#so I only half know how to use social media but I’m realizing part of this conflict just comes from bad sharing settings from tiktok
casuallyanidiot · 1 month
The Beta Test | Prologue
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[yandere male x gn reader]
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Local party animal and known social butterfly [name] wakes up to find that they've been abducted by their very reclusive and very wealthy classmate. Why, you might ask, did he do this? Well for one reason of course! He needs to know how he's going to talk to his crush! So now, with their freedom on the line, [name] has to figure out how to get this kid with the one of his dreams or risk never leaving at all. Lots of weird conversations ensue, of course.
600+ words Tw. Swearing, mentions of alcohol and drug consumption, kidnapping, drugging Table of contents
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The first thing that came to your groggy mind was: “Shit, I need to work on that research paper.”
The second was: “Oh my god I’m absolutely going to die right now.”
Now, normally when you would wake up somewhere random it wouldn’t be too weird considering the fact that you were a frequent presence at many parties occurring on and off your campus, but you couldn’t say that you had ever found yourself laying on the floor behind a set of bars. Well, the on-the-floor part you had. Just not all that other stuff. 
The first thing, and the most logical thing at that, to consider was that you had somehow wound up being arrested last night. While you would like to say that you were a very responsible person when it came to substances of various degrees, there would be times when you would end up getting swept up in the heat and frenzy of a good time and good music, hence the whole waking up in strangers homes thingy. You had never gotten into any trouble while being in a state like that, but hey, there was a first time for everything. You could only imagine how embarrassing you had behaved last night if you ended up in jail.
It really sucked that you had been arrested though. “What the hell am I going to tell my parents?” you thought with a groan as you pressed your hands to your face. Your knees were placed to your chest and the soft material of your pajamas-
Wait a damn minute.
You looked down to find that you were in fact wearing something that would only be taken to bed or to take out the trash. The stains and faded fabric were proof enough of their use, and there was absolutely no way you’d be wearing sleep clothes while getting blacked out at a party. When you actually thought about it for two seconds, it became apparent that yeah, you had been in your apartment wearing comfy clothes, preparing to actually study, and winding down for the evening before BOOM, Nothing. 
Your brows were furrowed and your lips were pursed as you wiped at your eyes. Your brain felt fuzzy, and the room ( cell?) was blurred. Though the second it cleared up you realized that you were utterly and unequivocally fucked.
Yes, you were inside a cell, on the floor, sitting on a little mat. The floor was gray and cold and hard, but on the other side of the solid metal bars was a kitchenette and a dining table. From what you could see with the virtually nonexistent lighting were clean white marble countertops and sleek wood accents decorating the entire other half of the room. It looked nice, like one of those backdrops that you would see some social media model posing in front of, pretending that they were cooking.
Oh, and there was this guy sitting on a chair just staring at you.
You blinked harshly in surprise. How you hadn’t noticed him before was beyond you, but to be fair you weren’t exactly in the clearest state of mind. Still despite the terror growing in your gut like a weed, you put on a wobbly, awful, nervous smile and said,
“ Oh hi, what’s up?”
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thefallennightmare · 10 months
Just Pretend-nine
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Musician! Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: PLEASE, we are begging you guys. Take your time with this one, so many different emotions throughout. Its a big fucking deal and read it slow, immerse yourself in this world while listening to the playlist. Enjoy my lovelies. 😉
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98 @loverofagoodbeard @comfortcharactercraze @lma1986 @plutonikchaos1 @spicywhenspeaking @lyschko666 @somewhere-diamond
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"I'm so fucking glad we're staying in a hotel the next few days," Folio groaned as we walked down the long hallway of the hotel.
I nodded in agreement. "I can't believe the tour is almost over; our last show is tomorrow night."
With our last show tomorrow night, we were spending the next few nights in a hotel and we all planned to take flights back home so we could get there faster. Hollow Souls were also staying in this hotel but they were a floor beneath us but it seemed the farther I went from Y/N, those imaginary pull strings inside of my heart tightened. If it hurt this bad when she was a floor underneath, how bad would it hurt when she was a state away?
As far as I knew, she still had plans to go back to Vegas because that's where her home was, granted it was with Trey. There wasn't a part of me that was worried she would go back to him; I knew she wouldn't. Ever since they fired him, Hollow Souls has been thriving. They posted on their social media pages that Trey was kicked out of the band due to personal reasons and while most of their fans complained about them kicking out their main vocalist, there was a select few that were excited to see what the future of Hollow Souls looked like.
Y/N was upset at first that so many of their fans were boycotting them now because they decided to kick Trey out.
"Seems like they only care about Trey's vocals when I'm the one that actually wrote our songs."
It took a while of Malcolm and Chase talking to her to realize that their future together as a band was looking bright. They could reinvent themselves.
I filled in for the last two shows but after playing my set for thirty minutes before their hour-and-a-half set, my voice was getting raw and sore so Matt thought it be best if I didn't fill in for the last show. I was going to argue, not wanting to let them down, but Chase reassured me they'd figure out what to do for the last show.
Y/N has been glowing since Trey left, slowly becoming a better woman in front of all of us; to me, she'd always been perfect. But we could all see her confidence growing. With her face in the dirt far too many times with Trey, she finally said enough; it doesn't hurt anymore. As all of his lies crumbled down, Y/N found a new life.
To say all of us were proud of her was a fucking understatement.
"Hey," Jolly bumped shoulders with mine, pulling me from my thoughts as we stopped in front of the door to his room. "Bryan wants us ready to go in twenty minutes."
Oh, right.
We were currently in Oregon and Bryan planned some time today on our off day to visit one of the national parks here to take some promo photos of us.
"Yeah, I'll be ready to go. I need to change quickly and I'll meet you guys down in the lobby," I said as I walked down a few more doors until I stopped in front of my room; the one I was sharing with Nick.
He patted my shoulder as he walked past me into the room. "You should ask if Y/N wants to come with."
I shrugged off his words, trying not to make it seem that I'd been tossing around the idea for the last hour when Bryan first told us about his plan.
"She might have plans with Chase and Malcolm," I said while tossing my suitcase onto the bed, quickly rifling through the clothes to find something to change into.
"She doesn't. Last I heard, Chase and Malcolm are going out tonight so Y/N will be alone," Nick raised a suggestive brow.
With a long sigh, I turned to face him. "You already planned this, didn't you?"
"It was Chase's idea," he answered.
Rolling my eyes, I pulled out my phone to send a text to Y/N.
Get dressed, I'll be by your room in fifteen minutes.
She responded quickly before I had the chance to set my phone down.
Care to tell me where we're going?
All you need to know is to dress warm, angel.
You're full of surprises. See you soon, mochi. Room 245.
"Mochi?" I chuckled to myself while pocking my phone.
With a smile playing at my lips and my heart pounding loudly in my heart at the nickname, I tossed on a fresh hoodie and my tan jacket, opting to leave my hair down. Nick finished getting dressed when I did and once we stepped out in the hallway, Jolly and Folio were already waiting for us right outside our door.
"Fuck," I cursed while clutching my chest. "You scared the shit out of me, Folio."
"Too busy thinking about Y/N, huh?" He gave a playful smile.
Shoving him on the shoulder, I mentioned we needed to stop by her room before heading down to the lobby.
Jolly adjusted the guitar bag on his back. "She's coming with?"
I hesitantly nodded. "Is that alright? Nick said she was alone, and I felt bad if we left her while we did something."
They all smirked at my rambling as we took the stairs down one floor, our footsteps echoing in the small confined space.
"Of course it is, we don't mind when she tags along," Jolly said.
Coming to a stop in front of door 245, I gently rapped my knuckles against it and waited for her petite voice to carry through the wood. It was silent for a few moments, nerves ate away at my stomach as I wondered why she wasn't answering yet.
I knocked once again, this time with a bit more force, and breathed a little when a loud curse sounded from the other side.
"Hang on, someone's at the door."
I looked over to Nick with a raised brow, and he merely shrugged. "Chase and Malcolm are gone so I don't know who she's talking to."
The door opened with a quick brush of air, and my heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of me. Y/N was dressed in a pair of black tights, and a deep orange sweater that rested to the middle of her thighs, and her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. I had to resist the urge to wrap my fingers through it to pull her back to me as she turned back into the room.
"Give me two minutes, I have to get my shoes," She said while clutching her phone to her ear. "No, Dad. Not you. I've got plenty of time to talk."
While the rest of the guys hung out in the hallway, I leaned against the wall right next to her bed and watched her as she slipped on her typical Doc Martin, nodding every so often to something her dad was saying on the other end of the phone.
"Dad, you seem to forget that you're seventeen hours ahead of me right now," she laughed causing my heart to flutter. "It's only noon here. Wait, why are you calling me so early? Isn't it your day off?"
She paced around the room looking for something and realizing what it was; I grabbed her bag and slung it over my shoulder. "I got it."
Y/N smiled her thanks before the conversation with her dad took her attention again. "No, I haven't talked to Mom in a while…. well, the last time she tried to guilt trip me into staying with her when the tour was over…I'm not staying at Trey's place anymore. We broke up.…..yea, long time coming, tell me about it….I'm sure I'll figure it out but I'm not staying in Vegas anymore…..hell yes I'm keeping Salem; asshole doesn't do shit for my cat."
I couldn't ignore the way my stomach flipped hearing that she didn't plan on staying in the same state as Trey.
"I can't move in with Malcolm or Chase because they're actually finding their own place together…Dad, they're dating; have been for the last six months…Yeah, that will explain exactly why Chase and I never got together."
I chuckled as I thought of her dad trying to set up her and Chase.
"You saw videos from the show last night?" There was a clear shock in her voice as she continued to talk with her dad as she rushed around the room getting ready.
"I'm surprised because you don't even know how to work face time," she giggled. "Oh, he's a friend of ours. We've been touring with his band for the last few weeks. Yeah, he filled in the last couple of shows….you think so? That's what everyone is saying online."
Her gaze flicked up to mine as her lips parted slightly, whatever her dad said made her give a long pause.
"Just a friend, dad." Then she turned swiftly on her heels away from me to whisper something low into the phone.
"I'm sorry," she mouthed to me with a pulled expression as she looked over her shoulder..
I waved her off. "Take your time."
"Dad, you know I miss you but I can't move to Japan; not now. But yes, I promise to visit you as soon as I can."
Eventually, after another minute, she said goodbye before hanging up with an audible groan. "Don't get me wrong, I love my dad but sometimes he forgets we talk almost every other day. He wants a play-by-play of my life every time."
"He wants you to visit?" I questioned.
She nodded while slipping into a jacket. "Yeah but its hard to find time. You need more than a weekend to visit Japan; there's so much to do."
"Yeah," I pushed her hand away when she went to reach for her bag. "I've got it."
"Noah, you don't have to carry my bag," she chuckled.
I shrugged. "I don't mind. Ready?"
"Yep," she smiled that heart-stopping smile.
When she walked past me towards the open door, my fingers grazed the inside of her wrist to stop her.
"Mochi?" I asked.
"Yes," she responded immediately. "Because you're the sweetest and your tummy is soft."
She poked her finger into my stomach before letting out a loud shriek of laughter as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders to bring her into my embrace, the both of us walking to the doorway where the guys were waiting.
"Malcolm and Chase are going to meet us once they're finished with their date," Y/N said.
"I'll text them the address," Nick said while pulling out his phone.
"Where are we headed?"
"The mountains," Folio answered with a smile.
"Ooh," she slipped out of my embrace, much to my dismay, to rummage around her suitcase for a book before she came back to me, lifting my arm and throwing it over her shoulder once again. "Now I'm ready."
Resisting the urge to press a kiss to her forehead, I set my sunglasses over my eyes and pulled her along with me as she let the door close behind us and ignored the smug look Nick threw my way as we walked past him; Y/N wrapping an arm around my back.
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"Can you believe how many people are calling for us to collaborate? It's all over Twitter," Nick said while browsing on his phone.
"Shit, really?" Y/N peered over from the back seat so she could gaze down at Nick's phone, who sat in front of her.
I was driving the van to the location that Bryan chose for our photo shoot but Folio called shotgun before she could which earned a cute little pout on her lips; lips that I wanted so bad to taste once again. So she sat in the far back with Jolly while Nick and Bryan sat in the middle. It was weird not having Chase or Malcolm with us since we did everything together on our off days.
"What are they saying?" I wondered while keeping my eyes on the road.
"Fans want you to feature on Hollow Souls next album," Y/N grinned as our eyes locked in the rearview mirror for a few seconds.
I hummed while pulling the van to a stop at the park's entrance. "I'm around whenever you need me, angel."
Once we all piled out, I met Jolly and Bryan at the back of the van to help them unload the equipment while Y/N chatted quietly with both of the Nicks, and out of the corner of my eye; I marveled at how goddess-like she looked with the afternoon sun casting her with her own aura glow. Jolly caught me staring because he smacked my chest before handing me the guitar he brought.
"You could ask her out, ya know," Bryan smirked.
I snapped my gaze over to him. "I can't."
"Why not? It's clear she feels the same since she's here right now," he said.
A long sigh fell from my lips as I ran a hand over my face. "It's not that easy, guys."
Bryan rolled his eyes and then hung his camera from his neck. "I mean you've already kissed, how much easier could things be between you two?"
"You told him?" I seethed at Jolly, who held up his hands.
"I didn't say anything. You two give it away with all the romantic googly-eye shit," he chuckled while he and Bryan began walking up the long trail toward the top of the mountain where we planned on taking the pictures.
"Hey," Y/N smiled as she bounded up next to me. "Little photo shoot?"
Immediately the scowl that followed Byran and Jolly turned into a warm smile, matching Y/N's, and I nodded. We began walking step in step, hands brushing against each other every so often, and I nearly linked fingers with her more than once. However, when we reached some rocky terrain while walking up a hill, Y/N cursed herself for not wearing smarter shoes.
"Here," I bent low in front of her and patted to my back.
"No, you're not carrying me," she tried to laugh it off, but I knew she was nervous about me carrying her weight on my back.
I peered over my shoulder in time to see her place her hands low on her hips.
"Mochi," she teased back with a small smirk.
My heart skipped a long beat at hearing the nickname again. It sounded so fucking sweet falling from her lips; almost as much as my actual name sounded.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," I said, still bent low at my knees.
Y/N pulled at the bottom of her sweater dress. "I don't want to give these bozos a show."
She threw a thumb over her shoulder towards both Nick's who walked a few paces behind her. I rose to my knees and gave her a suggestive smirk while closing the distance between us.
"What color are they?"
"Uh," Y/N stammered but quickly recovered. "A cute olive green. Looks great against my skin tone."
A low noise vibrated in the back of my throat and I stood straighter as Folio walked passed just in time to feel the growing sexual tension.
"Either you hop on his back or I will," he joked as he and Nick walked passed us.
She stared up at me and slowly licked her lips, an action I watched carefully through my sunglasses. "Noah?"
"Yes, angel?"
"You have a cute nose," her voice was quiet, and I thought I misheard her.
I titled my head to the side. "My nose?"
"Yeah. It's just the perfect size for your facial structure," she finished with a boop to my nose.
I scrunched up my face. "Did-did you just boop my nose?"
"See!" She pointed to my face. "You look so fucking cute; it's insane."
"Angel, literally," I breathed a low chuckle.
"Mochi, literally," she mocked while sticking her tongue out.
My fingers itched to grab it but Bryan's loud voice echoed through the trees from far ahead. "Let's go you losers! You're holding us up."
I swear to-.
"What will it be, angel?" I asked.
Y/N dramatically sighed before motioning for me to spin around, which I did with a quick wink.
"If you drop me, I swear to Hades," She grumbled while adjusting her dress.
The warmth radiated from her in giant waves as her legs wrapped around my sides and I hooked my arms underneath her thighs to hoist her up.
"I swear to Hades that I will not drop you," I promised while walking up the steep hill towards the rest of the guys. "Do you actually pray to the Greek Gods?"
She flicked my ear. "No, silly. I just like to joke around with them. They're my favorite mythology."
"Will you teach me about them?
"I'm honored you asked; I'd love to," she ran her fingers through my long hair and I briefly let my eyes flutter shut at the calming feeling.
"Only if you let me braid your hair."
My eyes snapped open. "Uh, we'll see about that."
She flicked my ear again. "You're no fun."
Hooking her tighter against me, I closed the distance between us and the guys in a few long strides. Nick gave the two of us a look as I set Y/N down gently on her feet, she quickly pulling down her dress.
"You didn't see shit," she pointed a firm finger to all of us.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Bryan held up his camera and snapped a few pictures of Y/N; who in return, flipped him the finger.
I watched with a racing heart as she messed around with the guys, almost as if she'd been part of our little group for years.
"Alright," Y/N pulled the book out of her bag. "I'll let you guys do your thing. If you need me, I'll be reading over there."
She pointed to the edge of the mountain that looked over the small lake we drove past to get here.
"Be careful, angel," I warned.
"I'll be fine," Y/N rolled her eyes but as she turned, she tripped over a rock and stumbled a bit before standing straight.
I raised a teasing brow at her while crossing my arms over my chest. "What was that?"
"Fuck you," she taunted with her middle finger.
Don't tempt me, angel.
The next hour passed in a blur as we took countless pictures, just having a fun, relaxing time. Every so often, my gaze would fall onto Y/N as she leaned up against a large willow tree, book perched in her lap. The wind blew through her ponytail every so often and I marveled at how fucking breathtaking she looked when her face would scrunch in surprise with whatever she was reading.
I knew from the moment I stepped off our bus the first day of the tour when I saw her standing amongst the group; when we first met. It wasn't the typical love at first sight bullshit Folio talks about that happens in the movies. It was more like a familiarity, almost like 'oh, hello. It's you. It's always going to be you.'
"Noah, could you take a little step forward," Bryan directed.
Snapping my gaze away from Y/N reluctantly, I followed Bryan's orders for another long few minutes until he decided we got enough pictures. I motioned towards Y/N, who still had her nose perched in her book, and Bryan knew what I silently was saying because he snapped a few pictures of her.
Malcolm and Chase walked up just as we finished our photoshoot so a quick idea came to my mind.
"Angel," I called.
She looked up. "Hm?"
Not saying anything, I waved her, Malcolm, and Chase over to our position which they did hesitantly.
"If Bryan is cool with it," I pointed to him. "What do you guys say for a Hollow Souls photoshoot? New and reimagined?"
Bryan immediately agreed. "Let me change out some things and we can get started.
Chase and Malcolm also agreed with a nod. "I think it'll be good for us."
"You guys don't have to do this for us," Y/N stated. "You've already done so much for us, Noah by filling in."
I shrugged while stuffing my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans. "I take care of the people I care about."
She pondered my words for a long moment and eventually let out a long breath. "Alright fine."
Once Bryan returned, the rest of stepped back to give them space to work. Nick was the only one who watched me as Jolly, Folio, and I kept our eyes on Hollow Souls. We grabbed a few beers from the cooler Jolly packed and was nursing them slowly.
"You know, this would be a perfect opportunity to maybe slip away just the two of you," Nick whispered.
I peered over to him and rolled my eyes, shoving him in the shoulder. "Whatever."
"I'm just saying," he held up his hands in defense. "A night under the stars in the mountains. Anybody would kill for a date like that."
Nick's words weighed heavily on my brain and when she began walking towards me, I made the haste decision by grabbing the guitar that was leaning against the tree.
"Hi," Y/N smiled as I met her halfway.
My heart warmed at the sight.
"Do you want to go somewhere more secluded, just the two of us?" I suggested with a hopeful smile.
I didn't want to think how I would feel if she rejected me and walked away from me.
"Sure," she answered quickly with a glimmer shining in her eyes.
Ultimately, after walking for a few minutes, we decided on an area far from the rest of the group down the water's edge. We sat down in the sand, our knees brushing against each other, and held the guitar in my lap as I watched her stare out into the vast distance of the water. There was a faraway look in the depths of her eyes as she messed with something on her wrist, fiddling it between her fingers.
A hair tie; the one I gave her the last time we were on the beach together. I wondered where it went but decided that I never wanted it back. It's hers to keep; along with everything else I gave her.
"How are you doing, angel?" I asked, breaking the growing silence.
She didn't look at me, kept her eyes straight ahead.
"I'm-." A hesitant breath. "I'm not sure. I want to believe I'm doing okay with the breakup of not only my relationship but also the band. For the longest time, Hollow Souls was the four of us and we released three records together. The future scares the shit out of me. Can the three of us reinvent a new Hollow Souls or do we need to find someone to replace Trey completely?"
I strummed a few random notes on the guitar; the melody echoing into the sounds of the waves.
"I think a fresh start in all aspects is good for you," I answered slowly, trying to get my thoughts and words right. "I've said it from the start, you're the heart and soul of this band, Y/N. The screams were a bonus. It didn't make or break you guys."
She finally looked towards me and her eyes darted over every inch of my face, wondering if my words were the truth. With her, they always were.
"I don't know what I'd do without you, mochi. Truly."
I scrunched up my face to show that the nickname wasn't my favorite but deep down, my insides were floating in pure bliss having her call me something so disgustingly cute. If any of the guys heard it, though, they would give me shit until the end of my days.
"Ditto, angel, ditto."
I tried to play it cool, sauvé, and chill. My typical demeanor was chipping like ice though, the fear of what would happen if it broke completely had its vise grip on me. No one has ever considered a fuckin a nickname for me, not one without a punchline. Not one without a groan or a cursed tantrum that followed. I wasn’t sure if the pure bliss I was feeling was normal, but who the hell wants normal? Hearing it come from her lips meant everything to me.
"Let's play something," I motioned to the guitar.
"Ooh, what do you have in mind?" She asked while turning her body to face me completely head-on and letting her hair flow as she took it out of the ponytail.
The view of her sitting in front of me with the waves crashing behind her, the setting sun's rays breaking over the horizon stole the breath from my chest.
"Only Love," I answered without an ounce of hesitation.
Y/N's nose scrunched up with confusion and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the cutest fucking thing ever.
"Noah, that was a demo song from three years ago."
I shrugged and played the first few notes of the song. "Might be silly to some but to me, it means a lot."
It was true. I listened to that song on repeat when it first came out. It was the first song I heard by Hollow Souls and Y/N's voice captivated my heart with its claws. I remember laying on the pullout couch next to Nick in his bedroom as I stayed there yet again. My mind was racing with only one thought.
I have to fucking make it. I needed to buy my own couch that brought a sense of comfort and security I yearned for.
That's when her soft voice came through my headphones and it shocked me to hear a feminine voice after Of Mice and Men. I brushed the hair away from my eyes as I settled deeper into the couch and let Y/N's angelic voice lull me to sleep that night and far too long after.
Cut to three years later and the girl who wrote that song is here in front of me. Some may call it a ‘rockstar crush. Would she be considered that? Who the hell knows? All I know is that I had pent-up memories, and needed to hear that sweet voice sing it, just for me all these years later.
Y/N's real, right there in front of me.
"I'm shocked you remember that song."
"Why wouldn't I? You talked about it being on the cloud during that one livestream," I answered.
Her eyes doubled. "You watched the livestream?"
A red hue brushed across the soft skin of her face as she tilted her head down towards the sand, long hair covering her face.
"No," I brushed away the hair behind her ear. "Don't hide your beautiful face, angel. I want to see all of you if you'd let me."
"Sorry," she muttered under her breath. "I don't even realize I do it."
"Don't apologize. Never apologize to me. Just understand that this is how I see you. Now, enough sadness. Sing for me, angel."
She looked up at me through lashes with a small smile. "Do you know how to play it?"
I snorted, a little hurt that she would doubt me, but proved her wrong as I played the opening part of the song.
"I told you I watched the stream twice."
"Okay," she nodded. "Where did you want me to start?"
"Sing the whole song for me. Please?" I begged.
"You want me to sing the whole song?"
"I do," I rushed out.
Y/N gave a curt nod. “Okay, I’ll play the whole thing- but only because you asked me too, no one else gets the privilege.”
I playfully narrowed my eyes at her. “They better not.”
She took a deep breath while shutting her eyes as I played the tune on the guitar.
"I’m hoping you weren’t heaven sent cause only hell knows where you’ve been. Your built composure’s wearing thin and all your walls are caving in. Before you shut this down, I just wanna lift you up. I’ll take all this love I found and I hope that it’s enough."
We both could hear the ache in our hearts as it bled out, the lyrics mean so fucking much right now.
"Now don’t you shut this down. Ooh no don’t you give this up. I took all this love I found and I hope that it’s enough. Is it enough? If we don’t bend, then this might break. Please don’t give into this pain. Just keep on counting down the days and dream of me to keep you safe."
Y/n opened her eyes to meet mine, a blaze of passion that cut deep into my bones.
"Before you came around I was lost and out of place. You’re the only love I found and I’m hoping that you’ll stay. Please stay."
As we played on together in perfect harmony, there was one thing bright in clear in my mind: I'd stay for as long as she let me.
"Fuck," she breathed. "I forgot how much I loved singing this song."
I nodded in agreement while setting the guitar down next to me. "It's one of my favorites. It's actually what got me into Hollow Souls. I'd been hooked on your voice since that first night on Nick's couch all those years ago when I first heard it."
Y/N beamed when an idea struck her with such force, she stumbled to her feet. "I have to talk with Chase and Malcolm about something."
She took off a few steps in front of me, clearly excited about this idea she had. As we reached the rest of the guys, Y/N made a beeline toward Chase to tell him about her idea while I walked up to Nick and Folio, the former giving me a look.
"So my date idea was good, huh?" He playfully jabbed my side.
I pushed him away with a groan of embarrassment. "Fuck off, Nicholas."
"Oh, he pulled out the full name," Folio teased.
Jolly and Bryan joined us as we finished packing up the van and when I glanced over to Y/N, I noticed Malcolm pinching her cheeks playfully and she smacked his hands away, her cheeks flushed with her own embarrassment and large smile.
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"Oh wow, look at all of these beautiful people tonight!" Y/N's voice carried through the sold-out arena.
It was the last show of tour and Hollow Souls just took the stage for their set. We could feel the nerves radiate off of all three of them all the way where we stood on the stage to watch them. This was new what they planned on doing tonight but the three of them spent the rest of last night after we parted ways at the hotel and all morning and afternoon today practicing nonstop a new setlist. They wanted to show everyone tonight the first step towards the new Hollow Souls.
"Where's Noah?!" a voice yelled from the crowd.
Jolly chuckled from beside me. "Think they'll be upset you don't show up tonight?"
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "I hope not. This is something that they need to prove they can do. The fans need to have faith in Hollow Souls."
"Well, about that," Malcolm spoke into his microphone while adjusting his bass strap.
"Now before you all start booing us off the stage," Chase spoke next from his spot above on his makeshift drum stage. "Noah has been fucking killing it not only with Bad Omens this tour but also helping us out a lot. But tonight, we wanted to do something a little different. We still have our guitar tech filling in for us!"
The crowd cheered for their guitar tech, which made him give an awkward wave.
"I know this may take getting used to, but we appreciate your support in doing what’s right for us and our band," Y/N said. "It means so fucking much to all of us you still showed up tonight even knowing Trey is no longer with us. For that, we're going to give you a kick ass show you deserved. Don't give up on Hollow Souls. We cut out the disease and are ready to fucking blossom."
Y/N peered over to me and with a small wave and wink, she sang the first few lyrics of Only Love.
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Darkness cascaded over my sleeping form, a brush of moonlight breaking through the curtains pulled tight in our hotel room, and I buried myself deeper into the cocoon of blankets. Sleep was within my grasp and after the last few weeks, the thought of finally being able to sleep in my own bed back at home made it that much easier to grasp it.
Until my phone buzzed from its place on the nightstand and my hand smacked around until it grabbed it. Through hazy vision, I blinked a few times for the words to clear.
Hey, are you awake?-Angel.
I sat up in bed and rubbed away the rest of the sleep from my eyes. It only meant one thing when someone texted you the typical you up text.
Yeah, couldn't sleep.
Bullshit, you were seconds away from waking up Nick with your snoring.
I stared at the bubbles that appeared on my screen and then disappeared, only to reappear right before her next text came through.
Would it be alright if I came by to hang out? Or is it too late?
The clock at the top of my screen showed it was just before midnight.
Not at all. I've got snacks, and we can finally finish watching Spirited Away. Room 392
Be there in five minutes. I'll bring some goodies too! :)
I chucked a pillow at Nick, who was fast asleep in his bed, but when he remained sleeping, I threw another. Eventually, he groaned, slowly waking up.
"You need to leave." I scrambled out of bed and pulled away the blankets from Nick. "Y/N's coming by to hang out."
Nick smoothed down his bedhead, a sly smirk on his lips. "You're kicking me out right now?"
"Fuck yes I am. Go bunk with Bryan or Matt," I said while changing out of my old gray sweats for a pair of black joggers, opting to put on a shirt.
He yawned before grabbing the things he would need and dragged his feet to the door, sending a text to whoever he bunked with.
"Be safe!" Nick called out before the door shut behind him.
With seconds to spare, I quickly tidied up the room then set up a variety of snacks and pulled up the movie on my laptop, setting it on the bed just in time for a soft knock to sound on the door. I let out a few deep calming breaths and did a quick once over of myself in the mirror.
"Hi," I smiled once I opened the door.
Y/N's eyes grazed over every inch of me as she shifted on her feet in the doorway, clutching a bag close to her chest. She was dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and an oversized shirt.
"Do you always sleep shirtless?" she asked with a raised brow.
I stepped to the side, allowing her to step inside the room. "Every hotel room I sleep in can't get any colder than seventy degrees. I need it to be at least sixty-eight. I run hot when I sleep and the guys know not to mess with the thermostat back home."
"Wow, good to know. I'll keep my hands to myself when I come over," she wiggled her fingers after setting her bag down on the couch.
Please don't.
I peeked a brow. "When you come over?"
"Oh, if you thought you saw the last of me because the tour is over, you're wrong," she fell onto the couch with a huff of breath. "I'm moving to Los Angeles."
My heart thumped loudly in my chest but I did my best to hide my excitement when I sat next to her.
"You are?" I questioned.
She nodded with that room-brightening smile. "I had a long talk with Chase and Malcolm tonight and we thought it is best. With us trying to reinvent Hollow Souls it'd be good if we were together for the writing process. Malcolm already found a place big enough for us and while he's going there to get things ready, Chase is flying back with me to Vegas to help me pack my things."
I shifted in my seat, resting my arm against the back of the couch, behind Y/N. "Do you think Trey will be there?"
"Probably but that's why Chase is coming with me; in case things go south."
"I could come too if you'd like," I stumbled over my words only slightly.
Y/N rested a hand on my knee and squeezed it. "You need to stop worrying so much about me, Noah. I can't ask you to change your plans for something I should do on my own."
"You're worth it, angel," I vowed while running a finger through the soft waves of her hair.
We stayed in that position for a minute longer, simply staring into each other's eyes, and when I ran my tongue over my bottom lip, Y/N let out a soft whine. The thick tension that always seemed to be around us intensified now, and it was almost hard to breathe, let alone keep my thoughts off the way her hand grazed a few inches higher on my thigh.
I cleared my throat while nodding to the bag next to her. "What did you bring?"
"Oh," she snapped out of her trance and set it on her lap. "Last tour, I started this tradition on the final night I celebrate by doing self-care."
She pulled out an array of masks and different colors of nail polish and then set them on the small coffee table in front of us.
"Sweet, hand me one," I nodded towards the masks.
"You do masks?" Y/N giggled.
"What, you think I get this perfect skin with just water?" I jeered with a smile.
For the next while, we sat with our face masks on and watched the movie on the small screen of my laptop. It took almost no convincing from her to paint my nails black; her choosing a burgundy color for her nails. But now, what she was trying to convince of me gave me a slight pause.
"I don't know, angel. I don't let just anyone touch my hair," I said while putting away my laptop, us finishing the movie.
Y/N moved to the chair that sat in the room's corner and had her legs spread wide. "It's a good thing I'm not anyone. Now, get your ass over here and let me braid your hair."
For added effect, she pouted her bottom lip out and gave me those big doe eyes.
"Fine," I sighed before sitting on the floor between her legs, my back to her.
I shivered under her touch as she raked her fingers through my hair to break apart the small knots that gathered while I slept earlier.
"So, which Greek God is your favorite?" I asked.
She hummed. "Without a doubt, Medusa. Her story is tragic and sometimes often told wrong but that's the thing with mythology; there are so many different versions, you just have to choose which one you believe more."
"Medusa is the one with the snake hair, right?"
"Yeah," she turned my head to the left as she began braiding that side. "Some stories said she was an original gorgon sister but recent tellings from Ovid say she was a beautiful maiden who worked in Athena's temple. Poseidon saw her from afar and just like Zeus always did, Poseidon decided he wanted Medusa. He had sex with her on the temple steps and Athena punished her by turning her into the gorgon with snake hair and cursed any man to turn to stone when they looked at her."
I whistled low. "Shit, Greek gods were assholes."
Y/N snorted. "You don't even know the half of it."
Once she finished the left side, she turned my head to the right so she could start on that side.
"How'd her story end?"
"In tragedy, like every other myth. Perseus was sent to behead her by King Polydectes of Seriphus because Polydectes wanted to marry Perseus's mother. The gods were well aware of this, and Perseus got help. He received a mirrored shield from Athena, sandals with gold wings from Hermes, a sword from Hephaestus, and Hades's helm of invisibility."
"Wait," I turned to look up at her, which made her chastise me because I messed up the braid. "Athena, who turned her into this monster, helped the guy who was sent to kill her?"
"Fucked up, I know."
With stern hands, she turned my head to the right again. "Since Medusa was the only one of the three Gorgons who was mortal, Perseus could slay her; he did so while looking at the reflection from the mirrored shield he received from Athena. During that time, Medusa was pregnant by Poseidon so when Perseus beheaded her, Pegasus, the winged horse, and Chrysaor, a giant wielding a golden sword, sprang from her body."
"Oh Pegasus, from the Disney Hercules," I noted.
"That movie is so wrong but what do you expect for a kids' movie," Y/N chuckled then slapped her thighs. "All finished."
She showed me my reflection through her camera on her phone and I couldn't stop the smirk that pulled at my lips.
"I'll have to admit, angel. I look good with braids," I admitted while snatching her phone from her.
"Hey, what are you doing?!" She asked while reaching for it.
I leaned far back from her and posed for a few selfies. "I thought you'd like an updated selfie of me. I know you have the other two I sent you a few weeks ago."
With a red face, she snatched her phone back and held it close to her chest. "I do not."
"Right, then let me see your pictures," I teased while kneeling in front of her, hands resting on her thighs, her skin ablaze with heat.
She swallowed thickly. "Fuck you, Sebastian."
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I swallowed thickly while clutching my phone to my chest, knowing that he was correct about saving those two selfies he sent me before.
"Are you going to look at the selfie I took?" Noah taunted.
With a breath, I peered down at the phone only to suck in a large breath, body shivering underneath his warm touch on my thighs.
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"That's your new contact picture, mochi," I smirked while setting it and leaned deeper in the couch, not realizing that I pressed my core closer to Noah's face.
His eyes burned as his gaze darted from between my legs up to my face and his tongue darted out to wet his lips, almost imagining the taste.
"Angel," his voice was deep, it rumbling in his chest.
All the heat shot straight to my pussy as it clenched with desire, something that always happened when around Noah. Before, I took care of myself with this exact image in my mind but now that it was about to happen made me buzz with excitement.
"Can I?" He asked while breathing over my lap.
I raised my hips towards his face, all morals or thoughts if this was the best idea flew out of the window. We waited long enough for this moment ever since we shared that kiss so long ago. I wasn't a religious person at all but fuck, did I pray to Aphrodite about this moment countless times.
"Please," the word choked out on my lips.
With a low growl, Noah pulled me off of the chair and tossed me onto the bed before he crawled between my spread legs. His long fingers hooked the waistband of shorts and panties pulling them off in almost a quick snap and when blazed eyes stared down at my bare pussy, I tried to close my legs.
"Don't," Noah demanded while gripping my thighs tight to spread my legs again. "Don't hide a fucking thing from me, angel."
"I've never actually-," The words died on my lips when I felt embarrassed about what I was about to say.
Noah leaned over me. "Wait, are you going to say what I think you're going to say?"
I turned my head away from him. "He never wanted to go down on me."
Noah cursed while cupping my chin so I could meet his gaze. "Don't think about him, angel. Just lay back and enjoy this."
I did my best to nod in his grasp. "Okay."
He suddenly crashed his lips to mine in a fiery, passionate kiss, as he forced his tongue past my lips to taste every inch of my mouth and I moaned into it, nails scratching against the bare skin of his chest. Noah's teeth dragged over my bottom lip as his hand dragged down my side to slide up underneath my shirt, fingers pinching at my nipples.
"Noah," I breathed while breaking apart from the kiss.
He buried his face into the crook of my neck to breathe me in. "Say it again."
I did, over and over like a mantra, as he left a mark on the skin of my neck while his hand switched to the other breast, mimicking his actions from before. The wetness that pooled between my legs was almost a new feeling, never being this turned one, and for a moment I wondered if it would be alright; no pain.
Noah helped me sit up so he could pull my shirt over my head and soon was laying bare in front of him, hair sprawled around my head.
"Fuck, angel. You're fucking beautiful."
For the longest time, I was told something different from how I looked. So hearing the truth and sincerity from Noah made me almost close my legs in front of him. But with his tight grip on my hips to keep me locked against the bed, I knew he could read my thoughts.
"Don't go there. Stay here with me," he said before his lips pressed over every inch of skin from my lips to my chest, down my stomach, and stopped right about my pussy.
I whined the smallest of sobs when Noah took his time, lips ghosting over me. By now I was almost begging and when I finally felt the wet flick of his tongue against my clit, I breathed out a shaky curse. Noah pressed the fullness of his tongue against my lips, licking me up from the bottom to the top, spreading my legs wider apart. I bit my hand to keep the noises at bay.
"I want to hear you," he left a gentle bit on the inside of my thigh.
"Fuck," I moaned when his tongue speared inside of me for a few strokes.
My hands now grasped at the blanket beneath me as I raised my hips farther into his mouth, his lips wrapping around my clit to bite and suck at the bundle of nerves. I always thought my Gspot was in my clit because it was hard to have an orgasm any other way than rubbing myself. Without even telling Noah this, it was as if he knew exactly what my body needed.
It happened so fast, before I knew it he was devouring me like a dying man. I’ve never felt euphoria until now; this must be how it feels to see the moon, the moon that changes its orbit. He had me spinning.
"I love the way you taste, angel." Noah broke away from my clit for a second before diving back it.
The familiar feeling of an orgasm built in my stomach, the tension pulling so fucking tight it was seconds away from snapping. My spine tingled with anticipation as my body tensed, knees shaking underneath Noah as he rubbed his tongue in faster but shorter circles, moaning with the taste that lingered on his lips.
"N-noah. 'M so close," I let my head fall back deeper into the mattress.
"Let go, I've got you."
With a strangled breath, I let the orgasm crash through me like a tsunami, a bright white light edging at the corners of my eyes while Noah licked me through the last few aftershocks. As my breathing calmed, I lifted my head in time to see him stand to his feet, stepping out of his joggers only to stand in front of me in his black briefs.
I licked my lips when I saw his cock straining against the confines of the material until he palmed himself in a few strokes.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.
I shook my head with desperation clear in my voice. "No, please. I need this-I need you, Noah."
He cursed before sliding off his briefs with desperation and urgency, his hard cock springing against his thigh, and I nearly died at that sight alone. All of my imagination did nothing compared to the real thing, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared for a few different reasons. Sex with Trey was uncomfortable but with Noah's size, I feared it would only hurt. The only saving grace was that he worked me open and the added wetness would make up for the slight pain.
"Are you on anything?" Noah asked while kneeling between my legs.
A lot of different shit.
"No," I said.
He leaned over to a bag that lay at the foot of the bed and rummaged around for a few seconds before retrieving a condom. I watched with anticipation as pre-cum seeped out of the slit when he ripped it open and slid it over his length then perched himself between my legs again, the head of his cock pressing gently against me. He wrapped one of my legs around his hip then slowly, sunk deep inside of me, and I bit my tongue hard to keep my strangled cry quiet. I knew there was going to be some pain; it was inevitable, but I didn't expect it to feel so good either.
"Fuck," Noah rested his forehead against my collarbone. "So tight."
He didn't move at first, relishing in the way I felt gripping his cock, and I couldn't take it anymore; I needed him to move.
"Noah," I begged while grinding against him.
One hand gripping my thigh, the other was placed next to my head to keep himself supported as he finally moved his hips in slow, deep strokes.
"Faster," I panted, almost pleading.
Slow was good but right now I needed fast.
Noah accepted my pleas and began slamming into me with such force, I cried out in name with a mixture of pleasure and pain. My hand slipped between our bodies to rub at my clit, hoping that the sensation would ease the pain a bit, but it could only do so much.
He noticed something was wrong with the way my face contorted in pain. "Angel, do you want to get on top?"
"Fuck yes, please."
Still buried deep inside of me, Noah rolled our bodies so now I was straddling him and almost immediately, the pain subsided; it was still there but not as strong. My hands sprawled over the tattoos that covered his chest as I leaned down to lick my way across the snake and apple on his neck. The noise he made, and his moans were so soft as my hot tongue went up and down his neck, I grazed over his Adam's apple with my teeth and bit down. Noah shook underneath me as he wrapped an arm around my back to hold me closer, burying his thick, aching cock, deeper inside of me.
We felt the rush, the aching, burning blush. We surrendered to the touch. I gave him a show. This is heaven in hiding.
"Angel," he begged as my teeth worked on leaving a mark against the hand on his neck. "I need-."
"What do you need?" I ground my hips against his pelvis and the sensation sent sparks to my clit and I clenched around him.
"Fuck," he cursed. "Don't stop what you're doing. It feels so good."
"Oh," I bit down on a new patch of skin on his throat. "This?"
"Yes," he dragged out the S for a few seconds.
My hands went to run through his hair but I almost forgot in our haste that I braided it a few minutes before this.
"Angel," Noah's voice was raw. "You have no idea how much I've wanted you."
I sat up slowly to stare down at him in awe as his words made me feel unspeakable things.
In one quick action, his hand snaked behind my head to pull my lips back down to him to kiss me feverishly.
"Noah," I tugged on his braids.
"Shit, give me a minute. I can take them out."
I didn't stop moving my hips against him. "Noah. I-."
"Just second, angel."
His hands left their vice grip on my hips to take out his hair but I quickly slapped his hands while sinking deeper on his cock. "Leave them."
The same sensation of a cresting orgasm filled every inch of me, ecstasy shooting through my veins like a drug, and when Noah's thumb pressed fast circles against my clit, I leaned my head up towards the ceiling, lips parting as my hands wrapped around his braids, pulling with such force he choked on my name. I rode Noah faster, needing that last little bit of friction to tip me over the edge and when I finally let the bliss plow through me in droves, I held my breath.
"Angel," Noah cupped my cheek so I could look down at him. "Breathe through it with me."
I did as he said, both of us breathing out my orgasm as our eyes locked intently with each other. I writhed against him, my arousal soaking the condom and parts of his hips. It was such a simple action but the way it set my body on fire intensified the aftershocks to something I'd never experienced. Noah stared down to the place where we met and with a noisy moan, he wrapped an arm tighter around me to pull me flush against his chest as his hips stilled for a second before he emptied himself inside the condom.
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I pressed light kisses all along Y/N's shoulder blades, in shock and almost slight jealousy as I took in every inch of the large tattoo that covered her back. It was of a large snake that wrapped along every groove of her spine with an array of different Japanese flowers.
Afterward, I let her fall onto the mattress with a happy sigh, immediately grasping the pillow closer to her chest and that's when I noticed the tattoo.
"I can't believe I've never noticed this before," I mused while running a finger over the ink.
"It's taken like two years to complete. It's my second favorite after the one on my leg of the Gods," she rested her chin on her palm. "You know what I just realized? We have similar tattoo themes; copy cat."
Her finger grazed over the snake and apple along my neck.
"Yeah," I chuckled. "All you need is an apple right here."
I smacked right above her ass and she shrieked while falling into the pillow once again, a long but content sigh falling from her lips. I kissed from between her shoulder blades down her back, my nails grazing beyond the wake of my lips.
"Are you okay?" I wondered while gently squeezing her hips.
“Yeah, I think so. I feel content, just basking in it. You?”
I nodded and kissed the side of her head as I lay next to her. "I feel great."
"Do you know what you want in 10 years?" Y/N blurted out.
“That’s a random question” I chuckled while kissing her lips.
She sighed and looked up at me through her lashes. “I know but think about it, like really think about it?”
I thought deeply about her question, fingers still grazing her spine. “Alright I’ll bite, I don’t know, I’ve always been trying to make it with whatever bullshit has been going on in my fucking life- just wanting to mean something to somebody, make music- for anybody out there to listen. To be the fucking king you know?”
She laughs. "And?"
"Way down the road maybe one day in the future- to live in the middle of nowhere with a dog, cats, and a family of my own. In my wooden home that I built."
Y/N's body went rigid with my words.
"But right now, no dog, no family just…just Bad Omens," I finished with a hopeful breath.
She hummed in response but turned her head to face the wall opposite of us, something bothering her. Not wanting to push it, I left another kiss on her spine before I slipped out of bed to discard of the condom in the bathroom trash, a light red color catching my attention.
Once back in the room, I slipped back underneath the covers.
Another hum vibrated from her throat, sleep weighing heavy on her shoulders.
"Did you get your period?"
I swore I saw all the breath leave her body with my question and my mind panicked, thinking she was embarrassed.
"It's fine," I rubbed her back soothingly. "I just saw some blood on the condom, that's all."
When she still said nothing, I nudged her face with my nose. "Are you alright?"
"Yep," she said quietly.
"Stay till morning?" I asked, hopefully.
Finally, she turned to face me and left a kiss on my nose. "I have to go."
My heart fell into the dark pits of my stomach as I watched her slip out from underneath the sheet to gather her clothes. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, Noah." She slipped back into her clothes rather quickly. "I just have an early flight to catch and I know you have one too."
I shook my head and stood to my feet while slipping my briefs and joggers back on. "I don't buy that. We were great, where did you go just now?"
She doesn't want to leave, I can see that in the way her movements slowed once she was dressed, almost as if she was buying time for me to say something that would change her mind. But she refused to meet my gaze.
"Angel, look at me. What's the matter?" I asked again.
"Nothing-," she began with a sigh.
"Then why won't you stay?"
The fear of her slipping between my fingers was debilitating.
"Noah, you know I can’t; we can’t," Y/N stumbled over her words.
I stretched my arms out wide at my sides. "Why? Why can’t you?"
With her gaze still cast down to her feet, she shook her head. "You don’t want me Noah, trust me, you don’t want any part of this."
"Bullshit," I spat as my anger got the best of me.
Y/N's head snapped up towards me, finally looking me in my eyes and all I saw in hers were the wetness of tears. "I have this condition that already makes my life harder every fucking month. I don't need to bring you into it and ruin our future, alright?"
My heart stopped for a few seconds. "Condition? What the fuck, are you dying or something? I don't know what the hell this means."
"No," she rushed out. "I'm not dying. I-I don't want to get into this right now. All I know is that I would need you a lot more than you'd need me. And you deserve better than me, anyway."
"Don't-" I started while pointing a finger at her.
She ran a distressed hand through her hair. "You know it’s true Noah, please. This is hard enough as it is. Walking out right now."
The bed stood between us and I hated feeling so far from her even though we were still in the same room so I walked around it, standing a few inches in front of her now.
"I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life too, Y/N. Don’t sit there and tell me what I can and can’t handle. Don’t sit there and tell me what I want or don’t want. You’re just so afraid of us," I pointed between us.
She grasped her elbows to hug herself and I could see the way her mind was running, gears turning hastily. Y/N was shutting down in front of me and I fucking hated it.
"Don’t fucking do that. I’m not him," I assured her with a gentler tone.
All of this was a trauma response, something so embedded deep into her brain that it was the only way she knew how to act. I know she felt the same way that I did; it was clear with what happened not even an hour ago. If she didn't feel the way I did, she wouldn't have shown up tonight. Y/N wants to stay, I can see it in the way her eyes keep darting to the bed but the pain and trauma were too deep.
"I’m sorry angel, I just- you’re wrong. I know how I feel about you, and I know what you feel about me."
I went to reach for her hands but she took a step back, a few tears falling to the ground below.
"I know what I feel. It’s not you, it’s me, Noah."
Not that fucking line.
"No. Fuck, angel! Stop! The future hasn't even happened yet. Please, don't-what do you need to happen?"
Her bottom lip trembled as a broken sob clawed its wait through her throat. "I-I think we need to remain friends right now. I can't-I can't get lost in you, Noah. It's so fucking easy to. I think we need space."
"I-I don't fucking want that, Y/N. I just want you."
"Noah, please understand where I'm coming from," she begged.
I paced the room, hands shaking in anger. Defeat? I wasn't sure.
"Angel-I. Please, just-," I eventually sighed in defeat.
"I'm going to head out."
Y/N nodded towards the door after gathering her things and stepped past me to leave.
The fear of losing her completely is what made me give in to her wishes. As much as I wanted to fight her choice, I needed her as a friend more than something more. I'll take what I can get for right now until she realizes she feels the same; I know she does.
As she opened the door, my feet closed the distance between us in two large steps and I grasped her chin, forcing her to look at me. The tears burned with the need to fall but she held fast and strong, refusing to show me how badly walking away was affecting her.
I brushed my lips across hers in a soft kiss. "I can wait for you."
She tried to disagree but my grip was too strong. "Noah- I can’t ask you to do that. That’s not fair. You deserve-"
“Don’t tell me what you think I deserve." I let out a shaky breath. "Look, heaven knows I’m not getting over you, I can wait”
“Besides. I’m known for having a lot of fuckin patience. I will wait." I finished with a shrug.
If I wasn't already staring intently at her, I almost would have missed the small nod she gave me; but I didn't. I saw it.
“Goodnight Noah.”
With one final kiss, not enough to remember the way she tastes, Y/N let the door shut behind her as I burned my hateful gaze through it. She left? How the fuck could she just leave after the night we had together?
No, fuck that.
I barreled through the door in time to notice she was only two doors down, frozen in her spot.
"Angel," I called after her.
Slowly, she turned, and I sucked in a breath when I saw the redness in her eyes, puffy with teh tears she let out as soon as the door closed. Mine mirrored hers.
"Please," I begged. "Just come back to me. I'll wait for you."
Y/N hesitated but within that hesitation, something stood out clear as day; she took a small step towards me until that doubt filled the back of her mind yet again. I stayed in the hallway watching as she turned the corner, disappearing from my vision and life; my words not being enough to make her stay.
Back inside the room, I let the door slam shut and made a beeline toward the minibar. I screwed off the cap of the Hennessy, downing half of it in one go.
"Bitter ends to the night. I'm along for the ride," I raised the bottle in the air before taking another long, slow gulp with my eyes screwed shut.
Suddenly, they snapped open, and I rummaged around the mess of my room for my phone, quickly typing out a text to Jolly.
I need to write a song, now.
Only a few minutes passed before he responded, just enough time for me to pop open another bottle.
Now? It's three in the morning and we have nothing here.
Doesn't fucking matter. I'll figure it out. Come to my room.
Letting the bottle slip from my fingers, I stalked over to the wall and slid down until my ass hit the floor with a thud; the image of Y/N crying and walking away burned into my brain. I was out of breath, out of time trying to stop her but, in the end, everything has a price. And I was paying for it. 
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sourholland · 2 years
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based off of taylor swift’s song style
a/n → part two!! how this played out was debated for awhile honestly. i hope you guys enjoy and start to understand a little more of the dynamic we’re looking at here. as always, feedback is heavily heavily appreciated and let’s me know you want more. let me know to be added to the taglist! ALSO - a lot of people who commented on part 1 to be added to the taglist don’t have it turned on in settings where i’m able to tag them, so i couldn’t. i won’t be going back through several parts to find your @ so you’ll need to fix it and comment again if you want to be on the taglist in the future.
summary → he’s the quarterback of the cincinnati bengals, a worldwide heartthrob with an ego the size of lake erie—but does he have the heart to match it? you’re the bengals newest cheerleader, desperate to prove how much you deserve your spot on the team. it doesn’t take much to catch the eye of joe burrow, however that isn’t necessarily a good thing when you’re told that any romantic relations between cheerleaders and players is strictly prohibited.
warnings → alcohol use, strong language, nsfw content
word count → 3.3k
remember to reblog and leave a comment if you enjoy!
Chapter 2
Ever since the spontaneous car hookup earlier in the week, things had been a sort of comfortably complicated. Joe had driven you to pick up your car, half hard watching your legs cross so delicately as if he hadn’t just ripped your panties off in the backseat. It was more than a turn on for him.
It was a still silence all the way back to the practice facility. He kissed your cheek and told you to have a goodnight, then you grabbed your cheer bag and had gone home. Joe waited to see if he’d hear from you, wanting to see where you stood on the matter before he pushed his way into your space. He was giving you an out if you wanted it.
You wanted to want it.
It was so wrong. You were breaking the biggest rule imposed on you. Yet, you couldn’t. So you didn’t. It took until mid-afternoon the next day when you texted him to get his actual phone number, the texting exclusively through instagram private message felt a little middle school. He happily obliged, not wanting to pressure you into anything.
The conversation was casual, nothing pertaining to the subject of you fucking in the backseat of his Porsche. The only discussion of that was via Venmo, when he sent you money for a Plan B without question. You hadn’t even requested the money, he just let you know through the transaction that he didn’t want to act entitled to knowing if you were on contraception.
He didn’t know why he was so enamored by you. Joe had a very fuck boy-ish college career, he’d done his fair share of sleeping around and having women throw themselves at him. Some would say this has given him a big ego, he partially agreed. It was never about the hookup culture, though. It was more so just what he thought was right for a college athlete, it was what all his friends had done. He’d broken some hearts, for that he wasn’t proud. It was a time in his life that he was focused on two things: football and partying.
It was pretty obvious that you were the opposite to him. He had done a little social media stalking to find out a little more about the so-called rookie Ben-Gal. Just through instagram he saw that you were a very spirited girl during high school, it seemed like you had a serious boyfriend through most of those four years. He sort of disappeared when you came to the University of Cincinnati.
He wondered if he was your first love. Joe hadn’t ever been able to recall a first love for himself. There had been plenty of girls, he just didn’t ever feel like it was love.
He saw that you had maintained the good girl persona through college too. He was shocked that you’d never joined a sorority. Joe came to realize that you really were just a dedicated student athlete through and through. How you ended up as a Bengals cheerleader? He wasn’t sure.
Joe: What’re you up to tonight?
He typed the message out without thinking much of it, it’d been days since you’d last been together. He hadn’t pushed anything since the car incident. He hung back after practice and watched you rehearse the dance choreography for the preseason that would begin in a few days.
Y/N: Not sure yet
Y/N: Why?
He didn’t really know why. Joe wasn’t so selfish that he wanted to get you in trouble for hanging around him. He just wanted to see you.
Joe: I want to see you.
This was a surprise to you. Not that Joe seemed like the type to sleep with a girl and ghost, but he did kind of seem like the type of guy to do that. He was so charming, though. Everything he said to you sent your stomach into somersaults.
Y/N: Do you?
Joe: I really do
Joe: How do you feel about dive bars?
When he didn’t respond to that, you realized he wasn’t kidding when he asked you that. Without thinking much, you laughed and began to type again.
Y/N: Oh shit, you’re serious
Y/N: Can’t say I’m very familiar with the scene lol
Joe: Really?
Y/N: I mean, I just turned 21, I don’t really go to frat parties at school. I really only drink with friends. Haven’t been to many bars.
Joe: Fair enough. I know a spot outside of Cincinnati. It’s pretty small, usually pretty deserted. The crowd is older.
This made you nervous, being in public and easily spotted with Joe made you nervous. It wasn’t the fact that anyone would know who you were, being an NFL cheerleader didn’t make you a celebrity. It was more so the possibility of someone snapping a picture of Joe with you in it, Joe is a celebrity and he’s extremely recognizable.
Y/N: Joe, I really don’t want all this to get back to my coaches. It only takes one person to fuck this all up for me before the season even starts..
Joe: I get that. I’m telling you, nobody here is going to be a problem.
In between finishing up your hair and adding a red lip tint, you heard a knock on your apartment door. That would definitely be Joe. He’d insisted on coming up to grab you when picking you up, something about being raised decent.
You’d slipped into a navy blue miniskirt and white ribbed tank top. It seemed like the simplest thing for going out to a hole-in-the-wall bar.
“You’re punctual,” you laughed as you opened the door to reveal Joe in a pair of khakis and t-shirt.
“You look,” Joe began, scanning your figure. “I mean you look really great, Y/N.”
He couldn’t help but think about your reddened lips. He didn’t know where the both of you stood on a lot of things, this made him hold back some of what he wished to say.
“Thank you,” your face flushed at his comments.
Both of you just kinda stood there in the doorway for a moment, grinning like high schoolers after their first kiss. Joe’s cheeks were pink, his hands shoved in his pockets as he watched you retrieve your clutch. His eyes fell to the way your ass looked in that skirt on more than one occasion, or more specifically what it would look like out of that skirt.
“Ready?” You asked.
Joe nodded and you headed down to the complex’s garage. It was a comfortable walk, filled with you having the inability to tear your gaze from his toned arms and back. He definitely noticed you staring, grinning each time he caught you from the corner of his eye.
He opened the passenger side door for you, walking around and getting in himself. He looked so fucking good. There was just something about an attractive guy driving, but Joe took it to a whole different level. He pushed his hand through his hair and backed out seamlessly.
Some A$AP Rocky song was playing in the background as you looked out the window at the lit up city. Joe drummed along the steering wheel. It was obvious every time he attempted to slyly glance at the skirt riding up your thighs.
“How do you think this game in a few days will go?” You said softly.
“Hard to say,” Joe replied. “It’s preseason, so technically it doesn’t matter. To the team it matters, though. Losing these early games give guys like Skip Bayless a reason to rip us apart before the season even starts.”
“You listen to stuff like that?”
“It’s hard not to, they practically shove it down our throats the entire season. Last season was tough, not winning the Super Bowl.”
“You made it, though,” you said. “Counts for something.”
He looked at you, smiling softly and glancing at your lips briefly. Once his eyes were back on the road, you took the opportunity to brush a hand over his arm. He let a deep breath out, chuckling a little. The tension was thick, both of you tiptoeing around the fact that you wanted so desperately to rip the other’s clothes off.
He let you touch him, obviously enjoying it. Maybe he wanted to see how far you’d take it, maybe you wanted to see how far you’d take it. Letting your hand fall to his thigh, you used your thumb to brush over the fabric softly. His breathing became a bit unsteady, eyes flickering to you every few seconds.
When you inched closer to his erection, you gave him a look as if to ask for permission. He nodded, groaning soon after you began to palm him through his pants. He was hard, aching for anything you would give him. You felt yourself heating up, surprised by your own actions when you began to undo the button on his pants, unzipping them and assisting in pulling them down ever so slightly.
He was still driving, eyes very focused on the road now. You let yourself begin to palm him through his briefs now, watching him yearn for your touch more and more.
Joe was driving down a long stretch, the road was deserted and only occupied by him as far as he could see. High beams on, he wondered if he should pull over and fuck you then and there. Or maybe he should see where you were going with this.
“Is this okay?” You asked him, looking up.
“Yeah, more than okay,” he breathed out.
Pulling down his briefs, you tried to maneuver your body into a comfortable position. He was hard in your hand, precum gleaming at the tip. As you let yourself take him in your mouth, he let out a guttural moan. With one hand on the wheel, another found the back of your head and weaved its way into your hair.
This was definitely unsafe.
With your knees bent towards him, your ass was in the air as he started to steadily pace you. He thrusted into your mouth, telling you not to stop. Using your tongue to your advantage, you used your hand to pump where you couldn’t reach.
“Good girl, fuck,” he praised you. “Just like that, I really don’t want to crash this car.”
Trying to push him to the back of your throat, you made sure to take it slow. While this was incredibly hot and sexy, Joe was right. One wrong move, he’s crashing you both into a tree.
Letting yourself release him from your mouth, you used your saliva as a lubricant and pumped your hand over top of his shaft. He was breathing hard, letting you gain composure before your mouth was on him again. He couldn’t take it, the way you swirled your tongue to hit every single nerve. It was only when he began to enter the small downtown area that he realized he’d have to forfeit this without finishing.
Pulling up, you wiped your chin and helped him to get his pants done up. This was a space with a decent number of other cars and stoplights. Last thing either of you needed was someone snapping a picture of Joe receiving a blowjob at a red light or something.
You both laughed a little, Joe still very worked up and giving you the side eye. Pulling down the sun visor, you looking into the tiny mirror and realized your red lip had become all smudged. You went into your clutch and grabbed the tint stick out, applying it evenly.
This only turned Joe on more, watching you as he drove down the tiny street. There seemed to be a lot of brick buildings, some people out and about. It was late, though. He pulled into a small side lot, saying this was it.
Stepping out of the car was a breath of fresh air, it had been very hot and sticky after you decided to blow him. Joe adjusted himself, rolling his eyes when you smirked at him. He held a hand out to you, making your cheeks heat up ever so slightly. Then he pulled you down some cellar like set of steps, pushing a heavy green door open to reveal a dimly lit bar. It was a room of purple hues, lights strung up with music playing. There were a few older people, like three or four. All of the bar seats were empty.
“Come sit,” Joe brought you over.
The bartender was easily seventy, she had red hair that was pulled back tightly and an apron tied to her waist. She smiled at you, the tag on her shirt read ‘Jenny’.
“What can I get you tonight?” She asked, looking at the two of you.
“I’ll have a Blue Moon,” he told her.
“I’ll just have a vodka tonic.”
The woman didn’t ask for any ID, she just nodded and smiled. Joe glanced at you, looking around the space and chuckling. You leaned against the bar, taking a sip of your drink as she placed it down. Joe followed suit, talking to you mindlessly about practice.
“Oh my god, it’s Maggie May!” You said over the music, eyes wide when you grabbed Joe and pulled him to the empty space at the middle of the bar.
“What’re you doing?” He laughed.
“We’re dancing!” You smiled, letting him take you by the waist.
He was laughing as you swayed around, spinning in his arms and singing the lyrics as if you were performing them for him. He eventually gained the courage to take your hands and go back and forth a little. The few people occupying the bar watched and whistled, clearly not used to the display.
Taking you in his arms, Joe kissed you sweetly. Watching as you gallivanted him around a little, trying very hard to spin him yourself. Didn’t work very easily when your dance partner was 6’4.
“Oh Maggie I couldn’t have tried anymore! You led me away from home, ‘cause you didn’t want to be alone! You stole my heart, I couldn’t leave you if I tried,” you sang the 70s ballad at him with a large smile.
“You’re beautiful!” He told you over the music.
You both swayed for a moment or so, flustered and laughing at yourselves. Once the song ended, the three or four people watching chuckled with you. Talking about how they remembered when that song had come out.
When you returned to you seats at the bar, you both drank for awhile and made small talk about life. Joe brushed a piece of hair that had fallen in your face back, making you smile and lean in to press a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I like hanging out with you,” you confessed.
It felt like such a small statement, something a sixteen year old would utter to her crush. It was how you felt, though. Joe lit up some suppressed youth within you, he made you feel like a young girl just coming into herself. He was older than you, more mature, well established. It made you question what he saw in you in the first place.
“I like hanging out with you too,” he said in almost a whisper. “I’ll be right back, I’ve gotta use the bathroom.”
Nodding, he walked to the back of the bar. He left his phone face up. His wallpaper was a photo of him and Ja’Marr Chase at the Super Bowl last season. It was sweet, they seemed very close.
A minute or so passed and his phone went off with two texts, one after the other. It felt disrespectful to glance and read them, but anyone would’ve. He left his phone when he could’ve easily grabbed it.
Ava: Missing you.
Ava: Come over?
There was a sudden lurching in your stomach, like you were going to be sick or something. The feeling lasted for a few seconds, leaving you to pull out your own phone and open the Uber app.
“How much was the tab?” You asked the woman, handing her your card and signing all within the span of about a minute.
“You alright, honey?” She asked, watching you grab your clutch to leave.
“Yes, I’m alright.”
Walking out the same way you came in was easy enough, the Uber would be a few minutes so you’d have to wait outside. You were angry, of course, but more so just hurt and upset over the fact that you thought he was actually interested in you.
This was your fault. Your own naive stupidity. This was a twenty five year old NFL quarterback, what the fuck would he want with you? Sex, clearly. That much was obvious. In the end, Joe wasn’t your boyfriend. Not at all, not even a little bit. He was some guy who you barely knew, some guy you’d maybe even misjudged a little bit.
Leaning against the brick of the building, you felt the tears begin to well up. How could you be so fucking stupid?
“Y/N?” Joe came up the steps. “What’s wrong? What’re you doing?”
“Fuck you, Joe,” you sighed into your hands. “I mean seriously, what the fuck do you get out of stringing me along while you’ve already clearly got a girlfriend or a fuck buddy at least!”
He looked confused, a line forming between his eyebrows when suddenly realization washed over him. He got sort of pale all of sudden, embarrassment flushing his face.
“Y/N, it’s not like that. I promise you, it’s not like that with her. There’s more to the situation—”
“Go to hell, Joe,” you sniffled. “Or better, go see Ava. She misses you.”
He stood there silent for a moment, unable to find the words to express how sorry he was for how he made you feel. He could see through the yellow hue of the streetlight that you were crying. His fingernails dug into the flesh of his palm, cursing himself for not bringing his phone into the bathroom.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“No, you’re sorry I saw,” you spit back. “Get the fuck away from me, Joe. I’m taking an Uber home.”
“Let me drive you home, at least. If you never want to speak to me again after that, okay. Just let me take you home.”
When you said nothing, he knew that was it. He’d have to accept defeat there. Anything he said would make it worse, seeing as there really wasn’t a way to make the situation better. There was no excuse, no way to make you see his point of view.
The silence between you was hard and rigid, the only sound being the ambiance of the outside and your occasional sniffling. The worst part was that he’d led you to believe he liked you. That was why it hurt so badly.
The sleek black SUV pulled up and you pushed off the wall you’d been leaning against. Not being able to bear giving Joe a second glance, you went straight to opening the door and hopping inside.
Joe didn’t try and stop you. It wasn’t his place. He only stood there under the streetlight, watching the car drive off and eventually disappear. He felt horrible, running a hand through his hair and walking towards the brick you’d just leaned against. Pressing his forehead to the cold structure, he tried to bring himself to some conclusion.
“Fuck,” was all he muttered.
taglist - @angelspovxo @humannoodlesoup @nikkisimps @kriss-harrington @wooahaeuji @teasandcrumpets @chmpgnnlace @hummusxx @rivivie @madsblogsstuff @nngkay @raeofsunshine629 @siutforjjmaybank @alternativemadchen @ryiamarie @ohreggieboy @coldheartedmar @nowandkei
let me know to be added to the taglist
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
10 just playing the part — monopoly ruins friendships !
a/n: more filler 🫡 also typo in xiaos text,, supposed to be *going to i need to stop doin these when im sleep deprived
last day before audition announcements
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“I can’t believe Venti fell asleep already,” Aether chuckles, nudging at Venti’s limp body laying on the floor.
“I’m on my own now,” you sigh, shaking your head in disappointment at your fallen teammate.
“Not for long,” Kazuha speaks up, “Childe and Scara are coming over.”
“This will be entertaining,” Hu tao snickers, looking at you.
“Kazuha, I’ll make you pay for that,” you huff, rolling the dice as he laughs.
The dorm to Heizou’s dorm opens and in walks the very person you’ve grown to strongly dislike. Though, much less now.
“Stop glaring at me,” Scara remarks, gracing you with an eye roll as he joins you on the floor beside you, the only other empty spot.
“Venti fell asleep so you guys can be a team or join Y/n,” Lumine says, holding up a player piece, “Who wants to be the race car?”
Childe snatches it and sends Scara an apologetic look, “Sorry, this is my moment.”
Scara gives you a side-eye as you both realize you’re both forced to team up. If only Venti hadn’t dozed off earlier…
Oddly, the game goes smoothly. An hour or two goes by with you two bickering over your next move but also using your desire to always be number one to demolish your friends. Despite being a theatre major Scara is surprisingly strategic with how he takes over more than half the board, much to Heizou’s dismay.
“Maybe your true calling is business,” you joke as you take over yet another property with him. You look over to see Scara not react to your comment, not noticing how Childe sends Scaramouche a knowing look.
“Ha, anyway it’s my turn—,” Childe starts, but is interrupted with Scara abruptly standing up.
“I’m gonna go,” he announces, placing his stack of money hastily in your palms before making his way to the door.
“I should go as well, I forgot the key to our dorm,” Childe chuckles, standing up, “Good game guys! We should do this again,” he smiles before quickly following behind Scara.
“Wonder what’s up with them,” you mumble, staring at the stack of bills in your hand. Was it something you said?
“Guess that means we have to start over!” Heizou excitedly cheers while everyone else groans simultaneously.
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just playing the part !
masterlist — prev | next
the link y/n posted was just their spotify account </3
scara and y/n aren’t mutuals on any social media (yet)
scara and childe are dorm roommates, childe can afford a single dorm but he wanted to be able to annoy scara whenever he desired ^-^
scara gets sensitive over any mention of being a business major since his mother won’t speak to him after he announced he wasn’t going to take over her company and instead pursue acting
synopsis: you and scaramouche are both drama majors and have been at each other’s throats vying for the same lead roles since high school. but when you’re both cast as each other’s love interest in your second year you’re forced to be civil with your academic rival and see him in a new light. are his feelings for you true or is he just playing the part?
taglist — CLOSED: @monochromaticelliot @kaedear @stxrgxzxr @shirmxie @elakari @lacy-lady @linn-a-a @one-offmind @kithewanderingme @quepasoash @leathernourishingshoepolish @mangobee @lxry-chxn @dameofthorns @scarasaver @kythe1a @elysiasbae @hikaru-exe @tokkishouse @raiihoshii @cherrybeomgyu @kunikuzushiit @thenightsflower @lilneps @goodthingimsam @lovelyiez @fxllennx @beriiov @abvolat @kittycasie @b0bafl0wer @bubblyclouds @atlatcaheart @artssleepy @baelloraa @tartagli-yuh @satowaluverr @hangesextra @scaranaris-lil-niko @caffinatedcoma @wheneverthesunrise @hajimeseyo @itsyourgirlria @hyunrei @redactedhimbo @caliginous-skies @vinskyspuff @miissfortune @criminalinthemaking @scaramouches-girlfriend
author’s note: end of act one!
791 notes · View notes
pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A bonding trip, Part 1 (Mason Mount x Reader)
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*I wrote this little enemies to lovers story for a friend who’s a big Mason fan and she has allowed me to share it with all of you now. I hope you like it as much as she did ❤️*
Part 2
Word count: 2956
“We don’t want to let you go, but we have to. There isn’t that much money invested in the women’s team and this transfer will fund half a season. I’m so sorry”.
Hearing my coach's words, I feel like crying. Why is this happening to me? I don’t want to leave Arsenal. I love this team and always have. And I certainly don’t want to go to play for Chelsea.
But I also understand the team has to sell me. I just wish a miracle could happen to prevent this transfer.
“It’s ok. Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you all”, I tell him, genuinely meaning it.
“Well, we are still in the same city. Don’t be a stranger”.
“Turn to the left…perfect. Now one smiling”.
I have been doing press stuff for Chelsea for the last hour and I’m so done with it. But I still need to do more interviews and videos for social media. 
“Oh, look who it is!”, I hear someone say so I turn to see them. “The new superstar!”
Of course, it’s Mason Mount. God, I hate him. 
“Well, the team clearly needed one. It’s not as if you could fit in that category”.
“Always a pleasure to see you”, he says, flicking my nose and making me move back.
“What are you doing here? I’m busy”.
I then notice everyone has stopped working to look at our interaction. 
“You have to do a photoshoot together”, says one of the media people.
“Why? It’s my presentation”.
Why does he have to be part of everything I do?
Mason and I have been “enemies” for a while. Both of us have always been the poster boy/girl for our clubs and national teams, which means we’ve had to spend a lot of time together in events for brands and whatnot. 
And it was on our very first event together that I realized what a douche he was. He spent the whole time ignoring me and making the whole thing about himself. And to think I had a crush on him before that…my taste needed to improve and it thankfully did.
“It’s not for your presentation, silly”, he says, laughing at me. “It’s for a few campaigns and interviews that’ll come out in a couple of weeks”.
“Amazing”, I say, making the sarcasm very clear.
A few minutes later, I’m standing next to Mason posing for more photos. 
“Blue looks good on you”, he whispers, making me frown.
“Shut up!”
And he does, shaking his head.
“So, is it nice to come to a team where you already have friends? It must be hard leaving Arsenal after so many years”, asks the journalist.
If only you knew how hard it is.
“Yes, absolutely. Some of the girls have played with me for the national team and were making sure I felt welcomed from the minute I stepped foot in Cobham. It’s really nice of them. But it will take a while to get used to picking the blue shirt instead of the red one”, I try to joke. 
“And you have Mason too”, she says.
I look at Mason, who is staring at me with a big smile on his face. He’s loving this.
“Actually, he’s really annoying but thankfully I don’t play with him so I’ll be alright”.
The journalist thinks I’m joking and starts laughing. She’s joined by Mason, but I can tell how fake his laugh is. 
By the time we are done with the interview, I’m desperate to just leave. Today has been way too long. 
“Hey, wait”, I hear Mason say when I’m about to leave to get changed.
“That, exactly that”.
“You make zero sense once again, Mount”.
“Why do you always have to be like this with me?”, he asks, as if he didn’t know. “You’re so nice to everyone but so rude to me. Even during an interview”.
“You were rude to me first”.
“Are you 5?”, he says, rolling his eyes.
Instead of answering, I just leave. It’s impossible to reason with someone like him.
“We are leaving on Monday at 8 am. Please be on time. The boys will hopefully be there by then so we can leave”, tells us Emma, after explaining the trip we’ll be doing alongside the men’s team.
“Why do we have to be on time but for them it’s hoping they are on time?”, I say. I don’t like double standards.
“Oh, they’ve actually been told we leave at 7. That’s why we’re hopeful they’ll be there by the real leaving time”.
Literal children. And…a bonding trip? Why do we behave like it’s summer camp? I just want to train.
“Stop frowning”, says Fran.
“Tell me you also find this trip ridiculous. And if it’s bonding we need to do, why are the men there?”
“I don’t know. It’s always done like this”, she shrugs. “Just don’t make it too obvious how much you hate Mount so you two aren’t paired together for literally every activity”.
The look she gives me says it all. Of course, they’ve all noticed.
8.20 am on Monday and we’re all waiting for Mount and Havertz. What a surprise!
Well, actually Havertz being late is surprising. Aren’t Germans supposed to be very punctual? I guess it’s Mason’s bad influence.
“There they are”, I hear someone say and we all lift our eyes to see the car approaching. 
I just shake my head and roll my eyes. They are still taking their time leaving the car and approaching our bus.
“Hurry up, Mount!”, I tell him when he finally makes it to the bus.
“Good morning to you too, beautiful”.
“It’d be good if I didn’t have to spend it with you”.
The coaches are coming closer to us and I see Mason smiling at me as if he has just listened to the little demon on his shoulder.
“You want to sit with me on the plane? I don’t know. I usually sit with Kai but since we’re supposed to be bonding…”.
“What are you talking…”.
“Oh, that sounds brilliant”, says Potter. Should I tell him I’m a Slytherin?
“No, he’s joking”, I say with a fake laugh. “You know our Mounty. He’s a comedian. But he wants to sit with his bestie, of course. I’ll sit with one of the girls”.
“No no no”, says Mason, putting his arm around my shoulder and making me feel very uncomfortable. “I’ll do anything to make the new star of the team feel at home”.
Will they send me back to Arsenal if I punch him?
“You are going to spend the whole camp fighting, aren’t you?”, asks Pernille when we’re on the bus. But she doesn’t look annoyed. She looks amused.
“I’ll ignore him and hope he ignores me too”.
“I think he likes you”, she says.
“Well, even if he did”, which he doesn’t, “...not interested”.
Thankfully, the conversation is interrupted by others players asking if we want to play Uno to kill some time. And so that’s what we do.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mason sitting next to Kai and looking at something on their iPad. They keep on laughing every couple of seconds. God knows what childish thing they are watching.
“Emma, honestly. I rather sit with the girls”.
I’m trying really hard to avoid sitting with Mason for two whole hours, but nothing I say is convincing her.
“It’s a bonding trip. If someone needs to bond, it’s you two”.
I guess they all have really noticed what’s going on. Great.
“Hello, travel buddy”.
I close my eyes and sigh when I hear his voice.
“I want a coffee”, I say.
“No one is stopping you from having one”, answers Mason, confused.
“Get me a coffee. If you want to sit next to me, get me a coffee. And a toastie. And a muffin. And maybe a smoothie. Check if they have any with blueberries”.
“You’re serious”.
“I don’t joke when muffins are involved, Mount”, I say, giving him a 20-pound note. “Get yourself some sweeties too”.
I can see him staring at the money in his hand and then he just leaves and walks to the nearest Starbucks. I actually can’t believe he’s going to buy me food. I was just trying to make him uncomfortable so he would leave me alone.
“We’re going to board now. You coming?”
But I don’t know whether I should wait for Mason or not. I can’t believe I feel bad about leaving him behind. 
“Here you go, bestie”, he says, passing me the cup of coffee and putting a bag on the floor next to me.
And because I don’t really know how I’m feeling right now but I do know he’s making me uncomfortable again, I just take the bag and start eating. Even though I’m not really hungry.
After taking a couple of bites of my toastie, I hear a weird noise. What was that?
And then I hear it again.
“Mount? Is that your stomach?”
“Eh…yeah. I didn’t have breakfast today”.
“Why didn’t you get something for you when you were at the coffee place?”
“I don’t know”, he shrugs.
“Here”, I tell him, cutting the toastie in half and giving him the bit I didn’t bite on.
“You don’t have to. It’s your breakfast”.
“I’m not even that hungry”.
“Then why did you make me buy all of that for you?”, he asks.
“I don’t know”, I say, shrugging and copying his expression from before, which makes him smile.
He takes the toastie and devours it in no time. He really was hungry.
So when I take the muffin, I do the same.
"You don't…".
"Just take it", I say, eating my half of the muffin quickly so I can get my Kindle out and do some reading.
Mason eats the muffin just as fast as he ate the toastie and starts to look at what I'm doing.
"What kind of iPad is that?", he asks, moving closer so he can read what's on my screen.
"It's not an iPad, it's a Kindle. You know? To read books".
"I don't read".
"I'm not surprised by that fact", I say under my breath.
"Maybe you can read to me so I fall asleep. You have such a soothing voice".
That makes me choke on the coffee I'm trying to finish.
"I have a what?"
My voice can be described by many adjectives but I don't think soothing is one most people will use.
"Yes", he says, feigning seriousness. "I love it. But I'm still wondering when it's that I like it better. When you call me an asshole or when you order me around?"
I have to turn around so he doesn't see my smile.
"I never called you an asshole", I say.
"You said it with your eyes".
"Oh yeah? Were my eyes soothing too?"
"No, they are just beautiful".
This…I don't know how to do this. Whatever this is.
"Well, I'll use them to read now".
And the conversation is over.
By the time we are about to land in Scotland, I've managed to make a lot of progress with my book. I love a good thriller.
And Mason…well, he did fall asleep. But didn't need me to read to him in order to do that. 
Every time I turned to look to the left, I saw his head getting closer to my shoulder. Until it found its destination. 
I couldn't help but look at him. He was definitely prettier when he was asleep. The less he talks, the better. 
"Sir, we are going to land", tells him a flight attendant and that finally wakes him up.
"Oh, yes. Sorry".
It's then he notices me.
"It's ok. At least you didn't drool".
He laughs and keeps staring at me. I'm not usually a fan of people doing that. And it's especially weirder when Mason does it. The way he looks at people is so…intense.
"You need to fasten your seatbelt", I say and turn to busy myself putting everything back in my bag.
When we reach the place we'll be staying at, I'm lost for words. It really is a camp.
"Is this a joke?", I ask, not being able to stop my shock.
"What? It's fun!", says Azpilicueta.
"I'm actually shocked that you primadonnas can stay in this type of place without throwing a tantrum. I love camping".
“You aren’t worried about Jason coming out of the woods to murder us all?”, laughs Fran.
“No, she’s got enough dealing with Mason. No need for a Jason”, jokes Kai, making everyone laugh.
Everyone but me. I just leave them there and go find my cabin. I’m tired and I want to get changed.
“Ignore them. They just love to always take the piss out of each other”, tells me Emma while she walks towards the cabin with me.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’ll just stay with the girls most of the time anyways, since Connor isn’t here”.
“Are you friends with him? I didn’t know”.
“I am. We actually met years ago and became quite close”.
I was actually hoping to be able to do a bit of catching up with him, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“He’ll be here in a couple of days”.
“Really?”, I say, happy to know that. “I thought he was missing the whole camp because of his injury”.
“No, he’ll join you soon”.
Once we leave our cabins, I feel the need to explore right away. But the team is allowing some free time for everyone to settle here and no one wants to come with me. So I go by myself.
I don’t dare go inside the woods, since I’m not familiar with this place yet but I go around it, enjoying the stunning views. Wifi doesn���t seem to work well here, or at all, but the camera doesn’t need any Internet to take photos. So that’s what I do. The place is truly breathtaking.
While I’m focusing on getting the right angle for a photo, I notice something moving. Was that an animal? They didn’t tell us about dangerous animals being around but one can never be too sure.
But then the animal gets closer and I see it’s a very dangerous one. One called Mason Mount.
“Are you following me?”, I ask.
“You think too highly of yourself. Why would I follow you?”
“To murder me?”
“It’s should be me who worries”, he says, sitting next to me. “I don’t hate you. You hate me”.
“I don’t…hate you”.
“You do a pretty good hating me impersonation then”.
I sigh and shake my head. He just doesn’t get it.
“Mason. I just don’t like people like you. When we first met you were so arrogant. Every question we both got was answered by you. You ignored me completely”.
“I did?”, and when he turns to look at him, he seems genuinely confused.
“You don’t remember that day?”
“No, I do remember that day. But I didn’t ignore you. I was…intimidated by you”.
“I was intimidated by you”, I say, annoyed at the misunderstanding that took place.
“Then we are both stupid”.
“Yes, but you are more stupid than me”.
I get up to look at one of the trees in front of us. The leaves are so beautiful.
“Do you want me to take a picture of you?”, asks Mason.
“With the tree. I can take pretty good photos you know”.
I give him my phone and go back to the tree.
“Smile”, he says, and I do. “Look at you smiling at me. Miracles in Scotland!”
When we are walking back to the camp, I feel…strange. It’s nice to sort of have fixed things with Mason but it also confuses me. I’ve always felt conflicted by the mixed feelings I have whenever he is around. 
And even though our attitude has definitely changed, we still are paired together for every single activity, which doesn’t help.
We are taught how to shoot an arrow and I end up pretending I don’t already know how to do it. Mason, of course, thinks he already knows how to because he is Mason Mount and he knows how to do everything. But instead of being snarky, I let him think that. And I let him “teach” me because I guess it’s quite nice to have him so close to me.
When it rains, we are taken inside to do a painting class. And we have to paint a portrait of our partner. My one is actually pretty decent but Mason’s is…it’s a portrait. Of me? I’m not sure. The face he did doesn’t look particularly human but maybe he’s an abstract artist.
What I do know is that by the time I go back to my cabin, I have smudges of paint all over my chin from the times he touched it to move my face and get a better look at it. Judging by the final result, it wasn’t very helpful. But I also let him do it because I guess it was quite nice to feel his fingers caressing my face.
On day 2, we are finally going to the woods. I cannot wait!
Mason is my partner, again. And the girls won’t stop joking during breakfast about how friendly we looked yesterday. 
“Didn’t you want us to get on well? Well, I’m trying”.
“Yes”, says Fran, “you seem to be suffering a lot with the effort made”.
But I just ignore them and get ready for the day, making sure I have my camera with me. Today is going to be such a great day.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Exclusive: Former Formula One Champion Daniel Ricciardo Releases New Autobiography, Exclusive Excerpts Inside
The Perth News, July 2035
One of the things I’ve been asked is why it took me so long to make my relationship with Em public. If I’m really honest I had more than one reason.
I’m the one who chose this. I’m the one who decided to go into racing, to pursue F1. I made that choice but my loved ones didn’t, and in this case Em definitely didn’t. When we met she had no idea who I was. All she knew was I worked with her neighbour in motorsport and travelled a lot. Even when she found out she chose to stay. She likes me for me and not for my job. It was never fair to make her have to choose between our relationship and her reputation.
More than once I woke up to watch her sleep, wondering what the hell she was doing staying by my side when everyone was throwing rocks at her for being there. But like Taylor wrote, people throw rocks at things that shine and nobody shines as brightly as she does. I always knew that, but some people didn’t and they decided to throw even more at her.
And then we started working together. Making that jump from our relationship to adding working with each other was huge, but the main reason we did it was she was already working with us without realizing it. Before she started she did freelance stuff, and when she had spare time between clients she helped Blake, and then she helped Michael. We were talking about how ridiculous F1 merch was at the time for fans and she had the glorious idea of making Ric3. Then we realized we couldn’t survive a day if she wasn’t there.
How do you explain to people that the woman you love is a genius? How do you explain to the world that she’s the reason your life became not only better, but easier? How do you explain and make strangers understand this beautiful woman is not what ridiculous rumors made her look like? That the reputation they invented for her was just that, a ridiculous baseless invention?
We knew we were in love. But we also knew that some people would think that she was the gold digger sleeping with her boss, or that I was abusing my power. That’s one of the reasons why everything to do with her work went through Blake. He was officially her boss, but really she was in charge. We always joked saying she’s our tiny boss because she really is. She told us where to go and what to do. And the reason we made all of these decisions was because I didn’t want to subject her to the media and paddock gossip. People make jokes about how small the paddock is and how much everyone know. It’s a rotating cast of 1,300 people who live together for half the year. Everyone knows everything and the partners of the drivers on the grid are the best gossip material there is and I didn’t want her to be part of that material.
Em has told me time and time again that it wasn’t our fault that we fell for each other from that very first night we met. She told me she could take whatever happened, and she did and she could, but she didn’t deserve it. She didn’t deserve any of the things people said about her. It was my job to protect her and our relationship and the best way I knew at the time was to keep our love to ourselves, even when we wanted to yell it from the rooftops. Our friends all knew. A lot of people across teams I’d worked with knew. But we wanted something for ourselves. We desperately needed it. 
One of the biggest issues was that when we made the decision to tell people about us that option was taken away from us. It sounds silly but we never got to do the cute social media hard launch - and Emmy had chosen photos - we never got to say it ourselves first. I never got to tell the world “look at this woman who I’ve loved for four years and I feel ok and safe telling you all now.”.
I still remember that day like some kind of sad movie. In a year that was tough on so many levels, it stands out as one of the worst days. It was already hard for Em to go to the paddock. We’d gone through some personal things and she had to miss some races so the gossip machine was yelling all sorts of untrue lies. Coming back was difficult for her.
We had to work out a media plan, and the four of us decided to go our separate ways as soon as we got to the paddock. I went first with Michael, trying to keep the cameras on me. That way when she came in with Blake ten minutes later they could be ignored, it’d just look like two people with paddock passes coming in for the Thursday events. Once we got in it was straight to my drivers room and we could control it from there. Em would do the social media post from her account, when I inevitably got the question about how I was feeling about the race I’d answer “good, I’ve got my whole team around me again so things are great”, we could keep this to our schedule. The start of the plan worked. For some miraculous reason nobody bothered Emma so it was a win. At least, we thought so.
One of the things I hate to see the most is tears in my wife’s eyes. I’ve seen her cry with happiness nine times in my life, every other time she’s cried I’ve just wanted to fix things. And that day the tears were some of the worst she’d cried, and I couldn’t fix any of it. I came out of an engineering briefing to Blake pulling me into a corner to tell me “someone got a photo of you and Ems kissing goodbye this morning. It’s gone viral.”. It was such a hard pill to swallow, and I’m not exaggerating when I tell you my vision turned red and I sprinted across from hospitality to my drivers room where Em was sobbing her eyes out at comments being made about her. All I remember is my girlfriend, the woman I love more than anything in the world, sobbing in my arms because her chance to try control things and let it happen at her own speed was gone.
She knew people were wondering where she was and if she’d appear. Gossip sites online reported alleged sightings of her and that pressure was hard enough. But a photo of what we thought was our last private moment before willingly telling the world being put on social media without being asked? It hurt. It was supposed to be us and our best friends in an empty car park.It was supposed to be one last kiss with my girl while I was still just her Danny and before she had to share me with the world and act like I was just DannyRic. We know people always take pictures outside the paddock, we learn to live with it in some kind of way. It comes with the recognition or whatever you wanna call it. Its part of the job. But nobody was supposed to be taking pictures in that place that morning, especially not a photographer that should only work inside the paddock.
I felt like I failed her. Four years of protecting our privacy and trying to protect her and at the very last moment someone stole that away from us. All I could say was that I loved her but if she wanted to walk away I didn’t blame her, I’d book her flight myself. And then Emmy just looked at me and told me that nobody could get rid of her that easily.
When I tell you she’s incredibly brave and simply badass I’m not joking. There’s a reason some of the younger drivers called her Mama Badger. She was crying in the only place in the paddock where we got any privacy, but then she dried her eyes and covered up the signs she’d been crying, getting me to make sure she looked ok. And then the woman I had known for so long I was going to marry took a deep breath and held my hand to walk into the McLaren garage with her head held high. I could never forget it.
Emmy did it because she knew I needed her, and in the years since I still don’t have the words to thank her enough. I don’t know if I ever will. But the one thing I could do that day was try to control the only piece of the narrative that we had left, so after she gave the ok for me to give a little bit of information I went and did that interview with one of the few journalists we could consider a friend.
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gretavangroupie · 2 years
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Warnings: None for now ;)
Chapter One
“She blooms wild and burns bright” - Butterflies Rising
Chapter Two
It had officially been three weeks since you moved to Nashville. Your best friend Amelia had finally convinced you to move in and be her roommate after many months of trying. 
You visited her quite a bit as it was and figured you are still young and since you work remotely you had nothing to lose. It was the first time you had lived away from your family and that scared you, but in good way. You would have to learn to rely only on yourself knowing that there was no one coming to your rescue. Well other than Amelia. 
Amelia had been your best friend since the 3rd grade. She was the fun and free spirit to your quiet, homebody. She was the sun to your moon. Vastly different but bonded through life. 
Amelia not only had a different personality than you did, she was also more attractive than you, or so you and every boy in high school always thought. She was the one with the gorgeous boyfriends while you were always the one in the background. You didn’t mind though. You learned from her. Mistakes and successes, and knew what to look out for. 
Amelia had spent much of this past year single, enjoying her new life in Nashville. You wished you could contain even an ounce of her carefree and outgoing spirit. Part of you thinks that it’s why you finally decided to move to Nashville. 
She had always called you “penny girl” because in third grade you found a penny on the playground and gave it to her. From then on you became best friends. She called you Pen so often that sometimes you weren’t even sure if she remembered your actual name.
You hear the apartment door unlock, and realize she is home from work. It’s around 5:40, and you know she gets off right at 5:00 but Nashville traffic can be rough to say the least. 
“Pen? Are you here?” Amelia said almost yelling.
“Hey! Im in here, as usual…” you replied trying to match her tone. 
You spent a lot of time in the third bedroom which you had both decided to turn into a home office for you. Working from home was really nice, but you also felt a bit isolated. It was hard for you to make friends this way, but you figured Amelia’s friends would just become yours too.
A few seconds later she flitters into the room.
“Hey Penny girl how was your day? Traffic was a nightmare.” She said running her two sentences together, almost incoherently.
“Same as usual, too much work, not enough day.” You replied dully.
“Well, what do you say we make something good for dinner and then play on Raya all night?” She asks.
“Raya?” You reply.
“Uh, yeah? The dating app? It’s the one for creatives and influencers. You kind of have to have a big following to be invited to use it. I only have it because of my work social media account. It’s invite only so it kind of weeds out the weirdos. It’s so much fun to look through all the gorgeous men around us.” she says smiling questionably.
Nashville is definitely a hotspot as far as single, beautiful men go.
“Are you looking for a boyfriend? I thought you were enjoying the single life!” you said with air quotes.
“Ugh pen don’t be a party pooper” she said with an eye roll.
“Okay, okay, I’m not. Let’s do it.”
“Yay! I am so excited! Maybe we will even find you a man!” She said excitedly.
“Oh! No, Amelia, I just moved here, I need to settle in still!” You replied, frowning at her.
“We’ll see” she said with a smirk.
It was just past 9 o’clock, we made a delicious dinner and had polished off a bottle of red wine that she had bought for me when I moved in, to celebrate our new adult lives in Nashville.
We were perched on the couch sitting right next to each other. She had her phone in her hands, holding it right between us, and we were swiping left and right on Raya.”
Of course, half of the men she swiped right on were a match already. You both laughed out loud every single time she had a match and made up imaginary scenarios on how the guy would inevitably say or do something that would make you wish you had never swiped right in the first place. 
You of course knew a gorgeous man when you saw one, but you weren’t into the overtly masculine types that she was into. After reading a few of the profiles out you realized that a majority of these men were aspiring musicians trying to make a name for themselves in Nashville. 
She saw the look on your face when you made the realization.
“They are all like that babe. Every one of them. My advice? Stay away. They are all trouble.” She warned.
“Oh, they aren’t really my type. I don’t think I could ever date someone like that, you know?” You say, looking at her.
She turns up the corner of her mouth, “you never know Pen… you need to make yourself a profile! Oh! Can we, can we please?!” She exclaimed.
“I don’t know Amelia…I don’t have a big following or an invite..” you say with eyes begging her to drop it.
“I can send 1 invite a year! I pick now, and once you swipe through a few guys it will show you more people like what you’re interested in!” She says hopefully.
“Okay, I guess if you’re sure you want to use your invite on me, but it’s not serious and Im definitely not going on any dates.” you say sternly.
About 30 minutes later Amelia loudly exclaimed “It’s perfect!” A cue that your profile was done. She had taken it upon herself to fill out your details, and hand selected what she thought were your best photos. She had always been good at things like this, where it would take you ages to decide. After looking over her selections and making a few minor “about me” changes, you decided that it was good enough. This was just for fun anyways. 
The main profile picture was a photo of you from back home, standing in a lush field of over grown weeds and wildflowers. You are smiling but not looking at the camera, just past it. You had on your favorite dress of that summer, a white bohemian Free People number that you paid way too much for. You look happy and carefree, two things you weren’t sure you actually were. 
The second photo was a photo of you with Amelia at a concert a few months ago. You had driven down to see her and she roped you in to going to a show. Your hair was down and wavy and you had very minimal makeup on. You hardly wore make up as it is. You aren’t the best at it, so the more simple the better. 
The final photo was a photo of you visiting Sedona, Arizona. You were standing on the peak of a mountain, what was arguably the most beautiful view you had ever seen in your life. Decked out in hiking gear and a large backpack, you looked happy and at peace. 
Your “About Me” section read: 
“Nashville Transplant”, 25, Artist, and a few of your interests and hobbies.
You both laugh a little and swipe through a few guys, none catching your interest just yet. 
“Oh, well. Thanks Amelia, I think I am going to head to bed, that wine hit me harder than I thought. I am exhausted.”
“Night pen!”she said.
You do your night time routine, shower, brush your teeth, do your extensively long skin care routine that Amelia has forced you to start doing, you put your pajamas on and climb into your perfect fluffy bed. 
You can’t help this nagging feeling that you should just swipe through a few more profiles before you fall asleep.
You reach over and grab your phone off of the nightstand and open Raya. Again you’re met with countless men who just aren’t your type, buff, chiseled and stunningly hot no doubt, just not for you. You didn’t feel like you belonged with someone who looked like that. 
After about 10 minutes you find a handful of cute guys and swipe right nervously. 
The first, a tall average build guy named Kyle, with blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes and works as a web developer. 
The next an average height, moderately fit brunette baseball player with green eyes named Davis.
The last guy is named Josh. He seems on the shorter side, something that has never bothered you. He has brown eyes, curly brown hair and a stunning smile, however it says he is a musician. You take what Amelia had told you into account, but you realize that in Nashville everyone calls themselves a musician. 
You bite the bullet and see what happens. You probably won’t even match with these guys to begin with.  After a few more minutes of swiping and a few more cute ones swiped right on, you decide to go to bed.
You shoot up suddenly when you hear an alert on your phone. You glance at your alarm clock. 2:27AM.
You look at the offending message on your phone.
~ Congratulations! You Have A New Match! ~
You groan, damn Amelia making you get that app. You silence your phone and fall back asleep.
Next thing you know your alarm clock is going off, 7:00AM comes early. You lie in bed checking twitter for the latest news for a few minutes before you get up.
You slowly make your way to the kitchen to make coffee for Amelia and yourself. She’s already been up for an hour getting ready for work. She does the whole nine yards. Hair, make up, perfect outfit and doing it all before coffee. You wonder how she does it.
You deliver her cup to her in her bathroom and say your good mornings before walking back to your room.
About 20 minutes later Amelia is leaving for work and you are almost done getting ready for the day.
You spend most of the day completely over whelmed with work. You work as a virtual assistant and spend most of your time calling to confirm appointments, schedule meetings or order whatever item your boss needs that day. It’s a very fulfilling job that only someone extremely organized could handle. 
Around 3 o’clock you hear your phone ding from the other side of your desk.
~You Have A New Message on Raya!~
You had completely forgot about your 2 in the morning match. You quickly open the app to see who you matched with. Josh. You click on the picture of his face, and it opens the message which reads:
Josh: I am so glad that we matched, you seem lovely! Was that photo of you taken in Sedona by chance?
You take a minute and scroll through the rest of his photos, you hadn’t looked at them before, just his profile photo. As you scroll you see a photo of him standing with what looks to be his friends all huddled up together. One of the guys in the photo could easily pass at his twin and you figure they must be related.
The next photo is of him but it looks to be a professionally shot photo, and you tell your self it must be related to the “musician” detail of his profile. In every photo he is wearing a smile that is one of the most genuine you’ve ever seen. You can tell he has a kind soul.
You think for a minute what you want to say back to him.
You: Hi! I am also glad we matched, I didn’t think I would get any matches to be honest. My friend made me sign up with her one invite. Yes it is in Sedona, good eye. Have you been?
A message jumps back within a minute, almost as if he was waiting for your reply.
Josh: Well I, for one, am I am very glad that she made you. Of course you are going to get matches, you are beautiful. I have been to Sedona once or twice. Do you get to travel much?
You blush a deep pink, and your chest heats up. You weren’t sure you could still do that. It had been a very long time since you had received a compliment from someone who wasn’t a friend or family.
You: That is really sweet of you. Thank You. I travel a normal amount, not as much as I wish I could though. How about you?
You try to keep the banter as light as possible, not revealing too much about yourself too soon.
Josh: I would say that I am afforded the luxury of traveling more than the average person. While I do love traveling, usually for work, and sometimes there is no greater feeling than sleeping in the peace of your own home. Speaking of home, what brought you to Nashville?
At this point you have completely forgotten about the work that you are supposed to be doing. After reading his message you decide that you will answer him back after you finish your work tasks for the day. 
Those last two hours went by extraordinarily slow for a Friday, and you couldn’t help it that your mind kept wandering back to this mystery guy, Josh. You kick yourself for letting this happen since you promised yourself this was just for fun and that you weren’t going to take it seriously.
You decide to message him back and explain how your best friend convinced you to move in with her and how the rest is history. You and Josh message back and forth for quite a while exchanging questions and getting to know each other a little better.
Your last message to him was sent 6:17PM, and he usually replied to you fairly quickly since you began chatting this afternoon. You asked about his family and what brought him to Nashville. Two or three hours pass and you continually check your phone but, there is nothing there. You and Amelia finish up dinner and you suggest that you watch a movie to take your mind off of it. Throwing your phone onto your bed, you walk back to the living room and watch the entirety of ‘Legally Blonde’, Amelia’s suggestion of course.
After the movie had ended you both decide to turn in for the night. You walk back to your room, pretending that you’re not dying to check your phone to see if you have any new messages from Josh. You pick it up and turn it over. You have three messages from Josh. 
Josh: My brothers and I recently moved here from Michigan. We all live pretty much walking distance from each other so it is really nice.
Josh: I am so sorry to leave you hanging earlier, my phone died right as I got to the studio, and I think one of my brothers must have taken my charger out of my car, the one time I need it of course. 
Josh: I know this seems forward but would you like to exchange numbers?
His last message was sent well over 45 minutes from the previous two and an hour had passed since this last message. You thought about how you wanted to respond. Of course you wanted to give him your number, but you didn’t want to seem too eager either. Begrudgingly, you decided that you needed to ask Amelia. You slowly walked to her door and knocked quietly.
“Come In!” She said.
“Hey, I have a… question for you, but please don’t laugh at me.” You said embarrassingly. 
“Oh my god what?!” She exclaimed.
“So I matched with someone on Raya and…” 
“I KNEW IT!” She interrupted. “You were checking your phone all night! I knew something was up. Oh my gosh tell me, what’s going on? Who is it! Show me!” She bursted out.
“No way, I am not showing you anything yet. I just need your advice on how to respond to this message” you say sternly. 
You explain the situation and read out his last few messages, hoping that she would know what to do. After all she does this all the time.
“You need to message him back like, right now! Give him your number! It’s obvious you kinda like him Pen, and he is clearly feeling you right back! What is the worst thing that could happen, I mean you can always block him if you need to” she says. She puts her hand on your shoulder to reassure you that it’s not as big of a deal as it feels. You thank her, say goodnight, and gather up your courage to type a response back to him. Its nearly midnight at this point so you’re sure he won’t see it until the morning. 
You: Siblings, gotta love em I guess. Don’t worry about it, I had a movie night tonight anyways. Sure we can exchange numbers!
You type in your number and hit send, heart beating out of your chest. Why do you feel this way?
You set your phone down and do your usual night time routine. It is late so you try to hurry so that you can still try to get 6 or 7 hours. After you finish up you get in bed and turn off your lamp. 15 minutes is your new record. Just as you begin to get drowsy you hear your phone vibrate on your nightstand. 
Your heart begins to beat rapidly at the realization that it’s probably him since your friends and family know not to text you this late. You pick up your phone and on the screen is a message from an unknown contact.
Unknown: Hey pretty girl, I’m sorry, I know its late but I just wanted you to have my number too. Rest well.
You could have died right then and there. Pretty girl?! You’re fairly positive that no one in your life has called you such a cute name before. You quickly text back. 
You: Thank you, you too. With a smiley emoji. 
You set your phone back on the nightstand and doze off dreaming of what could be.
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anjanahalo · 10 months
Danny Tells
Short blurb of Danny revealing the truth to the Drs. Fenton.
When Danny decided to come out to his parents, he came prepared. He, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz all prepared for Situation Omega. Tucker crafted fake IDs and social media histories to help Danny go incognito. Sam with her Nana Ida set up a credit card to keep Danny solvent until he could establish a new life. Jazz prepared the bugout bag with clothes, necessities, and a scrapbook and Neil Pomstrong the doggie astronaut plush. All three sat with Danny in the Fentonwork’s living room, bracing Danny from all sides, warming Danny to the core from their support as he shared the truth. He was Half Ghost, and was the Ghost Menace, Phantom. “....You mean Invisobill?” Jack asked, his mouth working faster than his brain in the moment. All four of the Phantom Team sat awkwardly at that declaration. “Um, I honestly really hate that name? Like, from the first time I heard it.” “Wait, that can’t be…when did…how?” Maddie asked. Carefully, trying to spare his parents feelings, Danny laid out the events of his fourteenth year. The failed portal, the dare, the photoshoot, the trip on a loose cable. The on switch. The portal activating, giving him far more than a “minor shock” as he brushed off to his parents with his friends’ help. With Danny insisting he was fine and the portal working, the doctors Fenton moved on with their research.
Now they stared in horror. “And you’re…you’re not just some ghost possessing….” “We actually used the Fenton Dreamcatcher on Danny before,” Tucker interjected, pulling up one of the many videos he’d taken of their exploits on his laptop. The screen showed two entities. One was obviously Danny, though far more relaxed and unfocused than normal. The other was Phantom, this one far too rigid and vigilant. Seen side by side, Jack and Maddie couldn’t deny the resemblance. “It was a nightmare. There are two halves of Danny, but they’re just halves, they need each other to be whole.” “Mom, Dad,I know it sounds super strange, but this is still Danny. He’s just…enhanced. The portal infused him in such a way the electricity bonded his body with the ectoplasm. And he’s been using his powers to help Amity Park. I know you know that. I’ve heard you questioning why he’d save civilians if he was an evil ghost.” “Wait, what about the property damage? Capturing the mayor? The thievery?” “In reverse order,” Sam sighed, counting on her fingers, “Mind control, Mayor was overshadowed by an evil ghost and maneuvered to make it look like Phantom was taking him hostage, and you two are featured on the news instead of the weather due to the damage the GAV causes.” “It’s not that bad, is it?” Maddie asked. “I thought we were just famous,” Jack muttered. “Listen, the thing is, not all ghosts are evil. If you’d actually get to know the ghosts that don’t come through to cause trouble, you’d realize that immediately. As proof, I’m here. I’m still Danny. I’m part ghost, yeah, but I’m also a combination of you two. Your smarts and dedication and drive. I’m just hoping you remember I’m also someone made up of your understanding and compassion. I’m still Danny. I’m still your son.” He took a deep breath in the silence. “If you…if you can’t accept that, it’s fine.” It wasn’t fine. “I’ll survive.” He knew his core would ache for ages, just like when Valerie found out about his identity and hated him for weeks before talking to him again, just like when he thought he found a kindred spirit in Vlad only to discover how much of a fruitloop he actually was. It’d hurt so bad he wasn’t sure he’d survive it, but the platitudes continued. “I’ll go, if you can’t accept it. I mean, I didn’t tell you for ages because you kept going on and on about what you’d do to Phantom if you caught him. “So, if you hate me, if you want Phantom gone, I’ll go, and you won’t have to think about me again.” He faltered during the last few words but his friends and sister, his fraid, stood strong, their devotion letting him only slump instead of collapsing. “This…I just…” Jack sputtered. “This is why the security system kept attacking you, isn’t it?” Maddie asked. “Egads! Hang on!” Jack pulled a remote from his hazmat suit and pressed a quick code into the buttons. A soft whirring sound that they never noticed before due to its persistence faded away. “There we go, off!” “You…you turned them off?” Tucker asked. “Of course! I mean, wow, this is…” “It’s going to be a big adjustment, honestly,” Maddie admitted. “Everything told us ghosts were evil, unfeeling, basically monsters out to destroy and nothing else…but…I just… The two exchanged long glances, a silent conversation born from years of sharing a marriage and a fixation. “Do you mind if we…review everything? With a new perspective?” Jack asked. “I understand if you want to…if you feel safer going to Sam or Tucker’s house while we do so. This is just…a lot. And we…Jack, we just...Just…give us some time, please?” “Mom, Dad, you’re being weirdly level headed…” Jazz accused. “Well, Danny…” Maddie began before faltering.
“We want to make sure he feels safe! And he’s obviously had no reason to feel that way for a while. We….Danny, I think I can speak for both of us to say…You’re our son. We don’t get what happened, but we’re Fentons! Give us a few days and we’ll figure out a way to reverse-” “NO! You’re not listening!” Danny screamed, pushing both his parents back into the opposing loveseat, and pushing the loveseat and any surrounding furniture back several feet. Danny’s hands smacked over his mouth, muttering soft apologies as his parents tried to sort out what just happened. “I…It’s like…this isn’t something you can fix. I’m only alive because, somehow, I only half died, and that half became a ghost. When I used the dreamcatcher, that almost destroyed me because neither half can really work without the other. If you try to reverse it, I either become a full ghost or a full corpse. “My ghost half keeps me sapient. My human half keeps me physical. And I’ve really gotten to know the ghosts; a lot of them have no interest in the human realm. I mean, you created a portal to a new dimension and all you’ve wanted to do is tear the denizens apart ‘molecule by molecule.’ You aren’t scientists with that attitude, you’re homicidal maniacs." Danny stood up. “I’m going to Tucker’s. If you want to talk, call first, but don’t call for at least three days. I want to know you aren’t calling in the heat of the moment.”
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beaker1636 · 11 months
H is for Only Hands - Justin
AN: I don't know how I feel about this one, it's not my favorite but could be worse. I tried to really focus on the dirty talk in this one to make up for the only half way point of it in his last chapter. Next up is Ricky with impact play, so be prepared, that one will be intense and hot! Enjoy H is for Only Hands :)
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The girls met at the cafe for lunch, they all were going to do a girls day and had already had their nails done this morning.  They were finishing up with lunch before they’d go their separate ways.  They all genuinely are good friends with each other, having a bond together that nobody else really understands because of what they have to deal with in their relationships.
As the four women sat at the table they noticed the empty chair where Carlotta would normally sit when they did their monthly girls day and weren’t sure what to feel about her being gone.
“I miss Carlotta, I hope things are going alright for her,” Mia says softly, feeling a bit upset at the empty chair that sat at the table.
“Rick checked in with Vin last night and he told him that things are going alright, that she is feeling a bit better being cut off from social media and work for now,” Naomi said, looking at the other girls with a smile.
“I’m glad to hear that, I have been worrying about her,” Ari says softly as she takes her seat next to Mia. “I know what it’s like to reach that point and it is not easy to come back out of it.”
They all put in their orders as they continue to talk, continuing to enjoy their company as they just relax and get away from what's going on in their lives.
“So how did attempting to dominate Ryan go last night?” Naomi asks Ari with a laugh, she’s the only one that Naomi told her plan to ahead of time.
“It went great until I was distracted and he told me to let his arms loose and I stupidly did, that was game over for me,” Ari says with a light blush. “Once I did he took over and yeah.”
“You say that like you don’t enjoy when you frustrate him and he gets aggressive, I’m not sure who enjoys the aggressiveness more, you, Mia or Naomi,” Vanessa says with a wink towards her friend.
“I think you and Lottie would enjoy it if you would let go and allow your guys to be, just saying,” Mia says before taking a sip of her coffee. “You are just both too shy to attempt it yet.  Once you’ve been together for so long you need to change things up and it can be nice.”
“Could you imagine how hard Lottie would be blushing right now,” Naomi says, her mood falling slightly when she thinks about her friend. “Side note, I was going to drop off a little gift basket with some flowers, face mask, bath bombs, etc. on my way home, if any of you want to go in on it with me.  I just thought that some stuff to help her relax would be the best thing I could do to help her.”
“How are you taking her hiatus? You two are the closest,” Vanessa asks her, reaching out to rest a hand on her friends in comfort.
“I feel guilty that I didn’t realize how bad she was doing.  I knew her and her parents got into it again recently, and that work was getting hard but she didn’t seem that upset when we would talk every day.  It is hard knowing I can’t help her but I know Vin is great to her and he is doing the right thing by having her take some time away,” Naomi says softly, trying not to think about it all.
 “Do you know what the trigger finally was that set off her breakdown and everything?” Mia asks gently, wanting to know what her friend is going through. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t think you should.”
“I don’t know, all Vinny told Rick was that it involved her mom but he didn’t say more because he felt she would tell any of us if she was comfortable,” Naomi answers, being honest about what is going on.
Their food is brought and they all switch to a lighter subject as they eat, all of them parting ways after eating lunch and heading home now that they are all more relaxed and had some time away.
You pull  up to your and Justin’s shared home, feeling slightly down because of everything going on but is also in a decent mood.  It is finally their turn again after losing last time, her and Justin can finally do more than just kiss.  You didn’t think it would be so hard being unable to for only 5 days but it has been hard on both of them.
“What was our letter?” you ask when you see Justin sitting on the couch, not even hiding the fact that you are horny after the last few days.
Justin laughs before answering, “Well, someone is feeling needy after getting cock blocked for a while.”
“Well just using your hand isn’t as fun, I know you feel the same,” you pout, frustrated that he won’t just tell you what it is and start fucking you again.
“Well, that is the problem, for H Ryan gave us only hands, we can only use our hands to get eachother off.  We can’t kiss, can’t lick anything, can’t actually fuck… I mean at least we can still do something together but it still sucks.  It almost feels like he is continuing the cock blocking with this letter,” Justin says, pulling you on to his lap.
“Your hands are better than mine but I would be lying if I didn’t say Fuck Ryan, this sucks.” You respond, groaning in annoyance. “We can’t even kiss each other on the lips during it?” 
Justin rests a hand on one of your thighs, rubbing gentle circles on it for a moment before speaking. “Unfortunately no, but come tomorrow when we can you best be prepared because you will be getting it.  I need to be inside of you after a week without, I miss feeling you wrapped around my cock baby.”
“Hmm, what will you do to me Justin?” you asks, his dirty words getting to you as you lean into his embrace, resting your face on his shoulder while you straddle his lap.
He moves his hands to your hips, slowly getting you to rock your hips against his, trying to get that friction between the two of you.
“Well first I would lean down and tease you in your sensitive spot on your throat, the one that always makes you really wet when I suck and bite it.  Then I would trail kisses down your throat and along your collarbones before I took shirt and bra off, teasing your tits and nipples with both my mouth and fingers because I know how sensitive they are,” he says lowly in your ear as his hands slip under your shirt and removes it from your body, your bra following. 
He has you turn around on his lap so that your back is against his chest as he wraps his arms around you, doing just as he said and pinching your nipples between his thumb and forefinger on each side before soothing the sting with gentle touches and flicks of his fingertips, taking his time to really gets you to shift and squirm on his lap, letting out quiet moans and breaths as you grow more and more needy.  He is making sure that even though he can only use his hands that he is really taking his time to get you going, wanting you to still enjoy this.
“Next I would slowly leave touches and kisses down your tummy and hips, ghosting them in all the spots that make you whine and wither in pleasure as I tease you, working you up so that your pussy would be wet and ready for me when I finally make it there.  Teasing you and enjoying the view when I notice the wet spot on your panties that I caused without even touching you there.
You lift your hips slightly so that he can remove your jeans from your body before you lean back into his embrace as his hands continue to ghost down your body.  They are now teasing you through your panties, circling your clit with a finger, the material making the feeling both enjoyable as it is different but also frustrating as you want him to just touch you.  You shift your hips, chasing the feeling that he is giving you with just barely even touching you.
You move off his lap, taking a seat next to him on the couch so that you can pop open the button on his jeans, removing them from him along with his boxers so that you can lightly stroke him as well, wanting him to get something out of this moment too.
“When I finally have you wet enough for my liking I would slowly slide your panties down before licking you, tasting you for the first time in months because of the tour, I would torment you and get you all worked up, making you cum on my lips more than once, make you all sensitive for me.”
He moves your panties to the side with one finger, now teasing your clit directly and groaning when he feels how wet you are when he finally touches you. “Fuck, you like it when I talk dirty like this?” He asks you, continuing to slowly run a couple fingers up and down your slit, working you up even more without giving you what you need.
“Yes, I love it,” you let out breathlessly, speeding the movements of your hand on him up as you do, trying to prove the point that you are enjoying it.
“Next I would plunge two fingers deep inside of you, thrusting them into you slowly at first.  Not giving you what you want, wanting to tease you, make you beg for more while I deny you of what you need before I finally give in and finger fuck your wet pussy like you want it.”
He thrusts two fingers into you harshly, without warning now as he says these things.  You moan, the feeling of him working his fingers in you causing your toes to curl, biting your lip as he starts to roughly fuck you with them, bringing you closer to the edge.
“Maybe if you are a good girl I will let you cum all over my hand, make you gasp and moan in pleasure as I bring you to another orgasm before I force you to take my hard cock in you, not giving you time to adjust to me before I start fucking you harshly, this time worried about my own release, not yours.  Watching as you fall apart on my cock from the feeling, groaning as you start to clench around me.”
He now shifts slightly, his thumb finding your clit to rub it in circles as his fingers speed up, fucking you a lot harder than before.  You feel yourself growing close, very close, so you increase your pace, stroking his cock a lot faster now and your grip tighter, wanting him to cum with you.
“Fuck, baby, cum for me please? I can tell you are close,” he groans out, watching you as you start to tremble under him. 
His words are all it takes, you cum harshly on his fingers, moaning out as the feeling washes over you, hand stilling as you ride it out.  Justin pulls his fingers out of you, putting them in your mouth and licking your essense clean off his fingers, the sight alone enough to almost make you cum again despite the fact he isn’t touching you.
When you come down from your high you begin to stroke him again, now focusing on getting him off.  Twisting your hand as you tighten your grip, your other hand moving to play with his balls knowing that he enjoys it when you do.
“Fuck, I’m close, can I finish on you?” He asks, looking at your face for an answer as you let him thrust up into your fist.
You nod and pull your hand away, moving to your knees in front of where he sits as he on the couch, watching closely as he tugs at his own cock, working himself to the edge. 
“Baby I-I’m,” he groans loudly, his hot cum landing on your tits as he finishes, watching you as you take a finger and run it through his cum, before sticking it in your mouth and sucking it clean.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he breaths out, slowly coming down from his own orgasm before he glances down at you. “I think we should probably go shower now that I have made a mess of you.”
You giggle at his words before nodding at him and following him towards the bathroom so that you can do that with him, letting him rinse his cum off your body as the hot water pours over both of you.
“You better have been being honest and actually plan to do all that tomorrow or I will be upset.  As enjoyable as that was nothing beats having you inside of me,” you say, teasing him with words of your own this time.
“Are you trying to get me hard again with your words? I promise that tomorrow will be worth it, scouts honor,” he says it as a joke but he is absolutely serious.  Come morning when he can finally claim you as his own he plans to wreck you, make you cum so many times that you regret making these comments towards him that you just did.
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snoopmary · 1 year
I realize it’s THE SUN but it annoyed me
No idea who said this and it reads as a half-baked, inexperienced publicist frantically trying to protect an actress at the direction of her managers, but you know, it’s got my professional back up. 
I frankly doubt this is even one of Sweeney’s people working on her behalf because that girl isn’t stupid and her team is better than that at this shit. They’d just drop a line or two to Deux Moi and Page 6, not the Sun. that’s not her audience.
Disclaiming: No one not involved knows the story and I frankly don’t care who is with whom but this SUN article ticked me off so I’m going to vent right now. 
Humour me and let me deconstruct this article for all the many PR oops in it:
Quote 1:
"[Sweeney] doesn't want or need this attention and, to be frank, this is Glen's problem for letting his relationship with Gigi get out of control and for being so public about his personal life on social media."
Pretty sure GP didn't expect his apparently now-ex girlfriend to go passive-aggressive bunny-boiler (yes, I said it and I am so not sorry) on the ‘gram and try to impact the career he's busted his ass trying to build. Those posts? Human scorned shit has a short shelf life and always backfires on the person who goes low in Hollywood. See also Brad and Angelina at the moment. 
Two mistakes: blaming the guy for his ex publicly pulling shit on her personal instagram while blaming the guy for also leaving what clearly became an unpleasant relationship, while also implying he should have ‘controlled’ his ex and was responsible for parenting her behavior online!
Sympathy is going to turn towards Powell if it turns out there really is nothing going down but acting to sell the movie happening and this article will age really poorly. 
Also: the extent of his being public was, this is my girlfriend. [shares photo, red carpet thing]. Pretty sure that has been the exact same extent of Sweeney’s stuff with her BF, who by the by - and yes, I am going there - Sweeney’s supposed BF is 39. She is 25. If they have been together for 5 years, she was 20 and he was 34 when they hooked up. 14-year age difference. 
He could have babysat her before he got his high school diploma. Just saying. The ick is strong with this one, IMHO, and the public (esp the woke part) post-me-too is not fond of that, optically speaking. They aren't the great Leo DiCaprio and people are even tired of that crap from him now.
"If she and Glen were closer, she'd tell him to handle his problems privately instead of letting them bleed into social media," the pal added to The U.S. Sun. "But the fact is, she and Glen don't have much of a personal relationship at all beyond the making of this movie.”
Most people don’t have a personal relationship with people they just met. Weird how that works, yeah? Except she also hung out with his sisters, his niece and nephew, and his parents while shooting an extremely R-rated sex comedy with him with nudity and an intimacy coordinator. 
So from their perspective, I guess that means Powell probably would have been okay with an apparently strictly professional acquaintance [activating sarcasm font] criticizing him for his angry ex-girlfriend going passive vindictive on instagram for attention. 
We’re all fine with ‘near-strangers’ doing that to us, aren't we? ::insert eyeroll::
"Glen's real-life girlfriend problems are now infecting how people will perceive this project before they've even had the chance to market it.”
Oh, honey. No. No, sweet summer child. No.
The *only* reason *anyone* is talking about this project is BECAUSE of the chemistry between Glen and Sydney. Otherwise, it’s just another rom-com. Now it’s - as Lainey pointed out - ShoWest Mr and Mrs Smith territory. 
It’s a rom-com, the believability of the leads doing the rom-ing IS the market strategy.
The PR teams at Sony are loving this because they could not have begged for better press for this flick, even if this pushed JLaw, Denzel, and the Barbie movie off the front pages of the news cycle. Everyone has actually heard this film is coming out now and will probably be dying to see what the what is about it. Wouldn’t be surprised if this got fast-edit for October now.
"It's distracting and annoying as hell and Sydney loathes that she's been publicly dragged into this."
If *that* was Loathing in Las Vegas, then she is a much better actress than I and most of the film industry have given her credit for. Period.
I said it before and I’ll say it again: no man has his sister and her family with young kids, his parents, and his other sister and her BF around AND screws around on his girlfriend in front of them. In fact, I kinda suspect he had them there in order to try and prevent this kind of story because who screws around on their GF in front of their immediate family? He had them down there to avoid this and guess what, it backfired. Why?
Gigi wanted a bit of satisfaction for not getting to be Hangman’s WSO any longer because who TF in the entertainment industry cares who Gigi Paris is when she isn’t Glen Powell’s girlfriend? {Hate me but you know I am right!]
If she hadn’t said a damn thing when they split, none of this news coverage would exist and no one who didn’t follow Glen Powell would have ever heard her name.
Let me tell you how the industry is going to see this situation in about a week:
Glen Powell’s now ex-girlfriend - a model who, while attractive, is just a model among many in LA and NYC - did not handle it well when their rocky relationship finally ended. Despite the brouhaha, Glen Powell showed up and worked his ass off (despite the personal tumult and embarrassment) to sell the movie he was paid to make while he's being dragged through the mud. And he was a consummate professional and he didn't sink to anyone’s level either. 
The chemistry with his blonde-of-the-moment co-star Sydney Sweeney (see also Margot Robbie/Will Smith and JLaw/Helmsworth) was hot enough to dominate the entertainment social news cycle globally for 48 hours now because everyone was interested in a rom-com where people actually had chemistry. (Ghosted is bad, Your Place or Mine was worse, and the best part about The Lost City was Daniel Radcliffe and Sandra Bullock’s scenes together.) 
And after all that: Powell still showed up to do prep for Twisters in Oklahoma without being a dramatic diva about the shitstorm his life became in April 2023 because he left a dead-end relationship? 
Producers are loving what they’re seeing from him. Family-oriented, clean-cut gentleman who can handle his emotions and still work? Christmas came early! 
Whoever this “friend” of Sweeney’s is, it would have been better for them to have kept their mouth shut and let this fade out quietly. That piece did her no favours, especially after that red carpet in Vegas because whoever did that just tried to throw her co-star under the bus to explain it all away and all the other actors in the industry are going to remember that.
And that is the way I see that SUN piece.
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chrisodonline · 2 years
Finale Spec/Wishes, pt. 3
Just in case you aren’t one of the two people who are actually following this, see part one and part two. Again, this is non-formatted liveblog/recap style version of my brain. 
Part 3 of ???
Farmer’s Market lady ran when Kensi and Deeks identified themselves, so she was immediately sus. They take her in. Have her in the boat shed. They grill her about Good Queen Bess. Farmer’s Market lady is like, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Kensi and Deeks explain that her booth has not been doing well — more people are wanting vegan-only choices, and others are tight on funds. You sell grass fed beef. Money problems = motive for chicken ransom. Deeks suggests, “Or maybe you wanted to score some money in an underground chicken fighting ring?” Farmer’s market lady is like, “There’s no such thing as a chicken fighting ring. Who would do that?” Deeks follows up with, “There’s a first time for everything. It would be like the GLOW version of cock fighting.” 
Farmer’s Market lady is still like, “And why would I expect to get money out of a chicken ransom?” Kensi offers, “Maybe you weren’t trying to get money. Maybe you were trying to get intel. To watch High Ranking Chicken Guy trip up.” Farmer’s Market lady, “What would I do with intel?” Kensi says sell it for the right place. This guy obviously has a weakness for his chicken. Good Queen Bess is his Lock Screen. Good Queen Bess has her own castle. A desperate man makes bad decisions. Kensi and Deeks just sit and look at her. Deeks adds, “You know we’re checking your phone logs now. Some odd numbers.” FM lady is like, “What’s odd about them?” Deeks explains, “4 of them were only in service for a few days each. Do your Farmer’s Market friends have a need for burner phones?” FM lady looks away. Kensi and Deeks stare more. FM lady is like, “Fine. Someone did call and offer me money to take Good Queen Bess. But I didn’t take her!” Kensi asks why didn’t she say something sooner — or report a possible chicken-napping to the authorities. FM Lady says she thought the person was half-joking. Deeks asks if this person gave a name. FM lady says no. And then when they realized she wouldn’t do it, they threatened her. Kensi is like, “Your life?” And FM Lady is like, “No. They were going to kill my cows. They’re my livelihood! And they were going to poison them and then make sure there is enough on social media to suggest I’ve been selling tainted meat. They’d ruin me!” Deeks says, “I guess that makes sense. I’d hate to see a bovine massacre. I hate to be the one to say it, though. Not sure Southern California is the best marketplace for beef.” 
FM lady starts crying suddenly, “It’s all I know! I moved here with my husband, but then he won a reality show and left me! We were supposed to be the Chip and Joanna Gaines of the Cattle World!” She continues crying. Kensi and Deeks step out of the room. Kensi says, “Well that seems like a dead end unless we can get more on those burners. This whole thing is kind of crazy, don’t you think?” Deeks says, “Tell me about it. No one will ever be the Chip and Joanna Gaines of anything other than Chip and Joanna Gaines.” Kensi just smirks at him. “So you don’t want to be the Chip and Joanna Gaines of our field?” Deeks, “Oh, oh. Ohhh. I love that you speak my language and know exactly what to say at all times. I’m going to remember this after work.” 
Kensi shoots him bedroom eyes, and they’re interrupted with the sound of someone clearing his throat. They turn and it’s Callen and Sam in Ops, staring at them. Kensi asks how long they’ve been listening. Callen replies, “Long enough to wonder if that makes us the Property Brothers.” Deeks just says, “I KNEW you loved those shows, man. I KNEW it.” Sam just shakes his head. “You all need to get out more.” On this, Kilbride enters Ops. “I believe we are in agreement on that, Agent Hanna. I would also suggest that you all need to get to solving this case more. I take it from the lack of arrests and lack of a chicken, our main lead did not pan out.” Callen says he’s right. They’ve hit a dead end. Kilbride says, “Well I hope you are able to revive that dead end because this is the Office of Special Projects, and I expect you all not to get stuck. Especially on this case.” Sam adds, “We always do, Admiral. We always do.” Kilbride nods and says, “Carry on.” Then leaves. Deeks asks, “Is it clear?” Callen and Sam say it is. Deeks says, “Do you guys ever feel like he uses whatever bugs Hetty had in Ops to perfectly time coming in to insult us?” 
Rountree and Fatima are with High Ranking Chicken Guy. They explain to him about the burner phone caller offering to pay for intel gotten from the chicken ransom. Does he know anyone, an enemy, who would benefit from info he had? Who also knows about Good Queen Bess? High Ranking Chicken Guy asks if they think she’s already dead. Rountree and Fatima explain that two things work in her favor: 1. she’s worth more as a ransom and 2. She’s a chicken, so she can’t identify her kidnappers to the cops. High Ranking Chicken Guy is like “Well there is This Criminal Guy we’ve been after for a while but could never get enough to bring him in. We’re closing in on him, but only a few people know what we have. I did hear that the fact that we’re close may have made it past the designated personnel.” Rountree and Fatima immediately phone this in. Callen and Sam thank them and pull up info. Sam wonders why High Ranking Guy didn’t mention this enemy when they first asked. Fatima hand waves it and says he seems so distraught. 
Kensi and Deeks go back into the room. “We have a video we want to show you.” They show FM lady a video from YouTube of a guy unboxing a shop vac. FM lady asks why they’re showing her this. “We just want to know if it means anything to you.” “Like what?” “If we tell you, that might influence you and you misremember.” “I don’t have that model of shop vac, I know that.” Kensi and Deeks just look at each other, debating on stopping the video. Then FM lady says, “Oh, wait. Do a quick jump back, so I can hear him say that again.” They do. “That’s it! That’s the voice!” 
Cut to Criminal Guy’s warehouse location — because that is a shady person’s base. Both duos are on the ground in their tiny ass vests ready to go in and take Criminal Guy down. If they didn’t have him on international drug smuggling, they’ll definitely have him on chicken napping and coercion with cow threats — which Deeks dubs “cow-ercion.”  They go in and take down Criminal Guy. Kensi asks, “Where’s Good Queen Bess?” Criminal Guy asks, “I don’t know. Maybe take a time machine and go to England in the past.” Deeks says, “First off. That’s not even a good joke. You kidnapped a chicken, and you can’t afford to look any lamer. Second, we know you have her. Where is she?” Callen contacts Rountree on comms, “You guys have any luck yet?” Rountree says, “No.” Fatima is also searching, “Is there anything that would make a chicken squawk so we can find her?” “Are you saying we go around bocking?”  Kensi says, “Maybe something to freak her out. Chickens don’t get quiet when they’re scared.” Deeks says, “Look at you, Wikipedia.” Fatima is like, “Oh, hey, I got it!” She starts tapping her phone and asks Rountree for his. She works on his and then holds up both. Rountree asks what she’s doing. Fatima says, “What we always do.” She plays the most blaring, annoying alarm sound on both phones at the same time, creating an echo and extending everywhere. Rountree covers up his ears quickly, and so do Kensi and Deeks. Callen and Sam do the same. Sam says, “You couldn’t have told us to cover our ears before in case it blasted through all the comms?” Fatima says, “Sorry, I-“ Then they hear it. They hear Good Queen Bess clucking loudly. Rountree looks over impressed. “How’d you think to do that?” Fatima simply says, “Like I said. What we always do. A little chaos A little shock and awe.” Deeks throws in, “Or bock and awe, in this case.” 
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
IZMS: The Social Media Experience 1
Across a universe, various social media posts come from a group of siblings and their friends. It tells the story of a young boy and his family, a young boy who will one day become a symbol of hope. AKA: Izuku's dad sucks, he's got a lot of siblings and he likes to tease them online. ON AO3
Why do Pro-Heroes who have Reddit don’t worry about people finding them?
 For me it’s because I do keep a lot of stuff vague and I actually don’t talk about myself in public. You’d know me since my name is out there but most don’t connect it with my family. My dad’s worthless and his last name doesn’t match mine or most of my half-siblings. 
 It’s really surprising what changing out of your uniform does at times. People just don’t recognize you. So me sitting here behind a screen is just another version of that. I know not a lot of people believe I’m a hero but I don’t mind.
 It is HILARIOUS how few people realize who you are until you tell them. Remember last week?
  HA! Oh god her FACE. Realizing she’s been bragging about dating YOU when you’re right there?
     Yeah that was fun.
What made you cut your parent off?
 I’ve been very open about this numerous times but my dad is a dick. He’s a populationist, homophobic and generally a jackass. I’m his eldest child and he’s had six/seven more with four other women after my mom. (My latest stepmother is pregnant. Me and the siblings I talk to are betting on WHEN she’s gonna divorce him.)  he dislikes me for being intersex and infertile due to it, and has never made it secret. I was raised by him since I was around four. I went between two stepmoms and then stayed with the first when he left Japan. I barely had contact with him.
 I’m a hero and he loves using that to look good. His fifth wife tried to call me up and I basically ripped apart her worldview of him. She divorced him after that and speaking to my sister and my third stepmom. I’m nice enough just to say: I don’t get along to his business partners. But my dad knew not to push after his that.
 I fully cut him off and threatened to tell his business partners everything when he cut child support in half for my brother. Why? My brother is bisexual. I actually threatened to do it unless the child support went back up anyway. He did and we haven’t spoken since. 
 My dad found out I’m bisexual and he cut child support in half which threatened my place in a safe school for my Quirk status. My older brother blackmailed him, and we all cut him off. Though my sister cut him off earlier. She won’t tell us why. 
  I never will.
Siblings of ProHeroes: What is the hardest part?
 The worry my brother may not come home one day, or I may seen his last fight on the news.
 I have an uncle who’s a hero. Every time I see him on the news I get nervous because of the fight but I also get angry since he has an extreme mutation and he gets a lot of hate due to it.
 Wow, thanks bro.
 Whenever I see my elder brother on the news, I worry over his health, if he’s eating enough, if he’d going to get enough rest.
 If I have to stumble upon his fanmail ONE MORE TIME. I DO NOT WANNA READ THAT SHIT BRO. 
 Stop snooping in my apartment.
Dear Redditors; what is something crazy that you actually did [Serious replies only]
 I ran away and joined the circus with a guy I met a month before. It’s been nine years and we’re married now.
 You still haven’t given us the full story
  Tell us already!!
   How about no?
Who is who in the superhero fandom
By KissMeYouFool
… on to Reddit, we have three big names. 
SecretNotebook; a proclaimed hero who is just branching out as his own hero after YEARS of being a sidekick. He often is on Reddit giving hints and tips to hero hopefuls while sharing stories of some more vague events. He is open about a lot. Along wth him we have his two siblings: PolkaDotAfro and GreenMightBoy. PolkaDotAfro is a proclaimed circus performer and is married to the Reddit user BlueScars who rarely posts but appears from time to time. GreenMightBoy is a young teen who posts analysis and also taunts his brother along with their sister…
This is a story for a bigger universe I have where Izuku's dad was a piece of work and he had a lot of kids. The eldest of these kids is Kamui Woods (SecretNotebook). I didn't want to do a traditional intro to this world and instead came up with this. We have OTHER siblings to, so far an OC named Hana/Hannah (PolkaDotAfro). Izuku (GreenMightBoy) thus has a vastly different upbringing. We have other characters appearing to, a lot being related to heroes in someway. Some may be easily guessed, others less so. Have fun guessing if you want! Those who want to respond as if they are commentators on the media posts in the comments are welcome. I don't plan on this being to long? It's just world building and having fun honestly. But I hope you like!
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Love, Peace, and Goodbyes
Title: Love, Peace, And Goodbyes Fandom: Dancing With The Stars Ship: Daniel Durant x Britt Stewart For: Moody Blues Challenge (#111 Observe the truth we cannot hide - Eternity Road) Disclaimer: This a real life fic inspired by real people if that makes you uncomfortable you have every right not to read. I will not be upset.  Note: Do not post or link this anywhere without my permission. Also my first piece in well over a year for any fandom, so be gentle with me.
“Are you sleeping with him?” Britt’s eyes went wide as she repeated Reid’s question in her head at least half a dozen times.
“No, of course not!” Finally she blurts out the answer, reaching over to rub his upper arm, he pats her hand tenderly.
“Don’t worry I know you’re not, but you want to.” With that her world shatters. She had tried so hard to bury and conceal these feelings, convince herself it was merely an innocent crush and even those in relationships can find others attractive; just as long as they don’t act on it. Acting on something is one thing Britt vowed to never do, but it is at that moment she realizes she would do anything to be able to.
“Yes.” Whispers Britt, dropping her head. Her heart breaking for Reid. Their relationship wasn’t perfect and she was aware of the comments and questionable looks it received from both those in their real lives and people on social media platforms, the truth is she did care deeply for him and would never wish to hurt him. 
“It’s okay Britt. You seem happy even when failing to hide your feelings for him, I can’t imagine how joyful you’ll be when you’re no longer pretending. More than anything I want you to be happy. And I am not providing that for you.” She begins to tear up.
“This isn’t what I wanted to happen, Reid.”
“I know, but it’s our reality. I think we both know, even before you meet Daniel, that this was no longer working; much as we both have tried to pretend it was.’  Reid stands up and walks in front of Britt, reaches down to take her hands, and squeezes them. ‘It’s time we say goodbye.” She finds herself now crying fully.
“I do love you.”
“And I you, it’s time for us to move and fulfill our separate destinies. Now if you don’t invite me to your wedding I’m going to be pissed.” Britt gasps as Reid laughs, squeezes her hands one last time before retreating to the bedroom. He emerges a few minutes later with two seemingly filled rolling suitcases. Britt ponders how long they have been packed and ready to be revealed.
“I love you.” Britt calls out to him; for what she knows will be the last time those three words are spoken by her to him; as opens the front door and walks out.
Britt sits on the couch, staring at the TV unaware of what is even being shown, her emotions racing through her like an out of control roller coaster. Then suddenly everything halts and finds herself at peace. Hard as it was, this was what had to be.
“I need to tell you something, Daniel.” Britt speaks and signs carefully. He endigates okay with a nod whilst pushing his platter of sushi a bit to allow her to know she has his full attention. 
“Everything ok?” Britt nods.
“A couple nights ago Reid and I broke up.” She signs and only whispers the words. Daniel stares at her for such an amount of time she begins to fear perhaps she messed up the sign and actually said something completely gibberish.
“I’m sorry.” He at last signs back.
“Thank you.’ Britt pauses, takes a deep breath to gather the courage for the next part. Much as she imagined in the last few days how this conversation could possibly go, the reality of it actually happening is quite different. ‘He realized I was in love with someone else…you.” Daniel’s eyes go wide and immediately his smile is so large she knows it has to be hurting him just a little.
“I assume he was right?” Daniel signs with a wink. Britt nods and begins to smile 
“Yes. I love you Daniel. I know it has not been long but…”
“I know. I know. And I love you Britt.” She notices he is starting to tear up.
“I think we should finish the show first before we explore this. Ok?” Britt signs to him.
“Ok. I now have something to look forward to besides the mirror ball. You’re going to be a better prize by the way.”
“Crazy how everything has happened huh, Daniel?”
“It’s fate Britt. It’s fate. Just two weeks to go.”
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writingfanficsfan · 2 years
Day 2 of No Buy November.
Nothing special to report. It’s always easier to not spend money or think about spending money when you are at work. 
Al thought.... We always have a 15 minute break at around 11 and all my coworkers were on their phones. About half of them were checking Facebook Marketplace or other sites to buy stuff on and I realized it’s just so easy these days to just buy stuff. 
You don’t even need to leave your house anymore. It’s there, just at your fingertips and it doesn’t surprise me that some of my coworkers complain about not having enough money around week 2 of the new month. We all spend it on crap on the internet! 
Social media also doesn’t help with that. For me it’s dangerous when I see too many organizing videos and all the cool products they have for every single space in your home. I like the Instagram-worthy looks of all the fridges and freezers I see on there. And how the baskets in the closets all look the same and just perfectly fit every single item they have. 
It’s very tempting then to try and find the exact same thing, even if my fridge/freezer/closet are not that big or not the same and my needs and wants are different. 
On the last day of October, I ordered 1 drawer and 1 shelf for my Ikea closet in my bedroom. My closet takes up the whole wall of my room so it’s divided into a section for clothes and a section as a pantry. It’s been a while now that I’ve wanted to add more shelves, especially in the pantry part so I can store stuff better and more logically to me. 
Over time I would very much like it that all the boxes and baskets I use are all the same but for now I’m using the old ones I have and those work too. It doesn’t look nice but I’m the only one that sees it so I can live with that. 
Right now my priorty is adding the shelves and drawers I need and I’m doing it over the next couple of months. (I hope I measured right so the new pieces will fit🤞). That is also my plan for the end of November, even if it’s a no buy. I already know that I find those shelves and drawers important and I want to plan those into my budget for the next few months until I have all the pieces I want/need. 
I should probably then take some photos so you can see the difference over time. 
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impablohurtado · 1 month
Rest Easy C.C
I found out yesterday that a person I went to middle and high school with took his own life. It made me really sad to think about even though we hadn’t talked in some time. For a half-hour, I read posts of his friends and family sending their condolences. I read the same set of words multiple times, “You don’t have to suffer anymore.” He was only two months older than me, having turned 32 in May.
We hadn’t spoken in many years, but he was still a friend on social media. I’d see his posts and we’d interact the way people do, liking a post here and there, but never anything outside of brief comments. It’s easy to say, I wish I’d been there. It’s self-important to believe we can save people who hurt that way, I know this too well.
In middle school, there were three of us always talking about the thing we loved, three kids who were into film over anything else. I remember sitting with him in the sixth grade at lunch talking about the release slate for the year, about what we were excited for, debating our top 10’s, and talking about what film sites we liked. At the time, we were your typical film nerds, so sure of our tastes and how we knew what the good movies were.
Thinking about it I realized this would'e been 20 years ago, us having entered middle school in 2004 at 12 years old. We were so young.
That went on for three years, always talking about movies, all of us discovering new favorites and talking about them. Seeing films from Tarantino, Scorsese, Kurosawa, Hitchcock, and Kubrick for the first time and being blown away, expanding our tastes and debating over what was good and bad.
We both wanted to be filmmakers when we grew older. I always respected him because he did it. When high school came and we stopped talking, he would do small films with friends. He went the theatre route and did plays. He dedicated so much of his time to doing the thing he loved unabashedly. He didn’t care how he dressed or if it seemed silly. He was all in from the jump. At the time, he would put out microbudget movies. I’d watch them and appreciate the fact he went on to do what he wanted. Even after graduating he’d work with local film companies and make movies he’d release independently. The size never dissuaded him. He acted, directed, worked with a crew to put together a vision; he did it because he loved film. He even managed to get films on smaller festival circuits, and I always thought that was really cool. I used to think that maybe, had we remained friends, I would’ve worked with him. I was the only one of the three of us from middle school who didn’t go on to work in film on one level or another.
I knew he struggled with his mental health. We’d shared that in common over the years. He’d like the stories I’d write, and I’d try to comment words of encouragement when I saw his posts sharing how he was doing in life. I’d watch the movies he’d put out, I wish I had messaged him to talk about them with him.
I think about how I’ve struggled with the ideation for years and made it this far, to the point I was happy I made it to 30, a milestone I’d always written off. I have my moments where it circles in my head. It’s uncontrollable for me, but I like being here. Last year, I had one of my lower points where I called and spoke to my dad about it on a particularly rough night. He was there for me when I couldn’t think of anyone to speak to, even if at the time I was ashamed to speak to him in that condition. Now I wonder about my old friend and wonder if he didn’t have someone to speak to. I think about how he lost a battle I also feel I’m sometimes fighting. A part of me thinks it's unfair to put it that way, to say he lost for all the life he lived.
It scares me thinking about that, even though I don’t plan on going anywhere. There’s too many people I love, things to see, I want to see my nieces and nephews grow, and to share memories with people I like being around. I'm at a good place in my life, positive about the future, even in my low moments, there is good for me I look to... mostly. I wish he felt the same way. I wonder if he sometimes did.
After I read condolence posts, I scrolled through his feed to see what he was doing lately; I saw him living his life in a relationship, enjoying the days the way we all try to. He seemed happy.
I couldn’t do anything; I don’t delude myself in thinking I could. I wish someone could’ve though. I know better than most that it doesn’t work like that. Life is hard sometimes, it’s a fight we don’t all make it through.
Rest easy Cam. I hope you get to meet all those filmmakers who we loved growing up who are no longer here.
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butternutrisotto · 1 month
Today’s topic is gonna be really really really touching cause I’ll be writing about a moment where I feel regret about something very badly and it is a thing that cannot be changed. I know I never share this side of my life in social media. Somehow, I just wanna push myself to write a story or tell my audience here that I have something I’ve never shared yet. I am deeply thinking what would it look like if people know this or even read my post. But I am now becoming braver than I’ll ever be. So here’s the story.
It is been almost 10 years ago since we were far apart. No, it wasn’t because we were getting a fight or we had different point of view or we had a big argument. We just continued our life to something we wanted to reach. We didn’t even say goodbye or at least said our last “see you when I see you” moment. Time just flew really fast and I have never imagined that it’s been really long time since we saw each other. And the saddest part is we (especially me) never heard what we were currently doing that time.
When people say, birds of a feather flock together, it describes us best. We laughed over a silly things together, we went to cafeteria and you bought me a snack so we could eat together, we learned together in class like I taught you an English lesson but you lent me a book so I could study and bring it home, we shared something personal to each other but we never judged ourselves instead we listened carefully, you shared your favorite song to me even I truly disliked it the most but we never asked each other to be someone that we weren’t. I just thought that we truly had the best day ever. We never asked (once again) each other to be something that we wanted. With you, I could be myself more than anything.
After that, I realized that I NEED to be with someone that I am able to be myself and I don’t have to be embarrassed about what I do and most importantly I can be the best version of myself whenever I’m with them. So, I felt truly grateful to have been spending my school life with you although that sometimes we were just so stubborn. However, I appreciate the time where you could respect and listen into my reason. Of course the most tremendous moment I’ve had with you was when you let me sit next to you when I was running late to the class and you already prepared the seat for me. If you could read this, I was so thankful from the deepest of my heart. You were the first friend that I was so thankful to have been surrounded by you. What makes you different from any other friends of mine? You told me to learn law of attractions since we were young and how I relate to that in my 20s now.
Dear you, wherever you are now, my prayers will always be with you. From this post, I just really wish we could meet at least in our best version of ourselves now. I hope we can have a chance to meet or say our news or what we’ve been doing in the past 10 years. I just don’t have any courage how to send you a message first through the direct message no I mean I am just being so clueless how to reach you because I don’t have any courage. I keep praying to the universe when the time is right, maybe we can meet again. If you are able to read my post, I am truly sorry that we didn’t have a chance to say our “see you soon” and it is something I regret for not doing that and I wish I could have turned back time. I just do not wanna say goodbye. You are forever one of my greatest best friend a girl could ask for. Thank you for being my incredible friend that I am truly respect.
Maybe I’m totally suck at writing or combining word by word but if I could describe our friendship together, it could literally look like this:
Just a small-town boy and girl Living in the crazy world Trying to figure out what is and isn't true And I don't try to hide my tears My secrets or my deepest fears Through it all nobody gets me like you do And you know everything about me You say that you can't live without me
The other half I'm only trying To let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me when I'm with you <3
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