly squealed, reading Rashad's words.
Dearest Hana, I want to do this properly, so there is no mistaking my intentions. I am asking you if you would be my date for the masquerade ball tonight. There is no one else I would rather have in my arms when the clock strikes midnight.
She sat down as she reread his words a few more times.
When another knock occurred, she practically floated to answer it. "Yes?"
Rashad was leaning against the doorframe and smiled at her surprise. "I hope it isn't too soon for an answer."
"I would love to go with you." She told him. "This was such a--the flowers--and you--" she shook her head while pressing his card to her heart. "Thank you."
He pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Then I will come by this evening to escort you."
Olivia's suite, The Four Seasons...
"Are you awake?" Olivia asked as she finished applying her lipstick.
"No!" Amanda said with a hint of irritation. "Why would I be? It's still dark outside."
"That's because it's cloudy." Olivia tried not to laugh at her friends hatred of being awakened so early.
"Why are all my friends morning people?" Amanda muttered while balancing the phone on her ear. "If you're calling about breakfast, please feel free to eat without me. Always feel free to if you decide to get up at this ungodly hour."
"Very well." Olivia turned to check her hair. "I was going to share some interesting news with you about who I am attending the ball with."
"It's Drake." Amanda said while yawning.
Olivia stilled. "What--how did you know?"
"We've all known for some time now." Olivia could hear Amanda rolling over in bed. "You two need to learn that you both can't disappear and reappear at the same time."
"We don't! We--"
"I'm very happy you two are finally making it official. I think I can speak for Maxwell and Liam and say, it's about time." Amanda yawned again. "May I go back to sleep or was there something else you wanted to tell me at this inhumane time of day?"
Olivia shook her head. "Go back to sleep. Next time I'll hide it better."
"I don't think there will be an opportunity for that." Amanda muttered, already closing her eyes. "According to Maxwell's prediction, we will all kiss the one tonight."
In a tiny studio apartment in the East Village...
Riley stumbled out of bed and hurried to her door. "Who is it?" She asked, yawning.
"It's me!" Daniel answered.
She turned the bolt and opened her door. "What's wrong? Why are you up so early?"
"Remember the table of famous people you worked last night?" He asked.
"Yeah." She said, her tone a bit apprehensive.
"There was one there, a blonde, who does all the costumes and such."
Riley continued to look at him in confusion. "Daniel, why did you wake me up for this?"
"Hear me out." He pleaded. "Her boss is the director, Thomas Hunt. She forgot about needing a dress for the actress in his new movie and--"
"Who's the actress?" Riley asked.
"Oh, uh, I can't remember her name." Daniel stammered, realizing that Addison had not given him a name to use. "Anyway, that actress is out of the country visiting family and the blonde needs someone to use for measurements." He noticed she had not spoken and kept explaining. "She wanted to ask you last night since you're figure is similar to the movie star's."
"Yeah, sure." Riley shrugged. "I can help out, I suppose."
"Great! Get dressed." He ordered.
"What? Right now?!" She asked.
"Yes, she needs to show it to him today and she's afraid of losing her job if she doesn't have a dress ready. It's for some big romance scene or something." Daniel explained.
Riley flopped back on her futon. "Daniel!" She whined. "Do you have any idea how tired I am?"
"She's willing to pay you for your time." He told her. "Every little bit helps us get that place on the beach."
Riley sighed and sat up. "You're right. I should do this since I missed out on last night's tips." She asked him to start her coffee while she got ready.
Once he heard her shower start, he called Addison. "She's agreed. Make sure you have a name ready for who the dress is supposed to be for."
"We will." Addison promised. "Thanks so much for helping us put them together."
He grinned at her excitement. "My pleasure."
An hour later, Liam's suite, The Four Season's...
Liam sat at a table loaded with different breakfast items. He half listened to his two friends as they talked plans for the new year.
"Tonight's the night." Maxwell reminded them. "I can literally feel the teetering point of our lives."
Drake rolled his eyes. "I doubt one night has the power to change what happens."
"You'd be surprised." Liam muttered behind his coffee cup.
"Why are you both so down? Is it because you don't have dates?" Maxwell asked. "None of us do, I think. Amanda might by now. The rest of after us though--"
"I have a date." Drake tried to keep the pride out of his tone.
Liam's eyes widened and he shared a loaded glance with Maxwell. "Do you want to tell us who it is, or would you rather we guess?"
Drake shook his head. "It's Olivia. We--"
"Have been spending secret time together." Maxwell finished. "We know."
"I glad you two decided to admit it to us and everyone else." Liam grinned at Drake's shock. "We wondered when you would finally trust us."
"How did you figure it out?" Drake demanded. “We were so careful!“
"It wasn't hard. There's five of us that are usually together." Maxwell reminded him.
"Hard not to notice a habitual disappearing of two of our members every other night." Liam remarked.
Drake frowned some. "Enough about that, are you two focused on someone or taking a chance?"
"A little bit of both." Maxwell thought about Nadia and smiled. "I expect big things tonight."
"You always do." Liam added. "I'm completely on my own and will not be taking anymore chances."
"Anymore? When did you take a chance?" Drake asked.
Liam lowered his eyes and shrugged. "It doesn't matter. The point is that I look forward to celebrating with my friends and to returning to Cordonia." He thought he needed a reminder of where he belonged. Alone.
His two friends exchanged a silent, worried look.
Maxwell raised his coffee cup. "Here's to another new year together."
Drake added his cup and cocked an eyebrow at Liam.
He forced a smile for their benefit and lifted his in salute. "To another new year together."
Amanda's suite, a couple of hours after Olivia's call...
"I will kill him." Amanda muttered while hobbling to her door being knocked on. "I don't care if he is one of my best friends and has brought doughnuts this time. I am sick of being forced awake!"
She stepped wrong on her hurt ankle and gasped while a multitude of colorful phrases sat on the tip of her tongue, ready to be screamed out. She took a few painful breaths while blinking back tears, more determined than ever to physically harm Maxwell. Only he would dare to wake her in this manner. Again!
She jerked the door open without checking, ready to lay into him, and stared in surprise.
"Good morning." Thomas greeted. "I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, it's fine." She quickly closed her robe and tied it. "Won't you come in?"
He stepped inside and noticed her painful gait immediately. "You shouldn't be on that ankle."
"I wouldn't be if people would stop waking me up." She mumbled to herself as she sat down. “It really is not necessary to--"
Thomas knelt down, took her foot carefully in his hands, and studied her still swollen ankle. "I don't think you will be able to go to the ball tonight."
"I'll be fine." She argued. "I just won't dance. Or wear shoes." She bit her lip when his fingers slid gently against her bruising. "My gown is long enough, so no one will notice."
"I think you shouldn't force yourself to go." His dark eyes met hers. "Unless, it is because you have a date this evening."
"I don't." She quickly replied. "There isn't anyone who will be waiting for me."
Thomas seemed to relax once he heard that. He had hoped that was the case. "We could spend New Year's here." He offered.
"I suppose I should spend it in my room, though I--" Her eyes widened. "We? Thomas, I can't ask you to give up going to the ball tonight. Joelle will have a party worthy of all her guests combined. I believe with your artistic eye that you will enjoy it."
He studied her face, noticing the pink forming on her cheeks and how she was nervously biting her bottom lip. "I think I would enjoy being here more than the ball."
Her long eyelashes fell against her cheeks as she avoided his gaze. "As selfish as it sounds, I would prefer having you here with me. It isn't that I mind being alone, I--" she looked up at him. "I like being around you."
His lips curved in a soft smile. "Then I will go talk to the concierge about dinner and explain to Joelle about our absence this evening." He stood up and asked for her room key. "I don't want you getting up to let me back in."
"It isn't any trouble." She gingerly stood up and tried to hide her painful reaction. "I will have to anyway for room service." She looked down at her robe. "And of course to get dressed for the day and evening."
"You don't have to get dressed up." Thomas reached out and took her hand. "We can be--"
"It's New Year's Eve!" She exclaimed. "And if I am spending it with you then I am wearing my new gown." Her blush was nearly covering her face when she almost let it slip out that she wanted him to think she was pretty.
"Very well." He squeezed her hand. "I will still come up here once I'm done with my errands to help keep you off your feet."
She decided for once in her life to be bold and took a step forward, placing a kiss his cheek. "Thank you for trying to make this New Year's special."
He stared down at her face as he caressed her cheek. "I haven't done much except invite myself over."
She smiled at him. "I beg to differ." She stepped back and retrieved one of her key cards. "Here, once I am dressed for the day, I promise to stay for the most part on the couch."
He chuckled and walked towards her door. "Good." He turned to look at her. "I will see you soon."
A popular formal gown store along West 35th Street, in the heart of the Garment District , before opening...
"I can't believe that Thomas Hunt wanted to use my store for this, or that Jessica Clark would be browsing through my selection!" The middle aged manager explained.
Addison avoided looking directly at him. "Yes, Thomas is a stickler about clothing and wanted to make sure I had one purchased in New York."
"But to use me instead of going straight to the designer!" He said again. "This is such an honor."
Holly held up a dress to hide her muffled laughter.
Addison nodded again, at a loss for words.
Jessica walked over to try and help. "Hunt had heard that you had one of the largest selections and wanted to take advantage of that instead of being stuck with one single designer's creation."
"That's good." Addison mumbled, impressed with her quick thinking. "I mean it's good that Thomas sees that variety is the best way for me to find what he wants."
"Here they come!" Holly shouted.
Jessica handed her dress to the manager. "I will be buying this for myself once we take care of Hunt's mission."
"Really?!" He asked. "Ms. Clark, I--"
"Words fail you, blah blah blah, go set everything up!" Holly turned him around and gave a push. "Hurry!"
Addison watched him run off then went to greet Daniel and Riley.
"Riley, thank you so much for helping me with this." Addison lead her further into the store. "Thomas can be harsh when I don't have everything prepared."
Riley fought back her yawn. "No problem." She looked at the racks of beautiful dresses and posed a few questions. "So who is the actress that gets to wear one of these?"
"Taylor Carruthers." Addison promptly replied. “This will be her film debut.”
"Oh." Riley muttered. "Do I really look like her?”
"Positive!" Addison turned to her friends to back her up. "Doesn't Riley's figure look like Taylor's?"
"From the neck down she is a dead ringer." Holly replied.
"Definitely." Jessica chimed in.
 "Okay. So you just need my measurements?" Riley asked.
"Um, well." Addison stalled. "Would you mind trying on a few dresses?"
Riley tried to control her irritation. She was exhausted from the extra shifts at work and of course meeting a secret king. "I can try on a few, but then I have to get some sleep before I go to work tonight."
"Of course." Holly and Jessica rushed ahead toward the changing rooms. "We have all picked a few for you to try on. Feel free to add any suggestions of what you think looks best on you." Addison explained.
Riley cast a helpless glance back at Daniel before falling into their plan.
The next hour had her trying on a veritable rainbow of gowns. She had to walk around in them, sit, and at one point dance in one. "Is this really necessary?" She asked when they had Daniel dip her.
"I know it seems weird but it is a part of the process." Holly told her, shaking her head no when Addison asked what they thought.
"Definitely weird." Riley whispered to Daniel.
"I have one more dress." Addison held up a dress that made them all stop and stare. "If this one doesn't work then we are back to square one."
Riley stepped forward and touched the light blue gown. Silver sparkles throughout the silk shimmered in the light. She held it up against her. "It's beautiful."
"It reminds me of a modern version of Cinderella’s." Addison admitted. "I love fairy tales."
"Me too." Jessica said on a sigh.
"Try it on, Riley." Holly urged.
They watched her hurry into the room.
"That's the first time she has acted excited over trying on a dress." Daniel whispered.
"I think this might be the one!" Addison bounced with excitment. "If it is, I know just the mask and shoes to go with it."
Riley stepped out and twirled. "I love this one."
The four watching her plus the manager told her how beautiful she looked in it.
"That's the one!" Addison cheered. "Thank you for helping us with this. I will make certain you are generously compensated this evening for your time."
"Thanks." Riley reluctantly changed out of the dress and handed it over. She said her goodbyes and left with Daniel.
"Phase one of Fairy Godmother duty is complete." Jessica teased.
"I can't wait for phase two!" Addison squealed.
"I prefer phase three." Holly winked at them when they looked at her in puzzlement. "The midnight kiss."
Late afternoon, Amanda's suite at The Four Seasons...
"Why didn't you have a doctor look at this?" Olivia angrily asked. "I believe you might have some torn ligaments and a possible break with that type of swelling."
Thomas stood quietly beside her, nodding in agreement.
"Damn." Drake muttered again, turning away from the nearly black bruise covering the top and side of her foot. "That has to hurt like hell."
"It's fine." Amanda stubbornly persisted. "And I'm so happy I had the idea to invite you all by to spend a bit of New Year's Eve with you."
"Did your eyesight get damaged in the fall?" Olivia snapped. "Your foot is practically mangled and you sit there persisting it is fine!"
"I talked to the manager. A doctor is on his way up with a portable x-ray machine." Liam shook his head in both pity and admonishment. "Why have you downplayed this?"
Amanda folded her arms and avoided their gazes. "Because I know it is sprained. The reason it looks worse is because I stepped wrong this morning and a few times during the night."
Maxwell leaned down closer and studied her ankle. "I can't even see the bone structure on this side."
She pulled her foot back and softly cried out from the pain. "Then stop looking at it."
Drake told Maxwell to leave her alone on his way to answer her door.
After a thorough examination, it was deemed a fracture.
"I know it is difficult, but I ask that you attempt to not say, I told you so." Amanda said to the entire group. She clutched her hands together and bowed her head, as the doctor wrapped a cast around her foot and ankle. "I know I have the moniker of The Clumsy Duchess, but I wanted one time to not be reminded of it."
Thomas walked over and sat on the arm of the sofa. He wrapped his arm around her while the others watched with great interest as she leaned closer to him through the painful process.
"So," Maxwell turned to the doctor, "can she go to the party this evening?"
"She can, though I think after the pain of last night and this morning she would do better to rest." He replied.
"I agree." Liam insisted. "We will miss you there, but you should take it easy."
"But..." Maxwell began. "It's New Year's Eve. She can't spend it alone."
"She's not." Thomas announced. "I will be spending it with her here. We already decided that this morning"
Amanda blushed at the knowing smiles forming on their faces.
"This morning? Then we will leave you to enjoy your evening." Olivia said. She hugged her friend and whispered that she expected details tomorrow.
The others kissed her cheek and wished both a happy New Year on their way out.
The doctor finished the cast and handed her a prescription as he stood to leave. "Happy New Year to you both."
Once Thomas shut the door, she stood up and tried out her crutches. "It isn't too bad." She said while going over to her bedroom then turning back. "I shouldn't have too much trouble getting ready."
"You don't have to dress up." Thomas insisted. "I will enjoy this evening with you regardless of what you wear."
She sat back down with a sigh and shook her head. "I want to dress up. I know it might sound silly but I should, as much as I can, look my best this evening."
"Why?" Thomas asked.
Amanda chewed on her bottom lip before speaking. "Because I will be spending New Year's Eve with you." She lowered her eyes. "That in itself is significant."
"Why?” He persisted. “Because of my being famous--"
"No. Not that." She interrupted. "It is because of all you did yesterday." She reached out and took his hand. "You decided to not only help me back here, but then proceeded to spend what I am certain was an incredibly boring day and evening for you tending to me. You didn't have to, yet your kindness..." She trailed off when he sat down beside her.
"I wanted to." He murmured, pulling her into his arms. "I still want to." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, then her cheek. His lips touched the corner of hers.
She turned to brush her lips against his. His hand slid into her hair as he deepened the kiss.
Early evening, Matt Rodriguez's suite, The Four Seasons...
"Addison!" Matt tried to grab his things he needed to get ready. "Would you give me a second. I need my shaving kit and--"
"I love your scruffy look." She pushed him toward the door. "I need you to hurry before Riley and Daniel get here."
"Why do I have to leave? Why can't one of the others--" he grunted when she shoved him toward the door. "Hey!"
Once she got him out in the hall, she pulled him close for a passionate kiss. "I love you." She whispered. "But I need all of our suite to do my work. You are too handsome to not be distracting." She shut the door after another kiss.
He dropped his head and walked over to Thomas's door.
Thomas opened his door while tying his bowtie. "What is it?"
"Can I use your room to get ready?" Matt asked. "Addison needs the suite for her love project or whatever she is calling it."
Thomas stepped back. "Come in. I'm nearly done and you can have it."
"Where are you going so early? We still have an hour or so before the ball." Matt dropped his things on a table.
"I'm not going to the ball." Thomas informed him, on the way back to his bedroom.
"You're not? Why? Where are you going dressed up?" Matt called out.
Thomas stepped back out, fully dressed in his tuxedo, and smoothed his hair back. "I have other plans."
Matt waited on him to further explain. Thomas slipped some key cards in his pocket and said goodnight on his way out.
Back in Matt's suite a flurry of three women rushed about to not only get themselves ready but to be prepared to give a waitress and king a night to remember.
When the knock was heard, they tried to calm their excitement.
After a clearing of her throat, Jessica opened the door. "Riley! Please come in."
Riley stepped in and smiled at them. "Hi. Daniel said you needed to see me before the party."
"Yes." Addison motioned for her to come in. "We have a confession of sorts."
"Oh?" Riley sat down when Holly asked her to.
"The dress we had you try on was not meant for Taylor." Addison admitted. “Actually, there is no Taylor at all.”
"We also aren't in the midst of beginning a new movie." Jessica added.
"And though Thomas is cantankerous, he is not unreasonable over a missing dress or two. He would not fire Addison for not having one ready." Holly added. "He can actually be quite understanding when we mess up."
Riley's brow furrowed with confusion. "Then why did you have me come this morning?"
"We want you to come to the ball tonight. The dress is yours along with the mask and all." Addison explained.
Riley stared in shock. “That’s sweet, but I have to work. I--”
“Daniel has that all taken care of. He has a friend that owes him a huge favor and he will take over the waiter duties.” Holly explained.
Riley shook her head again. “I don’t think I should go. Liam will be there and I already refused his invitation.”
“Why did you refuse?” Jessica asked.
Riley hesitated. “I fell for him pretty hard. Then finding out he was a king...I know nothing of his world. I don’t belong. That hurt enough to not spend what I know will be a magical night with him.” She lowered her head and picked at her skirt. “I was nothing but a distraction for him.”
Addison sat down beside her and wrapped her in a warm hug. “That’s not true. We saw him. He has fallen for you too. I don’t think he once thought of you as a distraction.”
Holly nodded. “I agree. He is not the type to do anything haphazard. He likes you. I think he planned on beginning a relationship with you.”
Riley looked up at their earnest faces. She took a deep breath and relented. “I might as well have a fun time at the party if you got me out of work.”
“That’s the spirit!” Addison gave her orders to the others and hugged Riley again. “Tonight is going to be life changing.
A little after nine  The Masquerade Ball, The Four Seasons Ballroom...
“Woo!” Maxwell exclaimed. “This is one more party Joelle has thrown.”
Liam nodded while sipping his drink. “Yes, it is.”
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or am I--” Maxwell stared at the woman in white that walked by. She turned back to look at him and smiled before continuing on her way.
“Go on.” Liam said good naturedly. “I promise I am enjoying this ball.”
Maxwell smiled and chased after the woman as she disappeared in the crowd.
“Good evening.” 
Liam softly groaned and turned toward the lady who spoke. His eyes swept down her light blue gown and he felt himself drawn to her. “Good evening, Ms.?”
“Riley.” She said with a smile at his surprise. “I was invited by a king, I think. Who knows with that guy.”
“Riley, you look beautiful.” He murmured. “I thought you didn’t want to come.”
“A part of me didn’t.” She admitted. “You should know that you have some guardian angels that think very highly of you.” She motioned toward the three couples that were watching them without shame.
Liam recognized them even with their masks on. He smiled and bowed to them. 
“He is so perfect.” Addison sighed.
Matt cleared his throat.
She hugged him. “I’m glad we were able to give him the one he wanted.” She pulled on Matt’s arm and led him to the dance floor.
“I guess we should stop spying on Liam and Riley.” Jessica whispered.
“For the moment.” Holly decided. “I’m still determined to see them kiss at midnight.”
A little after ten, at the Masquerade Ball...
“...and now I have another floor of the gallery being offered to display my latest works.” Nadia finished with a shy shrug.
“Wow.” Maxwell smiled at her. “Cute, smart, and incredibly talented.” 
Damien rolled his eyes at their conversation and focused on his dessert.
“Would you like to dance?” Maxwell asked
“Yes!” She hopped up and took his hand.
Damien watched them move closer to one another when a slow song started. He pulled his phone out and snapped a picture of the pair. He sent it to Kai and added the text letting her know who it was.
“He’s cute.” she texted back. “How’s it going?”
“Great.” he responded. “They both think the other is perfect.”
One hour until midnight, The Masquerade Ball...
“Do you want to dance again?” Drake asked, pulling Olivia close.
“I think I am danced out.” She replied. “Who’s that with Liam? He hasn’t left her side for hours now.”
“I don’t recognize her.” Drake looked over and noticed how Liam held her close during another waltz. His smile was one of genuine happiness. “Whoever she is, he likes her.”
Kiara interrupted their observation by asking Drake to dance.
Olivia narrowed her eyes and spoke before Drake could. “He’s with me.”
Kiara lifted an eyebrow. “Really? As in--”
“As in we are a couple now and have been for quite some time!” Olivia snapped. “If he wanted you he would have pursued you like he did me.” She motioned toward a group of men talking. “Go sniff around over there. I’m sure there is someone that will be willing to dance.”
Kiara’s face was flushed with embarrassment as she scurried away.
“Liv,” Drake choked on his laughter. “That was brutal.”
“No it wasn’t. I could have said a lot more but tempered it for the sake of being polite.” She huffed. “And you better start letting all these so called ladies know you are no longer available for slumming.”
“Being with me is slumming?” He asked, surprised she thought that way.
“Of course not!” She rolled her eyes. “You are slumming whenever you get with those women who only plan on using you.”
Drake pulled her into a passionate kiss. 
“A little early, isn’t it?” She teased.
“I don’t care.” He kissed her again.
On the other side of the ballroom...
Rashad twirled Hana, smiling at her laughter when he pulled her back into his arms. “Are you having a good time?”
“I’m having the best time.” She told him. “I’ve never enjoyed a party as much as I have this one.”
“Me too.” Rashad admitted. “I know it is because of you.” He led her off the dance floor and snagged two glasses of champagne from a nearby waiter. “Hana, would you...” He swallowed a gulp of his drink and tried again. “Would you like to start seeing each other on a regular basis?”
“Do you mean dating?” She asked with a shy smile.
“Yes.” He stammered.
“I would love to.” She kissed his cheek. 
Fifteen minutes until midnight, Amanda’s suite...
“What did you do?” Amanda asked, tears of laughter building at his story.
“I walked out.” Thomas popped open a bottle of champagne. “I made certain to take two pillows to cover my,” he motioned down his waist, “and hailed a cab.”
He smiled at her burst of laughter. He then prepared two glasses and handed her one. 
“What should we drink to?” He asked, sitting down beside her.
“I suppose the old year ending in a few minutes.” She replied. “And to what comes next.”
“I am looking forward to that.” He tapped his glass against hers. 
“What plans do you have for the new year?” Amanda asked, setting her glass aside.
“I have a few.” Thomas set his arm along the back of the sofa, winding a lock of her hair around his finger. “One of which concerns you.”
“Oh?” She reached over and straightened his bowtie. “And what might that be?”
“Inviting you out to California.” He scooted closer to her. “Visiting Cordonia.”
“I would like that.” She said softly as his lips brushed hers. 
“Then it’s settled.” He kissed her once more.
One minute to midnight, The Masquerade Ball...
“They’re in position!” Addison squealed. 
"Why aren’t we this exciting anymore?” Ryan muttered as Holly and Jessica moved with Addison closer for a better view.
Matt shrugged while Seth folded his arms.
As the countdown began the three couples watched as Liam and Riley shared a long tender kiss. 
“That has to be the most romantic thing I have ever seen.” Jessica said, sighing at Liam gently caressing Riley’s cheek.
“I agr--” Holly squeaked when Ryan yanked her into his arms for a heated kiss. He smiled down at her surprised face. 
“Happy New Year.” He pressed another kiss to her lips.
Matt and Seth followed his example with their own dates.
Liam carefully removed Riley’s mask and then his own. “I know this might seem sudden, but I want you to know my intentions.”
Riley blinked. “Your intentions? What do you mean?”
“I want to court you.” He began. “With the intention of making you Cordonia’s queen.”
Riley shook her head. “Liam, you don’t know me! I have no clue where to even begin with how wrong I would be as queen. I was a fine arts major in college! I--”
“You would learn all the protocols.” He told her. “The most important role as queen would be as the beloved wife of Cordonia’s king.” He kissed her to stop her next argument. “If during our courtship you think it is too much, or I’m not what you want, then I won’t bother you again.” His blue eyes focused on her dark ones. “I can’t leave New York tomorrow evening without knowing I will have a chance to see you again.”
Riley looked around at this world he wanted her a part of. “I--” She looked back up into his handsome face and nodded. “Okay. I’ll try.”
He hugged her tight. “Thank you.” He placed a kiss on her cheek. 
On the other side of the ballroom...
Maxwell thought this might be a kiss he never wanted to end. Nadia fit perfectly in his arms. 
She stepped back when they paused for a breath. “Maxwell?”
“Yeah?” He tried to pull her back.
“How long are you going to be in New York?” She asked.
“As long as you want me to.” His lips crashed down on hers.
Afternoon, Liam’s suite...
“You’re staying?” Liam asked.
“Yeah, Nadia wants to show me around.” Maxwell grinned bashfully. “I might be gone a few more weeks.”
“What are your plans?” Liam asked Amanda.
“I’m going to spend another week here and then come home.” She blushed some as she continued. “Thomas plans on remaining here with me then coming to Cordonia for a visit in two weeks.”
Drake and Olivia narrowed their eyes at Liam. “Who was the lady in blue you were with last night?” Drake asked.
“Riley Brooks.” He smiled at his friends. “She has agreed to entering into a courtship with me.”
Maxwell and Amanda looked up at him in surprise. “You met someone?” he asked.
“I did.” Liam said proudly. “I think she might be the one.”
“You kissed her at midnight?” Maxwell asked. With Liam’s nod he turned to Amanda, “You kissed Thomas at midnight too, right?”
“Yes.” She said slowly “Why?”
“And I assume you two shared a tender moment.” Maxwell said to Drake and Olivia.
“I wouldn’t call it tender.” Olivia muttered. 
“We did it!” Maxwell exclaimed. “We all kissed the one!”
“Isn’t it a bit too soon for some of us to think of these people as the one?” Amanda asked.
“Just you wait. By next New Year’s, you will all appreciate my awesome soothsaying skills.” Maxwell gloated.
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bishie-haven · 5 years
Hey, Princesses and Princes!
It's currently midnight of October 31st in Japan right now, so you know what that means?
It's officially Cecil's birthday!
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Shining Live's exploding with lime green, and us fans on all sorts of platforms are already starting to celebrate!
And I'm wanting us on Tumblr to celebrate, too.
Before I announce this, I want to apologize for falling off the map. Combining issues with family, autumn midterms in college, and a fallout with my now-ex-boyfriend that...eventually led to me having to call the police...I haven't been able to make posts for our lovable kitty prince. But I am NOT dropping this celebration, no way! They may be more spread out than one a day, but 30 posts dedicated to this boy WILL be put on my blog, no matter what!
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But enough yakking about personal things, this is where I want you all to help me!
Starting at midnight Eastern Daylight Time tonight, I want to flood the UtaPri tag with love for Cecil for 24 hours straight. And for that, there needs to be more than just my mere words thrown in the queue.
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I want you all to tell me and show me your love for this boy in any way you can! Whether it be in writing, a sketch, an edit, or even just a simple statement thrown in my inbox (I have received a few notes like this throughout the month, and I'm ready to show them off!), do whatever you feel expresses your feelings about him the best!
Every submission or inbox message I receive will be put into a queue that'll be running all day tomorrow, so no matter what you send, if it's there before 11:59 PM EDT on the 31st, it'll get posted!
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I hope that you all can send some wonderful things, and celebrate this birthday in the ultimate royal fashion!
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Hope to see you soon, Princesses and Princes!
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hermannsthumb · 5 years
You're like, the queen of Newmann! Do you have any recs for fics that stay away from Uprising canon? (I have yet to see it)
MAN i am so late with answering this. i hope you still haven’t seen it youre wayyy better off that way. but YES. i DO. MANY. (also hehe thank you for the title). i have these two fic rec posts already that pull from both recent fics that ignore uprising and fics that were written before uprising even existed!
i feel like my response won’t be...super thorough because lately all i’ve really been doing is writing fic (and i prioritize my class readings over fic readings) and i really haven’t read much fic since last summer. so if anyone else has any suggestions feel feel to reblog and add them! but. some fics i’ve read more recently and luved that outright ignore pr2:
It Was Only A Kiss, How Did It End Up Like This by AnonymousPuzzler (T)“Hermann, come on, I don’t have to be up for another hour, go shut off your stupid alarm so I can go back to sl—”Finally, Hermann had grumbled incoherently, shoved himself up on one elbow, kissed Newt full on the mouth, and rolled out of bed.Suffice to say, Newt was very, very much awake after that.
The Geiszler & Gottlieb Post-Saving-the-World Lecture Tour (series) by zach_stone
if you would stay (M)In the wake of the world not ending, while certain heroes are invited to a parade of talk shows and press tours, the two-man remains of the PPDC’s K-Science division are scheduled for a series of guest lectures in a good selection of the world’s major universities.Newt and Hermann travel to from Hong Kong to Boston, and Newt tries to come to terms with a world that's not ending and his feelings for Hermann that are becoming harder to hide.
find shelter somewhere in me (M)“You ready for this?” Newt mutters as they approach the podium. Hermann shoots him the smallest smile, touching Newt's wrist. “With you, always.”The Geiszler and Gottlieb Lecture Tour continues, and Newt realizes Hermann may not be coping with the aftermath of the war as well as he pretends to be.
Surrounded by berlynn_wohl (E--gotta include at least one PWP!)Newt is involved in a teleporter accident, with sexy results. That's it, that's the fic.
fics that just...don’t deal with it bc they’re set mid-first movie/by virtue of being wildly out of canon aus (lol):
A Sharp Dressed Man by Avelera (T)Hermann's latest book needs an author photo. However, when he's given a makeover and a suit that actually fits for the photo shoot, his appearance is so transformed that Newt mistakes him for his (much hotter) older brother, Dietrich.Hermann decides to play along.
a choice to live, not be alone by seeingrightly (NR)It wasn’t always like this, but Hermann doesn’t, at the end of the day, have anyone to share his life with. He doesn’t have anyone to spend the end of the year with. It’s just Hermann, ringing in New Year’s Eve by traveling to yet another conference. He’s supposed to be halfway through his flight when the clock strikes midnight, actually, but the plane never takes off.He receives an email early on the 31st telling him that all flights are being postponed because of the storm that’s already picked up outside. Though he’s not expecting anything different, Hermann gets up to look out the window of his room in the small inn. There’s already a thick coating of snow on the ground, the trees, and the few cars parked outside.or: the first 20 minutes of a newmann hallmark holiday movie
and i couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted by Lvslie (T)He still smells like Newt; bears traces of his recent nearness. Clothes sleep-wrinkled from the proximity, from the way Newt’s ankle has during the night hooked around the calf of Hermann’s good leg and dragged his whole body seamlessly closer. Cheek half-flushed from the face unconsciously nuzzled his into the side of Hermann’s neck—evidence of his presence, fast asleep, as Hermann lay still and fretful for hours an end, staring at the ceiling and feeling sick with wanting.[An early 20th century AU inspired loosely by Maurice and Age of Innocence.]
Meet Me There Across The Water, And We'll Start An Endless Storm by CancerConstellation (T)Hermann, an honorably discharged veteran has retired to continue working as a Keeper at a Lighthouse. It is perfectly solitary, and with little in the way for incidents. Newton is the sailor that washes up on the seashore after a summer storm.[Late 19th century Lighthouse Keeper AU--or the one where Hermann was an aspiring artist whose dreams got a bit derailed, and Newt is the sailor that needs to learn to take his time with things.]
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cnchoe-imagines · 5 years
midnight; erick
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summary: erick x gender neutral!reader -- the boys drag you to their new years eve party before leaving you and erick alone to find someone to kiss when the clock strikes midnight
word count: 1.8k
warnings: partying + mentions of drinking (not by reader/erick)
a/n: ahh here it is, the first post for my new cnco blog!! i’ve been wanting to write for them for a little while now, and i’m so glad i had the opportunity of joining @quisieracnco ‘s new years collab to prompt me to do so!! tysm ali for including me and letting me write about our dear baby, erick!! hope you all enjoy and happy holidays!! xoxo - tatianna
You weren’t exactly sure why you were at a loud and crowded party on the night of the 31st, instead of spending the holiday wrapped up at home, watching whatever celebration was on television while you sipped away on some leftover drinks from Christmas.
However, your plans for a quiet night were long forgotten as you pushed between the sweaty bodies of partygoers, reggaeton blasting through the speakers and enticing the guests to sway and grind against each other to the beat. At least, that’s what everyone else was doing, leaving you the odd man out as you swerved between the partiers in a desperate search for an air pocket not contaminated by the stench of alcohol or sweat.
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you found the area, an unoccupied stairwell amidst the large house the guys had rented out for their New Year’s Eve party. The same guys who had pulled you from your apartment, insisting that joining them for the night was much better than whatever boring plans you had made by yourself.
Richard and Christopher were the most forceful in their begging, Joel and Zabdiel just chuckling quietly as the two pushed you into your closet and told you they weren’t leaving until you came out wearing something presentable. You were, of course, reluctant, since you knew how out of control the guys got when they drank, but they were your closest friends, and you knew them inviting you was their way of ensuring you didn’t feel left out.
Except, you had noticed Erick, the last of the group, looking increasingly awkward among the other rowdy guys. You knew he wasn’t the biggest partier of them all, but he did enjoy spending time with the others, especially since his younger age made him prone to feeling excluded among them.
So, as much as you wished you could avoid any form of club or party for the rest of the night, you got dressed, and squeezed into the car with them, forcing away the regret bubbling up in your stomach as they passed alcohol around and turned up the radio to full volume.
They were all scattered around the second you made it to the party, and you were left alone, cursing yourself for ever letting them use their charm to persuade you along. Now, you had no one to talk to and nothing to do except sit in the stairwell and hope that one of the guys would stumble across you sooner or later and offer you a ride home. Still, you knew how they operated, which meant you knew that all of them were probably stumbling drunk by now, flirting with whatever girls they’d decided to kiss when the clock struck midnight.
You checked your phone, letting out a sigh as the time illuminated the screen: 11:03 PM. Another hour to kill and not one of your friends in sight.
At least, that’s what you thought as you busied away on your phone for twenty minutes or so, praying that your battery would last long enough to keep you occupied until you could get home to charge it. It was during those slow minutes that you heard your name being called, a distinct yell from the blaring reggaeton and sloshing of drinks.
Your head shot up, eyes searching around the room as you looked for the source of the sound. All you could see, however, was the same group of people that had been dancing in front of you just minutes prior.
Great, you thought, looking back down at your phone. Now I’m hearing things.
Except, just seconds later, and louder than before, you heard your name being called again.
“Y/N!” You recognized the voice, Erick’s usual soft tone easily blending into the background noise of the party. You pushed yourself off the stairs and looked around the groups of people, locking eyes with him and waving him over. His toothy smile was bright in comparison to the rest of the dark room, and he quickly made his way over to you. You laughed as he scooted around people, far too timid to use any force in pushing them out of the way.
“I wondered where you went,” you joked, once he was in earshot. His sharp eyebrows furrowed and you leaned closer, repeating the words directly into his ear. You felt him tense just slightly as you neared him, and you pulled away hastily after, watching a smile spread across his face at your sentence.
Erick opened his mouth to respond before closing it. He tilted his head over to the stairwell where he knew it was quieter, indicating that you two should move the conversation there. Once you were both situated on the steps he let out a sigh of relief, resting his hands palm down beside him.
“Pensé that you were with Christopher or Richard,” he explained. “Estaba con Joel.”
“It’s not your fault.” You chuckled. “I assumed this would happen if I came, so it’s fine.”
Erick shook his head and pouted, but didn’t bother responding, knowing that what you said was true. You just bumped his shoulder playfully with your own, as if to silently tell him that all was well and you were just glad to be with him now. Of course, you’d never say that out loud, considering it would sound much too forward for a relationship as reserved as your own.
It wasn’t like you and Erick weren’t close -- if anything, he was your best friend among the guys. That had its setbacks, though, since you could never tell him about the feelings you’d been harboring towards him. It wasn’t like he was one of the other boys, the ones you could mindlessly flirt with and not fear ruining your friendship over. Erick was a deeper connection, a closer one you couldn’t risk with a hopeless crush.
The thought did make you slightly disappointed, but you were quickly brought from your thoughts when loud steps sounded behind you, making you turn and watch as Richard came down the stairs.
“Erick! Y/N!” A lopsided grin covered his face, his walking mildly staggered as he bounded down the steps. “I wondered where you two ran off to.”
He sat down on the step a few rows behind you, his long legs nearing your own form as he stretched them out. You smiled and patted his shin affectionately before looking back at Erick, who seemed more closed off than he had been when you two were alone.
“Ya va a ser medianoche,” Richard teased, leaning down to playfully sing the words. “You got anyone you’re planning on kissing yet?” You shook your head with a scoff, watching as Erick did the same.
“Ah, pues, sucks to be you, entonces. I’ve got someone waiting for me so I’m gonna need to squeeze past you two.” He stood up quickly, swaying as he caught his balance before he started to push between you and Erick.
“Richard! Deja los enamorados solitos. Can’t you see they’re waiting to spend midnight together?” Christopher came into view in the hallway, poking his tongue out and laughing loudly when Richard made it to his side, pushing into him with a glare. “Ah, ah ok ok!! Ni modo!!” Their voices trailed off as they stumbled to the next room, leaving you and Erick back to stare at each other.
“Well then..” You let out a sigh, shaking your head at the guys’ crazy antics.
“¿No tienes a quién besar?” Erick’s question caught you off guard, and you raised your eyebrow.
“Why would I?”
He didn’t seem to know how to respond to that, awkwardly shrugging and turning away from you slightly. “Es que - I just assumed.”
You laughed at that. “I assumed you would have had someone.”
He scrunched his nose and you were sure if the lights were brighter in the house, you’d see a blush spreading across his cheeks. He was so easy to embarrass sometimes.
“I guess we’ll be alone then,” you said, not too bothered by the statement. Erick seemed disappointed by it, though, as his shoulders sagged and he let out a grumbled sigh.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, and when your gaze focused back on him, you caught him staring. He was gazing directly at you, green eyes swimming with curiosity. He seemed lost in thought for just a moment, before he looked away quickly as if only then noticing the unwavering eye contact between you two.
His lips parted, a word on the tip of his tongue, before the yelling of partygoers cut him off.
“One minute!” People cheered and yelled, while your eyes widened.
“Has it really been an hour?” you mumbled to yourself, checking your phone for the countless time that night. Sure enough, the numbers 11:59 stared back at you, bright white against your lock screen.
You sighed and watched as people moved through the house to find the person they’d vowed to kiss that night, guests pushing past each other and joining together. You caught Zabdiel across the hall with his girl of the night, his hands around her waist.
You wondered how Erick felt, most likely the only guy of the group without someone to kiss. You felt bad, honestly, knowing you had taken up his last hour to find someone with small talk.
“Hey,” you turned to him to apologize but found he’d moved closer while you were distracted. “I--.” The words died in your throat as you caught him watching your lips, his own pulled between his teeth.
“Ten!” The collective shout of partiers filled the house.
You swallowed heavily, and started to turn away when Erick grabbed your hand. His gaze flickered to your own, and you could see the determination swirling in his crystal irises. The corner of his lip pulled up slightly, and your heart rate picked up at the small action alone.
“What are you--”
“Can I?” he asked softly, licking his lips.
You could barely register the words before you were nodding, immediately leaning in closer.
Your eyelids fluttered shut, lips quivering as they met Erick’s. The sweatiness of his palms and shaking of his fingers were enough indication of his nerves, and you were slightly relieved you weren’t the only one filled with tension.
He sighed softly into the kiss, the sound barely audible over the chorus of celebratory yells all around. You squeezed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. His lips were so warm, so plush and soft, like you had always expected. His touch mirrored that as well, no force or pressure behind his gentle actions. The feeling made you smile softly, your lips barely brushing against his.
It only took a second or two before you were both grinning, finally pulling away from each other as your lips parted.
You ducked your head just slightly, shyness taking over. You could still see Erick from the corner of your eye, however, and the smirk that stayed plastered across his lips. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand and he gently pulled you closer, leading you to rest your head against his shoulder. A soft kiss was pressed against the top of your hair, leaving you flustered as he murmured against your head, just loud enough for you to hear, “Happy New Year.”
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voiddragon · 5 years
Halloween Night
Letter, Barry to Sydney. October 28th,
My dear Syd, I hope all has been well and that packing for our travels have not been too strenuous. I will keep my message short for I have much to attend to before our weekend. The cabin has been made up and the cupboards are stocked with food and spirits. It calms me to know that we will be away for this year's festivities. Not to stir your mind or open pushed away thoughts, but I can't seem to shake the anxiety for us that comes with Halloween. Being away from town will do us good.
Letter, Sydney to Barry, October 29th,
Barry, it is good to hear everything seems to be in order. I have been able to keep my mind occupied with work and packing for the most part. You know I too dread the coming of Halloween, thankfully every year the memories becomes more distant. To be truthful I lay sleepless now as I write, seeing the days dwindle to the 31st makes me restless. Imagery of that night fill my mind when I close my eyes. Nothing seems to help. I've tried meditation, journaling, even some nights turning to the bottle, but nightmares leave me tired still. Once we are together my nerves will settle, I am sure of it. 
Sydney's Journal, October 30th, 8:00pm,
We arrived at our cabin at dusk. The place was quite dull and sat much deeper in the woods than I expected. The logs on its wooden frame looked weathered and the forest had a deep green tint to it. Inside it was homely despite its furnishings matching the color of the moldy and moss covered forest outside. A fire was set in the living room mantle and a lovely dinner warming in the kitchen. Barry had brought a number of books and papers to occupy our time. The thought that Halloween was to start at midnight was still very unsettling, but I felt safe with my love. I hope dinner and reading fireside together will calm my nerves, if not there is always a drink. 
Sydney’s Journal, October 31st, 12:10am,
Sleep has escaped me again. I spent much of the night reading with Barry, but he grew tired and retired to our room. After having a drink or two alone reading became rather dull. Still when I close my eyes I see the blood, the bodies, everything came rushing back now that it was Halloween. I fear that the man is still out there plotting his next attack. The oddest part of the whole thing is how quickly everyone else seemed to go on with their lives and forget the horrors. He was almost upon me when the police arrived, nearly cutting me before he went running off, never to be caught. Knife raised still dripping as he ran menacingly towards me. That awful clown mask hiding his face. I wish now I hadn't gone on this tangent, my heart is racing, I must go lay next to Barry.   
Sydney’s Journal, October 31st, 3:00am,
   Barry was gone. I looked in the bathroom, then slowly all over the cabin, there was no sign of him anywhere. In somewhat of a panic I peeked my head outside and yelled for him to the woods in hopes he was out there close by. I have locked myself in the bedroom and poured myself a drink to calm my nerves. My hand is shaking now as I write, making it difficult, but I am not sure what else to do. There was rattling outside the door, but I am too frightened to get up and check.
It was Barry, he nearly scared me to death upon entering the bedroom. I let out a shriek and began to cry. After some talking and a drink we got into bed, but sleep still eluding me I decided to further explore the cabin.  
Sydney’s Journal, October 31st, 4:30am,
After some time of rummaging around, I stumbled upon something extremely unsettling. There was a trap door under the living room carpet which had a small wooden box. Inside this box was a knife and clown mask. The same clown mask of the man who chased me. My head is swimming. I need to get out of here.
Sydney’s Journal, October 31st, 5:30am, 
I took Barry’s car and attempted to drive away, but it was raining and I slipped off the road and into a tree. Walking back in the rain Barry intercepted me with an umbrella and began to chastise me and ask me if I had gone mad. He noticed something was going on in my head from the way I shuddered from his touch. I wish I acted more normal. I wish I had escaped. We talked over tea mixed with some gin, but all he could talk about was getting some rest. 
Sydney’s Journal, October 31st, 10:00am, 
I awoke to the smell of eggs and bacon. The sun had come out and brought lovely puffy white clouds with it. The trees and mold were covered in a soft dew. After a nice breakfast we had a light chat and began to read.
Still in the back of my mind was the mask and knife. I came up with a plan to reveal the trap door. Into a few hours of reading I would spill my drink on the carpet and suggest to hang it up to dry outside. Although I am afraid of what might happen after that, he is my husband and if he is the killer I deserve to know. 
Sydney's Journal, October 31st, 12:00pm,
The plan worked perfectly, the spill, moving the carpet, only one thing, there was no trap door. I became erratic and started explaining how there was a door under the rug and box, then about taking the car and crashing. Barry’s face was full of worry as I ranted. He showed me the car was fine, and tried to calm me. He even said that we never left the bed last night. My mind is a blur. After reading my journal I am realizing I had quite a lot to drink and I don't recall getting much rest or even falling asleep. It is unsettling that I have written in my journal things that can’t be accounted for. 
I continued to ramble and attempted to convince Barry and myself that everything that happened last night really happened. Pacing and exclaiming that I was not mad, which led Barry to grab me and he yelled, “You’re starting to scare me!” I felt bad, I was so sure he was the killer and I was fixated on how horrible Halloween was going to be I let it consume me.  Is it possible I wrote while dreaming, or drank myself into delirium? After we had a long talk, Barry walked me outside. He had me breath in the crisp air and admire the forest. Pointing out little creatures, showing me big mushrooms, we even laughed at the shapes of clouds. Then we just stood there, basking in the sun, alone in a long silence.
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ddaenghoney · 6 years
Chapter 3.2
On October 1st, you attend a Halloween party in an abandoned house rented by some friends. As scary as the idea of cult owners is, nothing could have prepared you and BTS(regular people) for the mayhem and terror that follows until October 31st.
This is an INTERACTIVE fic. At the end of each part, readers will be able to vote to decide what happens next. Analyze everything(except the time) carefully. Choices decide romance, friendship, and deaths; and yes, ANYONE can die.
In other words, please read at your own risk; anything goes in this story.
Start here | Previous part | Next part
Scowling at the strange inscriptions of geometric form in the wood you stood at the base of, you glared up at Jeongguk’s eager smile at the zany situation from the middle of the ritualistic symbol. The sleeves of his cloak flared out over his hands, the hood nudged improperly atop his head so that bits of his bangs stood up while others smushed against his forehead-- clearly he was enjoying himself, despite the concrete wall behind him with yet another inscription written in, admittedly, a refined script.
Trust in us, whom is you.
Must we do to come true.
You considered the writing to be subpar honestly. If it weren’t for the clean craftsmanship, you would conclude that Taehyung had spent an hour putting that on the wall, but you highly doubted he knew enough about engravings for it to look so orderly.
The man in question, dropped your hand from his hold to wander off to one of the corners, opening some type of chest and digging through its contents.
“Impressive, right?” Jeongguk’s voice held misplaced pride that alluded to him somehow building the room, but you both knew that not to be true, “They really believed in this stuff, huh?”
“Well, yeah.” You looked around, inhaling oxygen dryer than present the story above. Stepping forward as a few others willing to involve themselves in the seance entered in, you avoided placing your feet within the symbol, “Cult, Guk.”
“Yeah, yeah,” He played off the word, believing it to have little more meaning than saying a misguided group of people. “Cult.”
“Want to wear one too, Y/N?” Taehyung’s voice returned to your senses as he dodged around Jeongguk and another person to hold up the black fabric similar to his own, “It’s the only other one we could find.”
“I’ll wear it,” Seokjin countered in from beside you, enthuse credited for the small giggles of people who clearly only came downstairs as a means to be in the background of his YouTube video. “It’s actually looks kind of nice; the fabric.”
“Gotta be stylish for the demons.” Jeongguk stated absently, thumbs pressing a barrage of text into his phone. “Gets you into the exclusive levels of hell, right?”
“Don’t think that’s what Dante was talking about.”
“Maybe we’ll talk with him tonight to ask-”
You listened in on all the humored and sarcastic chatter around you, wondering shortly why you even began to worry about how Jeongguk and Taehyung were acting. It really was all in good fun to them; the house, the garb, the inscriptions. Neither of them seemed to actually take it more serious than being a theme.
Although you did recall someone else thinking a bit more than that,
“Oh, Tae,” Your thoughts speaking aloud had Taehyung turning from Jeongguk’s phone to look up at you, Jeongguk glancing as well. “Where’s Jimin? He’d be the first one down here, you know?”
“Ah, yeah.” Jeongguk spoke up, his eyes widening at realization. Glancing between each other, Taehyung eventually shrugged, and looked back to you, gesturing for you to come forward with his hand.
“I’m not stepping into this,” Flailing your arms down at the giant inscription of about seven feet in diameter from the the top tip of a diamond design to the bottom, “Thing.”
“Oh come on,” Chuckling at your response, Jeongguk tapped his foot on the space in front of him, once, twice, three times. The dial of the ouija board next to his boot trembled lightly with the force. “It’s not gonna bite.”
“He’s just busy, Y/N,” Taehyung offered, abandoning Jeongguk to appease your statement and meet you outside the inscription. Jeongguk trod along behind him, eyes going back to his phone as he felt a vibration. “He came here with us before everyone else because he wanted to go explore the property.”
“Why are you whispering?” You asked, frowning at his need to keep the information low.
“Well we don’t want everyone going off and looking through the place,” Jeongguk pitched up, equally low in tone, “If anything gets broken, we’d have to pay, you know? Oh--” He smiled to his iPhone, angling the screen for Taehyung to also take a look. Only nodding at whatever he read, Taehyung once again leaned closer to you to remind,
“Remember none of this is real, so don’t get freaked out, okay, hun?”
Although he said that, the way they scampered off and swept out with their arms for everyone to step completely out of the symbols on the ground had you once again finding a hitch in the back of your throat. Seokjin’s cry commentation of the dust in the place and other random points did help to remind you that the level of disconcert among the other students meant nothing serious was about to take place, but as you glanced around again to the few who collected themselves against the wall-- as far as possible, you knew that this type of stuff was eerie.
Beginning in a long rambling about the cult, Taehyung explained meaning behind the wall’s phrasing behind them holding the central idea of what they stood for-- then Jeongguk gut in about how he wrote something similar in a high school English class-- Some parts of the small crowd giggled at the idea. Honestly, you didn’t know much at all about the cult so whatever Taehyung was saying could’ve been made up for the sake of their little performance. Maybe Jimin would have known.
“So this is what you all came for,” Taehyung asserted, crouching to pick up the wooden ouija board and hold it up into the air. A few people around you made dumb comments, and asked under their breath if he bought it from a toy store. “And,” He shrugged, dropping it back to the floor, “Well frankly I think I wasted money buying that, since I got it from Walmart. I doubt the cult wants to communicate through mass production, you know?”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms as you watched him slide it with his foot just outside the inscription carved into the floor. Seemed as rehearsed as you expected.
“If there are ghosts,” Jeongguk spoke in, allowing Taehyung to stride away to the tip of the diamond opposite of where you stood. “I’m sure they’d want to chat with us in style, so let’s get on with the real chat, shall we?”
Everyone grew silent as Jeongguk began placing a candle on either of the wide points of the diamond figure, lighting each as he went. As you saw all the other points he could’ve placed candles you grew calmer at the idea that it was just random positioning that he hadn’t studied up on at all. “I guess they like fire? I don’t know, but the movies say so,” He shrugged walking towards Taehyung whom you watched with widening eyes as he pricked a point on his finger to actually use as an offering.
“Gross,” You muttered under your breath, shuddering as Jeongguk collected it in the form of a tissue, now dyed red on an outer edge. And just as unsettled as you began, watching Taehyung immediately stick a colorful bandage around the little appendage had you wanted to chuckle at the ridiculousness. Until Jeongguk’s strides caused him to arrive at your side,
“And what would you like to offer?” He asked holding out a hand, with the outline of a smirk fostering that he hoped would remind you it was all in good, harmless, meaningless, dumb fun.
“Not my blood,” You grimaced, “And why me-” His finger pointed to your placement in the room. Tips of your sneakers just gracing the bottom of the diamond, “I don’t owe the cult anything.”
“So nothing then?” He rephrased, hand moving to take a gentle hold on yours, guiding you just within the lines of the diagram. Wondering if you had anything reasonable to give that you wouldn’t care to lose, you quietly assessed what you’d brought. Definitely not your phone or wallet. The cat tail could be reused in another costume. You could jokingly say your soul, but as jovial as the the seance was becoming, you still felt entirely uncomfortable to utter even the idea. “Yeah. Nothing.”
Smiling at your choice, Jeongguk only shrugged, “Same.” And then he was off to the center of the circle in the middle.
“Okay, so, I’m probably the worst person to lead this since I don’t know anything about demons other than how I act when I don’t get enough sleep,” You listened around at the muffled bits of laughter, recalling the one time you’d woken him up early and knew this statement to be true. “But I took an acting class as a freshman, so I maybe I can pretend well enough to get them to talk to us?”
From the inside of his robe he pulled out a small book with only a small inscription embroidered in that you couldn’t properly see as his hand covered the majority of it. “This book was from the cult-- that’s not a load of crap; we found it cleaning this place up for the party. And, I guess, it was to help guide their rituals. Probably really hard to memorize this stuff, so I get having it written down.” You smiled mustering back laughter at his unamused tone. “Well, anyways, here’s the ritual of communication-- oh,” He tugged on his hood, prompting everyone in the room to laugh at the nonchalant demeanor.
“Siblings of the past,” Jeongguk began, properly saying the words, it seemed, as he went on, “Who are across from us, waiting for us, listening for us; we call out to you.” A small squeal from in the audience caught your attention as you looked toward the candle that Jeongguk had previously set down; now blown out. “Answer us, speak unto us your guidance,” The candles flashed back on, Jeongguk oblivious as he simply spoke out, “Lead us to our calling, lead us down our path. Our path is your path, our path is yours.”
You frowned as the flickering of the candles continued, heartbeat beginning to pick up. They said it was only a joke.
“Siblings of the past,” As he started the chant again, you replayed the words Taehyung said earlier. He wouldn’t lie to you about this being real-- no, you knew it couldn’t be real even if they tried for it to be. None of this was real to begin with, and if Jeon Jeongguk the biggest skeptic on the planet was reading out the chant, even if it were real-- which it was not-- even if it was though, they wouldn’t pop out for him, of all people.
“Our path is yours-”
As the syllable dropped you closed your ears from an eruption of screams as wind blew around the room. The candles flames extinguished again by the magnitude. You could hear the wailing of the air current, and shut your eyes as you just heard a confused mixture of words from everyone around you startled from the change. The only thing that sensibly blew through your ears was Jeongguk’s continuous of the chant, uttered out in the same monotone as he began it in. Wondering how in the hell he didn’t care about the wind, you squinted open an eye to look at him as he simply read along, gaze directed only to the book.
Was he…
“Our path is yours.”
“Woah!” The candles flashed back on as the windows suddenly stopped. Everyone grew quiet, including Jeongguk whose head still stayed in focus of that book. Your mouth opened to speak, but instead you winced, suddenly reaching to take grip on a surge of pain in your shoulder.
“Y/N, are you okay?” An onlooker asked you, somewhere behind you. You bit down on your lip, gripping tighter on the trob you swore beat in the bloodstream along your shoulder, eyes disconnecting from the affliction as you heard your name escape from Jeongguk, quietly.
His stare at you was concerned, the book in his hand taking none of his focus as he stepped forward, “Are you-”
“Taehyung!” Both you and Jeongguk flinched from the exclamation and sudden thump you heard behind Jeongguk. As you tried to adjust your neck to see what was wrong, Jeongguk turned back moving enough for you to both take in the appearance of Taehyung’s body limp face down on the floor.
feel free to send me comments, predictions, thoughts, etc. uwu
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