#so I just silently got my stuff I didn't even say goodnight or I love you
sensitivegoblin · 5 months
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tmtimb · 6 months
Roommate issues
So my roommate, I don't know if she hates me, but I pretty sure she'd be much happier if I didn't exist. It's so much worse when it's just us home, i hear her in the living room sighing and being overdramatic every time I move, like if I go to the kitchen to eat, i hear it. I can't come out of my room when she's having time with James. If it's just us and Cody, and I come out to the living room to just hang out, she turns away from me and is just silent. But as soon as I leave the room, she's a damn chatterbox.
She won't talk to me. I've tried to hang out with her but she does the same thing, she turns away from me and even if I'm trying to talk to her about the show, I get nothing. She goes to Speedway every night to get a pop and she'll ask everyone but me. If it's just us, she just leaves, Doesn't talk to me. when I come home from work, she turns away from the door and won't talk to me. When I'm leaving, and I'll try to say "Hey, have a good day" she ignores me or Just "Yeah, see you later"
She now buys groceries for the whole house, which I used to do but now even if I can, she does it first. Like I'll say "Hey, I'm getting groceries tomorrow, let me know if you want anything special" She'll say "No, we're good" and then go and fill up the fridge that afternoon. And she'll get stuff for Cody and James, but mostly her. But not me. Nothing. I'll even ask. And she'll "Forget".
Her marriage has been falling apart for years. And I'll admit, James and I getting involved with her and Cody wasn't the best of ideas, but we were looking for something different and they both wanted in. What WE wanted to was to give them each an outlet to talk to and maybe play around with, to SUPPLIMENT their relationship and help them grow closer.
And now she tells people that I stole Cody from her. And that he's abusive. He's not ever. She's the one emotionally abusing all of us in this house. This was her idea!!! When the 4 of us all got together to talk about this and see what we all wanted, the first thing she says is "I don't see why we're talking about this, I've been telling Cody to do this for years" But because it's me, and she plays the victim, I'm the one people have cut off.
But She's fixated on James, and is convinced that Cody and I are doing nothing but fooling around. Which is far far from the truth. Cody will barely touch me. He might hold my hand occasionally while we're on the couch but only for a second or two. He'll kiss me goodnight but because he thinks he has to. He does not. And Hannah, she'll tell James (and me, when we used to talk) that she was done with him, wanted nothing from him, didn't even want him to touch her. But she also insists that he HAS to kiss her first, and then HAS to kiss her again before he leaves. And again if he comes back in.
If Cody and I go out anywhere, it's to the corner to pick up food. It's a cold, silent trip with no touching and no talking. He doesn't want me and hasn't actually touched me since we moved in, almost 3 years ago. I don't get alone time with him anymore. and He's okay with that. He wants his wife.
She only wants James. She demands all of his free time and the spends it with him complaining that they can't be together more. James, doesn't want her and right now, we're just trying to get by until we can move out. We didn't want to move in with them in the first place, but we had to.
And they are good people. And they love us being there but I'm clearly not wanted there. And I certainly don't feel welcome. But we do the dishes and clean and cook.
She's been keeping so much from Cody, and lying to him about so much. But he's not doing that. When she yells at him and tries to start a fight, he's the one being calm. (Until he's not, but then he's yelling back at her) I know about the guys from work. I know about the guys she's been running around with. I know how much money she's hiding away. I know everything. And one day, I'm going to go off. I'm going to say everything. Including how James wants nothing to do with her. And why he won't sleep with her. Because I know. When you don't talk to someone, they just sit back and watch. And take notes. And I know so many things.
She threatens to move back to Wisconsin with her family because she knows it hurts Cody. He doesn't know how to be without her. And she won't. She's actually used suicide as a weapon against him. She won't do it. She really only cares about herself. She refuses to do anything. She sits on the couch and talks about what she DESERVES. She deserves James. She deserves smoking a pack and a half a day and only smoking half the cigarettes. She deserves Starbucks every day. She actually said this.
She deserves a damn reality check and she's going to get one.
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Please Come Back
Pairing: Kakucho x Reader
Genre: Angst
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Kakucho opened the door to his apartment. "I'm home." He whispered,even though he wasn't expecting a reply. Fuck, he was dead tired. He started his day with a long meeting and then going around with Sanzu discussing on who sold their location out.
He entered the living room and quite unexpectedly the lights were on. He turned and saw you sitting on the sofa,going through your phone.
“Kakucho, you’re back!” You would literally jump from your seat and fly into him.
“Wait- don’t jump!” But despite his words he would always catch you, as he held you tighter and twirled a bit making you giggle. “It’s late.You should be sleeping.”
You would smile as you snuggled closer. “I wanted to see you.” You pout. “By the time I wake up you’re already gone. If I don’t stay up late then I probably can never see you.”
Kakucho smiled at you words as he leaned in,placing a kiss on you forehead. “I’m sorry.”
Kakucho smiled. Usually when he reached home you would already be asleep so all he could do was kiss you goodnight,as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
He walked over and kissed you on your temple. "Were you waiting for me ,love?" He watched you turn to look him, your eyes slightly wide. Kakucho guessed you didn't hear him enter.
You bit your lips as you turn away,turning your phone off and placed it on a table near by. Kakucho frowned as you left his question unanswered. "What's wrong,Y/N?"
"Let's break up."
So many things went through his mind. Your expression was calm as if you practiced this so many times already. But you promised...
“Woahhhhh!” You gasped as you put your right hand in the air. Your eyes glimmered as you looked at the ring in your hands. A beautiful gold ring with your birthstone and small diamonds attached to it.
Kakucho laughed at your reaction. He also put his hand in the air,near yours as he then intertwined them.
You noticed he had a similar ring on his hands too.
He brought your hands closer to him,as he placed a kiss on your finger. “It’s a promise ring.” You noticed Kakucho’s ears were rather flushed. “When things settle down, I’ll promise to propose you.”
Kakucho stayed silent waiting for a reply but when he didn’t hear any,he nervously turned to look at you. You had your eye wide,with tears flowing. Kakucho panicked. “What’s wrong,love? Do you hate it-“
“I’m so happy!” You cried. As tears continuous flowed. “You make me so happy! I promise to accept your proposal! I promise to make you the happiest husband ever even though I can’t cook well or help you with your job.”
Kakucho cupped your face,wipes your tears. “Thank you…” He too teared up.
His eyes trailed to your hand to see that your finger was empty,no ring was put on. To be honest when was the last time he saw you with the ring.
"Why?" Kakucho's voice broke. His heart was hammering against his chest yet he felt as if it was cracking, as if a glass was hit forming cracks ready to break with one more touch.
"I'm done... I'm done with simply everything." You turned your head away lowering your hair and covering your eyes. Kakucho wondered what expression you were wearing. "I tired of worrying about you. Why are you so late? Did something happen? Are you injured?"
Kakucho flinched when he heard the door to his hospital door open. Your worried face came into view. Kakucho gulped. “Hey,love…”
You bit your lips. “Don’t hey love me!” You stomped your way toward him. “I’m at home,preparing for our date when I suddenly get a call that my fiancé is in a hospital?!”
“Do you…Do you know…” Kakucho watched your furious expression change. Your eyes brows knitted as your eyes glistened. “I prayed on my way here…praying that nothing serious happened to you.”
Kakucho tilted his head. “Can you come here…” You sniffed as you walked toward him,sitting by his bed. He leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. “I’m so sorry,love.”
Kakucho suddenly remembered a scene from a movie you were watching. He faked a cough as he mentally prepared. “But then my head were filled with thoughts saying “I wish I could see Y/N one last time…” when I got shot.”
“You idiot! Don’t talk about dying in front of me!” That day Kakucho got a slapped. Kakucho’s guard who tried to stop you also got thrown to the other side of the room.
“All I’m doing is staying at home alone.” You looked at him straight into his eyes. “I’m always alone,Kakucho…Sometimes I wonder if we are even together.” He noticed you called him by his name and not baby like you usually did.
“It’s as if Im just living alone. As if I never had a fiancé.” You smiled. But then it wasn’t one of happiness, a rather forced on instead. “Being with you made me feel so lonely…”
Kakucho sucked in a sharp breath. The glass that was cracked previously now shattered,into tiny uncountable pieces. His heart aches at your words. I’m sorry I let you feel like this. “I love you,Y/N…”
You turned as you stood up from your seat. “Love should go both ways,Kakucho…”
Kakucho almost laughed at the poetic way you spoke to say I don’t love you.
“Please…” He bent slightly,as he covered his face. But you did see a trail of liquid flowing down. Kakucho was crying.
“Please don’t leave me.” He reached out his hand as he held onto yours,but then his hold was gentle. There is no way he would let his emotions get the best of him and make him hurt you by hold your hand too tight.
His throat felt dry and his whole body felt cold. You were the person who was able to keep his sanity in check. You were the warmest person in his life. He didn’t want you to let go.
“I’m sorry.” You shook your head and you removed your hands as you walked towards the door. “I’ve made up my mind. I’ll come a few days later to take my stuff.”
Kakucho quickly turned to you. “I’ll do anything in my power for you so please Y/N…” please stay…You immediately looked away.
His expression was hurting you and you felt that if you were to stay with him any longer,you would give in and go back into his arms. But that way you will go back into the feeling of loneliness. You didn’t want that…You stepped through the door making your exit.
“Please,love…Come back.”
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escadolle · 3 years
A Dream
Bakugou x g/n reader
Bakugou’s past comes back to haunt him.
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"I was there," Katsuki's voice was low. The gruff reverberations haunted the house. His dead, hollow eyes found yours as you woke up. The eery, rough sound had you scared to look at him, only to find nothing but empty and solemn red. The bed felt cold, the blankets heavy. Yet, Katsuki's expression was still clear in the lack of light.
"Katsuki, why are you awake? You were where?" you yawned and rubbed your eye, your voice followed his echo. The house was quiet for once. You could hear squeaking of tree branches against the windows and winds that hit the house harshly, threatening to knock it over. Katsuki didn't blink. His eyes never left yours. At this moment, you didn't feel . 'Uncomfortable' was not a feeling that you usually felt in Katsuki's presence, yet it was the only thing you could name right now, in your hazy wakening.
"Kamino Ward," He answered. If his sound hadn't shaken you, you would have no idea he had spoken. It was rare that he was ever soft-spoken, even in the dead of night. His quietude voice stayed uncharacteristically monotonous. "I was alone. There was no battle. There was no noise. There was just... static."
"Static?" you prompted, cueing for his continuation.
"I can't fucking explain it." He spoke, finally gaining emotion. His drifting eyes seemed to come back to reality, a color finding his face, "But it was hard to see, and it was hard to hear. Like something really distant, something that wasn’t supposed to be happening."
"I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. There was nobody else around. No All For One, no All Might, no shitty Deku," his sound grew, shifting into one of dissatisfaction, or possibly annoyance. "It was like something that could have been... or something."
"What's with this poetic shit?" You laugh.
"Shut up. I'm a poetic guy." He blushed. You were glad to see that his regular irritation showed up again. You leaned in, caressing the side of his cheek bone, admiring his bone structure and skin.
"That, you are, Katsu," you smiled at him. He avoided your eyes, looking off to the distance. After a second of comfortable silence, he wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you up and into his lap, pressing his face into the nape of your neck. You gasped at the sudden action.
"Why the fuck are you with an asshole like me?" he asks, his grasp against your waist loosens, leaving you starved of his touch. You sigh, relaxing into his embrace. You finally understand what's got him acting so weird. "I'm a real fucking douchebag to everyone. Half of the time I'm either telling you to shut up or or just insulting ya'."
"Not all of the time."
You turn yourself around, pressing your hands against his chest and your body against his. He's silent, his lips pressing into a thin line. His aimless gaze never meets yours, instead deciding to focus on a stray object across the room.
"Quit it with the damn pity," his voice was deep and gravelly, signaling his tiredness, if his drained eyes failed to do so. He pressed his palms into the pits of your arms and placed you across the bed. Steadily sitting up, he began walking to the bathroom in a slouchy manner.
It took you a second to determine Katsuki's words, but as soon as you snapped out of your haze, you shot up from the bed and quickly followed behind Katsuki. Opening the bathroom door, you are met with Katsuki's pale body; a ghostly shade in the darkness of the night. His palms are propped up against the porcelain sink as he gazes down against the faucet. You can tell he's very deep in thought.
"Look, I don’t need you to feel bad for me!" he groaned tiredly. A pang of pain shot through your heart, but you ignored it knowing that Katsuki wasn't in the right set of mind. He looked up at you, examining the pout on your lips, gazing over your beautiful skin. Simply looking at your features brought him back down from his secluded mind. His breathing shallowed as he looked over face. Your hair, your eyes, your lips.
"Tell me what's wrong, baby," Your voice shook him to his core. He felt the heartbeat in his chest bang loudly, out of control. Had you no idea what you were doing to him? Surely you must have known, but that concerned expression across your face told otherwise. Did you really not know the way you tortured him so, the way you so easily bypassed the guarding around his heart that has been cold for so long?
Katsuki would never admit it out loud, but having your comfort pained him. The warm hugs you would give him, the sweet kisses to his nose, and the darling "goodnight"'s you would give him every evening, were something he never received before you. He had absolutely no idea how to respond to such love.
He looked back down at the sink. A sweat formed on his pale skin.
"I'm a terrible person, aren’t I?" Katsuki's voice vibrated throughout the room, a rusty version of his usual angry tone. "I hate them. They all say they don't blame me, I know they're just fucking lying."
"Each and every one of them. In the back of their minds, they're thinking, it's all my fault." His gruff tone reverberated throughout the cold bathroom, bouncing off the porcelain tiles on sending shivers down your spine. He slowly removed his palm from the sink and brought it up to his face, staring down at it, "And the worst part is, they're right. It is my fucking fault." Katsuki closed his palm, clenching down as hard as he could. A vein sprouted.
"Katsuki, please, you know it's not." You leaned into him, placing one of your much smaller hands onto his bicep. He shifted his eyes, eyeing you down with an angry look, clearly unbelieving. "I assure you, none of them think it's your fault. You couldn't have known what was going to happen. You couldn't have known they were going to take you, you couldn't have known they were going to hurt All Might."
"Listen, I'm not good with this kind of stuff, but I think we should just sit down and talk about what's been bothering you. Does that sound good?
His face softened at your kind tone. His eyebrows unwrinkled and he turned his head towards you.
"Whatever." He said. The two of you made eye contact, a tiny blush against his otherwise pale cheeks. You smiled at him, offering comfort he didn't know he needed.
With a sudden sharp pang in his chest, his body moved without thinking. He found himself tightly holding you against him in a warm embrace. Snugging himself between your neck and shoulder, he felt a warm sensation build up in his chest. Your arms steadily found their way up his back and around his neck. He sighed in your hold, not wanting to let go any time soon.
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vanillann · 3 years
real or not real? (natasha romanoff x reader)
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a/n: this is based off the hunger games because i just finished reading the books!! also a little badass woman fic because of international woman’s day!! love all woman, I MEAN ALL WOMAN!!
word count: 1.6k
natasha romanoff masterlist
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As I finally landed, I watched everyone face drop once they recognized who I was. My brain felt like static as I took the steps to where the team was camped out.
I watched Steve Rogers, I think that’s what the file I was given said, stand up and look at the other members of the squad. As he approached I felt flashes of memories, or maybe memories, flood me.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” The blond approached me but stopped a few feet away. He tried to keep his voice clear of emotion but it was useless, I couldn’t be trusted yet.
“I was told you needed back-up,” I didn’t bring up how the nice blonde woman, I think she said her name was Pepper, argued with Mr. Fury for days about me re-joining the team.
“Well you came just in time.”
By the look in his eye, I didn't want what he wanted in the slightest.
I followed him to the tents that were hidden among the trees, a shiver going up my spine when I made eye contact with any members of the team.
I could see old versions of myself interacting with each, but some felt so real and some felt so fake I couldn’t put them right in my mind.
One I caught the red head, Natasha, eye I felt my body grow stiff. She was common in my memories, some of her gentle and meaningful and some of her enraged with bullets flying at me. Tony had informed me that most of the bad memories are Hydra’s doing, that they were never real. I couldn’t help but wonder how true that was as she backed away from me when I walked past her.
“(Y/N) was dropped off for back-up,” Mr. Rogers spoke from behind me, taking the seat next to the brunette with the metal arm. I had spoken to him twice when I was in the hospital, apparently he had something to do with my capture and refused to see me more after that.
“Um, Cap?” Clint, or was it Carl, spoke up. He gave me a few side glances but said nothing else until he was pulled aside.
As soon as they were out of ear shot I watched them go at each other, arguing about who knew what, most likely me. I did my best to ignore the eyes on me, but I couldn’t help but snap.
“Have something to say?”
All eyes flooded off me, except for Natasha who crossed her arms and stared me down.
“You aren’t going to try and kill me again, are you?”
Her question enraged me, but I had no reason to be mad. I was the one who attacked, but I swore she was after me.
“I thought you were a threat,” my words felt icy as they hung in the air.
“I wasn’t before and I’m not now,” her words were just as cold, running in my blood like a river in December. 
“Look I’m sorry, okay? I have all these memories and I can’t tell what’s real or not, so yes I attacked you,” I sat against the log farthest from anyone, so I couldn’t hurt someone.
“Then ask.”
Mr. Rogers came back, taking the seat he took seconds ago and watched me closely. He looked more opened to talking then the C man that came back with him.
“Will that work?” I looked to Banner, the doctor who checks on me often when I was strapped to the hospital bed.
“It can’t hurt,” he shrugged his shoulder and continued to look around the group. They spoke with their eyes and I couldn’t help but wonder would the old me under their silent conversation.
“I was a part of your group, real or not real?”
“Real,” Rogers spoke up, nodding to each member as if to tell them it was okay, but I couldn’t be sure of that.
I nodded, letting the fake and real memories flood me within every inch of my brain. I had enough questions to keep them up all night.
“I was kidnapped in my sleep by Hydra, real or not real?”
“Real,” the man with the metal arm spoke this time, giving me the nod this time and I felt as if he was letting me join their secret conversation.
“It was a few months ago, we couldn’t get to you in time,” Banner filled me in more.
I could vaguely remember the screaming and the way my bed-sheets felt that night, but everything else was slightly blurry.
“Natasha tried to kill me, real or not real?”
“Not real,” she was quick to set me straight, giving me a look I couldn’t read but I didn’t mind it, not when it was coming from her.
She was the only person being straight with me, not jumping around the conversation that I needed to have for my sake.
“You’re favorite color is Orange, real or not real?” I didn’t take my eyes off her, the conversation felt so intimate even if everyone was watching.
“Yes, and yours in red because you say it reminds you of my hair,” she looked to her hands, rubbing them up and down the side of her thighs.
“Okay,” I nodded as I absorbed the information about myself, the first piece of information I’ve heard that wasn’t in a file.
“I think we should start getting some sleep, we have a long day ahead,” Rogers pointed to his tent, his voice soft yet firm.
Nobody disagrees, each telling the other goodnight while I got head titles and I'm waves. The only people to tell me goodnight were Rogers and his friend, who I think was named James but I remembered his face clearly now.
I was once his friend too.
I didn’t move from my log, I couldn’t sleep much anyways and I couldn’t be shoved into a tent alone and expected not to go crazy. I said nothing as Natasha moved a few logs closer to me, staring at the ground as she waited.
“Anymore questions?”
“Plenty, but do you have the answers?” I ducked my head, hoping to get a glimpse of her eyes but I was memorized when I did.
Her face flashed over my brain, the same red but straighter and her eye shined under a street lamp. Her lips were as soft as hotel pillows and her touch was like magic as it ghosted over my shoulder.
She looked like magic before the sight was gone and I watched her slightly dirty hair hang in her eye, that wasn't as bright, and the memories started to fog again.
“You kissed me, real or not real?”
The silent felt like screaming as she chewed on her bottom lip, waiting for her words to work.
It wasn’t as confident as her words before, but it felt so much more honest than anything I remembered.
“How did I think you wanted to kill me then?”
“Hydra turned all your memories of me to shit, all the ones they knew about,” she rolled something in-between her finger and I wanted to ask but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
“Do you remember any good ones?”
She held back a laugh, finally looking up from the ground to me with a sad smile stretch on her lips.
“Plenty,” she nodded, going back to the object in her hand.
“Tell me about them, please?”
The ‘please’ sounded so desperate in my head, but it seemed to bring her ease as she moved her body to face me.
“We used to window shop like crazy together,” she looked up at my confused face and continued, “it’s like walking around and looking at stuff you’ll never buy.”
The memories of walking on a sidewalk with her filled me up, the feeling of gentle flowers brushed against my skin filled me.
“Then one time, after we kissed, you pulled me into this antique store and told me to pick something. We argued about it for ten minutes before you gave me this look I could never say no to, so I grabbed the closet thing and told you it’s what I wanted. It was the locket, I hate wearing it because it's so big so I keep it in my pocket,” she held out the locket in question, waiting for me to draw closer and once I did she opened it.
Inside was a photo of me, rolling my eyes at the camera but a hint of a smile on my lips. I looked so content for someone rolling their eyes, I wonder if I always like that.
“You were, never took many things seriously,” I didn’t realize I spoke out loud, but I was glad I did when she almost laughed at the memories.
That when it started to really hit me, not just the memories but the feelings. They laughs and the jokes, and all the inbetweens. I didn’t really know what I was saying, not for a while, but I couldn’t stop myself.
“You love me, real or not real?”
Her answer wasn’t hesitate, even with the same pause, she knew as soon as I asked she just wasn’t ready to say it.
“Real,” her voice was barely above a whisper but I heard it.
I wanted to respond with ‘me too’ or something along the lines, but my answer was much more complex and I couldn’t only hope she understood.
“I think the old me loved you back, from how I feel when I think of the little things, and I can only hope the new me can remember why.”
I was scared when she said nothing, as if I made an impossible situation worse, but when she looked up at me her eyes twinkled again and her hair appeared redder.
“Let me know when you do?”
“You’ll be the first to know, Nat.”
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hockey-fics · 3 years
I didn't know you already had a request with number 47! so maybe number 13 from the angsty prompt list with petey? please?
Thank you for the request! 
Prompt: “You did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it” with Elias Pettersson 
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Warning: insinuations of sex
Word Count: ~3,400
Moving to Vancouver was a big step for you. But the job was too good to turn down and the apartment you found was a little too perfect and all the pieces just fell into place too easily to not do it. 
The transition was difficult though. Your workplace was smaller than you expected and almost everyone who worked there was much older than you. Meeting people in the new city was hard. It was cold and rained all the time and you found navigating the larger city difficult, getting lost more time than you would care to admit. 
But then you met him. 
He had stepped through the apartment lobby doors, hesitating when he saw you struggling to drag a box that contained the pieces of a desk you had ordered online. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The desk would fit perfectly against the window in the den of your apartment, it was absolutely beautiful, and it was on sale. But now that you alternating between bouts of yanking or shoving it across the all too big lobby you were beginning to wish you hadn’t made that purchase. 
“Do you want some help?” Elias had asked. 
You had looked up at him, immediately caught off guard. His voice was soft, an accent that you couldn’t immediately place. He was tall and handsome with intriguing blue eyes and a reassuring smile. 
“I-,” you started, standing up straighter and glancing down at the box. You hated asking for help, even when someone was offering. Hated it even more when it was a stranger. But at the rate you were going that desk wasn’t even going to get into your apartment for a sizeable amount of time. 
Before you even have a chance to deny the help he was offering he had stepped closer, silently letting you know that it was okay for you to say yes. 
“Thank you,” you breathed out in relief as he leaned down to pick up the opposite end of the box. Together the two of you navigated the box into the elevator and up to your apartment. 
Elias had helped you bring the box into your apartment. You introduced yourself to him before he left and when you mentioned that you were new to the city Elias had given you his number, told you to call him if you needed anything at all. 
And for awhile you didn’t contact him. Not because you didn’t want to. Truth be told you would have loved to have called him because the city still felt so lonely and he truly seemed like such a nice guy. But every time you contemplated it the idea was outweighed by worry that you would be annoying him. 
But then a few weeks later you were having a truly catastrophic day. Like always you left for the skytrain, because it was just as quick as driving and you didn’t have to pay for parking at work. But you ended up being late, missing your train and being a few minutes late to work. Where you were immediately berated by your manager despite your apologies. And you tried to put that behind you but throughout the rest of the day you were slightly frazzled and nothing seemed to be going smoothly. By the time the work day ended it had started pouring, typical Vancouver rain that could be heard pounding off the roof of the building. Dumping the contents of your purse onto your desk before leaving you realize you had forgotten your umbrella at home. So you packed up your stuff and prepared yourself for the miserable walk to the skytrain station. By the time your commute was over and you had hustled back to your apartment you were freezing cold and soaking wet. And as if the day couldn’t get worse as you rifled through your purse you realized your keys were missing, mind flashing back to dumping your purse contents onto your desk at work. 
Groaning you stare at the locked lobby door of the apartment building. A few minutes of contemplating your options you pull your phone out, dialling Elias’ number. 
“Hi,” Elias answers after a couple rings. “How’s it going?”
“Could be better,” you admit, huddled under the awning outside the lobby door to protect yourself from the rain. “Are you home?”
“Yeah, I am. What’s up?”
“Can you let me in?” You ask, not knowing what you would do from there, the key to your actual apartment missing as well. “I think I forgot my keys at work.”
“Of course. I’ll be down in a minute,” Elias assures you. 
And true to his word he was opening the door a few minutes later, letting you into the warm lobby. Droplets of water drip off your jacket and onto the doormat as you wipe a combination of rainwater and tears from your cheeks. You hadn’t even realized you were crying till the situation had calmed down a bit, till you were away from the loud stormy weather. 
“Are you okay? You look cold. Do you have the keys to your apartment?”
Shaking your head you wrap your arms around your body. “No, I’ll have to call a locksmith or something, I don’t know.”
“Come on, you can wait in my apartment if you want,” Elias offers, stepping towards the elevator as you trail behind him, feeling cold, miserable, and deflated. 
You step into Elias’ apartment behind him you stand on the doormat, careful not to get water on the hardwood floor. But you’re not sure how to handle the situation so you stand in one spot, watching Elias kick his shoes off and step into the apartment. 
“You can come in,” Elias tells you, smiling gently. “I can get you some clothes, if you want to shower and warm up you can do that too.”
“You don’t have to do all this,” you tell him, pulling your jacket off and hanging it up over one of the hooks by the door, pushing your shoes off. 
“I’m not doing much,” Elias comments, nodding towards the hallway. Following after him Elias points out the bathroom, leaving you alone for a moment and returning with an armful of clothes. “Towels are in the cupboard there,” he tells you, gesturing towards the cupboard by the door. “I’ll be out in the kitchen, take your time.”
Something about how kind he was, how considerate he was left you feeling overwhelmed. He didn’t need to be this nice to you, you had never met anyone who was so kind so soon after meeting. After standing under the hot water in the shower while the chill dissipated from your bones, you get out and dry off, pulling on the large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants that you had to fold over at the waist a number of times to be able to stay up. 
Folding up your wet clothes you shuffle out of the bathroom, finding Elias in the kitchen. He was standing in front of the stove, cooking dinner with his phone pressed to his ear. 
“An hour?” You hear Elias say into the phone. “Yeah, that’s fine.” He hangs up his phone, setting it down on the counter and glancing over at you. “Hey, I called the building manager, he said they have emergency access keys to all the apartments. If you have ID he’ll be able to let you into your apartment but he won’t be here for an hour. I was making dinner though, do you want some?”
You stare over at Elias in surprise, eyes welling with tears. “I…you didn’t have to deal with this for me, you’ve already helped me more than you need to.”
“It’s not a big deal,” he assures you, grabbing a couple plates from the cupboard. “I moved here not that long ago, I had all the guys on the team for support though. I can’t imagine not knowing anyone.” 
“Team?” You ask, sliding onto one of the barstools at his bar counter. 
“I play hockey, for the Canucks,” he explains, setting a plate of food in front of you before sitting down beside you with his own food. 
“Oh, wow, that’s amazing,” you tell him in surprise. Because truthfully you didn’t know much about him aside from his generosity towards you. And so you spent the rest of the hour getting to know each other till he came with you to meet the building manager, making sure you got back into your apartment before saying goodnight. 
And after that night you two began spending more and more time together till you were practically inseparable. He introduced you to some of his teammates and some of their wives and girlfriends. 
You would spend evenings curled up on his couch watching movies. Eventually sharing the couch turned to cuddling turned to falling asleep with your head on his chest. You would go grocery shopping together, while it made sense with both of you living in the same building, the truth was that you both just wanted to spend as much time together as possible. You would go for early morning walks, discussing all sorts of deep thoughts. Going for coffee or dinner together became a common occurrence. 
And you fell for Elias. Hard. But you were uncertain about his feelings. He had always been the friendly guy who lived on the floor below you. He never tried to flirt. When you cuddled on the couch his hands never wandered. You never caught him checking you out or staring just a little too long. 
It was a Saturday night eight months after you first started hanging out with Elias and Elias had invited you over to Brock and Troy’s place along with a few other people. You were reluctant at first, telling him you didn’t want to intrude. But Elias was persistent and you found yourself sitting beside him on their couch a few hours later. The night had gone by as expected, they discussed stuff about hockey that you didn’t fully understand, you got to hear about their personal lives, girlfriends and family issues. You were glad Elias had invited you, happy to get to be more involved in his life than you already were.
“I’m going to the washroom,” you tell Elias a few hours after you had gotten there.
“Okay,” he mutters and you don’t notice the way he watches you stand up, the way he watches you walk out of the room. But Brock does and he can’t just not say anything. 
“You’ve got it bad for her,” Brock chuckles, shaking his head. 
“What?” Elias asks, only half-aware of what Brock was talking about as he turns his attention to him. 
“Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?” Brock asks. 
“How I feel?”
Brock shakes his head again, sighing loudly. “Don’t pretend you don’t have feelings for her, man.”
“We’re just friends,” Elias defends, adjusting uncomfortably on the couch as he glances around the room, looking for any distractions. 
As you wander back from the bathroom you pause outside the living room entryway, frozen with the words you hear Brock say. “You’re in love with her, we all see it.”
“She just needs a friend right now,” Elias reiterates. 
“Just needs a friend? But you don’t want to be just a friend?”
“Just drop it, okay?” Elias snaps, unusually out of character for him. 
A few moments later you step into the room, trying your best to act like you hadn’t just heard everything you heard. Was Brock right? Elias hadn’t denied it. But that didn’t mean he was right either. No matter how hard you tried to remain unfazed by the comments you had overheard you simply couldn’t, catching yourself staring at Elias just a little too often and for a little too long. 
By the time you leave that night you can’t manage to keep your heart rate steady or your breathing even. Elias parks his car and you climb out, an uncomfortable silence filling the air around you two and you begin to wonder if he knows something is up. Stepping into the elevator you can’t handle the tension anymore but you’re not sure how to deal with it either. So you let your body take control, stepping in front of Elias, one hand on the back of his neck as you lean closer to him. “Kiss me,” you whisper in the silence of the elevator. 
“What?” Elias asks in shock, but he’s grabbing at your waist already, pulling you closer. And he doesn’t wait for you to say anything else before he’s kissing you, surprisingly fast and eager. When the doors of the elevator slide open you grab Elias’ hand, pulling him out onto your floor with you. There’s a nervous excitement as you both walk to your apartment. You barely have the door closed before Elias has his hands on your hips, pulling your back into him as he leans down, pressing his lips to your jaw, reaching up to brush your hair away as he moves his lips down to your neck. 
Gasping softly you push your body back into his, hand curling around Elias’ wrist. “Please,” you whimper, head tipping back to rest on his shoulder. You hadn’t so much as kissed a guy since moving to Vancouver. And maybe it was because you were too busy to worry about going out with guys, but maybe it was because there was only one guy you were interested in and he just happened to be right there behind you. 
“Are you sure about this?” Elias asks, turning you around in his arms as he holds you by your waist. 
“Yes,” you whisper, grabbing one of his hands and pulling him along with you into your bedroom. 
Waking up the next morning you roll over, finding the bed empty beside you. The way your heart sank was a feeling you had never felt before. You had slept with guys before and it meant nothing, had woken up the next morning alone or snuck out during the night. But this felt different. Because you really thought it meant something. But clearly you were wrong. 
Slowly you pull yourself out of bed, yanking on an oversized t-shirt and shuffling to the kitchen to make coffee. Because you needed to do something, anything, to keep your mind off the fact that you had slept with your one of your best friends and he left before you were even awake. Left without saying a single thing. And with each passing hour of the day where you hadn’t heard anything from Elias the worse you felt. 
Sure, you knew there was the chance that he really wasn’t in love with you. But when he kissed you back in the elevator you thought it had to have meant something. The last thing you would have expected was for him to just leave like that. 
‘Movie night?’
The text came early in the afternoon and normally you would have replied within seconds of seeing it. But today was so different, hesitation as your thumbs hovered over the keyboard on your phone. 
‘Sure. Your place or mine?’ You finally send. You couldn’t say no to Elias, no matter how hurt you were from earlier. 
‘Mine? 7 work?’
‘Sure’ you reply vaguely. Your conversations were never like this. You always said more, talked about what the other was doing, made jokes. You can’t remember a single one word text you had ever sent him, it always needed at the very least a smiley face. 
That evening you head up to Elias’ apartment, knocking on the door and staring down at the ground anxiously. Elias pulls the door open a minute later, stepping aside to let you walk inside. “Hey,” you whisper. 
“Hi,” Elias replies, closing the door behind you before pulling you into a hug. It’s warm and comforting and you want to stay there with him forever. But you know you can’t, not after the night before. Slowly pulling back you take a deep breath, preparing yourself to bring up what happened. “Do you want to order takeout or should we find something to make here?” Elias asks. 
You’re caught off guard by him brushing past everything that happened, not acknowledging the fact that less than 24 hours before you were moaning his name. “Uh,” you hum, prepared to talk about the implications of hooking up but not about dinner plans. “Takeout.”
Elias nods, pulling his phone out and opening DoorDash. “What do you want?”
“For you to stop ignoring what happened last night,” you blurt out, staring up at Elias with watery eyes. 
Elias lowers his phone staring at you in silence for a moment. “What do you want to talk about?”
“What?” You croak, shaking your head. “What do you mean? What do I want to talk about? The fact that we slept together last night. That you left before I was even awake the next morning. Any of that ring a bell?”
“What do you want me to say about it?”
You feel your chest tightening, throat aching with the threat of tears you were so desperately trying to hold back. “You know, you did a wonderful job convincing people that you love me, I almost fell for it.”
“What do you mean?” Elias asks, eyes softening as he steps closer, arms moving towards you before you step back. 
“I heard what Brock said, about you being in love with me,” you explain. “That’s why…that’s why I slept with you last night, Elias. Because I’m in love with you and I thought maybe, just maybe he was right. Or at the very least you would have the decency to not just fuck me if it didn’t mean anything.” Wiping at the tears streaming down your face you whirl around towards the door, trying to escape before you broke down any further. 
But Elias is grasping for your hand before you can get to the door, pulling you into his chest. “He’s right,” Elias whispers. “I am in love with you.”
“So why are you acting like such an asshole then?”
Elias pulls back, reaching over to wipe the tears off your cheeks. “Because I was scared. I didn’t think you felt the same way. I thought…I thought you just wanted a, uh, like, friends with benefits. But I know I can’t do that with you so I thought just going back to normal was the only option.”
You let out a shocked breath of laughter, clutching tight to Elias as if he might try to distance himself again if you let up even just a little. “You thought all of a sudden I would try to just turn this into a friends with benefit agreement? After all this time?”
“I didn’t think you could have feelings for me,” Elias mumbles into your hair, holding onto you with just as much intensity. “I mean, look at you. You’re perfect. And I can’t give you everything you deserve, I’m not even here all the time, so…”
“What are you talking about you?” You ask, interrupting Elias’ ramble with a quiet, surprised laugh, your hands moving to the back of his neck as you stare up into his eyes. “You already give me more than I deserve. You’re the person I call when I need anything. You come down to my apartment at two in the morning to kill spiders for me. You pick me up when I have to work late and it’s dark and you don’t want me taking the skytrain at night. You helped me repaint my kitchen on one of the very few days you actually have off. And you don’t have to do any of those things so when you’re not here to do them it’s okay, because it’s already more than I need. You’re more than I need, Elias, and I hate that you would think you aren’t.”
“I love you,” he whispers, saying it like it was a weight off his shoulders. “I love you so much,” he repeats, a smile growing on his face. 
“Should I spend the night here tonight? Or do you want me to sneak out after you fall asleep?” You joke, pressing your lips to his. 
Elias smiles against your lips, pulling back and shaking his head, clearly still feeling guilty. “Don’t leave…you don’t ever need to leave."
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 6 (Bucky Barnes au)
"Hold, hold on, hold onto me
'Cause I'm a little unsteady"
Word count : 2061
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Sleep didn't seem to come to you that night, and you didn't know whether the reason was the pizza you'd had for dinner, your husband's obvious neglect or your supposed soulmate sleeping in the same building. After tossing and turning in your bed for over three hours, you grabbed a pillow and a plaid, put on your slippers and went into the main kitchen. A herbal tea under the stars should  be a good way to help you sleep, right? You tried to stay as silent as you  could despite the boiling water in the kettle – you always refused to microwave water – and picked some chamomile infusion Wanda had chosen. With your cup in one  hand, you opened the picture window. One thing you liked about the compound was the few balconies it had : they weren't too big, but they were large enough for you to sit on a pillow and look at the stars, your back against the wall. You were once again trying to spot constellations,  the August sky being perfect for this kind of exercise.
"Can't sleep?"
You almost spilled your tea on your plaid.
"Sorry I scared you."
You smiled weakly at the man who'd just joined you. "It's fine. Wanna sit here with a fellow insomniac?"
Bucky ran a hand through his hair before sitting on your left. His right arm brushed against your exposed skin and you tried to hide your shivers.
"What's keeping you up?" You ask. "I mean,  you obviously don't have to tell me."
"Nothing much. Some nightmares."
"Are they ones about...about the war?"  Your question startled him ; he shot you a  confused look as you lowered yours. "Sorry. Steve told me a few times about his best friend Bucky and I... I made the connection."
"I thought Steve avoided talking about those things."
"What? The way he lost you?"
"Sorry, that was tactless."
"Don't worry about that." He looked at the sky, leaning his head against the wall. "Wanna tell me what's keeping you up?"
"Well, it's quite ridiculous really," you eluded.
"Steve told me why you're spending time here. Is it him that keeps you up at night?"
You sipped on your tea for a few seconds. "I guess so. It's just that I keep thinking about what I'm doing wrong, you know? I must be doing something wrong."
You heard him take a breath, his shoulders raising with his chest. His arm against yours felt strange, in a good kind of way. You'd never felt so close to anyone in such a short amount  of time, and you wondered what made him so special aside from the meaningful tattoo you shared.
"I don't think you're to blame. Can I be honest?"
"I'm sorry if I seem out of place, because we only met a week ago but..."
"You feel like I get you, right? Just  like I feel that you get me."
He nodded calmly. "He doesn't seem to realise who he was lucky enough to marry."
"Lucky, huh?"
You looked at him with a smile and had it not been so dark, you could've sworn a red tint had reached his cheeks. "You're hella smart," he explained. "And from what I've seen, you're kind."
"And you think that after two days with me?"
He shrugged and allowed himself a quiet laugh. "You let Sam get the last piece of pizza earlier. I would have never done that."
"True. That is my most selfless act ever." Jumping on his joke felt natural and as it turned out, he had a communicative laugh.
"Why  don't you laugh more often? I like it."
Bucky looked you  in the eyes, paralysing you with his blue pupils again. It seemed as if he was searching for what to say.
"There aren't a lot of things that make me laugh. You do, though."  This one didn't sound like a joke, and you placed your hand on his forearm, instantly sending a funny feeling down to your stomach.
"Consider me flattered," you said. "Can I ask you a question? Don't feel like you're forced to answer, though."
"I'm just curious, working in biochem and stuff... I'm basically the school nurse for theses guys," you explained. "So how does it feel, the metal arm? Do you...feel things the way you do with your right arm?"
He stopped for a moment. "I did not expect that question. That's a good surprise." He raised his left hand in front of him. "It's weird, actually. This one is really advanced. Shuri did an amazing job with it, but... sometimes I'll touch something and think I feel something. I know it's my brain playing tricks on me, but it's not that sentient. I feel pressure, tension...but not actual human sensations." He let his hand fall down on his knees.
"Do you miss it?"
"I got used to it. But yeah."
"Okay, close your eyes."
"Do you trust me?"
"Y/n, we met last week."
"I know! But like, it's not a 'do you trust me with your life' situation. Think of it as 'do you trust me with basic skills' kind of thing." You chuckled. "Now close your eyes."
Bucky gave in and you gently grabbed his metal hand. "What do you feel now?" you asked,  stroking the back of his hand.
"I know there's something on my hand. And I know it's harmless. But...nothing more, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's part of you."
"And you don't mind that?"
"Why would I?" you shrugged. "It's you."
"Even if I were to do this?" He slowly raised his hand, approaching your face. You let him place his hand on your cheek. It didn't feel like flesh and bone, but it still felt right.
"Yes, even then." You held up his gaze, searching those blue eyes for any sign. Signs of what exactly, you didn't know yet. All you wanted was to stare into them forever, never leave this state of mind.
When Bucky's hand fell down your shoulder and kept running down your arm,  a thousand shivers ran down your spine. You couldn't – shouldn't – feel this way. You were married now, and doing this... To prevent  you from doing anything stupid, you looked away and leaned back against the wall. Getting away from him still was out of your league, though ; you settled for resting your head on his shoulder and spread your plaid over both your bodies. It might've been because nights were fresh, even in August, but it was mostly to make sure you were as close to him as you could be. Before falling asleep, the last thing you felt was Bucky's head letting itself fall on top of yours.
"Hey, you need to wake up."
The morning sun made you blink and you felt something on your thigh. Lowering your gaze, you noticed Bucky's hand. You tried not to freak out and looked up at whoever had spoken : Steve. Bucky shifted next to you, woken up by Steve's words  as well.
"What's going on?" you asked. Steve might have been the best at hiding concern, he couldn't always hide it from you.
He sighed. "Darren's here."
"Shit." You got up more abruptly than you should've, causing you to lean on Steve's shoulder for a second. "Where is he?"
"Right here."
You turned around, seeing Darren standing in the doorframe. Well, that was unfortunate. You thought you should've been feeling some sort of guilt after being found in another man's arms – technically ; all you felt was anger. You were angry that he'd showed up after standing you  up last night, you were angry about the neglect and his overall lack of care.
"What are you doing here?" you asked sharply.
"Bringing you home. Why didn't you come back?" His arms were crossed over his chest and he shot Bucky a furious look. "And why were you sleeping outside with this guy?"
Rubbing your forehead, you gestured towards Steve and Bucky.  "Could you guys leave us a minute, please?"
Even though Steve nodded and walked back inside, Bucky seemed unsure about  leaving you alone with your husband. You gave him a brief smile and he took the hint.  As you closed the door behind him to have some privacy – the door was made of glass, but oh well –, Darren started pacing.
"Did you cheat on me last night?"
"What the hell?" You  couldn't believe your ears. "You're kidding, right? You stood. Me. Up. You didn't even bother telling me in advance that you'd go at Brad's, and you didn't even come home. Didn't you think I was tired of being alone every night?"
"You're never alone."
"Damn it, Darren,  you came home past dinner every day since we got married! We should be on our honeymoon right now, and yet you don't even bother kissing me goodnight."
"That's all this is about? I work a little too much and you go away to your so-called family?" He'd stopped pacing and raised an eyebrow, proud of his innuendo. His insinuating Steve and the gang weren't your family made your blood boil.
"So-called? So-called, Darren? I love these people. They are my family and they've been more present for me today than you have in a week. What did you expect? That I would happily ask to be invited at Brad's, when I clearly am not welcome there?"
"You are welcome, what the hell are you talking about?"
"They don't like me, and you know that very well." You looked at the ground. You might've been angry, but never being able to fit in within Darren's social circle had always hurt you.
"Maybe you're not trying hard enough."
No words came out of your mouth. How could you say anything to that? This was the ultimate insult. You had given so much to this relationship that you'd never even thought that 'not trying hard enough' could've been  the reason they  disliked you. First dinner with them, Brad's wife had made fun of what was left of your Sokovian accent, asking Darren if he wanted you to help you get a green card. Of course you'd called her out on her racism. She got upset, but was it your fault? No. During a night out, Brad had been too handsy with you and when telling Darren about it, he'd told you that you were reading too into it, that he was just being friendly. They weren't good people, and you'd always wondered why Darren bothered hanging out with them.
"That's it, go away." You let out an exasperated sigh, opening the door. "You're going to leave the compound to go home and calm down. Maybe I'll be back in a few days."
"I'm not going anywhere without you." That could've sounded romantic. In his mouth, it sounded more like a threat.
"Hell yeah, you are. Now go. My birthday is in three days, and I don't want you to be like this then."
"Right, your birthday. Don't count on me to celebrate it if you don't bother coming home."
You closed your eyes for a moment before gesturing him to leave. He ultimately walked through the glass door and you saw him make eye-contact with Wanda on his way out. You knew she was trying hard not to throw him against a wall or something. You ran your hand through your hair, taking in what had just occurred. You knew Darren would feel better the next day and that it would be like nothing ever happened. You just weren't sure anymore whether it was a good thing or not.
"Don't worry, you can stay here longer," you heard Steve say.
"You're better off with us anyway," Wanda told you.
"You know he's-"
"Please, don't defend him," your sister pleaded. "He's not treating you right and you know it. He hasn't for years. Why are you-"
"Wanda, please. Not here."
You looked at Bucky out of the corner of your eye ; you didn't want to have that conversation in front of him, for some reason. Maybe deep down, you knew he'd side with Wanda. Having your sister call you out was hard enough ; you didn't need your soulmate to start doing it as well.
--- I just finished part 9 so I'm posting part 6 because I can't wait to have your opinion on this one!! Don't forget you can message me anytime to be added to the tag list :)
Tag list :
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02
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bobsie · 4 years
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"Hey Asahi" you said as you sat on the desk in front of your boyfriend
"Y-yes y/n" Asahi got startled and a little blushy over your sudden movement
you have been dating for few months but he's still getting flustered by you whenever you hold hands or give him a kiss he turns into a new shape of red which makes him more cute
And it's actually the same for you whenever he is intimate with you or does a loving gesture you turn into another shade of red
And boy oh boy do the volleyball boys love teasing you two to see your red faces
But the more you hung out together the more you two got used to this and so the blushing calmed down a little
But still you couldn't help but blush thinking of the question you're about to ask
"I want to as you something" you said as you played with the end of your shirt
"Of course y/n what is it?" He reached his hand to hold yours as he felt how anxious you were
"My parents will be out of town and because they know you they wanted me to ask you if you umm could spend the night with me" you tucked your hair behind your ear as you slowly looked up to see his expression and as always he had this sweet smile that made you love him and that makes you love him more and more whenever you see him smile like that
"Will this be ok with you y/n? I mean will you be comfortable with me staying the night?" You nodded shyly "yes I will be" and with your answer his smile got even wider
"Ok then after my practice let's go to my house to get some stuff then we will go to yours"
"Ok, I'll go to class now see you later" you kissed his cheek before running out of class
Today you were able to finish your club activities early so you were able to catch Asahi practicing and taking videos of him while trying to hide it so no one could tease you about it but unfortunately Suga noticed
"Hey Ace try to look cool for your girlfriend she's filming you" Suga nudged Asahi and pointed at you Asahi blushed a little "let's put a show on for her and do the back attack" Suga smiled at Asahi's proposal and the two boys gathered their team to practice it
And so you were setting on the bench still taking a video of your boyfriend when you saw them all move at the same time your eyes widened because you never saw them do this before you were positive that the ball was going to Tanaka but then your boyfriend came from behind and slammed the ball as hard as he could to the other side you gasped and jumped from your seat you had your hand over your mouth and your eyes were sparkling you were so amazed by what just happened and Asahi turned to your direction and winked at you before he continued with his practice
"Asahi you were amazing today and this spike you did you came from behind and whoosh I didn't expect this at all you're really amazing Ace" you winked at him at the last word your smile was so wide and as was Asahi's, you were walking hand and hand on your way to your house after going to Asahi's to get clothes
"Well i noticed that my beautiful girlfriend was filming me so I thought of giving her something worth filming" Asahi put his hand around your shoulders pulling you close to him with a smirk on his face
"You saw me?" You hid your face in his chest and you heard him laugh
"It's ok you make me happy with your support you know"
"I will always support you no matter what you're my ace" you wrapped your arms around his body as you walked together he loved your warmth so much and he was thankful because you couldn't see the blush on his face
After few minutes of walking you two arrived at your house you opened the door and moved for Asahi to go in first then you went in, you both threw your bags in a corner "go take a shower and I'll prepare the dinner"
"You sure you don't want help?"
"No I am ok don't worry" Asahi nodded he gave you a kiss on your temples before he headed to the bathroom with his clothes
You walked to the kitchen and started making Asahi his favorite ramen few moments have passed when you suddenly felt two giant arms surrounding your waist Asahi rested his chin on your head and he pressed you against him more taking all your warmth and you were more than happy to be in his arms
"mhmm it smells delicious"
"Thank you hope it tastes as good as it smells"
"I am sure it does, now go take a shower and let me continue ok?"
"It's already over Asahi go watch something until I change then we'll eat"
"Ok" Asahi gave you a kiss on your temples before letting you go to take a shower
Before you went to the shower you stole one of Asahi's extra shirts that he brought with him deciding to surprise him
After you finished taking your shower you put on him shirt and it reached your knees you thought you looked cute wearing it but you were nervous to what will Asahi think will he like it or hate it or worse what if it didn't matter to him
You decided to push these thoughts away it was just a shirt so why were you overthinking it that much you put away your school uniform and you hang Asahi's uniform as well and you went downstairs
Asahi had prepared the table for you two he was setting the last dish when he heard your footsteps on the floor when he looked up he didn't think you'd be wearing his shirt his eyes widened as you walked towards him and his face got too red you never saw his face got this red before
He stayed silent for few minutes and you started feeling insecure maybe he hated it
"I am sorry I knew this was a bad idea I'll change" he quickly grabbed your arm still red faced
"NO" He shouted quickly your eyes widened then he continued "I..you look cute" now it was your face's turn to get red
"Really you love it on me?" Asahi nodded
"Yes keep wearing my shirts you look sexy in them" now you were sure that your face haven't been this red before the shy Asahi was replaced with a bold one as he pulled you quickly into a kiss his soft lips always made you melt and this kiss was never like his regular kisses it was heated
After few minutes you both parted away panting for air as you two forgot to breath
"Now let's go eat dinner before I get too carried away" he whispered in your ear his heated breath on your ear sent shivers down your spine he kissed your cheek before heading to the table with pulling you with him
"Hey Asahi I have an idea"
"Hmm" Asahi lifted his head to look at you instead of his plate
"Let's binge rewatching attack on titan and stay up all night" (aot is my favorite soo you know i had to do it)
"But cuddling to sleep sounds nicer don't you think?" Asahi knew that once you had a crazy idea like this you will do it you did it before with anime movies so you can easily do it again with an anime series so he had to talk you out of it
"But cuddling while watching attack in titan sound nicer plus you only saw it once you need to see it more often"
"But y/n we need to get good sleep"
"Asahi you never stay over for the night so i don't want to miss any minute without you please Asahiii pleasee" you showed him your puppy which he cannot say no to
"Fine y/n anything for you"
"Yaay" you wrapped your arms around Asahi's neck and pulled him into a hug
After dinner you and Asahi cuddled on your bed and you started the first episode of the anime
"Asahi baby don't fall asleep ok"
"You too y/n"
"I can never it's my favorite anime and i can never sleep mid watching it"
You can say you talked too soon because as the clock hit 2 am you were fast asleep leaving Asahi to be awake alone he chuckled when he saw you asleep and turned off the anime he took few photos and videos of you so he could tease you about it the next day
Then he kissed you temples and whispered goodnight to you before he drifted to a deep sleep
I wrote half of this mid class hehe hope you enjoyed the fluff even though I think it was so messy lol
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hebescus · 3 years
remember this ship ask? yeah, i wanna do them all with lawlight bcs they control my brain. but it's a happy no death note au bcs it's me. oh and this shit is long plus it's 3 am rn so my words are very messy. but enjoy.
(i skip some numbers that i answered and the ones that i can't think of btw)
pre relationship :
How did they first meet?
L's investigation hq. he was a suspect of L, still, but this time he told soichiro to bring this 18 yo boy to the hq to test him, asking light to work with all of them. he ends up not guilty ofc, but L still wants to keep him…around.
What was their first impression of each other?
ah, the good old 'what the fuck dude???' from light and the 'oooh he got a big brain' from L. it's hard to get out of canon in this one.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
L. But it's more like thoughts, rather than feelings. It's just these random thoughts that pop out in his head like 'i don't mind kissing this guy, if he asks' but not like 'i want to kiss him' yknow what i mean? idk this is just something i experience a lot lmao. it develops to feelings once light falls for him and L can see that. So in terms of ideas, it's L, but in terms of feelings, it's Light.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Oh our favorite light denial yagami. Of course he's cursing himself for having feelings like this but once L calls it out he's over. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Light would laugh it off, and be like "i don't like him that way you know". L would shrugs be like "well yes that's possible, i don't think i mind". 
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
boring, lonely, empty, you name it
(more under the cut)
general :
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
hmm, they both initiated the relationship? ykwim? They both notices they had feelings for each other and just...go from there. they never have like a relationship talk, they just go with the flow until at some point they starts to get comfortable to refer the other as partners. They basically can read each other's mind, after all.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Yes, sort of. A tennis game! And a coffee sesh after, just like canon. They plan this to be just "let's just relax, this case has been really exhausting, take a one day break, L" but when Light got home, sayu asked "how's the date going?!" He immediately said "it's not a date, you watch too many dramas it's rotting your brain" And sachiko gave him a smile while shaking her head at this statement and when he's back to his room he immediately calls L and was like "hey does that count as a date?" and L answers with "depends, do you want it to be?" with a smirk that light can hear.
What was their first kiss like?
it was late at night, light was helping L with the case when everybody went home. they were sharing their view about this certain criminal when light notices L staring at his lips, first he ignored it but it happens again and again to a point where their face just got real close and then...kiss, somehow. idk lmao.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First person who can understand each other and are equals, the only ones who can tear the other's wall down, and just practically soulmates in any form that even their sun & moon signs mirroring each other's? YES. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
i hc L as just a little bit taller than light, but it's not like you can see it through the hunch anyway. ofc we all know the 6 years and 4 months age gap
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Sayu likes L, Sachiko is kinda surprise Light doesn't date a typical pretty person, but it only makes her heart fonder. L doesn't mind them, he thinks they're nice, light grew up in a good place. Soichiro? Well, he might me a bit reluctant but he loosen up slowly, his son is happier than he ever was, after all.
Who takes the lead in social situations?
Light, obviously. Because he's a charmer and if L takes control, the person they speak to would run immediately the first 2 minutes.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
it is a universal knowledge that L does this. like, come on, count the fics, you can't, there's just so many. he loves to break that perfect wall and make light feel 🥴😳. it's entertaining. But he knows when to stop. too much of that will be embarrassing in light's part, and he respects his boy's dignity.
love :
Who said “I love you” first?
Light!! The thing is it was said over the phone. He gets more and more comfortable talking with L through calls, since every now and then L travel frok countries to countries. One time he just like "yeah, safe flight. love you, bye" he expected L to say goodnight to him as a response as usual but L was silent and he realised what he just said and realised that he fucking mean it. L seems to still be able to read his mind even thousands miles away so he replies with "i love you too, goodnight". they never missed seeing each other more than that night.
What are their primary love languages?
we had a discussion for this! but as we see in canon, they're both very acts of service with a little hint of physical touch here and there. quality time is also important. words and gift aren't really needed for them.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
L. Only to annoy light. It's terrible that he almost cringed to himself, but it does bring a good laugh for light.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
PDA is a not their preference, they just love being in private more. They might hold hands sometimes, butmost times they won't. Altho they always stand or sit reaaaaally glued to each other even though there are so many space. 
Who initiates kisses?
both. they want it, they got it. but light gives light kisses (ha) more, not necessarily on the lips, usually when L was really busy working, keeping his feet on the ground.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
They don't spoon a lot, they prefer not touching at all or cufdling face to face, but when they do, Light is the little spoon because being a big spoon makes his sleeping position kinda uncomfy, he feels awkward with his legs, it's just not. thankfully L thinks cuddling light this way is very calming.
What are their favorite things to do together?
Tennis and solving cases, duh. Or sometimes they play video games fighting each other. Anything competitive and/or challenging that make their brain grow 10 times bigger. But sometimes, a comfortingly peaceful and quiet dinner with hushed words thrown here and there about random things feels like the best thing ever.
Who’s more protective?
L. For identity reasons, ofc.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical. They can read each other's mind, they knew it by gesture, touches, and glances. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE. venus by sleeping at last fits them so well, that song is in the background of multiple cozy couch smooches sessions or even when they're slow dancing (please listen to this tho song it's so good). also i think they would like persephone by the tragic thrills too, L would be like "this song reminds me of you" and Light answers with "i'm persephone?" "Yeah" "i'm a fucking badass then" "yes you are". oh and first day of my life? lover of mine? pink in the night? sweet creature? the lakes? oh god i have too much answers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they don't do nicknames, really. although, L sometimes called light with some snarky tony stark styled nicknames when he feels particularly playful but annoyed at the same time.
Who remembers the little things?
They both do. Big brained assholes they are.
domestic life :
If they get married, who proposes?
It's not really a proposal, they didn't  even remember who said it first. But one sleepy night after a hard case, someone said "hey you wanna get married" and the other was like "sure, why not" "really?" "yeah, i think i'm ready, you?" "me too" "great" and then they go to sleep. at breakfast the next morning L called watari from across the room and said "wammy i need you to prepare [enter marriage stuff here], and light, you must call your family after this". poor old watari chokes on his tea.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
The wedding is in a secluded little place near the wammy's house, L used to go there a lot as a kid. With just light's parents, sayu, and watari. Well, not until Light caught Mello, Matt, Near, and Linda peeping from the bushes
Do they have any pets?
A chunky cat the wammy's kids feed daily but never try to keep them in, because no animals are allowed inside the orphanage. L saw it and was like "light let's bring this bitch home" she is, indeed a little bitch, but light and L loves her dearly. her fur has light brown and black colors, like both of their hairs, so she becomes their daughter, L gave him a weird ass name but i can't think about it rn.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
Light because he's the one who's actually bothers to. They ofc annoyed L but he cpuldnt care less to actually get rid of them.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
L. He rarely sleeps and once he did, he wakes up very fucking late and will pull light back to the bed if he's woken up by the empty space beside him.
Who’s the better cook?
Light. L is a spoiled brat. But Light can't bale for shit, that's Watari's job. Light grow up learning and helping his mom making meals for the family. He's not the best, but it's good enough to make L craves them in between his sweets.
Who likes to dance?
None of them. But they would slow dance on rare, sentimental occasions. And it's like so fucking romantic bcs all the lights are off except for a candle or a table lamp or a cabinet lamp whatever that has yellow-y dim light. And they don't speak, they just casually move against each other, but heart ready to combust like i do when i the mental image came into my head.
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worried about me
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gif credit: @iceinherheart-kissonherlips
a/n: i got this idea just as i was about to go to sleep and because i have absolutely no self control i wrote this instead of sleeping early like i'm supposed to. mostly unedited, so i'm sorry if this is a Mess™. this is fluff, honestly. nothing but fluff enjoy!
word count: 1,379
The Doctor was on the floor.
He had just been in the middle of prancing around the console, his hands flying over buttons and levers. Just a few seconds ago, he had been laughing and smiling - excitedly telling you about taking you to a planet that specialized in theaters and adding that they also specialized in immersive plays.
"You can step in and interfere at any injustice any time you want!" he'd said, and you had chuckled, because that sounded a lot like him. "The actor's will have to improvise, but you will too, and that's part of the fun. Life's a stage, and all that. So?"
"Sounds good." You had smiled at him, and he smiled back. "I always wanted to test my improv."
"Did I ever tell you I used to be an actor? Small production, but - oh. That's not good."
The Doctor had paused, suddenly going very still. He'd looked up at you, looking very helpless, leaning heavily against the side of the console, and said weakly, "Oh no, not now..."
And then he crumpled to the floor.
"Doctor!" you gasped, dashing to his side. You patted his shoulder once, twice, nothing. "Doctor, wake up!"
To say you panicked was an understatement.
He looked peaceful, all of the lines on his face smoothed, his lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out slowly. You reached out and rested your palm against his forehead, and his cheek. There wasn't any heat, so he wasn't sick - did Time Lord's even get sick the same way humans did?
You leaned down and pressed your ear to his chest. You could hear the steady beat of his hearts, and you were also trying to ignore that you were laying your head on his chest. In any other situation, it would have been intimate. It still was, in a way, but you told your stupid romantic self to shut up.
Your gaze dragged over his features. You wanted to brush the hair away from his very pretty face - wait a second, no, you didn't want to do that! Your face burned, your mouth twisting into a frown. Not now, you chided yourself. You can drool over him later.
You frowned again. Don't do that.
You had to get him to a bed somewhere. The med bay was a good idea, but it could be hard to navigate the TARDIS, and if you were going to be lugging a whole man, you needed a place that you could rely on -
You could go to your room. Was your face still burning? He was going to be laying in your bed, where you spent a lot of time thinking, usually about... well...
You shook your head quickly, trying to shake those thoughts out of your head. You scooped the Doctor's arm up, letting it rest over your shoulders - with a strained groan, you rose to your feet, the Doctor leaning bonelessly against you.
"Okay," you breathed out, "you can do this."
You weren't sure you believed yourself.
You didn't know how you did it, but you managed. You'd managed to place the Doctor's gangly body onto your bed. He practically sank into the sheets as you smoothed your blanket over him, disappearing into a sea of fabric.
You heaved a sigh of relief, your whole body burning with the effort of carrying a nearly six foot alien man across a whole hallway. "Next time, you carry me," you grunted. The Doctor didn't respond, because of course he didn't, and you sighed again.
You grabbed a random chair, dragged it to the side of the bed, and plopped down onto it. You rested your chin on your hand, your chest tight and your heart heavy. What was that feeling again? Ah. It was worry.
You closed your eyes, sucking in a breath through your teeth. The Doctor would be alright, he always ended alright in the end. Stop worrying. The Doctor didn't like it when you worried -
"Ah!" The Doctor jolted awake with a gasp, his hands flying to his chest. He heaved, his eyes wide and frightened, and you jumped off of your chair.
"Doctor, it's fine! It's me!" You met the Doctor's eyes. You found his hands and caught them within yours, holding them tightly. "You're in my room. You're okay."
The Doctor's shoulders dropped, and you nodded encouragingly as his breaths began to slow.
"That's it," you said. "You scared the living hell out of me, passing out like that. What happened?"
"Well, Gallifreyans - if we're injured or tired, our bodies can just shut down," he explained, relaxing slightly. You hadn't let go of his hands yet, and he wasn't complaining. "Without our permission, I might add. Very annoying."
"Tired," you echoed. You stared at the Doctor and squinted, trying to find any sign of that on his face. "Have you been sleeping?"
"Time Lords don't need sleep," the Doctor replied, a little indignantly, shifting in his spot. "Besides, I think too much for that. Head's too full of... stuff."
You frowned at him. "But you can sleep, right?"
The Doctor lowered his gaze to his lap for a moment, suddenly very interested in your blanket. His eyes darted across the surface, as if he was counting every thread - but then he looked up again, and there was something shining in his eyes. "...You're worried about me."
You paused, the question taking you off guard. Letting go of his hands, you sat down at the edge of the bed, and swallowed. "Is that a bad thing?"
The Doctor was silent, his gaze still fixed on you. Slowly, like a sunrise creeping up the horizon, a smile spread across his face.
"No," he said slowly, "in fact, it's brilliant."
You raised an eyebrow at him. What do you mean, it's brilliant? But he just chuckled in response, still smiling like he'd just made a very important discovery. 
"You know, I suppose I could try to get some sleep," the Doctor said, patting the space beside him. He raised his eyebrows at you, and you caught the faintest hint of a blush on his cheeks. "Well?"
Say yes, idiot! "Uh - I, uh... sure!" you said quickly. "Sure why not, ha ha."
Yeah, good job, super eloquent. You climbed into the bed beside him, resting your head on your pillow and watching as the Doctor, somewhat awkwardly, settled in as well. As if on cue, the lights in your rooms dimmed, and not long after the room was bathed in darkness.
"Excuse me." The Doctor's voice drifted from beside you - he reached over and pulled your blanket over your shoulders, smoothing it out like you did with him. "There you go. Comfy?"
You hummed. "This is my room, you know."
"Yes, yes of course." The Doctor's voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but you could hear the smile in his words. In the dark, you let yourself smile too. "Goodnight?"
"You're supposed to be the one sleeping."
Time passed, and in the darkness the seconds dragged on. You could feel the Doctor drifting closer to you, and you didn't move - even when he was so close you could hear the slight hitches in his breath. You forced yourself to keep your breathing steady, to keep your heart under control, but knowing the Doctor he could probably hear you.
You felt something brush against your arm, and you leaned in. Something warm flickered in your heart, and you panicked. Not now!
But then you felt something wrap around your hand, and the warm feeling in your heart roared into a fire.
Oh, to hell with rational thinking, you thought - you felt your way around in the dark until you found what was probably the Doctor's chest, and you rolled over gently and rested your head against it.
You could hear the steady beat of his hearts, the gentle thump-thump, lulling you into Dreamland. You felt the Doctor move and wrap his arm around you, a satisfied noise rumbling in his throat as you snuggled into him.
It was intimate before and it was intimate now, and if the Doctor said something that sounded a lot like "I love you," you weren't awake to hear it.
I’m not gonna tag the people I tagged for Reset, but if you want to be tagged in all my other fics do let me know! I’m gonna sleep now.
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woossexyponytail · 4 years
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Forbidden forest
Mingi x reader
The class was full of chatter as I sat on the table with my friend Yeosang and two Hufflepuffs, Mingi and Yunho, on our table as well, we were in potions class for the morning waiting for Professor Slughorn to enter and start class.
"Right! Right! Sorry I'm late everybody I was just grabbing a few things for my next class after this" Professor Slughorn said as he rushed in and headed for his desk. We all stayed silent as we all watched him get ready for the lesson.
"Now why don't you all come over here, I need to show you something" he said ushering us up to his desk, slowly we all made our way over standing in front of him.
"I’ve prepared a few concoctions this morning. Go in! Take a look, see what they are" Professor Slughorn said as we all had a look at the cauldrons.
"Any ideas what these might be? Yes, Miss Yln" Professor Slughorn said as I raised my hand to answer the question. I walked up to the desk to point out which postion was which.
"That one there is Veritaserum. And that would be Polyjuice Potion. And that is Amortentia! The most powerful love potion in the world. It’s rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them." I said as I walked back next to Yeosang.
"So what did you smell?" He asked his voice low so we wouldn't get caught, I looked over at him glearing, putting my finger to my mouth to keep him quiet. Yeosang just chuckled and shook his head.
"Now Amortentia doesn’t create actual love, of course. That’s impossible. But it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession." Professor Slughorn said as he closed up the pot.
"For that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room, in the hour that remains, You need to brew an acceptable Amortentia, the recipe for which can be found on page eleven of your textbook. But do remember this potion is banned so no making it out of this classroom" He said as he sat down, the rest of us moving back to our tables.
Opening the book I read through the ingredients Ashwinder eggs, Rose thorns, Refined peppermint oil and Moonstone. I walked over to the wall of ingredients picking out the stuff I need.
Sitting back down Yeosang had his stuff ready but Mingi and Yunho still hadn't gotten their stuff. I read though the book again, after a few minutes of putting in the ingredients I slowly Stirred the mixture, waiting for the colour to turn pink.
"Mingi stop, you put it in the wrong way, you're going to have to start again" Yunho said as he watched his friend, I looked up infront of me seeing Mingi stirring the potion.
"Shut up, I won't don't worry. If I just add this then it'll be-" at that the cauldron exploded, throwing the potion everywhere and covering Mingi in a grey liquid, at the sound we all jumped up leaving Mingi the only one sitting at the table.
"Oh my! That didn't go as plan did it my boy?" Professor Slughorn said as he walked over to our table chuckling to himself, a quick flick of his wand and the liquid was gone.
"Now now sit down please nothing to see here, get back to work" Professor said as he slowly walked back to his desk, I sat down looking over at Yeosang, who was trying very hard not to laugh.
"Dude that was awesome!" Yunho said to Mingi laughing as they both high fived, I rolled my eyes getting back to the potion at hand.
The potion was done showing by the Spirals of steam coming up, Professor Slughorn strolled over looking at everyone's attempt, stopping at me he smiled as he had a look over the cauldron.
"Merlin’s Beard! But it’s perfect. And done in amazing timing" he said as he put the lid back on top taking it over to his deak, placing it down he turned back around.
"Ten points for Ravenclaw" he said I grinned over at Yeosang as we quickly high fived each other, the Hufflepuffs in the room groaned probably getting fed up we constantly sharing classes with us.
It was the end of lesson as I grabbed my books ready to head off to History of magic classroom, as I stood up to walk with Yeosang, Professor Slughorn called out to me.
"Oh miss Yln might I have a quick word" he said, I nodded walking over to him at his desk, I noticed that Mingi was still here as well, walking over to us looking a bit upset.
"Miss Yln, you truly are an excellent student when it comes to your studys, I was wondering if you would help out Mr Song here, since he is in need of it" Professor Slughorn said as he chuckled again at Mingi.
I looked over at Mingi seeing him not paying attention to the conversation, that or he is and doesn't like being called stupid from teachers, I turned back to Professor Slughorn.
"Uh of course, I'm happy to help" I said smiling, I knew it didn't reach my eyes, but thankfully Slughorn doesn't notice the small things.
"Excellent! You will get extra credit for this don't you worry" he said as he shooed us both off to our classes. As I walked out Mingi slightly behind, he hasn't looked up from the floor since.
"Are you alright?" I couldn't help but ask, Mingi slowly nodded as he walked off, I stopped not knowing why he was so upset.
I was siting down in the Ravenclaw common room with Yeosang as we spoke about today, I was leaning on the chair while Yeosang was on the sofa.
"So let me get this straight, Slughorn wants you to tutor Mingi for the potion lesson and you don't want to do it even though you get extra credit for it?" Yeosang asked not really understanding.
"Yeosang, Mingi is an idiot! How the hell am I supposed to tutor him if he doesn't even listen to teacher's?" I asked getting a bit angry.
"Yes he is stupid but not that bad" Yeosang said as he leaned forward, I rolled my eyes at him rubbing my head.
"Our first year of flying lesson, Mingi got chased around with his broom" I told him remembering our first class all the way back then. "I mean a slytherin did hex it?" Yeosang said shrugging his shoulders.
"Our second year in Herbology class when we had to plant the Mandrakes, Mingi spent his time screaming back at the damn plant" I sighed shaking my head as I sighed. "I mean at least he thought outside of the box right?" Yeosang shrugged again.
"What about in transfiguration class when he-" I explained but Yeosang stopped me as he sighed.
"Ok ok I get it, he isn't that bright. but that's the thing Yn everyone has different talents, Mingi isn't using his brain but he is good a being a beater for his Quiddich team" Yeosang said as he stood up. "I guess" I sighed as I also stood up.
"Look by the sound of it, it seems like he doesn't want you to tutor him anymore then you do, just meet him talk it over. If not then done if so then extra credit" Yeosang explained as we made our way to the dorms.
"Your right" I nodded, thinking about it, it wouldn't be that bad to tutor him. "I always am" Yeosang said smirking over at me. "Oh shut it" I said pushing him as we walked to our separate rooms, saying goodnight to each other.
After talking through with Mingi he did actually want me to help tutor him, we ended up having to borrow some ingredients for the potions and headed to the second floor girls' lavatory since we would be left alone.
"Why are we brewing these potions in broad daylight, in the middle of a girl’s lavatory? Don’t you think we’ll get caught?" Mingi asked as he walked in to the bathroom looking around.
"No one ever comes in here." I explained placing the things on the floor, I set up all the ingredients neatly and taking a seat waiting for Mingi.
"Why?" Mingi asked sitting down infront of me looking around at the ingredients at hand.
"Moaning Myrtle." I said as I picked up the potion book reading through making all the potions that we could try today.
"Who? Moaning Myrtle? Please don't say it's a ghost!" Mingi asked eyes wide in fright as he looked around the room. I looked up watching him panic, noticing Moaning Myrtle creeping up behind Mingi.
"I’m Moaning Myrtle! I wouldn’t expect you to know me! Who would ever talk about ugly, miserable, moping Moaning Myrtle? Huh…aaaah!" She screamed in Mingi's face making him jump back and fall on his back.
"She’s a little sensitive." I said trying not to laugh at the scene infront of me. Moaning Myrtle flew to the window and sat on it. Watching us as Mingi sat up whiping his head glancing over at the ghost.
"Why can't we do this in the class room?" Mingi asked rubbing his neck, I sighed passing him the book for him to read the top pages.
"Wait we're not aloud to make potions on our own?" He asked reading through, I nodded as I grabbed the book back to explain.
"Teachers rather let us study through books while it's actually proven that making is a lot easier to understand, Which is why we're here." I said, he nodded then we heard Moaning Myrtle chuckle.
"Wow never thought I'd see a Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff going against school rules" she said laughing as she flew to the toilets and down the drain.
"Ok the first one should be easy" I told him reading out the things he needs in what order, we carried on like that for a while until Headmistress McGonagall came rushing in with a slytherin girl.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU TWO ARE DOING?!" she yelled making me jump, I quickly stood up hiding a bit behind the book in my hands. Mingi alos jumped not expecting someone as he dropped the liquid he was holding in to the pot.
A explosion happened causing the room to shake Mingi flew back as I fell to the floor in shock, headmistress McGonagall gleared at the two of us as the slytherin girl Bora grinned.
"Detention for the both of you, and ten points from both of your houses" she said as she walked away shaking her head, the Slytherin girl Bora skipped away humming.
"This is not good" I said as Mingi stood up from the floor rubbing his head, he walked up to me as his eyes stayed glued on to the door.
"You think?" He asked as we both sighed moping as we cleaned up the mess on the floor, and both made our way back to our houses.
It was quite late in the evening the sun had already set as I waited with Mingi by the forbidden forest with Mr Filtch, we waited for Hagrid as he was supposed to take us through the forest to look for something. What a fun detention.
"Can't we just sit in a classroom for an hour or something? This seems dangerous" I asked looking over at Mr Filtch as he grinned down at us evily.
"Not to mention scary..." Mingi whispered as he looked at the forest gulping at the dark ibis. Hagrid came walking down to us a crossbow in hand.
"Hagrid what's that for?" Mingi asked getting paler by the second, Hagrid rasied it higher looking at it then at the forest.
"Now what you need to remember is The Forbidden Forest contains all manner of mysteries, including a number of scary, or sometimes just misunderstood, creatures." Hagrid explained to us as he coughed.
"Misunderstood creatures, don't be ridiculous man, all creatures in there are dangerous and would kill you the moment they see you. Nighty night." Mr Filtch said as he walked away from us.
"Reassuring, what kind of animal's are in there Hagrid?" I asked as I watched Mr Filtch walk of his cat right next to him.
"Hmm well let's see. Hippogriffs, Unicorns, Thestrals, Acromantulas, Werewolfs, Centaurs, Ford Anglia, Thunderbirds, Hidebehinds, Wampus Cats, Hodags, Snallygasters. Just to name a few." He said thinking through the different creatures.
"Acromantula? I don't like spiders...." Mingi said as he started to panic a bit, I sighed shaking my head at him.
"Wait Hagrid did you just say, Ford Anglia? That's a muggle car isn't it?" Hagrid laughed as he explained that the Wesley's enchanted the car and now has a mind of it's own. It definitely got our mind off of the dangerous creatures.
The three of us took a breath before stepping into the forest as it robbed us of one sense and heightened the others, It was disorientating to be almost blinded but thankfully Hagrid had a lantern with him.
The loam in the earth and the decomposing leaves made the atmosphere close and thick. The bare branches spiked into the sky no sign of life to be found anywhere. It was so dark I was barely able to see where I were going.
There were only small sounds of rustling bushes and the soft howling in the distance, wondering if they were normal wolfs or werewolves. I didn't know exactly what laid in the forbidden forest, all I knew was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful journey.
We had been walking for a while, still no sign of life as we moved slowly deeper in to the forest, the path at my feet fades as it leads into the darkness, staying close to Hagrid both Mingi and I creeped slowly.
My feet follow the narrow strip of naked earth among the giants of root and leafs. I let my hands glide over the skin as I pass, feeling their ruff bark of the trees, feeling something move I froze looking over in horror, until I saw a little Bowtruckle as it climbed on to my hand and to my shoulder.
Now accompanied with a little green friend we walked deeper in to the dark forest, the moonlight finally appearing through the trees bleaching the stones within it.
The wind picked up as it carried a whaling scream with it, the three of us froze then Hagrid aimed his crossbow in the direction it came from, I felt a hand on mine as Mingi squeezed my hand in terror, I didn't blame him since my own fright has risen.
You two stay here, I'll take a quick look" Hagrid said as he walked off leaving Mingi and myself alone, we were now left in utter darkness as we could barely see the light for Hagrid's lantern.
I breathed out seeing my own breath as we both started shivering through the cold night, Mingi pulled on my robe but I ignored him as I kept my focus on the floor.
"What!?" I snapped after he pulled a few more times, now looking over at him as he was focused to the sky, the horror on his face scared me as he slowly pointed up to the top of the trees.
I glanced up and in that moment I wish I hadn't, I wished Hagrid was with us, I wished that we weren't even here in the first place. I began to breathe the cool air more rapidly. The darkness pressed in on me from all sides and my body screamed for me to run.
I gulped as we both stood frozen watching hundreds no!, thousands! Of Acromantula crawling down from the tree tops. I would say the size was over ten feet as they got closer to us.
"Can we panic now?" Mingi whispered to me, I breathed in my heart beating fast, a sense of fear ran through my body. I grabbed my wand from my pocket as I aim it in the direction that Hagrid walked off too.
"Arania Exumai!" I yelled as a light blew past the spiders knocking them out of the way, giving us enough room and time to quickly run off.
Sadly having two legs wasn't able to help us out run thousands of eight legged creatures, I kept spelling them as we ran, Mingi now helping as we both screamed for help.
We ran and ran but no sign of Hagrid anywhere, as we started to get tired Mingi fell to the floor, I ran up to him and helped him up but by then we were now surrounded by Acromantulas.
We stood back to back as we turned around aiming our wands at them, they all stood watching us probably waiting for us to let our guard down.
The sound of hooves was heard getting closer to us, we both braced not knowing what it was and we both fell to the floor hugging each other, the sound of the spiders curing away was heard.
Lifting my head up slowly we were now surrounded by a large group of Unicorns, their white mane glowing in the moonlight making them even more majestic.
I slowly got up as one came up to me, I placed my hand out as it nudged my hand leting me pet it, a smile graced my face as I realised the unicorns saved us.
After a while they ran off leaving Mingi and myself alone again, we looked at each other and the sense of relief washed over us as we quickly hugged.
"Mingi!, Yn!" We heard Hagrid yell, we both smiled as we ran to his voice now finally seeing the light of the lantern. Running up to him we both hugged him.
"Oh there you two are, I've been looking for you, come one we've spent long enough in here don't you think?" He asked as Mingi and I both agreed as we made our way out of the forest, finally seeing the school warm and welcoming lights.
It had been a few weeks now since Mingi and I had detention, I ended up tutoring mingi by books learning our lesson that it's dangerous to make potions by ourselves.
It was Wednesday evening and I was sat outside in the courtyard reading while it was peaceful outside.
"Yn!" Was heard as I looked up seeing Mingi running up to me a peace of paper in his hand as he waved it around.
"I did it! I passed! Thank you!" He said as he hugged me, I laughed giving him a hug back, we let go of one another and stood awkwardly.
"Listen I uh I wanted to asked you if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck, a very noticeable blush on his face.
"Like a date?" I asked grinning at him as his eyes widened, I laughed as I saw that panic in his eyes.
"Uh no it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to?" He said sounding unsure of himself as he rambled on.
"I'd love to, meet here Saturday morning" I said as I picked up my book and walked off to the great hall to tell Yeosang what just happened, stopping at the large door I turned around looking over at Mingi as he was jumping in the air.
I giggled watching him, he obviously heard me as he stopped and turned around giving me a shy smile. He went to lean on the wall but he wasn't standing next to it so instead he fell to the floor.
"Are you ok?" I asked running up to him still giggling at him as I knelt down next to him, Mingi smiled again as the blush turned darker.
"I guess you could say I'm falling for you" he chuckled as he sat up, I rolled my eyes at the lame pun but couldn't help but laugh afterwards. We both laughed at that as I opened my eyes seeing that we were very close to each other.
"Can I kiss you?" Mingi asked as he moved closer to me, I couldn't breath so all I did was nod as Mingi moved his lips to mine. There was nothing special about the kiss it was short and sweet.
We moved away looking at one another, I could feel a blush on my face now as we both coughed getting out of the situation. Helping Mingi up we both made our way inside as we awkwardly wave bye to eachother again. This will need some getting use to.
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milasartblog · 4 years
Winter holidays (part 4)
Today was one of the most exciting and beautiful day in human world - Christmas Day. All humans were preparing to such day, so much time spent on preparations. And now, they're ready to take time and enjoy Christmas.
The table was already set, as our crew were coming together to the kitchen.
Anoli: Did everyone wash their hands?
Nazeel: I did!
He shows his hands happily, waving them a bit.
Chris: Same!
Liya: All clean and ready~
Axel: I washed them too!
Lucifer: Why is everyone saying it? It's expected answer.
Anoli: Well, unlike some people, you and Liya could probably lie about it, so i had to check.
Lucifer: Still, it's pointless.
Nazeel: That's not true! In this way you let people know that you're safe and clean and-
Liya: How about we just enjoy Christmas and go and have a holiday dinner?~
Anoli: Agree with Liya.
Nazeel: Same!
He said happily as ran towards the living room where the table was set. Sona followed him, barking happily. Others joined soon too and everyone were taking their places. Anoli and Chris sat together on one side as Axel and Nazeel, leaving a place for Liya, sat on the other side. Lucifer of course took the middle place. The food on the table looked delicious, waiting for our crew. As everyone sat down, Lucifer was about to grab a slice, but Liya interrupted him.
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Lucifer: Huh? What is it?
Liya: Before eating we should pray for a moment~
Lucifer: ....Why?
Liya: To thank God for such delicious food and that we're here together~
Lucifer: Liya, we're demons, we don't do such thing.
Liya: At least pay respect to Anoli and others. For now.
As Liya and Lucifer were talking, Chris whispered to Anoli.
Chris: Are you sure that everything is going to be alright? I don't like to admit, but Lucifer does has a point about it. I mean, about demons not praying and so.
Anoli: Don't worry, they don't have to if they don't want to. Plus, i'm sure Liya will handle it. She just want him to do it at least for being polite to others, like me, you, Axel and Nazeel.
Chris: I really hope so.
While Chris and Anoli chatted too, Nazeel was ready to pray. Axel took a glass of water to drink as looked at Nazeel and smiled.
Axel: Well, maybe it's better if we do like Nazeel? Just as a little tradition.
Everyone looked at Axel and then at Nazeel.
Anoli: I agree with Axel.
She smiled as put her hands together.
Lucifer: Well, if only as a tradition.
Liya: Agree~
She took her place next to Nazeel and together our crew started to pray. Of course Lucifer felt uncomfortable doing it, but he had to be respectful to others. After they finished, he felt a relieve.
Nazeel: Well, let's start?
Anoli: Yes, dear.
Nazeel: Yay!
He said happily as Anoli helped him to put some food on his plate. Everyone helped themselves and together too as they chatted and cheered. Everyone had fun and enjoyed time together. Even Sona who was secretly hiding under the table while Nazeel secretly gives food to him. Our demons also had some fun while Axel made sure that these two will not do something crazy.
Some hours passed, everyone were tired and ready to sleep. Well, almost everyone. Lucifer said that he had to come back to his world, to do some stuff. Nazeel was a bit upset by it, but understood that for Ruler of Hell there is no vacation. Chris was in Anoli's room with Axel, sleeping, and Liya was in her room, while Nazeel was in his room with Sona. Anoli meanwhile checked if everyone were asleep before coming back to Liya's room.
Anoli: Well, everyone is asleep, so it means he can calmly come to us.
She said with smile as checked Nazeel's room. He was sleeping peacefully as she smiled and came closer to him. Anoli fixed a bit his blanket as gave a goodnight forehead kiss and went back to Liya's room.
As the flat was covered in silence, a little sillouette appeared in the room. It was wearing red suit with red hat and dark boots. This figure carried a red bag and had a white beard. There was no mistake, it was definitely Santa Claus. Or was it?
Santa (Michael): Phew, i got just in time. This suit was not that easy to wear.
He said in low, almost whispering voice as looked around.
Santa (Michael): So this is where Anoli and young nephilim lives. Very nice. She did good choice on choosing a place to live. I hope that the one who searches for nephilim doesn't know about this place. Well, no time for it, let's put gifts under the tree and get back.
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And with such words he went to Christmas tree and started to put gifts under it. As he finished, he took his bag and looked around again. Seemed like nobody heard him, and with a smile on his face he went back to heaven.
On the next day, everyone were still sleeping, unlike Nazeel who was starting to wake up. He looked at the clock, then at calendar and smiled brightly. It was time for opening gifts.
Nazeel: Momma! Mommy! Mr Axel! Mr Chris! Wake up!
He shouted happily as Sona woke up too and together they ran around the flat. First woke up Anoli and Chris, then Axel and Liya.
Anoli: What happened, dear?
She quickly changed her clothes as Liya did the same and they went out of the room.
Nazeel: Santa Claus came to us and brought gifts! Let's go and open them!
He said happily as grabbed Anoli and Liya's hands and ran towards Christmas tree.
Liya: Oh wow, no need to hurry, Nazeel~
Chris and Axel changed clothes too as went out of the room.
Chris: Why sudden shout?
Anoli: Nazeel is just happy that Santa Claus brought gifts to us.
Axel: Really? Awesome! Let's open them!
And everyone were at Christmas tree. First for opening gifts was Nazeel. When he opened his gift, his eyes sparkled from happiness.
Nazeel: This is the hoodie i saw in the store! But i thought that they all were sold out.
Liya: Well, seems like Santa Claus found the way to get one for you~
Chris: Congratulations, buddy!
He smiled as petted Nazeel's shoulder.
Anoli: Want to try it on?
Nazeel: Of course! I will be back in a minute!
And he ran quickly to his room. While he was changing clothes, Chris opened his gift. Inside there was a nice basket with some stuff for cooking and new recipe book.
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Chris: Oh wow, this is awesome! I always thought to buy new stuff for kitchen! And new book with new recipes! I definitely know what i will do at home.
Anoli: That's amazing! I'm sure such gift will help you.
She smiled as Nazeel came back with his new hoodie. Everyone looked at him.
Axel: Wow, buddy, you look awesome!
Nazeel: I know, right? This hoodie is fantastic!
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Anoli: You look wonderful, sweetie.
She smiled as stood up and petted Nazeel's head.
Liya: Now you're the coolest boy~ I'm sure classmates will be amazed too~
Nazeel: Yeah, and hopefully not too jealous.
He smiled with sweat.
Anoli: I'm sure they will not.
Chris: Well, i guess it's time for our guardians to open their gifts.
Anoli: You're right.
And Anoli opened her gift. Inside there was a nice orange winter hat with pompons and red hearts. She smiled so brightly.
Anoli: This is so adorable! I love it!
Chris: Glad to hear. Seems like Santa made good choice. Why won't you try it?
Anoli looked at Chris as put on a hat.
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Anoli: It fits so well on me. Like it was made for me.
Nazeel: It suits you, momma! You look so pretty!
He said with smile as Anoli blushed a bit from such compliment while Chris showed a thumb up, showing the approve of it.
Anoli: You all are so sweet, thank you so much.
Chris: Always, Anoli.
Liya: Well, now it's your turn, Axel~
Axel: W-Why me?
Liya: I would like you to open first, i will be the last one~
Axel looked at Liya with confusion, but decided to do how she asked. As he opened his gift, he was astonished.
Axel: It's....it's what i think is?
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Liya: Yes~ It's external hard drive~ Or whatever you call it~
She was close to Axel as he was still amazed. He couldn't believe his eyes.
Liya: I remember how much you complained about not having enough memory for work, so i asked Santa for such gift to you~
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Liya got closer to Axel as nuzzled his cheek.
Liya: Merry Christmas, love~
Axel: Liya.....It's so sweet of you. Thank you
Hs smiled as hugged Liya. Chris and Anoli smiled too while Nazeel clapped from happiness.
Nazeel: You two are so cute together. Congratulations with gift, Mr Axel!
Axel: Thank you, buddy.
Liya: Hehe, indeed~ Now, where is my gift?~
Everyone were silent. They looked around, but no gift was visible. Only Axel was blushing for no reason. Liya noticed it.
Liya: Don't tell me-
Axel: W-Well, t-this gift was a bit n-not appropriate to be here, s-so-
Everyone were confused while Liya seemed like she guessed what gift could be and where could it be. Axel tried to look somewhere in order to stop blushing.
Liya:.....We have to check it~
She smirked as suddenly grabbed Axel's hand and ran to the door.
Axel: W-Wait, we didn't even-
Anoli: Liya!
Nazeel: Mommy, where are you going?
Liya: Don't worry, we will be back soon~ Just need to check something~
And together with Axel she flew to Axel's home. Chris, Anoli and Nazeel were astonished and silent for a moment.
Nazeel: What does mommy want to check?
Chris: I think it's something personal, don't mind it.
He said with smile ans sweat as petted Nazeel's shoulder.
Anoli: Yeah, i agree. Don't worry, she will be back.
Nazeel: I hope so.
Chris: Well, how about i make breakfast and together we can go for a walk?
Nazeel: I like the idea!
Anoli: Me too. But before it, where is So-
She couldn't finish her sentence as heard a happy bark behind her. Sona was holding a red fluffy ball that was packed as gift for him. Nazeel giggled as petted Sona.
Nazeel: Sona found his own gift from Santa.
Chris: Animals deserve gifts too. And good breakfast too. Shall we start?
Anoli and Nazeel: Sure!
And with the smile our trio started a new day with cooking together. Seemed like everyone got wonderful gifts this Christmas. Everyone did great job on it, even Michael. Hope they will all have fantastic Christmas day~
And that's another part of winter holidays stories^^ Phew, this one took longer than i expected ^^" Some things changed several times, so please don't be surprised of this part being so long XD Still, i hope you will like it and Merry Christmas^^
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan @jenny626 and @captainthane
Nazeel, Sona and Chris belong to @captainthane
Anoli, Liya, Axel and Lucifer belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
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seungminty · 6 years
For granted //Jisung
words: 2.1k
genre: a n g s t 
It’s 1am and I’m trash for angst and Jisung, enjoy.
-mads <3
part 2
Friday, 11:54pm
I sighed when I saw the time as I checked my phone yet again. Struggling to keep my eyes open, I mindlessly clicked on another episode of Brooklyn 99, snuggling deeper into my blanket in an attempt to distract myself from the tears that were slowly gathering at the corners of my eyes. Jisung had said he would facetime me after rehearsals, but after 4 hours of radio silence, I was quickly losing hope. 
Not like I should be surprised.
This had become a regular occurrence in our relationship throughout the past few months; I’d plan dates, he’d cancel them. We’d hang out, he’d work the whole time. We’d argue, he’d come back a few days later, full of flowers and apologies, and I’d fall for him all over again. 
Don’t get me wrong, of course I knew that dating an idol would bring challenges, especially since Stray Kids were so well-known, as well as being self-producing. And for a while, we actually made it work. Yeah, Jisung worked most of the time, but I was also busy with college and my waitressing job. However, we always found time for each other, even if it was just Jisung popping into the cafe to give me lunch, or a pizza night with the boys. 
So yeah, I knew it would be hard, just not... not this hard. 
It wasn't like he’d gotten busier, he was always busy, so was I, but he just didn't make the effort anymore. Every time he cancelled on me to hang with the boys or ignored my good morning texts, my heart broke just a little bit more. We’d argue about his newfound attitude often, but it seemed to tear me apart far more than it did him. Before I could fully explain the extent of the loneliness I felt inside, he would cut me off and accuse me of being too clingy, with many insults thrown in too. He would later blame his foul words on stress, but I had heard that excuse so many times I didn't know what to believe anymore. One thing was certain, though, Jisung had changed. We had changed. I wasn't a priority anymore, and it was destroying me. 
 There had always been a small part of me that still believed this was just a phase, that we could go back to the old us. But I soon realized that that was impossible. I knew that Jisung still loved me, and I knew that he still had a heart of gold, but I couldn't figure out for the life of me why he didn't want to invest time in us anymore.
I guess we're just on different paths now. 
I was suddenly pulled from my depressing train of thought by my phone. Jisung’s name on my phone screen had become such a rare sight that I stared at my lock screen for several seconds before actually reading the text.
Sorry went to the studio after practice and lost track of time.
The studio. That damn studio. 
It was once a place filled up with happy memories, memories of Jisung giddily showing me a hook he’d finally perfected, or lyrics that he’d say I inspired him to write, which always caused both our cheeks to tint pink.
But now, it was the place my boyfriend chose over me, time and time again. I always admired his passion for music, and the last thing I wanted was to be one of those annoying girlfriends who want their boyfriend to only ever spend time with her, but was it really so bad that I wanted my boyfriend to make me feel important every once in a while?
These were the thoughts circulating in my head as I quickly pulled on my shoes and walked out the door towards the studio. By this point, I was so hurt and confused, I didn't have the faintest idea of what I was going to say to Jisung, I just knew that I had to see him. I had to make the pain stop.
I arrived at the studio sooner than I had expected, and a quick glance at the clock above the desk in the darkened reception area revealed that it was a little past 1am.
Wow, what a fun way to be spending your Friday night, y/n.
I sighed as I stood outside his studio door, doing my best to prepare myself for what was to come, whatever the hell that was.
Eventually, I plucked up the courage to open the door, and it creaked open agonisingly slowly to reveal a mop of tangled blonde hair, slumped at a mixing board. I walked up to him, thinking he was asleep, and was about to wake him up when he suddenly spun around towards me, eyes wide and mouth agape, clearly startled by my visit.
“Hey” he stated, his voice deep with exhaustion.
“Oh, hey” I managed to breathe out, my mouth had become dry the moment I walked in, like my subconscious knew that something big was going to go down tonight. 
We remained in an awkward silence for a while, none of us knowing how to react to this new dynamic. Life was Jisung was never quiet, ever. 
“I’m sorry.” He said suddenly. 
I looked him properly in the eyes for the first time that night, and I couldn't hide the puzzled expression on my face.
“Oh...uh, what for? It was just a facetime call, no biggie.”
No biggie? Really? Not like you wallowed in your sadness while finishing off a whole damn tub of ice cream, y/n.
Jisung looked even more shocked than me now, shaking his head and laughing lightly before speaking again.
“Oh, ok that’s fine then. Thought I missed a date or something like that. So how come you’re here then, shouldn’t you be asleep?”.
Even though I had played it off as nothing earlier, I still felt my heart sink at his statement. There was a time when Jisung would've apologised a hundred times over for forgetting to text me goodnight, now he’s so distant he doesn’t even really know what he’s apologising for.
“I, I uh, I just wanted to see you, and I don’t know, have a chat about stuff?” My words came out more like a question, and I cringed at how awkward it sounded. Jisung sighed, running his hands down his face.
“I guess, but I’ve still got this guide track to finish and its getting late, maybe some other time yeah?” He said, already turning back round in his chair.
“No, Jisung, I need to talk, and you need to listen to me,” I stated, my voice so loud that it startled both of us. 
“Right... Y-yeah sure y/n, um... what’s up?” He gulped, wide-eyed and still taken aback by my tone. I was never really one to raise my voice, but I was desperate now, trying to stitch up our fractured love before it disappeared forever.
But then, I realised. I don't think there’s any love left to fix.
I took a deep breath, trying my hardest to steel my nerves before saying the words I vowed I never would.
“Ji, this isn’t working. We... we aren’t working anymore.”
Those words hung Over the silent room like a thick black veil, suffocating me, and as I hesitantly looked at Jisung, it seemed like they were suffocating him too. He was frozen, staring at the ground in shock, before jerking his head up to search my face with panicked eyes as his hands began to shake.
“I-I... no, you can’t... we’re not, it’s fine-” He spluttered, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. I watched with pained eyes as the man I loved unravelled before me, and it was all my fault.
His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, and when it became clear that he wasn’t going to actually say anything, I began to speak, doing my best not to burst into tears.
“Things are just different now. You’re always so busy and that’s great, I'm so so proud of you, but there just isn't enough room for me in your life anymore. We never hang out, and when we do we just argue. And I'm sorry, but I just can't take it anymore, I can't take anymore cancelled dates or ignored messages, because it's destroying me, Jisung. And yes, maybe I am just weak and clingy, but I've got to put myself first for once because god-fucking-damn it Jisung, I've been so sad for so fucking long, and my own boyfriend has no idea!” By the end of my speech, I was nearly screaming, and I quickly realised that the dampness on my cheeks was from the many tears that were now uncontrollably cascading down my face. 
Now, the only sounds in the room were my slight panting and the occasional sniffle. Jisung remained unblinking, still frozen in the same position. It wasn't until I shook my head and turned towards the door that he reached forward and grabbed my arm.
“No!” he shouted, panic clear in his voice. I looked at him, he too, had tears streaming down now, the sight making what was left of my poor heart shatter.
“No... you can’t leave, I’m sorry ok? Really sorry. I-I took you for granted. You were always by my side so I guess I thought you’d stay there forever, because I honestly can’t imagine my world without you in it y/n, standing right next to me. I know I’m a shit boyfriend, and hearing how hurt you are because... because of me, kills me more than you’ll ever know. Honestly, this comeback had me feeling stressed out and down I didn't know what to do, but now I realise, that the only thing that could've made me feel happy again.. was you. Of course it was you. You are my heaven y/n, and I swear I’ll never desert you again. I’m such a fucking idiot, I was so sad that I pushed you away, even though you're the only one who can make me happy.” He laughed bitterly, but his expression quickly reverted to fear as he saw me shaking my head, tears still endlessly falling. 
“I’m sorry Jisung... but I just can’t fall for your apologies again. My heart can’t take any more of this, but I'm sure you'll find a-a nice girl... maybe an idol, someone who’s pretty and isn't so weak that they fall apart like me.” I began to walk away again, determined not to turn back again, in fear that I’d break down even further. 
Behind me, Jisung was really panicking now. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He knew hed been a shitty boyfriend. But he thought that soon he’d feel less stressed and everything would go back to normal. They were Jisung and y/n, they were madly in love and everyone knew it, they couldn’t just break up like this. It was only when I had reached for the door handle did he react. 
“Angel, please.”
I hesitated at those words. 
 Angel. Even thinking of his pet name for me made me want to break down. It reminded me of happier times, when we were so in love we felt we were invincible, a feeling that was all but a distant memory now. 
Against my better judgment, I turned round to see Jisung slumped on the floor on his knees, head bowed and body shaking with sobs. 
I knew what I had to do. I knew what was best, for both of us. 
“I love you Jisung, and know that I’ll always be cheering you on, always.”
I took one last look at the boy who held my heart so tightly that he’d crushed it, before moving to the door, shutting it quietly behind me.
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Best Part of me - S.S.
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Anon: Hi sunshine <3 can you make Seb and "You're the best part of me" looooove your writing!
Promt: 232 - "You're the best Part of me"
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word count: 1,689
Warnings: Swearing
@Y/T/N: Your Twitter @-Name
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You've been pacing around the living room of your shared apartment for what felt like hours now, your feet already hurting from the hardwood floor, but you didn't care. Your throat was dry and aching, like someone wrapped a noose around it and pulled it just a little too tight. Your eyes were puffy from crying, your lip chapped and bleeding just the tiniest bit from you chewing on it so much.
Sebastian had left earlier to go to an movie event. You had decided to stay home, not really a fan of the press and crowds of people. And after all, you weren't a famous actor, like about 90% people who would attend this festival. He seemed a little disappointed to not spend the evening with you, but he didn't want to push you to do anything you weren't comfortable with. He never would, one of the many things why you loved him so much.
But now you were there alone, tight grip on your phone in your hand. It showed a Tweet, two pictures attached. They were a little low quality but it was obvious that it was Sebastian with another woman, and they were way too close for your liking. He had his hand on her lower back on both of them. In the first one, he leaned in to say something in her ear, a fond smile plastered her pretty face. In the second picture, he showed her something on his phone, grinning while she was smiling brightly. The Tweet itself said "What is this? Is Sebastian cheating on @Y/T/N?"
Your social media had been blowing up since the pictures leaked, tons of people wondering if you were still together, some defending Sebastian, some saying hateful stuff, like that he "finally found someone better". Ever since you started dating Sebastian about 3 years ago, you knew it wouldn't be easy to have a famous actor as your boyfriend. It brought a lot of difficulties, lots of fights, but you always got over it because in the end, you two loved each other.
But this was a whole new level. He has never cheated on you.
From Time to time you tried to lift yourself up, tried to think it was a big misunderstanding. That the women was just a close friend which he was happy to see. But everytime you looked at the pictures amd read through the comments, the ugly feeling in your stomach came back since you weren't the only one to be convinced that was more than friendly.
You already tried to call and text him a thousand times. He never answered, and it made you furious. Tons of thoughts what he could be doing in that moment were in your mind, causing a mass of emotions to storm inside you. You were jealous, mad, sad, broken, everything. Even taking breaths was hard, your lungs aching from the constant try to not start breaking down again. It was already 2am, he had left 7 hours ago and still wasn't home.
You fell back onto the couch, letting out a heavy sigh as seemingly every muscle in your body ached. You wanted to curl yourself into a ball and just stay like that forever.
Sebastian knew he was late when he finally left the party. He was tired as shit as he almost fell in the Cab, sinking back into the soft beackseat while he told the driver his address. During the drive he kept looking out the window, a pleased smile on his face. He couldn't wait to be home. You were probably asleep, he thought, so he could just change out of his uncomfortable suit and snuggle up in the bed next to you. His phone died a couple hours ago, and he felt a little disappointed that he couldn't read your typical goodnight text you send whenever he was out late without you. The smile on his face grew at the thought of it. In his eyes, you were the most adorable thing ever.
As Sebastian arrived at your apartment, he thanked and payed the driver before stepping inside. He tried to be as silent as possible as he pushed the key into the lock and turned it. His brows furrowed in confusion when he pushed the door open, the soft light from the living room unusual. "Y/N? Are you still up?" He asked carefully while kicking off his shoes. Maybe you've fallen asleep on the couch. Wouldn't be the first time.
But when he approached the living room, only to find you slumbed over the couch, your eyes puffy and a broken look on your face at his presence, he could almost hear his heart break. He quickly rushed to your side, confused as you jerked away from him. "Darling, what's wrong?"
You felt the tears form once again in your eyes as your chin quivered. "Don't call me that." You croaked, your voice breaking while you tried to avoid his gaze. Sebastian stared at you, even more confused as he just found out that he was the reason for your current state. And he had no idea why. "Come on, talk to me. What's going on?" Wordlessly, you handed him your phone, the tweet with the pictures of him and the women still open. When Sebastian recognized the two people the pictures showed, all colour drained from his face. Realizing you probably believed what the tweet said he turned to you, panicking slightly. "Darling, I swear it's not what it looks like." You scoffed at him, rolling your eyes which were still filled with tears. Your arms were crossed infront of your chest, your body facing away from him, your eyes fixated on your lap while you tried to fight the tears that wanted to escape.
"You have to believe me! I know how this looks but i can explain- I could explain, but-" "But what?!" You snapped, your gaze meeting his. He gulped hard at your now angry state. "I-I can't tell you, I-" "Are you fucking serious, Sebastian?!" You were completely enraged now. Why wouldn't he tell you the reason he wouldn't be cheating on you? Maybe because there wasn't one?
"Either, you give me a goddamn reason why I shouldn't believe you were cheating on me, or you can walk right back out and not come back. Your choice." Your voice was serious, the harsh tone making Sebastian flinch. His jaw clenched, he didn't know what he should do. He hated to say it, but he had to. He didn't want you to force him to leave. "That girl, she's a friend, I promise. I needed her help with something, that's why I showed her something on my phone." You searched for any kind of sign in his features that he was lying. You normally could see right through him, but all you currently saw was worry. So you continued. "Help with what?" He gulped again, his eyes silently pleading you to not ask. But you didn't care. "Tell me or leave. It's easy as that."
Sebastian let out a heavy sigh, his eyes closing. "I didn't want it to go like this, but alright." His eyes opened again, his gace finding yours as he smiled weakly. "I love you, more than anything." You scoffed lightly, which he chose to ignore. "I wanted to get you something. I had two different possibilities, and I asked her which one she thinks is better." Your eyes furrowed in confusion. He took a deep breath, his pleading gaze once again on you. "Do I have to continue?" You just nodded, leaving him to sigh again, his eyes closing. "They were rings." Your eyes widened at his statement, your jaw slack. "I wanted to make this more romantic but well, here we go."
You couldn't proceed what was going on when he stood up, only to get down on one knee infront of you. He gently took your hand in his, a soft smile on his face as tears once again formed in your eyes. "I would never cheat on you, Y/N. I still can't believe you love me for the mess I am. You're the best Part of me. And I want you to stay with me, forever." You were full on weeping right now as a couple of tears even gathered in Sebastians eyes. "I know I don't have a proper ring right now, but I'm still asking you." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves even though his hands were shaking. "Y/N Y/L/N, Will you marry me?" A shiver ran through you as the words fell from his lips. You were speechless, unable to form words as he just stared at you, waiting for an answer. When you felt his thumb gently stroking the back of your hand, you slowly came back to reality. Smiling brightly, you nodded. "Yes. Yes I want to." A relived sigh left Sebastians lips, a grin forming before he stood up, pulling you with him to hug you tightly. You were both crying by now, this time out of pure joy.
You had no idea for how long you just stood like this, arms around each other, crying into the other's shoulder. Sebastian pulled back after a while, smiling down at you with the brightest smile you've ever seen. His hand went to your face, his thumb carefully wiping a couple tears away. "I love you." He whispered, pure honesty im his voice. You smiled up at him. "I love you too. And I'm sorry." He instantly shook his head. "Don't be. If I would've seen a guy that close to you, I probably would've gotten into a car to beat the shit out of him." You both chuckled at that. As his gaze found yours again, he slowly leaned down, covering your lips with his. The kiss was slow and filled with nothing but love, causing butterflies to errupt in your stomach. Sebastian was the love of your life, and you were the lucky one to get to marry him.
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I think you're the most beautiful man in the world
Morgan/Female Reader (smut)
I love my cowboy 💛
You could watch him for hours and sometimes you tried to, but most times he could feel your eyes on him and he'd catch you staring at him like some love sick puppy. Every time he caught you he'd give you one of those bashful smiles and messed with his hat as he bowed his head at you in greeting, you did what your instinct told you to do which was to retreat as quick as you could. Arthur Morgan was one of the most handsome men you had ever set your eyes on. The sad thing about this was that Arthur never seemed to know how handsome he was, many times you had heard him put himself down or compare himself to other men, you wished with all your heart to just tell him all the things you thought about him. Thinking about telling him is easy enough but actually telling him to his face was almost impossible, last time you had gone to tell him he had been sat on his cot, the button up shirt he wore was partly open and he had smiled softly at you with his journal in hand. You had started panicking instantly and as he had reached out for you to help, you ran out of his tent with a shout of 'goodnight!' despite it being only midday. The girls had been relentless about your last encounter, the fact you had screamed goodnight at a man for smiling at just 12 o'clock in the afternoon was the most hilarious thing in the world. Karen always offered to tell him for you and you are pretty sure that Mary-Beth is basing the new novel she's writing on your misfortune and pining, the only supportive one had been Abigail - she often sat with you and just talked about love and about knowing if someone was the one. And to you he was. Arthur Morgan was the love of your life and he didn't know and at this rate he was most likely never going to know.
You screamed into your pillow loudly. You had opted to spend the night at the Valentine hotel, you needed a pity party for yourself and this what you chose to do, you had a bar of chocolate and a bottle of whiskey on the bed you lay on, the pillow was pressed to your face as you face planted into it on arrival. At that all the other things on your mind crashed down on you, how sad did you look staying in a hotel on your own? You honestly felt like the saddest and most pathetic woman in the world, which you were - pining after a man who had only offered you small talk and smiles. But boy were those smiles something.
Knock Knock
You ignore it at first but then the banging becomes relentless and the door shakes as the door is pounded on. When the door handles starts being twisted you decide that it was probably smart to answer before that seedy hotel clerk busted the door down. Groaning you lift your head off the pillow and look towards the door, using the most polite voice that you can seemingly muster during your mental crisis you respond to the person who keeps knocking in hard taps,
"Sir I only want the room - no baths or anyone or anything needed thank you,"
The person on the other side stops their banging but their shadow doesn't leave from behind the door, "Y/N? You in there?"
You're pretty sure your eyes almost pop out of your head, quickly you lift yourself off the bed and look at the mirror, your hair is unruly from the pillow screaming and the shirt you're wearing is crumpled to pieces, you're also only in your underwear. The door handle is tugged again with a concerned call of your name. With a silent scream to yourself you pull at the shirt as if that'll help make it cover more of you and you open the door.
Arthur stood on the other side, he was shifting as he waited. He was in a soft,blue union shirt with the buttons undone, you had to control yourself and avoid looking at the exposed skin of his chest, that would be a key weakness and you had only your room to run into this time. There was no way past him if you wanted to bolt forward anyway. Arthur took up pretty much the whole door way with his bulk. He looked worried and slightly annoyed, his hair was damp near his ears and his neck was flushed which gave off the impression that he had been running around or striding quickly in his usual sort of movement.
"What are you doing here? Is something wrong back at camp?" Your fingers gripped the door hard as you looked up at him, his chest was heaving slightly and you watched as his hand lifted to point right at you.
"What are you doing here? You didn't tell anyone where the hell you were?"
You had. You had told all the girls, you had told Mrs. Grimshaw and hell you even told Hosea who had suggested the idea in the first place.
"I did Arthur - I'm surprised no-one else told you I was here,"
He took a breath as he stopped his pointing only to cross his arms, he seemed annoyed which you couldn't understand so your grip on the door only tightened.
"You didn't tell me,"
Your eyes widen as you stare at him, "I have to tell you that I'm going to book a hotel?"
That caught him off guard, his whole body seemed to tense at your question, in typical Arthur fashion he bowed his head and shifted as if unsure of what to do with himself. When he looked back at you his mouth was in a straight line and his eyes flickered to you and then to your room as he tried to peer in.
"Arthur I'm fine, I'm just going to spend the night here and then I'll be back at camp in the morning,"
"Look I - I just wanted to make sure you was safe is all - could hear ya screamin from the other side - almost kicked the damn thing down - ya got someone in there with ya? He ain't hurting ya is he?"
He heard your pillow tantrum? Your face erupts into a deep blush as you look at the concern on his face, he averted your eyes when he saw your reaction but that didn't stop him from trying to look back in the room as if expecting the mystery man to reveal himself anytime soon.
"I - I - I'm alone! It's just me!"
Arthur didn't look convinced. He was a clear example of someone's reaction to listening to absolute bullshit. With a nod at you, he puts his hand near his holster and taps his fingers against his gun, "Then I guess ya won't mind me havin a little look then,"
You stammer as Arthur carefully manoeuvres you out of the way and pushes himself into the hotel room, you watch as his eyes scan the premise for any danger before settling on the crumpled cushion and the goodies on the bed. When he turns back to you his eyes widen when he takes you all in and you then realise that before you had been able to smartly conceal yourself behind the door, but now you were completely exposed - Arthur had been given a clear view of your underwear and the hairs on your body stood on end as he gave you a quick once over. He lets out an embarrassed cough as he adverts his eyes and with that you return to your previous seat on the bed and thrust the pillow into your lap as you cross your legs to hide yourself.
"See I'm fine,"
"I can see that,"
The room feels really warm now and you glance at the window thinking of a new escape plan.
"Doesn't explain the screamin though does it?"
You laugh slightly, which comes out as an awkward set of cough as you stammer again, "I - I - I just had to have a little moment. To ge - get it out of my system! Just a good old scream and cry to get the juices flowing,"
"Somethin the matter?"
You thought about his question, and all you wanted to do was scream yes at him as he stared down at you, you think about telling him but with him looking at you with those eyes you throat tightens. But this was your chance and like Abigail had said - you had to take it eventually. Besides if you didn't what were the chances that Mary Linton was finally going to get Arthur crawling back to her, her letters were more consistent and of course Arthur went back to her to help. If you didn't speak now you were going to lose him.
"Can you turn around?"
"Excuse me?"
"Just I got something I want to say but I need you turn around please,"
Arthur gives a bemused smile but does as you ask, his back faces you now and you stare at how broad it is, "Ya coulda just said my ugly mug was botherin ya,"
You knew it was supposed to come out as a joke, but you knew he wasn't, and that was the trigger point for you.
"I hate it when you say stuff like that, I hate it because it's far from true,"
"Y/N I w-"
Arthur begins to turn around but you quickly interject to stop him, "Turn around please! I'm not done," he twists his body back round thankfully, but his back is tense as he stands stiff.
"Arthur. God I thought it would be easier with you turned around! I - ah - I -"
"I think you're beautiful Arthur,"
He snorts at that.
"I really do! I think you're one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen! And - and not just based on what you look like! You - you're kind and strong - I - I've seen how much you help others and how compassionate you are whether it's with the others or your horse and - and -"
You stumble on your words, something wet hits your hand and you realise you're crying, Arthur stills stand stiff still as he listens to you and seeing the reality of what you're doing you let out a choked sob, as quickly as you can you throw yourself off the bed and go for the door. Before you can reach for the handle the door is slammed shut in front of your face, bracing for impact you brace your hands against the door to prevent yourself from running face first into it, you lean your forehead in defeat against the cold of the wood as you continue to sob. Arthur is directly behind you, his hand braced above you to keep the door closed, his chest is against your back and you shift at how warm he is, you almost tremble as he leans into you so his face is closer to the top of your head.
"Ya had more to say?"
"I - I - I can't!"
"You can,"
"Arthur - I - I really can't,"
"I ain't letting you leave till you do,"
With shaky breaths you push your head further into the door, your nails dig into the wood as you try and focus on what to say, "I don't want you to hate me or be angry - I know you wouldn't be - but I don't want you to - to not talk to me again,"
"That'll never happen you know that,"
"I do,"
"Then just tell me, ya got something on your mind, ya have for a while now so just get it all out and then maybe ya can stop running away from me every damn time I go to talk to ya,"
With deep breaths you try and calm the beating of your heart, the thumping of it echoes in your ear drums and the pressure of Arthur breathing against your back isn't helping things.
"I - I -"
"It's okay darlin,"
Was it okay? It was too late to consider that because the long waited words had finally slipped out of your mouth and they came out loud and clear, "I love you Arthur,"
Time stands still. All you can hear is the frantic beating of your own heart and the small choked sobs that escape you every once in a while, Arthur is silent and you press further into the door as the tears start to fall more freely. You watch as Arthur's hands fall from the door, you watch as they seem to twitch before disappearing from view and then the unexpected happens when those fallen hands settle on your hips, his hands are unsure as he holds you but they're warm and steady when he pulls you towards him so his chin can rest on the top of your hair. You can feel the warmth on his breath against your head and you frown in confusion as he sighs against you.
"You know how long I've been waitin to hear that?"
Blinking your tears away you try and turn to look at him but he keeps you planted in front of him, "What?"
"Been waitin for you to say it first, I wanted to - god I've wanted to tell you since the damn party for Shaun but I - god I'm a coward,"
"You a coward? You're anything but Arthur, besides I was the one running away from you all the time,"
"You were, cutest damn run I've ever seen,"
You let out a hiccupy laugh and smile as you feel his chest rumble with laughter against your back, "You laughing at my well thought out escape plans?"
"Hmmm perhaps, saw how ya were lookin at that window earlier,"
You let a choked grumble as you fidget in his grasp, he laughs a bit louder and hugs you tighter, your hands remove themselves from the door and you grab at his hands that now intersect at your stomach. You stroke at the scar on his knuckle and he sighs softly against the top of your head, you writhe in his grasp as you try and spin yourself around in order to look at his face. He relinquishes his grasp ever so slightly so you can pivot and place your hands on his chest, now you can freely stare at his exposed skin and you almost snort at your small victory to be able to finally look at him like this and not feel like a creep. When you look at him he's staring right back at you with such an adoring expression, your face feels warm as he moves his hands to hold the small of your back, your own hands have moved from his chest to cup at his face. He's let his beard grow out a bit, a bit thicker than his usual stubble but it suits him all the same, your fingers trace his cheeks softly and gently touch at the tufts of hair that have fallen from under his hat, the curls just ended under his ears and you touch one as you breathe him in. The lingering smell of tobacco and sweat clings to his form, when you glance back at him his eyes are closed as he sighs, when he opens them again he smiles when he realises your eyes are on him again.
"What does this mean Arthur?"
He sighs as he spreads his fingers over your back and leans in so he can look you in the eyes, "Guess it means - my tent is gonna be a bit more crowded,"
You shake your head with a smile as you cup his cheeks in your hands, "What if I want to stay in my own tent?"
"Sorry ma'am I can't allow that,"
With a boisterous grin that lit up his face he picks you up which causes you to squeal loudly as he tosses you onto the bed, you bounce several times and you laugh when he fails to dodge the pillow you toss at him. You go for another one but he's on you in seconds, straddling your waist as he holds your wrists in his hands.
"Ma'am I'm gonna have ta ask ya to drop the pillow,"
Pouting you do and he snickers as you flinch when he starts tickling the palms of your hands with his fingers. Then you realise the position you're in with him leaning over you like that, he must realise it too, his grips loosens but he doesn't let go and he doesn't remove himself from your waist. His jaw tenses as he watches you, only one of his hands hold your wrists in place - the other cups your cheek and you can't help but lean into the warmth of it. Your stomach is filled with butterflies and your heart pounds, there's still that small fear of rejection but the feeling of love and want for him is overwhelming in comparison.
"Arthur I - I want-"
"I know,"
With that he grabs his hat and tosses it onto the nearby bed stand, and then he leans down and kisses you softly, his lips press ever so gently and sigh against his mouth as he presses a bit harder. Your hands flex in his grip wanting nothing more than to run your hands through his hair and down his back, he doesn't let go and the hand that once cupped your cheek moves to stroke the column of your neck. He pulls away after a few more quick kisses and looks at you, his hands trace your neck and then linger at your collarbones, his eyes flick from your own to your shirt and you get the message soon enough.
"It's okay,"
Nodding at you several times he releases your grip and leans back so you can sit up, your hands hold the hem of your shirt and you look at Arthur to make sure he's watching you: he is. Slowly you lift the edge of you shirt upwards, revealing the skin of your stomach and the outline of your ribs. You had nothing underneath, as you had plans to be alone the whole day so had no need to wear anything else in the room, Arthur isn't expecting to see you completely bare as his eyes widen comically when your shirt is fully removed and you're front is exposed to him. His eyes take in you all in and you fight the instinct to cover yourself as his eyes go from your stomach to your breasts and then back to your face. He coughs several times as if he is unable to formulate any sort of speech, which causes him to swear under his breath as he darts his eyes from your form to your eyes. With slow movements he shuffles closer onto the bed so he can reach a hand to touch you, he retracts at first as if unsure but when you smile softly at him he continues and cups a breast in his hand, his hand covers the whole of breast in a soft squeeze and you can't stop the small moan that leaves your lips.
"You're beautiful - god - I don't even deserve to be touching you like this. God! even seeing you like this - I don't -"
You move your hands to hold the back of his neck and you thread them together, "You do Arthur," with that you kiss him again.
The kiss is more heated this time around, his lips crash into your own desperately as if he couldn't get enough, one of his hand holds your breast giving the occasional squeeze and pinch, the other hand moves to the small of your back, slowly teasing downwards as if unsure if he can touch you further. You gasp when he pinches at your nipple and uses his fingers to cause them to harden almost painfully, as soon as your mouth parts open the warmth of his tongue invades, he licks at the roof of your mouth then to your own tongue as he kisses you like a dying man. Your hands are in his hair, tugging at the curls to bring him closer to you, he groans at every pull you do and his kisses become more confident. With shaky hands you push gently at his chest, Arthur chases your lips as you pull away, but when you refuse to kiss him again he stops and lets his nose brush against your own as he pants with you.
"This needs to go," your command is shaky as you try and regain your breath, your hands pulls at the blue fabric of his shirt.
"I'm not sure you want to see this sweetheart - I ain't as young as I used to be - not got much to offer,"
He does take it off, slowly and unsure but he does remove it. His chest is as broad and as perfect as you imagined, hair tufts  on his chest and more hair leads downwards to the edge of his trousers. He has some scars on his shoulders and ear his ribs but he is still stunning to you. Your hand traces his ribs and you repeat and up and down stroking motion on his chest, which causes him to sigh heavily. He's not skinny by all means, but he's thick and bulky, with strong arms and a presence of just pure strength.
"Like I said before, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen,"
You press soft kisses to his chest as you rub the slightly red skin near his collarbones, he groans when your breasts connect with his bare chest and he can feel your nipples harden up against him. He leans in to kiss you again but you stop him with a hand over his mouth.
"If you want to continue you have to say I'm right,"
You almost laugh at the frown that takes over his features as he looks down at you, he's reluctant you can tell but you know he'll say it, whether he likes the idea or not. Pressing his forehead to your own he looks you in the eyes and you remove your hand and wait.
"You're right,"
Smiling brightly at him you loops your hands around his neck and with a laugh drag him back down on top of you, he immediately connects your mouth together in frenzied wet kisses as his hands brace themselves over you so he wouldn't crush you. The hair on his chest tickles you and you laugh in-between kisses, your fingers continue to pull at the strands of his hair as you melt under Arthur's touch. You notice how he keeps moving against you, the hardness of him presses against you, you look at him with heated eyes and he gives you another kiss before moving from your lips to your neck. He presses wet kisses from your throat down to your breast where he kisses at the bud of your nipple, your hands grasp at his hair as he latches him mouth onto it and suckles, breathy moans escape your lips as his other hand cradles your unoccupied one. Fingers tease at your left nipple, whilst his mouth continues to suckle at your right one, you groan when he pulls away and he offers small licks as an apology to the sore bud. His kisses and nips travel downwards, from your stomach to the plush of your thighs and then he stops as he hovered over your clothed sex. With a look at you for permission in which you nod quickly, he delivers a long lick to the cloth of your panties, one of his hands grabs the flesh of your left thigh as he spreads your leg so he can move closer to the silk of your underwear. Eventually he stops his teasing to pull at the clothing and yank it away off you, it lands somewhere on the floor but before you can worry about your lost underwear he is back in-between your thighs as he licks at you again. Your hands grab at the sheets of the mattress as you cry loudly as he drinks you in, his hands soothe at your thighs and keep them open, preventing you from closing them around his head to bring him in closer. His tongue plunges in and out of you and the tickle of his facial hair only stimulate the feeling further as he presses his face so hard into you. Occasionally, he'll pull back and let his tongue trace over the lips of your vagina before sticking it back into your folds causing you to moan out gibberish as you writhe under him. You scream when one of his hands moves from your thigh to play with your clit, he rubs slowly and finally he allows himself to tease a finger into your opening. You sigh in relief when the first finger enters you but before long when he slips in the second you're writhing against his hand trying to push his digits deeper inside you, he sucks hard at your clit and soon enough the heat in your stomach becomes too much, you don't want to finish so soon so you try and move yourself away from his mouth. Arthur only groans and tries to pull you back to him, but you don't relent much to his disappointment as he continues to drag you back to him.
"Arthur! Stop! I - I - just not yet! Please!
With a sigh against your clit which causes you to shiver he moves back, with a slow and steady movement he withdraws his fingers from you. With a few kisses to your thigh he sits up between your legs and looks you in the eyes as he brings one to his mouth and licks. You bring your hands to your face in embarrassment as he does this and all he does is laugh at you, when you peek from behind your fingers you see that his hands are twitching patiently at his sides and you flush brightly at the wet around his mouth and how it shines across his lips. Your eyes drag from his mouth to his crotch which his hands are twitching by, he presses uncomfortably from what you can see judging by the hard outline of himself.
With fumbling hands Arthur removes his trousers, he pauses at his last garment of clothing, he presses hard and thick against the cloth and you sigh in anticipation as he pulls it off himself. He hisses as the fabric brushes against him, but when he's completely free from the confining material he groans softly. When you reach out for him to repay the favour, he waves a hand at you.
"I'm good ta go darlin, just need to know if you are,"
You nod at him and he nods back at you in silent understanding. His hand holds the base of himself as he strokes slowly, he shuffles himself forward in the process so your legs spread wider to accommodate him. He groans as he touches himself as he stares directly at you, with his hand he lines himself up with you, your legs wrap around his waist and he drapes over you so his mouth is a breath away from your own. He twitches against your opening and you moan as you wrap your arms around his neck, his free hand holds himself over you as he stares deep into your eyes.
"Are you sure you really want this darlin?"
Smiling up at him with watery eyes you kiss him quickly, "I do. Have done for a while,"
He kisses you softly as he smiles back at you, "Me too,"
Arthur shifts closer and your arms wrap around his neck hard as he shifts against your entrance, you choke on your breath when he slowly pushes in. He's a lot bigger than you could have imagined, it hurts for a moment but you feel complete when he fully settles inside of you. His hand releases himself after guiding himself inside you and instead grabs at your thigh and brings you in closer so he's connected deeply inside you. Your breath is shaky against his mouth which his parted open in short breaths as he stills for a moment, he waits for you to shift your hips before he starts moving. You drag him back down to your lips as he moves against you, he moves slowly but deeply inside you as he grinds you into the mattress, the kisses are less coordinated but filled with passion as you cling to him hard. His slow motions have resorted to deep thrusts that have you clinging hard onto his back as he moves harder and deeper inside you, with a hard kiss to your mouth he pulls away and presses his face into your neck as he pulls out completely and thrusts himself back into you hard. You scream and dig your nails into his back as he repeats the motions, the speed and strength as his thrusts increases as he moans into your neck and at the drag of your nails against the wet of his back. He mouths breathlessly at your neck and kisses hotly at any bit of skin he can get to, you grip him like a life line as his thrusts become relentless, they shake your body as your breasts press hard against his chest, the drag of his chest against your nipples heightens the feeling in your stomach drastically.
"Arthur - Arthur!"
You cry his name as he pounds into you, he groans your own name into your ear before clamping his teeth into the junction of your neck as he rocked into you, you gasp as the feeling in your stomach returns and your toes curls as you cling to him, Arthur groans as you tighten around him and releases your neck to kiss you again as the hand on your thigh drops to touch your clit. He rubs quick, hard circles as he kisses you hard and you wail loudly as he hits just the right spot.
"It's okay darlin - come on - you can do it,"
He pinches hard at your clit in-between frenzied thrusts, and with a cry of his name you orgasm, shaking hard against him as you tighten your grip around him. Arthur groans loudly into your neck and curses as he shifts so he can angle deeper, his hand leaves your clit to pull your leg over his shoulder as he frantic thrusts push into you, when you moan his name he dives forward crash his lips into your own and groans loudly into your mouth as he releases inside you. You coo at him as he shakes above you, your hands stroke over the muscles of his back and your legs cling to his hips. You kiss him softly as you hold him close, he returns your kisses with the same softness and you almost start crying again as he whispers multiple 'I love yous' against your lips, you just kiss him harder and smile at him whispering the same thing. When he pulls out of you, you both gasp at the feeling causing the hand holding Arthur up to drop , in which he collapses on top of you. Your hands stroke at his hair, which is damp with perspiration, you leave tender kisses to the top of his head as he shuffles downwards to lie against your breasts. 
"You sure this is okay?"
"More than okay sweetheart," Arthur kisses your chest softly as he tiredly raises his eyes to meet yours.
As your hands play with hair you think back to earlier on, "I'm still surprised no-one told you I was here,"
"Oh they did,"
Your hands freeze at your ministrations and Arthur groans at that, "Then why did you lie? Why were you so angry?"
"Karen told me you was with a man,"
Of course, you think, Karen was the one of all people to start trouble.
"You must have been surprised that I wasn't,"
"I was thankful - meant I still had a chance,"
"You always will with me Arthur,"
You both smile at each other, and with an over exaggerated yawn from him he drops his face suddenly back into your chest which causes you to laugh loudly with surprise.
"That means no more runnin away darlin,"
"And that means no more insults about yourself, you're beautiful,"
"Hmmm - you're right. I must be something special to end up with someone like you,"
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softambrollins · 7 years
First, congratulations on 500 followers. You deserve it. I love you Ambrollins posts. I have a couple fic ideas. Since Seth didn't go on the Australian tour how about some fluff with him and Dean missing each other. Facetiming or skyping with each other. Maybe Roman teasing Seth about missing Dean. :-)
need you so much closer (dean/seth) - 2.2k. - fluff, pining, first kiss, getting together (ao3 link)
This is disgustingly fluffy, so sorry if it makes your teeth rot!
It's only been a month and that's hard to wrap his mind around. It feels like they've already been doing this — all of this — together for years.
The thing is, Dean's a creature of habit. Even though he learned long ago that he shouldn't get too used to anything, because it could be taken away from him at any moment. Being alone is obviously not a foreign concept to him, but he's always had trouble adjusting to sudden changes, especially now when it involves him and Seth. Because somehow, even after everything that's happened, they still just fit together so easily and seamlessly.
So, it's kind of messing with his head a bit. Because Seth's been a constant presence in his life for the last few weeks and now he's half a world away. And it's got him all off-kilter and out-of-sorts.
He wakes up from a fitful night's sleep and his head feels like he's been in a car crash. He'd only got like four hours, maximum, but he figures there's no point in trying for any more. He gets out of bed and looks at his phone. Usually, there'd be a message there, laying out their schedule for the day, and they'd figure out where and when they'd meet up — but obviously there isn't now. Because Seth's not here.
He's sure Roman's already in the middle of his work-out for the day. Fucking morning people. He can't even stomach the idea of being near a gym before 10am in the fucking morning. Crazy bastards.
So, he has breakfast by himself, like the sad sack he is. He wonders if people can tell that he's missing something that now feels vital to his very being. He wonders if they can deduce that the chair opposite him is meant for his…Seth. He still doesn't know how to begin to describe what this new relationship between them is in any simple terms. His former best friend? His former mortal enemy? Officially, he's his tag team partner, he supposes. But that doesn't come close to encompassing all of what they are and have been to each other over the many years that their lives have been inextricably intertwined.
His other half, his brain supplies helpfully. He scoffs at the thought. People don't need other people to complete them. That's bullshit.
It doesn't explain why even with a couple coffees in him and supposedly more awake and in better spirits than before, all he can think about is that around now is when they'd start arguing about the most inane subject imaginable while Seth absently steals forkfuls of pancakes off his plate.
He abandons his breakfast early and just starts walking down the street in a random direction, almost hoping he gets lost.
It occurs to him that he's never once gotten lost in a strange city on a strange continent when Seth's been by his side. Or maybe it wouldn't have mattered if he did anyway. He'd always be right where he wanted to be.
He's exhausted when he gets back to the hotel late that night, but instead of instantly passing out, he reaches for his phone and calls Seth's number without thinking about it.
"Dean?" Seth answers. He sounds a bit surprised, but in a pleasant sort of way, and fuck — he even sounds far away. Maybe he's imagining it, or maybe he's not. His voice doesn't sound like it usually does; it's still not right.
"Hey, man, how's it going?" He probably sounds deranged; it's always like that after a long night spent in the ring, in front of the crowds, the leftover adrenaline still slowly draining away, too much blood still pumping to his head.
"It's — uh, it's going okay. How're things over there?" Seth says, his voice betraying only a tiny amount of concern.
"Good," Dean tells him. "Really good. I just walked around for a long time today — I don't even know where the hell I ended up, but it was cool. Really cool. And tonight was fucking great. But it's just — it's fucking weird walking out there alone, man."
Seth laughs and it's a soft, garbled sound, almost like he's moved the phone away from his mouth. God, he missed what that sounds like up close. God, he's probably actually losing his fucking mind.
"Well, at least you have no one to trip over," Seth says, deadpan.
Dean laughs at that, too. "That's exactly what Roman said. The cheeky fucker."
They both laugh then.
"Anyway, what are you up to?" Dean says when they're quiet again. "What time is it there anyway — Shit —" He didn't even bother to check, because he's a complete idiot. Fucking time zones, goddamn —
"It's all good, man," Seth reassures him. "I was just feeding the dogs. It's been a pretty chill morning."
"Oh, that's good then," Dean says.
"Yeah, I guess," Seth says, but in an odd tone.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, man — it's just weird being back home sometimes. All alone in a big house. Almost like it's too quiet, you know? I couldn't get to sleep last night for hours — It's weird without people, like, talking in the corridors and slamming doors and all the cars and noise and stuff in the streets —"
Dean nods unthinkingly. "Yeah," he agrees. "I get it. And I didn't get that much sleep last night either."
"Oh, I should probably let you go then —"
"No," Dean cuts him off, probably too quickly. "No, it's okay — Just tell me what's going on over there."
"Like, right now?" Seth says, sounding uncertain.
"Yeah, like what are your dogs up to?"
"Oh," Seth says, and then he starts relaying all the mischief his pets are currently getting into. He just talks and talks about the most random stuff and Dean hums in acknowledgment every few minutes and he's sure Seth has better shit to do but he sounds completely fine with it, happy even, and when it feels like he's genuinely about to pass out on him, Dean tells him goodnight and hangs up.
He takes his jeans off and brushes his teeth before he gets back into bed.
Seth sends him a video of himself playing with his dogs a couple minutes later and he finds himself smiling in earnest for the first time all day.
He falls asleep pretty much as soon as his head hits the pillow.
He meets Roman for lunch and he keeps eyeing him with a suspicious look on his face the whole time.
"What?" he eventually demands. "Is something on my face?"
"Yeah," Roman says, nodding seriously. "You actually look like someone didn't piss in your coffee this morning. It's a miracle."
"Shut the fuck up," Dean tells him, with all sincerity.
"Really, though, man. What happened? You were the grumpiest I've ever seen you yesterday. And that's saying something — Like, for real —"
"Okay, you don't need to elaborate," Dean says testily. "I got it."
"I mean, I'd say you got laid last night, but that's pretty much impossible, I'd think —"
"What?" Dean asks, narrowing his eyes at him, almost offended. "Why would that be impossible?"
"Well, because Seth's back in Iowa," Roman says, like it's an obvious conclusion to arrive at.
Dean almost chokes on his food.
"What the fuck, man?" he says, when his air passages are clear again.
Roman looks like he's holding in the most hysterical laughter of his life.
"You're an asshole," Dean tells him definitively.
"Did you talk to him?" Roman asks, casually taking a sip of his drink.
Dean rolls his eyes, and then lets out a long sigh. "Fine, okay, I did."
"Did you tell him how much you miss him?" Roman says, clearly revelling in his misery now.
Dean has to tightly clench his fists on the table for a moment before someone gets punched in their perfectly square jaw.
"We talked," Dean grits out. "It was a completely normal conversation that did not involve any sappy, sentimental bullshit. Are you happy now?"
"I don't know," Roman asks. "Are you?"
Dean has to firmly restrain himself from throwing a fry into his hair.
He's just gotten out of the showers after the next show when he finds his phone's buzzing. He sits down on the locker room bench and there's a weird feeling in his chest when he realises it's Seth.
"Hey, man," Dean answers, trying really hard to sound less strung-out than the night before.
"So, Roman called me," Seth starts, as innocuously as possible.
Dean immediately groans and thinks about actually dying.
"He says you're having a — crisis?" Seth asks, confused.
"It's nothing," Dean tells him. "It's just strange — not having you here. I know it's fucking crazy. It's only been, like, a month — but fuck, it feels like longer than that. Maybe it's because you weren't there for so long before — sometimes when I really needed you."
And fuck, Seth is definitely going to think he's out of his fucking mind now. Maybe he can blame the jetlag and the disorientation and the lack of sleep — yeah, that'd probably work —
Seth just grows really silent on the other end. "Wow, I — I didn't know, man. I mean — I thought it was just me."
"What?" Dean asks disbelievingly.
"I mean — I keep having funny thoughts about stuff and I want to tell you about it, but you're not there."
"I know," Dean says. "I keep turning to look at you when someone says or does something really stupid, and you're not there either. Who else am I supposed to judge our idiot coworkers with, Seth?"
Seth laughs at his despairing tone, but it's helpless rather than teasing. "This is stupid," he says, summing it all up perfectly.
"Yeah, I know. Really stupid." I just miss being around you, he wants to say, desperately, but God, how pathetic would that sound.
Seth sighs audibly. "When are you gonna be back?"
"Soon. In a couple days."
"Why does that feel like a lifetime from now?" Seth says, his voice small and more vulnerable than Dean's ever heard it before.
"I don't know," Dean replies, truthfully.
He's determined to enjoy their last show Down Under, and not just for Roman's benefit, no matter how much he thinks it is.
The tour's been great and he can't wait to come back someday with Seth. And just that thought makes him feel oddly warm inside, because he's actually imagining it — imagining a future, with Seth by his side. And that's always felt like a dangerous thing to do.
He doesn't want to lose this, though. He doesn't think he can survive losing it again. Losing him. Fuck. He's pretty sure he'd do anything in his power to keep this for as long as he can.
It's all he's thinking about when he walks down the ramp, one half of the tag team titles around his waist, ready to enter the fray, have the fight of his life, like he does every night — like they do every night, together.
Seth's not there with him, at least not physically, but it's almost like he can still feel him. Standing right next to him. Where he was always meant to be.
Seth's waiting for him when he gets off the plane. He'd slept a lot on the way over, he'd listened to a playlist Seth had made him for the long flight back, he'd scrolled through some of the more ridiculous selfies Seth had sent him over the weekend (and Seth hates selfies, so something about that makes it more special), and he feels — well-rested, energised, reinvigorated. Ready for anything. Truly at ease for the first time since he said goodbye to Seth about a week ago.
They just stare at each other for a few long moments, Dean with a ghost of a smile on his lips, Seth with an expectant look on his face — before Dean just reaches out and pulls him close into his arms.
Seth closes his eyes, buries his face into his shoulder contently, and it feels like his body was meant to fit right here, pressed flush against his own, Dean feeling Seth's heartbeat against his own chest, his arms wrapped tightly around his waist.
Dean runs a hand up into his hair and breathes in the smell and the aura and the very essence of him. He's never felt anything more real in his life.
When they finally pull away, Dean starts rummaging in his backpack for something while Seth looks on quizzically.
"Dean, what —"
"I got you something," he says, placing a small, stuffed koala into Seth's hands.
Seth just stares at it and then back at Dean.
"Your dogs can play with it, too, if you want —" Dean says, sheepishly, eyes looking at the floor, passing his fingers through his hair.
"You're such a sap," Seth tells him, looking at him with fondness practically overflowing from his big, dark eyes.
Before he can refute his words, Seth is reaching up and kissing him, briefly and chastely, on the mouth.
And then it's hard to talk about anything at all.
"Thanks," Seth tells him, breathlessly, staring him right in the eyes.
Dean just smiles at him before reaching out and taking his hand in his own and then they head towards the doors together.
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