#so I will hopefully have that done...semi-soon
blametheeditor · 8 months
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Matter Of Opinion
Prompt Roulette By Title
Character A: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Character A and Character B, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Character C: Our turn, Character D! One, two, three- vanilla!
Character D, deadpan: I've never had cake.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of treating others as lesser than. Mentions of calling others 'pests'. Mentions of not having access to food. Mentions of getting sick from food.
Eggs deserved some time in the spotlight
Eggs looks between Fritz and Caleb, a look of horror on his face. 
“I don’t know which one is worse. The favorite flavor being vanilla, or never having eaten cake before.” 
The redhead suddenly ducks his head as he shuffles in place, Fritz seeming more nervous rather than self-conscious, the excitement they rarely see vanishing within seconds. “Well, we don’t...cake isn’t exactly, accessible...” 
It takes a moment for the sentence to register. For Eggs to remember Caleb and Fritz are only a few inches tall in height. Not normal human children like the hordes of gremlins that come into the restaurants daily, but ‘borrowers’ that took a long time in order to trust those who can and have swept them into a hand. And only a select few at that.
He’ll admit, he forgets how different their lives are. Sure, they live at Freddy Fazbear’s, but they can’t exactly book a birthday party. Can’t sneak into the kitchen like Eggs does to steal a slice of pizza or cake. Sometimes he steals a whole pizza and cake. No one’s been able to stop him yet! 
The borrower’s life, though? They get caught by the wrong person, and cake will never be on the table. 
“I’m in the mood for cake,” James suddenly announces. “Want to help us make one?” 
The two react in almost polar opposites. Caleb immediately perks up at finally being allowed to try cake honestly they’re monsters never having offered it before. But Fritz shrinks into himself even more. 
“What kind of cake?” the younger borrower asks, strangling the absolutely miniscule plush bear they have never seen him without. Even though the toy should be washed considering the amount of dust Caleb and Fritz tend to accumulate from their travels. “Fredbear says we might not like peanut butter.” 
Oh fuck they really are monsters, Eggs is telling Scott the man is doing a shitty job as a father!
“Chocolate’s hard to go wrong with. And Jeremy will be happy to help us eat the rest.” 
Finally Fritz makes a long sigh. As if they’re boring the teenager. “You, you’re allowed to make a chocolate cake?” 
Eggs shares a look with James, the doctor raising his eyebrows to say he had been expecting that to be the reason the kid was hesitant. Which is unfair! One of them is a child psychiatrist and apparently that includes borrower children and the other isn't. The other is a geneous mechanic. 
Genious. Genus? Genius. 
Then again, that has been a running theme when it comes to Fritz and Caleb. Less so for the nine year old boy now that they’ve all known each other for about two months, but the older borrower didn’t warm up as quickly. Allows asks for permission before doing things other than borrowing, and that had been quite the discussion. Maybe they need to get Scott to hold another meeting. 
Eggs taps his chin before giving a wry smile, forcing his hands not to make large movements. “Let’s think about it this way. Jeremy wouldn’t tattle cause it’s chocolate cake. If Scott finds us, he won’t even be mad, just disappointed. Mike doesn’t give a shit. And Harrison can’t bitch cause it’s not his restaurant.” 
“I thought we agreed to leave the cursing to Mike,” James stage whispers. 
“Just don’t tell Scott,” the blond replies. 
That has Caleb giggling as Fritz visibly relaxes. “Okay. W-We'd like to help make a cake.” 
Eggs offers a hand palm up for the two. Can’t help a smile when neither hesitate to climb on, though he did forget they’re spider monkeys. Caleb’s darting up his arm almost immediately, almost missing grabbing the edge of the short sleeve to his uniform when Fritz swoops in for a rescue, scooping his brother up and finishing the climb. 
The blond has to stop a shiver from the odd feeling of his shoulder being walked on, looking at James to confirm both of them are safely there. He can’t exactly turn his head to check on them or else that might cause a big problem. 
The doctor gives a smirk. “Have you finally accepted you’re a glorified jungle gym?” 
“Hey I’m the greatest jungle gym you will ever meet, thank you!” 
He hears the worry in Fritz’s voice as he carefully follows James into the kitchen. “Do you mind we-?” 
“Shh, I’m proving I’m a badass tree. And another thing!” 
That earns him two quiet laughs from his shoulder while James shoos him away. “We’ll argue who’s the better tree later. Make yourself useful and find the cake mix.” 
Eggs makes his hand talk in time with the doctor’s words, but he also begins his search for the box required to make a certain cake that apparently neither of their resident borrowers have had the chance to eat. He’s actually a little curious how Fritz managed to get his hands on a piece of vanilla cake. 
With how careful the teenager is, he doesn’t think it was a proper crumb. It would’ve been from the floor. That hadn’t been cleaned in days. Hours after it was made and being exposed to the air that would’ve hardened it so it can’t even be considered cake anymore. 
Damn, he’s surprised the vanilla flavor could actually be tasted. 
“How do you make a cake?” Caleb pipes up. 
“See there’s something called chemical reactions.” 
“We are not teaching them chemistry,” James calls from the fridge. “You have to start with the scientific method.” 
Eggs sighs loudly as he snatches the cake mix out of the pantry, gently slamming the door closed. “Sorry Caleb, Dr. Stiller says we’re not allowed to have any fun.” 
“I think it’s safe to assume they don’t know what atoms are. Therefore are unfamiliar with molecules and bonding. I.e., educate them so they completely understand what a chemical reaction is.” 
Eggs will admit, he’s a bit jealous James can spout all that off at the same time he’s measuring out how much water they’ll need, the eggs and jar of icing waiting patiently next to a bowl. But ten bucks the doctor’s just showing off. “Nerd.” 
“To answer your question how you expected it,” James smirks, looking over Eggs’ shoulder which is rude, his eyes are- oh shit. Right. Caleb and Fritz are sitting there. “Eggs has cake mix that we add eggs and water with to make the batter. The icing is already made, so we just put it on the cake once it’s been baked.” 
“...you’re going into a cake?” Fritz asks, sounding so genuinely confused and worried Eggs can’t help but laugh. Not even James can help himself. “You just said Eggs!” 
The blond carefully grabs the two off his shoulder as he attempts to stifle his laughter, gently nudges Fritz’s shoulder at his embarrassed look, Caleb seeming just as confused. “Sorry, sorry. We’re not laughing at you, it was just funny. You two really do live in the walls, don’t you?” 
“We said we did,” the redhead defends, pulling his brother into a protective hug, and Eggs feels like an asshole. 
“We’re sorry for laughing,” James murmurs. 
“It was a dick move,” the blond agrees. He sets his hand down on the counter, Caleb leading Fritz off for the two to stand close together. It’s impossible to miss the blush on the older’s face despite his two inch stature. “Teasing went too far, we’ll be model gentlemen.” 
“That’ll last for ten minutes.” 
“Bet it’ll last twenty.” 
Fritz still doesn’t look up from his shoes, and Caleb refuses to give a smile, standing in solidarity with his brother. Now he really feels like an asshole. 
Eggs kneels down in order to be eye level with them. Snags an egg and sets it a respectful distance away so they don’t have to worry about it rolling them over. 
“This wonderful object is an egg. I’m named after a dish that requires multiple eggs called Eggs Benedict.” 
Finally green eyes look up to meet his gaze. “You’re, named after food?” 
“The greatest food of all time in my opinion,” he winks. 
Fritz shuffles in place. “So, that’s why they’re yelling your name all the time?” 
“Gets confusing, right?” Eggs shrugs. “The life of having the best name ever. But it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.” 
There’s the smile he was looking for. Still embarrassed from never connecting the dots, but they should’ve expected Fritz specifically to be unfamiliar with something like that. They haven’t exactly asked where the redhead’s lived before the restaurant. And they haven’t asked the two what they’ve eaten before, case in point the fact they’re currently making a cake. 
“And I know we’re assholes, but don’t hesitate to ask about anything else. James’ll know the answer.” 
“What am I, an encyclopedia?” 
“Ha! I don’t even know what that is!” 
“Eggs will have to ask me questions as well,” the doctor grumbles. He snatches the egg from Eggs ha and cracks it against the counter before putting the yolk in the bowl, tossing the shell into the trashcan before repeating the process with the second one. “Remember, when you’re dealing with eggs, always wash your hands when you’re finished.” 
Caleb looks up at Eggs happy to let James do all of the work. “Both kinds of eggs?” 
“Especially when dealing with that one.” 
“I’ll take it back if you add the water, mix, and stir.” 
That earns angry grumbles as Eggs opens the box, cutting the bag for the mix open in order to dump it into the bowl. Pours the water on top before mixing it all together. He glances down at the two borrowers to make sure he’s not spilling anything over them, grinning at the wide eyes watching the batter slowly come together. Reminds him of when each Eggling saw the magic of cooking and baking. 
He doesn’t notice James snagging the cake pan until he hears the sound of oil being sprayed, looking over to see the doctor standing at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“What was that for?” Caleb asks. 
“That’s to keep the batter from sticking to the pan as it bakes.” Eggs shoos James away from the pan once it’s set down, pouring in the chocolate goodness in so the question can be focused on. “I sprayed it over there so you didn’t breathe it in.” 
“And how do you know to do that?” Fritz tags in. 
James brings the box of mix closer to them as he kneels down. Which excuse him Eggs needed to read the temperature for the oven. “We’re following this recipe. It told us how many eggs and how much water we needed. Tells us which pan to use, to spray it in baking oil, and this pan needs 425 degrees.” 
Eggs’ dramatic waving toward the oven pauses at the emphasized words, quick to put in the proper information so it starts preheating. Which they should’ve done first but hey! It’s an experience! And they are far from being master's at baking a cake. Or any baking in general. Might as well add cooking to that, too. 
With that done, he tiptoes over to the bowl. Grabs the spoon with the intent to eat the batter when he meets Caleb’s eyes watching with interest. 
He pivots so the spoon is offered to the little boy. “Want a taste?” 
Instead of trying it, Caleb looks up at James giving the batter a distrustful look. “Can we?” 
“...I’m trying to do mental calculations.” 
Eggs stares. “For...” 
“The effect salmonella could have on them,” the doctor says ominously. “Specially how likely it is based on their size to ours, and considering there’s two eggs-” 
“James, you’re scaring the kids,” Eggs whispers, sending a pointed look down at Fritz who seems three seconds away from snatching Caleb from the spoon. “It’s just a tiny sample! Literally!” 
“And I don’t have any good information on their health, how certain diseases can effect them, or-” 
“We d-don't get sick,” Fritz announces. “From food I mean.” 
Caleb nods his head in agreement. “We’ve eaten pizza humans got sick from, but we didn’t! Fredbear agrees, too!” 
Eggs watches as James has to fight with himself from either asking even more questions and possibly seeing if they can do a full exam, or to go against everything he’s learned from medical school and give the go ahead. Maybe it’s both. 
“One dip of your finger,” the doctor finally relents. 
Neither of them argue, following his request to the letter. Both of their eyes light up at the taste, meaning Eggs then takes the spoon back in order to lick the entire thing, earning a very disapproving look. 
“I hope you get salmonella.” 
“My name is Eggs. I’m part egg. It’d be impossible for me to get it.” 
“Oh really?” James begins. “Part egg, huh? Maybe we should put you into the next cake we make.” 
“You wish,” Eggs grins. “I would make the greatest cake ever.” 
A loud beeping announces the oven’s finally ready, the blond wiggling his fingers at James to put the cake in and set the timer. Leaving him with Fritz and Caleb watching him with worried looks. 
“Is there batter on my face?” 
“You’d, want to be part of a cake?” Fritz says almost too quietly to be heard. 
Well fuck. He keeps forgetting how terrifying that can sound due to them being able to end up in someone’s pizza or soda without any trouble. Which none of the guards would ever do if the two didn’t want that to happen. Excluding freak accidents, but they’ve all been working hard to be extra careful. 
“No one will ever go into a cake even if we could,” he smiles. Doesn’t admit that kind of sounds fun. And who else could say they’ve done something like that! Not to mention it’d be comedy gold! “James and I are just teasing.” 
Note to self, talk to Scott about what topics they should avoid. 
In their defense, this has been the first time Caleb and Fritz have been out for more than just a few minutes. They pop in every now and then, but only when the restaurant is closed with every other person on staff home. Get a little too antsy when they’re out in the open for two long. Have stuck to a fairly strict ‘curfew’ for Friday nights when everyone is here. 
They’ll figure it out! Slowly but surely. Seriously, Scott’s slacking on his dad duties, he’s supposed to make sure all of his children get along together! 
James appears after being gone way too long for just putting the cake in the oven. And to Eggs’ horror, he sees the bowl of left over batter missing. He wasn’t done eating from that! “The cake will be done in about 10 minutes. Do you three want to go find Jeremy and let him know?” 
“Were we not going to tell Scott?” 
Eggs almost jumps at Scott’s voice. One that sounds a little upset. Turning around, he confirm it’s a very disappointed look being aimed toward them. But, it’s not angry. Soooo, that’s a win! 
Now how to get out of this alive... 
“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” 
Scott’s frown turns into a glare shit. “Good guess. Now you’ve got 364 more to go.”
“We were making a cake for Fritz and Caleb,” James quickly explains, gesturing to said frozen borrowers. “It was our idea, not there's.” 
“I would assume so,” Scott continues to glare. “They can’t exactly grab the ingredients and put it into the oven without help.” 
“Th-They were being nice!” Fritz calls across the vast expanse that is the kitchen. “They said you, you w-wouldn't be upset.” 
“They wanted me to try cake for the first time!” Caleb adds. 
Just as Eggs thought would happen, Scott melts. Because he’s just like David, pretending to not care about anything or anyone, but is actually a complete and utter softy. 
“You’re welcome for doing your job as a father,” Eggs sneers. 
And just like that, he fucked himself royally. “Eggs, either start running, or I’m getting Vince.” 
Oh shit. “Bring it, Fossil!” 
Scott bristles before taking a deep breath. “After the cake is done. And please dear God tell me you made sure Caleb and Fritz were safe the entire time.” 
“Entire time,” James butts in, putting a hand over Eggs mouth so he can’t say anything else that will incriminate them. Which doesn’t look suspicious in the slightest. 
It only earns them an eye roll as Scott walks closer to investigate the crime scene, a smile appearing as the two borrowers give hellos. “Have you been keeping them in line?” 
Caleb rapidly nods his head. “We also learned Eggs is a food and they’re used in recipes!”
That’s when Scott seems to finally realize what ‘never having cake before’ actually means. That the two are missing out on more than just deserts. Fritz had been adamant on day one that they wanted to continue borrowing and getting their own food, but with this revelation gently coaxing out an agreement that sometimes they can help out might be needed. Cake is one thing, but they’re both just kids. They’d all like to make sure their resident borrowers are taken care of for as long as they live at Freddy Fazbear’s. 
He’s pretty sure James has a nerdy reason to add on the ‘why’s’. 
“I’ll grab Jeremy so you don’t skip out on any other lessons, deal?” 
“Deal!” they chirp. Caleb ecstatic the cake is almost finished. Fritz relieved they aren’t in trouble. 
Eggs offers his hands as he nods toward the oven. “Want to go see what it looks like?” 
Both of them immediately perk up and dart into his palms. Right as Caleb moves to pull the same stunt from before and climb up his arm, Fritz manages to catch his brother with a battle cry, laughing as a squeal emits. “Oh no you don’t!” 
No time is wasted walking to the baking cake at that, quick to hold up his hands as Caleb manages to worm out of Fritz’s grasp in order to keep the little boy from making a break for his shoulder. Not that he minds! He just can’t see the awed expressions from the favored perch! 
Honestly, it’s adorable how both of them are absolutely entranced by the rising cake. Not wanting to look away even with the sound of Jeremy running into the kitchen. 
“It’s ch-ch-chocolate, right?” 
Eggs raises his eyebrows when Fritz doesn’t jump at the stuttering guard’s voice, only turning to wave in greeting. “Of course, Jer. We’re not monsters.” 
Jeremy gives him a look he thinks is supposed to be a glare after returning Fritz’s wave. “Y-You’d make a vanilla one j-j-j-just to spite me.” 
“...alright that does sound like me.” 
“Where’s the b-batter?” 
“Eggs ate it all,” James says, the blond sputtering as Jeremy immediately turns on him. 
“You jerk!” 
“I did not it was James who put it in the sink!” 
“I can’t trust e-e-e-either of you!” 
“Enough!” Scott suddenly yells, sending all of them glares. “Caleb and Fritz don’t deserve all of you shouting around them. If you’re going to fight, do it in the dining room. And no instigating, James.” 
Right. He forgot about tiny ears. Ones currently having equally tiny hands covering them as they stare up at the giants surrounding them on all sides. But slightly good news? There’s no fear, just apprehension! 
That’s when the timer goes off, everyone but James backing away so the doctor can grab the cake out of the oven. “Uh, sorry about that.” 
“It’s okay,” Fritz offers as he drops his hands, Caleb following suit. “At least you’re not as loud as Mr. Harrison.” 
Wise words. Caleb agrees, nodding sagely. 
Before they can continue bashing on David, James opens the can of frosting, earning everyone’s attention. That’s when he shakes his head. “You can eat it when it’s on the cake. Everyone already had batter with a side of salmonella.” 
Jeremy squawks. “I d-didn't!” 
“You gave the kids uncooked batter?” Scott demands. 
“Oh well look at the time,” Eggs begins, setting his hands on the counter to let Fritz and Caleb off before backing away slowly from the ticking timebomb. “I should go...” 
“A great way to out yourself. Because a doctor would’ve advised against it.” 
“Fredbear said they’d be fine,” the blond counteracts. 
That shuts Scott up. Because the man wouldn’t be a heartless bastard and tell Caleb Fredbear isn’t real. Eggs is definitely getting his ass kicked later but for now he’s safe. Maybe. 50/50 chance Vincent’s going to be summoned. 
James clears his throat. “Who’s helping with the icing?” 
“M-Me,” Jeremy quickly volunteers. Before he grabs a knife, he sets his own hand in front of the borrowers, both of them immediately climbing all the way up to his shoulder. This time Caleb has no trouble with the long sleeve providing plenty of handholds to grab onto. Once they’re both tucked close to his neck, the stuttering guard starts on icing the cake. 
Eggs quickly darts to James’ side as Scott walks closer, hiding behind the doctor as a glare is shot toward him. But he’s not chased, so he’s been allowed to survive for another day. Or maybe just thirty more minutes. 
He will say, Jeremy’s pretty good on coating a still warm cake, none of it coming off onto the knife. He’s also talented in the ways of not throwing borrowers off of his shoulder as he works. 10 out of 10, would choose Jeremy’s shoulder if he was borrower size. 
“N-N-Now how many slices d-do we need?” 
“Think Mike wants some?” James asks. 
“Give him a small one,” Scott says as he grabs a few paper plates with the word 'Celebrate!’ decorating it. Quite fitting considering this is an occasion to celebrate. “And make David’s as big as yours, Jeremy.” 
They end up with seven slices all together. James covers what’s left of the cake as Eggs is laden with four plates, Jeremy oh so courteous to hold the door out of the kitchen open for him and Scott. Sadly he does not slam it on James’ face. 
David gives a questioning look as a large slice is slid in front of him where he sits at a table. “This is what you all disappeared for?” 
“You don’t want cake?” Eggs smirks, reaching out to take it away. The business man doesn’t hesitate to move it out of the blond’s grasp with a glare daring he tries to complete the threat. 
Scott sets the two plates he brought onto the table, nodding toward the hallway Jeremy’s leading Mike out of. “Fritz and Caleb never had chocolate cake before.” 
David goes still. If Eggs didn’t know any better, he’d say there’s concern in the hazel eyes that once looked at the borrowers with nothing but loathing. He doesn’t say anything as everyone finds a seat, but he doesn’t start eating his share until Fritz and Caleb are gifted with a full slice that’s taller and longer than they are. 
Eggs can’t help watching them each take a bite. Grinning as Caleb looks up with pure amazement on his face. “Humans get to eat this all the time?” 
Right. They live at a children’s party center. “Not all the time. Usually for birthdays and holidays.” 
Fritz looks like he wants to ask something but catches himself. “Thank you for sharing one with us.” 
David suddenly leans forward, his hands clasped together like he’s in the middle of making a business deal. “I heard you never had chocolate cake before.” 
Caleb nods, unaffected by the scrutiny, but his brother hunches down into himself. “It’s Cay’s first time eating cake at all.” 
Scott sends David a suspicious look, unsure where this will be taken. He’s only given a glance as the redhead’s focused on. “Are there other things you have yet to try?” 
Now Eggs is confused on where this is going. He thought David was going to try and be a dick, using this as a way to prove the two are ‘pests’ of some sort. His tone isn’t hostile, but it’s not gentle either. It kind of feels like an interrogation. 
“I, uh, c-can't really give a list,” Fritz replies. Having the all too familiar look of wanting to bolt. A hand on the bag he carries everywhere. “You’ve all shared pizza with us, and we’ve had that before. We’ve had fries and lettuce. But...I-I don’t really keep great track.” 
“Are there certain foods you don’t know about?” 
“Yes,” the teenager admits, his face growing red all over again. 
Eggs’ announcement of David being a grade-a douche bag is stopped when the business man turns to Scott. “Didn’t you say you’d be watching over them?” 
“Want to clarify, David?” is growled back. 
“I mean the kids aren’t exactly being cared for like you agreed to do for them,” the business man sighs. And holy shit he does care about Fritz and Caleb. “If I remember correctly, they entrusted you to keep them safe and healthy. I’m no doctor, but I think it’s safe to say they’re not getting the nutrients they need.” 
Scott stares at David for a moment. And while it’s definitely said with an air of arrogance, there’s actual concern lying underneath. Which is something he’d never thought he’d see from their resident douche bag of all people. What did he say! Secretly a giant softy!
“They also said they wanted to continue borrowing.” 
“I didn’t say they had to stop,” David counters with an eye roll. “I thought you are William's right-hand man. You’ve seen plenty of contracts. Get the pests warm food every now and then. You’re not giving handouts, you’re keeping them healthy and treating them with things they couldn’t have before. They have you as a benefactor, and yet I bet letting them eat cake for the first time wasn’t your idea.” 
Eggs makes a quite ‘oooooo’ sound as Scott doesn’t seem to have a comeback. The best part though is the fact David’s not even smug. This shit’s better than his soap operas! 
Even Fritz doesn’t have anything to say. He half expected the older borrower to protest and argue about needing to do things themselves, repeating the speech they’re all familiar with. But David’s a business man through and through, and damn did he find the loopholes. 
Then again, the agreement had been made by a desperate teenager, but credit’s due where credit’s due. 
The two borrowers look at each other. Then they look at David who only waits patiently for a reply, not a hint of a degrading smirk on his face. 
“I don’t...disagree.” 
“Wonderful. Which means you need to step it up, Scott. Try and aim for them giving James permission to take their vitals or whatever the hell doctor’s do.” 
AAAAAnd he ruined it, even Caleb looking a bit scared at what’s being implied. 
“That’s a discussion for another time,” Scott soothes. “We’ll never force either of you to do anything you don’t want. But I’ll get Eggs and James to help out with letting you try new things.” 
Fritz looks at the slice beside him that guaranteed will be given to Jeremy to finish before smiling. “Okay.” 
“Fredbear says David wants to ‘accidentally’ drop frosting on us,” Caleb prophesizes. 
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tittysuckersworld · 7 months
#i legit screamed a lil#which is bad cause really gotta sleep#but golly golly golly#wish i could just make a buncha fanarts rn#have at least 3 really good fics/poem thingies asked and have permission to make art for#so gonna do that hopefully soon#i just need to get school work done then work on the other stuffs yes#golly geebers glob heckers am so happy constantly now what#the beuty of humanity and connection never ceases to amaze me#asked in la class for a discussion if peopkes would give the housing to people with alergies or guide dogs and insted of choosing a side#they asked questions and proposed actually really really good ideas for how to find a semi sutible middle ground#and like so many really good artists and writers and just amazing people so much more all of sudden im getting to talk to a lil#and the mutuals/artists ive loved for a wile have been getting even better at arts and im wufbsudbsh#gosh i need to find the person again cause remember they felt down about their art but its just so so stunninggggg#like is so amazing i love art i love others creations i love how can just see so much positivity in world#being a sap but i dont care people can be so good!! people want to be good!!!!!! even if horid things are happening and some people are ick#the majority will try to be good in own ways and thats smth#thats all can hope for#i may just only be looking for positives but heck it im a lil positive thinker now abd the world has such beuty in small and big thingies
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russo-woso · 5 months
Wimbledon || Leah Williamson
Based on this Request here. Thank you anon for sending it in :)
First of all, I don’t know anything about tennis or Wimbledon so this was a guess. Hopefully it works like this.
Warning smut, cunnilingus, semi-public sex, top!leah
Tennis had always been your life.
Your mum and her sisters had grown up playing tennis, and so you were bound to play it too.
Being the only daughter, niece and granddaughter, it was up to you to continue their legacy.
And that’s what you did.
You collapsed to the floor in happiness as the ball hit your racket for the final time.
After weeks of going through knockout stages, you had won.
After years of injuries and constant hard work, you had won.
Winning Wimbledon had only ever been your dream since the age of four, and here you were collecting the trophy from princess Kate.
Lifting the trophy up in the air, your eyes connected with your family, tears streaming down their faces, but there was another person who looked even more prouder.
Your fiancé, Leah, was sat next to your mum, smiling through the tears that welled in her eyes.
You blew her a kiss, Leah immediately blowing one back.
Once shaking hands with everyone, you made your way back to your designated changing room where you were met with Leah.
Leah had her arms open, waiting for you to jump in them.
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” She mumbled in your hair, placing you back on the ground before putting her lips on yours. “Listen, your family wants to go out for dinner and they’ve reserved the table for 5:30 so you’ve got just under an hour to get ready.”
“Okay, perfect. God, I can’t believe I just won Wimbledon. I’ve dreamed of winning it since I was four, Le.” You tell her and once again, she envelops you in a hug.
“I know, pretty girl and I am so proud of you.” You connected your lips with Leah’s, the kiss becoming passionate very quickly.
“Here’s the star girl. Well done hunny.” Your mum walked through the door, you and Leah separating very quickly.
“Thanks mum. It’s all thank to you that I’m here today. Thank you.” You said, hugging her.
“It’s all you, darling. You’re here today because you worked for it. Now hurry up, you two stop kissing and actually get changed. I’m not having us be late for our reservation.”
“Le, stop it.” You whisper to her, removing her curious hand from your thigh.
“Come on, pretty girl, I’m just resting my hand there.” Leah responded, putting her hand on the original place it was in before it started travelling.
You looked up and tried to join the conversation but was soon distracting by Leah’s lingering fingers travelling up your thigh.
“I — umm — Do you mind if I take a minute? Le, come with.” You stuttered, stumbling out of your chair, before practically dragging Leah to the toilets. “What’s up with—” You began asking Leah but you were cut off with her lips on yours.
“I just wanna show you how proud I am.” Leah said, separating your lips from hers, reconnecting them to your jaw seconds later.
You whined as Leah nipped at your neck, marking it gently and leaving light red marks.
“We’re gonna have to be quick, love, okay? Be quiet.”
Leah’s hands travelled down your body before reaching up your dress.
“Le, please. Please don’t tease.” You whined into her shoulder, resting your head on it.
“Don’t worry, love, I won’t.”
You felt Leah’s hand touch your clit and your knees buckled from beneath you, luckily Leah held you up.
“Good girl, keep quiet.” Leah said, circling your clit at a set pace.
“Oh god - Le, it feels so good.”
“I know it does baby, but keep quiet.”
“I don’t think I can, le.” You managed to mumble into Leah’s shoulder as moans escaped your mouth.
“Lift your head up.” Leah commanded and you obeyed, meeting Leah’s eyes.
Within seconds, Leah’s lips were on yours, Leah swallowing your moans.
“I’m close, le. I’m so close. Oh god - I’m gonna cum.”
You took ahold of Leah’s neck, pulling her into you so your lips were on hers, Leah swallowing all your orgasmic moans.
“I love you so much.” You told Leah, separating your lips.
“I love you too, pretty girl. We’ll continue this when we get home, okay? I’m gonna make you know how proud I am.” Leah stated, pressing her lips on your head as she helped you gain your balance on the floor.
“Y/N, Leah, are you in there?” You heard your mums voice say through the toilet door.
“Umm, yes mum, we’ll be out in a minute.” You said, stuttering some of your words.
“We’ll try leave early. I’ll come up with an excuse.” Leah told you with a smirk, opening the door and putting her hand in yours.
It was going to be a sinful night.
Requests are open :)
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which Quinn fucks his girlfriend in the backseat of his new car
warnings: NSFW!!, p in v (unprotected), semi-public sex, daddy kink, oral (f receiving), light choking, praise, dirty talk, dom!quinn, lots of use of the pet name “baby”, slight religious reference (?), pls let me know if i’m missing any.
notes: inspired by OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic (feat. Maggie Lindemann). 4.6k words.
IMPORTANT: please look up Ferrari GTC4Lusso T interior if you need a better understanding of the car layout
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“you’re sure about this?” i mindlessly wander the office of the luxury dealership, my fingertips running over any surface they can touch.
“why wouldn’t i be?” Quinn peers up at me from his spot in a chair, his iphone in his hands, mid-texting his younger brother.
“i don’t know, Q. it’s just a lot of money is all.” shrugging, i shuffle my feet back over to my boyfriend, where i let my hands rest on his shoulders as i stand behind him.
Quinn lets out a chuckle, pulling one of my hands in his and raising it to his lips to press a gentle kiss against my knuckles.
“i appreciate the financial concern, baby, but i think i’ll be okay.”
i sigh, moving around to sit on his lap. “okay.”
his arm spindles around my waist as he draws me back, my back flat against his chest. my fingers unconsciously draw shapes on his forearm, near the crook of his elbow, as he continues texting Jack about the big purchase he’s about to make.
i eye his phone, watching the blue and gray bubbles pop up back and forth and hoping we’ll be done here soon.
two hours of looking at cars, Quinn asking a multitude of questions to the salesman; half an hour of paperwork, and another half hour of waiting for said salesman to run Quinn’s name through the system, checking his credit score and whatever various other things needed to buy such a high-end car. i’ve been stuck at this dealership for three hours now, unplanned, as Quinn had pulled into the establishment after our spur-of-the-moment 3pm lunch date, claiming he just wanted to take a quick look at a couple of cars.
“Quinny,” i breathe out, letting my head fall backwards on his shoulder while his hand starts mindlessly rubbing up and down my thigh. “how much longer will we have to be here?”
“i don’t know, baby. hopefully not too much longer.” he locks his phone, setting it on his thigh and using his now free hand to caress my cheek, simultaneously turning my head to look into my eyes.
“is my girl tired?” he coos at the sight of my fluttering eyelids, leaning in to brush his lips lightly over mine.
“mhm” i hum, burrowing my face in his neck. his hand moves as i do, now resting on the back of my head, holding it in its position.
it’s at this moment that the salesman decides to make his re-entrance. “alright! everything checks out, looks good!”
i immediately attempt to pry myself from my boyfriend, but he holds me in place, clearly not bothered by the new company.
“i knew it would!” Quinn smiles back at the man, putting on his usual charm.
“now all we need is that down payment and you’ll be driving out of here in your very own Ferrari!” the salesman, i haven’t bothered to learn his name, chimes. “do you have a credit card you can give me?”
“yep,” Quinn taps my butt, signaling for me to lift it so he can grab his wallet from his pocket. i do so and he unpockets his wallet before pulling me back down on his lap. “here you go.”
the man takes Quinn’s card, taking a seat at his desk and punching the information from the card before handing it back.
“alright,” he grabs a few papers from the printer behind him, stapling them together and scribbling in a few places before sliding them towards my boyfriend. “just sign here, and here.”
Quinn leans forward and his left arm tightens around my waist to keep me situated on his lap, taking the pen in his right hand and autographing his signature twice.
“congratulations!” the salesman grins, handing the new keys to Quinn and shaking his hand.
“thanks, man.” Quinn smiles crookedly, rising from the chair and bringing me up with him.
we follow behind the salesman, back out to the Ferrari that Quinn just bought; which is now parked next to Jack’s Range Rover, in which we drove here.
i take Jack’s keys from Quinn with a sigh. knowing i’m now responsible for getting such an expensive car back to the lake house is a frightening task that i didn’t expect to be doing today, but one i’m now stuck with nonetheless.
“i’ll see you back at the house, yeah?” Quinn smiles. his hand grips my waist, pulling my lower half into his as he lowers his lips onto mine in a breathless kiss.
“yeah, wish me luck. if i get even a scratch on this car, Jack will have my head on a stick.” i gnaw at my lower lip in anxiety, but his free hand comes up to my chin, his thumb pulling my lip free from my teeth.
“nah, he loves you too much. he’d have my head on a stick.” he laughs, before lightly nudging me back towards the car.
“that’s even worse!” i tease. “how am i supposed to explain to the Canucks that their star defenseman is dead because i scratched his brothers car?”
“eh, you’re smart,” he winks, rounding the Ferrari. “you’ll think of something.”
we climb into the respective cars, and Quinn is gracious enough to wait while i adjust the seat to my height before he begins leading the way to the lake house.
the drive is smooth, and when we arrive at the house, Quinn opens my door as i return the seat adjustments back to the way Jack had them.
“see?” he grins, leaning over my body to unbuckle my seatbelt for me. “the car is all good.”
“it better be. that car is my baby.” Jack pipes up from behind him, making Quinn roll his eyes. “if anything were to happen-”
“yeah, yeah.” he cuts him off. “if anything were to happen to it, you would’ve killed her.”
i feign a gasp, jokingly smacking his arm.
“you said he would kill you.” i say in mock shock.
Quinn shrugs. “i was trying to calm your nerves.”
i playfully push him away, hopping out of the car to face Jack, who’s now too busy ogling the Ferrari to pay any attention to his own vehicle.
“i’m gonna go see if your mom needs any help with dinner.” i announce, already stepping towards the house. “have fun showing off your new toy, babe!”
i pass by a horde of guys on my way into the house, bumping hips with Cole, who ends up giggling.
“going to see the new thing?” i ask, and Trevor stops dead in his tracks.
“that thing is a 2022 Ferrari GTC4Lusso.” Trevor explains, as if i understand a single thing he’s just said.
“sure. whatever it is, it cost a lot.” i shrug, carrying on into the house. “enjoy.”
i join Ellen in the kitchen, making myself busy by tossing together the salad ingredients she has on the counter.
we make small talk as we cook, letting the men have their fun gawking at the new car, and enjoying the silence that comes with it.
“do you wanna go tell them dinner is ready?” she more so tells me to do, and i fake a pout.
“do i have to? it’s so peaceful. we could easily just slip out back and eat dinner by the lake without them ever even noticing.” i wiggle my eyebrows enticingly and she laughs, shooing me off towards the front door.
“i had to try.” i giggle out, opening the front door to the gaggle of men. “boys! dinner’s ready!”
they all make their way up the porch and i stand idly by, waiting for my own man to enter the house. finally, he appears at the very back of the group, smirking as he wraps an arm around my waist, walking me to the dining room.
“i was thinking after dinner, you and i could go for a drive. just us.” he pecks a kiss to my cheek as we sit at the table, and i nod.
“sure, sounds nice.” his hand rests on my thigh now, partly covered by my sundress, and i squirm a little at his touch on my bare skin.
it’s been at least three weeks since Quinn and i have been able to do anything past PG-13, him not wanting to risk it while his parents are here, and i’m starting to feel restless.
the smallest touches from him have been causing me to get slick with need, and i squeeze my thighs together to provide myself some friction, but it never helps. like now.
i know Quinn has caught on because his grip tightens just the slightest bit, his thumb beginning to stroke my skin.
“you okay, baby?” he’s teasing me, asking his question in such a sweet tone that anyone else at the dinner table would think he’s just checking in on his girlfriend, but he and i know that isn’t the case.
“mhm” i hum, attempting to ignore his touch as i fill my plate and his.
“now y/n, Quinn is a grown man with two hands; he can make his own plate, honey.” Ellen jests, poking a dig at her eldest son.
“acts of service is her love language, ma.” Quinn pokes back before pressing another chaste kiss to my cheek, muttering his thank you as we begin to eat.
the table is filled with a generous amount of chatting as we eat; Jack telling a story about something that happened in Jersey, Luke telling everyone about how Luca Fantilli got his head stuck in stair banisters… twice, Trevor going on a long-winded rant about a missed goal; but Quinn and i are mostly silent. Quinn because he’s just almost been more of the listen rather than talk type, and me because i don’t trust my voice while my boyfriend is currently inching his hand up the bottom of my dress.
someone seems to catch onto my lack of interest though, because Alex eyes me curiously from his spot in front of me, and then chooses to speak up.
“you’re quiet tonight, y/n.” his statement draws the attention of the rest of the group, their eyes gravitating towards me.
“just tired.” i fib, my voice tight as Quinn’s hand slowly slides towards my inner thigh, now just far enough away that if he spreads his fingers, his pinky will graze against my wet panties. “who knew three hours at a car dealership could be so draining.”
Cole laughs, obviously buying my lie, which causes the rest of the table to chuckle.
“oh yeah, honey. buying a car will do that.” Ellen sympathizes. “the long process sucks the life right out of you.”
the chatter carries on around me and i return to my silence. dinner has long since been finished, and Luke proposes making s’mores for dessert, so Quinn takes that as our chance to escape.
“you guys go ahead,” he starts. his warm touch disappears from my skin as he rises from his chair. “y/n and i are gonna go for a drive. i wanna show her why this purchase was worth it.”
he holds his hand out for mine and i falter, looking between Ellen and him.
“i usually help your mom with the dishes.” i remind him, gesturing towards the table full of plates.
“oh don’t worry about it,” Ellen chimes. “Jack can help me.”
“i- what?” Jack sputters, finally looking away from the phone screen he’s been engrossed in for the past few minutes. “what about me? i was checking the Yankees score.”
Quinn rolls his eyes at his younger brother, shaking his head as he grasps my hand, pulling me up from my seat and leading me through the house.
“we’ll be back in a little bit!” he calls out as we exit through the front door.
climbing into the car, i can feel the excitement radiating off of him.
“okay, i know i’m not a car person, but what is a drive in it supposed to show me?” i ask as he starts the engine. his hand gravitates to the back of my headrest as he reverses out of the driveway, his eyes flicking between the backup camera and the back window of the car.
it should be illegal to be this hot while reversing a car.
fuck, y/n. focus.
“you’ll understand once you ride it.”
i scan his body, my eyes lingering in one specific place.
i can think of something i’d like to ride.
shit, y/n. think with your brain, not your hormones.
“okay.” i drag out, leaning back in the seat and relaxing as he drives down the street.
the car is quiet besides the soft hum of the radio, tuned into a random pop hits station that i know Quinn turned on just for me.
his left hand sits on the steering wheel, while his right reaches over to lay upon my thigh, causing my thoughts to run wild. fantasies and memories of us tangled in the sheets, his hand on my throat as he hovers above me, or better yet; his hand in between my legs, his fingers working me toward my orgasm.
i can feel my skin get red and hot, as i imagine all the ways i would be with him if we weren’t stuck in a house full of people.
… but we’re not there now.
Quinn exits onto the highway, the car speeding up as he does so, and i glance toward the back seat.
it’s small, but we could make it work.
my hand snakes up to sit on top of his and his eyes flicker towards me, a soft smile resting on his lips at the sweet gesture. and i let him believe that for a few minutes before i’m pulling his hand up my thigh, closer towards my soaking core.
“baby-” he breathes out, his words failing him when he finally feels how wet i am.
“we’re all alone.” i state, my head lolling back against the seat as his fingers start stroking me through my panties like they have a mind of their own.
“baby, i’m driving.” his voice is strained, a vein popping out on his neck as he clenches his jaw.
my hand leaves his, instead reaching over to palm him through his jeans, in which his left hand leaves the wheel to lightly swat mine away.
“i can’t drive if you do that.”
i huff but it blends into a moan as his thumb begins to circle my clit.
“so, pull over.” i suggest, ready for something more.
he’s hesitant, i can tell, so i pull out the secret weapon.
“please, daddy.” i whimper, reaching over to palm his now hard cock once more.
“fuck.” he curses, switching lanes to get off on the next exit.
he quickly finds a mostly abandoned lookout, only one other car parked on the other side of the lot, and switches into park.
his eyes are cloudy with need as he turns to look at me, his fingers still working themselves on my bundle of nerves. my breaths come out in heavy pants that mingle with moans.
“faster.” i plead, but rather than obeying my lust-hazed command, he pulls his hand away completely. i mewl at the loss of touch, but his hand winds up to the base of my neck, his grasp just light enough to remind me who’s in charge, but not tight enough to do any harm to my air supply.
“you don’t call the shots here, darling.” he whispers before pulling me by his grip into a bruising kiss.
his tongue brushes against mine and his teeth bite down on my lower lip, making me whimper. when he pulls away, i can just barely make out his features within the darkness of the Ferrari.
“get in the back.” he orders and i scramble to unbuckle my seatbelt, climbing over the center console and into the divided backseat.
rather than joining me by climbing back, Quinn exits the car, rounding the front and opening the passenger side door. he pulls the passenger seat forward, climbing in on his knees and shutting the door, the seat still pulled as far forward as it’ll go.
his arms hook around my legs, pulling me forward so that i’m slumped in the seat, my ass sitting on the edge. he looks up at me with dark eyes, placing my legs over his shoulders as he leans forward.
his hands glide up my legs, bunching my sundress up to my waist. his tongue licks a stripe over my clothed cunt and i shudder, my left hand attempting to grip at the leather of the backseat center console, as my right finds itself tangled in his hair.
he pulls away, despite my attempts to hold him in place, and his fingertips play with the waistband of my lacy yellow panties.
“beg me.” he insists, teasing me by hooking his fingers in the sides of my underwear, but not making any further moves.
“please, Quinn.” i plead, and he pulls one side away from my skin then lets it snap back into place, causing me to jolt.
“uh-uh.” he shakes his head, backing away just slightly.
“please, daddy, please.” i cry out, attempting to pull him in again. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“yeah?” Quinn taunts, slowly pulling my panties down my legs as i lift myself just barely from the seat. he knocks my legs from his shoulders, pulling the under garment off and throwing it in the front seat.
“mhm.” i nod my head wildly, my brows raising as i do so. “i’ll be so good. just please, please, do something.”
Quinn wastes no more time, pushing one of my legs up to hook over the backseat center console as the other hooks over his shoulder. he dives down, licking up my heat like a man starved.
his tongue circles my clit and my head drops back, but he provides a swift smack to my thigh to remind me to look at him. one of his rules.
i bite my lip to try and muffle my cries of pleasure, his hand rising to pull the top of my dress down just enough for my breasts to pop out. he grips one, harshly squeezing before he pinches at my nipple.
my jaw drops open, a breathy moan escaping my lips as my back attempts to arch in the small space.
“fuck!” i cry out, tugging at his hair. “yes, daddy!”
he shifts between sucking on clit to licking in my cunt, fucking me with his tongue. my hips stutter and he holds my leg open as it tries to unhook itself from the console in order to close on his head.
i tug again at his hair, pushing his head further into me, and he moans, the vibrations flowing straight into my core. i cry out again, the familiar knot in my stomach slowly building the longer he continues.
“please!” i whine. “please, make me come!”
Quinn’s dips down to show more love to my pussy, and his nose brushes against my clit, my hips immediately beginning to grind against him. my legs begin to shake and i can feel myself getting closer and closer to release.
“right there! don’t stop!”
i’m sure anyone outside the car can probably hear my screams, but it doesn’t deter me. too busy chasing my high to care what anyone else may think.
of course, Quinn doesn’t listen, knowing my body well enough to know exactly what will set me off. his lips close around my clit, sucking and flicking his tongue, and it only takes a few moments for me to reach the edge.
“i’m gonna come! fuck, i’m gonna come!” i warn him but he only pushes deeper, flicking his tongue faster against the button of nerves, and i let out a guttural moan as i finally let go, coming on his face. he laps at my release, riding me through my orgasm, only stopping once i begin to twitch at the feeling.
“now you see why i won’t do anything at the house?” he teases, smirking as he wipes at the juices on his chin with the back of his hoodie sleeve. “you’re so vocal. i love it, but i don’t want anyone else hearing your sounds. they’re just for me.”
my hand hook around the nape of his neck and i pull him up to my face, pressing my lips against his. he moans into the kiss and i can taste myself on his lips; slightly sweet, slightly salty, and it turns me on; pushing me towards another round.
i release him from my grasp, lightly shooing him backwards and fiddling with the button on his pants.
“i want you to fuck me.” i breathe out, pulling his zipper down.
“oh yeah?” his smirk grows, clearly not expecting any more than we just did.
“yes, please.” i nod, pulling his pants down, his erection popping free and slapping against his clothed torso. “please fuck me, daddy.”
i maneuver myself onto my knees, slowly bending myself over the center console, allowing my right leg to straighten some, my foot dropping down to the floor of the car as the other leg stays bent on the backseat; allowing him a full view of my glistening pussy.
“since you asked so nicely, baby.” Quinn joins me on the seat, knelt behind me at a slightly awkward angle as he pulls his pants down some more.
i bite back a giddy smile, waiting impatiently for him to fill me up, and i’m not disappointed when i look back to find him grasping his cock. he runs it through my folds a few times, lubing himself up with my release, and i arch my back to better accommodate him.
my eyes roll back, a moan bubbling up my throat as he pushes his tip into my entrance, thrusting in just slightly before pulling back and repeating.
“daddy, please.” i whine, still frustratingly horny and awaiting his full size.
it doesn’t take any more begging than that, Quinn suddenly bottoming out inside me.
“fuck, baby, you feel so good.” he groans, but i’m too busy choking out my own cries to reply.
he begins thrusting slowly, and i nearly let out a sob of relief at the feeling.
“whadd’ya think?” he asks, his voice strained as he thrusts into me, fucking my hips into the leather of the center console. “how does my cock feel, fucking your greedy little pussy?”
“so good!” i exclaim, pushing back against him. my eyes squeeze shut as his hand wraps around my throat, the other gripping my hip. “feels so good!”
“love watching your ass bounce off me as i fuck you like this.” he groans and his dirty talk succeeds in making me clench around him, causing him to moan.
i peek back to find his head thrown back, his jaw slack and his eyes firmly shut for a moment before he looks back down, making eye contact with me.
he leans forward, his front pressing against my back as he kisses my lips, nipping at my lips before he pulls back and continues fucking into me at a faster rhythm.
my head drops forward, my hair curtaining my face, and i let out a cry of pleasure as he begins rubbing my clit.
my back arches again, and i whimper when his hand leaves my throat in order to smooth down my spine, pushing my back down further.
“taking me so well.” he praises, thrusting harder than before, and i can feel the knot that had just come undone, tangling back together. “such a good girl for me.”
”only for you, daddy.” he continues his assault on my clit and the sensation mixed with the fullness of him pushing into me makes my legs begin to shake once more.
i can feel his dick pulsating, and his strokes become sloppier, assuring me that he’s close. i clench around him, my eyes rolling back and stars dancing in my vision.
“oh god, i’m coming!” i announce.
Quinn grips my hip tight, “god isn’t in this car, baby.”
my hips begin to falter in their movements, my body locking up and my breath catching in my throat as i come for the second time tonight.
my orgasm spurs on his; his hips stuttering and his breathing falling heavy, a grunt escaping his lips as he finishes inside of me.
his thrusts stop, the car falling silent except our heavy pants as we catch our breath. the windows are fogged, the scent of sex lingering around us.
Quinn pulls out of me and i slump against the center console, listening to him pull his pants back up. he pulls my sundress back down to cover my ass before he sits, gripping my hips and pulling me back and onto his lap, my back now pressed against the side of the car.
my head lolls sideways onto his shoulder, my eyes closed, and he chuckles, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. caressing my cheek, he pecks a soft kiss onto my nose and the corners of my lips twitch up in a smile.
“worth the wait?” he questions and my eyelids flutter open. i nod, craning my neck to kiss his cheek, and he smiles.
“my girl needs some sleep, huh?” he asks, and i nod again, but make no moves to get up. “let’s get you home.”
my limbs feel like jello as i climb out of the car, letting him out before i push the passenger seat back and sit back down, buckling up. Quinn rounds the car, climbing into the drivers side and starting the engine once more.
but before beginning to drive, he reaches down and pulls my panties out from under his thigh. laughing, he hands them back to me, and i giggle as i pull them back on.
the ride home is mostly quiet, my head resting against the cool glass window and our hands laced together, with his right one back in its place on the steering wheel.
“well,” i start as we pull into the driveway, my voice hoarse from my earlier cries. “we christened the car.”
Quinn lets out a hearty laugh, letting go of my hand to put the car in park and turn off the engine.
he jumps out of the car as i unbuckle, making his way around to my door and letting me out.
“what do you think the odds are that they’ll be asleep?” he grins as i pretend to ponder his question.
“your parents? one hundred percent. everyone else? maybe twenty percent.” i joke and he shrugs.
“i’ll take those odds.” we make our way up the porch and he unlocks the door, attempting to stay quiet in order to sneak past any stray boys still in the open space of the house.
but luck is officially not on our side as we open the front door to the living room full of his brothers and their friends on the couch playing video games.
Quinn quietly curses as heads turn to look at us, and Trevor is the first to put together our long drive and our disheveled appearances. he busts out in laughter, pointing between my boyfriend and i.
“oh you guys fucked.” he cackles, wheezing in amusement.
Jack and Luke’s noses scrunch for a moment before they too join in on the laughter, but luckily Alex and Cole just shake their heads at their friends.
“you guys are so immature.” Quinn scoffs, lacing his hand in mine as we head toward the stairs, up to our bedroom.
“in the new car, guys? seriously?” Jack calls out, and his older brother rolls his eyes, continuing up the stairs.
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jhdyuiee · 5 months
A wish or two
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☁︎ pairing: doyoung x fem!reader x jaehyun
☁︎ synopsis: finally! after going back and forth with Qulture Corps. you've finally landed a spot. everything seemed as though it'll be fine and dandy, however it seems like team managers, Kim Doyoung & Jeong Jaehyun, have other things in mind...
☁︎ tags/warnings: threesome!, smut!, everything is consensual!!, rough sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, oral (males & female receiving), masturbation, spanking, fingering, hair pulling, dirty talk, name calling (whore, good girl, baby), throat fucking, dumbification, impact play (pussy slapping), spitting, multiple orgasms, squirting, kissing/making out, breast play, cursing, praise kink, multiple positions, drinking, office romance
☁︎ w.c: 6.7k
☁︎ a.n: hello! jiji here, this one came up as a request by one of you & thank you so much for that!! i really appreciate any request and will try my best to make them possible. i hope you all enjoy this one, it’s actually my first writing something like this so i am a bit nervous on how you all will enjoy it. anyways stay safe and i’ll hopefully be back soon…🤍
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Everything sort of just happened.
There was no stopping either of us.
Our hunger, lust, and desire for one another was an addictive drug. One with no cure.
But I didn’t care… heck I wanted more, Doyoung wanted more, Jaehyun wanted more.
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March 20.
Finally… Finally! I can’t believe I finally got accepted! After two months of going back and forth with the company, they’ve finally hired me. Oh thank goodness, I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t hired me.
Qulture Corps. A renowned company, mainly widely known for producing some of the latest fashion and make-up trends. Since I graduated I’ve been dying to get a spot on their team. Truly, this is a dream come true!
The call I received earlier from them was nerve-racking, I thought they’d call me to inform me I didn't make the team, but luckily I did and was set to start in 3 days.
3 days. Oh god, I’m so fucking excited. ‘What am I going to wear?’ A sheer sense of panic overcame me, first impressions are always a must, especially if I’m going to be working for a company where literally fashion is at the top of its game.
“I have no time to waste,” I muttered, as I got up from my living room couch and headed off to my bedroom. I picked up my purse, slipped on my shoes, and headed off to a mall not so far away from my apartment complex.
I stormed off to every store trying to find the perfect outfit, however I just ended up picking up whatever caught my eye at every store I went to. This is a disaster.
Sighing, I headed off to the next shop, a boutique called Soltre. The store has a beautiful yet elegant aesthetic to it, it was sort of my vibe. I made my way to where a particularly beautiful and gorgeous top was racked. I inspected it, so lost in my thoughts I was unable to hear the footsteps that approached me from behind.
“That’s a beautiful top,” said a voice, causing me to turn around, startled. I was faced with a tall man with dark brown hair and dark chocolate-colored eyes. I was awe-struck, such a beautiful man was standing in front of me. “You should definitely buy it,” he continued when I didn’t respond.
I looked away, my focus back on the shirt. “I guess I’ll take you up on that then,” I finally spoke, glancing up at him again. He gave me a smile, dimples appearing. Wow. “This shop is one of the best in the mall after all,” he said.
‘He seems to know a lot about fashion,” I thought. “You sure know a lot… about uhm, fashion I mean.”
“You can say it’s my line or work per say,” he answered.
“Ah, I see. Well then, I uhm have to get going,” I said, fumbling with the top. I walked past him, but soon turned around, “Thank you.” I offered him a smile as well. He returned a smile as well, “My pleasure,” his voice said smoothly.
Once I paid, I left the store and decided that I had enough shopping for today, plus my arms couldn’t bear to handle another bag so I went back home. My thoughts though kept wondering on the mystery man I met at the store today. I didn’t ask for his name, well not that it should matter since I’ll probably never meet him again.
The rest of the day continued as normal and so did the next 3 days. Until finally, the long awaited day. My first day at the job!
I glanced at myself one last time before heading out. I decided on the top recommended by mr. stranger man, a nice gray pleated skirt, and some cute black mary janes. With everything looking fine in my eyes, I headed to my car. The drive was gonna be at least half an hour, but I’ll manage. The closer I found myself to the building the more my stomach twisted and turned. I was getting even more nervous by the second. I can’t blow this up, I kept repeating.
When I arrived, the building was huge, at most 15 floors. Once I parked, I took quick deep breaths, to calm the nerves. “Let’s do this,” I said, and headed off into whatever awaited me.
The check-in process went smoothly, I met up with my new boss, Lee Taeyong and luckily he seems like a genuinely kind and easy going boss. My nerves from earlier are now fleeting.
I rode in the elevator with Taeyong to the 7th floor, where he was to introduce me to my new team. Once we arrived, I took a look at my surroundings. There were rarely people there, this floor seemed rather peaceful. “Ah, I see you’ve noticed. This is the planning department, and where you’ll be from now on. The planning department is rather small than most companies, but that’s because we choose the best of the best. We want committed people here, creative people who aren’t afraid to voice their thoughts and feelings,” Taeyong explained.
‘Wow… I made it to such a prestigious department… I thought I was just going to spend my days typing away at a screen or answering calls. This is absolutely 10 times better.’
“Wow, I’m honored Mr. Lee,” I spoke, bowing at the man. “Oh, god no you don’t need to do all that, reading your resume I figured you’d be a perfect fit for the team. Plus the team managers thought so as well,” he said.
“Team managers?” I asked, confused. “Ah, yes in this department we have two team managers. Follow me this way and I'll introduce you all,” Taeyong responded, as he guided me to the far end of a hallway located on our left side. Taeyong briefly knocked on the door before proceeding to open it. He ushered me inside, closing the door behind me.
“Hey! You two come over here for a sec,” Taeyong said, capturing the attention of the two males sitting on their desks who then got up, walking towards us. I looked at both of them, ‘Wait a minute he looks-‘ my thought was interrupted by Taeyong.
“You two, this is Y/L/N our new worker. Y/N this is Kim Doyoung and Jeong Jaehyun,” Taeyong explained. One of the two males reached his hand out, “Doyoung,” he mentioned. I took his hand and turned to the man standing beside him.
“Nice seeing you again,” he said with a chuckle. It was Mr. Stranger man in the flesh. Who knew he’d be my new manager, well that explains a whole lot about our interaction…
“You two know each other?” Taeyong asked.
“Ah well-“ I was interrupted by Jaehyun, “We met at the mall a couple days ago when I set out to look for… inspiration.”
Taeyong looked at us, his expression unreadable. “Very well, I trust you two know what to do with her,” he said as the two males nodded.
“Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns Y/N. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the team,” Taeyong added, as he left us behind with one another.
“So, shall we show you to your office?” Doyoung spoke up. I nodded, as they led me to my desk. It was quite close to their office, ‘That’s a relief.’
“Let us know if you need anything… Doyoung and I gotta get back, we have a meeting soon,” Jaehyun explained as he leaned against the door frame.
“Thank you, you two I appreciate it,” I thanked them. They smiled, shutting my door and walking away.
I leaned against my chair, recapping my past hour. It’s only a relief that everything went smoothly, Doyoung seemed great, and Jaehyun did too. I shut my eyes, not believing this was my life now. Honestly, I could get used to this.
However… what I didn’t know was what would come of my life a month from now. The irreversible. The desire. The lust.
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1 month later.
It’s been over a month now since I started working for Qulture Corps, and so far it’s been nothing but amazing. The work has gone smoothly, and today we just wrapped up the final meeting for our upcoming Fall Collection. Although, it’s still months aways, production of the products does take some time to produce.
Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” I answered.
Doyoung appeared before me, “Hey, Y/N I just came in to inform you we're having a team dinner tonight. Would you like to come?”
I pondered for a bit, making sure I had no plans afterwards. “Yeah! That sounds fun, I’ll go,” I said.
“Great, see you at 7 p.m then. I’ll send you the location too,” Doyoung explained before exiting shortly after.
My phone then buzzed with the restaurant's location. In the time that I’ve spent here I’ve been able to get closer to both Doyoung and Jaehyun… However, it feels like something else is there between us. Something unexplainable, indescribable.
I snapped out of my thoughts, continuing my remaining work and answering emails before I decided to head off to meet them at the restaurant.
Luckily the drive there wasn’t long so I found myself a bit early. I entered and gave the waiter Doyoung’s name as Doyung had instructed me to do so. Our table was located in the far back. Later, everyone started pouring in Eunsoo, Leah, Jaemin, Mark, Chenle, Haechan, Yena, and Isabel. Surprisingly, Doyoung, Jaehyun, and Taeyong were the last to arrive, you would think that host would be the one’s here first. Kinda funny isn’t it?
“Nice to see you all here,” Taeyong announced.
“Wouldn’t miss out on free drinks!” Haechan cheered.
I chuckled, Haechan was definitely the life of the party within our team. With drinks and food on the table now, everyone dug in. They truly weren’t lying when they said food tastes better when you eat with others.
“Hey~ Y/N~ you’re so beautiful, a-anyone ever told you that~” Leah slurred, she was a rather light drinker. I laughed in her embrace, luckily still a bit sober so as to not do anything stupid. I glanced up, catching Jaehyun as his eyes lingered on mine. My mouth slowly opened so to speak, utter a word, but swallowed the words back down.
I pulled away from Leah’s embrace. “I’m gonna go to the restroom,” I say, excusing myself. Although, I wasn’t going to the restroom… I headed outside, stopping by an alleyway. I wanted some fresh air, the short eye contact with Jaehyun earlier got me irritable hot.
As I took in a breath, a voice spoke up, “Restroom huh.” I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, only for my eyes to meet with Jaehyun. ‘What was he doing here?’
I stumbled on my words, “I… I, uhm-” Jaehyun walked closer, I inhaled his sandalwood smell that radiated off him. I was losing my composure, ‘Was this the alcohol?’
“Just wanted some fresh air,” I stuttered. “Yeah?” he questioned. I nodded, silence befalling us. I just couldn’t speak. “Look at me,” he whispered. A beat, then two passed before I looked up. Jaehyun was so close, I could feel his breath, see the fire in his eyes. He brought his hand to caress my cheek, then ghosted a finger over my bottom lip.
“Jaehyun…” I whispered. “I’m sorry baby, but can I… Can I kiss you,” he whispered back. I nodded shyly, closing my eyes.
I felt as Jaehyun’s lips collided with mine, his soft lips molded so beautifully against mine. It was gentle, so beautiful that I wished time would stop, but then Jaehyun backed away. My lips feeling empty again.
“Don’t stop,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I put my lips back on his, only this time teeth clattering, tongues colliding with one another. It was rougher, that the first that I ended up pushed against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist.
We were so lost in each other we failed to notice the person standing on the front of the alleyway. Cough. I flinched, the cough caused us both pull away and direct our attention to the male standing on the other end.
“Fuck,” I muttered. I got off Jaehyun, patting myself. We walked to Doyoung who has not said a word since catching both of us.
“I was getting worried when neither of you came back so I looked for you two,” Doyoung later explained.
“Sorry about that,” I apologized. “Oh! No, not at all there is nothing to apologize… In fact, I’m sorry to have walked in on that.”
Gosh thank god it was dark because I was probably burnt red. I was so goddamn embarrassed.
“I should get going now, it’s quite late…” I proceeded to say as a means to get out of this awkward situation.
“Oh, yes of course you’re right. You should get back safely Y/N,” Doyoung said.
“See you tomorrow… Y/N,” Jaehyun said, finally speaking up since Doyoung walked in on us.
After bidding them both farewell, I rushed to my car. I wanted nothing more but to lock myself up in my apartment. A quick drive later, I threw myself on my bed. I recounted my kiss–or rather heated make-out–with Jaehyun, but then the memory of Doyoung catching us haunting right after.
I turned my head to my phone which was lying beside me. Speak of the devil. It was from Doyoung…
I unlocked my phone, opening his message. However, I now wish I hadn’t.
Doyoung: you know Y/N seeing the way you two kissed earlier got me so fucking hard
Doyoung: [ 1 image attachment ]
Doyoung just… he just… Oh my fucking… Was he really sending me a picture of his cock!? “He’s big…” I mumbled as I took another look at the image he sent.
Shit. I felt as the wetness began pulling in between my legs. I rubbed my legs together, but then slipped a hand inside, and fingers inside as I imagined Doyoung roughly pounded in and out of me. The squelching sounds echoed in my room, along with my little whimpers and moans.
First the kiss with Jaehyun and now this, masturbating to Doyoung?!
Once I reached my high, I waited until I caught my breath so to continue the rest of my night time routine. With one last sigh, I laid myself on my bed again, trying to shoo away any indecent thoughts of Jaehyun or Doyoung.
However, that proved rather harder as I ended up dreaming about not one, but both of them!
It’s been 4 days since the whole ordeal with Jaehyun and Doyoung, and everything surprisingly has been rather good. It’s like what happened between us never– happened! We were like regular co-workers again. Though, I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not…
“Y/N?” Eunsoo spoke. I flinched, regaining my focus. “Huh, oh yeah what’s up?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I was just asking if you’re okay… you’ve been kind of out of it lately,” she said worriedly.
“Yeah, everything's peachy so to speak,” I replied. Nothing was in fact peachy though. Pretending like nothing happened 4 days ago has actually been haunting me. The kiss, picture, dreams have been driving me insane. ‘Was I always so horny?’
My phone vibrated, causing both of us to turn to it. I picked it up, ‘Jaehyun?’
Jaehyun: can you come to my office?
A second later he added,
Jaehyun: like right now
“Looks like I’m being summoned,” I said. Eunsoo bid me a “good luck,” and I scurried off to his office. A million questions pondered my head, but neither of them were about what was to come in the next few minutes.
I knocked, and the followed a “Come in.” As I entered there he was, but he wasn’t alone. Doyoung was here too. ‘Great just my luck.’
“Is something the matter?” I asked. Jaehyun glanced at Doyoung, he hesitated before he spoke. “We have something we want to say to you Y/N.” I gave them a nod as to signal them to continue whatever they wanted to tell me. They gave each other one more glance.
“We’re truly sorry for our behavior that night at the restaurant,” they both said, bowing at me. I can see their sincerity, but part of my heart ached. 'Did they truly think of that night as a mistake? The kiss? The picture?’
They got back up, but neither one of us spoke up. Silence befell us. ‘I didn’t like this. No, I don't want to pretend nothing happened. I-’ “No, god no please,” I spoke up. They looked at me with confused eyes. “D-Don’t pretend nothing happened. At least I can’t. I- I…” my words got caught in my throat. ‘What am I saying?’
Doyoung then spoke up, “You what Y/N… tell us. What do you want?” ‘He’s right, what do I want? Ah, wait a minute… what I want is…’ 
“I want you… I want you both.”
Oh god what did I just say. “Oh wait uhm-” I couldn’t even speak as Doyoung's lips collided with mine. His kiss was different from the one I shared with Jaehyun, even more gentle and passionate. ‘Wait a minute Jaehyun!’ I broke our kiss, my eyes meeting Jaehyun’s. He just stood there like how Doyung did that day.
Jaehyun then smirked, coming closer. “Is that really true? You want us both,” he says.
I felt as my face heated up, I glanced from Jaehyun to Doyoung. “Yes,” I muttered. “Please, I want you both.”
No words fell from their mouths, but their movements continued. Jaehyun walked until he was behind me, and Doyoung raised his hand to my chin. “You sure you can handle both of us, right here right now?” Doyoung asked.
“Yes, please I couldn’t stop thinking about that night,” I admitted. I then felt Jaehyun's mouth ghosting near my ear. “Then make sure to not be too loud or else they’ll have to witness how much of a whore you are,” Jaehyun whispered, then kissing my ear down to my neck. Every kiss lit me up even more. I wanted more.
Doyoung then crashed his lips onto mine again with the same intensity, while Jaehyun’s arms wandered all over my body. His hands groped my breast, causing me to moan into the kiss I was sharing with Doyoung. They later wandered even further, until they cupped my cunt causing me to grind on his hand. “Impatient aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear.
Doyoung backed away, our saliva connecting. “We have time, don’t worry,” Doyoung said, as he teased the buttons of my shirt. He slowly unbuttoned each button, dropping the shirt on the floor. My bra later joined in as well, leaving my perky breasts for his eyes. I watched as Doyoung stuck out his tongue, licking on my bud. All the while, Jaehyun began working on my lower half. He successfully got rid of my pants, leaving me in only my panties.
I whipped my head towards him when I felt Jaehyun's fingers playing with my slit. “Oh god,” I whimpered when he prodded his finger in my hole. “So wet already,” he muttered against my neck. I could only let out a small whimper and he continued the movement. “S-Stop teasing me… Please,” I pleaded.
“You sure are an impatient one. Fine then take it,” Jaehyun said as he inserted two of his fingers inside my cunt. I practically sucked his fingers in, the wetness echoed around the room. “Fuck, so tight and wet,” he whispered in my ear. His pace was unbearable, he would slow down and then go fast. I was losing my mind, his fingers hit me so fucking well–  it was like he studied my body beforehand to know what my likes and dislikes were. I felt my stomach clenched, my cunt tightening around his fingers.
It certaining helped too that all the while Doyoung was working his way with my tits. His mouth would lick one and then return the same affection to the other one. He sucked on them like a child, biting down on my bud a couple of times as well. His stimulation on my tits and Jaehyun’s on my cunt were enough to have me pushing me to the edge.
“Cum. I know you want to,” Doyoung said when he let go of my breast with a pop. With a final pinch to my clit by Jaehyun, I came. I came so hard, I would’ve fallen if not for Jaehyun catching me. I watched hazily as Jaehyun licked his fingers clean of my essence, and felt as Doyoung carried me. He then placed me on the couch they had in the middle of their office.
“On your hands and knees,” Doyoung commanded. My body acted on it’s on, getting into the position. I watched as Jaehyun came in front of me, and later whipped my head around to see Doyoung behind me. “Think you can suck me off while he eats you out?” Jaehyun asked. I nodded, so turned on by what he just said that I drooled from my mouth and in between my legs. He chuckled, unzipping his pants and freeing his cock from his underwear. His cock was big. It made me doubt if I would be able to take it all.
“Don’t worry, you can take it baby or else a whore like you wouldn’t have made such a request,” he said when he noticed a hint of doubt on my face. “Now open up.”
I did as Jaehyun said, opening my mouth up for him. I flickered my eyes up to watch him as he brought his cock closer to my mouth. Once it was close enough, I started by swirling my tongue around his tip, and then wrapping my lips around his tip. I watched as his brows furrowed, so I continued my movements. I then began gliding my tongue along his shaft, up and down, down and up. He seemed to be enjoying it judging by the way he’d started groaning. 
As I began taking him even more, I felt Doyoung's tongue begin to kitten lick my cunt. Doyoung had begun with some slow licks, but would stay a bit longer on my clit which caused me to moan against Jaehyun’s cock. His cock was so big that I barely even made it halfway yet. I felt as the tears began pooling in my eyes and drool passed my lips. “That’s a good girl, take more I know you can,” Jaehyun said. And so I did until his cock reached the back of my throat. “Fuck,” Jaehyun groaned, grabbing a fistful of my hair. He started taking over, bobbing my head along his shaft.
Meanwhile, Doyoung had begun licking me even faster, occasionally sucking on my clit which just caused me to moan on Jaehyun’s cock even more. I can tell the sensation satisfied Jaehyun as he muttered incoherent words into the air.
I felt like another high was coming, so fast and quick it was almost embarrassing. As I was lost in the pleasure I suddenly felt a wet muscle poke my hole, oh god. Doyoung was fucking me with his tongue. It felt so good, enough to have my cumming for a second time while Jaehyun was stuffed in my throat. “Cumming before me? I think you deserve a punishment,” Jaehyun said.
‘Punishment? What is he-’ I couldn’t even finish my thoughts before Jaehyun started gripping my hair even tighter and increasing his speed. It was getting messy– drool and tears everywhere. As if matters couldn’t get any more worse, Doyoung landed a slap on my ass. It only caused my eyes to widen and moan on Jaehyun’s cock.
“Fuck, that feels good. Doyoung do that again since it seems like our little whore enjoys it.” I looked up at Jaehyun, with those tearful eyes of mine, in which he also looked down at me. A smirk plastered on his face. Obliging to Jaehyun’s words, Doyung began slapping my ass even more.
“Shit, I’m close,” Jaehyun moaned. A thrust or two down my throat, Jaehyun came into my mouth, my throat. I watched as his chest heaved, and he pushed his hair out of his forehead. “Swallow it all,” he commanded, which I instinctively ended up doing.
“Come here now,” Doyoung’s voice spoke up, as he sat on the couch, patting his lap. I saw as his cock stood proudly against his stomach. I crawled to him. “Put your back against me and put it in yourself,” he said. So then I turned around, grabbing his hard cock and began inserting it inside me. I felt as his cock stretched me out the deeper he went in. “Yes, just like that baby… It’s almost all in,” Doyoung groaned.
“She’s so tight Jaehyun, I guess all that stimulation did nothing to her,” Doyoung chuckled as he turned to the other male. I turned to look at Jaehyun who just kneeled on the couch, fisting his cock. Then suddenly, Doyoung plunged the rest of his cock into me. No warning, just the grip he had on hips. With him all inside me now, I felt as his cock hit my cervix. I whisper lowly, “S’ good.”
“What was that? You like that?” he said, as he began thrusting into me. Who was I to deny what he just said, I loved it. “Ye-Yes you feel so good!” The phrase that slipped past my lips only caused his thrust to become deeper and rougher. Doyoung was treating me like his personal toy. He kept ruthlessly pounded into me, until it came to a halt. “Making me do all the work?”
I turned around, nodding my head no. “Hmm, is that so? I’m tired, why don’t you do it now,” Doyoung says, a slight smirk appearing on his face. So I did, thrusting slowly at first. “Stop the teasing, go faster baby,” Doyoung whispers into my ear. And so I grip onto his thighs, bouncing myself on his cock.
In the midst of it all, Jaehyun continued watching us contently while fisting his cock, he enjoyed the sight in front of him. You, a whimpering mess who was so cock drunk already. He wanted to get a taste of that sweet, tight cunt of yours soon because if he wasn’t already, he’d go insane.
“God, Doyoung I’m cl-close.” My stomach was tightening up, so close to unleashing. “Ready to cum all over my cock,” he replied. I yelled out “yes” as I repeated his name over and over again. “Open your eyes,” another voice said. And so I fluttered them open, Jaehyun’s cock in front of me. I watched as he jerked himself in front of me. It only turned me on even more.
“Shit, you like that? Like watching Jaehyun jerk himself off to you fucking me?” Doyoung says. I tightened even more around his cock, causing Doyoung to groan. His hands roamed down to my clit. He rubbed and pinched the poor thing continuously.
Just a few more thrusts and I came for the third time this night. My back arched, eyes rolling back, and moan and after moan slipping out. However, it didn’t stop here. Doyoung brought his hands back to my hips and kept fucking me through my orgasm. It was all too overstimulating, I felt I could even cum again.
“Fuck, I’m cumming. Don’t waste any drop,” Doyoung groans, finally cumming. His warm seeds painting my walls white. At the same time, Jaehyun also came, cumming all over my breasts. All three of us were heaving, trying to gather some oxygen back into our bodies.
“Don’t think we’re done here,” Jaehyun chuckles. He gently picks me up, bending me over the couch. My hands gripping it, while my ass stuck up. I felt his hand come in contact with my ass cheek in a harsh slap, causing me to yelp forward.
Jaehyun wasted no time, plunging himself deep and snug into my cunt. “Fuck, Doyoung wasn’t lying. How are you still so tight?” Jaehyun says, as he pounds in and out of me. I don’t even know who I am anymore, I could only think of how deep Jaehyun was reaching me. He hit my g-spot so well with every thrust I could barely contain myself. I ended up squirting all over for the first time tonight.
“Making a mess,” Doyoung’s voice spoke. I tried opening my eyes to locate him, only for him to be besides me. We locked eyes, and his lips later engulfed mine. It was a sloppy kiss, but I didn’t care. It felt good, everything felt good. Jaehyun’s thrust too became sloppy, it could only mean he was close too. And so with a thrust or two later, he came in me.
My stomach feels so full now. This is what I’ve wanted. This is what I-
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Jaehyun’s POV.
“Shit, did you kill her with your dick?” Doyoung says, laughing as he puts his pants back on.
“So funny, she’s just fallen asleep,” I replied. “Think we went too far?” Doyoung continues.
“Probably, but hey she said she wanted it. Wanted both of us,” I say, shrugging my shoulders. I took Y/N into my arms while Doyoung began cleaning the couch. Luckily, the couch was made of leather so it shouldn’t be too hard right?
I looked down at her. Y/L/N. From the moment I first met her at that store, I fell in love. I know as cliche as it sounds, it’s true. There was something so captivating about her, something that made me want her. All of her.
So when I saw her that day, her first day here I knew it meant something. Fate? Whatever it was, I didn't want to waste any opportunity. Which is why that day at the dinner, I did that. It wasn’t planned or anything, but I just felt something that day. Some urgence?
However, then I learned of Doyoung’s mutual interest in her too. We talked it out, but we left it at “It’s whoever she wants. Whoever she chooses.” But to my surprise, it ended up being both of us.
I smiled down at her sleeping face. She’s cute. Everything about her was just so beautiful. Whether what just happened ends up being a regret for her once she wakes up, I hope she knows or at least has some awareness of our feelings for her.
“Hey!” Doyoung yells, capturing me out of my haze. “I finished cleaning it, bring her over here so we can wipe her clean.”
I nodded, placing her gently back down onto the couch. Doyoung began cleaning her with a wet cloth he got from our private bathroom. “Go get her a pair of clothes, in the meantime Jae,” Doyoung says.
“Mmm, be right back then.”
I exited, leaving them behind. On the elevator ride, my thoughts were consumed with questions. Good and bad ones. In particular, “What will happen once she wakes up?” I tried shrugging them off, as my answers will come once she wakes up.
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“Hm?” I stirred my eyes open. ‘Where am I? This isn’t my apartment?’
“Awake already, sleeping beauty?” A voice said. I recognized that voice… Doyoung!
“A-Ah I-” “Water?” Jaehyun says, handing me a water bottle. I gladly accepted it, my throat felt quite dry. ‘Wait a minute… Oh Shit!’ I nearly choked on the water as I remembered what had transpired a couple hours ago. I looked outside their windows, the night sky illuminating.
“Uhm… I-” Jaehyun interrupts me, “regret it?” I looked at him puzzled, ‘regret?’
“What? No, No! I… I just don’t know what I should say, what I should do…”
“Well, it’s whatever you want Y/N,” Doyoung says, getting closer. “You want us to be friends, we’ll go back to that. You want us to be fuck buddies with one another, we’ll do it. You want to put a label on it, we’ll do that too.”
Is he serious right now?! The three of us? Wouldn’t I be asking for too much? Is it greedy of me that I want that. I want to be with them. I want Doyoung. I want Jaehyun.
I look at the floor, trying to hide my embarrassment from what I was about to admit. “I- I want us to be together. Me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun.”
It went silent, neither of them spoke up. So I took the courage to then look up. I flinched, at how close they’d gotten, standing only a few inches away.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Jaehyun asks. I nod, “Yes, is it selfish of me to?”
Jaehyun nods, “No. Be as selfish as you want with us.” To which Doyoung adds, “We just want you to be happy.”
I feel like crying again, only happy tears though. How could this even be my life right now? A tear trickled down. Then another, and another until I felt both of them wipe them off my face.
I smiled, “Thank you. Thank-”
“There’s no need to thank us. We love you,” Doyoung says, smiling as well.
“He’s right. We love you Y/N,” Jaehyun adds. We all smiled, engulfed in each other's warmth.
Today might’ve just been the best day of my life. No matter what the future brought us, I would be prepared to face it because after all I wasn’t alone.
It was me, Doyoung, and Jaehyun. It was us against the world.
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I shifted to the other side of the bed, but a strong hold on me prevented me from doing so. I stirred my eyes open, Jaehyun. Ah, that’s right, this was my life now. I’d moved in with Jaehyun and Doyoung a week ago but the whole thing hasn’t really sunk in yet.
“Good morning,” he muttered. “Admiring me already?”
“N-No!” I refuted. It was barely morning and here he is teasing me already.
He chuckled, and then leaned in to kiss my temple. “Sleep well?” I muttered a small, “Yes” before snuggling against his bare chest. I’ve always felt so safe around him, and Doyoung. They made me feel so safe and loved.
We stayed like that for a while until I felt his hands come down to grope my ass. A shameless man he is. ”Where’s Doyoung?” I asked.
“Work probably,” Jaehyun says as he works his lips from my ear to my jaw. He kissed me so tenderly, every touch of his lips felt so warm; his embrace so warm. Jaehyun’s lips then lingered to my mouth, engulfing me into a tender kiss. It always went like this, he would be gentle but then go rougher. His tongue intruding, teeth clashing, and occasional lip biting.
“So I got you all to myself huh,” he whispered in my ear. I giggled before capturing him in another heated kiss that ended up with Jaehyun on top of me.
His hands roamed all over my body, from my waist to hips to breasts. He squeezed my breasts, pinching my nipples that sent an electric shock throughout my body. Oh god.
He parted from our kiss only to look down at my embarrassingly lustful state. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful. Every part of you baby.”
My heart throbbed at his statement, my face probably beet red. He then began removing my top, leaving my shorts and panties on. He brought his mouth towards one of my breasts, where he began licking it and sucking on my nipple. Later, he returned the same affection to the other neglected breast. I was a squirming mess, I tried getting friction from somewhere, anywhere. God, I was so fucking wet already, I could feel it as it pooled between my legs.
“Eagered like always,” Jaehyun said with a pop as he let go of my breast. His lips kissed down until they reached the waistband of my shorts. Those poor things were off in seconds, along with my panties. I watched as Jaehyun spread my legs open, “God, so wet already.” I moaned his name when I felt him tease my folds with his fingers, and then a Slap.
I widened my eyes at his action. Then again, another Slap. “You like that,” he says, coming closer to my ear. “You like it when I slap your sweet cunt.”
Slap. Oh fuck, was this good. Slap. “Y-Yes!” I yelled. He wasn’t stopping, continuously torturing my cunt. “Look at all this mess you’re making so early in the morning,” Jaehyun’s voice says, bringing his hand to his mouth. I watched as he licked his fingers clean of my essence.
“Get on your hands and knees for me baby,” he later says. I complied, getting in the position he most enjoys. I moaned out even louder when he slid his cock so easily inside me. “Fuck, so wet that it slid right in.”
Grabbing my arms, holding them from behind me, he started mercifully thrusting into me. His cock reaching the deepest part of me like it always has. I was enjoying this so much that I just kept moaning louder and louder.
“Having fun without me?” A voice rose. I quickly looked up, capturing Doyoung’s figure. Oh god.
With another thrust I moaned again. “I was wondering what was going on since I heard screaming, but it looks like our girl was just horny wasn’t she?”
Jaehyun speaks up while thrusting into me, “Yep… Mmm, she thought you… were gone and pounced onto me. Poor thing I couldn't just neglect her.”
“N-No! He- He is ly-lying,” I tried saying. “Lying? Me? You hear that Doyoung she’s accusing me of lying,” Jaehyun says smugly.
“I know, don’t you think she deserves a lesson?” Doyoung questions Jaehyun. Jaehyun chuckles in satisfaction. Oh, no…
Thus, I found myself sucking off Doyoung’s cock while Jaehyun continued pounding into me like some ruthless beast. “Just like that, a little deeper,” Doyoung groans. He watches me intently as I suck his cock into my mouth, but that didn’t last long. Doyoung ended up taking control, thrusting into my throat like I was his personal pleasure toy. Which I admit, I probably was, but hey he was mine too.
“Your pussy swallows me up so well, fuck I’ll never get tired of this,” Jaehyun groans. His thrust had gotten sloppy, meaning he was close to cumming. Good thing I was too as I started squeezing around his cock. I felt Jaehyun’s hand snake to my stomach and then further down. His fingers pinched and rubbed on my clit. I moaned into Doyoung’s cock, the sensation causing his cock to twitch in my mouth.
“I’m cumming,” Jaehyun groaned, thrusting his cock into me one last time. I also met my orgasm, cumming all over Jaehyun’s cock. He must’ve been watching as our cum mixed together, oozing out of my pussy.
“Shit, I’m cumming too,” Doyoung abruptly says, releasing his seeds inside my mouth.
Once we both caught our breaths it was back to fucking again. There was no stopping us once we started. Which was how I ended up with Doyoung’s cock buried within me. “Spread your legs wider,” Doyoung says. “Good girl, keep 'em like that.”
“Open your mouth,” Jaehyun says from the side. I opened it only for him to spit in my mouth and then start kissing me again. My lips are going to be so swollen from all the kissing, but my pussy from all the rough pounding. However, those concerns were at the bottom of my list. The pleasure they kept giving me was too blissful.
I love this. I love Doyoung. I love Jaehyun. “I love you,” I whispered, just loud enough for them both to hear. The three-word phrases elicited a small smile on their faces.
“We love you more.”
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© jhdyuiee
final a.n: hi again! i would like to apologize for the delay. i think i have spoken up about this before but i would like to inform u all that as i am still a student, it can be hard to juggle all things at once. im very sorry for not uploading during the month of april, it truly saddens me but with school on my plate its been rather difficult. however, from now on i promise to at least post once a month. thank you for your patience i truly am grateful to every single one of you! i love you all <3!!!!!!!
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
To my surprise, nobody sent me a prompt for Lucifer for Kinktober. I don't mind, that means I got to choose. But I was surprised that he was the character that didn't get a submission!
Anyway, I decided to try writing voice kink for this one. Lucifer just has that deep voice, you know what I mean? I dunno, it felt like a good choice.
I maaaayyyy have gotten a little carried away. It ended up kinda long. Also do I maybe have a thing for MC getting it on with demons at RAD? Nope. Definitely not. The only other time I wrote about MC getting sexy at RAD, it happened with an angel. Satan in the library doesn't count, that's like a given.
ANYWAY. Here it is, hopefully it's not too terrible lol. I really need to work on my confidence in my smut writing.
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: voice kink, semi-public, fingering (reader receiving)
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You wandered the halls of RAD alone, on your way to class. You were a little early, so you were taking your time. The other students moved past you, everyone absorbed in their own lives, not paying you any attention. For once there were no demons by your side. You would see them in class, but you happened to have this moment to yourself.
That is, until your D.D.D. began to ring.
You pulled it out of your pocket and looked at the screen. It was Lucifer. What could he want? You knew he didn't have a class right then. He usually spent this time working in the student council room.
You answered it. "Hello?"
"Where are you right now, MC?"
You frowned. "I'm in the hall at RAD on my way to class. Do you need me?"
"Yes." Lucifer's voice had dropped nearly an entire octave. "I find myself fully distracted by thoughts of you and I can't get anything done. I need you here so that I can make you come in real life rather than just in my mind."
The depth of his voice, the rumble of need beneath his words, sent electricity through your veins. You managed to side step a small group of students, moving quickly to the wall, certain that anyone would be able to see the flush that was now on your face.
"Lucifer," you hissed into the phone. "Couldn't you have chosen a better time to say that to me?"
You heard a smug chuckle. "Consider yourself excused from class. Meet me in the student council room."
You didn't even have a chance to argue with him because he had hung up. You stared at your D.D.D. in disbelief. While it was certainly like Lucifer to be bossy, it wasn't like him to condone skipping class. But there had been something undeniable in his voice, something that still made you shiver a little.
You considered going to class anyway. He couldn't actually be upset with you about it, since that was the responsible thing to do. But it was too late for you now and he likely knew it. He knew what saying that to you in that deep voice of his would do.
You quickly made your way to the student council room, the halls thinning of people as you did so. Classes began and soon enough you were completely alone.
You paused before the door to the student council room. This location was also an unusual choice for Lucifer. Was he really that desperate?
You opened the door and stepped inside. The room was dark. Why were the lights off?
You nearly jumped, but before you could turn around, there were arms around your waist. You felt Lucifer leaning in, his lips right beside your ear.
"Now that you're here, let us waste no time."
You shivered. But you also weren't about to let him get what he wanted so easily. You turned around in his arms and tugged on the jacket of his uniform. "What has gotten into you?" you asked, breathless. "It isn't like you to be so… needy."
Lucifer huffed and you could tell he was annoyed. You could only barely see him in the darkness of the room, but you recognized his familiar frown. "You say that as though it isn't your fault."
"My fault?" you demanded, but you didn't get anything else out because Lucifer had turned you around again. His hand was already down the front of your waistband, inching ever closer to your heat.
"I try to keep myself in check, MC," he said quietly in your ear. "Especially here at RAD. But there are times when I can't hold back. When I need you more than I need anything else in the three worlds. Would you deny me?"
His voice had lowered again, his desire causing it to become almost heavy.
You considered it. You knew that if you said no right now, Lucifer would let you go. That he would reign himself in, watch you leave the room and get to class, late though you may be.
You might have done that. But the truth was that Lucifer was just as much at fault as you were. And he knew it, too. He knew exactly what to do to make you crazy.
"As long as we're clear about whose fault this really is," you said.
Lucifer kissed the back of your neck. "You're right. I take full responsibility."
You were about to ask for that in writing when Lucifer's creeping hand finally found its way between your legs. You gasped at the feel of him, a gently teasing touch that made you want him even more.
"All I want is to make you feel good," Lucifer said, his voice still in that low register. The way he had you pressed against him allowed you to feel the vibration in his chest. "I don't believe that is too much to ask for."
You couldn't respond with anything other than a moan because Lucifer's fingers were moving more vigorously now, steadily increasing their speed and pressure. You pushed back into him because you weren't sure you could remain standing. Your hands clutched at his arms where they wrapped around you so securely.
"Ah," you gasped out. "L-Lucifer…"
"Come for me, MC," Lucifer said. It was practically a growl, one that you could feel in your own chest.
You let out a strangled sound, trying to keep yourself quiet here in the darkened student council room, as you came in Lucifer's arms. He held you tightly, keeping you on your feet, his lips on your neck as you squeezed your fingers into his arms.
It took you a moment to catch your breath and steady yourself. You leaned on Lucifer as you did so, heart fluttering as you relished the gentle kisses he left on your skin. When he finally pulled his hand out of your uniform, you twisted around in his arms again. You made him suck in a breath by putting your hand on his obvious erection.
You smiled up at him in the dimness of the room. "Your turn."
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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h0rnyauth0r · 2 years
i can hardly stop thinking about the thought of riding ghost in a car in the middle of the night :) just the sound of his heavy breaths as he struggles to not take control and fuck the hell out of you
pls dni if not 16+, thank you!
tws: unprotected sex, semi-public sex, car sex, brief choking (i have a choking kink, this will be common <3), cumming inside, overstimulation, reader has vagina and is called a girl (i also have a praise kink lolz)
you’re both really tired, having done a lot of running to get training done before heading off to a mission. even so, you took one good look at each other and couldn’t hold back anymore.
he always stays fully clothed, but your pants are off and panties are hanging around your right ankle as you basically stuff his cock into you in hunger. his mask stays on but you still kiss and pull at the skin on his neck as you start rocking your hips.
you’re not even sure when his gloves were taken off as his fingernails dig into your skin, leaving little crescents that’ll remind you of this in the morning.
you’re staring into each others eyes as you allow your hips to pick up, feeling his dick hit just the right spot to make you squeak and moan the slightest bit.
you know you have to be careful with your movements to not make anyone question why the car is rocking, but you lose control a little and rock harder against him.
your knees are sore from the position your in, forcing your body up and down in the tiny seats to hopefully make both of you cum. you almost want to give up, but he makes it easier on you by thrusting up into you and moving your hips for you now and then.
“just like that…” he says quietly, eyes shutting tightly when you start moving harder against him, pussy clenching around him in arousal.
his breaths pick up, loud and small sounds pass his lips that you can tell he’s trying to control. his eyebrows are furrowed tightly, his pretty eyes hidden away in pleasure.
the sight is so fucking hot to you, you want to melt into a puddle seeing him fucked out like this. your hips start moving more, trying so hard to milk his cock into you.
it’s just not enough for either of you, though, and eventually he makes it known. he lifts your body just the slightest, smashing his hips into yours so roughly that your mouth falls open but no sound is able to come out.
when he’s rough like this, you know it’s going to leave you limping tomorrow. he’s such a big man compared to you, his cock always feels like it’s ripping you open.
as his hips thrust up faster, you cry out and throw your head back. two of your fingers move down to your clit and you find yourself making quick movements to try to cum soon.
even with his current movements, you want more. “faster, please.” you moan out, one of his hands leaving your hips and wrapping around your throat tightly.
the feeling of his fingers squeezing against you and his hips moving more quickly makes you cum hard, nails of your free hand digging into his thigh as you shake.
“mmm, good girl.” he says in your ear, his movements becoming more erratic and the car making actual noise now. a slight creaking from the force of his movements, just more proof of how good he is.
your eyes shut tightly as he continues squeezing your throat, and you eventually feel his cum fill you up as his hips stutter in their movement.
he keeps thrusting afterwards, overstimulating you both but it feels so good that you really don’t want to stop, ever. you’re biting on your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood, making his eyes darken.
you can feel another orgasm building up and your legs have his cum running down them, making loud noises in your ears. “more.” you whimper out.
he looks at you, down at your lips, and finally decides to do it. he moves his mask up to reveal his lips and kisses you for the first time. it takes everything in your being to not cum then and there, feeling his hips somehow move more roughly now that you’re kissing.
his breathing is loud as you move your lips against one another, your mouth opening and his tongue sliding in as the force of his thrusts makes the kiss sloppier.
the feeling of his tongue brushing against your own makes you moan against his mouth, desperately grinding into his cock to try to find release. it finally crashes down a few moments later, as his teeth bite down onto your bottom lip.
you gasp against his mouth, jaw clenching as your pussy trembles against him. you’re absolutely throbbing now, pushing your body down and into his thrusts as hard as possible.
as you continue kissing, he eventually groans out softly and you feel his cum fill you up even more and his hands dig into your skin harder.
he stops moving as you grind against him to ride out your second highs of the night, almost hyperventilating against his lips but too fucked out to pull away.
when you finally do, he looks down at you with his mouth covered in your saliva. it’s so fucking hot to you, fingers reaching out and touching his soft lips.
he kisses your fingers, and you move them as he pulls his mask back down. his eyes stare into yours as you lift your hips up, his cock sliding out of you as you struggle to catch your breath.
you decide to wrap your arms around his torso as you catch your breath, his arms slinking around you and softly squeezing you. you want so badly to tell him you love him, but you choose not to.
but what you don’t know is that he wants to say the same thing to you too.
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eightballspins · 4 months
⸝⸝ (p1h) jongseob x male reader short drabble ! fluff
thinking about how jongseob probably talks in pout when he really wants you to listen to him or do something with/for him. if he needs your attention for something, probably wants to show you something on his switch or phone, he'll start tapping your arm as the first resort and calling your name. but if you're still not looking, he puts his phone/switch down on his lap and makes his voice louder.
"look for just one second, one second," he says, making you turn around and see his lips turned into a pout and his eyes in a pretty doe shape. he picks up his phone/switch and presents the screen to you, a relaxed smile on his face as he now has all of your attention.
if you guys are in a crowded area and he wants you to look at him, the beginning method is similar to if you're alone: he just starts tugging on your clothing, hands, or anything connected to you so you can look at him. but if the area is too hectic and loud for that, he presses his face into any part of your body (whether it be your back, shoulder, arm, etc) and just puts his body weight there because you'll definitely notice a whole grown man's weight on you, duh. when you question him on his behavior, he just brushes it off as if he were acting normal. and then finally is bale to engage in conversation with you, which is what he wanted from the beginning.
"wait, where are you going? the video isn't done yet?" he questions, hand already going to your wrist to stop you from getting up from your cuddling position.
"to piss, seobie,"
"go after the video, it's only thirty more seconds," he complains, tugging your limb gently to guide you back, but you don't immediately comply. "baby, c'mon, its quick," the pout evident on his face and in his tone.
"i don't take twenty years to pee, i'll be back soon," you almost laugh at how comical the situation is, but apprently to jongseob, this is everything but funny.
another instance is when you visit the members during their break time, half an hour before they have to get back to learning their new choreo. you're catching up with everyone else, but jongseob wants some more time with you, so he begins tugging on the hem of your shirt.
your standing while he sits, his legs spread with you in between them, and they close every now and then just to tease you and hopefully make you lose your balance. but your determined in talking to keeho about whatever and he's getting more worried that the time will be up before he can properly talk to you.
"[name]," he whines, making keeho roll his eyes at the needy tone. something he was very familiar with, how often jongseob whined near/for you, and knew it was his time to give you two some semi-alone time.
"what's wrong, jongseobie?" it's a soft question you ask while sitting next time, the man immediately turning into your side and resting his head on your shoulder.
"nothing, keeho was just hogging you," he murmurs, fiddling with your hands and fingers. you smile at his affections, resting your cheek on the top of his head. "we only have five minutes to ourselves now," his infamous pout is present as he says that, making you rub his lower thigh for some sort of support.
"i'm coming over after practice though, at least we can be alone then,"
he rolls his eyes, lifting his head from your shoulder and kissing your cheek repeatedly. it seemed he wanted to make up for the past couple of wasted minutes with simple affections rather than words.
of course, you comply because why would you not.
in the corner of the practice room, you and jongseob are giggling at the chaste and quick kisses you exchange, the latter eventually pinning you down to the sofa and smothering your jaw and neck in littered kisses.
"alright, jongseob, hop off your boyfriend now, we have some more work to do," keeho calls out, his authorotative leader voice enabled and making jongseob sit up.
"i'll see you at the dorm?" he questions, kissing you once more before you can answer.
"mhm, i'll be there," he smiles wide at the response, getting off of your waist and walking over to the members with a new energy.
you pack up your things, put on your coat, and announce your departure from their practice room. jongseob is pouting as he stands with his other members, waving bye to you as the others do the same. the moment you're out of sight, jongseob immediately slouches and the members notice.
"god, it's not gonna be that bad without him here, cheer up," intak says, noticing the immediately dampen that was jongseob's mood. the youngest only groans, waving his hand to signal they continue practice.
"who knew jongseob could be so pouty," theo teases, but puts his hands up in mock surrender when jongseob tiredly glares at him.
"he too in love with his boyfriend to focus on anything else," soul joins in, making obnoxiously loud kissing noises as he eggs on the "teasing jongseob" agenda.
a minature not-serious fight breaks out before they do eventually continue on practice, the pout only leaving jongseob's face when the members do anything particularly funny.
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laviefantasie · 2 months
Video 3
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“Okay, this thing on?”
You sigh as you see yourself in the video camera, looking at all the current ingredients in front of you with doubt.
“If you don’t recognize the place, I’m currently at my school’s kitchen” you open your arms to showcase the big kitchen you’re at.
You let your arms down to grab some of the main ingredients of the dishes you have planned today, pork cutlet and vegetables.
“So, if you’re wondering what I’m up to… I’m making Satoru a bento box” your eyes move around the place as you feel yourself become flustered, “It’s not what you’re probably thinking though! It’s about my dignity!”
You sigh, “He said I couldn’t cook and that that’s why I’d never marry… and I can’t cook or care about marriage but he shouldn’t talk about any of it! So I’m gonna prove him wrong by making the best freaking bento box ever! I’ll even decorate like Digimon characters”
You grab the white rice bag holding it up proudly towards the camera.
“Let’s get started!”
You put the rice inside the rice cooker with the amount of water stated on the cook book you buy for this special occasion. While waiting for it to be done, you grabbed the pork cutlet.
You take a deep breath, preparing mentally for what you were about to try to do: Tonkatsu.
First of all, you seasoned the meat with salt and pepper before coating it with flour, egg and breadcrumbs. Then, you let it fry.
“If I’m doing this wrong please let it at least taste good” you whisper with a frown.
By the time that was done, you continued by focusing on doing a Japanese potato salad. Semi-mashed potatoes mixed with vegetables, ham, egg and mayonnaise. You had to make sure it is not too creamy, not too rich, but flavoursome. Hopefully the Kewpie mayonnaise makes sure it tastes perfect.
Or at least good enough.
You made sure to put the salad inside the Agumon moulds you bought before storing it inside the bento box.
The rice was soon done and you made sure to use the Patamom mould now. Black sesame seeds with salt sprinkled on the rice forming the shape to make it more obvious what character it was supposed to be.
“I’m not an artist but damn am I doing a good job at this”
Except maybe you were too confident.
You forgot that while you were decorating everything that you’d finish already, you had left some vegetables cooking. Meaning now the whole kitchen was full of smoke after you turned of the small fire caused.
And now you had your three classmates and teacher worrying over you.
“You could’ve died! What were you thinking?!”
“I need to check your breathing!”
“SILENCE” voiced loudly professor Yaga making the other three shut up, “What happened here, Y/L/N?”
You cough slightly, blushing in embarrassment, “I was trying to cook…”
And then laughter.
You frown frustrated as Gojo and Geto’s laughter fills the space. It was bad enough you couldn’t even finish what you started, now you were a joke to them.
Even Shoko was stifling her laughter!
Yaga sighs, “Clean this up and let Shoko check you over… and don’t cook again”
More laughter from the boys.
You sigh and proceed to grab the burnt pan before throwing it into the sink, all while trying to mute the loud voices of both boys joking about your culinary skills.
Shoko stops you from washing the pan, doing a little check up before just to make sure there is nothing serious. You thank her silently.
Your grip on the pan tightens.
Geto stops laughing loudly.
Inhale. Exhale, you remind yourself.
Inhale. Exhale.
“THE ONE TIME YOU DECIDE TO COOK AND YOU ALMOST BURN US ALL” his grin widens, “Why would you ever decide to—?”
Enraged, you turn off the water and go towards the unfinished bento box, grabbing it before walking towards one of your best friends.
Gojo’s eyes widen as they see your upset face, not believing he had truly bothered you with his jokes, before letting out a soft gasp once you push the bento box hard towards him.
“I was making you that, asshole”
And you leave before he can even process what you actually said. Unknowingly leaving the still recording video camera behind.
Which is how it catches the soft look on Satoru’s face as soon as he eyes the bento box in his hands, and the regret his eyes show once he realizes his mistakes.
Geto and Shoko stay silent beside him.
What a day.
taglist: @gumiiiiezzzz @reagan707
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Bedtime - A @tmnt-write-fightWrite Fight Attack
mwahaha get attacked @yellowhollyhock
check out the fic on ao3!!
Bedtime in the Hamato household was an…ordeal to say the very least. Attempting to wrestle four hyperactive toddlers into their beds was itself a struggle. But keeping them there? All his training, all the years in the Battle Nexus, nothing could have prepared Splinter for that challenge. But, over the years he'd developed strategies, routines, and a fair amount of tricks to assist him. On good nights, the boys would get the rest they needed. And if he was very, very lucky, he might even get a few hours of sleep himself. 
Tonight was not one of those nights.
The chaos, as always, had started not too long after dinner. Though they offered protection and; maybe best of all, were free, the sewers did little in helping the boys stay clean. So, to keep them from smelling so bad that even their brothers started to notice, daily baths were a must.
Unfortunately, baths took much longer than any of them wanted them to. It was nice that after fighting for hours to get Purple to eat his dinner, he was more than happy to get into the tub. Red and Blue were too, though it was clear that neither of them liked water as much as Purple did. Splinter assumed it had something to do with their turtle species. He’d done some research in the early days to try and figure out what kind of turtles they’d all been before they were mutated. Purple, Blue, and Red were all semi to fully aquatic. Orange was a different story.
No matter how fresh and warm the water was, or how many bubbles and toys Splinter would fill the tub with, Orange would kick and scream like he was being murdered the moment water touched him. On several occasions Splinter had attempted to explain to his youngest that the baths wouldn’t take half as long if he’d just stop struggling, but little Orange didn’t seem to care one bit. 
This particular night had been one of the worst ever. After a particularly long and tiring day, Splinter had hoped that Orange would be too tired to put up much of a fight. Oh how wrong he’d been. After being splashed with so much water it looked like he’d been the one taking the bath, Orange had been wrapped up in a towel and sat in front of the space heater that Purple had built months ago. 
“Okay, boys,” he said, patting his face dry with a towel. “Bedtime.”
Blue was first. There was absolutely, positively no way that he’d be the first to fall asleep, but over the years Splinter had learned that it was better to start the cycle of him waking up and complaining that he couldn’t sleep as soon as possible, and hopefully get it over with at the beginning of the night.
Luckily, Blue allowed his father to tuck him into his racecar bed without much of a fuss, and after bidding his family goodnight (all individually, as he always insisted on doing), he allowed his dad to shut off the lights and continue into the next room.
Next was Orange. In addition to getting Blue’s complaints out of the way early on, sending him to bed also helped get Orange to sleep. Orange absolutely hated the idea that he was being left out of anything. So going to sleep first had always infuriated him. But if there was one thing that would override his insistence on being included, it was copying his brother. To Orange, anything Blue did was the coolest thing ever, even going to sleep early. But, of course, that trick didn’t seem to work tonight.
“I’m not sleepy,” Orange insisted. It was a lie. He hadn’t been able to stop yawning and rubbing his eyes since dinner. And with how fussy he’d gotten, it was clear that Orange was completely drained from the day.
“Just lay down for a bit,” Splinter insisted, tucking another stuffed animal into bed beside him in hopes that it would bribe him into staying put.
“I’m not sleepy,” Orange repeated. “I want to stay up and play with Raph and Donnie.”
“They’re going to sleep right after this,” Splinter explained with as soft of a tone as he could manage. No matter how many times he went over this, Orange always seemed to think that after he was tucked in, the rest of his family would scamper off to go play some fun game 
Splinter sighed. “What would make you tired, Orange?” 
He considered this for a moment, his tiny eyebrows scrunching together. “A cookie?”
“Sugar would make you tired?”
“So sleepy,” Orange said, grinning and nodding his head.
Splinter sighed again, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Fine.”
A cookie, a glass of milk, and a second tuck-in for Blue later, Orange finally allowed himself to be put to bed.
Of all of his sons, Purple was by far the easiest. He didn’t even need to be tucked in. Splinter would just guide him to his room and knew that he’d climb into bed and turn off the lights all by himself. Which was good. Because around this time was Blue’s second appearance.
“Still can’t sleep,” he informed his dad helpfully.
“Have you tried?”
Blue stuck out his tongue.
“Try again.”
As easy as Red was to put up with during the day, night time was a different story. It was clear that his oldest had some problems with worry. Whether it was from being the oldest, or just something that was a part of him, Red seemed to fear that everything could hurt his brothers. And often, if it didn’t spill over during the day first, he would wait until bedtime to voice all of those fears to his father.
“Mikey is really little,” he said quietly.
“Well, he is three,” Splinter responded, pulling the Ghost Bear comforter up to his son’s chin.
“If there was quicksand, he’d fall into it really fast,” he said, voice breaking. His eyes began to water.
“There isn’t any quicksand in the sewers,” Splinter assured him.
“And he wiggles around so much too,” Red said. “It would just take a second and he’d be gone!”
“We’d pull him right back out.”
“But what if we were stuck too,” Red said.
Splinter sighed. This was shaping up to be a long night.
Finally, after assuming Red that each of his brothers would be safe if the Lair were to suddenly flood with quicksand, water, or (for some reason) venomous snakes, he managed to pull himself away and shut the door behind him.
It was still way too early to go to sleep himself, and despite how tired he was, Splinter refused to return to his room just yet. Instead, he returned to the TV room and turned on a telenovela.
A few minutes later, during a particularly dramatic scene, Splinter heard a tiny gasp from beside him. Turning down to look, he saw Blue’s tiny face illuminated by the TV.
“What are you doing up?” Splinter asked.
“I. Couldn’t. Sleep.” he said, clearly just as tired of answering the question as Splinter was of asking it. His eyes flicked back to the TV screen as the main character delivered a slap across her mother-in-law’s face. “Can I watch?” he asked.
Defeated, Splinter pulled him up onto his lap. “You can listen, while you try to sleep,” he said. “Now close your eyes.”
An episode and a half later, Blue had finally drifted off. Splinter’s hand absent-mindedly rubbed the back of his son’s shell as he looked down at his sleeping form. 
It was true that bedtime was…a struggle. But, if they went to sleep as easily as he sometimes wished they would, they wouldn't get to spend nearly as much time together. And they wouldn’t have moments like this. Moments with just one of his sons. Moments where he thought maybe he was doing an okay job being a dad.
Things would get stressful again tomorrow, they always did. But chaos was a part of his family. And he wouldn’t trade that for anything.
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dreams-of-me · 1 year
Why Don't You Love Me?
Eren x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: domestic abuse!, toxic! Eren, semi-public sex, verbal abuse!, cervix kissing, deep penetration, vaginal penetration, creampie, overstimulation, AFAB Reader, BIPOC reader.
This is a prompt for my dear friend. She is a Yeagerist just like me and she deserves a fanfic that will make her coochie throb! This is based off the relationship between Nate and Maddie from Euphoria and I will not be taking and questions at this time.
"You're such an asshole leave me the fuck alone."
"Oh I'm the asshole because you want to show your ass to other men while you belong to me?"
" I don't belong to anyone but my fucking self, and if I were to belong to someone it wouldn't be you Eren. "
Eren's rage had reached his limit and grabbed you by your throat. He slammed you against the nearest wall and brought his lips close to your ears as he spoke slowly and calmly.
"Listen here bitch, you belong to me even if you don't want to. Even if we break up, you belong to me. You're mine got it."
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You couldnt breathe Eren was at least a foot and a half taller than you and her was holding you up by your neck. You looked at him calmly as he spoke because even though the position you were in was painful and terrifying, you could not help yourself when the thought of him fucking you right up against the same wall. You were undeniably aroused by that little vein that popped out of Eren's neck as he spoke.
He let you down and you gasped for air as he walked away. You knew he could've killed you if he wanted but everything before this moment is really what kept you with him. Everything before this moment is what allowed the relization that everything he just told you is true. Even if he were to kill you, you'd be his.
Eren was the type of guy that was absolutely smoking hot and he knew it. Because he knew it he walked around Shiganshina Secondary School like he owned it. He was the social king, the football captain, the hottest guy in school, and average level intelligence. Unfortunately, this made it super apparent that he need a queen very soon as he was in his Junior Year and people were starting to believe that he was Gay from hanging around his best friend Armin so much and Mikasa didn't help as she looked at every girl that got close to him with a death stare.
Eren was also very picky. He didn't want a girl that was too tall or too short. About medium height. Had to be practically hairless, they need a nice rack and a fat ass. More importantly the needed to be confident. He also had a thing for POC girls, how their darker skin seemed to glow in the honey sunlight of golden hour. How the gold jewelry always complimented their skin, and the Lucious lips that was always beautifully adorned with all types of gloss. God, don't even get him started on how they smelled. Which is what brought him to you. You walked past him on the way to your class and he smelled warm vanilla and linen with a fruity scent. He turned around and watched you ass sway away from him as you entered your class.
Later that day he looked for you in the cafeteria. He spotted you with a teammate, Jean it looked like you were reviewing some class work so he walked over to you both.
"No Jean, this needs to be done by tomorrow so that we both have time to prepare to the game this Friday."
"Okay fine ill get it done as soon as I can. Oh what's up Yeager-"
"You're gorgeous. Give me your number?"
"You're not too bad yourself. Its XXX-XXX-XX34." You say confidently. Your lips move with such slow ease that he is entrapped hearing nothing but what he might imagine your moans sound like under him.
"I'll see you at the game this weekend QB 1, but hopefully. I get to see you sometime before that. Text me."
"Yeager, you're hot shit and everything but we have practice let's go."
Eren picked his jaw up off the floor as he watched your hair swing behind you as you walked, turned your head quickly to find him staring then winked. He felt is heart jolt and blood rush straight to his dick. That's the moment where he knew you had to be his queen.
"I know, take it all for me."
"Dirty mouth, its okay I like that. Are you ready for me."
"Please please plea- AH FUCK"
You would assume this was a porno. You're in a dark and empty classroom blinds closed as the band plays the start of the halftime performance for the night. A classic, Seven Nation Army. The scent of popcorn and hotdogs from the concession stand was in full blast. This was their first game of the season and in the first two quarters Shiganshina's football team had a 21 point lead to 7 from the opposing team.
You had been texting Eren nonstop about everything. Talking about sweet nothings. Getting showered with compliments as well as the occasional gift at the end of the school day. A new set of nails, some lingerie shopping, and of course perfume for your collection. He loved how you smiled when he bought you things, and you adored that he bought you things. The make shift relationship you found yourself was perfect. At the end of the week the night of the game you found yourself holding hands with him walking down the hallway. He kissed you deeply and he told you to text him as he grabbed your ass before walking away.
You liked that Eren was sweet and although affectionate, he wasn't feening for sex...but you were. You'd drool as he'd send you pictures of himself fresh out of the shower after practice. Or when he wore those tight black t-shirts with a gold chain that hugged his arms and pectoral muscles just right. The way his jaw clenched when he focused as he pulled his hair back into a bun made your pussy clench with ease. You were done playing nice.
"Aw princess, did you think I forgot about you?"
"Shut up, no one gives a fuck about you or your ego."
You admit that your personality also changed when you got with him, you were the center attention because you were together, you had the best clothes and style because of him. Girl and guys alike all looked at you like the queen he made you out to be, and if you were his queen, Ymir so help you that your wouldn't take what's yours when you wanted it.
"Watch it Y/N, you know I like when you talk dirty but talking shit is different."
"What you're gonna let little old me bruise your fucking god complex? If I can do it than any other little fucker in this school can and you're just as much of a failure as your older brother and crazy ass father."
You also admit that you took that comment too far in trying to rile him up and unfortunately you paid the fucking price. Family is a sensitive topic for Eren and there is only so much teasing he can take before he snaps. And that's exactly what he did, at the drop of a hat he turned you around and grabbed you by the neck slamming you against the wall of the athletics building where you were both walking to practice.
"Listen up bitch, I don't care what you have to say about me but my family is off fucking limits, not that you would ever know or care about yours seeing as you're so fucking detached from them. "
You looked at him fighting to breathe eyes low and slightly seductive but tearing up as you were being held up by your neck to his height. You grasped at his hand for some leverage but his grip on your neck provided no such thing.
"You're fucking job is to walk around on my arm, look like the hottest bitch in heat that I picked up and suck my cock when I ask you to, questioning me, my athourity, or my family is not part of it and I never wanna hear shit from uppity slut like you… Got it”
He released his hold and you came crashing down.
Fighting to inhale oxygen into your lungs and coughing when the burn of the oxygen passes finally.
He stood there looking down at you unamused.
With a tear in your eye, you look up at him neck already beginning to bruise with a yellowish hue.
“Why don’t you love me?” you said being the most genuine you’ve every been in months.
He scoffed, picked you up and kissed you. Not like usual, not an apology for his abuse but proof that he does care for you in his own twisted way. And that was enough you felt. Enough for you.
He’s always loved doggy style, loved watching your plump ass clap back at him and wave in all it’s glory. So you weren’t surprised when he pushed you away from the kiss and turned you around. Bending you against the wall and hiking your cheer skirt up, pulling the shorts and panties down.
Next thing you knew you felt his dick pressed up against your rubbing against your ass “dumb questions get dumb answers”.
He rammed himself into you, filling you all the way up and sucking his teeth at your tightness. You couldn’t control your moans, he just fucked you so deeply and with so much intent that it was hard not to voice your every sensation.
“Ahh- Erennn”
“mhm say my name.”
“fuck eren, just like that”
You were getting whiplash because right when you said that he pulled out and turned you around again. Lifting you up so that your ankles locked around his hips. Nestling your drippy pussy on his tip.
He gripped both your ass cheeks and pressed you down, fully in-bedding himself in you.
“Fuckkkkkk, ahh it’s so deep”
“just how i like it.”
He continued his pace from earlier as you threw your head back in complete euphoria. He kept it going as if you weighed even less than a feather.
“You’re such a needy bitch, why didn’t you tell me you needed some dick earlier. All of this could’ve been avoided”
It fell on deaf ears obviously because the pain from your neck and the pleasure from your pussy we’re mixing soooo well.
“Ah- More, please more”
He did exactly that pushing himself deeper into you with every thrust, your wetness dripping on the pants of his uniform. He used that wetness to slip a finger in your ass and if you were full before you’re way over the limit now.
“Ngahhhh too muchhhh “
“what, you just asked for more. Take what i give you”
3 more thrusts in and you were cumming all over him, you held onto him for dear life clawing at his back knowing he’d pay for your new mani when you complain about it next week. You didn’t expect him to keep thrusting into you after you came.
“Shut the fuck up”
He thrusted deeper, harder, but so much slower because he knew now that you were done he was next. He relished every second of your cries, how you were still fluttering around him but tightening as he pushed into you deeper.
You started shaking as your second orgasm finally took over and he came right along with you, groaning into you ear.
“Shiiiiiiitttttt, ahhh”
You were non-verbal, eyes rolled back as a stream of clear liquid made itself present between the both of you.
He kissed you again. Hotter, more passionate. Gripping the nape of your neck to push both of you deeper into it.
You wrapped your hands in his hair become slightly more conscious.
By the time you both were done practice had ended.
You both texted your coaches about not feeling well including a picture of your soaked uniform lying about “throwing up”.
You went the locker rooms, changed and walked to Eren’s car hand in hand.
You spent the night at his house, exhausted enough to not care about his 30 minute shower. But when he came back, god he smelled amazing. He wrapped you in the blanket before getting into bed himself.
You cuddled into his chest as he stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to take him.
“what makes you think i don’t love you?”
you don’t respond, pretending to be asleep but with your head and heart wide awake. You know now, those word will never have to be said again
You fell asleep feeling happy, but nothing could prepare you for the week to come when the bruises took their final form…
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monstrouslyobsessed · 1 month
life updates and then some
oh dear, i've been gone for quite a long while, huh? i'm so, so sorry and i really, REALLY do appreciate all of your concerns and sweet messages! it's heartwarming to know that my works are still being loved even in my absence. yall deserves some explanations so ima get right in it.
mild cw ahead: bizarre financial abuse (?), depression, and nongraphic medical concerns.
these past few months were pretty rough, especially with the financial aspects, personal matters, and my health, both mental and physical, had been going downspiral to the point that my writing had become complete nonexistent and that i lowkey hated every word i put down. i won't get into too much of details, but the short of it, an estranged family member (and trust when i say they are estranged for very good reasons) pulled a fast one via some kind of legal fraud (???), which hurts my financial situation and impacted my ability to pay bills. im still a huge wtaf over it, i won't lie, but it is something getting sorted out atm via official and legal means (fun times to be had!!!). im incredibly lucky to be living with a very understanding person though who also got very angry on my behalf so don't worry about my current living situation.
health wise, doctors found something wrong with one of my organs but they couldn't determine the issue. since then, life had been a struggle.
with my health was the first thing to start for me, it's nothing fatal or too life altering, fairly mild imo (so say i with stupidly high pain tolerance, apparently), but it's kind of something i need to keep aware of with my consumption. but boy tis was not fun living with discomforts with my own body for a while. rest just fell into places afterward, unfortunately, but that's how the life go--you'll always have your ups and downs, just cherish the present while you can.
anyway, i can't promise i'll be posting regularly again given my situation(s), not as on a semi-frequent schedule, which absolutely does make me sad because i really do love making monsterfucker contents, not just for myself but for you lovely readers as well. hopefully i'll be back sooner than later. that said…
i do have a super overdue commission i'm going to post very soon! just got one last scene to get through (it's currently at 8.1k words....!) and get it edited and make it pretty--and bam! it'll be done and posted. so do look forward to that, at least.
heck, i'll leave yall with this teaser line at the start of the final scene!
“Let us give them quite a show, hm?”
just gonna...get through pron writing lmao <3 yet again, thank you all so very much for caring and i really do miss you and your kind words. please take care of yourselves, lovelies!
in the meantime, i'm going to clean out my blog a bit and i'll try to reply some of your asks later too. if you have anything random, asking for advice, or anything related to my ocs or my aus, ask away. my inbox is always open for yall <3
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tiedyeflannels · 9 months
Hiiii it’s me again 🫣, hope you’re doing amazing!!! I am sure you seen the recent live lol of jungkook, Rm, V and Jimin could you possibly write something about it again for Jungkook like maybe they all do the live together like an 8th member of bts and her and Jungkook are just really cuddly u know and jungkook just holding the whole time idk if that makes sense but I am sure you can write something whatever that is good and your comfortable with sorry thing is long. THANK YOU!!! 💗💗
Hi again! Sorry for taking forever to respond to your request, finals were a pain! Ugh... Anyway, I hope you're doing well too and thank you for your request! I made Y/n a producer instead of an 8th member because I wasn't sure how to spin it, so hopefully you like it. I also added, kind of like, a bonus scene because I was sad watching that Bangtan Bomb... Anywho, I hope you enjoy it! <3
Right Here
Jungkook x producer!reader
Word count: 2k
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“Y/n-ah!” The guys collectively exclaimed.
I happily waved at them while softly shutting the door behind me.
“Hi! Sorry I’m late, I was in a meeting when Namjoon texted me about this live,” I said, placing my bag on a chair that was next to the wall of tables. 
I walked into frame and waved at the ARMYs watching. “Hi guys! How are you?”
“We’re good,” Jimin said in a high-pitched voice.
I looked back at him.
“Oh, are you the voice of ARMY now,” I teased.
He smiled and nodded his head triumphantly. I giggled and moved over to the couch, but not before grabbing a slice of pizza.
I took a bite of my slice of pizza and plopped down next to Jungkook. They kept talking while I finished up my slice, throwing the crust on the empty pan and dust off the crumbs from my hands. 
I looked around at the guys when my eyes landed on Jungkook, who was already looking at me. I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes at him for a moment before leaning back.
I smiled at him, “Why are you staring-”
I didn’t get the chance to finish my sentence when he tackled me into a hug making us fall back.
I hugged him back as I laughed, “Did you seriously wait until I was done with my slice so you could hug me?”
I didn’t get a verbal answer, but when he hugged me tighter, I knew what the answer was. 
As the rest of the members got closer to their enlistment date, things had taken a melancholy turn and it affected each one of them, especially Jungkook, even if they didn’t show it.
I knew.
ARMY knew.
But there weren't a whole lot of things we could do in order to make them feel better about leaving.
So as I realized that this impromptu cuddle session wouldn’t be over for a while, I made sure we were both a little more comfortable by moving us to sit against the back of the couch so we wouldn’t be laying down the entire time.
It took a bit for him to get settled in a way that was comfortable for both of us, but he ultimately chose to be a koala. His head was resting on my right shoulder while his arms were tightly wrapped around my torso and his right leg was draped across my own.
There wasn’t much I could do with the way he was holding me, so I just wrapped my right arm around his back in a semi-awkward half hug and rested my left hand on the leg that was draped across me, slowly drawing shapes while I watched the others talk.
It couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes before the guys started to get up to say their “goodbyes” to ARMY. I tried to move to get up, but Jungkook tightened his hold on me as soon as I moved an arm. I sighed knowing it would be a miracle to get him off of me by myself, so I looked over at Jimin, silently asking for his help.
He smiled at my predicament and walked over, grabbing one of Jungkook’s arms and gently tugged, “Come on. We gotta say bye to ARMY.”
“Noooooo,” he drew out as the arm that was around me tightened its grip once more, practically forcing Jimin to pry him off of me. 
“Dude, you need to get off of me in order to say bye to ARMY,” I exclaimed as I wiggled my way out of his grasp.
He huffed as we both finally stood up, obviously not liking that our cuddle session was interrupted. I smiled at his pouty face and patted his head as the others were deciding how they wanted to say bye.
Taehyung grabbed the camera, pointing it at Jimin as he said bye to ARMY and ended by bowing slightly.
Tae, then, turned the camera over to Namjoon who also said his final words with a salute, promising to “go and come back safely”.
“Ok, Jk, you can go.” 
“No, I’ll end it,” he said while taking off his hood.
The others were quick to oppose the idea.
“Why doesn’t Y/n say her final words and then I go and you can run in front and then we’ll end it.”
There were nods of agreement and when they turned to me I shrugged, nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not.”
“So, I can end it,” Tae asked and we all nodded.
He was still holding the camera and motioned for me to say my piece. I walked into frame and waved.
“ARMY~ I’ll make sure to go live whenever I can to keep you company before Jin comes back! The guys will be back before you know it! Stay strong,” I said, blowing a kiss to them with both hands before waving ‘bye’. 
I looked at Taehyung, “Do you want me to hold the camera for you?”
He shook his head.
“No, Jimin can hold it for me. You, stand over there,” he said as he pointed to the side opposite of where Namjoon and Jungkook were standing.
He continued, “and turn around since you haven’t seen Jk’s hair yet either.” 
I huffed, but did what I was told by walking to the left and turning around so I was facing the wall while Jimin took the camera from Tae, so he could say bye.
“You need to run, ok?”
“As soon as you end-”
“Can you guys just go already,” I exclaimed, hoping to move this train along.
Taehyung gave his little speech, though I’ll have to disagree with Namjoon, who said it was “too long” because mine was about the same length.
I heard a lot of shuffling behind me and was about to turn around to see why it was taking so long when a very slurred “We were BTS” sounded through the air before someone collided with my back, making me stumble forward as pair of arms wrapped around me, keeping me from falling.
The guys were laughing at the scene as they said their final “bye’s” before turning off the live.
“You can turn around now,” Jungkook said, loosening his hold on me enough for me to move, but not removing his arms completely. 
As I turned around to face him I was not prepared for what I saw. My jaw dropped as I looked at Jungkook’s hair which was now completely buzzed off.
“Woah,” I exclaimed, placing my hands on either side of his head, turning it side to side in order to get a better look. 
I started to become confused. Jungkook chuckled, grabbing both of my wrists to stop me from moving his head so he could look at me.
“What’s with that face?”
“How do you still look good?!”
Everyone started laughing again.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.”
It was December 12th and Hobi, Yoongi, and I were currently seeing Jimin and Jungkook off to start their military service.
“Well, luckily, this is the last time we’re going to have to do this,” Yoongi said, stuffing his hand further into his jacket.
I nodded my head in silent agreement and walked over to where Jimin and Jungkook had finished talking with some of their friends. They turned to look at me as I got where they were and grabbed their hands in both of mine, switching my gaze between the two.
“How are you guys feeling,” I asked to try and break the tension that was starting to form as time got closer to when they were supposed to leave.
They both shrugged.
I sighed.
“You’re going to be fine. I talked to Jin this morning and made him promise to keep an eye on you and make sure you’re okay, though… he did say that he might make training a bit harder for you two,” I teased.
That got some chuckles out of them, which I was very happy about. It didn’t last long before the heavy air settled around us once again, so I mustered as much of an encouraging smile as I could and said, “You two are going to do great. I’ll have my phone on me at all times whenever you get phone privileges back and want to talk to me, okay?”
They nodded as I continued, “Stay safe and healthy and warm because it’s starting to get chilly, okay?”
They nodded once more. 
I looked at them as they looked at me expectedly.
“What? That’s all I’ve got,” I said.
Jungkook laughed as Jimin shook his head with a smile forming on his face.
Jungkook looked over at Jimin, “Would you mind giving us a sec?”
The latter nodded, “Of course, I’ve gotta go talk with Hobi hyung before send off, so I’ll see you later Y/n.”
I nodded and gave him a tight hug.
“Be careful. Stay safe and make sure to eat. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING, okay,” I whispered before breaking the hug.
“You got it,” he said before pulling me back in for one last hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Chim. I’ll see you when you come back.”
We both nodded at each other in conformation as he started toward where Hobi and Yoongi were standing.
I moved to stand next to Jungkook as we watched them talk.
“So, what are you going to do in the meantime,” Jungkook spoke up.
I turned to look at him as he did the same.
“Probably work on some songs for your guys’ comeback with Yoongi. He said that he already has some that he wants me to look at later today, so yeah,” I shrugged. 
He hummed in response before pulling me into a hug. I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel like crying at that moment. We had talked about him leaving all the time as the date came closer and every time Jungkook was the one who comforted me when I started crying, but I wanted to be strong for him and at least give him some sense of comfort on the day it really mattered so I controlled my emotions.
“Sorry I have to leave you,” he whispered.
He is not making this easy, huh?
I shook my head and held him tighter, “It is not your fault. Nobody will ever blame you for something you have to do. Especially not me.”
I pulled back and cupped his face in my hands.
“You just need to make sure that you don’t overdo anything. I don’t want to get a call from Jin or Jimin saying that you overdid something that landed you in the infirmary, got it,” I teased as he nodded.
“I love you a lot. We all do. So please make sure to be safe while you’re gone, okay,” I asked.
He huffed but untimely nodded again. “You’re starting to sound like my mom,” he muttered.
I laughed at the statement.
“Good, because she’s right!” 
There was some loud shuffling behind me, so I turned around to see Yoongi, Hobi, and Jimin standing in front of us.
“Okay, lovebirds, it’s almost time to go,” Yoongi said.
I playfully rolled my eyes as a smile made its way onto my lips. I turned back to Jungkook and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“One for the road,” I said as I moved away from him.
“You guys should get going before you’re late,” Hobi spoke up.
They nodded as they fixed their backpack straps and picked up the duffle bag at their feet. I gave them both a once over.
“Take care of each other.”
They hummed as they started to leave. As we were watching them walk away, Jungkook suddenly turned back to us. 
“You’ll be here when we get out, right?”
I nodded, “Of course! I’ll be right here when you come back!”
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jane-gunson123 · 8 months
Making History
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Your boyfriend, Mason Mount, supports you through the biggest victory of your career so far, winning the Euros as captain of the Lioness. (Social Media AU) 
The reader is also Jordan Henderson little sister, just so there isn’t any confusion.
Main masterlist.
England NT masterlist
Mason Mount Masterlist
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Tagged : lj10, chelseafcw
Liked by lj10, masonmount, KSI, and 132,783 others
Y/NHendo01: Nice 3 points before international break. Ft. A sneaky goal from your favorite duo. ⚽️
view all 62,456 comments
lj10: always on fire 🔥
          ----- Y/NHendo01: 🔥
User084: stargirl ⭐️
Trentarnold66: come to Liverpool
———— Y/NHendo01: Up the toffies 🔵
——— jordanhenderson: stop antagonising my players pls.
——— Y/NHendo01: soz broski 💁‍♀️ (said in a bad Scouse accent)
User09: the banter between Y/N, Jordan and Trent will never not be my favourite 😂
ChelseafcW: Woman of the match 🤩
———— Y/NHendo01: ❤️❤️❤️
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Tagged: Lionesses
Liked by Lionesses, Mbrighty04, Jordanhenderson and 203,482 others
Y/NHendo01: And the hard work begins. 24 days to change our lives. Euro 2022 here we come. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 78,351 other comments
Lionesses: Our skipper 🤩
———— Y/NHendo01: honoured ❤️
User843: How is she that pretty and talented 😍
——— jordanhenderson: she gets it from her brother 🤷‍♂️
Centralcee: the manden be backing u bro.
——— Y/NHendo01: You keep talking road in my comments and I’ll post that video of u.
——— Centralcee: I was just been nice, Y/N and you wouldn’t dare.
——— User823: I need to see this video, pls post it Y/N
——— Y/NHendo01: I would and thank u. U better come and watch me play if we play at Wembley.
User05: Why is central cee in her comments. She’s lit not that famous 😂
——— user88: They have know each other since they were 15 and Y/N signed for Chelsea. They went to school together.
——— User134: Same with her and Trent. They went to the same school when Y/N had to move to Liverpool with Jordan.
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Liked by Y/NHendo01, KSI, Masonmount, leahwilliamsonn99 and 1,598,718 others
Lionesses: semi-final bound. The English are never done. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 456,782 other comments
Masonmount: that’s my gf 😍
——— User23: He’s so lover boy coded
——— Trentarnold66: He’s whipped that’s what he is.
Y/NHendo01: The English are never done, Howay the lasses.
——— alessiarusso99: Skipper 🫡
JackGrealish: proud to be English. Keep going girls 🩶
User367: They have honestly restored my love of football.
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by Y/NHendo01, Jordanhenderson, Centralcee, ChelseafcW and 1,257,286 others
Masonmount: supporting you every step of the way, my girl. We are all unbelievably proud of you. To wear your name on my back is like a feeling comparable with none, but hopefully soon it will be it will be mine you wear. I love you unconditionally ❤️❤️❤️
View all 834,562 other comments
Y/NHendo01: U have made me cry now I can’t leave the room for training. I love you so much and miss u loads can’t wait to see you face to face again 😂❤️❤️❤️
User617: I feel like I’ve just been called single in 627 different languages
——— Trentarnold66: same
Centralcee: I’ll be the DJ at the wedding.
——— Y/NHendo01: No, we want people to actually stay at our wedding, not leave because they heard your music.
——— Centralcee: Don’t lie I watched the interview where Tooney said you were in charge of the music in the dressing room and played my songs so 🖕
Jordanhenderson: your last name is going no where near my sister. Not when u haven’t asked me to marry her.
——— user162: He’s such a protective older brother 😂
——— Y/NHendo01: Can u not pls 😂
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Tagged: Lionesses
Liked by Masonmount, Phil Foden, lucybronze and 567,278 others
Y/NHendo01: 1 step left. Bring on the final and wave the flags. It’s coming home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
View all 135,167 other comments
Ellatoone: it’s coming home
——— 1MaryEarps: it’s coming home
——— MBrighty04: Footballs coming home
Masonmount: bring on Wembley
User56: let’s go, the lionesses are bringing it home.
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by Y/NHendo01, Trentarnold66, Lionesses, and 2,542,682 others
Jordanhenderson: From you begging me to take you to the park so we could kick a ball together at 5 to now at 23 captaining England through a Euros final.
Y/N/N, you are a true inspiration to everyone around you including me. I can’t put into words how proud I am of you. It’s an honour to watch you achieve what you have as your older brother.
You were always my biggest fan growing up, sitting front and center at all my matches now I will be for you. Bring on Wembley wor kid. You got this. Whatever the result I’ll be waiting arms open for you.
View all 982,617 other comments
Y/NHendo01: are you trying to make me cry.
——— Jordanhenderson: don’t get emotional on me now 😂
Y/NHendo01: Love u bro, what an honour it’s been to follow in your footsteps. Bring on this final. ❤️
——— Jordanhenderson: Love you unconditionally sis ❤️
User62: To have bond with your siblings like Y/N and Jordan would literally be a dream
——— Trentarnold66: you should see them bicker over who supports the better football team.
——— Y/NHendo01: it’s not my fault Jordan fell and hit his head as a child so support’s Sunderland. Up the mags 🩶🖤
——— Masonmount: not this again.
Liverpoolfc: Come on you Lionesses ❤️
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Liked by, Y/NHendo01, Masonmount, alessiarusso99 and 1,262,267 others
View all 523,372 other comments
User362: legends 🔥🔥🔥
Jordanhenderson: Come on you lionesses.
PhilFoden: Come on England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Lucybronze: champions 🏆
User267: It was Y/Ns goal that was incredible.
——— user36: yeah then she took her top of as a celebration. Ledgend 🔥
Y/NHendo01: Unbelievable
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Tagged: Y/NHendo01
Liked by, Y/NHendo01, JordanHenderson, CentralCee and 653,278 others
Mason mount: Champions after 55 years of hurt. A beautifully talented captain. A team filled with ambition and resilience. What a night a Wembley and what a goal from my gorgeous girl ❤️❤️❤️
View all 234,366 other comments
Phil Foden: come on u lionesses ❤️
JordanHenderson: Proud brother moment
——— Masonmount: Proud Boyfriend moment
——— CentralCee: Proud best friend moment 🙄
Y/NHendo01: I could not ask for better. Love u always my boy ❤️
——— MasonMount: love you forever baby ❤️
——— Ellatoone: Well forever is gunna have to wait cos we are getting smashed tonight. Soz Mason, me and less stole ur girl 😘
User347: what a team they are
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seasonal-writes · 11 months
soft sappy romantic college AU ranchers at the end of a long day. that is all <3
so uh. remember how i said i'd do these requests? how i said they'd help me get back into writing and such? well! um! don't mind that that was. months ago. anyway, here is a very short little drabble from College AU, which i made a while back with the asker above, my good buddy theo! i haven't talked about it much on here but for some context if everyone else is interested: uh imagine ranchers but they are semi-secretly seeing each other and tango has to climb into jimmy's bedroom window to see him most nights. that's all you really need to know. :) i just wanted a lil bit of fluff tonight and this called to me, so thank you for the request, theo! sorry it took me so long. <3 hopefully this is okay, haha.
As soon as Tango hops into the bedroom, Jimmy can tell it has not been a good day.  Maybe it’s the paleness of his face that is usually more flushed, or the curl of his brow in the focus on pulling the window closed, but he looks.. spent. 
Jimmy turns away from the bright screen of his laptop, the habitual smile of a familiar entrance a little less bright once Tango looks at him. 
“Hey,” he says.
Tango’s blond hair is a mess, the parts usually slicked back now loose and dangling across his forehead. His eyes look dim, mouth drawn down in a perpetually grumpy expression. 
“Hi,” Jimmy says softly, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m alright," Tango says, rather un-convincingly, with how his voice is so flat and almost lifeless. He crouches down, unfastening the laces on his boots, as he usually does. It makes Jimmy feel excited, that small guarantee in simply removing his shoes that Tango will be there for more than just a brief visit. Though, the excitement is run over by a wave of worry.
“Pardon me if that doesn’t feel very convincing,” Jimmy says, smiling just a little, “Y’don’t really look alright..” 
Halfway through unlacing his other boot, Tango’s hands go limp as he deeply sighs. He doesn’t look at Jimmy, eyes falling shut for just a second, as if the very action tires him. 
“Just been a long day,” he says, “Tired.” 
Jimmy’s mouth twitches with a frown, already feeling his heart ache at Tango’s worn expression. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” Tango says firmly, standing up once he’s done. He kicks off his boots and moves further into the room, socked feet padding against the creaky wooden floor. 
While Jimmy thinks to push, he knows better. His eyes follow Tango across the room, just as he sits at the edge of the bed. 
“You- You didn’t have to come by tonight, if you wanted to just go home,” Jimmy says, suddenly feeling an odd wave of guilt, “I really don’t mind.” 
“We planned to meet up,” Tango hums with a shrug, “You still wanted to hang out, right?”
“Well, always. But y’know-”
“Jimmy, it’s fine,” Tango grunts, “I wanted to see you. Like I said, I’m just a little worn out, okay?”
Tango’s eyes focus down at his hands in his lap, which wring and rub at each other. Jimmy stands from his chair immediately, wandering over. One hand finds Tango’s forearm, while the other gently pushes its way between Tango’s hands and curls into an oddly executed clasp. He can feel how Tango’s hand twitches a bit before relaxing, clearly not expecting it. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk? I’m all ears, you know,” Jimmy says. 
Jimmy offers a smile, despite knowing Tango won’t really look at him. There looks to be consideration from Tango for a moment, but he just shakes his head. 
“Alright. That’s fair,” Jimmy hums, giving Tango a gentle squeeze of the hand, “What can I do? Anything?” 
Tango looks up at him, finally. He reaches his free hand up, knocking it free of Jimmy’s grip on his forearm and pokes at Jimmy’s chin. He brushes his calloused thumb across the stubble there, soft scratching noises coming off it. It shifts from chin strokes, to holding the side of his face, to that same thumb brushing over his cheekbone. Jimmy can’t help it when he giggles a little. 
“Seriously, love, what can I do for you?” he asks softly. 
There are quiet mumbles of something under Tango’s breath, who pulls at Jimmy’s hand. Taking the hint, Jimmy stands up, allowing his wrist to be yanked while Tango moves further onto Jimmy’s bed. 
Jimmy cocks an eyebrow, especially as Tango lets go and adjusts himself a bit, arms now outstretched to Jimmy. It takes a moment and in a rather intelligent move, Jimmy points to himself. 
“Yes, you,” Tango says. 
“You want me?” Jimmy asks, a little shocked, and partially amused. 
“No, I just want to sit here with my arms out,” Tango says sarcastically, then does a small grabby motion with his hands, “Come on, less talk-y, more crush-y.” 
With a snort, Jimmy crawls onto his bed. A little awkwardly, he slips into the space between Tango’s arms, wrapping his own around the thin waist in a tight embrace. The two tip back, momentum taking them and flopping into the cushy comforter underneath. Jimmy makes an oof noise, now enveloped in a very pleasant warmth. He feels Tango wrap his legs around his waist, squeezing, and everything in Jimmy feels like it comes to life. He will admit, in the fairly short time they’d been together, he still wasn’t used to this. Jimmy still worries of being too stiff, or causing damage, or just not doing this.. correctly.
But Tango stares up at him, lips parted as a long breath escapes. There is a sense of melting underneath Jimmy, with how Tango’s once tense body now relaxes beneath his weight. 
Okay, maybe he was nervous, but he likes how that feels. 
“Better?” Jimmy says quietly.
“Yeah. Better,” Tango says, “Been waitin’ for this all day.”
Jimmy feels his stomach flutter. “You- really?”
“Mhmm,” Tango hums, his free hands grabbing at Jimmy’s face and holding him gently. He smiles big now, tired eyes looking even more sleepy, but in a much nicer way than before. 
Feeling a bit flustered, Jimmy’s face heats up. 
“What? Never been told someone wants to get under you before?” Tango asks, a once sweet expression turning to something a bit more cheeky— and if steam could shoot out of his ears like a hot kettle, Jimmy is sure it would. He drops his face, averting his gaze.
“Why did you have to say it like that?” he asks. 
Tango bursts into laughter, shaking entirely underneath him. 
“Because you look so scared,” Tango coos, “Loosen up.” 
“You’re the one who’s had a long day,” Jimmy retorts, “You should be the one relaxing.”
“I’d relax much easier if I wasn’t lying underneath a literal plywood board. Come on, Angel, lean on me.”
Jimmy looks at him, wrinkles his nose, and nods. His back muscles, a little more tense than he thought, slowly disengage. More and more parts of their torsos, their hips, their chests, all press against one another. The warmth gets more intense. They sink further into each other and Jimmy tries hard to take a deep breath. It feels so close, their chins bumping into each other, which prompts quiet chuckles and a mumbled apology. When there are no sudden cries of pain, no demands for him to get away, Jimmy’s odd breathing pattern begins to even out. 
Okay, Tango was right—it did feel much nicer. The two lay in a warm, cozy heap, only the distant sound of a late spring breeze in tune with their own gentle breathing to be heard. His room is dark, only the yellow-y desk light on Jimmy’s desk illuminating their faces in a soft outline.
“There we are,” Tango whispers, “See?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jimmy says, still flushed, “I know, you were right.” 
“Always,” Tango says, “And this is perfect, you know why?”
Suddenly, and rather overwhelmingly, Tango leans his face unbearably close. Jimmy nearly lurches back, but Tango’s arms wrapped around his neck makes it a little difficult. 
“Because I can reach you much better now,” Tango whispers. 
He then reaches up, pulling Jimmy into a slow kiss. A surprised hum escapes Jimmy, but he does not falter, instead taking the kiss into stride. It’s brief but so sweet, Tango coming out of it with a big grin. Unable to help it, Jimmy laughs, voice now a little squeaky and raspy. 
“Was that your plan the whole time?” he asks. 
“Mm.. maybe,” Tango says, shrugging lightly, “It was just too easy. Had to go for it.”
“Of course, there were just no other options,” Jimmy teases, rolling his eyes playfully. 
“Are you saying you’d prefer I didn’t do that?” 
Suddenly feeling very serious, Jimmy rapidly shakes his head. 
“No! No, no, not at all,” Jimmy rattles off, “Nope. It’s great, Tango, I like this option.”
“Mhm. That’s what I thought."
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storiesofsvu · 10 months
Girl Dinner
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Casey Novak x Rita Calhoun Warnings: language, sass, bantering, smut. Welp, at least this is finally done. I can't tell ya if it's any good or if I even like it, but I finally actually managed to write after a solid two weeks of nothing. Hoping that the creativity will continue to bless me and I can get some more of it done as the month goes on. At least I managed to finagle my way into getting Thursday off so hopefully that will help! Manifest more writing to come from me soon! lol, apologies for things taking so long. Especially to those of you who have bought me ko-fi's for specific requests! Also this is my first time writing a full blown smut piece for a ship and not a reader insert, so it's not gonna be perfect lol
Working through dinner in the Calhoun/Novak household was a very usual thing, especially during the week. Weeknights were for ordering take out to the office while slaving over files or opening arguments and witness lists. They were for going out with the firm, bartering, rubbing elbows and climbing the social chains, making connections that would no doubt come to help you out later down the road. Nights spent sharing bottles of wine with prospective clients at the finest steakhouses in Manhattan for hours while you started to piece together people’s character and integrity. They were for hours spent at Forlini’s, shooting the shit and attempting to make plea deals with the prosecutor on the case, sometimes multiple at once. It was very rare that both of them actually made it home in time for dinner at all.
Not that Casey minded, she was used to eating alone in her office at Hogan place, putting blood sweat and tears into cases that she might not even end up winning. Besides, it certainly wasn’t like Rita was going to cook for her, the best she was getting was pricey take out (which Rita sometimes would send to the apartment when she knew the other woman was home). Most nights Casey got home first she’d toss together something delicious and semi healthy, setting aside a plate for Rita whenever she did get home, if she’d already eaten, it would be tomorrow’s lunch.
Tonight was the rare occasion where they were both home by dinner time, but that didn’t mean either of them were done working. Rita was in the home office; door open just a crack and Casey could hear her on the phone. By the sound of things, she was talking deals, and the sassy and somewhat playful tone in her voice told her it was Barba on the other side of the line. So she chose to stay at the kitchen island and finish up her own closing argument, leave her girlfriend squabbling with her best friend for a little longer.
It was almost an hour later when Casey’s stomach began to rumble, but the office conversation had since changed to speaker phone, meaning it was nowhere near over so she treated it like any other night they were apart. She closed her file folders, stashing them in her work bag and padded through the kitchen to the fridge, staring into it, the pantry and the freezer until she found something suitable to throw in the oven for herself. When it was finished, she took it into the living room with a glass of wine, throwing a mindless show on the television to keep her occupied while she waited for Rita to wrap up whatever she was working on.
She was done a second glass of wine by the time she realized how late it was, letting out a soft sigh as she pushed off the couch. Stopping in the kitchen she poured out another glass of wine for Rita before wandering down the hallway and knocked gently on the door. Rita’s soft ‘come in’ echoed through the space and Casey smiled, stepping into the office.
“Are you that deep into it tonight?”
“I was.” She laughed lightly, “then Raf got me all distracted.”
“Well,” Casey perched on the edge of her desk, placing down one of the wine glasses, “if you’ve still got work to do, start with this, I’ll get you some dinner going.”
“I have dinner.” The older woman replied, gesturing to the snack box she had made to take to work, a handful of trail mix, half a bag of salt and vinegar Boom Chicka Pop, some now very brown apple slices, and cubes of cheese.
“That is not dinner.” Casey practically snorted, “that barely constitutes a snack.”
“It counts.” She protested with a laugh, popping a piece of cheese into her mouth with a shrug, “I had a big lunch, went out with Liz. It’s fine darling.”
“Is this how you eat when I’m not around?”
“It’s food, isn’t it?” She shrugged, munching on some more of it while continuing to scribble on a legal pad.
“Did you survive on Lunchables at Harvard?” She asked with a laugh, the look Rita gave her making her realize she probably didn’t even know what a Lunchable was.
“Rafael cooked. Or we went down to the dining hall. You’ve seen it, that constitutes real food.”
Casey let out a small huff, “I was about to make a comment about how expensive that must’ve gotten but then I remembered who I’m talking to.”
Rita chuckled, her pen stilling in her hand as she looked up at the redhead, “I know you enjoy cooking for me, but I am being perfectly nutritious.”
“Okay, but lunch with Liz, that,” she gestured to the snack box, “plus the half an egg you ate on your way out the door doesn’t count as three balanced meals.”
“Oh,” She grinned, “and I’m so sure your dinner of… what was it? Let me guess, dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and tater tots, does?”
“Hey!” Casey pouted, “at least I actually cooked them! It counts as dinner. Rita, c’mon.” she tugged at her hand, “I’ll even order expensive take out, you need something hot and delicious to eat.”
Rita let out a low laugh, her lips curving up into a devilish smirk as she looked up at the other woman, “you know… if you wanted me to eat you out all you had to do was ask.”
“Rita!” Casey felt her cheeks heat, her eyes widening at the other woman’s words.
“What?” She shrugged, her eyes dragging up and down her body, lingering on the swell of her chest peeking out from under her shirt, “you said something hot and delicious. And something hot and delicious happens to be standing right in front of me…”
“Rita…” She warned, letting out a huff.
“Are you telling me you don’t want me to eat you out?” She asked, picking up her pen again, flipping it through her fingers, “fine, I’ll keep working. But I thought I had you trained better, you should know every good dinner needs an even tastier appetizer.” She glanced up at Casey, her brow raised and a hungry fire in her eyes, “and I am particularly fond of how you taste.” Casey gulped, shifting awkwardly on the edge of Rita’s desk, pulling a dark chuckle from the other woman, “that’s what I thought.” She swatted at her hip, “bedroom. I’m not risking you ruining any of this paperwork.”
The heat from Casey’s cheeks started to tingle through her body, her mind already beginning to cloud at the thought of Rita’s mouth on her. The woman knew exactly just how to drive her wild, she could have her turned on in the flash of a second with just a lingering look or her extensive vocabulary, made even spicier the moment she started dirty talking.
And that was before she even laid a hand on her.
By the time Casey was in the bedroom her shirt was tugged over her head and she was ducking to kiss Rita, accepting the other woman’s tongue into her mouth as she let out a soft moan. Rita’s hands were on the waistband of her pants, pulling them and her underwear down over her hips so Casey could kick them off. The brunette nudged her to sit on the edge of the bed, softly pulling away from the kiss and Casey’s hands flew to her waist, untucking her blouse, fingers sneaking underneath the fabric to tickle across her heated skin. Rita caught her wrists, pressing a kiss to the palm of one of her hands,
“But.” She began to protest before Rita cocked a brow at her.
“This is about getting you off, and then getting me dinner. I can have my fun later.”
“Promise?” She practically pouted and Rita laughed softly, cupping her face, thumb stroking over her cheek before she leant down, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.
“Promise.” She nodded, “now lie back darling.”
Casey shifted on the bed until her head hit the pillows, her skin prickling as Rita climbed over her, catching her lips in a kiss while her hands began to trace patterns on porcelain skin. She couldn’t help but moan when Rita’s tongue slipped back into her mouth, dancing with her own as their lips moved with a familiar grace. The tingle between her legs grew at the feeling of hands softly groping at her chest, rolling her nipple between finger and thumb and she broke the kiss to moan gently, her head falling back into the pillows.
Rita took advantage, her lips trailing down her neck, teeth nipping gently at her skin in an attempt to not leave any marks in the morning. She licked across her collarbone, pausing to press a gentle kiss in the middle before her lips continue to trace across Casey’s skin. The other woman wound her fingers gently into her hair, holding her to her as she worked her way across her body, little whimpers escaping her lips as her pussy began to flutter. Rita’s lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth as Casey moaned softly, her nails scratching at the brunette’s scalp, her hips rocking up off the bed begging for more contact. Her lips curved up into a grin on Casey’s skin before her teeth nipped at her nipple and she let out a gasp, back arching off the bed. Satisfied with the reaction she repeated the motions on the other side, leaving Casey whining beneath her, body shivering against the bed, her pussy practically dripping. Wrapping a sturdy arm around her waist, Rita rolled onto her back, a small shriek leaving the other woman’s lips as she did so.
“What’re y—”
“Come sit on my face.” She muttered; her breath hot on Casey’s lips as she surged up to steal another kiss.
“My appetizer,” Rita squeezed at her hips as she stole another heated kiss, “my choice of how it’s presented, right?”
“You’re ridiculous.” Casey shook her head, kissing her once more before she crawled up the bed, settling her legs on either side of her head and Rita’s hands slid up her legs, softly grasping her waist.
Casey let out a gasp when Rita yanked her down onto her face, her tongue lapping at the other woman’s pussy. Her lips moved with expertise, tongue slipping in just enough to tantalize her, pulling waves of pleasure from deeper within her body with each pass of her tongue. Juices began to smear across her lips as Casey whined above her, her hands shooting out to clutch at the headboard. Rita groaned against her skin, her fingers tightening into her hips, rocking her body ever so gently, encouraging Casey to grind down onto her, to chase her release as needily as she wanted to.
“Oh fu-uck.” Her body trembled when Rita’s nose nudged against her throbbing clit, a whimper escaping her lips.
She could feel Rita’s lips curving up into a smirk against her skin before her mouth shifted upwards so she could suck her clit into her mouth. Casey moaned louder at the sensation, her head falling back as she continued to grind down onto Rita. Her heart was thundering in her chest, heat prickling under her skin as the pleasure soared through her, pussy fluttering around nothing, dripping down her thighs. Rita’s tongue danced patterns against her clit, flicking with the tip exactly how Casey desired, her noises getting louder with each movement from the other woman. She was so close and Rita could sense it, sucking harder on her clit, moaning into her pussy, the vibrations driving Casey wild, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
“Please…” she whined, pulling a chuckle from Rita whose hand snuck between the redhead’s thighs, playing with her folds before two fingers sunk into her heat, “fuck.”
Rita groaned again, feeling Casey’s pussy pulse around her fingers as she fucked her, her lips sucking harder around her clit. Juices dribbled down her wrist, her fingers curling, quickly finding the sensitive spot inside her cunt, Casey let out a gasp, her head dropping forward as pleasure shot through her body.
“Oh god…” she moaned, “d-don’t stop.” Her body jolted, thighs threatening to suffocate Rita as she continued her motions, “s’close.”
Rita moaned in response, her tongue flicking faster, working in tandem with her fingers, the tips pressing into Casey’s g-spot with each thrust. She rubbed harder, lingering against the sensitive spot and Casey cried out, her entire body shaking as the coil burst and her orgasm hit her, coursing through her body, the fire bursting from under her skin. Rita’s tongue lazily licked at her clit, smirking at the way it made the other woman shudder before she pulled her fingers from her pussy, her mouth sinking back down to gently clean up the mess she’d made between her legs.
Casey could feel her body aching to go limp and in an attempt to actually not suffocate her girlfriend she mustered up the strength to swing her leg off her, dropping down onto the bed as she panted. Rita chuckled beside her, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before she reached out, pulling Casey into her embrace. With a soft sigh the redhead relaxed into her, curling into her side as her head found home on her chest. Rita’s nails softly scratched at her scalp, gliding through her hair as she pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
“Feeling better?” She asked, her free hand gliding up and down Casey’s back.
“Much.” She mumbled in reply, finally able to catch her breath. It was only after a minute that her brow furrowed and she pulled her head up, looking up at Rita, “wait… this wasn’t about me, this was about you eating.”
“Did I not just eat?” Rita cocked a brow, a grin on her lips and Casey rolled her eyes.
“An actual meal, consisting of physical food that was better than some Lunchable.”
“I’m perfectly fine.” She smiled, leaning down to place a kiss onto Casey’s lips. As much as she would claim she was fine, her body was about to betray her, a loud growl echoing through the room from her stomach. Casey barked out a laugh as Rita huffed, dropping back onto the pillows.
“No denying it now.” Grinning, the redhead stole a kiss, “what do you feel like? Something fancy or something comforting.”
“If that’s your way of asking if pizza is acceptable, my answer is yes.” She pinched at Casey’s waist, “just keep the pineapple on your side please.”
“Of course.” Casey kissed her cheek before rolling over to grab her phone from the nightstand, quickly punching in the order before tossing the device to the side.
“How long.” Rita asked, shifting the blankets around the two of them.
“Twenty minutes.”
“Perfect.” Her arms wound around the other woman, “that’s plenty of time for another round.”
“You are insufferable.” Casey laughed as she accepted the kiss.
“And you love it.”
@svulife-rl @mickey-gomez @naturalxselection @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @summergeezb @rainbowelshrhian @daddy-heather-dunbar @alcabots @ladysc @daffodil-heart @thisisraes @happenstnces @kmc1989 @valentinesfrog @noahrex @prentiss-theorem
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